2013 orlando res 68 1 and res 68 2rev

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DOC 68.25

Resolution RES 68.1

Animal Records Management: Endorsement of ZIMS Background Complete and accurate animal records are essential for zoos and aquariums and for animal population managers. Without such records, zoos cannot make informed recommendations, veterinarians cannot effectively provide treatments, and animal husbandry cannot be managed in the best possible way. Animal records are an essential basis for husbandry and management decisions. As an increasing number of species are managed regionally and globally, accurate animal records are critical in the decision–making process to enhance population management and conservation initiatives.

The 68th WAZA Annual Conference NOTES that animal record requirements have changed as zoos generally acquire animals through ex-situ breeding programs, trade or exchange (loans and gifts) and to support conservation breeding programs. Institutions must have the animal knowledge and skilled staff to maintain a high standard of husbandry and welfare. UNDERSTANDS regulations on the collection, trade, and transport of wild animals are strictly enforced at both national and international levels through legislation (such as CITES, IATA and OIE) and controlled by government agencies. ACKNOWLEDGES that to effectively manage, breed and transfer animals, accurate and comprehensive animal records are necessary with appropriate details of health, diet, reproductive and genetic status, and behavioural characteristics. These records allow institutions to make appropriate decisions regarding the future husbandry of animals. FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGES that with regional and global cooperative management of numerous species, significantly more information is required since a change in an animal record in one institution may highly impact and inform another institution’s management of the specimen and the species. APPLAUDES the non-profit International Species Information System (ISIS) for the establishment of the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) as the global leader in animal records management for the zoo and aquaria community. 1. RECOGNIZES that since 1974 ISIS has lead the development of animal records accuracy standards, records management best practices, and the creation of technical solutions to support the evolving records management needs of a global membership base of 800 zoos and aquariums. 2. FURTHER RECOGNIZES that the ZIMS online solution provides members with comprehensive population, species, groups and specimen information through an ability to access an animal or group’s history in a single electronic record


DOC 68.25

3. FURTHER RECOGNIZES that effectively maintaining the quality of the data is critical and best practices indicate assignment of data quality responsibility is essential. Although many people may be responsible for data entry, one person should be responsible for reviewing the overall quality of the data. 4. RECOMMENDS that WAZA members support ISIS’ continuing efforts by becoming ISIS members, and consistently use the ZIMS solution as an essential part of their institution’s animal management and conservation activities. 5. FURTHER RECOMMENDS that Directors and Chief Executives take an active interest in the quality and comprehensiveness of the animal data that is loaded into the ISIS database and check the institution statistics for correctness and accuracy. The ZIMS solution allows Directors easy access and use of the information. It is further recommended that Directors secure an appropriate level of training to make the most productive use of the information available through ZIMS.


DOC 68.25

Resolution RES 68.2.rev

WAZA in Support of Sustainable Palm Oil Production

Background Palm oil is an ingredient found in a large proportion of food and grocery products, such as snack foods, baked goods, soap products and cosmetics. Its production continues to grow rapidly and is expanding from South East Asia to many other developing nations throughout Africa and South America. The rapid rise in palm oil production and consumption has resulted in huge expanses of forest being cleared, at the cost of people, wildlife and the environment. Many endangered species are facing extinction as a result, including the Sumatran Tiger, both species of orang-utan, Bornean Pygmy Elephant and Sumatran Rhinoceros. As palm oil is globally available, zoos worldwide can play a critical role in highlighting the impact of such a commodity on wildlife amongst their visitors; and lead the way in facilitating a shift to a more sustainable global palm oil market.

The 68th WAZA Annual Conference UNDERSTANDS that deforestation resulting from palm oil is contributing to high levels of greenhouse gases (GHG) being emitted into the atmosphere, and large scale habitat loss for a range of endangered species. ACKNOWLEDGES that to avoid the extinction of key threatened species in areas such as South East Asia, the link between palm oil production and deforestation must be broken. UNDERSTANDS that two certification schemes for palm oil currently dominate worldwide: the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and The International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Scheme (ISCC).  

The ISCC is the predominant scheme for palm oil used as feedstock for biofuels and includes a carbon accounting mechanism. The RSPO is the main standard for the use of palm oil and uses a multi-stakeholder, business-to-business model to encourage the adoption of sustainable practices by its members. It is currently the most well-known and represented organisation involved in certifying palm oil as ‘sustainable’, based on Principles and Criteria that palm oil growers and manufacturers must adhere to. RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil has an associated trademark available for onproduct use.

ACKNOWLEDGES that the whilst some of the current Principles and Criteria for the production of RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO) could be further strengthened, they have improved with each annual review and give progressive parts of the industry the right tools to demonstrate they are acting sustainably.


DOC 68.25

RECOGNIZES that the RSPO/CSPO trademark provides a recognisable label, enabling consumers to select products from companies to demonstrate their support for more sustainable practices and maximise consumer influence on the industry. Achieving clear labelling of palm oil on all food and grocery products provides transparency and choice for the consumer, and positively positions those companies already using CSPO and making this clear on their packaging. FURTHER RECOGNIZES that zoos can play a role in addressing the threat of palm oil worldwide, through educating and informing visitors, stakeholders and networks about the issue and providing advice for how to procure more sustainable supplies of palm oil (or sustainably produced alternatives).

1. ACKNOWLEDGES that unsustainable production of palm oil is linked to massive deforestation and species loss and that this link must be broken. 2. RECOGNIZES the importance of supporting the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil to drive a sustainable palm oil industry, and particularly supporting the production of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil and its associated processes (including the annual review of the Principles and Criteria). 3. RECOMMENDS that WAZA members support a move toward a sustainable palm oil industry by supporting the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and assessing their own oil and product procurement policies, with a view to moving supplies to either 100% Certified Sustainable Palm Oil or a suitable sustainable alternative. 4. FURTHER RECOMMENDS that, where practicable, WAZA members campaign for and support legislative change in their respective regions to ensure that palm oil and all other vegetable oils are clearly labelled on products, thereby allowing consumer choice and providing a market advantage to those companies using CSPO. 5. FURTHER RECOMMENDS that, where practicable, zoos raise the issue of unsustainable palm oil with their visitors in order to maximise consumer influence – including but not limited to education and information, consumer advice and facilitating consumer voice and choice.


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