INTRODUCTION Thank you for your interest in our primary yearbook package. We’ve been producing yearbooks for over 20 years and have used our experience to put together a first rate package which gives students a beautiful memento of their primary school days, without requiring huge amounts of input from the school or parents! If you need any additional information, or need help with putting your book together please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team on 0121 454 9441 or at
HOW IT WORKS 1. C all us on 0121 454 9441 and let us know you want to proceed. We will talk you through the process, organise a suitable timeline from uploading your content to delivery and supply the resources you need to get started. 2. C hoose your cover, introduction, profile and montage page design style from our eight templates - see pages 11-42. 3. Choose which feature pages you would like to include from the examples - see pages 43-51. 4. C hoose your pupil profile questions from the suggestions on page 6 and complete and photocopy the pro-forma on page 55 for the students to complete, or speak to your adviser about how we can help you set this up online.
5. C ollect the individual profiles from the children and take individual profile photos, or use the photos that the school has on file. 6. Go over the checklist on pages 4 and 5 for each of the feature pages and collect any content that you need to complete those sections. 7. Advertise the book to students and collect orders and payment, we supply an order form template in your initial resource pack. 8. Transfer all of your content (in the form of Word documents and high resolution jpegs) and your order form to us. 9. We will design the book to your specification and send back a PDF proof for approval. Once approved we will print and deliver the books.
WHAT’S INCLUDED st u j r s fo ok! i h t bo All r e p £10
1. High quality colour printed covers 2. High quality colour print throughout on thick glossy paper 3. Perfect bound A5 landscape format 4. Introductions from the head and class teacher(s) 5. Individual photo and profile for each pupil (4 per page) 6. Up to 12 photo montage and feature pages 7. All of the support and advice you need!
Ja m Ad ie
Nic am s Fa kna v I’l our me: J l it cou nev e su amb o e n it w ty r for bjec t u Wh as a nde get: : PE r m Am ere n azin 12s Winn foo ing foo bitio ext: g tba t tba S n ll c he lle : A p t Pet up r, o e – r P rofes rs S E t sio cho eac na ol he l r
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Scie Nickna bject: ite su n Mr Favour et: Whe e r forg th I’ll neve up in ed day ipp tr sports Anson at ce r’s ra teache ademy doing ham Ac s ing es m Bir busin next: y own Where run m : To Ambition n ing fu
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A good quality version of the school logo
A good quality group photo
• •
An introduction of approximately 100 words from the head and class teacher(s) A good quality photograph of the staff members to be included
Good quality photos of each pupil Each pupils’ profile entry we can help you to collect these on paper or online)
12 photos for each montage page, remember to try and include every child at least once if possible
Choose your award headings (see pages 7 for ideas) Collect the nominations/votes for the awards
Choose to either use our suggested content, or submit your own list for each heading
s m NEWS OF OUR TIME da A • Choose to either use our suggested econtent, bo i m or submit your own list of articles Ja me: Jam ct: PE
g nin a je n n b REMEMBER, REMEMBER... i k u l s ic t: W otbal • A list of eleven memories to N include r ite e g ou for 12s fo r Fav e nev un der g l l I’ nty ter zin e a P cou as am t: St ssi ex it w e n f o pr e ere h A Et : W P n io , or bit r
es n ar Use the checklists to help you collect B everything you need for the content of your iyearbook. l a llie e i rt Amusing the esame The books are produced :M t: A
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the eld n e h o ol fi W : it et e sch r g u r h o o For more advice and tips check r f nto t Fav out the e v o e rds yearbook blog at n e a l m I’l s ca ime Edw g t w n Ki co unch ea : b t l o at nex et v e o l er uld pher Wh o ol o I w togra : Sch n o itio e ph b Am scap d lan m materials and processes as this nainformation bje k u c s pack! Ni e
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PROFILE SUGGESTIONS These are a few suggestions for your individual profile headings, feel free to use your own ideas too! We suggest that you choose four headings for the children to complete.
In 10 years’ time...
Favourite teacher
Favourite subject
Favourite saying
Final message
What I’ll miss about school
Remember when...
To collect the profiles either complete and photocopy the pro-forma on page 55 of this book, or speak to your adviser about how we can help to collect this information online. If you collect this information online, you will need to proof read and correct the statements prior to submitting them to us. If you are collecting this information by hand you simply need to type it into a spreadsheet, which we will provide (just let us know the headings you have chosen). This gives you a great opportunity to proof read and correct as appropriate!
Jamie Ad ams Class 6B
Charlotte Br Class 6B idger
Nickna Favouri I’ll neve county u it was am Where n e Ambition : footballer ,
Nicknam e: C Favourite harlie su I’ll never bject: forget: Go activity c entr loved can e in Ye oeing and Where n ext: St Pe ter Ambition : To be a WA have load s of mon ey
ame: Jam bo ite subjec t: P er forget: E Winning the under 12s football c up – mazing ext: St Pe ters A profess School ion or PE tea al cher
e Literacy oing to th e Year 5, I climbing ! rs Schoo l AG and
Nicknam e: Millie Favourite su I’ll never bject: Art forget: W hen the cows cam e field at lu onto the school nc Where n htime A elia B exmight t: King Elike These are some m suggestions you include in your book, but feel free to use your own arnes for awards that dwardto School s Classchools s 6B like to give an award ideas too! Some to every student (in which case you will need several awards pages), Ambition : I would lovawards you might need to repeat some awards, or lanengineer e to be a around the individuals. dscape p the hotograp her
Be a millionaire
Be a model
Be a professional footballer
Become Prime Minister
Win X Factor
Star in a Hollywood movie
& Miss Funny Nic•knaMr me: The Zakm iste Fav•ouritMr r e su& MisseGiggles I’ll never bject: Science forget: W hen Mr Anson tr ipp teacher’s ed up in the race atdressed spo Wher•e n Best ext: Birm rts day ingham Acade•my Loudest Ambition : To run m yo business doing som wn ething fu n
Mr & Miss Sporty
Mr & Miss Mischief
Most sporty
Most cheerful
Mr & Miss Chatterbox
Mr & Miss Brainy
Best Zhair
ak Carlto n • Biggest Classjoker 6B
FAQS We continuously update our online FAQs, check out for further help and tips. HOW MUCH DO THEY COST? Wave Ed: We have a fixed price for primary yearbooks of £10.00 per book. HOW MANY PAGES DOES THIS INCLUDE? Wave Ed: This depends on the number of children in the book. A book with around 40 children will have around 24 pages, a book with around 60 children will have around 30 pages. IS THERE A MINIMUM QUANTITY? Wave Ed: Yes, you must order at least 40 books.
CAN WE DESIGN OUR OWN BOOK, OR HAVE A CUSTOM DESIGN? Wave Ed: We do offer a bespoke design service for the introduction and profile pages and cover at an additional cost of £3 per book. For further customisation, or if you are designing your own book please talk to the team for advice. WHO DOES THE DESIGN WORK? Wave Ed: We do the design work for you, so you don’t have to faff around with colours and fonts and making content fit. You simply collect the content using the tools and advice that we provide and we do the rest. HOW DO WE SEND OUR CONTENT TO YOU? Wave Ed: We can either set up a simple online system for you to upload your content to (we create templates and documents for you to populate.) Speak to an adviser today to find out just how easy we make it! DO WE GET TO SEE A COPY BEFORE YOU PRINT? Wave Ed: We will email a PDF proof copy for approval before we print, so that you can check for any mistakes which we will correct before producing the books.
DO YOU OFFER ANY OTHER LEAVERS PRODUCTS? Wave Ed: Yes, we also produce leavers hoodies and autograph books, please get in touch for details. If you still have questions just drop us a line on 0121 454 9441 or at
For m o out t re advice he ye and t ar ips c www heck .year book blo book g at uk/ti ps
PAGE STYLES EXAMPLES Over the next few pages you will see eight styles that we have created specifically for the primary package. You can choose any of these styles for your book and adapt them to suit your school or preferred colour scheme. Each style shown consists of a cover, staff message page and an example profile page. Once you have chosen which style you would like to use for your introduction and profiles, please choose which feature pages you would like to use in your book. BESPOKE DESIGNS If you don’t want to use any of these styles, that’s no problem either. If you have a theme you would like us to design around or something you would like us to match the design to, let us know and we will create something to your specification. A bespoke design adds £3 per book, bringing the unit cost to £13.
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r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e
Your Logo Here
Profiles - Class 6B
Jamie Adams
Charlotte Bridger
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes
Zak Carlton
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own
Waveney Community Primary School Yearbook 2024
Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton
? Your Logo Here
Your Logo Here
Farewell Year 6 You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well! I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be.
Mrs Jones
Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students are getting on in secondary school and beyond. Mrs Jones
Your Logo Here
Profiles - Class 6B
Jamie Adams
Charlotte Bridger
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes
Zak Carlton
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
SCRAPBOOK DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc st ch mat extra co o at n
Jamie Adams
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Charlotte Bridger
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Zak Carlton
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
? Your Logo Here
Waveney Community Primary School
Yearbook 2024
Mrs Jones Class 6B
You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well! I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be. Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students are getting on in secondary school and beyond.
Jamie Adams
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Charlotte Bridger
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Zak Carlton
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
NOTEBOOK DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e
Jamie Adams
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Charlotte Bridger
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Zak Carlton
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy
? Your Logo Here
Waveney Community Primary School Yearbook 2024
Something that your Teacher said... Mrs Jones You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well! I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be. are getting on in Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students secondary school and beyond.
Jamie Adams
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Charlotte Bridger
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Zak Carlton
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
COMIC BOOK DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc h c mat ra cost Jamie Adams xt no e
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Jambo
Nickname: Millie
I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing
I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime
Favourite subject: PE
Favourite subject: Art
Where next: St Peters School
Where next: King Edwards School
Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Charlotte Bridger
Zak Carlton
Nickname: Charlie
Nickname: The Zakmeister
I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing!
I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day
Favourite subject: Literacy
Favourite subject: Science
Where next: St Peters School
Where next: Birmingham Academy
Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
? Your Logo Here
K O O B R A YE 2024
You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well!
farewe ll year 6
I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be. Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students are getting on in secondary school and beyond.
MRS Jones 25
Jamie Adams
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Jambo
Nickname: Millie
I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing
I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime
Favourite subject: PE
Favourite subject: Art
Where next: St Peters School
Where next: King Edwards School
Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Charlotte Bridger
Zak Carlton
Nickname: Charlie
Nickname: The Zakmeister
I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing!
I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day
Favourite subject: Literacy
Favourite subject: Science
Where next: St Peters School
Where next: Birmingham Academy
Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
ROTATING SQUARES DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e
Jamie Adams Class 6B
Charlotte Bridger Class 6B
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes Class 6B
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Zak Carlton Class 6B
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
? Your Logo Here
Waveney Community Primary School Pupil Name
Yearbook 2024
You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well!
Mrs Jones Headteacher
I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be. Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students are getting on in secondary school and beyond.
Jamie Adams Class 6B
Charlotte Bridger Class 6B
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes Class 6B
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Zak Carlton Class 6B
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
NOTICEBOARD DESIGN ur colo e h o ge t han esign t rs at c n d a c e ou You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost Jamie xt no e Adams
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Charlotte Bridger
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Zak Carlton
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
Waveney Community Primary School
Leavers 2024
? Your Logo Here
Mrs Jones Class 6B
You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well! I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be. Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students are getting on in secondary school and beyond.
Jamie Adams
Amelia Barnes
Charlotte Bridger
Zak Carlton
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
STAMPS DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy
? Your Logo Here
Waveney Park High School Yearbook 2024
You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well! I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be.
Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students are getting on in secondary school and beyond.
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
CHALKBOARD DESIGN ur colo e h et ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e
Jamie Adams
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Amelia Barnes
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a
Waveney Community Primary School
? Your Logo Here
Leavers 2024
Mrs Jones Class 6B
You’ve made it! This has been a challenging year for you all, but you have shown that, with hard work and determination, you can be successful. I am extremely proud of each of your achievements, especially seeing you blossom during the end of year production – you did so well! I wish you all the best of luck next year as you start your secondary schools and hope that you always strive to be the very best you can be. Please stay in touch, I do love to hear how students are getting on in secondary school and beyond.
Jamie Adams
Amelia Barnes
Charlotte Bridger
Zak Carlton
Nickname: Jambo Favourite subject: PE I’ll never forget: Winning the county under 12s football cup – it was amazing Where next: St Peters School Ambition: A professional footballer, or PE teacher
Nickname: Charlie Favourite subject: Literacy I’ll never forget: Going to the activity centre in Year 5, I loved canoeing and climbing! Where next: St Peters School Ambition: To be a WAG and have loads of money
Nickname: Millie Favourite subject: Art I’ll never forget: When the cows came onto the school field at lunchtime Where next: King Edwards School Ambition: I would love to be a landscape photographer
Nickname: The Zakmeister Favourite subject: Science I’ll never forget: When Mr Anson tripped up in the teacher’s race at sports day Where next: Birmingham Academy Ambition: To run my own business doing something fun
FEATURES e se th pages i m re sto n cu he featu ation a c You nt on t inform n te con our ow y with
back in the day on television
Marvel Agents Of S.H
The Big Bang Theory The Voice
Planet Earth 2
Modern Family
Doctor Who
Lip Sync Battle
favourite apps Clash Of Clans Facebook
Houseparty Youtube - Kids Instagram
what things cost
at the cinema
vie The LEGO Batman Mo
iTunes MP3 Single Do wnload - 99p us - £104.99
Scalextric Fast & Furio
Can Of Coke - 99p
The Fate of the Furious Wonder Woman
Incredibles 2
Avengers: Endgame n The Greatest Showma Spider-Man: Into The Ready Player One
Packet Of Crisps - 65 X Box One Bundle - £2
Junior Cinema Ticket PlayStation 4 Console
- £299.99
Big Mac - £3.19
Toy Story 4
Hello Magazine - £2.30
God’s Plan - Drake de 7 Rings - Ariana Gran
- £6.50
in the charts
Shout Out To My Ex -
Little Mix
Shape Of You - Ed Sh eeran
2002 - Anne-Marie
Sheeran] River - Eminem [Ft. Ed
Shotgun - George Ezra
Sweet But Psycho - Av a Max
Rockabye - Clean Band
2014: The 100th Anniversary Of The Start Of World War I
2016: Great Britain Voted To Leave The European Union
2018: Elon Musk’s Falcon Heavy Rocket Is Successfully Launched
2014: Scotland Voted To Remain Part Of The UK
2016: Donald Trump Became President Of The United States
2018: The Wedding Of Prince Harry And Meghan Markle
2015: Supermarkets Introduced A 5p Charge For Carrier Bags
2017: Britain Introduced The First New £1 Coin In 30 Years
2019: Greggs Launched A Meat Free Version Of Its Sausage Rolls
2015: England Hosted The Rugby World Cup
2017: Lewis Hamilton Won A 4th Formula One World Championship
2019: Manchester City Won The Domestic Treble
EXAMPLE CONTENTS FOR A TWO CLASS YEAR GROUP Headteacher Introduction 01: ....................................................................................
Class B Profiles 17: ....................................................................................
Class A Introduction 02: ....................................................................................
Class A Group Photo 18: ....................................................................................
Class A Profiles 03: ....................................................................................
Class B Group Photo 19: ....................................................................................
Class A Profiles 04: ....................................................................................
Montage (12 images) 20: ....................................................................................
Class A Profiles 05: ....................................................................................
Montage (12 images) 21: ....................................................................................
Class A Profiles 06: ....................................................................................
Montage (12 images) 22: ....................................................................................
Class A Profiles 07: ....................................................................................
Montage (12 images) 23: ....................................................................................
Class A Profiles 08: ....................................................................................
Back in the Day 24: ....................................................................................
Class A Profiles 09: ....................................................................................
News of Our Time 25: ....................................................................................
Class B Introduction 10: ....................................................................................
Awards 26: ....................................................................................
Class B Profiles 11: .....................................................................................
Remember Remember... 27: ....................................................................................
Class B Profiles 12: ....................................................................................
Autographs 28: ....................................................................................
Class B Profiles 13: ....................................................................................
29: ....................................................................................
Class B Profiles 14: ....................................................................................
30: ....................................................................................
Class B Profiles 15: ....................................................................................
31: ....................................................................................
Class B Profiles 16: ....................................................................................
32: ....................................................................................
One page for head teacher, one page for each form tutor, one profile for each student (four per page), up to 12 montage/feature pages (the book must finish on an even page). A typical one class (30 pupil) would have around 22-24 pages, a typical 2 class (60 pupil) group would have around 28-30 pages.
YOUR YEARBOOK CONTENTS 01: ....................................................................................
19: ....................................................................................
02: ....................................................................................
20: ....................................................................................
03: ....................................................................................
21: ....................................................................................
04: ....................................................................................
22: ....................................................................................
05: ....................................................................................
23: ....................................................................................
06: ....................................................................................
24: ....................................................................................
07: ....................................................................................
25: ....................................................................................
08: ....................................................................................
26: ....................................................................................
09: ....................................................................................
27: ....................................................................................
10: ....................................................................................
28: ....................................................................................
11: .....................................................................................
29: ....................................................................................
12: ....................................................................................
30: ....................................................................................
13: ....................................................................................
31: ....................................................................................
14: ....................................................................................
32: ....................................................................................
15: ....................................................................................
33: ....................................................................................
16: ....................................................................................
34: ....................................................................................
17: ....................................................................................
35: ....................................................................................
18: ....................................................................................
36: ....................................................................................
................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
Complete this pro-forma and photocopy, or ask your Wave Ed adviser to set up an online tool for your profile entry.
Name: ................................................................................
Class: ..........................
Header 1:
Pupil Response:
Header 2:
Pupil Response:
Header 3:
Pupil Response:
Header 4:
Pupil Response:
................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................
OTHER YEARBOOK PACKAGES Fixed p £15 fo ricing: r £19 fo softback, r hardb ack
• • • • • • • • • •
• Large portrait format books • The more you order the more you save! • Choose from our range of customisable design
Minimum order 40 books Large portrait format books 10 fantastic designs to choose from Choice of laminated softback or hardback covers
themes or specify your own bespoke design at no
2 pages of introductions
extra cost!
Form tutor/head of house messages
• Choice of laminated softback or laminated or leatherette hardback covers
12 student profiles per page 10 photo montage pages (up to 200 photos!) Student awards page Standard ‘News of Our Time’ and ‘Back in the Day’ pages
• Personal messages page
• • • •
Any number of pages Student profiles from one to 14 per page Choice of four montage page styles Range of standard pages to include if you wish
45-47 Stour Street, Birmingham, B18 7AJ t: 0121 454 9441 e: | |
Wave Ed