WBAF High Commissioners & Senators - 60 Countries

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An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI)

Why our work is important

The 2008 global economic crisis produced an economic environment that resulted in unprecedented challenges for entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs seeking access to finance. It was clear that an entirely different way of working was required, a new approach to solving qualitatively different problems. The WBAF provides an international platform where all stakeholders can join forces to drive change, with a particular focus on linking the best entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs with smart finance opportunities afforded by qualified angel investors and institutions that work in cooperation with angel investors.

WBAF Mission

An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) is an international organisation aiming to ease access to finance for businesses from start up to scale up, with the ultimate goal of generating more jobs and more social justice worldwide. It is committed to collaborating globally to empower world economic development by creating innovative financial instruments for innovators, startups, and SMEs. The Forum interacts with leaders in all areas of society, first and foremost in business and political spheres, to help assess needs and establish goals, bearing in mind that the public interest is of paramount importance. We engage a wide range of institutions, both public and private, local and international, commercial and academic to help shape the global agenda. We hold that, with the participation of individuals and institutions from multiple sectors and from all parts of society, real progress can be achieved.

What is the ‘best finance’ to empower the world’s startup economy ? Ours is the age of the entrepreneur - the buzz word of our century. The current, highly competitive economic environment means that scaling up businesses demands special skills of entrepreneurs, who are obliged to secure financing as quickly as possible. Yet finance alone is not sufficient to create global success stories. The entrepreneur needs not simply finance, but the best finance. The best finance is a miracle that happens when one is able to combine money, know-how, mentorship and networking. This is perhaps better termed ‘smart finance’. Consider the various sources of finance available to entrepreneurs: Beyond basic bootstrapping, there are corporate ventures, angel investors, crowd funding platforms, accelerators, VC s, banks, public grants, co-investment funds, business plan competitions, technology transfer offices, family offices, private equity investors and stock exchanges. With the notable exception of angel investors, all these sources provide only money, nothing more. The only true sources of smart finance are angel investors, who are able to influence a country’s economic development by providing more than just money to entrepreneurs and SMEs. They contribute their own know-how, provide mentorship, and share their own networks in contributing to the businesses they invest in. They are thus the main drivers of innovation and the natural leaders of the world’s early-stage investment markets. The estimated total global market size of angel investment is over $50 billion every year. Angel investors support entrepreneurs in starting up, and they support SMEs as they scale up their businesses, creating hundreds of thousands of new jobs worldwide every year. It is rewarding to see that governments around the world have understood the importance of angel investment for boosting their economies. During the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship in 2010,President Obama’s response to concerns I expressed about making available public grants for entrepreneurs was promising. In a special meeting with me, he agreed with and supported my position on the importance of angel investors in terms of converting public money to ‘smart money’, that is, cash that is invested by parties who are experienced, well-informed, and well connected. As an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum is bringing together key players of the equity markets to discuss the benefits and challenges of achieving successful growth for businesses and to explore additional possibilities for empowering the world economy. By working together across borders, with a common vision, and with these smart dynamics in mind, we are well placed to bring about positive change in the global economy. Yours sincerely,

Baybars Altuntas Chairman of the Board of Directors World Business Angels Investment Forum














Czech Republic






Saudi Arabia

Cote D’lvoire







South Africa






Hong Kong












United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom

United States












World Leaders An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) is an international organisation aiming to ease access to finance for businesses from start-up to scale-up to exit, with the ultimate goal of generating more jobs and more social justice worldwide. It is committed to collaborating globally to empower world economic development by creating innovative financial instruments for entrepreneurs, innovators, start-ups, scaleups, high-growth businesses and SMEs. The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) is an inclusive platform for all G20 countries, interested non-G20 countries, and relevant stakeholders to carry forward work on financial inclusion, including implementation of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan endorsed at the G20 Summit in Seoul. Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands is the Honorary Patron of the G20’s Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI). The World Business Angels Investment Forum interacts with leaders in all areas of society — first and foremost in business and political spheres — to help assess needs and establish goals, bearing in mind that the public interest is of paramount importance. WBAF engages with a wide range of institutions — public and private, local and international, commercial and academic — to help shape the global agenda. WBAF holds that, with the participation of individuals and institutions from multiple sectors and from all parts of society, real progress can be achieved. One way WBAF does this is through its partnership agreements and joint projects developed with international institutions. Until now, WBAF made agreements with International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group (IFC), London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), International Science Parks Association (IASP), World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA), The European Trade Association for Business Angels (EBAN), African Business Angels Network (ABAN), The Middle East Trade Association for Business Angels (MBAN). Another way WBAF does this is through its High Commissioners and Senators. Becoming a WBAF High Commissioner or Senator involves embracing activities that are designed to serve the global community and WBAF members. By combining regular, small contributions from many dynamic High Commissioners and Senators around the world, we all benefit from shared learning, better networks and increased exposure.


Baybars Altuntas, Vice President of the European Trade Association of Business Angels (EBAN) and President of the Business Angels Association of Turkey (TBAA)


Baybars.Altuntas@wbaforum.org Former Senior Advisor to the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Elite Program, Chairman of the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) – an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) chaired by the Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, Co-chair of the Washington, DC-based Global Business Angels Network (GBAN), Vice President of the Brussels-based European Trade Association for Business Angels, Seed Funds, and Early-Stage Market Players (EBAN), President of the Business Angels Association of Turkey (TBAA), the World Entrepreneurship Forum Ambassador to Turkey and the Balkan countries, and President of Deulcom International Inc., Star of the Turkish version of the television show Dragons’ Den / Sharks Tank. Recipient of the European Trade Association of Business Angels (EBAN) award for the Best Individual in Europe Globally Engaging with the Global Entrepreneurial Ecosystem in 2014 (Ireland), 2015 (Netherlands), 2016 (Portugal), 2017 (Spain) and 2018 (Bulgaria). The only entrepreneur to be granted a personal audience with former President Obama at the Presidential Summit on Entrepreneurship in Washington, DC. Developer of the world-renowned entrepreneurship theory, the Altuntas Start-up Compass Theory, researched by Sheffield University and used in numerous MBA programs. Appointed as JCI Ambassador, following Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary General of the United Nations. Featured regularly by leading international media outlets such as CNN International, Bloomberg, and BBC. A co-author of Planet Entrepreneur: The World Entrepreneurship Forum’s Guide to Business Success Around the World, published by Wiley (2013). Author of Off the Bus, Into a Supercar! How I Became a Top TV Star and Celebrated Investor, published by Balboa Press (2014) and translated into Chinese, Croatian, Albanian, and Macedonian.


Abdulaziz N. Al-Khalifa, Chief Executive Officer, Qatar Development Bank (QDB) Abdulaziz.Al-Khalifa@wbaforum.org Abdulaziz bin Nasser Al-Khalifa is the CEO of Qatar Development Bank (QDB), the leading development and financing body driving the growth of Qatar’s private sector and its contribution to GDP. He previously held leadership positions at QDB, where he was the Executive Director of Strategy and Business Development for three years, serving simultaneously as Vice President of several internal and external committees. Prior to joining QDB, Abdulaziz worked at Qatar Shell as a Business Development Manager for nearly three years and held technical and managerial positions at The Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation for six years prior to that. He has extensive experience in the SME, private and entrepreneurship sectors. He played a leading role in the launch of several flagship development initiatives, including the Al Dhameen Partial Guarantee Program, the Tasdeer Qatar Export Development Agency and the Housing Loan Program for Qatari citizens. Abdulaziz holds an MBA degree from Qatar University, a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of California and has received several specialized diplomas from Harvard University and INSEAD.



Abdul.Malek.AlJaber@wbaforum.org Dr Abdul Malek Al Jaber has a wealth of experience and a long record of achievements locally and regionally in the ICT, services and financial industries. Dr Al Jaber is the Founder and Chairman of MENA Apps, the former COO of the Zain Group and CEO of Zain Jordan. Prior to joining Zain, Dr Al Jaber served as CEO and Vice Chairman of the Paltel Group, where he was also responsible for growing profits from $15 million to $100 million in a record time. During his tenure, the Paltel Group became the first Palestinian company and the second in MENA to adopt the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards on Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Practice and Reporting, as well as the first company in the country to form a corporate foundation. Dr Al Jaber serves as chairman of the Golden Wheat Mills Company and is Chairman of Middle East Payment Services, a leading payment processor and acquirer in the Middle East. He also sits on the board of several regional and global companies and institutions. In 2010, Dr Al Jaber was ranked by Global Telecoms as # 62 on its annual Power 100 List. He is the first Jordanian to have been recognized on this list. In 2011, the same organization ranked him #69 and # 70 in 2012. In addition to this, he also ranked #21 in the top 50 most powerful people in Media, Marketing and Advertising in June 2011. He also received an award from HRH Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid, Prime Minister of the UAE, for Best Arab Manager. Dr Al Jaber is a member of the Arab Business Council, WEF, the Arab Technology Forum, YPO, and the Global Agenda Council. Dr Al-Jaber is a member of the Advisory Council of Kuwait National Fund for Entrepreneurship, Chairman of the Oasis Venture Fund, and Founder of Arabreneur.

Hashim.Hussein@wbaforum.org Dr Hashim S. Hussein is the Head of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization – Investment and Technology Promotion Office (UNIDO-ITPO) and Director of the Arab International Centre for Entrepreneurship and Investment Training (ARCEIT) in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Dr Hussein has acquired rich experience in the field of industrial development as well as in the promotion of investment and technology in the last 22 years. He has extensive experience of over 20 years in SME and entrepreneurship development and is an international advocate for women’s economic empowerment. He holds a PhD (Honours) in International Law from the Université de Nantes, France. He participated in a doctoral research programme at the University of Maryland at College Park, Centre for International Development and Conflict Management (CIDCM), Maryland 1989. He has worked at various responsibility levels in different countries, including the US, Egypt, Sudan, Austria and the Kingdom of Bahrain. He joined UNIDO in 1991 as a Program Officer and was posted to the Kingdom of Bahrain to eventually become the Head of UNIDO-ITPO in 1996. Dr Hussein is also the Director of the Arab International Center for Entrepreneurship and Investment (AICEI), where he played an instrumental role in its establishment in Bahrain in 2001. Through AICEI, he initiated and developed the Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion Program (EDIP), which is currently implemented in over 49 countries in South America, Africa, the MENA region and all the way to China.

Dr Abdul Malek Al Jaber, President, Middle East Business Angels Network (MBAN)

Dr Hashim S. Hussein, Head of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization – Investment and Technology Promotion Office (UNIDO-ITPO)



Harry.Tomi.Davies@wbaforum.org Harry Tomi Davies is an ICT Expert with a background of technology management for FTSE 100 level companies in the UK, US and Africa. He directs and advises a broad range of organisations globally, writes and blogs (occasionally) while maintaining a significant network of connections across most of the major social media platforms. He is a regular public speaker and mentor of a broad range of individuals with a personal goal of ‘maximizing the creation of social and economic value using digital technologies better’. He is an acclaimed expert in the project management of technology systems analysis, design and implementation, an area that is the subject of his 2014 book The African Project Manager. Davies’s focus in the last decade has been on technologybased entrepreneurship in Africa, where he invests, mentors and continues to work on developing an ecosystem of technology start-ups around co-working spaces, incubators, accelerators, angel funding, VC Capital, entrepreneur capacity development, and national and state government policies. He is the founder of the Lagos Angel Network and President of the African Business Angels Network (ABAN).

Charles.Sidman@wbaforum.org Charles S. Sidman, MBA, PhD, is an angel investor and managing partner of ECS Capital Partners, LLC, an innovative early-stage venture fund based in Bar Harbor, Maine, USA, but operating globally. He is a founding member of the American Angel Capital Association, past president of the Crowdfunding Professional Association, and a frequent advocate for, contributor to and speaker on financial and entrepreneurship issues in Washington, DC and beyond. Dr Sidman retired as Professor of Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology from the College of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati, where he also served for many years as Professor of Management in the College of Business and in the university-wide Honors Scholars Program. His education includes a PhD in Immunology from Harvard University, an MBA specializing in Management from the University of Cincinnati, and sabbatical study in Complex Systems at the Santa Fe Institute.

Harry Tomi Davies, President, The African Trade Association for Business Angels (ABAN)

Dr Charles S. Sidman, Founding Member of the American Angel Capital Association (ACA)


Inderjit Singh, Co-president, World Entrepreneurship Forum (WENF) Inderjit.Singh@wbaforum.org Inderjit Singh serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Infiniti Solutions Ltd. Mr Singh serves as President of the Singapore Chapter of The Indus Entrepreneurs, a network of entrepreneurs and professionals founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley, California. He has served as Head of Knowledge Management Centre at Escorts Agri Machinery, Inc. since February 2007. Previously, Mr Singh founded United Test and Assembly Centre Limited, or UTAC, a Singapore-based semiconductor test and assembly company and served as UTACs President and Chief Executive Officer. Before founding UTAC, Mr Singh served at Texas Instruments Singapore (known since 1999 as Micron Semiconductor Asia) for 13 years, holding the post of Director of Assembly and Test Operations for the Memory Division from 1996 to 1998. He serves as Director of Infiniti Solutions Ltd. He also serves as Director of Spring Singapore. Mr Singh also serves as a Member of Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the Singapore Government Parliamentary Committee for Finance, Trade and Industry. He serves as a member of the Board of Several Statutory and Public Bodies, including the Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board. He also holds directorship positions and investments in a number of start-up companies. Mr Singh holds a degree in Electronics Engineering from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and an MBA from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom.



Enid Lucaj, President of the Tirana Chapter for Government Blockchain Association, has been appointed as Senator at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Lucaj will represent Albania in the Global Consultants Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Enid.Lucaj@wbaforum.org Enid Lucaj is a Ph. D. Candidate in Law at University of Lausanne, in Switzerland. His subject of research focuses on international tax law, more specifically the role of value creation principle on taxing the benefits of multinationales companies. A graduate of Neuchatel Law Faculty and Geneva Institute of European Studies, Enid has served as a busines adviser in different law firm in Tirana, Albania. He has published one book: Creation, development and current tendencies of the Albanian Judiciary System (Geneva 2008) and has also published some articles as a co-author in the field of tax law. Currently, Enid own a law firm in Tirana, Albania. As a business lawyer with a huge experience in the business sector Enid provide legal advices for large MNE and national companies. He is a co-founder of a real estate digital platforme (www.homezone.al). As a fintech enthusiastic, Enid is engaged in 2 international projects. He is the Head of Tirana chapter of Disruption Disciple movement and the President of Tirana chapter for Government Blockchain Association. His professional experience and his international connections makes him an important asset for our forum.


Christoph Drescher, CEO and Founder of DealMatrix, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Drescher represents Austria in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.



Osama Al Khajah, Founder and Executive Chairman at Global Innovative Solutions WLL, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Bahrain. High Commissioner Al Khajah represents Bahrain in the Global Consultants Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Enriko Ceko, Dean of the Economics and Social Sciences Faculty, Kolegji Universitar WISDOM, has been appointed as Senator at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Ceko will represent Albania in the International Academics Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Enriko.Ceko@wbaforum.org He has graduated the Agronomy Faculty and Economy Faculty (Agriculture University of Tirana 1989, 1996), Faculty of Law (University of Tirana 2002). He has graduated MBA the Nebraska Lincoln University & Tirana University, He holds a PhD diploma in Management (Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana 2005). He has about 29 years working experience and about the same experience lecturing, specialized with about 45 training courses (Albania, USA, UK, Israel, Germany, Austria), etc. He is Dean of Economic and Social Sciences Faculty, University College “WISDOM”, President of Conservative Academy, Executive Director of Albanian Center for Sustainable Development, Executive Director of Albanian Center for Waste Recycling, (previously successful experiences as Commercial Officer British Embassy Tirana, World Bank Infrastructure Projects Supervisor, Newspaper’s Editor, etc). He is the author of around 5000 articles and over 30 scientific journal articles, participating in more than 50 international scientific conferences, author of “Total Quality Management” Book, “Quality Management Tools” Monograph, etc. His work focuses on public and private organizations consultancy, ISO Standards included, heading several NGO’s etc.

Christoph.Drescher@wbaforum.org Christoph Drescher, an Austrian-based, international-acting entrepreneur with a gettingthings-done mentality and strong execution skills. 20+ years’ management experience in senior positions, system integration and technical driven industries. Building up companies from scratch to 150 employees in 9 months to be fully operational (Office, IT, Telco, HR). Strong know-how in designing and improving processes along the value chain from an end-to-end customer perspective. A technical education combined with project management, sales skills and an MBA in Entrepreneurship are the solid bases for addressing any challenge. Leadership and inspiring the team are core values. Thinking in solutions and scenarios to turn visions and plans into accomplishments. As CEO and Founder of DealMatrix, his mission is to unite the venture ecosystem by providing, via their independent SaaS platform, better qualified and quantified data. Collaborative usage of know-how in the decision-making process maximises effectiveness and minimizes investment risks.


Osama.Alkhajah@wbaforum.org Osama Al Khajah is a forward thinker, proactive, self-made, business oriented, professional with high leadership skills. He is dynamic, active member in local and regional business societies and maintains a wide network of local and international highly influential contacts in various sectors. He holds positions in several international committees, NGOs, and professional bodies and institutions in both public and private sectors. He initiated / founded/ developed / managed several initiatives, companies, megaprojects, international forums, and NGOs. Osama became a CPA in 1994 and was the youngest Bahraini CPA at that time. Today, he has leadership and professional experience of over 27 years in Islamic banking, project finance, corporate finance, investment banking, development banking, real-estate development, energy, petrochemicals, international events management, SMEs, entrepreneurship development, science and technology parks, industrial parks, and innovation development. He started his self-made career in 1986, just after finishing high school, by working for GPIC for 10 years, where his final position was Treasurer, and then he joined Gulf Powerbeat Co. as Financial Controller for 2 years. Subsequently, he diversified his career by joining the Bahrain Development Bank, where he worked 5 years as Head of Business Development and Project Finance. In 2002, Osama joined the Kuwait Finance House (Bahrain) as Head of Corporate Finance, and in 2004 he became Head of Project Development, where he was actively involved in initiating, conceptualizing, and developing new businesses and projects worth billions of USD in energy, petrochemicals, infrastructure, and master-plan development until March 2017, when he decided to resign and start his own business. He founded a new company called Global Innovative Solutions WLL, which is led by Osama as Executive Chairman.



Sebahat Isik, Managing Director and Partner of YSM Consultancy, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Isik represents Bahrain in the Global Consultants Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Sebahat.Isik@wbaforum.org Sebahat Isik holds a BSc degree in Chemistry from Hacettepe University and a postgraduate degree from Gazi University; both universities are in Ankara, Turkey. She followed up with a banking diploma from the Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance. Her career in the financial sector spans over 17 years as Head of Treasury, Credit and Director at the Fortis Bank A.S. Bahrain Branch, where he was involved in Credit and Trade Finance transactions. She is currently the Managing Director and Partner at YSM Consultancy, a financial and management consultancy, which basically specializes in setting up and temporarily managing contractors and joint-venture businesses in the Kingdom of Bahrain. She holds a UNIDO certificate from the Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion programme and works closely with entrepreneurs. She also coaches university students in the INJAZ Bahrain Youth Development programme. Her company extends services to fintech companies who are planning to establish themselves in Bahrain Fintech Bay. She has been a Rotarian since 2001 and a member of the Bahrain Businesswomen’s Society and the Bahrain Photography Society. She was also a member of the Bahrain-Turkey Joint Business Council from 2016 to 2018.

Francisco Malesela Kgoboko, Founder and CEO of FMK Global Holdings Engineering Consultancy, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Botswana. High Commissioner Kgoboko represents Botswana in the Global Consultants Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.



Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman of Daffodil Family, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Bangladesh. High Commissioner Khan represents Bangladesh in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Sabur.Khan@wbaforum.org Mr Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman of the Daffodil Family has involved himself with numerous challenges during his attachment as the President of Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry, President of the Bangladesh Computer Samity, Member of Prime Minister’s ICT Task Force, etc. He has made great contributions to the establishment of such entities as the ICT Ministry, IT Incubator, and BCS Computer City. The Bangladesh government has awarded Mr Khan the status of ‘Commercially Important Person’ for his role. Mr Khan is the Chairman of the Global Trade Committee and Director of the World IT and Services Alliances, the world’s largest IT organization. During the year 2013, Mr Khan initiated a project to create 2,000 new entrepreneurs. He has written and published several books, including Uddokta Unnoyon Nirdeshika (Bengali), Art of Living, A Journey Towards Entrepreneurship and Employability 360°. To develop a self-employed generation, he aims to create more job opportunities; his initiatives to promote entrepreneurship include business incubators, start-ups, venture capitals, a department of Entrepreneurship at the university level. His commitment to development in the field of business, entrepreneurship, leadership and human resources development has led to appointments as Visiting Professor at numerous universities in such countries as Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Kyrgyzstan, and so on. He has received honorary professorships from Adam University in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan and Issyk-Kul State University in Karakol, Kyrgyzstan; and he holds honorary doctorates from two Kyrgyz universities: Ala-Too International University in Bishkek and Naryn State University in Naryn. In recognition of his contributions, Mr Khan has received many national and international awards. He established the Daffodil Foundation for underprivileged people.

Francisco.Malesela.Kgoboko@wbaforum.org Francisco Malesela Kgoboko is an entrepreneur, a chemical and mineral processing engineer, founder and CEO of the FMK Global Holding’s Engineering Consultancy, a farming entrepreneur, and business angel investor and founder. His entrepreneurial pursuits, fuelled by his passion for economic empowerment, cut across several industry sectors. Francisco founded FMK Global Holdings to offer turnkey engineering solutions for companies in the mining, tech Innovation, and construction sectors. It offers an accelerator program that scales up existing start-ups in Botswana and Africa. Francisco runs an innovation factory set to bring the best technologies to address local needs in Botswana, and he set up the Botswana Business Angels Investment Network. Has a successful commercial integrated farming business in cattle production, amongst various other areas. He remains a global consultant and mentor in the engineering field, where he mentors up-and-coming engineers and entrepreneurs. Francisco has a passion for economic development of his home country, Botswana, and the African continent. Francisco has enjoyed a career spanning 10 years in engineering, project management and executive management positions at mining companies such as the Debswana Diamond Company—De Beers Group and commissioned the Karowe Diamond Mine. Francisco’s deepest wish is to see communities united and developed to meet 21stcentury demands. His profile page on Facebook has a following of approximately 44,000 youth followers. He holds a Chemical Engineering degree from McMaster University, located in Ontario, Canada .



Vassil Karaivanov, Chairman of the Management Board at Sofia Tech Park JSC, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Bulgaria. High Commissioner Karaivanov represents Bulgaria in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Vassil.Karaivanov@wbaforum.org


Nikolay Mavromatis, President of the Bulgarian Association of Business Angels (BABA), has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Mavromatis represents Bulgaria in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Nikolay.Mavromatis@wbaforum.org Nikolay Mavromatis is a serial business angel, entrepreneur and co-founder and President of the Bulgarian Association of Business Angels (BABA). He is a C-level executive with extensive finance experience in fields such as valuations, M&A, private equity, venture capital, financial management and fundraising. He has organized numerous events and seminars targeting the development of the local entrepreneur ecosystem, including ‘Get in the Ring’, Bulgaria Angels and other events under BABA.


Intelligence at the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, a partner of the European Commission. He is a member of Peter Diamandis´s organization, Abundance 360, and Singularity University.

Cassio A. Spina, President of the Brazilian Business Angels Network (ANJOS DO BRASIL), has been appointed as High Commissioner for Brazil. High Commissioner Spina represents Brazil in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Cassio.Spina@wbaforum.org A graduate of Escola Politécnica of USP in electronics engineering, Cassio Spina was an entrepreneur for 25 years in the tech sector and is currently an M&A and corporate venture advisor, angel investor in start-ups and a board member. Cassio is also the founder of Anjos do Brasil (www.anjosdobrasil.net) a non-profit organization for fostering angel investment, and Altivia Ventures (www.altivia.net.br). He is also a columnist/contributor of major publications, an Endeavor mentor and author of the book Angel Investor: A Practical Guide for Entrepreneurs and Investors.


Victoria Wang, Director of the International Department of Macro Euro-China Entrepreneurs’ Club (MECEC), has been appointed as High Commissioner for China. High Commissioner Wang represents China at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.



Williams Tcheho, Chairman of 237 Business Angels, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Cameroon. Senator Tcheho represents Cameroon in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Williams.Tcheho@wbaforum.org Williams Tcheho is the Chairman of 237 Business Angels, founded in November 2016 and based in Yaounde, the capital of Cameroon. Since 2006, he has worked for an African group of financial companies, including SAAR Insurance, Afriland First Bank, the African Participation Company, and the African Real Estate Development Corporation. Williams is the supervisor of portfolio managers at SAAR for the regions of Central, South and East Cameroon. He studied Computer Engineering and then finished a (another) Master’s degree in Marketing-Trade-Sales. In addition, Williams made equity investments (personally or on behalf of other people) in various Cameroonian start-ups: the A & G Company (an alluvial gold mining and restoration / rehabilitation of exploited sites), Advisor Management Capital (a start-up accelerator), the Subtile Sales Agency (a sales representative and digital marketing agency), Woody (a company that produces wooden advertising objects), and WellVago (a future platform for facilitating appointments with wellness specialists in Cameroon). He wishes to contribute to the development of a better ecosystem for the development of SMEs in Cameroon, mainly for those who have the ambition to target larger markets.

Czech Republic

Petr Sramek, Co-founder of the Platform on Artificial Intelligence at the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, a partner of the European Commission, has been appointed as High Commissioner for the Czech Republic. High Commissioner Sramek represents the Czech Republic in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Petr.Sramek@wbaforum.org Petr Sramek is a Czech visionary, a serial entrepreneur of over 28 years, mentor, and artificial intelligence populariser. He is a founder of AI Startup Incubator, helping innovative teams and early-stage start-ups in the field of artificial intelligence technology to grow into self-confident companies with global ambitions. The incubation program is open for international applications. Petr is a co-founder of the Platform on Artificial

Victoria.Wang@wbaforum.org Wang Hui serves concurrently as the Director of the International Department of the Macro Euro-China Entrepreneurs’ Club (MECEC), Horizon2020 and OASC China representative of the European Commission. WANG Hui graduated from Northeast Normal University with two bachelor’s degrees, one in Administration (E-Business) and another in Literature (High English Education), and a master’s degree in Translation and Interpretation. Since 2011, she has been working for MECEC’s missions in China and abroad and has participated in European Commission and Eurochambres projects such as the Euro-China Business Meeting, FI-WARE and Industry 4.0. She was responsible for everything from daily liaison, topic research, project-promotion and mission-building to organizing events, leading delegations, and receptions. She advanced from project secretary and regional representative (2011 July) to Director of the International Department (2016 May). During these years, Wang Hui often visited partner cities of European countries, Turkey and Australia and successfully accomplished her tasks. She has built excellent cooperative relationships with international and regional governments, embassies, chambers, associations, institutions, universities and SMEs. With positions on national SME associations and professional intelligent manufacturing alliance of MIIT in China, for many years she has contributed to policy studies of industry and commerce, project investigations, and SME visits, and research. Additionally, she has been involved on an extended basis with international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Chamber Congress, and the International Chamber of Commerce as well as with global partners in the US, Dubai, and the UK.

Cote D’Ivoire

Etienne Kouadio Doh, General Manager, Francophone West Africa, MainOne, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Cote D’Ivoire. High Commissioner Kouadio Doh represents Cote D’Ivoire in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Etienne.Kouadio.doh@wbaforum.org Having enjoyed a leadership position as Country Director of a Pan-African telecom group, Alink Telecom, in Niger, Ghana, and Cote d’Ivoire from 2006 to 2013, Etienne Kouadio is now playing a leading role in the ICT sector as Chief Operating Officer at VITIB SA, the first technology park in Western Africa. VITIB SA is a government and private joint venture company in charge of promoting and managing the ICT and biotechnology free trade zone of Côte d’Ivoire. His role consists of attracting investors, analysing business plans, and supporting business incubation and development. With a background in international marketing, Etienne worked for Unilever as a Regional Brand Manager. He is currently leading the national and international promotion strategy of the Technology Park of Côte d’Ivoire. Etienne has been ranked by IT newsAfrica as among the top 10 telecom leaders in Africa. He is also the President and the Founder of Ivoiro Suisse, an NGO that is active in education and the empowerment of women and youth for social justice.


also leads a successful science career. She is an author and co-author of several books and more than 40 scientific and professional papers and has been working on a number of programmes and projects. She was a guest professor at the Iacocca Institute of Lehigh University at the Global Village Program for future leaders of business and industry and, since 2012, she has been president of the Program and Organizational Committee of the PAR International Leadership Conference (PILC). She is also a member of many professional and scientific associations and summer schools. Gordana Nikolić has been included in the book 100 Croatian Leaders, where she reflected on important events that she considered to have been crucial for her success. Each institution founded by Gordana aims to prepare start-ups and other clients to pursue their business careers and to enable to embark on successful careers in the business world. In 2016, she was a part of the European Entrepreneurship Colloquium in Boston, co-chaired by the Harvard Business School and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, joining over 50 participants from 25 countries to focus on ways to teach about scaling firms, not just starting them. In 2017, Gordana led the Digital Partnership Centre, a ‘DIGIPARC’ project that was selected by the European Commission from among 137 applications and became a new digital innovation hub as a part of Smart Factories in the new EU Member States project.

Renata Brkic, Founding Partner of the Feelsgood Social Impact Venture Fund, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Croatia. High Commissioner Brkic represents Croatia in the Global Impact Investors Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.



Renata.Brkic@wbaforum.org Renata Brkci is a serial entrepreneur and impact investor as well as CEO and owner of a company that is active in licensing, consulting, and the organization of worldwide supply-chain operations for licensed products. She is deeply devoted to fostering social impact orientation in businesses that focus on science, women, education, and children. In her capacities as President of the General Assembly at ZEZ center and Head of the Social Impact Investment Hub Professor Balthazar, Renata is responsible for reviving the Professor Balthazar character as a unique, artistic, socially responsible brand. In this role, she is a TBAA award-winner for the best social impact investment in Southeast Europe. As founding partner of the Feelsgood Social Impact Venture Fund, she has been playing a leading role in the process of bringing the European Investment Fund (EIF) to the Fund as principal investor. As WBAF high commissioner and focal point for impact, she is active in promoting the European Investment Fund Social Impact Accelerator (EIF SIA) programs for social enterprises to impact investors. She is also a Qualified Angel Investor Certificate holder. She invests personally in wonderful ideas that do not necessarily have fast payback but that can change the world for the better and push the human race forward. Renata is also the mother of three.


Gordana Nikolić, Founder of Par University College and Business Academy Rijeka, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Nikolić represents Croatia in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Gordana.Nikolić@wbaforum.org Gordana Nikolić, PhD, is a founder of Business Academy Rijeka, which has promoted lifelong learning since 2007 via various projects. This has resulted in the formation of an institution of higher education, PAR University College, in August 2011, the only private university college in the North Adriatic region accredited by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports in Croatia. Currently, Gordana is the Dean of PAR University College. She also established the PAR Institute for Lifelong Learning, the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and the Entrepreneurship VET Center and other companies. Gordana is a member of the European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors and Entrepreneurship Croatia, and she was participated in the Support Systems for Women Entrepreneurs of South-East Europe programme. In 2014, she was elected a WED Ambassador as a part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). For her work she has received a several awards, the most important of which is Women Entrepreneur of the Year in Croatia in 2014. In 2015 she was the recipient of an award for outstanding international achievements in promoting science and education and the entrepreneurship of women. In 2016, she won the special award for extraordinary contributions in the field of higher education and entrepreneurship and the establishment and launch of the first private higher education institution. She is still the only woman in Croatia who owns a higher education institution. Apart from management, Ms Nikolić


Efka Heder, former director of South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (SEECEL), has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Heder represents Croatia in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Efka.Heder@wbaforum.org Efka Heder was director of the South East European Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (SEECEL) for two terms. During her tenure, SEECEL was recognised for EU and global best practice. Ms Heder has over 20 years of professional experience as an international education expert in the field of lifelong entrepreneurial learning, educational reforms and development of educational policies, the development of learning outcomes, the national qualification framework and national curricula, teacher training, and policy development for education. She has also worked as an education policy analyst and advisor in development and reforms of the human capital dimension and for women’s entrepreneurship for boosting competitiveness. Efka holds an MA in Geography from the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the University of Zagreb in Croatia, an MA in Economics, Entrepreneurship and Education from Delaware University In the US and an MSc in Economics. She is a certified international trainer of trainers from the National Council on Economic Education in the US and is currently working in SEECEL. SEECEL’s mission is to work on the systematic development of lifelong entrepreneurial learning with entrepreneurship as a key competence (EU and SDG 4.4. under UN 2030 Agenda) and on the alignment of policies and practices with those of the European Union by strengthening structured regional cooperation. Ms Heder strongly believes that keeping in mind the very simple fact that entrepreneurs of tomorrow are in our schools today, we must support the creation of entrepreneurial societies where each person needs to be equipped with the skills to think and act like an entrepreneur. For leaders of the future, being Industry 4.0-ready, entrepreneurial and having digital literacy are as necessary as two hands to a body. This is especially important for countries in transition where a change of mindset is needed, which is crucial for building sustainable, socially responsible societies.



Dina Vasic, Senior Lecturer in Finance and Accounting Department at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Vasic represents Croatia in the International Academics Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Dina.Vasic@wbaforum.org Dina Vasic is a full-time doctoral candidate at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Economics and a Senior Lecturer in the Finance and Accounting Department at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management. Her research is focused on angel investment decision-making, and she has been rewarded with invitations to leading doctoral conferences, including the Babson Entrepreneurship Research Colloquium (BCERC) and the European Academy of Management Consortium (EURAM). Her areas of research are angel investment, entrepreneurial finance, angel investment behaviour, and behavioural finance at large. For her doctoral studies, she has been awarded with two scholarships and with multiple research and travel grants throughout her career. As a full-time faculty member at the Zagreb School of Economics and Management since 2008, she has taught various courses at the undergraduate level, including Corporate Finance, Personal Finance, International Finance and Mergers and Acquisitions. In Spring 2016, she visited the Cologne Business School in Germany and participated in several education panels in 2016 and 2017 and spent time at the GESIS Institute in Cologne, Germany. In 2017, she visited the University of Vienna, Austria as part of her doctoral research. Dina holds a BA and an MBA in Finance and Banking from the Zagreb School of Economics and Management in Croatia. She has volunteered at the CFA institute since 2015 as a faculty mentor and at the Croatian Diplomatic Club as an associate member and member of the web editorial board.

Patrick Kedziora, a founder of five technology companies in the past fifteen years and an ex-Managing Director for a $250-million investment fund, has been appointed as High Commissioner for France. High Commissioner Kedziora represents France at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.




Anna Fedulow, Senior Consultant in Corporate Strategy at the Boston Consulting Group, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Fedulow represents Germany in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.

James Digby, Managing Partner at 3B Ventures, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Khan represents Denmark in the Global Impact Investors Committee of the Grand Assembly.


James.Digby@wbaforum.org James Digby is a Managing Partner at 3B Ventures, focusing on investing in innovation that can impact the lives of the next 3 billion. He is also a founding partner at the Global Startup Alliance, a pan regional start-up competition that recognises entrepreneurs and their respective supporting ecosystems in 53 countries around the world, and he cofounded the award-winning start-up incubator Rockstart Accelerator in Amsterdam, Netherlands. As a seasoned board member, James has also served on the management team and provided personal mentoring for a number of start-ups that have gone on to raise significant funding and global traction such as the recent the award-winning AIRTAME wireless HDMI streaming device that became the most publicly backed crowd funded project in Europe on Indiegogo of all time. James has more than a decade of entrepreneurial experience and has worked with start-ups, alongside corporations such as Samsung, and with public organisations such as Oxford University’s Saïd Business School and the Kauffman Foundation to develop innovation. He also delivers strategy workshops, lectures and keynote speeches on entrepreneurial techniques with a focus on ‘lean’ methodologies and social innovation.

Patrick.Kedziora@wbaforum.org Patrick Kedziora works closely with early-stage companies and has been a founder of five technology companies in the past 15 years. He is currently focused on growing his most recent venture, Kedzoh.com, a mobile learning platform for the enterprise which has won three major international innovation awards: Startup Chile, Startup Brazil and French Tech Ticket. His experience encompasses both banking and industry. He headed a number of corporate finance groups in New York City and he is experienced in both commercial and investment banking. Additionally, he was the Managing Director for a $250-million investment fund. He has also been the Chief Financial Officer of private companies and a public company, head of business development and an arranger and financier of management-led buyouts. He has held senior positions at Solomon Equities, Société Générale, and the Barington Capital Group and counts amongst his previous clients Kohlberg Kravis Roberts and T. Boone Pickens. He has an MBA from the Stern School of Business at New York University and received Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Economics and Political Science from New York University. He is proficient in Spanish and has native fluency in English and French. Mr Kedziora is a mentor to entrepreneurs and is actively involved in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the US and France. He is passionate about sharing his experiences and has taught at the undergraduate and graduate levels in both the US and in France and has been a judge in numerous start-up competitions.


Anna.Fedulow@wbaforum.org Anna Fedulow is a Senior Consultant for Corporate Strategy at the Boston Consulting Group, focusing on Corporate Development and Corporate Strategy and the technology, media and telecommunications sectors. She is also an in investor in Rising Tide Europe, a women-focused angel fund initiative, a business angel education program, and an international female business angel network. Prior to her current role, Ms Fedulow spent more than six years at the international media conglomerate Bertelsmann where she worked in the areas of Corporate Development and Corporate Venture Capital with a focus on growth strategy as well as early-stage investments in digital and education businesses in India, China and Brazil. Ms Fedulow studied in Paris, London and Berlin, and holds a French, a British and a German Master’s degree in International Management from ESCP Europe as well as a French Master’s degree in Law from the Sorbonne University. She is fluent in German, Russian, English and French.


Prof. Panayiotis H. Ketikidis, co-founder of the Hellenic Business Angels Network (HeBAN), Chairman of the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) and the Vice Principal for Research, Innovation and External Relations of CITY College, an international faculty of the University of Sheffield, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Greece. High Commissioner Ketikidis represents Greece in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Panos.Ketikidis@wbaforum.org Professor Panayiotis Ketikidis is the co-founder of the Hellenic Business Angels Network (HeBAN), Chairman of the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) and the Vice Principal for Research, Innovation and External Relations of CITY College, an international faculty of the University of Sheffield. He has over 30 years of experience in management, education, innovation, research, and competitive research funding, with several networks established as a result of this experience. He is regularly invited as a keynote speaker to national and international business and academic conferences. Prof. Ketikidis is the president and founder of the Triple Helix Association Chapter of Greece, established in 2013; a member of the Board of the Innovation Zone of Thessaloniki [(AZK) 2013-present]; a member of the Board at Technopolis – Thessaloniki ICT Business Park (2010-present); emeritus member of the Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece Management Board [(SEVE) 2006-present); and member of the Administration Board – Centre for the support of female employment and entrepreneurship [ERGANI (2006- 2016)]. For many years, he was also an expert reviewer of DG XIII (Telecommunications, Information Industries, and Innovation) for the European Commission and has also been involved in many European Information Technology projects funded by the European Commission (1992-present). Prof. Ketikidis is the Chief Editor of the International Journal of Innovation & Regional Development (IJIRD), European Editor of the International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM) and founder of the International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Development (ICEIRD).


Maria P. Hala, Chief Executive Officer of the Hala Partners, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Hala represents Greece in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Maria.Hala@wbaforum.org Maria Hala is an investment professional and an angel investor. She has concentrated on the expansion of the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem and the establishment of the local angel investment community. Maria provides mentoring and coaching on ventures at seed and start-up stage while she helps them find sources of financing. She is focused on four industries, namely medtech, agritech, fintech and tourismtech. Maria started her professional career in the finance sector, where she initially gained her experience and her profound knowledge of the international capital markets through asset management positions that focused on equity fund management and portfolio allocation. As a Hellenic Capital Market Commission-Certified Fund Manager, she has spent 17 years as a member of Alpha Asset Management A.E.D.A.K., a subsidiary of Alpha Bank. Maria is an active member of EBAN and of the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece, where she has served as a judge at their annual StartSmart competition. She is also a member of the Hellenic Spanish Chamber of Commerce.

Hong Kong

Andrew Work, Managing Director, Head of Media Asia and Europe, Media Division at NexChange, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Hong Kong. High Commissioner Work represents Hong Kong in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Andrew.Work@wbaforum.org Andrew Work is the Asia-Pacific Head Content Strategist at NexChange, the social platform connecting the world to finance and innovation. Andrew is also the co-creator of the Fintech O2O brand and events. Mr Work stewards the content of the NexChange and Fintech O2O websites and events with a content team across Asia. Andrew has spoken on, hosted, and moderated panels at a wide range of business, finance, fintech, and innovation-related events around the world. These have included the Fintech O2O Global Summit, the World Bank/IMF SME Finance Forum, the World Business Angel Investment Forum, the Baring’s relaunch in Asia, Qualcomm’s 4G/5G Summit, RISE Hong Kong, the Canadian Crowdfunding Summit, Standard Chartered events, and many more. Mr Work founded the Hong Kong economic policy think tank and The Lion Rock Institute, where he remains an active board member. He is the former Executive Director of The Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and has worked for The Economist, Penton Media, and on Parliament Hill with a senior cabinet minister in Ottawa. He has written extensively on public policy as it impinges on the growth of business and flourishing of technology. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from McGill University and an MBA from the University of Victoria.


Zsolt Katona, Former President of the Budapest Stock Exchange, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Katona represents Hungary in the International Finance Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Zsolt.Katona@wbaforum.org Zsolt Katona has more than 25 years of experience in capital markets, stock exchanges, clearing and settlement, depository and CCP, investment banking, corporate finance, stock brokerage, equity research, and venture capital investments. He has gained cross-border experiences mainly in the CEE region, especially Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovenia, and Austria. After starting his career in 1991 at a local brokerage firm, in 1995 he joined ING Group’s Hungarian securities trading, research and corporate finance effort, where he developed ING’s local presence to highest standards and gained top market share in stock exchange trading. Participated in several corporate finance and investment banking transactions, including bond issuances, IPOs, listings, buy-outs and de-listings in various industry sectors. In 2012 he was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of the Budapest Stock Exchange, where – apart from running the dayto-day operation of this key capital markets institution of Hungary – he formulated the company’s new strategy and worked on developing the overall Hungarian capital market, while also working in cross-border environment as the BSE was part of the CEE Stock Exchange Group including Austria, Czech Republic, Slovenia and Hungary. In the past couple of years he was engaged in venture capital and private equity investments, being the Chairman of HiVentures, a venture capital firm that provides funding for innovative, start-up and early-stage growth micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, and also as the Chief Executive Officer of MFB Invest, a venture capital and private equity investments subsidiary of the Hungarian Development Bank.


Dr Eythor Ivar Jonsson, Founder of Accelerate Business and Lecturer at the Copenhagen Business School, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Iceland. High Commissioner Jonsson represents Iceland in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Eythor.Ivar.Jonsson@wbaforum.org Dr Eythor Ivar Jonsson is the founder of Accelerate Business, which runs accelerator programs such as the Growth-Train and the CBS MBA Accelerator. Dr Jonsson is an entrepreneur and an academic, affiliated with the Copenhagen Business School and the University of Iceland. In 2008, he created the first accelerator in Iceland and has since run 15 accelerator programs and created 5 distinct types of accelerators in the Nordic countries. In 2006, Dr Jonsson founded an advisory board program, the A-Board, in collaboration with the Copenhagen Business School full-time MBA program, which has created advisory boards for more than 100 fast-growing Nordic companies.

Mr Hussain began his career as an entry-level designer in the field of advertisement. From junior designer to senior visualizer, his skills were tested at various levels as he sharpened his creativity to a great extent. Gradually changing gears, he shifted focus to the IT sector, where his expertise would bloom while his career took a major turn. As Creative Director, he would manage high-end clients such as HP, Microsoft, and the Reserve Bank of India. One of the key assignments handled by Zakir was JIO 4G. India’s largest telecom provider, JIO 4G, was under his responsibility, starting from project management, planning, and research to various app design initiatives. Another major turn in Mr Hussain’s career was in 2008, when he initiated his own startup, ILM Innovates, where he served as CEO and Innovative Consultant. Motivating his 25-member core team, he mentored the young minds with entrepreneurial skills and guidance. Taking his entrepreneurial initiative to the next level, Zakir introduced a similar concept to develop rural areas of India. In the form of Human United Mission, he makes his contribution towards the uplifting of society. Under his guidance, HUM is steadily growing and pursuing its objectives of poverty eradication, rural entrepreneurship, and women’s empowerment. Zakir is also an Angel Investor to start-ups such as Edusense Note, Visitor Management System, and Incident Tracking System. He has been named as one of the best 5 designers by Adobe. He has also been recognized for his start-up with a nomination to the ‘Top 50 Start-ups’ at Startup Istanbul, 2017.


Prof Nikhil Agarwal , Senior Advisor of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, has been appointed as High Commissioner for India. High Commissioner Agarwal represents India in the International Academics Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Nikhil.Agarwal@wbaforum.org Dr Nikhil Agarwal is India’s foremost Innovation and Policy expert. He is currently Convener of the Denver-based policy think tank, IndiaGlobal. In 2017, he was nominated as Fellow of IC2 Institute at the University of Texas, Austin. He was CEO of the AP Innovation Society of the Government of Andhra Pradesh in India between 2015 and 2017. Dr Agarwal was involved in developing large-scale innovation projects such as a 300-acre cyber security industrial park and several rural innovation labs, incubation centres, and start-up ecosystems. Further, he was involved in the setting up of INR, a $1B start-up fund. He is also the founder of Entrepreneur Café, a global movement that has spread to 110 cities on six continents, connecting over 45,000 entrepreneurs. Dr Agarwal has founded businesses and advised firms on strategic matters over the past 20 years of his career. His interviews and his work have been extensively covered in the international media, including the Harvard Business Review Blog, Forbes, CNN Money, BBC Radio, and The New York Times, to name a few. Professor Agarwal has served on many international think tanks and holds leadership positions in global organizations. Between 2006 and 2013, he served as a high-level advisor to the United Nations Global Alliance on ICT and Development (UNGAID). He is an International Advisory Board Member at the World Entrepreneurship Forum (WEF) and the Open Mind Foundation. He was the first Asian to be elected as Co-Chair of the prestigious Internet Society Advisory Council (ISOC-AC) for 2008-2010. He is a recipient of ‘Excellence in Promoting Innovation in Governance’ from the government of Rajasthan, India. Professor Nikhil Agarwal is an alumnus of the University of Cambridge and the University of Edinburgh.


Vijetha Shastry, Consultant with BHIVE Workspace, has been appointed Senator at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Shastry represents India in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.



Zakir Hussain, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of USense Innovative Solutions, has been appointed Senator at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Hussain represents India in the Global Impact Investors Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Zakir.Hussain@wbaforum.org Zakir Hussain is a leader, innovator, and a visionary who changed the face of User Experience and Design domain on the Indian subcontinent. Hailing from a remote village in Tamil Nadu, India, he went on to become the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of USense Innovative Solutions. The USense brand also expanded to the United Kingdom, Bahrain, UAE, and Saudi Arabia under his guidance. An Arts graduate from Lucknow University,

Vijetha.Shastry@wbaforum.org Vijetha Shastry has diverse and in-depth experience working in hospitality, retail operations, marketing, and co-working community spaces. This experience has taken the form of 20 years in leadership roles with brands such as Taj Hotels, Metro Cash and Carry, Reliance Retail, and Arvind. Vijetha works closely with founders and start-ups as well as with CXO teams to understand and optimize the new age digital synergy where customer engagement, leveraging databases, building strong digital outreach, and PR are focus areas at strategy, execution, and cultural levels. Shastry regularly conducts talks and workshops on digital marketing and digital trends. He is involved with enterprises that are looking at building strong social media outreach, and he connects with the ecosystem in India and globally to help make this happen. Mr Shastry is also a volunteer with Headstart, TIE Bangalore, and a Consultant with BHIVE Workspace. Vijetha has connected with the entrepreneurial and SEB ecosystems globally and is partnering with the Global Entrepreneur Movement (GEM Malaysia and TechinAsia) to provide synergy, support, and to help tap potential.


Mohammad Ramin Komeilian, Founder of Karmeen Angel Investors Network, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Iran. High Commissioner Komeilian represents Iran in the Global Impact Investors Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


QBAC Mohammed.Komeilian@wbaforum.org Mohammad Ramin Komeilian is an entrepreneur who is active in several sectors. Abern

all startups who approach her, not only Iranian ones, she enjoys helping business owners achieve their visions and make this world a better place. She is also Iran’s WBAF Senator and Secretary General in Global startups committee.

is the name of Ramin’s company, which is home to a variety of investments. Ramin’s main focus is technology, and he is one of the founders of Iran’s first angel network. Ramin also heads his family home appliances business, which is now in its second generation. Formerly known as Forouzan, the company is now named Jenova. It is extremely well known in the home appliance business in Iran for its forward thinking management and transparent staff. Ramin has an MBA with a focus on investment banking. He is also an avid runner and home-trained chef. Mohammad Ramin Komeilian is WBAF High Commissioner Iran IRAN.


Hasan Khakbaz, Vice-President of Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT), has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Khakbaz represents Iran in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.



Hamid Alibeiki, Venture Capital Advisor, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Alibeiki represents Iran in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Hasan.Khakbaz@wbaforum.org Hasan Khakbaz has been the Vice-President of Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTT) since 2016. ISTT is the first pioneering science town in Iran, with more than 500 knowledge-based companies. He worked for ISTT for more than 13 years as director of the planning and budgeting department, advisor to the ISTT president, deputy-president for planning, budgeting, public relations and international affairs, and vice-president for technology support. He has written and contributed to many articles related to science parks and business incubators and has spoken at numerous international seminars and conferences around the world. He was also Executive Secretary of 35th IASP World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation in 2018, a Steering Committee member of the IASP 2017 World Conference, and Secretary of the ASPA 2011 International Conference on Science Parks. He is a relationship builder, forming connections with others and has a vast network of contacts.


Maryam Najafi, Consultant at Karaya Angel Investors, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Najafi represents Iran in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Maryam.Najafi@wbaforum.org Maryam Najafi is a business designer and developer. She is an active player in the Iranian startup ecosystem and strongly believes that entrepreneurs are the fuel of economic and social growth in all countries. She found angel investment a very powerful platform to foster entrepreneurship and support startups. As the first executive manager of Karaya Angel Investors, she built up all requirements of creating an Angel investor group, which lead to the formation of the biggest angel network in Iran. To follow her vision she cofounded Hoomaan institute, which delivers management consultancy services and aims to help startups and SMEs achieving their goals. She is an energetic fighter and believes that “there is no dead end, there is always a solution”. This attitude leads to acceptance of new business challenges. She is the business development advisor of Kaarmaan, Iran’s first business club. She’s building a vibrant community of professionals, entrepreneurs, traders and investors in Kaarmaan, as she did in Karaya. She is also the member of advisory board in some Iranian VCs and CVCs. She is an EFQM (European foundation for quality management) prize assessor in Iran which is held by Institute of productivity and Human Resource development. As her social responsibility she dedicates 3-6 hours a week to mentoring or evaluating startups as a pro bono activity. She is providing mentorship to

Hamid.Alibeiki@wbaforum.org Hamid Alibeiki is an investment professional member in numerous Iranian funds, accelerators, and techno parks and other similar areas. He has considerable experience in private equity and asset management. He has concentrated on the expansion of the Iran innovation and technology ecosystem and the establishment of the venture capital community. He provides mentoring and coaching for teams whose projects have received investments from VC funds and angel investors. His ultimate goal is to contribute to their commercialization, and he advises them on their equity funding paths as well as fund raising. Hamid is professionally focused on information technology, fintech and ecommerce. He has participated in IMF Macroeconomics and Finance courses and is an active discussant on economy issues in the Middle East. Because of that, he is a member of the Editorial Board of Financial Markets and Institutions and Risks (FMIR) Journal. He received a Master’s degree in Economics in 2012 from Yazd University, and his thesis provided the first econometrics method for Iran’s economy. He also holds certificates in innovation-related fields. Additionally, he has created financial models for start-ups . Hamid is now working with several countries in Middle East and Europe, namely, Oman, Georgia and Turkey. Hamid was CEO of Hami Negar LLC and was responsible for establishing a Technology Transfer Office between Iran and Oman in 2017. With his extensive international experiences, he is known as an international business developer in Iran. Team work, sociability and boundless energy are just a few of Hamid’s outstanding characteristics .


Dr Bashar Hawamdeh, Chairman of the Information and Communication Association of Jordan, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Jordan. High Commissioner Hawamdeh represents Jordan in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Bashar.Hawamdeh@wbaforum.org A firm believer in intellectual property (IP), product roadmaps, and brand development, Dr Bashar Hawamdeh has become a Middle Eastern IP pioneer. Bashar launched MenaIP, a holding entity, with the objective of encouraging creative minds to come up with innovative ideas related to the IT sector. He also created the well-known brand MenaITech’s HCIS, the first localized HCIS in the MENA region; it has been implemented in more than 10 countries by over 1,200 enterprises such as Vodafone, Jazeera Satellite Channels, Olayyan group, Zain, Emaar and many more. Bashar’s areas of expertise cover HR systems development, project management, process improvement and redesign, business development, and IT applications in organisations. In addition, he has hands-on experience in several areas of management consulting and training, which has enabled him to develop business-centric IT products and services. In October 2007, Bashar received an Honorary Doctorate in Human Resource Management from Oxford College for PhD Studies based on his extraordinary achievements in his field in Jordan and the

MENA region. Bashar is currently the Chairman of the Information and Communication Association of Jordan (INTAJ), along with being Chairman and Co-Founder of the region’s first Human Capital Forum. He holds a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Mutah, Jordan. An accomplished entrepreneur, Bashar has a never-ending drive to get things done on time, regardless of effort and cost, rendering him a true leader and innovator.



Pavel Koktyshev, co-founder and head of the MOST Business Incubator, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Koktvshey represents Kazakhstan in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Pavel.Koktyshev@wbaforum.org Pavel Koktyshev is an entrepreneur, angel investor, TV presenter, and co-founder and head of the MOST Business Incubator. Pavel is a graduate of the Suleyman Demirel University and Stanford University’s Fellowship Program. He is the Director of the Institute for Development and Economic Affairs as well as Vice chairman of the Kazakh Association of Business Angels. Pavel represents the Global Entrepreneurship Network in Kazakhstan and is a member of the Global Shapers community of the World Economic Forum. He is a presenter on the ‘Kazakh TV’ channel and an avid blogger. Further, he is a speaker and moderator of many prestigious conferences in Kazakhstan and abroad, including the WEF Annual Meeting (Switzerland, 2014), the World Economic Forum’s Special Meeting on Unlocking Resources for Regional Development (Turkey, 2014), One Young World (Ireland, 2014), the World Business Angel Forum (Turkey, 2016) and numerous other conferences and events. Koktyshev is a consultant to and manager of international and local projects in the field of entrepreneurship development. He leads training in leadership, project management, design thinking, social entrepreneurship, fundraising, business models, and customer development. Pavel has experience in business, international organizations, and the civil sector.



Wangeci Gathinji, Head of Wholesale at Safaricom, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Kenya. High Commissioner Gathinji represents Kenya in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Wangeci.Gathinji@wbaforum.org Wangeci Gathinji is a telecommunications expert with 17 years’ experience in the industry, which covers the finance, commercial, and governance sectors. This has given her opportunities to work on interesting projects and dynamic partnerships. Among her key roles, she is the Head of Wholesale at Safaricom, where she oversees all international voice, data, and VAS business and which has extensive services in the East Africa region. Another of her principal roles is that of Safaricom Pension Trustee, making a contribution to a growing USD $100-million fund.


Uranik Begu, Executive Director at Innovation Center Kosovo (ICK), has been appointed as High Commissioner for Kosovo. High Commissioner Begu represents Kosovo in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.

Uranik.Begu@wbaforum.org Uranik Begu is a highly experienced management and marketing executive who currently is serving as Executive Director at Innovation Center Kosovo (ICK). Prior to his work at ICK, Uranik served as Head of Marketing and in management at Post Telecom Kosovo for four years. Uranik is about to complete his Doctorate degree in Management at Swiss Management Center. He is a renowned lecturer and has taught at several private universities and the public university of Prizren. He also serves as a board member for the largest European Marketing Conference held in Zurich, the CMO Conference, also known as the Davos of Marketing. He is currently highly engaged with other partners on enriching the Kosovo entrepreneurial ecosystem and supporting Innovation, running Innovation Center Kosovo as an Executive Director, organizing Global Entrepreneurship Week Kosovo in partnership with the Kauffman Foundation, and serving as Ambassador to the Hello Tomorrow Challenge in Paris. Other activities and positions include Chapter Director of Startup Pristina powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, Kosovo organizer for Startup Europe Week 2017; Global Ambassador at InBIA; World Bank Consultant; lead delegate from Kosovo to the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Moscow 2014 and in Milan in 2015, Medellin in 2016, and Johannesburg in 2017; Fellow of the 2016 Young Transatlantic Innovation Leadership Initiative (Y-TILI) from the US State Department; expert on the SEECEL project for Entrepreneurship; participant in several strategy development initiatives such as those initiated by the OECD, the Prime-minister’s Office of Kosovo, the Ministry of Economic Development and STIKK; speaker and mentor; panellist at many local and international events, conferences, workshops such as Startup Weekend Pristina, Mobile App Camp Skopje, KOSICT Conference Pristina, CMO Conference Zurich, Digital Pristina, Global Entrepreneurship Congress 2016 Medellin; lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Marketing; mentor at CEED Kosovo; mentor at Startup Grind powered by Google for Entrepreneurs; judge at numerous global start-up competitions, the Startup Open, the EU Youth Award, the Startup Weekend, the Krypto Labs Contest, the Kauffman FastTrac Facilitator for Planning the Entrepreneurial Venture; consultant for the Voucher Counseling Scheme, KOSME. Arton Celina, Chief Executive Officer of the BPB Bank, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Celina represents Kosovo in the International Finance Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Arton.Celina@wbaforum.org Arton Celina was appointed Chief Executive Officer of the BPB Bank in Kosovo in May 2016. He started his career in the banking and microfinance institution KEP in 1999, and has been with ProCredit Bank since 2002. Mr Celina joined the team of TEB Bank JSC Kosovo in 2007, initially as a Regional Manager and was later appointed Head of Sales and Marketing. Since 2013 Mr Celina has held the position of Deputy Managing Director at TEB Bank JSC in Kosovo, serving the business segments. Mr Celina graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Pristina University. He did his post-graduate studies and graduated in the field of management at UBT. In 2013, he received his PhD in Business Administration from SMC University in Switzerland.


Nora Haxhiu Dushi, Angel Investor of Rising Tide Europe, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Haxhiu Dushi represents Kosovo in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Nora.Haxhiu@wbaforum.org Nora Haxhiu Dushi is an entrepreneur, angel investor and member of the Kosovo Business Angels Network. She is an investor with The Rising Tide Europe, a global movement to increase women’s participation in angel investing. Ms Haxhiu Dushi worked for the United Nations Mission in Sudan during the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo. She has worked for the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo since its establishment. She holds a degree in Business Administration/Human Resources Management.

and currently coordinates an Erasmus + EU-funded project, PoSsibLe, a joint program for sustainability leadership. Prof. Nakov obtained his Doctoral degree in the field of Strategic Management of Organizational Changes; his Master’s degree was in the field of the Management of Organizational Culture. He participated in numerous academic and professional training sessions at prominent domestic and international institutions, such as NISIET in India; CEEMAN, the Central and East European Management Association in Slovenia; the Institute for Business Education in Russia; the Center for European Studies in Germany; the Faculty of Economy and Business Education in Iceland; and at Barry University in the US. Prof. Leonid Nakov has published 57 scientific research papers and has participated at 51 national and international study visits, conferences, symposiums, seminars and round tables. He is an active member of and reviewer on the editorial board of six academic journals and conference boards in the field of Management and Organizational Change. Prof. Nakov is the only certified national trainer in Macedonia of the Adizes Top Leaf (Leadership Forum) International Methodology of Management, Leadership and Changes, is a member of the board of governors of ASECU in Greece, a national expert on UNDP and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), a national CEED expert, economic advisor to numerous boards, CEOs and COOs in various business entities and institutions.


Mohammed Sh. Al-Rashidi, Founder and Executive Chairman of One Global Group, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Kuwait. High Commissioner Al-Rashidi represents Kuwait at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Mohammed.Rashidi@wbaforum.org Mohammed Sh. Al-Rashidi is a Founder of multiple ventures in Telcom, mContent, mHealth, mTourism, mEducation, mGovernment and fintech. All his ventures are addressed under its Group One Global (Og), an idea-generation and incubation venture with a business-model that addresses market needs and leads to future growth. Og is a multi-vertical markets digital inclusion platform. Mohammed is known as an aspiring entrepreneur with a passion for the mobilisation of lifestyle services. He acts as a transformer to the current infrastructure of vertical markets. Diversity and unity of Og Group makes its mission towards its ‘One’ Vision achievable by 2020. Mohammed founded Og Money (formerly known as Payit), a mobile financial and payment platform with a strong presence in more than 12 countries across the GCC, the Middle East, North Africa, East Africa, West Africa, Europe and the US, offering payments, merchant services, mPos, mobile banking switch, Mobile Wallet and Money Transfer. Mohammed invented recently a patent in Fintech industry registered in US and other countries for performing a card presence Transaction on the cloud. Mohammed is driven by his philosophy, which is, in brief, that performing a mission always requires brains, machines, resources and a mind-map of processes I order to be successful. On June 2017, Mohammed started disrupting with Og before others did, setting up an innovation lab for experimenting and simulating disrupting technologies such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, ultrasonic, IOT, ML, DL, AI and other plans on a platform called Og X. With this lab, Og is able to maintain sustainability and achieve its ONE vision.


Rina Neoh, Co-founder of the Ficus Venture Capital, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Neoh represents Malaysia in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.



Prof. Leonid Nakov, PhD, Director of the Center for Economic Researches at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Nakov represents Macedonia in the International Academic Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Leonid.Nakov@wbaforum.org Prof. Leonid Nakov, PhD is Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Economic Research at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. He focuses on teaching Fundamentals of Management, Change Management, Business Ethics and Scientific Research Ethics in the master’s and doctoral programs. As a member of the Management Department, he serves as Secretary of the Master’s Program in the fields of MBA Management and Management in Insurance, is an active member of the Committee for International Cooperation at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje,

Rina.Neoh@wbaforum.org She is a seasoned entrepreneur and multi-awarded startup advocate in the ASEAN region, with proven expertise in setting up and developing innovation-driven companies, including brick-and-mortar and technology-enabled enterprises. With more than 20 years of experience in both the corporate and entrepreneurial world, Rina is an expert in incubating new businesses, finding new markets, creating unique value propositions and creating sustainable revenue streams. She was instrumental in introducing two IPOs in the Australian Stock Exchange and helped executecomplex cross border mergers and acquisitions strategy within the Asia Pacific region. Rina co-founded Mercatus Capital PteLtd, a homegrown incubator and venture accelerator based in Singapore since 2006. Through its angel networks, provided seed financing to promising new ventures, with more than 80 startups seeded and incubated in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, India, China and Hong Kong. Rina holds strategic management roles, directorships and equities in MercatusCapital, Ficus Venture Capital, FintechLab, Synapse EduTech Ventures, Global Learning Solutions, MindChampsInternational PreSchools, Smarter Robotics, Asia CEO Community, and Unlimited Brands. Serves as executive coach and senior adviser to several business advisory boards, non-governmental organisations and educational institutions.



Israel Pons, CEO and Co-Founding Partner of Angels Nest LATAM, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Mexico. High Commissioner Pons represents Mexico in the International Academic Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Israel.Pons@wbaforum.org Israel Pons is CEO and co-founding partner of Angels Nest LATAM, an angel investment

companies and Startups; serving global brands and companies such as KLM, AkzoNobel, Google, Red Bull, Puma, Booking.com and Swisscom among others. He has a passion for Tech Startups and Scale-ups. As a founder and CEO of Thumbsup Consulting, Premtim’s mission is to maximise the success of every Startup and Investor by providing a unique tailored approach that is adjusted to the needs of each company and investor individually. Previously he was Director of sales BeNeLux in one of the rising stars of Coworking space (Rent24). Premtim has also worked for Bynder, one of the most successful Startups in the Netherlands. Moreover, Premtim as an executive has supported Codemotion (the biggest Tech Developer conference in EMEA) to establish its footprint in the Netherlands and Germany. Besides his entrepreneurial work he has done for the different Startups and Scale-ups Premtim is also very well connected in the Dutch ecosystem as well as has a great network globally

network operating in Mexico and Latin American countries. It was cited by XCALA as the most active angel network in Latin America. They also have more than 400 angels from Latin America, Canada, the US and the United Kingdom. The organization has been operating across Mexico since October 2015. Angels Nest has led the largest first angel round for the first cross-border investment in a Latin American start-up, for $1.2 million USD. They also hold the record for achieving one angel investment per month. Israel is also the President of the National Entrepreneurship Committee of the Mexican Institute of Financial Executives (IMEF). Israel pursued his academic and professional career during his 24 years in the UK, where he served 5 years as Operations Director for the largest leisure company in Europe. He became an entrepreneur and founded 4 companies in the UK, 3 of which were sold successfully. He became an angel investor and decided to move back to Mexico. Israel was named the National Lead Member for the Global Business Angel Network–Mexico (GBAN), where his duties include speaking in public events about what angel investment is all about and how it can help entrepreneurs find success in their projects. He is an active member of the Association of Mexican and German Business association (EMAAC). Israel firmly believes that angel investment is about people and values, not about money.


Prof Ivan Jovetic, President of the Montenegro Television Broadcasting Company (RTCG) and Co-founder of MEBAN, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Montenegro. High Commissioner Jovetic represents Montenegro in the International Academics Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Ivan.Jovetic@wbaforum.org Prof Ivan Jovetic is an entrepreneur and researcher. He holds an MSci degree in Entrepreneurial Economy and is a PhD candidate in International Economy at the UDG. Ivan Jovetic is the cofounder of MSI INVEST Ltd., through which he has been executing his own and his partners’ entrepreneurial ideas, involving himself in several sectors. Since 2007, he has been working at UDG’s Faculty for International Economy, Finance, and Business as a Teaching Fellow. Since 2013, he has also been acting as Vice Dean at the UDG Faculty for Sports Management. Mr Jovetic is co-founder of the Montenegrin Business Angels Network (MEBAN). He has also been working at the Institute for Strategic Studies and Prognoses since 2005, where he has been involved in and led numerous national and European projects. He is Executive Director of the Centre for European Education and Studies and an ECSA World member. In addition, he is a member of the working groups for negotiations with the European Union. Mr Jovetic’s primary areas of interest include entrepreneurship and business development, international economy, investments, cyber and defence, and the EU and NATO. Mr Jovetic was Vice President of the Board of the Euro-Atlantic Club of Montenegro from 2006 to 2009. He is also a member of the Society of Economists and Managers of Montenegro as well as the World Entrepreneurship Forum.



Premtim Tafili, Founder of Thumbsup Consulting, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Tafili represents Netherlands in the Global Consultants Committee of the Grand Assembly Premtim.Tafili@wbaforum.org Premtim has over 15 years of International experience working for Enterprises, midsize


Yazi Adamou, President of the Niger Trade Association of Business Angels, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Niger. High Commissioner Adamou represents Niger in the Global Impact Investors Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Yazi.Adamou@wbaforum.org After completing his engineer degree in Topography from École National d’Ingénieurs in Bamako, Mali, Yazi Adamou served as Director and host for US-based non-profit organizations for more than 24 years, covering the Sahel and the Sahara area. Yazi’s fields of expertise include personal development, entrepreneurship, and business development. He is also a volunteer mobilizer, as evidenced by the faith-based coordination effort around the 2005 francophone games hosted by Niger, where he mobilized more than 500 volunteers from 10 countries. Yazi is certified by a US-based NGO as an entrepreneurship and personal development trainer. As a serial entrepreneur, he founded two companies and co-founded a media business in Niger. He co-founded the Niger YMCA and is a member of numerous local non-profit organizations. He founded ACCEntrepreneur to support, to train, to link, and to help entrepreneurs access and secure funding. He started an acceleration program called B2B Zaure, funded as a pilot program by USAID and SNV. Yazi initiated and co-founded the Niger Business Angels Network, the first initiative of the kind in Niger. He is a US Exchange Alumni on Entrepreneurship from the University of Findlay, and has attended many professional events, including the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in Marrakech and Nairobi, the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Johannesburg, and the World Business Angels Forum in Istanbul, where he was appointed Commissioner to Niger. Yazi is the National Host for Global Entrepreneurship Week and other GEN programmes that support the entrepreneurial ecosystem around the world. On Belbin, Yazi is a pioneer, implementer and coordinator.


Hauwa Yabani, Chief Executive Officer of Abuja Technology Village FZ Co., has been appointed High Commissioner for Nigeria. High Commissioner Yabani represents Nigeria in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.



Hauwa.Yabani@wbaforum.org Hauwa Yabani is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Abuja Technology Village FZ Co., the Master Developer of a Science and Technology Park (STP) and Special Economic Zone development in Nigeria’s capital city. The STP programs portfolio comprises masterplan management, large-scale infrastructure and real estate development, innovation management and human capital mobilization and development. Hauwa has provided technical advisory and support services to senior government officials in the areas of policy formulation, program design, project implementation management and entrepreneurship development, all under the auspices of development agencies including the UN Development Programme. Hauwa is a director and member of several boards, including the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation, where she served as the immediate past Treasurer. Previous board engagements include the Abuja Enterprise Agency. Hauwa a Nigeria Leadership Initiative-Yale Fellow, an honour conferred after a Yale-administered seminar on values-based leadership. She is a trustee of initiatives on outsourcing development, free zones management, an angel network and a women-focused investment platform. Hauwa founded a nongovernmental initiative for revival and sustainable development that currently focuses on youth empowerment. She is an alumnus of the University of Reading, University of Warwick and the London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom with degrees in Accounting and Finance and Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems.


David Lanre Messan, Global Advisory Board Member of Innovate Africa, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Messan represents Nigeria in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Lanre.Messan@wbaforum.org DLM is a multiple award winning idea strategist, entrepreneur and investor with key interest in retail, entrepreneurship and technology, highly skilled in idea development, disruptive strategy, digital transformation, brand marketing and startup development. DLM is committed to raising disruptors to create wealth and jobs through entrepreneurship and through this has developed over 250 thriving business ideas for clients in Nigeria and other countries of the world and has raised over $2million investment for small businesses. His works have been recognized by the World Economic Forum, Global Shapers Community, World Bank, Taking IT Global, African Business Leadership Forum, and European Research Council.He has spoken in over 100 conferences on key economic and social topics, major amongst them are the Grow Africa Investment Forum, World Economic Forum on Africa, SHAPE Africa, Rise Networks Enterprise Summits, Junior Chamber International Enterprise Summit, Digital Literacy Africa Summit, etc. He is also a content contributor to African Leadership Magazine, Omojuwa.com etc. DLM is an award winning entrepreneur and some of his key recognitions are; 2006 - One of 100 Best Authors of the World Bank International Essay Competition, 2007 - One of 101 ABLF Young African Leader, 2008 - LEAP Africa/Nokia Youth Leadership Award. He recently with 4 other top entrepreneurs spread across 4 continents cofounded Mentor Africa Project – a tech company driving a new narrative with mentorship in the whole of Africa. He is also cofounder of one of the fastest growing real estate company in Nigeria called Chateau Royal. DLM was recently appointed as a global advisory board member (West Africa) for Innovate Africa – a community of high profile diaspora entrepreneurs and investors doing business in Africa. He is a credential holder from Harvard Business School, JCI University and Pan Atlantic University where he studied Disruptive Strategy, Business Presentation and Digital Marketing respectively. He is currently enrolled for the 2019 class, Strategic Leadership at the Warwick University, London.


Sharifa AlBarami, Founder and CEO of ALJazeera Consulting and the BizHub Entrepreneurship Centre, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Oman. High Commissioner AlBarami represents Oman in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Sharifa.AlBarami@wbaforum.org Sharifa AlBarami is the Founder and CEO of ALJazeera Consulting and the BizHub entrepreneurship centre, the first private entrepreneurship foundation in Oman. In addition, she is the Managing Director of WadiAccelerator (Oman Technology Fund) and Founder of the Oman Entrepreneurs Network. She established the first accelerator in Oman, The Cell, and is the Country Ambassador and host for Women’s Entrepreneurship Day in Oman. These are just a few of the many initiatives that she has brought to the entrepreneurial ecosystem since 2010. Furthermore, Sharifa has reached out to thousands of entrepreneurs through various events and workshops with top institutes in SME and entrepreneurship development across the world.


Dr Shehla Javed Akram, the Founder President of the Women Chamber of Commerce Pakistan, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Pakistan. High Commissioner Akram represents Pakistan in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Shehla.Javed.Akram@wbaforum.org Dr Shehla Javed Akram is a successful woman entrepreneur in Pakistan. She was a pioneer in the field of healthcare, launching Pakistan’s first hospital for acute medical care. She then broke into the traditionally male-dominated sector by setting up a pharmaceutical industry and became the CEO of a real estate development company, JS Developers. In the public sector, Dr Akram struggled for seven years to get permission for establishing a separate Women’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Pakistan. This innovative idea came to her after she won, as executive member, the LCCI election on open merit in 2002. It was then that she realized that women entrepreneurs could not excel in a male-dominated chamber because of their own inhibitions, and that women-specific products needed a more dedicated platform. Finally, the national assembly passed a bill that would allow women’s chambers at provincial, divisional and district levels. Dr Akram thus became the founder president of the WCCI in Pakistan. As a result, from a single seat in 2002, representation has increased by 172% to date. This increased representation has also encouraged SME policymakers to define better gender-specific policies, along with improved legislation for the status of women. Under her leadership, the WCCI has become internationally recognized. Dr Akram became the First Vice President of the Federation of Chambers. She also sits on the boards of PAMCO, The Skill Development Council in Punjab, and the Punjab Council on the Status of Women and she is an Ambassador for International Women (OPS). She was also recently honoured with the Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah Award.


Faiqa Islam, Founder and Chairwoman of the MBS Group, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Islam represents Pakistan in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Faiqa.Islam@wbaforum.org Faiqa Islam is the CEO, Chairperson (owner) of the MBS Group, which has its headquarters in Pakistan . The company is focused on the recycling of renewable waste in Pakistan and is one of the leaders in the sector, which is also expanding to the UAE. She started her career as an associate manager with MBS in 2006 and has gone on to lead more than a 100 projects and programs, both domestically and internationally. Faiqa has always been a serial entrepreneur. At the age of 22, she became the youngest regional coordinating officer at Intel (Asia) Pakistan. She has many years of professional and management experience working with large national and multinational companies specializing in socialization and computer sciences. She is also an expert in project implementation and in project management methodologies. As an acknowledged entrepreneur, public speaker, coach and leader in Pakistan, she has also been the recipient of several excellence awards. As a public figure, she has actively worked for non-profit organisations and delivered workshops on women rights and has provided coaching for online tools, peer learning, curriculum development and mentoring. She has collaborated with regional and international networks to raise awareness and strengthen protection mechanisms and has worked with women’s organisations such as Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs), looking after and advising women at risk. Faiqa is also actively involved with SOS Children Villages of Pakistan, an organisation that help orphans with housing and education and is also a member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

founded Adnet, the first and largest online advertising network in Poland and the Baltic countries. He has more than 18 years of experience in the online advertising industry and 10 years in angel investing/venture capital. He holds a master’s degree in Economy from the Warsaw School of Economics.


Hugo Mendes, Chief Financial Officer for the Macauto Group, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Mendes represents Portugal in the International Finance Committee of the Grand Assembly.



Waqas Khan, Country Manager of the Intel-Wise Group, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Khan represents Pakistan in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Waqas.Khan@wbaforum.org Waqas Khan works with the Intel-Wise Group as Country Manager in Pakistan. He is the Co-Founder and Chief Strategist at VentureCop, which specializes in start-up development and global networking with incubators and accelerators communities and business evangelists at JumpStart, Pakistan’s largest venture capital and private equity firms. Waqas is a self-motivated and determined person with a lot of energy to work for the bottom of the pyramid in strengthening the business environment for corporations and entrepreneurs in local ecosystems and innovation hubs. He is a member of the Global Start-ups Network and advisor on multiple acceleration programs/start-ups worldwide. He has extensive experience in the complex issues of multiple-founder startups and family businesses. He is comfortable not only sharing practical business advice, but also providing business therapy and coaching. He works relentlessly for his clients.


Marek Rusiecki, Star of the Dragons’ Den TV show of Sony Pictures Television and cofounding partner at Xevin Investments, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Poland. High Commissioner Rusiecki represents Poland at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Marek.Rusiecki@wbaforum.org Marek Rusiecki is the star of the ‘Dragons’ Den’ TV show of Sony Pictures Television and a co-founding partner at Xevin Investments, a group of venture capital funds (Xevin Investments, Xevin VC, RX Fund) established in 2008 and based in Warsaw, Poland. He has been an investor (through funds or directly as an angel) in more than 60 companies all over the CEE region and in Israel. Prior to founding Xevin Investments, Marek co-

Hugo.Mendes@wbaforum.org Hugo Mendes is currently the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for Macauto Group, the second-largest producer of automotive sunshades in the world; the company is listed on the Taiwan OTC Exchange (TWO) and headquartered in Tainan, Taiwan. He serves as a senior strategy advisor to the CEO and senior executives. Prior joining Macauto, he was CFO of the Asia Supply Chain for the Hong Kong-based Vivarte Group, and North China CFO for Decathlon Group, where he was based in Shanghai. He is a national Certified Public Accountant (CPA) of the Portuguese Order of Certified Accountants (OCC). Having graduated from the Oporto Polytechnic business school with a double degree in Accounting and in Finance, Mr Mendes is also a real estate developer, investor and entrepreneur. He is the founder and Managing Director of a real estate boutique and consulting firm that is committed to helping foreign investors find the best investments in Portugal. Furthermore, he is a member of the Lisbon Business Angels Club and a regular panel speaker at CFO roundtables, the CFO Innovation Hong Kong Forum, the FP&A Innovation Summit–Hong Kong as well as in investing and business angel-related events.


Rui Falcao, Co-founder and Angel Investor at REDangels, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Falcao represents Portugal in the International Academic Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Rui.Falcao@wbaforum.org He is a professional angel investor, co-founder and managing partner of REDangels, the leading angel group in Portugal comprising more than 50 angel investors from 8 countries. Coming initially from a software engineer background, Rui was a serial entrepreneur of the internet booming days, participating as entrepreneur and angel investor in more than 20 startups in technologies and communications sector. Rui has the complete experience of the entrepreneurial cycle going from founding stage, validation, grow and internationalization, failure and successful exits. Rui has received several awards during his career, regarding entrepreneurship and creativity. He was founder and board member of professional associations such as multimedia, management and business angels, always committed with common good for society. Actually, his passion and effort is driven to develop a professional angel network brand and support gatekeepers and angel groups to become more professional, providing great angel experience and strong engagement. Rui was a university professor long time ago, before he decided to enter the entrepreneurial adventure. Recently, there is an extra life challenge to create taught and credibility about angel investing by finishing a PHD on angel investor perceived value.



Anca Barbieru, Founder and CEO of Barbieru & Partners Consultants has been appointed as High Commissioner for Romania. High Commissioner Barbieru represents Romania in the Global Consultants Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Anca.Barbieru@wbaforum.org Anca Barbieru is the Director in Romania of Deposit Solutions GMBH and a capital markets professional with over 12 years of international financial markets experience. She has held several positions at top-tier US and European banks. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a double concentration in Finance and Marketing from the University of Richmond (Virginia) and a Master’s degree in International Accounting from the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. Anca is skilled in finance, sales and trading, and business development and is passionate about developing the early-stage investment ecosystem in her home country, Romania. She currently runs her own business, which arranges high level business introductions for global fintech into the Romanian banking and asset management sector and is looking to develop it into a seed and early-stage investment fund focused on CEE.

Jelena Plavanski, President of the Serbian Business Angels Network, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Serbia. High Commissioner Plavanski represents Serbia in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Saudi Arabia


Tuba Terekli, International Executive Consultant and Angel Investor, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Saudi Arabia. High Commissioner Terekli represents Saudi Arabia in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Tuba.Terekli@wbaforum.org Tuba Terekli is the CEO of an international foundation that focuses on development in 57 countries. In addition, she is the co-founder and MD of Lead Angels and co-founder of the Qotuf Al Riyadah Development Company, the first private entrepreneurship foundation in Saudi Arabia. She also established the first accelerator in Saudi Arabia, Flat6Labs Jeddah. She is the country host for Global Entrepreneurship Week in Saudi and for The Creative Business Cup, Saudi. These are just a few of the many initiatives that she has brought to the entrepreneurial ecosystem since 2011. Furthermore, Tuba has reached out to over 70,000 entrepreneurs through various events and works with over 25 countries’ top institutes in SME and entrepreneurship development. Tuba works throughout Silicon Valley, Europe, Turkey, the GCC, and 13 regions of Saudi Arabia with various chambers, ministries, universities, accelerator programs, and venture capital funds. As an expert, she continues to regularly support World Bank Studies, UNDP Studies, regional governmental research, legislative reviews, and development aimed at the formulation of knowledge-based economies. As an angel investor, she discovers start-ups from all corners of the tech world and is on the advisory board for the SXSW pitch event. Tuba also founded the first female-managed healthcare consultancy in the region, which has been lauded by the National Arab US Chamber of Commerce as one of the region’s most promising projects. She supports many national and international causes by lending her services to their boards, in addition to serving on the board of 39 (and counting) Saudi companies.

Jelena.Plavanski@wbaforum.org Jelena Plavanski is Head of the Center for Ecology, Innovation and Technology Transfer at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia – Belgrade Chamber of Commerce. She is a member of various working groups in certain ministries as well as a mentor for the entrepreneurship programme (specialising in the R&D community) at the Center for Technology Transfer of the University of Belgrade. Jelena is also an International Committee Member of the International Technology Transfer Network. As a businessoriented person, Jelena is very active in creating an innovative, green environment and ecosystem. She works with innovations from the R&D sector and start-ups, mentoring them to transfer their innovations into businesses. Jelena is also a jury member at Climathon, a competition organised by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union focused on eco-innovation. She is also very active in connecting the science sector and start-ups with businesses. Callum Laing Partner at Unity Group Private Equity and Co-founder of The Marketing Group PLC, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Singapore. High Commissioner Laing represents Singapore in the Global Impact Investors Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Callum.Laing@wbaforum.org Callum Laing has been an entrepreneur for 20 years across multiple countries and sectors. During that time, he has started, built, and ultimately bought and sold half a dozen different businesses. He is the author of two best-selling business books and is one of the pioneers behind the ‘Agglomerate’ methodology to help small businesses access capital markets. A Partner at The Unity Group Private Equity, Laing is also co-founder of The Marketing Group PLC. As part of his commitment to the entrepreneurial community, he has interviewed and promoted more than 500 entrepreneurs and leaders throughout Asia over the past few years. Regularly featured in the media, Laing is an accomplished speaker on entrepreneurship and small business, especially on assets, alliances and acquisitions. Both of his books echo his philosophy that we are moving from an era of competition into an era of collaboration. He is a keen sportsman and lives in Singapore with his wife and two young daughters.

South Africa

Chris Campbell, Co-founder of the South African Business Angel Networks (SABAN), has been appointed as High Commissioner for South Africa. High Commissioner Campbell represents South Africa in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Chris.Campbell@wbaforum.org Christopher Campbell is leading efforts in South Africa and Africa to grow the angel investor ecosystem. As a co-founder of the South African – and African – business angel networks, he actively promotes a future on the continent where angels are numerous, well equipped, and networked. He is the Managing Director and Founder of Socius, a UK


and South African management consulting and digital communication business. He is the youngest person to have served on the University of Cape Town’s Alumni Board and is a former winner of the All Africa Human Rights Moot Court Competition (Lagos, 2009).

Dr Mohammed Elhadi, Member of the Advisory Board of Khartoum State’s Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Sudan. High Commissioner Elhadi represents Sudan in the Global Consultants Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Miguel Martin, Founder and Co-investor at Immerxing Hub, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Spain. High Commissioner Martin represents Spain in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Miguel.Martin@wbaforum.org Miguel Martin is a qualified lawyer, international eMBA and angel investor. He has 15 years’ living and working experience across Europe, LATAM, CEE and MENA, focusing on international business development and investment for MNCs such as Carrefour and Mecalux, and start-ups in Spain and Poland, not to mention his own projects. He is the founder and co-investor at Immerxing Hub, an innovative tech and talent accelerator offering a one-stop specialised space with a VR/360/AR academy, demolab, co-working space, and an investment program to boost the immersive talent and startups ecosystem. Immerxing Hub already has two hubs in Spain and is now expanding to the UK, Mexico, and Morocco. In collaboration with WBAF, Miguel Martin is leading the establishment of the first cross-border, vertical business angels network. Miguel is specialised in immersive tech, project management, and early-stage investment, whilst also being an active speaker and an investor in major VR/360/AR tech events such as the Asia VR/AR Fair, World VR/ AR, Telefonica VR Hackaton, and SpainVRStartups. In addition to his keen interest in immersive tech, Miguel’s expertise, networking, and investment interests focus on EdTech, PropTech, and TravelTech. Miguel is a proactive member of the Spanish start-up and business angel community, and regularly features as an investor, mentor, and judge in start-up events such as Telefonica AOF and Bolt Accelerators, MWC/4YFN Investor Network, South Summit, and various business angel industry events.



Monica Mateu, Chief Executive Officer and Founding Partner, MMA Innovation, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Maeu represents Spain in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Monica.Mateu@wbaforum.org As Manager of Services for Corporates Business Development of the Innovation Corporate Development Unit at the Innoenergy SE-Creapolis, Monica Mateu deals with start-up acceleration and sustainable energy know-how services for corporate ventures. She has expertise in innovation strategy, lean start-up, acceleration new business model and disruptive and open innovation methodologies, start-up team assessments, due diligence best practices, and corporate innovation culture. She is pushing Innoenergy to become the leading engine for innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable energy in Europe by accelerating the commercialization of all innovative products and services from start-ups in which Innoenergy has invested in past years.

Mohammed.Elhadi@wbaforum.org Dr Mohammed Elhadi is Accredited in the United Kingdom as a Continuing Professional Development Coach (CDP No. 31027). He is a Certified FORTH Innovation Facilitator and Associate Professor at the College of Engineering at Karary University in Sudan. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Roadmap Group, an organisation focused on fostering innovation management through various platforms and activities, including capacity-building programs. The Roadmap Group is a member of the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP). Dr Elhadi is a member of the Advisory Board of Khartoum State’s Ministry of Infrastructure and Transportation, Head of the National Program for Industrial Development’s Monitoring and Evaluation Committee under the Ministry of Industry, Innovation Advisor to the Ministry of Social Development in Khartoum State, a member of the Scientific Committee for the International Entrepreneurship Conference held in February 2018 at the Sudan University of Science of Technology, and the Corporate Strategy and Innovation Advisor to a private agribusiness company. He was also recently nominated to manage the Social Economy Development Program for the State. Dr Elhadi’s most recent capacity-building initiatives include the training of more than 130 engineers in building business cases; 10 short courses in New Products Development with a total of 165 participants, and more recently, a workshop entitled Designing, Establishing and Operationalizing Sustainable Business Incubators, with over 100 participants from 30 organizations in Khartoum. The latter event, which was supported by the IASP, was conducted along with one of the Executive Board members of the Association, as well as the President of its Advisory Council. Dr Elhadi has authored a comprehensive workbook for managing technological innovations and is currently pioneering the translation of several global publications in his fields of experience into one of his country’s local languages.


Magdalena Tarasinska, Interim CFO at WealthArc, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Tarasinska represents Switzerland in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Magdalena.Tarasinska@wbaforum.org Magdalena Tarasinska has 15 years of working experience in management positions in corporate finance for Fortune 500 companies. Most recently, she was involved as the CFO of a rapidly growing tech start-up in the wealth management space. She is an active business angel, mentor and advisor to early-stage companies, mainly in the Swiss market. Magdalena is an investor and jury member of the Swiss ICT Investment Club, one of the most active business angel clubs in Europe. Her main focus is on fintech and enterprise software ventures where she can support start-ups not only with capital but also with strategic finance and management expertise. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics and is a member of the Professional Finance Association ACCA.


domestic tourism affordable and accessible in her country. She is also the co-founder of TAYL (Tanzania - Asia young leaders), a platform that develops leadership skills in young leaders and then directs these leaders to available opportunities in Tanzania and Asia. She holds a master’s degree in International Tourism and Hospitality from the University of Toulouse (Malaysia campus) and a bachelor’s degree in International Business Management from the University of Cardiff, Wales.

Dr Sabetha Mwambenja, Former Chairperson of the Tanzania Trade Development Authority, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Tanzania. High Commissioner Mwambenia represents Tanzania in the Impact Investment Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.



Sabetha.Mwambenja@wbaforum.org Dr Sabetha Mwambenja earned her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania and went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Business Administration at the University of Central Michigan in the US. She is also the holder of diplomas in Agribusiness Management, Rural Credit Development, Industrial Extension Services and Micro Enterprises Finance. Dr Mwambenja started her banking career at the National Bank of Commerce (NBC) and was later became the first woman Director of Credit in the history of the NBC. In January 1998, she was appointed General Manager of the newly established Exim Bank Tanzania Limited, being the first Woman General Manager in the history of Tanzania’s banking industry. In 2000, Dr Mwambenja was then promoted to Chief Executive Officer of Exim bank, once again as the first and only woman CEO in the Tanzania banking sector. She held this position for 14 years. In 2009, Dr Mwambenja was appointed as a member of the Governing Board of the Global Banking Alliance (GBA) for women. In the same year, she was also appointed as a board member of the Southern Highlands University College. In 2010, the TIAW (The International Alliance for Women), named Dr Sabetha as a winner of in the prestigious TIAW World of Difference 100 Awards in the community/ corporate category. In January 2011, Dr Mwambenja was appointed as the first Managing Director and CEO of the newly-established, Covenant Bank for Women Tanzania Limited. Due to her commitment to empowering women, Dr Mwambenja was among the chosen few to represent Tanzania on a panel at the First African First Ladies Summit. In 2012, the President of Tanzania appointed Dr Mwambenja Chairperson of the Tanzania Trade Development Authority, which operates under the Ministry of Industries and Trade. In March 2015, Women Empowered to Achieve the Impossible (WETATI), named Dr Mwambenja as the winner of the ‘Woman Achieving the Impossible in Life and Business’ award for her philanthropy, entrepreneurial and executive leadership savvy, and exemplary character. Furthermore, in 2015 SAMEAWS (South America–Africa–Middle East—Asia Awards) announced Dr Mwambenja as the winner of the African Female Leadership Impact award. On 30 October 2016, the Africa Graduate University conferred upon Dr Mwambenja a Doctorate of Philosophy degree in Business Administration and Management. She also emerged the winner of the Africa Women Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum’s (AWIEF) ‘Empowerment Award’ for 2017.


Douja Ben Mahmous Gharbi, President of the Entrepreneurship Center and Endogenous Development, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Tunisia. High Commissioner Gharbi represents Tunisia in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.



Mohamed Fetah Krichene, General Manager at Sfax Technopark, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Tunisia. High Commissioner Krichene represents Tunisia in the Global Innovation and Technology Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Tutindaga Mwambenja, Co-founder of TAYL Tanzania - Asia Young Leaders, has been appointed as Senator at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Mwambenja will represent Tanzania in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Tutindaga .Mwambenja@wbaforum.org Tutindaga is an entrepreneur and a passionate advocate of youth mentorship. She is the Managing Director of TzeeTravel Agency in Tanzania, a company that aims to make

Douja.Gharbi@wbaforum.org Douja Gharbi is a serial entrepreneur, business and entrepreneurship consultant and mentor with a strong community development motivation. She is a UNIDO expert on entrepreneurship and investment promotion. She is President of the Entrepreneurship Center and Endogenous Development, Vice President of the Confederation of Citizen Companies in Tunisia, and Vice President of Finance Participative en Méditerranée. Douja Gharbi was a board member of the National Young Entrepreneurs Association and the National Chamber of Women Entrepreneurs from 1996 to 2011 and served as Tunisian Hub Manager to the MENA Business Women’s Network. She is a speaker on entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurs, investment promotion and development. She spoke at the Presidential Obama Summit on Entrepreneurship in Washington, DC in 2010; at the US-Maghreb Entrepreneurship Conference in Algiers; at the WIEF Business Women Forum 2010 in Malaysia; at the OCDE Conference 2008 In Kuwait; at the WED Conference in Jordan in 2009 and many other international conferences across Africa and around the world. Douja Gharbi specialises in project management, entrepreneurship and employment projects. She volunteers as a mentor for various business organizations and associations, including the CEDE, CONECT, CJD, CNFCE and FPM. She also consults for UNIDO. Douja Gharbi has a master’s degree from the University of Economics and Management of Tunis. She also has condensed training in business administration through the Beyster Institute of the University of California; training in export techniques, management and capacity development of women in Africa via the ICT and Trade Facilitation Office Canada program; and business training and counselling from UNIDO (ARCEI Program).


Mohamed.Fetah Krichene@wbaforum.org Mohamed Fetah Krichene has more than 15 years’ experience in management, project management, and sales and marketing strategies in different fields, with a track record of successfully guiding major expansion efforts and strategic partnerships. He also has significant experience supporting entrepreneurs. Before joining Sfax Technopark, Fetah held numerous leadership roles: COO of a leading facility management company, Deputy Director of CEED Tunisia, Sales and Marketing Manager of the Competitiveness Pole of Sousse (PCS), a PPP managing a science and technology park in mechatronics, an

at the Central Bank of Turkey also contributed to her expertise. Ms Uvez has a firm grasp of the dynamics of the real sector in Turkey as well as in-depth knowledge of the problematic areas where urgent solutions are needed. As the representative of Turkey in the Global Women Leaders Committee of the World Business Angels Investment Forum, she has a global perspective on issues that concern women entrepreneurs in particular. Having studied politics and public administration at The Middle East Technical University and business management at Anadolu University, she earned an MBA from Oxford University’s Said Business School, where she specialised in entrepreneurship. During her stay in the UK, she co-founded GlamOre, which aimed to match people with positions in the job market, focusing in particular on CSR projects; she secured £40,000 from the Oxford City Council as seed capital. She also worked as the marketing manager of Start-up Tortoise, a platform for matching experts with entrepreneurs, and then as vice executive director of TEDxOxbridge 2015, an independently-organized TED project themed as ‘Ideas to Impact’. Asli Uvez is currently the events director at the Central Bank of Turkey, where she continues to make good use of her wide range of experience, prioritising activities that increase awareness about women entrepreneurship.

industrial park and a business park. He also launched and managed several companies in the leisure and travel industry, in services and in retails. He graduated from ESC Wesford in Grenoble. He is also a founding member of Tunisia Technoparks, the Tunisian Association of Science and Technology Parks, a board member of the Tunisian British Chamber Of Commerce, General Secretary of the Healthtech cluster and is very active in promoting entrepreneurship as mentor in founder Institute, Mowgli.


Adnan Akdemir, Vice President of the Turkish Trade Association of Business Angels (TBAA) and President - Sifisan Entertainment Investments, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Turkey. High Commissioner Akdemir represents Turkey in the International Academic Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Adnan.Akdemir@wbaforum.org Adnan Akdemir is a third-generation entrepreneur in the entertainment business. After graduating from Istanbul Technical University in Management Engineering and obtaining an MBA from National University in Los Angeles, he attended the UCLA Film School. In 1993, after his return home, he founded AFM Cinemas, which has since become the leading cinema operator in Turkey. He has introduced a true quality cinema experience to Turkey, resulting in rapid national growth in the 90s as the market-maker. In 2000, he completed the first-ever private equity deal in Turkey, with AIG’s Blue Voyage Fund. In 2001, he co-founded the Istanbul Independent Film Festival as a prestigious international event to rejuvenate the Turkish film production industry. In 2004, Adnan completed the IPO of AFM Cinemas, becoming the first entertainment company to list on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Adnan also co-founded the first Turkish film distribution company, Kenda (with top Turkish producers) to support the development of local productions. In just 3 years, Kenda became the main driver behind more than half of the local content in Turkish cinema. He has since sold the majority of AFM Cinemas to Russia’s largest group, Alfa, eventually exiting AFM. Adnan has become the CEO of Eurasia Cinemas, which, in its third year, has grown to 305 multiplex screens to become the leading cinema chain in the Russia-Ukraine-Turkey region. Adnan exited his cinema ventures in 2011 to focus on his family entertainment business and founded www.ilsvision.com, the largest YouTube multi-channel network in the Middle East region. He is the co-founder of the Turkish Business Angels Association and Turkish Cinema Owners Association and an active member of the Young Presidents Organization. He has held a Group A pilot’s license since 1984 and an open-sea captain license since 1989. In 2012, Adnan received a Red Cross /Crescent Golden Mercy Medal for his lifetime contributions.


Asli Uvez, Chief of Protocol, Ex-Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Uvez represents Turkey in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Asli.Uvez@wbaforum.org Until July 2018, Asli Uvez was the chief protocol officer of Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Simsek, a position that afforded her the opportunity to observe the relationship between the private and the public sectors up-close. She organised communications with foreign investors, NGOs, and other public and private institutions, and with prominent businessmen and entrepreneurs and then actively participated in the meetings. Her previous work as an analyst of foreign direct investment and portfolio investment


Cem Ener, a PhD candidate specializing in angel investing at Yildiz Technical University, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Ener represents Turkey in the International Academic Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Cem.Ener@wbaforum.org Cem Ener holds an MBA degree from Bogazici University and is a PhD candidate at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul. His doctoral studies focus on angel investing. He has entrepreneurial experience in digital advertising and sports-betting industries. He co-founded BUBA (a business angel network) and GarantiPartners (a fintech start-up accelerator).


Tanya Romanyukha, Executive Director at UAngel, the Ukrainian business angels network, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Ukraine. High Commissioner Romanyukha represents Ukraine in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Tanya.Romanyukha@wbaforum.org Tanya Romanyukha serves as an Executive Director at UAngel, the Ukrainian Business Angels Network. In the three years of its operation, UAngel members have invested $8M+ in 100+ deals around the world. One of the goals of UAngel lies in crossborder syndicating with fellow angel groups in Europe. The organisation also invites international investors to screen Ukrainian companies alongside local angels. Before joining UAngel, Tanya hosted the competition «STEP GPS» for CRDF Global and served as a Program Manager of a Dubai-based company, IMTIAZ Middle East. She was leading the implementation of Eurasia Mobile Challenge across 8 countries, which gathered 25% start-ups from the Eurasia region in 2015-2016. She has studied the VC executive program at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley, served as an Associate in a $25M VC Fund, and was named the most active seed investor in Ukraine for that period. Tanya started to boost the Ukrainian start-up eco-system in 2012 as a start-up relations manager in the first full cycle of the US-UA business accelerator, Happy Farm, with 20+ companies in the portfolio.

United Arab Emirates

Europe at the time. Its most successful venture (Garderos) was successfully spun-off in 2001 under Hans’ leadership and attracted VC funds from SAP, Siemens Ventures, and Wellington Partner. Hans held international positions with Macquarie Technology Investments and Deutsche Leasing AG and joined DSOA in 2012. DTEC has won several awards: Arabian Business Startup Awards, 2015 Special recognition for entrepreneurial support, 2017 Best Start-up Program, 2017 Best Accelerator, Entrepreneur Agility Award, 2017 Best Start-up Hub, Islamic Economy, 2017 Best SME Supporter. He serves on the board of 11 start-ups and is a board advisor to RIT and AUE Dubai. He holds a BA in Ec/ Fi from Bentley University and an MBA from the Hult Business School. He is a soughtafter speaker on entrepreneurship, corporate innovation, smart city, and blockchain AI technology and frequently assists corporations, universities and event organisers as a judge and mentor for business plan competitions.

Lucy Chow, Director, Women’s Angel Investor Network (WAIN), has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Chow represents UAE in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Lucy.Chow@wbaforum.org Lucy is focused on the innovation space, both in terms of supporting founders and as an investor. She is a Director of WAIN (Women’s Angel Investor Network) and sits on the Advisory Board of Mindshift Capital. WAIN has won several awards: Arabian Business Startup Awards 2018, Funding Initiative of the Year and FinX 2018 Award for Fintech Investor of The Year. She is also an investor with NextWave Ventures and the Founder Institute, both based out of the US. Recently Lucy was honored to be a Judge for the GEMS Global Innovation Challenge (student entrepreneurs), the MIT Enterprise Forum Pan Arab & Challenge 22 Prize (an innovation award that promotes creativity in the Arab world), Gulf Customer Experience Awards and the Annual SpeakFluence Cup. During her 12 years in Dubai, Lucy has garnered a strong reputation for originating business focused events that target captains of industry, as well as trendsetters in the UAE through her firm, The Elements Group. She is Chairman of the Steering Committee with The Capital Club (a prestigious private business and social club located in the Dubai International Financial Centre), and founded the Dubai Chapter of Room to Read. Previously, she sat on the UAE committee for Acumen, was Non Executive Director for Educate Girls Globally and was a Co-Chapter Chair for Techfugees (UAE) and Ellevate. Lucy was featured in the photography book, Women of the UAE and was one of Ahlan!’s Hot100 in 2012 , under the Entrepreneur category. Lucy contributes regularly to entrepreneurship, corporate innovation, and investor events and forums as a speaker, moderator and judge. She is also passionate about developing entrepreneurial skills in students. Lucy has degrees from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management Northwestern University and HK University of Science &Technology and the University of British Columbia.

United Arab Emirates

Tamara Milić, Senior Manager of International Ventures at the Private Office of Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Milic represents the United Arab Emirates in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


United Arab Emirates

Hans Henrik Christensen, Director of the Dubai Technology Entrepreneur Centre, a department of the Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority, has been appointed as High Commissioner for the United Arab Emirates. High Commissioner Christensen represents the United Arab Emirates in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Hans.Henrik.Christensen@wbaforum.org As the Director of DTEC, Hans Henrik Christensen leads a team that, with him, has built the largest and most economically impactful tech ecosystem in MENA, hosting more than 800 start-ups from 70 nationalities. The objective of DTEC is to create a sustainable, impactful entrepreneurial ecosystem of tech companies that drives innovation in the UAE. Apart from partnering with international partners such as IBM, Microsoft, SAP, du, Volkswagen, Thomson Reuters, Visa, Smart Dubai and many more, DTEC hosts the aviation and travel-tech Intelak incubator run by Emirates Airlines together with GE and Etisalat, the Intel IOT ignition lab, and the Dubai Smart City Accelerator, powered by Startupbootcamp. DTEC also acts as a start-up investor, currently with an active portfolio of 21 successful well-known start-ups: Yalla Compare, Shortpoint, Wrappup, STEP, etc. Hans has decades of business experience, building departments in MNCs and start-ups around the world. In his several positions as founder and CEO of start-ups, he attracted millions of dollars from both private and venture capital investors. He built up the first Siemens ICN nCubator in 2000, a captive incubator and one of the first incubators in

Tamara.Milic@wbaforum.org As a Senior Manager of International Ventures at the Private Office of Sheikh Saeed bin Ahmed Al Maktoum, Tamara Milić is responsible for overseeing aspects of the company’s strategy, international strategic partnerships, communications and investments. Before being appointed to her current position, Ms Milić held several roles, working with international consulates and embassies handling market entry strategy and investments for international companies penetrating the UAE. She has advised chief executives on major strategic plans for their businesses, including operating model transformation, leadership development, capital allocation and investment management. Alongside that, she has advised on the highest levels of national and government policy with prime ministers and ambassadors. In February, she had the honour of speaking at the UNESCO Italian National Youth Forum on how to successfully penetrate the UAE as an international company and on how the UAE government pushes innovation through to the private sector. Outside of her professional career, Ms Milić is very passionate about humanitarian work. She currently sponsors orphans in Iran, providing schooling and working very closely with humanitarian organisations in the Middle East to support refugee efforts and schooling for children. Ms Milić holds a Bachelor of Arts from Indiana University in Bloomington as well as Certification from the University of Oxford.

United Arab Emirates

Tahir Mahmood, Head of the Business Development Department of Nasdaq Dubai, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Mahmood represents the United Arab Emirates in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Tahir.Mahmood@wbaforum.org With over 15 years of experience in the financial industry, Tahir Mahmood heads the Business Development department of Nasdaq Dubai, overseeing the development and growth of products including equities, futures, Sukuk, bonds and Murabaha. His role revolves around creating new relationships with key stakeholders such as issuers, regulators, lawyers and bankers, to help the exchange grow. Tahir works with the team to bring new listings to the exchange, as well as offer new products to the market, and

a billion women by 2020, Tina was headhunted to join the executive leadership team and by summer 2017 became the COO, as someone who truly understands business growth and systems she played a key role in streamlining the company’s systems both front and back end leading another successful launch of the financial software platform Minther.com for EBW before transitioning to serves as the Head of Global Expansion and CFO at Empowering a Billion Women by 2020, a global FINTECH company, created for the empowerment of women by helping them to start, grow, scale and be successful in their business. Tina has mentored many leading CEO’s, and business leaders. At the same time she has never forgotten her roots and continues to empower women across the globe, particularly amongst minorities and underprivileged communities by sharing her own story of hard work leading to success and providing them with much needed educational and medical resources through her substantial network of organizations and individuals.

has been instrumental in making Dubai the leading Sukuk listing venue globally. Playing a key role in the regional capital markets, Tahir engages with various organisations looking to raise funds. Whether it is through an IPO, private equity or debt financing, the network he has built expands globally. Through his roles at a number of start-ups and companies in their early stage, Tahir has gone through the process of growing a business to achieve success and profit. His interest in angel investing comes from his experience in capital markets and working with start-ups looking to grow their business.

United Kingdom

Modwenna Rees-Mogg, Editor-in-Chief of Angel News UK and Chair of the Great Britain Venture Forum, has been appointed as High Commissioner for the United Kingdom. High Commissioner Rees-Mogg represents the United Kingdom in the International Academics Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Modwenna.Rees-mogg@wbaforum.org Modwenna Rees-Mogg has 20 years’ experience working in corporate finance, business angel investment, and venture capital. She started AngelNews in 2003, focusing on media and events in the angel and VC market. From an initial GBP £1,000 of startup capital, she has grown it into the leading information source and commentator for the UK business angel market. Her website – www.angelnewsletter.co.uk – is the broadest commentator of the wider UK private investor market (including VCTs and crowdfunding) and a thought leader in UK angel investing. Through the Pluralists Club and Pitching for Management initiatives, the AngelNews Group has expanded in recent years into assisting senior executives build second careers in the start-up and early-stage entrepreneurial ecosystems. It has also built a private investor conferences business, hosting the Great British Private Investor Summit and the VCT and EIS Investor Forum. Modwenna is a Non-Executive Director of Albion Tech, General VCT and Asset Match and a co-founder of FCA authorised. She has authored two books: Crowdfunding, How To Raise Money and Make Money in the Crowd and Dragons or Angels – A Handbook for People Wanting to Become Business Angels, or Raise Money From Them.

United Kingdom

Prof. Stephanie Hussels Director of the Business Growth Programme at the Cranfield School of Management, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Hussels represents the United Kingdom in the International Academic Committee of the Grand Assembly.


United Kingdom

Tina Allton, London Chapter Director for EBW2020, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Allton represents UK in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.

United Kingdom

Asma Bashir, Chairman at Centuro Global, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Bashir represents UK in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.



Tina.Allton@wbaforum.org TDr. Tina Allton is a multi award winning Mentor, Serial Entrepreneur, Global Keynote Speaker, and a qualified Educational Psychologist. Coming from a challenging background in Ghana, over the past four decades she has proven that women can accomplish anything and has now chosen to channel her success into empowering others to do likewise through group and individual mentorship programs. Having a strong entrepreneurial flare she has become a global leader, building multiple award winning businesses and successful brands across the globe and co-founding and running international start-ups. In 2014, she co-founded the multi award winning Undefeeted. Org, a global not for profit organisation focused on preventing lower limb amputations caused by diabetes, something that was inspired by her daughter’s diagnosis of Type one diabetes. Most recently it succeeded in winning an award as the UK’s Best not for profit organisation. In 2016,Tina became London Chapter director for Empowering

Stephanie.Hussels@wbaforum.org Prof. Stephanie Hussels has a passion for early-stage and growth companies, particularly family businesses. As part of her role at the Cranfield School of Management, she is the Director of the Business Growth Programme (BGP), the longest established ownermanager programme in the UK. Previously, she was the Director of the full-time MBA programme. She lectures at executive, graduate, and doctoral levels on entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial finance, family business and quantitative research methods. Besides working with entrepreneurs, Stephanie cooperates with charities and multinationals on how to encourage and implement intrapreneurship. Her current research focuses on entrepreneurial resilience, family business and business survival. Stephanie has written several prize-winning case studies and is now frequently asked to give talks about case study writing and teaching.


Asma.Bashir@wbaforum.orgg She is a legal professional having started her career within one of the largest law firm’s in the world. Asma then went on to establish her own business from a start-up, acting for some of the largest multinational companies in the world offering global services to worldwide jurisdictions. Her clients included Fortune 500 companies and UHNW individuals. Asma’s company was acquired at the end of 2014 and she continued to lead the growth within the newly acquired structure, integrating new companies, setting up new global offices and growing the team around the world. She is now focussing on business growth, mergers and acquisitions and working with fast growing companies on scaling their business and finding investment. She works with both private and institutional investors as well as investing in opportunities directly. She is also an authorised on the Mayor of London’s International Business Program supporting companies with their growth needs. Asma’s experience includes business transformation, innovation

professional and educational experience she had in order to better the world as a whole, predominantly through innovation, technology, healthcare, and economics. Her other passions include family, friends, meeting people, art, literature, reading, films, philanthropy, and travel.

and technology, managing risk and compliance and international expansion. She has worked on many government initiatives having contributed to the Migration Advisory Committee’s report on shortage occupations in the UK, government stakeholder events to support companies with their recruitment challenges and worked with leading trade associations to lobby government on their behalf. She was also a judge for UK Business Awards, London and Partners IE20 program and the start-up awards in London.

United States

Dr Norris Krueger, Delegate to Kauffman Foundation’s Landmark ESHIP Meet-up for Global Ecosystem Builders, has been appointed as High Commissioner for the United States. High Commissioner Krueger represents the United States in the International Academics Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Norris.Krueger@wbaforum.org Very few are able to make a difference in academe, in education, and in entrepreneurship, but Dr Norris Krueger has managed to keep moving the needle for each, with proven, recognised expertise in growing entrepreneurial thinkers and entrepreneurial communities. While considered a leading thinker on how to grow entrepreneurial ecosystems, he has paid his dues as an entrepreneur and as entrepreneurial champion, serving as the Co-Organizer for Idaho Startup Weekend, the regional coordinator for Global Entrepreneurship Week, and the lead organiser for 1 Million Cups. Dr Krueger is a World Entrepreneurship Forum delegate, a delegate and presenter at Growing Entrepreneurial Communities, and an invited delegate to the Kauffman Foundation’s landmark ESHIP meet-up for global ecosystem builders. Armed with professional educator training, Norris is also a thought leader in entrepreneurial learning. His Ohio State program was decorated by the US SBA for innovativeness. His Boise State TEAMS entrepreneurship program earned 6 national and 2 global best practice awards. TEAMS blended project-based learning and community outreach with the motto ‘Students Are Our Secret Weapon!’ Twice elected as an officer in the Academy of Management and ICSB, Dr Krueger chairs AoM’s Global Scholar Development Committee. He is also an External Fellow for the Max Planck Institute for Economics, a Senior Research Fellow for the School for Advanced Studies at the University of Phoenix, a Senior Subject-Matter Expert at OECD/EU HE Innovate and Entrepreneurship360, and is the most-cited (Two articles are the top three most-cited articles for two different ‘A’ journals) scholar in his specialty – and his research continues to grow as he collaborates globally.




Andrea.Perez.Bertolotto@wbaforum.org Andrea Perez is a Finance and Investor Relations Manager at 365Flix in the UK. Born and raised in Los Angeles to Uruguayan/Italian parents, she attended Le Lycée Français de Los Angeles, where she received a fully French education until she left to pursue her undergraduate studies at the University of California at Berkeley. There, she studied Political Economy (focus: the Power of Government over Technology and Innovation) and French literature. She was highly involved with the University in Technology Transfer, start-ups, accelerators, health-tech, etc. She is passionate about using every



Angelia Le, Founding Partner F’enhance Capital, has been appointed as Senator at the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Le will represent Vietnam in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Angelia.Le@wbaforum.org Angelia is an investor, a serial entrepreneur and international speaker. She founded her first business when she was 20 and was the youngest female activist and global citizen to hold high positions in the Singaporean and Australian tech start-up ecosystem as regional manager of ASEANpreneurs in Singapore. She is Chapter Director of Start-up Grind Singapore and was the winner of Start-up Weekend Singapore (Women) when she was 21. She led TechVenture, Failcon, and Google for Entrepreneurs in Singapore and Australia and was Ambassador of AngelHack(US). She is the youngest ambassador on the Board of Young Women Leaders International Network and won the Female Young Leader Award, awarded by the same organisation. She also judges many start-up competitions and speaks at government events in Vietnam, Singapore and Australia. And now she is Chairwoman of FG Holding Group and Founding Partner of F’enhance Capital, which invests in AI, Blockchain, Healthtech, Education, SaaS, Fintech, and Consumer Internet. F’enhance Capital focuses on market expansion and financial services across the Asia–Pacific region. In 2018, Angelia was the winner of the Stevie Award – Young Female Entrepreneur of the Year Worldwide.


Mulemwa Moongwa, National Coordinator, Financial Literacy Campaign, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Moongwa represents Zambia in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.


Andrea Perez Bertolotto, Finance and Investor Relations Manager at 365Flix, has been appointed as Senator to the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum. Senator Bertolotto represents Uruguay in the Global Woman Leaders Committee of the Grand Assembly.

Behruz Hasmaev, Head of the Commercialization and Technology Transfer Department of the Innovation Ministry of Uzbekistan, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Uzbekistan. Senator Hasmaev represents Uzbekistan in the Policymakers Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Mulemwa.Moongwa@wbaforum.org Mulemwa Moongwa was born to be a lawyer, and from her earliest days, she envisioned her life in the courtroom, even using her gap year after high school to intern at the International Tribunal for Rwanda in Tanzania and later enrolling in university to study Law. Before pursuing a career in law, a chance encounter working for a learning centre resulted in discovering her true calling of working with people. Education and technology are the greatest equalisers of our time, and Mulemwa has used both to bring about change. Mulemwa is a co-founder of TopFloor a world-class learning and development facility in her hometown of Lusaka. Through her efforts and by partnering with the Central Bank, she introduced a financial literacy campaign in 2013. Today this initiative has grown into an award-winning multi-stakeholder project that brings

together government, civil society and the private sector and that today serves as a financial inclusion standard for the region and beyond. Mulemwa was instrumental in re-introducing the JCI movement in Zambia as a way to promote active citizenship among young Zambians and served as its president in 2012-2013.Today the movement has grown and is active in various towns. Mulemwa is the embodiment of ‘the power of One’. She makes meaningful change happen!


Mathew Mutavayi, JCI Zimbabwe National President, has been appointed as High Commissioner for Zimbabwe. High Commissioner Mutavayi represents Zimbabwe in the Global Startup Committee of the Grand Assembly of the World Business Angels Investment Forum.


Mathew.Mutavayi@wbaforum.org Mathew Mutavayi is a highly self-motivated executive, active citizen, and Enterprise Development and Talent retention strategist. Mathew has experience in clothing retail, hardware, coal distribution, tourism and hospitality, and farming. He is also a global traveler, who has traveled across all continents. A risk manager by profession, Mathew’s expertise is in human resources, project management, leadership, training, community development and global networking. He also has high skills in administration and motivational speaking. Mathew sits on several boards, including the Junior Chamber International (JCI) – as 2017 JCI Vice President; the Zimbabwe Youth Council; the Youth Economic Forum; and the Bulawayo Province Entrepreneurial and Employment Promotion Program (GEEP). Mathew is a member of the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce Sub-Committee for Business and SME Development. He served as the 2015 JCI Zimbabwe National President, was the 2016 JCI Africa and Middle East Development Councilor, and has since been awarded lifetime membership of the JCI. In 2016, Mathew was lauded by the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce as the rural businessman of the year. Mathew spends most of his time developing and supporting enterprise development, strategy, and structuring financial models that support SMEs.

World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) is an international organisation aiming to ease access to finance for businesses from start-up to scale-up, with the ultimate goal of generating more jobs and more social justice worldwide. It is committed to collaborating globally to empower world economic development by creating innovative financial instruments for innovators, start-ups, and SMEs. The Forum interacts with leaders in all areas of society, first and foremost in business and political spheres, to help assess needs and establish goals, bearing in mind that the public interest is of paramount importance. WBAF engages a wide range of institutions, both public and private, local and international, commercial and academic to help shape the global agenda.

www.wbaforum.org G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) is an inclusive platform for all G20 countries, interested non-G20 countries, and relevant stakeholders that aims to carry forward work on financial inclusion, including the implementation of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan endorsed at the G20 Summit in Seoul, South Korea. Her Majesty Queen Mรกxima of the Netherlands is the Honorary Patron of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI).


An affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) is an international organisation aiming to ease access to finance for businesses from start-up to scale-up, with the ultimate goal of generating more jobs and more social justice worldwide. wbaforum.org

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