WAZA Short profile

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The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums United for Conservation

Š WAZA 2009


About WAZA The 'umbrella' organization for the world zoo and aquarium community. Its members include leading zoos and aquariums, and regional and national Associations of Zoos and Aquariums, as well as some affiliate organizations, such as zoo veterinarians or zoo educators, from all around the world. Together they are 'United for Conservation'. 2

WAZA’s vision The full conservation potential of world zoos and aquariums is realized

WAZA’s mission WAZA is the voice of a worldwide community of zoos and aquariums and catalyst for their joint conservation action


WAZA Facts  More than 700 million visitors pass through the gates of the zoos and aquariums united in the WAZA Network each year  More than 260 zoos and aquariums are institutional members of WAZA  Total membership: over 300 members  About 1300 zoos and aquariums are linked to WAZA through their membership in a regional or national Association


WAZA Structure


WAZA partnerships


WAZA – associations


WAZA branded projects Many animal species are threatened with extinction. Zoos do not only keep such species in their custody with a view to maintaining ex situ reserve populations, but they increasingly link their ex situ activities with conservation projects in the field. Zoos and Aquariums of the WAZA Network manage and support such "in situ" conservation projects in all parts of the world to contribute to the maintenance of the great variety of nature


WAZA publications


Why should zoo and aquarium directors join WAZA?

Š WAZA 2009


Good reasons to be a WAZA member  We support the World Zoo & Aquarium Conservation Strategy and organize and support global conservation initiatives  We engage with other global agencies, conventions, initiatives  We understand and handle global threats  We bring regional associations together for the common good  We support zoos & aquariums with a global marketing strategy  Together we have a stronger voice in international meetings  Together we bring benefits to the public and we so promote global zoo education


WAZA Future Strategy Navigating towards 2020 - The Six Strategic Directions Developing and delivering WAZA’s core conservation activities Developing and strengthening WAZA’s external partnerships Increasing WAZA’s visibility and positive impact Improving and developing internal organization, reflecting needs of members and associations Securing the financial growth and stability needed to implement the Strategy Maintaining and developing a culture of professional management


Thank you

Š WAZA 2009

for listening.


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