Subject: Food Safety Coaching Tutor: Wayne Focus: Session 4 - Covering Food and Staff Illness
Food Safety Coaching - Keeping Food Covered & Staff Illness
Cross Contamination
C Cleaning
Keeping Food Covered Keeping food covered helps protect it from harmful bacteria and from objects or chemicals getting into the food. In this kitchen there are separate cling-film cling dispensers that are used for raw and ready-to-eat ready eat foods to prevent harmful bacteria from spreading. You must always store cooked foods above any raw raw foods in fridges to help prevent harmful bacteria spreading from raw foods to ready-to-eat foods. Staff Illness Staff must be fit for work at all times. This means they must not be suffering from any illness that would cause a problem for food safety. Any Any member of staff who has vomiting and/or diarrhoea should report it to their manager and go home immediately. Staff who have had vomiting and/or diarrhoea should not return to work until they have had no symptoms for 48 hours. Any staff who are ill should shou go home immediately. Remember you need to stay at home 2 full days after the symptoms have stopped.
Online Learning
Food Safety Coaching Videos Online
www. showm