January 2012 Communicator

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January 2012

COMMUNICATOR Wayzata Public Schools maintains “AAA” bond rating


ayzata Public Schools recently had its “AAA” bond rating reviewed and affirmed by Standard and Poor’s.

“And despite recent downgrades of federal and state ratings, Moody’s Investors Service has also classified the district as stable, allowing us to maintain our “AAA” bond rating,” shared Jim Westrum, Executive Director of Finance and Business. Wayzata first received the “AAA” bond rating in September 2008 as evidence of the district’s strong financial health. According to Westrum, there are many advantages associated with the “AAA” bond rating, including access to lower interest rates and borrowing costs, and greater stability to deal with the unpredictability of school funding from the state. Wayzata is one of only three districts in the state to obtain a “AAA” bond rating. Wayzata Public Schools Board Chair Pat Gleason is leaving the board after 19.5 years of service. Among her contributions to the district, her involvement with Wayzata High School’s Empty Bowls event has been one that spanned her entire time on the board.

Gleason honored for nearly 20 years of service


have loved every minute of it!” That’s how Pat Gleason summed up her years of service to kids and families in Wayzata Public Schools.

Gleason ended her service on the Wayzata School Board in December after nearly 20 years, spanning from July 1992 through December 2011. “I truly believe you can make a difference at a grassroots level, and I feel so rewarded that the things I have done while on the board have impacted kids in a good way,” shared Gleason. Gleason has a long list of accomplishments to be proud of that happened during her tenure on the board. From passing a bond referendum and several operating levies, to construction and renovation of schools, to hiring three superintendents and other key staff, to adopting the current middle school program and block scheduling at Wayzata High School, Gleason has made countless contributions as a member of the board. Gleason served as board chair in her most recent term, and also served as vice chair several times and clerk during her tenure. “Pat is clearly devoted to our district and has been committed to doing the best job possible for each student,” said fellow Board Member Linda Cohen. “She cares about kids! She also cares enormously about building relationships among all constituents. She has been a phenomenal addition to the board’s part of the contract negotiating team with teachers, earning the trust of the faculty and helping the negotiations go extremely smoothly.”

Building relationships and trust among all stakeholders has always been a top priority for Gleason. “You establish trust by being trustworthy,” she emphasized. In addition to serving on a number of district committees, Gleason’s service included representing Wayzata on many metro and state boards including: West Metro Education Program, Minnesota School Boards Association, Intermediate District 287, Association of Metropolitan School Districts and the Minnesota State High School League. And Gleason is the only Wayzata School Board member in the last 20 years to be named to the All-State School Board by the Minnesota School Boards Association. Gleason has been seen as a mentor, historian and an inspiration by fellow board members. “Pat helped the rest of us better understand the distinction between the role of board member and administrator,” shared Cohen. “She was supportive, asked good questions, made suggestions, and always with a sense of humor.” Former Board Member Greg Rye echoed these sentiments, “Pat has served the Wayzata Public Schools with honor and distinction. I considered it a privilege to serve with Pat for over 10 years. She was a champion for the underdog and always put what was best for kids FIRST!” Gleason isn’t exactly sure what all her future plans are at this point, but does hope to do some traveling with her husband Jim, and is also very interested in getting involved with the Literacy Program at Interfaith Outreach and Community Partners (IOCP). Gleason was honored by the Wayzata School Board at its December 12 meeting.

Open enrollment guidelines approved for 2012-13


he Wayzata School Board approved open enrollment guidelines for 2012-13 as recommended by district administration at its October 10 school board meeting.

Guidelines for 2012-13 open enrollment • Close open enrollment at grades 1-12. • At the high school, close any grade whose population exceeds 800 students or close all grade levels if the total enrollment of the buildings exceeds 3,200 students. • At the middle school, close any grade that exceeds 800 students. • At the elementary school, grades 1-5, close any grade where the district-wide enrollment exceeds 750 students. If grade 1-5 enrollment is below a district-wide enrollment of 750 students, open enrollment may still be closed in an individual building if the total enrollment in that building is at or exceeds its capacity or has total enrollment of 750 students or greater. • Limit kindergarten open enrollment to a district-wide total not to exceed 650 students, as determined on February 15, 2012. • Accept kindergarten students applying under the Choice Is Yours program into the district ahead of other new kindergarten students. • At kindergarten, close open enrollment if the total district-wide enrollment exceeds 650 students. If kindergarten enrollment is below a district-wide enrollment of 650 students, open enrollment may still be closed in an individual building if the total enrollment in that building is at or exceeds its capacity or has a total enrollment of 750 students or greater. • If applications for open enrollment exceed available spaces, selection will be made by lottery. Guidelines for resident students who move out of the district Students whose parent or guardian moves to another district will be subject to enrollment options using the following guidelines: • Move out over the summer — student will attend their new resident school for summer school and/or fall semester • Move out during the first semester — student will have the option to complete the semester at Wayzata, and will then attend their new resident school second semester • Move out during the second semester — student will have the option to complete the semester at Wayzata, and will then attend their new resident school for summer school and/or fall semester

The Oscars of teaching


Eighth grade West Middle School math teacher Seth Brown, takes a moment to share the news with his mom after being named the 2011 Milken Award recipient for Minnesota.

WMS teacher wins 2011 Milken Award for Minnesota


he philosophy, “If 100 percent of my students aren’t successful, I can do something different,” is what drives him to push the envelope using technology and new instructional methods in the classroom, and also contributed to West Middle School eighth grade math teacher Seth Brown earning the 2011 Milken Award for the state of Minnesota. Brown was presented with the 2011 Milken Award at a surprise ceremony on October 10. “It reassures me that trying new things and pushing the envelope is the right thing to do,” said Brown about receiving the award. He said the award also humbled him as a representative of his eighth grade math team from all three middle schools and the district. He said the support he receives from district administration and his fellow teachers is what makes earning the Milken Award possible. “The district does a great job of encouraging professional development and making it accessible,” he said. “I think having a Milken Award winner at our school reassures all of us that we are doing good things for students. By having someone notice that in a grand way like this motivates all the staff to keep on doing that important work,” said WMS Principal Susan Sommerfeld. Brown is one of a select few teachers honored nationally with the award, which includes a $25,000 prize. Brown said he plans on donating some of the award money to his school’s parent teacher association and paying off his master’s degree in educational leadership at Concordia College in St. Paul. The award was presented by Milken Family Foundation Senior Vice President Dr. Jane Foley, who traveled from Santa Monica, California to present the award October 10. Often called the Oscars of teaching, the Milken Award was developed in 1987 to recognize outstanding teachers and encourage young people to enter the profession.

3 A road map to a bright future ...


am excited to report that the Wayzata School Board took action at its December 12 meeting to approve a plan for the future. For the past year, board members and the District’s Leadership Council have been engaged in a strategic planning process to create a Strategic Road Map consisting of: updated mission and vision statements, core educational values and strategic directions that will benefit students, families and our community as a whole. Feedback from staff, parents and community members was crucial in the creation of this road map, and now our focus will shift to developing action steps and measures of accountability to bring the Strategic Road Map to life.

New mission outlines core purpose

The new mission for Wayzata Public Schools has three key themes: 1. Ensuring a world class education for our students, 2. Preparing each and every student to thrive today and excel tomorrow, and 3. Preparing students for the ever-changing global society they will live and work within. Peter Drucker, a well-known expert in organizational management and excellence states, “Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the organization makes possible clear and realistic objectives. It is the foundation of priorities, strategies, plans, and work assignments.” The new mission provides us with this definition and will guide us on our journey.

New vision identifies experience

The newly-developed vision for Wayzata Public Schools is reflective of research published in 1995 by Michael Treacy and Fred Wiersema in their book, “The Discipline of Market Leaders.” While this particular research was conducted in the corporate setting, the framework can be applied in any organization that aspires to excellence. The key point of this research is that organizations must choose a specific focus, what the authors call a “Value Discipline,” upon which it will create value for those it serves. Another key finding was that “great” organizations place intentional focus in three essential Value Disciplines: 1) Product Leadership, 2) Operational Excellence, and 3) Customer Intimacy. These same organizations chose one of these three disciplines to be their defining trademark; while still meeting a very high standard in the

remaining two disciplines. In short, Product Leadership organizations offer the best products and they innovate continually. Their success is about product performance and innovation. Operational Excellence organizations are designed for efficiency and they seek to provide quality products at the best price with hassle-free service. Finally, those considered to be Customer Intimate organizations cultivate relationships and satisfy unique customer needs. Such organizations search for the best total solution for their clients and provide all the support necessary to help them achieve optimal results. They create value for their constituents through “expertise that drives client performance and a meaningful tailoring and customization of products and services,” according to Treacy and Wiersema. The applicability of this model to Wayzata Public Schools is our vision’s emphasis on: providing a high quality educational program (Exceptional Student Learning, Experiences and Relationships); delivering efficient and effective operations (Operational Excellence); and ensuring a loyal relationship base and the creation of a personalized “best total solution” that delivers unique value to students and families (Community Trust, Confidence and Partnership). All three of these disciplines are essential ingredients for any organization striving to be excellent in every regard. In a number of conversations about this model, the question came up as to which of the three disciplines seem to best fit Wayzata Public Schools. The research suggests that an organization needs to deliver excellence in all three disciplines and must choose one of them as their “differentiator.” We are positioned nicely to be a “customer intimate” organization, whereby we seek to deepen and strengthen an already strong sense of community trust, confidence and partnership, and to work tenaciously to seek and deliver the best total solution for each and every student.

Core educational values drive our work

The core educational values are listed on the road map alphabetically and are not in priority order. The six values included as part of the road map were determined to be representative of our community and the school district. Collectively, the mission, vision, and core educational values provide guidance and direction to the successful design and implementation of the strategic directions.


Superintendent’s Column

“We are looking forward to navigating this Strategic Road Map and arriving at the destination defined in our new mission and vision.”

— Chace Anderson, Superintendent

Further, it will help us as an organization to answer this question when considering initiatives: “Will this action help us achieve our mission, realize our vision, and can it be done in a way that is consistent with our core educational values?”

Strategic directions focus resources

The strategic directions are designed to be in close alignment with the three themes of the vision. They set the general direction for the district’s work plan, that will be designed and delivered by Leadership Council and staff throughout the district. Each of the directions will have a number of metrics associated with them from which we will measure our progress. You may be familiar with the “balanced scorecard” concept used in many types of organizations. We are in the process of creating vision cards; our version of a balanced scorecard. As the term suggests, vision cards will measure our progress toward achieving our objectives and realizing our vision. We are looking forward to navigating this Strategic Road Map and arriving at the destination defined in our new mission and vision. I would like to thank all of you who have been involved in this process and who have offered insights and perspectives. Further, I would like to thank the families, students, staff and larger community for the on-going support of our school district that we are so fortunate to enjoy! My best to each and every one of you for a healthy and prosperous 2012!


Session I ONLY

If Only They Came With a Manual ...

The book, Parenting with Love & Logic, may be the closest thing you may ever find! Love & Logic is a way of working with children that puts parents and teachers back in control. It teaches children to be responsible and prepares young people to live in the real world with its many choices and consequences. Lynne Frederickson, Love and Logic Facilitator

Ready, Set . . . KINDERGARTEN!!

What does my child need to know before kindergarten? When should I start “working” on getting my child prepared? What about summer birthdays? Is preschool necessary? Reneé has worked with Wayzata School District kindergarten teachers and knows what children need to be ready for kindergarten. Learn what you can do to insure that your child is ready! Recommended for parents, teachers and caregivers of 3-5 year olds. Reneé Lach, School Readiness Manager, Wayzata Family Learning Center

Interrupting the Anxiety Loop: Parenting Interventions that Support Calming and Competence

Normal developmental experiences of adolescence challenge middle and high schoolaged kids by demanding increasingly more sophisticated coping methods for managing stress and anxiety. Successful management of stress builds self-confidence, whereas stress that overwhelms a teen’s capacity to cope can lower self-esteem and increase anxiety. This workshop will provide specific tools that teach parents how to help teens identify and “rally” the strengths and resources they need for healthy stress management. Session I for parents of middle & high school children. Judy Hoy, LICSW

HOW DO I TALK ABOUT THAT!? Tips on Talking to your Child about Sexuality

Research shows that parents are their child’s primary sexuality educators. Whether our messages are verbal, or not, our kids pick up on our family values, expectations and attitudes about sexuality. As parents we must learn to take advantage of the teachable moments that happen every day instead of attempting the “big talk”. Communication tips, resources and developmental information that are appropriate for different ages will be discussed. Session I for parents of pre-school children through 9 years of age. Jennifer Marshall, West Suburban Teen Clinic

Overcoming Challenges: Issues Faced by Teens and the Resources Available to Help

“Overcoming Challenges”, a video produced by the WHS Social Work Department, is viewed each year by all high school students. In this powerful video, students and staff share personal stories of challenges they have faced, what was helpful, and their advice for others. School resources are also identified. Topics addressed in the video are depression, anxiety, eating disorders, alcohol and drug addition, grief and loss, and medical challenges. During this session, we will watch the video and discuss the issues facing Wayzata High School teens today. A “don’t miss” session for high school parents! Becky Halvorson, Social Worker, WHS

Making the Transition – Middle School to High School

Transition is one way to define the middle school years. In this session we will discuss the different types of transitions that young adolescents experience while they are in this unique stage of development which includes physical, social and emotional change. Emphasis will be placed on how a middle school is structured to address the specific needs of young adolescents and how parents can engage in the process of transition from middle school to high school. Paul Paetzel, Principal, Wayzata East Middle School

The College Search & Application Process - Advice for Parents

Are you wondering how you can help your student in the college search process? Attend this session and learn the basics of conducting a good college search and, ultimately, making a wise college choice. Learn about the admission process, how admission decisions are made, and hear an overview about financial aid and scholarships. Brian Peterson, Senior Associate Director of Admission, Hamline University

Session II ONLY

Giving Your Kids the Gift of Adulthood

These days, many people are not reaching “adulthood” until their late 20s. What has led to this? What are colleges and corporations saying about it? How can you use the Love & Logic philosophy to turn the tide? Judy Anderson, MA & Lynne Frederickson, Love & Logic Facilitator

Interrupting the Anxiety Loop: Parenting Interventions that Support Calming and Competence

Stress and anxiety are unavoidable experiences that all children must learn to tolerate and effectively manage at each stage of their development. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to discern when stress is “normal” and when it may be overwhelming a child’s capacity to cope. This workshop will provide specific tools that support a child’s acquisition of healthy coping skills, while offering assistance in determining when to seek professional help. Session II for parents of early childhood - elementary school children. Judy Hoy, LICSW




A Free Community Fo

Saturday, February 4, 2012 Wayzata Central Middle School 305 Vicksburg Lane • • • • • • • • • • • Childcare available for children ages 2 to 1 (registration and fee required for childcare • • • • • • • • • • • This event is sponsored by Wayzata Schools’ PTAs a Wayzata Liaison Committee, Wayzata Commun in Collaboration Council and Wayzata Public Sc

8:15–8:30 a.m. Check-in and coffee 8:30–9:30 a.m. Welcoming remarks – WPS Superintendent Chace “Parenting in the 21st Century” Keynote speaker – Molly Snuggerud RN, PHN, F Manager, Bloomington Public Health

9:30–10 a.m. Marketplace 10–11 a.m. Session I 11–11:30 a.m. Marketplace/Break/Refreshments 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Session II This is the 16th annual Parenting Forum, “Parenting Those Wonderful Kids, implemented by parent volunteers from the Wayzata Public Schools. We wo everyone involved in this event and hope you enjoy it. Information on Cont tion Units (CEUs) will be available in the Marketplace on the day of the eve


Childcare is provided by the Family Learning Center and is available for chil through 12 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Wayzata Central Middle School fo of $3 per child or $6 maximum per family. Childcare reservations are require accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 763-745-5271 no later than make your reservation. On the day of the forum, please allow 10 minutes to child. Please notify us of cancellations so room can be made for others.

General questions Call Susan Cammack at 763-475-3830 for more information. Smart phone users can scan the code to the right to view more information on the Community Education Website.

About our keynote address

“Parenting in the 21st Century” — Molly Snggerud, RN, PHN, Family Health Manager, Bloomington Publ Parenting in the 21st century is very different from a generation ago. How d your parenting in today’s world? Topics such as behavior trends, technology, the economy, school and extracurricular choices will be addressed. Let’s tak new reality and the most effective ways for parents to raise confident kids wh this global environment. Wayzata Central Middle School is handicap accessible



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Too Fast, Too Soon


Does it seem like kids are growing up too fast in our turbo-charged society? Are you challenged as a parent about what to do with setting rules regarding behaviors including cell phone use, dating, chemical use, curfews, parties, etc.? Parenting teens vs. elementary students is a whole new ballgame. Let’s take a look at what they’re facing in their young culture. Learn how to be a more confident parent who supports and guides young people as they mature into healthy adults. Session II for parents of older students. Jennifer Marshall, West Suburban Teen Clinic


Making the Transition – Elementary School to Middle School

Transition is one way to define the middle school years. In this session we will discuss the different types of transitions that young adolescents experience while they are in this unique stage of development which includes physical, social and emotional change. Emphasis will be placed on how a middle school is structured to address the specific needs of young adolescents and how parents can engage in the process of transition from elementary to middle school. Paul Paetzel, Principal, Wayzata East Middle School

African-American Student Achievement: Pathways to Success

Grandparenting in the 21st Century

What is wonderful about being a grandparent today? What is challenging about being a grandparent today? Come to join in the discussion. Discover helpful tools and strategies. If you are a grandparent, come to educate yourself and others. If you are a parent, come to enlighten the grandparents in your child’s life. Jo Schubert, Parent Educator, Certified Infant Massage Instructor

It is no secret. There is considerable research that confirms that dramatic increases in African-American student achievement can come from dramatic changes in student-teacher interactions, what parents can do at home with children, and what parents can do to work effectively with school personnel. This workshop will provide specific tools for parents to help increase the academic performance of their children – in and outside the classroom. Dr. Gabriel Lofton, WPS Director of Academic Excellence and Equity

SessionsCalmI Your & Chaos! II How to be More Efficient

What Do I Do Now? Parenting in a Challenging Teenage World

Join Michael Borowiak in an engaged discussion about the challenges of parenting when teenagers are faced with the temptations of drinking, drugs and compulsive gambling. Michael will share practical strategies for addressing these challenges. Michael Borowiak, MSW, LICSW, Phoenix Process Consultants

Parenting Children’s Technology Use

This presentation will assist parents in understanding their kids’ use of technology and provide an understanding on 21st century communication styles. The information will help parents develop rules and guidelines for their children’s online and cell phone use. Joseph Noble, MA, Licensed Associate Marriage & Family Therapist, & Mathew Meyers, MA, Phoenix Process Consultants

Parents, Kids and Money

Have you ever wondered at what age you should be teaching your child about money? Helping your children develop good personal finance skills cannot begin too early. This session will focus on tips and tools that parents can use to help mentor and nurture their children in developing good financial habits. Candy Lee, Wayzata High School Business Teacher & Business Professionals of America Co-Advisor

Parenting Styles: Four Dogs to a Deeper Understanding

Discover your parenting style in terms of four dog breeds: are you the kindly golden retriever, micro-managing border collie, commanding German shepherd, or the laissez faire Afghan? You will soon discover the strengths and vulnerabilities of each and how marital discord emerges from their differences. We will examine the effects of stress on each style, and most importantly develop three strategies for each style that will lead to increased family harmony. Paul Buckley, LMFT, My Strong Family

Stop the Merry-Go-Round! Balancing Family Life in a Hectic World

Time is the new commodity and we just don’t have enough of it! Join other parents as we search for ways to bring balance to our family life. Rediscover how to Talk, Listen and Connect. Through humor and real life stories, you will leave this workshop with creative ideas you can use tonight! Barbara Z. Carlson, Putting Family First – Co-founder and President

Running on Empty

Many people think that an eating disorder is all about food or that they know what someone with an eating disorder “looks like.” Such assumed beliefs, however, often mask the potentially life-threatening impact of an eating disorder on someone’s health. This presentation will help you to understand your role in eating disorder prevention. Nicki Zeidner, MD, RD, LD, Park Nicollet Melrose Institute

and Run Your Household More Smoothly

No matter how busy you are, there are some areas of your life that don’t stop: demands on your schedule, incoming mail, children’s papers, laundry, meal planning and so on. With simple systems in place, you can have more time, more productivity and less stress! Andrea Hayft, Household Management Specialist

Healthy Kids, Healthy Food, Healthy Families!

In our fast-paced lifestyles, finding time for family meals is more important than ever! It takes time to plan meals, shop and find healthy and interesting foods that everyone will eat! In this workshop, you will learn more about how to introduce new foods and setting the stage for family meal success. If you have a picky eater, don’t despair! You will sample foods and receive recipes for meals and snacks that include “stealth” nutrition. Mary Anderson, Director of WPS Culinary Express & Kristin Tollison, Mother of a Picky Eater

Parent Involvement and Schoolwide Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (SW-PBIS)

Wayzata Public Schools is using SW-PBIS as a model of behavioral support in some of their schools. This workshop will discuss the concepts of the SW-PBIS model and the role parents and family members can take in implementing positive behavior interventions at home. Special focus will be on children with disabilities. Curtis Slater, Associate Principal, East Middle School

Sandwich Parenting

No...this isn’t about peanut butter and jelly. The term sandwich parenting refers to those of us who find ourselves taking on the role of parenting our aging parents, while we may still be parenting our own children. What is the recipe for successfully managing this role reversal? Learn how can you make the most of the opportunity and survive the parenting tug-of-war. Lindy Purdy, Minister of Pastoral Care, Wayzata Community Church

Be the One….Finding Your Fatherhood Focus

In this workshop, author Chris Berg will encourage fathers to “be the one” in their children’s lives. Through his five fatherhood principles, he will give practical ideas on how to present and connect with your children. At the heart of his message Chris believes that fathers need to commit to simply “be there.” Fathers will walk away from this session with a clear understanding of how to implement Chris’ Plan-Teach-Lead-Connect-Verbalize system for becoming a FOCUSed Father. Chris Berg, Author and Parent

Marketplace Participants

The following organizations from our community will share information about their programs and resources during our Marketplace sessions:

• Abrakadoodle • Behavior Health Services at the University of Minnesota Medical Center • Caring for Kids Initiative • Children’s Dental Services • Family Child Development Center • FOCUSed Father • Headway Emotional Health Services • Hennepin County Library – Wayzata and Plymouth • Huntington Learning Center • Inside Out Life Development • LDA Minnesota • League of Women Voters Plymouth/

Wayzata Chapter • Mathnasium • Minnesota Psychological Resources • Minnetonka Center for the Arts • MN Fathers & Families Network • Park Nicollet Melrose Institute • Plymouth Fire Department • Plymouth Park & Recreation • Putting Family First • Que’ Tal Language Program • Relate Counseling Center • St. David’s Child Development & Family Services • Sylvan Learning Center

• TreeHouse • Virtuosos Music Academy • Wayzata Communities in Collaboration Council • Wayzata Community Education Community and Adult Programs • Wayzata Community Education Family Learning Center • Wayzata Partners in Prevention • Wayzata Special Education Advisory Council • West Suburban Teen Clinic • WISHES Youth Enrichment – Community Education

6 Wayzata High School announces 2011 AP scholars


ayzata High School has announced its 2011 AP scholars. Based on the results of AP exams taken during the 2010-11 school year, there were 40 National Scholars (an average score of at least 4 on all AP exams taken and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams), 131 AP Scholars with Distinction (an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams), 55 AP Scholars with Honor (an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams) and 106 AP Scholars (a score of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams). The lists below include students who graduated from Wayzata High School in June 2011 because the AP tests were given during the 2010-11 school year. The following students earned recognition for their scores: National Scholars Rohit Agrawal, Nicholas Ahamed, Aneesha Ahluwalia, Anastasia Belov, Samuel Cady, Samantha Carter, Leona Chao, Edward Chen, Evan Chen, Aakash Deshpande, Connie Dong, Miranda Ehrlich, Duligur Ibeling, Swathi Jayavel, Ben Jiang, Natasha Kieval, Ketan Kulkarni, Avi Kumar, Larry Lee, Yu Li, Xun Liu, Nicole Lopez, Yubo Lu, Michael Neaton, David Ottman, Mahati Pidaparti, Ivan Poteryakhin, Caroline Qian, Ganesh Raman, Sahiba Singh, Abhishek Srivastava, Brian Tu, Lauren Urke, Benjamin Wedin, Peter Westby, Preston White, Jonathan Wong, Lewin Xue, Jeff Zhang, Meioin Zhou Scholars with Distinction Rohit Agrawal, Nicholas Ahamed, Aneesha Ahluwalia, Ishmam Ahmed, Mohamad Akef, Alexander Aronovich, Grace Bache-Wiig, Alexander Bahls, Anastasia Belov, Ayesha Bhatia, Ryan Biek, Jenna Blake, Paige Blazei, Jonathan Boyd, Leanna Browne, Samuel Cady, Kelly Caprio, Kaylee Carpenter, Samantha Carter, Victoria Carver, Philip Cerles, Anisha Chada, Leona Chao, Edward Chen, Evan Chen, James M. Chen, Lindsey Colyer, Aakash Deshpande, Con-

nie Dong, Mariah Donnelly, Nicklaus Dotzenrod, Rebecca Dryer, Daniel Dvorak, Michelle Egger, Miranda Ehrlich, Mark Engelmann, Coral Evans, Brooks Flugaur Leavitt, Hari Ganti, Jenna Gove, Sarah Guidera, Kevin Hansen, Oliver He, Lauren Henrich, Lauren Holder, Mengyuan Huang, Duligur Ibeling, Naveen Jain, Swathi Jayavel, Kayla Jedele, Sarah Jensen, Ben Jiang, Karl Kabarowski, Jacob Kautzky, Kathryn Kellermiller, Natasha Kieval, Allyson Kirst, Emily Klump, Kelly Knudsen, Giuliano Kornberg, Ketan Kulkarni, Avi Kumar, Sam Lebewitz, Jason Lee, Larry Lee, Justin Leeper, Yu Li, Colin Lindquist, Jonathon Liou, Xun Liu, Nicole Lopez, Syshane Lu, Yubo Lu, Megan Lush, Riley Mangan, Brad Marcy, Jacob Martinez, Shannon McDermott, Samantha Meyer, Akhil Mogalapalli, Nikhil Mogalapalli, Michail Muradian, Michael Neaton, Elana Orbuch, David Ottman, Andrew Page, Divya Palanisamy, Alyssa Palo, Mahati Pidaparti, Luke Plutowski, Iban Poteryakhin, Megan Pyrz, Jenna Pysick, Caroline Qian, Keegan Radke, Ganesh Raman, Alexander Roos, Duncan Sallstrom, Gabrielle Sanderson, Jacqueline Schlundt, Brett Schnobrich, Scott Schwalbe, Sahiba Singh, Rishi Sinha, Ella Smith, Erik Smith, Alexander Spencer, Abhishtek Srivastava, Bo Sun, Lucas Swiecichowski, Brian Tu, Kaleen Tu, Michelle Turovsky, Lauren Urke, Leah Voigt, Lawrence Wang, Benjamin Wedin, Amy Wen, Katherine Werdick, Peter Westby, Preston White, Jonathan Wong, Charles Wusands, Lewin Xue, Tyler Yoraway, Karin Ytterbo, Bojana Zecevic, Orien Zeng, William Zeng, Jeff Zhang, Meioin Zhou Scholars with Honor Alise Bailey, Tanner Berg, Hether Berlin, Sarah Biser, Kyle Brown, David Bryson, Madeleine Cohen, Danielle Coppersmith, Jennifger Demeules, Jennifer Douty, Cayla Ebert, Audrey Elsner, Ryan Foote, William Fowley, Natalie Gaio, Amanda Garfield, Gina Gresham, Feng Hai, Alese Halvorson, Emily Hannigan, Ryan Haskamp, Cosette Haugen, Thomas Hedlund, Nathan Heintzeman, Lue Helppi, Maribeth Hoffer, Anna Jeide, Kayla Kirchner, Jenny Lai, Alex

Wayzata Public Schools November 2011 election results

Lo, Andrew Long, Devon Manley, Ryan Marchewka, Rachel Mohr, Faroz Mujir, Joseph Neary, Carlee Nelson, Benjamin Oie, Anna Olsen, Apekshya Panda, Nikhil Pandey, Tim Patchen, Daniel Piering, Yevgeniya Polukeyeva, Sarah Porter, Shraddha Raghavan, Nicholas Reath, Michaela Rice, Samanatha Schmidt, Nathan Shrader, Karina Skar, Lauren Stufft, Frederick Sutton, Michelle Tran, Matthew Wagener Scholars Marie Adam, Emily Adamson, Jaeyng Ahn, Morgan Alexander, Ellis Andrews, Elizabeth Arndt, Dave Bello, Paul Berquist, Joshua Blankenship, Ian Block, Ross Breckner, Christina Brooks, John Bruer, Katherine Bryson, Maxwel Chelberg, Katie Cornille, Mitchel Croal, Maura Cullum, Bradley Dawson, Ejebmia Dema, Kayla Donaldson, Eman Elbarbary, John Emmons, Samuel Etling, Samantha Ezrilov, Christian Fagre, Daniel Farishta, Morgan Gray, Maxwell Hanson, Thomas Happe, Mark Harries, Andrew Harrison, Anna Hashizume, Linsday Hawkins, Elisabeth Hawthorne, Alissa Heiring, Katherine Henning, Marcus Hoof, Nicole Illikainen, Joseph Inhofer, Timothy Isdahl, Kelsey Japs, Bethany Jaqua, Breanna Jaycox, Elise Johnson, Martin Johnson, Haley Johnston, Jessica Kay, Filip Kostanecki, Haley Kurr, Julie Lai, Kelsey Lake, Sarah Lerner, Kyle Li, Micahel Li, Kelvin Liu, Casy Liveringhouse, Kyle Louwagie, Andrew Malin, Jack Mallaro, William Marshall, John McCarty, Declan McCrory, Andrew Mc Intyre, Gary Moon, Partha Naidu, Priyanka Narayan, Asiyah Nathani, Collin Nauth, Rebecca Nielsen, Faithful Okuyemi, Katelyn Osmek, Lindsey Palasek, Nathan Perfetti, Dana Pralle, Michael Prisby, Maxwell Radermacher, Melissa Radermacher, Arsaian Radmehr, Bethany Rahja, Diego Rayas, Marc Richards, Raphael Santo Domingo, Laura Sater, Christa Sauer, Kelly Schiro, Evan Schnetzer, Anvita Singh, Scott Sippel, Meghna Sohoni, John Stelter, Thomas Strommen, Catherine Sun, Lesley Sun, Hugh Tietze, Ryan Tisthammer, Yasir Uddin, Max Wasscher, Erika Weimer, Tara Wegronowitz, Alexander Westby, Sarah Wichman, Amy Wu, Jiayi Xiao, Amy Xiong, Roy Zhao

WHS student earns perfect score on SAT


uligur Ibeling, a senior at Wayzata High School, earned a perfect score of 2,400 on the 2011 SAT exam. Ibeling said he took the exam once before earning the perfect score and had only missed a couple questions the first time. To prepare for the exam, he used the official practice book and took a couple practice exams. He said his curriculum at Wayzata High School also helped prepare him for the exam. During his time at WHS, Ibeling has participated in Science Bowl, Quiz Bowl and Knowledge Master Open and is the captain of all three teams this year. He also started a Latin club during his 10th grade year and says the club has gotten more serious each year. He is interested in pursuing a degree in linguistics and/ or physical sciences and his top four schools of choice include Harvard, California Institute of Technology, Princeton and Yale.

Linda Cohen

2402 Oakland Road Minnetonka MN 55305 952-544-1817


Jay Hesby

4745 Queensland Lane N. Plymouth MN 55446 763-478-8018

Carter Peterson

250 Peavey Lane Wayzata MN 55391 952-476-1395

Cheryl Polzin

18605 29th Avenue N. Plymouth MN 55447 763-473-3949

even candidates vied for four seats on the Wayzata School Board. The four candidates receiving the most votes were: Linda Cohen with 1,578 votes, Cheryl Polzin with 1,500 votes, Carter Peterson with 1,444 votes, and Jay Hesby with 1,279 votes. The rest of the candidate field received the following vote totals: Greg Baufield received 1,019, Joann Curtiss received 997 and Nick Roehl received 844 votes. The four candidates elected in November will officially take their seats at the January 9 regular board meeting. This meeting is also the board’s organizational meeting for the year at which the officers are voted in for the calendar year.

Family Learning Center gala planned


ayzata Public Schools Family Learning Center has planned its annual Evening Out fundraising gala for the Saturday, March 3, 2012 at the Medina Country Club. Proceeds from the silent and live auctions, games

and raffles will fund preschool scholarships and classroom enrichment to support kindergarten readiness for birth to age 5 children in the district. For more information, or to make a donation to the auction, call 763-745-5290.

Duligur Ibeling


In Brief WHS hosting high school experience panel Wayzata High School will host a Parenting with Vision panel discussion called Demystifying the High School on Thursday, January 12 at 7 p.m. in the high school second floor forum room. The evening will feature a panel of high school staff, students and parents who will discuss topics about the high school that will be of interest to middle and high school parents. Topics included will be the following: • Orientation opportunities – What training and education opportunities are provided to parents and/or students? (Ninth Grade Parent Night, Freshman Orientation, Tours, etc.) What is the timing? (e.g. February, August, etc.) What communication tools exist ongoing? • Academics overview – Block schedule; core classes; electives; AP vs Honors; When/ how is scheduling done; grades matter (weighted GPS, college prep); academic support (tutoring, guidance and counseling); attendance policies; conferences; alternative learning center • Non-academic engagement – Lunch; sports; clubs; activities For more information, contact the district’s volunteer coordinator, Charlene Barghini by phone at 763-745-5208 or email at Charlene.Barghini@wayzata.k12. mn.us.

WHS seniors named Siemens Award semi-finalists Wayzata High School seniors Evan Chen and Duligur Ibeling, were named semifinalists in the 2011 Siemens Competition. Chen and Ibeling will now compete in the regional finals that began in November. The nation’s leading original research competition in math, science and technology for high school students, the Siemens Competition is administered annually by the College Board, and awards college scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $100,000 in individual and team categories. The Siemens Foundation selects only two winners from across the country for this award.

WPS Health and Safety Coordinator receives state award Wayzata Public Schools Health and Safety Coordinator Rodger Schaefbauer, was awarded the 2011 Outstanding Contributor Award at the annual Minnesota Educational Facilities Management Professionals (MASMS) conference held on September 29 in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The award recognized Schaefbauer for his outstanding dedication and commitment to educational facilities management, presented by the MASMS organization, which is committed to promoting excellence in the operation and care of educational facilities. MASMS is a group of more than 300 individuals in the areas of facilities, grounds, health & safety and operations for Minnesota K-12 and Higher Education organizations. It is a member-oriented, problem solving, professional group committed to facilities management.

Oakwood’s first lego league team qualified for state tournament


eam F.I.R.E (Friendly Intergalactic Robotics Experts) from Oakwood Elementary, qualified for the FIRST Lego League (FLL) state tournament by placing third out of 16 teams in the Division I Regional Tournament on November 19. Team F.I.R.E. is a first-year team of Oakwood students and their qualification for the state tournament is unprecedented for such a young, rookie team. Team members are: fifth grade students Abby Kassmir, Elizabeth Mack and Ava Monro; and third grade students Charlie Kassmir, Michael Layne, Ben Mack, Isaac Monro and Henry Strom. The team is coached by Andy Mack and Jeff Matuza. Team F.I.R.E.’s members competed in the FLL Division I against 15 other teams of fourth through sixth grade students. In addition to placing third overall, Team F.I.R.E. placed first in the robot challenge performance and first in robot challenge

design for their design of Fireball, a Lego Mindstorms programmable robot. The team not only achieved the highest robot challenge performance score in Division I, but its score of 147 points also bested all seventh and eighth grade Division II teams. Team F.I.R.E. achieved this top score and best robot design of Fireball by adhering to the engineering design principle known as KISS (Keep It Simple Silly!). They used no sensors in their robot, primarily motorless attachments, and simple programs to solve 10 out of a possible 15 missions in less than 150 seconds! In addition to the robot challenge, Team F.I.R.E. researched a food contamination issue for their FLL Research Project and demonstrated their embodiment of FLL Core Values. The team studied salmonella in eggs and developed an innovative solution to inform consumers of the safe handling of uncooked eggs. The team is currently considering patenting their unique solution.

The FLL challenge for grades four through eight consists of a research project, a robot challenge, and a demonstration of core values. This year’s theme is the Food Factor Challenge. Teams research food contamination issues, identify a real world problem, and develop and present an innovative solution. The robot challenge uses a Lego Mindstorms robot designed, built and programmed by the students to win points by solving several missions with the autonomous robot on a four foot by eight foot table in less than 150 seconds. The core values emphasize team work, cooperation, helping the community, and friendly competition. The FLL state tournament will take place on Saturday, January 28 at Washington Technology Magnet School in St. Paul. The state tournament and all regional tournaments are coordinated through HighTechKids.org.

Annual audit confirms WPS’ finances well managed


he annual Wayzata Public Schools financial audit conducted by the Certified Public Accountant firm of Larson, Allen LLP., was presented to the school board at its December 12 regular meeting. It represents what is known as an unqualified, or “clean” audit report.

Presented by Rachel Flanders and Laura Wendle, representatives of the Larson, Allen firm, the report found no issues in review of laws, regulations, contracts and grants that could have significant financial implications to the district, nor any “material weakness” in internal controls. The auditors did

address technical issues regarding procedures the district must follow regarding the administration of federal money awarded to the district. These issues have been addressed. The audit shows the district continues to be in sound, stable financial health.



Oakwood International Night set January 26, 2012


akwood Elementary School’s eighth annual International Night Celebration has been planned for Thursday, January 26, 2012, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. International Night is a unique opportunity to celebrate diversity and become familiar with traditions and customs throughout the world. More than 20 different countries will be represented as Oakwood families with an international heritage share displays and food from their countries. Students experience different cultures at booths stationed around the school’s gym and have their “passport” stamped at each booth. Students are also encouraged to wear a national costume for the international parade. The evening is open to all families with elementary-age children in Wayzata Public Schools and admission is free.

Employees of the Month Three employees have been recognized as Employees of the Month since the previous edition of the Communicator. They are: • October 2011 — Karen Anthony, building secretary at Birchview Elementary •November 2011 — Jan Jones, school nurse at Oakwood Elementary • December 2011 — Patricia Olson, night lead custodian at Wayzata High School; Tyler Shepard, teacher, webmaster and yearbook advisor at Wayzata High School

Smart phone users can scan the code above to view more information on current and past employees of the month.

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Wayzata High School students performed “Brigadoon” as the Fall 2011 Musical. The show included 97 students in the cast, crew and pit for its six show schedule in November. The production held a performance for senior citizens that drew a crowd of 740 people. A dance workshop was held for the actors the first week of August and set construction began the second week of August with rehearsals continuing up to the performances in November.

The Communicator is published for residents and staff of Wayzata Public Schools. Contact Bob Noyed, director of communication, at 763-745-5068 or robert.noyed@wayzata.k12.mn.us with questions or comments.


Wayzata Public Schools 210 County Road 101 N. P.O. Box 660 Wayzata, MN 55391-0060

January 2012

Young Scientist Roundtable planned January 11


Young Scientist Roundtable will be held February 6, 2012, at 7 p.m. at Central Middle School. Robert Stephens, chief technical officer at Best Buy Company and Founder of Geek Squad will present “Computers, Robots and You.” While attending the University of Minnesota, Stephens worked repairing computers at the Human Factors Research Laboratory. He became head engineer at the lab, which supports the design of human-machine systems, before going on to found the Geek Squad and being appointed Chief Technology Officer for Best

Buy. Stephens will discuss a range of technologies at the intersection of man and machine — such as machine vision, motion sensing, and biometrics — and how those technologies can and are being applied in industrial, military and commercial settings. Following the presentation at 8:10 p.m., a Teen Roundtable will be held where students will have the opportunity to ask in-depth questions. The Young Scientist Roundtable is free for students in grades K - 12 and their families and no registration is required.

School Closings or Late Start Information


f inclement weather forces Wayzata Public Schools to close, start late or dismiss early, one of the three following announcements will be made: 1. Two-hour late start: All K-12 schools will open two hours later than regular start times. Morning kindergarten classes will be cancelled. All Family Learning Center (FLC), Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), Peppermint Fence, and Care for Kids programs, and community education’s morning classes and activities will be cancelled. Home Base programs will open two hours later than regular start times. All after-school and evening classes and activities will meet as scheduled. 2. No school: All K-12 schools will be closed for the entire day. All FLC and ECFE classes, activities and athletics will be cancelled for the day. All community education after-school activities including Home Base programs will be cancelled. Evening community education and ECFE classes will also be cancelled. 3. Emergency early dismissal: All K-12 schools will close early and students will be sent home. If school is dismissed early, the buses will pick up students in the following order: • Dismissal #1 – Wayzata High School, Greenwood and

Oakwood • Dismissal #2 (will begin about 55 minutes after dismissal #1) – Central, East, and West middle schools, Holy Name, St. Bartholomew, Redeemer Lutheran and FAIR School shuttles • Dismissal #3 (will begin about 45 minutes after dismissal #2) – Birchview, Gleason Lake, Kimberly Lane, Plymouth Creek, Sunset Hill and Blake-Highcroft FLC and ECFE classes and activities for the remainder of the day (afternoon and evening) will be cancelled. All community education after school and evening classes will also be cancelled for the balance of the day. If possible, a decision to close or delay the start of school will be made by 5:30 a.m. School closing or late start announcements for Wayzata Public Schools will be on WCCO 830 AM radio; WCCO-TV, Channel 4; KSTPTV Channel 5; KMSP/FOX-TV, Channel 9; KARE-TV, Channel 11; and posted on the district’s website at www. wayzata.k12.mn.us. Phone calls using the district’s parent notification system will also be made to all parents and staff members.

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