Provided By: Visit Chimney Rock Lake Lure
Chimney Rock Village, devastated by Hurricane Helene, will reopen for a Christmas celebration on Saturday, Dec. 14 from 10am to 4pm. The Christmas celebration is a one day only event and visitors will be able to tour the area.
Officials advised visitors to park at Lake Lure Beach, where a shuttle will run every 15 minutes.
Flooding destroyed small businesses, washed away inventory, and buried shops in the mud. Officials noted that over 1,000 volunteers from across the country have helped rebuild the town, but
next Saturday, they’re asking for your support.
Christmas activities will include:
• Pictures and toys with Santa
• Christmas goodies from newly renovated shops
• Christmas music
• Free food
Due to the flood, Chimney Rock Village businesses are selling their merchandise
Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at the Tryon International Equestrian Center. Businesses are located on the second floor of the International Pavilion while recovery and rebuilding efforts continue in Chimney Rock Village.
Provided By: Shane Suzuki, news.va.gov
Corey Anderson is used to making house calls as part of VA’s Supporting Community, Outpatient, Urgent Care and Telehealth Services (SCOUTS) program in Asheville.
As a SCOUT, he follows up with patients, usually older Veterans or those with mobility issues, making sure they understand how to take their medications and providing guidance on new medical equipment.
What he isn’t used to is a hurricane blowing through the area, destroying roads, flooding towns and making travel and communication almost impossible.
In September, when Hurricane Helene brought the worst rainstorms in more than 100 years, local VA clinics were mostly spared, meaning they could immediately begin serving their community when the storm passed.
“On Monday, just a couple days after the storm hit, the wife of a Veteran who had been recently discharged reached out needing help. I went to their apartment to deliver what they needed. As I’m leaving, a man asked me if I work at
Veteran Corey Anderson
VA. Next thing I know, I’m helping deliver water and food to 4 or 5 apartments each day,” Anderson shared.
SCOUT Corey Anderson, delivering a box of needed supplies.
“They needed help and I was able to help.” He soon found a Veteran with mobility issues who had a hard time leaving his upper-story apartment with the elevator out-of-service. As power and water outages continued, Anderson and others from VA found themselves not only providing medical services but also serving the ongoing recovery efforts.
“I brought some cleaning supplies and helped move downed trees. They needed help and I was able to help,” he said.
After the first week, Anderson started reaching out to his regular SCOUTS
See SCOUT, Page 2
From Page 1
patients, catching them up on appointments that had been postponed because of the storm.
“I had a patient who had been in the emergency room right before the storm hit and I was heading out to do a follow up with him. About a half mile from his house, there was a yellow caution tape. The road had washed out. It didn’t feel like a choice. There was no turning around and going back to VA and saying, ‘I just couldn’t make it.’ That just couldn’t happen,” he explained.
Anderson, a Veteran himself, didn’t turn around. Instead, he loaded up and walked through the washed-out roads and over fallen trees to visit with his patient, delivering his supplies and checking on their wellbeing.
Anderson was a mechanic in the Army, spending time in Germany
and a deployment to Ramadi, Iraq, before finding a job at the West Palm Beach VA.
“I started in the compensated work therapy program, but I’ve been lucky. I’ve had great leadership along the way. They supported me as I worked up to my current position. Most people in these jobs are former medics or corpsmen, so they have the medical background. But I worked with some great people. They encouraged me and helped me get the training and the skills.”
“He’s one of those people who gets things done.”
According to Kristina Snell, National ICT program manager, Anderson is a natural for this kind of work. “He’s just one of those people who can get things done. He makes it happen. He lights up every room he’s in,” she said.
The SCOUTS program supports a Veteran population that is growing older, providing in-home care after an emergency room visit for Veterans at
The majority of people hear Christmas and naturally think of December 24 and 25. For millions of Christians, these two dates mark Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, respectively, which is when Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. In fact, the word Christmas comes from the phrase “Mass of Christ.” However, there are certain faithful who will not be celebrating Christmas on December 25. These are namely
those who belong to Orthodox, Greek Orthodox and Coptic Orthodox churches, among others. These churches primarily trace their origins to Eastern Europe and portions of Asia and Africa, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia, Greece, Armenia, and Ethiopia. The churches utilize the former Julian calendar for religious observations. This places Christmas on January 7. It also is believed that 12 days after Jesus was born,
risk for physical, cognitive or functional decline, and hospitalization and falls. By bringing more care to the Veteran, the program improves their wellbeing but also ensures they are connected to the resources they need.
This can mean assisting with telehealth connections and virtual appointments along with doing in-home assessments. For Veterans living in rural areas, or those with mobility challenges, SCOUTS offers a deeper patient connection and better health outcomes.
“Around here, VA is part of the community, but the community is part of VA,” Anderson added. “Almost everyone you know is a either a Veteran or their family has Veterans, so it’s appreciated what we do here. But really, it’s what we do every day. We help people. We help Veterans when they need it.”
Learn more about SCOUTS at https://market place.va.gov/innovations / scouts.
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The employment section of the Classifieds can help you reach new heights.Whether you’re looking to recruit qualified personnel, land the right job, or train for a new career, your opportunity is waiting in the Classifieds.
three magi visited him to shower him with blessings and gifts, an event known as the Epiphany. Some recognize Christmas as occurring on this day, which is January 6. In fact, the “true” Christmas holiday takes place between Christ’s birth and the Epiphany, or the 12 days of Christmas. Candlemas, which comes 40 days after Christmas, also is considered the official end of the Christmas season for some.
(Part 2 of
In our lives, we often find ourselves at a crossroads, seeking guidance and clarity. We reach out to friends, family members, or even mentors, hoping their advice will illuminate the path ahead. However, there are times when their well-intentioned insights may not resonate with our deepest needs or the circumstances we face. In such moments, I’ve discovered the immense comfort and wisdom that comes from turning to a source that transcends human understanding: the Wonderful Counselor, as described in Isaiah 9:6. When we seek guidance from Jesus, we are tapping into an eternal well of knowledge and wisdom.
Let Go
will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” This passage invites us to surrender our need for control and human understanding and instead place our complete trust in the Lord. When we acknowledge Him in every aspect of our lives, He directs our steps and offers clarity amidst confusion. Sometimes, we might question how to hear God’s voice amidst the noise of daily life. Jesus Himself often withdrew to solitary places to pray. By creating our own quiet reflection spaces, we can cultivate an environment where the Holy Spirit can speak to us.
The Lamp
When navigating life’s complexities, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed or unsure. In these times, it’s crucial to remember that we are never truly alone.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his
Moreover, God speaks through His written Word— the Bible. Psalms 119:105 (ESV) beautifully illustrates this: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” When we immerse ourselves in Scripture, we gain insights that guide our steps and transform our hearts. Many times, I’ve found answers to my questions or directions for my life precisely when I needed them most, simply by diving into the pages of the Bible. There is no substitute for leaning on the Wonderful Counselor
who is the Word. John 1: 1 (AMP) states, “In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.” With Christ as our guide, we can move forward in confidence, knowing we are on the path He has prepared for us.
See DANYALE Page 11
9 year old, Karter Sellars from our local KM Elite Football Organization, has been invited to represent our state of North Carolina in the 2025 All American Youth Football Championship. This Championship tournament will be hosted in Daytona Beach, Florida. He is playing on a team of athletes from all across North Carolina! They will travel down to Florida to battle for the Championship January 17th-21st, battling teams from all across our Nation! What an experience that will be. Karter will represent the 10u age division and play a range of positions offensively and defensively. Karter attends James Love Elementary in Shelby, North Carolina. Karter is a straight A student this year and has dreams of being an Engineer, that’s if he doesn’t make the NFL. Karter also enjoys playing basketball, golf, and snowboarding. The community wishes him the best in his journey to represent us in football.
By Gary Miller
Submitted by Kennedy Sanders For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Most of us hunters like to consider ourselves, the diehard variety. We’re not afraid to get up early, stay out late, and do whatever it takes to get our deer - unless it’s walking more than about a quarter of a mile from our vehicle. It’s true. Most hunters don’t hunt too far off the beaten path. I’ve actually seen some folks ride their four-wheeler up to the very tree they are hunting in. They say the deer never notice. I’m not so sure. I do believe when deer are pressured, they move to some strange places. And oftentimes it’s right next to a road or even a highway. I can remember one year while hunting in Alabama, my friend set up right next to a four-lane highway. On the last day of the hunt, he killed a nice eight-pointer. I’m sure that deer never imagined a hunter setting up in such an uncommon area. For me, there’s something about being in a place where I can’t hear any road noise. I don’t like having to listen for the rustle of leaves through the sounds of rush hour. The purity of the hunt seems tainted when the sounds of the woods are competing with the sounds of a nearby highway. I like being able to hear every squirrel’s bark and every bird’s chirp. I’ve noticed my time with the Lord is often characterized this way as well. I find that at times I try to hear God without getting far enough away from the sounds of my daily grind. It may be a phone, a computer, or even a time restraint that’s not allowing me to hear all I’m meant to hear. As a result, the experience is not what I need or what God wants. The problem is that I’m just hunting (praying) too close to my truck. I’m doing it because it’s the easiest thing to do. But again, the best ones are usually far off the beaten path. Right now, there may be something you need God to speak to you about. You have a need, a problem, or a direction you have questions about. And it’s a big one. For these-sized answers you’re going to have to get away from all the sounds of the world you’re in and remove yourself from anything that will keep your attention from Him. It may take a little longer and a little more effort to get there, but we know that both will have been worth it when you return with the God-sized answer you had hoped for.
Gary Miller
Sunday, December 15
What: Blessing of the Animals & Tree Lighting
When: 1:00 pm, until 6:30 pm, December 15.
Where: Baker Buffalo Creek Winery, 3521 Fallston Waco Rd, Lawndale, NC.
More Info: Come join us for one of the most impressionable events of the holiday season. We will start with a PET n’SIP where you can meet and snuggle with some of the adoptable CARE doggies. You will also hear the amazing Trace Casanova live! If you have never heard Trace, you are going to be impressed by this young man. He will be doing some songs for the season too. After Pet n’ Sip, we will read all the animals who had lights purchased for them. We will turn on each color on the tree after each reading. WHITE lights are for those beloved companion animals that have passed. RED lights are for those who still brighten our day and are with us. BLUE lights are for those still hunting for their forever home. Once all the lists of animals have been read, the tree will be completely lit. Following the tree lighting we will have the Blessing of the Animals. You may bring your animals to the blessing and you will be glad you did, as it is a one of a kind ceremony. Want to purchase lights? Go to the following link. https://form.jotform. com/clifford.../blessingandlighting2024 C.A.R.E (Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all volunteer, dog rescue organization.
Saturday, December 21
What: Crouse Christmas Parade
When: 4:00 pm, December 21.
Where: Crouse School Rd., Crouse, NC.
More Info: Crouse Christmas Parade. Clark Griswold award for the “Blinged Out?, Tackiest Entry. Line up at 3:00 pm. After the parade is over Santa Claus will visit the Crouse Fire Department to hear those last minute Christmas wishes. If you are interested in being in the parade, stop by Crouse Fire Department to sign the necessary entry form. Hosted by Crouse Fire Department.
Neighborhood Calender Deadline:
Friday, 3 PM, prior to Thursday’s Edition. Go to shelbyinfo.com & click on SUBMIT EVENTS.
Did you know?
Sunday, December 22
What: Clifford’s World Famous Baked Goods Auction
When: 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm, December 22.
Where : The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 502 W Sumter St., Shelby, NC More Info: Online auction. We will be going live on Facebook at 2 pm. All items will be assigned a number. Please make sure you place the bid underneath the photo of the item you are bidding with corresponding number. If your comments are set to “most relevant”, you need to change to either “all comments’ or “newest comments”. There is a place to click beside most relevant to change. Otherwise you may not see all the bids. Please bid under the photo and include the number you are bidding on, Each item is numbered. Winners will be announced once we check all the bids starting at 5pm. Once we confirm the winners we will post the winning bid under each photo along with who won. Winners must pick up same night after the auction is over. Please plan to pick up by 7 pm. We will have some wonderful baked goods made by some of the best bakers around. A great way to have an awesome dessert for Christmas without having to do all the work We are extremely grateful to all those who were so kind to contribute to our baked goods auction. We could not do what we do without you. We will also announce the winning baker and the gift basket after the auction. Happy Bidding and Merry Christmas!
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. NarAnon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom off Dale St. between Sumter & Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or church office, 704-482-3467. Al-Anon Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at Noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Each January 1, people all over the world make resolutions for the new year. Many of the same resolutions pop up on popularity lists each year. According to a study by GoBankingRates, which in December of 2015 asked 5,000 people what their New Year’s Resolutions would be for 2016, the top resolutions included:
• Enjoy life to the fullest.
• Live a healthier lifestyle.
• Lose weight.
• Spend more time with family and friends.
• Save more, spend less.
A study by Thomas Cook UK, a United Kingdom-based travel company, indicated many people in Britain planned to cut back on social media as a top resolution as well. It should be interesting to see which resolutions play out upon the arrival of 2025.
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Want To Try A New Recipe? Are You Wanting An Automobile, Boat, Or Other Item?
Read For All Of These Things!
and bacon.
1 (8 -10 lb) bone-in smoked ham
1 (12 ounce) jars apricot preserves (1 cup)
1/4 cup light brown sugar
2 tablespoons stone ground dijon mustard
1 tablespoon cider vinegar
• Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
•Mix up the glaze ingredients, pour over ham, that is wrapped
in tin foil and bake for the first 1-1/2 hours. Then uncover the remaining time and baste with the sauce every 20 minutes. (approximately 1 more hour or until temperature reaches 160 degrees. Very moist ham.
Fresh whole green beans
Bacon, cut in half 1/2 cup butter, melted
1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon garlic salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. Wrap 7 green beans with bacon and place in prepared dish. Repeat, using all the green beans
Combine butter with brown sugar. Pour over green bean bundles and sprinkle with garlic salt. Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes.
4 cups thinly sliced potatoes
3 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons flour
1-1⁄2 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 dash cayenne pepper
1 cup grated sharp cheddar cheese
1⁄2 cup grated cheese, to sprinkle on top
• In a small sauce pan, melt butter
and blend in flour. Let sit for a minute. Add all of cold milk, stirring with a whisk. Season with salt and cayenne. Cook sauce on low until smooth and boiling, stirring occasionally with a whisk. Reduce heat and stir in cheese.
• Place a half of the sliced potatoes in a lightly greased one quart casserole dish.
• Pour half of cheese sauce over potatoes. Repeat with second layer of potatoes and cheese sauce.
• Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top. Bake uncovered for about 1 hour at 350°F.
We have not started yet.
CLUES ACROSS 1. Thou __ do it
Sino-Soviet block (abbr.)
Brainstem part
Town in New York state 14. Little (Spanish) 15. Continent
Retch 17. Short-billed rails 18. Small period of time (abbr.)
A team needs one
Woman in ancient times
Republican Party
Spanish be
“The Godfather” character Johnny
Not around
City in Zambia
A type of beginning
Small, gray-headed crow
Vehicle type
One point east of southeast
Indian soldier 46. Tree type
48. Midway between south and southeast 49. It cools your home 51. Corn comes on it 52. Ship’s deck 54. A way to bake 56. Improvised 60. Butter y genus 61. Baseball elds have them 62. Designated space
Two of something
Once more
Part of your face
Tax collector
Cassia tree
One-time Aaron Rodgers
Overly studious person
They protect your valuables
The Volunteer State
Non-hydraulic cement
8. Jackson and Diddley are two
9. Splendid displays 10. Mountain in NE Greece 11. A daughter or your brother or sister 12. German surname 14. Having more than one husband at a time
Romanian city
Makes less hot
Gas diffusion electrode
Former CIA 26. Set an example for others
Support of a particular person 29. One from the Big Apple
Mountain range
Violate the sanctity of something 34. Supervises ying
Talks 37. Persian male given name
Born of
Forcibly take one’s possessions
Posh Colorado destination 50. Form of therapy
British rock band
Type of virus (abbr.)
Cleveland County Child Care Providers currently licensed in the State of North Carolina with a rating or 4- or 5 Stars to provide slots for children birth to 11 months whose families work, are seeking employment, and/or are enrolled in school full-time and meet income eligibility requirements. Families served must meet TANF guidelines for eligibility. Slot tuition must be funded by private pay, DSS subsidy, or other funds. This program will provide additional subsidized child care payment enhancements for eligible children. This program will NOT provide regular slot tuition. The proposal submitted must be complete and include required documentation.
All child care facilities interested in submitting proposals for possible Smart Start funding through this program may obtain program information and application packets on or before December 12, 2024 via direct email, the CCPFC website at www.ccpfchildren.org, or by email request to johanna.gillespie@ccpartnershipforchildren.com. Completed proposals in electronic format must be received (not post-marked) on or before noon, Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Completed proposals will be accepted at the Cleveland County Partnership for Children administrative office (1205 Northside Drive, Shelby, NC 28150) or via email to Johanna Gillespie, Programs Manager, Cleveland County Partnership for Children at johanna.gillespie@ccpartnershipforchildren.com
The Cleveland County Partnership for Children reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals or to waive any informality in proposal.
From Page 6
“Dear Father, I praise you for being the Ancient of Days. Every aspect of life was created by you. You are the ultimate architect, inventor, author, creator and so much more. You know exactly how life is supposed to work properly. Forgive me for turning to everyone else except you. May I always turn to you first. You will direct my path and show me what to do, where to go, and who to connect with. Thank you for guiding me in life for your glory. In Jesus’ name - Amen.”
I encourage you to open your heart to God’s love and grace. Seek forgiveness for past wrongs, and invite Jesus into your heart as your Savior and Lord. Find a supportive community in a local church where you can grow and serve others. You can cultivate a meaningful relationship with God by dedicating daily time to reading the Bible and praying.
Danyale Patterson would love to connect with you! Contact her at www.danyale. com to share a testimony, send a prayer request, or book her for speaking engagements.
Photo By – Justin G. Hill & Son, Drone Photography Service
This Christmas, the spirit of giving is even more precious…
When the Neal Senior Center is closed for the Christmas holidays, there are no “Meals-On-Wheels” deliveries. The center provides food for the recipients to help during the holidays when there are no deliveries.
What is needed? 18 oz. jars of creamy peanut butter & packets of instant oatmeal.
Want to help in other ways? Cash donations are always welcome! How do we get the items to you? Contact the Neal Senior Center at 704/482-3488 and arrange a time to bring them.
When is the deadline? Monday, December 16, 2024, at 3 PM.
Your donations make a difference! Your donations will guarantee that the 160 “Meals-On-Wheels” recipients have enough food during the Christmas holidays!
Neal Center participants have often requested that Corn Hole become part of the center’s regularly scheduled activities. Beginning Thursday, January 2, 2025, through January 30, 2025, you can come to the Neal Center between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m. to participate in this fun activity! This will be an experiment to determine how much interest there is to offer it regularly. Afterward, a final decision as to offering the game permanently will be made. Have questions? Contact Daniel Dedmon, Neal Center Program Director at 704/481-7387
Bring your lunch and join us for a fascinating Bible Study about “Heaven—What to Expect” Alison Carswell will lead the study It is divided into ten sections and will meet in the Card Game room beginning Thursday, January 2, 2025, from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. No reservations are required. Please bring your Bible. The group will also use an additional supplement, “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. It can be purchased from the instructor for $15. If you have questions, please contact Alison at 704/473-0876
The Neal Senior Center will be closed for the Christmas Holidays from Tuesday, December 24 through Thursday, December 26. The center will reopen on Friday, December 27
The center will be closed for the New Year’s Holidays on Tuesday, December 31 & Wednesday, January 1, 2025
The center will reopen on Thursday, January 2, 2025
Friday, December 13-14-15
What: “Here With Us” Muscial Drama
When: 6:30 pm, December 13-15.
Where: Bethel Baptist Church, 606 S. Dekalb St., Shelby, NC
More Info: An original musical drama for Christmas featuring the Celebration Choir of Bethel Baptist Church.
Saturday, December 14
What: BBQ Plate Sale
When: Noon until 3:00 pm, December 14
Where: Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Rd., Lawndale, NC
More Info: Includes BBQ Pork plate, slaw, sauce, beans, & dessert. For more info: Pastor Scott Holand: 980-295-0234
Sunday, December 15
What: Music, Worship, and Reflection
When: 6:00 pm, December 15.
Where: First Baptist Church Sanctuary, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Join us as we gather to “Magnify” the wonder of Christmas! Our church choirs and instrumentalists will come together to lead a beautiful service of worship, featuring carols and hymns that celebrate the birth of Christ. Let us lift our voices and hearts to magnify His love and light this season. All are welcome to this special time of music, worship, and reflection. We look forward to celebrating with you and your family!
Sunday, December 22
What: Christmas Play
When: 6:00 pm, December 22
Where: Hudson Memorial Baptist Church, 762 Warlick Rd., Lawndale, NC
More Info: Join us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. For more info: Pastor Scott Holand: 980-2950234
Walls Memorial Baptist Church Food Bank: TEFAP (Commodities) distribution is open to any neighboring county within North Carolina that does not receive TEFAP. Distribution will be held the third Tuesday of each month from 11:30 am until 1:30 pm, at Walls Memorial Baptist Church, 2223 Elizabeth Avenue, Shelby, NC 28150. DECEMBER 17, 2024. All are welcome. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC, warmly invites you to a beautiful and traditional. Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. Experience the joy of Christ’s birth through special music provided by our Orchestra, Soloists, and Choirs. December 24th, 5:00 PM. Celebrate this Holy Night with candlelight, carols, and communion. All are welcome—come and share in the wonder of Christmas!
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom of Dale St., between Sumter and Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-6922092 or the church office, 704-482-3467.
Al-Anon Family Groups Support: Al-Anon Family Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at 12noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.
Shelby Shopper & Info offers the printing of obituaries in our paper as a community service and free of charge for Cleveland County residents and the immediate area. The obituary may include a picture if the image is of print quality. We request that the obituary is limited to 150 words and we will edit the obituaries due to space. The obituary will include preceded family members, surviving family members, funeral service information, memorials, and the name of the funeral home serving the family. The obituaries will not include names of grandchildren, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, or pets. We only accept obituaries from licensed funeral homes. The deadline is Friday at 1:00 pm prior to the next Thursday's publication.
Please have your funeral home send us your loved ones’ obituaries to obits@shelbyinfo.com
Mrs. Patsy Joyce Crane Pittman, 91, of Mooresboro, NC, passed away on Friday, November 29, 2024.
She is survived by her children, Doug Pittman (Joanne) of Lattimore, NC, Dennis Pittman (Mary) of Gastonia, NC, Lugene Moore of Mooresboro, NC, Kelly Pittman (Barbara) of Bloomfield, NM, and Glenda Beck (Ricky) of Shelby, NC, twelve grandchildren, eighteen great grandchildren, thirteen great great grandchildren, and a sister, Jewel of Athens, GA.
Born February 22, 1933, in Gwinnett County, GA, Patsy was the daughter of the late John Bartow Crane and Ethyl Bailey Crane and was preceded in death by her husband, Grover Thomas Pittman, and ten siblings, Grady, Bobbie, Mary, Clare Mae, Randal, Bea, Bill, Jane, Frank, and Johnny.
A funeral service was held December 2, 2024, at Crestview Baptist Church conducted by Rev. Artie Hubbard. Burial followed at Poplar Springs Baptist
Church Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Hospice of Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC 28150, or Crestview Baptist Church General Fund, 1090 Old Boiling Springs Rd, Shelby, NC 28152, or to MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital Heart Program in honor of Addison Moore.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
Born October 11, 1940, she was the daughter of the late Onzie and Naomi Smith Houser and she was the wife of the late Kenneth Farrell Sain. Along with her husband, she was preceded in death by their daughter, Teresa Sain Huss.
She is survived by her son, Stephen and his wife Karen; her son Robin and his wife Kim; six grandchildren; a
step-grandson; and thirteen great-grandchildren; and her sisters Deborah Sigmon, her husband Danny, and Krista DesRoches, and her husband William.
A Celebration of Life Service was held December 5, 2024, at Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Vale, officiated by Rev. Harold Benfield and Rev. Dr. Dennis Bean.
Memorials may be made to South Mountain Baptist Camp, 3558 Baptist Camp Road, Connelly Springs, NC 28612, and Bridge of Hope Christian School, 100 Anthony Grove Road, Crouse, NC 28033.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
James Eric Lamb, "Rick" 51, passed away on November 30, 202.
Rick is survived by his son, Isaac Lamb of Fallston; his mother, Ellen Sain (Sam) of Lawndale; his father, Jim Lamb of Concord; his sisters, Mandy Hamrick (Brooks) of Shelby, and Lara Hemrick (Chris) of Denver; his brothers, Jeff Lamb (Rachel) and Travis Lamb (Jenny); and his significant other, Mandy Richardson of Shelby.
He was preceded in death by his grandparents and his stepmother, Mary Lamb.
A service of remembrance was at St. Peters Methodist Church with the Dr. David Sain officiating. Memorials may be made to the Isaac Lamb Scholarship Fund, 1005 Allen Dale Drive, Shelby, NC 28150.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Fallston is serving the family.
Peggy Ann Bingham Costner "Nanny" 92, passed away on Friday, November 29, 2024.
She was born on May 28, 1932.
Peggy is survived by her son, Joe "Chuck" Costner, Jr. and his wife Jean of Fallston, and her daughter, Rita Hendrick of Cherryville; four grandchildren, and twelve great-grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her husband, Joe Donald Costner, Sr., her parents, Fearmon and Addie Bingham, her sister Patsy Ruth Bingham, and her sonin-law, Timothy Hendrick.
A service to celebrate her life was held December 1, 2024, at Pleasant Grove Baptist on Sunday, with the Rev. Toby Bird officiating. Memorials may be made to Hospice Cleveland County, 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC 28150 or to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Building Fund, 3932 Pleasant Grove Ch. Rd., Shelby, NC 28150.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center is serving the family.
John T. Carpenter, 82, of Lawndale, passed on Friday, November 22, 2024.
He was born February 13, 1942 in Cleveland County to the late Howard Vincent Carpenter and Rachel Elizabeth Thomas Carpenter.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Taffy Harry Carpenter; two brothers, Vincent Carpenter and Bill Carpenter and a sister, Linda Triplett.
Survivors include his three sons, Scott Carpenter and Deaver Carpenter both of Shelby and Chris Carpenter and wife, Shelby of Kernersville; daughter, Kim Bivins and husband Ray of Lawndale; sister, Frankie Carpenter of Shelby; seven grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren.
Services will be private and held at a later date.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Fallston is serving the family.
William "Bill" Henry Stewart, 75, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on December 1, 2024.
Born February 17, 1949 in Cleveland County, North Carolina, he was the son of the late Francis Palmer and Tracy M. Stewart Sr.
Mr. Stewart served our country in the U.S. Navy. He is survived by his wife: Diane Alexander Stewart, of the home; children: Tim Stewart and wife, Crystal, of Kings Mountain, NC; Travis Stewart and wife, Tina, of Shelby, NC; and Tina West and husband, Jimmy, of Nowata, OK; brother, Tracy M. Stewart and wife, Lynda, of Kings Mountain, NC; six grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren.
Funeral service was held December 7, 2024, at Ollie Harris Memorial Chapel, with Rev. Dr. Steve Taylor offi-
ciating. Interment was at Mountain Rest Cemetery, Kings Mountain, North Carolina.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family. 84, of Shelby, NC, passed away on Friday, November 29, 2024.
He is survived by his wife, Sheila Padgett Parker of the home, his children, Crystal Parker (Todd Radford) of Mooresboro, NC, and Misty Black (Charlie Sr.) of Gaffney, SC, three grandchildren, two great grandchildren, and three sisters, Bernice Mosteller (Dwight) of Casar, NC, Judy Buff (Johnie) of Casar, NC, and Rachel Buchanan (Bill) of Hickory, NC.
Born May 13, 1940, in Cleveland County, NC, Dennis was the son of the late Millard and Zula Hull Parker and was preceded in death by his daughter, Sandy Black, and seven siblings, Randy, Louise, Homer, Junior, Hettie, and Colleen, and an infant sister.
A funeral service was held December 3, 2024, at Cleveland Funeral Services Chapel conducted by Rev. Scott Caldwell and Rev. Jamie Mosteller. Burial followed at Beaver Dam Baptist Church cemetery.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5:4
Continued To Page 17
November 22, 2024.
She was born in July 18, 1933 to the late Ernest Muldrow and Lillie M. Cook Pooler.
She was preceded in death by her first husband, James F. Walls; her second husband, George Lattimore Jr.; sister, Azlee Surratt; brothers, Truford Pooler, Nathaniel Pooler and Melvin Pooler; and two grandsons.
Ms. Lattimore is survived by one son and three daughters: Jimmy Walls (late Doris Walls), Betty Walls Mitchell (Ray), Patti Lattimore Thompson (Jeffery) and Sandra Walls; seven sisters, Retha M. Linen (Arthur), Earnestine Frances, Mae Frances Pooler, Verlean Pooler, Dorothy Pooler and Doretha Pooler; ten grandchildren; nineteen great grandchildren; and seven great-great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held December 1, 2024, at Bethlehem Temple Church, Grover. Burial followed in Mount Olive Holiness Church Cemetery.
Clay-Barnette Funeral Home and Aquamation Center is serving the family. www. claybarnette.com
Aiden Nickolas Franklin, 17, of Lawndale, passed away on Monday, November 25, 2024.
He is preceded in death by his grandfather.
In addition to his parents he is survived by his sister, Keely Lemmons; brothers, Julian Philbeck, Thomas Smith, Ashlee Smith and Jacob Streets; and his grandmother.
Memorial services were held December 2, 2024, at Clay-Barnette Funeral Home. Clay-Barnette Funeral Home & Aquamation Center is serving the family. www. claybarnette.com
Ms. Wanda Jean Wray, 63, of Shelby, NC, passed away on Tuesday, November 19, 2024.
Born in Cleveland County on August 25, 1961, she was the daughter of the late Vinnie Wray Johnson and Jimmy Lewis Brooks.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her step-father, James Johnson; maternal grandparents; and sister, Bonnie Annette Wray.
She is survived by her sisters, Deborah Wray of Shelby, NC, and Sherry Wray of Greensboro, NC; and brother, James Brooks (Donna) of Shelby, NC.
Funeral services was held November 30, 2024, at Eskridge Grove Baptist Church, Shelby, NC.
Leslie, 72, formerly of Lawndale, NC, passed away on Monday, November 18, 2024.
brothers, Walter A. Leslie and James Coleman Leslie; and sisters, Gracie Leslie Parks and Juanita Leslie Lattimore.
He is survived by his wife, Shirley Peeler Leslie; daughter, Tomeka Leslie of Arden, NC; son, Kendrick Leslie, Sr. (Mozine) of Wendell, NC; six grandchildren; a great grandchild; sisters, Marie West of Jamaica, NY, Maggie Smith of Lawndale, NC, Christine Howell (Thamon), and Ruth Fuller (Robert) of Shelby, NC; brothers, Marshall Leslie (Pam), Ben Leslie (Sabrina) both of Lawndale, NC, and Carl Leslie (Tammy) of Winston-Salem, NC; and sisters-in-law, Patsy Leslie of Silver Springs, MD, Eloise Leach of Shelby, NC, and Janet Young-Peeler of Durham, NC.
Funeral services were held November 23, 2024, at Palmer Grove Baptist Church, Kingstown, NC.
Ronnie Lee Philbeck, 84, of Bessemer City, NC, passed away on November 30, 2024.
He was born October 7, 1940 in Cleveland County, NC, son of the late John Lee and Kathleen Irene Spurling Philbeck and was preceded in death by his wife, Annemarie Glaab Philbeck and three children: Susan Haney, Kathleen Adair, and Ronnie Philbeck Jr.; and a brother, Jimmy Philbeck.
Mr. Philbeck served our country in the US Army in the Vietnam War.
Memorial service was held December 5, 2024, in the Ollie Harris Memorial Chapel with Reverend Dr. Robert Eng officiating.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Susan Dianne Garrison Long, of Gaffney, passed away on December 2, 2024.
Dianne was born January 2, 1953 in Rock Hill, SC, daughter of the late Jesse Garrison and Janie Watkins Garrison.
Dianne is survived by her wife, Sandra Montooth, their children: Cully Long (New York City), Jessica Long Boulware (Rock Hill), Kati Montooth (Lexington, Kentucky), Keri Shadden (Landrum) and Michael Brewer (Spartanburg); five grandchildren; and four siblings: Lynn Phillips (Gaffney), Cindy Davenport (Gaffney) and Boyce Garrison (Oceanside, CA).
A funeral service was held December 7, 2024, in the Gordon Mortuary of Gaffney Chapel. Entombment is at Frederick Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to the American Brain Foundation (www.americanbrainfoindation.org).
Daniel Coy Calhoun, 66, passed away on Thursday, November 28, 2024.
Daniel was born on April 20, 1958 in Bryson City, NC to parents Wallace Coy and Margaret Ann Cole Calhoun and was the widower to Karan Wright Calhoun.
Surviving Mr. Calhoun are two brothers, Jim Calhoun (Arlene) of Raleigh, NC and Joseph Lee Calhoun of Blacksburg.
In addition to his wife and parents, Daniel was preceded in death by a step-son, Gregg Wright, and a brother, Steven Clay Calhoun.
No services for Mr. Calhoun are scheduled at this time.
Donald Reginald Endsley, "Regie", 77, of Lawndale, passed away on November 28, 2024.
He was born on September 2, 1947, in Orlando, FL.
He is survived by his wife, Linda Endsley; his children, Donald R. Endsley, Melanie Francisco and her husband Michael, and Lisa Endsley and her husband Kevin Woerner; his brother, Terry Endsley; sister, Evelyn Spahr, and her husband, Jack; and five grandchildren.
Simpson. Preceding him in death were his daughter, Jaclyn Smith, and brother, Marshall Smith.
A memorial service was held December 6, 2024, in the Pine Grove United Methodist Church, with the Dr. Jonathan LeMasterSmith officiating. Memorials may be made to the Pine Grove united Methodist Church Cemetery Fund, 110 Pine Grove Rd. Shelby, NC 28152
Online condolences can be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation CenterFallston is serving the family.
Brenda Sue Carolyn Shelton Dills passed away on November 25, 2024.
She was born on November 12th, 1959 to Nevada Shelton
She is survived by four children; Allison Dills, Jerry Shelton, Susan Coleman, Theron Shelton, and adopted daughter, Michelle Shelton; three siblings; Nancy Bartlett (Dennis Bartlett), Thomas Shelton, and Robert; twelve grandchildren and six great grandchildren.
Born in Cleveland County he was the son of Amanda Smith and husband Doug of Lawndale and Timothy Franklin of Kings Mountain.
He was born on October 1, 1952 in Shelby, NC to the late Ira Matthew Leslie and Odessia Byers Leslie.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by Continued From Page 16
He is survived by his children: Thomas Philbeck (Sherry), Blacksburg, SC, Patricia Philbeck, Bessemer City, NC, Rebecca Lysek (Frank), Kings Mountain, NC, and Barbara Varner (Scott), Enoree, SC; siblings: Ann Allen, Pat Martin, Roger Philbeck, Tommy Philbeck (Meli), Randy Philbeck, and Bobbie Humphries (David); and twelve grandchildren and fifteen great grandchildren.
Rev. Tommy Dean Price, 62, of Shelby, passed away on November 29, 2024.
Born on September 2, 1962, Tommy was the son of the late Paul and Nancy Price. He was also preceded in death by his brother, Benjamin Price.
He is survived by his wife, Paula Price; his son, Tommy Price II; his daughter, Candace Peterson, and her husband Randy; his brother, Timmy Price, and wife Judy; his sister-in-law, Sandra Price, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
A funeral service was held December 3, 2024, in the Fallston Chapel of StameyTysinger Funeral Home with the Rev. Ricky Sigmon and Rev. Michael Manis officiating.
Online condolences can be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation CenterFallston is serving the family.
A funeral service was held December 7, 2024, in the Fallston Chapel of StameyTysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, with the Rev. Terry Bevill officiating. Burial will be private for the family at a later date.
Online condolences can be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation CenterFallston is serving the family.
Derrell Gene Smith, of Earl, NC, passed away peacefully on December 1, 2024.
He was born on March 3, 1959 in Toluca, NC, to the late Thomas B. Smith Sr. and Retha C. Smith.
Derrell is survived by his wife, Amy; their children: Jonathan LeMaster-Smith and his wife Shannon, William D. Smith, and Diana Hudson and her husband James; two grandchildren; and his siblings: Thomas B. Smith Jr. and his wife Linda, Carter Smith and his wife Judy, Judy Glover and her husband Robert, and Kathy
Joe Quinn, 68, of Rutherfordton, passed away on Sunday, December 1, 2024.
Joe was born Monday, October 29, 1956 in Rutherford County to the late Joseph Earl Quinn, Sr. and Frances Blanton Quinn. Mr. Quinn served our country in the U.S. Army.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Rick Long. He is survived by his wife, Chris Quinn; daughter, Abby Quinn; brother-inlaw, Dan Laskowski all of Rutherfordton; and a sister-in-law, Jeanie Long of Daytona, FL.
The funeral service was held December 6, 2024, at Florence Baptist Church with Reverend Daniel Selman officiating. Interment followed at Rutherford County Memorial Cemetery with military honors. Memorials may be made to Florence Baptist Church Youth Fund, 201 S. Broadway, Forest City, NC 28043.
Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family. An online guest registry is available at www. harrelsonfuneralhome.com
Continued From Page 17
Winona Echols Bridges, 88, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
She was born March 14, 1936, in Jackson County, Georgia, daughter of the late Vernon and Mabel Tucker Vickery.
Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Seabron Marvin Echols, and husband, James Martin Bridges; her son, Tim Echols; brothers James and Sam Vickery; and a granddaughter.
She is survived by her children: Terry Putnam (Dennis), Randy Echols, Rhonda Howze (Mike), Kevin Echols (Mandy), and daughter-inlaw Lynn Echols; brother, Allen Vickery; eleven grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren.
Memorial service was held December 7, 2024, in the Ollie Harris Memorial Chapel with Rev. Dr. Steve Taylor and Allen Vickery officiating. A Private Graveside Ceremony was held at Mountain Rest Cemetery, Kings Mountain, NC.
Memorials may be made to VIA Health Partners Founded as Hospice of Cleveland County at 951 Wendover Heights Dr., Shelby, NC 28150 Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Carolyn Ann Tessneer Queen, 78, of Shelby, passed away on December 2, 2024.
Carolyn was born on February 5, 1946 to the late Jim and Mabel Barnett Tessneer in Cleveland County, NC.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brother, Dwight Tessneer, and sister-in-law Joanne Tessneer.
Carolyn is survived by her husband, Floyd Queen, Jr.; her sons: Robert (Connie), Jeff (Amber) and Jimmy (Leslie), all of Shelby; four grandchildren; and her three great-grandchildren.
The family will receive friends from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday,
December 14, 2024 in the Family Life Center of Poplar Springs Baptist Church. The funeral will be at 2:00 p.m. in the sanctuary with Dr. James B. Richardson and Pastor Aaron Hinton officiating. Burial will be immediately following the funeral in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Poplar Springs Baptist Church Craft Ladies, 1106 Poplar Springs Church Road, Shelby, NC 28152, or Gideons International PO Box 140800 Nashville, TN 37214-0800.
Online condolences can be made at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation CenterFallston is serving the family.
Raymonda “Joy” Mode Hoyle, 82, passed away on November 22, 2024.
Born in Cleveland County on July 25, 1942, she was the daughter of the late Gordon Mode and Vernell Padgett Mode.
John D Clark, of Shelby, passed away on Tuesday, November 26, 2024.
He was born November 21, 1956, in Kings Mountain to the late Rufus Sr and Estelle Clark.
John is preceded in death by a sister, Sherry Diane and brother Rufus Clark Jr.
Delores (Dee) Freeman Hamrick Turner, 91, passed away Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
She was born in Lowell, NC, to James Bell Freeman and Laura Mae Wilson Freeman.
held December 5, 2024, at Cleveland Memorial Park. Memorials may be made to The Arthritis Foundation: https://info.arthritis.org/ donate-today.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her sister, Barbara Mode. Joy is survived by her husband, Robert Hoyle; her son, Robby Hoyle; her granddaughter; six greatgrandchildren; and her sister Wanda McManus and husband Rev. Paul.
He is survived by his wife, Phyliss Clark; children: Jason Clark of Stanley, Seth Clark, and Kelli Greene (Jordan) of Shelby; and three grandchildren.
Annie Armittie Farris, 89, of Kings Mountain, passed away on Monday, December 2, 2024.
Born in Cleveland County, she was the daughter of the late Walter and Essie Farris.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by three brothers: Ted, Wray, and Calvin Farris and her sister, Gertrude Carroll.
Survivors include her brother, Paul Farris (Linda) of Kings Mountain, NC and sister Gail Whitehurst (Rick) of Winston Salem, NC.
A graveside service was held December 6, 2024, at Mountain Rest Cemetery in Kings Mountain.
Clay-Barnette Funeral Home of Kings Mountain is serving the family. www. claybarnette.com
passed away on Sunday, December 1, 2024.
He was the son of the late Guillermo and Julia Rodriguez.
He is survived by his wife, Charlotte Rodriguez; son, William A. Rodriguez III; daughter, Charlene Rodriguiz and husband Andrew Anthony Valdez II; sisters, Luisa Palma, Juana Lozano, Maria Palma, and Grace Rodriguez; brothers, Vincent Rodriguez and Julio Rodriguez; and five grandchildren and one on the way.
Aquamation services are entrusted to Clay-Barnette Funeral Home & Aquamation Center . www.claybarnette. com
A memorial service was held December 2, 2024, at Beaver Dam Baptist Church, with Pastor Tom Runyan officiating.
Memorial donations may be made in Joy’s memory to the Beaver Dam Baptist Church Nursery.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Ruth Lucille Clontz Jaynes, 97, passed away on Saturday, November 23, 2024.
Born in McDowell County, NC on February 13, 1927, she was the daughter of the late Shuford Clontz and Etta Sprouse Clontz.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her husband, Herbert Jaynes; son, Paul Jaynes; a grandson; and ten siblings Nelson Clontz, Carl Clontz, Edgar Clontz, Cecil Clontz, Clyde Clontz, Jim Clontz, Grady Clontz, Freddy Clontz, Shuford Clontz Jr, and Faye Clontz Cook.
She is survived by her two sons, Gary Jaynes and wife Pat of Lebanon TN, and Dennis Jaynes and wife LeeAnn of Shelby; four grandchildren; and six great grandchildren.
A graveside service was held November 29, 2024, at Sunset Cemetery with Pastor Oscar Montes officiating.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
A graveside service was held December 2, 2024, at Patterson Springs Baptist Church officiated by Reverends John Miller and Seth Clark.
Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s ResearchHospital at: https:// www.stjude.org/give/memorials-and-dedications.html
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Kathy Hoyle Weaver, 71, passed away on Wednesday, November 27, 2024.
She was born in Cleveland County on June 16, 1953, to the late Luther Raymond Hoyle and Myrtle Self Hoyle.
In addition to her parents, Kathy is preceded in death by her husband, Robert Phillip “Phil” Weaver; daughter, Wendy Weaver Jamison; a grandson; her brothers Gene, Bill, Coleman, Don, and Dale Hoyle and sisters, Joann Lovelace, Ann Hord, Linda Willis, and Margie Vess.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her two sisters, Eva Celona (stillborn) and Rebecca Sue Freeman; her brother, James Mark Freeman; her first husband, Thomas Beatty Hamrick Sr.; her second husband, John Gene Turner; and two sons, James Edward (Ed) Hamrick and Charles Mark Hamrick (Mark).
Dee is survived by her two sons, Tom Hamrick (Liz) and Steve Hamrick; her daughter, Susan Hamrick Floyd (Mark); seven grandchildren; and thirteen greatgrandchildren.
A funeral service was held December 4, 2024, in the chapel of Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home, with Rev. Jeff Clevinger officiating. Burial followed at Sunset Cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Palm Tree Church.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Carrie Diane Sisk Cooper, 78, passed away on Saturday, November 30, 2024.
Mr. John Franklin Ballenger, 63, of Shelby, NC, passed away Tuesday, November 26, 2024. He is survived by his wife, Jackie Jones Ballenger of the home; his two children, Jamie Ballenger of Lattimore, NC, and Alex Ballenger and wife Amanda of Mooresboro, NC; three grandchildren; and two sisters, Ginny Harris and husband Alan of New Bern, NC, and Katherine Carpenter and husband Jonathan of Gastonia, NC.
Born December 15, 1960, in Greenville, SC, John was the son of the late Frank and Betty Jo Boyd Ballenger and was preceded in death by his in-laws, Jack and Dolly Jones, and a sister, Pamela Jo Ballenger.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
James Edward "Logpuller" Alexander, 63, of Blacksburg, passed away on December 4, 2024.
Born in York, SC, he was the son of Elizabeth Stroup Alexander and the late Luther Burns "LB" Alexander.
Kathy is survived by her daughters: Danielle and Scott Whitaker, Nichole and Andy Hamrick; five grandchildren; and sisters, Sue Thornburg, and Janet and Michael Helms.
A funeral service was held December 1, 2024, at Buffalo Baptist Church in Shelby with Rev. Dustin Mace and Rev. Macky Turner officiating. Memorials may be made to Buffalo Baptist Church Building Fund: 105 Buffalo Church Rd. Shelby, NC 28150.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Born on March 10, 1946, she was the daughter of the late Mary Helen Spake McCraw.
In addition to her mother, Diane is preceded in death by her husband, Isaiah (Harrill) Cooper; her son, Robert Sisk; her granddaughter; her siblings; Jimmy Sisk, Randy Sisk, Mike Spake, Stanley Spake, Pattie Jo Wylie, Cindy McAbee, and Peggy Griffin; and her grandparents.
She is survived by her two daughters, Evelyn Stephens (Terry) and Barbara Strickland (Greg); seven grandchildren; twelve great-grandchildren; and her siblings: Don Sisk (Sherry), Linda Mayfield (Roger), Dixie Drewery, and Frances Randall.
A graveside service was
In addition to his mother, Ed is survived by his daughter, Kelly Willis; his brothers, L.D. Alexander and Roger Alexander; three grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Funeral services were held December 9, 2024, in the Gordon Mortuary Chapel with Rev. Michael Mullinax and Rev. Damon Keefs officiating. Interment was private.
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Continued From Page 18
Patricia Scully Wilkison, 90, of Shelby, NC, passed away on December 2, 2024.
She was born on March 14, 1934, in Nutley Township, NJ.
She is survived by her husband, David; her brothers, Bob, John, and Tom Scully; her children, Tim (Vicky), Andy (Cathy), and Bonnie Miller (Michael); her eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.
She was predeceased by her parents, Albert and Elizabeth Scully; her brother, Albert Scully; and her sister, Mary Connelley.
A private family service will be held in the future.
Memorials may be made to The National Audubon Society, reflecting her love for birds and nature.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home and Crematory is serving the family.
He was born on July 31, 1942, in Cleveland County, to the late Ruth Blair Smith Crilley.
He was also preceded in death by his wife, Carolyn Hamilton Smith, and his brother, Gary Smith.
Bobby is survived by his daughter, Tanya Smith (Dennis); his son, Alan Smith; two grandchildren; his great-grandson; his sister, Sue Urmy (Ron) of Guy, AR; and sister-in-law, Judy Smith.
A graveside service was held December 10, 2024, at Cleveland Memorial Park. Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Virginia Price Branton, 68, of Shelby, passed away on December 3, 2024.
Virginia is preceded in death by her parents, Paul and Netti Beheler Price; her brother, Bobby Beheler; and her sisters, Cathy Weaver, Arite Smith, Pauline Morgan, and Betty McEntire.
She is survived by her daughters, Michelle Griffin and Kristen Price; her granddaughter; her great-granddaughter; her brothers, Billy Price and Johnny Beheler; and her sister-in-law, Helen Price.
A funeral service was held December 9, 2024, at Christ the King Church in Shelby. Burial followed at Cleveland Memorial Park.
Online condolences may be shared at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another. Romans 12:10
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CLINE’S HEATING & COOLING. Home Maintenance Services: Electrical, plumbing, decks, siding, pressure washing. 30 years heating & cooling/maintenance experience. Give us a call (704) 259-0784 hope.services316@gmail.com
CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Summer Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704472-9367.
NEED HELP WITH PROJECTS Around Your House or Business? 30 years of experience. Free estimates. Landscaping, Minor Repairs, Ceiling Fans Installed, Install Mini Blinds, No job to small! Call or text (704) 692-4449
Dec 20th, 2024 Mt Holly Mini Storage, 1120 Kelly Rd., Mt Holly, NC. Contents of Units: #A13,A10 Lyles for Non-Payment of Storage Rent. (704) 473-7358 andrew.sain@gmail. com
INDOOR YARD SALE. Every Monday - Saturday, 9am-6pm. 4120 Kings Mtn Hwy, Bessemer City on Hwy 74. 704-616-4827
BIG CHRISTMAS SALE THRU CHRISTMAS Daily 8am-8pm. Toys, bikes, tools & more. All new stuff. In Sandy Mush beside OHM, across from Fire Dept. 828-755-4129. 588 US 221 A, Forest City, NC 28043
DISCOUNT APPLIANCES. Refrigerators, washers, dryers and stoves. 1205 Earl Road, Shelby, NC. (704) 477-4766
DELIVERED. 1-1/2 ton hardwood firewood delivered on a dump trailer within 20 miles of Lattimore $200. Can deliver farther for extra. You can pick up on your pick-up $50 for short bed, $65 long bed. Larger trucks call for price. Campfire bundles also available. (704) 434-6865 smpc1@bellsouth.net
RETIRED PLUMBER SELLING TOOLS AND MATERIAL. Please call Richard for appointment 818-809-7152.
NEW-USED TRAILERS PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR ALL TYPES OF TRAILERS. 1500 Square Feet of Parts, Axles, Tires, Lights, Gates, Ramps, etc. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, (828) 245-5895
METAL ROOFING FOR SALE INSTOCK! Deliveries Twice A Week. One Piece or the Whole Roof. J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
MORGAN’S FIREWOOD. Seasoned small stove wood. Cut, split, delivered $75. 828-3950758.
WOOD CRATES OR PLANTERS BOXES. Wood shipping crates for sale with some lids. 3 different sizes. Can send pictures. I have a few smaller crates ideal for planters. New shipment just arrived! $35 each. (704) 300-1818
TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, FLATBED TRAILERS, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. 704434-6389, (704) 473-0867
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788
DISHWASHER. Like New! Only Used a Few Times (Includes Cutting Board on Top) $200. Pair of Crane Belts (Heavy Duty) 4” wide by 20’ in length $175. Call (704) 707-9281
TINY HOUSE / OFFICE UNIT. 12’ X 28’. Small Kitchen, 1/2 Bath, TV on Wall, Heat & Air. $35,900. Deliver & Blocked. “Financing Available”. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City. (828) 245-5895
WOOD OR METAL. New, Used, Repo. New Buildings from $3756.00. Inventory changes weekly! J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City, NC. (828) 245-5895
• Microtech • Spyderco
• Lightning
CRKT • Hawkbills
• Case • Winchester
• Queen
• Camillus
• Smith & Wesson
• Schatt Morgan
• Rough Rider
• Remington
• German Bull Dog
• Civil War Swords
• Civil War Bayonets “Buy, Sell & Trade!” All Roads Lead To Jake’s Knives & Coins For Your Collectible Needs 1008 S. Lafayette St. Shelby, NC 704-600-6996 or 980-295-5568
HORSE QUALITY HAY FOR SALE. Call (704) 487-6855
DUMP TRAILERS. Lots of Options 7x16, 7x14, 7x12, 6x12, 6x10. From $1500 down, with payments as low as $275. Also: Rent to Own no credit check! J Johnson Sales, Inc. Forest City, NC (828) 245-5895
DISCOUNTED SWINGSET FOR SALE. Playhouse, Sliding board and Sand box. On display but never used. $2400. Or call to custom order one you like. Delivery Available (828) 829-3476
CARPORTS, GARAGES, BOAT, RV COVER HAY BARNS, Etc. “Check Out Our Price Before You Buy... There Is Difference!” J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
STEEL BUILDINGS. “Large On Site Display”. Concrete Pads, Grading, Plumbing, Electrical. “One Stop Shop For All !” J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, 2690 Hwy. 221 South. (828) 245-5895
PLAY YARD Sealed in box. $40. New extra large play yard 60x60 includes balls and carrying bag. $60. Gently used Little Enstein Baby Bouncer. $40. Call or text (704) 472-9274 rkahconley@ att.net
BEEF FOR SALE. Grass feed, grain finished. No steroids or hormones. USDA inspected. Whole, half and quarters. Call for steaks, roast and etc. 704472-2761.
HOSHIZAKI 900 LB. ICE MAKER 900 pound ice maker with a 500 pound bin. Only used 8 (eight) months. Warranty - 2 (two) years left on parts and labor, 4 (four) years left compressor. Restaurant needed a larger ice maker. Ice maker was working when replaced with larger unit.. (704) 734-7648
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ! Collection of Byers’ Christmas Carolers (Five Adult Figures & Five Children Figures). ALSO: Display Risers (can be used on any table, shelf, console, or buffet.) For more information call 704-472-5993.
BANJO FOR SALE FROM THE 1970’s! Mint. Beautiful Univox Banjo and original hardshell case. Great learner! $350. 704-473-2034.
1 PLOT FOR SALE. Located in Cleveland Memorial Park. $600. 704-434-6443.
ITEMS FOR SALE. New Kitchen Table, 4 Chairs by Ashley. Never used-$350. Medium size Roll Top Desk with Keys-$60. 3 Tall Bar Stools that turn-$60. Call 704-460-9494.
LARGE QUANTITY OF ITEMS. For sale antique furniture, large selection of clothes, collectibles, large quantity of DVD’s, VHS, new Samsung Dryer-$300, Antique sink$200. Cub Cadet Zero Turn Riding Mower-$700. Attention Dealers. Will sell separately or bulk. 704-609-3608.
32FT. DOUBLE AXLE PRAIRIE SCHOONER. Tag along Camper. Ideal for handyman. Needs small repairs. Fully equipped. Stove & etc. $1750 for quick sale. 704-718-9651 anytime.
EZ-GO TEXTRON 2+2 SHUTTLE. Excellent condition, recent batteries, extended top, street ready w/lights, horn, turn signals. $3,600. 704-473-2034
SALT FISH FOR SALE Salt Fish for sale at Harkey’s Taxidermy in Vale, $1.00. We also have old timey hoop cheese, fatback, sausage, livermush and more! (704) 472-4695
WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.
WANT TO BUY CARS& TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006
CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-692-6767, (704) 487-0228
I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197
DOG KENNELS. 5X10X6, 10x10x4, 10x10x6, 10x20x6. Single Kennel, Double Kennel or Triple Kennel. Dog Houses. Rain Tops Available. “Pickup or Delivery Available.” J. Johnson Sales, Forest City, (828) 2455895
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES. AKC registered German shepherd puppies dewormed and first shots. Call or text for more questions and pictures. 252-902-7488 (252) 902-7488 Durwoodcreech@gmail.com
MINIATURE SCHNAUZER PUPPIES. Carolinaschnauzers.com Babies NOW! AKC pups since 2002! Visit our website! Health Guarantee and Vet Check. $1600 EACH to PET homes only. (704) 616-5816 carolinaschnauzers@gmail. com
DOGS FOR SALE Friendly mix breed dogs, 8 months old, Medium size, Male or Female, $100 or best offer. (828) 829-3476
FULL BLOODED MINI SCHNAUZER PUPPIES. Available now, call or text 704616-6273 (704) 616-6273 lpastore3@yahoo.com
AKC SILVER LABS Silver Labrador Retrievers! We have eight silver females and four males with one being champagne. The sire and dam are Master hunters in the AKC hunt test field, with the sire having 15 Master passes. They have both been OFA cleared and genetically tested. Also, they both have a strong background as a hunting companion as well as a family oriented pet. They will be ready by Christmas! Please reach out for more information if interested in one of these beautiful puppies. (910) 840-0542 overdraw935@gmail.com
2012 FLAGSTAFF CLASSIC 31 FEET. Rear living quarters, 2 receivers, 2 slide outs, front and rear electric stabalizers, many extras, everything works. Towing package included. $10,500. negotiable. Call 828817-6255.
CLASS A MOTOR HOME. 36 Ft., One Owner! Good condition. Call (704) 6894001
LAND FOR SALE, CAMP GROUND on land. Price lowered $160,000 to $150,000. 828-453-0828. 3795-3925 Hollis Road, Ellenboro, NC 28040
HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, (704) 739-0259
NO HEAT BILLS HERE! 1 Bedroom + Office Apartment. Excellent Location in Shelby. Second floor, small complex with single occupants. No smoking, pets. Heat & water included in $695 month rent. Deposit plus references. (704) 487-5480
LIONS SENIOR VILLAGE. Has 1 bedroom HUD subsidized apartments for low income seniors. Taking applications now. Age 62 or older. Equal Housing Opportunity. 211 North Morgan Street, Shelby, NC (704) 482-7723 (704) 482-7723 Lions@RPMMANAGED.COM
LARGE 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH mobile home for rent in Grover, NC. Call 828-234-8147
HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, Shelby. (704) 487-6354
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. Weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. NO TEXTING. (704) 473-4299
HOUSE FOR RENT with 2 car garage. 3BR, 2baths, $1900 month, $1900 deposit. No pets. Background check required. Oak Grove area, Kings Mountain. Call (704) 300-0254
135-21 WIGGINS LANE, KINGS MTN. Singlewide, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, rent $1373, Deposit $1375. No Pets, App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
335B GOLD ST., SHELBY, NC. Duplex. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. Rent $975. Deposit $975. App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180
CAMPER LOT AVAILABLE FOR RENT. 1624-9 S Post Rd., Shelby, NC. Lot rent $500 includes up to $125 in utilities & $375 deposit. App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180
1624-8 SOUTH POST ROAD, SHELBY, NC. Singlewide. 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $995, Deposit $995. Includes power & water. App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
135-12 WIGGINS LAND, KINGS MTN. New single wide. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom. Rent $1375, Deposit $1375, No Pets. App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
135-5 WIGGINS LANE, KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC. Single Wide. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom. Rent $1095. Deposit $1095. App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
1003-A MARK DR., SHELBY, NC. Shelby, NC. Apartment. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. Rent $995. Deposit $995. App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
LAUREL HILL APARTMENTS LOCATED IN SHELBY NC. Is currently accepting applications for our 2 and 3 bedroom Townhomes. Rent is based on income (and even some expenses are deducted). Call or visit today! 1526 Eaves Road, Shelby, NC or call for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. (704) 487-1114
2426-6 SUN VALLEY TRAIL. Lincolnton, NC. Singlewide. 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $775, Deposit $775. App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180. 2445 SUN VALLEY TRAIL, LINCOLNTON, NC. Singlewide, 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. Rent $1075. Deposit $1075. Includes power/water. App fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180
RUTHERFORD COUNTY 2 & 3 BEDROOM MOBILE HOMES. Small private park between Spindale and Forest City. Starting at $700 per month. 828-382-0475.