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Wayne Eksteen

Krugersdorp, South Africa

I, ek, can be defined as a complex molecular structure, bottled up in a tub of yummie jelly, a bit unstable, always nice to knibble on-but sometime I can be a bit too much-OH en het ek genoem dat my mond nie eintlik kan ophou babbel nie? Yeah, I do that too. I love to social, yet only when invited "I AM MOHAMMED, AND MY FRIEND ARE THE MOUNTAIN" - most times the mountains come to Mohammed..hehe I am a people person, I think once after acting twice (what a nightmare that can be)..I'm in love...AH SWEET LOVE - with the woman of my DREAMS (in reality of course!!) People who know me may say that I'm...(well they can fill the rest in on my space for notes) But Truely, ek kan nie omskryf word nie-elke dag moet daar nuwe woorde geskep word om my (eenvoudige kompleks) te omskryf.
