Bronx Zoo Central Park Zoo American Museum of Natural History
Well-managed Zoos and Aquariums can make an Enormous Contribution to Conservation
Partnering for Sustainable Zoos and Aquariums SpeciesConservation: The Need for Zoos to Lead Priority Areas Hotspots The Madagascar Example
What Zoos are Doing What More Can Zoos Do? Zoos and the Wild as a Continuum Increased Support to Field Programs Closer Relationships with IUCN The CBD and 2020 Targets
BINGOS “Down-grading” Species Conservation ??
Climate Change Water Food Security
Green Economies
Human Well-being
Ecosystem Services
Species Conservation and Extinction Avoidance are no longer the Principle Focus
The Need for Zoos to be the
Global Leader in Species Conservation
An Extinction Crisis We are losing species We are losing forest and other habitats We are seeing the erosion of critical ecosystem services
The CI Approach
Be Strategic Set Priorities (based on the best available Science)
Setting Priorities
Hotspots High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
HOTSPOTS Prioritizing Areas of High Irreplaceability (Endemic Species) and High Threat
HOTSPOTS Earth’s 34 (- 35) Richest and Most Endangered Ecoregions
High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
Forests of East Australia
HOTSPOTS Original Extent 23,490,101 km2
15.7% of Earth’s land surface
HOTSPOTS Area Remaining Intact 3,385,341 km2
2.3% of Earth’s land surface
86+% Lost
Vertebrate Endemism in the Hotspots
12,065 species
42% of all vertebrates as endemics
Targets for achieving species outcomes: globally threatened species
72% of all CR + EN mammals 86% of all CR + EN birds 92% CR + EN of all
HOTSPOTS: KEY POINTS Not Just Tropical Rain Forest Not Just Species Richness or Endemism Concentration of Endemism at Higher Taxonomic Levels (Endemic Genera, Families)
Deep Lineages / Evolutionary History
Madagascar Plants 14-15,000 spp. 80+% endemic / found nowhere else on Earth
> 400 species
Lemurs 5 families 15 genera 101 species
100% endemic
90+% lost Remaining area of natural habitat ~50 – 60,000 km2
Strengthen the law enforcement in Androy and Atsimo Andrefana Regions
New Species Discoveries & Rediscoveries in Madagascar
Field Guide to the Lemurs of Madagascar
1994: 50
2006 (1/06): 71
2010 : 101 !
230++ species
Madagascar Pochard – Rediscovered !!
Madagascar: The World’s Highest Priority Hotspot?
MADAGASCAR Commitment to
triple Protected Area coverage over the next 5 years !
MADAGASCAR $50 million Trust Fund requested in September, 2003 CI invests first $1 million Total achieved as of March, 2008
DreamWorks T
$500,000 for Ecotourism
MADAGASCAR 1,750,000 ha New Protected Areas declared since December, 2005
Marc Ravalomanana out in March, 2009
Andry Rajoelina not yet recognized by any other nation
There are no final victories in conservation and esp. in Hotspots
Hotspots and High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas The
Top Priority in Terrestrial Species Conservation
Hotspots If we fail in these areas, especially the Hotspots, we will lose a major portion of the world’s terrestrial & freshwater species
regardless of how successful we are in other areas
Hotspots A Very Effective Tool for Fund-Raising
The Next Level Down Site Level Priorities
Key Biodiversity Areas
Alliance for Zero Extinction Sites
AZE Sites Single sites that are the only home to CR and EN species, the loss of which will result in the extinction of those species
The Largest Biome in the Universe
What Can Zoos & Aquariums do in the Future (Beyond what they already are doing)
Recognize your Enormous Power and Influence Public Awareness Education & Training Influencing Public Policy Attracting New Donors
Visitors to Zoos 225 AZA institutions 186 million visitors Total Global 700 million visitors
Recognition of the fact that there is a
Continuum between Captivity and the Wild
Support for Conservation in the Wild Esp. in Hotspots, HBWAs, Priority Marine Areas, etc.
AZA Conservation Endowment Fund
~$5 million over 20 years
EAZA Campaigns 4,285,000 Euros 9 Campaigns Plus 1.9 million signatures on Bushmeat Petition to EU Parliament in 2001, resulting in 3.4 million Euros to GRASP
Madagascar Faunal Group Henry Doorly Zoo Omaha
EAZA Campaign for Madagascar 2006-2007
605,000 Euros
Recent Survey by
AZA Field Conservation Committee 225 AZA facilities $110 million on Conservation $89 from WCS alone
WAZA 300 members $350 million on Conservation (but not all for conservation in the wild)
Still only
Changing the Scale
Increase Support to Field Programs by an Order of Magnitude over the next Decade
Continued heavy emphasis Species-focused Programs (incl. bringing new species into captivity)
Support for Key Protected Areas
Work with Local Communities
Ecotourism through your Donor Tour Programs
Primate Ecotourism
Primate Watching Primate Life-Listing
Partnering with
IUCN Species Survival Commission
Partnering with the Species Survival Commission
CBSG Adopt / Twin with Specialist Groups Share Global Priorities Partner in Branding and using the Red List Scale in Exhibits
Amphibian Survival Alliance Amphibian Ark, IUCN/SSC ASG
Red List
Rolling out to Zoos, Aquaria, and Botanic Gardens
WAZA Office in IUCN HQ Gland, Switzerland
Join as a Member Institution Other Commissions National Committees Participate in the World Conservation Congress, World Parks Congress, Future World Species Congress,
World Species Congress 2015 ? Resolution passed at IUCN World Conservation Congress, Barcelona, October, 2008
Engage with the Major Conventions Dealing with Conservation Issues
In 2010: A real opportunity
2010-2020 International Decade of Biodiversity
In 2010: A real opportunity
Aichi Strategic Plan 2011-2020 20 Targets for 2020
Target 12: Suggested Change:
The extinction of all threatened species in the wild has been prevented.
Target 11: 17% of the terrestrial planet and 10% of the marine realm protected through networks of effective managed protected area systems and other means, and integrated into wider land- and seascapes.
50% of the planet, including all terrestrial, freshwater, and marine key biodiversity areas (KBAs), protected through networks of effective managed protected area systems and other means, and integrated into wider land- and seascapes.
Use Celebrities whenever possible
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund Abu Dhabi Starting Capital: 25 million Euros
Save Our Species Fund Global Environment Facility (managed by IUCN Species Programme)
$8 million 200+ projects $1,000 - $25,000
In closing, there exists a need for the Global Zoo & Aquarium Community to take on the Major Leadership Role in Species Conservation Worldwide, and to increase the level of Commitment over this next Critical Decade ‌‌
but we have only a brief window of opportunity in which to act to come up with truly lasting solutions ‌...
We Need to be Optimistic and Very Ambitious
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
(CEPF) Support to Civil Society Organizations in Hotspots Started in 2001 as a result of first Hotspots book
CEPF – 2nd Phase 2007-2012 World Bank Global Environment Facility MacArthur Foundation Conservation International Government of Japan Government of France
$150 million / 5 years for Hotspots
The Global Conservation Fund (GCF) Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
$100 million / 5 years Focused on Creating New Parks and Reserves in Hotspots and Wilderness Areas
The Global Conservation Fund (GCF)
63 new or expanded protected areas
79 million ha set aside
- 5,092
Basic Premises All species are important, and all nations should do everything possible to conserve their living resources, but ‌
Basic Premises Certain parts of the planet are especially rich in unique life forms, and these are often the areas most heavily impacted by human activities and at greatest risk
Develops strong sense of partnership with the countries in question Builds trust and facilitates future exchange of animals as part of the Captive - Wild Continuum Private funding not subject to rapid changes due to political crises (e.g., Madagascar)
Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA)
Public Awareness Conservation Education Training
CEPF- 1st Phase 2001-2006 World Bank Global Environment Facility MacArthur Foundation Conservation International
Government of Japan
$125 million / 5 years for Hotspots
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
A Dual Focus
Hotspots High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
High Biodiversity
Still Largely Intact
Amazonia Congo New Guinea Miombo-Mopane of Southern Africa North American Deserts
2012 and beyond
7 7
478 269
The Economics of Ecosystem Services & Biodiversity
Hotspots A Very Effective Tool for Fund-Raising
Funding Mechanisms
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
(CEPF) Support to Civil Society Organizations in Hotspots
CEPF- 1st Phase 2001-2006 World Bank Global Environment Facility MacArthur Foundation Conservation International
Government of Japan
$125 million / 5 years for Hotspots
nd 2
World Bank Global Environment Facility MacArthur Foundation Conservation International Government of Japan Government of France
The Global Conservation Fund (GCF) Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
$100 million / 5 years Focused on Creating New Parks and Reserves in Hotspots and Wilderness Areas
The Global Conservation Fund (GCF)
63 new or expanded protected areas
79 million ha set aside
Target 5: Current Version: Deforestation and forest degradation, and the rate of loss and degradation of other natural halted is halved
Suggested Change: The destruction and degradation of natural habitats and ecosystem integrity is halted
Target 6: Current Version: Pressure on marine ecosystems through overfishing is halved, and destructive fishing practices are eliminated.
Suggested Change: Pressure on marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems through overharvesting is halted and destructive harvesting practices are eliminated.
Amapa Trust
in Protected Areas and Indigenous Reserves
Fund: Target of $15 million
High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
8.98 million
2 km
6.1% of land surface
Dec 2006
Three Major Species Extinction Crises • Amphibians • Corals • Asian large animals
Partnerships Indigenous and Traditional Peoples Initiative
Global Climate Change
Avoided Deforestation
REDD Reduction in Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation
Forest Carbon An Essential, ImmediateSolution The Big Opportunity
Linking the CBD & UNFCCC REDD+ the obvious immediate opportunity REDD+ a major opportunity for funding some of our highest priority areas for biodiversity conservation REDD+ even a mechanism for addressing some of the great economic imbalances that exist in our world
Major Focus on Protected Areas National parks and biological reserves State protected areas Private protected areas New protected areas KBAs AZE Sites Long-term commitment
Protected Areas (in the broad sense)
Blue-eyed Black Lemur
White-collared Brown Lemur
Shortly after this vist‌
Primate-Watching Primate Life-Listing
But, much much more needs to be done…. To increase the profile of Species Conservation To find more resources To work closely with the highest priority countries on Earth to prevent major extinctions ……
Working with
IUCN The International Union for Conservation of Nature Join if you are not yet a member !!
Need an Order of Magnitude More Resources over the Next Five Years Focused on the Highest Priority Areas: KBAs, AZE Sites, CR and EN Flagship Species
The Critical Role of
Zoos & Aquaria
Globally threatened species (CR, EN, VU)
Bioregionally restricted species
Restricted-range species
Congregatory species
Biodiversity Conservation Secures Potential Ecosystem Services Potential ESV 58%
Intact habitat
Lost habitat
Biodiversity Hotspots and High-Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
8% 15% Global land area
Biodiversity Conservaiton Secures Biodiversity Conservation in Realized Ecosystem Services Hotspots and HBWAs Secures Realized Ecosystem Services “Realized� ecosystem service value (Potential ecosystem service value * human population) 23%
Intact habitat
Lost habitat
Biodiversity Hotspots and High-Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
8% 15% Global land area
Biodiversity Conservation in Hotspots and HBWAs Secures Essential Ecosystem Services “Essential� ecosystem service value (Potential ecosystem service value * malnourished children) 23%
Intact habitat
Lost habitat
Biodiversity Hotspots and High-Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
8% 15% Global land area
1,959,100,000 313,000,000 within 10 km of protected areas
378 0
In Summary Real Win-Win Opportunities
The Durban Vision A Commitment to
triple Protected Area coverage
MADAGASCAR 1,750,000 ha New Protected Areas declared since December, 2005
Key Biodiversity Areas
Alliance for Zero Extinction Sites
AZE Sites Single sites that are the only home to CR and EN species, the loss of which will result in the extinction of those species
Target 15a: Current Version: Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems that provide critical services, and ecological resilience or that contribute to local livelihoods and climate change adaptations have been safeguarded or restored, and adequate and equitable access to essential ecosystem services is guaranteed for all, especially indigenous and local communities and the poor and vulnerable.
Suggested Change: Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine biodiversity that provides critical services, especially for the poor and vulnerable, that build ecological resilience, or that contribute to local livelihoods and climate change adaptations is safeguarded or restored through networks of effectively managed protected areas and other means
Target 15b: Current Version: Terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems that provide critical services, and ecological resilience or that contribute to local livelihoods and climate change adaptations have been safeguarded or restored, and adequate and equitable access to essential ecosystem services is guaranteed for all, especially indigenous and local communities and the poor and vulnerable.
Suggested Change – part 2: Adequate and equitable access to essential ecosystem services through active participation of indigenous peoples and local communities, especially the poor and vulnerable, is strengthened.
Target 7: Current Version: All areas under agriculture, aquaculture, and forestry are managed according to sustainability criteria.
Suggested Change: All areas under agriculture, aquaculture, and forestry, or subject to mining and energy production, are managed according to sustainably criteria, including through the development and adoption of certification schemes or offsets
Health context
The Guayana Shield World’s Largest and Most Pristine Tropical Rain Forest Region
May 2006
Dec 2006
2010 and beyond
Ecosystem Service Values Hotspots and HBWAs Climate Regulation
REDD+ Virtually all of the forests that will benefit from REDD+ investments will be within these areas $3.5 billion in commitments at Copenhagen Total potential - $30 billion over the next 10 years?
The Guayana Shield World’s Largest and Most Pristine Tropical Rain Forest Region
Guyana Low Carbon Development Strategy
$250 million / 5 years from Norway
Suriname Green
Madagascar - Mantadia corridor Objectives: Reduce carbon emissions, conserve native biodiversity, enhance human welfare and restore degraded land Conservation (REDD) and Ecological restoration (reforestation): REDD: 425,000 hectares
World Bank BioCarbon Fund to buy up to 430,000 tons for ~$1.5 million
Linking the CBD & UNFCCC REDD+ is immediate REDD+ a major opportunity for funding some of our highest priority areas for biodiversity conservation REDD+ even a mechanism for addressing some of the great economic imbalances that exist in our world
Ecosystem Service Values Hotspots ~$1.5 trillion / year
Ecosystem Service Values HBWAs ~$2.3 trillion / year
High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas
and‌. as it turns out, these areas also happen to have some of the highest ecosystem service values, and are thus especially valuable in terms of human well-being – providing us with many potential Win-Win Situations
Getting the biodiversity targets right- working for sustainable development 6th Trondheim Conference, 1-5 February 2010 A New Vision for Biodiversity Conservation Dr Jane Smart Director, IUCN Biodiversity Conservation Group Head, IUCN Species Programme SSC Focal Point
Yes Minister!
IUCN’s position on a new CBD Strategic Plan What should the CBD Strategic Plan say? Please pick up a copy of IUCN’s position Revised at SSC Steering Committee meeting 27-29 January, Caracas, Venezuela To be finalised soon (Feb 2010) Trondheim – perfect timing! Submitted to SBSTTA, Nairobi, May Refined for CBD COP10, Nagoya, Japan, October
IUCN: Biodiversity conservation – for all the reasons Provisioning: food, water, fibre, fuel, medicines Regulating: climate regulation, water, disease Supporting: primary production, soil formation Cultural: spiritual, aesthetic, existential, religious, recreation, education, wellbeing All of these have economic value Intrinsic: nature has value in its own right
Biodiversity + ecosystem services IUCN urges continuing recognition of ‘biodiversity’ as the variability within and between ecosystems, species and genes (Article 2 of the CBD) Benefits come from biodiversity as a whole, not just the ecosystem level. The Strategic Plan should include and embrace all components of biodiversity For the benefit of all life on Earth
Biodiversity loss continues‌ 60% of Earth’s ecosystems have been dramatically transformed Over the past 100 years, humans have increased species extinction rates - up to 1000 times This rate is increasing...
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ Threatened and at risk of extinction worldwide: 22% of the world’s mammals Nearly one third of amphibians One in eight birds 27% of reef building corals 28% of conifers And more .....
Biodiversity trends (IUCN Red List Index) Amphibians Mammals Corals
In the absence of conservation action, the number of bird species predicted to go extinct globally would be greater than observed. The blue shaded area between the two lines from 1900-2006 represents the positive impact of conservation measures. The top horizontal line illustrates the number of species expected to be in existence in the absence of human activities. (Rodrigues, 2006, Science)
Protected Areas work!
80% of 86 Protected Areas in the topics have stopped or reversed habitat loss Bruner et al. (2001) Effectiveness of parks in protecting tropical biodiversity. Science 291: 125–128.
State of ex situ conversation of plant genetic resources
More than 1.4 million germplasm accessions have been added to ex situ collections, total number now conserved worldwide to 7.4 million, representing significant genetic diversity of major crops conserved Geographic distribution of genebanks with holdings of >10,000 accessions
The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, a last resort safety back-up repository of genetic resources to safeguard humanity.
Source: FAO Second State of the World report for PGRFA, 2009(draft)
Source: WIEWS 2009; Country Reports; USDA-GRIN 2009
So how can we scale up, and mainstream this kind of success?
A Vision for 2050 IUCN believes that a 2050 Vision should
Biodiversity is conserved and restored, to secure a healthy planet and to deliver essential benefits for sustainable development and the well being of all people and nature
aim not just to halt loss of biodiversity but also comprehensively restore the populations, habitats and ecological cycles that enable biodiversity and ecosystem services to persist A forty-year time horizon is appropriate for such an aim
Mission for 2020 - post 2010 target Post-2010 target should take account of biodiversity and ecosystem services and human well-being Formulated as a level of change rather than a rate of change (maintain levels rather than reduce the rate of loss)
Mission for 2020 - A post 2010 target To have initiated by 2015 the necessary urgent and concerted actions to address the threats facing biodiversity, with a view to halting biodiversity loss by 2020, and starting to restore its integrity and variety, thus ensuring the continued provision of its goods and services, preventing irreversible environmental change, and avoiding any change that has dangerous consequences for humankind and other life on earth
Logical sequence: 2015 becomes the due date for having initiated the necessary actions to address the drivers 2015 is also within political cycles of currently elected politicians 2020 is due date for achieving the Mission
(Short and snappy) Mission for 2020: Stop global biodiversity loss by 2020
Scrutinise Progress in 2012 = Rio + 20 milestone In depth review of progress in 2015 Synchronise with 2015 reporting against MDGs
Framework for 2020 targets and indicators CBD has proposed 20 targets in four categories Targets should be formulated according to a Pressure (encompassing Drivers and Threats)—State—Benefits (or Impacts) — Response framework As recommended by Reading Workshop, July 2009 (SCBD, UNEP WCMC) Benefits rather than Impacts
Targets for 2020 should:
Include targets for restoration, as well as ecological and biological connectivity Address the need to ensure that the most important areas for biodiversity are conserved Embrace all biomes and all taxonomic groups
IUCN proposes 22 targets for 2020 Rockstrรถm et al. (2009) A safe operating space for humanity
Target 3: Current Version: Subsidies harmful to biodiversity are eliminated
Suggested Change: Perverse incentives and subsidies with significant harmful effects on biodiversity are reduced and ultimately eliminated
Target 5: Current Version: Deforestation and forest degradation, and the rate of loss and degradation of other natural habitats is halved
Suggested Change: The destruction and degradation of natural habitats and ecosystem integrity is halted
Target 6: Current Version: Pressure on marine ecosystems through overfishing is halved, and destructive fishing practices are eliminated
Suggested Change: Pressure on marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems through overharvesting is halted and destructive harvesting practices are eliminated
Target 9: Current Version: The introduction and establishment of invasive species has been prevented and emerging infectious diseases of wildlife controlled
Suggested Change: New introductions of invasive alien species are prevented, currently established alien invasive species are identified, prioritised and accordingly controlled or eradicated, and emerging infectious diseases of wildlife controlled
Target 11: Current Version: At least 15% of land and sea areas, including the most critical terrestrial, freshwater and marine areas, have been protected through effectively managed protected and/or other means, and integrated into wider landand seascapes.
Suggested Change: At least 50% of the planet, including all terrestrial, freshwater, and marine key biodiversity areas, protected through networks of effective managed protected area systems and other means, and integrated into wider land- and seascapes.
More on Target 11: 50% is high! – but suggested by respondents Would include IUCN PA Categories I – VI Areas which have potential to be under REDD Other areas receiving payments for ecosystem services All governance mechanisms: public sector, indigenous reserves, local community (e.g. Satoyama Initiative areas) and private nature reserves Seeking feedback from Trondheim…
Target 12: Current Version: The extinction of known threatened species (vertebrates and higher plans) has been prevented by ensuring that all such threatened species protected in at least one site
Suggested Change: The extinction of all threatened species in the wild has been prevented
Target 14: Current Version: The contribution of biodiversity and terrestrial, freshwater and coastal ecosystems to sequestering and retaining greenhouse gases is enhanced
Suggested Change: The value of the contribution of biodiversity to sequestering and retaining greenhouse gases is recognized, and mechanisms are put in place to increase biodiversity-based climate mitigation efforts
Target 20b: Current version: Capacity (human resources and financing) for implementing the Convention has been increased tenfold
Suggested change: Each OECD Party contributes at least 0.2% of GDP to national biodiversity conservation measures in addition to 0.7% for development assistance
Linkages to the Programmes of Work It is essential to ensure that targets for the Programmes of Work are aligned with the targets of the new CBD Strategic Plan e.g. Global Strategy for Plant Conservation; Programme of Work on Protected Areas Each Programme of Work should clearly state which targets it will contribute to in the Strategic Plan All Programmes of Work to include specific targets
Development of post 2010 indicators to measure progress against targets Choice of indicators will depend on the choice of targets – a parallel approach Measurable and scalable: local, national, global levels
An informed electorate Species Of The Day For IYB; sponsored by UNEP See
Top five points: Timescale: 2012 scrutinise progress; 2015 mid term review; 2020 Mission: Stop global biodiversity loss by 2020- to reach 2050 Vision Importance of logical framework for targets and indicators: Pressure (Drivers and Threats)—State—Benefits —Response Linkages between Strategic Plan and Programmes of Work Beyond the conservation community – an informed electorate Critical importance to establish targets that call for what is necessary – not business as usual – OPTIMISTIC AND AMBITIOUS !
High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas