Glass chapel helping to spread the Gospel

like to build a church or buy a church,” Jennifer said.
“He told me, we don’t even play the lottery,” so he decided to take the project on himself and began the
Sean and the others worked on the chapel two months and two days.
Although disabled due to a massive heart attack and subsequent quadruple bypass surgery about two years ago, Sean still wanted to build the chapel and worked as many hours each day as possible. His father funded the building of the chapel. They also received help from the Amish community to build
“I believe that I will be a lifetime student of the Word of God,” Jennifer

A little girl growing up on a mill hill near Dover Mill in Shelby, Jennifer said she would go to the nearby church by herself. Her family didn’t go so she would ride the church bus and go alone.

Years later after being away from God for a while, Jennifer said in 2013 she heard the voice of God telling her to “get baptized.” She had been baptized as a young girl, but she was obedient to the Lord’s voice and was re-baptized at South Mountain Christian Camp with a group of boys and girls. Then her new spiritual journey began.
Jennifer said she had been through testing trials and tribulation and believes God was testing her to see if she was going to be obedient.
She became involved in church and she joined Christ the King Church in Shelby where she is active today. She’s a leader in the women’s programs, helps in Vacation Bible School and also attends Sunday School and worship.
About 28 years ago the couple was looking for a house and discovered one on Ellenboro Henrietta Road. They knew it was the house for them. They learned the homeowner was a World War II veteran and a minister of the gospel.
“God uses people to bless us and accomplish His purposes in a variety
of ways. I know without a doubt that my Heavenly Father used my husband and my father-in-law to build the Agape Chapel,” she said. Jennifer said God gave her the name of Agape for the chapel’s identification.
Sean said the chapel is “way more” than he had first planned to build. He first thought about a wooden chapel but as he was looking for materials one day, he came across 22 glass doors and figured he could use them for the walls of the chapel, making it more of a glass structure.
He also said he had not heard of the Glass Chapel off Maple Creek Road in Rutherfordton until he had finished the Agape Chapel, which is much, much smaller, he said.
The chapel has strands of white lights on the inside that are reflected by the sun and offer tranquility in the evenings.
“I hope this will be a place for small Christian weddings, small Bible studies and doing what the Lord has laid on my life to do. The Lord has continued to open doors for me,” said Jennifer.

When she is not studying or in school, Jennifer works a full-time job at Steffes, a manufacturing plant in Shelby, where she is a buyer for the materials needed for the plant. She and Sean have a daughter Elisabeth, son-

in-law Jordan and granddaughter, Hannah 12, with whom they also spend time.
Jennifer said Sean and her family were baptized in the Broad River some time ago.
To find out more about the chapel visit The Agape Chapel on Facebook.
Jennifer, Sean and Hannah.
Jennifer Floyd.
Saturday, August 24
What: GFWC NC Kings Mountain Woman’s Club Yard Sale
When: 7:00 am until Noon, August 24
Where: Kings Mountain Woman’s Club, 108 E. Mountain St., Kings Mountain, NC.
More Info: In the downstairs dining hall. Home goods, clothing, toys and decor will be available. All proceeds are for the annual Sallie Southall Scholarship awarded each year to a Kings Mountain senior. Contact the club about rentals or membership Kingsmountainwc@gmail.com
Saturday, August 31
What: Low Cost Microchip Drive-thru
When: 8:00 am until Noon, August 31.
Where: Clifford’s Army Rescue, 1054 Old Boiling Springs Rd., Shelby, NC.

More Info: CARE, Clifford’s Army Rescue, will offer its first LOW COST MICROCHIP drive-thru for your 4-legged family members. Dr. Brandi Bumgardner will be microchipping animals for Clifford’s, as we offer an affordable ($20) way to be sure your pet always gets back home. The drive-thru clinic will be at 1054 Old Boiling Springs Rd., (former Earl Owensby Studios). Please sign up in advance to help us get a head count of how many to expect. You can SIGN UP in Advance, Online, through Clifford’s Army Rescue Extravaganza Facebook page. Click on EVENTS, then click on the Microchip event, scroll down under “What to expect” and you will find the Sign up Link. You can also just show up the day of event and still be served. C.A.R.E is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, dog rescue organization run by a fierce army of 100% volunteers.
Saturday, September 7
What: Fundraiser/Charity Motorcycle Ride, First Annual Diaper Run
When: 3:30 pm, late registration, September 7. Where: Shelby Mission Camp, 302 Sharpton Dr., Shelby, NC.

More Info: CPS Construction is hosting the first Annual Diaper Run. In an effort to support the One More One Less Ministry, CPS Construction is hosting a motorcycle ride in Cleveland County to gather diapers for donations. This is a free event and is encouraging support from throughout Cleveland County. Start at Oak Grove Baptist Church, 1022 Oak Grove Rd., Kings Mountain, NC, from there we will ride to the Shelby Mission Camp. The remainder of the event will take place at the Shelby Mission Camp where it will be fun for all ages and will include; a musical performance from local star Lindy Bryson, free BBQ, door prizes, corn hole tournament, and much more. Bring your friends, bring some diapers, and let’s all have a great time for an even greater cause.
Saturday, September 14
What: Casar Craft Fair at the Park
When: 9am to 1pm, September 14
Where: Casar Park, 137 Deviney St. Casar, NC.
More Info: Free Admission & Free Parking. This is a free event for the public. 100% of the vendor fees from this event will go directly to the park. Vendors: If you would like info please email us at : Casar.Events@outlook.com
Belwood Heritage Museum The Belwood Heritage Museum will be open on Sunday, September 1st, from 2 to 4 p.m. Admission is free. 145 Carpenters Grove Church Road in Belwood.
The Writers INK: A local writing group will be held on the first Friday of each month at the Cleveland County Library. Next meeting date is September 6, 2024 from 1-3pm. Writers of all levels are welcome to attend. Please bring a story of your choice to share. This is a relaxed setting among peers with common interest and open discussions about goals, and writing improvements and submissions guidance for those interested.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom off Dale St. between Sumter & Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704692-2092 or church office, 704-482-3467.
Community Chess Club: Join us at the Cleveland County Library, 104 Howie Drive, Shelby for our new Chess Club. All ages and skills are welcome. Next meeting is 08/26/2024 and we will meet on the 4th Monday of each month from 5:30-6:45. Bring a board or we can provide one. For more information, call the library at 704-487-906 or email richard. dellinger@clevelandcountync.gov
Al-Anon Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at Noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.

Items Include: 16” Boring machine with augers, floor saw with blades, manhole boxes, trench box, shop tools, wrenches, hydraulic press, drill press, steel concrete forms, water pump with hoses, fire hydrant hoses, backhoe buckets, pipes, water and sewer repair fittings and much more...
Date: September 9th through 14th Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Abigail Merritt, ball girl for Post
team retrieves


By Gary Miller

This last year has been one of the busiest and most stressful I have had in a long time. It was one of those years where my hunting was minimal. I’m actually embarrassed to tell you how many times I turkey hunted. Pitiful. This year, I’m looking forward to a more active deer season. I think I’ll have more opportunities to go. Those hours in the tree stand are terribly therapeutic. In order to be successful, they force me to be patient, quiet, and even reflective. On one property I hunt, I’ve already spotted a couple of nice bucks. My ability to be inactive will determine success. If I’m able to harvest one of these deer, the characteristic of that hunt will be patience and not settling for a lessor trophy. The risk, because in situations like this there’s always a risk, will be ending the season empty-handed. It’s a result I am familiar with. When trophy hunting, one has to decide that the journey will be the success. Not a meaningless journey, but one that will be filled with new information that could possibly lead to a buck of a lifetime. Nevertheless, the journey will be what the story is all about. It will be the plot and theme. If I’m able to take one of these bucks, it will only be a necessary ending. Because all stories must have an end.

Your story is not the end. The end is just necessary. The end may or may not be what you thought it would be. In fact, the end will most likely be something you never expected. And it may or may not be long. It will most likely be only a short pause in what is really your story. Your story, instead, will be made up of small, seemingly insignificant, moments. It will be made up of activities and not titles. While there may be some great accomplishment that outsiders will know you for, the most important ones in your life will see your story as something so much different. They will tell it to others not by saying “She did” but by saying “She was.” They will talk about you, describing your spirit, not your accomplishments. While you may get the trophy you are after, the story will include things like patience, compassion, determination, and love. And these will be what others will use to describe you. Once again, however, there is risk in trophy hunting. It’s that you might come home emptyhanded. But only empty-handed concerning the end. So, go ahead and reach for something rare. But don’t think, if by chance you can’t grab it, your story will be less. It won’t be. In fact, it won’t be any different. Only the end will be.
Gary Miller has written Outdoor Truths articles for 21 years. He also speaks at wildgame dinners and men’s events for churches and associations. gary@outdoortruths.org


CCSO mobile app has 22k users and growing
With 1,374 downloads, we now have 22,619 users on our app. You can join those users by downloading the Cleveland County NC Sheriff App today, available in the Google Play and Apple Store. You can find most wanted information, requests for information, and be among the first to see press releases, miss-
ing persons information, and news about major arrests or cases. There are links to its staff directory, jail logs, sex offender registry, and other valuable information for citizens.

Monica Lockwood, American Legion World Series Chaplain from Cherryville, provided the invocation prior to the 7:30 game on Thursday, August 15th. Jeff Melton photo
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9

am ready. It’s too hot out right now.
JOHNNY PARKER I’m looking forward to fall weather. Summer has been too long.
definitely. We have had a warm summer.
John Beck and Larry Hall of the NC Foothills Detachment 1164 were collecting items for Toys for Tots during the American Legion World Series. Jeff Melton photo
Melton photo
Miracles Have A Purpose
“The God of Miracles Series”

As believers, understanding why God does miracles can deepen our relationship with Him and strengthen our faith. Miracles serve as signs that affirm God’s sovereignty, power, and love, inviting us to trust in His greater plan, encouraging a deeper reliance on God and a commitment to living in accordance with His will. It also causes us to give him praise and adoration. Psalm 72:18 (CEV) “LORD God of Israel, we praise you. Only you can work miracles.”
A Manifestation of Love and Care God performs miracles out of His profound love and care for His creation. In the New Testament, we see Jesus’ compassion manifest as He heals the sick, raises the dead, and feeds the hungry. In Matthew 14:14 (NIV) , the scripture notes, “ When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick.” Each miracle exemplifies His deep empathy and desire to meet both physical and spiritual needs. His miracles are
expressions of His love—reminders that He cares for us intimately.
Combating the Enemy’s Plans
In a world filled with darkness and despair, it is vital to remember that God performs miracles to combat the enemy’s plans. John 10:10 (NIV) tells us, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Miracles serve as a direct counter to the work of the enemy, showcasing God’s dominion over sin, sickness, and death. Through His miracles, God reminds us that He is our protector and savior, allowing us to stand firm against the trials we face. Drawing People to Himself
Finally, one of the most beautiful aspects of God’s miracles is their ability to draw people to Him. In John 12:32 (NIV), Jesus said, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.” Miracles often serve as catalysts for faith—people witness the impossible, and their hearts are stirred to seek the One who performed it. Each miraculous act has the potential to impact others, showcasing God’s glory and inviting them into a relationship with Him. Miracles are heavenly signs that beckon
us—and others—into the warm embrace of our Creator.
“Father, you are great and greatly to be praised. You do wonders with your mighty hand that never ceases to amaze me. Thank you for revealing yourself to me, drawing me to you, showing me how much you love me, and making all things work together for my good. No weapon formed against me or my family will ever prosper. Forgive me for displeasing you in thoughts, words, or deeds. I love you. In Jesus’ name - Amen.”
I encourage you to open your heart to God’s love and grace. Seek forgiveness for past wrongs, and invite Jesus into your heart as your Savior and Lord. Find a supportive community in a local church where you can grow and serve others. You can cultivate a meaningful relationship with God by dedicating daily time to reading the Bible and praying.
Danyale Patterson would love to connect with you! Contact her at www.danyale. com to share a testimony, send a prayer request, or book her for speaking engagements.

BROOMS for every job!
most durable, long-lasting brooms you can buy and the best part... every purchase helps fund Lions Club Community Service projects.

Kristen Thorton, Roy Thorton and Beverly Stone helped out at the American Red Cross booth during the American Legion World Series. Jeff Melton photo
Extension Master Gardener SM Association of Cleveland County invites community to participate in Great Southewast Pollinator Census August 23-24
The Extension Master Gardener SM Association of Cleveland County invites the community to participate in the Great Southeast Pollinator Census on August 23-24.
Participating is easy, and anyone can do it. Pick a spot in your garden, yard, local park or other outdoor location. Choose a pollinator plant to observe, any blooming plant that has insect activity. Spend 15 minutes observing the plant and count and categorize the insects that land own it. The community can also join members of the local Master Gardener volunteers at the Foothills Farmers’ Market in
Shelby on Saturday, August 24 to participate.
Links to a counting sheet and a pamphlet with the categories can be accessed on the Great Southeast Pollinator Census website at gsepc.org. This site is also where participants will upload their counts.
“Scientists estimate that pollinators are responsible for one in three bites of the food humans eat,” said Joe Bothel, an Extension Master Gardener volunteer in Cleveland County, “but pollinators are declining. The main causes are habitat loss, pesticide use, and for honeybees it’s disease.” He added

that in the United States pollination is valued at nearly $20 billion annually.
According to the N.C. State Extension Master Gardener volunteers’ website, the pollinator census project is a “citizen science project that invites community members of all ages to observe and count pollinator activity in their yards and neighborhoods.” The data collected provides information on pollinator populations and diversity.
The project was started by a University of Georgia Extension specialist in 2017. North Carolina joined the effort last year through the efforts of ex-
tension experts from NC State and NC A&T State University. Last year in North Carolina, more than 200 volunteers in 39 counties participated.
“Pollinators are essential for our way of life,” said Bothel, “and we need to do what we can to protect them.”
For more information on the Great Southeast Pollinator Census and how to participate, visit gsepc.org.

The Carolina Bass Club fished Lake Hickory, August 18th.
1st place, Russell Cook, 7.56 pounds. 2nd place, George Crosswhite & Jason Price, 6.31 pounds 3rd place, Mike Melton & Mike Cash, 5.78 pounds. 4th place, Jr. Self & Keith McClure, 5.28 pounds. 1st big fish, Mike Cash, 2.82 pounds. 2nd big fish, Russell Cook, 1.95 pounds.

Cleveland County Bass Club finished their August tournament, Saturday the 18th. 1st place, Roger Beaver, 4 fish, 8.50 pounds. 2nd place, Jimmy Melton, 3 fish, 4.26 pounds.

3rd place, John Rankin, 3 fish, 3.34 pounds. 4th place, David Moss, 3 fish, 3.06 pounds. 5th place, Robby Rush, 1 fish, 2.54 pounds. Big Fish, Roger Beaver, 4.46 pounds. Congratulations to both club’s winners.
If you would like to have a fishing story or picture posted, please contact me at mawlovesherbabies@gmail.com

Hot Nights & Cool Rides Car Show Held

The Southeast Team from Troy, Alabama "Post 70" marches into Keeter Stadium during the Parade of Champions on Thursday, August 15th. The local host family for Troy Alabama is Landmark Baptist Church. The Alabama team ended up winning the title over Michigan on Tuesday night. Jeff Melton photo
1972 Pontiac GTO, Jerry Kirby of Forest City.

Broad Riverkeeper Hosts 5th Annual
Virtual Broad River Fishing Tournament
August 24 Through September 2, 2024
Broad River Basin – Fishing enthusiasts, get ready to cast your lines! The 5th Annual Virtual Broad River Fishing Tournament is set to take place from August 24 through September 2, offering a week-long opportunity to reel in some great catches. Whether you prefer fishing solo or bringing friends along, you can participate at your favorite spots along the Broad River or any of its tributaries (this does not include fishing from ponds or lakes). Fish for just one day or every day of the tournament – the choice is yours!
The Broad Riverkeeper is excited to announce that The Bass Shack in Shelby and The Depot Cafe in Lattimore, NC, are sponsoring this year’s event and offering exciting prizes for several categories: "Broad’s Best Angler," "Biggest Bass," "Biggest Panfish," and "Biggest Catfish."
Prize Categories:
Broad’s Best Angler: Awarded to the participant with the highest combined total length of their three largest fish.
Biggest Bass: Largest bass caught. Biggest Panfish: Largest panfish (bream or crappie) caught.
Biggest Catfish: Largest catfish caught.
Most Unusual Fish: Recognizing the most unique catch of the tournament.
How to Participate:
When you catch a fish, take a photo of it lying on a fish ruler.
Email the photo to Broad Riverkeeper David Caldwell at david@mountaintrue.org.
David will tally the measurements after Labor Day, and winners will be announced later that week.
Registration: https://mountaintrue.org/event/5th-annual-virtual-broad-river-fishing-tournament/ Don’t miss this chance to show off your fishing skills and maybe even walk away with a prize!
About MountainTrue
MountainTrue champions resilient forests, clean waters, and healthy communities. We are committed to keeping our mountain region a beautiful place to live, work, and play. Our members protect our forests, clean up our rivers, plan vibrant and livable communities, and advocate for a sound and sustainable future for all. MountainTrue is active in the Broad, French Broad, Green, Hiwassee, Little Tennessee, New, and Watauga watersheds and is home to the Broad Riverkeeper, French Broad Riverkeeper, Green Riverkeeper, and Watauga Riverkeeper. mountaintrue.org

Submitted by David Caldwell

The 5th Annual Virtual Broad River Fishing Tournament is set to take place from August 24 through September 2.
Leslie and Lexi Cobb greeted attendees at the Unkle Huntz Concessions at Keeter Stadium during the American Legion World Series. Jeff Melton photo Don

Shelby Shopper & Info offers the printing of obituaries in our paper as a community service and free of charge for Cleveland County residents and the immediate area. The obituary may include a picture if the image is of print quality. We request that the obituary is limited to 150 words and we will edit the obituaries due to space. The obituary will include preceded family members, surviving family members, funeral service information, memorials, and the name of the funeral home serving the family. The obituaries will not include names of grandchildren, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, or pets. We only accept obituaries from licensed funeral homes. The deadline is Friday at 1:00 pm prior to the next Thursday's publication. Please have your funeral home send us your loved ones’ obituaries to obits@shelbyinfo.com

Aleta Carolyn “Connie” Black Seagle, 60, of Cherryville, passed away on Friday, August 9, 2024.
She was born August 3, 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to the late Jack and Blanche Huss Black.
She is survived by her husband, Jeffrey David Seagle; daughter, Brooke Raquelle Padgett and husband, Cory; two grandchildren; and brothers, Mike Black (Tonya), Deanie Black, Jackie Black (Debbie), and David Black (Deanna).
No formal services will be held at the time.
Condolences may be made to www.carpenterporter.com Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.

Janice Ann Greene, 70 of, Shelby, passed away on Saturday, August 10, 2024.
Janice a native of Shelby, was born on September 5th, 1953. Janice was the daughter of the late Naomi Wright. In addition to her mother, Janice was also preceded in death by her husband, Ronnie Lee Greene.
She is survived by her brother, Michael Wright and his wife, Cindy; and her father, James Wright.
A graveside service was held August 16, 2024, at Polkville Baptist Church.
Memorials may be made to Duke Cancer Institute, 300 W. Morgan Street, Suite 1000, Durham, NC 27701
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Arrangements have been entrusted to Stamey-Tysinger
serving the family. Memorial tributes may be made at www.rsmorganfsl.com.
Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
Shirley JoAnn Barnette Gillespie, 87, of Kings Mountain, passed away on Friday, August 9, 2024. She was born on Saturday, September 19, 1936, in Cleveland County, to the late Clifford “Toby” and Emma Oates Barnette.
Along with her parents, she is preceded in death by her late husband, Lloyd Vernon Gillespie, Sr.; daughter, Freida Ramsey; a granddaughter; a great granddaughter; and seven siblings. She is survived by her children Vernon Gillespie (Peggy), Kenneth Gillespie (Kim), and Tammy Scruggs (Scott); nine grandchildren; thirteen great grandchildren; three great-great grandchildren; and sister-in-law, Lana Hoppes.
A family led memorial service was held August 13, 2024, at East Side Baptist Church, Kings Mountain with Pastor Ron Caulder officiating. Inurnment will be with the family.

Ellen Emory Ellis, 77, passed away on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. She was born to the late Mosey Emory and Ellen Hayes Emory in Cleveland County, NC. She is also predeceased by her husband, Jerry Ellis; and infant daughter, Crystal Michelle Ellis. Left to cherish her memory are her daughter, Angela Seals; a grandson; sisters, Rachel Proctor (Buck), Ann Keller and Joyce Bridges (Charles); and brother, Ronnie Emory (Judy).
Funeral Services were held August 10, 2024 at Shelby Free Will Baptist Church, Shelby, NC, with Pastor Mike Carper officiating. Interment followed in Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Shelby, cemetery.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Service, LLC is

67, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on August 10, 2024.
He was born in Rockland County, NY, son of the late Michael and Dorothy Connor Toscano and was preceded in death by his brother, Michael Toscano Jr.
Mr. Toscano served our country in the U.S. Army.
He is survived by his wife, Jackie Merchant Toscano, of the home; children: Bobby Toscano (Tysha), Gastonia, NC, Nicole Mikalunas (Colt), West Edmeston, NY, and Kathleen Toscano, Kings Mountain, NC; six grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Memorial service was held August 14, 2024, in the Ollie Harris Memorial Chapel.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.

Jerry Patterson Ledford, 87, passed away on Monday, July 29, 2024.
Jerry 'Gramps' was born in Shelby, NC, on November 1, 1936, to the late John Bynum Ledford and Mildred Patterson Ledford. In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his brother, Ben Ledford.
Mr. Ledford served our country in the U.S. Air Force.
Jerry is survived by his wife, Carolyn Dover Ledford, his children, Terry Dover Ledford (Michelle) and Carol Ann Cornatzer (Jeff), his sister, Sue Lutz; seven grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
A funeral service was held August 2, 2024, at New Bethel Church of Shelby, with Rev. Mark Patchett officiating. Burial followed at Cleveland Memorial Park. Memorials may be sent to New Bethel Church of Shelby, 706 Hamrick St, Shelby, NC 28150.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com.
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.

Jon David Lee, 81, passed away Saturday, July 27, 2024 at his home. Born in Mecklenburg County, NC on December 12, 1942, he was the son of the late Walter Earl Lee and Lucy Litton Lee. In addition to his parents, he is predeceased by his sisters and brothers.
He is survived by his daughter, Michelle Barker and son, Matthew Lee'; and two granddaughters and three grandsons.
Mr. Lee served our contry in the U.S. Navy Marine Corps.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.

Cathleen Ramsey Bell Haynes, 98, passed away on July 29, 2024.
In addition to her parents, Martin Cetan and Anna Magdalene Robbins Ramsey, she is preceded in death by her husbands, Jonas Bell and Ralph Haynes; sisters Bernice Smith, Geneva Chapman, Dot Smith, Bessie McSwain and Margie Ramsey; brothers Coy, Carl, Daniel Paul, Coran, Jessie, Loran, Romey and Ramsey; two daughters, Diane Owens and Connie Bell; two sons, Charles Lamar Bell and Wallace Allen Bell; two grandsons; a great grandson and a great great grandson.
She is survived by her daughters, Teresa B. Scism (John Wayne), Stephanie O. Jackson (Don), Tina Ogdon; sons Randy Bell (Donna) and Chris Bell; daughter-in-law
Pamela Michael Bell; seventeen grandchildren, twentysix great grandchildren, and eighteen great great grandchildren.
A funeral service was held August 5, 2024 at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church with Rev. Tim Trexler officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Memorials may be made to Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Sanctuary Fund: 1227 Mt. Sinai Church Road Shelby, NC 28152.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.

Born in Cleveland County on September 14, 1938 he was the son of the late Clarence B. Crotts and Ethel Leatherman Crotts.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his brother, C.B. Crotts and sister, Elma Hoyle. Rev. Crotts is survived by his wife, Dorothy Marie Crotts; Ronny Crotts and daughter Karren Hunt (Tommy); two grandchildren; three great grandchildren; three brothers: Robert Crotts (Ann), Paul Crotts (Glenda), Ray Crotts (Donna) and Gene Crotts (Maxine); and three sisters Edna Alexander, Polly Lail and Freida Valcore.
A funeral service was held August 7, 2024 at Second Baptist Church in Cherryville with Dr. Matt Thomas and Dr. Mike Staton officiating. Burial followed at Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fallston, NC.
Memorial donations may be made to Second Baptist Church in Cherryville: 201 N Houser St., Cherryville, NC 28021
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.

Martha Dedmon Greene, 80, passed away on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. Martha was born on July 19, 1944 in Shelby, NC, to the late Bryan Crawford Dedmon and Daisy Mae Gray Dedmon.
She was also preceded in death by her brothers, Bobby Gene Dedmon and Billy Joe Dedmon.
Martha is survived by the love of her life, Lowell Steve Greene; her children, Chris Greene (Denita) and Rhonda Greene Poston (Phillip); five grandchildren; three great grandchildren; and her sisters-in-law, Debbie Dedmon and Velma Dedmon.
A graveside service was held August 10, 2024 at Sunset Cemetery in Shelby. Memorials may be made to Via Health Partners: P.O. Box 470480 Charlotte, NC 28247
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; For I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:29-30
For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another. But after that the kindness and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost; Which he shed on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Saviour; Titus 3:3-6
Continued To Page 15

Continued From Page 14

Tyler Austin Roper, 33, of Shelby, passed away on Monday, August 5, 2024.
He is the son of Greg Roper of Inman, SC and Brenda Elmore and husband, Jeff of Shelby.
He is survived by his wife, Morgan C. Roper; brother, Justin Roper and wife, Rachel of Shelby; sister, Emily Parker of Shelby; and his grandparents.
A memorial service was held August 9, 2024 at Flint Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Keith Dixon and Rev. Shane Kirby officiating.
Clay-Barnette Funeral Home and Aquamation Center is serving the family . Online condolences www.claybarnette.com

Robin Clemmer Frye, 51, of Cherryville, NC, passed away on August 9, 2024.
She was born in Orange County, FL.
She is survived by her husband, Tony Frye, of the home; son, Dillon Frye, Cherryville, NC; father, John Clemmer and wife Nancy, Jasper, GA; mother, Elaine Phifer and husband Dale, Kings Mountain, NC; sister, Katy Clemmer, Atlanta, GA; and paternal grandmother.
A Memorial Service will be held at a later date and announced by Harris Funeral Home.
Memorials may be made
to Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge at 239 Turpentine Creek Lane, Eureka Springs, AZ 72632 or to the Cleveland County Animal Shelter at 1601 Airport Road, Shelby, NC 28150.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
or to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, 501 St Jude Pl, Memphis, TN 38105
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.

Emily Monette McGee Stinchcomb, 44, of Fallston, passed away on Friday, August 9, 2024.
Born in Lincoln County, NC on July 28, 1980, she was the daughter of Denise R. Hamrick of Sneads Ferry, NC and the late George William "Bill" McGee.
In addition to her father, Emily was preceded in death by her stepfather, Ronnie Hamrick and father-in-law, Richard Dean Stinchcomb.
In addition to her mother, she is survived by her husband, Dean Stinchcomb of the home; her children, Austin Sain and wife, Charity; four grandchildren; stepchildren: Cyndi Stinchcomb and Hunter Stinchcomb of the home; sisters, Amy Beard and husband, Donny of Newton, Kelly Bivins of Shelby and Holly Poston and husband, Jeff of Graham; her motherin-law, Glenda Stinchcomb of Casar; her brother-in-law, Kyle Stinchcomb and wife, Amy of Casar; and sisterin-law, Carrie Andrews and wife, Katie of Durham.
A Celebration of Life Service was held August 17, 2024, at Anthony Grove Baptist Church with the Dr. Dennis Bean officiating.
Memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association, P.O. Box 7023, Merrifield, VA 22116-7023

Mary Sue Conner, 88, of Forest City, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
Mary was born Sunday, August 2, 1936 in Rutherford County to the late Lawson Hunter McFarland and Eva Gettys McFarland.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her daughters, Dorothy Elliott and Debbie Simpson; brother, J.D. McFarland; sisters, Maggie Robbins, Blanche Greene; and a great-granddaughter.
She is survived by her daughter, Dale Gosnell of Forest City; sons, Danny Conner (Jim Stamey) of Plum Branch, SC, Donnie Conner (Diane) of Forest City and Doug Conner (Betty) of Bostic; twelve grandchildren and thirteen great-grandchildren.
The funeral service was held August 15, 2024, at the Harrelson Funeral Chapel with Reverend Stephen Matheny officiating. Interment followed at Eternal Hills Memorial Park.
Memorials may be made to the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Building Fund, 397 Mt. Pleasant Church Road, Forest City, NC 28043. Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
An online guest registry is available at www.harrelsonfuneralhome.com

passed away on July 18, 2024.
He was born April 13, 1968, in Shelby, NC to the late Clifford Grimes Jr. and Betty Jeanette Byrd Grimes.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his grandparents.
Mr. Grimes is survived by his children, Clinton Mitchell (Yaminah) of Kingstown, NC Shakera Mitchell (Deshauwn) of Kingstown, NC, Julius Wilson of Shelby, NC, Tandra Surratt of Gastonia, NC; one sister, Katrina Chamberlain (Donald) of Fort Worth, TX; nine grandchildren; and a life partner, Cynthia Sarratt.
Funeral services were held August 1, 2024, at Shiloh Baptist Church, Shelby, NC.
NC; twelve grandchildren; thirty-six great grandchildren and fifteen great-great grandchildren.
A graveside service was held July 30, 2024 at Webb Memorial Lawns, Shelby, NC.
He is survived by his wife, Sadie Ruth Henson; son, Mitch Henson (Brenda) of Chesnee, SC; daughter, Kay Searcy (Mike) of Forest City; two granddaughters; and two great-granddaughters.

Lee Strong and Gwendolyn H. Bennett.
In addition to his father, he is preceded in death by his grandparents; and one sister, Renee Wray.
Timothy is survived by one sister, Geisha Huskey of Shelby, NC; and four brothers, Russell Huskey (Ruth) of Kings Mountain, NC, Michael Strong, Bobby Hargrove and Jay Jackson (Caroline) all of Shelby, NC.
A graveside service was held August 13, 2024, at Rutherford County Memorial Cemetery with Reverend Ernie Cole officiating.
Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.
An online guest registry is available at www.harrelsonfuneralhome.com

of Cherryville, passed away on Friday, August 9, 2024.
Ruth was born February 11, 1944, in Bordentown, New Jersey, to the late George and Clara Braun Wolverton.

Funeral services were held August 9, 2024, at Shoal Creek Baptist Church, Shelby, NC. Burial took place in the church cemetery.
Ms. Francine Cole Smith passed away on Tuesday, July 23, 2024.
She was born on January 12, 1936, in Sharon, SC to the late Miles and Mattie Lee Armstrong Cole.
Ms. Francine was preceded in death by her sister, Amanda Cole, her son, Von Smith, her husband, Ben Smith, and longtime partner, J.C. Burris.
She is survived by her sons, Van (Penny) Smith of Earl, NC and Jerry (Carnelle) Smith of Shelby, NC; her daughter, Floracine Haynes of Shelby,

Mack was born Friday, March 11, 1932 in Rutherford County to the late James Henson and Sarah Dyer Henson.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her siblings, Clara Brisco, Loretta Hepner, Richard, Robert, Thomas, and Joseph Wolverton.
She is survived by her husband, Ronnie Brown; daughter, Robin Brown Eubanks (Tim); son, Ronnie Doyle Brown (Lucinda); five grandchildren; five great grandchildren; and sisters-inlaw, Charlotte and Thelma Wolverton, Graveside services were held August 14, 2024, at Daniel Morgan Memorial Gardens, Cowpens, SC 29330, with Rev. Leonard Bumgardner officiating. Memorials may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association or to the donor’s choice. Condolences may be made to www.carpenterporter.com Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by brothers, Bobby and Junior Henson and sisters, Hazel Francis and Martha Shew. Continued To Page 16

Mr. Paul Shuford, 97, of Shelby, passed away on July 29, 2024.
He was born April 3, 1927 in Cleveland County, NC to the late Andrew Shuford and Amanda March-Shuford.
Mr. Shuford served our country in the U.S. Army during WWII.
In addition to his parents, he is preceded in death by his wife, Mae Norma “Pat”
Byers Shuford; three sisters, Mary Frances Davis, Shirley Mauney and Mildred Wansley; and two brothers, Harold H. Shuford and A.B. Shuford.
He is survived by his son, Paul Allen (Sharon); daughter Loretta Browner; and two grandchildren.
Funeral services were held August 3, 2024, at Shiloh Baptist Church. Entombment and military rites took place at Cleveland Memorial Park.

Mr. Haywood Homsley, Jr. of Shelby, passed away on Sunday, August 4, 2024.
He was born on September 18, 1942, to the late Haywood Homsley, Sr. and the late Grace Ellen Brooks Homsley.
Mr. Homsley is survived by his wife, Anganette Hamrick Homsley, of the home; children, Lamar Woods (Pamela), Kenny Homsley (Victoria), both of Shelby, NC, a daughter, Monique Homsley (Ronnie) of Richmond, VA; twelve grandchildren, sixteen great grandchildren; a brother in-law, Jewel Hamrick, III (Netta); and sister-in-law, Frances Hamrick Green of Norfolk, VA.
Funeral services were held August 10, 2024 at New Ellis Baptist Church, Shelby, NC.
Charles Ronald Shaffer, 85, of Fallston, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
Born in Kirksville, OH, on March 3, 1939, he was a son of the late Raymond Shaffer and Thelma Irene Fellows Shaffer.
Mr. Shaffer served our country in the U.S. Army.
In addition to his parents he is preceded in death by his three brothers and three sisters.

Mrs. Kay Beam Willis, 86, Cherryville, passed away on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
Kay was born on October 31, 1937 in Gaston County, NC, a daughter of the late Henry Carl Beam, Sr. and Elizabeth Leonhardt Beam.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Robert L. Willis, Sr.; brothers, Ray, Jake, Pratt and Tom Beam; three sisters Ruth Haxby, Dot Carpenter, Nell Parker and two infant siblings.
Memorials may be made to Rudisill Chapel AME Zion Church, 413 S Mountain St, Cherryville, NC 28021. Condolences may be made to www.carpenterporter.com. Carpenter-Porter Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family.

Geraldine McAbee, age 77, of Forest City, passed away on Monday, August 12, 2024.

James "Jim" Henry Hollingsworth, 64, of Boiling Springs, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
She is survived by her son, Robbie Willis and wife Stephanie of Cherryville; a brother, Henry Carl "Bug" Beam, Jr. and wife Peggy of Perkinston, MS; four grandchildren; and four great grandchildren.

Meredith Hamrick Pruett, 79, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
He is survived by his wife, Mary Paxton Shaffer, five sons, Robbie Shaffer and wife Jina, Mike Shaffer and wife Sandy, David Shaffer all of Fallston, Ronald Shaffer, Gina Willis of Belwood, and Richie Shaffer and wife Becky of Maiden; twelve grandchildren, twenty-seven great grandchildren and one great great grandchild.
A memorial service was held August 16, 2024, in the Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. Toby LeRoy officiating.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
Funeral services were held August 15, 2024, at First Baptist Church in Cherryville with Dr. Vince Hefner officiating. Burial followed the service at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cemetery in Cherryville.
Memorials may be made to First Baptist Church, 301 E. First Street, Cherryville, NC 28021.
A guest register is available at www.stameycherryvillefuneralhome.com
Geraldine was born Friday, January 10, 1947, in McDowell County to the late Earl B. Millis and Betty Dills Millis.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by two brothers, Bradley and Brian Millis and a sister, Julie Millis Yelton.
She is survived by her husband, Dannie McAbee; daughter, Crystal McAbee Carter (Scott) of Mooresboro; son, Kevin McAbee of Ellenboro; brother, Tim Millis of Ellenboro; six grandchildren; a great-granddaughter; and brother-in-law, Ronnie McAbee (Jenny) of Mooresboro.
Born in Ft. Hood, TX, on May 25, 1960, he was the son of the late Henry George Hollingsworth and Joan Margarite Finch Hollingsworth. Mr. Hollingsworth served our country in the Air National Guard of North Carolina. He is survived by his wife, Betty Willis Hollingsworth; daughter, Alison Hollingsworth of Little River, SC; son, James Tyler Hollingsworth of Boiling Springs; three granddaughters; sister, Janis Hollingsworth Owl of Murphy and brother, Jonathan Hollingsworth of Augusta, GA.
The family will receive friends on Sunday, August 25, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm at Elizabeth Baptist Church. A Celebration of Life Service will be held on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 3:00 pm at Elizabeth Baptist Church with the Dr. Rit Varriale officiating.
Juanita L. Lattimore, 66, of Lawndale passed away on July 30, 2024.
She was born August 19, 1957, to Ira and Odessia Leslie.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her brothers Walter A. Leslie and James C. Leslie, and her sister, Gracie L. Parks.
She is survived by her daughter, Alethea Hunt of Shelby, NC; sons, Antwan Hunt of Shelby, NC, Michael Hunt of Santa Fe, NM, Maurice Hunt (Claire) of Chicago, IL; twelve grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; her siblings: Marie Leslie West of Jamaica, NY, Maggie Leslie Smith, Ben R. Leslie (Sabrina), Marshall R. Leslie (Pam) all of Lawndale, NC, Ruth Leslie Fuller (Robert) of Shelby, NC, Odell C. Leslie (Shirley) of Lawndale, Christine Leslie Howell (Thamon) of Shelby, Carl E. Leslie (Tammy) of Winston-Salem, NC; sisters-in-law, Patsy Leslie of Clinton, MD and Eloise Leach of Shelby, NC; and brother-in-law, James Parks of Lawndale, NC.
Funeral services were held August 10, 2024 at Washington Missionary Baptist Church. Burial was at Rose Hill Cemetery in Fallston.
A native of Cleveland County, Meredith was born February 23, 1945 to the late Gordon S. Hamrick and Edna Cornwell Hamrick.
In addition to her parents, she is preceded in death by her brother, Flay Preston Hamrick and sister, Freida Hamrick Guffey.
Meredith is survived by her son, Todd Pruett and wife Sherry, a grandson and a great grandson.
A celebration of Meredith’s life was held August 16, 2024, at New Salem Church in Shelby, followed by a short service.
Memorials may be made in her honor to New Salem Church of Shelby: 2300 Hoey Church Rd., Shelby, NC 28152
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself. Philippians 3:20-21

Michele Jones Grigg, 80, of Hudson, NC, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
Mrs. Grigg was born September 16, 1943 in Cleveland County to the late Jack Leonard Jones and Virginia Bessie Gladden Jones.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Grant Talmadge Grigg; brother, Ricky Lynd Jones; and her grandmother.
She is survived by her daughter and son-in-law Nicole and Greg Hughes of Hudson, NC; daughter, Kimberley Grigg of Granite Falls, NC; son, Scott Grigg of Gastonia, NC; three grandchildren; brother-inlaw and wife Mike and Kathy Grigg of Shelby, NC, and sister-in-law, Lynn Nanny of Wilson, NC.
A graveside service will be held at a later date.
An online guestbook and obituary are available at www.mackiefh.com.
Stamey-Cherryville Funeral Home & Cremation Service is serving the family.

Reba “Paulette” Charles, 75, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
She was born October 4, 1948, in Cleveland County to the late Thomas Hazel Lee and Leah Hallman Johnson.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, J.C. Charles; brothers, Gary Johnson, and Kerry Johnson; and sister, Rhonda Johnson Goodwin.
Survivors include her son, Aaron Johnson; stepson, Tommy Taylor; brothers, Berwyn Johnson (Sharon) and Byron Johnson (Shermeka); sisters, Pastryl Johnson Robbs (Kenneth), Malva Johnson, Meah Johnson Bell (Sammy), Chiquita Johnson Womic (Michael), and Tonjua Johnson.
Funeral services were held August 16, 2024, at First Baptist Church with Rev. Anderson officiating. Burial followed at Wesley Chapel Cemetery.
The funeral service was held August 16, 2024, at High Shoal Baptist Church with Reverend Shane Adkins officiating. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Harrelson Funeral and Cremation Services is serving the family. An online guest registry is available at www. harrelsonfuneralhome.com

51, passed away on Saturday, August 10, 2024.
He was born to Karen Suttle and the late Clarence Gladden in Cleveland County, NC. He is also predeceased by a brother, Shane Gladden. In addition to his mother he is survived by his wife, Melody Gladden of the home; son, Brandon Gladden; and sisters, Lisa Teasley and Chrissie Lassiter.
A Celebration of Life Service was held August 15, 2024, at Robert Morgan - Rutherford Chapel, Forest City, NC.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Service, LLC is serving the family. Memorial tributes may be made at www.rsmorganfsl.com.
In lieu of flowers, memorial may be made to Habitat for Humanity, 323 W Grover St, Shelby, NC 28150.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.

Nora Leona Hardy Holshouser, 77, passed away on Monday, August 11, 2024.
Born in Watauga County, NC on September 29, 1946, she was the daughter of the late Nora Mary Moody Hardy and Bynum Jack Hardy. In addition to her parents she is preceded by sisters, Faye Foley, Bessie Davila, and Barbara Manteau.
Nora is survived by her daughter, Jacki Henry (Scott) and brother B. J. Hardy (Barbara) and three grandchildren.
The family will hold services at the home.
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.
Continued To Page 17

Continued From Page 16
Mrs. Barbara Humphries Lookadoo, age 86, of Shelby, NC, passed away on Saturday, August 17, 2024. She is survived by her husband, Al Lookadoo of Shelby, NC; her two daughters, Melinda L. Jones (Don) of Shelby, NC, and Ginger L. Peeler (Don) of Shelby, NC; four grandchildren; fourteen great grandchildren; two great great grandchildren; and a brother, Tim Humphries (Wanda) of Shelby, NC.
Born January 15, 1938, in Cleveland County, NC, Barbara was the daughter of the late Oeland and Eda McSwain Humphries.
A private family graveside service was held August 20, 2024, at Beaver Dam Baptist Church conducted by Rev. Tim Ware.
Memorials may be made to Via Health Partners (Hospice of Cleveland County), 951 Wendover Heights Drive, Shelby, NC 28150 or to Beaver Dam Baptist Church, 123 Beaver Dam Church Road, Shelby, NC 28152.
To sign the guest book, please go to www.clevelandfuneralservices.com.
Cleveland Funeral Services & Crematory, Inc. is serving the family.
Shelby, NC 28150 or to Zion Baptist Church of Shelby “columbarium fund”: 525 W Zion Church Rd, Shelby, NC 28150
Online condolences may be made at www.cecilmburtonfuneralhome.com
Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home & Crematory is serving the family.

brother, Jerry Strange (Dana); and step-father, Billy Strange.
Private Family Services will be held at a later date.
Robert Morgan Funeral and Cremation Service, LLC is serving the family. Memorial tributes may be made at

Thursday, August 15, 2024.

Thomas Arthur Anthony, Jr., 72, of Kings Mountain, NC, passed away on August 15, 2024.
He was born on Christmas Day, 1951, in Martinsville,
VA. Thomas was the son of the late Thomas Arthur Anthony, Sr. and Gladys Howard Anthony.
He was preceded in death by his sister, Sarah Eloise Anthony and brother, Ralph Howard Anthony.
Mr. Anthony is survived by his wife, Janet Bridges Anthony, of the home; children: Emily Anthony Kistler (Travis) of Gastonia, NC, and Eric Joseph Anthony (Ivy Shaw) of Bassett, VA; two grandchildren; sister, Elsie Sink; sisters-in-law: Jo Darnell (Bob) of Hickory, NC, Joy Williams (Joe) of Kings Mountain, NC; and
brother-in-law: Don Bridges (Joelle) of St. Petersburg, FL
A private graveside service was held at Mountain Rest Cemetery, Kings Mountain, NC. Memorials may be made to Mission Readiness, First Baptist Church, P. O. Box 786, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 or The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, www. lls.org. Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com. Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.
Tips for a memorable Labor Day weekend

Betty Whitener Wellmon, 94, passed away on Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
Born in McDowell County on April 30, 1930, she was the daughter of the late Perry Albert Whitener and Loma Canipe Whitener.
In addition to her parents she is preceded in death by her husband, Hubert Lee Wellmon; sisters Louise Broome (Henry Broome), Doris Haynes (A.V. Haynes), Hazel Lee (Bobby Lee), Barbara Edwards; an infant great grandson and a great granddaughter. She is survived by her children: LaDonna Hastings (Gene), Kenneth Wellmon (Brenda), Larry Wellmon (Caroline), and Marcia Alsobrook (Gary); her brother-in-law, Joe Edwards and sister-in-law, Betty Tarlton (Frank); fourteen grandchildren; twenty-six great grandchildren and five great great grandchildren.
A funeral service was held August 16, 2024, at Zion Baptist Church with Dr. Jim McConnell and Dr. Randy Bridges officiating. Burial followed at the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made in her honor to VIA Health Partners (formerly Hospice of Cleveland County): 951 Wendover Heights Dr,
County, NC, daughter of the late James Edward Carter and Lois Audrey McCarver Addis and was preceded in death by her stepfather, Herbert Addis, brother, Richard Addis, a granddaughter, and a daughter-inlaw, Linda Stockton. She is survived by her husband, Jerome Grant Williams, of the home; children: Daniel Stockton, Romulus MI, Doug Stockton (Ginny), Albany, OH, Dana Sieczka (Jim) Macomb, MI, Sharon Atterson (Bob) Wilkinson, IN, Jerri Queen (David), Kings Mountain, NC, Jack Williams (Sherry McMahan) Blacksburg, SC, Crystal Douglas (Greg), Kings Mountain, NC, and Debra Williams (Kevin Pedde) Fort Mill, SC; twenty-two grandchildren; thirtytwo great grandchildren; and sister-in-law: Jane Addis, Shelby, NC
Funeral service was held August 17, 2024, in the Ollie Harris Memorial Chapel with Pastor Robert Mote officiating.
Guest Register available at www.harrisfunerals.com.
Harris Funeral Home and Cremation Services, Kings Mountain, NC is serving the family.

Donnie Ray Black, 56, passed away on Sunday, August 11, 2024.
He was born to the late Helen Moore Strange in Cleveland County, NC. He is also predeceased by a step-daughter, Chasity Reid.
Mr. Black is survived by his children, Billy Black, Hailey Black, Dustin Black, Heather Reid, Savannah Black and Layla Black; step-son, Jonathon Reid; eight grandchildren; sister, Tammy Tessneer (Sammy); twin brother, Johnny Black;
Born in Cleveland County, on May 14, 1953, he was the son of the late Alvin Jessie Cook and Georgia Modell Bradshaw Cook.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Debbie Shull Cook and two brothers-in-law, Keith Shull and Phil Bryson.
Mr. Cook is survived by his son, Wesley Cook and wife, Sarah Moore of Hickory; daughter, Whitney Woodward and husband, Travis of Vale; brother, Cecil Cook and wife Linda of Vale; sister, Linda Bryson of Kings Mountain; four grandchildren; brother-in-law, Randall Shull of Conover; sister-inlaw, Kim Bowen and husband, Randy of Claremont; and sister-in-law, Debbie Shull of Hickory.
The funeral service was held August 18, 2024 at Zion Hill Baptist Church with the Rev. Allan Barlow officiating. The burial followed in the church cemetery.
Memorials may be made to Zion Hill Baptist Church Fellowship Hall Fund, 8173 Old NC 18, Lawndale, NC 28090.
A guest register is available at www.stameytysingerfuneralhome.com.
Stamey-Tysinger Funeral Home & Cremation Center, Inc., Fallston, NC is serving the family.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Labor Day weekend is widely considered the unofficial swan song of summer. Though millions of children return to school prior to Labor Day weekend, the final holiday of summer still marks an ending to the season of relaxation and a return to the hustle and bustle of life when the temperatures dip and schedules fill up.
Perhaps because Labor Day has become synonymous with the end of summer, many people look to make the weekended preceding the holiday as fun as possible. People with such intentions can keep these tips in mind as they seek to plan a memorable Labor Day weekend this year.
• Wake up early if you intend to travel. Labor Day weekend should be memorable for all the right reasons and traffic is not one of them. A recent survey from the vacation planning experts at The Vacationer found that roughly 148 million people planned to travel over Labor Day weekend in 2023, which makes the three-day period a particularly busy time to be on the road or in the air. If you intend to fly this Labor Day weekend, try to book an early morning flight to reduce the risk of delays. If you’re driving,
hitting the road before sunrise, particularly if you’re traveling a long distance, can help you avoid traffic jams.
• Plan the weekend. It can be tempting to fly by the seat of your pants come Labor Day weekend, but it’s still best to book excursions and even dinner reservations in advance. The popularity of Labor Day weekend and its status as the unofficial end of summer compels many people to get up and go over the three-day period, so theme parks, water parks, restaurants, and other attractions may be all booked in advance. Purchase tickets and make reservations months in advance to ensure you aren’t left with little to do and/or nothing to eat come Labor Day weekend.
• Create a backup plan. Ideally the weather will cooperate and Labor Day celebrants will be able to spend the entire weekend outdoors if they so desire. But weather is unpredictable, so it pays to create a backup plan in advance. If you’re traveling for the weekend, look
around for indoor entertainment spaces to spend the weekend if the weather is uncooperative. If you’re planning a backyard barbecue at home, arrange for some indoor activities or pick a rain date and let guests know. If the party is scheduled for the Saturday of Labor Day weekend, a Sunday rain date might work.
• Go with a summer theme. Even if the kids are already back in school and your summer family vacation is a distant memory, that’s all the more reason to revive the spirit of summer one last time. If hosting at home, a Hawaiian luau theme complete with a pig roast or a final summer pool party is a great way to send summer off before welcoming fall into the fold. Encourage guests to don summer attire and revive your summer playlist to get guests in the mood. If you’re traveling for the weekend, pick a sunny, sandy destination so you can squeeze every last drop out of summer.
Labor Day weekend marks the perfect time to send summer off with a bang. Some pre-weekend planning can ensure everyone has a memorable final few days of summer.


Victory Baptist Church
3907 Towery Rd., Shelby, NC
Saturday, August 24
What: Prayer Vigil & Blowing of 300 Shofars
When: Noon until 2:00 pm, August 24.
Where: Downtown Shelby, (around the Earl Scruggs Center) 103 S. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC.
More Info: Shofar blowers, please bring your shofars. For more info contact Eugene/Sylvia Yampierre, 407-492-7370, email sylviayampierre@gmail.com
Saturday, August 24-28
What: New Hope Baptist Church 150 Year Anniversary
When: 4:00 pm, August 24.
Where: New Hope Baptist Church, 2621 Blacksburg (198) Hwy, Earl, NC.
More Info: Activities begin for former members & the entire Earl Community. Saturday the 24th at 4:00 pm with old timey games for kids and youth. 5:00 pm, Free Hot Dogs served. 5:30 pm - Until: Outdoor Singing – Bring a Chair. 5:30: Katie Turner, 6:00: Nathan Simpson, 6:30: Ron Grigg, 7:00: Casey Greene & Company Band. Sunday, August 25: 11:00 am, Old Timey Worship Serves. 12 Noon: Covered Dish Lunch. 6:00 pm Revival: Andrew Renfroe.
Monday, August 26, 6:00 pm, David Costner. Tuesday, August 27, 6:00 pm, Mark Watts. Wednesday, August 28, 6:00 pm, Travis Laflin.
Sunday, August 25
What: Antioch Methodist Church Homecoming
When: 11:00 am, August 25.
Where: Antioch Methodist Church, Hwy 150, Crouse, NC.
More Info: Former members, friends and relatives of Antioch Methodist Church, are invited to the annual homecoming. Antioch closed almost 60 years ago but each year many come back to the little country church located off of Hwy. 150 in Crouse. The church and cemetery dates back to 1805. Guest speaker at the worship service this year will be Rev. Dr. Bud Black. Bring a well-packed picnic basket to share in the arbor following the worship service.
What: Annual Homecoming and Revival
When: 11:00 am, August 25.
Where: Cornerstone Church of God, 202 Margrace Rd., Kings Mountain, NC.
More Info: Revival continues Monday-Wednesday 26-28th @ 6:30PM with Evangelist Wayne Miller from Charlotte, NC. Come anticipating a Mighty move of God. We are believing for Salvation for the lost, healing for the sick and renewal of those seeking God for a fresh touch of His Spirit.
Saturday, August 31
What: Yard Sale Rehobeth Community Church
When 7:00 am until Noon, August 31.
Where: Rehobeth Community Church, 2036 Rehobeth Church Rd., Shelby, NC.
More Info: The proceeds go towards purchasing a church van. Tools, kids clothes, collectibles, mics items.
Tuesday, September 3
What: Bible Study on the Book of Revelation
When: 10:00 am, September 3.
Where: Northside Baptist Church, 1220 Scenic Dr., Shelby, NC. More Info: Bible study on the book of Revelation. Part 1 of the teaching from “Escape The Coming Night” by Dr. David Jeremiah will run for 12 weeks, ending in November. All are welcome!. Contact the church office at 704-482-9091 for more information.
Saturday, September 7
What: Fundraiser/Charity Motorcycle Ride. First Annual Diaper Run
When: 3:30 pm late registration, September 7.
Where: Shelby Mission Camp, 302 Sharpton Dr., Shelby, NC. More Info: Start, Oak Grove Baptist Church, 1022 Oak Grove Rd., Kings Mountain, NC. CPS Construction is hosting the first Annual Diaper Run. In an effort to support the One More One Less Ministry, CPS Construction is hosting a motorcycle ride in Cleveland County to gather diapers for donations. This is a free event and is encouraging support from throughout Cleveland County. The event will start at Oak Grove Baptist Church, from there we will ride to the Shelby Mission Camp. The remainder of the event will take place at the Shelby Mission Camp where it will be fun for all ages and will include; a musical performance from local star Lindy Bryson, free BBQ, door prizes, corn hole tournament, and much more. Bring your friends, bring some diapers, and let’s all have a great time for an even greater cause.
GriefShare: GriefShare is to support those who have had a love one to die. The first meeting is September 19th to begin the 13- week recovery support group. The group will meet at Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, 422 Carolina Ave., Shelby, NC, on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. Call Mechell at 704466-0537.
The Deaf Ministry: of First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC, invites you to come worship with us. Sundays at 9:30 am. Interpreted services. Deaf SS Class. Wheelchair entrance off N. Dale St. 704-482-3467.
Nar-Anon Support Group: Meets 6:30 pm weekly on Tuesdays at the First Baptist Church, 120 N. Lafayette St., Shelby, NC. Nar-Anon is a support group for those affected by someone else’s drug addiction. We meet in the classroom of Dale St., between Sumter and Campbell St. Park on the side of the church or in the alley. Signs are posted. Call Bill, 704-692-2092 or the church office, 704-482-3467.
Al-Anon Family Groups Support: Al-Anon Family Support Groups: Al-Anon Family Support Groups support those who are affected by someone else’s drinking and drug use. No Name AFG meets on Mondays at 12noon at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, 510 W Sumter St., Shelby. Contact Kay at 704-473-4891. Shelby AFG meets on Thursdays at 8:00 pm at Shelby Presbyterian Church, 226 E. Graham St., Shelby. Contact Jann at 704-692-7688.

MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 3299 Fallston Road, Shelby, NC Traditional worship and sound Biblical preaching.
Come and feel welcomed as you feel the presence of God in our church. Pastor Jimmy Black SERVICE TIMES: SUNDAY, 10:30 AM WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY, 6:00 PM

Photo By – Justin G. Hill & Son,

Suggested games include “Monopoly”, “Scrabble” and “Checkers”.
Participants are welcome to bring a game of their own to share.
Interested? Please call Daniel Dedmon, Neal Senior Center

Drone Photography Service
Feeding Kids of Cleveland County impacts local families
Feeding Kids of Cleveland County, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was started in 2016 out of the homes of several families who wanted to make a difference in the lives of students in need in our community. Since its inception, it has grown from serving 20 students in 2016 to serving 220 students in 2023, which adds up to over 800 people it is currently and consistently serving through our programs.
Its mission is to provide food and books to Cleveland County students and families identified as food insecure.
They do this through weekend food bags, school break food and book deliveries, and Community Table Thanksgiving Meals.
Over the summer, Feeding Kids Cleveland County served 607 children and 400 adults, totaling 1,007 people across the county.
Reading Kids Cleveland County worked hard to individually choose, pack, and give away over 2,500 books for all students and families throughout the summer. Each child received one book on their reading level and each family received one nonfiction book at each delivery. The impact of this initiative is significant. By bringing books into the homes of these families, they are improving literacy rates and promoting a love for reading in a small way. This is a testament to the power of collective action and the difference we can make when we come together.
With the work of Cleve-

land County Schools social workers and its team of volunteers, it provides a bag of shelf-stable, kid-friendly food on weekends and a large box of shelf-stable food, a bag of fresh food, and age-appropriate books during the four breaks from school throughout the year to bridge this nutritional gap: Spring Break, Summer Break, Thanksgiving Break, and Winter Break. It delivers three times during Summer Break since this is the most extended break for students.
In Cleveland County, one in three children is food insecure. Extended breaks from school, such as Spring and Winter Break, leave hundreds of students without a reliable food source they would normally receive through the school nutrition program at breakfast and lunch.
As a new school year begins, they have already begun thinking about Thanksgiving deliveries, Community Table Thanksgiving Meals (Nov. 27), Christmas deliveries, and the Light Ball Dash (Dec. 22).

Our Mission: Moms In Prayer International impacts children and schools worldwide for Christ by gathering mothers to pray.
KMHS Band Heritage exhibit at KM Historical Museum
By Loretta Cozart
Kings Mountain Historical Museum now features a Kings Mountain High School band history exhibit.
The exhibits, which end on October 26, overview Kings Mountain's band history and culture. The public is invited to reminisce with old photographs, band uniforms, and ephemera from days past.
Classes holding reunions this fall should visit the museum’s exhibit while celebrating their school year, as it includes artifacts and photos from across the decades.

Exhibits are on display Tuesday - Saturday from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm. Admission is free!

Crispy Grilled Chicken with a Kick
(Family Features)
1 whole chicken

1 can (15 oz.) sweet corn
1 can (15 oz.) black beans
1 bunch cilantro
3 Roma tomatoes
1 cup melted butter or ghee
2 tablespoons heat-and-sweet seasoning
1/2 Tbsp. garlic powder salt, to taste pepper, to taste
• Heat grill to 375-400 F.
• Use kitchen shears or knife to remove backbone from chicken to lay flat. Remove rib cage, if desired, or push flat with hands.
• Mix butter, heat-and-sweet seasoning and garlic powder. Using meat injector, inject mixture into chicken. Rub remaining buttered seasoning over chicken and season with salt and pepper, to taste.
• Place spatchcock chicken breast-side up over indirect heat and cook 35-40 minutes.
• When internal temperature reaches 145 F, flip chicken breast-side down over direct heat 5 minutes, or until internal temperature reaches 165 F.
• Let rest 10 minutes before serving.
Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column, and each 3 by 3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9 using logic.
2 jalapenos
1/2 red onion bell peppers (mix of green, red, orange and yellow, as desired) tortilla chips, for serving Dressing:
1/3 cup olive oil
1/3 cup red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon paprika
1 lime, juice only salt, to taste pepper, to taste
• Drain and rinse corn and black beans; dry well.
• Finely chop and dice cilantro, tomatoes, jalapenos, onion and bell peppers.
• To make dressing: Combine olive oil, red wine vinegar, honey, paprika and lime juice. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
• Mix vegetables with dressing. Serve with tortilla chips.

Serves: 12
1 pkg. (10 ounces) frozen broccoli with cheese
12 slices bacon, chopped 1/2 cup green onions, sliced
1 cup mushrooms, sliced 4 eggs 1 cup milk
1-1/2 cups shredded cheese, divided
2 frozen deep dish pie shells (9 inches each)
• Heat oven to 350 F.
• In medium bowl, add broccoli and cheese contents from package. Microwave 5 minutes, or until cheese is saucy. Set aside.
• In skillet, cook chopped bacon 4 minutes. Add green onions; cook 2 minutes. Add mushrooms; cook 4 minutes, or until bacon is completely cooked and mushrooms are tender. Drain onto paper towel over plate. Set aside.
• In medium bowl, whisk eggs and milk until combined. Add broccoli and cheese mixture. Add 1 cup cheese. Stir to combine. Set aside.
• In pie shells, divide drained bacon mixture evenly. Divide
broccoli mixture evenly and pour over bacon mixture. Sprinkle remaining cheese over both pies.
• Bake 40 minutes.

24-48 cherry tomatoes
1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese, softened
2 TBSP. mayonnaise
1 medium cucumber, peeled and diced
3 green onion stalks, diced
2 teaspoons minced dill
Fresh dill, for garnish
• Cut thin slice off top of each tomato. Scoop out pulp. Invert tomatoes on paper towel to drain.
• In medium bowl, combine cream cheese and mayonnaise until smooth. Stir in cucumber, green onion and dill. Spoon mixture into tomatoes. Top with fresh dill.
• Refrigerate until ready to serve.
Kings Mountain High School marching band circa 1947-1948. Photo DigitalNC


Autos Wanted
5. Popular 70s rockers
An unfortunate development
10. Coat with sticky substance
12. Cylinder of tobacco for smoking
13. Minimum interval take off
14. Yuck!
16. NBA sensation Jeremy
17. Where some rockers work
19. Midway between northeast and east
20. Snake-like shes
21. Groups of homes
25. Swiss river
26. Useful towel
27. “The Wire” character
29. Oa sh creature
30. A major division of geological time
31. Bird-like Chinese dinosaur
32. Sporting events
39. Body part
41. Clerical vestment
42. Shows data
43. Some are “special”
44. Expression of disappointment
45. Students’ rights document (abbr.)
46. Vacation locale Costa
48. Pop singer
49. Distract outside a city
50. Mark Wahlberg comedy
51. Coniferous tree
52. Midway between south and southeast
1. Lunatic
2. Actress Danes
3. Buttock muscles
6. Electronic communication
8. Trigraph
9. Sea eagles
11. Low-pitched, resonant sound
14. Northeastern US university (abbr.)
15. Home of the Bulldogs
18. Exclamation of surprise
19. Make a mistake
20. Advantage 22. Monkeys love them
23. Wood
24. Paddle
27. Past participle of be 28. Tall, rounded vase
29. Device manufacturers
31. Financial institution (abbr.)
32. Paper product
33. A type
34. Atomic #43
35. Red Hot Chili Peppers’ drummer
36. Behaviors
37. Decays
38. Walked con dently
39. Voice (Italian)
40. Class of adhesives
44. Bar bill
47. One-time aerospace rm
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Peer Leaders and Orientation Leaders at Gardner Webb University, welcome new students to the campus on moving day August 17th in Boiling Springs, NC.
Jeff Melton photo
4. The 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet

Carolina CLASSIFIEDS.com
CONTENTS. Auction sale at 7799 Hwy 10 W, Vale, on Sept. 12th at 1 pm. Registration 10:30 am -12(noon). Must pay cash. Must remove contents that day.

ANNIVERSARY! Happy Golden Anniversary Mom and Dad, From your Daughter and Son. We Love You! 867-5309 TheBestParentsEver@BeckyandDan.com

GOLDEN DOMERS TOY AND HOBBY. Visit our NEW LOCATION .....Model Cars, Die-cast Cars & Trucks, Tractors, Hot Wheels, Construction Toys, Sports Memorabilia, Autographed Items, Hard to Find Items! See Mike & Brandon Willis. We’re located at 104 Oliver Ave. (behind El Acapulco Mexican Restaurant in Boiling Springs), Shelby 704-297-0102 or 704-297-0103
WANTED DOVE FIELD TO HUNT on Labor Day Weekend for three people. Willing to pay. 828-395-0758.
PIANO/ORGAN PLAYER. New Salem Church of Shelby needs piano/organ player 9:30am to 10:30am Sunday mornings for non-denominational church. Play 3 hymns and opening and closing music (chosen by church). For info call James at 704-482-6319 (704) 482-6319 jamesejohnson10@yahoo.com
ROUND EMPLOYMENT. Must have valid driver’s license and transportation. Over time available. (704) 473-0341
DRIVER. Apply in person. Paid by the load. Auto Parts U Pull & Scrap Metal of Shelby. 1025 County Home Road, Shelby, NC 28152.
MCNEILLY TREE SERVICE & LAND MANAGEMENT. Tree Removal, Trimming, Demolition, Land Clearing, Firewood, Hauling Services, Debris Removal. Free Estimates. (704) 472-3766
TONEY’S PLUMBING REPAIR. Tub, faucet installation, kitchen lavatory installation, hot water heater repair/replace, drain clean. All work guaranteed. 828-223-0332.

RUMMY BROTHERS TREE SERVICE. Rummy Brothers LLC is family owned and operated. We take pride in our work and would love to work for you. Fully insured with years of experience. Helping people and trees get along. Our tree specialist at Rummy Brothers provide many services ranging from tree trimming and pruning, stump grinding, clean up services, hazardous tree and limb removal, land clearing and much more! We provide 24/7 emergency tree services and offer a military discount. Give us a call today 828-748-5785 or check us out online rummybrothersllc.com (828) 748-5785 rummybrothers@gmail.com

KARLENA RADFORD-4 SEASONS HOMES and Land. Looking to buy or sell your property in Rutherford, Polk, or Cleveland counties? Call Karlena at 4 Seasons Homes and Land! (828) 716-0296 karlena@4seasonshomesand land.com
ERIC MOBILE MECHANIC. I will come to you to repair any car, full service on lawnmowers or tractor. Honest & Reliable! (704) 300-2332
CLEVELAND COUNTY GARAGE DOORS. Summer Tuneup Special, $69.95. We will check all your equipment lube, make sure it’s working correctly. We repair broken doors. Also offering new installations. 704472-9367.
SCREEN MAKING & REPAIR. See our experts when you have Screen Issues. (704) 487-5263

HYDRAULIC CYLINDER REPAIR. Skid Steer, Wreckers, Rollbacks, Splitters, Tractors, etc. 30 years experience. Shelby, NC. (Joe) (704) 692-1097
PAINTING, ROOFING, TILE FLOORS, wood decks, fences & carpentry work. Free estimates. Ask for Harold or Jim 828-429-7511.
HANDYMAN SERVICES. No job too small. Have references. Construction, landscaping, etc. Jack of all trades! 40 plus years of experience. 828-375-5773.
WILL CLEAN HOUSES. Reasonable rates. Call or text me at (704) 419-9016
CARETAKER LOOKING TO CARE FOR YOUR LOVED ONE. Bathing, feeding, light cooking, light housekeeping, run errands. 20 years experience. Cleveland County area. 704-582-5924.
MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE. Saturday, August 31st, 2024 from 7:00 AM - ?. Multi Family Yard Sale. Everything must go. 625 Old Charles Road, Shelby, NC 28152
FAMILY YARD SALE. FRI.SAT., 8:00am-? Tools, Furniture, Cast Iron, Clothes, Toys & & MUCH MORE. CLARK SUPPLY, 2222 Hoey Church Road, Shelby, NC 28152
HUGE YARD & PLANT SALE. Fri., Aug 23rd & Sat, Aug 24th. 8 am-Until. (Both days). Lots of new & used stuff. Something for everyone. 7012 Richmond Dr, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
SALE at # 7 Volunteer Fire Department Parking Lot in Lattimore. Sat., Aug. 24th, 2024 from 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM. Spots available for $10 each. Bring your own table. Vendors Welcome! To secure your spot contact Randi Powell at 704-4733339 Shelby, NC 28150
SALE. The GFWC NC Kings Mountain Woman’s Club is holding an indoor yard sale on Saturday, August 24th from 7:00 a.m. until noon. 108 East Mountain Street in the downstairs dining hall. Home goods, clothing, toys and decor will be available. All proceeds are for the annual Sallie Southall Scholarship awarded each year to a Kings Mountain senior. Contact the club about rentals or membership Kingsmountainwc@gmail.com. Located at 108 East Mountain St., Kings Mountain, NC 28086
5 FAMILY YARD SALE. Sat Aug 24th, 2024, 8am -1pm. Some of everything. Too much to list. 311 Stowe Acres, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
YARD SALE Sat. August 24th, 8:30AM-until. No early birds! Men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing, odds & ends, wall pictures. 4501 E Dixon Blvd, Shelby, NC 28152.
YARD SALE. MOVING YARD SALE. Saturday, August 24th, 7am-12pm. Clothes, Housewares, Washer & Dryer and More! 596 Belcaro Drive, Kings Mountain, NC 28086
YARD SALE. Sat, Aug 24th, 6:30am-11am. Lots of clothes, Tools and Household misc. items. 1318 Lithia Springs Rd, Shelby, NC 28150
2 FAMILY YARD SALE. Sat Aug 24th, 7am-1pm. Grill, Exercise Machine, Quilt Rack, Baby Things, Lots of Odds & Ends, Clothes. 406 Farmhurst Place, Shelby, NC 28152
HUGE YARD SALE. Sat Aug 24th & Sun, Aug 25th, 9:00am until. 1031 Fallston Road, Shelby, NC 28150
CLEANING OUT ANOTHER HOUSE.! Thu Aug 22nd, Fri Aug 23rd, and Sat Aug 24th, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Everything in house and 2 buildings must GO! 697 Branton Drive, Shelby, NC 28152
BIG YARD SALE SAT., AUG 24TH, 2024. From 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM NOON. 309 Olsen Drive, Shelby, NC 28152
ESTATE, 2 FAMILY YARD SALE. INDOOR, OUTDOOR. Friday, August 23rd, 8am-2pm, Saturday, August 24th, 8am until. Household, furniture, exercise equipment, various file cabinets, desks, jewelry, Hobby Lobby decor, clothing for all ages. Rain date 8/30 & 8/31. 664 Chimney Rock Road, Rutherfordton, NC 28139
2 DAY YARD SALE. Friday, August 23 and Saturday, August 24. 8am-12pm (Both days). Christmas decor, household items, lamps & lots more. 127 East Trade Street, Forest City, NC 28043
$$$ DOLLAR SALE $$$. Saturday, August 24 & Sunday, August 25, 9AM-until. Women’s clothing, kitchen items & lots more. 175 Gilkey School Road, Rutherfordton, NC 28139
MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE. Saturday, August 24, 8AM-Until. Plus size clothing, knick knacks and more. 3410 Pearidge Road, Bostic, NC 28018
SALE. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 22-23-24, 7AM-until. Resellers welcome. 2 big buildings full! Don’t miss this! 480 Old Hollis Road, Ellenboro, NC 28040
TRAILERS, LAWNMOWER TRAILERS, Flatbed Trailers, Enclosed Trailers, Horse and Cattle Trailers, Saddlery. Check our prices and quality before you buy. Bridges Riding Equipment. Boiling Springs, NC. 704-434-6389, (704) 473-0867

MICROTECH KNIVES ON SALE! We have 1 OZ. SILVER BARS & ROUNDS Available (While Supplies Last)* Plus: More KNIVES•KNIVES•KNIVES at Jake’s Knives & Coins located at 1008 S. Lafayette St., Shelby. Call 704-600-6996 or (980) 295-5568
PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS with Scratch Pads! Press Room Printing. 704-482-2243. (704) 538-5788
WEIGHTED. Driver #5, Putter, 3,4,6,6,7,9. ndnorma15@gmail. com
E_Z GO GOLF CART. Black, battery powered. $3700 good condition. Contact Tommy or Janet. 704-418-6912.
DISCOUNT APPLIANCES. Refrigerators, washers, dryers and stoves. 1205 Earl Road, Shelby, NC. (704) 477-4766
3 PIECE QUEEN BEDROOM SUITE. Gently used Queen 3 piece set. Includes Head board, Foot board, rails, Armoire, and trunk. (704) 477-2654

CRATES FOR PLANTER BOXES, or Many Other Uses. Various Sizes. Some with Lids. $25 to $35 each. Call (704) 300-1818
STEEL BUILDINGS. “Large On Site Display”. Concrete Pads, Grading, Plumbing, Electrical. “One Stop Shop For All !” J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, 2690 Hwy. 221 South. (828) 245-5895
STAIRMASTER FOR SALE. $400. Hardly used. 704-4779664.
CARPORTS, GARAGES, BOAT, RV COVER HAY BARNS, Etc. “Check Out Our Price Before You Buy... There Is Difference!” J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
HORSE QUALITY HAY FOR SALE. Call (704) 487-6855
STORAGE BUILDINGS WOOD OR METAL. New, Used, Repo. New Buildings from $3756.00. Inventory changes weekly! J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City, NC. (828) 245-5895
TRAILERS NEW5X10 WITH GATE $1395. Areas Largest Trailer Inventory, Equipment, Dumps, Landscape, Enclosed, Gooseneck “New & Used”. Best Cash Deals Around, Credit Cards, Financing, Rent to Own, No Credit Check Available. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City. (828) 245-5895
INSTOCK! Deliveries Twice A Week. One Piece or the Whole Roof. J. Johnson Sales, inc. 2690 Hwy. 221 South, Forest City. (828) 245-5895
NEW-USED TRAILERS PARTS & ACCESSORIES FOR ALL TYPES OF TRAILERS. 1500 Square Feet of Parts, Axles, Tires, Lights, Gates, Ramps, etc. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City, (828) 245-5895
TINY HOUSE / OFFICE UNIT. 12’ X 28’. Small Kitchen, 1/2 Bath, TV on Wall, Heat & Air. $35,900. Deliver & Blocked. “Financing Available”. J. Johnson Sales, inc. Forest City. (828) 245-5895
74 BYPASS IS FOR SALE. Visit www.74ByPass.com to get a price within hours. NC4Ever@ USA.com
GE HEAVY DUTY LARGE CAPACITY washer with matching dryer. Like new. $300. Will deliver. Please call 828-2893371.
CAR PARTS FOR SALE. 19982003 Chevy S10 tailgate & rear bumper-$40 each. 1998-2012 Chevy Silverado aluminum radiator & dual electrical fan. Best offer. Misc. Chevy Silverado parts.704-600-5033.
USED CAMPER TOPS FOR SALE: Various sizes and styles. Keep it dry and safe! 828-351-8846.
TRUMP VANCE MAGNETS AND BUTTONS. Visit www. NC4Ever.com to see pics of TRUMP VANCE Magnets and Buttons for sale. NC4Ever@ USA.com
HUNTING BOW. 30 in axle to axle, 60 lb draw weight, 27-30 in draw length, wrist sling (864) 490-6221 hhmoorhead@gmail. com
RAISED INFLATABLE QUEEN AIR MATTRESS. 120VAC Built-in Pump. Easy to adjust and deflate. Carry Bag. Used in Quest Room. ndnorma15@ gmail.com
WANT TO BUY SHIHTZU PUPPY!!! Prefer very young puppy. Text 828-748-2241.
I PAY CASH FOR DIABETIC TEST STRIPS. Up to $10 per 100ct. Must be Unused, Unexpired. I’m local and pay fast. (828) 577-4197
WANTED: OLD AND NEW AMMO. Reloading supplies. Call 828-245-6756 or cell # 828-289-1488.
WANT TO BUY CARS& TRUCKS. Trailers, Tractors, Farm Equipment. Must have ID and proof of ownership. Callahan’s Towing. (704) 692-1006 CASH FOR YOUR CAR. Running or not, title or no title. Call Charles Dellinger at Red Road Towing. 704-6926767, (704) 487-0228
GRASSHOPPER MOWER FOR SALE. 725D DIESEL, 61” deck front mount with grass pickup & hopper. Many extra parts/supplies. $3,850. 704472-6226.

ishing mower. $1800 cash only! 828-429-7495.


XUV-835. 4 cycle gas, electronic fuel injection, 812CC, 54HP. As of now 15.2 hours on it and will go up. Manual dump bed, on demand true 4 wheel drive system, power steering. $16,000 firm! Cash only. 828429-7495.
2007 BENTLEY PONTOON 24’ 90HP motor. 24 foot Wesco trailer. 828-245-1660 or 828429-0559. Call for price.

CKC REGISTERED BOXER PUPPIES. 8 weeks old, shots & worming UTD. Big healthy pups. $300 each. (704) 4663135
DOG KENNELS. 5X10X6, 10x10x4, 10x10x6, 10x20x6. Single Kennel, Double Kennel or Triple Kennel. Dog Houses. Rain Tops Available. “Pickup or Delivery Available.” J. Johnson Sales, Forest City (828) 2455895
MOTHER CAT SPAYED, SHOTS UTD. Also 18 week old kitten. Free to good home. (704) 562-0370
GERMAN SHEPHERD FOR SALE. 4 years old, male, full blooded, all shots, needs to be rehomed. Rehome for $150. 828-755-1038.

BEYOND CUTE. Fuzzy & smooth coat, male/female small size 3 shots, microchip $250$600 (864) 623-8803 thefuzzyfacequeen@gmail.com
REGISTERED MINIATURE POODLE PUPPIES. Chocolate-3 males, Chocolate & White, Parti-Male, $700. Ready Labor Day. 704-692-1185.
BELGIUM MALINOIS PUPPIES. 6 week old Belgium Malinois puppies need forever homes. Text me for more information 252 259 2490. (252) 259-2490 charorrin@gmail. com
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES CKC registered. Located in Kings Mountain, NC. Dad is AKC/CKC registered. Mom is CKC registered. Born 6/19/2024. Sables, Black/Tans, and Solid Blacks. De-wormed at 2, 4, & 6 weeks and puppy vaccines at 6 weeks. Both Mom and Dad are on site and have been DNA tested through Embark $900 Please call or text (704) 466-2796

FULL BLOODED MINI SCHNAUZER PUPPIES. Beautiful full blooded Mini Schnazuers. UTD on shots, tails docked, well socialized ready to go to their forever home. Text or call 704-616-6273. More pictures can be seen on FB Lisa’s Mini Schnauzers. (704) 616-6273 lpastore3@yahoo.com
GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES. Big & beautiful, were born to AKC registered Magnus vom Walls (100lbs) & Mishka (88lbs). Magnus is 5th in the US Seiger show and is the off spring of Negus de Marka IGP3. 4 males & 2 females available July 19. Puppies come with shots, Vet health screening, packet to include registration. 828-292-3001, 828-455-9988 rsutak26@hotmail.com (828) 292-3001 rsutak26@hotmail. com
BLUE HEELER / LABRADOODLE PUPPIES. Buy one for $100 or two for $75 each. Four and half months old. No Sunday calls. 828-829-3476.
CKC BOSTON TERRIERS. 1 male and 1 female born 5/20/24. Vet checked and vaccinations current. $600 (980) 389-3747 jbrbsmith18@gmail. com
AKC MINI SCHNAUZER FOR SALE. 12 weeks old, calm & loving. $400. 704-915-0004.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES. 9 weeks old, had first shots, wormed and vet checked. Not registered, parents on site. Call David (828) 429-8054 malaismom@gmail.com
2004 HONDA ODYSSEY 232,290 miles. $1200, ed@filtersfortap.com

2003 FORD SUPER DUTY F-250 Automatic, 7.3 Lite V-8 Engine. Tan Leather Interior. Upgrade Maintenance that included New Turbo and Injectors. Have Service Documents. Pioneer Radio. Only 138,800 miles. $28500.00. Call (704) 300-1818

2007 FORD EXPLORER 176,250 miles. $3500, (407) 724-1165 Cad0957sr@yahho. com

CARGO VAN E-250 Utility Van. Has ladder rack and tool & supply racks with Buckhead gate behind driver seat. 222,000 miles. Cold A/C. Automatic. New Battery & Wiper Blades. $5950.00 OBO. Call (704) 300-1818
2002 Buick Park Avenue, 98,000 miles, $5500. Winchester Model 94 30-30 Rifle, $650. 30-30 Ammo $20 a box. American Arms 5 shot pistol 2 cylinders, 22LR, 22MAG $350. (980) 341-9332

7.3 Diesel Power Stroke, Removable Pipe Rack. Flat Bed. 146,000 miles, PW, PDL, 5 Speed Manual, $18,500. Call (704) 300-1818
2011 NISSAN SENTRA. 2011 Nissan Sentra, 144,000 miles. (704) 481-7143
DHS. Low mileage good condition, excellent interior, fair paint. $1600. I just bought a new car. (980) 291-2605

44,700 miles. $30000, 2nd Owner. Barn kept, low mileage. Up to date federal inspection. Alcoa Wheels. 20 ft bed. Used as nursery delivery truck only and sold nursery and no longer need truck. No CDL required (828) 713-3531 brad@greenriverbotanicals.com
170,000 MILES. $5800, sunroof, very good condition. Just spent $2000 on new alternator, rear brakes & sensors, etc. Tires almost new. $5800. (828) 394-8277

CAMPER TRAILER CONQUEST GULFSTREAM 2021. 18ft, Camper Trailer. Electric awning and gas, sleeps 4-5! $11,500 or best offer! Plus extras tools! Like new! (704) 4199747
1979 HARLEY DAVIDSON FXR 80. This Classic Motorcycle is Practically All Original! It Runs Great!. Only $7900. MUST SEE! Call (704) 4877894

2013 HARLEY DAVIDSON ULTRA CLASSIC. 1850CC, new battery, very clean, great condition, asking $9,000. 2009 Yamaha VStar 1300CC, new tires & battery, asking $5,500. 828-289-8943
2006 YAMAHA. 3300 miles. $3350. 704-769-0447

1999 HONDA GL1500 SE. New timing belts & tensioners. Air horns, heel/toe shifter, luggage rack. As of now 28,739 miles. $5,500 cash only! Flags do not go with the bike. 828-429-7495. 2023 HONDA CMX REBEL 500. Blue on Black, gold rims, 6 year extended warranty, helmet with sound system included. 2000 miles. $6500. (704) 4665880

LAND FOR SALE, CAMP GROUND on land. Price lowered $160 to $150. 828-4530828. 3795-3925 Hollis Road, Ellenboro, NC 28040

FURNISHED CABOOSE for rent in Vale. $1650 includes utilities & internet. Private parking, patio, fire pit, in house laundry. 500 sq. ft, Tiny house, 2BR, 1BA, full size tub & refrigerator, fenced yard for dog. Contact 828-228-4016 for more information.
HOMES. Nice and clean, water furnished. Oak Grove Community, Kings Mtn. Call or text, (704) 739-0259

HICKORY CREEK APARTMENTS FOR SENIORS. (62 and older), disabled (50 and older). Shelby. Now taking applications for waiting list. 418 East Warren Street, Shelby. (704) 487-6354
135-22 WIGGINS LANES, KINGS MTN, NC. Singlewide. 3 bedroom 2 bathrooms. Rent $1375, Deposit $1375, App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
107-2 OAK DRIVE, LAWNDALE, NC. DUPLEX, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $975, Deposit $975, App Fee, $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
LOCATED IN SHELBY NC. Is currently accepting applications for our 2 and 3 bedroom Townhomes. Rent is based on income (and even some expenses are deducted). Call or visit today! 1526 Eaves Road, Shelby, NC or call for more information. Equal Housing Opportunity. (704) 487-1114
MOVE IN SPECIAL. 2 & 3 Bedroom, deposit required. Weekly rates. Includes power and water. NO PETS. NO TEXTING. (704) 473-4299 FOR RENT, KINGS MTN. Mobile Home on private lot, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. $1000 deposit, $250 week. NO PETS. Background & Credit Check required. (704) 466-9984
1321-A SOUTH LAFAYETTE STREET. Shelby, NC. Apartment. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $625, Deposit $625, App Fee $25 per adult. 704-2144180.
116 KENTBURY DRIVE, GROVER NORTH CAROLINA. Singlewide. 2 bedroom, 1.5 bedroom. Rent $925, Deposit $925, App Fee, $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
DUPLEX, 112 BOWMAN STREET, Shelby, NC. 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. Rent $675, Deposit $675, App Fee $25 per Adult. 704-412-4180.
1624-20 S. POST ROAD. Shelby, NC. Singlewide, 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom. rent $875, Deposit $875, App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
201 STOWE ACRES, KINGS MOUNTAIN NC. House, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom. rent $1175, Deposit $1175. App Fee $25 per adult. 704-214-4180.
COUNTRY LIVING NEAR POLKVILLE. 2 beds, 1 bath farmhouse on 2 acres. Central heat & air, No Pets or Smoking. Deposit + Background check required. $800. 704-487-5480.
LINCOLN COUNTY FOR RENT. $900.00 per month. $900.00 deposit. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, Cherryville area, no pets, no smoking. 704435-2542, leave message if no answer, 704-898-5208., (704) 435-2542 awb311@aol.com

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