WavePrint Megabook Yearbook Info Pack

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INTRODUCTION Thank you for your interest in our Megabook yearbook. If you haven’t already seen details of our larger format Gigabook and Terabook packages, please get in touch with the team to request your info pack. Megabook has been designed to give small year groups (fewer than 100 students) the opportunity to put together a fantastic looking yearbook at a very low cost and without huge amounts of work! There is loads of information about the package and how to get started in this book, but if you need any assistance don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team on 0121 454 9441 or at info@waveprint.co.uk


HOW IT WORKS 1. C all us on 0121 454 9441 and let us know you want to proceed. We will talk you through the process and supply the resources you need to get started. 2. C hoose your cover, introduction, profile and montage page design style from our seven templates - see pages 11-52. 3. Select which feature pages you would like to include from the examples - see pages 53-59. 4. C hoose your student profile questions from the suggestions on page 6 and complete and photocopy the pro-forma on page 63 for the students to complete, or speak to your adviser about how we can help you set this up online.


5. C ollect the individual profiles from the students and take individual profile photos, or use the photos that the school has on file. 6. Go over the checklist on pages 4 and 5 for each of the feature pages and collect any content that you need to complete those sections. 7. Advertise the book to students and collect orders and payment, we supply an order form template in your initial resource pack. 8. Upload all of your content (in the form of Word documents and high resolution jpegs) and your order form using the simple online system or on USB or CD. 9. We will design the book to your specification and send back a proof copy for approval. Once approved we will print and deliver the books.

WHAT’S INCLUDED 1. High quality colour printed covers 2. High quality colour print throughout on thick glossy paper 3. Perfect bound A5 landscape format 4. Introductions from the senior staff and form teacher(s) 5. Individual photo and profile for each student (4 per page)

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6. Up to 12 photo montage and feature pages 7. All of the support and advice you need! Megabook is designed for groups of up to 100 students. For larger groups we include only student photos and names, no student profile content.




• A good quality version of the school logo

• A good quality group photo



• •

An introduction of approximately 250 words from the senior staff and form teacher(s) A good quality photograph of the senior staff members and form teacher(s)

PROFILE PAGES • Good quality photos of each student • Each students’ profile entry (we can help you to collect these online or as hard copies)

MONTAGE PAGES • 12 photos for each montage page, remember to try and include every student at least once if possible


• Choose your award headings (see pages 7 for ideas) • Collect the nominations/votes for the awards


• Choose to either use our suggested content, or submit your own list for each heading


• Choose to either use our suggested content, or submit your own list of articles

REMEMBER, REMEMBER... • A list of eleven memories to include

Use the checklists to help you collect everything you need for the content of your yearbook. The books are produced using the same materials and processes as this information pack! For more advice and tips check out the yearbook blog at www.yearbooks.co.uk/tips


PROFILE SUGGESTIONS These are a few suggestions for your individual profile headings, feel free to use your own ideas too! We suggest that you choose four headings for the students to complete.

PROFILE HEADING EXAMPLES... • Nickname • Favourite teacher

• In 10 years time...

• Favourite subject

• Ambition

• Final message

• Favourite saying

• Remember when...

• What I’ll miss about school

To collect the profiles either complete and photocopy the pro-forma on page 63 of this book, or speak to your adviser about how we can help to collect this information online. If you collect this information online, you will need to proof read and correct the statements prior to submitting them to us. If you are collecting this information by hand you simply need to type it into a spreadsheet, which we will provide (just let us know the headings you have chosen). This gives you a great opportunity to proof read and correct as appropriate!


AWARD SUGGESTIONS These are some suggestions for awards that you might like to include in your book, but feel free to use your own ideas too! Some schools like to give an award to every student (in which case you may need several awards pages), you might need to repeat some awards, or engineer the awards around the individuals. MOST LIKELY TO... • Be a millionaire

• Be a model

• Be a professional footballer

• Become Prime Minister

• Win X Factor

• Star in a Hollywood movie

• Mr & Miss Chatterbox

• Mr & Miss Funny

• Mr & Miss Sporty

• Mr & Miss Brainy

• Mr & Miss Giggles

• Mr & Miss Mischief

• Best hair

• Best dressed

• Most sporty

• Biggest joker

• Loudest

• Most cheerful




CAN WE DESIGN OUR OWN BOOK, OR HAVE A CUSTOM DESIGN? WavePrint: We do offer a bespoke design service for the introduction and profile pages and cover at an additional cost of £3 per book. For further customisation, or if you are designing your own book please talk to the team for advice.

FAQS HOW MUCH DO THEY COST? WavePrint: We have a fixed price for Megabook yearbooks of £8.00 per book. HOW MANY PAGES DOES THIS INCLUDE? WavePrint: This depends on the number of students in the book. A book with around 30 students will have around 24 pages, a book with around 60 students will have around 34 pages. IS THERE A MINIMUM QUANTITY? WavePrint: Yes, you must order at least 25 books.


WHO DOES THE DESIGN WORK? WavePrint: We do the design work for you, so you don’t have to faff around with colours and fonts and making content fit. You simply collect the content using the tools and advice that we provide and we do the rest. HOW DO WE SEND OUR CONTENT TO YOU? WavePrint: We can either set up a simple online system for you to upload your content to (we create templates and documents for you to populate), or we will send the documents and folders on USB for you to copy your content to and return by post. Speak to an adviser today to find out just how easy we make it! DO WE GET TO SEE A COPY BEFORE YOU PRINT? WavePrint: We will email a PDF proof copy for approval before we print, so that you can check for any mistakes which we will correct before producing the books.

DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER YEARBOOK PACKAGES? WavePrint: Yes, for full details of our secondary school yearbook packages visit yearbooks.co.uk/secondary or call us on 0121 454 9441 DO YOU OFFER ANY OTHER LEAVERS PRODUCTS? WavePrint: Yes, we also produce leavers hoodies, autograph books and commemorative pens, so please get in touch for details. If you still have questions just drop us a line on 0121 454 9441 or at info@waveprint.co.uk

tips check dvice and For more a at rbook blog out the yea /tips k .u o ooks.c www.yearb


PAGE STYLES EXAMPLES Over the next few pages you will see seven styles that we have created specifically for the Megabook package. You can choose any of these styles for your book and adapt them to suit your school or preferred colour scheme. Each style shown consists of a cover, staff message page and an example profile page. Once you have chosen which style you would like to use for your introduction and profiles, please choose which feature pages you would like to use in your book. BESPOKE DESIGNS If you don’t want to use any of these styles, that’s no problem either. If you have a theme you would like us to design around or something you would like us to match the design to, let us know and we will create something to your specification. A bespoke design adds £3 per book, bringing the unit cost to £11.


SNAPSHOT DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e



Waveney Park High School Yearbook 2017

Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton Jamie Adams Amelia Barnes Charlotte Bridger Zak Carlton

? Your Logo Here





SCRAPBOOK DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc st ch mat extra co o at n


? Your Logo Here

Waveney Park High School


Yearbook 2017





NOTEBOOK DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e


? Your Logo Here

Waveney Park High School Yearbook 2017






COMIC BOOK DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e


? Your Logo Here


24 30

K O O B R A YE 2017





ROTATING SQUARES DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e


? Your Logo Here


Waveney Community Primary School

Yearbook 2017





NOTICEBOARD DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e


Waveney Park High School


Leavers 2017

? Your Logo Here





STAMPS DESIGN r olou c e e th ang sign to s at h c can e de our You e of th ool col h m sche your sc ch mat ra cost xt no e


? Your Logo Here


Waveney Park High School Yearbook 2017





FEATURES e se th pages i m re sto n cu he featu ation a c You nt on t inform n te con our ow y with


Back in the day on television

Big Hero 6

Inside Out

iTunes MP3 Single Do wnload - 99p - £6.50 Junior Cinema Ticket


Doctor Who


Can Of Coke - 38p

p Packet Of Crisps - 49

Star Wars: The Force Aw akens

Modern Family

Lip Sync Battle

Big Mac - £2.69

Guardians Of The Galax y

The Simpsons

The Muppets

us - £104.99 Scalextric Fast & Furio

The Lego Movie

The Big Bang Theory


Now That’s What I Ca ll Music 92 CD - £11.50

at the cinema

Marvel Agents Of S.H. I.E.L.D.

X Factor

what things cost

PlayStation 4 Console - £299.99

Kung Fu Panda 3

Hello Magazine - £2.99

Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice

favourite apps Clash of Clans Candy Crush


YouTube Angry Birds

in the charts Minecraft WhatsApp Musical.ly

History - One Direction

7 Years - Lukas Graham

ake] Work - Rihanna [Ft. Dr Hello - Adele

Love Yourself - Justin Bieber


2014: The 100th Anniversary Of The Start Of World War I

2015: Lithuania Officially Adopts The Euro As Its Currency

2016: North Korea Successfully Tests Solid-Fuel Rocket Engine

2014: Scotland Votes To Remain Part Of The UK

2015: A Ceasefire Agreement Is Reached In The Ukraine Conflict

2016: Three Bombs Are Detonated In Brussels By ISIL Terrorists

2014: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 Is Shot Down Over Ukraine

2015: NASA’s Dawn Probe Enters Orbit Around Ceres

2016: The UK Holds A Referendum On Whether To Remain In The EU

2014: Germany Won The FIFA World Cup In Brazil

2015: England Hosted The Rugby World Cup


2016: England Won The RBS Six Nations as well as the Grand Slam





EXAMPLE CONTENTS FOR A TWO CLASS YEAR GROUP 01: .................................................................................... Headteacher Introduction

17: .................................................................................... Form 11B Profiles

.................................................................................... Form 11A Introduction 02:

.................................................................................... Form 11A Group Photo 18:

03: .................................................................................... Form 11A Profiles

19: .................................................................................... Class 11B Group Photo

.................................................................................... Form 11A Profiles 04:

Montage 20: ....................................................................................

05: .................................................................................... Form 11A Profiles

Montage 21: ....................................................................................

.................................................................................... Form 11A Profiles 06:

Montage 22: ....................................................................................

07: .................................................................................... Form 11A Profiles

Montage 23: ....................................................................................

.................................................................................... Form 11A Profiles 08:

.................................................................................... Back in the Day 24:

09: .................................................................................... Form 11A Profiles

25: .................................................................................... News of Our Time

.................................................................................... Form 11B Introduction 10:

Awards 26: ....................................................................................

11: .................................................................................... Form 11B Profiles

27: .................................................................................... Remember Remember...

.................................................................................... Form 11B Profiles 12:

Autographs 28: ....................................................................................

13: .................................................................................... Form 11B Profiles

29: ....................................................................................

.................................................................................... Form 11B Profiles 14:

30: ....................................................................................

15: .................................................................................... Form 11B Profiles

31: ....................................................................................

.................................................................................... Form 11B Profiles 16:

32: ....................................................................................

How many pages can I have?


One page for head teacher, one page for each form tutor, one profile for each student (four per page), up to 12 montage/ feature pages (the book must finish on an even page). A typical 60 student year group would have around 28-30 pages, a typical 80 student year group would have around 34-36 pages.


Don’t forget to check page 3 for details of how many pages you can have. 01: ....................................................................................

19: ....................................................................................

02: ....................................................................................

20: ....................................................................................

03: ....................................................................................

21: ....................................................................................

04: ....................................................................................

22: ....................................................................................

05: ....................................................................................

23: ....................................................................................

06: ....................................................................................

24: ....................................................................................

07: ....................................................................................

25: ....................................................................................

08: ....................................................................................

26: ....................................................................................

09: ....................................................................................

27: ....................................................................................

10: ....................................................................................

28: ....................................................................................

11: ....................................................................................

29: ....................................................................................

12: ....................................................................................

30: ....................................................................................

13: ....................................................................................

31: ....................................................................................

14: ....................................................................................

32: ....................................................................................

15: ....................................................................................

33: ....................................................................................

16: ....................................................................................

34: ....................................................................................

17: ....................................................................................

35: ....................................................................................

18: ....................................................................................

36: ....................................................................................



................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................


Complete this pro-forma and photocopy, or ask your WavePrint adviser to set up an online tool for your profile entry.

Name: ................................................................................ Class: .......................... Header 1:

Pupil Response:

........................................... .................................................................................... ........................................... .................................................................................... Header 2:

Pupil Response:

........................................... .................................................................................... ........................................... .................................................................................... Header 3:

Pupil Response:

........................................... .................................................................................... ........................................... .................................................................................... Header 4:

Pupil Response:

........................................... ....................................................................................


........................................... ....................................................................................


................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................


LEAVERS HOODIES • • • • • • • •

Optional of embroidered logo on the chest Large printed design on the back Optional individual personalisation Five fantastic packages 50 colours to choose from Minimum order 25 hoodies From just £16.50 each! Online ordering

45-47 Stour Street, Birmingham, B18 7AJ t: 0121 454 9441 e: info@waveprint.co.uk www.waveprint.co.uk | www.yearbooks.co.uk www.leavers-clothing.co.uk | www.homeworkplanners.co.uk

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