UiD Constitution 1. NAME Unity in Diversity (Hereafter referred to as “the group�). 2. AIMS To advance the education and training of asylum seekers and those granted refugees status and their dependants so as to advance them in life and assist them to adapt within a new community. We aim to:- Provide ESOL classes at Pre-entry, Entry 1 and 2 levels - Give additional learning opportunities, training and volunteer opportunities. - Provide a safe place to meet and network together with the wider community - Signpost people to other existing services for asylum seekers and refugees. - Work with other organisations in Swansea who provide for asylum seekers and refugees. - Help with application forms, official letters etc. - Give access to input from other projects such as story- telling, singing groups and awareness raising groups. - Provide a friendly environment where we eat a meal together. - Give opportunities for wider social activities such as football training. 3
TRUSTEES The group shall be managed by members who are all trustees. Officers are appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the group.
CARRYING OUT THE PURPOSES In order to carry out the purposes of the group the trustees have the power to:
raise funds, receive grants and donations
apply funds to carry out the work of the group
co-operate with and support other groups and charities with similar purposes
do anything which is lawful and necessary to achieve the purposes