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Wayne Gorrett's Car Stuff
Can't write letters any more? Can't be bovvered with email? Join me on Twitter @WaynesWorldAuto It's only 140 characters...just enough for a 'Hello' or 'Howzit', depending how far back we go ;-) ----------------------------------------------------------- Wayne's World Auto Twitter: @WaynesWorldAuto http://waynesworldautobloguk.wordpress.com A semi-retired career marketing man and business marketing coach, I now enjoy exploring latent writing skills in a freelance capacity, writing primarily of motor cars and their associated lifestyles. I have also written marketing white papers, travel and lifestyle articles. Now, as a commissioned freelance motoring journalist with privileged access to the Press fleets of most of the UKâs mainstream car industry â and a few of the more obscure manufacturers, I produce car reviews, car launch and auto technology pieces for both conventional print and online publishingâ¦for a small stipend, you understand. Commissioning editors please get in touch. Let's see if there'