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Lodge Information Officers Guide:

Provincial Grand Lodge of Worcestershire

John Ling December 2014, With thanks to the Province of Somerset for their permission to reproduce a large proportion of their work.

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Contents: 1: Introduction .................................................................................................... 3 2. Lodge Information Officer role, and skills needed: ..................................... 4 3: Communicating with your own members .................................................... 5 4: Publicising your Lodge activities .................................................................. 6 5: Provincial Website ............................................................................................. 7 6: Worcestershire Source Magazine ................................................................. 8 7: Social Media and Lodge Websites ................................................................. 9 Lodge's own Website creation:.....................................................................................................................9 8: Press ................................................................................................................ 10 9. Photographs .................................................................................................. 12 10. Contacts ....................................................................................................... 14 11. Creating your own articles on the Provincial Website ........................... 15 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 15 2. Internet devices and browsers ............................................................................................................. 15 3. Account creation ......................................................................................................................................... 15 4. Article Creation............................................................................................................................................ 21 5. Event Creation.............................................................................................................................................. 24

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1: Introduction

Background for Lodges: This guide is written with the Lodge Information Officer in mind, and to help him fulfill his role as a key member of the Lodge. Lodges are encouraged to appoint a Lodge Information Officer at Installation, along with the other offices. Whilst it is not an official office, and has no collar, it is nevertheless a most important role, to ensure the Lodge members both receive a constant flow if information about other Lodges, the Province and UGLE, as well as promoting your own Lodge through the media available today. The role can often be combined with secretary, or other offices. However, it is something that perhaps at times can be given to a 'younger' brother, who may often have the skills needed, and who would view this as an excellent opportunity to understand more about the wider world of Freemasonry, as well as being able to contribute actively to his own Lodge. The Lodge Information Officer: As Lodge Information Officer (LIO) it is your responsibility to keep your members informed of news both from within the Province of Worcestershire and from wider sources such as UGLE. It is also your responsibility to publicise your Lodge’s activities to the rest of the Province as well as to the general public where appropriate. Not only will your efforts keep your own members well informed, it will also project the activities of your Lodge (and Freemasonry in general) in a positive light to the public. This guide is written to help Lodge Information Officers understand their role, and to give them some tools and ideas to develop for the benefit of their Lodge and the Craft in general. Comments and improvements on this document should be directed to the Provincial Communications Officer, John Ling, on pco@worcspgl.org.uk

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2. Lodge Information Officer role, and skills needed:

Appointment: To be appointed/re-­‐appointed annually by the Worshipful Master. Suitable skills: The appointee should possess the skills and experience to undertake the key tasks competently: • Access to Email and the ability to use a computer and basic word editing packages should be regarded as essential. • Knowledge of Social Media would be advantageous (Face book, Twitter), and the ability to create and maintain these accounts if needed. Liaises with: Provincial Communications Officer, Information Officers of neighboring Lodges, Editor of the Source, Website and the Provincial Social Media Officer Summary of role: In collaboration with the Information Officers of adjacent Lodges, promote the presentation of a positive image of Freemasonry in the local community. • Disseminate relevant information from Grand Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge and other relevant sources to lodge members. • Recognise suitable events and prepare articles /reports for inclusion in the local media, Source, Provincial website and Social Media. • Key Tasks: Prepare and submit news items for the Source magazine and the Provincial Website. • Collaborate with Information Office colleagues, to seek suitable regular publicity for Masonic events and activities in the local media. • Encourage the Lodge to consider ways in which it might raise its profile and be recognised as a positive asset in the local community. • To maintain a listening watch for negative publicity and where this arises locally to inform the Provincial Communications Officer.

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3: Communicating with your own members

It is vital that members are made aware of what is going on in the Province and the wider Masonic world and that this is done in an efficient and timely fashion. You will be sent lots of information and press releases from numerous sources and you need to consider the best way to pass this on. It is tempting to collect all the information together and deliver a lengthy discourse at your regular meetings. This is perhaps the least attractive option as not all the members will be present, not all that are present will take in what you say, and it prolongs proceedings unnecessarily. It is much better that you pass information on in a timely fashion by email, or point members to the origin of the information (eg the Provincial Website). Consideration should also be given to creating a regular newsletter that can be emailed to the majority of members and posted to the decreasing number of people who are not online. (This is important to remember-­‐not everyone is online, or is able to easily access non printed information, especially our more senior Brethren).

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4: Publicising your Lodge activities

There are many opportunities to publicise what goes on in your lodge, both to the rest of the Province and the wider world that are not masons. Information can be directed to the Provincial Website, Worcester Source Magazine, and the Provincial Social Media accounts, as well as local non-­‐Masonic media, and your own Face book and Twitter accounts. Everything that goes on in your Lodge might be of interest, whether this is a simple comment about a regular meeting via Twitter, right through to a full feature on your Ladies Festival in a local paper. The short list of channels and their appropriate use could be: Outgoing: • Lodge meetings-­‐logged onto the Provincial Website calendar, uploaded annually, with updates when specific Labour is known. • Lodge social occasions-­‐publicise via the Provincial Calendar as well as a news item. • Lodge events and news such as charity donations, special occasions such as Centenaries or Certificate presentations-­‐use the news section of the Provincial Website • Reminders of events -­‐Twitter, Face book • General Lodge communications-­‐Face book group (if your Lodge has a large proportion of Brethren who use it-­‐easier than sending lots of emails) • Issuing press releases when appropriate (For example charity work, public work, public events such as Lodge room open days)

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5: Provincial Website

The Provincial Website is viewed not only by Worcestershire Masons, but also by brethren from other Provinces as well as members of the public. The Web editors are always very keen to receive newsworthy items but it is helpful if a few guidelines are followed when submitting articles. Articles should be in MS Word or .rtf format so that they can easily be edited to for inclusion. Do not use .pdf or other obscure file formats as these are often difficult to manipulate. Always try to include a good photograph (see photography advice) but send this as a separate file, which the web editors can then use to best advantage.

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6: Worcestershire Source Magazine

The Source magazine is distributed to all members of the Province of Worcestershire through email, website and some printed copies. It is a very useful way of publicising interesting items of Lodge news but, unlike the Provincial Website, there is a strict limit on space so only the “best” stories will make it into print. It is printed twice a year (Spring, Autumn), and a shorter electronic only version is sent in Winter and Summer. The editor is inundated with stories about cheque presentations so other news items are more likely to be included. The requirements for “copy” are the same as for the Provincial Website, that is to say the text should be sent MS Word or .rtf files only (not .pdf) with the accompanying photographs in a separate file. The national publication 'Freemasonry Today' can afford to be even more selective as it has national coverage, but there is no harm in sending copy to both publications. Articles for publication can be sent direct to Freemasonry Today via a link on their website (in “Contacts”).

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7: Social Media and Lodge Websites

The use of social media (Twitter, Face book etc.) in Freemasonry has increased dramatically in the last few years and many Provinces and lodges are making use of the technology to keep members informed and to promote our fraternity to the wider world. All sorts of Lodge news can be publicised through social media as well as dates of upcoming meetings and what ceremonies are being worked. Significant numbers of Lodges in Worcestershire are actively participating in Twitter (and to a lesser degree Face book), and there have already been initiates whose first contact was made through social media. Your Lodge might already be participating but, if not, it should be one of the responsibilities of the LIO to seek to establish a presence. This does not necessarily have to be run by the LIO himself, as any suitable member can do it on behalf of the lodge. The Provincial Communications Officer is very happy to give advice on the more technical aspects of setting up and running social media accounts. Whilst they are relatively simple to set up, they add the most value when they are frequently updated (i.e. weekly, or even daily for Twitter).

Lodge's own Website creation: Many new candidates are attracted through a Lodges own website, and members can use the website as a useful repository of Lodge history, as well as a public communication vehicle for Lodge events and happenings. Lodges should strongly consider setting up a website if they haven't done so already. There is a good deal of guidance and support available on the Provincial website: http://worcspgl.org.uk/introduction-­‐2 There is usually a training session held once a year for budding Lodge website creators. Setting up a website can seem onerous especially if not familiar with the internet. However, with some basic skills they are easily edited, and can be easy to set up with some help.

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8: Press

The local press is always on the look out for interesting stories from their catchment area. Whilst space is usually limited in their publications, most have websites where stories often appear even if they do not make it into hard copy so it is worthwhile sending in a press release to publicise your activities. To give your information the best chance of inclusion, it should be sent in the form of a press release. Procedure for compiling a press release: • Ensure that the content is newsworthy. • Always produce in double spacing or one-­‐and-­‐a-­‐half spacing. • Always compile with wide margins. • Start release with word Begin at the top left corner. • Use short but descriptive heading -­‐ bold and underlined. • Never produce copy with honorifics e.g. W. Bro Smith said ....and W. Bro Jones added... etc. If the release is published (doubtful), readers will either not have a clue what you are talking about or will get bored and not read further. Just use forenames and surnames. If there are several people in a photograph, just say, Members of ...Lodge. • Always include an interesting photograph. Try to avoid groups of grinning faces behind a large cheque! • Use only photographs of high resolution that will reproduce well in newsprint. At least 1MB in file size (ideally 2MB+) • Don't ramble with copy. Keep to the point and try to keep to one side of A4. Journalists are limited to space in printed publications. Use good English and pronunciation and always read through and check spelling at least once prior to forwarding. • Break up copy into paragraphs. It is easier to read. • When copy is completed, use the word End at bottom left. • If a photograph is included, state who is featured from left to right. Again only use forenames and surnames In single spacing then add a line detailing the media contact (normally you!).

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Sample press release: Begin: Children's Hospice South West receives £2,150 from Taunton Freemasons The remarkable sum of £1,650 was raised for the Children's Hospice SW at Charlton Farm facility at Wraxall by Freemasons from the Queen's College Lodge at Taunton as a result of a raffle and auction. These fundraising events were held at their annual Festive Lunch to which ladies and guests were invited. "Matched funding" of £500 was added by the Somerset Masonic Charities committee, bringing the total donated to £2,150. The cheque was received by Kylie Gallagher, the Community Fundraiser for the Children's Hospice. Details of how donations can be made to the Children's Hospice SW may be found on : http://www.chsw.org (insert a hyperlink into the document to make it easier for the reader to follow it) Details of Somerset Freemasons may be found on www.somersetfreemasons.org End Media Contact: Your name, ....Lodge Information Officer Your email address and phone number Further advice and details of local press contacts can be obtained from the Provincial Communications Officer.

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9. Photographs

For special occasions, there are a number of Provincial Brethren who are either enthusiast or professional photographers, and can be called upon to be present and take photos for you. See the contact section or contact the PCO for support. However, as LIO you should be equipped with a camera at all Lodge meetings. Nothing fancy is required. A simple compact digital camera with inbuilt flash will suffice. Smartphones are increasingly equipped with good quality cameras and can be used as well. Just make sure the resolution is set to 'high'. REMEMBER-­Photos are NOT allowed to be taken whilst a Lodge is open for business. All photographs should be taken when the Lodge has been closed, or called off. Tips on submitting a photograph for publication Make your photo interesting. Take your time. Remember what you see through the viewfinder/on the screen is what readers will see. Check it afterwards and re take if necessary. Try to avoid photos of people holding up an oversize cheque. There are too many of these. Shaking hands with the beneficiary is better. Use your imagination. Take several shots even if your subject has remained stationary. Out of five shots you should get one good one. Compose your picture. Take a moment to centralise you main subject. Don't rush. People like to look their best. Pay attention to detail -­‐ straighten collars, make a special note of the position of arms and hands. If someone is seated make sure they have their knees together. In a group shot, those seated look better with their hands on their knees. Check out the background -­‐ avoid fire exit signs, clutter, etc., -­‐ the classic problem of plants growing out of people's heads. Move anything that looks out of place. Make sure they look at YOU when you take the shot. Do not allow distractions. Set your camera on the highest possible picture quality. Printed material requires a higher quality original than one viewed on a computer or published on the web. Please do not edit your photographs as this can reduce the quality. The end user will make them look their best. For website uploading, the image file size needs to be less than 2MB. Most image computer programmes allow you to shrink file sizes. For magazine publications, the higher the resolution, the better.

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Send the photograph as a separate file. If you are preparing an article for publication by someone else, please do not incorporate your photos into a Word document or PDF file. Just send it in by e-­‐mail as an attachment (.jpeg or .jpg) with a separate file containing the text. They can be combined to the best advantage by the recipient depending on the intended use.

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10. Contacts

Provincial Communications Officer John Ling E-­‐mail: pco@worcspgl.org.uk Worcester Source Magazine Editor Peter Ricketts E-­‐mail: p.ricketts@blueyonder.co.uk Provincial Social Media Officer TBA Provincial Photographers: TBA Source Advertising Manager: TBA Provincial Website Wayne Barker E-­‐mail: wayne.barker57@gmail.com Lodge Website guidance: Mark Lodge Email: mark@depmod.net Freemasonry Today http://www.freemasonrytoday.com

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11. Creating your own articles on the Provincial Website Rather than sending articles to the PCO to upload, it is easier (and appreciated) if you are able to create articles directly yourself. To do this, the above rules about articles and photographs apply of course, but also you will need an account with the Provincial Website in order to create, edit, and post your articles. There are several categories of 'article', ranging from a news item through to specific dated events that get posted on the Provincial calendar. These are the detailed instructions on how to set up an account and then to create an article: Provincial Website account training aide memoire

1. Introduction

This document is intended to show Lodge Information Representatives how to create an account on the Provincial Website and to add a news article and a lodge or other event to the calendar.

2. Internet devices and browsers

The use of any type of internet enabled device is permitted by the website, however, this document is created using a windows computer with a standard internet browser (in this instance it is Google Chrome browser). Having used many forms of device, I find that it is much easier to use a desktop computer with the full rather than mobile version of a browser.

3. Account creation

The Worcestershire Provincial website can be reached through two separate and distinct web addresses (URL’s) http://www.worcestershirepgl.org.uk and http://www.worcspgl.org.uk In each case the use of the ‘www’ is optional. To be able to create an account it is necessary to navigate to the following URL (web address) http://worcspgl.org.uk/worcsmember/login Having done so, the following will be displayed;

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You will then be presented with the below screen, enter the relevant details in the fields as required a red asterisk ‘*’ signifies a mandatory field (MUST be entered);

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Select the option for “I want to create an account”

Ensure you type your username and your email address correctly

The graphic needs to be copied exactly to show that you are actually a real person and not a computer trying to access the website When completed and checked, click this button.

Having entered your details you will see the below screen, if you see any other screen, follow the error message advice and redo the previous steps.

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Within a few seconds, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you entered (hence it must be entered correctly and accurately). The email simply advises of a request being logged, see below.

You will now need to wait until the Website team check your details as one of the Lodge Information Representatives, and then a second email will be sent. See below for an example.

Click this link to complete your account activation. Once you have clicked the account activation link, you will receive the below page. (See next page)

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Click this button to set your password and to complete your online profile.

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Enter all the details you can on this page and make sure your password has at least 8 characters and contains letters, numbers and a mix of upper and lower case!

Click save when completed

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Your account is now completed and you will see this screen

Feel free to update this regularly and add a picture if you like (it would help me if you did!) You can do that by editing the profile. The account you have created allows you to create Lodge and other Events for the calendar AND it allows you to add interesting News Articles. The remainder of this document deals with creating these. DO NOT WORRY ANYTHING YOU ADD DOES NOT GO LIVE FOR PUBLIC VIEWING UNTIL IT HAS BEEN MODERATED – YOU CAN DO NO HARM!

4. Article Creation

To be able to create anything on the website, you must log in first. Do this at http://worcspgl.org.uk/worcsmember/login as before. Once logged in, you will see a new black bar at the top of your screen as shown below

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This bar only appears whe you are logged in. Click Ad content to activate your new found editing rights!

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Having clicked, you will see the below menu. Only the News Article and Event are relevant to your account rights. Click News Article to start creating a new entry.

Again, enter your snappy title and article details. If you want to cut and paste from a word processor, click the button shown by the arrow. You can also add images and documents for the entry.

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Here you can choose what type of article this is and if it is also of interest to others. Finally click Save to save your article. Articles look better with pictures!

Once you have saved this article. A moderator will receive and email and will either publish it or ask you to amend the details or contact you to discuss it.

5. Event Creation

One of the great things about the new website is that you can create events such as regular lodge meetings, ladies nights, charity events, in fact any event you want to. The below screens show you how to do this. Again make sure you are logged on at http://worcspgl.org.uk/worcsmember/login And click the create content bar at the top left of the screen

Then select Event Page 24 of 26

Having done so, you will see the below screen, enter the details required, as before.

The second part of the form is on the next page.

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This part of the form allows you to choose Lodge, Location, Tags and add images and files. See the options below for Lodge and Location.

Note, these are optional. The next document in this series will deal with amending items once they have been moderated. Page 26 of 26

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