1 minute read
blast from the past!
forget them, growing up in the 60s and 70s? If you have forgotten them, then shame on you!
Anyway, as we sat and watched the aforementioned drama unfolding in real-time, I was struck by how ‘Barn’, as Andy called him back then, would have reacted to whatever this situation called for. Would he have fumbled around in his shirt pocket for that one bullet Andy entrusted to his care, just for a case such as this (scared and confused teen girls in a car that could have passed for a circus clown car), pulled over and shaken down by the local constabulary for whatever reason; said reason surely not meriting this level of law enforcement intervention, unless (of course) they were nuke-toting terrorists! I’m pretty sure the car we saw them in, which was barely able to contain them, could hold anything of a serious weapons nature, let alone them. Just saying...
I honestly don’t know how all that ended as we had to leave and head back home to Cher-