Whoc a nt a k epa r t ?
Any onea g e16a ndov e rc a n t a k epa r ti nt hi sc ha l l e ng e . I f y oua r eunde r18y ouwi l l ne e dt oha v epa r e nt a l c ons e nt . T he r ei snouppe r a g el i mi ta ndy oudon’ tne e d t oha v ea nye x pe r i e nc e . Al l t het r a i ni ngy oune e dwi l l be pr ov i de dont heda y .
Whoor g a ni s est he a bs ei l ? T hea bs e i l i sor g a ni s e dbyAcv eCha r i t yE v e nt s , t he f undr a i s i ngdi v i s i onofChe s tHe a r ta ndS t r ok eS c ot l a nd. Wa v e r l e yCa r ebuy sapl a c ei nt hee v e ntf ory oua ndi n r e t ur na s k st ha ty oua g r e et or a i s eami ni mums pons or s hi p a mountof£125. I fy oupul l outwesl l ha v et opa yf ort he pl a c es oi ti si mpor t a ntt ha ty oua r es ur ey ouwa ntt og o a he a dbe f or ey our e g i s t e r .
Wher edoesi tt a k e pl a c ea ndwi l l I g e tmy f ee twe t ? T hea bs e i l t a k e spl a c ei nS out hQue e ns f e r r y out s i det heHa we sI nn. Re g i s t r aont a k e spl a c e wi t hi nt heHa we sI nni t s e l fa ndy ouwi l l he a d outt ot heg a r de nt og e tk ie dupt he nwa l kup t hehi l l be hi ndt heI nnt oa c c e s st hebr i dg e . Y out he nwa l ka l ongt hee ng i ne e r i ngpl a or m unde r ne a t ht hebr i dg ea nda bs e i l downt ot hebe a c hbe l ow. Y ouc a ng e tt oS out hQue e ns f e r r ybyt r a i nt oDa l me nyS t aon orbybusf r omE di nbur g h. We a rc omf or t a bl ec l ot he s s ui t a bl ef ort hewe a t he ron t heda yoft hea bs e i l . We wi l l pr ov i dey ouwi t ha l ov e l yWa v e r l e yCa r et s hi r t t owe a ra nda l l y ours a f e t y k i ti spr ov i de df ory ouon t heda y , j us tma k es ur et o we a r“ s e ns i bl e ”s hoe s !
Wha ts houl dI wea r ?
S oundg ood?
I fy ouha v ea nyque sonspl e a s ec a l l J a neon 01315569710orema i l a dmi n@wa v er l e y c a r e. or g
I fy ouwa ntt os i g nupr e a dona ndfil l outt he r e g i s t r aonf or mbe l ow.
ACTIVE CHARITY EVENTS Glasgow Regional Office: 103 Clarkston Road, Glasgow G44 3BL Tel: 0845 450 2000 ~ Email: val.stewart@chss.org.uk
Dear Supporter,
Forth Rail Bridge Abseil - Sunday 8th May 2011 Thank you for requesting a registration pack for the Forth Rail Bridge Abseil in aid of Waverley Care on Sunday 8th May. Your pack includes: further information about the abseil the registration form for you to print out Places are strictly limited, on a first-come first-served basis, so please complete and return your registration form NOW to guarantee your place at this year’s abseil. The registration form should be printed, filled in and returned together with your minimum sponsorship payment of £20. This should be in the form of a cheque made payable to Waverley Care. Please return the form to: ACE Fundraising, FREEPOST SCO5799, GLASGOW G44 3BR. We will then send you confirmation of your place (and an estimate of your abseil time), together with a sponsorship form and an information booklet about the abseil. Thank you for your support – we look forward to receiving your completed registration form and to meeting you on 8th May. Yours sincerely, Val Stewart Events Administrator
ACE Forth Rail Bridge Abseil: Venue: Date:
South Queensferry, near Edinburgh Sunday 8th May 2011
This unique challenge is your chance to abseil 165ft SAS style (i.e. free fall) from the Forth Rail Bridge onto the beach below – a real adrenaline rush for the daring and the ultimate challenge for the rest of us! The Forth Rail Bridge is an iconic landmark and we are extremely grateful to Network Rail for allowing us to use the bridge for this fantastic charity event. To take part in this unique challenge, all we ask is that you raise a minimum of £125 in sponsorship - £20 in advance sponsorship (made payable to the charity you are supporting but sent to us with your registration form) and the balance of £105 (and anything over that!) being brought to the event on the day. (This may be in the form of a post-dated cheque, giving you a month to collect in sponsorship pledges.) Because we are concerned for your safety at all times, we employ specialists with many years’ experience to run these abseils for us. We also ensure that suitable first-aid cover is available and that our events are marshalled. We should be grateful if all participants and spectators would heed any requests and/or instructions given by the marshals. The instructors will give you safety training and expert tuition before you abseil, so previous experience is not necessary. You will be provided with helmet, gloves, harnesses and all safety equipment for the abseil, and we suggest you wear comfortable, practical clothing and sturdy footwear. A note of what to wear (and what not to wear) is included in our events information sheet (sent on registration). Entries from disabled participants are welcome. However, to be accommodated accordingly, please inform us of the nature and level of disability. There is no maximum age limit! The minimum age limit is sixteen, and those under eighteen require the consent of their parent or guardian before they may participate. There are no weight restrictions with this challenge. All participants should be in good general health. If in doubt, please consult your doctor. Timings: Once you have registered, your abseil time will be confirmed. However, please note that this is the time at which we will call you forward to start kitting up, etc. It is not the time of your actual abseil, which should take place 20-30 minutes later. For the smooth running of the event, it is very important that you arrive to register no less than half-an-hour before your given time. Cancellation: In the event of high winds, we may have to cancel an abseil, but inclement weather (such as rain) does not usually prevent an abseil from taking place. Should an abseil be cancelled, we will try to offer a different date, so that the abseil can be completed. If you have any other queries, please feel free to contact us on the ACE Hotline:
0845 450 2000 The event organisers carry £10 million public liability insurance. Please note, however, that this is NOT personal accident insurance and you may wish to speak to your insurance agent to take out such cover through your household policy.
ACE Fundraising is the fundraising division of Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland and works with a number of Scottish Charities. Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland and CHSS are operating names of The Chest, Heart & Stroke Association Scotland a registered Scottish charity No SC01876. Registered in Scotland as a company limited by guarantee No SC129114
Raising funds for
Personal Details
Sponsorship Promise
Full Name:
I agree to raise at least the minimum sponsorship for my chosen charity, as outlined in the event details sent to me: I understand, however, that the objective is to raise as much sponsorship as possible.
A portion of this minimum sponsorship (as outlined in the event details) is enclosed now to conďŹ rm my place at the event and I guarantee to bring the balance on the day of the event in the form of a cheque, which may be post-dated for one month after the event. I understand that I will not be permitted to take part in the event without the minimum sponsorship required.
Postcode: Day-Time Telephone: E-Mail: Date of Birth: Occupation (optional):
NB: All cheques, postal orders, etc. should be made payable to your chosen charity
Where did you ďŹ nd out about this event:
Charity Which charity are you raising funds for: Waverley Care NB: You may only raise funds for the charity named above
Challenge by Choice:I hereby waive any and all claims (to the extent permitted by law) that may arise from whatever cause against ACE Fundraising (Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland), its employees or agents for any loss injury or damage to my personal property or myself. I understand the existence of danger and that there is risk involved in this challenge. I volunteer to take part entirely at my own risk and by my own choice. I further grant permission for the charity to use any photographs taken in any way to further promote the activities of the charity.
Signature: Date: You must complete and return this form now, together with your advance sponsorship, to register for a place at your chosen challenge