Do Poli'cians ever leak informa'on?
Candle vigil outside Wandsworth jail perhaps?
We are all Julian Assange.
Shameful. Any protests in this country?
It's absolutely disgus'ng what is happening to this website.
Whatever I say here the Assange devotees will con'nue in their cult worship un'l it all comes crashing down.
Why in the name of heaven wasn't there any info about this in the Guardian?
Why are there no demonstra'ons occurring in the UK?
Why doesn't anybody get it?
We are all under suspicion of sexual assault in Sweden now.
Who's bluffing? Who'll blink first?
What is so excep'onally heinous about Assange’s rela'onships with two grown women that the bail was denied?
So if the others release the "thermonuclear" informa'on, they risk Assange's safety.
Can Julian really be extradited on espionage grounds?
If this is the hardest hiNng of the diploma'c cable leaks? Then I am not impressed at all.
Every media organisa'on in the US has republished them ‐ in fact 99.9% of people are geNng the informa'on from these news sources interpreta'on and filtering of the leaks, not through Wikileaks itself.
The UN is not very clean either read Agenda 21
Be strong Julian....You will never....walk alone.
The judge will not be viewed kindly by history.
Go to facebook, 'We support Julian Assange'.
Regardless of the substance of the charges against Assange, there *is* an assault going on against Wikileaks.
You hear of football players here in the UK being accused of rape and similar charges, do you see them locked up without bail. Why is he different?
There was nothing cynical about denying bail to a man who styles himself as a pimpernel.
Indeed, an excellent illustra'on of the US's "we own the world" mentality.
Assange just exposed that tradi'onal Western poli'cal ethos of Machiavellianism and U'litarianism that made words ‘poli'cs’ and ‘poli'cian’ dirty words.
Hunters beware!
Please, folks, protest peacefully!
Assange calls for openness honesty and transparency from governments but isn't too keen on prac'sing these things himself.
UK protest. h`p:// wikileaks#!/event.php? eid=175481195812657
Let me name a few: Gandhi Aung Sang Suu Kyi Mandela Tutu Mother Teresa Assange
My fetching new avatar has been deemed disrespeckul to Adolf Hitler and the moderator has seen fit to remove it. It's an example of what we are discussing on this thread really, isn't it? Pathe'c.
Id' spare a thought for the two alleged rape vic'ms before geNng all worked up about Wikiboy.
I will be very disappointed if Obama gave Holder the green light to press charges.
you made me laugh and cry.
Assange was denied bail by the UK judge even when the accused “is s'll yet to be presented with any specific accusa'ons about rape.”
I think we should start a protest about all these protests.....
The Guardian...get your act into gear and start informing your readers about this. You are OBLIGED to support Julian Assange and you know it.
People are suspicious because this smacks of a set‐up.
But what is most scary?
People hate America because of its poor track record in interna'onal rela'ons, to put it mildly.
Loony leowing anarchists can protest all the want. Light your candles and write your silly blogs here and elsewhere.
Why don't they take him out with a drone strike?
You're correct in saying that bail is usually refused in cases of alleged murder but it is not unusual for rape suspects to be allowed bail.
I'm terrified.
Have a heart. We're not apathe'c, us elderly leoies, just not living in modern 'mes.
The Swedish prosecu'on dropped rape charges against Assange and it was only the interven'on of some right wing poli'cian in Sweden that led to the renewed pursuit of Assange.
That's what you get for protes'ng against war with peace ‐ nothing.
Completely ridiculous, yes.
I'd love to give my government a piece of my mind. Right now, it seems pre`y mindless.
Compare this pale dweeb to Ghandi simply because he is a troublemaker. Fortunately, nobody cares what you say.
I am just happy not to be a f****ng yank ‐ geNng rid of that ci'zenship was like scraping crap off my shoe!
I agree with Pu'n: Assange and Wikileaks should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
I have never achieved anything even close to his WikiLeaks.
Assange is a man, not a saint.
This man stole and published state secrets.
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I know this is off‐topic but I was just wondering: why does the gay lisp exist? I just don't get it.
Claes Borgstrom con'nues to be on the case even if his sister Anne`e Kullenberg works for the newspaper Expressen, which divulged (illegally) women’s official complaint immediately aoer the complaint was filed.
can´t usa just grab the man from the streets and fly him to one its hidden prisons and torture him to death ?? they have been doing it for at least several years !!!
If I'm permanently incarcerated or killed, I'll release the decrypt key!
Yell and scream all you want. Nothing's going to happen and you know it.
I'll be the only one to have the decrypt key.
Bail was denied because he is a flight risk.
Remember how many people demonstrated against the Iraq invasion; those were the biggest demonstra'ons the world has ever seen, by far.
The US and UK are the world leaders in applying double standards.
That's a poli'kal statement by the Bri'sh Government.
Assange, who has been kept in the same cell once occupied by Oscar Wilde at London’s Wandsworth prison, where he was recently transferred from the main sec'on to an isola'on unit.
I hope the law on condoms is not retrospec've, else I'd be`er not visit the repressive bloody place again!!!!!!!!
Any lawyers out there who can help with these ques'ons?
I'm amazed the UN has not kicked up a s'nk. I swear most poli'cians/ envoys are just spinless worms.
Amazon was selling the wikileaks cables online all along and the State Department had a bunch of the cables on their site.
Most Americans have very li`le free 'me. Most of the news we hear comes from a friend or we barely catch a few headlines on the news.
A picture of the man has been painted in the minds of 100s of millions of people of a sexual monster moles'ng innocent women in the dark back‐streets of Stockholm.
Killing Wikileaks will be like killing Napster.
its not just Sweden where to have sex without a video of consent being taken might allow one to be accused of rape, its the same in the UK, and ye gods too look at a child playing on a swing is now considered one might be a pervert!
Good luck.
We aren't brainwashed, we are just ignorant when it comes to the rest of world.
If Julian Assange would leak secret Russia's material he would face the same fate as Litvinenko did. Only polonium 210 wouldn't be used, probably. No doubts:)
The Liberal leo is ooen like the proverbial woman who is constantly falling in love with unsuitable men. The men use her and then abandon her.
As far as most Americans are concerned Julian has published our government's diary on the Internet and we have to get him.
Julian Assange will not be extradited to the USA because we know that several senior poli'cians there have already called for his execu'on.
His donors were all in the news, read yesterday's issue of the Guardian, for instance.
So hell has no wrath like a Swedish woman scorned, then? Seriously, I hope Wilen and Ardin will both have difficul'es being laid in the future.
I agree. Time will tell.
I am going to protest on Tuesday.