Autumn 2024
Autumn 2024
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great enthusiasm and a deep sense of purpose that I introduce myself to you as the Director of Teaching and Learning and Professional Development. I am thrilled to embark on this journey with you, dedicated to fostering a culture of continuous growth and excellence within our Trust.
At CORE Education Trust, we believe that our greatest asset is our people. Our commitment to professional development is unwavering, and it is a cornerstone of our Trust Strategic Framework. We are proud to present a bespoke Trust-wide Continuous Professional Development (CPD) offer, carefully designed to meet the diverse needs of our teaching and support staff. This initiative is a testament to our investment in people, ensuring that every member of our team has the opportunity to thrive and excel.
Our key objective is clear: “Our people are valued, developed and committed to delivering a CORE education.” This objective is achieved through our key result: “Teaching and support staff utilise a bespoke Trust-wide PD offer as part of our investment in people.”
Our CPD offer is not just a programme; it is a promise. A promise to support you, to challenge you, and to inspire you. Together, we will harness the power of collaboration, innovation, and shared expertise to achieve this vision.
I look forward to working alongside each of you as we continue to build a brighter future for our students and our community. Let’s embrace this exciting opportunity to grow, learn, and succeed together.
Warmest regards,
Rula Kanona Trust Director
Teaching & Learning and Professional Development
Delivering a CORE Education
We believe in the power of education to inspire, to enable, and to enrich every life. Our cornerston values drive every aspect of our commitment to the staff, students and families we serve.
To be optimistic, ambitious and act with oneness.
CORE Education Trust was set up with the specific aim of creating, promoting and delivering a values-driven style of education.
We succeed by working as a team
We develop by taking on new challenge
We care by respecting and looking after each other
We achieve by giving 100% in everything we do
Chartered College of Teaching (CCT) membership
Professional Associations
Delivering a CORE Education (DACE) Trust Conference
Communities of Practice
Leading Practice Learning Centre (LPLC) – Leading Practice Certification accredited by the Schools, Students and Teacher network (SSAT)
Ruth Miskin Literacy Training
Pupil Premium Leads Workshop 1
Leading School Improvement – Professor Alex Hill
Early Career Teaching (ECT)
National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)
NPQ in Leading Teaching
NPQ in Leading Teacher Development
NPQ in Leading Literacy
NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture
NPQ in Senior Leadership
Early Headship Coaching
NPQ in Headship
NPQ in Executive Leadership School Trust CEO Programme
LMP Courses and Apprenticeships
Level 3 Teaching Assistant
Level 3 Teaching Assistant SEND Pathway
Level 3 School Staff and Community Wellbeing Champion
Level 4 Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Level 4 Higher Level Teaching Assistant SEND Pathway
Level 2 Accounts of Finance Assistant
Level 3 HR Support
Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager
Masters in Education via Apprenticeship
Level 1 & 2 The Role of the Family Engagement Officer
Step 1: Log into BlueSky and Access the ‘Training’ area
Begin by logging into your BlueSky account. Navigate to the ‘Training’ Area, where you will find a wealth of opportunities tailored to your professional development needs.
Step 2: Apply for CPD as per Your Requirements
Browse through the provided CPD offer and select the opportunities that align with your professional growth objectives. Submit your application but selecting ‘Book and Create CPD’, ensuring it reflects your specific requirements and aspirations.
Step 3: Await Approval from Your School CPD Lead
Once submitted, your application will be reviewed by your school CPD lead. They will assess your request to ensure it aligns with both your personal development goals and the strategic priorities of our Trust.
Step 4: Completion with the Associated Organisation
Upon approval, your application will be processed and completed with the associated organisation. You will then be able to embark on your chosen CPD activities, fully supported by our Trust.
Step 5: Completion in BlueSky
Log into your BlueSky account. Navigate to the ‘CPD’ Area, where you will be able to mark your training as completed/attended. Click onto the title of the relevant training record, then select ‘Mark as Completed/Attended’. Please upload any certificates/evidence by selecting ‘Add evidence’.
We are excited to support your professional journey and look forward to seeing you thrive through these development opportunities. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch:
Colleagues have pre-purchased membership to the Chartered College of Teaching. This is a brilliant way to support classroom practice and professional development. Sign up to your pre-paid membership here:
The Chartered College of Teaching is the professional body for all classroombased colleagues at all career stages.
“Membership gives you the knowledge and confidence to make the best decisions for your pupils and students.”
The Chartered College of Teaching will help with what matters most:
• What to expect at the beginning of your career
• How to be the best teacher: in your classroom, for your pupils and in your subject
• Supported by thousands of members who have spent their careers working in education
• Guided to make the best decisions for your students and reducing your workload by engaging with what works and why
You’ll receive:
• Termly print copies of their award-winning journal, Impact.
• online access to over 900 Impact articles.
• exclusive access to webinars and events.
• Access to their Early Career Hub, Early Childhood Hub and MyCollege, an indispensable resource packed with accessible articles, interactive content and high-quality classroom footage.
Members are eligible to use the postnominals MCCT, to stand and vote in Chartered College of Teaching’s Council elections, and to work towards becoming a Chartered Teacher.
To activate your membership to the Chartered College of Teaching please follow this link:
The link will direct you to a short form which will allow you to sign up for membership - make sure to select the membership category (ECTs select the ECT membership category). Once complete, you will get instant access to your membership benefits.
If you have any questions about your membership then please contact the Chartered College of Teaching’s membership team on and they would be more than happy to help you.
For colleagues who are already signed up, access through: Sign in - Chartered College of Teaching
CORE Education is committed to providing opportunities for colleagues to engage with the most recent research and practice from within their domain and connect with professionals from across the sector.
Recommended associations are listed below, but suggestions and requests for other professional bodies are welcomed; please email:
We are the National Society for Education in Art and Design | NSEAD
The Economics, Business and Enterprise Association (EBEA) – Working together to develop excellence in economics, business and enterprise education
CAS Secondary (
Computer Science Teachers Association Connect, Grow, & Share With CS Teachers-
We support and champion design and technology education in schools - D&T Association (
Education and skills (
STEM Learning
Home - NATE
Home - Geographical Association (
Home - RGS
Secondary / Historical Association (
Teaching materials for Primary and Secondary - Reino Unido | Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes (
Home - Association for Language Learning (
CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists)
Mathematical Association - Home (
Home | NCETM
Association of Teachers of Mathematics - ATM
IMA - The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
STEM Learning
Music Education Hubs | Arts Council England
Association for Physical Education (
National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (
The Royal Society of Chemistry (
The Ogden Trust: supporting physics education & engagement
Institute of Physics - For physics • For physicists • For all : Institute of Physics (
STEM Learning
Home |
IET - Institution of Engineering and Technology (
NALDIC | EAL National Subject Association
The Company of Human Resource Professionals – Bringing together individuals from the human resources profession to support and promote activities within Human Capital Management (
CIPD | The Professional Body for HR & People Development
AAT: the leading professional body for accounting technicians | AAT
Welcome to | ICAEW
Executive Team
Institute of Executive Assistants and Administrators (
CMI Career Confidence | Management & Leadership Development (
About the SBM Partnership – Welcome to the School Business Management Partnership
Birmingham Association of School Business Management - Welcome (
Behaviour Analysis in Schools SIG - UK Society for Behaviour Analysis (
AOCPP - Association of Child Protection Professionals
CILIP: the library and information association
IST – Institute of Science & Technology – IST – The Professional Body for Specialist, Technical and Managerial Staff (
Leadership Development Experts
National Alliance of School Premises Managers | NASPM
For Schools & Trusts | National Governance Association (
CST Membership (
Venue: Eastside Rooms, Birmingham
DACE 24 is a unique opportunity for all colleagues within the organisation to connect and benefit from each other and experts within their fields.
10 years of CORE Education will collectively be celebrated, with awards and performances that reflect who we are and what we represent.
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are key professional learning groups that support innovation and best practice for leaders within specific domains. They are time and space for intellectual exploration and consolidation of theory and practice.
CoPs are a unique forum to collaborate on aligned strategic improvement priorities linked to the Trust Strategic Framework.
CoPs have the following groupings and occur five times over the academic year:
• English (Nicola Evitts - Trust Lead Practitioner English
• Mathematics (Grant Portlock - Trust Lead Practitioner Mathematics
• Science (Sharmin Miah - Trust Lead Practitioner Science
• Languages (Annelise Yafai - Trust Lead Practitioner Languages ay@core-education.
• History (Hazel Murray - Trust Lead Practitioner History
• Geography (Thalina Chowdhury - Trust Lead Practitioner Geography
• Behaviour and Attitudes (Max Tully – Trust Behaviour Lead mtully@corecity. academy)
• Leadership and Management (Abby Morris - Chief Education Officer
• Attendance (Hazel Murray - Trust Attendance Lead
• Personal Development (Jody Clarke - Executive Director School Development and Improvement
• SEND (Abby Morris - Chief Education Officer
• Safeguarding (Abby Morris - Chief Education Officer
• Quality of Education (Jody Clarke - Executive Director School Development and Improvement
Please see the Trust Calendar for dates and locations of CoPs.
Please note, this cohort is currently full, but please see the flyer below for indictive information for the Autumn 2025 cohort.
Who is this programme for?
LP Accreditation is a nationally recognised status of excellent practice in education for all who are leading practice within their context.
Who can apply?
Teaching or support staff who lead in their context.
This may include:
• Trust or school Subject Lead
Sign up for our SSAT Lead Practitioner Accreditation programme, led by our team of experienced facilitators. Colleagues who lead practice are instrumental in driving positive changes across schools by fostering a culture of evidence-based practice. Through engaging in project-based assignments tailored to your specific context, you will witness firsthand the tangible results of your learning.
The programme is made up of a framework of professional standards and a process of accreditation that has been designed by the profession. LPs start by identifying action research projects linked to school or local priorities.
The online assessment tool is then used to assess progress against the SSAT Lead Practitioner standards.
• Leader of a project across your school or Trust
• Coaching lead
• Evidence Leads in Education
• Support staff leading in their areas of expertise
• You do not need QTS to gain this accreditation and applications are welcome from teaching and support colleagues.
Why apply?
• Enhance your abilities and knowledge
• Implement and enhance educational practices in your school
• See the immediate and measurable impact of your work
• Build confidence in creating and experimenting with new concepts
• Foster a culture of evidence-based practices in your school
• Motivate your colleagues to adopt the LP standards
The cost of this course is £695.
Apply by Friday 5th July to join our Autumn 2024 cohort: Lead Practitioner Accreditation Application
Face to face sessions:
• Course (MondayLaunch 16th September- 4-6pm)
• Developing an Action Plan (Thursday 3rd October – 4-6pm)
• Accreditation/Project Writing (Thursday 23rd January – 4-6pm)
• Application Support Session (Thursday 15th May – 4-6pm)
Face to face workshops
• What it takes to lead (Thursday 17th October – 4-6pm)
• Enabling a culture of learning (Thursday 14th November – 4-6pm)
• Influencing change through others (Thursday 5th December – 4-6pm) All sessions and workshops will take place at Rockwood Academy, Alum Rock, Birmingham, B8 3HG Project support drop ins (optional/virtual)
As part of the Ruth Miskin training packages, staff at CORE attend development days, and have access to face to face and remote bespoke training and support. Furthermore, staff receive an online subscription to access exclusive resources, which provide a high-quality, consistent approach to the teaching and leadership of reading. The training provided unlocks the power of the Fresh Start Phonics Programme and Read Write Inc. tutoring to provide long term support for our students.
Access the Ruth Miskin School Portal here: Ruth Miskin School Portal
Fresh Start Trust training: Friday 6th September & Friday 6th December
Staff delivering the Fresh Start Programme receive invites to these and to remote training sessions.
Two development days to support the implementation of this programme will be set within individual school calendars.
This programme has been designed to support colleagues with the design, implementation and measuring the impact of the Pupil Premium Strategy. This first workshop will start with an introduction from Marc Rowland.
Marc is the adviser for improving outcomes for disadvantaged learners for the Unity Schools Partnership. Marc is currently working with the Education Endowment Foundation’s (EEF) Research School Network on the roll out of their national Pupil Premium training programme. He is also working, country-wide, on a range of programmes focused on educational disadvantage.
The second edition of Marc’s award-winning book, ‘An Updated Practical Guide to the Pupil Premium’, was published in December 2015 (John Catt Educational). His latest book ‘Learning without Labels’ was also published by John Catt in March 2017. Marc has also contributed to several other publications, such as ‘The Forgotten Third’, edited by Roy Blatchford CBE, ‘Great Expectations’, edited by David Bartram OBE, and ‘Spotlight on Disadvantage’ from the National Governors Association.
There will be a follow up workshop in the summer term focused on evaluating the impact of the strategy.
For queries, or further information, please contact Sarah Saville:
Target Audience: Pupil Premium Leads, SLT, colleagues who aspire to lead Pupil Premium.
Date: Monday 7th October
Time: 4-6pm
Location: Rockwood Academy
Date: 18 September 2024 – 9.00-12.00
Venue: City Academy, 23 Langley walk, Birmingham
Transforming a school is a long, hard, and often lonely task. Some people want change, others don’t, and some simply aren’t prepared to wait for results to show. As a school leader sets off on this journey, how do they know what to do, when to do it, who to listen to, and how to manage critics along the way?
BACKGROUND READING: How the best school leaders create enduring change
How to turn around a failing school
Our study of the actions and impact of 411 leaders of UK academies found that only 62 of them managed their turnaround successfully and sustainably transformed their school. While other leaders managed to create a school that looked good while they were there, but then went backwards, these 62 leaders built a school that continued to improve long after they’d left. We called them Architects, because they systematically redesigned their schools and transformed the communities they served. But it was a bumpy ride, with 90% almost fired at the end of their second year. This session discusses what they did, how they did it, and what you can learn from their journeys too.
The one type of leader who can turn around a failing school
The National Institute of Teaching (NIoT) Early Career Teacher (ECT) programme is a flexible, context-specific, school-led programme tailored to the meet the needs of ECTs in every subject. The programme is research-led and the NIoT offers personalised learning, 1:1 support, networking sessions, and training for mentors to develop their coaching skills. All our ECTs are given the expert support they need to cultivate their expertise and become confident, capable practitioners.
ECTs who train with the NloT will be able to harness leading research into what works in the classroom, and put it to immediate, practical use.
Early Career Framework Programme | For Early Career Teachers – The National Institute of Teaching (
We are pleased to announce our partnership with the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT) to offer a suite of National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for a wide range of colleagues.
Why pursue an NPQ with the NIoT?
Please see below for information on NPQs available and click the links to find out more.
Our NPQLT is designed for ambitious classroom teachers and middle leaders, who are looking to become head of subject, year group, key stage or phase.
NPQ in Leading Teaching | NPQLT – The National Institute of Teaching (
Our NPQ in Leading Teacher Development is designed for aspiring or current leaders of professional development, including training and mentoring of trainees or Early Career Teachers.
NPQ in Leading Teacher Development | NPQLTD – The National Institute of Teaching (
Our NPQLL is designed for ambitious teachers and middle leaders, who want to - or alreadyhave responsibility for leading literacy across a school, year group, key stage or phase.
NPQ in Leading Literacy | NPQLL – The National Institute of Teaching (
Our NPQLBC is designed for ambitious teachers and leaders, including behaviour-management leads and SENDCOs who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibility for leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their schools.
NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture | NPQLBC –The National Institute of Teaching (
Our School Trust CEO Development Programme has been designed to support new and current trust CEOs with the complexities and demands of one of the most influential roles in our communities.
School Trust CEO Programme – The National Institute of Teaching (
Our NPQ for Senior Leadership is designed for teachers and leaders who hold, or aspire to hold, whole-school leadership responsibilities.
NPQ in Senior Leadership | NPQSL – The National Institute of Teaching (
The Early Headship Coaching (EHCO programme provides structured, unassessed face-to-face support for new leaders in their first five years of headship.
Early Headship Coaching – The National Institute of Teaching (
Our NPQH is designed for ambitious school leaders who want to be - or already are - a headteacher or a head of school with responsibility for leading a school.
NPQ in Headship | NPQH | National Institute of Teaching – The National Institute of Teaching (
Our NPQ in Executive Leadership is developed for experienced leaders who lead, or aspire to lead, across multiple schools, whether this is as an Executive Headteacher or a trust-wide role in a specific area.
NPQ in Executive Leadership – The National Institute of Teaching (
Our National Professional Qualification (NPQ) for Special Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCOs) is designed for experienced teachers and leaders who are seeking to develop their expertise in leading special educational needs and disability (SEND) provision in their school, or to become a SENCO.
NPQ For SENCOs | Train With The National Institute Of Teaching – The National Institute of Teaching (
We are delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with LMP Apprenticeship provider. This collaboration aims to offer a comprehensive suite of apprenticeship programs designed to enhance career opportunities and skill development for colleagues. This initiative underscores our commitment to providing high-quality, practical learning experiences that align with the evolving needs of our organisation. Apprenticeship pathways are funded through the apprenticeship levy.
Promoting self-belief, social inclusion and a high self-esteem play an integral part to pupils’ well-being; ensuring pupils thrive in a positive, nurturing, safe environment. It is an active role supporting the learner to access the curriculum.
Teaching Assistant, Learning Support Assistant, Specialist Support Assistant and Support for Specialist Curriculum Areas
As well as ensuring full competency as a Teaching Assistant, this standard provides a foundation for potential progression into a number of career paths in the Educational sector including Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Assistant Teacher and Teacher QUALIFICATIONS
Teaching Assistant
Level 3 Standard
Typically including Communicating with Others at Work Mental Health Awareness
Understanding Stress ICT for Employment
account management and recruitment
Leading nationwide apprenticeship training provider
Developing Behaviours and Attitudes for Life and Work
+ 5 others from The Skills Network
Access to Anspear TADP Specialist CPD to enhance learning experience
Specialists in the education, training and business sectors
Delivering vibrant, engaging learning for all learners
Blended and remote teaching and learning
Tailored learning plans for each individual
Experienced tutors and delivery support team
Designated safeguarding officers, policies and procedures
This comprehensive Teaching Assistant apprenticeship with SEND pathway offers a range of training modules specifically tailored to meet the challenges of supporting students. Our experienced instructors will guide you in developing the skills necessary to effectively address the diverse needs of students.
Our curated added value courses and workshops offer unique learning opportunities beyond the core curriculum, allowing apprentices to explore new subjects and deepen their knowledge within the SEND area. These courses foster critical thinking, and a well-rounded education, giving learners a competitive edge in today's dynamic world.
The course is ideal for Teaching Assistants working in mainstream or specialist schools looking to increase knowledge and understanding around SEND.
This programme contributes towards the DfE's recommendations that all schools have SEND responsibilities or specialism in their setting.
Qualification: Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship Level 3 SEND Pathway
Duration: Typically 16 months
Cost: £7,000, (covered by the Apprenticeship Levy)
Training Method: Blended learning, online and work-based sessions
Teaching Assistants significantly contribute to creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.
We offer five tutor-led, interactive workshops, each on a topic related to SEND; these include:
SEND systems: learners will explore different legislations, SEND code of practice and EHCP
Safe and SEND: apprentices will learn about safe de-escalation methods
SEND developmental milestones and Strategies: this workshop will cover the milestone differences in child development and the differences in children with special educational needs and disabilities
Curriculum and SEND: this workshop will be looking at assistive technologies to support children with SEND Innovative assessment: this workshop will explore different assessment methods and potential exemptions for children with SEND
They will also have the opportunity to complete optional CPD modules to enhance their employability skills.
Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey as a Teaching Assistant and make a profound difference in the lives of students with SEND. Join our Teaching Assistant SEND Pathway today and gain the knowledge, skills, and recognition you need to provide exceptional support.
With the release of the Education Wellbeing Charter providing the need for wellbeing and mental health initiatives within schools and colleges, LMP Education is now delivering the School Staff & Community Wellbeing Champion Apprenticeship.
The School Staff & Community Wellbeing Champion Apprenticeship offers staff within an educational setting the opportunity to learn skills around coaching and counselling in order to help support colleagues and students.
As part of the new Education Inspection Framework, Ofsted is now shining a spotlight on staff wellbeing. By enrolling a member of your team onto this programme you will show commitment to protecting the wellbeing and mental health of those within your workforce and school community.
This course is ideal for staff members who are looking to improve their skills in providing support and feedback through the effective use of coaching and counselling to support all staff, students, their families and the local community.
Enrol your staff member onto this course to demonstrate that you take staff wellbeing seriously, opening a supportive network for staff to address wellbeing and mental health needs. By being on this programme, your member of staff will be able to create a wellbeing strategy leading to a wellbeing-focused culture within your workforce
This recognised qualification is suitable for staff at all levels within your organisation. Anybody in your school can enrol onto this programme and the DFE are encouraging you to sign up to the Education Staff Wellbeing Charter.
Qualification: Level 3 Community Health and Wellbeing Worker Apprenticeship
Duration: Typically 16 months
Cost: £7,000, (covered by the Apprenticeship Levy)
Training Method: Blended learning, online and work-based sessions
The mental health and wellbeing of staff in education settings has always been important, but it is now more important than ever in the context of the pandemic and moving towards recovery.
Nadhim Zahawi
PRICE £450 + VAT
This programme is aimed at those who already work as a Teaching Assistant (TA) within a school and wish to further their career by progressing to become a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HTLA). The content of the course is designed to extend the learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills allowing them to support pupils/learners within the classroom setting
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, SEN Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Specialist Support Assistant and Support for Specialist Curriculum Areas
Teach classes on your own, cover planned absences and allow teachers time to plan and mark This normally leads to career progression.
Enrol online today – No set term times
On the successful completion of 7 mandatory units you will gain a Level 4 Certificate in Higher Level Teaching Assistant RQF (60314321)
Working within a school as a teaching assistant (required)
Completion of Level 3 Teaching Assistant qualification or demonstration of foundational understanding via skill scan completion
(Recommended) If you have vast experience as a TA, but hold no qualifications, then you may be accepted based on experience (Minimum 5 years ’ experience) Letter of confirmation from your school will be required.
Top 3 Provider in the UK right now – We are fully approved
Spread the cost over 3 months or pay upon invoice.
Trading since 2004 – We will not let you down
Flexible learning – Study at a time that suits you
Qualified Tutors – Fast assignment turnaround
Awareness of Special Educational Needs
Child Development and Welfare
Developing Skills to Promote Positive Working Relationships
Promoting Positive Behaviour in Children and Young People
Providing Support for Individual Learners and Small Groups
Understanding the Higher Level Teaching Assistant Role
Whilst on programme you will be assessed through a variety of ways. These include:
Written assignments
Observation. NB: Focus Awards do not mandate that observations are carried out by the tutor/assessor and will accept observations from appropriately skilled / trained personnel within the school environment Worksheets
Recordings or oral and written work
Learner and peer reports
Product evidence
Child Development and Wellbeing
Supporting Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs
Promoting Children and Young Peoples Positive Behaviour
Working with Individuals and Groups of Learners
Positive Working Relationships
Curriculum Planning, Monitoring, Delivery and Assessment
Our online platform provides great content alongside an e-portfolio
Min completion time 3 months – max completion time 1 year
Study time approximately 87 hours
Learners given 2 attempts to meet the criteria Communication via email with tutor and this will be included in the 1 hour marking time
Learners will receive written feedback within 7 working days after submitting an assignment
Learner must have a line manager / supervisor / qualified person to carry out any written formal testimonies.
Certificates will be issued upon acheivement.
Upon completion of enrolment on the programme you will be allocated a coach who is there to assess and feedback on your assignments.
FROM 24/11/23 TO 01/12/23 PRICE NORMALLY £550
This programme is aimed at those who already work as a Teaching Assistant (TA) within a school and wish to further their career by progressing to become a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HTLA) with a focus on SEND pupils The content of the course is designed to extend the learners’ knowledge, understanding and skills allowing you to support pupils/learners within the classroom support pupils/learners within the classroom setting.
Higher Level Teaching Assistant, SEN Higher Level Teaching Assistant, Specialist Support Assistant and Support for Specialist Curriculum Areas
Teach classes on your own, cover planned absences and allow teachers time to plan and mark. This normally leads to career progression
Enrol online today – No set term times
On the successful completion of 7 mandatory units you will gain a Level 4 Certificate in Higher Level Teaching Assistant RQF (60314321)
Working within a school as a teaching assistant (required)
Completion of Level 3 Teaching Assistant qualification or demonstration of foundational understanding via skill scan completion
(Recommended) If you have vast experience as a TA, but hold no qualifications, then you may be accepted based on experience (Minimum 5 years ’ experience). Letter of confirmation from your school will be required.
Top 3 Provider in the UK right now – We are fully approved
Spread the cost over 3 months or pay upon invoice.
Trading since 2004 – We will not let you down
Flexible learning – Study at a time that suits you
Qualified Tutors – Fast assignment turnaround
We offer five tutor-led, interactive workshops, each on a topic related to SEND; these include:
SEND systems: learners will explore different legislations, SEND code of practice and EHCP
Safe and SEND: apprentices will learn about safe de-escalation methods
SEND developmental milestones and Strategies: this workshop will cover the milestone differences in child development and the differences in children with special educational needs and disabilities
Curriculum and SEND: this workshop will be looking at assistive technologies to support children with SEND
Innovative assessment: this workshop will explore different assessment methods and potential exemptions for children with SEND
Whilst on programme you will be assessed through a variety of ways These include:
Written assignments
Observation. NB: Focus Awards do not mandate that observations are carried out by the tutor/assessor and will accept observations from appropriately skilled / trained personnel within the school environment
Recordings or oral and written work
Learner and peer reports
Product evidence
This course will also cover the following, bite-sized self-study online courses: Understanding Dyslexia Understanding Autism Understanding ADHD Attachment Learning Needs
You will also have the opportunity to complete optional CPD modules to enhance your employability skills.
Our online platform provides great content alongside an e-portfolio Min completion time 3 months – max completion time 1 year Study time approximately 87 hours.
Learners given 2 attempts to meet the criteria. Communication via email with tutor and this will be included in the 1 hour marking time.
Learners will receive written feedback within 7 working days after submitting an assignment.
Learner must have a line manager / supervisor / qualified person to carry out any written formal testimonies. Certificates will be issued upon acheivement.
Upon completion of enrolment on the programme you will be allocated a coach who is there to assess and feedback on your assignments
An Accounts or Finance Assistant is an integral part of the team responsible for maintaining an efficient and accurate finance function within a business The Accounts or Finance Assistant is responsible for assisting the team of accountants with junior accounting duties
Accounts or Finance Assistant, Cashier Finance Assistant, Purchase Ledger Clerk, Sales Ledger Clerk.
On completion, the apprentice will be able to apply for the appropriate level of professional membership aligned with this apprenticeship, dependent on the qualification chosen.
QUALIFICATIONS INCLUDED Accounts/Finance Assistant Level 2 Standard
AAT Level 2 Foundation Certificate in Accounting
Dedicated account management and recruitment
Leading nationwide apprenticeship training provider
Specialists in the education, training and business sectors
Delivering vibrant, engaging learning for all learners
Blended and remote teaching and learning
Tailored learning plans for each individual
Experienced tutors and delivery support team
This will typically involve taking ownership for providing advice to managers on a wide range of HR issues using company policy and current law, giving guidance that is compliant and where errors could expose the organisation to employment tribunals or legal risk.
Human Resources Assistant/Administrator, Resource Planning Analyst, HR Advisor, HR Director
Further development through a career path within an organisation and/or through the HR Consultant/Partner apprenticeship Choose to stay within core HR or diversify into one of the specialist areas of HR. Upon completion can apply for Associate Membership of CIPD.
Dedicated account management and recruitment
Leading nationwide apprenticeship training provider
Specialists in the education, training and business sectors
Delivering vibrant, engaging learning for all learners
Blended and remote teaching and learning
Tailored learning plans for each individual
Experienced tutors and delivery support team
Designated safeguarding officers, policies and procedures
An Operations or departmental manager is someone who manages teams and/or projects, and achieving operational or departmental goals and objectives, as part of the delivery of the organisations strategy They are accountable to a more senior manager or business owner.
Working in the private, public or third sector and in all sizes of organisation, specific responsibilities and job titles will vary, but the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed will be the same
Our training offer is aimed to be vibrant and engaging. We deliver a wide range of training programmes, through our blended learning approach which is individualised to each learners needs Our portfolio of courses is always broadening to keep up with needs of employers and learners alike Our recent Ofsted inspection, in March 2020, found us to be ‘Good’ across all judgment areas with effective safeguarding
• Know how to set up and manage a project using relevant tools and techniques, and understand process management
• Know how to manage multiple teams, and develop high performing teams Understand performance management techniques, talent management models and how to recruit and develop people.
TOTAL COST: £7,000
*Based on a 52 week contract at a minimum of 30 hours a week.
• Understand business finance: how to manage budgets, and financial forecasting
• Understand interpersonal skills and different forms of communication and techniques (verbal, written, non-verbal, digital) and how to apply them appropriately
Understand operational management approaches and models, including creating plans to deliver objectives and setting KPIs Understand business development tools (eg SWOT), and approaches to continuous improvement Understand operational business planning techniques, including how to manage resources, development of sales and marketing plans setting targets and monitoring performance
Knowledge of management systems, processes and contingency planning Understand how to initiate and manage change by identifying barriers and know how to overcome them Understand data security and management, and the effective use of technology in an organisation
Know how to set up and manage a project using relevant tools and techniques, and understand process management Understand approaches to risk management
Know how to manage multiple teams, and develop high performing teams Understand performance management techniques, talent management models and how to recruit and develop people
Able to input into strategic planning and create plans in line with organisational objectives
Support, manage and communicate change by identifying barriers and overcoming them
Demonstrate commercial awareness, and able to identify and shape new opportunities Creation and delivery of operational plans, including setting KPIs, monitoring performance against plans Producing reports, providing management information based on the collation, analysis and interpretation of data
Able to manage talent and performance Develop, build and motivate teams by identifying their strengths and enabling development within the workplace Able to delegate and enable delivery though others
Able to communicate effectively (verbal, nonverbal, written, digital) and be flexible in communication style Able to chair meetings and present using a range of media Use of active listening, and able to challenge and give constructive feedback
Drive to achieve in all aspects of work Demonstrates resilience and accountability
Determination when managing difficult situations Seeks new opportunities
Open, approachable, authentic, and able to build trust with others Seeks the views of others and values diversity
Dear colleagues,
FAO: Colleagues interested in School Leadership professional development
Please forward to CPD lead colleagues as appropriate
Re: Pathway to an MA in Education Leadership: Apprenticeship Levy funded award.
I write to let you know that we are now accepting applications for our Education Leadership Level 7 Senior Leader Apprenticeship programme which starts in January 2025. This programme is Apprenticeship Levy funded.
We launched this programme in 2019 and have worked with around 100 students so far from schools, colleges, MATs, local authorities and other settings across the West Midlands and beyond. We are now recruiting for our fifth cohort of students.
The programme combines research-informed lectures and seminars with work-based learning. It is delivered by academic colleagues from the University of Birmingham and guest lecturers and Honorary Fellows all of whom have successful track records ranging acr oss system and school leadership. The programme is part-time meaning that students can work full time in their school-based roles while following this programme at the same time. Students work on real-time leadership challenges in their own employer organisations as a part of their experience.
The programme is aimed at a range of staff from those in their first promoted post, those already in SLT positions through to executive leaders in MATs and LAs. The feedback from our first four cohorts has been pleasingly positive.
Students tell us that they are quickly more able to exercise their leadership roles with a better suite of skills, leadership behaviours and knowledge as a result of the programme’s blending of practical aspects and theories of leadership. Employers have told us that their schools have benefited directly from the practical recommendations from students’ assignments and the practical aspects of the course. A number of students have been promoted during their studies and say that the learning on the programme directly helped them in this
Students will gain a Postgraduate Diploma in Education Leadership, the Senior Leader Apprenticeship and Chartered Manager status with the Chartered Management Institute. The PGDip is then the platform for writing a dissertation which leads directly to a full MA in Education Leadership.
The attached presentation provides information about the programme – we can take you through this in a dedicated meeting if helpful (see below).
If you are in a maintained school we have employer agreements with most LAs in the West Midlands. If you are in a MAT we have a number of employer agreements in place already. If you are a MAT or LA new to this programme with us, we can get an employer agreement in place quickly.
I would be very happy to arrange a call to discuss the programme in more detail with you, or a ny member of your team or my colleague Professor Colin Diamond, Director of our Education Leadership Academy might also be able to assist in this way.
With best wishes,
Simon Asquith. Associate Professor & Programmes Director: MA/PGDip (Senior Leader
Apprenticeship) in Educational Leadership
The ‘Role of the Family Engagement Officer’s’ training course is designed to provide a deeper understanding into the holistic work of the family support worker. This step-bystep training will take you through essential skills needed to develop family engagement through effective procedures, ensuring positive outcomes aimed at raising standards, improving attendance and behaviour as well as bridging the gap between home, school and the community.
The Role of the Family Engagement Officer – Level 1 | NSMtraining & Consultancy (
Telephone: 0121 389 2824