Volume 4, Issue 31, January 2009
avelength The CENTROFIN Newsletter
In this issue pg 3
Management & Leadership
Managing the Human Element pg 6
Short articles, related to group performance and the vital role that empathy and self knowledge play in effective leadership, often appear in this bulletin. Experts continue to occupy prominent space in their leadership literature and in their every day coaching practices. Leadership definitions: the ability of influencing others to work cooperatively towards organisational goals; the ingredient that moves an organisation from adequacy to excellence and thus to more effectively accomplishing assigned responsibilities. Below we'll further expand.
Habits of Highly Effective People “Successful people have the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either, necessarily, but their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.”
These habits are interrelated, interdependent and sequential. Some of them are habits of character that help one to achieve the daily 'private victory' and progress. Others are the outward expressions of character that lead to interdependence, mutual benefits and 'public victory'. Namely, some of them are: (1). Be Proactive. The habit of being proactive, or the habit of personal vision, focuses on the responsibility of our attitude and actions. Responsi-bility can be described as Response & Ability. Proactive people develop the ability to choose their responses by making them more a product of their values and decisions rather than the product of their moods and conditions. The more we exercise our freedom to choose our responses the more proactive we become. Do you coach and mentor others with compassion and personally invest time and energy in mentoring?
In philosophy, egoism is the theory that one's self is, or should be, the motivation and the goal of one's own action. Egoism has two variants, descriptive or normative. The descriptive (or positive) variant conceives egoism as a factual description of human affairs. That is, people are motivated by their own interests and desires, and they cannot be described otherwise. The normative variant proposes that people should be so motivated, regardless of what presently motivates their behaviour. Altruism is the opposite of egoism. The term “egoism” derives from “ego,” the Greek word for the English “I”. “Egoism” should be distinguished from “egotism,” which means a psychological overvaluation of one's own importance, or of one's own activities.
TO THE MASTER: Please circulate copies of this Bulletin to the CREW.
To reach our Seafarers
Do you provide feedback that people find helpful for their professional development? (2). Begin with the End in Mind. Begin each day with a clear understanding of your desired direction and destination. Management, in contrast to leadership, is more concerned with efficiency and speed than with direction. Things are created mentally before they are created physically. Write a mission or a purpose statement and use it as a frame of reference for making decisions. Clarify values and set priorities before selecting goals and going about the work. Dreams are just dreams, until they are written down. Then the dreams become a plan. Remember ineffective people: Allow old habits; other people; environmental conditions to dictate their mental creation; they adopt values and goals from their culture; they climb the ladder of success, only to find the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall.
Egoism pg 8-9
Safety First !! pg 11
The Story of Language pg 12
Cenmar Manila Officers' Forum pg 14
Near Misses... A Chance To Change
cont'd on pg 2
People act for many reasons; but for whom, or what, do or should they act -- for themselves, for God, or for the good of the planet? Can an individual ever act only according to his/her own interests without regard for others' interests? Conversely, can an individual ever truly act for others in complete disregard for his own interests? The answers will depend on an account of free will. Some philosophers argue that an individual has no choice in these matters, claiming that a person's acts are determined by prior events which make illusory any belief in choice. Nevertheless, if an element of choice is permitted against the great causal impetus from nature, or God, it follows that a person possesses some control over her next action, and, that, therefore, one may inquire as to whether the individual does, or, should choose a self-or-other-oriented action. Morally speaking, one can ask whether the individual should pursue his own interests, or, whether he should reject self-interest and pursue others' interest instead: to what extent are other-regarding acts morally praise worthy compared to self-regarding acts?
cont'd on pg 6
Management &Leadership from pg 1
from pg 1
(3). Put First Things First The habit of personal management involves: organising and managing time events according to personal priorities Pareto's law states that '80 percent of the desired results flow from a few (20 percent) high leverage activities'. One should give less attention to urgent activities that are unimportant and devote more time to those things that are important, but not necessarily urgent. Urgent things act on us (we usually react to them). Fight the urge. One must be proactive rather than reactive and do the most important than the most urgent things. Sometimes, one needs to say NO. (4). Think Win-Win. (5). Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. You have carefully thought out all the angles; You have done it a thousand times; It comes naturally to you; You know what you are doing, it's what you have been trained to do your whole life; Nothing could possibly go wrong, right? No! This habit, of interpersonal leadership and of application to both to families & businesses, depends largely for its effective achievement through the cooperative efforts of two or more people. Effective people model the win/win principle in their relationships and their agreements. The win/win agreement clarifies its expectations and should include certain elements which, very explicitly, would have to be implemented, as: desired results known; guidelines understood; resources available; accountability for actions; consequences are apparent. Ask and answer “What is our Purpose? Then consider of the three elements a/o organisations: history; “distinctive competencies”; external environment. An effective Mission Statement is imperative too; it should be: achievable and realistic; employees motivating and specific. Example: “To Develop Ratings, Cadets, and Officers Morally, Mentally, and Physically and to Imbue Them with the Highest Ideals of Duty, Honour, and Loyalty in Order to Commission Competent Fleet Crews Onboard”. Do you articulate a compelling vision, build group pride and foster a positive emotional tone? Do you lead by bringing out the best in people?
Usually we see the world as we are, not as it is. Our perceptions come out of our experience. As people of both sides interact, they some times question the credibility (or sanity) of those who see things differently. Most credibility problems begin with differences; to restore credibility one must exercise empathy; to seek first to understand the point of view of the other person. Empathic listening is deeply therapeutic; it gives people psychological air. Once people are understood, they lower their defences. Key words and concepts: D Honour - Code of personal behaviour - an honourable person does not lie, cheat, or steal. D Courage D Moral - commitment to do what an individual believes to be morally correct despite possible repercussions D Physical - commitment to act based on what an individual believes to be correct despite fears of physical danger. D Fair Play - Treating and dealing fairly & equitably with others; respecting individuals' equality. D Ethics - standards of conduct and moral judgment that differentiate right from wrong. D Integrity - Being true to one's word; Reporting incidents which should be reported; Doing right even when no one else will know it; Being honest and consistent. D Loyalty - Personal - Supporting family members, friends, and neighbours Organisational - Supporting organisation & its lawful goals; his seniors; and encouraging his juniors. D Protect the Environment Do you listen attentively and think about how others feel? Are you attuned to others' moods?
- pg 3 (6). Communicate. The habit of communication is a master skill in life; a key to building win/win relationships and the essence of professionalism. Do you understand what motivates other people, even those from different backgrounds? Are you sensitive to other's needs? Do you persuade others by engaging them in discussion and appealing to their self-interests? Do you get support from other key people? (7). Synergise Create Cooperation / Teamwork From those people who: * have a win/win mentality * exercise empathy * feel that differences in any relationship can produce synergy - “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” *value differences *bring different perspectives together in the spirit of mutual respect *feel free to seek the best possible alternative *propose the Third Alternative, one that is substantially different from and better than either of the original proposals Do you solicit input from everyone on the team? Do you support all team members and encourage cooperation? (8). Problem Solving - Decision Making - Motivation “Human nature demands that before men can put their best efforts into work, they must know the object of it.” Motivation Tools: +Positive tools: setting of examples; establishing clear goals & standards; teaching, coaching, counselling, listening, persuading, rewarding; making jobs challenging and rewarding. +Coercive tools: verbal and written praise or reprimands; warnings about inappropriate behaviour; non-judicial and judicial punishment Insecure people tend to make others over in their own image and surround themselves with people who think similarly. They mistake uniformity for unity, sameness for oneness. How to deal with Lack of Ability: > Retraining - upgrade skills > Refitting - redesign work to fit ability > Reassigning - move the person to another job > Releasing - fire the person Do you appreciate the culture and values of the group or organisation? Do you understand social networks and know their unspoken norms?
@ @ @
The key is: A light, not a judge A model, not a critic A programmer, not a programme More to follows in the forthcoming issues. Comments are welcome. Ed.
Managing The Human Element: balancing competent people and usable systems
Ensuring a balance between competent people and usable systems is vital to meeting the crewing challenge currently facing the shipping industry, says Willem Pols, Lloyd's Register's Manager, Marine Management Systems, in Dubai. Addressing the 'Manning Challenge' session at the Seatrade Middle East Money & Ships conference in Dubai today (Tuesday, December 16, 2008), Pols told delegates that when faced with the current challenging crewing situation, the natural reaction is often to focus only on crew competence. He said: "This is undoubtedly important, but looking only at this misses another significant opportunity for risk management. There are also things that can be done to support the people and ensure that their needs are met. Especially, to ensure that systems are usable. Having usable systems means having vessels, equipment, procedures, training and manuals that can be used in the conditions in which they are required to be used. "It comes down to ensuring fitness for purpose. Are the people fit to do the job with the systems available, and are the systems fit for the available people to do the job with? Maintaining this balance is the approach that Lloyd's Register takes in its human element products and services. "It's always important to get an appropriate balance between the two, at any time and in any situation. But it is especially critical in shipping at the moment, given the current crewing challenges. More usable systems are quicker to understand, so less training is needed, and people with lower experience can operate them sooner. The risk of errors in using them is lower. The risk of deliberate violations is also lower people are more likely to violate procedures if they feel like they are the wrong way to do something. Faster familiarisation, faster operation and lower rate of mistakes also mean higher productivity." "Ensuring a balance between competent people and usable systems may seem like common sense. Indeed, it probably is. But it isn't commonly done. It is a strategy that brings benefits to risk management. It will also help ship operators maintain a competitive edge in a trading environment where all companies are faced with the same crewing challenges, but most are concentrating their efforts only on the 'competent people' side of the balance." Willem Pols' comments come as Lloyd's Register cemented its human element presence in the Middle East by carrying out a human element gap analysis (HEGA) review for Dubai-based Gulf Energy Maritime (GEM). HEGA is based on a Lloyd's Register guide called The Human Element Best Practice for Ship Owners, and is designed to identify gaps between what a company does and what it aims to do based on industry best practice. ......................................... Kind regards Hellenic Lloyd's S.A. A member of the Lloyd's Register Group Tel: +30 210 4580800 Fax: +30 210 4528950-1 Email: piraeus@lr.org Hellenic Lloyd's S.A. is a company registered in Greece. Tax Reg. No. 094383092 Company Reg. No. 31359/02/B/94/204
To chart unknown waters. To explore where no one else has ventured before A tide of joy. Great happiness To open the floodgates. To start a rush; to lose control over something A smokescreen. A way of concealing the truth; a ploy by which one can hide one's true intentions A gentleman's agreement. A agreement that has no legal force but is based solely on the honour of the parties involved To give a clean bill of health. After a medical check-up, to inform someone that he/she is in good physical condition The sheet anchor. The basis of someone's livelihood; what he or she relies upon when everything else fails To go by the board. To manage without; often used in the sense of sacrificing everything to one purpose New Age. A spiritual movement which has its roots in Paganism. Being in harmony with nature, loving and protecting the environment
Lord, Thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing older and will some day be old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from the craving to straighten out everybody's affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody: helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest Lord that I want a few friends at the end! Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing, and love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by. I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy the tales of others pains, but help me to endure them with patience. I dare not ask for improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessing cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken! Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not want to be a Saint- some of them are so hard to live with but a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil. Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places, and talents in unexpected people. And give me O Lord, the grace to tell them so. (Contributed by Jonathan L Jones of JLJ Maritime)
HUMOUR (Medical) Compliments BOW-WAVE
17th Century Prayer.
Old Age
When a man has reached old age, by Meng-Tse,
English Idioms
Do you ever worry about hospitals, clinics and other medical centres at all? You should. The sobering sentences below have actually been typed by medical secretaries. 1. The patient has no previous history of suicides. 2. Patient has left her white blood cells at another hospital. 3. Patient's medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only a 40 pound weight gain in the past three days. 4. She has no rigours or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night. 5. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year. 6. On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it disappeared. 7. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed. 8. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993. 9. Discharge status: Alive, but without my permission. 10. Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentally alert, but forgetful. 11. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch. 12. She is numb from her toes down. 13. While in ER, she was examined, x-rated and sent home. 14. The skin was moist and dry. 15. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches. 16. Patient was alert and unresponsive. 17. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid.
Milestones Chinese is a tonal language which consists of words that are generally one syllable long. Tone is as important in determining meaning as consonants and vowels. For example, one syllable uttered on four different tones can mean four different things.
The hundreds of Chinese dialects differ so much that the speaker of one often cannot understand the speaker of another. For instance the word for “no” is pronounced “bu” in Mandarin, the dialect of Beijing, and “baht” in Cantonese.
- pg 5 When a man has reached old age And has fulfilled his mission, He has a right to confront The idea of death in peace. He has no need of other men; He knows them and knows enough about them. What he needs is peace. It isn't good to visit this man or to talk to him, To make him suffer banalities. One must give a wide berth To the door of his house, As if no one lived there. 'A weathered dock in the Bahamas. More clouds than blue sky. A slightly battered Panama hat. Pants soaked in seawater and rolled to just under the knee'. The photographer for this ad props for a new, improved vision of maturity to go with the face
of a handsome old man, writes John Vinocur of IHT. You have seen this face, again with a Panama hat, in our issue W-22 of April 2007. 'The ad's subtext is a miraculous notion: that time is retreating in its claims on everyone and that life in its most intense pleasures and fulfilment does not just fall off a cliff anymore at age “X”. The boundary between middle age and old age cannot be defined exactly because it does not have the same meaning in all societies. In many parts of the world, people are considered old because of certain changes in their activities or social roles. People may be considered old when they become grandparents, or when they begin to do less or different work - retirement. In North America and Europe, people are often considered old if they have lived a certain number of years. This editor considers old the person that is 15 years older than him, at any one time.
18. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life until she got a divorce. 19. I saw your patient today, who is still under our care for physical therapy. 20. Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation. 21 Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized. 22. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function. 23. Skin: somewhat pale, but present. 24. The pelvic exam will be done later on the floor. 25. Large brown stool ambulating in the hall. 26. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities 27. When she fainted, her eyes rolled around the room. 28. The patient was in his usual state of good health until his airplane ran out of fuel and crashed. 29. Between you and me, we ought to be able to get this lady pregnant. 30. She slipped on the ice and apparently her legs went in separate directions in early December. 31. Patient was seen in consultation by Dr. Smith, who felt we should sit on the abdomen and I agree. 32. The patient was to have a bowel resection. However, he took a job as a stock broker instead. 33. By the time he was admitted, his rapid heart had stopped, and he was feeling better. Stay away from hospitals in 2009!!!
Do Mozzies Have preferences? Why are some people seemingly more susceptible to mosquito bites than others? I am invariably eaten alive while my wife remains unscathed. Mosquitoes inject an anaesthetic that enables them to feed unnoticed. It is this anaesthetic that eventually produces an allergic reaction - the swelling and itching experienced after the insect has made its escape. There are more than 2,000 known species of mosquito, so it is dangerous to generalise and assume that all will behave in the same way. Some do not feed on animal blood; others are very specific in their choice of host. A mosquito that feeds on birds will detect the odour that is bird and ignore others. It frequently happens, however, that a hungry mosquito, unable to find its first choice of prey, will turn to a human if one happens to be nearby. The anaesthetic is finely tuned to the usual host, so a mosquito normally feeding on birds does not produce an anaesthetic completely suitable for humans. In consequence, a bite by such an insect is more apparent than it otherwise would be, possibly painful rather than just itchy. In the case of a man and a woman together, it is well known that the female skin is relatively cold to the touch. All other things being equal, then, the mosquito will go for the man. But things are not equal normally; odour plays a very important part. Some fortunate people have a repellent component in their body odour, others quite the opposite. There are so many chemicals components in body odour, and so many kinds of mosquitoes, that generalisations are impossible: at a given time a person is either attractive or not. (Compliments “The Guardian-G2”) ------------------------------------------------Lessons learned: (1). Sleep always with a woman who wears a strong perfume, who is hot blooded and her body odour has no repellent. (2). Think of this planet's equilibrium and respect it: imagine, a microscopic insect (like a mosquito), over million years of evolution, it has developed different anaesthetics accountable to its choice of prey. Ed.
Egoism from pg 1
1. Descriptive Egoism and Psychological Egoism
The descriptive egoist's theory is called “psychological egoism.” Psychological egoism describes human nature as being wholly self-centred and self-motivated. Examples of this explanation of human nature predate the formation of the theory, and, are found in writings such as that of British Victorian historian, Macaulay, and, in that of British Reformation political philosopher, Thomas Hobbes. To the question, “What proposition is there respecting human nature which is absolutely and universally true?" Macaulay, replies, "We know of only one . . . that men always act from self-interest." (Quoted in Garvin.) In Leviathan, Hobbes maintains that, "No man giveth but with intention of good to himself; because gift is voluntary; and of all voluntary acts the object to every man is his own pleasure." In its strong form, psychological egoism asserts that people always act in their own interests, and, cannot but act in their own interests, even though they may disguise their motivation with references to helping others or doing their duty. Opponents claim that psychological egoism renders ethics useless. However, this accusation assumes that ethical behaviour is necessarily other-regarding, which opponents would first have to establish. Opponents may also exploit counterfactual evidence to criticise psychological egoism -- surely, they claim, there is a host of evidence supporting altruistic or duty bound actions that cannot be said to engage the self-interest of the agent. However, what qualifies to be counted as apparent counterfactual evidence by opponents becomes an intricate and debatable issue. This is because, in response to their opponents, psychological egoists may attempt to shift the question, away from outward appearances to ultimate motives of acting benevolently towards others; for example, they may claim that seemingly altruistic behaviour (giving a stranger some money) necessarily does have a self-interested component. For example, if the individual were not to offer aid to a stranger, he or she may feel guilty or may look bad in front of a peer group. On this point, psychological egoism's validity turns on examining and analysing moral motivation. But since motivation is inherently private and inaccessible to others (an agent could be lying to herself or to others about the original motive), the theory shifts from a theoretical description of human
nature--one that can be put to observational testing-to an assumption about the inner workings of human nature: psychological egoism moves beyond the possibility of empirical verification and the possibility of empirical negation (since motives are private), and therefore it becomes what is termed a “closed theory.”
A closed theory is a theory that rejects competing theories on its own terms and is non-verifiable and non-falsifiable. If psychological egoism is reduced to an assumption concerning human nature and its hidden motives, then it follows that it is just as valid to hold a competing theory of human motivation such as psychological altruism. Psychological altruism holds that all human action is necessarily other-centred, and other-motivated. One's becoming a hermit (an apparently selfish act) can be reinterpreted through psychological altruism as an act of pure noble selflessness: a hermit is not selfishly hiding himself away, rather, what he is doing is not inflicting his potentially ungraceful actions or displeasing looks upon others. A parallel analysis of psychological altruism thus results in opposing conclusions to psychological egoism. However, psychological altruism is arguably just as closed as psychological egoism: with it one assumes that an agent's inherently private and consequently unverifiable motives are altruistic. If both theories can be validly maintained, and if the choice between them becomes the flip of a coin, then their soundness must be questioned.
2. Normative Egoism
The second variant of egoism is normative in that it stipulates the agent ought to promote the self above other values. Herbert Spencer said, “Ethics has to recognise the truth, recognised in unethical thought, which egoism comes before altruism. The acts required for continued self-preservation, including the enjoyments of benefits achieved by such arts, are the first requisites to universal welfare. Unless each duly cares for himself, his care for all others is ended in death, and if each thus dies there remain no others to be cared for.” He was echoing a long history of the importance of self-regarding behaviour that can be traced back to Aristotle's theory of friendship in the Nichomachaean Ethics. In his theory, Aristotle argues that a man must befriend himself before he can befriend others. The general theory of normative egoism does not attempt to describe human nature directly, but asserts how people ought to behave. It comes in two general forms: rational egoism and ethical egoism. Rational Egoism. Rational egoism claims that the promotion of one's own interests is always in accordance with reason. Experts argue that selfishness is a proper virtue to pursue. That being said, they reject the “selfless selfishness” of irrationally acting individuals: “the actor must always be the beneficiary of his action and that man must act for his own rational selfinterest.” To be ethically selfish thus entails a commitment to reason rather than to emotionally driven whims and instincts. In the strong version of rational egoism, not only is it rational to pursue one's own interests, it is irrational not to pursue them. In a weaker version, one may note that while it is rational to pursue one's own interests, there may be occasions when not pursuing them is not necessarily irrational. Critics of rational egoism may claim that reason may dictate that one's interests should not govern one's actions. The possibility of conflicting reasons in a society need not be evoked in this matter; one need only claim that reason may invoke an impartiality clause, in other words, a clause that demands that in a certain situation one's interests should not be furthered. For example, consider a free-rider situation. In marking students' papers, a teacher may argue that to offer inflated grades is to make her life
- pg 7 easier, and, therefore, is in her self-interest: marking otherwise would incur negative feedback from students and having to spend time counselling on writing skills, and so on. It is even arguably foreseeable that inflating grades may never have negative consequences for anyone. The teacher could conceivably free-ride on the tougher marking of the rest of the department or university and not worry about the negative consequences of a diminished reputation to either. However, impartiality considerations demand an alternative course it is not right to change grades to make life easier. Here self-interest conflicts with reason. Nonetheless, a critic would reject the teacher's free-riding being rational: since the teacher is employed to mark objectively and impartially in the first place, to do otherwise is to commit a fraud both against the employing institution and the student. Ethical Egoism Ethical egoism is the normative theory that the promotion of one's own good is in accordance with morality. In the strong version, it is held that it is always moral to promote one's own good, and it is never moral not to promote it. In the weak version, it is said that although it is always moral to promote one's own well, it is not necessarily never moral to not. That is, there may be conditions in which the avoidance of personal interest may be a moral action. In an imaginary construction of a world inhabited by a single being, it is possible that the pursuit of morality is the same as the pursuit of self-interest in that what is good for the agent is the same as what is in the agent's interests. Arguably, there could never arise an occasion when the agent ought not to pursue self-interest in favour of another morality, unless he produces an alternative ethical system in which he ought to renounce his values in favour of an imaginary self, or, other entity such as the universe, or the agent's God. Opponents of ethical egoism may claim, however, that although it is possible for this Robinson Crusoe type creature to lament previous choices as not conducive to self-interest (enjoying the pleasures of swimming all day, and not spending necessary time producing food), the mistake is not a moral mistake but a mistake of identifying self-interest. Presumably this lonely creature will begin to comprehend the distinctions between short and long-term interests, and, that short-term pains can be countered by long-term gains. If we move away from the imaginary construct of a single being's world, ethical egoism comes under fire from more pertinent arguments. In complying with ethical egoism, the individual aims at his own greatest good. Ignoring a definition of the good for the present, it may justly be argued that pursuing one's own greatest good can conflict with another's pursuit, thus creating a situation of conflict. According to detractors, conflict is an inherent problem of ethical egoism, and the model seemingly does not possess a conflict resolution system. With the additional premise of living in society, ethical egoism has much to respond to: obviously there are situations when two people's greatest goods - the subjectively perceived working of their own self-interest - will conflict, and, a solution to such dilemmas is a necessary element
of any theory attempting to provide an ethical system. The ethical egoist contends that his theory, in fact, has resolutions to the conflict. The first resolution proceeds from a state of nature examination. If, in the wilderness, two people simultaneously come across the only source of drinkable water a potential dilemma arises if both make a simultaneous claim to it. With no recourse to arbitration they must either accept an equal share of the water, which would comply with rational egoism. (In other words, it is in the interest of both to share, for both may enjoy the water and each other's company, and, if the water is inexhaustible, neither can gain from monopolising the source.) But a critic may maintain that this solution is not necessarily in compliance with ethical egoism. Arguably, the critic continues, the two have no possible resolution, and must, therefore, fight for the water. This is often the line taken against egoism generally: that it results in insoluble conflict that implies, or necessitates, a resort to force by one or both of the parties concerned. For the critic, the proffered resolution is, therefore, an acceptance of the ethical theory that “might is right;” that is, the critic maintains that the resolution accepts that the stronger will take possession and thereby gain proprietary rights. However, ethical egoism does not have to logically result in a Darwinian struggle between the strong and the weak in which strength determines moral rectitude to resources or values. Indeed, the “realistic” position may strike one as philosophically inadequate as that of psychological egoism, although popularly attractive. For example, instead of succumbing to insoluble conflict, the two people could cooperate (as rational egoism would require). Through cooperation, both agents would, thereby, mutually benefit from securing and sharing the resource. Against the critic's pessimistic presumption that conflict is insoluble without recourse to victory, the ethical egoist can retort that reasoning people can recognise that their greatest interests are served more through cooperation than conflict. War is inherently costly, and, even the fighting beasts of the wild instinctively recognise its potential costs, and, have evolved conflict-avoiding strategies. On the other hand, the ethical egoist can argue less benevolently, that in case one man reaches the desired resource first, he would then be able to take rightful control and possession of it the second person cannot possess any right to it, except insofar as he may trade with its present owner. Of course, charitable considerations may motivate the owner to secure a share for the second comer, and economic considerations may prompt both to trade in those products that each can better produce or acquire: the one may guard the water supply from animals while the other hunts. Such would be a classical liberal reading of this situation, which considers the advance of property rights to be the obvious solution to apparently intractable conflicts over resources.
Conditional Egoism A final type of ethical egoism is conditional egoism. This is the theory that egoism is morally acceptable or right if it leads to morally acceptable ends. For example, self-interested behaviour can be accepted and applauded if it leads to the betterment of society as a whole; the ultimate test rests not on acting self-interestedly but on whether society is improved as a result. It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.
We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages. If egoistic behaviour lends itself to society's detriment, then it ought to be stopped. The theory of conditional egoism is thus dependent on a superior moral goal such as an action being in the common interest, that is, the public good. The grave problem facing conditional egoists is according to what standard ought the limits on egoism to be placed? In other words, who or what is to define the nature of the public good? In most “public good” theories, the assumption is made that there exists a collective entity over and above the individuals that comprise it: race, nation, religion, and state being common examples. Collectivists then attempt to explain what in particular should be held as the interest of the group. Inevitably, however, conflict arises, and resolutions have to be produced. Some seek refuge in claiming the need for perpetual dialogue (rather than exchange), but others return to the need for force to settle apparently insoluble conflicts; nonetheless, the various shades of egoism pose a valid and appealing criticism of collectivism: that individuals act; groups don't.
Safety First !! Message from the DPA: Teamwork and coordination is the key to successful operations, more so on board ships which run 24/7 and a number of different activities may be undertaken simultaneously. Meetings have been part of your daily routine for a long time and play the most important role in ensuring coordination. Over the past years, these have evolved into a more formal and documented process in the following circumstances: - Safety Meetings held at least every two weeks, where safety, environment protection, accidents, hazards, preventive measures, near misses and industry feedback are discussed. Minutes are kept on form D/S-05. - Security Meetings held at least monthly where security issues are discussed. Minutes are recorded on form VSEC-04. - Daily Work Planning Meetings in order to create a schedule, organise the various tasks and address any safety related matters. Records are kept in the Daily Work Planning Meeting Log. - Risk Assessment Meetings to identify hazards, evaluate risk and take mitigating actions as described in the relevant procedure. Always remember that the key to incident-free operations is proper planning, supervision and coordination through meetings. Anthony Lambros / Q&S Manager DPA I welcome your comments, suggestions or feedback on the contents of this column (Safety First!) at q&s@centrofin.gr
Case Study: Vessel dragging her anchor and grounding Vessel: Source:
Product Tanker - applicable to all vessels MAIB 29 January 2009
I. Details of incident and course of events A tanker had anchored at the Nab Anchorage, 0.9 mile south of the Princessa Shoal, on 7 March 2008 to await a berth at Fawley Marine Terminal. On 9 March increasingly severe weather forecasts were received predicting gale force winds from the south. The duty VTS officer advised all vessels of the weather forecast and recommended that their engines should be available if required. The following morning the weather deteriorated as the wind increased to southerly Force 10. At 0650 she started to drag anchor to the north. The officer of the watch alerted the Master at 0710 and requested the main engine, which was on 10 minutes notice, be started. The M/E was available for use at 0721 and the Master applied power ahead. However, the vessel continued to drag northwards and grounded on the Princessa Shoal at 0725. The vessel sustained indentations to her hull and extensive damage to her rudder and steering gear; there was no pollution and the vessel remained watertight. II. Analysis of incidents faced The MAIB database shows that since 1992 there have been 21 accidents in UK waters involving merchant vessels of over 500 gross tons dragging their anchor and subsequently grounding.
Weather conditions contributed to 19 of these accidents, the anchoring position was relevant to 16, and in 7 cases the engines were not ready when needed. III. Suggested preventive actions The following lessons have been learnt through these incidents: 1. The Masters must ensure that they have clear guidance and knowledge on the capability of their vessel's anchoring system, including the:
FIRE PRECAUTIONS 1. NEVER smoke outside the designated smoking areas which are conspicuously identified on board. 2. NEVER use mechanical or disposable lighters. ONLY safety matches should be used. NEVER carry lighters or matches on the tank deck or other area where petroleum gases may be present. 3. NEVER use equipment if in doubt about its suitability. ONLY approved equipment should be used on the tank deck or other area where petroleum gases may be present. (e.g. flashlights, handheld VHF units, portable gas meters, portable lights and blowers, etc). 4. NEVER permit the use photographic or video cameras or mobile telephones in tanks or on deck unless the vessel / area is in gas free condition. Such devices are generally NOT intrinsically safe. 5. Paints, spirits, oil drums or containers should NEVER be kept in machinery spaces, but properly stored in their designated areas. 6. Dirty waste, oily rags, sawdust and other waste (especially when contaminated with oil) are liable to spontaneously combust. ALWAYS keep such waste properly stored until it can be safely disposed of. 7. Machinery spaces should be kept clean and any oil leaks should be arrested. ALWAYS keep bilges clean of oil and clear of rubbish. Flammable materials should NEVER be kept or stored near switchboards.
- Holding power of the anchor in various bottom types. - Strength of the anchor system components, including that of the windlass. - Effect of windage and yaw in various loading conditions.
8. ALWAYS maintain steam pipes, exhaust pipes and other hot surfaces fully insulated or protected from the possibility of spray of oil, especially in relation to high pressure fuel oil piping.
2. Although an anchorage might have been allocated by a harbour or VTS authority, the safety of the vessel and decision to sail remains the Master's responsibility.
9. Spark arrestors fitted in exhaust uptakes, ventilation caps or otherwise must be regularly inspected and ALWAYS be maintained clean and in good condition.
3. Most importantly, Masters should not hesitate to get underway or to seek a more sheltered anchorage should the forecast or actual weather and sea conditions warrant it.
10. Galley ranges, flue pipes and filters in vents should be ALWAYS kept clean of unburnt oil and fatty deposits.
The full report can be obtained at http://www.maib.gov.uk/latest_news/astral.cfm
- pg 9 Safety Bulletin 09-01
Study: Vessel: Source:
Heat Stroke while working in the Engine Room Tanker - applicable to all vessels Company's records
I. Details of incidents and investigation While the 2nd Eng was working in the Engine Room he experienced excessive sweating, thigh muscle cramp with severe pain, increased pulse rate. He was working near the DG platform where the temperature was in the range of 48 to 50 Celsius degrees. The Master's investigation revealed that the 2/E was working near excessive heat inside the E/R during his shift without drinking enough water or taking any salt tablets. Salt & dextrose tablets were kept in the Engine Room first aid box but none were used. II. Hydration and Heat Stress Concerns Poor hydration and heat stress can be major factors in the safety of occupational workers. Hot environment & heavy protective clothing can hinder the body's cooling processes. - Sweat: The Body's Radiator Sweating is the body's main method for dissipating the heat produced by working muscles. Sweat rates vary by individuals and can be influenced by the fitness level of the worker, the intensity of activity, hydration status, environmental conditions (heat, humidity, etc.), and clothing. Over an 8-hour work shift, this can mean a loss of up to 2 gallons of sweat. Fluid lost through sweat, but not replaced through drinking leads to dehydration. In workers and athletes alike, dehydration can lead to a decrease in strength, a drop in endurance, and a reduction in skills. Dehydration can also contribute to serious health and safety issues. Fluids not replaced can lead to feeling of fatigue and may inhibit the thinking function. Slowed reaction time and poor decision making, may impact their physical safety as well as that of their colleagues. - Dehydration and Heat Illness: Warning Signs Besides adversely affecting the performance and safety of workers, dehydration can also put you at a greater risk for heat illness. If the body is not able to clear the heat produced by the working muscles, core temperature can increase to unsafe levels. If the rise is too severe, heat illness may follow. Heat illness can encompass heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or potentially deadly, heat stroke. Heat illnesses can progress from heat cramps to heat exhaustion to heat stroke, although a victim may not go through all stages and could quickly
succumb to heat stroke. Common signs and symptoms for dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke include the following: Dehydration: ! Irritability ! Nausea or vomiting ! Decreased performance ! Cramps ! Heat sensations on head or neck ! Chills Heat Exhaustion: > Irritability > Nausea or vomiting > Decreased muscle coordination > Cramps > Heat sensations on head or neck > Chills > Dry mouth Heat Stroke: 6 Irritability 6 Vomiting 6 Loss of balance / muscle function 6 Collapse 6 Elevated core temperature 6 Seizures 6 Coma
cooled down as soon as possible. If heat stroke is suspected, contact emergency personnel immediately, but start the cooling process first. - Minimising Dehydration and Heat Illness: Controlling the Risks Arriving to your shift properly hydrated is the first step and drinking adequate fluids during the shift is the second step. The below 3 questions help workers assess their hydration status: 1. Is my body weight notably less than it was yesterday? 2. Is my urine dark in color? 3. Am I thirsty? If answered "yes" to any or all of these questions, you may be dehydrated. In addition to salt & dextrose tablets, workers must drink the necessary fluid throughout their shift. To determine the amount of fluid an individual should consume to adequately replace sweat losses, they should weigh themselves before and after their shift. If weight is lost during the shift, drink more fluids next time. If weight is gained, drink less. For every 1 pound of weight lost during a shift, the body is down approx. 16 oz of fluid. Providing beverages with flavor and electrolytes, particularly sodium, can also help. Other strategies that will help minimize dehydration and heat illness in
OUR OWN TRACK RECORD How do we measure up? One of the most “objective� measures of how a company is run is its Port State Control record. Our company has a positive recent record, without a single detention over the last five years. However, how do our results compare against those of the industry in general? Every year the Paris MOU publishes its annual report, the results of which are compared to our in this graph. As can be seen, our performance is improving gradually over the past ten years. By closer scrutiny of the results of deficiencies found per each category, we have deduced that our vessels outperform the average of all vessels inspected by Paris MOU states in all respects except: 1. Alarm signals 2. MARPOL Annex II & III 3. MARPOL & SOLAS related operational deficiencies 4. Load Line items 5. Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery The above should therefore be considered as prime areas where we can improve our performance and where our efforts should be focused on.
Unfortunately, the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke are not necessarily specific to each condition, nor is there a systematic order of appearance. If heat exhaustion is suspected, move the individual to a cool environment, remove excess clothing, elevate his or her legs, and provide fluids. The individual's condition should improve fairly quickly. However, heat stroke is a medical emergency requiring the individual to be
the work place include clothing options and breaks. Wearing light-colored, breathable clothing that allows sweat evaporation can help keep your core temperature down. If safety gear is required, you should remove as much of it as possible when in a safe area and if it is permitted. Also, be sure to have frequent breaks. This is a great time to seek a cool place for a nice cold beverage! Be smart when working in hot environments.
CENMAR MANILA OFFICERS' FORUM The 2008 CENTROFIN Officers Forum took place in Manila (Sofitel Hotel Venue) on November 12 and 13, 2008.
invited all their officers from the Philippines and India to attend this comprehensive seminar, headed by their senior Athens staff.
The ShipManagers 'CENTROFIN Management Inc' and 'MARINE TRUST Ltd', having a committed responsibility over their officers' competence and training skills,
The Athens team included Messrs Anthony Lambros Q&S/DPA/ Mgr, Yannis Procopiou M&T Mgr, Mike Kapsorrachis Technical Mgr, Babis Trantas Senior Operator, Captain
Mathew Rigas, Gabriel Dovles Director/Total Quality Consultants, and Cptn Jagdeep Sharma & Prashant Kumar both Shipboard Training Officers. Present was also CENMAR's President Attorney Gregorio Ortega OBE and Ms A. Lazo of Lazo Clinic.
CENMAR Staff at their most...divined office-time! NAI
The agenda of the topic-papers, delivered and analysed, by their presenters were as follows:
CENMAR Manila staff with Centrofin visitors
Day One 12 November 2008 1. Welcoming Address 2. Message from Management 3. Economic Operation Guidelines, OWS, Luboil Monitoring, Troubleshooting Issues 4. MARPOL Awareness 5. Important Operational Issues 6. Healthy Diet, Nutrition & Exercise o/b 7. Safe working Practices & Use of PPE 8. Marine Risk Assessment Parts 1 & 2 9. Closing Remarks, Comments, Questions
Mr Mike Kapsorrachis Cptn P. Kumar Mr B. Trantas Ms Glenda Canlas Cptn Jagdeep Sharma Mr Gabriel Dovles Moderator Mr A. Lambros
Day Two 13 November 2008 10. Risk Assessment Workshop / Case Study I 11. Risk Assessment Workshop / Case Study II 12. Round Table Open Discussion All Participants 13. Closing Remarks End of Forum
Mr G. Dovles Mr G. Dovles Moderator Mr A. Lambros Mr Yannis Procopiou
Mr Yannis Procopiou Mr Anthony Lambros
Capt M. Rigas & I. Procopiou at work.
B. Trantas giving his speech
Capt M. Rigas raising a question
Mike Kapsorrachis giving his presentation
Risk Assessment Case study in progress
Forum participants showing their enthusiasm!
- pg 132008 Centrofin Officers Forum the company's viewpoint. Even though our manning offices had held interactive meetings in the past, we were planning an event on this scale (involving many officers of different nationalities) for quite some time. Nevertheless, it always seemed that matters of so-called “urgency� managed to get in the way. The final decision was taken in April and the date was set soon thereafter. As the time approached we were discussing in the office and were all warming up to the prospect of meeting with our officers ashore. Eventually a team of six senior office staff made the long trip to Manila, and along with a few external speakers provided solid ground for interesting discussions. The preparation for the event was meticulous in every respect thanks to the efforts of Capt. Rigas and the entire CENMAR staff, and the attendance of our officers from the Philippines and India was more than satisfactory. During the first day we got off to a late start, and as expected in such events the time schedule was not strictly adhered to. Nonetheless, I. Procopiou as chairman was practical and flexible enough to guide discussions in the right direction and make up for time. The topics chosen were of varied interest and most presentations were very effective - the presentation by Mike Kapsorrachis on technical matters was appreciated by all as being very informative and to the point. As time went by, and more so on the second day, our officers started getting more involved and raised the matters of their concern. The subjects touched upon included hot work procedures, bridge checklists, hours of work and rest, risk assessment as well as operational matters such as free pratique which were addressed by B. Trantas. Our Training Officers Capt. Sharma, Capt. Kumar and Capt. Salabit provided valuable input with their presentations as well as guidance during the Risk Assessment workshop, while our visiting speakers gave excellent talks, but also seemed to enjoy being in the company of such a qualified audience. The discussions at the end of each day were in my opinion the greatest benefit of this forum: we wanted to come closer to you (our officers) and to listen to your concerns, your problems, your questions. Our company has already come a long way and is currently considered a very successful ship operator. The contribution of our officers and seafarers has been invaluable over the years. It is our aspiration to continue improving and this can only be achieved though joint efforts of our shore based and seagoing staff. Our officers are the ones who handle everyday situations in the front line, and the experience gained is a priceless lesson for all of us. For example, two points that were adopted largely due to recommendations made by officers during this forum was the change in appointment of Safety Officer on board, as well as the definition of critical equipment. Amendments to the SMS reflecting these changes were already (or will soon be) dispatched on board.
The speakers at the end of the second day
Dra G. Canlas and I. Procopiou
Capt R. Reyes and Ch.Eng I. Subado addressing the forum
Please note that we value all contributions and suggestions for improvements no matter where they originate from. If you make a recommendation and it is not adopted, please be assured that it has been reviewed, and even if it cannot be adopted today it may be of use in future. I assure you that we will continue this effort and build on the success of this forum by organizing similar events with even greater participation from the head office and seafarers of different nationalities and ranks. In closing I would like to thank you all (participants and speakers alike) for a couple of very stimulating and creative days! May many more follow!
General view of forum
Anthony Lambros Q&S Manager - DPA
F Is atheism a non-prophet organisation? F I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose. F What if there were no hypothetical questions? F If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? F What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? F Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them? F If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? F Is there another word for synonym? F Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? F If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? F What was the best thing before sliced bread? F One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people. F Can vegetarians eat animal crackers? F If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? F Do infants enjoy infancy as much as adults enjoy adultery? F Why is there an expiration date on sour cream? F How is it possible to have a civil war? F If you ate pasta and antipasto, would you still be hungry? F If the "black box" flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole aeroplane made out of that stuff?
Near Misses...
A Chance To Change
Reports, analysis, and Closing out F: No evidence of office responding to SMS reports S: Maintain files of SMS reports together with office correspondence confirming response.
Near miss reports are a vital key in reducing accident and incidents. Learning from others’ mistakes is a natural way for us to take onboard useful information. As such the detention reports issued by port State control (PSC) make fascinating reading. In seeing the deficiencies and non-conformities of others, we should be able to learn and guard against them ourselves. Time again we see common failings, frequent blunders, which sadly point to the basics of ISM being simply ignored. The following are some of the most common failings identified by PSC Officers – along with suggested ‘solutions’. Certification Failures: Invalid certificates onboard Solutions: Maintain up to date records of certificates and their validity. Master to ensure company advised in good time of renewal requirements. Master to advise company of defects that may compromise certification.
Designated Person F: Role of DP not understood, or DP not known by crew S: Description and purpose of the DP to be posted, alongside name and contact details.
Safe Manning F: Vessel not manned as per Safe Manning Document S: Ensure right number of crew with correct certificates onboard. Also maintain records of certificates and endorsements. Safety & Environmental Policy F: Missing or incomplete statements S: Policy statements should be checked against ISM Code requirements. Policy statements should be prominently displayed.
Ship Documentation F: Missing ship documentation and publications S: Ensure documents and publications can be quickly accessed and retrieved. A system should be in place for ordering replacements as necessary. Master’s Responsibility and Authority F: Master not aware of responsibilities and authorities outlined in the SMS S: Roles and responsibilities should be clearly defined, with a statement emphasising the master’s authority.
ulf of Aden - *Updates* Piracy: Somalia and Gulf of Ade GOA Group Transits (GOA GT)
The Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA)
Ships or CSOs should register with MSCHOA for guidance on the EU NAVFOR group transit system established for passages through the UKMTO MSPA in groups - the position, time, and speed for vessels to pass through the eastern or western entrances of the UKMTO Transit Corridor are promulgated on the MSCHOA website.
In support of the EU naval operation 'Atalanta', EU NAVCO have launched the Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa (MSCHOA) to coordinate with a range of military forces operating in the region and to provide support and protection to mariners.
The Marine Administration of the US department of transportation (MARAD) has also set up a webpage providing further guidance on Horn of Africa Piracy for ships and CSOs.
The MSCHOA website can be used by companies to obtain advice for masters and to report vessel movements and incidents in an electronic format at; www.mschoa.eu.
The Company must ensure the Master is aware of the basic requirements of the role, as laid down in the SMS Maintenance and Equipment F: Corrosion, broken/missing machinery and incomplete records of maintenance and planning. S: A system of planned maintenance (PMS) must be in evidence. Known equipment deficiencies to be controlled within this. Fire Control Plan F: Damaged, unreadable or inaccurate plans onboard S: Plans to be checked and corrected, these should be posted at strategic locations
As we can see, there are repeated basic ISM failings – and while the advice may seem rather simplistic it is useful to remind ourselves of what can go wrong, and of the straightforward steps we can take to provide solutions. While the context here is of guarding against detention, it’s important to remember that the correct procedures and a proper, functioning safety culture can save lives, the environment and cargo – ensuring people, cargoes and the vessel get to their destination safely; which is the bottom line for us all.
Compliments: http://www.consultism.co.uk
Key Shipboard Operations F: No evidence of plans for managing key shipboard operations. S: Define key operations where inherent risk exists, and develop instructions, plans and checklists as necessary. Emergency Preparedness F: Crew insufficiently drilled or prepared to act in emergency S: Ship’s crew to be aware of their individual roles during emergencies and the LSA and FFE equipment available onboard. Personnel Safety F: Crew not seemingly motivated towards their own safety S: Adequate provision of safety clothing and equipment. Defined high-risk activities being suitably controlled, i.e. checklists in evidence. Encouragement of safety culture onboard…if crew do not seem to understand or wish to act for their own safety, then this hints at wider failings of the SMS and culture – and urgent and wide-reaching action is necessary.
racy: Somalia and Gulf of Aden - *Updates*
ζNatural ability without education has more often attained to glory and virtue than education without natural ability. ζCommon sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen. ζStupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed. ζEverybody gets so much information all day long that they lose their common sense ζIt is a great ability to be able to conceal one's ability. ζA scrupulous writer, in every sentence that he writes, will ask himself at least four questions, thus: What am I trying to say? What words will express it? What image or idiom will make it clearer? Is this image fresh enough to have an effect? ζGet not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love. ζThe skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think ζAlways bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing. ζThe best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write a book about it ζI have made this [letter] longer, because I have not had the time to make it shorter ζA sense of humour is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done. ζWords, once they are printed, have a life of their own. ζThe world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think ζA banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
en - *Updates* Piracy: Somalia and Gulf of Aden - *Upda Ship transit reports and notifications of attack should continue to be made by ships' masters in the format described in our loss prevention briefing 'Piracy - Gulf of Aden' to the UKMTO in the Middle East on: Tel: +971 50 552 3215 Fax: +971 4 306 5710 Email: ukmto@eim.ae
UN Resolution 1846 (2008) Through the unanimous adoption of resolution 1846 (2008), the UN Security
Council has determined that during the next 12 months States and regional organizations cooperating with the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) may enter Somalia's territorial waters and use all necessary means -such as deploying naval vessels and military aircraft, seizing and disposing of boats, vessels, arms and related equipment used for piracy -- to fight piracy and armed robbery at sea off the Somali coast, in accordance with relevant international law.
OCIMF TMSA Guidelines :
ELEMENT 2. Recruitment and management of shore based personnel (Aim. Ensure that the fleet is supported by key staff that is competent to carry out the full range of responsibilities and tasks)
Main objective Ensure that the fleet is supported by competent shore based staff who are committed to a high standard of fleet management. Shore based staff have key roles to play in the effective management of the fleet and in supporting safe operations at sea. Element 2 establishes the need for shore based personnel to have the skills and training that they require to carry out their tasks.
Shore based staff recruitment and training
The Articles written and the Views expressed in this bulletin do not necessarily reflect those of CENTROFIN and/or its members. Queries to: wavelength@centrofin.gr Disclaimer. The contents provided herewith are for general information purposes only; not intended to replace or otherwise contradict the detailed instructions/procedures issued by the owners/managers, flag etc. Editor: Cmdr Nicholas A. ILIOPOULOS - Master Mariner - Human Resources Tel. +30.6944.941 333. Email: ilioship@yahoo.com.sg Comments. This editor welcomes readers' responses to all articles & Editorials. Design-Production: www.paradox.com.gr Tel.+30.210.6560 574
Ship operators should establish and maintain procedures for the selection, recruitment and training of shore based personnel. These procedures should: 6 Promote staff continuity, with emphasis on retaining and developing people in key roles (such as that of superintendent) 6 Ensure that sufficient people are employed to provide full supervision of all vessels in the fleet 6 Verify that the people employed are qualified and competent to carry out their duties 6 Determine staff competency in relation to appropriate technical education, training, skills and experience 6 Verify that medical requirements are established and met by staff at the time of their appointment and on an going basis thereafter 6 Include an appraisal system that sets criteria for promotions and requirements for succession planning 6 Ensure that records of all staff qualifications, experience and training are consistently maintained 6 Identify follow up training requirements and retain records of staff attendance at courses, seminars and conferences