2013 training grant application guidelines

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1 WAZA Training Grant

Application Guidelines for the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Training Grant

Eligibility: Training grants are awarded to WAZA member institutions, associations and affiliates. These must be members in good standing that have all their membership dues paid at the time of submission of the grant application. Mission and Selection Criteria: The mission of the WAZA training grant programme is to help build capacities of developing country zoos and aquariums to improve their conservation and animal management programmes. Successful proposals will have training components that improve the professional development and basic skills of zoo and aquarium staff. Typically this is accomplished through partnerships between developed and developing country programmes at either the institutional or association level. The project must comply with all WAZA policies and guidelines. For 2013 a total amount of €17,000 is available, which may be divided between more than one project. Priority will be given to projects that:       

build the capacity of developing country zoos and aquariums and their personnel to manage their collections and contribute to local, regional or global conservation; have a significant and quantifiable impact on the public or the local communities incorporated in the project; have a more applied research approach and emphasise basic principles of animal care and management or wildlife conservation rather than more technical research; are both scientifically and economically feasible in a designated period of time; are continuing rather than “one time” efforts; incorporate a strong educational and training component that can serve as a model for future programmes; already have secured a significant portion of funding.

Application Review: Upon receipt, the WAZA Executive Office assesses compliance with WAZA’s application guidelines (e.g. proper format, subject matter, budget). Complete proposals are then sent to at least three independent expert reviewers who rate the proposals and provide written comments explaining their scores. Rating totals are summed for all reviewers. Evaluation of each proposal is based not only on the proposal’s intrinsic merits but also on its merits and quality relative to that of all other proposals under consideration at the same time. Based on the rating scores and comments, the WAZA Executive Office ranks all proposals and makes recommendations to the WAZA Council for consideration and final approval. Council decisions are finalised at the annual Council meeting, usually in October of each year. Successful applicants are notified shortly after the Council meeting and announced at the Annual


IUCN Conservation Centre Rue Mauverney 28 CH-1196 Gland Switzerla nd

Phone +41 (0)22 999 07 90 WAZA COUNCIL Jörg JUNHOLD Leipzig (Germany) – Fax +41 (0)22 999 07 91 President | Lee EHMKE, Minnesota (USA) – President elect | secretariat@waza.org Rick BARONGI, Houston (USA) | Joanne LALUMIÈRE, Granby (Canada) | Kevin BELL, Chicago (USA) | Lena Lindén, Hunnebostrand (Sweden) | David FIELD, London (UK) | Olivier PAGAN, Basel (Switzerland) | Chris WEST, Adelaide (Australia)

2 WAZA Training Grant

Conference of that year. Successful applicants are expected to submit a short report upon completion of the project for which the training grant was awarded.

Application Deadline: All application documents must be received by the WAZA Executive Office (see below) no later than 5 July 2013. To ensure fairness, proposals not meeting the required format are not considered under any circumstances. Proposals received after the deadline will be returned for resubmission at a later date. How to Apply: Please submit the proposal as a Word document by e-mail to the WAZA Executive Office (e-mail: secretariat@waza.org). Proposal Format: All proposals should be in 12 point Times New Roman font. Page numbers should be at the bottom centre. Each proposal should contain the following eight components: I. Title Page One page limit. Applicants should list the full title of the proposal as well as the names, titles, affiliations, addresses and other contact information (phone, fax, e-mail) of all applicants. The applicant to whom correspondence should be addressed should be highlighted. The total requested amount should be indicated in Euro (€). The bank details should be provided, including international bank codes (IBAN, BIC or SWIFT). II. Non-Technical Summary One page limit. Applicants should provide a non-technical summary of the project that clearly identifies the project’s purpose, objectives, procedures and methods, anticipated results, feasibility and overall significance. III. Project Narrative Two pages limit. Applicants should provide answers to the following questions:    

What are the primary goals and objectives of this training project? Why is this training project needed? Who is the target audience for the training? What will be the specific goals of the training?

IV. Materials and Methods Two pages limit. Applicants should provide answers to the following questions:     

What is the location of this project? What approach to training (e.g. classroom, workshop, field exercises, training materials, etc.) is used and why were these methods selected? Who are the participants in this project, what are their roles and what are their qualifications (please include names, titles and affiliations of each participant)? For all instructors, please list their training and educational specialties. What methods will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the training delivered? (All projects must have an evaluation component designed to assess the effectiveness of the training delivered.) What is the schedule for the project, including project initiation and phases of preparation?


IUCN Conservation Centre Rue Mauverney 28 CH-1196 Gland Switzerla nd

Phone +41 (0)22 999 07 90 WAZA COUNCIL Jörg JUNHOLD Leipzig (Germany) – Fax +41 (0)22 999 07 91 President | Lee EHMKE, Minnesota (USA) – President elect | secretariat@waza.org Rick BARONGI, Houston (USA) | Joanne LALUMIÈRE, Granby (Canada) | Kevin BELL, Chicago (USA) | Lena Lindén, Hunnebostrand (Sweden) | David FIELD, London (UK) | Olivier PAGAN, Basel (Switzerland) | Chris WEST, Adelaide (Australia)

3 WAZA Training Grant 

What are the execution and completion dates?

V. Literature Cited Literature in support of the narrative and methods only. VI. Summary Budget One page limit. Applicants should present the complete project budget that clearly shows overall expenditures and the role of funds requested with this proposal. Please use the following format: Total project budget: __________ Total requested from WAZA: ___________ Clearly list each budget item, method of calculation and total costs in Euro. Budget item

Calculation method


VII. Budget Justification and Matching Funds One page limit. Applicants should briefly explain why the major items listed above are necessary for completion of the project. Also list the source and amount of any matching funds that are available to assist in completion of the project. In-kind matches (non-cash contributions) can be listed here as well. VIII. Curriculum Vitae Two pages limit for each of the principal applicants.


IUCN Conservation Centre Rue Mauverney 28 CH-1196 Gland Switzerla nd

Phone +41 (0)22 999 07 90 WAZA COUNCIL Jörg JUNHOLD Leipzig (Germany) – Fax +41 (0)22 999 07 91 President | Lee EHMKE, Minnesota (USA) – President elect | secretariat@waza.org Rick BARONGI, Houston (USA) | Joanne LALUMIÈRE, Granby (Canada) | Kevin BELL, Chicago (USA) | Lena Lindén, Hunnebostrand (Sweden) | David FIELD, London (UK) | Olivier PAGAN, Basel (Switzerland) | Chris WEST, Adelaide (Australia)

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