Expectations for Success
Arrive on time with the required equipment and in full uniform. Listen carefully and follow instructions.
Show a positive attitude. Be creative, independent, and reflective. Work with others positively and be prepared to take on challenges.
Value all learning, contribute to school life and help others. Always do your best.
Respect yourself, show respect to others and respect your surroundings.
School Tel. No. 0121 359 8108
Headteacher: Mrs J Sweeney
Email: enquiry@astonmanoracademy.com
Address: Aston Manor Academy Phillips Street, Aston, Birmingham B6 4PZ
AMA Rewards
At Aston Manor the school motto of “All Different, All Equal, All Achieving” is very important. We truly recognise that all pupils are different, all pupils are equal and that every pupil in our care will achieve.
We expect all of our pupils to follow the rules and expectations for learning and reward them with a stamp at the end of every lesson.
We also like to congratulate pupils who “get it right” by giving extra rewards at the end of term.
Pupils work hard to achieve Character and Culture stars which carry a value. When pupils receive their stars they will be logged by form tutors. Points gained can be spent redeeming prizes from our rewards shop om ClassCharts.
Pupils can keep a track of their points totals through their ClassCharts account. Pupils can see what great prizes are available via the online shop, which keeps them motivated to carry on collecting rewards. Pupils are free to redeem their points for prizes at AMA’s reward shop.
Pupils who attend school regularly and gain all of their stamps will also be able to go on exciting rewards trips and activities at the end of the Autumn and Summer Term.
To be able to take part, you must -
1. Have 95% attendance or better
2. Have no Support Room referrals/isolations/exclusions
3. Have good punctuality
4. Have full stamps for 80% of weeks
5. Blue stars - Awarded for excellent contributions to our Expectations for Success during social times.
Pupils will be eligible for a golden ticket if positive improvements with behaviour have been made, this is however at the discretion of the Head of Year.
Autumn Term 2022
Term Starts: Monday 5th September 2022
Half Term: Friday 21st October 2022 - Monday 31st October 2022
Term Ends: Friday 16th December 2022
Spring Term 2023
Term Starts: Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Half Term: Friday 17th February 2023 to Monday 27th February 2023
Term Ends: Friday 31st March 2023
Summer Term 2023
Term Starts: Monday 17th April 2023
Half Term: Friday 26th May 2023 to Monday 5th June 2023
Term Ends: Friday 21st July 2023
Monday 5th September 2022
Tuesday 6th September 2022
Friday 21st October 2022
Friday 2nd December 2022
Tuesday 3rd January 2023
Friday 31st March 2023 (Moderation Day)
Friday 16th June 2023 (Moving Forward Day)
Pupil Planner
8.45am School Starts 8.45am School Starts 8.45am School Starts 8.45-9.10am Morning Registration/ Assembly 8.45-9.10am Morning Registration/ Assembly 8.45-9.10am Morning Registration/ Assembly
9.10-10.10am Period 1 9.10-10.10am Period 1 9.10-10.10am Period 1 10.10-11.10am Period 2 10.10-11.10am Period 2 10.10-11.10am Period 2 11.10-11.30am MORNING BREAK 11.10-11.30am MORNING BREAK 11.10-11.30am MORNING BREAK 11.30-12.30pm Period 3 11.30-12.30pm Period 3 11.30-12.30pm Period 3 12.30-1.10pm Lunch 12.30-1.30pm Period 4 12.30-1.30pm Period 4 1.10-2.10pm Period 4 1.30-2.10pm Lunch 1.30-2.10pm Lunch 2.10-3.10pm Period 5 2.10-3.10pm Period 5 2.10-3.10pm Period 5 3.10-3.20pm Afternoon Registration 3.10-3.20pm Afternoon Registration 3.10-3.20pm Afternoon Registration
8.45am School Starts 8.45am School Starts 8.45am School Starts 8.45-9.10am Morning Registration/ Assembly 8.45-9.10am Morning Registration/ Assembly 8.45-9.10am Morning Registration/ Assembly
9.10-10.05am Period 1 9.10-10.05am Period 1 9.10-10.05am Period 1 10.05-11.00am Period 2 10.05-11.00am Period 2 10.05-11.00am Period 2 11.00-11.20am MORNING BREAK 11.00-11.20am MORNING BREAK 11.00-11.20am MORNING BREAK 11.20-12.15pm Period 3 11.20-12.15pm Period 3 11.20-12.15pm Period 3 12.15-12.50pm Lunch 12.15-1.10pm Period 4 12.15-1.10pm Period 4 12.50-1.45pm Period 4 1.10-1.45pm Lunch 1.10-1.45pm Lunch 1.45-2.40pm Period 5 1.45-2.40pm Period 5 1.45-2.40pm Period 5 2.40-2.50pm Afternoon Registration 2.40-2.50pm Afternoon Registration 2.40-2.50pm Afternoon Registration
Safeguarding & Child Protection
Safeguarding Staff
Summary of Safeguarding & Child Protection for Pupils, Staff, Visitors and Volunteers
Aston Manor Academy is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care.
If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact the following staff member as quickly as possible.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sandra Coleman
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person James Forbes (Deputy Head Teacher)
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person EMMA SMITH (Pupil & Family Support)
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person Neil Turner (Deputy Headteacher)
Designated Senior Safeguarding Person DAN PRESTON (Sixth Form Assistant Head Teacher)
If these staff are not available please contact: Head Teacher: JILL SWEENEY
Safeguarding & Child Protection
Summary of Safeguarding and Child Protection for Staff, Visitors and Volunteers
Aston Manor Academy is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care.
Our school will support all children by:
• Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within the school
• Encouraging self-esteem and self-assertiveness
• Effectively tackling bullying and harassment
Where we have a serious safeguarding concern, it is our legal duty to report this to the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). Children’s Advice and Support Service (CASS)
If you have a concern that a child is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive disclosure (intentionally or unintentionally) you must contact the above named staff members as quickly as possible:
If you are unable to contact a member of staff in school you can contact children’s information and advice service on 0121 303 1888.
If a child or young person is in immediate danger, please dial 999.
The RSHE policy at Aston Manor Academy covers the important aspects of future choices that you will have to make, with the information that will be most of benefit to them.
The topics covered in year 7 to 11 will build on what you have learnt in Key stages 1 and 2 and will include:
1. Living in the wider world: economic wellbeing, careers and the world of work
Understanding; the rights and responsibilities of diverse and active citizens in the national economy, making informed choices in enterprise and ambition, developing employability, the economic and business environment, financial choices and the rights and responsibilities of consumers.
2. Relationships
Maintaining a healthy relationship, parenting, managing emotions, dealing with negative relationships (including abuse and violence), understanding consent, managing loss, respecting equality and accessing appropriate advice and support.
3. Health and Wellbeing
How to manage changes, maintaining physical wellbeing (Including sexual health), parenthood and the consequences of pregnancy, making informed choices, coping in emergencies (including first aid), the role and influence of the media, managing risk to ourselves and others and how to access help, advice and support.
As a pupil of AMA you are automatically a member of the library. There are lots of books both fiction & non-fiction that you will enjoy, including a great manga section.
You can borrow three books for up to two weeks then they must be returned. If you wish to borrow a book it must first be issued by the Librarian. There are lots of lunchtime clubs you can join including homework club, book club, movie club and lots of arts and crafts.
The Library is open every breaktime and during both KS3 & KS4 lunchtimes.
Food & drink is banned from the library at all times.
Home - School Agreement
At Aston Manor Academy we aim to be a learning, caring successful school, preparing our pupils for the opportunities of adult life in the 21st century.
To achieve this, the school has certain rules, procedures and expectations. These are outlined here in the home-school agreement. We ask you to read through this carefully with your child and both sign in the spaces shown.
Always make sure you are in your form room or classroom no later than the times shown on the school timetable. If you arrive late for school the punctuality policy below will be applied:
Aston Manor Punctuality Policy
1x late = Telephone call/ text to parent. Pupil is required to attend a break detention on the same day. Failure to attend will result in a one hour detention after school on the same day.
5 x late =
Parents and pupil to attend a meeting with the Head of Year. Pupil may be asked to work in isolation until this meeting takes place. 2 hour detention which will take place half-termly after school.
Continuous poor punctuality will result in a meeting with the Headteacher and/or school governors.
A late mark is recorded when pupils are not in the school building by 8:45am.
The proper place for you to be on a school day is at school! If you are not in school it must be for a justifiable reason, e.g. illness. If you are absent from school you must get an absence note signed by your parents. There is a place for this on page 35 of this planner to explain why you have been away. If you know in advance that you are going to be away you should bring a letter for your tutor giving the reason and details. If you are away for more than three days please ask your parent/ guardian to contact the school office and tell us what is wrong – it saves your tutor worrying. Attendance is directly related to achievement, you must attend to achieve!
Home - School Agreement
Your tutor will enquire about and investigate unjustified absences, possibly with the help of the attendance manager. If there are problems talk to someone first, your form tutor for instance. Truancy will not make a problem go away – it will probably make things worse.
Your attendance and punctuality figures are always requested by colleges and employers when they ask for a reference.
We do not accept that pupils take holidays in term time.
Aston Manor has to comply with the Local Education Authorities attendance regulations (01.09.2013) concerning pupil requests for extended leave during term time.
The amended regulations specify that ‘Head teachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.’
Any absence taken without authorisation may lead to your child losing their place at Aston Manor Academy, and a fine issued by the local authority.
Date Stamp
If your child’s phone is confiscated on two or more occasions, a parent will be required to collect it.
School blazer (black) and badge
Plain white shirt or plain white blouse
Black trousers or black knee length skirt
Plain grey v-neck school sweater with the school logo on (KS3)
Plain black v-neck school sweater with the school logo on (KS4)
Plain black low-cut shoes (formal - no trainer style)
School tie
Black/grey socks or tights with no patterns
Plain black head band/plain black scarf
NO MAKE UP – including lipstick or eye shadow - no false eyelashes or eyelash
extensions - no false nails - no coloured contacts
NB. School blazers are compulsory for all pupils
NB. Trainers or ankle boots must not be worn
NB. Trousers must be full length
NB. No sleeveless jumpers/tank tops/cardigans/hooded tops
NB. Hairstyles should be appropriate for school. Dyed hair and coloured braids/extensions or numbers, letters, patterns or shapes are not acceptable. Hair colour should be natural.
NB. Coloured contact lenses are not allowed to be worn in school.
Inappropriate dress is likely to result in your child being asked to return home to change into correct uniform, or being placed in isolation if parents are not able to be contacted.
• One small pair of studded ear rings in the ear lobe only
• No bangles/bracelets
• Face/tongue piercings are not allowed and you will be asked to remove them
• One small flat nose stud, no hoops or rings
P.E Kit and Equipment
Training shoes
Royal blue shorts or royal blue tracksuit bottoms
Royal blue polo
Royal blue track top
White socks (indoors)
Blue AMA socks
NB no jewellery to be worn
EQUIPMENT – basic equipment that ALL pupils should have
• Pen
• Pencil
• Ruler
• Rubber
• Green pen
• Calculator (Casio FX 83 GT Plus)
• Bag
• P.E. kit when required
• Books/folders required for lessons
• Pencil case
If you lose or wilfully damage anything you will be expected to pay for a replacement. This also applies to furniture and the school buildings.
Look after all your equipment carefully. Scissors, compasses or any sharp object must not be brought in to school
You must not leave money or valuables in classrooms or changing rooms. During PE lessons, store your valuables in a locker. Please avoid bringing expensive items or large amounts of money to school. School will not take responsibility for items being lost.
Expectations for Behaviour
1. Mobile phones should not be seen or heard on school premises at any time.
2. If a pupil is seen using a mobile phone in school, or a phone rings in school, this will result in a member of staff confiscating the phone. If you are seen with your phone in school then it will be confiscated. Your parent/carer will have to collect it from the headteacher.
3. No filming/photographs/sound recording without permission from staff.
Aston Manor Academy will confiscate a mobile phone if we believe a threat has been made/bullying has taken place or inappropriate material has been brought into school. Inappropriate material must not be brought into school in any format must not be shared between pupils.
We expect a very high standard of self-discipline and behaviour from all pupils at all times. We hope that by encouraging you to adopt caring and responsible attitudes at school you will behave sociably at all other times.
No pupil will be allowed to jeopardise the welfare, happiness or education of other pupils.
You will be disciplined for your behaviour outside of school if:
• A threat has been made / bullying or violence has taken place / a weapon has been used to threaten, intimidate or harm
• The behaviour will impact the orderly running of the school
• The reputation of the school could be affected
• No outdoor clothing to be worn in the building.
• Orderly behaviour in the corridor.
• Pupils must adhere to the Hands off Policy.
Expectations for Behaviour
A weapon is any article made, intended or adapted to be used to harm another human being. Possession of knives, a replica / pellet / BB gun, screw drivers and other sharp instruments are not allowed. Laser pens can be classed as a weapon and must not be brought into school.
We adhere to a HANDS OFF POLICY at AMA. Do not encourage others, or involve yourself in acts of violence. There should be no physical contact between yourself and other pupils especially pulling, pushing, slapping, punching, kicking or holding.
DO NOT VERBALLY ABUSE OTHERS - Treat each other with respect. We will not tolerate bad language, verbal or written, used against other people. The use of insults based on members of family, is particularly offensive and MUST NEVER BE USED.
We want all pupils to feel happy and safe at Aston Manor Academy and bullying is NEVER acceptable. Bullying can take many different forms but if you are experiencing any bullying you must report it to someone so that we can make it stop.
TYPES OF BULLYING (some examples)
VERBAL BULLYING - Name calling, racist remarks, homophobic comments, threats, spreading gossip or rumours, verbal abuse
PHYSICAL BULLYING - Hitting, kicking, pushing, tripping, blocking someone’s way, physical intimidation.
CYBER BULLYING - Using social media to put up pictures of others where you do not have permission, spreading rumours or gossip on the internet, name calling and abuse on the internet, creating a false internet account.
Other forms of bullying - taking belongings, telling others not to be someone’s friend, deliberate ignoring or islolating others, encouraging others to bully, bullying by text, social media.
If you think you are being bullied there are many people you can speak to: Friends, parents, Tutor, a teacher you trust, your Head of Year. If you feel you cannot speak to anyone then use the SHARP system to report what is happening and leave your name so that you can be helped.
Positive Discipline for Learning
1) BE READY – Arrive on time with the required equipment and in full uniform. Listen carefully and follow instructions.
2) BE POSITIVE – Show a positive attitude. Be creative, independent, and reflective. Work with others positively and be prepared to take on challenges.
3) BE RESPONSIBLE – Value all learning, contribute to school life and help others. Always do your best.
4) BE RESPECTFUL – Respect yourself, show respect to others and respect your surroundings.
a. Reminder
b. Warning
c. ‘You can do better’ stamp
d. Formal warning – ‘NIL’ stamp
e. Removal within department
f. Support Room Removal - restorative meeting with HOY and member of staff at the end of the day - one hour senior detention the following night - 3 removals per half-term will result in 2 hour detention with SLT - 4 removals meeting with Head Teacher - 5 removals meeting with school governor.
g. Fixed term isolation in Support Room (1, 2 or 3 days)
h. Formal warning, meeting with parents
i. Meeting with headteacher
j. Fixed term exclusion (up to 5 days)
k. Short placement at another school or provider
l. Managed move to another school or alternative provision
m. Meeting with the headteacher
n. Meeting with school governors.
o. Permanent exclusion
You can be kept in by your teacher for a 10 minute detention on the same day for the receipt of poor stamps. You will be given 24 hours advance notice for detentions of longer periods. Late detentions will take place the same day and parents will be informed by phone or text.
Rules for the School Site
1. Move calmly, quietly and safely around the buildings avoiding games or any physical contact with other pupils, keeping to the left where possible.
2. Pupils are not allowed to leave school premises at any time unless signed out by a senior member of staff. If a pupil is unwell they must be collected by a parent.
3. The following areas are out of bounds – car parks, rear of the gymnasium, side of the D&T block, area around the staff room, kitchen, stage and the banked area, unless permission is granted.
4. Please make sure that all litter is put in a bin. Look after your school inside and out.
5. Only clear water in Aston Manor water bottles can be drunk inside school. No plastic cups can be issued; water is available from the fountain.
6. Energy drinks are banned and will be confiscated.
7. You must not eat in form rooms or in classrooms.
8. Vandalism – damage to school property/site will not be tolerated (consequence – exclusion). Any damage may need to be paid for by parents.
9. Chewing gum is strictly banned from the building.
10. Items such as laser pens, scissors / compasses or any bladed items must not be brought into school or be in your possession.
11. Smoking is not allowed on the school site. Pupils are not allowed to bring lighters, matches, electronic cigarettes, vaping etc into school.
12. Fireworks and bangers are banned from school premises.
13. Dangerous behaviour may result in permanent exclusion.
Rules for Responsible Internet Use/Social Media
Aston Manor Academy encourage safe and responsible internet use.
These rules will keep us safe and help us to be fair to others.
• I will only access the system with my own user name and password, which I will keep secret.
• I will not access other people’s files.
• I will use the computer for school work and homework.
• I will only access web sites approved by my teacher.
• The messages I will send will be polite and responsible.
• I will not give my home address or telephone number, or arrange to meet someone, unless my parent, carer or teacher has given me permission.
• I will report any unpleasant material or messages sent to me. I understand this report would be confidential and would help protect other pupils and myself.
• I understand that the school will check my computer files and will monitor the internet sites I visit on all school devices.
• I will not download onto my area games / music or content that is not intended for school use.
• I will adhere to the home online learning policy.
• Parents will monitor their child’s use of social media outside of school.
• Parents to report concerning messages/posts to the appropriate app i.e TikTok, Snapchat and/or the police.
Consequence Meeting with the headteacher or school governors / fixed term exclusion
Home/School Agreement
We have read the Home-School Agreement and the pages that outline the rules, expectations and procedures for Aston Manor Academy. These include:
• Punctuality
• Attendance
• Uniform & P.E Kit
• Equipment & Valuables
• Behaviour
• Expectations for Success
• Rules for the School Site
• Rules for Responsible Internet Use
• Home Learning
• Social Media Guidance
We agree to conform with the expectations of Aston Manor Academy.
Name of Pupil
Name of Parent/ Guardian House Tutor Date Signed
Useful Contact Numbers
Online mental health community. Free, safe & anonymous support. Kooth.com
Aquarius Support for drugs, alcohol and gambling www.aquaruis.org.uk youngpeople@aquarius.org.uk
Childline Support or concerns for young people including exam stress, bullying. Mental wellbeing or abuse www.childline.org.uk
0121 622 8181
0800 11 11
Beating Eating Disorders www.b-eat.co.uk 0808 801 0711
Forward Thinking Birmingham
Help, support and referral service for mental health issues for children And young people 0-25 forwardthinkingbirmingham.org.uk
Young Minds Information and guidance for mental health concerns youngminds.org.uk
NSPCC Support and guidance for the protection of children and young people www.nspcc.org.uk help@nspcc.org.uk
NHS Smoke free Help and support to quit smoking www.nhs.uk/smokefree
0300 300 0099
For urgent help text ‘YM’ to 85258
Parrent helpline 0808 802 5544
0808 800 5000
Useful Contact numbers
Papyrus Hopeline Prevention of young suicide papyrus-uk.org
0800 068 4141 Samaritans www.samaritans.org jo@samaritans.org 08457 90 90 90 116 123
St. Basils Support for young people at risk of being homeless www.stbasils.org.uk
Stonewall Youth Advice and support for Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual and Trans-gender www.youngstonewall.org.uk
The Child Bereavement Trust www.childbereavement.org.uk Confidential support and information for young people and families.
0300 303 0099
0800 050 020
0800 02 88840 Umbrella Advice and support for young people on sexual health and contraception umbrella.co.uk
Child exploitation & online protection command. Safely report any concerns of online abuse.
0121 237 5700
Give Us A Shout 24/7 Mental health support giveusashout.org Heal Hub Mental health support for 14-25 year olds.
healhub.org.uk Spurgeons Support for young carers. spurgeons.org
Positive Discipline for Learning
At Aston Manor Academy we have a stamp system that helps pupils, parents and staff know how each pupil is doing with regards to the Expectations for Learning. These stamps are checked by the House Tutor in afternoon registration and they should be checked by parents at home as well.
Stamp What it means Points
This means that the pupil has met the Expectations for Learning in that lesson.
This means that the pupil has applied themselves less than what is required. It demonstrates an inappropriate attitude relating to behaviour or work.
This means that the pupil has arrived late for school in the morning or for the individual lesson shown. If late to school there will be a detention that night.
If late to a lesson
This means that the pupil does not have the appropriate uniform, as highlighted in the Home - School Agreement, or that they do not have the equipment needed to participate fully in the lesson.
This means that the pupil has not handed in their homework or for the deadline set by the teacher.
This means that despite a ‘You Can Do Better’ being awarded, things did not improve and their commendation stamp is lost. This is the final stamp issued before a pupil is removed from the classroom.
This means that the pupil had to be removed from their lesson to go to the Support Room. This is totally unacceptable. This results in a meeting with the Head of Year and subject teacher at the end of day and a detention the day after.
This means that the pupil was on time for registration, they had the correct uniform on and they had appropriate equipment from school.
This means that the pupil was placed into isolation as a result of poor behaviour.
This means that the pupil is not meeting the school expectations (in terms of behaviour) at social times.
Social times includes break and lunch time, moving to the next lesson, before and after school.
1 Point
2 Points
2 Points
0 Points Dept Detention
2 Points
Detention the following day
1 Point
Please note
3 Points in a week = Senior Detention
5+ Points in a week = Head of Year to contact parents to review progress and pupils will be placed on a daily monitoring report.
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Acceptance of IT
Aston Manor Academy, as part of Equitas Academies Trust, has published Privacy Notices explaining how we collect, store and use personal data. We can lawfully store and use data about you for lots of reasons, to help you during your time with us.
We also have policies about acceptable use of IT, which we will tell you about as part of the curriculum or PSHE. What is in these policies will help you in your work, but will also guide you about acceptable boundaries to protect you and others from harm.
We give information to parents and carers to help them to understand what we do. We train our staff regularly so that they can help you and help themselves. We are working hard to ensure that your life at Aston Manor is safe and secure.
Assertive Mentor/IAG Record
Date: Actions Agreed
Subject 1 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort Subject 2 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort P8 English Maths 5 + E/M Signed (Pupil):.................................... Signed (Mentor):....................................
Assertive Mentor/IAG Record
Date: Actions Agreed
Subject 1 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort Subject 2 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort P8 English Maths 5 + E/M
Signed (Pupil):.................................... Signed (Mentor):....................................
Assertive Mentor/IAG Record
Date: Actions Agreed
Subject 1 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort Subject 2 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort P8 English Maths 5 + E/M
Signed (Pupil):.................................... Signed (Mentor):....................................
Assertive Mentor/IAG Record
Date: Actions Agreed
Subject 1 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort Subject 2 Forecast Grade/ Working at Grade Target Grade Effort P8 English Maths 5 + E/M
Signed (Pupil):.................................... Signed (Mentor):....................................
PE Department IAG Page
Baseline /Entry Autumn Spring Summer EOY Target EOY WAG
Fitness Testing Autumn Fitness Testing Spring Fitness Testing Summer 3Laps 1M.SU 3Laps 1M.SU 3Laps 1M.SU
Tracking My Progress in PE
Date WAG How to improve my grade Activity 1: Activity 2: Activity 3: Activity 4: Activity 5: Activity 6:
Dispositions of R.E.
Date Club/Activity/Experience/ Workshop etc
Enrichment Reflection
Skills, I developed...
Enrichment Reflection
Date Club/Activity/Experience/ Workshop etc Skills, I developed...
Absence/Appointment Log
Date Reason Signature
AMA Expectations
Be Ready
Proactive & Resourceful:
Proactive: To make things happen instead of waiting for them to happen to you or being told to do so. Resourceful: Being able to find solutions to overcome obstacles/ challenging situations by using the resources you have.
Being Proactive and Resourceful means taking control of your own actions and finding solutions to problems to overcome situations.
Ambitious & Driven:
Ambitious: A strong desire to achieve a goal. Driven: Being determined or motivated to achieve success.
Being Ambitious and Driven means being determined to achieve a goal.
Be Positive
Open & Approachable:
Open: Willing to consider new ideas without being judgemental. Approachable: Friendly and easy to talk to.
Being Open and Approachable means being friendly towards others without being judgemental about them, or their opinions.
Enthusiastic: Having an active and motivated attitude towards a goal.
Courageous & Resilient:
Courageous: Being able to face difficulties with firmness and confidence. Resilient: Being able to adjust to challenges and not give up.
Being Courageous and Resilient means being able to deal with difficult situations and not giving up when things become hard or uncomfortable.
AMA Expectations
Be Responsible
Honesty: Being truthful and saying how something really is, or how it really happened.
Integrity: Being honest and having strong moral principles.
Being Honest and having Integrity defines an individual who consistently follows their moral principles and tells the truth.
Reflective: Being able to take a step back and rethink a situation by looking at it from all angles.
Thoughtful: Showing consideration for the needs of others.
Being Reflective and Thoughtful means you reflect on your past decisions, and attempt to improve your actions in future situations.
Compassionate: Being able to feel and show sympathy towards others. Empathetic: Being able to understand what someone else is feeling or what it is like to be in their situation.
Being Compassionate and Empathetic means understanding the feelings of others and showing sympathy during difficult situations.
Be Respectful
Being Fair:
Fair: Treating everyone equally, without favouritism or discrimination.
Accepting: Taking onboard another individual’s preferences regardless of what you may believe Tolerant: To acknowledge and accept the existence of opinions that may differ from your own.
Being Accepting and Tolerant means you accept individuals’ preferences regardless of what you may believe by showing respect, and courtesy when another viewpoint is expressed.
Kind: Having a friendly and helpful attitude towards others. Courteous: An individual who is polite, respectful, and considerate at all times.
Being Kind and Courteous means being helpful and respectful towards individuals by having a friendly and considerate attitude, offering to help when you can, and avoiding being involved with or creating situations that may cause pain or upset for others.
Commendation Stamps
Disposition of the week: Being imaginative and explorative.
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time
Mon 5
Training Day
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time
Tues 6
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time Wed 7
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time Thurs 8
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10 9.10 - 10.05 10.05 - 11.00 11.20 - 12.15 12.50 - 1.45 1.45 - 2.40
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time
Fri 9
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10
Parent & Teacher Comments
Maths basic skills /25
Full stamps Stickers Red dot
Week Beginning: Monday 5
English Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done
Maths Science Other Other Other This week I am reading....
After School Activities
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
Parent/Guardian House Tutor Signature
Commendation Stamps
Name: ..............................................................................................................
Disposition of the week: Appreciating beauty.
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time
Mon 12
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time
Tues 13
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time Wed 14
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time Thurs 15
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10 9.10 - 10.05 10.05 - 11.00 11.20 - 12.15 12.50 - 1.45 1.45 - 2.40
Arrived 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PM Reg on time
Fri 16
9.10 - 10.10 10.10 - 11.10 11.30 - 12.30 1.10 - 2.10 2.10 - 3.10
Parent & Teacher Comments
Full stamps Stickers Red dot
Maths basic skills /25 AttendanceRewards
Week Beginning: Monday 12
English Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done Due Done
Maths Science Other Other Other This week I am reading....
After School Activities
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri
Parent/Guardian House Tutor Signature
Information, Advice and Guidance
At Aston Manor Academy we consider it our duty to prepare you for your life in the future. That includes possible career paths, college choices and vocational courses. We will also prepare you for life at Aston Manor Academy Sixth Form.
Your First Point of Contact
Your form tutor is the person you will know best and they will be there to answer those initial questions that you might have about a future career path. Parents’ evenings are a useful time to involve your whole family in the important discussions that might affect your future.
Aston Manor Academy will support you by giving you a stable careers programme of career education and guidance. Throughout school you will receive good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities including our sixth form here at Aston Manor Academy.
Your form tutor is your first point of contact as they will know you best and will be there to answer any initial questions, you may have about your career.
Aston Manor Academy ensures you receive independent career guidance through a range of different engagements including; Assemblies, Workshops, Employer encounters and College/University visits.
From Year 7 through to Year 13 you are encouraged to use the START programme where you can personalise and follow a structured programme of e-learning activities specific to your age. You will be able to log all the skills you have and new skills you learn as you go through your journey of education. Parents/carers are also given access to START so that they can help you to make informed choices about options and future career decisions.
By using the START programme you will be able to engage with destination choices, record and collect evidence of experiences.
Learn to Work Careers Advisers attend school each week to give one to one interviews to all pupils in Year 9 and above. They will provide you with advice and guidance to help with your post 16 choices.
Information, Advice and Guidance
The Universities and Colleges Admissions Services (UCAS) will support you through application processes to University, apprenticeships and internships.
Aston Manor Academy follow the guidance of The Gatsby Benchmarks with the support of the Careers & Enterprise Company and continue to improve the careers programme for all its pupils.
Throughout your time at AMA you will be given a number of opportunities to develop your employability skills and knowledge of careers. This could be through trips/visits/assemblies/ workshops or visitors to school. This log will help you to record your experiences and to make informed choices about your future career path.
Useful Careers Websites
www.nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk www.startprofile.com www.targetcareers.com www.inspiringfutures.com www.barclayslifeskills.com www.tomorrowsengineers.org www.cgi-group.co.uk/careers www.accesscreative.ac.uk www.citb.co.uk/careers www.igd.com www.nchsr.ac.uk
Careers Intervention Log
Date Activity Outcome
3. Writing
Plan what I want to say either in linear bullet points or using a mind mapMake sure I have a list of all of the key vocabulary I am going to need from tiers two and threeCheck the type of text I am writing, (form) the pur-pose of my writing and the audience for my writing
Ensure that I am thinking carefully about my use of SPaG and asking for help when I need itEnsure that my handwriting is neat, with suitably spaced words that sit on the linesWhere appropriate, ‘say it, before I write it’
for Literacy
2. Reading
Scan for any words I don’t know and make sure I explore their meaning (ask a peer, a teacher or use a dictionary)Look at the title/ heading/ pictures for any clues about the topic of the text
Use a finger/ pen/ ruler to track textCreate a one sentence summary of each paragraph to check my understandingConsider the 5 W’s: Who? What? When? Where? Why?Highlight key words and annotate with my interpre-tation of why they are important
Use my finger to track the words whilst checking and correcting my SPaGLook for opportunities to ‘up-level’ my vocabulary
Use the 5 Ws to summarise the text with a partnerGo back and re-read anything I feel unsure aboutMake a list of the three key things I have learned
Wait for my turn to speakEnsure I am making a relevant contributionThink about the words I am going to use and try to include advanced/ tier three vocabularyFace the listener and do not obstruct my mouth.
Use standard English, a formal tone and an upright postureProject my voice and make eyecontact with the lis-tenerRemain focussed on the topic
Listen carefully to any feedback I am being given or what the next person has to sayDo not continue speaking until it is my turn againReflect: how clear was my message? Do I need to de-velop my verbal communication skills?
Academic Vocabulary
Cross-Curricular Academic Vocabulary: Tier 2 Target Words
1. Analyze: study very carefully 22. Illustrate: giving examples; draw a picture
2. Bias: prefer one thing over another 23. Infer: form an opinion based on facts
3. Classify: arrange into categories based on similarities 24. Integrate: combine parts into a whole
4. Compare: show how things are similar or how they are different 25. Interpret: explain the meaning of something
5. Conclusion: summing up main points 26. Justify: give reasons to support a decision
6. Contrast: show how things are different 27. Observe: examine and note what is seen
7. Critique: review something and point out the good and the bad points 28. Order: put things into the correct place or sequence
8. Define: explain the meaning of a term 29. Outline: organized summary of the main points 9. Demonstrate: to show 30. Predict: a guess about what will happen in the future
10. Describe: explain something with detail 31. Proposition: suggesting something to be considered
11. Design: to plan 32. Prove: give facts or reasons to show that something is true
12. Determine: decide about something 33. Recall: remember something that was known before
13. Diagram: make a drawing of some thing and label the parts 34. Relate: show how things are alike or how they are connected
14. Discuss: to have a complete and detailed explanation 35. Represent: something that stands for or symbolizes something else
15. Distinguish: to set apart as different 36. Restructure: put things into a new more appropriate format
16. Establish: prove or decide something 37. State: give the main points in a clear, brief form
17. Evaluate: determine the value 38. Summarize: give a brief account (include important information and leave out needless details)
18. Explain: give the meaning of something in order to make it clear 39. Trace: tell about an event or process in order
19. Explore: to discuss, examine, or think 40. Variable: something that changes
20. Hypothesis: educated guess based on prior knowledge 41. Verify: make sure that the answer or ideas are accurate by using facts and evidence
21. Identify: select something based on the criteria established
Literacy Skills
English – Grammar
Vowels a e i o u
Verbs (doing words): run jump
Adjectives (describing): lovely ugly Nouns (names of things and people); dog cat table chair nurse man
Adverbs (describe verbs); ran slowly walked carefully Pronouns (instead of a name): he she it they
Preposition (show place): in by under next to Conjunctions (joining words): and but because Opposites black/white wet/dry on/off
Abbreviations P.O. = post office Rd = road
Speech marks “Hello Mum”, he called Question mark How are you?
Exclamation mark “What a mess!”
Apostrophe Contracting apostrophe I cannot contracts to I can’t Possession apostrophe John’s coat (belongs to John)
Example of contracting it’s is short for it is What’s inside? is short for What is inside?
Data sheet
1. Reactivity Series of Metals
Potassium Sodium Calcium Magnesium Aluminium Carbon Zinc Iron Tin Lead Hydrogen Copper Silver Gold Platinum (Elements in italics, though non-metals, have been included for comparison)
1. Formulae of Some Common Ions
Positive ions Negative ions
Name For mula Name For mula
H + Na + Ag + K + Li + NH4 + Ba 2+ Ca 2+ Cu 2+ Mg 2+ Zn 2+ Pb 2+ Fe 2+ Fe 3+ Al 3+
Chloride Bromide Flouride Iodide Hydroxide Nitrate Oxide Sulfide Sulfate Carbonate
Most Reactive Least Reactive Hydrogen Sodium Silver Potassium Lithium Ammonium Barium Calcium Coper (II) Magnesium Zinc Lead Iron (II) Iron (III) Aluminium
Cl Br F I OH NO3 O 2–S 2–SO4 2–CO3 2–
a = or F = m x a
F Resultant force m Mass
P =
v - u
a Acceleration
F = k x e
W = F x d
m t
Ep = m x g x h
a Acceleration v Final Velocity U Initial velocity t Time Taken
Ek = x m x v2
p = m x v
I = V = P =
a = W = m x g V = I x R
W Work done
F Force applied d distance moved in direction of force
W Weight m mass g gravitational field strength F Force k Spring constant e Extension P Power E Energy Transferred t Time taken
Q W E 1
t Q t 2
P = I x V E = V x Q
I current Q Charge t Time V Potential Difference W Work done Q Charge V Potential Difference I Current R Resistance P Power E Energy t Time P Power I Current V Potential difference E Energy V Potential difference (Higher Tier only) Q Charge
Ep Change in gravitational potential energy m Mass g Gravitational field strength h Change in height
Ek Kinetic Energy m Mass v Speed p momentum m Mass v velocity
Physical quantity Unit(s)
Length kilometre (km); metre (m); centimetre (cm); millimetre (mm)
Mass kilogram (kg); gram (g); milligram (mg)
Time second (s); millisecond (ms)
Temperature degree Celcius (ºC); kelvin (K)
Current ampere (A); milliampere (mA)
• Two shapes are congruent when they are exactly the same shape and size. Two shapes are similar when they are the same shape. Similar shapes may be different sizes.
• Parallel lines are shown wth arrows.
• • Alternate angles are equal.
• Corresponding angles are equal.
• The angles in a triangle always add up to 180°.
• An exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the two interior angles on the opposite side of the triangle
Maths Angles a
b c
• A regular polygon has all equal sides and all equal interior angles.
• An irregular polygon has unequal sides and unequal interior angles.
• The exterior angles of any polygon always add up to 360°.
• The exterior angle of a regular polygon =
a = b + c 360° number of sides
Art Themes and Artists
Whilst studying Art at AMA you will explore a wide range of different themes in order to develop your skills and produce your own art work. Listed below are some of the typical themes you may come across and some artists that you may reference. The artists listed come from a diverse range of cultures and backgrounds. Some, you may be familiar with, some are very contemporary and modern and reflect the diversity in our school.
Greta Guzek, JMW Turner, Grant Haffner, Andre Derrain, Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Gaugain, John Constable, Jenny Kafka, James Gibson.
Kehinde Wiley, Chuck Close, Francoise Nielly, Taj Francis, Pablo Picasso, Rembrandt, Lucian Freud, Laura Wheeler Waring, Gwendolyn Knight.
Jonathan Green, Kara Walker, Jerrell Gibbs, Joy Labinjo, Kasssou Seydou, Henri Matisse, Henri Moore, Jenny Saville, Alberto Giacometti, Toulouse Lautrec, Edgar Degas, Faith Ringgold, LS Lowry, Alexander Calder, Jean -Michel Basquait, Andy Warhol.
STILL LIFE: Paul Cezanne, Ben Nicholson Margaret Olley, Giorgio Morandi, Padraig Lynch,Samuel John Peploe, Robert Joyner, Irma Stern, Mary Fedden, Maurice de Vlaminck
NATURE: Georgia O’Keefe, Andy Goldsworthy , Ernst Haeckel, Henri Rousseau, Wendy Roberts, Harold Ross.
LETTERING: Stuart Davies, Bob and Roberta Smith, Cecil Touchon, Salma Arastu.
PATTERN: Gustav Klimt, MC Escher, William Morris, Yayoi Kusama, Brigitte Riley, Raelene Stevens, Valerie Jaudon, Martin Wyndhem-Read.
ABSTRACT ART: Frank Bowling, Chris Offili, Wassily Kandinsky, Raanaz Shahid, Gheorghe Virtosu, Piet Mondrian, Jackson Pollock, Mark Bradford, Robert and Sonia Delauney.
Art Themes and Artists
Lois Mailou Jones, Goncalo Mabunda, Aboudia Abdoulaye Diarrassouba, Peju Alatise.
Shirin Neshat, Siddique Juma, Ayad Alkadhi, Mahmood Al Badi, Sasan Nasernia
Curricular Activities
Well-Being Advice
Early signs that you might need to take some action to support your mental health: Advice from pupils -
• Changes in your eating/sleeping patterns
• Feeling more tired than usual
• Lacking in motivation, even to do the things you enjoy
• Becoming less sociable, cutting down on time with friends/family. Spending more time alone.
• Making excuses not to join in with social activities
• Feeling low and negative about things that used to cheer you up
• Emotional changes, feeling more angry, sad, anxious or just feeling nothing at all
• Emotions more up and down, less predictable than usual
• Over thinking small things and creating anxiety
• Losing positivity, optimism about the future
What to do:
• Talk about how you’re feeling to family, friends, a teacher
• Feel able to ask for help. There are people in school you can talk to who will listen and give you advice. Do you want to name staff???
• Take a look at some of the resources on kooth.com which is a well being community online.
• Become an expert in your own mental health. Collect ideas and self help strategies, ask in school for advice on this.
• In an emergency you can contact childline.org.uk
Regular exercise and healthy eating are extremely important as they:
Help to
Help to
the risk of
Aim for a daily average of 60 minutes of physical activity. There are sporting activities to suit everyone, here are a few ideas:
Individual Sports
Enjoy and achieve
Remember, if you don’t want to compete in sport there are loads of clubs and organisations both in and out of school in which you can take an interest.
Make a positive contribution
Get involved in your local school/community organisation.
Find activities and subjects at school that you enjoy and help other people enjoy them.
Find more advice and information on healthy living at nhs.uk/live-well
As the internet allows you to do more online, it is extremely important to be aware of the dangers and how to stay safe.
Social Media
• We need to be aware of our digital footprint, which we add to whenever we like, comment, post or share.
• Never give out personal details in messages or in personal profiles.
• Never give your own, or friend’s details.
• Never meet up with anyone you meet online, remember that people may not be who they say they are.
• Remember that most reputable sites allow you to block messages from a particular sender.
• Be careful about who you share photos and information with.
• Remember to check security and privacy settings for sites that you use.
Secure Sites
• Things to look out for online before submitting personal or payment details
• A locked padlock in the corner of the status bar (at the bottom of the browser)
• The letter ‘s’ after the ‘http’ in the site address, e.g. ‘https://’
• Your web browser may alert you if you are entering an unsecure site
• You can find more advice about internet safety at www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Unfortunately, the world in which we live is not always a safe one. It is important to always be aware of your surroundings and to remember that if it doesn’t feel safe, it probably isn’t, so always act on the side of caution.
When Going Out
• Make sure a responsible adult knows where you are going and where you will be at all times. Call before you set off for home from a friend’s house
• Remember that there is safety in numbers, wherever possible travel in groups
• Always keep your mobile charged and topped up
• Know your home phone number or parents’ mobile number and address
• Never get into a car with a stranger
• If you need to ask someone you don’t know for help, try to approach a family group or an official figure, such as a policeman
• Don’t flaunt expensive personal possessions (such as mobile phones, watches, headphones etc) in places where they could be taken from you against your will
On Your Bike
• Always wear a helmet
• Always cycle on the left hand side of the road
• Make sure you have reflectors on your bike, and if you are planning to travel in the dark, make sure your lights work
Getting a good night’s sleep is a really important part of a healthy lifestyle. 8 to 9 hours per night is recommended for teenagers.
Don’t eat too much before bedtime.
Try and establish a good routine.
Regular exercise can help you sleep more soundly.
Try and have at least 30 minutes of screen-free time before going to bed.
Try to avoid having devices in the bedroom at night as the light from screens interferes with sleep.
Cut off caffeine - such as cola, tea and coffee - at least 4 hours before bed.
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. It affects how we think, act and feel. It can determine how we handle stress, the decisions we make and how we relate to other people. Everyone has mental health - we all have good days and bad days - so it’s really important that we look after our mental health.
In this section, we’ll talk about how we can look after our mental health and wellbeing including looking at some useful tips and techniques, as well as services to contact if you’re struggling.
Well, there’s no simple answer - because it could include a lot of things!
It could be that you’ve experienced trauma or are under a lot of stress.
Perhaps you tend to not be very kind to yourself and don’t practice a lot of (or any!) self-care…
Maybe you aren’t very confidentand have low selfesteem.
Not to worry, these are all things that we can work on by building up our resilience!
The mental wellbeing advice and guidance provided here was created in conjunction with the school mental health experts at Your Emotional Support Service (YESS) www.yess.uk 10p from the sale of these pages goes to support the services that they deliver.
Resilience is our ability to cope with difficult situations - how quickly are we able to bounce back after tough times. Resilience isn’t something you either have or don’t - it’s something that you can build on and improve with time!
When our resilience battery is fully-charged, we’re better able to cope with any stress that comes our way! However, as our battery starts to run out of charge, so does our ability to cope with pressure. This might be when you find yourself feeling really irritable, maybe snapping at others, perhaps even feeling really emotional…
This is when self-care becomes really important - it helps to recharge our batteries and help us be able to cope with life and all the stresses that comes with it!
Why not write below what helps to recharge your batteries and also what things can cause it to run out of juice… It’s always good to be aware of the things that may cause our mood to dip and also have a reminder of what can help us to feel like ourselves again!
Now we’ve started to think about our little resilience battery - let’s talk about different ways we can give it a bit of a boost! We’ll be focusing on…
Hopefully by the end of this section, you’ll feel like you’ve learned how to be more resilient and have picked up some tips and tricks on how to look after your mental health. So let’s get started!
Ever found yourself up late at night because your brain won’t switch off? Or found yourself worrying so much about something that you spiral into a pit of sadness and despair? If so, it might be because you’re an over-thinker! Not to worry, lots of us are… and there are ways to manage it. But first of all, what actually is overthinking?
Another common term used for over-thinking is RUMINATION Fun fact, this comes from the word for how cows digest their food:
When we over-think, this is what we’re doing with our thoughts - going round in circles thinking about it, chewing them over again and again, like the cows with their grass.
It can also be referred to as cyclical thinking, where we get stuck in a vicious cycle of our thoughts going round and round, feeling like there’s no escape from these thoughts and it can often lead to a downward spiral if we don’t break the cycle, like we see here... What may be something small soon spirals into a huge problem due to that pesky overthinking!
A cow will:
chomp down on some grass swallow it
regurgitate it (gross, right?) chew it over once more
I don’t think that test went well
...then I won’t get into collegeWhat if I fail?
...and won’t get a job
...and then won’t get into uni
...and won’t be able to pay my bills ...and so on!
It’s always those negative, intrusive thoughts, where we find ourselves brooding over upsetting thoughts and replaying them in our minds. Particularly for people who have experienced trauma, this can be detrimental both physically and mentally as it floods our body with stress hormones and makes us feel like we’re reliving these distressing situations.
A lot of the time, our anxious thoughts stem from us feeling like we’re not in control and wanting to regain that sense of control.
By bringing to our ATTENTION the things we DO HAVE CONTROL of in a situation, this can help soothe some of those anxieties.
Anything we DON’T HAVE CONTROL of, we can put to one side and (try) NOT TO WORRY about them.
This is a great way to really visualise what is (and isn’t) within our control.
In the smaller circle are things that we can control - such as our thoughts, actions, behaviours, words etc.
Other people’s words
Other people’s thoughts
In the outer circle are the things we cannot control - such as other people’s behaviours, actions, thoughts etc.
Why not have a go for yourself? Try drawing your own version!
Other people’s feelings
Other people’s actions
Other people’s behaviour
on the
The best way to get rid of ruminative thoughts is to get them out of your head.
If you can talk to a friend or family member about what’s worrying you, that’s great and having them listen to you may help lessen those anxieties.
You can also try to journal about these thoughtsgetting all your feelings down on paper so they’re not just going round in your head.
Sometimes, without even thinking, a negative thought may creep into your head… these are known as AUTOMATIC NEGATIVE THOUGHTS, or ANTS, which are irrational and negative thought patterns that fit into any of the following categories:
When a person exaggerates or minimizes how important an event is. The individual might believe their own achievements are unimportant, or that their mistakes are excessively important.
Making broad interpretations based on a single or a few events. For example, you once gave a speech and it didn’t go very well, so now you think “I always mess up when I speak publicly, I can’t do it without making a mistake”.
This one is very common, where people interpret the meaning of a situation with little or no evidence. This can be broken down into two typesMIND READING - interpreting the thoughts of others as evidence, e.g. “She didn’t say hi to me so she must hate me”
FORTUNE TELLING - expecting that a situation will turn out negative without any adequate evidence
Only recognising the negative aspects in a situation and ignoring the positives. So for example, you might receive lots of compliments on a piece of work however you only focus on a single piece of negative feedback.
Believing that things should be a certain way, which puts pressure on ourselves to be a certain way. For example, “I should be happy”, “I should be able to do this myself” or “I should exercise every day”.
...any of these sound familiar? Now we’ve got you thinking and maybe starting to recognise some of those negative thoughts, let’s talk about how we can challenge them!
The good news is that, with some work, we can learn to challenge our negative thoughts. The important thing to remember is that these thoughts are (usually) not rational, meaning that when we apply rational thinking to challenge these thoughts, we find that there is not a lot of evidence to back them up. So, with that in mind, here are a few simple ways to challenge these thoughts...
The first step in challenging some of these negative thoughts is being aware of them. Our minds will convince us that these thoughts are real, however try to bear in mind the different types of cognitive distortions we’ve mentioned and notice them when they crop up.
Following on from the last point, when we are aware of these thoughts, we can then take steps to stop them. When you notice a negative thought creep into your mind, stop and reflect on how accurate this thought is. If you notice yourself spiralling into a dark hole of negative thoughts, you can even literally say STOP out loud to stop the spiral in its tracks. Sounds silly but it can work!
Another way to stop these thoughts in their tracks is to ask yourself questions about how reasonable and accurate that thought is. Your job here is to act like a top-notch lawyer and put this thought on trial! Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself...
Is there another way of looking at this?
What would I say to a friend in this situation?
Is this fact or opinion?
Is this thought helpful?
Am I making assumptions?
What evidence is there?
What’s the worst that can logically happen?
How likely is it that this will happen?
SELF-CARE isn’t selfish - it’s a necessity. If we don’t look after ourselves - mentally or physically - that’s when our resilience battery can start to run seriously low, which means we may not be able to cope as well with any stressors and won’t be able to be there for those around us either.
SELF-CARE doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive - it’s literally any activity that makes you feel good and has a positive impact on your wellbeing.
If you’re struggling to find a place to start when it comes to self-care, a great tip is to practice what is known as self-soothing - this is when we use our senses to help bring ourselves comfort. So for example:
Self-soothing is also great for when we’re feeling overwhelmed by an emotion, such as sadness or anxiety, as it’s also what’s known as a GROUNDING TECHNIQUE
The purpose of grounding techniques is to help bring your awareness to the here and now, refocusing your thoughts on the present moment - a bit like mindfulness. They help you to pull away from any negative or challenging emotions, unwanted memories or flashbacks.
A really popular and easy grounding technique is the 54321 technique (see below for more details) - again, it involves going through the five senses to help you to focus on your surroundings as opposed to what’s going on in your mind.
things you can FEEL things you can HEAR things you can SMELL things you can TASTE things you can SEE
SMELL you could do some baking,
The aim is to help you to stop and think, as opposed to acting impulsively or spiraling down with your worries. By following this helpful acronym step-by-step, it gives you a chance to think and again brings you back into the here and now.
Take a breath
Put in perspective Practice & proceed
just pause for a moment take some time away from others ask yourself how you’re feeling
take a step back to gain perspective use your coping skills - what’s the best thing for me to do right now?
How well you sleep has a significant impact on how you’re feeling - have you ever noticed how you’re more irritable and/or more anxious after a bad night’s sleep?
Here are a few tips to get you started on perfecting your sleep pattern
TECH-FREE BEDTIME - try to avoid being on our phone for at least an hour before going to sleep, as the blue light from gadgets will stop the production of sleep hormones and will prevent you from feeling well-rested
CONSISTENCY IS KEY - try sticking to the same time, both for going to bed and waking up, as this is the best way for your body to get used to this new sleep schedule
OPTIMAL ENVIRONMENT - make sure your bed and bedroom are as comfy as possible to aid you in getting good rest. We’re aiming for a cool, quiet and dark environment to help send you to sleep
MAKE TIME FOR RELAXATION - add some relaxing activities into your night-time routine to really help you wind down before going to sleep. These may be activities like yoga, journalling, reading a book...
Finally, let’s think about where we may be able to access support if we are struggling. Asking for help and talking about your mental health can feel scary and strange. It can take a lot of courage to reach out - remember, there’s no shame in asking for support.
Do you have anyone around you who you can go to for support? It can be a friend, family member… anyone that you can trust. You might want to write down their names and contact details below…
Name Contact Info
Some people find it easier to talk to someone they don’t know - and that’s okay too. Here are some organizations that you can reach out to.
Text SHOUT to 85258 (available 24/7)
Call: 116 123 Email: jo@samaritans.org (available 24/7)
Call:0808 808 4994 or use online chat service (11am-11pm)
Call: 0800 111or online chat (7:30am-midnight)
Online Chat Support Mon-Fri:12pm-10pm Weekends: 6pm-10pm
of the World
Map of Europe
[222] Rn radon 86
[210] At astatine 85
[209] Po polonium 84
209 Bi bismuth 83
Pb lead 82
Tl thallium
[294] Og oganesson 118
[294] Ts tennessine 117
[293] Lv livermorium 116
[289] Mc moscovium 115
[289] Fl flerovium 114
[286] Nh nihonium 113
[285] Cn copernicium 112
[272] Rg roentgenium 111
[271] Ds darmstadtium 110
[268] Mt meitnerium 109
[277] Hs hassium 108
[264] Bh bohrium 107
[266] Sg seaborgium 106
[262] Db dubnium 105
[261] Rf rutherfordium 104
[227] Ac* actinium 89
[226] Ra radium 88
90 –103) have been omitted.
Please check your own syllabus for specific formulae that you need to know.
distance travelled = average speed x time
acceleration = change in velocity time taken
a = (v - u) t
force = mass x acceleration F = m x a weight = mass x gravitational field strength W = m x g
efficiency = (useful energy transferred by the device) (total energy supplied to the device)
HT momentum = mass x velocity p = m x v wave speed = frequency x wavelength v = f x λ wave speed = distance ÷ time v = x t
density = mass ÷ volume ρ = m v
work done = force x distance moved in direction of force E = F x d
change in gravitational potential energy = mass x gravitational field strength x change in vertical height ∆GPE = m x g x ∆h
kinetic energy = ½ x mass x (speed)² KE = ½ x m x v² power = work done ÷ time taken P = E t energy transferred = charge moved x potential difference E = Q x V charge = current x time Q = I x t potential difference = current x time V = I x R power = energy transferred ÷ time taken P = E t electrical power = current x potential difference P = I x V electrical power = current squared x resistance P = I² x R force exerted on a spring = spring constant x extension F = k × x moment of a force = force x distance normal to the direction of the force pressure = force normal to surface ÷ area of that surface P = F ÷ A
pH scale
We can find out if a solution is acidic or alkaline by using an indicator, which is a substance which shows different colours depending on the pH of the solution. Litmus can be used as a liquid or as litmus paper, it turns red in acids and blue in alkalis.
To measure to acidity or alkalinity of a solution we use the pH scale. To measure the pH of a solution we can use Universal indicator (a mixture of several different indicators which changes colour depending on the pH of the solution). The pH scale runs from pH 0 to pH 14
Weights & Measures
1 centimetre (cm) = 10 millimetres (mm) = 0.3937 inches (in/”)
1 metre (m) = 100 centimetres (cm) = 1.0936 yards (yd)
1 kilometre (km) = 1000 metres (m) = 0.6214 mile (mi)
1 foot (ft/’) = 12 inches (in/”) = 30.48 centimetres (cm)
1 yard (yd) = 36 inches (in/”) = 0.9144 metre (m)
1 mile (mi) = 1760 yards (yd) = 1.6093 kilometres (km)
1 sq metre (m2) = 10000 sq centimetres (cm2) = 1.196 sq yards (yd2)
1 hectare (ha) = 10000 sq metres (m2) = 2.4711 acres
1 sq kilometre (km2) = 100 hectares (ha) = 0.3861 sq mile (mi2)
1 sq foot (ft2) = 144 sq inches (in2) = 0.0929 sq metre (m2)
1 sq yard (yd2) = 9 sq feet (ft2) = 0.8361 sq metre (m2)
1 acre = 4840 sq yards (yd2) = 4046.9 sq metres (m2)
1 gram (g) = 1000 milligrams (mg) = 0.0353 ounce (oz)
1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams (g) = 2.2046 pounds (lb)
1 tonne (t) = 1000 kilograms (kg) = 0.9842 ton
1 ounce (oz) = 437.5 grains = 28.35 grams (g)
1 pound (lb) = 16 ounces (oz) = 0.4536 kilogram (kg)
Capacity and Volume
1 litre (l) = 1 cu decimetre (dm3) = 0.22 UK gallon (gal)
1 pint (pt) = 4 gills = 0.5683 litre (l)
1 UK gallon (gal) = 8 pints (pt) = 4.5461 litres (l)
1 cu decimetre (dm3) = 1000 cu centimetres (cm3) = 0.0353 cu foot (ft3)
1 cu metre (m3) = 1000 cu decimetres (dm3) = 1.3080 cu yards (yd3)
1 cu yard (yd3) = 27 cu feet (ft3) = 0.7646 cu metre (m3)
Sine Law
Cosine Law
a sinA b sinB c sinC = = a2 = b2+c2-2bc cosA b2 = a2+c2-2ac cosB c2 = a2+b2-2ab cosC
sin (A+B) = sinAcosB + cosAsinB tan (A+B) = tanA + tanB sin2
+ cos2
= 1 sin (A-B) = sinAcosB - cosAsinB 1- tanAtanB cos2
- sin2
cos (A+B) = cosAcosB - sinAsinB tan (A-B) = tanA - tanB 1 + tan2
cos (A-B) = cosAcosB +sinAsinB 1+ tanAtanB 1 + cot2
xaxb =
Addition: a+b = b+a a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c
Multiplication: ab = ba a(bc) = (ab)c
Expanding Brackets: a(b+c) = ab+ac (a+b)2 = a2+2ab+b2 (a+b)3 = a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3 a(b-c) = ab-ac (a-b)2 = a2-2ab+b2 (a-b)3 = a3-3a2b+3ab2-b3 (a+b)(a-b) = a2-b2 (a+b)(c+d) = ac+ad+bc+bd (a+b)(a+c) = a2+ac+ab+bc
Factorising: a2-b2 = (a+b)(a-b) a3+b3 = (a+b)(a2-ab+b2) a2+2ab+b2 = (a+b)2 a3-b3 = (a-b)(a2+ab+b2) a2-2ab+b2 = (a-b)2 a3b-ab = ab(a+1)(a-1)
Quadratic equation: For
= cos 2
= sec2
= cosec2
(x)a = xa (when x
0) (y) ya (x)a/b = b√
Angles & Triangles
Literacy Skills - Punctuation
Full Stop (.)
Use a full stop at the end of a sentence that is not a question or exclamation.
Example: Marianne closed the door.
Comma (,)
A comma is used either to indicate a natural pause in a sentence or to separate three or more items in a list.
Example: John picked up the apples, pears, oranges and bananas.
Semi-colon (;)
A semi-colon can be used as a pause, longer than a comma, but shorter than a full stop. It can be used to join two separate ideas, each complete enough to be a sentence.
Example: Sue came home late from work; the house was in complete darkness.
Colon (:)
Use a colon before a list of items, or preceding an explanation or example.
Example: I have several favourite foods: chips, pizza and pasta.
Speech Marks (“”)
Speech marks are used to enclose direct speech.
Example: “Quiet, class,” shouted Mr Smith, “as this is very important.”
Apostrophe (’)
An apostrophe can be used to indicate possession or when letters have been omitted. Example: It’s (it is) not your pen, it’s (it is) Nigel’s (possessive).
Parenthesis ( )
Additional pieces of information can be placed in parenthesis, that is between a pair of brackets, dashes or commas.
Example: Three countries, (England, Scotland and Wales), attended the conference.
Exclamation Mark (!)
Usually used after an exclamation or interjection to strong feeling.
Example: Help! That’s fantastic! Don’t touch that!
Question Mark (?)
Placed at the end of a sentence which is a direct question. Example: Do you have a pen I can borrow?
Ellipsis (...)
A series of three dots, used to indicate intentionally omitted content, for example to shorten a quotation. Alternatively ellipsis can be used to indicate a long pause. Example: “I cannot help it; reason has nothing to do with it; I love her against reason.” could become “I cannot help it ... I love her against reason.” (abbreviation)
“She wasn’t angry … she was just tired.” (pause)
Literacy Skills - Parts of Speech
A word that is used to name a person, place, thing, quality or action
Example: road, nurse, cat
Common Noun
A general person, place, thing or idea.
Example: city, shoe
Proper Noun
The name of a particular place, person or object (always spelt with a capital letter)
Example: Sue, England, March
A word that substitutes a noun, it often refers to a noun that has previously been mentioned.
Example: he, her, it
A word that describes a noun.
Example: large, red, sleepy, interesting
A word which expresses being or doing.
Example: is, shout, run, was
A word or phrase that modifies a verb, adjective or other adverb. Example: so, very, rapidly
A word or phrase that connects two ideas in once sentence.
Example: and, but, so, if
A word which links two separate phrases, clauses or sentences.
Example: however, then, therefore
A word or phrase which is inserted to express emotion on the part of the speaker, often followed by an exclamation mark.
Example: ah, cheers, thanks, oh dear
A word which expresses position in relation to a noun, verb or adjective. Example: the weather in Spain, flew above the clouds, slept throughout the winter
Exam Preparation
The key to success is LEARNING your work and this should begin at the start of your course. You need to concentrate in all your lessons from the word go and always ASK YOUR TEACHER if you ever have problems understanding the work - it will save you a lot of time when it comes to revision. The following six steps will help you prepare for your exams.
Step 1: Know What You Need To Do
• Obtain the syllabus for each of your exam subjects. This tells you what you need to know in each subject and gives you your topics for revision.
• What form will each exam will take? Written, oral or practical. What sort of questions will be asked? Essays, short answers, one word answers etc.
• Record the dates and times for each of your exams in this Student Planner.
Step 2: Plan Your Revision
• Devise a revision timetable for display in your room. Make sure that you stick to it, and mark off each task as you achieve it. You can download a free printable exam timetable from http://wav.ee/exams
• Block out the times when you cannot revise because of other commitments such as lesson times, after-school activities and times for relaxation.
• Start revising early in the morning when your mind is fresh.
• Build up to working in 45 minute blocks, taking 10 or 15 minute breaks. Include some longer breaks with rewards, especially after working on a difficult subject.
Step 3: Where To Revise
It is important to revise in the correct environment, if you don’t have a suitable space at home try your local library, or speak to your teachers about other options.
• A tidy, well lit, undisturbed place to work.
• A table giving you enough room for your books.
• A comfortable chair.
• All the resources you need.
Step 4: How To Revise
• Make use of the blocks of time already identified in your weekly revision plan.
• Enter the topics which you need to cover from each exam syllabus on your wallchart.
• Make revision notes using your class notes and revision guides. If in doubt ASK your teacher. Highlight key facts and ideas, definitions, formulae, theories etc.
• Use a separate notebook for each subject to build up an accurate and complete set of revision notes which are a condensed version of your original class notes.
• Transfer some of your notes onto index cards and use them to refresh your memory.
• Occasionally study with a friend and test each other.
Exam Preparation
Step 5: Focus Your Revision
• Practise examination questions from past papers.
• Look at essay titles, identify key words, list ideas and prepare a plan.
• Try ‘active learning’ methods using brief notes, diagrams, flow charts, tape recordings, word games and reading out loud.
• Cover what you have written or drawn, write it again from memory then check against the original.
• Begin to memorise your notes and index cards.
• Remember: Never try to memorise something you don’t understand. ASK NOW - it is your last opportunity!
Step 6: The Exam Period
Go through your revision cards during the days before each exam.
• Know what will be provided for you in the exam, what you must provide yourself and what you can and cannot take into the exam room.
• Get all of your equipment ready - pens (+ refills), pencils, calculator (new battery) and a clear plastic bag to carry them in.
• Check your exam dates, times and places again. Confirm travel arrangements.
• Avoid late night revision and make sure you get enough sleep.
• Eat regular, healthy meals.
Feel comfortable on the exam day and allow plenty of time for everything that you have to do.
• At the start of each exam read through the whole paper carefully. Check the instructions and underline any key words that indicate how a question should be answered. Don’t rush.
• Look and see how many marks are given to each question and plan to use your time carefully. Don’t spend too much time on questions that don’t merit it and try to answer all the questions that you should, even if the last one is just in note form. All answers must be in ink.
• Use your memory of your revision cards and diagrams to jot down key facts and ideas. Plan your answer carefully, only giving information you have been asked for.
• Leave 5 minutes at the end of an exam to carefully check your spelling, grammar and presentation.
• Aim to prove to the examiner how good you are.
After an exam don’t worry about the one you have just taken. Take a break if you can and focus on your next session.
Additional Resources
• Download your free timetable template form http://wav.ee/exams
• Find more help and advice about revision and exams at http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Spelling Dictionary
a a lot absence accessible accidentally accommodation achieved acknowledge acquainted acquiescence acquire actually addresses advertise aerial aggravate agreeable all right although amateur ambiguous amendment analysis ancillary anxiety apparent appearance approximate argument arrangement ascend autumn
b bachelor baffled beginning believed benefited breathe briefly business
c calculator calendar category ceiling changeable chaotic choice colleagues college coming commission commitment committee companion compensate competitively completely concede conceding connoisseur conscience conscientious consistent convenience correspondence counterfeit courteous courtesy criticism crucial d dabble debriefing deceive
deficient definite definitely description desirable deterrent develop disappointed discipline discrepancy dissatisfied dissertation
e eccentric economic embarrass embarrassment emphasize equipped especially essential excellent exercise existence existence expenses extremely f faithfully feasible fiscal foreign forfeit forty fulfilled
g gauge generalization government grammar grievance guardian
h harass height hiatus hierarchy i immediately immensity impregnate indispensable inoculate irrational irrelevant irreparable
Spelling Dictionary
The Solar System
can use these ‘traffic light’ cards to display how well you understand the lesson, or as a way to voice your opinion.