1966 - 1967 Wayland Academy Yearbook

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The Pillars staff of Wayland Academy presents the Action of 196 7


Wayland Hall

THE FOUR THIN GS H enry Van Dyke Four things a man must learn to do, If he would ma ke his record true : T o think without confusion clea rl y, T o act from honest mot ives pur ely, To trust in God a nd H eaven securely . T h ese " fo ur thin gs " h ave bee n popularl y asc ribed to the sy mbolism of the four pill a rs of W ay la nd H a ll.

Thr ee men with one mind

Remem ber w hen it looked like this?


Four out of every fi ve .

We ca me out of summer to be ca ught up in our exper iences at Wayl a nd. Friendships made , Knowl edge ga ined, minds stimul ated ; these were the results of 1966-1967 .

Here comes the third bus a nd it even has wheel s

Please I'd rather do it myself


The Three .VIusketeers

Up for the ki ck-off

The caped crusader strikes again

Who la id the egg.?

Where 10?

Pam moves In 路 for the kill



To dream the impossible dream , to fight the unbeatable foe , and to stop drea min g or fighting- this is man 's privilege a nd the on ly life worth li ving. -Cerva ntes


.Journalism class watches the Beat路a Dam Daily Citizen in action.

" Look , look, see Spot run '"

Adva nced Bio keeps C hip and Guy bus y.


" To think without confusion clearly.


Warren H all - H ea dquarters for co-educat ion.

Wayland 1984

Hi gh ho, Hi gh ho, it 's off to work we go

"To love his fellow man sincerely To act from honest motives purely.


Coffee brea k .

Hey' C hee k out Kitsy's Fresca'

Een ic, meenie , min ee, mo-

" To trust in God and Heaven securely."

R EV . M R . TO W NE R M r . Tow n e r , W ay la n d ' s new cha pla in , is filli ng the n ew ly esta bli s h ed P a ko Dye C h a ir- o f R eli gio n in Education . H e comes to us fr om Palo Alto , Ca lifornia ; w h er e h e was m ini ste r of th e First Ba ptist C hurch of Palo Alto. Bes ides his cha pel duti es , M r. T ow n e r is teachin g a co urse on moral phil oso ph y an d lea din g a Sunday night Reli gion disc uss io n g r o up . H e h o ld s degr ees fr om H a milton College , Co lga t e R oc h es t er Di vinit y Sc h oo l , a nd th e U ni o n T h eo logica l Se minary . T he W ayla nd st udents fi nd his sophisticated a pproach to r eli g io n r efres hin g a nd his di verse kn owledge stimul atin g .

RAYMOND PATTERSON HEADMASTER Mr. Patterson , a Wayland graduate, joined the Wayland faculty in 1949 and became Headmaster in 1954. Hereceived his B.A. and M.A . degrees in education from the University of Wisconsin. Under his outstanding leadership the Wayland campus has seen many advances. Most recent of these include the chapla in 's new residence, which will soon be expanded into a dormitory; the field house on South Campus; and the module system put into effect at Way land for the first time this year. A competent Headmaster, Mr. Patterson is also a respected and trusted counselor.

Fred Sch licher Curriculum Coordinator

Fred E. Klais ncr Dea n of Students

Richard N. Boy a Assista nt Headmaster

ADMINISTRATION Wayl a nd 's Adminstration is on the go aga in this year. Richard Boya , ass istan t head master an d Director of Public Rel a tions h as mov ed into Dye Dorm with his family . Act ing also as varsity football coach , Mr. Boya has a full schedule to keep him busy. Mr . Klaisner is resuming his r esponsibilities as Dean of Students for the second year. Mr. Klaisn er, too , has taken a new home with his family , assuming theresponsibility as Head of Wayland Hall. Mr. Schlich er, Curricu lum Coordinator, h ad a busy summer working out the new module system. This rather complex system has worked quite well providing time for hour and a half sessions in English , sciences, histories, and speech. Mr. Schlicher is also head of the math department a nd teaches second and fourth yea r math.

\Irs. Fierke

William Clark

THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT We all have missed having Mr. Proctor , head of the English department, on campus this year . In spite of his absence , however , English classes must go on, and Mr. Clark, Mr. Sehloff, Mrs. Fierke, Miss Swan, Mrs. Pihlstrom, and Mrs. Mickey have seen to it that they do. Mr. Clark also finds time for writing and directing plays , as well as teaching speech. Mr. Sehloff teaches journalism and heads the publications organization. Mrs . Mickey , a dynamic addition to our faculty, coaches field hockey and gives a lot of homework.

Jean Craven \Jickev

Ellen Pihlstrom

Vern on Sehl off

\ la r y S wa n


Mr. Smith and Mr. Clay, two additions to the faculty this year, teach freshmen and junior math courses. Mr. Hansgen has a freshman cl ass , also. Mr. Schlicher , along with being curriculum co-ordinator and department head , is in charge of sophomore and senior math courses. .John G . Cla y

.Judson Smith

Richard Holstein

THE SCIENCE DEPARTMENT The words for the science department this year are " new approach. " Mr. Hansgen has returned from a year 's sabbatical leave at Cornell University to teach phys ics and physical science. He has also instigated a Sunday night discussion group. Mr. Holstein 's classes are using a new book , rather than the previously used CBA course. Mr. Mey er teaches not only Biology I , but also a new Biology II course which has its greatest emphasis on laboratory research .

Rich a rd M eyer

Richard H a nsgen

1\l ton "W ichm a n

Dav id Fier ke

THE HI STORY DEPARTMENT Our history department has expa nd ed thi s year with the additi on of Mr . Fierke. He, Mr. Schmidt , a nd Mr . Wichma n teach American and world history. Mr. H eilm an , the department head , teac hes Europea n hi story. The two honors courses , America n Dipl oma cy and Western Thought , are ta ught by Mr. Wichm a n and Mr . H eilman , r espectivel y. The history departm ent is r es ponsible for having brought spea kers to our campus for the politica l forum s this year. Pa ul Schmidt

H oba rt Tucker

Co nstance Koeh ne


Wayl and 's language department provides students with facilities of a modern la nguage laboratory . The staff in cludes Senores Koehne, Monsieur et Madame Sampon, and Mr. Tucker. Fourth year students in Spanish and French have class only once or twice a week in honors courses. Victor Sampan

Anne-Marie Sampan

Willi a m Koehne

Bever ly Dohmann

THE ART DEPARTMENT Mrs. Dohmann and her art department have exhibited several student shows this yea r. We are grateful to this department for hav ing brought many professional artists to our campus. Severa l Wayl a nd students have received state-wide recognition in the field of art.

franklin Stecker

THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Wayland has been fortun a te in having had several professional musicians on the campus this year, a mong them the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, the Uni -

Helen Kane

An n Messenger Cothra n

versity of Wis. String Quartet , a nd Leon Bibb. The music department has also provided us with student entertainment in choir, kapelle, string group , piano , and indi vidual voice. Mr. Stecker , Mrs . Koehne , Mrs. Cothran, and Mrs. Kane are doing an outstanding job of bringing the "Sound of Music" to our campus.

Hildega rd Ol so n Nurse

M ax ine Schm idt Dormitory Counselor

Eli za beth Liu crick Director of Residence

Jun e Schult z Nurse

.) ennis Sam po li s Dormitory Counselor

OF 1967

WE REMEMBER . .. being a member of the coolest class ... slaving to finish an analysis of Hamlet 's character ... tripping over four-foot freshmen ... having Tih-Tah to take care of ... winning the effigy competition-again ... " studying'' in the seminar room during night study hall ... filling out college applications- and sweating replies .. . realizing that this is the last year of "zeroing in " ... building class unity-at last ... missing the great white bird ... being hosts and hostesses , with more underclassmen to fold their hands in their laps and smile at us ... sitting in the back of the chapel ... remembering the dirty ol ' cripple who roamed the campus at 10:35 on Friday and Saturday nights ... listening for solemn chords of Pomp and Circumstance ... being ourselves ....


CHARLES KENNETH AL THOLZ CH IP Pu bli c Rel ati ons 4 ; W ay la nd Pl ay ers 4; Reli gious Ad visory Council 3; C hoir 3,4; Ka pelle 4 , Footba ll I ,3,4; Basketball 3 ; \'Vrestl ing I ; Track 3.4 ; Ski Cl ub 3,4.

:'v !ARY ELLEN AT KI NSON M.E. Y.W .C.A. 3,4 ; Post Staff 4; W ay land Players 3,4 ; Pil la rs Sta ff 4; l ntra mura ls 3; Sk i C lu b 3.4; Tennis 3,4.


SALLY ELIZABETH BARR SALLY Y.W .C .A. 4 ; Wa y land Pl a yers 4 ; Set Designer a nd Assista nt Director for fa ll play ; Choir 4; Kapelle 4; Fenci ng 4.

ROBERTJOSEP HB AN KER BOB Publi c Rel at ions 4; W ay la nd Pl ay ers 4 ; Soccer 3,4 ; Swimming 3; Golf 3 ~ 4 ; Sk i C lub 3,4 .



STEVE :'\II C HAEL BARTELL BART Footba ll ; 2,3 ,4, Co-Capta in 4; Sw immin g 3; Tr路ack 2, 3,4; " W " C lub 2,3 ,4; H onor Ro11 2,3.

ELIZABETH FR ,\ NCES BART H ELL BETSY Y.W .C. A .; I ,2.3, 4; Youth Group 3; Ph otograp hy 3,4; Pill a rs Staff 2,3,4; Cho ir 3,4; G irl s' Ensembl e 3; Field H oc key 4; Voll yba ll 3,4 ; \'Va ter Ba ll et 2.3; Swimming; 2,3, 4 ; l nrramura ls 3.4; Ski C lu b I ,2, 3,4.

WARREN LE IGH BLAKSLEE WARREN Scientific Disc uss ion 4; Soccer 4; Basketba ll 4; Tenni s 4; Ski Club 4.

C HR IST INE ROSEi\NN BLO:'\IBER G CHRIS Y.W.C.A. 4, Homeco min g Queen 4; Post Staff 4; Basketba ll-! ; C hcer lead in g 4.



DIANE LYNNE BONDEHAGEN Dl \ .W.C.:\. I ,2.3.4: Wa yla nd Pl ay ers I ; H onor Roll I .2, 3,4; Cum La ude 3,4; .Junior :\larsha ll 3; Ski Club 1.2.

SABINA BOSSA RD BINA Y.W.C.A. 2,3,-l; Public Relat ions Ch a irma n 4; Rou land 3; Youth Group 4; Pill ars Staff 2,3 ,4; Hon or Roll 2,4 ; Field H oc key 2,4; Basketba ll 2,4; lntramurals 2, 3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Varsity Club 2.3 ,4 .

BAR! LYNN BOYER BARE Y.W .C. A. I ,2.3 ,4: Publi c Relati ons -\ ; Post Staff 4; Roul and 3,4; Reli gious Advisory Council 3; Pill a rs St a ff 2,4; Girl 's En se mble4 ; St ringed En se mbl e I , 2 .3.4. Honor Roll I .2.3,4: Cum Laude 3,4: 1\"ationa l :\lerit H onorab le :\lention -!; .Ju nior :\I arsha l1 3: Intramura ls 3,4 ; Fencing I .2 .

C H ARLESA RTH URBU RTON CHUC K Prom Committee 3; Activities Committ ee 3; Footbal l I .2,3.4; Swimm ing I ,2 ,3; Tr ac k I ,2,3,4; Intra mura ls 2,3; Ski C lu b I ,2, " W' ' C lub 3,4.



KAY CA LDWELL KlTSY Y.W.C.A. 2,3,4; Pu blic Re la ti o ns -1; Po st Staff 2; W ay la nd Players 3,4; Photograp hy 3,4; Pill ars Staff 3,4; Fi eld H ockey 2,3,4; Bas ketbal l 2,3,4; Sw immin g 2,4; So rtba ll 2,3,4; lnt ra murals 2,3,4; S ki C lub 2,3.4; Tennis 3,4; Vars it y C lub 2,3,4; Sec. 2; Vice-Pres. 4.

S IR! i\IARLE CA \IPBELL S IR! PI Y .W .C.A. 2,3,4; Publi c Re lat io ns -1; Post Staff 4; W ay lan d Pl aye r s 3,4; Yo uth Group 2,3; R e ligious Advisory Counc il 3,4; Ph otography 4; Pill a rs Staff 3,4; Editor Literary l\ laÂŁlaz in e -1; Second Year Art Award 3; Ski C lub 2,3,4.

DO GLAS A LL EN CEN TER BURP W ay la nd Players 4; Pill a rs Staff 4; Footba ll 3,-1; Basketba ll 3,4; Baseba ll 4; Trac k 3; lntra mura ls 3,4; S ki Club 3,4: " vV " C lu b 3,4; W eight Lirtin ,!\ 3,4.

SUE WALLACE COL LI NS SUEY Y.W .C. A. 3,4; Ph otograph y 4; Pill ars 4; Field H ockey -1; Volleyba ll 3; Bas ket ba ll 4; So rtba l1 4.



ELIZABETH H i\LL CUM BLER PUCK Y W.C.A. 3,4; Public Relations 4; Wayland Pl ayers 3; Pillars Staff 3; Honor Roll 3,4; Field Hockey 4; Bas ketball -l; Water Ballet 3,4; Softball 4; Sk i Club 3,4 .

CHRISTINE :VfARY DOUGLAS WOPPITY Y.W.C.r\. 2,3 ,-l; Public Relatio ns 4; Wayland Players 3,4; Pillars staff 3,4; Basketball 2,3 ,4; Water ba ll et 2,3,4; Swimming 2.3,4; Softball 3,4; Ski C lu b 2,3,4; Tennis 2.3,4 ; Va rsity Club 3,4; Choir 2; G irl s Ensem ble 3; i\ lil waukee.Journal Art Show 2nd place .

.JANE 'v!ARIE DOWNS JANE Y.W.C.A. 2,3.4; Cabi net 3; Public Relations 4; Post Staff 4; Wayland Players 3.4; Pillars Art Ed itor 3,4; Pep Club Representative 2,3; Field Hockey 4; Basket bal l 4; Softball 'vlgr 3; lntramurals 2,3,4; Ski C lub 2.3 ,4; Homecoming Court 2.

DONALD ALEXANDE R DOWNS,.JR DON Wayland Players 4; Honor Roll I, Football 1.2 ; Soccer 3,-l; Basketball I ,2.3.4; Trac k 1.2.3 ,4; lntramurals 2; 路' W " Club 2,3,-l; Sec. -Tres. 4.



.JEANNE RAE ENHELDER EN S ! Y.W .C. A. 2.3,4 ; Pill a rs Sta ff 3,4, Field H oc key 3, ~ . Bas ketba ll 2.3.4 , So ftba ll 2,3, 4, Ski C lub 2,3, 4 , T enni s 3. 4 , Va r s ity C lub ~. Pr o m Co rnmi11 cc 3 , C h o ir 3 ,4, G irl s' Ensembl e 3.

.JOHN WARREN FLOR INE LOC O Fo otb a ll 2,3.~, Wr es tlin r; I ,2,3.4, Base ba ll 2,3,4, Trac k I. " W '' C lub 2,3.4. W ay la nd Pl aye r s~. Prom Co mmiuee 3, T own C lub I ,2,3,4.


.J A:\ I ES :\ IC:DOWELL FRENCH FAT Foo tb a ll 2. Soccer 3. 4 , Sw imm i n g 2, \V r es tlin g 4. Trac k 2.3,4 . lntra mura ls 2, Life Sav in g 3. Publi c Relotions 4, W ay land Pl ayers 3.4. Youth Gmup ~ . Rel igious Advisor y C ouncil 4, Pill a rs Sta ff 3. C h o ir~ .


FOLSOM FOLLY Footba ll 2,3. Soccer 4, Bas ketba ll I ,2, Baseba ll 3 , ~. Trac k I ,2,3, ln tra mura ls 2,3,4 , Ski C lub I ,2.3. ~ . " W '' C lub 3,4 , H onor Roll I ,2,3, C lass Vice Pres id ent 2, C lass Tr easu re r 4 , R o ul a nd I , R e li g io u s Ad v isory Coun cil I ,2, Pep C lub 3,4 .



J.;El\l\ETH LLOYD GA LL ENBEC J.; J.; E. 'N Y T own Cl ub 1.2.3 .~; Honor Roll 2; State French Poetn路 Dec lama tion I .2 ,3: Footba ll I ,2: Soccer 3,-l: Swim路min {\ 1 .2.3.~ ; Basehall2; Golf3.~: Ski C:lub3.-l.

SCSAN :V!ERLEG A RD NE R SLE Y.W .C. ,\. 3.4: Post Staff -l ; R e li .~ iou s Adv isory Coun ci l 4; Pil lars Staff~; \ 路olleyba ll 3.-l; B as ketball~ ; W a ter Ballet 3; Swimmin g 3: lntra murals 3.-l; Ski Club~ ; Tenni s 3,4.

.JANE ALEXA!\ ORA G IL\ IAN .J A!\E . W .C..-\ . 4; Pill a rs Staff -l; Fi eld H or key 4; Bas ket bal l 4: So ftball~ ; lntram ura ls 4: T enn is -l.

)Ai'.I ES FOSTER G ODIN JIM W ay land Pl ayers 4: C ho ir 4: H onor R oll~; Soccer 4 .



.JOHN GRAVES .J ULES Cross Country 3 , Soccer 2. Swimming 2, Golf 3 . ~. Track 2, lntr a mur ~ l s 2,3, Ski Club 2,3,4 , " W" Club 2,3,4. Honor Roll 2.4. Phot ogr<~ ph y 2.3,4. Pill;u·s Stafl' 2,3,4, Prom Committ ee 3.

GUY ALAN GOTTSCHAL K GOOSE Footb~ll 3,4, B as k ctb~ ll 3, Tr ac k 3,4, ln tramUI·~ I s 3.~ . Ski Club 3.~. ··w·· Club 3,4, Post Stan· 4, Wayl an d Pla yers 3,4, Student Co uncil4.

ivlARGERY PRI CE GR ISWOLD MADGE Y.W .C. A. 1,2,4, Public Relation s 2,4, Reli gious Ad visory Council 2, Pill ars Staff 4, Field Hockey Mgr. 4, Water Ballet I ,2,4 , Ski Club I ,2 ,4, Student Co uncil 2, Prom Court I.




STEVE ; FREDRICK HIL\ I ER HILLY Soccer 2.3,4, Bask etba ll 2. Wrestling 3,4, Baseba ll 4 . Go lf 2, Track 3, lntra mura ls 2.3.4, Sk i C lub 2,3.4. "W '' C lu b 4 . Publi c Relat ions 4 . Post Staff 4. Bridge C lub 3.4. Pill ars St a ff 4 . C hoir 4 .

SUSAN \IICHAEL HI ESTAND SU E Y.W .C: ..路\. Wa yla nd Pl a,路ers 4; Pil lars StaA路 3.4.

\! ARSHA.JAN INE HO L LA 10 YIARSHA .W. C ..-\. I ,2.4; Cabin et 2.4; W ay land Pl ay ers 2.4; Greetin gs St a A路 2; Pill ars Staff 4; Volleyba ll 2.4; W ater Ball et 2.4; ln tramura ls 2; S ki C lub I .2.4

ELIZABETH GAY HOOKER HOOK Y.W .C. A. 3,4; Pu blic Rel at ions 4; Wa yland Pla yers 3.4; Pill ars Sta ff 3.4; H onor Roll 3.4; Bas ket ba ll 3,4; vVat er Ballet 3.4 ; lntramural s 3.4 ; C hoir 3.4; Kapelle 3.4.



ROBERT GORDO!\ .JO N ES ROJO Soccer 3 .4 , 1:\as eba ll 3,4. Trit ck 3.4. " v\' ' ' C lub 3.4 . \\'ay la nd Pl ay ers 3.4.

FRANC ES iv!ARLE HORVATH FRAN Y.W .C .A . I ,2,3 ,4 , Public Relati ons 4, Reli gio us Advisory C ouncil 3, Pill a rs St a ff 3 ,4, Tow n Club I ,2 ,3 ,4 , Volleyba ll 3, Bas ketbal l 2 ,3, 4 , So rt Ba ll 2 ,3 ,4 , Intra mura ls I ,2 ,3.4 , S ki C lub 3 .4 , Honor Ro ll I ,2 ,3 .4. C lass Sec reta r y 4 , Student Council 4 , Homccomin e; C ourt 3. Icc C a rni va l Court 2.

DANIEL KENT KNOWLTON DIRTY DAN Football I ,2,3 ,4 , Bas eba ll I ,2, S wimmine; 1.2.3. Trac k 3.4 , Fe n c in~ 3. ln tra mura ls 3 , S ki C lu b I ,2 ,3 .4 . " \V '" Club I ,2,3 ,4 , Post Sta ff 4.

LARRYALTHAUSKLERK RED Footba ll4 , Co lr 4 , S ki C lub 4 , " W " C lub 4.



.JEFFRY MARK LEAR!\lAN .JEFF \lilwa ukee .Journal Art Award 2nd Place I; 1st Place 3; Cross Country 2.3; Soccer 4; Sw imming 2; Tennis 2.3 .

KURT EDWIN LE!CHTLE KURT Pos! Staff 4; Wayl an d Pl ayers 2,3.4; Religious Advis ory Council 2.3: Pill ars Staff路 2,3.-1; Str inged Ensemble I .2,3; Honor Roll I ,2,4; National Merit Honorable \lention 3; Tennis I.

JESSE REIN LEITZKE JESSE Post Staff 4; Town C lub 3,4; Football 3.4; Wrestling 3,4; Track 3,4.

BARBARA PAULINE LIPPERT LIP Y.W .C.A. 2,3,4; Wayland Pl ayers 4; Youth Group 2 ,3; Brid ge Club 2; Debate C lu b 2; Pill ars Staff 4; Choir 3,4; Girls ' Ensemble 3; Field Hockey 3; Volleyball 3,4; Softball 4; Cheerleading 4; lntramu rals 2, 3,4; Ski Club 2,3,4; Tennis 3,4 .



RICHARD REEVE LOOZ.E TOAD W ay land Pl ayers 2; Deba te C lub 2; Honor Roll I ,2; Footba ll I ,2,3,4; Swimmin~ 2; Trac k 2,3, 4 ; Ski Club 3,4 ; lntra mura ls I ,2,3, 4.

KARE N LOU ISE LUN G ERHAUSEJ'\ K-C \' .W .C. A. 3, 4 ; Public Relations 4. Post Staff 4 : \Nayla nd Pl ay ers 4; Pillars Stan路 4; Field H orkey 4 ; Volleyball 3.4; W ater Ballet 3, 4 ; T enni s 3,4: H onor Ro ll 3,4; Choir 4 ; G irl s' Ensemble 3,4 .

\II C H AEL ALLEN MACHKOVECH LUNGER W ay la nd Pl ayers 4; Pillars Staff 4 ; Football I ,2,3, 4: Bas ketball I .2,3,4; Swimming 2,3,4; Track I ,2,3,4: " W " C lub 3,4; H onor Roll I ,2,3 ,4; N at ional \l er it 3; .Juni or \l ars hall 3; Stud ent Counc il I .

TH0:'v!ASJAMES \IAIER TOM H onor Ro ll I ,2, 3,4; Cum La ud e 3,4; 'a tiona l I\l erit 3; .Juni or lVI a rsha ll 3 : C lass Pres ident I : Treas urer 3: Stud ent Co un cil I ,2.



\ FRED KN IGHT MCPHERSON BEAK Footba ll 1,2.3.-l , Tennis I ,2. Wres tlin g 1.2 ,3,4, Track 3,4, lntramura ls 2, Ski C lub 3, ''W" C lub 3,4 , Post Staff 4 , W aylan d Pl ayers 4. Religious Advisory Council 2.3, W ay land H a ll Council 2,3, Student Council 2,4. Prom Committee 3. W a yla nd H a ll President 3, C hoir 2.3 ,4 .

KR ISTINE ANNE ME ILSTRUP KRIS Y W.C.A. 3,4. Pu blic Relations 4. W ay la nd Pl ayers 4, Pill a rs Sta ff 3.4, Reli gious Ad visor y Cou ncil 3, Field H oc key 3,4 , Volleyball 3,4 , W ater Ba ll et 3,4 , Softba ll 4, lntramura ls 3,4 , Ski C lub 3,4. G irls ' Ensemble 3,4 .


GIL H AYES MEYERS G IL Soccer 2,3,4, Bas ketball 2, Tenni s 2 ,3, Track 3,4 , l ntra murals 2,3,4, W ay land Players 4. Brid ge C lub 2.

DOUC HE Foo tb a ll 3 , Soccer 4. Bas ketb a ll 3 ,4 , Base ba ll 3,4. Prom Co mmitt ee.




OBERG OBE Wayland H a ll Co un ci l 2.3; Footbniii ,2.3,4; .J .V Co-Capt. 2; V. Co-Ca pt . 4; Wrest li ng 1,2; Track 1,2; "W" Club 3,4; Presid ent 4.

.JOSEPH E. NATHAN .JR . NATE Publi c Re la ti ons 4; W ay la nd P laye r s 4 ; Pep C lu b Vice-Pres. 3. Pres. 4; Soccer 2,3,4; Tennis 2,3,4; Swimm in g 2,3.4; ln tramura ls 2,3,4; Ski C lub 2,3,4; Choir 3.4.

PHILIP CA REY OWEN PHIL CLU BFOOT H onor Roll 3; Nat iona l Merit H ono ra bl e M ention 3; Soccer 3; Sw imming 3,4; T rac k 3.

VIRGINIA ELIZABETH PARSONS G INNY Y.W.C.A. 2,3,4; Publi c Relations 2; Post Staff 4 ; Way land Players 3,4; Pillars Staff 4; H onor Roll 4; Basketba ll 2 .3,4; W ater Ballet 3.4; Sw imming 4 ; So ftba ll 2.3.4; C heerl ea clin g 3,4; lntramurals 2.3.4; Ski Club 2.3.4; Varsi ty 3.4; C hoir 2.3.4; Mixed Ensemble 2; Kapell e 3,4; Prom Co urt 3.



BARBARAJEAN PATEK BARB Public Rel at ions 4, Volleyball 3, Bas ketball 2,4 , W ater Ballet 3,4, In tram urals 3,4, Ski Club 4, Town C lu b I , 2,3,4.

PETER WESTON RADFORD RABBIT Cr>Oss Country 2,3, Soccer -1, Wrestli ng 2,3.4 , Tennis 2,3,4, Ski Clu b 2,3,4, " W " Club 3,4, Pill ars Staff 4.

JOHN H OWARD RANSON JOHN Football I ,2 , Soccer 3,4, Wrestling 2, Tennis I ,2,3, 4, lntramurals 3,4, " W " Club 3,4 , Honor Roll I ,2,3,4, Public Relati ons 4, Post Staff Editor 4, Wayland Pl ay ers 4, Youth G r oup 2, Pillars Staff2 ,3 ,4, Business \l anager 4, Town Club I ,2 .3 ,4, Choir 3,-1.

TODD CONGE R READE READE C ross Cou ntry 3, Soccer 4, Wrestling 3,4, Base ball 4, Track 3, lntramurals 3,4, Sk i Club 3,4 , " W " Club 4, Weight Liftin g 4, Honor Roll 3.4, Wayland Players 3,4, Pill ars Staff 4, Cho ir 4 . Bridge Club 4.



KATHERINE FIT Z HU G H REYNOLDS KAT E Y.W .C.A. I ,2,3,4; Cabin et 3,4; Pr-es ident 4; Pos t Staff 4, W ay lan d Pl ayers 3,4; Phot ogra ph y 3,4; Pill ars Stafr 3,~; Fi eld H oc key I ,2,3,4; Volleyba ll 3,4; Bas ketball 3 ,4 ; Softba l1 3,4; Intr a mura ls I ,2,3,4; Ski C l ub I , 2,3,4; Varsity C lub 3,4; Warr en H a ll Cou ncil 2,3.4; Ice Carnival Court 3; C hoir I ,2; C lass Secretary 3.

MARK EDWARD SAUN DERS S Pi\ RX Pub lic Rela tion s 4 ; W ay lan d Pl ayers 3 , ~ . Brid"c C lub 2; Pi ll ars Staff 3,4; Town C lu b I , 2,3.~; H onor Ro ll I ,2 ,3,4; N a tio nal :VI crit H onorab le i\lention ~: Cross Country 3; Foo tba ll I ,2, Soccer 4, Bas ketba ll 1 .2.3.~: Base ba ll 2; Golf 3,4; Trac k I; lnt ra mu ra ls 2,3,~; " W" Cl ub 3,4 .


GA IL IONESHELLESTAD BU FE Y W. C. r\. I ,2,3,4; Public Rela ti ons C ha irma n 4 ; Post Sta ff2 ,3 ,4 ; W ay land Players 4; Youth Gmup 2.3; Relig iou s Adv iso r y Cou ncil I ,2,3.~; Pill a r s S ta ff 3,4: Field H oc key 3.4; Voll ey b<t ll 3,4: Bas ketba ll 3,4; W at erba ll et I ,2,3,4 , So ft ba ll 3,4; l ntra murals I ,2,3. 4 ; S ki C lub I ,2 ,3,4; Ten ni s 3,4; Va rsit y C lu b 3,4; H onor Roll I ,2, 3; W a rren H a ll Co un c il ~ ; Vice-Pres. 4 ; Stud ent Co uncil 4; Act ivities Commiu ee I ; C hoir 2.

PAMELAJANE SC HAFFER SC H AFF Y.W. C.A. 2,3,4; Religious Adv isory Cou nc il 3; Deba te C lub 2; Pillars S ta ff 4; W a rren H all Co uncil 3; Fi eld H oc key 2,3,4; Bas ketba ll 2 ,3 ,4; W a terba ll et 2,3,4; Swimmin g 2.4; Soft ba ll 2,3 ; l ntra mura ls 2,3 ,4; S ki C lub 2.3.4; Va rsit y C lub 2,3,4; Pres id ent 4.



MARY ELI ZABET H SIDOW DOG Y.W. C. A. 3,4. Cab in et 4, Publi c Rela ti ons 4 , W ay land Pl ayers 4 , Pill a rs Sta ff 3,4 , Field H ockey 4, Volleyball 3,-1 , Basketball 4, Soft Ba ll 4. lnt ra mura ls 3,4, C hoir 4. G irls ' Ensem ble 4, Student Co uncil 4 , W arren H a ll Council -1 , President 4 .

GILBERT ELDRIDGE S HRADER G IL Football 3,4, Bas ketl;all 3,4, Baseba ll 3,4 . lntra mura ls 3,-1. Ski C lub 4, W ayla nd Pl ayers 4, Prom Committ ee 3.

PAULA RAE SPROTTE S PRAWL Y.W. C .A. I ,2.3,4, Post Sta ff 4, W ayland Pl ay ers 4 , Rouland 1, Pill ars Sta ff 4 , field Hockey 3, 4, Volleyba ll 3, lntra mura ls 2 ,3. Fencin g I ,2,3, H onor Roll I ,2,3,4. C um L a ud e 4 , Pr om Co urt 2 , Prom C ommitte e 3, C hoir 4, Stringed Ensemble I ,2 ,3,4 .

MARK ROBERT SP ENGL E R M A RK Footba ll 3,4 , Wrest ling 3,4 , Baseba ll 3,4, Ski C lub 3,4 , " W " Club 4 , Hon or Roll 3 .



WI L LI A\ I DAY T l\1 BER\Ir\ BILL Football2 ,3.~. Sw immi ng 2,3, Tenni s 2,3,4. " \\''' Cl ub 2,3,4, C lass Vi ce Pres ident 3. Way land Pl ayers~. W ay la nd H a ll Co uncil 3, Acti viti es Comm itt ee 3.

C HRI STOPHER DAVIO STANTON PHANT0\1 Footba ll 3,4, Bas ketba ll 3,4, Track 3,4, " W " Club~ . H onor Roll 3 . ~ . Nationa l \l erit Hon orab le l\I ention 3. Class Pres id ent 4, W ay lan d Pl ayers 3,4, Prom Co mmittee 3, Stud ent Council ~. President ~. Cho ir 3,4, Kapell c 3.

CONSTANCE MICHELLE V IC KERY !\l US H .W .C. A. 1,2,3,4 , Ca bin et 3, Vi ce President 4, Publi c Rel atio ns 4, Post Sta A路 4 , Roul an d I, Youth Group 2, Reli gio us Adviso r y Co uncil 4, Brid ge C lub 2. Photo~ r a ph y 2,3,4, Pill a rs Stall 2,3,4 Co-Edit or 4 . Honor Roll 1,2 ,3,4. Na ti ona l :\lcrit H onorable \l ention 3, Stringed Ensemble 1. 2,3.

FRANK FONVILLE VELDE WALDO Footba ll 2,3,4, Basketba ll 2,3,4, Baseba ll 3,4, Golf 2, " W " C lub 3,4. Way lan d Pl ayers 4, C hoir 4.



KARLTHEODO REWA GEN KNEC HT WAG Footba ll I , Sorter 2.3.4. Capta in ~. Swimm in ~ I ,2.3.~. Tenni s 1 ,2 .3 .~. Intramu rals I ,2,3.4, Ski Club I ,2,3. ~. " W " Club 2.3,4, Honor Roll 2,3.4, C lass Pr es ident 3, Pub! it Relati ons Plat oo n Lea der 4. Way land Pl ayers 4, Youth Gro up 2. Debate C lu b 1, v\'ay la nd Ha ll Counr il 3. Student Council 2.3 , Act i,路 iti es Comm ittee 2.3, Prom Committee 3. C h o ir ~ .

STE PHEN HALE WAGNER STEVE C ross Countr y 3; Footba ll 4; Swimmin g 3,4; Golf 3; "W'' Club 3.4.

JENNIFER E ILEEN WALKER JEFF \ .W .C.A. 3,4. Publi c Rel ations 4. Way la nd Pl ayers 4, Pill ars Sta ff 4 , Volleyball 3. W ater Ballet 3,4, Softba ll 4 . In tra mur a ls 3,4, Ski C lub 3.4, T en ni s 3 , Pr om Committee 3, Choir 3,4.

CHRISTOPHER STUART WILSON WHEAT Soccer 2,3,4, Sw imm ing 2,3,4 , Golf 2.3 ,4. Intra mura ls 2,3, Ski Clu b 2,3,4, " W " Club 2,3 ,4 , H onor Roll 2, 3.4, W ay la nd Pl ayers 4, Photography 3,4. Pill ars Sta ff 3.4 , Choir 4. Ka pell e4.



SUSA N BETH YEA G ER YEA G Y.W .C.i\. 2,3,-1, Cabin et 3, Vice Pres id ent 4. Publi c R e lat io ns 4. \\" ay la nd Pl ayers 3,4, Youth G roup 2, Bridge C lub 2, Ph otogra phy 4, Pil la rs Staff 3,4, CoEdit or 4, Field Hockey 3,4, Vo ll ey ba ll 4, W a ter Ba ll et 3,4, Softba ll 2.3,4, Sw immin g 4, ln tramura ls 2,3,4, Ski C lub 2,4. Tenni s 3,4, Varsity C lub 3,4, St ud ent C ouncil 4 , Secreta ry 4 , Prom Committee 3, H omecoming Court 4.








i\ IOST SC HOOL S PIRIT : fr an & jeff

HEST :\L L-J\ROL"ND: Cin ny & Ch ris

:\lOST INDE PENDENT :\l arsha & Chip

:\l adg;e& .J ohn

N ICEST : :\I ichell e &

fr<~ nk


CLASS OF 1968 WE REMEMBER . .......... . having ten hours of homework a night instead of only five ... looking forward to another fourth place effigy in '67 .. . trying no-doze for the first time ... using "specific details " in expository themes ... spending three class meetings thinking up a ' 'unique" Prom theme .. . taking SAT's,_AT's, Iowa tests , and tests, and tests . .. getting out of the dorm on nights out .. . learning Avogadro 's Hypothesis . . . taking American History essay tests ..


To m Al rhol z

Terri Ba ll es teros

J oa n Ben edi ct

Ann e Braz ea u

Rich Busse

Jim Ca pe

r\ nn Coo per

H al Counice

Bob Cowles


Ba bs Bev is

.J ay Church

.Jea n C ress


Na ncy Detweil er

Scott Dink el

.Jud y Exn er

J a ne Fa rr ell

Evelyn Freeman

Sue Furry

\ 1issy Goetting

M ary Louise G ill

.Jod y G reenwoo d

Lloyd G urn ey

N a ncy H agen


Karen Falk


Tom H ancoc k

Doug H yde

.J ohn Kruez

Keith H artl

C huckjoha nnsen

An nie La ing

Karen H erbolzheimer

\,;;a nha H ouston

Karen Kl a isner

Terry Knaac k

Bri an La ll y


Ric Larsen


Sue Leith

Greg Ley dig

Ca th y Ll ewel lyn

.J eff :V Ialmgren

Betsy :-.IcCa nn

fo y \l cNaughton

Gretchen \l errill

Greg \ I eyer

Debbi e Mead


Ginn y :-. Iacr\rthur



.Jon :-.I yers


Gor di e Neese

Pat Patterson

David Proctor

C harli e Newton

Ed Nichols

Bob Pedigo

Kathy Purdy


Dave Pa lmquist

Lynn Perrigo

T onya Peterso n

.Jim Quirk

Scott Radford


Ch ris Reinoeh l

Ann ene Sa mpon

\ 1la rcy Stevens

\l ark Roberts

Poll y Schmidt

Ann Stieh l


Ann Roseb ush

.J ohn Ronma n

Hob Shaw

C harli e Siekman

.J ohn Stoehr

T im T errell


Bundy Trinz

Dick Upton

M itch Uttech

Irene Van H am

T a ffy Voorl as

Dave W a rd

Ba mbi W atson

Ca role W eber

Da n Weisse

J oyce Wiley

Penn y Youn g

San dy Yua n


. '.

.- • _,



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Class OITicers : Kip Dave Lisa


OF 1969 WE REMEMBER. sleeping till 7 :30 on Wednesday morning ... ordering class rings . .. roller skating ... missing Mr . Proctor ... finally having someone younger . .. taking third place with our effigy ... putting on Sophomore Carnival ... helping Newman build her pop ran pyramid ... sleeping through bells ... taking Mr . Meyer specials ... having " fruit fights, fruit throwing, and fruit splatterings" ... waiting to be a junior and waiting and waiting . . ..


:'\lary Bader

Leslie Bailey

.Jim Bender

.J ohn Bill

Geni e Briggs

Tom Brown

Ann e Byfield

M arc C ram

Bill Cuell a r

C har C um bier

G eorge Davis

Kate Davis




Da n Drelo"路

.Jenny Eae;er

\l ary Edwards

l:lud Flanders

l:lobbi France

Dana Giu li an

Ra ndy Goldstone

l:lob Green

Steve Grige;el

Paul Gustafso n

.Judy Hark er


.Jacki e Hewitt


1\ ancy Hiestand

Donn a Josephson

:\lark Leichtle

B.C. Hollingsh ead

l:lancha Ka mpan at

Rue Leitzke


.- \n Hudson


Sue La Chance

Lisa Lav icka

Robin Levinson

.J ohn Llewell yn


:\l a rth a Lorenz

Sue :\l aclnn es

.John M eilstrup

Ka te M er rill

Bill O'Neil

1\ la ry M c Ph erso n

Andy /\Iiiier

:\ la r y P;, rent

Ka th y Pa rso ns


Cade Newman

Vic Pein路c


.J oel Pet erson

\like Pl att

Kip Peterso n

Dan Prunuske

Ann Reis in ger

C har Ruge

T o m Sch eible

Kirt Sch midt

.John Sirovy

Zoe Stowers

Bern ie Su lli van

Bob Torstenson



.Joan Urbanek

Am y VanPelt

Anit a Vi ckery

Chr is Vogelei

Mary Voigt

Pat Vraebec

Kay Wagenkn ec ht

Di ck \'\1ashb urn

:--1oll y Wendt

.Ja ne Wingq ui st

Pat Wo ll er


llob Yeomans











-* *











Class O fllcers :


WE REMEMBER . ......... . dusting mail boxes ... winning second prize in the effigies ... being with the ''in'' crowd . .. yelling the battlecry ... being away from freshm an home ... wondering ''Where the boys are !" .. . only 46 stairs to third floor ... being on the ' 'Taxi Squad' ' ... having a路 crush on a guy ... who do esn 't have a crush on you .. . finding a girl that 's short enough .. . Sadie Hawkins ' Day ... looking forward to three more years ....


Debbie Adams

Bill Aylward

Mimi Braz ea u

Bob C onner

.J enn y Cowles

.John D elling

Bonni e Dohm ann

Terry Erickson

.Jim Exner

Debbie Fierke

Barb Blomberg


Steve Bl omberg


H a ppy Forema n

Dav id Frank

Susa n H cacox

.J ea ni e .J a nzen

,\lan )un g

G reg Ludl ow

Will Lu edke

Tricia Leith

Kat ie Freema n


\l an ha H a rtl ey

Dav id.Jun g

Pete \l a nlcy


Steve \ IcC reedy

Kri s Merrill

Barb Nova k

Steve Pfeifer

Al an Proctor

.Jim Romoser

Al an Sch li cher

Bob S~ hmidt

Doug Schultz


Beth Pedigo

Tom Schiek

Steve Smit h


.J ohn Unla nd

Rick W ay

To bey White

Lucy Wilder


Pa ul Wild



FIRST ROW: F . Velde, F. MacPherson, D. Knowlton , B. Oberg, C. Burton, G. Gottschalk, B. Timberman , S. Bartell , T Maier,J. Florine, D. Center SECOND ROW: H. Courtice,J. Cape, B. Lally , G. Shrader, R. Fliehr, M. Spengler, M. Machkovech, C. Stanton , P Patterson , B. Stevens THIRD ROW R. Looze , S Wagner, C. Altholz, D. Prunuske , K. Hartl , T. Knaack, G . Meyer , H. McNeil, G. Leydig, L. Klerk

After a lapse of eleven years, Mr. Bo ya returned to the football coaching staff and with him came the single-wing offense. In the first game Wayland traveled all the way to Greenwood, one of the top small schools in the state, which had been undefeated in three previous games. The pol ished Greenwood team took advantage of the Redmen 's first-game jitters and mistakes and won 25-6 with Rick Fliehr scoring for Wayland. A week later the Big Red traveled to nearby Horicon and met the fired up Marshmen. In the first quarter Horicon jumped into the lead but the Red men then settled down and completely overpowered the Marshmen 26-14. In the next game at Appleton, ball -control resulted in a 13-6 victory for the Red , with Steve Bartell and john Florine scoring TD's. Fox Valley didn't score until the last play of the game against an improving Wayland defense, the result of hard work with Coach John Clay. A week later a strong Northwestern Preps team found that the Redmen were stronger as Wayland won 14-0 with Bartell and Fliehr scoring. The next game determined the Midwest Prep Conference Champion. Wayland played their best game , but a disputed safety gave Milwaukee Lutheran a 9-7 lead and subsequent victory. The Redmen came back to roll over Racine Lutheran at Homecoming 33-13. Five Wayland players responded to spirited cheering with touchdowns. The Big Red wrapped up the season by soundly scalping Wis. Lutheran 40-13 in a televised game. Steve Bartell rushed for 235 yards and scored 5 touchdowns in this game as he captured the conference scoring and rushing titles for the season . The players elected Guy Gottschalk as most valuable player and Larry Klerk as most improved . At a meeting of conference coaches 1st team All Conference selections went to Dan Knowlton , Bill Oberg, and Bill Timberman as linemen and to Steve Bartell as back. Guy Gottschalk narrow ly missed the first team , winning a berth on the 2nd team along with Rick Fliehr who also just missed the first team. They were selected as center and back respectively. This was Wayland 's finest season since 1961 when they were 5-1-1. With a number of starters returning and a number of talented]- V prospects , the Big Red can look forward to another fine season next year.

Varsity Football Wayland

6 26 13 14 7 33 40

J.V . Football

Opponent Greenwood Horicon Fox Valley Luth. Northwestern Preps Milwaukee Lutheran Racine Lutheran Wisconsin Lutheran


25 14 6 0 9 13 13

u 19 22 14 20 0


Opponent Northwestern Preps Juneau St. Mary's Menasha St. Mary's Menasha Racine Lutheran Northwestern Preps

24 0 0

7 0 13


FIR S T R OW: G . M ayer , S. G ri ggel, D . T errel l, D . Dreblow , .J. Ex ner , R . W ay , S. G ilbert , A. Mill er SECO ,\D R OW: J. Bill , B. Cow les, .). Ll ewelyn, C. W as hburn, B. T orstenson , P. Vrabec , J . Dem ling , J . Church, J . i\tl eilstrup THIRD R O IV: J . Sirovy , B. Schmidt , G. Ludl ow , C . Engebretson , D . Schul tz , S. Pfeifer , P. M a nl ey , B. Ay lwa rd FOuR T H R O ll ': Coachjud Smith , J. U nla nd , P. Wild , T. Brown , D . W a lter , T. Scheibl e, S. M cC reedy, Coach Ron Bl omberg

Under the directi on of Coach Bl omberg, the Littl e Red ra n up a 4-2 record to add to last season 's r ecord 4 -1 . North western Preps provid ed th e onl y obstacle to a n undefeat ed season , beating the Redm en twice. Coac h Bl omberg point ed out that th e tea m showed great im provement over the seaso n and should add fi ne abilit y to the va rsit y next year . Lea ding ca ndidates for th e vars it y are capta in Dave T erri l l, St eve Gr igge l , J o hn :VIeil st r up , Di c k W as h b urn , an d T o m Brown .

" Let 's see left foot down , give it juice , ri ght hip in what's the use! "



G rundy rip 1

Budda , Co-captain All -conf. , first team

Chu ck

~' Y o u ' r e

it! "


B.T. All -conf. , first team

All -conf. , first team


Two hand touch - a nyw here??

Goose, M.V.P. All-conf. , second team With reverent homage to the wax ing Green Monkey of threetenism

Obe, co-captain All-conf. , first team

Carot Most Improved 79


FIRST ROW: K. Caldwell , K. Reynolds, L. Cumbler , K. Lungerha usen , L. Sidow , G. Shellestad, P. Schaffer SECOND ROW: S. Col lins , J. Enheld er, K. Klaisner , B. Ba rthell , J. Gilman , G. MacA rthur , Mrs. Mickey THIRD R OW: A. Rosebush , T. Voorlas , C. Schultz , K. Falk, B. Bevis, M. Goetting, .). Cress FOURTH ROW: A. Cooper , S. Furry , B. Watson , M. Houston

VARSITY The Varsity Redgirls fared only slightly better than the Junior Varsity Team , ending the season with two ties and two losses. Wayland failed to score in the first game aga inst ULS but managed a tie in their next out in g against Kemper Hall with a score of 2-2 . In their third match , against powerful University School Of Milwaukee, our girls held the wild kittens to three goals but could only muster enough offense for one themselves. Homecom ing provided the setting for the Redgirls ' last attempt at victory. Dramati cally , the game ended in a tie .

W ay la nd' s challenge to Bobbie Hull


JUNIOR VARSITY The W ay la nd G irl s ' Junior V a r s ity Field H ockey Team had a disa ppointin g ly s h o rt seaso n this year. Fie ld H oc key is a rel a ti ve newcomer to the Redgirls ' sports agenda. However the girls ma naged to put out a fine effo rt as witnessed by the score of the U niversity L a ke School ga m e , The Amazons o f ULS, infa m o u s for th eir aggressive style , ma naged only two goa ls to th e littl e R edg irls ' one. A lthough o ur g irls didn't score aga inst University School of Mi lwau k ee, they ca n ta ke prid e in h aving h e ld t h eir opponents t o o nl y three.

Ginn y, you r brea th is the one thin g l ca n' t sta nd up to.

FIRST ROW: L. Wilder , M. H a rtl ey , C . Ruge , L. Lavicka SECON D R O W: K. W agenkn echt , R. Levinson , B. Blomberg, J . Wingqui st, P. Woller , C . Cumbler Tf-1/R D ROW: M . M cPherson , T. Whit e, K. Merri ll , A . Lain g, C . Ll ewell yn , J . Cowles, S . H eacox , Mrs. Klai sner FO URTH R O W: A. Reisinger , .}. H ewitt , M . Edwa rd s, J. Bri ggs, K. M errill , ]VI. Brazea u, D . Adams, B. Pedi go, T. Leith , M . Pa rent


VARSITr SOCCER Varsity occer Wayland

2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0


Opponent University School 3 Cathedral 3 Univ. Lake School 3 St. Bonaventure 1 St. Francisjordan 3 St. Bonaventure 2 University School Cathedral 1 Univ. Lake School 2 St. Francis Jordan

much ~

SJ:.",.J TED ; K. W agenknecht, C. W ilson , B. Jones. S. Hilm er , J Ranson STA,\'D I VG; B. Ped igo , E. Nichols , M. Roberts , T. Hancock, G. Neese, D. Downs, J Stoehr, C.Joha nnsen , T. Folsom, T. Terrell , L. G urney , F. McNaughton, R. Busse, Mgr. S. C lamp

Our tea m 's on the ba ll .

Although the W ay la nd soccer tea m had a disa ppointing record this sea son , there was enthusias tic spirit generated by both players and fans , which ca n onl y mea n a victorious futur e for W ay la nd soccer . The seniors that bolstered the team were Ca pta in Karl Wagenknecht , Chris Wilson , j ohn Ra nson, Bob j ones , Steve Hilmer , D on Downs , a ndj eff Natha n. The most va luabl e player was Karl W agenknecht , a nd the leading scorer was Bob J ones. Third yea r a wa rd trophi es were presented to Karl W agenknecht a nd C hris Wil son. U ndercl ass men prospects show promise for a bri ghter future in W ay la nd soccer . I thought onl y bi rds did tha t , C h uck. Ca n I play ?


FIRST ROW: D. Sma ll , B. Flanders, D. Mead, B. Yeoma ns, G. Da vis SECOND R O W 路 B. Su lli van , M. Platt , D. Guil ian , J. Hollingshead, B. Ka mpanat, B. O'Ne il , V. Pierce, K. Peterson , M. Leichtle , B. Cue llar, Coach Fierke

Under the able guida nce of Coach Fierke the Little Red steered to a n opening game victory over U niversit y School of Milwaukee and then went on to post a 2-5-1 record for th e year. Ba ncha Kampanat , D a na Guilian , a nd Bob Yeomans provided the scoring punch and together with Captain Dave Sma ll , Mike Platt , Bill C uella r , Mark Leichtle , a nd Bernie Su lli van, they should a dd ta lent a nd experience to next year 's varsity.

J. V. Soccer W ayland

5 I 0 0 0 2 3 0

Twinkle toes in acti on


Opponents University School University Lake School St. Bonaventure Francis Jordan St. Bonavent ure University School University Lake School Francis Jordan

2 1

0 2 2


FI RST R OW: G. M erril l, K. Vinz , A. Byfi eld . SECO N D R OW: K. Davis, M. L. Gi ll , M r . Sa mpon, S Leit h, K. Herbo lzheimer .

Under the ex pert a nd pati ent directi.on of Mr. Sa mpan , the W ay la nd Fencing T eam has ga ined confidence a nd skill. This yea r the tea m has pa rticipated in two tourna ments. The first , a prelimina ry meet between our team a nd W auwatosa's , preceded the In vitat io na l St a t e-wid e To urn a m ent in M a r ch. W orkin g t heir way thr o ug h th e indi vi du a l bo uts , seve r a l of th e t ea m m emb er s pl ace d in th e fi n a l competiti on. Th e hi ghest pl acers from W ay la nd wer e Ca pt a in S usa n L eith , seco nd pl ace , a nd beg inn er Dave Palmquist, third place.



K.\'EELI.VC: M. Saunders, G. Meyer , C. J oha nn sen , B. Lall y, T. Ha ncock, F. McNaughton, J. Cape. STAND ING: M a nager D. Proctor, Coach Blomberg, J. Myers , Ca ptain D . Dow ns, B. M urrell , G. Shra der , P. Patterson , F. Velde, Ma nager J . Ranson.

Varsity Basketball Wayland

69 71 72

82 77

66 64

74 67 61 78 60 82 94 89 84 61 58 84 56 44

Opponent St. John's Concordia Fox Valley Lutheran Northwestern Preps University School Edgewood Whitefish Bay Vox Valley Lutheran Racine Lutheran Wisconsin Lutheran University Lake Racine Lutheran University Lake Saint Mary's Concordia Horicon Northwestern Preps University School University School Milwaukee Lutheran Milwaukee Lutheran

75 76 67 73 60 78 75 63 66 73 49 68 64 54 57 63 59 52 63 67 68 86

Not bad for a starter .

With Ron Blomberg at the helm as basketball coach , Wayland looked forward to a winning season. The Big Red got off to a shakey start against experienced Milwa ukee Lutheran , when typical first game mistakes and preposterous shooting resulted in a 68-44 thumping . Although the team showed improvement , they suffered two more defeats before winning a dramatic overtime victory at home . This was Coach Blomberg's 14th overtime win without a A wild Caper . loss , and it saw Don Downs dump in 31 pts. , and maul the boards for 37 rebounds , a school record. Victories over Northwestern and University School surrounded the Christmas vacation. A quick Edgewood team snapped Wayland's three game winning streak when they outhustled the Redmen in a 78 -66 win. Then our cagers took on 5th-rated Whitefish Bay and, down by 45-26 at the half, fought back to within 8 pts. only to lose 75 -64 . A win in a return match with Fox Valley boosted the Big Red 's conference record to 4-2. In one of the highlights of the season, Wayland edged Racine Lutheran , previously undefeated in conference play, 67-66 at home on a basket by Jim Cape with ten seconds left. Wisconsin Lutheran rose up to shatter Wayland 's title hopes with a 73 -61 victory over the Redmen. The Big Red bounced back with a 78 -49 bombing of ULS before falling to a fired up Racine team 68-60. At this point the Red men took off on a five game winning streak th at saw them outclass ULS 82-64, a nd scalp St. Mary 's 94-54. Attempting their third consecutive win, the aroused Red met Concordia at home a nd found sweet revenge when they jumped off to an early lead and ran up an 89-57 win. In a nonconference clas h the Redmen took on neighboring Horicon , the Oshkosh sectional state tournament runner-up. The red a nd white cagers outrebounded a nd outhustled the bigger Marshmen , swamping them 84-63. In the final home matc h of the year , the R ed men defeated a stubborn Northwest Preps team 61-59. A surprising University School tea m snapped the winning streak at five with a 58-52 upset to close out the regular season. The Big Red posted a 7-5 record in conference for third place behind Milwaukee Lutheran (12-0) and Racine Luthera n (1 0-2) . For the first game of the tournament , Wayland drew University School and the Big Red blew them off the court 8463. In the semi -finals the Redmen met eventual champ Milwaukee Lutheran and, playing inspired ball , held the Red Knights to a 39-39 third quarter tie before the opponents ran off ten stra ight pts . on the way to a 67-56 win. Teammates voted Don Downs captain and most valuable player and conference coaches awarded him a berth on the second team . During his ca reer at Way land , Don broke nearly every scoring a nd rebounding record including most pts. in a career with 1092. This season he also won the free throw award and a third year trophy. Brian Lally won the assist award. Fine play by Gil Shrader sparked the team in their late season surge. Letter winners were Downs, Shrader, Mark Saunders, La lly , Cape , Pat Patterson, a nd Jon Myers. With the loss of only Downs , Shrader, a nd Saunders , Wayland ca n look forward to a bright season next yea r. 87

"Can we use a ball now , coach?"

Nice grab, Pebbl es

Wayland spirits overAow in january

FIRST R OW; Coach Fi erke , T. Brown , S. M cC reedy , S Blomberg, B. Conner, S. Griggel,J. Stoehr. SECON D R OW; J. Exner , P. Vrabec , D . Mead , D . Dreblow, D. Prunuske, B. Kam pan at , G. Ludlow . TOP ROW; J. Johnson , A. Proctor.

Coach Ron Blomberg

Little Red ended up with a winning season under the coaching of David Fierke. The Redmen started out the season with three wins before Concordia marred their winning streak. Later in the season though , the Red had their revenge. One of the more diffi cult games of the season came against a n older more experienced Whitefish Bay team. The Little Red tried , only to lose by one basket in the closing seconds of the game. The Redmen next year will have many returning freshmen and sophomores , although some of the team will be supporting the Varsity. Congratulations for a fine season.

Jane , captain ; B-Gay Barb , Tobey Kay, C har

Ka ren, ca ptain


Na ncy

Chri s



KNEELING: R. La rsen, F. McPherson , STANDING: R. Pedigo , G. Nees e, H. Courti ce, J. Fl orine, R. Fli ehr , Coach Clay , A . M cNeil , T. Reade , j. Sirovy , P. Radford , B. M cNaughton

The ma tch is over , yo u ca n let go, Cha mp

Varsity Wrestling Wayland 21 14 17 24 20 37 22 39 10 25 20

Monona Grove Northwestern Preps Wisconsin Lutheran University School University School St. John 's M.A . Milwaukee Lutheran t .John 's M.A . Wisconsin Lutheran Milwaukee Lutheran Northwestern Preps

Opponent 24 21 24 20 19 13 20 11 35 16 16

Midwest Prep Conference Invitational Tourna ment Wayland 74, Northwestern Preps 72, Wis consin Lutheran 67 , Milwaukee Lutheran 57, University School 35 , St. John's M .A. 25 , Northwestern Naval and Military 6 92

Guided by Coach John C lay , the Wayland wrestling team regained the Midwest Prep Invita tiona l Championship after losing it two years ago . It was a pl easing upset as the Wayland wrestlers defeated co-favored Northwestern Preps and Wisconsin Lutheran in a very close tournament at Watertown. The team accum ulated a 7-4 season record and a 5-3 conference record during the year, but the decisive victory came at the invitational. The season started slow with the Big Red receiving three straight defeats but then ma rched on to win eight of the last nine meets. In the last dual meet of the season , the grapplers rallied to a big 20-16 over Northwestern Preps , a team they hadn 't beaten in two years. With this sweet victory under their belts , the R edmen won the Tournament Title, producing three individual conference champions. Captain John Florine wiped up the 145 lb. division to cap his fine 10-2-1 performance during the season. Rick Fliehr ran off with the 180 lb . title for the second straight year . Ri ck, with a n impressive undefeated 13-0-0, was elected by his teammates as the most va luable wrestler for the '66-'67 season. Todd Reade, the team 's 138lb. wrestler pulled an upset over severa l opponents in the Tournament to take the Conference Title in that division . In other weights Bob Pedigo ( l 03) and Pete Radford (112) both lost close matches in the finals to both take second place awards. Both had a fine records 7-3-1 and 10-4-0 respectively for the year. Fred McPherson, having been ha mpered throughout the season by illness, was ab le to wrestle in the Tournament taking a strong second place in th e 165 lb. weight class. Wrestlers John Sirovy (127) a nd Hal Courtice (133) placed third. Also , much credit should be given to Bill Oberg and Gordy Neese , who turned in good performances during the season . In his first year with the squad , Mr. Clay gave an excell ent account on himself as a coach . Through Coach C lay's hard work and determination, the team stuck it out, finally producing the Championship. Returning letterman Rick Fliehr , AI McNeil, Rick Larsen , Hal Court ice , John Sirovy, Go rd y Neese , and Bob Pedigo should provide a strong backbone for next year 's team.

Ah , how sweet it is

Our meet against Milwaukee Downer

Dusting off the mat


SWIMMING The Wayland Swimmers compil ed a 9 to 4 record under the watchfu l eye of Sol Wolfe a nd compl eted the season with a first place in the conference meet. No conference team could compare with the Big Red Mermen. During midseason the Mermen ca me away with second of four teams in the Gator Relays behind Marquette 68 to 62. In th e conference meet , held in the W ay la nd pool, the closest competitor , U niversity School, had only ha lf as ma ny points. In the Wisconsin State AAU Meet at W a ukesha , Coach Wolfe took four boys. Vic Pi erce placed secon d in the 1650 ya rd free sty le a nd second in th e 500 ya rd free style. J ohn Rottman took a first in the 200 yard breast st roke , third in the 200 yard butterfl y, a nd third in the 400 ya rd individua l medley. Kip Peterson finished fourth in the 100 yard back stroke. Vic Pierce broke school records in the 200 a nd 400 yard free style a nd during the year was rated sixth in the state in the 400 ya rd free style. J ohn Rottma n broke the school butterfly record a nd was rated fourth in the fl y and second in the breaststroke in the state swimming honor roll. Kip Peterson was at one time second in the backstroke for state swi mmers. C hri s Wilson broke the school record in di ving. Steve Wagner was selected as ca pta in and most va luable swimmer. Wilson was awarded a three year letter trophy . Departing Seni ors who will be mi ssed next yea r a re C hris Wilson , Steve W agner , Mike M ac hkovech , Ken Ga ll enbeck , and Jeff Nathan. But with Vic Pi erce , Kip Peterson, J ohn Rottman , Berni e Su lliva n, j ohn Meilstrup , Bill Stevens , John Bill , Jim Bender , Greg Meyer , and j eff Malmgren , ret urning Coach Wolfe ca n a nticipate another fine season next yea r.

Wayland 48 43 47 31 78 55 68

Opponents Oshkosh YMCA Campion West Bend Campion Milwaukee Lutheran Saintjohn's Saint John's

Swimming Wayland 64 46 52 71 48 44 74 64 22 82 40 60 22

AAU Swimmers John Rottman, Vic Pierce , Kip Peterson , Steve Wagner

Opponents Concordia University School Marquette Concordia Milwaukee Lutheran University School

31 24 51 21 13 34

FIRST ROW: H . Foreman , R. Way , W. Luedke, D.Jung, A.Jung, J . Pfeifer, J. U nland. SECOND ROW: K. Ga llenbeck, P. Owen, M. l'v!achkovech, J . Natha n, C. Wilson , S. W agner. T HIRD R OW: J. Bill , G. Mayer , J . Bender, B. Sullivan , ]. Rottma n, C. Reinoehl , K. Peterso n, V. Pierce, Coach W olfe. FOLRTJ-1 R OW: Mgr.J. Kruez, J. Ma lgren , J. M eilstrup , B. Stevens, C . Siekma n, J. Quirk.

Swimmers stroke to a nother victory




Under the superb coaching of Mr. Wolfe, twenty-three girls practiced dili ge ntly for three months to form the first Gir ls ' Swim Team at Wayland. Whi le the girls enjoy ed their daily dunkings , they h a d to e ndur e many ha rdships like wet hair , red eyes, a nd endless Saturday morning practices. Three home meets were held with the swi m clubs from Fond du Lac, W a ukesha, a nd Madison. Also , the mermaids had one a way meet at Fond du Lac . Although they did not win a meet, much knowl edge in the a rt of competitiv e swimm in g was ga ined . As a ll of th e swimm ers wi ll be elgib le next year, the girl s ' are loo kin g forward to improvin g th e ir sw imming a nd their record' An e>thib ition of extraordinary ba la nce

FIRST ROW: K. Merr ill , K. Llewell yn, A. La ing , J Briggs , SECOND ROIV: A. Byfield , B. Butemiller, A. Cooper, Z. Stowers , C . Cumbler , C. Vogelei , K. W agenknecht, THIRD ROIV; D. Adams , A. Reisinger, D. Mead , G. Rulis , P. Schmidt , K. Parsons, .J.Jansen , Coach Wolfe.


L Wilder.J Windquist. \1. Lorenz, B. Novak , B. Blomberg, C. Ruge , l\1. Brazeau , \!. Hartley , T. White. \ 1rs. Blomberg

The junior Varsity G irls' Basketball team played only two games this season , winning one a nd losing one a nd compiling a tota l of24 points. The first game was lost to Un iversity School, Mi lwau kee, but the Redgirls made the traditional Wayland comeback in the second game by defeating University Lake Schoo l 11 -10.

J. V. Basketball Wayland 13 11

Opponents Univ. Sch. of Milwaukee Univ. Lake School

31 lO

Varsity Basketball Wayland 18 20 30 13


Opponents Univ. Sch. of Milwaukee Univ. Lake School Oshkosh Freshmen Fond duLac

34 18 18 33




FRONT ROW: T. Voorlas , C. Douglas , B. Bevis, K. Klaisner , L. Peri go, K. Ca ld well , S. Furry , F. H orvath , SLCOYO ROll': J. Enhelder , Mrs. Blomberg.

The Varsity G irls ' Basketball Team broke even with a 2-2 record by scor i ng an average of 22 points a game. The first loss was suffered in th e first game of the season when the Redgirls were beaten by Fond du Lac. The second defeat was at University School of Milwaukee. Wa yla nd was victori ous over U niversity La ke Sc hool and Oshkosh Freshmen. T he highest scorer was senwr Kitsy Caldwell with a total of 23 points.


VOLLEYBALL This yea r g irl s' vo lle y ba ll a t W ay la nd w a s a ve r y popul ar s port , as is ev ident by the fact that thirt y-six girls participa ted in it. Although the girls had only t w o sch edul ed ga mes , on e w ith th e F ond du L ac Y. W .C .A . , a nd o n e with th e U ni ve rsit y Sc h o ol of Milwa ukee , the large number of girls out for voll eyba ll made it possibl e to have a well orga ni zed intramura l progra m . Since the int erest was so great in the sport this yea r , it is hoped that next yea r 's program will be expa nded to a ll ow for more practi ce time a nd provide the girl s with a n opportun ity to have a success ful seaso n .

Ka ren, this isn 't bowli ng

FIRST ROW: A. Rosebush, L. Lavicka , S. H eacox , T. Leith , K. M errill , M. Ru x, B. W atson , N . H aga n , K. Fal k, M. Stevens, !'vlrs. Towner . SECO.\'D ROW路 R . Go ldstone, J Cress, .J. Cowles , C . Schu ltz, J. Fa rrell , S. Gardn er , L. Ba iley , J. G ilma n , C . Bl ombe rg, B. Ba rt hell , C. Lunger ha usen , L. Sidow , G . H ooker , A. Vi ckery, P. W oler.


FIRS T ROW: T. White , M . H olland , C. Blomberg , B. Barth ell , B. Buttemiller, SECOND ROW: K. Merrill , K. Caldwell , J. Cress , C. Schu ltz . THIRD ROW: D . Adams. C. Douglas, J. Cow les , A. Laing, A. Coo per , B . Bevis, K. Kla isner . Cress sla ms one into the outfield



K.\'EEL !.\'G: E. N icho ls, D. Small , R. Larsen, G . Leydig STA:VDIIVG: Mgr. D. Proctor, L. Gurney , B. Timberman, P. Pa tterson , M. Plat t, Coach Keil.

K.\EELn路c: B. Cuella r , P. Ra dford , J. Ranson, W. Bl a kslee STA,\DJNG: :vi gr. D. Proctor , J. Scheible, D. Upton, C . Johannsen , Coach Keil.


FIRST RO IV: R . Yeoma ns, S. G ilbert , B. O ' Neil , G. /'d yers, G. Neese , T . Knaack, W . Luedke, S. G riggle, .J. Ca pe, S Ba rt el l, B. Stevens, G. Gottsc ha lk , SECO.\ 'D R O IV: S. W agner , Q . Packa rd , :\1. Robert s , B. Sulli va n , J. Sirovy , T. Brow n , B. Co nner , S. :\lcC reedy, B. Shaw , J. i\ la lmgren , H. H ollin gs hed, C. Altho lz, D . Cent er , T/-1/RD RO IV: Coach W olf, .J. Demling, K. Hartl e, D . Pa lmqui st, S. Radford , F. :\l cNa ught on, C. St anton, D . T a heri , D . Proctor , J. Bill , B. Aylwa rd , J. Q uirk , Coach :VI eyer , FQ [ RTI-1 R O W: Coach Smith , .J. Pfeifer , P. O wen, R . Looze , J. :\tl yers, H . Co urt ice , J. Stoehr , T. Hancock, T. Alth olz, j . Leitzke, .]. French , S Smith , J. Romoser , V. Pi erce

J. G raves, C. Wilson,

H . Saunders, B. Ba nk er , D . W as hburn , T T errell , G. M ayer FR ONT: Coac h Towner

FRO .\ 'T RO ll' T. Folsom , Yl . Spengler , F. Ve lde, S. Blo mberg, B. La ll y, C . Tewton , J . Fl orin e, T. Meier , J Exner , G . M eyer , M ascot Bl om berg. IJA CA" R O II': G. Lu dlow , J. D emlin g, J :Vl eil strup , D . Terrell , D. Pr umus ke, D . Schultze, J Rottm a n, B. Kam pa nat , Coach Blo mberg

FIRST ROW路 S. Furry, K. Wagenknecht , K. Falk , N. Hagen , J . Winquist , K. Klaisner. SECOND ROW. G. Shellestad , B. Bosshard, M. Goetting, J Enhelcler , K. Purdy, P. Schaffer. T HIRD ROW路 Ginny Parso ns , K. Caldwell , B. Bevis, K. Reynolds , C. Douglas.

Fl RST ROW路 T. Reade , J . Malmgren , S. Bartell , T. Maier , F. McPherson , J. Florine , P. Radford , M. Machkovech , S Hilmer , A. Proctor , J. Sirovy , K. Schmidt , SECOND ROW: D. Palmquist , T. Terrell , F. McNaughton , A. McNeil, D. Knowl ton , J . Ranson, B. jones, K. Wagenknecht , M. Spengler , D. Ce nter , G. Shrader , D. Downs , THIRD ROW: M. Roberts , T. Hancock , J . Stoehr, B. Pedigo , L. Gurney , C. Johannsen , J Cape , J Rottm an, V. Peirce , K. Peterson , G. Meyer , FO URTH ROW: G. M ayer , D. Busse,.). Bill , G. Leydig , E . Nicho ls, T. Schick , G. Gottscha lk , P. Patterson , R. Larsen , B. Stevens , l:l. Oberg , R. Fliehr.


WARREN HALL COUNCIL K. Purdy, .J. Wingquist , D. Josephson , B. Bevis , D. Adams , K . Reynolds, G. Shell estad, and L. Sidow .

Y. W. C. A. Spaghetti Pa rty

r. W.C.A.

FIRST ROW: N. Detweiler, ]. Hewitt , SECOND ROW: M. Holl a nd , T. White, K. Merrill'l'H/RD ROW: L. Sidow , A. Reisinger , I. Van Ham , M. Goet ing FOUR TH ROW: S. Yeager , K. Reynolds , M. Vickery

The tr ad iti o n a l Bi g -Littl e Sist e r Pr og r am spo nso r ed by th e Y.W .C.A. sta rted the yea r with a boom. The second big event of the yea r was a n open house at Mrs. Towner's home. Throughout the year , the Y.W.C.A. continued with such projects as a bake sa le and a breakfast in bed to raise fund s for a Korea n War Orphan , a food dri ve which provided Thanksgiving dinn er to a needy Beaver Dam family , a nd participation in the H a lloween U ICEF program. During Brot herhood Month , the Y.W. presented Ru y, a n A .F.S. student , who s poke abo ut his nat ive cou ntr y, Brazil. The Y.W .C.A. would like to tha nk Mrs. Towner for her cooperation a nd wonderful a dvice throughout the year.

Mrs . Towner



....... N A


0 N A L M E


FRO.\'T ROW: B. Boyer , B. Bossha rd, M . Vichery SECO.\D R O W: K. Leichtl e, G. Meyers , M. :vl ac hko vec h, M. Saunders THIRD ROW: P. Owen , C . St a nton , T. M aier


s c H

0 L




V. Pi erce , S Radford , T H ancock, F. M cNa ughton



FIR S T ROll': J. Nathan , i\!. Griswold , B. Boss hard, B. Boyer , G. Shel lestad , N. H agan , J. Harker S FCOXD NO IL D. Pa lmquist, :VI Vickery , K. i\leilstrup , K . Lungerh a usen , G. Neese , L . Sidow , C. Douglas , G. H ooker TIIIRD ROll': J. French , .J . Ranson , F. H orvath , B. Ba nker , D . Upton , :VI. Saunders, S. Cambel l, K. Caldwell, K. :\t errill FOl RTI-1 ROll'.路 B. O ' Nei l, B. Green , C Altholz. V. Peirce, B. Torstcnson , D. W cisse, .J. Quirk , S. Radford

Mr. Schmidt felt that Wayland was in need of a n organization of students who would take the responsibility of smiling to strangers. He came up with the a nswer-the Public Rel a tions Committee-Members of the organization filled such functions as showing prospective students the ca mpus, selling tickets at ath let ic events, and generally welcoming new-comers to the campus. The platoon system was used , with two teams of students on duty on a lternating weeks.


POST J ourn alis m C lass at the Beaver Dam Senior Hi gh School

:vi. Atkinson , G. Pa rsons , K. Reynolds , S. Hiesta nd , S. G a rdn er , J Lea rma n , P. Radford , K. Lungerh ausen .

B. Edmond , J Exner , F. McPherson , C. Bl omberg, J. Ranson , M . Vickery , J Downs , B. Boyer, P. Strotte, S. Hilmer , G. Sh ell estad, J. Leitzke, D. Kn ow lton , G. Gottscha lk .

PUBLICA 110NS U nder t he direction of edi to r J ohn Ra nson a nd a dvisor M r . Sehl off, the j ourna lism class has succeeded in putting out a st udent pa per w hi ch li ves u p to the motto " So A lone. " T he cha nge in forma t t hi s year ma de it poss ibl e to put o ut a paper qui te frequently and the sta ff ended volume #23 with edition #19 at gra dua ti on .

Pillars took ste ps to provide more compl ete cover age of Student Life, 1966 -67 by ex pa nding th e yea rbook a nd moving th e dea dline to post-gra dua tion. Co lor has a lso been used for the first tim e this yea r. Coedi to rs Sue Yeager a nd Mi chell e Vickery have a ttempted to involve students a nd have received coopera ti on fr om ma ny. T h e s ta ff h as d ed ica t ed it s e ffo rt s t o th e s tud e nt bo d y in a n at t e mpt to publi s h a yea r boo k trul y representat ive of ' 66 -'67. T he third W ay la nd publi ca ti on , The Greetings, is ha ndl ed enti rely by M r . Sehl off. He has in troduced new ideas a nd creati ve photogra ph y to produce a n outsta nding a lumni magaz in e.

So Alone M r. S in the da rk roo m

The sta ffs of both Pillars a nd Post w ish to ta ke thi s opportunit y to tha nk Mr . Sehloff for hi s a dvice a nd co ncern a bout the Pillars a nd Post a nd each stude nt involved . As hea d of th e W ay la nd Publi cati ons D epar tm ent he has g ive n us th e freedo m n ecessa r y t o ma ke t h e pape r a nd yea rboo k representat ive of the stud ents.

It is di ffic ult to ex press our a pprecia ti on for hi s fait h in us a nd the in estima bl e help he has bee n to us. His co n fide nce in us as competent huma n beings a nd his t remendous a nd infect ious vita lity ha ve given us the strength a nd co urage to continue when th e going got rough a nd we we re rea dy to toss in the towel. W ords ca n not begin to ex press th e love a nd respect for M r . Sehloff held by a ll those who have come int o contact with him through work in t he publi ca ti ons depa rtment. Tha nk yo u , M r . Sehl off, fr om the " g utl ess " seni ors of the pu b.



I路JRSTROW A. Van Pelt, K. Merrill , R. Go ldstone, A. Vickery. SECOXD ROll': G. Merrill , S. Leith , K. H erbolzheimer , :VI. Saunders, D. Palmqui st, B. Pedi go . Pillars co-editors: :'\!ichelle and Sue; Post edi tor: John Ranson.

Working in the Pub



FRO.VT ROW: J. Hew itt , L. Lav ika , L. Si dow , G. Shellestad , F . H orvath SECOND ROW: V. Pierce , D . Terrell , F. Me Iaughton , S. \! cCreedy , F. 1\ !cPherson, C. Stanto n , G. Gott sc ha lk , K. Peterson.

This yea r 's Stud ent Council started off t he yea r two days ea rl y, by initiat ing a n on-ca mpus orientat ion progra m for a ll new st udents. H o meco ming soo n ro ll ed a round a nd found th e council working with th e ad mini strat ion to help make the s uccess it was. As fa ll stretched into winter , more and more of us began to ta ke a dvan tage of the council-supported Lindsay Loun ge a nd recreation a rea. Feb rua r y brought the conference basketbal l tournament a nd a rev ised Pep W eek, events which ra lli ed a nd united us a ll with sore throats a nd tha t inta ngible feeling deep down inside about the name of W ay la nd which no defea t could da mpen . With March ca me Ice Carnival, with pla nt y of mud , blueberry pi e, and rivalry, but not much ice . Upon returning fr om a long-awaited s pring vacation , the council slackened the tempo a bit a nd turned to thoughts of next yea r. june brought fin a l exa ms a nd gra dua ti on , a nd culmina ted a short , but producti ve yea r for the Student Council.


FR ONT R O W: M. McPherson, N. Detweiler , I. Va n H a m, L. Bail ey , B. Ba nhell , Mr. Stecker SECOND R OW: Q. Pacha rd , B. Green, H . H ollings head , ] . Qui r k, A. Proctor , G. Pa rsons, G. H ooker , B. Lippert THIRD R OW: D. Palmqu ist, K. W agenknecht , D. Proctor, J Ra nso n, M . Rux, S. Macinn es , S. St iehl FOuRTH R OW: J French, F. M cPherson, C. Sta nton ,J . Godin , A. M cNeil , H . W ebber


u s I

Z. Stowers, K. Wagenknecht, K. Dav is, J . Win gquist , A. Vickery, R. Levenso n, K. Merrill , J Urbanek, D. Adams, P . Pa rent, P. Leith, M. H anl ey , A. Va n Pelt 116


I ca n't get no sa ti sfacti on

FR ON T R OW: K. Kla isner , L. Sidow, K. Lun gerha usen , M. Stevens, P. Leith SECOND R OW: S. Barr , K. Parsons , K. Purdy, J. Greenwood, A. La ing, C. W eber THIRD R OW: J. Farrel l, R Lev inson , S. Leith , M.L. Gi ll, L. Perri go, L. C um bler , J. W a lker FO URTII ROll".路 C. Altholz, C. Rei noehl , K. Sc hmidt , B. W atso n, A. Rosebus h , C. Llewell yn , P . Sprott e

The trouble with angels

" I like harmony a littl e better"

We sha ll overcome


FIRST R OW: S. Ba rr , S. Leith , G. Parsons, G. Hooker, M. McPherson , K. Purdy. SECOND ROW: A. McNeil , D . Proctor, C. Reinoehl , K. Schmidt.

BACK Mrs . Kane, P. Sprotte, M. G ill. FRO.VT: B. Boy er. 118

SEA TED: L. Cumbler , G. Parsons , Jalker , STAND I NG : J. Greenwood , K. Wagenknecht, C. Stanton, F. McPherson , C. Althoz , K. Peterson , B. Barthel! , K. Parsons.

Pee and Tree

Young Iovers 119



· ~ ' ·.1 " · . ...... ,

............~ .....



FRIDAY OCTOBER 28 at 8 :00 P M ............


f. -'"'•'

/ Homecoming Court J ac ki e, Ba rb Queen Chris Sue, Ann

Freshm en - Seco nd Pl ace

Se niors -

First Pla ce

Juniors - Fourth Place So phomores - Third Place

Winter Carnival Court Jenny , Beth J a ne , Queen Jennifer , Nancy

" Do or Dye' "

M ay I have thi s da nce?

Spirit of ' 67 pulls throu gh A broom that failed inspecti on

His fingers in every pie on campus



The " green thumb " of Chuck J oha nson " Say, after you're done let 's go to the art room and st ud y' '

" In the fi na l ana lysis, I think we've got a good prom. " So this is where brains get you


" ju s t loo k at th e ca mera a nd smil e, Ann ."

"A h , Fre d , my ea r 's s tu ck to your la pel. "

" D U H 1"

Prom Court Burt , Lucy, C har , Bill , Qu een j a ne, La rry, Kathy, M a rk , Sue, Don

The Village Stompers

!fit 's the Ga ry poli ce tell them I 'm not here.

Curb your tongue kna ve.

THE RED DEATH November 18 , 1966 Directed and written by Mr . William Clark

Get the babe in the white slip'

The presenta tion of T he Red Death in a ugura ted the 1966-67 theatre season. This adapta tion of Edgar All en Poe 's Th e iVlasque of the R ed Death , involved a cast of fifty students. The creation of a fast moving , yet dra matica lly signifi ca nt pl ay was expert ly done by the cast. The play a lso set the mood for future endeavors of the dra ma department. The principal characters were portrayed by Bob Jones , Chr is Stanton , Sue Hiestand , a nd Bob Shaw.

The Acol ytes

" Please, you r :'vl a jesty , save my son .'路

Like Fa ther. lik e son


" H ere me. ye a mbitious sou ls; Sex is th e curse of life' ,.

The Wa yla nd Players a nd Folk Singers combined efforts to produce the outstanding produ c tion of Sp oon R iver Anthology. The cast of six seniors captured a nd co nveyed the characters in profess iona l m a nn er. The h a untin g musi c of the Folk Singers created th e at mosphere for the reading a nd introduced supporting ideas and moods through th e songs.

SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY March 3, 1967 Directed by Mr. Willia m C la rk " I am a mounta in ; I am the sk y; I am the r iver ; I fl y a nd fl y "

The Cast: Fred l\lcPh crson , C hris Stanton, Doug Center , G inny Pa rsons, Karen Lunger ha usen , Jane Downs.




0 L M May 26 ,27; Jun e 2 Dire ct e d and written by Mr. William Clark a nd Mr. Frank Stecker The view's gr eat from the Aoor

The Wayland players end ed the 1966 -67 dr ama year with Malcolm, the Dmgon Slayer, written by Mr. C la rk with the music by Mr. Stecker. Aft er the two pr ev ious ly per form ed plays , Th e R ed Death, a nd Spoon R wer Anthology, the spr ing show in volved a much large r cast of abo ut sixty students. The sta r acto rs were C hris Sta nton , performing for hi s third time this yea r , a nd Fred McPherson a nd Karen Lungerhausen for their seco nd time this yea r. The tec hni cal staff, headed by Kurt Leichtl e, together with the tal ent of the actors cr eat ed the necess iti es which co nstituted a success ful production. Three weeks of practice showed progress a nd introduced ma ny newco mers into th e thea ter in preparation for next year . In contras t to the previous plays , !Vlalcolm, the Dragon Slayer, was a li ght-hearted musical comedy based on Wayland life with a setting of an English boa rdin g sc hool. There were three opportunities to see this fa ntas tic performa nce , so th ere was no excuse for anyone to mi ss it. Feed Ka ren & Chri s as: Oliver O ld boy , Berta Ku hl , Norman Ncwbouy

Sop hi st ication




TECH STAFF ]. johnson, K. Caldwell , P. Wild , B. Lippert , D. Walters , S. Yeager , J. Downs, J. Ranson , K. Leichtle, S. Barr .

"This is an indirect result of an inner discont ent ''

/ ;And in the typical \,Y ayward way, he ga ve all of his money away

rm~~ J...........



" W ithout an end ; w ith o ut a fr ien d ; Wh a t 's to become o[ me?"

"a nd furth e rmore toads"

. yo u do n o t ge t warts [rom ha ndlin g

\love it or loose it

GUEST SPEAKERS T o hear an a uthor read a loud one of his stori es is a rare and wo nder ful experi ence . W ay land ha d such a n experience during the ca mpus visit of a uthor Ha rry M ark Petra kis. Along with relat ing va ri ous aspects of Greek m ythology in literature a nd cr eati ve writing , Mr. Petrakis a wakened st ud ents to a new awareness of life. " A writer, a nd a ny sensiti ve hum a n being, needs compassi on a nd an honest awareness of life Li fe is a struggle, and we will struggle until we die . Life has strong, fi erce standards. If yo u sell out , yo u can 't ex pect to put out yo ur best work. " This most stimul ating visit of Mr . Petrakis' was made poss ible by th e W ay land Fa thers ' O rgani zation.

H a rry \l a r k Petra kis

T he guest spea ker fo r this fall 's Religion in Life W eek was Dr. C harl es E. Boddi e, Pres ident of the A meri can Baptist Theo logica l Seminary, N as hville , T ennessee. Dr . Boddie s p o ke a t our ch a p e l se r v ices a s we ll as in s m a ll e r dis cus s io n g r o ups , g ivin g b oth s tud e nt s a nd speaker the opportunit y to voi ce their opini ons . " I' m the onl y person here who adds ' color ' and ' Boddie' to the occasi on. " "Mor e peopl e in the wo rld have Aat noses a nd kink y ha ir." " You is so what you is , and yo u couldn 't be any izzier 1 "

Cha rles E. Boddi e

Judge Frank M. Coffin spoke at W ay land a bout Freedom and R esponsibility. M ore specifi ca lly, he rel ated freedom a nd responsibilit y to politi cs , foreign a ffa irs, a nd judi cia l m a tt ers. A dis cus s ion p a nel fir ed co ntroversial questi ons , questi ons for which the judge had qui ck and compl ete answers. Brought to the ca mpus by Mr. T owner, the judge later met with student groups to discuss topics of wide interest including the draft , Vietnam , a nd our military a ppropri ations.

HONORS CONVOCATION Scholast ic Honors English I - All en Proctor English II - Robert Green English II I - Gretchen Merrill English IV- Diane Bondehagen Math I - Allen Proctor Math II - Bill O 'Neil :VIath III - G retchen Merrill Math IV - Tom Maier World History- Allen Proctor Ameri ca n History - Gretchen Merrill Modern European History - J ohn Ranso n Western Thought - Fran Horvat h Amer ican Diplomacy - John Ranson Ph ys ica l Science - Alan J ung Biology I - Bill O ' Neil Biology II - G il Myers Chem istry - Charles J ohan nsen Physics - H aro ld W eber Latin I - Allen Proctor Latin II - Tom Scheibl e Latin Ill - Phil Owen Span ish I - Mary Parent Spanis h II - Li z Sidow Spanish Ill - J ane Gilman Spa nish IV - Gay Hooker Spa nish V- Jim Godin French I - Pat Vrabec French I I - Gretc hen Merrill French Ill - Karen H erbolzheimer Drama A wards Stage H and A ward: Sa ll y Barr J ane Downs Barb Lippert Wayland Players Awards: Virgini a Parsons Bob Shaw C hris Stanton Drama A wards: David Proctor Fred McPherson Karen Lungerhausen Char les Altholz Art Awards Art I - Marge G riswold Art II - Annette Sa mpon Art III - Barbara Lippert Art IV - J eff Lear man Mus ic Highest Achi evement: Marcy Ru x J ennifer Walker Gretchen Merrill

Junior :vlarshalls Foy McNaughton , Sue Leith , Gretchen Merrill , David Proctor

AI McNei l Most Progress: Irene Va n Ham Kathy Purdy David Proctor Sue Leith Na ncy Detweiler Music Contrib utions to the Schoo l: Virgini a Parsons Ch ip Althol z I.B.M. Scholarship to Tom Maier Junior A wards H arvard Book - David Proctor Princeton Plaque - Cha rl es Johannsen Juni or Girl A ward - Kathy Purdy


FIRS T R O W: S. Barr , '\1 . Gri swo ld , B Bart hel! , B. Lip pert , S. Boss hard . SECO.\D R O W: S. Camp bell , E. Cum bier , J . Enh elder , C. Blom berg, K. Cal dwe ll , \I.E . At kin son , C. Douglas, K. Lu ngerh a usen, V. Pa rsons, G . Hooker. THI RD R O W: K. M eil stru p , B. Boyer , J G ilm a n, S. Ga rdner , P. Sprotte, G. Shell estad , B. Patek, S. Yeager , S. Co llins, D . Bondeh agen . FOUR T H R OW: M . H oll a nd , S. Hi es tand , F. H or vath , K. Reynolds, J. W a lker , J. Downs, E. Sidow , \1 . Vi cker y. FI FTH R OW: P. Scha ffer , P. Owen, K . Leichtl e, J . Graves , R . Looze , S. Hilmer , J G reenh aus, j. Leit zke. SIXTH RO W: J Ranso n, J . ath a n, J. Florin e, S. Bartell, G. Gottschalk , P. Ra dford , S. W agner , B. Ba nker , K. Ga ll enbeck. SEVEN TH R O W: J. Lea rma n, C. Wilson , T. Reade , M . Spengler , B. Ti mberman , T. Foisom , C . Sta nton , K. W agenkn echt. EIGH T H R O IV: L. Klerk , G. :Ov! yers, R . Jon es, T. M eier , M Machkovech , M. Sa unders, D. Kn owlton. NINTH R OW路 J . Godin , D . Center , B. O berg, D . Downs , G . Shr ader , C . Altholtz , j. French, W . Bla kslee, F. Yl cPherson .


Chris Stanton Edwin P. Brown Award Sen ior Class Award

Thomas Meier Senio r Scho lastic

Eli za beth Sidow :\l acDonald Award

Award Colby Scho larshi p

Bari Boyer Se nior Scholastic Award Colby Schol arship

The 1967 Commencement began with beautiful weather for the Bacca la ureate service. The Reverend Mr. Robert Middleton spoke of " Rebe ls with a Ca use" in a most thought provoking address. Aft er the serv ice pa rents and fr iends co uld view the sen ior art ex hibit , impress ive evidence of art ist ic talent in the class of '67. The buffet dinn er Friday evening was high lighted by a performance by the Sympos iu m. This folk group had just cut a record , SO A LONE , a nd were promoting the sa les. T he Wayland Players gave the final performa nce of ivl alcolm, the Dragon Slayer for parents and guests following the dinner. The weat her held for the final ceremony on June 3. The so lemn chords of " Pomp and C ircums ta nce" bega n the !1 2th gradu a tion in the hi story of Wayland. Following Mr. Towner 's fine address on the " Four Marks of Maturity, " Mr. Patterson made the presentat ion of the major senior a wa rds . The diplomas were soon given a nd the tassels moved fr om left to rig ht. Mr. Patterson's final farewell sent a " class of indi vidua ls" out on their own .

Diane Bondeh agen Co lby Scholarship

john Fl or ine Wisehea rt Sports Cup

Kay Ca ld we ll Kit :\l ayer Sports Awa rd

Gail Shellestad T rustees A ward

Karl W agen kn echt T rustecs A wa rd

Mi chell e Vickery Alumni iVIcmoria l Award 137

Pau la Sprottc Col by Scholarship

Cha rl es Altholz Hicks Achievement r\ ward

j ohn Ranson Alumni :\l emor ial Award


T. Fol som , J. Godin, G. Merrill, P. Sprotte, K. Leichtl e, F. Horvath , C. Stanton , M . Vickery, M.1vlachkovech , K. W agen knecht , ]. Ranson.

In vas ion of th e parents

" What 's this about the part y Frid ay night 0 "

H ey , J a ne , you forgot your robe' Before

After .

j Let 's hea r it for Wick'

No, not yet , Sue.

Let's see. left to right, or right to left?

Faculty Dress-up Day

"" How much lon ger, Fred? "

Last gat hering of the folk Group

~""Tom orrow

an d tomorrow a nd tomorrow

She 's got a crack in her ha lo

NOTE: Ax stolen by Sue Yeager, Ginny Parsons, & Michelle Vickery on Feb. 4, 1967 .

Rea lly 1 H e's not a fire hydrant

Fa mil y Portrait

Fa ith in the yo unger generation

Fresca co ke. and hie

But \1r. P, w hy wo n't yo u trust me with the keys? Coordination st rikes ever y 3 seconds.

They sa id it co uldn't be done .

Dynamic Duo

"Sorry. Even though I' m going with your daughter , I ca n 't let yo u in fo r free." It sure cou ldn 't be a lect ure on sex.


Best built senior girl

Ma y the bird of paradise .

We' re off to play croquet

Bubbles I guess it might work better if I put the paper in.


"Me jane"

U.S Ski Team in action

Oh, where , oh, where has my littl e dog gone

one part scotch . but as the rull moon rises -

" If I split this hair , I 'll have two."

" Come on in

" She's empt y aga in '" " Hey , Rick, ya got a phone ca ll

. the wa ter's fine 1"

" What's up doc?"

Spring cleaning

"Yo u wa nt me to go to the turnabout ??? "


If they can ' t do it we can ca n 1 This is your hippy dippy wea ther man!

Damn Yankee

So that's soc

"Shay, dis stuff's great '" " l know somet hing they don't know. "

" Where 's the foldout ?"

" Please t urn me into a bea utiful pri ncess "

"just try it , fell a "

'Til bite a nything"

" On e mor e crack a bout my legs , Florine, and I' ll break thi s over your hea d."

" I don 't know what 's ta king him so long. H e' s j ust say ing hell o to a friend from home. "



" I thought yo u sa id it was mud ' " Now girl s, don 't be bitter.

" W ell , Wilt , th e conference mi ght not agree , but I ' ll try to get you in. " " He's rea ll y got me now . " (chuckle , chuckl e)

C hip picks a tune


~' Hi ,

Mr. Boya"

If the s hoe fits , put it on



Let me entertain you


Snow Bunn y

A typical W ay la nd j oc k

Buzzin' Buzzard Bushman of Warren Cottage

Do the Hammerlock "I thought you said there were couples on back cam pus

Save water- bathe with a friend

Fond Memories H appy Fizzies Party

Baby Huey

Sophomore Innocence

If at first you don 't succeed , try , try aga in .


'"I 'm a man"

Big cats a re dangerous, but -

"It 's a book , wh y'"

Beep Beep


Lonel y and lost Our ga ng

uwhat she doesn't know won 't hurt me."

Second best

Who , me ?


" Mirror , mirror on the wall

Nanook of the North " Dear Adolf, Today I Are you sure they're not twins?

Pop Art

" Tennisjust ain't my racket "



She ea ts almost as fast as she ta Iks

Even Head and Shoulders won't help yo u Hey, what happened to your rubber tip ?

Now this cat na med Newton didn 't ha ve any trouble with it ; so why should you ?




























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Ph. 885-3367


DIRECTORY Lungerhausen , Karen ; H er mansville, Michigan Machkovech , Mike; Route 2 ; Oxford , Wisconsin 'vlaier , Tom; 725 Oneida Street; Beaver Dam , Wisconsi n McPherson, Fred; 1003 I Oth Street; Mosinee , Wisconsin Meilstrup, Kris ; 101 2 North Riverside Drive; St. Clair, Michigan Myers , G il ; 611 East Madison Avenue, Milton .Junction , Wisconsi n Nathan , .Jeff; 194 Cedar Aven ue; Hi ghl and Park , Illinoi s Oberg, Bill ; 12 12 Larrabee Lane; Northbrook , Illinois Owen, Phil; R .R . 3, Box 266 Eau Claire, Wisconsin Parsons, Ginny; R.R. 2 , Box 394; Dundee , Illinois Patek , Ba rb ; 324 North Co lumbus ; Ra ndolph , Wisconsin Radford , Pete; 3750 Pauko Tuk La ne ; Oshkosh , Wisco nsin Ra nson , .J ohn; 400 Prospect Avenue; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Reade , Todd ; 105 Longmore Drive; Point e Cla ire , Quebec, Ca na da Reyno lds , Kate; 500 East Ridge Street ; M arquette , Mi chi gan Saunders , Mark; 304 South Vita Avenu e; Beaver Dam, Wisco nsin Schaffer, Pam ; 141 Mercer Drive, S.E .; G ra nd Rapids, Michigan Shellestad , Gail ; 526 Hi gh Street ; Milton , Wisconsin Shrader , G il ; 620 Wichita Drive; Lexington, Kentucky Sidow, Liz ; ISO Broadview Avenue ; Fa irm ont , West Virginia Spengler, Mark; R.R . 2 ; Pecatonica , Illin ois Sprotte, Paula; 322 West Third Stre et; Beaver Da m, Wisconsin Stanton , Chris; 31 7 South Monroe Street; Streator, Illinois Timberman , Bill ; Route I , Box 464 -A, Ely , Minnesota Vickery , Michelle; 602 Oak Street ; Lene , Illin ois Velde , Frank; I 003 South 5th Street; Pekin , Illinois W agenkn echt , Karl ; 308 East Kent Street ; Streator, Illinois W agner , Steve; 5 15 East Lincoln Street; Waupun , Wisco nsin W a lker, .Jennifer; 2019 South 30th Street ; LaCrosse, Wisco nsin Wil son , C hris; 2082 Ledgebrook Drive, Rt. 3; Fond du Lac , Wis-

SENIORS Altholz , Chip; 1865 Dale Avenue; High land Park , Illinois Atkinson , Ylary Ellen ; 4) Burrows Rd. ; Madison , Wisconsin Banker, Bob ; 1011 East Crescent Dri ve ; Manitowoc , Wisconsin Barr , Sal ly; 2324 Central Street ; Evanston , Illin ois Bartel l, Steve; 2 18 4th Street ; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Barthel! , Betsy; 618 W as hinton Avenue ; Wilmette , Illinois Bla kslee , W arren ; P.O. Box 1244; Tehran , Iran Blo mberg , Ch ris; 225 East Maple Street ; Beaver Dam, Wisconsin Bondehagen , Diane; 600 G reen field Avenue ; Beaver Dam , Wis consin Boss hard , Sabina; Bangor , Wisconsin Boyer , Bari; 1012 La ke Shore Drive; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Burton , Chuck; 200 Oakdene Road , West; Barrington Hill s, llli nots Caldwell , Kitsy; 2420 Roswell Avenue ; C harl otte 9, North Carolina Ca mpbell , Siri ; I 0 Kingsbu ry Pla ce; St. Louis , Missouri Center , Douglas; 600 Sheridan Road ; Winnetka , Illinois Collins , Sue ; 1615.Judson Avenue; Evanston , Illinois Cumbler , Libby ; Rork Avenue, Route 19 ; Eau Cla ire , Wi scons in Douglas , C hris; 1119 Lincol n Boulevard; Manitowoc , Wi scons in Downs , Don ; 909 S. Batavia Aven ue; Geneva , Illinois Downs , .Jane ; 909 S. Batavia Avenue; Geneva , Illinois Enhelder ,.J ea n ; 5 11 I / 2 Louise Lane ; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Florine, .John; 415 H as kell Str eet; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Folsom , To m; 561 South Street; Green Lake , Wisconsin Fren ch , .Jim ; 1027 W es tern Avenue; Northbroo k, Illinois Gallenbeck , Ken ; 3562 Hillcres t Drive; Pewaukee, Wisconsin Gardner , Sue; 1066 Warrick St reet; Gary , Indi ana Gilman , .J a ne ; 1024 C rown Street; Kalamazoo , Michigan Godin , .Jim ; 9 M cKee ; Danville, Illinois Gottschalk , Guy; RFD 3; Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Graves , .John; 2355 Simpson Street; Dubuque, Iowa Greenhaus , .James ; 17 Linden Lane , Dune Acres; Chesterton , Indiana Griswold , M arge; 8702 Zol likon - Zh ; Ri etstrasse 8, Switzerla nd Hi estand , Sue; Princeton , Wisconsin Hilm er, Steve; 11 52 Highview Lan e; Green Bay, Wisconsin H oll and , Marsha; 183 West Trail; Stamford , Con necticut Hooker , Gay; 727 Thorne Street; Ripon , Wi scons in H orvat h , Fran ; 203 South Hi gh Street; Rando lph , Wisconsin .Jones , Bob ; 417 West 47th Avenue; Gary , Indi a na Klerk , Larry ; 2423 Wait Avenue ; Kal amazoo , Michigan Know lt on , Dan; 701 Fairfield Drive; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Learman , .J eff; R .R . 3; .Junea u, Wisconsin Leichtle , Kurt ; 324 Front St reet; Bea ver Dam , Wisconsin Leitzke , .Jesse; Husti sford , Wi sconsin Lippert , Barb; #7 Pitner Place; .Jacksonville , Illinois Looze , Rich ; 2920 North Wooded Lane; McHenry, Illinois

cons tn

Yea ger , Sue ; 1138 East Co lonia l Drive; Racine, Wisconsin

JUNIORS Altholz , Tom; 1865 Dale Avenue; Highl a nd Pa rk , Illinois Ballesteros, Terri ; 20 1 W est High Street ; Orangeville, Illinois Ben edict , .Joan; 101 Saunders Road ; Lake Forest , Illinoi s Bevis, Babs ; 54 1 Woodvale Avenue; Deerfield , Illinois Brazeau , Anne; 720 Third Street , South; Wisconsin Rapids , Wis consin Busse, Rich; 101 5 South 5t h Street; Pekin , Illinois Cape, .Jim; 13805.Junea u Boulevard ; Elm G rove , Wisconsin Cooper , Ann; 6130 3rd Avenue; Kenosha; Wisconsin Court ice, Hal ; 125 Fairway Lane ; Wheato n , Illinoi s


Cow les, Bob ; 2424 Ducha rme La ne ; G reen Ba y, Wi sconsin Cress , j ea n ; 3 12 West Front Street; Bucha na n , Mi chi ga n Detwil er , Nancy; 57 th Street near Co unty Line Roa d; Hinsda le, Illin ois Dinkel , Scott ; 2 I 9 Dav is Street ; Fox La ke, Wi sco nsin Ex ner , .Judy; 108 York Street; Bea ver Dam , Wi sconsin Fal k, Karen ; 3060 Pennsy lva ni a Aven ue; Dubuque, Iowa Fa rrel l, .Ja ne ; 10 10 Elmwood Avenue; Wilmett e, Illinois Fliehr , Ri ch; 6409 Colo ny Way; Minneapolis, Minnesota Freeman , Eve ; 7 I I West Street ; Beaver Dam , Wi sco nsin Furry, Sue; Rt. 5, N utmeg Road ; Pl ymouth , Indi ana G ill , Mary Louse; 3790 Stoc kman Toad; Mt. Pleasa nt , Michigan Goett ing, Missy; 5 19 Grove Street; Beaver Dam , Wisco nsin G reenwood , .Jody; 816 Brown Hill s Court ; Rochfoed , Illinois G urney, Lloyd; I 116 North Wheaton Avenue ; Wheaton , Illinois H agen , Nancy; 34 I 7 C ircle C lose; Shorewood Hill s; Madison , Wi sconsin H a ncock , Tom ; 204 South 20th Street ; LaCrosse, Wiscons in H artl , Keith ; 922 Madison Street ; Beaver Dam , Wi sconsin H erbolzheimer , Karen ; I 53 I South Lehmann La ne; App leton , Wisco nsin Houston , Martha; 837 Greene Avenue; G reen Ba y, Wisconsin H yde, Doug ; 1234 W as hington Avenue ; Oshkosh , Wi sconsin .J ohannsen , C huck; 2 I 4 North Avenue; W atertow n, Wi sco nsin Klaisner , Ka ren ; W ay la nd Aca demy; Beaver Dam , Wisco nsin Knaac k, Terrill ; 504 North Street ; Beaver Da m, Wi sco nsin Kreuz, .J ohn ; 1724 Tenth St reet; M enomin ee, Mi chigan La ing, Anne ; 206 Green Street ; Dowagias, Mi chi gan Lall y, Brian ; 248 Beverl y Road; Ba rrington , Illinois La rsen , Rick; 149 North Oakland Avenue; G reen Bay , Wi sconsin Leith , Sue; 57 I Hill Terrace; Winnetka, Illin ois Leydig, G reg; 705 Eas t Rochwell Street ; Arli ngton Hei ghts , lllinm s Llewell yn , Cat hy; 2 I 2 East Winter Avenue; Da nville , Illinoi s MacArthur , Ginny; 2430 Lakeview Avenue; Chicago, Illinois Ma lmgren , .Jeff; Development and Reso urces Corp. B .P. 250; Sassa ndra , Ivo ry Coast , Africa McCa nn , Betsy; 230 North 22 nd Street ; LaCrosse, Wisco nsin McNaughton , Foy ; Pekin , Illinois M cN eil , AI; 78 11 6th Avenue; Kenosha, Wisconsin Mea d, Debby; The Island ; Wisconsi n Rapids, Wi sconsin Neese , Gordon ; R .R . I ; C lint on, Wisconsin Merrill , G retchen ; Poynet te, Wi sco nsin Meyer , G reg; 14 1 Dana Drive; Beaver Dam , Wi sconsin Newton, Charli e; 3042 Pay ne; Eva nston , Illin ois N ichol s, Edwin ; I 068 Plummer Lane ; Roc hester , Minnesota Pa lmq ui st, Dave; 701 Congress Pl ace; Neena h , Wisconsin Pedi go, Bob; I 12 La rrabee Street ; Horico n, Wisco nsin Perri go , Lynn ; I 020 Ga rdner Street; South Beloit , Illi nois Petersen, Tan ya ; 124 Da na Drive; Beaver Dam , Wi sconsin Proctor , D av id ; I 08 Prospect Avenue ; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Purdy, Kathy; Rout e 3, North Ball ard Road ; Appleton , Wiscon-

Sampa n, Annette ; 229 Eas t M a ple Avenue ; Beaver Dam , Wi scon-

sin Sc hmidt , Poll y; 1500 Bay Vi ew Drive , Sarasota , Florida Schult z, C har; I 05 Rossevclt Dri ve ; Beaver Da m , Wi sco nsin Shaw , Bob ; 10913 McConnell Roa d; Woodstock, Illinois Siekma n , C harli e; 940 East Co ll ege Avenue ; Appleton , Wisco nsin Stevens , M a rcy ; 9 Geneva Drive; Musca tine, Iowa Stevens , Bill ; 11 78 Loga n Avenue; Elgin , Illin ois St iehl , Ann; 1900 Fremont ; Al homa , Wi sconsi n Stoehr , .John ; 126 Water Street ; Sheboyga n Falls , Wisconsi n Terrell, Tim; 4555 Southern Boul evard; Ketterin g, Ohi o T rinz , Bundy; 24 00 Lakeview Avenue ; C hi cago , Illinois Upton, Di ck; 709 Co llege Street ; Beloit , Wisconsin Uttech, Mitch; 133 North M a in Street ; .Juneau , Wisconsin Van H a m , Irene ; 41 4 Linco ln Street; Sayb rook , Illinois Vinz , Kathy; Route 2; Markesa n , Wi sco nsin Voorlas , T affie; 15 Nort h Vincen nes; Raci ne, Wisconsin Ward , Dave; 78 19 5th Avenue; Kenosha , Wisco nsin Watson , Barba ra; 6 15 Oakridge Drive; North Ca nt on , Ohio Weber , Caro l; 6941 North M endota Aven ue; C hicago , Illin ois W eisse, Da n ; 930 Reed St reet ; Pl ymout h , Wi sco nsin Wil ey , .Joyce; 78 Kend al Avenue ; M a pl ewood, New .J ersey Young, Pen ny; 1239 W ellesley Roa d ; Ma di son , Wi sconsin Yu an , Sa ndy; 226, Prince Edward Road , l Ot h Floor; Kow loon , H ong Kong

SOPHOMORES Ba der, Mary ; 3402 North Gordon Pl ace; Milwa ukee 12 , Wisconsin

Ba il ey , Lesley ; 402 Eas t North Street ; A ppleton , Wisconsin Bender, .Jim ; 807 Scott Street ; Beaver Da m , Wi sco nsin Bill , .J ohn ; Ill! 1st Street , N.W. ; Rochester , Minnesota Brown , Tom ; 3000 N . Sherida n Road; C hi cago , Illinois Buttemil ler , B. Gay; 1230 Thornbury La ne ; Li bertyvil le, I:Jinois Byfirld , A nne; 1063 Congress Street; Neenah , Wi sco nsin Cram , !VI arc; Rout e I, Twin Coves; Brownsvill e, M in nesota C uell a r , Bill ; Ed ifi cio Ca lipan B-7-A ; Avcnida Miranda ; Cara cas , Venezuel a , S.A. C umbler , C ha r ; Rork Avenue , Rou te 19; Eau C la ire, Wisco nsin Davis , George; I 208 La ke Shore Drive; Beaver Dam , Wi sco nsin Dav ie, Kate ; 6730 South Shore Dri ve; C hi cago , Illin ois Dreblow , Dan ; 720 Fulton Str eet ; Princeton , Wi sconsin Ea ger , .J enny; 236 W est Ma in St reet; Evansville , Wisco nsin Edwa rds , Mary; 421 Sherid an; Kenilworth , Illin ois Engebretson , C huck; Shore Acres , Rout e I ; :-.1enas ha , Wisconsin Franders , Bud ; 304 Beaver Street; Beaver Dam , Wi sconsin France, Bobbie; 9209 Apartm ent 2-H 9209 Potter Road; Despl a ines , Illinois G uili a n, Dana; 308 West Third Street ; Beaver Dam , Wiscons in Goldstone Ra ncle ; 103 5 West 35 th Avenue; Gary, India na G reen , Bob ; 73 4 Ga rfield Street ; Gar y, Indi a na Griggel , Steve; 259 Park Dri ve; Randolph , Wi sco nsin G ustafso n, Pau l; 128 Ri vervi ew Drive; Durango , Colora do


Quirk , .Jim; 907 C harles Street ; Watertown , Wi sconsin Ra dford , Scott ; 3750 Pa uko Tuk Lane; O shkosh , Wi scons in Reinoehl , C hris; 833 West 58 th Terrace; Kansa s City , Missouri Rottman , .John ; 173 S. Par k Avenue; Rond duLac, Wi sconsin Roberts, Mark ; 1300 Wi sconsin River Drive ; Port Edwards , Wisconsin

Rosebush, Ann ; 153 1 West Reid Drive; Appleton , Wi sconsin Rux , Marcy; 5 16 West Pl easa nt Street; Portage, Wi sconsin


Ha rker , .Judy; 170 1 Indi a n Roa d ; Beloit , Wi sconsin H ewitt , .Jac ki e; 537 So uth 1st ;\ ve nu e; Winn eco nne, Wisconsin Hi es tand , Na ncy; Princeto n, Wisco nsin H ollin gs head , Henry ; R.R . I , Box 11 2 Va lpara iso, Indi a na Hudson , Art ; 196 Kimberl y Roa d ; l:l a rrin gton , Illinois .J ohnson , .Jeff; 102 M ohaw k C ircl e; Beave r Da m , Wisconsin .J osephso n, Donna; Cas ilia 303; T ac na, Peru , S.A . Ka mpa nat , Ba ncha; I 039 Lu ae ha La ne; Pha hol yodhin Road ; Ba nk ok, Tha il a nd Lav icka , Lisa ; 4 15 Aldin e; C hi cago , Illin ois Leichtl e, :vla rk ; 324 Front Street ; Beaver Da m , Wisco nsin Leitz ke, Ru e; Hist isford , W isconsin Lev inson , Robin ; 1440 La ke Shore Dri ve ; C hi cago, Illinois Ll ewell yn, .J ohn , 33 South Bl ac khaw k; .J a nesvill e, Wi sconsin Lorenz, \1 a rth a; 229 Skylin e Dri ve; Ea u C la ire, Wisco nsin :'vla clnnes, Su e; Box 252; Redd port , G ra nd Ba ha ma ; the Ba ha mas \l ayer , G reg; 1009 Woodwa rd Drive; i'vl a di so n , Wisconsin \l ea d , Dave; The Isla nd ; Wisco nsin Ra pids, Wi sconsin \!l eilstrup , .J ohn ; 101 2 North Ri vers ide Drive; St. Cl a ire , Michi-

FRESHMEN Ada ms, Debby; Ripon Co ll ege; Ripon , Wisconsin At terbury, Bruce; 253 O a kwood Bo ul eva rd ; Hustisford , Wisco n-

sin Ay lwa rd , Edmund ; Rout e I , Neena h, Wisconsin l:ll omberg, Ba rb ; 225 E. M a pl e St reet ; Beaver : D a m , Wi scons in Blom berg , St eve; 225 E. \ 11aple St reet ; Beaver Da m , Wisconsin Brazea u , \ 1ary, 720 Third St reet , South ; Wi scons in Ra pi ds , W isco nsin Co nner , Bob; 65 1 Fa r well Dri ve; Oregon , Wi sco nsin Co wl es, J enn y; 332 Iroq uois Avenue ; G reen Bay , Wi sconsin Demlin g, John ; 22 W. 235 Petersen ; G len Ell yn , Illinois Dohm a nn , Bonnie, I 05 .J efferson Street ; Beaver Dam , Wisconsin Erickson , Tereas ; 12 16 La ke Shore Dri ve; Beaver Dam , Wisco nsm Exner , .Jim; I 08 York Street ; Beaver Da m , Wi sco nsin Fi erke, Debby; 4 12 Hill crest ; Bea ver Da m , Wi sco nsin Forema n , H a ppy; 750 Pra iri e Road; G lencoe, Illinois Fra nk , David ; 808 M acArthur Dri ve; Beaver Da m, Wi sconsin Freema n , Kate ; 7 11 West Street ; Beaver Da m , Wi sco nsin G ilbert , Steve; 1077 G ragmont Avenue; Berkel ey . Ca liforni a Ha rtl ey , \!la rtha; O a kfield. Wi scons in H eacox, Susa n; 21 9 N. \!l a in ; juneau, Wisconsin J a nzen , J ea n ; 2 North Vill a G rove; Spri ngfield , Illinois Jun g, Al a n ; 645 South M a in Street ; Oconto Fa ll s, Wi sconsin J un g, Dav id ; 23 2 Pierce Street ; Ra nd olph , Wisconsin Kruck, Tom ; 31 S. River La ne; Geneva, Illinoi s Leith , Patricia ; 57 1 Hill T err ace; Winnetka, Illinoi s Ludlow, Greg ; 2210 Cra ne Avenu e; Ka la mazoo, Michiga n Luedke, William ; 41 7 Daw n Avenue; Da nville , Illinois \!l a nley, Peter ; 5 17 Grove Street; Beaver Da m , Wisco nsin M cC reed y, Steven ; 402 East Freistadt Road ; Thiensvill e, Wi sconsin M errill , Kris; Poynette, Wisco nsin Nova k, Ba rba ra; 8 16 D odge Street ; Kewa un ee, Wisconsin Pedi go , Beth ; 11 2 Larra bee St reet ; H ori co n, Wi sconsin Pfeifer , J ohn ; 331 0 Micha el Court ; G reen Bay, Wi scon sin Procto r , Da ve; I 08 Pros pect Avenu e; Beaver Da m , Wi sconsin Romoser , Jim ; 201 W est \l aso n ; Lena , Illinois Rux , D ave; 5 16 West Pl easa nt Street, Portage, Wisconsin Schiek , T om ; 1341 Parkview Dri ve, M acomb , Illinois Schlicher , Alan; 507 Ken yo n La ne, Bea ver Da m , Wisconsin Sc hmidt , Bob; 228 Eas t 7th Street , Hinsdale, Illinois Schult z, Doug; I 05 Roosevelt Drive, Beaver Da m , Wisconsin Smith , St eve; R.R.1 , Box 2 11 , M enas ha, Wisconsin Souther , Steve; 25 1 North M ay Aower Roa d, La ke Forest , Illinois T a heri , Da ve; 345 1 H ighl a nd Dri ve , Bay C ity, Michi gan Un land , J ohn ; 622 W as hington , Pekin , Illinois Vra bec, Pete; 1204 La kes hore Dri ve; Beaver Da m , Wisconsin W ay , Rick; 1224 Lake Shore Dri ve; Beaver Da m , Wi sconsin White, T obey; 22 9 Eas t W a lnut Street ; Hinsda le , Illinois Wild , Pa ul ; 137 Gould Street ; Beaver Da m , Wisconsin Wilder , Lucy; 886 South La ke Shore Dri ve; La ke Geneva, Wi sconsin

ga n \l erriiL Ka te ; Poynette, Wi sconsin \ 1 yers, .J on ; 61 I East \ladi son Avenue; \ 路lilton .Junction , Wi scon sin O ' Ne il , l:lill , 620 South \I emo ri a l Dri ve; A ppleton , Wisco nsin Pac ka rd , Q uentin ; 1326 Asbury Aven ue; Eva nston , Illinois Pa rent , M a r y; 822 La ke Shor e Dri ve; Beaver Da m , VVi sco nsin Pa rso ns, Kat hy; R . R. 2 , Box 394 ; Dund ee , Illinois Pat terso n, Pat; W ay la nd Aca demy; Beaver Da m , Wisconsin Peirce, Vic; 106 W est Hi ckory; Hinsda le, Illinois Peterson , .Joel; 328 For est Ave nu e; Kewas kum , Wisconsin Peterson , Kip ; 1606 North Vermili on Stre et , D a nville , Illinois Pla tt , \'lic k; 63 5 Tivert on Roa d ; La ke Forest , Illinois Punuske, Da n; 109 4th Street; Beaver Da m , Wisconsin Reisinger , Ann ; 100 14 North Sherid an 7- E; M equon , Wi scons in Ru ge , C ha r ; 70 East Ceda r Street; Chi cago , Illin ois Sch eibl e, T om ; 806 W es t Street ; Beaver Da m , Wisconsin Sc hmi dt , Kin ; 305 North j effe rson Street ; H a rva rd , Illinois Sirovy , .J ohn ; 220 Bl ac kh aw k T errace; Bensenvill e, Illinois Small , Da ve p 425 Arrow hea d Dri ve; G reen Bay , Wi sconsin Stowers, Zoe; 4662 Fa irview Beac h Road; Os hkosh, Wi sconsin Sulli va n , Burnett ; O a kl eigh ; \l a htomedi , Minnesota T errell , Dave; 4555 South ern Boul eva rd ; Kett ering, Ohio T orstenson , Bob ; 90 5 C hippewa La ne; Wilmette , Illinois Urba nek, .Joan ; 502 La ke Shore Dri ve; Bea ver Da m , Wisconsin Van Pelt , Amy; R.R. 4 , Box 28 1:l ; Wina mac, Indi a na Vickery, Anita ; 602 O a k Street ; Lena, Illinoi s Vogelei, C hri s; 1448 W est Dem eter Dri ve; Freeport , Illinois Voigt. \ 1ary; 32 25 Michi ga n Boul eva rd ; Racine , Wi sconsin Vrabec , Pa t ; 1204 Lades hore Drive; Beaver Da m , Wisconsin W agenknecht , Kay; 308 East Kent S treet ; St reator , Illin ois W a lt er. Do ug; 5 I 09 Mirror La kes Dri ve; Edina , Minnesota W as hburn , Dick; 1223 H omestea d Road ; Beaver Da m , Wi sconsin W endt , \!l o ll y; 2307 16th Avenue; M o lin e. Illinois Win gq ui st, J a ne; Rout e 2, Bas 330; Long G rove , Illinois W o ller , Pat; W 156 N . 8498 Ka ren La ne; Menomonee Fa ll s, Wi sconsin Yeo mans, Bob; Trane Company; LaCrosse, Wi sconsin


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