Good zoos & aquariums play a BIG role in reversing biodiversity loss

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2020 T ar get1:Peopl ewi l lbeawar eoft heval uesofbi odi ver s i t y

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mi l l i onz ooandaquar i um vi s i t or sANNUAL L Y


5. 3%

37. 1 mi l l i on peopl e whohavei ncr eas edt hei r knowl edgeonbi odi ver s i t yt hankst ot hei r vi s i tt oaz oooraquar i um.

*Mos s ,A. ,J ens en,E.& Gus s et ,M.( 2015)Eval uat i ngt hecont r i but i onofz oosandaquar i umst oAi chi Bi odi ver s i t yT ar get1.Cons er vat i onBi ol ogy29:537– 544.

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