3 minute read
Don’t Give Up
Have you ever been on a road trip with kids and heard,”Are we there yet?” It seems like every five minutes they are wanting to know if we have made it to the destination. Sometimes, I feel that way when I am striving to achieve a goal. I just want to be finished with the process. I have started and I have the end in mind, but I don’t like the tedious process. The journey to accomplish what God has placed in our hearts is a roller coaster of ups and downs. It can be painful, frustrating and difficult to complete which can cause discouragement and impatience. In fact, the seemingly endless task may entice us to abort the mission and throw in the towel. However, apostle Paul encourages us to keep going. In Galatians 6:9 (AMP) he states, “Let us not grow weary or become discouraged in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap, if we do not give in.”
Keep Growing
When the Lord is leading and guiding us, he usually reveals the starting point and the finish line. However, he doesn’t give all the details that we will encounter, probably because most of us would not do it. In his wisdom, the Holy Spirit gives information, step by step. As we obey, he provides more information. Eventually, we will look up and be amazed at not only how far we’ve come, but how much we have changed and transformed into what God has been molding us to be. His thoughts and plans are not like ours. We focus on the external: the promise, the prize, the destination, but God is always zeroing in on the internal part of us for character development, greater intimacy with him, and stronger faith. He is always trying to grow us up. Therefore, when we ask why is this process taking so long, God answers us in Hebrews 10:36 (AMP) “For you have need of patient endurance [to bear up under difficult circumstances without compromising], so that when you have carried out the will of God, you may receive and enjoy to the full what is promised.”
PRAY THIS PRAYER: “Father you are my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I trust. I praise you because you are my buckler, the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. You are the potter, and I am the clay in your hands. Have your way in my life. Make and mold me into what you desire for me to be. Forgive me for impatience and complaints. Please remove doubt and unbelief from my mind when they try to raise their ugly heads. I need your help, Lord, to persevere. I am seeking you and your strength. I am seeking your presence continually. I pray that from your glorious, unlimited resource, you will empower me with inner strength through your Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Danyale Patterson would love to hear from you! Contact her at www.danyale.com to share a testimony, send a prayer request, or book her to speak.
We’ve all heard that out of the mouth of babes flows God’s truth. In that moment his little voice smacked me with the power of heaven. I was reminded of what is truly important in life. Spending time with those we love and those who love us. I see it more and more today in families but also in church.
In families we try to fill our lives with events, and material things to show we love each other when perhaps a few moments of undistracted time is what we really need.
In churches the idea of “Entertainment first, God second” has exploded. So many churches focus on the right music, right decor, right energy, and right message. The main focus is the lifting of the self in entertainment and happy feeling. Folks come out pumped up, the beat of the worship still thumping in their chest. Their ears have been tickled. We have been entertained but have we been redeemed? Make sure that we don’t go to worship and forget its purpose. We go to worship to have a few moments of undistracted time with the God Who loves and redeems us.
So, this week after you go to worship the Lord, be like my son, William. He went to Florida and was entertained, but never lost focus on the importance of time with one who loved him.
Enjoy worship but never forget Who you are really there to see.
Shady Grove Baptist Church, 3240 Tryon Courthouse Rd., Cherryville, meets every Sunday at 8:45 a.m., for Sunday School; and at 10 a.m., for Worship Service. They also meet Wednesday at 6:45 p.m., for Adult Small Groups and Youth and Children’s Activities.
For more information, please call (704) 435-9605.