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Manufacturing Technology Centre

High Value Manufacturing Catapult

Also a member of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, the MTC supports the Made Smarter West Midlands programme.

The MTC has a wealth of knowledge from scientists and engineers to draw upon when it comes to advising businesses on how to adopt the right technology to boost productivity.

Mike Wilson, Chief Automation Officer at the MTC, said: “Knowing the right path can be difficult for SMEs without external support and advice. There are so many variations of software and technology available for manufacturers on the market.

“For those businesses that aren’t familiar with them, it can be a daunting prospect to make a decision. It is so satisfying when an SME comes back to us saying the return on investment has been practically immediate.

“The MTC is truly delighted to have been part of this programme which is making a positive difference to so many local businesses within the wider UK supply chain.”

And Steve Morris, SME Sales Director at the MTC, added: “We are proud to work alongside WMG and the Coventry and Warwickshire Growth Hub to introduce Digital Technology to close on 200 businesses throughout the region to date.

“Our transformation teams are experienced with smaller businesses, and have delivered bottom-line benefits to SMEs wanting a practical roadmap to support technology adoption.

“Best of all is hearing feedback from the businesses themselves. They tell us how Made Smarter support makes them significantly more productive and able to reliably fulfil orders much faster for customers.

“They really appreciate the practical guidance, reassuring them that the solutions implemented will work for them.”

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