Wayfare No. 2 preview

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Isak Dinesen


2 Nº

ERICA DUBLIN Founder / Editor-In-Chief

PEGGY WONG Partner / Creative Director

Jane Potrykus Market Editor ERICA NIKOLAIDIS Copy Editor NICOLE ROGERS Vannucchi Editorial Assistant Michaela Schickel Creative Assistant special THANKs to our issue CONTRIBUTORS: Mike Carreiro, Caitlin Flemming, Alice Gao, Gentl + Hyers, Grant Gibson, Kari Howard, Karen Kristian, Kate LeSueur, Victoria Pearson ON THE COVER: Ayers Rock/Uluru, Australia. Photo by Peggy Wong

07 EDITOR’S NOTE 1 0 e a t / o u t 1 2 s a i l a w a y 1 6 es c a p e 1 8 b u c k et l ist 2 4 PW . T R A V E L O G U E 34 THE OTHER SIDE 4 2 I N BLACK A N D W H I T E 5 0 it a l y 5 8 Lo u isi a nn a 6 0 a tho u ght

7 editor’s note WAYFARE

I’ve been asked countless times to define what inspires me to travel. Every answer is different.

Whenever I embark on a trip, I come home in love with something or someone that in turn influences my next travel experience. It could be the bright textiles featured in “The Other Side” (page 34) or the thrill of seeing wild mustangs charge an open range that keeps me awake at night dreaming of wildlife refuges like the Giraffe Manor in this issue’s “Bucket List” (page 18). You see, for me, it’s not adventure, luxury, or the sea that I seek on any given trip. It’s not the type of trip or destination that shapes my travel; it is the lived experience. For Issue No. 2 of Wayfare, we’re taking you inside the travel lives of our contributors, giving you a glimpse into how they make their travel marks on the world. Each of us can take away something from their stories that will inspire our next getaway. This issue isn’t governed by hot lists, guidebooks, or five-star reviews but rather an emphasis on personal journals that keep the experience—not the end destination— at the root of the story.

L a s V ent a n a s a l P a r a í so , M E X I C O

These images were taken during our summer stay at Las Ventanas in Los Cabos. The image of my son enjoying a bubble bath after a day of being pampered on the beach with buckets of sand toys and picnic lunches captures the joy of our trip perfectly. See more images on our blog at wayfaremag.com photogr aphy By erica dublin

Wayfare exists to bring you stories that become a starting place or an extension of your own unique travel experiences, uncovering endless inspiration and acting as a point of connection, collaboration, and celebration of travel. We hope you’ll continue to share your adventures with us.

E r i c a D u b l i n , E d i t o r - I n - C h i e f o f w ay fa r e

The photographer and foodie shares a few of her favorite Charleston finds:


EAT/ OUT Photographer Alice Gao of Lingered Upon, a travel-esq online journal that documents her love of small moments made into photos, her boyfriend, and some good friends, uncover the robust food scene in Charleston, South Carolina. words & photography By ALICE GAO


“When we first got to the city, we made our way to Butcher & Bee for some fantastic sandwiches. The place had a great industrial, rustic feel with harsh sunlight streaming through the windows.�

NO.3 g

I was surprised to find some really fantastic coffee shops like


NO.2 g

We lucked out by arriving on a Sunday for a ridiculously good sticky bun that are only served on weekends at

wild flour pastry.

NO.4 i

Martha Lou’s Kitchen

was a truly authentic southern soul food experience. The food was pure, honest and simple—and not to mention quite delicious.

13 brought to you by Mark and Graham WAYFARE

sorrento i ta l y Set against a blue sky or a seascape dotted with colorful sails, these summer pieces from Mark and Graham celebrate a classic summer break. photogr aph By Mike Carreiro

Ca n vas w i t h Leat h er W eek en d er Bag

A rm or Lu x St ri pe Lon g Slee v e Sh i rt

The entire Wayfare team is head over heels for these canvas carryalls featuring warm brown leather accents with navy-and-white striped cotton lining. It’s roomy enough for a weekend’s worth of stuff. Make it yours with a free monogram.

A staple in my carry-on is a simple striped shirt. These new French-imported pieces from Mark and Graham are hard to resist, and the subtle embroidered monogram option give them that extra flare. Erica Dublin, Editor-in-Chief



Co lorfi eld Passport Cov er

Ca n vas Tot e

These colorful passport covers are perfect for the international traveler—bright enough to spot in any carry-on and roomy enough for travel documents or other important tidbits. Jane Potrykus, Market Editor

The anchor icon on this tote takes me back to when I went boating with my parents in Lake George... those long and lazy summer days on the lake, without a worry in the world. Peggy Wong, Creative Director



m ark a ndgra h a m.com

a n nou nci ng

LA VIE Awaiting any adventure.


Wayfare Journeys are an extension of the Wayfare experience: uncovering endless inspiration and acting as a point of connection, collaboration and celebration of travel for our growing community of readers. Each expertly curated journey is an incredible and memorable experience that is life-enriching and unique to the destination. Come travel with us. For further questions please email journeys@wayfaremag.com


IN BLACK AND WHITE Letting go of any fear that could stand in their way of recording what was seen, Andrea Gentl and Martin Hyers shoot reportage style—on top of cars, jumping into passing trucks, climbing onto any structure offering a different vantage point, hanging out of car windows, and meeting strangers along the way. Here, they guide us through a series of photographs taken during their recent trip to Burma and China, giving us a glimpse into the beauty of places framed by the people who live there.

A PHOTO E S S AY B y Ge n t l a n d H y e r s


“ T hi s s h o t wa s taken while a fa m ily t o o k thei r m o r nin g bath . T he b oy ’ s m o the r wa s j u s t o u t o f f r a m e , naked , wa s hin g in the r i v e r .� burma

“ B u r m a i s p o s s ibly the be s t c o u nt r y we hav e p h o t o g r a p hed in o u r ca r ee r .” burma


“ T h r o u g h o u t N o r the r n C hina , the valle y s we r e f u ll o f a da r k ac r id s m o g that h u n g o v e r m o s t o f the citie s and t o wn s . A lth o u g h it wa s s ad t o s ee , it m ade f o r g r eat p h o t o g r a p h y. T he m o r nin g s u n w o u ld li g ht the s m o g , leav in g the p e o p le a s black s ilh o u ette s d o ttin g the land s ca p e .� CHINA

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