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Issue 22 Autumn 2014




The Newsletter of Worcestershire Freemasons

Gifts by the hundred! Master plan to help small charities

Good Evans, he’s caught a fish

A three-year campaign to channel some lodge charity collections throughout the Province into a central fund is being launched by Worcestershire Masons in preparation for the 300th anniversary celebrations in 2017 of the formation of the First Grand Lodge in 1717. The scheme was announced by the Provincial Grand Master at the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge in June. R W Bro Robert Vaughan said: “I believe that support for our local small charities is always popular and worthwhile. With that in mind, I am asking every lodge to nominate three or four small charities or good causes that you would like the whole Province to support, culminating in 2017.

Opportunity “This is not an appeal in the traditional sense. It is an opportunity for every lodge to contribute, through its usual charity collections and proceeds of special events, to a new central fund entirely within the Province. “This will be one of my chosen charities for the next three years.” The PGM continued: “I hope that at the time we celebrate the Tercentenary a large number of charities will benefit from this fund. The already very successful Provincial Lottery will play a significant part in supporting it. “If lodge donations are made using Gift Aid, the grand total will again be enhanced.” The PGM emphasised that lodges will still be free to make individual gifts to charities of their choice but perhaps could allocate one or two collections a year to the central fund.

Equal share At the end of the day the grand total would be divided equally between the nominated charities at a series of presentations throughout the Province – providing an opportunity of showing Freemasonry at its best. He said “details are being sent to every lodge” and added: “I hope very much that you will take advantage of this opportunity to increase awareness of what Freemasonry is and does but, even more importantly, support many small but valuable charities which are frequently under-funded. “I can assure you that there is no shortage of these where, as I am sure you know, even a relatively small amount of money can make an enormous difference.”

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A moment of triumph for Assistant Provincial Grand Master Keith Evans as he catches his first ever fish. Sharing the glory is Peter Robinson, organiser of the Shropshire Masonic Fishing Charity. Suggestions that Keith asked that the fish be made bigger using Photoshop have been strongly denied... See story on Page 3.

Mike: a hard act to follow The announcement came out of the blue. It stated on the Provincial website:“After over seven years of unstinting service in this role, our much loved and highly regarded Secretary and Scribe E, Michael H R Cole has decided it is nearly time to hang up the tools of his trade (at least two pens in saltire, as well as his PC), and spend more time on the things he loves most. “He will leave the post at some point during this Masonic year.” No one appreciated Mike Cole’s support and expertise more than RWBro Richard Goddard during his term as Provincial Grand Master. He says: “Michael was an excellent Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, but an even better Provincial Grand Secretary. “He ran the Provincial office in Bromsgrove with quiet efficiency, always seeking to make economies so that Provincial dues could be kept to a minimum. While never afraid to call a spade a shovel (even in London!), he was always ready to help any lodge secretary or brother who needed assistance. “His administration for large Provincial

WBro Mike Cole

occasions was so thorough that the event appeared to run with effortless ease “I count myself most fortunate to have had Michael as my Provincial Grand Secretary for the majority of my tenure as Provincial Grand Master. I wish him well in his retirement, together with his lovely wife to page 4

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2 A new Worcestershire lodge is consecrated and the founder members line up for this historic photograph. See story on Page 10.


New boy Mark plans boost for mentoring A new initiative to place mentoring more firmly on the Provincial agenda has been launched, led by the new Provincial Mentor, Mark Lodge, and, as the PGM said in his annual address, “With a name like that how could he fail!” Mark, at 38, is one of the younger brigade. He joined Royds Lodge No. 1204 in Malvern when only 29 and was its WM in 2010. He approaches his new role with great enthusiasm but emphasises that he is only the central figure and will welcome input from all quarters. “Many lodges have very successful mentoring schemes and we all have something to learn from them”, he said. He is keen to put more structure into the business of developing new Masons, making them feel welcome and maintaining their interest in the early years. To this end he is assembling a series of guidance documents to help our many mentors, which he hopes will bring some consistency and support those lodges who are yet to implement a programme of their own. “After joining a lodge, making friends takes time and it’s

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important that lodge mentors, and indeed all members, do all they can to make our initiates feel like they really belong,” he said. He wants to get mentors together too and plans to hold two training and education sessions where ideas can be exchanged and discussed. The first will be on Wednesday 29th October at Northfield and the second on Tuesday 25th November at Worcester. “I’m only the second Provincial Mentor”, he said, “and my predecessor, Nick Cripps, is a hard act to follow. He laid down a solid base and now, I feel, is the time to formalise our approach and work together to experiment with new ideas.” Among new initiatives are: A formal policy document, backed by the Provincial Grand Master, to put mentoring on a formal and firm footing. Personal development guides including a suggested template lodges can adapt to make their mentoring programmes more structured. A Welcome Brunch: new members and their wives or partners were invited to a

The new Provincial Grand Mentor, Mark Lodge.

social event at Worcester Masonic Hall on Sunday 28th September. Over 80 attended and it was a happy and successful occasion. A Welcome Evening: new members and their mentors from across the Province will be brought together at a special lodge meeting. The Provincial Orator, Jeremy Mallin, will give a fascinating talk on the first degree. A festive board will follow and we hope this will be one of the highlights of the season. Mark said, “All this is aimed at making absolutely sure that every man who comes into Masonry is made to feel very welcome.” You can call him on 01806 238315, or e-mail mentor@

£200,000 for the cathedral The Worcestershire Province has pledged to fully fund the cost of the complete refurbishment of the Music School at Worcester Cathedral and the PGM handed over a cheque approaching £200,000 at the annual Service there on July 13. The award was in large part made possible by a very substantial bequest from the estate of the late W Bro Derek Bullivant, a Past Master of the Lodge of Hope and Charity 377. Announcing the award at the Provincial AGM the PGM said: “This means that the busy musical life of the cathedral... will benefit from a new efficient and safe environment for decades to come.”

Open day at Malvern Freemasons held an Open Day to coincide with the Malvern Civic Week celebrations in the town and lots of local people took the opportunity to go along to the Masonic Hall on Belle Vue Terrace to see something of what Freemasonry is all about. Highlight of the day was when Tony O’Donnell, Chairman of the management committee at the hall, welcomed Harriet Baldwin, MP for West Worcestershire, and George Barrow, Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Guests learned that this year about £5000 had been raised for charity.

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3 The Worcestershire Branch of the Masonic Fishing Charity is up and running and held its inaugural meeting on 20 August at Pool Hall Fisheries, Alveley, near Bridgnorth. Far more than just a day’s fishing though, it helps participants from challenged backgrounds to gain in confidence, meet new challenges, and achieve tangible results to take away. Our day was in aid of 12 Young Carers from the Dudley and Stourbridge area run by Spurgeons. Young Carers are youngsters who provide care for their families due to their parents’ illness or disability. They get little time to lead a child’s life and work long hours to provide help for their family. A day out fishing provided a great break from their everyday life. It was great to see them happy and enjoying the company of other children and their fishing instructors from our Branch. The fishing was excellent and some 120 fish were caught , the best catch was a 6lb monster and the

The children show their certificates – mementoes of a great day out. Mel McFarland is on the left.

Joy beside the pool smallest was caught by our Assistant PGM Keith Evans. It was the first time he had ever fished. These days wouldn’t be possible without the kind support of our sponsors we would like to thank the following: - Sid Matthews, a Worcestershire & Shropshire Mason for providing the pool; Graham Gough a young Mason in Caer Caradoc Lodge of Caradoc Coaches who

transported the children; Tinkable Ltd of Stourbridge, whose David Kelly gave us a £200 donation; Mr & Mrs R. Newhall of Stourbridge for their generous donation, and the fishermen and helpers who gave their time and help; Peter Robinson, Organiser of the Shropshire Branch, and his wife Petrina, for their constant support and guidance. We have so many more

By Mel McFarland Organiser, Worcestershire MFC

smiles to catch - our fledgling Branch needs Masons and non-Masons to sign up as Fishermen or Helpers. Help us Catch More Smiles! *Mel McFarland is a member of Swinford Lodge, Provincial Grand Stewards, and Edward Frederick Hanson. You can contact him on 01694 771 288 or e-mail melmcfarland@btconnect. com or view the Charity’s website at

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08/10/2014 13:18

4 Members of Northfield Lodge having fun. They were attending the Army v. Navy rugby match at Twickenham along with friends, family – and prospective members.

Candidates galore Northfield Lodge 5056 are currently enjoying an amazing success in attracting candidates. What is their secret? PAUL WONG, the lodge secretary and Provincial Grand Deputy DC, reports... Since January 2010 Northfield Lodge have initiated 16 candidates and attracted four joining members. We are due to initiate a further three candidates this year and are planning a potential six candidates for 2015! So what’s the recipe for success? What comes first, young enthusiastic members or steady supportive past masters? It’s the proverbial chicken and egg situation though to us at Northfield they are equally important. Many lodges will say this, but do you walk the walk as well as talk the talk? What we have found to be one of the more successful methods for recruitment has been our social functions. We run at least two a year where we encourage members to bring friends and family. The next element to success is openness. We talk regularly to friends who are not masons about our lodge and the various events we hold. Our social functions conclude with a quick visit to the temple and an explanation (in part) of what the room layout means. We ran an evening in 2010 and invited as many gentlemen friends and family as we could muster.Twentytwo gentlemen attended and we ran a presentation by the

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Paul Wong

then Provincial Mentor, W.Bro Nick Cripps, and conducted a question and answer session in the lodge room. The evening concluded with a simple two-course meal which the regional fundraising manager for the County Air Ambulance attended and she was presented with a cheque from the lodge for £500. The gentlemen attending could clearly see where our charity collections go and hear from them what receiving that

charity means to them. Was this evening a success? Out of the 22 attending, 18 asked for more information, two of that number went on to join other lodges, six have been initiated into our lodge and a further ten, we hope, will be initiated during the remainder of 2014 and 2015. We’ve been busy! This year has seen us conducting two ceremonies per meeting; Raisings followed by Initiations, Passings followed by Initiations. Consequently, our junior brethren are now doing more and more, from volunteering to undertake work on the floor to ‘back room’ duties. This is definitely something which I would encourage other lodges to take on active encouragement of newer brethren to take on little roles and tasks. Growth is Easy? No it’s not! It takes the whole lodge to be engaged. You need to be inventive, you need ideas and enthusiasm, and you need support. All the points raised here are equally important. Northfield Lodge’s success may be a lucky combination of all of them. When I’ve worked out the perfect formula I’ll let you know!”

Growth is Easy? No it’s not!

From page 1

Mike Cole to retire

Janet who gave him full support. He will be a particularly hard act to follow.” Richard’s thoughts were echoed by his successor as PGM, RWBro Robert Vaughan. He said: “The Province owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Michael Cole and we will all miss his enthusiasm, knowledge, and the fact that, with Mike, you always know exactly where you stand! “The combination of his managerial skill and previous experience as Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies equipped him to make what is undoubtedly a unique contribution to Worcestershire Freemasonry. “His planning of the complexities of the major ceremonial events has always been impeccable with the result that when the “big day” arrived, we could all be at ease and confident of a successful outcome. On the rare occasion when things did not go exactly to plan, issues were resolved before most of us even knew that they existed. “Michael’s commitment, supported by his wife Janet, has been total. For example when we arrived early at Worcester for the Cathedral service last July, Mike and Janet were already there, busy setting out the guests’ place cards and checking the table plan. “I shall certainly miss Michael’s knowledge and support but I’m sure that our friendship will continue and that Michael will remain involved in the life of the Province for many years to come.”

New menu

The long history of PattersonHughes catering at Kings Heath has ended as Andy Roxburgh has hung up his saucepans. New caterers are Prince of Wales Catering under the direction of Lorraine Hutton. Kitchen contact: 0121 441 1764. All online ordering should be placed using www.

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How Ken found the world of Masonic stamps Ken Elston had been a stamp collector for ten years before he discovered an exciting new world – Masonic stamps! Now he and his wife Mo are leading lights in this aspect of the hobby – Ken as chairman

Farewell to Bernard Worcestershire Masons and golfers gathered at Kings Norton Parish Church to say farewell to W Bro Bernard Preston, PPrJGW, an honorary member of his lodge, St Oswald, No 5094, who died four days before his 100th birthday. Bernard was a club golf professional all his life, serving at Kings Norton Golf Club and the Lickey municipal course.

of the Masonic Philatelic Club and Mo as editor of the club’s magazine. “There are thousands of stamps throughout the world bearing Masonic symbols,” said Ken, who is a member of Pathfinder Lodge 8596 and Thistle Lodge 5064, both meeting at Northfield. The club has about 300 members and we are always delighted to welcome new collectors.” Interested brethren should e-mail the club secretary Peter Nason, on The Library and Museum at Rainbow Hill has a fine collection of Masonic stamps, a legacy from the late Tony Walker. “They are in albums and are not at present on display but can be seen at any time,“ said the Curator, John Tapson.

This King George VI stamp was issued in 1946 a year after WWII and symbolises Peace and Reconstruction. It is a miniature Tracing Board: the King’s head is in the east; there’s a dove bearing an olive branch, bricks and cement, a trowel, a square and compasses, the twirls of a cable tow – and the face value, 3d, could represent the three degrees.

Lunch at the Museum Members, their wives, and guests of Dewi Sant Lodge No. 9135 enjoyed a highly successful Sunday visit to the Provincial Museum followed by lunch and wine, all for £20 a

head. The well supported outing was arranged by Worshipful Master Ken Dunham. Afterwards, a collection raised £150 towards Museum funds.

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6 Rob Waldron with his trophy.

Gift of the gab Stourbridge Speakers Club has for the first time in its 52 year history produced a national champion – and he is a Worcestershire Mason . Man with the gift of the gab is 36-year-old Rob Waldron, Junior Warden of St Kenelm Lodge 6082. He was crowned National Topics Champion after winning his way through to the finals at Glasgow. Contestants were given a word or phrase and had to produce an interesting, informative and structured three minute speech with only about 30 seconds thinking time! “The club meetings are fun and very helpful for Masons in delivering ritual,” said Rob. Anyone interested in joining the Stourbridge club should call the secretary on 01527 835 161. There are other clubs in Redditch, Solihull, Yardley (B’ham),and Wolverhampton. For more information go to the website:

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Vern Littley in a World War One English uniform and a colleague in a German one when they enacted the celebrated Christmas Truce at Ypres.

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Old soldiers never die. . . They live on in Vern’s EattleĂ€elGs toXrs Talk to Vern Littley about his role as an accredited member of the Guild of BattleďŹ eld Guides and you quickly realise that it is not just a job to him. Vern, in the Army for 25 years and now a lecturer at Worcester College, lives and breathes the work as he researches the records of soldiers who died 100 years ago in the First World War. “As I dig deeper I ďŹ nd these men come alive,â€? he said. “To me they are not just names on a roll of honour. As I learn more about them they become esh and blood and I feel I actually get to know them.â€? Such enthusiasm lends colour and extra interest to

the tours as Vern conducts parties to the battleďŹ elds and cemeteries at Ypres and the Somme.


Always supporting Vern in these forays is his father Bruce “acting as my batman.â€? Both are keen Freemasons. Vern is a member of Dormer Lodge No. 7294 at Kings Heath where his father Bruce was recently the WM for the fourth time and Vern was also recently the WM of the Thomas Harper Lodge, a research lodge in Warwickshire. Their research goes far beyond visits to the battle ďŹ elds. On-going investigation has revealed at least ďŹ ve

inaccuracies in the Web identiďŹ cation of the men on the commemorative plaque on display at Rainbow Hill which names Worcestershire Masons killed during WW1. Also under their intense scrutiny is the plaque at Kings Heath marking the death of Harry Cecil Mason in 1918 who had been initiated by special dispensation at the age of 18 into MaseďŹ eld Lodge No. 2034. He died at 20 – possibly the youngest Freemason killed during WW1.

Vern Littley sits astride a famous old WW2 German Tiger tank in Normandy.

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08/10/2014 13:18


Provincial Chapter Rings the Changes Royal Arch At the Annual Convocation at Birmingham University on Saturday 12 April the new Executive team were Installed. E. Comp. Michael Taylor, PAGSoj was appointed Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Michael Cox,PAGDC, Second Provincial Grand Principal, and E. Comp. John Phenix, PGStB, as Third Provincial Grand Principal. This meeting was as always very well attended and our congratulations not only go to the new Executive Team but also to all those Companions who received Appointments or Promotions.


Business Award

At the Annual Investiture of Supreme Grand Chapter on 1 May, the following Companions from the Province were Appointed or Promoted: Appointments, E. Comp. Keith M Evans, ProvDC as Acting Grand Standard Bearer, E. Comp. Barry J Griffin and E. Comp. A. John Yeates Past Grand Standard Bearer. Promotions: E. Comp. Robert C. Vaughan, PGStB, Acting Deputy Grand Sword Bearer, and E. Comp. Richard G. H. Goddard, PGSw.B., Past Grand Scribe Nehemiah.

At the West Midlands Institute of Directors Annual Awards evening, one of our well known Companions, E. Comp. T. M. L. Jones, PPrGSN, was the Corporate Social Responsibility Award Winner: Tim is head of employment law at Higgs and Sons.

First Principals Sunday 1 June was a beautiful day and saw 63 Companions, their friends and ladies of the Worcestershire Installed First Principals Chapter No. 6889 assemble at the Chateau Impney, Droitwich Spa, to enjoy the Annual Luncheon. The weather, ambiance and quality of the food could not have been better and some £247 was raised for Breast Cancer Charity.

Beyond the Craft On Thursday 29 May the Craft Training & Education Committee, under the leadership of W. Bro. S. J. Wyer, P.S.G.D., organised an extremely successful “Beyond the Craft Fair” set up in Number One and Two Dining Rooms at Kings Heath.. W.Bro. Wyer mentioned during the preceeding seminar a worrying statistic regarding the number of Past Masters who resign or leave the Craft within a few years of “Passing the Chair”. It is thought that this is because they are unaware, or have not considered, what else lies beyond pure Craft Masonry. It was apparent that the Holy Royal Arch and the other Orders were totally committed to the event and its success was plain to see with over 140 Masons in attendance.

If you need help... Depression can strike anybody at any time and that’s why the Masonic Samaritans Fund last year launched its Counselling Careline. Its aim is to help Freemasons and their dependants to receive support for their emotional wellbeing, as well as physical health and

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mobility. Over 350 people have already been given swift access to the specialist counsellors who operate the Careline. To access it, call the MSF Grants Team on 020 7404 1550. There are no forms to complete or financial assessment required.

On Sunday 11 May some 61 Companions and Partners, together with Grand Chapter Officers and Past Provincial Grand Officers, gathered at Kings Heath for the Annual Celebratory Luncheon. The event is held in recognition of those who gained First Appointments or Promotions at the April Convocation. It was an extremely successful occasion. As is the custom, the Grand Superintendent’s lady (above) was presented with a bouquet as a token of the Province’s thanks for all her support during the year.

Festival Hosts Representatives from every Mark Province in England and Wales, along with many overseas visitors, are expected to attend as Worcestershire host the Mark Grand Benevolent Fund’s 147th Anniversary Festival to be held next year on Saturday 4 July at the Chateau Impney Hotel in Droitwich.Booking forms are now available for the Festival Dinner and accommodation at www.

worcestershiremarkpgl. This year’s festival was hosted by Buckinghamshire and many Worcestershire Mark Masons travelled to Milton Keynes in support. Other news: A recent steam special “Elegant Excursions” running on the GWR line along the foot of the Cotswolds between Laverton and Cheltenham raised a magnificent £1,438 for the Festival Appeal.

success KEEP IN Kidderminster lodges are hoping to grow their numbers after opening their doors to the public during Heritage Weekend. Of the hundred or so visitors, a number expressed a strong interest in the Craft. The event also resulted in a massive two-page spread in the Express & Star newspaper under the heading “Inside secret world of Masons.” While realising the hazards of inviting the Press in, it was felt on balance that it was worth the risk – and so it proved as the article presented a favourable image of Freemasonry


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Around UK in nine days Brian Phillips, 68-year old Past Master of Lechmere Volunteer Lodge No 1874, left Worcester on his Triumph Tiger motorcycle – and nine days later returned to the city having ridden 3,141 miles in a grand tour around the coast line of the UK which took him into or near about 100 town and cities. The marathon ride which Brian dubbed “Tiger on the Loose”, was this selfconfessed motor cycle petrol-head’s idea to raise money for Lifelites, a charity

that gives life-limited and disabled children in hospices fun days’ out and helps in many other ways to enhance the youngsters’ lives. Brian, who is also a Past Master of Weatheroak Lodge No 7214, said “The ride went exceptionally well until a battery failure late on Saturday evening in Aberdeen. Bro Glenn Mernagh, ordered on line a replacement battery to be collect on route in Elgin on Sunday morning at 10.30 am (Halfords) problem solved!

Frankley generation game It was a joyous occasion when 20-year-old Joshua Lee O’Nyons was initiated because the young man was joining his father and grandfather as members of Frankley Beeches Lodge 5846 at Kings Heath. Grandfather Phil, Master of

the lodge in 2011 and now Treasurer , says: “My son Steven was initiated in 2012 and his son Josh last year. It was a great occasion, not only for myself but for the lodge. Because Josh was under 21, special permission was given by Grand Lodge.”

THE RIDE BEGINS. Left to right are Bro Richard Phillips, holding his son Nicholas, W Bro David Phillips, Brian, Bro Glenn Mernagh holding the flag and, in the driving seat , Miss Alexandra Mernagh.

“On the last day I was in Whitehaven (Cumbria) and decided to ride home in one go, a distance of 592 miles. It was a great ride, tough on the bike, tough on me, but all fine and working well the following morning.” The project was a team effort. W Bro Roger Holt, (Lechmere’s information Officer and Almoner, Bro Glenn Mernagh (Brian’s son-in-law), and the RAC were Brian’s back up on the ride. Also involved were

Bro Richard Phillips and W Bro David Phillips, the Weatheroak WM. Brian’s steed was an eight -year -old 955cc Triumph Tiger. He also owns a 1924 BSA 500 and sidecar, a 1938 Sunbeam , and a 1959 BSA Twin. Donations can be made to this wonderful cause on line at www.justgiving/ tigerontheloose2 For more information contact Brian on

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08/10/2014 13:18


On your bike at new lodge It was almost “standing room only” when Worcestershire’s newest lodge was consecrated at Kings Heath on Saturday 20th September. Upwards of 150 masons attended the comparatively rare ceremony, presided over by the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Robert Vaughan. The lodge, too, is a rare innovation. Called the Lodge of Progress No. 9893, its creation was inspired by brethren who enthuse about motorcycles. John Ling, the Provincial Communications Officer, had the honour of being elected the lodge’s first Worshipful Master. He said: “Our requirement for membership isn’t to actually own a motorcycle, it is merely to have an interest in those wonderful machines. “We simply like the sounds, the looks, the smells of motorbikes. Our ‘aka’ is ‘Brothers on Bikes’ - either riding them, or always ‘on’ about them. “Our membership consists

of all sorts of machines/ riders- from the very sporty (read ‘uncomfortable’), to the very laid back (and comfortable), from the small to the large, and the new to the (very) old. And that’s just the motorcycles.” The new lodge plans to meet four times a year. Apart from the annual installation, the other three will always be socials with associated ride-outs, along with pillion passengers. John Ling added: ”We are here to have fun, promote safe riding, and to promulgate the principles of motorcycling and Freemasonry - which have a lot in common. “We’ll also be a peripatatic Lodge, and plan to meet in other Provinces as well as parts of Worcestershire that don’t currently have formal Lodge rooms. All of our Lodge equipment will be able to be carried on bikes.” If you’d like to become a joining member, e-mail

Val tells of fight against illness The Ladies of the Province once again enjoyed their annual Charity Lunch, held while the brethren attended Provincial Grand Lodge in June. This year the chosen charity was Breakthrough Breast Cancer and Val Edwards, wife of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, gave a very moving account of her recent personal experience of the disease, her treatment, and the support given to her by the local branch of this charity. We were pleased to present them with a cheque for £1020. The Ladies’ Committee at Rainbow Hill organised several events over the year, including a Ball, a Valentine’s Dance, a Barn

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Dance, and a Strawberry Tea after the Cathedral Service. Nearly £2000 has been raised and the money spent on redecoration of the bar. Plans for the future are for a Quiz Night and a Dinner Dance, details from The Ladies Gift Fund, a joint venture with Staffordshire and Warwickshire Provinces, are holding the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 14th November, at the Masonic Hall, Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, with the wide range of craft stalls. Our PGM, Robert Vaughan, is to open the Fayre this year, so please join him on that morning and enjoy a cup of coffee and a pre-Christmas chat with old friends.

Action man Derek Action man Derek

W Bro Derek Taylor dons boxing gloves at the opening of the Redditch Community Amateur Boxing Club and seeing fair play is W Bro John Rice. Derek, who runs the Provincial Lottery, played a prominent part as a local councillor in getting the club set up and enlisted the help of John who negotiated two

grants from the Redditch Masonic Charity Co. The club aims to promote boxing and develop healthy exercise and general training facilities for the youngsters of Redditch and Bromsgrove. Derek didn’t actually engage in fisticuffs. “My opponent was too young to knock about,” he explained. Hmmm...

Tyler for 26 years Keith Whitehouse, Provincial Grand Tyler until he retired in June this year, has died suddenly at the age of 72. Certainly in his later years Freemasonry had become his life and it says much for the man that he achieved high office despite having to battle against bi-polar disorder . He was initiated into Shenstone Lodge No 7037 in 1966 and went on to join five other Craft lodges and three chapters. He was also a 31st degree mason in Rose Croix. He became a Tyler first in 1966 when he was appointed at Shenstone Lodge and was responsible for tyling for the Stourbridge group of lodges for 26 years. Altogether in his career he tyled for 14 Craft lodges and was Janitor for five Chapters.

Thank you Wendy Stokes of Primrose Hospice, Bromsgrove, is seen receiving a £500 cheque from W. Bro. Gerrard Oldham, Almoner to Bromsgrove Lodge No. 5414. The 19 brethren of the lodge raised the money to say thank you to the hospice for the way their volunteer workers and Macmillan nurses looked after W. Bro. David Luckham, a much respected member who died of cancer in December 2012.

New boost for lottery The Provincial Grand Master has renewed his appeal for all Masons to support the Worcestershire Masonic Lottery and to encourage their family and friends to join

in. It’s fun, costs only £5 a month, and you could win in the monthly draw. Ask your lodge Charity Steward for details or email: wmcolot@

08/10/2014 13:18


Our greatest secret asset MASONIC FLATS ‘A SUCCESS’ It is one of the Worcestershire Province’s greatest secret assets, says W Bro George Barrow about the Masonic Home for the elderly at Bromsgrove . George took over the chairmanship of the Home’s Board of Management from W Bro John Gorton shortly before being promoted to Assistant Provincial Grand Master over a year ago and admits that, like nearly every Mason in the Province, he had until then never visited the Home. “What I found was really impressive,” he said. “I had no idea how good and well maintained the Home is. Freemasons of the Province would be most welcome to come and visit to see for themselves.” His views were echoed by W Bro Colin Young, Past APGM, who has been secretary of the Board for many years. “The flats have proved to be a fantastic success,” he said. “To qualify for one you have to be a Worcestershire Mason or the widow of one. The flats give the residents

Resident Barbara Atkinson relaxes in her lounge at No.1 flat at the Masonic Home. Her son Philip is a Past Master and now Treasurer of Brandwood Lodge No.7679

safe, secure and comfortable accommodation where they can keep their independence. Some of them are now in their nineties; I think the life without stress keeps them happy and healthy. “They live in a very pleasant environment with a nice garden. There is a communal lounge where a weekly residents coffee morning is held, which is purely optional

A trip to remember Five members of Old Halesonian Lodge 7104 made a day trip to Nottingham for the annual Federation of School Lodges Annual Meeting. They were the Rev Lawrence Wallace, Dennis Nock, Les Chatwin, Ira Hampton, and the Worshipful Master, Dan Noble. Into the busy few hours there they packed lunch, the federation’s AGM,

Moseley’s 500th Moseley Lodge, No. 5224 was consecrated on 20 January 1931, and this year the members celebrated the lodge’s 500th meeting. Over 100 masons, including the Provincial Grand Master, who is an honorary member, were in attendance along with representatives from Warwickshire, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Essex, North Wales and Norfolk

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the lodge meeting of the hosts, Old Worksopian Lodge, and Evensong in the College’s St Cuthbert’s Chapel! They gave the evening banquet a miss in view of the 100-mile drive back home, during which they stopped off for supper at a hostelry. Next year’s annual meeting is on September 5 at Solihull, hosted by Shenstonian Lodge.

as we are careful not to impose any regimentation.”


Colin emphasised that the Home is not suitable for people who need nursing care, though there is a resident house manager, Jackie Freeth, who sorts out problems as they arise. Jackie has spent most of her life in Zimbabwe where her husband, Ian, was a prominent Mason. When Ian died in 2012, she came to live near his sister in Hagley and loves her new role. She took it on the manager’s job after the retirement of Sandra Jeynes. “I was in the right place at the right time,” said Jackie. “I’m very happy here and every day I call on all the residents to make sure they are all right.” Two of the 15 spacious flats have two bedrooms and the rest have one. Weekly rents are extremely competitive and the Home is selfsupporting. One of the flats

is reserved for visitors so anyone coming from a long distance can stay overnight if they wish at no charge. The creation of the Home was made possible by a special appeal which raised £500,000 in the 1980’s. Then in 2012 the financial situation was transformed when, “out of the blue,” the late W Bro David Barnett of Elmley Castle Lodge No 6247 left a financial legacy gift to the Home.


The Home is called EllardHanson Court. Edward Hanson, then Provincial Grand Master, was the founder of the project, and Harry Ellard was a prominent Worcestershire Mason who left a substantial legacy to Grand Lodge who, in turn, agreed to allocate part of the fund to build the Home. Anyone wishing to apply for one of the flats should write to the Secretary of the Board of Management, W Bro Colin Young, at the Provincial office.

‘A special Mason’ Right: The PGM congratulates W Bro Ken Stooke, PPSGW, after presenting him at the AGM with the rare and distinguished Certificate of Merit, only the 12th this century to be awarded in the Province. Ken joined Freemasonry in 1976 and in 1985/86 was Master of both Vernon Lodge at Stourport and St. John’s at Kidderminster. He is prominent also in Royal Ark Mariners, Mark, and other Orders. The citation stated: “Ken has supported Freemasonry in both Stourport and Kidderminster all his Masonic life, a special Mason and a friend to everyone he meets.”

08/10/2014 13:18


High drama on the mountain Charity climb becomes rescue operation Worcester Freemason Martin Davies hadn’t reckoned with this. There he was in an epic attempt to climb a Welsh mountain 12 times in 24 hours – and he found himself in the middle of a rescue mission! He’d climbed Pen-y-Fan in the Brecon Beacons twice and was on the third in the dark when his head-light picked up a German family in trouble. The mother was in agony with stomach cramp and wanted a hospital. “We were about a mile from

Martin Davies (left) with Sian Powell, a well-known athlete from Stourport, and a friend, Adrian Wills of Kidderminster, who both shared some of the climbs with him.

the car park ,� said Martin, “ so we couldn’t leave them there. It took an hour to get the lady down and we took her to the hospital in Merthyr, then went to my mother’s in Caerphilly for four hours’ sleep. “The fourth ascent started

at 5.30am and all went well. Then, coming down on the ďŹ fth, I took a tumble and smashed my left knee up and damaged my ankle. “I thought it was all over but took painkillers and decided to try a sixth climb. On No.7 I fell again and opened up my knee again. It was becoming a nightmare. “Later my cousin turned up with her husband, a Mason from Merthyr. He’s ex-Army and he sorted my wounds out. Then he made me eat and drink lots of water and I felt a bit better and pushed on for 8, 9, 10, and 11 and crawled up and down No.12. “Back in the car park other walkers handed me sponsorship money and their kind words boosted my morale. “I’d covered 48 miles and climbed and descended 21,500ft, all inside 24 hours. I’d done it!â€? Now Martin is back safely with his family and looking forward to his year as Inner Guard of St John’s Lodge 6414 at Kidderminster. His epic effort has so far raised ÂŁ1,650 for the Teenage Cancer Trust– but Martin’s fund is still open.

Martin Davies and Sian Powell celebrate on the summit of Pen-y-Fan.

To contribute please send your cheque to made out to “Teenage Cancer Trust� to:

Martin Davies 52 Beaulieu Close, Kidderminster, DY11 5EE..


Museum on BBC TV The Provincial Library and Museum is going on the telly! A BBC crew swarmed all over our famous artifacts as they prepared a TV programme for Bargain Hunt. The production team, including presenter Tim Wonnacott and, of course, our own Philip Serrell, spent several hours at Rainbow Hill and showed particular interest in the vast display


of pottery and Napoleonic medallions. The programme will be shown later in the year. At the L&M’s Annual General Meeting, the Chairman, Colin Young, outlined a vision of the Library and Museum at Rainbow Hill for the foreseeable future, though expressed disappointment at the low number of L&M representatives in attendance.


Published by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire, 94 Bromsgrove Road, Bromsgrove B61 DDF. APPEAL 2011 Editor Peter Ricketts 01562 630794. E-mail – Communications OfďŹ cer and Source Advertising Manager John Ling – 07866 9890357. E-mail – To place an advertisement or for information and to send reports, contact John Ling.

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08/10/2014 13:18

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