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making a positive difference
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FUTURE PLUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Our Vision
About Waverley Care
Waverley Care’s vision is that everyone affected by
Waverley Care is Scotland's leading charity providing
HIV, AIDS & Hepatitis C in Scotland should receive the
care and support to people living with HIV, AIDS and
highest standards of care and support to lead
Hepatitis C and to their families, carers and children.
independent and fulfilling lives.
Established in 1989 the support offered by the charity has helped thousands of people cope with the practical and emotional challenges that an HIV
Our Mission Our mission is to make a significant and meaningful difference to the lives of people affected by HIV, AIDS and Hepatitis C. We do this through the provision of high quality supportive services, and by campaigning for excellence in blood borne virus treatment and care, and for an end to stigma and discrimination surrounding these conditions.
diagnosis brings with it. Over the years our services have expanded to help people affected by Hepatitis C and have most recently focused on providing specialist support to groups already discriminated against by society such as Africans, gay men and drug users; individuals who, once diagnosed with HIV, face double discrimination.
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Introduction When HIV testing became widely available in 1985 a positive diagnosis was seen as a death sentence. There were no drugs available to halt or slow the disease’s progress and most of the care and support available centred around loss and bereavement. Reflecting the spirit of the times Waverley Care was founded to specifically build and run the UK’s first purpose built hospice for people with HIV/AIDS which opened in February 1991 as Milestone House. After more than 15 years of providing care and support we have come a long way in regard to treatment but still face many challenges around HIV prevention. Whilst anti-retroviral treatments mean that most people living with HIV are able to maintain reasonably good physical health, we have witnessed record numbers of new diagnoses in three out of the last four years. Waverley Care has adapted existing services and developed new ones in response to these changes. During 2006/07 we expanded our work to incorporate the area covered by Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS where we are helping to deliver support services to members of the African community. Within our existing services, our family and children’s worker supported more than 40 children affected by HIV. We trained social work and nursing students in our respite and day care units based at Milestone and provided training to 41 external agencies. Waverley Care is proud of these and the other achievements reported in this review but there are major challenges ahead. Too many people are still becoming infected with HIV. Too many people living with HIV experience discrimination and rejection. Too many of our service users face hostility simply because of their skin colour or their sexuality. These are some of the challenges facing Waverley Care in the coming year and for which we ask for your continued support. Together we can make a difference for people living with HIV.
Gill Stewart Convenor
David Johnson Director
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2006/07 Highlights • Establishing a base in Glasgow for our African Health Project. • Celebrating the fifteenth birthdays of both Milestone and Solas with a parliamentary reception hosted by Sarah Boyack MSP. • Being internationally recognised when the short film made by our ISIS Women’s Group was selected and shown on the opening night of the HIV/AIDS Film Festival held in Toronto in August as part of the 2006 World AIDS Conference. • Hosting a successful national conference aimed at African faith leaders in partnership with the Church of Scotland HIV Project and HIV Scotland. • Engaging with the Reverend Patricia Sawo, an African pastor from Kenya, to help us celebrate World AIDS Day.
• Taking on the administration of the Crusaid Hardship Fund for Scotland. The fund administers grants to those in financial need because of their HIV diagnosis and can make an immediate and real difference to the quality of people’s everyday lives. • Fundraising over £250,000 to continue offering our services. • Ensuring that service users, staff, volunteers, funders and our partner agencies continue to experience Waverley Care as an organisation that delivers high quality services. • Working closely with Edinburgh based Hepatitis C agency, C plus, to develop joint services for people with Hepatitis C.
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“ I am so far away from my own family, but Solas has been my family and has given me the support to cope with my HIV diagnosis. Without this I do not think I would have survived”
African Health Project
The Waverley Care African Health Project was set up in 2003 to respond to the needs of African people in the Lothian region. This year has seen the exciting step of the service launching in Glasgow in association with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
A diagnosis of HIV always brings with it a mixture of emotions - feelings of anger, frustration, grief, anxiety and loneliness. Coming to terms with these is a major challenge. For many it can be beneficial to express feelings about living with HIV through art therapy where individuals can express themselves through physical means within a safe space.
Africans affected by HIV and AIDS frequently have a range of needs, as well as cultural differences, which make their situation unique within Scotland. Many face difficulties regarding immigration status, employment and housing and most will have experienced racism to differing degrees. All of these factors can make it harder to access services. Training healthcare providers to be aware of the different needs of Africans and supporting African individuals and communities is the core of Waverley Care’s work in this area. This is one of the charity’s fastest growing services and has proved invaluable to many people a long way from their traditional home.
The work of the Arts Project is wide-ranging and varied from sculpture and painting through to theatrical and musical workshops and multimedia work. A choice of individual or group work is important to allow both individual therapy and peer support. The Arts bring enjoyment to the lives of people facing up to a life-changing condition.
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“ Volunteering with Waverley Care marked a real turning point in my life”
“ Some days our conversations were introspective and sobering; other days my belly would hurt afterwards from laughing so much”
Buddying & Volunteering
To provide the wide-ranging support and information services offered by Waverley Care the charity relies on the generosity of many people who give up their spare time to volunteer. In return volunteers meet new people, learn new skills and help make a real difference in stopping the stigma and discrimination faced by people living with HIV.
The Waverley Care chaplain offers spiritual and pastoral care. She is available to support those with HIV and Hepatitis C and their loved ones and to support the staff and volunteers who work within the organisation. Her work is with people of all faiths and none and her primary task is to ensure that care is holistic and that individuals’ spiritual needs are clearly met.
Originally established to provide one-to-one support to individuals who had been cut off by their friends and family following their HIV diagnosis, the Buddy Service continues to offer support by volunteers joining service users in social activities or accompanying them on hospital or GP visits. Other support provided by volunteers includes receptionist and café support, gardening, fundraising and specialist experience such as hairdressing, cookery, massage and reflexology. In the last year the charity has recruited 23 new volunteers to join our substantial existing support base and we are always on the look out for more.
A large part of the chaplain’s work is to ensure that, through her links with local faith communities, the wider community is better informed on the issues facing our service users. One of the highlights of this year’s chaplaincy work was co-hosting an acclaimed national HIV conference aimed at African faith leaders in partnership with the Church of Scotland HIV Project and HIV Scotland.
“ The chaplain offers something unique – and it’s needed”
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“ Coming to the Daycare group has helped me think about things - I’ve been drink free all year and that’s the longest time I can remember”
The Daycare Service aims to help people keep their links in the community and minimise hospital or residential admissions. The service enables individuals to live independently in the community through personally designed care packages. Support is provided in a variety of ways such as accompanying service users on hospital visits or involving them in group activities. Often it involves gently re-engaging them with their local community after a long period of illness through socially based activities such as cinema visits or bowling.
Milestone is Waverley Care’s short-term residential respite unit for those who require support in a structured setting. Opened in 1991 as the UK’s first purpose built AIDS hospice, Milestone celebrated its 15th birthday this year. Developments in medication and survival rates have meant that Waverley Care has evolved the unit’s use from helping individuals cope with the end of life, to helping them get the most out of life with a long term chronic condition HIV or Hepatitis C.
The Daycare team is a key link for those with HIV and other complex needs such as drug or alcohol abuse, family breakdown and mental health problems, to access the full range of support services offered by Waverley Care. The last year has seen some great work with Edinburgh based Hepatitis C agency, C plus, to develop joint services for people with Hepatitis C.
The unit offers a supportive atmosphere with practical help and advice from a team of specialist nurses and social care workers. It is a great place for service users to recharge their batteries and gain individual, group and peer support. Some also use the centre as an alternative to hospital or other hospices. This year has seen Milestone work closely with Marie Curie Cancer Care in a new partnership to provide services to those who have progressed to terminal illness. The service allows people approaching the end of their life to have their wishes met and stay at Milestone whenever possible.
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Solas Information and Support Centre
“ Solas for me is a comfy place where I can take off the face I wear for the outside world and be myself”
Solas is a Gaelic word meaning light and comfort and was chosen to reflect the intention that Waverley Care’s information and support centre should be a safe, warm and welcoming place. It opened its doors on World AIDS Day 1991 and, alongside Milestone, celebrated its 15th birthday this year and reflected on how the services have adapted to meet the changing needs of those affected by HIV. The support and information provided through Solas may be on an individual, group or peer basis and, as a result, a number of services operate out of Solas.
Café Core to Solas is the café. A central area for service users, friends and the general public to meet and chat over a drink, tasty snack or full meal. The informal support provided by café staff and volunteers is key to making people feel welcome and comfortable in accessing other services.
Childcare The stigma and prejudice which still surrounds HIV means that children and young people whose lives are affected by the virus feel particularly isolated and unable to confide in and seek help from friends. The Childcare Service offers after school activities and holiday play-schemes to provide an opportunity for children and young people to meet and seek support from others in a similar situation. Alongside group work, the children and families worker offers one-to-one and family support. This can either be in the safe environment of Solas or with families in their homes.
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“ Being a member of the walking group gave me the ability to achieve what I did not think I could”
Future Plus
The Future Plus Service provides two services. The first is around skills building and acquisition. It provides information and advice to individuals to allow them to work towards their own personal development in relation to education and employment. Help is provided with interview techniques, CV writing skills and job search information.
The counselling service is a completely confidential service. It aims to offer support in a safe, secure and supportive environment and counselling can be undertaken on a short or long-term basis depending on the individual’s needs.
The second service is a health promotion service designed to support people to make informed choices about their well-being and live as healthy a life as possible. Information and support is provided around various health issues including healthy eating, physical activity, stress and anxiety and sexual health. A walking group continues to thrive and the past year has seen the project set up a weekly food co-op to improve service users’ access to fresh seasonal and affordable fruit and vegetables. Services are also provided to employers to enable people living with HIV and/or Hepititis C to access the labour market. Free training workshops for employers and employees on legal issues and creating an HIV workplace policy are available.
As with the evolution of other Waverley Care services, the focus of discussions has moved away from issues around death and dying to those around living with HIV and Hepatitis C. People often bring multiple and complex issues which may include dealing with diagnosis, coping with stigma, relationship issues, loss of self-confidence and concerns around future prospects, hopes and dreams. Waverley Care also offers counselling to partners and carers who may bring issues around caring for a loved one whilst struggling with their own concerns and problems.
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“I joined ISIS nearly five years ago and enjoy gathering with other positive women and exchanging experiences. It’s been a big part of my life”
Group Work
The ISIS group is named after the Egyptian goddess and is Waverley Care’s group for women directly affected by HIV. Group members come from different backgrounds and experiences but share many similarities that enable them to support each other. As well as informal discussion, workshops are arranged to explore issues that arise from living with HIV. Often this is done through the medium of the arts - making videos, creative writing and sculpture etc.
Group work is key to Waverley Care’s support services. The African group work is well underway and this year has also seen the start of the renewal of dedicated gay men’s support work. The ISIS Women’s Group was established in 1994 and has achieved great success. It is the role model for the more recently established groups.
Social outings and residential courses also take place to further the support that the women gain from each other in an environment where they can relax and be totally open about their HIV status. ISIS’s work was recognised internationally this year when a short film the group created was shown on the opening night of the HIV/AIDS Film Festival in Toronto.
Community Support and Information Working closely with other HIV organisations in Scotland, Waverley Care’s Community Support and Information Service provides individuals with information about HIV that is specifically appropriate to their individual needs. An initial assessment is carried out to determine the best means of support and to refer individuals on, as appropriate, either to other services within Waverley Care or to external agencies. The service is designed to support people at times of crisis and is often focused on relationships, treatment information, housing and financial issues.
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Partnerships and Raising Awareness As well as providing services to people living with HIV and Hepatitis C, Waverley Care has spent the last year working for excellence in treatment and care, and campaigning against stigma and discrimination. The charity has provided training to 41 organisations including schools, universities, and workplaces and has been represented at conferences and on a number of committees and boards. Conferences attended include those of the British HIV Association (BHIVA) in Brighton and Edinburgh, and the 16th World AIDS Conference in Toronto. Toronto was especially important for Waverley Care. Representatives from the organisation presented material whilst they also learnt about the latest developments in treatment and care. This information helps influence the shape and nature of future services and ensures that the charity’s information officer is equipped with up to date knowledge. Representation on committees included the UK Community Advisory Board, the BHIVA standards and guidelines committees and the Scottish Parliament’s cross party group on sexual health. Waverley Care offers its services in partnership with The City of Edinburgh Council, The Councils of Mid, East and West Lothian, Crusaid, The European Social Fund, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Lanarkshire, NHS Lothian and The Scottish Government.
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Fundraising Waverley Care relies on the goodwill and generosity of many organisations and individuals to enable us to offer the services featured in this Annual Review. We have always enjoyed good relationships with many charitable trusts and are grateful for their vision in supporting our work with people living with HIV and Hepatitis C. The Fundraising and Development team employs a wide range of methods to ensure that we meet our income targets and raise our profile in the broader community. In addition to an annual Prize Draw, a World AIDS Day appeal to supporters and the sale of Christmas merchandise, our broader fundraising strategy revolves around the delivery of events tailored to appeal to existing supporters and engage new ones. These events vary from ‘come and sing’ days through sponsored sports events to film nights. The musical community continues to lend its welcome support to our fundraising efforts. One of the highlights of the year was a singing workshop with the UK’s leading composer, John Rutter. Held in October, this
was our first fundraising venture in Glasgow, and proved tremendously popular with our supporters. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe remains a main focus for our community fundraising with twentyone consecutive nights’ bucket shaking at The Pleasance where our unique tartan ribbons are offered to fringe goers in return for their donations. We are indebted to the volunteers who give their time to make this possible. Furthermore, Waverley Care was pleased to welcome Anthony Alderson as a new Patron in early 2007 in recognition of support we have received from The Pleasance Theatre Festival. In 2006 this included the annual Tartan Ribbon Comedy Benefit and a benefit performance by Perrier Award winning comedienne, Laura Solon. Local churches, colleges, universities, secondary schools and bars once again renewed their support for Waverley Care around World AIDS Day, 1st December, with a concerted commitment from the Edinburgh Students’ Charities Appeal and EU Fresh Air radio network.
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Financial Summary Income and Expenditure Account
2007 £ 1,549,839
2006 £ 1,486,563
(1,541,520) ──────── 8,319 ════════
(1,478,693) ──────── 7,870 ════════
695,828 541,078 (26,000) ──────── 1,210,906 ════════
755,880 565,750 (200,000) ──────── 1,121,630 ════════
80,423 (26,000) 456,617 93,747 606,119 ──────── 1,210,906 ════════
104,225 (200,000) 442,407 100,375 674,623 ──────── 1,121,630 ════════
(a company limited by guarantee)
Balance Sheet Summarised Consolidated Financial Statements For the year ended 31 March 2007
Full financial details are
Financed By:
available from finance@waverleycare.org
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Our thanks go to everyone who has helped us during the past year. Thank you all...
JTH Charitable Trust
Kelso High School
Festival City Theatres
The LankellyChase Foundation
Bell Baxter High School
Firrhill High School
Leith Academy
Berwickshire High School
Echo Trust
Linlithgow Academy
Edinburgh Children’s Holiday Fund
Lloyds TSB Capacity Building Project
Abbott Laboratories
Beeslack Community High School
• •
The Royal Lyceum Theatre Co
The Russell Trust
The Scotbelge Charitable Trust
Scottish Business Achievement Award Trust
Boehringer Ingleheim
‘The Bohemians’ Lyric Opera Co.
Elton John AIDS Foundation
Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland
Scottish Episcopal Church
CC Bloom’s
Lornshill Academy
Scottish Parliament
Café Habana
EU Wind Band
Caledonian Hilton Hotel
Mamma’s Pizza Restaurant
St Andrew’s & St George’s Church
Fresh Air
Calistoga Restaurant
The Margaret Murdoch Charitable Trust
Cameo Cinema
St Margaret’s School
Charlie Miller
Chiene & Tait
Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust
The Mainhouse Charitable Trust
St Augustine’s High School St Peter’s Episcopal Church
Church of Scotland HIV/AIDS Project
The Martin Connell Charitable Trust
Miss Agnes H Hunter’s Charitable Trust
The Stand Comedy Club
The Monument Trust
Standard Life plc
Mrs J B S Murray’s Charitable Trust
Student Stop AIDS Society
The Netherdale Trust
Tapas Olé
No. 18 Sauna
Valente McCombie Hunter (VMH LLP)
West Calder High School
West Lothian Youth Theatre
William Grant & Sons Limited
Zen Lifestyle
The Grove Hotel
City of Edinburgh Swimming Club
Halifax Bank of Scotland
Courant Fund
Craigmount High School
Heart of Midlothian Swimming Club
Craigroyston Community High School
Henderson’s of Edinburgh
The Henry Smith Charity
The Noel Buxton Trust
Hilton in the Community Foundation
North British Hotel Trust
Off the Kerb Productions
Edinburgh Presbytery of the Church of Scotland
Daniel’s Bistro
The Hope Trust
The Hospital Saturday Fund Charitable Trust
Peter Moores Foundation
Howies Restaurants
Plaisir du Chocolat
The Inchcape Foundation
Pleasance Theatre Festival Trust
Jedburgh Grammar School
The Regent Bar
The Robertson Trust
Deans Community High School
Doodles Ceramic Workshop
Dominion Cinemas
Dr Guthrie’s Association
John Watson’s Trust
Edinburgh Playhouse
Edinburgh Flotarium
Joseph H Bonnar Antique Jewellery
Royal Collection Enterprises
And a big thank you to our many individual donors
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Ms Shulah Allan
Anthony Alderson Christopher Bell Kate Copstick Sir Tom Farmer CBE KCSG Alexander McCall Smith Sheena McDonald Shirley Manson Christopher Richardson
Dr Karin Froebel Mr Andrew Marshall-Roberts Ms Hosanna Msengezi Ms Hilary Patrick (resigned 26th October 2006) Ms Pauline Scott The Right Reverend Brian Smith Ms Gillian Stewart CB (convenor) Mr David Taylor MBE Mr Brian West Dr Helen Zealley OBE
Contact Details Waverley Care Old Coates House 32 Manor Place Edinburgh EH3 7EB Tel: 0131 226 2206 fund@waverleycare.org director@waverleycare.org Waverley Care Milestone HIV Respite and Community Services 113 Oxgangs Road North Edinburgh EH14 1EB Tel: 0131 441 6989 milestone@waverleycare.org
Waverley Care Solas HIV Support Centre, 2/4 Abbeymount Edinburgh EH8 8EJ Tel: 0131 661 0982 solas@waverleycare.org Waverley Care African Health Project Flat 7, 34 Shelley Court Brownlee Centre 1053 Great Western Road Glasgow G12 0YN Tel: 0141 211 0192 africanhealthproject@waverleycare.org
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Waverley Care, Old Coates House, 32 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7EB Tel: 0131 226 2206 Fax: 0131 226 2209 Registered Charity No. SC036500 Company Limited by Guarantee No. 253043
Designed and produced by Montgomery Litho Group Selected photography by Jarlath Flynn www.jarlathflynn.com Musical event photos courtesy of Gary Doak