The Iskandarian November Issue

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KDN : PP19356/08/2018(034949) | Singapore MICA : MCI (P) 079/12/2019


Iskandar Malaysia’s Official Newspaper is an effort by True Soul Media PLT & Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA)


Tourism Malaysia Surfcasting Tour 2020


NOV 2020

Accumulating Wealth Opportunities in the Bubbles (Part 3)

What’s Next for Iskandar Malaysia?

Page 4


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Monthly Drill with Charles Eman, General Manager of Amari Johor Bahru

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Sultan Ibrahim Honours COVID-19 Frontliners Another gesture of appreciation from His Majesty, the Sultan of Johor after gifting cars to HSA Royal ward’s nurses


is Majesty the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar, will be awarding a special “Pingat Jasa Dikenang” (Remembrance of Service Medal) to COVID-19 frontliners who have been actively involved in the fight against the pandemic in the state. Through his official Facebook page, OfficialSultanIbrahim, His Majesty said that the medals will contain letters of

acknowledgement and it would be given to selected recipients coming from the various government bodies and others that have been directly involved behind the scenes in fighting the COVID-19 outbreak. “The awarding of this medal is a gesture of my sincere appreciation and gratitude to our frontliners in Johor, who continues to serve tirelessly and often at great personal risk to themselves. “This is also in recognition of their outstanding contributions and great sacrifices. Even I don’t deserve this for myself. Keep up the good fight. I hope the general public will also do their best to cooperate and prevent this virus from getting worse,” said His Majesty to the Royal Press Office (RPO) on 4th October 2020. The medals that would be given

Moving Forward into a Cashless Society


he Johor Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (FAMA) aims to introduce cashless payment methods (e-wallets) statewide in all the farmers’ markets

here. State Agriculture, Agro-based Industry and Rural Development Committee chairman Datuk Samsolbari Jamali said it will be introduced by the end of this year, adding it would also be applied to all state-owned FAMA businesses, including those who do business through the Agro Bazaar scheme. The use of this payment system has improved in the current situation of COVID-19 and may be the best way moving forward. The programme was also attended by Johor FAMA Director Shahrizan Sudiman and Batu Pahat District Officer Zulkiflee Abbas as well as 50 FAMA entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, Samsolbari said that ABO was a forum to further improve the sales of small and medium-sized business goods. “The website, which was introduced in December 2015, also serves to make it easier for the public and consumers to purchase such goods,” said Samsolbari. “To date, entrepreneurs using the ABO system have reached 400 in Johor and nearly 6,000 across the world,” he said. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

were specially designed, depicting Johor symbols such as the red, white and blue ribbons from the state’s flag as well as 10 hands holding each other to portray Johor’s 10 districts at the reverse side of it. His Majesty added that the medals will be awarded to those truly deserving, after careful vetting by the relevant heads of the departments and agencies. “The chiefs of the Health Department, Police, Armed Forces, Fire and Rescue as well as other departments will identify the recipients deemed worthy,” said His Majesty. Meanwhile, on 29th September, His Majesty presented 10 Hospital Sultanah Aminah (HSA) royal ward nurses bluecoloured, MyVi cars as an appreciation to their service to him and the royal family. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

So Near, Yet So Far 10 Families separated by JB-SG Causeway waved at each other at the ‘closest distance’ on a Yacht


oodbyes are never easy and when you are apart from your loved ones for such a long time, any means of communication is well appreciated albeit not being to hold one another. About 20 Johoreans from 10 families recently took the yacht of R&F Princess


Cove, heading out to the boundary line of Johor Straits which is believed to be ‘the closest distance’ for them to meet their family members stranded in Singapore because of border restrictions due to COVID-19. Some long-apart couples just gazed at each other in silence while the children were excitedly shouting out and calling their parents after 7 months of separation. Some families also held their own hand-written messages and drawings to show their support. It was an emotional

HM the Sultan of Johor, Sultan Ibrahim Ibni Almarhum Sultan Iskandar showing the specially crafted medal on a smartphone (image courtesy of Royal Press Johor)

sight to behold. “It’s so heart-breaking to read news that many families were forced to separate,” said Richard Hu, Chairman of R&F Malaysia, the organiser as well as the initiator of this reunion moment. “This is the least we can do, using our yacht which is the existing asset of Princess Cove, to allow them to meet each other at the closest distance as they can instead of videocalling on devices. Nothing can be compared to seeing each other in person.” The sudden outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic this year has made many of our lives totally chaotic and the SG-JB borders have been closed for more than 7 months. When Malaysia imposed a lockdown on travel in March 2020, many Malaysians rushed entering Singapore, not realising it would be a separation close to a year. Though yearning for their loved ones back home, many have opted to stay in the island as most of them are the main providers

for their families and couldn’t afford to lose their jobs. The R&F yacht was specially decorated with a banner stating ‘Miss You, My Love!’ for easy recognition when it got closer to Woodlands. Families on board were seen talking or shouting to their families across when sailing towards the closest point, releasing their emotions at to this long-awaited moment. For more details about “Miss You, My Love!” Yacht campaign, refer to https:// w w w.facebook .com/ princesscove.rf - by Priya Manikam TI



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


600 Million Population Targeted SEND LETTERs or inquiries to

Our Friends


he Iskandar Malaysia Halal Partnership Dialogue 2020 jointly organised by the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), the Halal Development Corporation Berhad (HDC) and the Johor State Economic Division Planning reiterated the importance of efficient governmentprivate sector cooperation to d r i ve t h e h a l a l ecosystem in the region. Chief Executive of IRDA, Datuk Ismail Ibrahim said, “Drawing on its strategic location at the

heart of ASEAN, with over 600 million population market, and neighbouring to Singapore, as an international gateway, Iskandar Malaysia is a strategic location for both domestic and international investors in the halal business.” Attended by more than 70 government and private sector officials and members, the dialogue reached a range of conclusions that could further improve the halal ecosystem in the area of Iskandar Malaysia, including more effective and seamless cooperation

Air-Conditioned Malaysia Singapore Walkway The covered 350 metre walkway grossly costs RM30Million, double the original allocation request from the state government

Gleneagles MEDINI

“In The Arms Of One Who Cares”


ohor is preparing to build an airconditioned walkway along its side of the Malaysia-Singapore Causeway, which will be roughly 350 metres

long. The Johor state government has applied to the Malaysian Federal Government for RM30 million in financing the walkway, said Mohd Solihan Badri, State Works, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee chairman. “After an upgrade to include escalators and air conditioning, the allocation proposal has doubled from the original RM15 million earlier this year”, said Mohd Solihan. “Under the proposal, the walkway will stretch 350m and finish at the Singapore border, he said, adding that he could not provide the estimation of how long the distance to Singapore would be. Hundreds of pedestrians are reported to have crossed the Causeway on foot on a regular basis before Malaysia implemented the Movement Control Order (MCO) in March to curb the spread of COVID-19. While the authorities have not taken any steps so far, according to Mohd Solihan, pedestrians have not actually been permitted to cross the border on foot, as this may be dangerous. “But we do not specifically enforce this limit,” he said, adding that there is actually no official statistics on the number of people walking over the Causeway. Several officials from the Singapore Consulate-General in Johor Bahru had expressed interest in the project at a recent meeting and would present the proposal to the Singaporean government once it is allowed and approved by Malaysian Federal government. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

between halal players; enhanced marketing and promotional activities; use of data and digital platforms to coordinate supply and demand. HDC announced earlier this month that the domestic halal product market is worth US$70 billion and is projected to cross US$150 billion by 2030. The Iskandar Malaysia Investment Service Centre, a one stop centre that helps to organise and accelerate investmentrelated processes such as land and manpower requirements, will already

Iskandar Malaysia Halal Partnership Dialogue 2020 participants taking a commemorative photo together support investors who want to transfer or start their business in Iskandar Malaysia. The state of Johor has already developed

the Majlis Halal Johor, specifically for the halal ecosystem. In addition, Iskandar Malaysia is also home to Iskandar Halal Park. TI

Be the Next State Recognised Award-Winning Entrepreneur


erbadanan Usahawan Johor Sdn Bhd (PUJB) hosted their second entrepreneurial award namely Anugerah Keusahawanan Johor (AKJ2020) this year after its successful recognition in 2017 with the addition of Women Entrepreneurship category making a total of 9 categories for this year’s award. Other categories include 3 small medium enterprise categories, 2 micro categories, youth, e-commerce and the grand prize; Anugerah Khas Menteri Besar (Menteri Besar Special Award), chosen by the Menteri Besar himself, Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad.

Unauthorised Usage of Halal Logo


he Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) Pontian Branch assisted by KPDNHEP Johor Bahru Enforcement members together with 4 officers from Johor State Islamic Religious Department (JAINJ)

led by Assistant Enforcement Officer Khairul bin Jaafar conducted a n i nve s t i g a t i o n following complaints from JAINJ regarding the unathorised use of halal logo without obtaining a certificate from the respective authority at an ice cream processing factory in Kg. Parit

Originally to be held in March 2020, Johor International Islamic & Halal Festival 2020 (FIJO) is further postponed due to the current domestic COVID-19 circumstances. FIJO 2019 successfully generated a total profit of RM7million with 90,000 attendants during the 4 days. The success of the previous event extended to FIJO2021’s participations now at 80% from local and international participants. The Menteri Besar special entrepreneur award in 2017 with RM15,000 cash prize and a trophy went to Hijrah Water Sdn Bhd – the winner of Small Scale Manufacturing category (Kategori Kecil Pembuatan). - by Norfy Shafeq TI

Marjunit, Benut, Pontian, Johor. The factory was found misusing the logos and violated Order 4 (1) of the Trade Description (Halal Certification and Marking) Order 2011 because it has described the icecream it supplies as halal and can be eaten by Muslims which is an offense under Order 8 (b) of the same Order. In total, approximately RM59,762.00 worth of ice-cream goods and covers have

been seized for further investigation. Under Order 8 (b), the establishment or corporation, can be fined not exceeding two hundred thousand ringgit if it’s for the first time. KPDNHEP Pontian takes seriously the offenses committed by the par ties involved and strongly warns all food product manufacturers not to arbitrarily use the halal logo without a certificate from the relevant authority. by Priya Manikam TI

Published by True Soul Media PLT [No.51-B, Jalan Impian Emas 5/1, Taman Impian Emas, 81300 Johor Bahru] Printed by Percetakan Osacar Sdn Bhd [No. 16, Jalan IDA 1a, Industrial Desa Aman, Taman Desa Aman, Kepong, 52200 Kuala Lumpur] Copyright of articles, contributions and photos which are published by The Iskandarian is the property of True Soul Media PLT. The Iskandarian does its best to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its contents, the publisher cannot accept any responsibilities for errors, mistakes and inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publisher.



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


RM 2Million Allocated to Empower Digital Knowledge for Johoreans The Sultanah Fatimah Foundation will aid beneficiaries with state of the art digitalisation lessons


M2mil has been allocated by the Sultanah Fatimah Foundation to create a Johor Digital Economy Centre to train digital talent to take on global challenges. Datuk Tee Siew Kiong, Chairman of its board of directors, said the decision was

taken after a board meeting held a few days ago where they explored ways to assist Johoreans in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. He said the centre aims to empower local talent with the digital know-hows and marketing strategies, generating more work opportunities in turn and concentrate on five main areas namely online education, live-stream services, e-commerce, digital marketing and creativity in technology. The centre that had its official opening

ceremony on 1st November will be fitted with up-to-date and competent live broadcasting equipment as well as available tutors to direct interested parties to market their goods online via online platforms, he added. “In our lives, online education and e-commerce have become more relevant than ever, especially in the new standard created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Foundation therefore, aims to take advantage of this opportunity to facilitate

People to Further Benefit from Iskandar Malaysia’s Development Prime Minister entrusts IRDA Members of Authority (MoA) to continue the effort for more people-centric projects


an Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin, the Prime Minister of Malaysia and Co-Chairman of the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), expressed satisfaction that the people of Iskandar Malaysia continues to benefit from the development of the region and endorsed more Rakyatcentered initiatives that can further elevate their standards of living. “Iskandar Malaysia, as

an economic region, has shown excellent investment achievements from its inception until today. However, I’m more excited to see the region’s many accomplishments in ensuring that the Rakyat are not left behind and building a cohesive and resilient community amidst its fast-paced development,” said Muhyiddin after IRDA Members of Authority (MoA) virtual meeting on 19th October 2020. Iskandar Malaysia has announced the creation of more than 750,000 jobs in the same period, with a whopping RM322.1 billion total cumulative investment registered from 2006 to June 2020.

According to the Chief Executive of IRDA, Datuk Ismail Ibrahim, “Wealth sharing and inclusiveness agenda in the Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) aims to achieve equitable wealth for the community living in Iskandar Malaysia.” One of the main initiatives put forward during the MoA meeting is to coordinate, through the use of technology, and support the current PRIHATIN package and the PENJANA initiatives by the government by incorporating financial literacy learning modules in all existing empowerment programmes. by Norfy Shafeq TI

Two 3-tonnes Containers of E-Waste Collected in a Day


ohor Environmental Department (JAS) in partnership with Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and four recycling companies namely CBH Recycle (M) Sdn Bhd, JB Goodcare Recycle (M) Sdn Bhd, Southern Strength (M) Sdn Bhd and Tes-Amm (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. had organised a two-days e-waste collection in different parts of Johor with the cooperation of local councils; Johor Bahru City Council (MBJB), Iskandar Puteri City Council (MBIP), and Kulai Municipal Council (MPKU). The joint effort was launched as a part of Malaysia’s National Environmental Day celebration that took place from 21st October to 27th October. On 18th October, CBH Recycle (M) Sdn Bhd with UTM Campus Sustainability held a Drop and Drive event to minimise human contact as part of their SOPs due to COVID-19 spike in the nation. Over 60 vehicles drove through their stations from 8am till noon, dropping electronic wastes that were as big as washing machines to as small as mobile phones before moving along to the next station to collect their money for the goods they gave away. UTM Sustainable Campus Department Director, Professor Ir. Dr Mohd Fadhil Md Din said that the Drop and Drive event was

organised to raise awareness within the campus and residents around to recognise what were considered as e-waste and the disposal of it is different from general waste. Dr Mohd Fadhil also added that they ensured that the recycling agencies hold a license to dispose the e-wastes categorised under Scheduled Waste (SW110). Two 3-tonnes containers were towed away from the collection on the second day from the campus itself. The campaign was also held in MPKU office, MBJB’s Administration Office in Permas Jaya and Taman Cempaka community hall on the same day as well, while the one at Flat Impian Emas was held a day earlier. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

Home appliances that went kaput were among the many popular e-wastes that were collected

online education and develop the existing abilities of people to take on current and future trends,” said Tee. The initiative was in line with the seven main initiatives announced by Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad as part of the plan to restore the state’s economy to fight COVID-19 pandemic. In 2015, the Sultanah Fatimah Foundation was set up to support the poor, especially orphans, single mothers, the disabled and senior citizens. TI

Johor Bahru Schools Closure: Here’s What You Need to Know Part of the safety measures when JB turns red


tarting 1st November 2020, the Ministry of Education has announced that all educational institutions in Johor Bahru will be closed due to a rise in COVID-19 cases in the district which was declared as red zone by the Ministry of Health. A total of 376 schools will be closed for two weeks until 14th November 2020 including Primary, Secondary and Private schools registered under the Ministry of Education. Teachers’ Education Institutes are also included. Parents and guardians may start bringing the students home from their respective hostels by the said

date, while those who chose to stay will be provided food and drinks by the institution. International Examination takers must obtain letters from their respective schools to attend the exams. Principals and headmasters shall make sure that teaching and learning are done at home in compliance with teachers and students’ suitability. Notice will be issued from time to time about school closure for other districts. Meanwhile, MOE will monitor the situation in the country while working closely with the National Security Council and Ministry of Health. The list of institutions and official social media platforms of the ministry are available at TI

Up to 10% Tax Receipts in Donations Made for MaGIC’s Social Impact Matching Grant


he Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativit y Centre (MaGIC), which operates the Social Impact Matching (SIM) Grant, is providing tax incentives to those contributing to the crowdfunding activities of a social enterprise dealing with social and environmental challenges. Cash donations made bet ween 1st August 2020 till 31st July 2021; individual, corporate or company donors of an effective SIM Grant holder may receive tax receipts of up to 10% of their aggregate income. “Instead of a oneoff charity or donation, individuals and businesses can channel their money to suppor t solutions from social enterprises that create impact in a sustainable manner,”

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Khairy Jamaluddin at the launch of Social Impact Match (SIM) grant explained Dzuleira Abu Bakar, CEO of MaGIC. The SIM Grant aims to help local social and other social impact enterprises to maintain their projects and services leverage their fund-raising capacities, raise public awareness of social innovation and scale up their solutions for good social and/or environmental results. Please visit https:/ grant or contac t penjanasegrant@mymagic. my for the full terms and conditions of the SIM Grant and tax incentives, including the effective date, how tax receipts will be disbursed and limited amounts. To find out more about SE Accreditation, visit https:/ by Norfy Shafeq TI



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


4 JASA Stories That Will Make You Re-think of NGO’s Works


ohor Aid and Social Assistance (JASA), a union of 4 non-government organisations (NGO) comprising of Sooriya Udhayam Malaysia (SUM), Yayasan Kebajikan Suria, Persatuan Kebajikan Wawasan JB and Ihsan Johor shared with The Iskandarian the struggles they have been through, especially during this pandemic when Movement Control Order (MCO) took place earlier this year and how that brought them together for even greater good. During a handover event organised by SUM involving groceries worth of RM200 each to 170 families and RM1000 worth of business loans to 50 aspiring entrepreneurs that were either laid off from their jobs or simply to feed their family through small businesses, James Ho of Yayasan Suria said that the loans would be paid back and create funds to help more people. The event was officiated by ADUN Tenggaroh and Special Officer of Menteri Besar Johor, Raven Kumar. Farrah Faridah Baptist, CEO of Ihsan Johor and Lydia Goh, Counsellor to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Wawasan JB said they

first met during the MCO while on the move to provide hot food and groceries to affected homes. Despite spreading kindness, there are several unfortunate instances that all of the volunteers can agree upon. Turning the aid they sent as a viral social media post – SUM’s Chairman, S. Kumanan said he drove a lorry full of perishable items like vegetables for the needy homes. However, a twist occurred when people were quick to viral on the internet that the donated items are not fresh without any evidence. “Some misunderstood thinking we gave better food to some people over others when that was clearly not the case”, said Lydia. Sadly some people even lie and steal aids meant for others. Farrah shared that even with ‘charity’ emblazoned on the bulk of donated items, people would still take it thinking of it as free items to take even if it was meant for people who have less to live on. Don’t be greedy and be a kind human being instead and

Bringing International Branding Expertise to Malaysia


nside A Loft Affair, a calm workspace with tasteful aesthetic interior are two fiery ladies that are burning with passion on what to do next on top of their plans. Nora and Rita always have something up on their sleeves and this go-get-them attitude is what they were sharing with me – Kubi Springer’s Boss Squad mentoring programme. If you have not heard of her, just like me, Nora asked if I know Beyonce – of course I responded. Brahims (as in the food company)? Of course I quipped again. Both of them shares one similar trait, Nora told me. This left me blinking and thinking. How? I learned that Kubi Springer is the one who was responsible for the branding part of the two (mega) entities. Likewise, I was speechless! Those two are just to name a few which rendered me even more surprised. Local brands that went international like MimpiKita and SugarScarf were also under Kubi’s wings. As a person who worked behind the scenes, of course it’s industry-exclusive to know her. So when Kubi offered her female-empowering mentoring programme at a tremendously affordable

price, Nora and Rita grabbed that chance. By joining the module, they committed to an hour a week to sit down and learn where and what to do, consulting with Kubi directly via the World Wide Web. Kubi has come to Malaysia to talk about branding a couple of times before and one of the widely covered events is the one she did with Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) attended by 40 Kelantan’s key industry players from government and private sectors. Nora and Rita would very much like to see more people from Malaysia benefit from Kubi’s programme and anyone who is interested could log on to https://www. and watch your brand go to a height that you have never imagined before. - by Norfy Shafeq TI


oppen Shopping Centre has unveiled its plans for a new pedestrian bridge that will link its centre to neighbouring retail complex, effectively making the shopping experience for visitors even more convenient. Going over the busy Persiaran Bandar Desa Tebrau, the 86-metre elevated pedestrian bridge will enable the community to travel safely and easily between

Toppen and AEON Tebrau. With early approval from the Johor Bahru City Council, the pedestrian bridge will connect Toppen’s sheltered bus stop to AEON’s outdoor parking space. Construction of the bridge started in early August and is expected to be completed by January 2021. The covered bridge will provide shoppers and employees with a more convenient and safer alternative to crossing the current busy eight-lane roadway. “As we approach our first anniversary, we remain committed to our vision of being the heart and hub of the Johor Bahru community. We are always

think if your situation is worse than others. To assist, find the multiracial union of NGOs on Facebook Sooriya Udhayam Malaysia, , Yayasan Kebajikan Suria JB, Ihsan Johor Rangers and for Pertubuhan Kebajikan Wawasan JB - Life Link Community Care, call 07 - 355 5387 to connect with them for any charitable purpose. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

Tourism Malaysia Surfcasting Tour 2020 Get your fishing game on with Tourism Malaysia’s annual Surfcasting tour


ash pr izes of RM75500, 50 hampers and 10 units of IGLOO outdoor activities are among the attractive prizes offered to the winners of the “Tourism Malaysia Surfcasting Tour 2020” fishing competition which went on until the 3rd October 2020. The fishing competition, co-organised by Tourism Malaysia and Wakjali Event Management, unveiled its curtain on 15th March 2020 but had to be postponed due to the Movement Control Order enforced by the government following the COVID-19 pandemic. The second series of

Bridging the Gap at Toppen Shopping Centre 13 new tenants onboard and with the new pedestrian bridge underway, there will better accessibility, connectivity and customer convenience

Raven Kumar extends RM50,000 worth of donation for business loans to 50 individuals

looking at new ways to improve accessibility in and around our centre, including Tebrau as a whole,” said Joakim Hogsander, General Manager of Toppen Shopping Centre. “We built this pedestrian bridge of our own accord, and we hope that it will benefit the local community as a public amenity for a safer and better tomorrow.” In spite of Malaysian’s economic challenges during the Movement Control Order (MCO/CMCO), Toppen continued to welcome 13 new local and independent tenants to offer customers more options in areas of Beauty & Health, Fashion, F&B,

TMST2020 was held at Pantai Seri Lalang Laut, Mersing, Johor on 3rd October in compliance with the SOPs provided. The event was also given permission to proceed from the National Security Council with the relevant SOPs in place. For this event, the winner took home RM35000 cash, the runnerup RM10000 and the third RM5000. Fourth place winners received RM1500, fifth (RM1000), sixth to tenth (RM500 each), 11th to 20th

winners will receive RM400, while 21st to 50th receive RM300 and 51st to 80th received RM250. After this, TMST2020 continued at Pantai Sepat, Kuantan, Pahang, on 18th October before going to Pantai Remis, Kuala Selangor on 6th December 2020 and the last series at Pantai Puteri, Melaka on 27th December 2020. To get more information regarding the event you can visit their website at www.wakjalitour. my. - by Moazan Emran TI

The winners of the event

Furniture & Household, Electrical & Digital Goods as well as some new services. The new tenants are D’Natural, O’Care, Top Secret, Historia Hair Salon, Shoe City, Prestar Jeans, TW Shoes Station, JIRE, SAY CHIZU Hokkaido Cheese Toast, MyeongDong Topokki, My Digital Lock, Segi Ganjaran Money Changer, and ONEXOX. In September, Toppen introduced its own Beauty & Health space known as Beauty Stories. The area is designed to house a specially curated selection of independent health and beauty brands ranging from beauty, skincare and nailcare, to overall health and wellness. With the addition of these new partners, the 1.2 million square feet retail space is now 92% percent leased, complementing the current attractions including IKEA Tebrau, TGV Cinemas, B.I.G

Supermarket, Harvey Norman, just to name a few. The Topp, the centre’s unique community hub, features a water splash park, skate park, Zen garden, multipurpose courts, and alfresco dining for shoppers to enjoy. Toppen has put strict processes in place to help ensure the health and safety of its visitors. There are thermal scanners and MySejahtera contact tracing checkpoints at all entrances, intensified by their cleaning routines and placed hand sanitiser dispensers throughout the centre. With the precautions taken, the community offerings at The Topp have recently reopened to the public. Opened in November 2019, Toppen Shopping Centre is one of five anchored-by-IKEA shopping centres in Southeast Asia. - by Priya Manikam TI


ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020




Charles Eman General Manager Amari Johor Bahru


Charles Eman is the newly appointed Amari Johor Bahru General Manager that took charge during the COVID-19 pandemic in the country since April, 2020. Ambiguous by ethnicity with many, often addressing him as either a Sabahan or a Filipino, Charles is a Jakarta native whose career in hospitality built up from Housekeeping and Front Office Manager in Shangri-La Hotel and Four Seasons in Jakarta, Indonesia with crossing over the seas to California and Chicago in the USA, Doha, Qatar, Maldives, then to Malaysia.


A highly driven hospitality professional, Charles pursued a successful career in the international hotel and theme park industry in his over 20 years of experience. He was first introduced to Malaysian nature of hospitality as the Yield and Revenue Manager at the opening of Four Seasons Resort in Langkawi, Malaysia then as Revenue Manager in LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort before becoming the Head of Revenue there. The diversified and international work experience in operations, sales, marketing and revenue management that he accumulated landed him the Director of Business Development position in DoubleTree by Hilton Johor Bahru then as a Resort Manager in Berjaya Tioman Resort in 2018 until March 2020 before accepting his role in Amari.

You took the helm of Amari Johor Bahru (Amari) right in the middle of a nationwide lockdown. What were the challenges you had to face? It was very challenging. I came to an empty hotel with only a skeleton team for a few weeks and I took the initiative to get to know every employee by having them come over to the hotel one by one during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) every day. It was also a good time for me to understand the ONYX Hospitality Group (ONYX). Instead of going to Bangkok, Thailand for my corporate orientation, I got to do it hands-on within the building in JB with the immediate people and also, with the aid of their online system, of course. All these made the re-opening of Amari on 15th July a smooth transition. The hotel industry has badly suffered due to COVID-19 pandemic with bookings being cancelled, and some renowned hotels permanently closing their doors. What are your thoughts on this? After I left my previous employment in a resort, they closed down for good. Majority of the employees there is the native of the island, and it affected them gravely as their homes were provided by the company as well. Some of them went to do some small businesses, so I think it is essential for me, as fellow hoteliers as well as being a part of the society to support them by consuming their products or services. We would recover from this situation, and at the time being, we collectively have to remind ourselves to take care of ourselves by following the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). At Amari, we stay vigilant and are aware of any complacency that might occur. The SOPs remains strict for the benefit of everyone. Amari seems to be thriving despite the pandemic. Could you share with us how the hotel has managed to get by this far? Strategies are my food because I like to analyse things. This time, it’s hard to do so since there is no pattern. A significant

percentage of Amari Johor Bahru’s market comes from Singapore, and with the borders shut, we no longer have that consumer power. We therefore, have to change our direction and our new strategy can’t be what we have done before. I’m glad that I have a team that is willing to adapt to a different set of ways to handle the situation. Based on the new strategy that I applied, it works and is getting better. We need to create more exposure for people to know that we are open with all safety measures as we were shut for the past four months. How different is it from managing a resort and a hotel in the heart of the city? It’s completely different. In the resort, I was dressed casually to suit the place with short sleeves, and khaki pants and had to walk a lot around the island. Now, in Amari, it is back to where I used to work in cities like the US, Doha and Bangkok. The approach is different and though there was much more leisure on the island, but the business approach is still the same, whether you are in a resort or a hotel. I have to look handsome in my suit if that can be considered different (laughs)! You have had over 20 years of journey in the hospitality industry, how do you think Amari could stand out among the other hotels in the city? ONYX Hospitality Group is a great company, about ten years young now, started in Bangkok, Thailand. From my observation, the people that are currently working in the corporate office where strategies and development planning are at were from various hotels like Continental, IHG, Hilton, Four Seasons, Marriott, Westin and etc. All of these brands merged and made up ONYX, and that’s how the foundation is solid and rich. Currently ONYX has over 50 properties worldwide and latest, we opened one in Georgetown, Penang last September. We are looking to open open OZO Medini and Shama Medini in UMCity, located opposite LEGOLAND Malaysia Resort.

Whenever a guest checks in Amari or any ONYX properties, they become the members of ONYX membership. Members then can redeem their free stay in any other ONYX properties.

You have a penchant for music and arts. Did Amari get a touch of your artsy interest yet? The best thing about Amari is that we have a music standard. For me, music-wise, we will follow the current standard; morning and evening music are from a different playlist to uplift moods. I’m very particular about this and establish this standard of music to play. The restaurant must have serene, relaxing music and not energetic ones during dinner. Music can affect moods and even taste, as I’ve learnt from a documentary. It influences the taste of food, and classical tunes would make you relax, and the dish you had would taste sweet while the noisier ones would give a bitter taste to your tongue hence, the food you are having is less enjoyable. It’s a tricky thing, I don’t mind having some bit of extremity, but there are a place and time for that, and I tend to organise and arrange that.

As an established hotelier, how do you think the hotel industry can recover from this pandemic in the short or long term? Tourism has received a significant impact from COVID-19 and the situation is grim and it will unfortunately linger longer. People are aware and particular on how a business that provides services could protect them as customers from the virus. However, working in ONYX group, I’m grateful we have ONYX Clean initiatives, collaborating with Ecolab, and we have a video that shows the measures that are taken to ensure the cleanliness of our hotel. Pa r t of the measures is sealing the rooms after guests checkout for sanitation process. Every inch of the ro o m wo u l d be sanitised, including the door handles and remote controls. That was on top of the regular cleaning. Charles Eman Cleanliness a n d disinfecting is our number one priority right now and moving forward.

When you’re not busy running the hotel, what do you do during your spare time? If I am not enjoying the sunset at Amari’s swimming pool located at Le ve l 8, I would be busy tending to my indoor plant in my office daily. Most of the time, I spend them with my family, my two grown daughters and of course, my wife. As much as I love my job, my family has been the reason for me to keep going when things get tough. TI

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The Iskandarian ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020 Advertisement


IC S U Bring out the Rhythm in you!

NOV 2020 | Page 2

The Iskandarian | WAVES Lifestyle

M u s i c U p d at e s

editor’s note

The Rolling Stones Open ‘World Exclusive’ Flagship Store on Carnaby Street


Priya Manikam


e are slowly tick-tocking away till we reach the end of the year and I’m sure many of us had anticipated a different start to this new decade…alas some things are just beyond our control. On a pleasant note, it is my favourite month where I look forward to the festival of lights. Although low key this year, but we certainly hope the Good will definitely triumph over everything. Starting this November, cinemas nationwide will be progressively suspending movie screenings and concession operations at their locations until further notice. Until then sit tight at home with your telly! If you are a guest at Suasana Suites’ Executive floor, head to the 33rd floor to Suasana Suites Cafe Johor Bahru and enjoy a cup of tea and nibble on some goodies from the highest view in JB town! Moe is on a roll and Mersing, Johor seems to be his calling once again. Tourism Malaysia Southern Region is introducing the Mersing Island Trail Programme 2020 with all precautionary measures held around the Mersing/Johor archipelago to showcase the beauty of the islands with worthy travel packages suited to your needs. Flip over the page to discover our beautiful islands. As always, for those wishing to share their fashion collection, travel tales, or like us to review your restaurant/hotel for a staycation, drop me an e-mail at com and be featured. For more news, do access and https:// The Iskandarian wishes all celebrants a very Happy Deepavali! Stay safe.


By Universal Music Singapore

he new store, created in partnership with Bravado, Universal Music Group’s merchandise and brand management company will feature all the hallmarks of the iconic band and include exclusive new fashion and merchandise under the ‘RS No. 9 Carnaby’ brand available in-store at 9 Carnaby Street in London’s Soho, UK and online. The Rolling Stones said, “Soho has always encapsulated Rock ’n’ Roll so Carnaby Street was the perfect spot for our own store. We are confident this exciting project that our friends at Bravado have created will be an unrivalled experience for everyone to come to London and enjoy.” The collections include exclusive and contemporary collaboration pieces for fans of all ages, including men’s, women’s and children’s fashion and accessories. The store

will also introduce ‘Stones Red,’ the official colour from Pantone which is established from the first use of the band’s iconic logo. A collection celebrating the Rolling Stones official Pantone colour along with exclusive limited-edition vinyl will also launch with the store. The band’s continuing album and single releases will be at the heart of the shop’s pulse and Bowers & Wilkins speakers will play tracks from the greatest rock ‘n’ roll band in the world including the upcoming release of the remastered Goats Head Soup album and Scarlet single. You can’t always get what you want, but you’ll definitely be able to get what you need. Jointly curated by the Rolling Stones and Bravado, the shop fit follows the brand colours of red and black and the glass floor features lyrics, while the fitting rooms are adorned with iconic album artwork.

For those in the know, the store’s window features a world first soundwave installation – taken from the opening to the 1966 hit track ‘Paint It Black’. So what are you waiting for? Check out https://carnaby. and start shopping! (*Image courtesy of The Rolling Stones store and FB). TI

Universal Music Group and Daddy Yankee, Global Superstar and Reggaeton Icon, Strike Multifaceted Global Strategic Partnership


niversal Music Group (UMG), the world leader in musicbased enter tainment, and Daddy Yankee, global superstar, music entrepreneur and Reggaeton icon, announced a strategic global partnership that includes the release of new music and film projects. Daddy Yankee is widely recognised for leading and elevating Reggaeton into a global cultural and musical phenomenon, which has fuelled an explosion in popularity for Latin music around the world. With a career that transcends language, geography and demographics, Daddy Yankee is one of the most popular and followed artists in the world today, with more than 60

million followers across social media and more than 7 billion streams in the last 12 months alone on YouTube, where he is among the Top 20 Global Artists. He has additionally sold more than 17 million albums, charted 50 hit songs on Billboard charts and he is the only Latin Artist with four Spanishlanguage songs to reach the Top 20 of Billboard’s Hot 100. At UMG, Daddy Yankee has a partner with the expertise and resources to maximise his impact and enduring cultural legacy across numerous forms of entertainment, with new album and music projects released through Ingrooves Music Group and the ability to develop new film and television projects with

Polygram Entertainment. Daddy Yankee commented, “I’ve worked hard to build a career that transcends cultures, borders and languages, and I created new business models that helped bring our music to the world. By making one of the biggest commitments to an artist in the history of Latin music, Universal Music and Sir Lucian are partners who value my legacy, my music and my contributions. This new single is just the beginning of the new projects we have planned and I’m excited to get started.” Sir Lucian Grainge, Chairman & CEO of Universal Music Group, said, “Daddy Yankee is both an iconic artist and entrepreneur whose extraordinary creativity influences culture on a global scale. We’re thrilled to welcome Daddy Yankee to the UMG family and we’re looking forward to working together to maximise the worldwide impact of his amazing talent.” Anuel AA and Kendo Kaponi join Daddy Yankee on “Don Don”, a new single that was recently released globally across all major streaming and digital services. The song is already available to be pre-saved by clicking Yankee’s new music projects under the UMG Global Partnership will be distributed and supported by UMG’s Ingrooves Music Group TI

NOV 2020 | Page 3

The Iskandarian | WAVES Lifestyle

Multi Award-Winning Global Star Sam Smith Releases New Album ‘Love Goes’


By Universal Music Singapore

he Grammy, BRIT, Golden Globe and Oscar winning Sam Smith’s brand-new album ‘Love Goes’ has been released. Following an earlier release from their much-awaited new album of track ‘My Oasis’, featuring the inimitable Burna Boy, new single ‘Diamonds’ showcases Sam’s unforgettable vocals at their best with a defiant tale of love lived without regret. The video (http:// sees direction from previous cocreator Luke Monaghan (Too Good At Goodbyes, Writing’s On The Wall) together, their work has garnered over 2.5 billion streams. Building on the 30 billion career streams Sam has amassed and the global success of their debut and sophomore albums, both No.1, multiplatinum selling records in the UK and US, their highly anticipated third offering ‘Love Goes’ will be unveiled next month. For the artwork and stunning new video for ‘Kids Again’, Sam worked with world-renowned British fashion photographer and film-maker Alasdair McLellan (Vogue, Kim Jones, Louis Vuitton) to bring their vision to life. For ‘Love Goes’, Sam has enlisted a roll call of revered collaborators from Steve Mac (Ed Sheeran, Celine Dion), Shellback/MXM (Robyn, Pink, Britney Spears), Labrinth (Love Goes title track), masterminds Stargate as well as good friend Guy Lawrence (Disclosure) and longterm collaborator Jimmy Napes to curate a collection of songs written over the last two years, all displaying individuality with every-one telling a different story. Sam said, ‘’The last two years has been the most experimental time of my life, personally but also musically.

Find Your Ground (Part 1) Have you noticed how chaotic the world is right now? Almost every one of us is paying attention to it. We do that because it has started to affect our lives in many aspects. The instability in the political world, economy, unemployment, food industry and the society as a whole has forced our state of consciousness to shift and seek stability for ourselves. What we are experiencing is changes in the consciousness field that pressures and inspires us to transform. The transformation is going to reset how we view our lives and the world around us. Take the transformation like a caterpillar going into a metamorphosis process. Although the process may make us feel uncomfortable, it is also providing us with the opportunity to find our ground. Therefore, it is time to tap into our inner power.

Every time I went into the studio, I promised myself I would shoot for the stars and have no limitations. The result has been so magical and so therapeutic and FUN. My love for music is so broad and all of my musical guilty pleasures became pleasures. No guilt, no shame, just the love of singing and creating and dancing. I am so thankful to every human who embraced my creativity and direction and allowed me to be whoever I wanted to be in that studio on that day…listen to these songs with an open heart and treat each song like a different flower from the garden, have fun with them, I tried not to take myself too seriously when writing a few of these songs. I hope they make you smile, because they made and make me”. Alongside ‘My Oasis’ with

Burna Boy, ‘Love Goes’ also features previously released bonus tracks with other notable co-collaborators including Normani, on the multiplatinum global hit ‘Dancing With A Stranger’, Calvin Harris with ‘Promises’ and Demi Lovato on ‘I’m Ready’ for this highly anticipated return. And finally, to celebrate the release of ‘Love Goes’, Sam returns to the iconic Abbey Road Studios for a world exclusive livestreamed performance on the day of album release. For this exclusive show, Sam will be singing tracks old and new with intimate performances of the Grammy award winning Stay With Me, Lay Me Down and Too Good At Goodbyes, as well as treating viewers to the world premiere of new music from, ‘Love Goes’, including new single ‘Diamonds’. TI

You would probably ask – What this power can do? There are infinite potentials lying within the power. It’s mostly beyond what your mind can perceive. I had this opportunity to tap into my inner power for many years. It has transformed my life spiritually, materially, physically and socially. It could do the same for you where the abundance in life emerges to help you adapt to changes. That is where you find your ground. The power begins with Self-Empowerment What life is doing to all of us right now is forcing us to go within ourselves. The chaos, although it is human-made, is also part of our evolution. When the world outside of us does not make any sense anymore, who are we going to trust? Even when we turn to God, we are reflecting it within ourselves. We have no choice but to go within. In our quest to find our strength, selfempowerment slowly sets our ground. It is where we notice we are standing in the middle of the Universe and we are the microcosm of the macrocosm world. We can feel the power to change our world. TI

LOVE GOES TRACKLISTING 1. Young 2. Diamonds 3. Another One 4. My Oasis (feat. Burna Boy) 5. So Serious 6. Dance (‘Til You Love Someone Else) 7. For The Lover That I Lost 8. Breaking Hearts 9. Forgive Myself 10. Love Goes (feat. Labrinth) 11. Kids Again BONUS TRACKS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Dancing With A Stranger (Sam Smith & Normani) How Do You Sleep? To Die For I’m Ready (Sam Smith & Demi Lovato) Fire On Fire Promises (Calvin Harris & Sam Smith)

A N N O U N C EM EN T Cinemas Temporarily Shut From November Starting this November, cinemas will be progressively suspending movie screenings and concession operations at their locations until further notice due to CMCO and lack of new releases due to COVID-19. Both GSC and TGV have announced that they will temporarily cease all their cinema operations in Malaysia, from 2nd November onwards. At the same time, MBO Cinemas which has closed most of their cinemas, will proceed to close the remaining few that is still operating, starting next month. - by Priya Manikam TI

Rose Osman is a Certified Human Design Professional. She’s a guide for Living Your Design Workshop and coaches others on self healing for anxiety via E-courses and group workshops yourpersonalmotivator BucketOfRoses Discover your True Self, Inner Power, Potentials and Purpose with Human Design. Visit Facebook Page : Human Design Malaysia for more info.

NOV 2020 | Page 4

The Iskandarian | WAVES Lifestyle


Johor Islands Awaits You with the Launch of Mersing Island Trail Packages for 2020 Plan your visit to the beautiful islands of Johor today! By Moazan Emran


f you’re not sure where to go for your next local holiday, why not plan a trip to Mersing and the islands of Johor? The tourism industry is one of the economic sectors mostly affected by the spread of COVID-19, where it suffered huge losses including the closure of several hotels and most travel agencies. The resort operators in the islands in Johor are not an exception too. In an effort to restore the confidence level of domestic tourists to visit our islands, especially in the Johor archipelago, Tourism Malaysia Southern Region is introducing the Mersing Island Trail Programme 2020 held around the Mersing / Johor archipelago. The objective of this programme is to increase the publicity of the city of Mersing as well as the destination of the islands. The launch of the Mersing Island Trail Package 2020 was officiated by Solehuddin Ahmad, Director of Tourism Malaysia Southern Region. Tourism Malaysia Southern Region graciously held a familiarisation trip to the islands for the media, and we were introduced to the precautionary steps the local enforcement and the hotels would be taking to make sure tourists that visit the islands are safe. “Don’t be afraid to visit our islands as we are working hard to maintain safety and follow the set SOPs. We are working in tandem with Polis Diraja Malaysia

Sea view VIP Chalets at Pulau Besar

(PDRM) and want everybody to know that we are ready to receive tourists both local and foreign as soon as our borders are open,” said Datuk Dr Ammar Abd Ghapar, Senior Director Domestic & Events Division, Tourism Malaysia. Johor has some of the most beautiful beaches and islands ready and waiting for your stay regardless if you’re a couple or a family. Some of the resorts involved in this programme are Aseania Beach Resort, Sari Pacifica Resort and Spa, Twin Beach Resort, Bayu Lestari Island Resort and many more located on Pulau Tinggi, Pulau Besar, and Pulau Sibu. There are number of packages being offered by each respective hotels and resorts at different pricings. Meanwhile, a day trip Island hopping package that will

Private rooms at Bayu Lestari Island Resort This programme was successfully implemented in collaboration with Tourism Johor, Mersing Marine Parks Department, Mersing Tourism Association (MTA), PDRM and Mersing District Council. This programme is one of Tourism Malaysia’s efforts to further strengthen the Cuti-Cuti Malaysia campaign which this time is targeted at local island tourism operators. Start making plans with your local travel agency or contact the resorts directly to make your bookings. These packages will be filling up fast as people are ready for their getaway from the city for a relaxing beach side vacation. TI

Bed room view at Sari Pacifica allow you to visit either 3 or 5 of the most well-known islands in Johor, including Pulau Sibu Kukus are respectively priced at RM130.00 per person for 3 islands and RM170.00 for 5 islands. These packages are definitely worth it for those looking to explore the beauty of the islands. Whether you’re looking for a day trip to the islands, or a romantic/family getaway, they’ll have something to offer for each and every one of you. You’ll have options ranging from sea view villas, or hilltop villas and even dorm style chalets perfect for those with bigger groups. The packages will be launched at the end of October, per fect for the upcoming school holidays.

Pulau Sibu Kukus, one of the islands and part of the island hopping package



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


Pneumococcal Pneumonia: Worth the Shot Joint Statement by the World Coalition on Adult Vaccination By Vaccines4Life and International Federation on Ageing


n the current climate of COVID-19, it is more important than ever to ensure the protection of older adults, and those with underlying chronic conditions against vaccine preventable diseases. Maximising uptake of existing vaccines for respiratory diseases, such as influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia, reduces the annual burden of disease – including increased mor talit y, mor bidit y and healthcare costs – particularly in at-risk populations. While there has recently been necessary focus on the importance for influenza vaccination from governments, public and private health leaders around the world, pneumococcal pneumonia has unfortunately been left out of the spotlight. This is especially worrying, considering people infected with influenza who contract pneumonia experience even worse outcomes and increased hospitalisation rates. The World Coalition on Adult Vaccination calls on professional, patient and advocacy organisations, together with all levels of government to increase their investment in educating and encouraging older adults and

those with chronic diseases to be vaccinated against influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. Pneumonia is a “common lung infection that can have many symptoms including difficulty in breathing, coughing, fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, chest pain, changes in heartbeat, confusion or delirium, and diarrhea”. In North America, approximately 90% of deaths from an infectious illness are linked to pneumonia among those aged 65 years and older. Research has also shown pneumonia to result in significant decline in functional ability of older adults. A study of older adults in 13 French aged care facilities demonstrated that pneumonia was associated with loss of physical functioning and independence, such as the ability to bathe oneself or move from a bed to a chair. Fortunately, and surprisingly unbeknown to many, there are vaccines to help prevent pneumonia among at-risk groups that significantly reduce pneumonia-related hospitalisations and costs along with broader, negative socioeconomic impacts. Despite the severity of pneumonia and availability of a vaccine, the

vaccine is not widely discussed or recommended to prevent ill health and functional decline of those most at-risk. In fact, research by Schneeberg et al. (2014) found that only 52% of older adults surveyed remembered their health care provider ever offering the pneumonia vaccine. In line with the WHO

Immunization Agenda 2030, which envisions “A world where ever yone, ever ywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines” and in the context of the Decade of Healthy Ageing, the World Coalition on Adult Vaccination urges a crosssectoral approach to investment and communication regarding the importance of vaccination

against respiratory disease to reduce functional decline, hospitalisations, morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. **The facts and views expressed are solely that of the author/authors and do not necessarily reflect that of the editorial board. TI

Influenza vaccination injection, administered by Dr Rosman Surie of KPJ Bandar Dato Onn (file pic for illustration purpose)

Meeting with a Mantis… exact species of mantis shrimp, they devour snails, crabs, prawns, bivalves and fish. The (seemingly laid-back) juveniles of these species are often spotted in the seagrass meadows of Mukim Tanjung Kupang, and local fishermen often bring back the adults as by-catch. Mantis shrimps


antis shrimps are known locally as ‘udang lipan’ and are a very popular seafood. They are also infamous on YouTube for the speed and power of its clubs (forearms) that smashes its prey; and some experiments have measured the strike to hit 83km/h! Research has shown that the force of its clubs can reach 1500 newtons – even if the shrimp misses direct contact with its prey, the resultant shock waves will kill

its victim. Other species of mantis shrimps have forearms with very sharp pincers, which can quickly spear soft-bodied animals. Depending on the

are long-lived and can be monogamous, staying with one partner for 20 years. Mantis shrimps are also unique in that their eyes are mounted on stalks and they can move independently of each other. In some species,

Serina Rahman

their highly complex eyes are polarised and can detect both UV and infra-red light. This helps them avoid predators such as barracuda, as well as helps them read the fluorescence of potential mates and spot prey on coral reefs. Kelab Alami conducts seagrass habitat walks in the seagrass meadows at the lowest tides. With luck, you might be able to spot a species so fierce, but so popular as seafood! Log on to for more information. TI

Serina Rahman is the co-founder of Kelab Alami and a Visiting Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore. She is also a winner of the Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards (IMSHA)



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


Leave For Leaving


s COVID-19 cases skyrocketed overnight recently, employers are now taking measures in protecting the company and its employees. This includes placing employees at risk in quarantine. The popular question now is ‘What leave should I deduct for employees quarantined by the doctor, government or under the company’s order?’ Allow me to redirect you to the main legislation which is the Employment Act 1955, Section 60F for sick leave. It states that

upon being found unfit to work by a registered medical practitioner, an employee may be placed under sick leave or hospitalisation leave. This therefore, answers a portion of the above question. We at MECA are of the opinion that Section 60F also applies to government-imposed quarantine as the isolation order is from the federal government applicable to all. The policy makers have also gone to the extent of passing a new law in order to govern this situation.

Now the difficult question is what about company-imposed quarantine? Here we urge you to come up with a policy on travel to high risk areas. In the policy, it should be included that the company highly discourage employees from travelling to such places and the company must be informed in advance if an employee needs to travel there. If anyone insists on travelling, the company shall impose a 14 days quarantine

whereby his or her sick leaves shall be utilised. In the event that no more sick leaves are left, then the employee will be placed on hospitalisation leave, unpaid leave or any other leaves agreed upon. With the release of this policy, it shall be binding upon all employees unless anyone decides to resist it. As for employers who do not have such a policy but currently is dealing with the issue, it is best to talk to the employee, and agree amicably to the deduction of sick leave. We find transparency, courtesy and empathy always places the matter in a better chance of being resolved. Through these uncertain times, it is best for all companies to consider preparing against the above and all other human resources related risks. This would not only assist in protecting the employees, but also business sustainability in

Alya Ariffin Legal Adviser MECA South Sdn Bhd

terms of cost and avoiding legal sanction. We at MECA wishes for everyone to stay safe and healthy and do reach out to us if you require any assistance. Together, we can beat this. TI



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


Accumulating Wealth Tips & Tricks

Opportunities in the Bubbles (Part 3)


he US stock market has resumed its uptrend. The US’s three main indexes have only corrected around 10-13% despite the worsened COVID-19 condition. At the time of writing, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) has re-challenged its previous high at 29000 before settling at 28503. Overall, the US market still looks bullish and poised to break new highs. However, other regions do not share the same scenario. Apparently, the European and Asia markets have seen their indexes fall into the bear territory since February 2020. On the local front, the Malaysia Composite Index FBM KLCI has been bearish, thanks to the political uncertainty and the emergence of third wave of COVID-19. On top of this, the end of loan repayment moratorium on 30th September 2020 has seen the market liquidity decreasing. Coincidentally, more people are staying at home nowadays because of the reintroduced CMCO. Would it lead to the comeback of market liquidity? We will see. While it is difficult to predict the market, the macro condition would give us some hints. So let us see how the macro, which is U.S market before we explore further. The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) chart on 15th October 2020, shows that the latest candles are still standing well above the pink (MA50) and golden (MA200) lines. Both lines are trending upward means the uptrend remains strong. Its immediate resistance is 29000. Once

it has overcome this level, it would break beyond 30000. Opportunities in the Bubbles When the US indexes are near to the peak, it signifies higher risks. When the pandemic is worsening, there is stronger hope for the vaccine. Therefore, investors could look into companies that are working on the vaccine development. In Malaysia, there a few companies that have engaged with foreign pharmaceutical companies for vaccine marketing and distribution. One of them is Kanger International (0170). Kanger International (0170) Kanger International specialises in the manufacturing and trading of bamboo flooring, bamboo furniture and related products for the residential and commercial markets. Its manufacturing plant is located in China and has sales offices in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. In addition to mainland China, Kanger exports their products globally, with exports constituting approximately 50% of annual revenue in the past five years. Interestingly, Kanger has ventured into gloves manufacturing followed by vaccine distribution this year. Below are the highlights of Kanger’s development: 1) According to Kanger’s 2019 annual report, the relocation of their bamboo processing and manufacturing plant from Ganzhou to Jingzhou will free up land, enabling them to embark on commercial property development

ASEAN Small Businesses Count on Technology to Beat COVID-19


mall businesses across ASEAN are counting on technology to help them overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their operations. Technology ranked the top investment priority for 2020 by two in three (64%) small businesses, including those who currently have cash flow concerns. This is according to a recent survey of 1,000 ASEAN small businesses conducted by United Overseas Bank (UOB), Accenture and Dun & Bradstreet. Across ASEAN, Thailand had the highest proportion (71%) of respondents prioritising technology investments in 2020,

followed by Indonesia (65%), Vietnam (63%), Singapore (60%) and Malaysia (59%). The survey also found that small businesses across ASEAN are persevering in their efforts to invest in technology even when faced with the prospect of declining revenue. Lawrence Loh, Head of Group Business Banking, UOB, said, “The unprecedented economic, business and social impact of the COVID-19 outbreak has underscored the importance of technology for many small businesses across the region. Having had to cope with the disruption to their operations

for long-term rental income. From Bursa Malaysia, Kanger will start leasing two properties, namely the Hotel Commercial Building and AutoCity Building, from 1st December 2020 onwards for 20 years tenure. The combined rental income for both properties is about RM10 million per annum. This means the company will generate good recurring income for 20 consecutive years. 2) The relocation of its bamboo plant will see the company becoming one of the largest bamboo products producer in the world, for its new plant and R&D centre was developed in collaboration with the local government of Jingzhou in Hunan Province, which the government will inject a bamboo plantation concession totalling an estimated 8,431ha over three phases. This means the company does not need to purchase raw bamboo

from external sources, and will result in huge savings. 3) Kanger has ventured into glove manufacturing with a Dubaibased Constellation Holdings Ltd, which is the procurement agent for personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical equipment for the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) Ministry of Health & Prevention. The group also announced that it has acquired some 2.24ha of land in Kuala Selangor for RM6.8 million for a new rubber glove manufacturing plant for Kanger Glove. 4) On 29th September 2020, Kanger has entered a collaboration agreement with Sinopharm relating to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine and medical equipment products in Malaysia. Following China foreign minister’s recent visit, Malaysia has been included in the list of priority

Tey Bin Yuen Binyuen is the founder of BY Enrich Resources and the author of ‘Life beyond the Comfort Zone’ and ‘Profit from Share Investment’. His books are available in the National Libraries in Malaysia and Singapore or online via profitfromshareinvestment recipients of COVID-19 vaccine. This means Kanger would start distributing the vaccine very soon. Conclusion The above is another example amid bubbles and crisis. In extraordinary times, good business could also mean that businesses offer products or services that can meet the global demand timely. TI

The companies or strategies mentioned in this article are meant for study purpose only. It doesn’t constitute any ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ recommendation. Please consult your financial professional if you want to make any decision. (Source:

because of COVID-19, many of these firms realised quickly that technology could make all the difference to their business.” By industry sector, small businesses from the food and beverage, information and communications technology and healthcare sectors indicated the strongest desire to boost their technology investments, followed by those in construction and retail trade. Small businesses recognise that technology can help them better manage their cash flow. Divyesh Vithlani, who leads Accenture’s financial services practice in Southeast Asia, said, “As more small businesses prepare to reopen after a very challenging period, their focus on technology will further intensify as they look to reinvent themselves to ensure long-term competitiveness and resiliency.”

ASEAN small businesses are also easing their cash flow pressures by seeking deferment on their loan repayments and renegotiating the terms of their contracts with suppliers and landlords. Small businesses also look to increase their working capital through COVID-19-related financing schemes. In Malaysia, governments and banks provided relief measures and offered immediate assistance to businesses affected by the outbreak of COVID-19. Such industry-wide initiatives include moratoria on loan repayments and waivers of compounding interests on loans during the moratorium period. Given the current business challenges, UOB Malaysia is also reviewing SME customers’ financial health to provide, on a case-by-case basis, additional working capital financing facilities

Lawrence Loh

Head of Group Business Banking, UOB or access to the Government Guarantee Scheme – Prihatin (GGS-Prihatin). The full survey findings are available in the ASEAN SME Transformation Study 2020. The study aims to help ASEAN small businesses understand how they can transform their businesses to adapt to the changes ahead and to participate in the region’s longterm growth. TI



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


PUBG Mobile Unveils Payload Mode 2.0 with Massive Firepower and New Improvements


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fter much anticipation, PUBG MOBILE is amplifying its highintensity gameplay with the introduction of Payload 2.0, an enhanced version of a beloved game variant for the world’s most popular mobile game. Players can now “Rock and Load” in the hit game type by experiencing new improvements such as armored vehicles, Super Weapon Crate and more in the free Payload 2.0 update on the App Store and Google Play. One year ago PUBG MOBILE added Payload Mode, delivering never-before-seen features that provided an all new way for players to battle it out. With today’s addition of Payload 2.0, players can now use powerful vehicles and massive firepower to gain strategic advantages in the new exciting gameplay, including: • Armoured Vehicles – PUBG MOBILE’s classic rides, including the UAZ, Dacia, off-road buggy and pick-up truck have been fortified with protective armour. Similarly, players can take to the skies with the new Armed Helicopter. • Superpowered Weapons – The new laser-guided missile and four-barreled rocket launcher have been added to Super Weapon Crates for players to deal additional damage to enemies. • Special Tactical Gear – The 30-second UAV Control Terminal, armed with eight missiles, reveals neaby enemy locations, while the Man-Portable Radar reveals information about enemy vehicles.


• Bomb Suit – This new lootable suit can be equipped for a significant reduction to all explosion damage. • Secret Room and Base – Secret Room randomly refreshes during the battle and contains super weapons. The Base is activated after the start of each match where players can get heavy weaponry and powerful equipments. Players can also revive fallen teammates through Advanced Communication Towers to stay in the battle. PUBG MOBILE is based on PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS, the phenomenon that took the world of interactive entertainment by storm in 2017. Up to 100 players parachute onto a remote island to battle in a winner-takes-all showdown. Players must locate and scavenge their own weapons, vehicles and supplies, and defeat every player in a visually and tactically rich battleground that forces players into a shrinking play zone. - by The Iskandarian TI

Indulge in Hi-Tea at the Highest Cafe in Town Enjoy your tea with a panoramic view at Level 33A of Suasana Suites Cafe Johor Bahru a small group who stayed at the Executive Suites, we were seated at a beautifully decorated, 16-seater table and each of us were served a three-tiered tray of delectable local delicacies. I started from the bottom tier, and we were given a choice of either Nasi Lemak or Bee Hoon. I chose the latter drizzled with some aromatic belacan for an extra

from the soft and moist Chinese-style Carrot Cake, or the Crunchy Vegetable Spring Roll and Savoury Potato Samosa because they were all good. Each of them had their

Bottomless, fragrant milk tea just like how grandma used to make

Suasana Suites Cafe’s interior greets you before you are served a skyline view


his is my third visit to Suasana Suites Cafe Johor Bahru, and I am still in awe over the panoramic view the cafe has. This time I was here as a guest for a Hi-Tea that was included in my stay at Suasana AllSuites Hotel’s newly launched Executive Floor at level 32. The sky-high café at Level 33A dubbed as the tallest in town, is easily my favourite because of the panoramic view of Johor Bahru town. Their Hi-Tea is the perfect

bites to have over a chitchat with friends or even colleagues. As I was part of

Freshly made Nyonya kuih such as Ondeh-Ondeh, Kuih Kosui/Kaswi and chocolate cake slices Samosa, Vegetable Spring Roll and Carrot Cake for some savoury bites

Three-tier hi-tea set for one pax and look at the view!

kick! The set comes with a fragrant cup of milk tea which was perfect to remedy the spiciness on my tongue so I can venture on to the middle tier next. I couldn’t choose

own sauces that completed the snacking experience. I was now ready for my final top-tier that consisted of kuih-muih and cakes. The Nyonya Kuih assortment of Kuih Kosui/ Kaswi and Ondeh-Ondeh that joyfully pops with Gula Melaka in your mouth as well as the chocolate cake slices

complemented the bottomless milk tea perfectly to conclude my hi-tea in the “sky”. The Hi-Tea at Suasana Suites Cafe Johor Bahru is currently only available for guests in the Executive Floor suites. To reserve a room, call +607-2670148 or direct to Efnerina at +60 17-767 5074 or Izzati at +60 11-273 88910. Alternatively, make a booking via email at reservationssjb@ For more details, check out Suasana All Suites Hotel Johor Bahru social media sites or their official website at my. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

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The Iskandarian ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020

Are you retired, sick and indebt, or do you know anyone who is? Seek help early to avoid further financial stress Agensi Kaunselling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) pg 17




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100% financing with zero down payments for MB World’s Serenita via Maybank HouzKEY

pg 19

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IIB launches ISKANDAR NEXT with Johor MB

SUTL Enterprise opens ONE°15 Estuari Sports Centre

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ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


What’s Next for Iskandar Malaysia?


skandar Investment Berhad (IIB) has launched the ISKANDAR NEXT initiative, which has seen industry players partnering with Iskandar Puteri to concentrate on digital innovation, emerging economies and talent growth. ISKANDAR NEXT, launched by Johor’s Menteri Besar, Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad, is intended to be a public-private partnership initiative with the state government of Johor to help the state agenda to build job opportunities for Johoreans and regain the confidence of investors. The components of ISKANDAR NEXT, introduced by IIB, will be implemented by various IIB Group companies in their areas of focus, such as drones & robotics, food

security, talent development, advanced technology and education. It is a testament to the dedication of IIB to creating Iskandar Puteri as the new business ecosystem hub and the chosen destination for industries relevant to IR4.0. Hasni said, Digital Council of Johor (Majlis Digital Johor) will convene next month for the first time. Under the Digital Johor Masterplan, this is a major accomplishment as one of the 7 Ikhtiar Makmur Johor. Johor would like to display, through this master plan, that the public and private sectors will share the same vision for this state. By combining them with competent digital networks and other digital-related policies,

Forest City Bags their 5th SCAHSA Award


he Global Coastal Ecological Environment Protection Model of Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements Awards 2020 (SCAHSA) was awarded to Forest City in Johor during the 15th Annual Global Forum on Human Settlements organised in a virtual format on 15th and 16th October 2020. This is the fifth consecutive year Forest City has won this multinational recognition. Dr Kelly Wang, Deputy General Manager of Country Garden’s Overseas and SAR Division has received the award on behalf of Forest City and said, “Forest City has always adhered to sustainable growth, concentrating on the balance between urban

development and conservation of nature”. Green ecological growth programmes are also implemented in phases and one of the most important areas is coastal ecological security. During the opening of its phase 1 for Eco Museum Exhibition Hall, Forest City released its Ecological Development Action Plan in September 2020. The plan outlined the priorities and goals of the growth, operation and management of eco cities from the beginning of the project development in 2014 to the future. Following this strategy, as a foundation, Forest City will develop green infrastructure, optimise high-tech industries to improve urban economic growth, and eventually become

a green and vibrant city with diverse industries and cultures. Alex Camprubi, Member of the Technical Committee of the Asian Habitat Society in consultative status with the United Nations (ECOSOC) said, “Forest City’s consistent ecological and environmental protection measures not only reflects the sense of corporate social responsibility but also how it achieved the balanced development of urban operations and green ecology”. Other SCAHSA Awards won by Forest City are Global Green Smart City Award for Green Buildings and Smart City Development (2019), Global Model of City-Industry Integration (2018), Global Model of Green Building Industrial Park (IBS Park) (2017) and Global Human Settlements Award on Planning and Design (2016). by Norfy Shafeq TI

ONE°15 Estuari Sports Centre Now Open SUTL Enterprise officially opens the centre with stateof-the-art facilities


UTL Enterprise Limited (SUTL Enterprise), a leading marina developer, operator, consultant and owner of the premier ONE°15 marina brand, announced the official launch of ONE°15 Estuari Sports Centre (Centre) in the Iskandar Puteri, Johor residential zone at an opening ceremony graced by guest-of-honour Johor Tourism, Youth and Sports Committee chairman, Datuk Onn Hafiz Bin Ghazi, followed by a VIP tour of the premises led by Brian Werner, General Manager of ONE°15 Estuari Sports Centre and

we want to exploit our geographic and economic prowess. The MB noted that Malaysia Foreign Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, had unanimously approved the Cabinet of the Johor Commercial, Tourism and Culture Company (JETCO) in Singapore a part of the 7 Ikhtiar Makmur Johor. President and CEO of IIB, Datuk Ir Khairil Anwar Ahmad said their endeavour in food security is to explore opportunities in smart agriculture using smart technologies like drone to develop smart farms in Iskandar Puteri’s lands to produce organic vegetables for export and to support the government’s food security agenda. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

ONE°15 Marina Puteri Harbour, Johor. Located just 5-10 minutes’ drive away from the development site of the Group’s upcoming marina club ONE˚15 Marina Puteri Harbour, Malaysia, the sprawling 13,000m2 integrated sports complex features five indoor/outdoor tennis courts, five badminton courts and two squash courts, a 50-metre Olympicsized pool compliant with FINA standards, yoga/aerobic/zumba/ spinning studios, a pool café, a martial arts studio, a rockclimbing wall, and more. SUTL Enterprise intends to leverage these state-of-the-art facilities as a platform to promote active lifestyle programmes, while also building the venue’s reputation

Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Ir. Haji Hasni Mohammad waves with the robot that co-hosted the launch, Pepper with (from far left) KPRJ CEO Haji Mohd Noorazam bin Dato’ Haji Osman, Mohd Izhar Ahmad, Johor State Exco of the Investment, Entrepreneur, Cooperative and Human Resource Committee, State Secretary Dato’ Haji Azmi Bin Rohani and (far right) CEO of IIB, Datuk Ir Khairil Anwar Ahmad

National Budget 2021 Wish List


o further rejuvenate the local property sector, my’s wishlist for the upcoming National Budget 2021 scheduled to be tabled in November 2020 includes for the government to consider reducing the stamp duty tax for first-time homebuyers after the end of the current Home Ownership Campaign on 31st May 2021. Stamp duty reduction is essential to help young Malaysians get on the property ladder. On the same note, stamp duty tax could be extended to the secondary market which will further provide opportunity for property seekers to explore subsale properties. The full exemption of Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) that was announced under the PENJANA package is greatly welcomed but it is hoped that the new budget will improve on the existing RPGT initiative by removing or loosening the limitation of disposal units per individual to encourage more confidence in property sellers. Another factor that could stimulate the local property market is investments from foreign buyers, and that the application process for MM2H programme could be made more streamlined and investorWong Siew Lai friendly. GM – Malaysia and Rental incentives are also required as some GM - Marketing people prefer to rent than buying a house to & Communications, save on accommodation costs in the short Malaysia Sdn Bhd term. The government could introduce an initiative that provides incentives to firsttime and seasoned renters. TI

as a world- class sports hub and training centre. The spor ts centre’s management also regularly ensures that the premises and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected multiple times a day with sdpro, a US EPA-approved self-disinfecting coating distributed regionally by SUTL EnvironTech, a wholly-owned subsidiary of parent company SUTL Global. As a world-class sporting venue in Johor with the potential to host national and international sporting events in a post-COVID world, the Centre is well equipped to stage regular activities and special events that include team-building activities, birthday parties and private group sporting workshops. It will also offer an outstanding range of sports academies and training programmes for individuals across all age groups and learning stages. SUTL Enterprise Executive

Director and CEO, Arthur Tay, said, “The launch of ONE°15 Estuari Sports Centre is a milestone that is in line with the Group’s vision to create a lifestyle sporting hub and enhance vibrancy and energy in the community. We also hope to promote the joys of yachting and other sporting-related events for families, friends and business people alike. More importantly it serves as a prelude to the muchanticipated opening of ONE˚15 Marina Puteri Harbour, Malaysia,

where construction works will recommence in 1QFY2021 following unforeseen, temporary disruptions as a result of border controls between Malaysia and Singapore due to COVID-19. Upon the clubhouse’s completion in 2023, members will be able to enjoy the benefits of dual membership perks that grant them access to the facilities at both ONE˚15 Marina Puteri Harbour and ONE°15 Estuari Sports Centre.” - by The Iskandarian TI



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020

Retired, Sick and Indebt? — We Have a Solution


here is a famous saying, “if we fail to plan, we plan to fail”. The same applies to retirement plan. *Hassan (fictitious name) found this out the hard way. He was a technician with a government department for several years, and his wife, is a nurse at a government hospital. He figured that since they were both government employees, they would not have to worry about retirement as their pensions would cover that. When the government department was privatised to become a governmentlinked company, Hassan was very happy as he would be receiving more perks as an employee along with a higher salary. With the increase in income, Hassan started using credit cards frequently and even took

on more loans for personal consumption. Then, retirement came. At this point, he still had some outstanding loans. However, since he was only a government employee for a short while, his pension was not much as he expected. Things took an uglier turn when he was later diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure. He had to use part of his Employee Provident Fund (EPF) to pay off some of his loans and used the remainder for his treatments at Institut Jantung Negara. Due to this, he started defaulting on his monthly repayments to the banks for his remaining loans and started receiving calls from debt collectors. In the beginning, it was just one or two calls a day but after three months, he used to

receive at least 10 phone calls daily from the debt collectors. Hassan started to have sleepless nights and decided to speak to his only child, his daughter, about his financial status. Wisely, she took him to the nearest BNM’s Agensi Kaunselling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) office for assistance as she herself was clueless as to how she could help her father. Hassan explained to the counsellor that he was feeling very depressed as he had been servicing his loans promptly before his retirement. The counselor said, “Saving early for retirement is very important”. The counsellor then came out with a workable repayment plan based on Hassan’s pension. He was very happy with the outcome as he no


Proper t, Malaysia’s No. 1 Property Site, has signed a commercial agreement with PropNex Malaysia, to help their property agents improve their business potential through digital platforms namely via’s latest proptech tool, iProperty PRO. Established in 2018, PropNex Malaysia is one of the fastest-growing real estate agencies in the country with over 600 property agents across 4 branches – Petaling Jaya, KLCC, Johor Bahru and Kota Kinabalu. iProperty PRO was launched in May 2020 to assist Malaysian property agents in bringing their business to the next level using the latest property data insights. The proptech

tool consists of features to help property agents in keeping track of how their listings are performing using data and in-depth insights. These could help property agents level up their game based on a market comparison with similar listings. The signing ceremony was officiated by Wong Siew Lai, Acting Country Manager and GM Marketing & Communications, Malaysia Sdn Bhd and Marcus Teng, CEO of PropNex Malaysia at the Bangi Convention Centre. In addition, iProperty. will provide exclusive training sessions for PropNex Malaysia’s property agents on digital knowledge, provide consumer search insights and education on how to effectively use proptech tools to increase the visibility of their property listings. Commenting on the agreement, Wong said, “There is no doubt that

these are challenging times for the property market more so for property agents who have to deal with the reality of the new normal. The recent effects of COVID-19 are showing further shifts in the way proper ty agents and property buyers, sellers and investors interact on their property journey. We are seeing digital data driving the way consumers seek properties more than ever before. PropNex Malaysia has recognised this and has seen the importance of equipping property agents

Meet Kulim’s New Managing Director, Mohd Faris Adli Shukery

K Gunasegaran Munusamy Head, AKPK JB Branch longer has to worry about the phone calls from debt collectors. He was on a much affordable repayment plan, and more importantly, he could then focus on his health. Are you retired, sick and indebt, or do you know anyone who is? Seek help early to avoid further financial stress. Retire comfortably. Call AKPK at 032616 7766 for assistance. TI

Malaysia’s No.1 Property Site Signs RM500,000 Commercial Agreement The one-year commercial agreement starts from October 2020 to September 2021


with digital knowledge and property data insights to help them recharge and grow connections with the millions of property seekers in Malaysia who are using digital platforms to buy and sell properties.” iProperty PRO identifies potential issues with the property agent’s listings through the Market Analytics feature, and what they can do to improve their listing in order to capture home buyers’ attention and boost their listings’ reach.- by The Iskandarian TI

Propnex Malaysia and Malaysia Sdn Bhd seals the deal

ulim (Malaysia) Berhad (Kulim) has announced the appointment of Mohd Faris Adli Shukery as Kulim’s new Managing Director effective 1st October 2020. He filled the vacant post following the retirement of former Executive Director, Tuan Haji Zulkifly Zakariah on 16th September 2020. Mohd Faris, 48, has more than 20 years of experience and expertise in the fields of plantation, real estate and financial services. He holds a master’s degree and a bachelor’s degree in law from the United Kingdom and held positions in business growth, strategic strategy, communications and events. Mohd Faris was the Regional Chief Executive Officer of the Sabah Region at Sime Darby Plantation prior to joining Kulim. His other jobs included Sime Darby Oils, Sime Darby Land, Kumpulan Guthrie Berhad, AmMerchant Bank and the Stock Exchange of Kuala Lumpur. Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad is a subsidiary of Johor Corporation. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

Repayment Aid for Borrowers


ith many still suffering job losses and salary cuts due to COVID-19 pandemic, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has mentioned in a statement that repayment assistance will be available for borrowers whose income has been affected by the pandemic. According to BNM, borrowers facing challenges have requested for reduction in monthly repayment installments, i.e. repayment flexibilities or even an extension on the moratorium that ended on the 30th of September 2020. BNM states that banks have been actively reaching out to borrowers in various ways. BNM, together with the banking industry, conducted more than 150 engagement sessions. These included repayment assistance campaigns across the country and direct engagements with various stakeholder groups, including SME associations. To ease the application process, banks have simplified steps, enabled online applications and extended the operating hours of branches (including weekends). So far, about 640,000 applications for repayment assistance have been received, with an approval rate of 98%. 40% got an extension on the moratorium period and about 60% borrowers chose a reduction of monthly installment payment. Meanwhile, borrowers who can afford to resume monthly repayments should do so, as this would reduce their overall debt and borrowing costs. In a further press statement, BNM has stated that borrowers facing difficulties with their banks can contact BNMTELELINK at my. Applications for repayment assistance at any time before 30th June 2021 will also not appear on a borrower’s CCRIS records. Borrowers may also seek guidance and explore alternative options for assistance with Agensi Kaunselling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) - by Priya Manikam TI


The Iskandarian ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020 Advertisement



ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020


Country Garden has Promising Outlook for 4 Consecutive Years Country Garden continues to show stability ahead of them despite COVID-19 pandemic


AM Ratings, one of Malaysia’s top local credit rating agencies, has recently reaffirmed the AA3/Stable Rating Investment Grade of the Islamic MediumTerm Notes (IMTN) Programme of Country Garden Real Estate Sdn Bhd (CGRE) with a nominal value

of RM1.5 billion, considering the effect of COVID-19 on the property sector and the economy. For four (4) consecutive years since 2017, CGRE, whose ultimate shareholder is Chinese Developer Country Garden Holdings Company Limited (Country Garden Group), has obtained the highest ranking among other developers in Malaysia. Although the global property market is deeply affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and rising economic

uncertainty, RAM’s reaffirmation of stable outlook for Country Garden Group shows that it has retained its leading position in the property market with good performance in property sales, high debt coverage ratios, and liquidity position. It also indicates that both Country Garden Group and Country Garden’s company in Malaysia are trusted by the Malaysian rating agency. In 2015, CGRE successfully released its first-ever Sukuk and

AME Enters into RM98.8 Million Deal


ntegrated industrial space solutions provider AME Elite Consortium Berhad (AME) clinched an RM98.8 million land and building contract to build V.S. Industry Berhad’s (VS) facilities in i-Park@Senai Airport City (Phase 3). AME unit Ipark Development Sdn Bhd (Ipark) entered into Sale and Purchase and Construction Agreements with VS for the sale of six pieces of land of approximately 413,682 sq ft with industrial buildings in Senai, Johor. The industrial buildings comprise a singlestorey detached factory with two-storey office block, and a single to three-storey industrial building with twostorey office block. Upon estimated completion by 30th June

2021, these additional facilities would increase the EMS’ player’s production land area by almost 25% to 50 acres in Malaysia. VS is one of the top five EMS players in South East Asia, with manufacturing facilities currently located in Malaysia, Indonesia and China; and serves EMS requirements of multinational corporations across the globe. VS’ Malaysia premises are located in Senai, close to AME’s i-Park@Senai Airport City. “This domestic direct investment (DDI) within our i-Park industrial park from a world-renowned EMS player is a vote of confidence for our top- notch facilities that are able to support their high-capacity requirements. Moreover, our encompassing

‘design-and-build’ capabilities allow us to customise to their exact requirements and complete the delivery within a relatively short period,” said Kelvin Lee Chai, Group Managing Director, AME Elite Consortium Berhad. i-Park@Senai Airport City, launched in 2017, is an awardwinning, gated and guarded

received Triple A Islamic Finance Awards by The Asset and The League Awards 2016 from RAM. The company’s gross interestbearing debt decreased to CNY 342.04 billion as of 30th June 2020, down 7.5% compared to the end of 2019. At the end of 2019, the weighted average borrowing costs decreased to 5.85%, down by 49 basis points, projecting the confidence of investors in the company’s credit status and solvency. Besides, Country Garden has

full-service industrial resort in Johor spanning an area of 189 acres. It is home to numerous next-generation Malaysian and international companies across various sectors, including precision engineering, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, logistics, assemblies, plastic injection m o u l d i n g, p a c k a gi n g, trading, warehouse/storage, electrical and electronics (E&E) m a n u f a c t u r i n g, research and development, green energy technology, and others. TI

Artist impression of factory at i-Park@Senai Airport City Phase 3

AME Elite Consortium Bhd to Purchase Land for RM434.3 million


EM Sunrise Bhd (UEM Sunrise) has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary UEM Land Bhd and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary Nusajaya Heights Sdn Bhd have entered into two separate Heads of Agreement (HOAs) with AME Elite Consortium Bhd (AME) units. UEM Sunrise will sell 169.8 acres of land in Johor to AME for RM434.3 million. Pentagon Land Sdn Bhd and Greenhill SILC Sdn Bhd were the signatories of the first HOA involving 2 SPAs valued at RM416.10 million. The second HOA was signed exclusively by Pentagon for the disposal of three non-Bumiputera lots worth RM18.2 million. The agreements are for the disposal of 72 freehold industrial parcels at Phase 3 of the Southern Industrial & Logistics Clusters (SILC) in Iskandar Puteri, Johor, where UEM Sunrise is the owner and master developer. UEM Sunrise has decided to collaborate with AME Elite Consortium Bhd to develop an integrated industrial park development. - by Priya Manikam TI

Maybank HouzKEY Now Available for MB World’s Serenita 2-storey Terrace Houses


B World Group Berhad through its subsidiary Cocoa Valley Development Sdn. Bhd. has partnered with Maybank Islamic Bank to offer HouzKEY home financing solution for its Serenita Double-storey Terrace Houses (Serenita) development. Maybank HouzKEY will provide potential buyers of Serenita 100% financing with zero down payments along with only three months of refundable security deposit needed. In addition, there is no payment required during the construction period and buyers will only need to start paying monthly upon vacant possession of the property. Serenita Double-storey Terrace Houses are nestled in MB World’s Taman Sri Penawar integrated township project in Bandar Penawar, Kota Tinggi, Johor. The vicinity of Bandar Penawar enjoys positive spillover effects from the mega

project development of Desaru Coast premium integrated destination resort and Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex (PIPC). Travelling is made easy with convenient access to Senai-Desaru Expressway (SDE), Pengerang Highway as well as Tanjung Belungkor Ferry Terminal, linking to Johor Bahru, Kota Tinggi town centre and Pengerang in Johor and Changi Ferry Terminal in Singapore. Popular tourist attractions in the area include Desaru Beach, Tanjung Balau Beach, Desaru Fruit Farm, Tanjung Balau Fishermen Museum, Teluk Sengat Crocodile Farm, The Els Club world-class golf course, Desaru Coast Adventure Waterpark, Sungai Rengit and Teluk Ramunia Ostrich Farm. Schools and colleges are also abundant, such as the National Youth Skills Institute (IKBN) Bandar Penawar, INSTEDT Bandar Penawar, MARA Professional College, Bandar Penawar

continued to enhance efficiency and cut cost (the marketing and operating costs of the company decreased by 27.9% over the prior-year period). M oody ’s, the largest international ratings firm, awarded Baa3 rating to Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd. on 18th September, an upgrade from the previous Ba1, unsecured bond rating to Baa3 and further revised the group’s outlook from stable to positive. - by Norfy Shafeq TI

Community College, Bandar Penawar Sports Schools, Kota Tinggi Science Secondary School, SMK Bandar Penawar and Sekolah Kebangsaan Bandar Penawar. Serenita Double-storey Terrace Houses will each have 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms with standard land area size of 20ft by 70ft and built-up area of 1,781 sq ft. The development is slated for completion by end 2021. The sales gallery and show unit are open daily from 10am to 6pm. For more information, please call 012-793 6522 or visit The Sales Gallery is located at Sales Gallery Taman Sri Penawar, Jalan Tanjung Balau, 81930 Bandar Penawar, Kota Tinggi, Johor (Waze: Sales Gallery Taman Sri Penawar). MB World Group Berhad ventured into the business of property development since 2015. After successfully completing its maiden project – Pinnacle Tower

serviced apartment in Johor Bahru City Centre in 2017, the Group took a bold step to undertake the development of a 456acre integrated township called Taman Sri Penawar in Bandar Penawar, Kota Tinggi. In August 2018, the Group expanded into the state of Melaka by unveiling the NOVO 8 Residence at Kampung Lapan as it bids to grow beyond Southern Johor. Maybank HouzKEY is open to Malaysian citizens, between 18 – 70 years old at the point of application. The applicant must not have more than one home financing at the point of application. - by Priya Manikam TI

Master bedroom of Serenita Doublestorey Terrace Houses show unit


The Iskandarian ISSUE 99 | NOV 2020 Advertisement

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