Javado Magazine #7 English

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Magazine Urban Jungle



The world of


original garden plants

Carnivores A�� y�� ��e� t� �n��

about Cyclamen

Magazine for the green retail trade


Up to date

Echeveria Devotion A novelty worth waiting for. The leaves look like velvet. The outer leaves become intensely red, giving this echeveria a really upmarket look. The Devotion will be placed on the market at the end of this year.

A word from our director Now that Javado, like everyone else, has passed an eventful period, CEO Evert Thielen would like to share some words. “When the severity of the consequences of the Covid-19 virus hit Europe like a tsunami, it was clear that the horticultural sector would suffer severely. Our main concern was the safety of our people, and our hearts went out to our customers who were forced to close their doors temporarily. Lots of growers had to dump products, and decided to be careful when growing new crops.” Positive signs “We also saw some positive signs. Millions of people in lockdown have had the time and drive to improve their homes and gardens. There has been an enormous demand for plants. It’s been a rollercoaster ride; when the measures were relaxed, we went from a dip to an incredible peak. We even set new records, shipping the highest volume of trade ever in one week.” Mission Impossible “I’m incredibly proud of our team. Temporary workers to cope with the large peaks in demand are barely available at the moment, and there’s a great scarcity of plants. Combined with the record demand and working according to the guidelines of our government, it appears we’re facing an almost impossible task. We’ve also hit limits. On a number of occasions, we had to decide that the daily maximum has been reached, and could only plan new orders for the following days. In addition, we had to abandon placing stickers on plants a number of times because it wasn’t feasible. I’m glad to see that you’re showing understanding for this exceptional situation, even if you’re facing the same hectic pace.” A message for you “This leads me to a direct message for you. We live in a time where major changes have to be immediately accepted as the new normal. We’ll continue with our work, while bearing in mind the safety of our employees and the scarcity of plants. We can only be successful with your cooperation. I would like to ask you to place your orders before 12 noon the day before the day of departure. This allows us to place our orders with growers earlier, and deliver to you on time and in a well-organised manner.

Clearly visible The column at our entrance has been adorned with new stickers, so we’re even more visible and easy to find now.

HTA Virtual new plant awards winners At the annual prestigious election of best new plants, Javado was awarded prizes by the specialist jury of the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA). Our Mad about Mangave ‘Pineapple Express’ entry received the bronze award in the garden plants category. Mad about Mangave ‘Lavender Lady’ also won bronze, this time in the houseplants category.

I wish you all good luck and good health. I believe that our sector is characterised by creativity and perseverance, which means we’re well able to cope with the challenging circumstances.”

Lavender Lady 2 Javado magazine

Pineapple Express

Agenda AUGUST August Notable azaleas Grower cooperative Decorum Plants & Flowers gave us a teaser. Two special novelties are on the way; an azalea with a beautiful new soft lilac colour and double flowers, and a single-flowered azalea with striking two-tone flowers. They don’t have an official name yet, but the first plants will be placed on the market in early November.

Houseplant of the month: Cactus



Top 10 popular plants during lockdown During lockdown, lots of people discovered a love for plants. There has been a noticeable increase in online searches for everything related to houseplants. A study in the UK revealed that the Sansevieria is the most popular houseplant. 1. Sansevieria 2. Cactus 3. Calathea 4. Maranta 5. Ceropegia woodii 6. Aloë 7. Strelitzia 8. Senecio rowleyanus 9. Pilea peperomioides 10. Ficus Lyrata

Houseplant of the month: Strelitzia

Houseplant of the month: Croton

NOVEMBER November 4-6 November

Houseplant of the month: Sansevieria Trade Fair Aalsmeer (The Netherlands)

Publishing informa�on Javadoplant B.V. Venus 116 2675 LN Honselersdijk The Netherlands Javado Magazine is published four �mes a year in five languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Czech).

Roselily: living room-friendly potted lily A potted lily with elegant, full flowers without the strong scent and pollen, and a long shelf life as an extra bonus; the Roselily. The range has expanded considerably this summer with the addition of the Samantha, Sara and Sita varieties. As a cut flower, the Roselily is rapidly conquering the hearts of consumers. The potted plants are supplied in attractive packaging.

Nothing in this publica�on may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without Javadoplant’s prior wri�en consent. Although the content of this magazine has been created with the utmost care, neither the publisher nor its employees can be held liable for any inaccuracies. All products are available while stocks last. Contact Javadoplant for informa�on on prices and availability.

Editors: Javadoplant BV, Marke�ng department E: marke� Editorial staff: Fred Beekenkamp, Michel Heemskerk, Tanja van Bijlevelt Chief editor: Gerson Aalbrecht

Printed on 100% recycled paper Javado magazine 3

Special report

Urban Jungle


e t a d p

The global community of tropical houseplant enthusiasts is growing all the time. Even the smallest flats are being transformed into Urban Jungles. People are exchanging cuttings, and online friendships among fans of the houseplant are arising. The original stars of this movement are plants like Monstera, Pilea peperomioides and Begonia Polkadots. However, people are always on the lookout for new, unusual plants. Plant hunters and growers are working hard in the search for that elusive plant that hits the right chord. Slowly but surely, new stars are appearing in the sky, so time to take stock. 4 Javado magazine

New ‘tropical treats’ for fans We’ve seen some amazing new tropical houseplants appear among our growers recently. The plants below are good examples. They are regularly available, and have quickly proven that they’re worthy additions to the range.

Philodendron ‘Birkin’ / P. ‘White Measure’ / P. ‘White Wave’

Begonia masoniana

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma

Homalomena ‘Lemon Lime’

Homalomena rubenscens ‘Maggy’

Philodedendron squamiferum


Coniogramme emeiensis

Philodendron verrucosum ‘Incensi’

Javado magazine 5

New trend: a touch of pink You may have noticed; the latest trend among foliage plants is the colour pink. Plants with pink leaves or a pink vein in the leaves make for lovely contrasts in a green jungle. Have a look at #pinkplants on Instagram.

Syngonium Red Heart

Calathea Rosy

We’ve selected 10 plants with which you can perfectly exploit this trend: • • • • • • • • • •

Syngonium Red Heart Sanguinea Triostar Aglaonema Crete Tradescantia Nanouk Hoya carnosa tricolor Ficus elastica Belize Cryptantus Fittonia Begonia Polkadots Calathea Rosy

Begonia Polkadots

Sanguinea Triostar


Ficus el. Belize

Tradescantia Nanouk

Aglaonema Crete

Hoya carnosa triostar


Future A look into the world of the real diehard plant lovers reveals that a cutting of a special plant can be sold for more than 100 pounds. A small number of growers are trying to find these species of special plants, and grow them in limited numbers for the specialist trade. In the coming years, a number of really interesting plants will be added. Read the story of the Van der Arend Tropical Plantcenter nursery on page 14 for more.

6 Javado magazine

The MiCaÂŽ collection can be ordered in our web shop Order before wednesday noon for delivery the following week

Javado magazine 7

Limited Specials

Web shop tip

Order from our Limited Specials

What is this section of the web shop and how to use to the full potential.

Here is our “LIVE STOCK’ – Everything has a number below, showing actual number of trays / plants available.

Number of trays or plants available




Often used to full effect during very busy times - when supplies are very low and we secure numbers of plants for our customers.

Special and different plants with limited numbers of trays or trolleys available. Sometimes trial batches of NEW products offered to us exclusively from growers.

Unlike the rest of the web shop, which is updated every Friday morning for the following week, Limited Specials is being updated daily.

Extra stock lines, you can use to add to your orders, even on the day of dispatch if required, up to 11am.

8 Javado magazine

Offer of the month


i Special offers ∟ Offer of the month

363669 | Compo in Weckpot 31022| pot 11cm

141211 | Hydrangea macr. Music Collection® Deep Purple Danc | pot 23 cm

362466 | Tillandsia cyanea ‘Biancini’ | pot 9cm

334057 | Celosia arg. Intenz Dark Purple | pot 12cm

231798 | Chrysant ind. Skyfall carnaval | pot 23cm

368649 | Phal. hybr. mix 2t. 14+ Taiwan + Becca | pot 12cm

369977 | Bromelia mix XL | pot 15cm

314852 | Portulaca Campino Carnaval | pot 21cm

306275 | Ilex cren. Glory Gem ball 28 cm | pot 23cm

369986 |Anthurium andr. Diamond 5+ | pot 12cm Javado magazine 9

Javado collection

Plants used in the photoshoot:

Metallic pot Minou (set of 3)

Metallic vase Minou (set of 2)

Green: 366180

Green: 366255

10 Javado magazine

ø 25cm H 23,5cm ↓

Light blue: 366256

ø 14cm H 23cm ↓

ø 19cm ø 21cm H 18,5cm H 20,5cm ↓ ↓ Champagne: 366178

- Begonia maculata - Rhipsalis cassutha - Lepismium Bolivianum - Vriesea - Ananas - Peperomia pol. Raindrop

ø 17cm H 28,5cm ↓

Order before wednesday noon for delivery the following week

New product Hebe addenda


• • • •

Preorder yours today

Strikingly shiny wine-red leaves Compact and well-branched Purple flower panicles Stunning appearance

27/07/2020 - 25/09/2020 370680 | ø 15cm 370438 | ø 17cm 370439 | ø 23cm Javado magazine 11

Grower report

Van der Arend Tropical Plantcenter

René van der Arend

The Dutch nursery Van der Arend Tropical Plantcenter enjoys international fame in the market. The nursery is important to us, because it supplies some very special tropical green plants. It turns out that there are also lots of exciting new things on the horizon. Owner René van der Arend receives me, and gives me a taster of what’s in store. How did Van der Arend Tropical Plantcenter come into existence? My father and my uncle started out growing young tomato plants for tomato growers 60 years ago. I joined the company 36 years ago, and we started experimenting with potted plants. I was given the opportunity to try out my own ideas in the nursery, and soon we switched to potted plants. We were dependent on the auction for sales, and never knew how much our products would sell for. That was something I disliked intensely. I wanted to be able to determine the prices of my products, and looked for a solution. I found the answer in very large ‘project’ plants. Selling these plants is a completely different process, and obviously it’s not dependent on the auction. I had to travel a lot to build up a range and network. I installed the tallest greenhouse in the Netherlands to install the huge tropical plants. During my travels, I also came across lots of fascinating, smaller tropical plants. I started working with these on a small scale. Little did I know that these small plants would become so important 30 years later.

on the market. Just look at our range. The Epipremnum ‘Marble Planet’, Homalomena ‘Lemon Lime’, Monstera ‘Monkey Leaf’ and Xanthosoma ‘Frozen Planet’ all share one thing in common; they stand out thanks to their unusual leaf colours, leaf shapes, or leaf patterns. How do you see the future of your company? The best place to explain this is in our test greenhouse, where we can get a glimpse of the future. As you can see, there are lots of test batches of very unusual houseplants. If we’re happy with the test results, we start producing them. Another important aspect, both for us and the entire retail trade, is to legally protect the product. This allows us to balance the numbers that will be produced in the long term with the numbers that florists and garden centres can sell. In fact, you should always grow just one plant too few. That way, you maintain demand for the product, we can still make some profit, and the florist or garden centre is supplied with an attractive product that can’t be found at every supermarket. In my opinion, the future of this company lies in developing special products and marketing them in a regulated way.

How would you describe the nursery in 2020? The large project plants are now just a sideline. We’ve mainly been an importer of special tropical plants in houseplant format for many years now. Basically, I go to tropical countries in the search for attractive plants often using my network of experts. We receive cuttings via air freight that we cultivate and market here in the Netherlands. Adult plants, which are sent via sea freight, are first acclimatised here and then sold. This all sounds quite straightforward, but it’s a special branch that requires a big dose of courage and experience.

I see you’ve got a small batch of beautiful Philodendron Pink Princess here. Lots of our customers ask about this. Can we expect this to be placed on the market soon? Certainly! We’ve been conducting all kinds of tests for a while, and, as you can see, the plant now has a really beautiful structure. It will be a while before the tests are completed and we start growing them in limited numbers. The Philodendron verrucosum went through the same process. This beautiful plant is now in production, and can be ordered from you. As you can see, there are lots of other unusual products here, which we will be able to delight our customers with again and again in the coming years. Philodendron

What essential characteristics do plants need before you start working on them? Plants must have character, and be clearly different from products already

What’s your relationship with Javado? We have a number of very desirable plants available in small numbers, which attracts the interest of all kinds of buyers. We’ve drawn up a list

“you should always grow just one plant too few.”

12 Javado magazine

Pink Princess

of exporters with which we work best, and Javado is certainly one of them. We’re happy we can supply you with specialist products, and you’re always welcome at our nursery, including if you want to bring your customers along.

Their trophy cabinet is now pretty full, as a result of repeatedly bringing plants with a very distinctive character to the market.

Product Range Van der Arend breeds too many species to list here. Instead, we’ve selected a number of characteristic types: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Anthurium Hookeri Pink Callisia ‘Infinity’ bicolor Centella asiatica ‘Lucky Leaves’ Dischidia pect. ‘Melon’ Epipremnum pinn. ‘Marble Planet’ Homalomena Lemon Lime Hoya carnosa ‘Krinkle 8’ Monstera obliqua ‘Monkey Leaf’ Murdannia loriformis ‘Bright Star’ Pedilanthus tithymaloides ‘Mystery Planet’ Philodendron melinonii Philodendron verrucosum ‘Incensi’ Sansevieria kirkii Silver Blue Syngonium podophyllum ‘Trileaf Wonder’ Xanthosoma sagittifolium Frozen Planet

Philodendron verrucosum ‘Incensi’

The team René van der Arend will retire in five years’ time. He’s very pleased with his team, and confident that they’ll manage to continue to grow the company. The employees are a mix of experienced old-hands supplemented with young blood. What he really wants to pass on to his team is that a grower mustn’t spend all their time working hard in the nursery; an eye for good interaction with the people and companies around them is essential. Building partnerships has always brought René great pleasure and success.

Finch, the team’s favourite colleague, in his favourite place

Xanthosoma ‘Lime’

A veil of mystery In the test greenhouse owner René showed me all kinds of unusual tropical plants, and also told a lot about them. However, he has to be careful that this type of information isn’t disclosed too much. The nursery wants to test and select new varieties at its own pace, which works best if the competition doesn’t know what’s happening. I’d have liked to have shown you photos of some incredibly beautiful pink-variegated foliage plants, but we’re going to have to be patient before they’re revealed.

Tips from the grower The Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Marble Planet’® originated in Asia, and was discovered during one of our many trips. The characteristic patterns of the ‘Marble Planet’ resemble marble. This decorative plant, with its waxy leaves and flamed markings, can be suspended or used as a climber. It requires only simple care, so this plant is a welcome guest for the interior planter and houseplant fan.

Anthurium hookeri Pink

This plant does well in either a well lit or darker spot. Watering once a week is sufficient. Regularly feeding with plant food is always a good idea. If the leaf garlands get too long, simply cut them off. The beautiful Philodendron ‘White Knight’ We can expect this species in the near future. Javado magazine 13

GREEN IS THE SCENE 20 pottery ideas for the green lifestyle

14 Javado magazine




248285 | 9cm 202826 | 12cm 357082 | 15cm

370443 | Poster A3: Home Collection





353559 | 6cm 353560 | 9cm



335450 | 12cm 335451 | 15cm


Order before wednesday noon for delivery the following week







356147 | 6cm 349087 | 9cm 349088 | 12cm

Javado magazine 15

FlowerTrials Highlights During the FlowerTrials week, visitors can get personally acquainted with the latest varieties from lots of breeders. Unfortunately, the event was cancelled this year due to Covid-19. It should have been held in early June. We went on the search for some FlowerTrials novelties* for the Javado Magazine, and we’ve listed the most impressive ones. * Some plants have already had test batches on the market. Some plants will be placed on the market in 2021. In other cases, it remains to be seen whether growers will work with these new varieties.

We’d really like to know which varieties seem most interesting to you. Send your top 3 to Salvia Salgoon Strawberry Lake Strawberry Lake is a vigorous plant with great foliage and many vibrant flowers. The strong red, with a magenta touch, calyxes retains its colour and the Salvia keeps on growing without pruning stems. Strawberry Lake is the perfect colourful addition for the Salgoon Series. This series is based on the same strong genetics, grows uniform and has a heavy bloom set.

Corydalis Porcelain Blue Corydalis Porcelain Blue blooms from April to June and profuse repeat flowering in late summer-fall. The scented aqua blue flowers contrast with the blue-green, bronzed foliage.

Delphinium Delgenius Delphinium Delgenius™ series are beautiful, extremely branching plants. They have strong stems to support an abundance of flowers. They are winter hard and disease resistant. Delphinium Delgenius™ comes in three different colors: pink, blue and purple.

16 Javado magazine

Dianthus Sprint Pink Shades The new Sprint Pink Shades with special bicolour pink flowers shows its strong shiny colour even under low light conditions. With compact uniform growth it is perfectly suitable for 9-13cm pots. The dark foliage creates a nice contrast with the pink flowers.

Lavandula stoechas Twin Summer This spectacular new lavender is a “must see”! Big purple wings with unique white markings create a stunning effect in pots as well as flowerbeds. The plant is upright, uniform and early flowering.

Patio Gerbera Glorious Patio Gerbera Glorious is a brand new series with stunning double flowers up to 16 cm (6 inches). The stylish and voluminous plants stand out in the crowd and catch everyone’s eye on a terrace or patio. This new series consists of four strong colors: purple, yellow, orange and white. With its show-stopping flowers Patio Gerberas Glorious are a true retail favorite.

Sundaville Lemon Meet Sundaville® Lemon. A yellow addition to the classic Sundaville® collection. She won’t give you lemons, but she’ll shower you with plenty of flowers. Sundaville® Mandevilla will bring you the ultimate summer vibes. This new fresh colour will no doubt turn your garden into the perfect staycation spot.

Javado magazine 17

Follow us on Social Media

In the next edition of Javado Magazine , we would love to present and share some inspirational ideas and displays of our many customers. Please send us your best and inspirational -Indoor plant display ideas- photos to be included!

Send to by 15/9/2020

18 Javado magazine

New product Lomandra White Sands • • • •

Preorder yours today

The first variegated Lomandra. The grey-green leaves have white stripes in the centre and at the edges Evergreen perennial, not grass! Reaches a height of approximately 70 cm, and a width of around 100 cm. Hardy to -10 °C

01/07/20 - 31/12/20 367604| ø19cm 01/07/20 - 31/12/20 367603| ø 14cm Javado magazine 19

Outdoor top 5

Our garden plant buyer, Cees van Soest, has lived his entire life in the village of Boskoop, the heart of the Dutch tree nursery sector. He knows the growers, and the growers know him. His job is to make sure that Javado has a fantastic range of garden plants on offer.


Anemone honorine Jobert




Sedum spectabile


Ilex crenata




Picea glauca






Helleborus 20 Javado magazine

Anemone ‘Honorine Jobert’ The Anemone genus is one of the most attractive autumn-flowering perennials. Many varieties have pink flowers, but my personal favourite is the much-loved ‘Honorine Jobert’, which has pure white flowers with striking yellow hearts. It can be combined beautifully with other plants, such as ornamental grasses, heuchera and parthenocissus. Remember that flowering adult plants can reach a height of 120 cm. The autumn anemone prefers a spot with a reasonable amount of sunlight and light shade. At the end of the summer, the autumn anemone is undoubtedly one of the most important products for creating a stylish atmosphere in the garden centre.

227134 | ø17 cm

09/08/20 - 27/10/20

264661 | ø19 cm

13/07/20 - 23/10/20

Nandina domestica It’s difficult to know where to start when describing all the enchanting features of the Nandina, but I’ll kick off with the fact that this is an evergreen plant that gives a lovely green structure to the garden all year round. The fresh green leaves turn a beautiful pink-red hue in the autumn. On top of this, Nandina has something else in store; panicle-shaped flowers that develop into bright red berries in winter. I’ve noticed that the Nandina is becoming increasingly popular on balconies and terraces, where it provides an atmospheric, oriental touch. The plant is ideal for placing in an ornamental pot. The larger the pot, the larger the plant will grow. If the Nandina is planted in open soil and given enough space, it can grow heartily to a height of around 2 metres. Different types and pot sizes can be found in It’s recommended to include Nandina in the late our web shop summer range in the garden centre, especially in combination with beautiful pots for the balcony and terrace.

Pyracantha If you’re planting a hedge, you obviously want it to remain strong and healthy for decades. I can recommend the pyracantha. This evergreen firethorn is known for its incredible strength and resilience to almost all conditions and diseases. The strong thorns make firethorn hedges almost impenetrable and provide a safe haven for small birds. The white blossom turns into beautifully coloured berries, creating fragrance and colour in the garden every year. The Pyracantha ‘Red Star’ is a new addition to the range. The berries are an incredibly deep red, a colour they maintain until after Christmas. This feature makes the plant a perfect addition to the retail selection in the period leading up to Christmas. This species has fewer thorns, and can also be used as Different types and pot sizes can be found in our web shop an indoor plant during the festive season. Javado magazine 21


The best plant families in the world

Carnivores Dionaea muscipula

Carnivorous plants are found almost everywhere in the world, mainly in places poor in nutrients and with high levels of nitrogen, such as swamps. These plants behave very unusually to obtain enough nourishment; they lure, trap, and digest small animals, usually spiders and insects. Various types of traps Different types of carnivorous plants have evolved with various types of traps. The best known are the adhesive trap (Drosera, Pinguicula), the snap trap (Dionaea) and the cup trap (Cephalotus, Heliamphora, Nepenthes, Sarracenia). Care Carnivorous plants are actually very easy to care for. Unlike most plants, they can always be left in a layer of water, and in fact they very much appreciate it. All they need are wet roots and enough light. Rainwater is better than tap water. Don’t give them plant food.

22 Javado magazine

Cephalotus follicularis


Nepenthes Mojito

Dionaea muscipula

Drosera aliciae

Drosera capensis alba

Drosera capensis

Nepenthes Alata

Nepenthes Bloody Mary

Nepenthes Dark Secret

Nepenthes Gaya

Nepenthes Hookeriana

Sarracenia farnhamii

Sarracenia Fiona

Nepenthes Rebecca



Heliamphora heterdodoxa x minor

Sarracenia Barba

Sarracenia Eva

Sarracenia farnhamii hybride

Sarracenia Flava

Sarracenia Judith

Sarracenia Juthalip Soper

Sarracenia Maroon

Sarracenia psittacina gigantea

Sarracenia purpurea hybride

Sarracenia purpurea venosa

Sarracenia Tygo

Sarracenia Vogel

Javado magazine 23

Easy access to our Halloween items: Filters > Halloween

Extensive range of ornamental fruit in our web shop > 10/08/2020

Search for ‘Cucurbita’

Echeveria Devotion

• • •

Intense red leaf colouring Leaves appear to be made of velvet Nominated for Royal FloraHolland’s 2021 Glass Tulip Market introduction: November 2020

24 Javado magazine

New product Pilea Moonvalley • • •

Preorder yours today

Uniquely textured leaves Combination of dark and bright green, appears to be glowing Grows into a spherical shape

5/10/2020 - 31/12/2020 367600 | ø 14cm

Javado magazine 25

Special report

All about

Cyclamen Cyclamen have been popular plants since the dawn of floriculture, and the cheerful flowers are still conquering the hearts of consumers. It’s high time to have a deeper look at the world of cyclamen, and see what we can find out. Schoneveld Breeding, the breeder of a whole range of well-known cyclamen, opened its doors to Javado Magazine. The origins of Super Series Every Javado customer viewing the range of cyclamen on our web shop has probably noticed that many species have the name Super Series, sometimes abbreviated to SS, in their description. All the species developed by Schoneveld Breeding bear this brand name.

However, Patty wanted to go beyond supplying just florists. The cyclamen was one of the best-known pot plants at the time, so a complete chain of breeding and propagation organisations already existed. How do you get your toe in the door? He took a bold step, and gave cyclamen growers some batches of young plants to grow. When they found out that these plants got the best prices at the auction, they realised that this was the series they had to grow. Another smart move Patty made was being the first to develop a label with a brand name that was attached to every plant. This rapidly generated demand from the market. So, how did the name Super Series come about? Basically, Patty couldn’t describe these plants other than super, so he called them Super Series.

26 Javado magazine

Schoneveld is a longstanding family of growers from the east of the Netherlands. The original nursery grew into a commercial nursery. Patty Schoneveld used to visit florists in the 1980s with his truck full of plants. Every florist had the same essential tip: always go for the highest quality plants. Patty searched out the best varieties, and the nursery took the first steps in breeding. In the early 1990s, this resulted in a cyclamen with 165 flowers! He managed to propagate this cyclamen and sell it to the florists, who were incredibly enthusiastic.

A closer look at the genetics of the cyclamen “Every leaf is a potential flower,” says Ton Koers, cultivation advisor at Schoneveld Breeding, who with over 40 years of service can rightly be called an expert by experience. He lifts up a cyclamen Super Serie Original, and shows how the plant forms a beautiful compact sphere made of lots of leaves. “Lots of leaves automatically gives lots of flowers.”

“Every leaf is a potential flower”

Ton Koers, cultivation advisor

“Cyclamen growers know that breeder’s blood is essential to grow cyclamen. The genes of our Super Series are so good, however, that they do away with a number of problems: all the plants are uniform, they bloom very abundantly, and you don’t have to remove flowers that appear too early. Our motto used to be: with our genes, everyone can grow top-quality cyclamen. That didn’t go down well with the proud growers, so we quickly abandoned it. Let’s just say that our cyclamen are both a pleasure to grow, and a pleasure to buy or be given.” Why were various Super Series developed? I’m impressed with the Super Serie Original, but there are now lots of other series, such as the Verano, Picasso, Allure, Jive, etc. Why so many? Why not stick to one series everyone knows? Rather a stupid question to ask, of course, but it got an interesting answer: “There are two reasons behind the structure of our series. One is to develop novelties, such as cyclamen with a unique appearance. Examples include the beautiful Merengue and the unusual Petticoat. The main reason, however, is all about the changing seasons and the related needs of cyclamen. That’s why our series include the Verano, the Carino and the Mini Winter series, even though these are similar in appearance. It works as follows. In the summer, it’s dry, warm, and daylight hours are long. In the autumn, it’s humid, and in winter, there’s much less light. A specific season actually requires a specific type of cyclamen. This solution means we can help growers cultivate top-quality products at all times, and provide consumers with sustainable cyclamen regardless of the season.”

The flowers of Cyclamen SS Djix have incredibly special shapes. This novelty will initially be marketed on a regulated basis. That means that agreements are made about which chain party can market these cyclamen in which period in a specific country.

SERIES ADAPTED TO SUMMER, AUTUMN OR WINTER The SS Verano series is ideal for growing in the summer. This plant retains moisture well because the leaves are very close to each other, the flower stems don’t develop vigorously, so even in bright light the flowers remain compact. When the cyclamen season starts again at the end of summer, this is the ideal basic series. The leaf structure of SS Carino is slightly more open, making it easier to get rid of the excess moisture. The flower stems develop slightly more vigorously. This is the ideal series to grow in the autumn. The SS Mini Winter is the ideal series to grow in winter, thanks to its vigour, long flowering duration, and open structure.

Editor’s Note: The Verano has become a household name in the market, and represents top-quality cyclamen mix. We’ve noticed that some growers stick to this brand name, and continue to call the range Verano to the outside world, although they change from Verano to Carino to Mini Winter throughout the season.

Javado magazine 27

Behind the scenes at the breeder Schoneveld Breeding’s impressive greenhouse complex has been in use for two years now. It’s designed so that visitors can personally experience the processes at this breeder.

Super Series • • • •

Uniform growth and flowering Round plant shape and sturdy flowers Abundant flowers from the centre Long shelf life

Micro: Donatello:

We walk past the laboratory where, among other things, the DNA of the cyclamen has been imaged. The properties of new crosses can be seen in their DNA before the plant is even grown. This accelerates the breeding process. Then we take a look at the seed processing. Schoneveld Breeding’s core business is cyclamen seeds. This is what the company supplies to propagators, who germinate the seed in plugs. These develop into the young plants that are sent to cyclamen growers for cultivation. Although Schoneveld doesn’t supply growers directly, there’s a lot of direct contact to share experiences and cultivation advice. The greenhouses are divided into areas to produce seed for the commercial varieties and areas to develop new varieties.

Genetically compact plant for the smallest pot size | 14 colours silver-leaved Verano, so suitable for summer cultivation. very compact plant. Good for outdoors. | 9 colours Da Vinci: silver-leaved, summer flowering, abundant flowers | 9 colours Verano: very extensive series. Fast flowering, best for summer cultivation, heat tolerant | 27 colours Carino: extensive series. Suitable for autumn cultivation | 19 colours Compact: all-round cyclamen, unique plant quality | 25 colours Picasso: silver-leaved, suitable for autumn and winter. Long flowering. Best outdoor cyclamen | 9 colours Mini Winter: extensive mix, suitable for cultivation in winter | 19 colours Petticoat: striking flower in the shape of a hanging bell | 6 colours Djix: specialty. Unique flower shape | 2 colours Jive: arched flowers | 10 colours Rembrandt: silver-leaved, best for summer and autumn cultivation | 9 colours Allure: suitable for cultivation in summer. Heat tolerant | 23 colours Original: very abundant flowers. Origin of the Super Series | 14 colours Macro: Merengue:

abundant flowers, suitable for cultivation in autumn /winter | 23 colours highly fringed flowers | 8 colours

Vintro: XL:

resilient, suitable for cultivation in winter | 5 colours suitable for summer and autumn flowering. Large flowers on compact plant structure | 18 colours largest flowers, suitable for large pot sizes | 11 colours


These striking cyclamen are a great addition to the range.

That’s where I found this cyclamen with beautiful markings in the flower. This will be a new variety called Super Serie Crayon, a reference to the beautiful stripes in the petals. The Crayon will be placed on the market in 2021, but some small test batches will be tried out among growers in the second half of this year. Also seen in the test greenhouse: 2 or 3 colours in a single pot. Schoneveld Breeding can advise growers about which cyclamen can be potted together and flower simultaneously.

28 Javado magazine

When we arrive at the greenhouse where the seed is extracted for production, I notice how much manual work is involved. The greenhouse is full of cyclamen. The petals of the flower are pulled off before they really bloom. The pistils, which are left, are then fertilised. It results in a seed box with about 100 seeds.

Giving sustainability a helping hand Breeder Schoneveld Breeding wants to give a helping hand to a better future. The company has invested heavily in making its operations sustainable, with initiatives such as 100% water recycling, biological crop protection, and energy-saving lighting and heating. They also focus on breeding on developing resilient, compact varieties. This allows the grower to cut down considerably on the use of crop protection and inhibitors.

Super Serie Picasso

Super Serie Merengue

Super Serie Petticoat

Super Serie Rembrandt

Super Serie Verano

Super Serie Jive


Super Serie Mammoth Leopardo is a new series of large-flowered cyclamen that will be released on the market . Thanks to the sturdy flower stems and heat tolerance, this is a highly rewarding cyclamen to grow, and suitable for the early season. Tests at the growers have yielded excellent results. Leopardo is expected to become a household name among large-flowered cyclamen.

Cyclamen Super Serie Crayon will be placed on the market in 2021. Several small test batches are already being tried out at various growers.

New Javado magazine 29

Care tips When you’re talking to the cyclamen crop advisor, why not ask about the best care tips for the consumer!

Put the flowers outside A cyclamen is a beautiful way to bring colour and atmosphere to your garden or balcony. Schoneveld Breeding’s extensive range contains a number of varieties that are really very resistant to elements such as sun and rain. The varieties that have been tested as best for outdoor use receive the quality stamp “Best for outdoor”. These can be ordered under the brands Veranda selections and Garden selections. Even light frosts are not a problem for these cyclamen.

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INDOORS “Cyclamen do very well inside the home. Place the plant in a cool and bright spot, so not above the heating or in the direct sun, to maximise your enjoyment of it. It likes plenty of water, so keep the root ball slightly moist. The best method is to place the pot plant on a saucer with water, so the cyclamen can absorb the fluid. If the plant begins to wilt slightly, it needs more water. On average, a cyclamen need to be watered about three times a week. Regularly remove flowers that have finished flowering, including the stem, to stimulate the plant to produce new flowers. Keep the plant attractive, fresh and blooming for a long time by adding some plant food to the water once every 2 weeks.” OUTSIDE “Do you want to brighten up your garden or balcony with cyclamen? That’s a good idea. First, choose cyclamen from the Veranda Selections. Then choose a place where the cyclamen is not in the full sun all day. Make sure the root ball is kept nice and moist. Outdoor cyclamen also benefit from a little plant food every 2 weeks. Outdoor cyclamen can tolerate a light frost, so you can enjoy these colourful plants for longer.”

Offer of the month


i Special offers âˆ&#x; Offer of the month

363112 | Phal. multi 3t. mix | pot 9cm

347774 | Lilium Or. Roselily 5pp | pot 19cm

277853 | Senecio Angel Wings | pot 17cm

290367 | Ajania pac. Pacific White | pot 12cm

365234 | Compo PASTEL 31101 | pot 13cm

195328 | Bromelia mix duo orange | pot 12cm

319217 | Deco Fruit XL Tube |

286460 | Chrysant ind. Jasoda Mix CC 40cm | pot 19 cm

290368 | Ajania pac. Pacific Yellow | pot 12cm

Javado magazine 31

8 original garden plants for an exceptionally beautiful autumn presentation Photinia x fraseri ‘Chico’ Ø 17cm | 319103

Carex oshi. ‘Everglow’ Ø 17cm | 321030

Chlorophytum saud. ‘Starlight’ Ø 14cm | 339587 Ø 19cm | 339588

Anemone hup. ‘Fantasy Jasmine’ Ø 19cm | 326984

32 Javado magazine

Heuchera ‘Wild Rose’ Ø 15cm | 325607 Ø 26cm | 337907

Triple Beauty perennials Ø 26cm | 317478

Rudbeckia ‘Sunbeckia’ Ø 19cm | 350639 Ø 26cm | 350640

Uncinia rubra ‘Everflame’ Ø 19cm | 304187

Javado magazine 33

Grower report


Charl en Jack Goossens

I have been to lots of different nurseries, but this is the first one I’ve come across where the plants have to be grown for so long before they’re sent to us. I’m talking about the Laurus nobilis, a mythical plant which has been the life’s work of Gova Nursery. Jack Goossens tells me all about it. While we walk through the fields outside, I find out how this noble plant has recently given the nursery an unexpected twist. But Jack kicks off with some history. My parents grew Kentia palms in the 1970s. When the oil crisis hit, they started looking for floriculture that consumed less energy. We’re located in the south of the Netherlands, literally on the Belgian border, so it had to be something special that hadn’t been grown before in the Netherlands, and make the journey down for the traders in the west of the country worthwhile. They decided on the Laurus nobilis. With a nursery covering 23 hectares, we’re the market leader of this product. I see Laurus nobilis in all kinds of sizes, from small pots to huge specimens. Is this the familiar bay tree, or are there different types? These are all bay trees, with leaves that are ideal for using in barbecues and sauces, and to flavour meat. We sell the small pot size as a genuine bay tree. These are grown in a closed environment, and meet all the strict requirements to be officially allowed to trade as “edible”. We’re inspected 10 times a year, unannounced. “Ever since our civilisation emerged, Laurus nobilis has held a special place in it”

moment it enters the trade. We use the old pots again for breeding. Any pots that break over the years are collected by the pot supplier who uses them to make new pots. Besides the upmarket appearance you praised, what are the other special characteristics of the Laurus? The Laurus is an evergreen with a subtle fragrance and classic appearance, and it’s a herb. Moreover, this plant has a lot of history and symbolic value. Its significance differs per country. Did you know that in Germany it plays a role at funerals, while in England and Ireland it’s a traditional Christmas gift? It’s a quite expensive product. Have you got any sales tips for garden centres? This plant is ideal for cutting in shapes, so most of our plants are supplied in a pyramid shape or as a sphere on a stem. I recommend garden centres to have a stock of about 2/3 sphere-on-stem and 1/3 pyramid. Display the product in an attractive place in the garden centre’s cold greenhouse. We can also help make the display more attractive. Ever since our civilisation emerged, Laurus nobilis has held a special place in it, so there’s plenty of information for consumers. We’ve developed various sales concepts, and had them translated into 12 languages. Anybody interested should contact Javado. Our themes include Aroma, Wellness, Classic, Trendy, and Christmas.

We grow everything from our own cuttings. Growing a laurel tree is a very time-consuming task. The plants that leave our nursery are 8 years old on average. This includes the small bay trees in 10.5cm pots that are 18 months old, so you can imagine how old the larger specimens are. Every autumn, we move all plants to the covered greenhouse for the winter, then from mid-March we put everything back in the outside fields. It takes us about 8 weeks to put everything back outside. If there are frosts in the spring, the sprinkler system turns on, so that the water droplets freeze and not the plant.

How do you manage to create these beautiful spheres and pyramids? We developed machines in-house that cut these shapes. The only problem is that the machines cannot see if they’re neatly cutting a branch or slicing a leaf in half, so we cut mechanically one year before delivery. The plants that leave the nursery a year later are attractively shaped, and neatly trimmed by hand. We wanted to do something special with all the leaves we cut back, and that’s become quite a story in itself.

I can see a lot of old plastic pots here. What are they for? Laurus nobilis is a top-flight product, so it has to have an upmarket appearance. Every plant is always given a brand new cultivation pot the

Has that got something to do with the laboratory we just passed? Exactly. We’re permanently collecting bay leaf waste, which we used to put in the compost. However, we were sure it had some residual value.

34 Javado magazine

We did some research, and found out how to extract the essential oil from the waste. This oil is useful for all kinds of things, in areas such as the cosmetics and food industry. Our pruning waste has now become valuable.

Large specimens GOVA also supplies larger plants, which can be 15, 20 or even 40 years old. These are not specified on the standard supply list. If you’re interested in a larger Laurus, GOVA can take photos of the plants in the size you are looking for.

It felt so good that we’re currently using our expertise to carry out studies for growers of other products. Lots of growers have got in touch with us to look into the value of the roots, leaves or flowers of their products.

The GOVA bv team Charl is the breeder, Jack deals with everything around it. Miranda is responsible for sales, and is our point of contact for daily trading.

Origin of today’s cosmetics industry The bay laurel is not only an aromatic plant but has also been valued for thousands of years for its cleansing properties. The bay laurel was even a product that helped launch today’s cosmetics industry: laurel oil is the essential ingredient in the world’s first solid soap, the more than 1,000-yearold “Mother of All Soaps” — Aleppo soap — whose quality is rated by its laurel oil content.

The company is firmly rooted in its surroundings. For years, it has been involving people with a disability, and is very happy with the results. In fact, it’s doing so well that it recently won the ‘Participation Award’.

This method allows plants from 20 hectares to pass the winter in greenhouses covering just 3 hectares.

Everything about care The laurel is a pot plant that thrives both in the shade and in full sun. If it’s placed in a sunny spot, it will need more water

Aleppo soap is a pure and wonderful soap. Just a few days’ experience will make it clear what it does to your skin.

Laurel oil is extracted from the pruning waste. This began on a small scale, but now uses this large installation.

The laurel is not frost-resistant, so it has to be sheltered from frost in the winter. The plant is dormant during this period, so there’s no problem putting it in a frost-free shed or garage, even if it’s very dark. Then it has to be acclimatised to light again in the spring, before being placed in the full sun. In winter, it should ideally be given a little water once every 5 weeks. The essential oil in the leaf helps this plant resist diseases.

Javado magazine 35

Autumn inspiration plant arrangements













36 Javado magazine

New product Begonia BotaniX MiX • • • •

Preorder yours today

New series of special leafy begonias In 16-cm terracotta pot with saucer Can be ordered per mix layer (6x2) At least 5 varieties per layer

07/09/20 - 30/09/20 370201| ø16cm This beautiful mix of special leaf begonias will be placed on the market in September. We have a limited number available. Place your order now via our web shop. Javado magazine 37

Offer of the month


i Special offers âˆ&#x; Offer of the month

355753 |Bromelia yellow-orange mix | pot 9cm

341994 | Calluna vulg. Beauty-Ladies Twins | pot 12cm

363060 | Compo Terrarium 50625 | pot 24cm

277693 | Cyclamen Indiaka | pot 12cm

356066 | Beddingplants Autumn Trio | pot 23cm

228349 | Nandina dom. Obsessed | pot 17cm

348164 | Calluna vulg. Beauty-Ladies Mix Shelves | pot 12cm

369976 | Phal. hybr form mix | pot 12cm

294934 | Gaultheria proc. Big Berry extra| pot 12cm

38 Javado magazine

About Javado

At the entrance to our warehouse, there are units with computers and printers. These are the workplaces of our quality control team, also known as our ‘Goods In Team’. We visited Carla, an experienced receiving clerk. Would you like to know more about her essential work? Let’s ask her. How long have you been a Goods In team member at Javado? I started at Javado in 2006, so a good 14 years already. In the beginning , we had to enter everything into the computer manually, but fortunately that is now all automatic. What does the job of a receiving clerk actually entail? All incoming plant orders at Javado are first checked by the goods in team. We check the quality of the plants and make sure all the numbers are correct. If there are any discrepancy’s, we get in touch with the relevant grower and seller. We scan the packing slip, after which the associated distribution stickers are printed out. Our job is then to stick the right distribution sticker on the appropriate plant, box or tray. On a busy day we have up to 4000 of different order lines arriving daily

So you’re an expert when it comes to products? After so many years? Definitely! Even so, I can still get help. I can easily open the photo on the computer that matches the distribution label, and most growers clearly indicate the contents of each box or tray. That’s useful with tall boxes, and indispensable for plants in ceramics and plant compositions. What are the most difficult kind of plants for your work? The trade from Denmark includes lots of different species of small plants, so it’s very time-consuming but in the end we manage fine . What’s often more difficult are garden plants sent separately on the shelf, so not in trays. Especially if several species are mixed together and I have stickers for both mixed shelves and a number of plants by species. Sometimes you have to be good at solving puzzles. Do you have any plants yourself? What’s your favourite plant? Absolutely! I like green plants that don’t need a lot of looking after, ha ha!

Our customers can benefit from our savings promotion. Keep our magazines in 2020, send us a photo of all 4 ‘Holland stamps’, and receive a real Dutch treat with your order.

3 Javado magazine 39

Javadoplant B.V. Venus 116 2675 LN Honselersdijk Holland

40 Javado magazine

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