Code please. Let the real fun begin.
Chances of stopping the leaks: zero
Let the li9le anarchist hacker deal with the legal system, as long as he is shut down.
Well, this is *quite* the dilemma. Who to believe?
Thanks Julian, you are a hero for democracy!!
It should not be leG to a windbag opinion columnist to determine if he is guilty or not guilty.
Wikileaks is an organizaHon, not a person.
This enHre Wikileaks fiasco smells of conspiracy., Inc., EveryDNS and PayPal, MasterCard – you are nothing but a group of spineless corporate wonders for abandoning Wikileaks.
FREE Assange!!!
Welcome to the brave new world of "1984" democracy.
The more I learn about this, the more I really like what WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has done.
Thought this was 2010, not 1955.
So this is how we sHfle dissent.
The more we learn, the more we peal back the truth about who runs the world, and how.
Keep reading...
Once flanagan is arrested for calling the on the assassinaHon of Julian Assange the majority of Law obeying Canadians are awaiHng harpers deportaHon to the Hague for his alleged war crimes.
Why I would NEVER go fight in a war and kill another human being ‐‐ all in the name of standing up for.....what?.
The less informaHon that hides in the shadows, the be9er.
They arrested Assange because he is very dangerous to the "Mafia system".
This is not about jusHce. This is clearly about revenge.
This guy will be tortured and killed we all know that.
We are living in the modern version of The Dark Ages.
We are all Julian Assange.
I have downloaded the insurance file. Just release the password Julian and the informaHon will be free!
How can you be denied bail when you turned yourself in?
Next on the list......... when will the stephen harper advisor who advocated assassinaHon turn himself in of is he hide out at COn HQ
Good clip of Assange's lawyer explaining the bogus charges. h9p:// v=uIgcKC‐b_FA
He peddled porn of too many naked emperors banging the hell out of lady jusHce.
So, there is a "ruling class" aGer all.
When did the Globe and Mail sink to the level of tabloids?
We need more Wikileaks. We should be out of Afghanistan now.
Is this journalism?
The _G & M_ should do some invesHgaHve reporHng.
So far Assange's only crime seems to be that he's "a bad date."
How much do you want to bet they have his children in Australia.
Liu Xaobao says Julian Assange is his hero!
OperaHon payback apparently shut down the web site of the Swiss bank that seized Assange's money.
They are going aGer PayPal.
Even aGer knowing what we know about the USA I sHll prefer tham as a neighbor over Iran, China or North Korea.
No transparency=no trust.
The tacHcs employed to suppress Assange, could be more revealing than the actual Wikileaks documents.
All the power to the man.
Both women boasted of their of their respecHve celebrity conquests on internet posts and mobile phones texts aGer the inHmacy they would now see him destroyed for.
Assange for the Nobel Peace Prize!
From comments I've read in newspapers around the world, I think the most dangerous thing any government could do right now would be to a9ack or prosecute Assange.
They must have a lot to hide. Too bad for them.
We have all seen enough Hollywood movies to know that they will do anything to stop exposure.
On the Wikileaks mirror sites; the main page says: "Could become as important a journalisHc tool as the Freedom of InformaHon Act." ‐ Time Magazine
Silencing Julian Assange and Wikileaks is CRIME TO HUMANITY.
And also one of the women accusing him has CIA Hes: h9p:// 2010/12/assange‐rape‐accuser‐cia‐ Hes/
We are at a criHcal Hme in history.
Which side are you on?
He is wanted for quesHoning in relaHon to an obscure prophylacHcs law that apparently says he had to use a condom when having casual sex.
CIA got him.
Oh yes....Julian is being charged for "sex by surprise" if you can figure that one out.
I was amused the the SwissPost account was closed because Assange doesn't have residency or property in Switzerland
Thank God someone has addressed the issue of rape.
This means that there is no way that Wikileaks will ever be scrubbed off the internet.
The aroma just gets stronger.
And so Swedish authoriHes are basing their charges on an “artude problem” as defined by 2 women who got together, compared notes, and decided a li9le “payback” was warranted for Assange’s boorish behaviour.
The Talibans are no match for the real terrorists who run America today.
Seems to me, if you are profiHng from avails of the crime you accuse Assange of commirng, that would make you an accomplice.
Thank‐you, WikiLeaks.
"He’s no Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers." Margaret Wente, Dec. 11, 2010.
What kind of idioHc law that Sweden has!
And the trained seals are falling for it !
Damned Yankees!
Wikileaks: Brazil President Lula backs Julian Assange
they are in DEEP DEEP DENIAL
So what does that make you and your mainstream media friends, who published the details of those cables?
Assange helped us understand the truth, which turned out to be more banal than we'd hoped.
I was wondering how long it would be before the G&M ordered someone to do a hatchet job on Assange ‐‐ in keeping with the rest of the Mainstream Media.
How could anyone disHnguish the Globe & Mail from the trashiest talk radio available? I mean, really. How?
What a shock that the CIA would hire a provocateur to seduce Assange and then claim non‐ consensual sex.
I find the rape charges made against Julian Assange laughable and frankly offensive to women who actually HAVE been sexually assaulted.
This comment has violated our Terms and CondiHons, and has been removed.
Ha‐ha‐ha! Pull the other leg, it's got bells on it.
I think bi9er arHcles like this are wri9en out of jealousy because you didn't get the inside scoop like the Gaurdian, NYT, Huffington etc
This is going to be a huge embarrassement.
For the record, I no longer read any of Margaret Wente's columns. I just read the Htles, and then go straight to the comments secHon.
The mainstream media doesnt like Julian Assange? What a shocker!
An appropriate end to this "wikileaks" nonsense.
FicHon becomes fact.
Everyone should download the "wikipedia insurance file"
RELEASE the hounds!