Minnesota Assessments Test Monitor User Guide for the Online Testing System 2011–2012 Published September 30, 2011
© Minnesota Department of Education, 2011 Descriptions of the operation of the Online Testing System and related systems are property of the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and are used with the permission of AIR.
Table of Contents Introduction to the Online Testing System ................................................................................................................... 4 User Guide Organization ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 Additional Resources .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Section I. Logging into Test Monitor Interface or Test Monitor Training Site ................................................................. 6 Navigating between Minnesota Assessments Systems Provided by AIR ............................................................................ 7 Section II. Test Monitor Interface Features ................................................................................................................... 8 Test Monitor Features Quick Reference ............................................................................................................................. 9 Section III. Administering Online Assessments ........................................................................................................... 10 Starting and Editing a Test Session ................................................................................................................................... 10 Starting a Test Session .................................................................................................................................................. 11 Adding Tests to a Session .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Student Lookup ................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Quick Lookup ................................................................................................................................................................. 12 Advanced Lookup .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Approving Students for Testing ........................................................................................................................................ 13 Notification of Students Awaiting Approval ................................................................................................................. 13 Approvals and Student Test Settings Screen ................................................................................................................ 14 Viewing a Student’s Test Settings and Accommodations ............................................................................................. 15 Changing a Student’s Test Settings and Accommodations ........................................................................................... 16 Test Settings and Accommodations Quick Reference .................................................................................................. 16 Test Settings and Accommodations for Mathematics and Reading GRAD ................................................................... 17 Denying Students .............................................................................................................................................................. 18 Monitoring Students’ Testing Progress ............................................................................................................................. 19 Student Statuses during Testing ................................................................................................................................... 20 Refresh Now .................................................................................................................................................................. 20 Pausing Tests and Stopping Sessions ................................................................................................................................ 21 Pausing Tests ................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Stopping a Test Session ................................................................................................................................................. 21 Test Opportunity Expiration .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Alert Messages .................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Viewing Past Alerts ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 Printing Session Information ............................................................................................................................................. 23 Exiting or Logging Out of the Online Testing System ........................................................................................................ 23 Section IV. Taking Online Tests (Student View) ........................................................................................................... 24 About the Secure Browser ................................................................................................................................................ 24 Student Login and Test Selection ...................................................................................................................................... 25 Step 1—Logging In ........................................................................................................................................................ 25 Common Student Login Errors .................................................................................................................................. 25 Step 2—Verifying Student Information ........................................................................................................................ 26 Step 3—Selecting a Test ................................................................................................................................................ 27 2
Step 4—Verifying Test Information .............................................................................................................................. 28 Step 4a—Text‐to‐Speech Check .................................................................................................................................... 29 Step 5—Viewing Test Instructions ................................................................................................................................ 30 Test Rules .......................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Basic Navigation Rules .................................................................................................................................................. 31 Pause Rules ................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Test Timeout (Due to Inactivity) ................................................................................................................................... 31 Student Test Layout and Tools .......................................................................................................................................... 32 Test Layout .................................................................................................................................................................... 32 General Test Tools ........................................................................................................................................................ 33 Text‐to‐Speech Tool ...................................................................................................................................................... 33 Proceeding through the Test ............................................................................................................................................ 34 Answering Test Items .................................................................................................................................................... 34 Going Back to Change Answers ..................................................................................................................................... 34 Pausing Tests ................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Reaching the End of the Test and Reviewing Marked Items ........................................................................................ 35 Test Submitted Confirmation Screen ............................................................................................................................ 36 Section V. Overview of Online Item Samplers ............................................................................................................. 37 Possible Scenarios for Logging in to the Online Item Samplers Site ................................................................................. 38 About Guest Sessions .................................................................................................................................................... 39 Appendix A: About Other Systems Provided by AIR .................................................................................................... 40 Appendix B: Supported Operating Systems and Browsers .......................................................................................... 41 Disabling Pop‐up Blockers ............................................................................................................................................. 42 Mobile Device Support for Test Monitor Sites ................................................................................................................. 42 Appendix C: More Information on Secure Browsers ................................................................................................... 43 Forbidden Application Detection ...................................................................................................................................... 43 Secure Browser Error Messages ....................................................................................................................................... 43 Force Quit Commands for Secure Browsers ..................................................................................................................... 44 Appendix D: Transferring Sessions between Computers ............................................................................................. 45 Appendix E: Data Entry Interface Overview ................................................................................................................ 46 Appendix F: Keyboard Navigation for Students .......................................................................................................... 48 Using the Global and Context Menus ............................................................................................................................... 48 Global Menu .................................................................................................................................................................. 48 Context Menus .............................................................................................................................................................. 48 Selecting Text with Your Keyboard ............................................................................................................................... 49 Keyboard Commands ........................................................................................................................................................ 50 Test Selection Screens and In‐Test Pop‐ups ................................................................................................................. 51 Keyboard Shortcuts for Grid Items ................................................................................................................................... 52 User Support .............................................................................................................................................................. 53
Introduction to the Online Testing System The Online Testing System provided by the American Institutes for Research (AIR) allows Test Monitors to administer online tests. The applications for Test Monitors are the Test Monitor Interface and the Test Monitor Training Site as noted in the chart below. The applications students can use are the Student Testing Site and the Online Item Samplers. Please note that the term “Online Testing System” is generally used to refer to the following operational and training sites as a whole. Test Monitors Operational Sites
Test Monitor Interface: Used for administering operational tests
Student Testing Site: Used for taking operational tests
Test Monitors use this site to: create test sessions for students to log in to and access their grade-level online tests; verify and edit students’ test settings (if necessary) before approving students for testing; track each testing student’s progress throughout the test; and pause students’ tests.
Students use this site to: log in to a created test session and access online tests; use tools such as zoom buttons, strikeout and highlighting, to enhance the online testing experience; review answers before completing the test (subject to pause and timeout rules); and pause a test if a short break is needed. Students must use a secure browser provided by the American Institutes for Research to access this site. The secure browser does not allow access to other computer or Internet applications. For more information about the secure browser, refer to Appendix C.
Training Sites
Test Monitor Training Site: Used to allow Test Monitors to practice monitoring a test session. Test Monitors can use this site to: create practice test sessions for students to log in to and access available item samplers; verify and edit students’ test settings (if necessary) before approving students for testing; track each testing student’s progress throughout the test; and pause students’ tests. Note: The process for creating a session in the Test Monitor Training Site and in the Operational Site is identical.
Online Item Samplers: Used to allow students to become comfortable in the online testing environment and use any assigned test settings (e.g., alternate background color) Students can use this site to: log in to a practice test session* and practice answering sample item types that will be available in the online tests; practice using tools such as zoom buttons, strikeout, and highlighting to enhance the online testing experience; learn how to review answers before completing the test (subject to pause and timeout rules); and pause a test if a short break is needed. * Students may log in to a training session as a guest user or log in to a session created by a Test Monitor. For additional information, refer to Section V, Overview of Online Item Samplers.
The Online Item Samplers must be accessed using either the secure browser or Mozilla Firefox. If a student needs to use the Text-to-Speech feature or audio accommodation, the secure browser must be used. Audio is not available when using Firefox.
User Guide Organization This user guide provides information on using the Test Monitor and student applications in AIR’S Online Testing System. This document includes instructions for Test Monitors on logging in, creating test sessions and more. Most functions and features apply to both the Test Monitor Interface and the Test Monitor Training Site. Information about how students log in and proceed through online tests and Online Item Samplers is also included in this document. Section I. Logging into Test Monitor Interface or Test Monitor Training Site Section II.
Test Monitor Interface Features
Section III.
Administering Online Assessments
Section IV.
Taking Online Tests (Student View)
Section V.
Overview of Online Item Samplers
Additional Resources This manual does not provide information on test administration and policies. Refer to the Procedures Manual for the Minnesota Assessments (current edition) for information about test administration policies and procedures. User guides and manuals for systems provided by AIR are available on the Minnesota Assessments portal (http://mnstateassessments.org).
Section I. Logging into Test Monitor Interface or Test Monitor Training Site The Test Monitor sites, including the Test Monitor Interface and the Test Monitor Training Site, are accessed through the Minnesota Assessments portal. 1. Click the [Teacher/Test Monitor] button to access Minnesota Assessments applications and resources.
2. Click the [Online Testing System] button (to access the Test Monitor Interface) or the [Test Monitor Training Site] button.
3. You will be directed to the login page. Log in with your username and password.
If you are authorized to access either Test Monitor site, you will be automatically directed to the main page for that application. You will not have to log in again. 6
Navigating between Minnesota Assessments Systems Provided by AIR After Test Monitors have logged in to the Online Testing System, they can switch between systems provided by AIR without needing to log out or log in again. This Common Login System (CLS) integrates the following systems. Reminder: Access to these systems and their features is dependent on the access provided by your user role. Online Testing System (Test Monitor Interface) Test Monitor Training Site Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) Online Reporting System Learning Point Navigator CLS is designed to ease the login process and simplify navigation between applications. After logging in, users will remain signed in to the Minnesota Assessments systems as long as one of the browser windows remains logged in to one of these systems. The top left corner of your browser contains a drop‐down menu listing all systems provided by AIR. The current application is displayed to the left of the drop‐down menu.
Select the application you want to switch to using the drop‐down menu. Although navigating to another system is easy, it is important to understand how the system operates in order to avoid unintended consequences of switching systems.
If you are using the Test Monitor Interface or Test Monitor Training Site application and you navigate away from it, your session will stop and all students in the session will be logged out. You cannot resume your session. You will have to create a new session, and your students will have to log in again to resume testing. Test Monitors may move a test session from one workstation to another without logging out or stopping the session. For more information about this feature please see Appendix D.
Section II. Test Monitor Interface Features Test Monitors use the Test Monitor Interface to administer the online Minnesota Assessments. This website allows Test Monitors to create test sessions, approve students and monitor their test progress. Note: This section also applies to the Test Monitor Training Site.
Sample Test Monitor Interface
The header row includes the [Help], [Log Out] and [Alert] buttons.
The row under the header includes the following buttons and sections: [Start Session], [Student Lookup] and [Print], Session ID (which will be blank) and [Approvals (0)]. o After you create a session, this row will change and show the following: [Stop Session], [Student Lookup], [Print], [Refresh Now], Session ID (which will show the automatically generated Session ID) and [Approvals (#)].
The top panel includes the list of available tests that you can include in the session. You can click the panel to collapse or expand it.
The second panel contains instructions and other helpful information. Click the row to expand the panel and read the information. Click it again to close the panel.
The third panel displays the students in your session and shows their progress: o The column headers with links are clickable. You can click a column to sort the information in the table by that column (Student Name, MARSS Number, Opportunity # (Opp #), Test Name or Student Status).
The table that shows students in your test session automatically refreshes every 60 seconds. To manually refresh the page, click the [Refresh Now] button in the header row.
Test Monitor Features Quick Reference Descriptions of the various buttons and features that Test Monitors have are provided in Table 1 below. Table 1. Online Testing System Quick Reference Tables and Buttons
Alert button
The Minnesota Department of Education is able to send statewide alert messages to all Test Monitors. Click the icon to view new alerts and past messages that have not yet expired (each alert has an expiration date).
Approvals (Pending Approvals Notification/ Preview table)
The [Approvals Notification] button and Preview table tell the Test Monitor how many students are awaiting approval to begin testing.
Expand/Collapse button
Use this button to expand or collapse a specific viewable area of your screen. This feature can be applied to the on-screen Instructions and the area containing the Test Selection and Pending Approvals tables.
Help button
Click [Help] to view the Test Monitor User Guide at any time.
Logout button
Click [Logout] to exit the Online Testing System. You will be logged out of all online Minnesota Assessments applications.
Print button
This feature allows the Test Monitor to print your screen as it is displayed. To print, click the [Print] button. The regular print window will appear. Select the desired settings and click [OK]. Federal law (FERPA) prohibits the release of any student’s personally identifiable information. Any printouts containing student information must be securely stored and then destroyed when no longer needed.
Refresh Now
Use this button to manually refresh your screen while monitoring student progress. (The list of students in the Test Session table automatically refreshes every 60 seconds.)
Session ID
The Session ID is used by students to log in to a test session. Session IDs are unique to each test session. The Session ID links the students who are requesting access to the test session to the Test Monitor, who then approves or denies their access requests. Because the Session ID is unique for each test session in the state, it provides an audit trail for students’ tests. The Session ID is typically the first four letters of the Test Monitor’s last name, followed by a hyphen and number (NAME-2345).
Start Session
After the Test Monitor has selected tests from the Test Selection table to include in the test session, the [Start Session] button will become active. Click this button to start the session and create the automatically generated Session ID.
Test Selection
Select the test(s) that you need to include in the test session. You may add additional tests at any time. (You can administer multiple tests in the same test session.)
Stop Session
Click this button to end the session. Any students who are still testing will have their tests paused and they will be logged out. You will not be able to resume the current session, and a new session will need to be set up for students to finish testing.
Student Lookup
The Student Lookup tool allows Test Monitors to search for students. The Quick Lookup is used to search for students by MARSS number, while the Advanced Search allows you to search by parameters including District, School, Grade and First/Last Name.
Students in Test Session table
This table displays all the students who have entered the test session, the test each one is taking and their progress throughout the test.
Section III. Administering Online Assessments This section contains information on how to start a test session, add tests, view students’ test settings and approve them for testing and monitor student progress. Please refer to the Procedures Manual for the Minnesota Assessments, Test Monitor Directions or applicable assessment manuals for information on test policies, including how to prepare for online tests. Test Monitors are required to read the Test Monitor Directions to students before they begin their tests.
Before students begin testing, Test Monitors should verify that student information and test settings are accurate in TIDE. If critical information, such as the student’s grade level, is incorrect, you must contact your School Assessment Coordinator and the student should not test.
While Test Monitors cannot edit students’ information or test settings in TIDE, some test settings can be adjusted during the student approval process. For information about test settings and how to adjust them, see the Viewing a Student’s Test Settings and Accommodations section in this user guide.
Starting and Editing a Test Session Test Monitors must create a test session before students can log in to test. In order for a student to take a specific test, that test must be included in the test session he or she is accessing. Test Monitors can create and manage one test session at a time. Multiple tests can be included within each test session, allowing students who need to take different tests to log in to a single test session. A test session will automatically end if the Test Monitor logs out or manually stops the session. While a student can resume an individual test opportunity in a new session, test sessions cannot be resumed. Test Monitors will need to create a new test session in order for students to resume testing. Students cannot log back in to a previous test session to access any tests already started.
Upon logging in to the Test Monitor Interface or Test Monitor Training Site, a list of tests that can be included in the session will appear in the upper left corner of the screen. This list of tests can be sorted by either Grade or Subject. Simply click the corresponding radio button. Test Selection
Starting a Test Session 1. Go to the box under the [Start Session] button in the top panel. 2. Click the check box(es) next to the test(s) to be included in the test session. Tests are automatically listed in order by grade level and then subject. To sort by subject, click the radio button next to “Subject.” 3. After selecting the test(s), click the [Start Session] button. The tests in the test session will be highlighted and grayed out. The [Stop Session] button will appear. The Session ID will be generated and appear below “Session ID.” 4. Provide the Session ID to the students who need to log in. You are encouraged to write this down clearly on a board or other place where all students can see it.
Adding Tests to a Session 1. From the Test Selection table, simply click the name of the test to be added to the test session. (For security purposes, tests must be added individually to an in‐progress session.) 2. A pop‐up window will ask you to confirm your selection. Click [Yes] to add the selected test to your session.
While tests may be added to an in-progress session after it has started, tests cannot be removed from a session once it has started.
Student Lookup If a student is having trouble logging in, Test Monitors can use the Student Lookup feature to search for that student by MARSS number or first or last name. Note: Any student information in the required demographic fields must be updated in MARSS. The student can still test, unless the grade is incorrect. Updates to student demographic information in MARSS will be reflected in TIDE the next business day.
Quick Lookup
1. Click the [Student Lookup] button in the top row of the Test Monitor Interface (or Test Monitor Training Site). 2. Enter a student’s full MARSS number (partial numbers are not allowed). 3. Click [Submit MARSS Number]. If the search results in a match, that student’s information will be displayed.
Advanced Lookup
1. 2. 3. 4.
Click the [Student Lookup] button, and then click the [Advanced Search] tab. Select a district and school from the drop‐down lists. Select a specific grade or “all grades.” Enter a student’s first name and/or last name (required). Partial names are allowed (e.g., enter “Fi” into the last name field to search for students whose last name begins with “Fi”). 5. Click [Search]. If the search results in matches, the information will be displayed in the second column. 6. To see more information about a student, click the binocular icon next to his or her name. A third column showing the student’s information will appear.
Approving Students for Testing After the session has been started and the students have been provided with the Session ID, the next step is to approve students to test in the session. Test Monitors must approve each student’s test settings before the student can access his or her requested test. Refer to Section IV, Taking Online Tests (Student View) in this user guide for additional information on the approval process from a student perspective.
Notification of Students Awaiting Approval The right side of the top panel contains the [Approvals (#)] button, which alerts Test Monitors that students are awaiting approval and displays the number of pending approvals. The Approvals Preview table allows Test Monitors to see the names of students awaiting approval. Initially, you will see a box with the following message: “No students awaiting approval.” Once students begin requesting entry into your test session, the box will change to list students who are awaiting approval. You will see each student’s name and the test he or she requested. Approvals Notification and Preview Table
To view students awaiting approval: Click the [Approvals (#)] button to access the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen.
Approvals and Student Test Settings Screen The Approvals and Student Test Settings screen will display each student who is awaiting approval for entry into your session. Test Monitors will see each student’s name, MARSS number, current opportunity for the selected test and whether the test settings are standard or custom. Test Monitors also have the option to approve or deny each student. Test Monitors may approve all students who appear in the list. However, subsequent students who log in to the test session after the Approvals screen has been opened will still need to be approved. It is important to note that this screen does not automatically refresh. Therefore, students logging in to the session after this screen has been opened will not automatically appear. To update the list of students awaiting approval, click the [Refresh] button at the top of the Approvals screen. After all students in the list have been approved (or denied), whether individually or all at once, the Approvals Screen window will automatically close.
To view a student’s test settings: Click the [See/Edit Details] button for that student. To approve students: To approve individual students, click the green [Approve] button for each student. The student will be removed from the list. To approve all students in the list, click the [Approve All Students] button at the top right.
Viewing a Student’s Test Settings and Accommodations Test Monitors can view a student’s test settings and accommodations on the Approvals and Student Test Settings screen. Test settings include color choice, print size and text‐to‐speech. Some of these test settings are read‐only. Others can be modified when the student begins or resumes his or her test opportunity.
Students’ default test settings are pre‐set in TIDE. Please review each student’s information to ensure that he or she has the correct test settings and accommodations set. If a test setting or accommodation that is incorrect cannot be changed, then that student should not test.
If a student’s demographic information, test settings or accommodations must be updated in TIDE, contact your School Assessment Coordinator.
Test Monitors can change the following settings and accommodations for students when they first request approval: o Color Choices o Print Size o Audio Settings
In order to change a student’s online test settings or accommodations after the student begins the test, the student must log out of the test (by pausing). After the student logs back in, the Test Monitor can modify these test settings on the Test Monitor Interface and the student can resume testing with the updated test settings.
See Table 2 for a complete list of test settings and options for each. See Table 3 for a list of accommodations for Mathematics and Reading GRAD tests. 15
Changing a Student’s Test Settings and Accommodations 1. Select the appropriate test settings and accommodations. The following settings can be changed: Color Choice, Print Size and Audio Settings. 2. Confirm the settings. Click [Set] to confirm the settings and return to the list of students awaiting approval. Click [Set & Approve] to establish the updated settings and approve the student for testing.
Test Settings and Accommodations Quick Reference Some students’ test settings and accommodations are pre‐set in TIDE. Table 2 describes the available test settings and options. You can use this table to verify that a student has the correct test setting or accommodation. If any test setting that you cannot change is incorrect, the student should not test. Table 2. Test Settings and Descriptions Test Settings
Options *
The test language.
Color Choices
None (default/white) Blue Yellow
This test setting is the color overlay applied to a student’s test. This setting is designed to help students who experience difficulties that are associated with the contrast or lighting of the screen. The default, None, uses a white background.
Text-to-Speech (TTS)
None (Reading)
This test setting provides the student with the ability to listen to sections of test content.
Instructions and Items (Mathematics and Science)
Reading: Text-to-Speech is not available for Reading tests. Mathematics and Science: Students can listen to instructions and items on the test.
Print Size
No default zoom applied Level 1 (1.25 x default) Level 2 (1.25 x Level 1) Level 3 (1.25 x Level 2) Level 4 (1.25 x Level 3)
The selected print size becomes the default for all items in that student’s test. Regardless of the print size assigned, all students will be able to use the zoom buttons in the test to toggle between the five levels of print size for individual items. Note: The default print size is 14 point for Grade 3 tests and 12 point for all other tests.
Options *
Audio Settings
Standard Text-to-Speech Accommodated Audio
Standard TTS: Text will be spoken for questions and answer options, as well as math equations. Graphics and tables will not have text-to-speech. Accommodated Audio: All text, equations, graphics and tables will have text-to-speech. This accommodation is available only for students with an IEP or 504 plan or who have LEP status as identified in MARSS. Note: This is a pre-set field for Title I Assessments. It must be set in Test WES prior to testing. District Assessment Coordinators must select this for Mathematics GRAD.
* The default for each test setting is displayed in bold.
Test Settings and Accommodations for Mathematics and Reading GRAD Students must have their accommodations set in either TIDE or the Test Monitor Interface. The appropriate accommodation(s) must be selected for these students before they can start testing. The District Assessment Coordinator can set these accommodations in TIDE, or the Test Monitor can select these accommodations in the Test Monitor Interface when a student who needs one or more of these accommodations logs into the test session. All accommodation codes must be set in TIDE by the District Assessment Coordinator before students’ responses are entered in the Data Entry Interface. The Data Entry Interface allows authorized users to enter students’ responses into the Online Testing System for students who have completed the paper accommodated versions of Minnesota assessments. (Please note: The Data Entry Interface will be available November 2011.)
Students who take the accommodated paper versions of the Mathematics and Reading GRAD will have their responses entered into the Data Entry Interface. (See Appendix E on how to enter student responses into the Online Testing System using the Data Entry Interface).
Table 3 below displays the accommodation codes that are selectable in the Test Monitor Interface. Table 3. Accommodation Codes and Descriptions for Mathematics and Reading GRAD Accommodation Code
Accommodation Description
Regular Print
18 24
Large Print
Assistive Technologies
Accommodated Audio (Mathematics)
Math and Science Script
Made Tape (Reading only)
Other Accommodation
Translate Directions
In addition to the above accommodations, Test Monitors can also select the following online test settings: color choice, print size, and Text‐to‐Speech. If a student requires accommodated audio in the Mathematics GRAD, the District Assessment Coordinator can select the accommodated audio (MC) option in the Audio Settings section on the View Student Details page in TIDE. The Test Monitor can also select accommodated audio (MC) in the Audio Settings drop-down list (on the Test Monitor Interface) when viewing a student’s test settings before approving him or her for testing.
Denying Students Although Test Monitors can approve all students at the same time, students must be individually denied entry into the test session. Test Monitors may deny students for one of the following reasons: The student is not supposed to enter the session. The student selected the wrong test. The student’s grade level or other critical demographic information is incorrect.
To deny a student entry to the test session: 1. On the Approvals screen, click [Deny] for that student. 2. In the pop‐up window that appears, enter a brief reason for denying the student. 3. Click [Deny]. The student will receive a message explaining the reason he or she was denied entry into the session. The student will then be logged out and directed to the login page.
Monitoring Students’ Testing Progress After students have logged in and you have approved them to begin testing, the main panel will display each student currently logged in to your session. The Student Test Progress table shows each student’s name, MARSS number, Opportunity Number, Test name, Test Settings type, Student Status and a Pause Test option.
Student Test Progress Table
The Student Test Progress table displays the following for each student logged in to the test session:
Student Name
MARSS Number
Opportunity # Each student’s record indicates the opportunity number for that student’s subject test. o Multiple test opportunities are applicable to certain online assessments (i.e., Mathematics MCA). The Opp # column will display the current student’s opportunity number for all tests, regardless of the number of opportunities available.
Test Name
Test Settings Each student’s test will display one of the following settings: o Standard Settings: Indicates that the default test settings are applied for this student’s test opportunity. o Custom Settings: Indicates that one or more of the student’s test settings is different from the default settings. Note: The binoculars icon displayed in the Test Settings column for each student is clickable. Click this icon to view a student’s test settings. Test Monitors cannot change any settings while the student is testing. If a student’s settings need to be adjusted, then the student must log out and log back in to the test session. Settings can be changed during the Test Monitor approval process. See Viewing a Student’s Test Settings on page 15 for more information.
Student Status This column lists the current status for each student in the test session. The numbers (#/#) listed after the status shows the student’s progress while he or she is taking the test. o The first number is the number of items that the student has answered. The second number is the total number of items that will be administered. Refer to the next page to see descriptions of each possible status.
Pause Test Click the [Pause] button to stop a student’s test. The student will be logged out of his or her test. Please note, if a test is paused for more than 20 minutes, a student will be unable to review his or her previous questions and answers. Note: This button is displayed only for those tests that are in progress.
Student Statuses during Testing The following statuses appear in the student status column in the Student Test Progress table. These following status types are listed chronologically as displayed during the testing/scoring process. Approved
The Test Monitor has approved the student for the session, but the student has not yet started or resumed the test.
The student has been approved but has not yet seen the first item on the test.
The student is actively reading or responding to items.
The student has answered all items and is currently reviewing his or her answers before submitting the test for scoring. Note: A test with a review status only occurs at the end of the test. A test is not “completed” until the student submits the test.
The student has submitted the test for scoring. No additional action can be taken by the student.
The test has been submitted for quality assurance review and scoring before it is sent to the Online Reporting System.
The test will display a scored status. The student’s score will not appear on the Online Testing System.
The test score has been submitted to the Online Reporting System.
The following status types may appear when a student is listed but not actively answering items. Paused
The student’s test is currently paused. The following scenarios will result in a paused status: The student pauses his or her test by clicking the [Pause] button. The student has been idle for longer than the approved time (20 minutes before pause) and the test has been paused. The Test Monitor pauses the student’s test. The Test Monitor stops the session. A technical problem with the student’s computer or browser has resulted in a loss of connection to the Online Testing System.
The Test Monitor denied the student entry into the session. If the student attempts to enter the session again, this status will change to “Pending” until the Test Monitor approves or denies the student.
The student’s test has not been completed within 30 calendar days and cannot be resumed because the test opportunity has expired.
The student is awaiting Test Monitor approval for a new test opportunity.
The student is awaiting Test Monitor approval to resume a test opportunity.
Refresh Now While monitoring student progress, the screen will automatically refresh every 60 seconds. To manually refresh the screen, click the [Refresh Now] button in the top row of the page.
Pausing Tests and Stopping Sessions After students begin testing, Test Monitors have two options to stop (or pause) tests for students. Test Monitors can pause an individual student’s test or stop the entire session, which will pause all in‐progress tests in the session. If the session is stopped, it cannot be resumed. A new session will have to be created and that Session ID provided to students so that they can resume testing.
Pausing Tests Students whose tests are paused will be logged out and directed to the login page. If they want to re‐enter the session, and the session has not yet been stopped, they will have to log in and go through the approval process again. Students whose tests are paused for more than 20 minutes will not be able to review previously answered questions. For more information, see the Pause Rules subsection in Section IV, Taking Online Tests (Student View) in this user guide.
To pause an individual student’s test: Click the [Pause] button for that student. When an individual student’s test is paused, the status column will display how long the test has been paused (in minutes).
Stopping a Test Session Although students’ tests can be resumed, test sessions cannot be resumed. Stopping a session will automatically pause all students’ tests in that session. This means that students can test over several days at a time, if necessary. However, remember that students will not be able to review previously answered items after their tests have been paused for 20 minutes or more. Because test sessions cannot be resumed, a new test session will need to be created for students who need to resume testing if their previous session was stopped. The new Session ID will need to be given to students so they can log in to the new session and resume testing.
To stop the session (and pause tests for all students in the session): 1. Click the [Stop Session] button in the upper left corner of the screen. An “Important!” box will appear, requesting verification to end the session and log students out. 2. Click [OK] to continue. 21
Test Opportunity Expiration A student’s test opportunity remains active until the student completes the opportunity or until the test opportunity expires. Some assessments have multiple test opportunities within a testing window (i.e., Mathematics MCA assessments). Reading and Mathematics GRAD tests must be started and completed the same day, or the opportunity will expire. Title I tests expire 30 calendar days after the students begin the opportunity or at the end of the current test window. Once a test has expired, no further action can be taken by the student. The Test Management Center in the Online Reporting System allows users to generate a report that identifies students with incomplete test opportunities that are about to expire. Refer to the Online Reporting System User Guide for information.
Alert Messages The Minnesota Department of Education is able to send out statewide alert messages to all Test Monitors. These alerts will be displayed to Test Monitors when they are logged in to the Test Monitor Interface. To acknowledge the information in these messages and close the alert window, click [OK].
Viewing Past Alerts A record of alert messages that have been read and acknowledged can be viewed by clicking the Alert Center icon. This appears at the top right corner of the screen, next to the [Logout] button. Click the icon to open a window that contains alert messages that have not yet expired (each message includes an expiration date).
Printing Session Information This feature allows Test Monitors to print the screen as it currently appears. Doing so can help track which students did not complete their tests and may need to be scheduled for another session. 1. To print, click the [Print] button. The computer’s regular print window will appear. 2. Select the desired print settings and then click [OK]. Tip: Set the print options to landscape mode (horizontal). You can also use your web browser’s “Print Preview” feature to scale content to fit on a single printed page. Federal law (FERPA) prohibits the release of any student’s personally identifiable information. Any printouts
must be securely stored and then destroyed when no longer needed.
Exiting or Logging Out of the Online Testing System We encourage all users to log out of the Test Monitor Interface only after stopping the test session. Regardless of when users log out or navigate away from the site, student data will NOT be lost. Reminder: Students whose tests are paused for more than 20 minutes will not be able to review previously answered questions. For more information, see the Pause Rules subsection in Section IV, Taking Online Tests (Student View) in this user guide.
Logging Out/No Students Testing To log out of the Test Monitor Interface, click the [Logout] button in the top right corner of the screen. Confirm that you want to exit the site and pause all students’ in‐progress tests. Click [Exit] to proceed. You will be directed to the Minnesota Assessments portal after you log out. Logging Out/Students Still Testing If you log out or close the browser while students are still testing, all in‐progress tests will be paused. You will not be able to resume that specific session. You will need to log back in and create a new session and provide that Session ID to students who need to resume testing. If you accidentally log out, student test data will not be lost. You can create a new session, and students can resume their tests in that session. Test Session Timeout As a security measure, Test Monitors are automatically logged out after 20 minutes of user inactivity and student inactivity in the session. If you are automatically logged out, the status of your session will change to “closed” and all in‐progress tests in the session will be paused. You will need to log back in to the Test Monitor Interface, create a new session and approve entry for any students who need to resume their tests. Unintentional Exit/Logout In the case of an unintentional exit from the Test Monitor Interface caused by a system or computer error (such as the Web browser crashing or closing), a network or communication error, power loss or other event, your session will close and all in‐progress tests will pause. This scenario includes the Test Monitor navigating to another site from the Test Monitor Interface.
No student data will be lost, and students will be able to resume where they left off. 23
Section IV. Taking Online Tests (Student View) This section of the user guide is designed to familiarize Test Monitors with the Student Testing Site. It describes what students see and the tools they have access to while taking online assessments.
About the Secure Browser Students must log in to the Student Testing Site using the secure browser installed on the computer. The secure browser is designed to ensure test security by prohibiting access to external applications or navigation away from the test. While the secure browser must be used to access operational tests, it can also be used to access the Online Item Samplers. Additionally, certain features such as Text‐to‐Speech are available only when using the secure browser. Your school’s Technology Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that the secure browser has been correctly installed on all computers to be used for testing at your school. If you are not sure that the secure browser was installed or you have questions, contact your District Assessment Coordinator or IT staff. Please note that although students must use the secure browser during test administration, the Test Monitor Interface of the Online Testing System is accessible using any of the supported Internet browsers. See Appendix A for additional information about the secure browser and the full list of supported operating systems and browsers for each application. If students need to listen to audio in the item samplers, they must use the secure browser to access the Online Item Samplers site.
Student Login and Test Selection Step 1—Logging In When the secure browser is opened, it automatically connects to the student login page.
Students must enter their first name as it appears in MARSS and TIDE (not a nickname), MARSS number and the Session ID for the session that was created and then click [Sign In]. Common Student Login Errors
The system will generate an error message and associated code if a student cannot log in. The following are the most common student login errors. Note: Test Monitors may need to watch the student to ensure that he or she is entering all information properly. Student’s first name and MARSS number do not match. Verify that the student has correctly entered his or her MARSS number. If this does not work, use the Student Lookup tool to verify that the student exists in the system with the MARSS number and first name that he or she entered. Session ID does not exist. The student entered a Session ID that does not exist. Verify that the student entered the Session ID correctly and that it does not contain any unnecessary spaces. The testing session is closed. The Session ID entered corresponds with a session that is closed. Ensure that the student enters the correct Session ID for the current session. If this does not work, verify that your session is open. Reminder: Test Monitors cannot resume sessions. If a session is stopped, a new one will need to be created. Doing so will result in a new Session ID. 25
Step 2—Verifying Student Information After logging in, students will see the Is This You? screen. At this point, each student must verify his or her personal information. If the information is correct, the student should click [Yes]. If the grade displayed is incorrect, the student should not proceed with testing. Have the student click [No]. He or she will be redirected to the login page. Notify your School Assessment Coordinator that the student’s information needs to be updated. o If any other student information is incorrect (e.g., birth date), the student may continue to test. However, that student’s information should be updated in MARSS. Student information in the required demographic fields, including grade level, must be updated in MARSS. Updates to student information submitted in MARSS will be reflected in TIDE the next business day and applied to the Online Testing System.
To proceed (students): 1. Verify name, enrolled grade, birth date, school and MARSS number. 2. Click [Yes]. The Your Tests screen will appear.
Step 3—Selecting a Test After a student confirms his or her identity, the Test Selection screen appears and displays all grade‐level tests that the student is eligible to take. However, only those included in the test session (and those that the student has not yet completed) will have action buttons. The Opportunities column indicates the current opportunity the student is on for each test listed. (Multiple test opportunities in a test administration apply only to Mathematics MCA. All other online assessments have one test opportunity per administration.) The Action column indicates whether the student will be starting or resuming the test. o The [Start Test] button indicates that the student can start his or her opportunity. o The [Resume Test] button indicates that the student can resume a test currently in progress.
To proceed (students): 1. Select an available test. 2. Click either [Start Test] or [Resume Test]. The request will be sent to the Test Monitor. The student will see the following display while waiting for the Test Monitor to approve the request for entry into the session:
Step 4—Verifying Test Information After the Test Monitor has approved the student for testing, the student will need to verify the test information and settings.
To proceed (students): 1. If the settings are correct, click [Yes, Start My Test]. The student will be directed to the Test Instructions and Help page. 2. If the settings are incorrect, the student should click [No]. He or she will return to Step 3, Waiting for Test Monitor approval. The student will reappear in the Test Monitor Interface in the list of students awaiting approval.
If any of the test settings and accommodations on this page is incorrect, the student should NOT proceed with testing. The Test Monitor should advise the student to “cancel” the approval process after this step.
Step 4a—Text‐to‐Speech Check Students who are taking a mathematics or science test that has Text‐to‐Speech available and who have headphones plugged into their computers will be prompted to verify that they can hear sample audio before continuing the login process.
To proceed (students): Click the green speaker icon and listen to the audio. o If the voice was audible and clear, then the student should click [Yes, I heard the voice]. o If the voice was not audible or clear or not heard at all, then the student should click [No, I did not hear the voice] and log out. After the student logs out, the Test Monitor can work with him or her to fix the computer’s audio settings. The student can then log back in. Note to Test Monitors: You may want to verify that the audio settings work correctly before the student logs back in. To do so, click the [Run Diagnostics] link on the student’s login page, and then click the [Text‐to‐Speech Check] button. If a student does not have any headphones or speakers, then the student may click [Skip this check] and continue on to the test without using Text-to-Speech.
Step 5—Viewing Test Instructions After the student has verified his or her test settings and clicked [Yes, Start My Test], the next page will show the Test Instructions and Help screen.
To proceed (students): 1. Students should review the text on this screen to understand what test tools are available and how to navigate through the online test. 2. After the student has finished reviewing this screen, he or she should click [Begin Test Now].
Test Rules Basic Navigation Rules
Students cannot skip test items. Students must answer all test items on a page before going to the next page. Students may mark items for review and review them before pausing or submitting the test. Students may review past items and change their answers only if the test has not been paused for more than 20 minutes (see the Pause Rules section below for exemptions).
Pause Rules These pause rules apply regardless of whether the student or the Test Monitor paused the test or there was a technical issue (e.g., power outage or network failure). Before students start or resume tests, tell them that they will not be permitted to change answers after their test has been paused for more than 20 minutes, even if they have marked an item for review. The only exception to this rule is if a student was in the middle of a page containing multiple test items when the test was paused and at least one item on that page had not yet been answered.
If a test is paused and the student resumes testing within 20 minutes, the student is: o presented with the test item or passage and associated items he or she was working on when the test was paused or shut down; and o permitted to answer previously shown items (both answered and unanswered).
When a test is paused for 20 minutes or more, the student is: o presented with page containing the test item(s) he or she was working on when the test was paused (if it contains at least one unanswered item) OR with the next test item page (if all items on the previous test page were answered); and o NOT permitted to change any previously answered test items (with the exception of items on a page that contains at least one item that was not answered yet).
Test Timeout (Due to Inactivity) As a security measure, students are automatically logged out after 20 minutes of test inactivity. This timeout also results in the test being paused automatically. Activity is defined as selecting an answer or navigation option in the test (e.g., clicking [Next] or [Back] or using the Past/Marked Questions drop‐down list to navigate to another question). The system does NOT consider the use of tools such as calculators “activity.” Before the system logs the student out of the test, a warning message will be displayed on the screen. If the student does not click [OK] within 30 seconds after this message appears, he or she will be logged out.
Student Test Layout and Tools Test Layout The following image is a sample item page from a mathematics test.
Note: Reading tests, which have passages, show pages with a reading passage on the top of the screen and the test items on bottom. Independent vertical scroll bars are visible and should be used to ensure that students read the entire reading passage and answer all the associated test items. Note: Students who cannot use a mouse to navigate through the test can use keyboard shortcuts. Refer to Appendix F for information on how to use keyboard shortcuts within the test.
General Test Tools All students have the ability to do the following: Highlight text in passages and test questions Zoom in and out of test pages (this makes the font larger or smaller) Mark specific items for review Strike through (cross out answer options) In addition, students have access to the following online tools: Calculator: Click the [Calculator] button to view the on‐screen calculator (available on mathematics and science tests). Formula: Click the [Formula] button to view the Mathematics Reference Sheet associated with the test (available only on mathematics tests).
Text‐to‐Speech Tool Students may use the Text‐to‐Speech (TTS) tool to listen to test items and answer options for Mathematics and Science assessments (including Mathematics GRAD, Mathematics MCA, Science MCA and Mathematics MCA‐Modified). Students who want to listen to the audio must use headphones. (AIR recommends that students use headphones with a built‐in volume control for maximum audio adjustment capability.) Reminder: Audio settings should be tested and verified as working properly prior to students beginning tests that have the Text-to-Speech feature. The diagnostics page (accessible by clicking the [Run Diagnostics] link on the secure browser login page) allows you to check TTS settings.
To activate the TTS feature (students): 1. Right‐click on an area that contains text. A pop‐up menu will appear with options to speak the question or speak the questions and answer options. Students who select a portion of text and right‐click will also be presented with the option to listen to the selected text. 2. Select (click) the desired TTS option (i.e., Speak Question or Speak Question and Options) and the text will be spoken. 33
Proceeding through the Test Answering Test Items Students must answer each test item that appears on a page before they can proceed to the next page in the test. Some pages may have only one test item and others may have more: To answer multiple‐choice items, students must click the desired answer option so that the letter (A, B, C or D) becomes dark green (almost black). Note: Students may click anywhere on the answer or click in the circle that contains A, B, C or D. To answer interactive items, students need to carefully follow the instructions in the question. After students have answered all items on the page, they should click [Next] to go to the next page.
Going Back to Change Answers While students must answer all test items on a page before moving on to the next page, they may go back to a previous item, provided the test has not been paused for more than 20 minutes. They can use either the [Back] button or the Past/Marked Questions drop‐down list to navigate to the page that has the item(s) they want to review.
Pausing Tests Students are able to pause their own test by clicking the [Pause] button. They can do so regardless of whether they are viewing a page with a single item or multiple items. When a student clicks the [Pause] button, a message appears asking the student to confirm that he or she wants to pause the test. After the student clicks [Yes], he or she will be directed to the login page.
When the student is ready to resume a test, he or she will need to log in again. After reaching Step 3 (Selecting a Test), the student simply needs to click [Resume Test] to return to that test. Note: You may want to remind students that if their tests were paused for more than 20 minutes, they may be unable to change answers.
Reaching the End of the Test and Reviewing Marked Items Once a student answers the last item of the test, the [End Test] button will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen. The top of the screen will also display the following message: “The test has been completed and is ready to be submitted.”
When students click the [End Test] button, they will see a new screen that gives them two options: They can review their answers. They can submit the test for scoring.
To review answers and go back to the test, students can select an item/test page from the list and then click [Review My Answers]. While students are reviewing their answers, the [End Test] button will remain on the screen in the same lower right corner position. To return at any time to the End Test screen, a student should click that button again. To complete the testing process, students must click [Submit Test for Scoring].
Test Submitted Confirmation Screen After the student submits the test for scoring, he or she will see the Your Results confirmation screen. This screen will show the student’s name, the test name and when the test was completed and submitted.
Section V. Overview of Online Item Samplers This section provides an overview of the Online Item Samplers application, which provides opportunities for students to become familiar with the online testing environment. Only authorized users may access the Test Monitor Training Site.
Anyone may log in to the Online Item Samplers site using the Guest User login option.
Students can use their first name (as it appears in MARSS and TIDE) and MARSS number to log in to the Online Item Samplers and access item samplers available to them.
These applications can be used independently or together to simulate an actual online testing session so that both Test Monitors and students can become comfortable with the online testing environment. Both websites are accessible from the Minnesota Assessments portal. A comparison of the student Online Item Samplers application and the operational Student Testing Site is provided in Table 4. Table 4. Key Differences between the Online Item Samplers and Operational Online Tests Feature/Function Browser Access
Online Item Samplers Requires the use of the Firefox browser (versions 2.0–6.0) or the secure browser.
Operational Student Testing Site Requires the use of the secure browser.
Reminder: The Text-to-Speech feature is only available when using the secure browser. Login
Allows guest/anonymous login. This allows students, families and others to see what the online tests are like and to see sample items.
Only accessible to students in the system (requires first name as it appears in MARSS and TIDE, MARSS number and Session ID to log in).
Also allows students to log in to a mock session with their first name (as it appears in MARSS and TIDE), MARSS number and training Session ID. Test Opportunities
Allows ample opportunities for practice. Students and other users can take the same item samplers multiple times. This provides students with a chance to become comfortable with the online testing environment.
Mathematics and Reading GRAD: Limited to one test opportunity per GRAD administration. Mathematics MCA: Students have up to three (3) opportunities for each test throughout the testing window. Science MCA and Mathematics MCA-Modified: Limited to one test opportunity each throughout the testing window.
Possible Scenarios for Logging in to the Online Item Samplers Site Because the Online Item Samplers site allows a user to log in as a guest user and to log in to a guest session (with no Test Monitor monitoring the session), four possible login scenarios exist: 1. Guest User in a Guest Session 2. Guest User in a Created (Mock) Session 3. Real Student in a Guest Session 4. Real Student in a Created (Mock) Session Online Item Samplers Login Page
To log in as a guest user in a guest session:
Leave the checkboxes checked, and click [Sign In].
To log in as a guest user in a created (mock) session: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Leave the Guest User checkbox checked. Uncheck the Guest Session checkbox. Enter the Session ID the Test Monitor provided. Click [Sign In].
To log in as a student in a guest session: 1. Uncheck the Guest User checkbox. 2. Enter the first name as it appears in MARSS and TIDE and MARSS number. 3. Click [Sign In]. To log in as a student in a created (mock) session: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Uncheck the Guest User checkbox. Enter first name as it appears in MARSS and TIDE and MARSS number. Uncheck the Guest Session checkbox. Enter the Session ID the Test Monitor provided. Click [Sign In].
About Guest Sessions Guest sessions do not require Test Monitor approval, so the Online Item Samplers can be accessed directly. Guest session users will need to select a grade level before selecting an item sampler and associated settings (e.g., color choice and print size).
Appendix A: About Other Systems Provided by AIR The American Institutes for Research provides several related online systems and applications, which are all available on the Minnesota Assessments portal (http://www.mnstateassessments.org). For more information about each system, refer to the corresponding user guide. All user guides will be available on the portal. Access to each of the following applications is dependent on your user role. Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) The Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) allows authorized users to view student information, including test settings. TIDE is also used to add and manage Online Testing System users (e.g., District Assessment Coordinators can add Test Monitors and teachers). All student information that pertains to online testing is located in TIDE; if critical information is incorrect (e.g., a student’s grade level), then that information must be updated before the student can test. Your School Assessment Coordinator is responsible for reviewing students’ information and test settings and making changes if needed. Online Reporting System The Online Reporting System includes Performance Reports and the Test Management Center. Performance Reports allow users to view students’ scores; track score trends within rosters, schools and districts; and compare them with overall state and district data. The Test Management Center allows users to monitor student participation in the online assessments (e.g., how many students have been tested and how many still need to start and/or finish testing). Learning Point Navigator Learning Point Navigator allows users to search for curricular support resources to assign to students. Teachers can use the site to enhance students’ learning by creating assignments that focus on standards and benchmarks in mathematics and reading (English Language Arts). After students complete the online assignments, they can see their raw scores. Teachers can view individual student and class reports for each assignment given.
Appendix B: Supported Operating Systems and Browsers AIR provides technical support for the following operating systems:
Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7; Windows Server 2003 and 2008 Mac OS X 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 Linux Fedora Core 6 (K12LTSP 4.2+) and Ubuntu 9 and 10
Please use the supported web browsers listed in the table below to access Minnesota Assessments applications. Note: The secure browser is required for student testing. Table 5. Supported Web Browsers for Minnesota Assessments Applications Provided by AIR Application
Operating System
Online Item Samplers
Student Testing Site
Recommended for Optimal Viewing
Firefox 2.0–6.0 Internet Explorer 6
Firefox 2.0–6.0 Internet Explorer 6, 7, 8
Firefox 3.0–6.0 Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9
Firefox 3.0–6.0 Internet Explorer 8, 9
Firefox 2.0–6.0 Safari 3
Firefox 3.0–6.0 Safari 3, 4, 5
Firefox 3.6–6.0 Safari 4, 5
Firefox 3.5–6.0 Safari 4 and 5
Fedora Core 6 (K12LTSP 4.2+) Ubuntu 9 and 10
Firefox 2.0–6.0
Firefox 3.5–6.0
All supported OS
Firefox 3.5–6.0
Firefox 3.5–6.0
2000, XP, Vista, 7
Firefox 3.0–6.0 Windows Secure Browser
Firefox 3.5–6.0
Mac OS X
Firefox 3.0–6.0 Mac Secure Browser
Firefox 3.5–6.0
Fedora Core 6 (K12LTSP 4.2+) Ubuntu 9 and 10
Firefox 3.0–6.0 Linux Secure Browser
Firefox 3.5–6.0
2000, XP, Vista, 7
Windows Secure Browser 5.0
Mac OS X
Mac Secure Browser 5.0
Fedora Core 6 (K12LTSP 4.2+) Ubuntu 9 and 10
Linux Secure Browser 5.0
Test Monitor Training Site
Data Entry Interface
Supported Browsers
Test Monitor Interface
Online Reporting System
OS Version
Mac OS X
Firefox 3.5–6.0
Firefox 3.5–6.0
Disabling Pop‐up Blockers The web browser’s pop‐up blocker must be disabled when accessing the Online Item Samplers, Test Monitor Interface or Test Monitor Training Site. Your Technology Coordinator may be able to disable pop‐up blockers ahead of time. (If the secure browser is used to access the online item samplers, this action is not necessary.) To disable pop‐up blockers, navigate to the appropriate menu option: Firefox: Tools > Options > Content > uncheck “Block pop‐up windows” Internet Explorer: Tools > Pop‐up Blocker > Turn Off Pop‐up Blocker Safari: Application Menu (Safari) > Block Pop‐Up Windows (make sure this is unchecked)
Mobile Device Support for Test Monitor Sites Test Monitors can use some mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets, to access the Online Testing System and the Test Monitor Training Site. (The following sites are not officially supported by mobile devices: TIDE, Online Reporting System and the Student Testing Site and Online Item Samplers.) Due to test security vulnerabilities, student testing is not supported on iPads or other mobile devices. Student use of these devices to access the online testing applications is, at this time, prohibited. Students must use desktop computers or laptops/netbooks that have the secure browser installed to access the Student Testing Site and Online Item Samplers.
The following table displays some example mobile devices that can be used to access the Test Monitor Interface and Test Monitor Training Site applications. The default browser that comes pre‐installed with the device must be used (e.g., iPad 2 running the default Safari browser). Browsers downloaded from the carrier’s application store (e.g., iTunes) are not supported. Note: Due to the number of handhelds and tablets available, testing all devices’ native browsers for compatibility with the Online Testing System is not feasible. Please check your device’s specifications and ensure that it is running a supported mobile operating system. Using devices with an OS not on this list is not prohibited; however, some functions and features may not work properly. Table 6. Supported Operating Systems/Mobile Devices for the Online Testing System Supported Mobile OS
Sample Handheld Devices
Sample Tablets
Android 2.2
HTC Thunderbolt, LG Optimus, Motorola Droid X, Samsung Galaxy S
Android 2.3
Sony Ericsson Xperia Play
Android 3.0 and above
Motorola Xoom
iOS 3
iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, iPod Touch
iOS 4
iPhone 3G, iPhone 3Gs, iPhone 4, iPod Touch
iPad, iPad 2
Notes: Android tablets must run Android 3.0 or above. The default (native) web browser that comes pre‐installed on the mobile device must be used. Alternative mobile browsers from the carrier’s application store are not supported. The minimum screen resolution for a handheld device is 320 x 480. 42
Appendix C: More Information on Secure Browsers While the secure browsers are an integral component of test security, Test Monitors perform an equally important role in preserving test integrity. In addition to the guidelines put forth by the Minnesota Department of Education and individual districts or schools, Test Monitors should be aware of the following and employ the necessary precautions while administering online assessments: Close External User Applications Prior to administering online assessments, Test Monitors should check all computers that will be used and close all applications except those identified as necessary by the school’s Technology Coordinator. After closing these applications, the Test Monitor should open the secure browser on each computer. The secure browser will not work if the computer detects that a forbidden application is running.
No Testing on Computers with Dual Monitors Students should not take online tests on computers that are connected to more than one monitor. Systems that use a dual monitor setup typically display an application on one monitor screen while another application is accessible on the other screen.
Forbidden Application Detection The secure browser and Student Testing Site automatically detect certain applications that are prohibited from running on a computer while the secure browser is open. When the secure browser is launched, the system checks all applications currently running on a computer. If a forbidden application is detected, the student will not be able to log in. A message will also be displayed that lists the forbidden application(s) that need to be closed. Note: If a forbidden application is launched in the background while the student is already in a test, the student will be logged out and a message displayed. Before administering tests, Test Monitors should take proper measures to ensure that forbidden applications are not running on student computers. Contact your school’s IT department if you need assistance in closing forbidden applications.
Secure Browser Error Messages
Secure Browser Not Detected The Online Testing System automatically detects whether a computer is using the secure browser to access the Student Testing Site. Under no condition may a student access an operational assessment using a non‐secure browser.
Unable to Establish a Connection with the Test Delivery System If a computer fails to establish a connection with the Online Testing System, the message below will be displayed. This is most likely to occur if there is a network‐related problem. The cause can be anything from a network cable not being plugged in to the firewall not allowing access to the site.
Force Quit Commands for Secure Browsers Occasionally, a secure browser may freeze. When this happens, use the following keyboard commands to force the secure browser to close. (Reminder: This will log the student out of the Online Testing System. When the secure browser is opened again, the student will have to log back in to resume testing.) Windows: [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [F10] Mac OS X: [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [F10] Linux: [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [Esc] Note: If you are using a laptop or netbook, you may also need to press the [FN] key before pressing [F10].
Appendix D: Transferring Sessions between Computers Test Monitors can “transfer” an active test session from one computer or browser to another without stopping or interrupting in‐progress tests. This feature is useful in scenarios when a Test Monitor’s browser or computer encounters an issue while a test session is in progress. The system ensures that a test session can be administered only from one browser at a time; therefore, when a session is moved to a new computer, the Test Monitor will no longer be able to administer the test session from the original browser or machine. To Transfer a Test Session to a New Machine or Browser 1. Log in to the Online Testing System on the new machine or browser. Do NOT log out of the test session on the original computer or browser; doing so will end the test session and pause all students’ tests. A Session ID prompt will appear.
2. Enter the active Session ID into the text box and click [Enter].
When the Session ID is validated, you will see the Online Testing System and be able to continue monitoring your students’ progress. 3. The test session on the previous computer or browser will automatically close.
Appendix E: Data Entry Interface Overview The Data Entry Interface allows authorized users to electronically record students’ responses for students who have completed the paper accommodated versions of Minnesota assessments. This application also allows authorized users to enter scores for students who complete the MTAS. The Data Entry Interface is similar to the Student Testing Site. (Please note: The Data Entry Interface will be available November 2011.)
All accommodation codes must be set in TIDE by the District Assessment Coordinator before students’ responses are entered.
Logging In Authorized users must log into the Data Entry Interface in order to enter students’ responses or scores for accommodated tests and alternate assessments. 1. Access the Minnesota Assessments portal (http://mnstateassessments.org/). 2. Click on [Teacher/Test Monitor]. 3. Click on [Data Entry Interface]. 4. Log into with your username and password (as with other Minnesota Assessments systems). 5. Enter the student’s legal First Name and corresponding MARSS number, and then click [Sign In]. 6. Verify the student’s information and assessment: Is This The Student? – Verify the student’s personal information (Grade, Birthday, School, and MARSS number).
Data Entry Interface Login – Enter Student Information
Login Process
Tests For This Student – Start or resume data entry for an assessment. (Responses do not need to be entered in one sitting; they can be entered across multiple sessions.) Is this the test you are entering scores for? – Verify the selected assessment.
Test Layout and Tools
Reaching the End of the Test and Reviewing Entered Data (Responses) After you have entered all students’ responses, click the [Done Entering Data] button in the bottom‐right corner of the screen. After clicking this button, the End Test screen will appear. To review the entered responses and go back to the test: o Select an item or item page from the list and then click [Review Entered Data]. While reviewing the student’s responses, the [Done Entering Data] button will remain on the screen. o To return at any time to the End Test screen and submit the test for scoring, click the [Done Entering Scores] button again. To complete the testing process, click [Submit Test for Scoring]. The results screen will appear. Sample Results Screen
Appendix F: Keyboard Navigation for Students This appendix contains information for students who cannot use a mouse to navigate online tests.
Using the Global and Context Menus The Global and Context menus allow students to easily use simple keyboard shortcuts and arrow keys to select on‐screen tools.
Global Menu The Global Menu contains all the options displayed along the bottom of the student’s test screen. Press the [Ctrl] + [G] keys to access the Global Menu. The menu will appear on the screen. Use the Up or Down arrow keys on your keyboard to move between options in the menu. Each option will be highlighted as you arrow up or down. Press the [Enter] key to select the highlighted menu option. Press the [Esc] key to close the Global Menu. Note: The Global Menu may change depending on the test you are taking. For example, the Global Menu on a math test may include a calculator, which you will not see on Reading tests.
Context Menus The Context menus contain the options available for each area of a test item page. These areas of a page are called “elements.” Elements include reading passages, test items and answer options (A, B, C and D). Each element has its own context menu. To view the context menu for an element, you need to navigate to that element. Press the [Tab] key to navigate between test items (and the reading passage, if there is one). Press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to switch from a test item to each answer option. The selected element will have a light gray border.
Press the [Ctrl] + [G] keys on the keyboard. The context menu for that element will appear. Use the Up or Down arrow keys on your keyboard to move between options in the menu. Each option will be highlighted as you arrow up or down. Press the [Enter] key to select the highlighted menu option. Press the [Esc] key to close the Context Menu.
Selecting Text with Your Keyboard 1. Place the focus on the element containing the text you want to select. A reading passage, item and answer option are the different types of elements that can be on a test screen. 2. Press [Ctrl] + [M] to open the Context Menu. 3. Select Enable Text Selection from the list of available options. A flashing cursor will appear. 4. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the beginning of the text you want to select. 5. Hold [Shift] and use the arrow keys to select your text. The text you have selected will appear shaded. 6. Press [Ctrl] + [M] to access the Context Menu. Select the feature you want to use for the selected text (e.g., Highlighter or Speak tools).
Keyboard Commands Any student can use these keyboard commands to navigate between test elements, features and tools. Button/ Image
Keyboard Commands
Function/Details Open the GLOBAL MENU
Go to the NEXT test page
+ (or use the Global Menu)
Go to the PREVIOUS test page
+ (or use the Global Menu)
Move to the NEXT ELEMENT (on a page containing multiple test items and/or a reading passage) Move to the PREVIOUS ELEMENT (on a page containing multiple test items and/or a reading passage)
+ to toggle between answer choices
Select OPTION C to select answer Select OPTION D PAUSE your test END TEST HELP GUIDE CALCULATOR MATH FORMULA reference ZOOM IN (increase the size of text and graphics on a page) ZOOM OUT (decrease the size of text and graphics on a page)
(via Global Menu)
(via Global Menu)
(via Global Menu)
(via Global Menu)
(via Global Menu)
+ Global Menu
or use the
+ Global Menu
or use the
SCROLL UP in an area of the test page SCROLL DOWN in an area of the test page
Button/ Image
Keyboard Commands
Function/Details SCROLL to the RIGHT in an area of the test page SCROLL to the LEFT in an area of the test page Open the CONTEXT MENU (for that passage, question or answer choice)
MARK/UNMARK a question for review STRIKE THROUGH an answer option HIGHLIGHTER SPEAK* (listen to a passage, question, answer option or specific portion of text) (only available for mathematics and science tests)
(via Context Menu)
(via Context Menu)
(via Context Menu)
(via Context Menu)
Test Selection Screens and In‐Test Pop‐ups Use these keyboard commands to select options on the pages prior to your test or on pop‐up messages that appear during your test. For example, if you see a screen with [No] or [Yes] buttons, you will need to navigate to those buttons to select them. Keyboard Command
Function Move to the next option
Move to the previous option Select the shaded option
Keyboard Shortcuts for Grid Items Grid items are a type of interactive item and include a screen with up to three main sections: Answer Space (the large area that takes up the most space) Action Button Row (at least one button will be present at the top) Object Bank (a section on the left that includes objects to move to the Answer Space) Note: Not all grid items contain all three sections. Some items may contain only an Answer Space (with objects already in the Answer Space). Some may contain only Action Buttons and the Answer Space. Some may contain only the Object Bank and Answer Space. Keyboard Command
Function Press the [Tab] key to move between the Object Bank, the buttons at the top of the screen (Delete, Add Point, Connect Line, Add Arrow, Add Line) and the main Answer Space. The “active” space or button will show a border to make it look different. Press the [Enter] key to move between the objects (images, dots, lines and arrows) in the Answer Space. The “active” object will show a border to make it look different. Select Object: Press the [space bar] to select the “active” object or button (the one that shows a border). If you are selecting an object or adding a point, line or arrow, it will move to the Answer Space in the top left corner. It will also have a blue border to show that it is still “active.” Delete Object: Press the [space bar] to delete an object (after you have selected the [Delete Button] option and moved to the object you want to delete).
Move the object to the left or right. Move the object up or down. For items in the Object Bank, use the ↑ or ↓ arrows to navigate between the available objects. The selected object will have a blue background. Move the object a smaller distance (left, right, up or down).
+ [arrow key]
User Support If this user guide does not answer your questions, please contact the Help Desk at the American Institutes for Research (AIR). If you are calling with questions regarding online testing, select option 1 from the menu. The Help Desk is open Monday–Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except holidays or as otherwise indicated on the Minnesota Assessments portal). AIR Help Desk for Minnesota Assessments Customer Support Phone: 1-877-215-8749 Customer Support Email: MNHelpDesk@air.org
To assist you with your issue or question, please provide the Help Desk with detailed information that may include the following: The test Session ID number (e.g., DEMO‐1234) The MARSS number of at least one student who was affected by the issue The test name and item (question) number Any error messages and codes that appeared Operating system and browser information Information about your network configuration Method used to install the secure browser