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The Park School PRESENTATION & MARKING CODES Name ___________________________________ Class ____________________________________
Presentation Foundation Stage Literacy Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will say my sentence before I write it. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot.
Presentation Foundation Stage Literacy Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will say my sentence before I write it. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot.
Presentation Key Stage One Literacy Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date, learning objective and success criteria at the top of my work. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book.
I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will say my sentence before I write it. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
Presentation Key Stage One Literacy Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date, learning objective and success criteria at the top of my work. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book.
I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will say my sentence before I write it. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
Presentation Key Stage One Maths Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will write the date and title and learning intentions at the top of my page I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book.
I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will use a ruler to draw straight lines I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
1 - 100 Chart 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 PRT5
2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92
3 31 32 33 43 53 63 73 83 93
4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94
5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96
7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97
8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98
9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Presentation Key Stage One Maths Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will write the date and title and learning intentions at the top of my page I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book.
I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will use a ruler to draw straight lines I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
1 - 100 Chart
Presentation Key Stage Two Homework Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date and title and learning intention at the top of my page I will always use a ruler to draw straight lines. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will glue sheets neatly into my book. I will always use a sharp pencil or a blue / black handwriting pen (If you have a pen licence). I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly in my homework book. Write
I will write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self-assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot.
Presentation Key Stage Two Homework Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date and title and learning intention at the top of my page I will always use a ruler to draw straight lines. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will glue sheets neatly into my book. I will always use a sharp pencil or a blue / black handwriting pen (If you have a pen licence). I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly in my homework book. Write
I will write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self-assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot.
Presentation Key Stage Two Literacy Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date and title and learning intention at the top of my page. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make.
I will glue sheets neatly into my book. I will say my sentence before I write it. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
Presentation Key Stage Two Literacy Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date and title and learning intention at the top of my page. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make.
I will glue sheets neatly into my book. I will say my sentence before I write it. I will hold my pencil close to the end and hold it tightly between my thumb and finger. I will sit with my back straight in my chair and make sure my feet are flat on the floor. I will position my book to write comfortably and use my other hand to hold the paper still. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
Presentation Key Stage Two Maths Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date and title and learning intention at the top of my page. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make.
I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will use a ruler and a pencil to draw all lines. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
Volume & Capacity
Weight & Mass
10mm = 1cm 1000mm = 100cm 100cm = 1m 1000m = 1km
100ml = 1cl 100cl = 1l 1000ml = 1l
1000g = 1kg 1000kg = 1t
mm = millimetre cm = centimeter m = meter km = kilometer
ml = millilitre cl = centilitre l = litre
g = gram kg = kilogram t = tonne
Presentation Key Stage Two Maths Steps to Success
I will always present my work neatly. I will put the date and title and learning intention at the top of my page. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make.
I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. I will use a ruler and a pencil to draw all lines. I will always self- assess my work next to the learning intention using a green, yellow or red dot. I will respond to my teacher’s marking.
Volume & Capacity
Weight & Mass
10mm = 1cm 1000mm = 100cm 100cm = 1m 1000m = 1km
100ml = 1cl 100cl = 1l 1000ml = 1l
1000g = 1kg 1000kg = 1t
mm = millimetre cm = centimeter m = meter km = kilometer
ml = millilitre cl = centilitre l = litre
g = gram kg = kilogram t = tonne
Presentation Steps to Success
I will not doodle on or in my books. I will put the date, learning objective and success criteria at the top of my work. I will use a ruler and a pencil to draw all lines. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will glue sheets in to my book carefully. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. 1
When using squared pages, I will write each digit in a separate box. I will always use a sharp pencil or a blue / black handwriting pen (If you have a pen licence).
I will write ON the lines in my book. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will ask a teacher before using a rubber in my book.
Presentation Steps to Success
I will not doodle on or in my books. I will put the date, learning objective and success criteria at the top of my work. I will use a ruler and a pencil to draw all lines. I will not leave out pages or leave blank spaces in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistake I make. I will glue sheets in to my book carefully. I will use a sharp pencil to write neatly on the lines until I reach the end of the line. 1
When using squared pages, I will write each digit in a separate box. I will always use a sharp pencil or a blue / black handwriting pen (If you have a pen licence).
I will write ON the lines in my book. I will only use colouring pencils to colour in pictures in my book. I will ask a teacher before using a rubber in my book.
Year 1 and Year 2 teachers and learners promise to: Learner: Always read through teachers’ comments after the work has been marked. Learner: Use the Steps to Learning in my work to make it successful. Teacher: Praise the successful parts of the learner’s work when I mark it. Learner: Self-assess my own writing against the Steps to Learning. Teacher: Tick the Steps to Learning the learner has successfully used in their work. Teacher: Suggest how the learner’s work could be improved with a gap task; check or challenge the larner with a gap task I have been asked to, at the beginning of the next lesson. Learner: Complete any ‘Close the Gap’ tasks I have been asked to, at the beginning of the next lesson. Marking Agreement Feedback Codes CL
Captial Letter
Improve Handwriting
Full Stop
Check Sentence Construction
Spelling Correction
Steps to Learning used correctly
Finger Space
Wow! I like these/ this word choice(s)
Teacher: Identify spelling errors whcih the learner needs to practise. Learner: Learn the spellings which have been identified by my teacher by practising them. Teacher: Model cursive joined writing when marking the learner’s work. Learner: Use cursive writing and, if my teacher models a join or letter I need to work on, practise it at the beginning of the next lesson and then use it correctly in my work.
I promise to: Always take pride and care when presenting my work. Use a sharp pencil to write with. Use cursive joined handwriting. Write clearly and carefully, thinking about the size and shape of my letters. Monday 6th January
Start each piece of writing with a date next to the margin.
Learning Challenge:
Uderline dates and titles with a pencil and ruler, even if I write in pen.
Record one digit per square in maths books. Rub out errors carefully. Cross errors out with a pencil, using a ruler to draw the line through the error. Always use a pencil and ruler to draw tables. Stick resoursces into my book carefully, using the margin, lines or corners of the page to help me. PRT16
Presentation z I will not doodle on or in my book. z I will not leave out pages in by bookl z I will begin each new line next to the margin. z I will underline the date and title neatly with a ruler. z I will write ON the lines in my book. z I will cross out any mistakes with a ruler and a pencil/ pen. z I will use rainbow writing to form my letters correctly.
How to present your work z Present your work neatly and tidily. z Remember to join your handwriting in all written work. z If you make a mistake put a straight pencil through it and carry on. NO SCRIBBLES. z Use a pencil and pencil crayons for drawing. z Write the date and learning objective on the left of the page - leave one line between. z Underline the date and learning objective with a pencil and ruler. z Always take pridein your work.
Key Stage 1 - Presentation z I will write the date in words. z The date and title/ objective must be underlined using a ruler. z If I make a mistake, I will draw one neat line through the mistake and start again. z I will write on the line. z I will write in my best handwriting. z I will not draw on my front cover or doodle in my book.
Key Stage 2 - Presentation z I will write the full date in words. z I will write the learning objective/title on the line. z The date and objective/title must be underlined using a ruler in red pen. z I will miss a line under the title and start at the margin. z If I make a mistake, I will draw one neat line through the mistake and start again. z I will write on the line. z I will write neatly and present my work in my best handwriting. z I will not draw on the front cover of my book or doodle on my work.
How to present your work Setting out: 1. Write the long date for English and the short date for other subjects on the top line. 2. Underline the date in pencil using a ruler. 3. Miss a line. 4. Write the DQ and underline it using a pencil and ruler. 5. Miss a line. 6. Write the Steps to Success (STS).
How to present your work Setting out: 1. Write the short date on the top line, next to the margin. 2. Underline the date in pencil using a ruler. 3. Miss a line. 4. Write the L.O. and underline it using a pencil and ruler. 5. Before starting a new piece of work miss a line and rule a line. 6. Start a new page if you have 6 or less lines left.
How to present your work in Mathethematics z Use a sharp pencil. z Use a ruler to draw a margin with a width of 2 squares. z Write the short date next to the margin (one digit per box) and underline it using a ruler. z Leave a blank line. z Write the WALT next to the margin and underline it using a ruler. z Leave a line under the WALT before beginning your work. z Write one digit per box when writing numbers in your book. z Leave a line after completing a question, before moving on to the next one. z NOTE: Rubbers/ erasers are not to be used in your mathematics books. Mistakes are to be crossed out using a ruler to draw one line through the mistake.
Expectations z Date underlined using a ruler z Key indicator at the top of every piece of work z One number per square z Use a ruler for lines z Present neatly z Read questions carefully z Complete purple pen when an action is given
Marking Guide All written books SP
Spelling mistake Words to be inserted
Word query
Add more
. , ... !
Small empty circle to show omission of punctuation marks.
Letters need to be changed for capital or lower case
Start a new line / paragraph
Maths SP
Indicates a correct sum
Indicates a sum that needs correcting
Indicates a sum that has been corrected
Marking Codes - To highlight or identify positives, errors and areas for improvement. Code (margin / above or below work)
Highlighted areas/Meaning Good example / strategy
Spelling Suggested editing area Omission
Paragraph break
Response not understood
Incorrect Response Reversal of letters / words Correction
Capital letter
Full stop
Oral Feedback
Marking Codes - To highlight or identify positives, errors and areas for improvement. Code (margin / above or below work)
Highlighted areas/Meaning Good example / strategy
Spelling Suggested editing area Omission
Paragraph break
Response not understood
Incorrect Response Reversal of letters / words Correction
Capital letter
Full stop
Oral Feedback
Codes for all written work WALT
Well done, learning objective achieved
Comment on ‘where next?’ if appropriate.
(adult led)
(adult support)
Well done Guided/ shared work with high level of adult input e.g. Sentence starters/ vocabulary/ questioning/ discussion/ scaffolding/ sentence ladder. Independent work, no support given. Incorrect answer
Next step marking/ challenge
Close the gap marking/ scaffolding
How to break the marking code I know how well I have done with my learning. LI
Learning intention
Success criteria
Group work
Talk with teacher/verbal feedback
Guided Finger space
Capital letter
Full stop
Improvement made
Learning partner
Peer marking
Cooperative improvement
One to one support
Supply teacher
Teaching assistant It is my responsibility to read through the feedback my teacher has given and initial the comment to show I understand. I will work on my next steps in future learning.
Marking Codes All Staff Supply Staff
Mark in red, write date and initials
Mark in green, write date and initials
Mark two ticks to show that the learning objective has been met. FP Underline up to three words spelt incorrectly and wrtie ‘SP’ in the margin to indicate. Write the correct spellings at the end of the piece of work for the pupils to practise. Pupils wrtie each word threee times.
SP Spelling
C .
* underlined
KS2 Underline between three and five words words spelt incorrectly and write ‘SP’ in the margin to indicate. Write the correct spelling at the end of the piece of work for the pupils to practise. Pupils write each word three times Where capital letters have not been used ovrewrite the letter with a capital letter to indicate. Where full stops have not been used fill in to indicate. Use asterisk (*) to indicate incorrect use of grammar or if the sentence doesn’t make sense. Model the correct use of grammar at the end of the piece of work using ‘Closing the Gap’ marking strategies. Underline dates, learning objectives, titles and headings using a pencil and a ruler. Assessment for Learning: •
2 Stars and a wish
Coloured dot with a pencil crayon (Traffic Lights) for self assessment
Comment for improving using ‘Closing the Gap’ Marking strategies: • A reminder prompt • A scaffolding prompt • An example prompt
How your work is marked SP O
Spelling mistake Needs a capital letter/ lower case letter Doesn’t make sense
New paragraph
Missing word or punctuation
Marking Work Mark all work against • • •
the learning objectives sucess criteria children’s targets
Teacher mark using red ink Supply mark using green ink TA mark using black ink
I need help I’m unsure I understand
light when work has been completed. Y5 & Y6 make an evaluative comment in pencil.
When marking all work
Extended pieces of writing
üONE tick indicates the child has almost achieved the LO
Always evaluate against a success criteria using
üüTWO ticks indicates the child has achieved the LO
two stars and a wish or the sucess criteria marking ladder Children must initial teacher comments to show they have been read.
Mark Work Against Learning objective Success criteria Children’s targets Corrections of children’s responses now to be completed in purple polishing pen Mark work using GREEN ink.
My workbook is a record of my progress and I must always work to the best of my ability. Signed:
The following stamps will show how my work was completed.
Teacher Assisted Work
T.A. Assisted Work
Independent Work
Verbal feedback give.
The following stamps will show my progress towards the learing objective;
You’ve achieved your learning objective.
You’re working towards your learning objective.
You’ve not yet achieved your learning objective.
What my teacher’s marking means; Sp
incorrect spelling
a new paragraph is needed
a good example
meaning is unclear
something missed out
When we are writing we will use;
In our maths books we will use;
• • • • • •
the long date and underline it with a ruler the L.O. and underline it the margin as the starting point a cursive handwriting style a black ink pen a purple pen to peer mark and respond to teacher comments pencil when drawing, including tables
• • • •
the short date and underline it with a ruler the L.O. and underline it pencil for all our work use squares as a guide to help us with mathematical drawings a purple pen to peer mark and respond to teacher comments
Presentation Steps to Success
My teacher will write the date on the left until I am able to. Literacy: Long Date Numeracy: Short Date Topic: Long Date Welsh: Welsh Date
My teacher will leave 1 line and write the Nod until I am able to.
I will use Ruler & Pencil to underline. I will use a Ruler & Pencil to draw one fine through a mistake
I will write on the lines I will apply my neat handwriting in ALL pieces of work
I will give my BEST effort to EVERY piece of work.
Marking Nod Achieved Excellent Work Good Aspects
VF underlined
Verbal Feedback has been given Spellings: 3 Corrected I will write these at the bottom of my book and practise. Grammar & Punctuation Error
Presentation Key Stage One Literacy Steps to Success
Use a sharp pencil. Shape my letters correctly, starting letters from the baseline. Put the date and underline it in pencil.
Monday 1st September
Write the learning objective underneath the date and underline it.
LO - Can I
Always use a ruler to underline. Underline each piece of learning before starting your next piece. What my teacher means when she/he marks my learning.
Symbols CL .
Meaning I have missed a capital letter.
I have missed this punctuation mark. I have missed out a word.
I needed to start a new paragraph. I need to up-level the word in the box. The word/ words in this shape are not used correctly here or it doesn’t make sense.
I have spelt this word correctly.
My teacher has spoken to me about this piece of learning.
An adult has helped me with this piece of learning.
All work should be presented as follows: Date
Title L.O.
Only write with a sharp pencil. Only use a pencil for drawing pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams and underlining. If you make a mistake put a neat line through it and carry on. NO SCRIBBLES. Take pride in your work and present it neatly and tidily at all times.
Marking Work Read teacher comments carefully and take note of the following codes:
Spelling mistakes and underline key words
Punctuation mistake
Inserted where the paragraph is needed To indicate a missing word
Indicates when a teacher has spoken to you about your work
Always see the teacher if you are asked to follow up a piece of work or if you do not understand the comments they have written.
Grades More support needed
Some effort
Has some understanding
Good effort
Has a secure understanding
Excellent effort
Pupil assessment: Use smiley face / traffic light to indicate your understanding of the work.
All work should be presented as follows: CWK or HWK
L.O. All finished work to be ruled off. Only write with a sharp pencil. Only use a pencil for drawing pictures, graphs, tables, diagrams and underlining. If you make a mistake put a neat line through it and carry on. NO SCRIBBLES. Take pride in your work and present it neatly and tidily at all times.
Marking Work Read teacher comments carefully and take note of the following codes:
Spelling mistakes and underline key words
Punctuation mistake
Inserted where the paragraph is needed To indicate a missing word
Indicates when a teacher has spoken to you about your work
Always see the teacher if you are asked to follow up a piece of work or if you do not understand the comments they have written.
Grades Attainment W
Working towards expections
Meeting expections
1 2 3
Excellent Effort
Exceeding expections
Good Effort
Meeting expections
Some Effort
Working towards expections
Exceeding expections
Pupil assessment: Use smiley face / traffic light to indicate your understanding of the work.
All work should be presented as follows: Date to be written at the top left. Title in the centre and underlined with a ruler in pencil. Only write with a sharp pencil. Only use a writing pencil for writing. Think about your letter and number formation, size and position. Take pride in your work and present it neatly and tidily at all times.
Marking Work Read teacher comments carefully and take note of the following codes:
Spelling mistakes and underline key words
Punctuation mistake
Finger space needed
Indicates when a teacher has spoken to you about your work
Independent work
Aided work
Copied, from the board or some other source
Dictated by child
Grades More support needed
Some effort
Has some understanding
Good effort
Has a secure understanding
Excellent effort
Presentation I will use a new page for each piece of work. I will write the date on my work. I will use a rubber carefully. I will take pride in my work.
Marking Codes A green / orange liner will be used to mark all pieces of work. Correctfine Answer Needs correcting V and a tick
We have to talk about your learning together.
Independent work
Guided Group
With support
A supply teacher taught the lesson.
A student teacher taught the lesson.
Presentation I will not doodle on or in my books. I will put the date and learning intention at the top of my work. I will use a ruler to draw all lines. I will not miss pages in my book. I will put one neat line through any mistakes I make. I will glue sheets into my book carefully so that they are straight. I will use sharp pencil for any pencil work. When using squared paper, I will write each digit in a separate box. I will write ON the lines in my book, forming my letters carefully. I will neatly colour in myself-assessment box to show my teacher how I found the task. Green = I am confident
Amber = I would like little more practice
Red = I don’t understand
Marking This shows where my answers are correct. A dot shows that my answer is incorrect. I will correct these in green pen.
This shows where my teacher has given me some verbal feedback.
This shows where I have a spelling error to address. I will correct my spelling using my green pen.
Ihp Ipp
This indicates a house point for good work or a presentation point for neatly presented work.
What are my targets?
These are the things I must work on to improve my work. Date
What are my targets?
These are the things I must work on to improve my work. Date
Presentation of Written Work •
Always write in your neatest handwriting. - Handwriting should be cursive, neat and legible.
Write with a blue pen only.
Always write the date at the top of the page.
Leave a line and write the Title or Aim.
Underline the Date and the Title or Aim.
Use the margin for numbers or letters of questions.
Leave a line between comprehension answers.
Paragraphs should be either indented, or use a new line, but not a mixture of both.
If you make a mistake, ink eradicate it or rule a single line through it neatly - NO tipex.
Do not graffiti or scribble anywhere in your workbook - you will need it for revision.
On the top left corner of your workbook write ‘Prep’ or ‘HW’ for any work completed outside of the lesson.
Always check your work carefully for mistakes and for spelling and punctuation errors.
If you are unsure ask your teacher.
Neat presentation with be awarded with ‘sigs’ and commends. Poor presentation may require the work to be re-done.
Marking Annotations Spelling:
Sp in margin and word is underlined
Gr in margin and word or phrase is underlined
Exp in margin and error is underlined
Write Np in margin and draw // into the text
Missing Words:
Draw /\ in the text and write in word into the text
Missing Capital:
Cap in margin and the capital letter