Wynberg Boys' Schools Magazine 1959

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PRINCIPAL Mr. W. E. Bowden, B.A., H.E.D. Mathematics VICE-PRINCIPAL(ACTINGPRINCIPAL,July-December) Mr. F. G. Thorp, M.A., B.SC., B.ED. . Physical Science ACTINGVICE-PRINCIPAL(July-December) Mr. H. Arguile, B.A. Latin, Religious Instruction STAFF History Mr. H. E. de W. Tasker, B.A. Mathematics, Science Mr. W. A. Clegg, B.SC. Religious lnstruction, Afrikaans, Social Stduies Mr. A. D. Driessen, B.A. English, Latin Mr. J. B. Gardener, M.A., B.ED . Geography Mr. S. Gilmore, B.A. Afrikaans, Physical Education Mr. W. E. Gredley Mr. E. P. Hopkins, A.I.C.B. (S.A.), N.C:r.C. Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic Manual Training Mr. E. D. Keyser Mathematics Mr. W. Lennox, B.SC. (HO~S.) English Mr. C. A. MacLeod, M.A. Art Mrs. W. McPherson Science, Geography, Religious Instruction Mr. J. L. Mathew, B.SC. Physical Education, Biology, Social Studies. Mr. A. J. A. Morris, B.A... ...... Afrikaans Mr. G. D. NortjĂŠ . Afrikaans Mrs. C. S. C. Pretorius, B.A. English, Mathematics, General Science Mr. R. Richter Afrikaans, History. Mr. D. S. Sieberhagen, B.A. Mr. H. J. Smuts, B.A., B.COMM.,A.I.C.A. Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Methods Mr. D. H. Thomson, M.A.. ...... English Mr. A. Verwymeren . . Music Mr. J. R. Wheeler, B.SC. Mathematics Dr. H. G. Wood, B.A., PH.D. Mathematics, Zoology SECRETARY Mrs. J. Cotton, B.A.

JUNIOR Principal Vice-Principal Sub A Sub B Std. lA Std. IB Std. 2A Std. 2B Std. 3A Std. 3B Std. 4A Std. 4B Std. SA Std. SB Physical Training . Class Singing Remedial Speech Eurhythmics Piano Violin 'Cello Speech Training and Play Production



Mr. A. Lorie Mr. J. F. Oosthuizen, B.SC. Miss K. Lacey Mrs. M. Paddick Mrs. M. Strornsoe Mrs. Il;. E. Tasker Miss J. Gorvett Miss S. Elliott ..... Mrs. I. Oberholzer Miss J. Lampard Miss P. Smith Mr. K. Hutcheson Mr. A. Lorie Mr. K. Pretorius Mr. J. F. Oosthuizen, B.SC. Mrs. E. Jennings Miss P. Robertson Miss I. Gerdener Miss M. van der Linden Mr. A. Lorie and Miss I. Diggle Miss M. Gibbs Miss D. Salmon

We live in a remarkable age, an age of Sputniks and Luniks, with rockets going into orbit - or failing to go into orbit-with monotonous regularity, and space travel rapidly moving from an H. G. Wells fantasy to a Kruscbev reality. And what a matter-of-fact world we live in too. Things which fifty years ago would have been regarded as a lunatic's dream we now accept as if they had always been. Tbe Russians score a bull's-eye on the moon, and it is regarded as little more than a nine-days' wonder. and - wbo knows? - by the time this Magazine reaches you we may have made personal contact with the Man-in-tbe-moon himself. The truth is, of course, that wbat .is bappening on tbe moon is a little too remote for most of us to worry our beads about. There are matters nearer home which demand our attention, and one of the matters which should be exercising the mind of every parent at the moment is the proposal that the Central Government should take over the administration of those Departments of Education which are at present under the control of the Provinces. On the surface this may seem harmless, and even advantageous in certain directions-and therein lies the danger. If tbere was any guarantee that the "expert advisory body" which it is proposed to set up "to keep an eye on various forms of education" would be truly representative of educational thought, and if one could be sure that the function of this body would be really advisory, it might fulfil a useful purpose, but there lies the rub. It has been publicly stated that "This advisory body would make recommendations and the Government would introduce legislation accordingly". In other words, a Council is to be set up whose personnel will no doubt be appointed by the Government; this body will tben make their recommendations to the Government, who will then impose th.ese recommendations on tbe Provinces by law. We may be forgiven, perhaps, if we see in this move a threat to the whole concept of Education, which should not be one of inflexible, regimented uniformity, but ratber one of unity in diversity. We have no

complaint, for instance, with the demand that every child should be bilingual, and indeed this is req uired under the present Provincial system, but we question very much the wisdom of the view that "It was high time that someone forced them to be bilingual if they were not yet so". We shall never build a united South Africa by force. One cannot help feeling that centralised control of Education is merely the thin edge of the wedge, designed to facilitate the introduction of what is known as Christian National Education, and recent pronouncements from responsible quarters have done nothing to allay this fear. The South African Teachers' Association, among other bodies, has already condemned in no uncertain terms the principles and policy underlying C.N.E., which we venture to claim is neither truly Christian nor National. We live in a professedly Christian country, and few people therefore will quarrel with the claim that "The basic beliefs of Christianity should form the foundation of Education", provided we can agree on what are the basic beliefs of Christianity, and provided we do not seek to confine Christianity witbin the limits of a narrow, exclusive sectarianism. In the same way, we all want the children in our Schools to grow up to love South Africa, but their love for their country will not be lessened if they are also taught to respect the rights and traditions of otber nations and peoples of a different race, creed, or colour from their own. In Miss Edith Cavell's memorable words, "Patriotism is not enough; J must have no hatred or bitterness for anyone". We shall await the Bill which the Government proposes to introduce during the next Parliamentary session with some anxiety. Our present Provincial system has worked very well up to the present, and we see no need to interfere witb the status quo as far as Education is concerned. Finally, a Happy Christmas to all our readers, and, in the words of Tiny Tim's time-honoured toast, "God bless us, everyone". H.A. 1

extend our congratulations and good wishes for their present and future bappiness. We are bappy to record tbe news of the birtb of a son on June 10 this year to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. A. Morris. We rejoice with them and trust tbat little Alan Norman will keep bis fatber on his toes! If be combines tbe musical talent of his mother with the gymnastic prowess of his fatber, he should develop into a real maestro. The following boys were elected Prefects for the year: R. Field (Head Prefect), H. du Plessis (Deputy Head Prefect), K. Barker, 1. Blocb, J. Burt, A. Elliot, N. Gauld, J. Grendon, B. Hall, P. Heritage, J. Human, B. Jordan, C. Kaplinsky, A. Millier, A. Noffki, M. Poolman, A Thorn, R. van Rbyn, N. Wolff, N. Woudberg ; and once again tbey bave done a difficult job with commendable ability and zeal, proving that their choice for this position of responsibility was fully justified. The office of Prefect in a School of our size is no sinecure, and we congratulate them upon the praiseworthy manner in which they have carried out their many duties. It has been decided that Life Membership of the Old Boys' Union sball be conferred upon the Head Prefect at the termination of his period of office, and we congratulate Roger Field on being the first Head Prefect to quality for this honour. At long last we are glad to report that the new playing-fields we bave been so urgently needing have at last materialised. We were greatly heartened earl.ier this year when we heard that the Provincial Council had purchased on our behalf part of "Hawthorndene", the estate of Countess Labia, and that we could take possession of the property forthwith. The acquisition of this property will help us to realise a long-standing need, and we take this opportunity of expressing our thanks to tbe Provincial Council and to all concerned who have assisted us to realise this ambition. The development of the new grounds will be the responsibility of the School, and is proceding apace. "Hawtborndene" is within easy reach of the School, and we plan to make provision there for two football fields, one large and two small cricket fields, a pavilion, anda long路cherished ambition - our own running track on which we sball be able to hold our Athletics meetings in future years. There is every prospect that by tbe time this magazine reaches

Staff cbanges this year bave fortunately been few in number. Towards tbe end of the second term Mr. and Mrs. Bowden left Cape Town on long leave aboard tbe s.s. "Southern Cross", outward-bound on a world cruise which took them, among otber places, to Australia, Fiji, Panama, Trinidad and England. From tbe snatcbes of information we have received from time to time, tbey seem to have bad a thoroughly enjoyable time, and no doubt will bave a very interesting story to tell when tbey return. They returned to South Africa on September 25, proceeding to East London, and from there to Rhodesia to spend the remainder of their leave with tbeir son, M r. Bernard Bowden. Mr. Bowden will be resuming duty at School in January. During Mr. Bowden's absence, Mr. Thorp has been acting as Principal, and has carried his new responsibilities WJtnout any noticeable stoop in his shoulders, tbough a Principal's job is no sinecure. Tbe fact tbat tbe Scbool bas continued to run so smoothly is in itself a tribute to the capable manner in Which be bas bandied the reins of administration, and we sbouLd like to say how much we bave enjoyed working with him during the past six montbs. To assist witb the teaching of Matbematics and Science during Mr. Bowden's absence we bave been pleased to welcome back into tbe Staff-room an old well-known face - none otber, indeed, than tbat of Mr. W. A. Clegg, who was Principal of the School for some 29 years, and who left us in 1947 to go into retirement-so he thought! As so often happens with retired teachers in these days of teacher sbortages, however, he bas several times been called upon to don harness once more, his Jast spell being with his old Alma Mater. We hope he bas enjoyed this latest innings on his home ground. At the end of last year Mrs. Chambers left us, and Mrs. McPherson has rejoined the Staff as Art Mistress. We welcome her back to the Staff, and trust she is enjoying her stay with us. December 20, 1958, was a red-letter day for two members of the Staff-Messrs. A. D. Driessen and G. D. Nortj茅-for, wbether by accident or design we know not, on this date they both de路 cided to take to themselves a wife. To Mr. and Mrs. Driessen and to Mr. and Mrs. Nortje we 2

you the new playing-fields will be taking shape. though it will take some time, of course, before the fields will be actually ready for use. We are sorry to ha ve to record that we shall be losing two Members of Staff at tbe end of the year. Mr. Ricbter has been appointed to the VicePrincipalship of Vredeboek Primary School, and, while congratulating him on this well-deserved promotion, we shall be very sorry to lose him from the Staff. Cricket, Cadets, and the School generally will be the poorer for his going, but we we hope he will be very happy in his new School. Mr. Driessen leaves us to move nearer home. and will be transferring his loyalties to Bellville High School at the beginning of next year. Again

we regret the necessity for Mr.Driessen, and we wish happiness in his new sphere both to Mr. Richter and thanks for tbeir services their stay with us.

parting company with him every success and of service. We extend to Mr. Driessen our to the School during

Some 88 Senior Certificate and 122 Junior Certificate candidates wrote their examinations this year, and we trust that, when the results are published in January, there will be few casualties. To those who will be leaving us this year we extend our good wishes for the future and trust that whatsoever their hands find to do they will do it with their might, and that in doing it they will find lasting satisfaction.

prize (]if/ing., 1958 The guest of honour on this occasion was Capt. H. E. Fougstedt. After giving a review of the year's activities, the Headmaster, Mr. Bowden, thanked all those who had contributed throughout the year towards the progress of the school.

Merit Prize: H. Baker. Standard VIII: Latin: A. Mitchell. Mathemati~: R. Lumb. General Science: D. McCallum. Social Studies: D. McCallum. Bookkeeping: C. Laubscher. Class Prizes: 8A: A. Mitchell. 8C: C. Laubscher. Merit Prize: N. Heselson. Standard IX: Mathematics: C. Kaplinsky. History: C.' Kaplinsky. Physical Science: E. Tiffin. Bookkeeping and Commercial Arithmetic: J. Cole and B. Rutter. Class Prizes: 9A: C. Kaplinsky. 9B: C. Stanley. 9C: B. Rutter. Standard X: English: J. Webb. Latin: J. Webb. Physical Science: J. Webb. Mathematics: J. Webb. History: J. Webb. Zoology: K. Burt. Geography: D. Nathan. Manual Training: E. Callanan.

Standard VI: English: D. Katz. Mathematics: R. Herman. Latin: L. Tabic. General Science: R. Waters. Social Science: J. Kipling. Bookkeeping: J. Kipling. Art: A. Steyl. Woodwork: R. Waters. Class Prizes: 6A: D. Katz. 6B: D. Clarke. 6C: J. Kip]jng. Merit Prize: T. Zabow. Standard Vil: Mathematics: G. Pasvolsky. General Science: K. Henson. Social Studies: K. Henson. Latin: K. Henson. Commercial Subjects: D. Whitfield. Class Prizes: 7A: K. Henson. 78: J. Cruickshank. 7C: A. Clarke. 7D: H. Callaghan. 3


Bevan Prize for Reading in English: (J) D. Freud; (2) R. MiJJson. Prize for Best Magazine Contribution: J. Webb. Friedlander Prize for English in Junior Certificate: A. Mitchell. Benjamin Bennett Prize for Dramatic Art: R. Millson. Templeton Prizes for Music: N. Schafer; G. Rogers ; H. Goodman. Prize for Service: G. Silke. Friedlander Shield: Rhodes House.


lOA: J. Webb. IOC: R. Shlomovitz. Merit Prize: E. Ger.

Special Special



D. F. Marais Memorial Prize for Afrikaans: J. Webb. Maskew Miller Prize for History: L. Pasvol. Best Speakers Prizes: (1) J. Webb; (2) R. Jowell; (3) R. Millson.

SCI-IOOL PREFECTS Front row (I. to T.): N. Gauld. H. du Plessis (Vice Head Prefect), Mr. F. G. Thorp ( cting Principal), R. Field (Head Prefect), Mr. H. Arguile (Acting Vice-Principal), J. Grendon, J. Burt. Second row (I. to r.): K. Barker. A. NofEki, R. Jordan. N. Woudberg, M. Poolman, A. Miller, 1. 13l0ch. Third row (I. to r.): B. Hall. A. Elliott. A. Thorn P. Heritage, C. Kaplinsky. R. van Rhyn, N. Wol1I. A bsenl: J. Human.




F. B.; Gouid, W.; Horne, G. L.; Jacobson, B.; Kantor, M.; Kelynack, B. S.; Kemp, G. K.; Killin, P. V. ; Klopper, H. P.; Kuhn, D. ; Laity, J. I.; Langmon, A. J. R. ; Ledgerwood, G. G.; Leibowitz, S.; Le Roux, E. P.; Lewenson, J.; Lewin, J.; Lotter, E. R.; MacKinnon, W. J.; McClatchie, J. W.; McLaughJin, M. L.; Millar, H. B.; Miller, I.; Montgomery, W. R.; Morison, R. S.; MundelI, M. P.; Nathan, A. H. B.; Northam, B. R. ; PereI, I. M.; Potgieter, M. A. ; Rainy, D. J.; Rennie, D. J.; Retief, F. J.; Roe, D. M.; Rogers, G. S.; Ross, M. E.; Rourke, J. P. ; Scagell, J. E. ; Shantal, G. C. ; Shap, J. M.; Siegel, D.; Smuts, M. J.; Spiro, H. R.; Staniforth, M.; Steward. C. G.; StoII, H.; Stuppel, R. B.; Talmud, L.; Thorns, D.; Tulfrey, M. J.; Van As, A. E.; Van Niekerk, L. c.; Versteegh, D. F.; Viljoen, A. P.; Webster, P. D.; Zuyl, J. P.

First Class: Croësee, P. J. F.; Eden, N. J.; Engelke, r. W.; Gaylaed, R. E.; Gee, E.; Katz, J. H.; Marx, R. P.; Nathan, D. C. B.; Pasvol, L. S.; Ringer, W.; Shlomowitz, R.; Soltynski, M. G.; Todres, A. H.; Totos. R. P.; Webb, R. H. Second Class: Barnes, C. 0.; Bind, P. K.; Boyce, C. G.; Burt, K. W.; Carp, r. M.; Carstens, J. J.; Dorman, S. B.; Drummond, M. J. S.; Edmunds, C. J.; Firth, J. T.; Fougstedt, P.; Gabriel, B. R. L.; Gee, L. S. ; Gerden, W. A.; Germishuys, H. J.; Goldberg, D.; Haasbroek, P. S.; Harford, D. M.; Hobbs, R. C.; Hughes, M. G.; Hutton, H.; Jackson, F. A.; Jarmain, R. M.; Jowell. R. M.; King, J. A.; Land, B. A.; Lotter. B. A.; Lumb, M. J.; McCuIlagh, S. B.: Mendelsohn, L. M.; Michaels, M. B.; Millson, R. S.; Mittag, M. T.; Reichlin, S. M.; Schalfer, G. L.; Scott, D. G.; SpeyerOfenberg, L.; Stephen, D. B.; Stern, L. E.; Surditt, B.; Tomlinson, D. H.; Tunbridge. D. S. T.; White, L. E.; Whitehead, D. P.; Witthuhn, R. F.; Zabouw, J. JUNIOR

VOORBEREIDENDE AFRfKAANSE TAALEKSAMEN, 1958 lIoër Graad: Aitken, M. D.; Baerecke, P. A.; Baker, H. M.; Du Toit, P.; Goldfoot, N.; Kipling, J. R.; Rautenbach, B.; Smith, C. B.; Viljoen, A. P.; Zabow, T.


Laer Graad: Adams, D. W.; Anziska, B. J. A.; Asherson, J~ D.; Bass, M. W.; Bowditch, M. H.; Byron, K. H.; Campbell, D. M.; Clarke, A. B.; Coates, P. R.; Colman, P. D.; Cook, D.; De Wet, P. R.; Ditchfield, J. G.; Elliot, A. A.; Evans, J. L.; Fabricius, P. L.; Fairley, D. B.; Freedberg, H. R.; Gamsu, R. J.; Gelb, N.; Geldenhuys, S. C. ; Gill, R. P.; Gottschalk, S. D.; GreenbIo, Allan G.; Hart, I.; Herman, R. E.; Holland, D. G.; Jennings, S. R.; Johnson, G. J.; Jones, C.; Kahn, S.; Katz, D. R.; KJeinman, F. L.; Kelynack, B. S.; Kennedy, W. M. W.; Kesner, G. R.; Levenbach, H. D.; Lewenson, J.; Lurie, S.; MacRae, K.; Maisel, G.; Margolis, M. L.; Maritz, B. K. ; May, G. E.; Middelmann, R. H.; Moore,

First Class: Colman, P. D.; Cole, D. I.; Cotton, G. F.; Docke, B. W.; Du Toit, P.; Evans, K. W.; Heselson, N. G.; Johnson, T. C.; Kahn, J.; Koen, L. J.; Laubscher, C. 0.; Loebenstein, J.; Lumb, R. L.; McCallum, D. D.; Marx, M. R.; MichelI, B. T.; Mitchell, A, S.; Moens, R. M.; Pritchard, N. A.; Reynolds, G. C.; Scheiffer, B. W.; Seeliger, R. G.; Shaskolsky, r. S.; Stone, r. F.; Tripp, R. T. Second Class: Alport, P. W.; Barnard, D. S.; Bass, S. R.; Bell, C. J.; Brady, R. L.; Brooks, E. W.; Coates, P. R.; Cook, D.; Coombes, A. J.; De Kock, A. J.; Dews, J. L.; Engels, G. A.; Foster, W. R.; Garven, T. M.; Geale, V. A. H.; Gelb, N.; Gibbons,


V. c.; NortjĂŠ, K.; Petersen, C. E.; Policansky, D. J.; Pritchard, C. M.; Rainey, D. J.; Richardson, D. R.; Rossi, A.; Rourke, J. P. ; Savadier, L. D. ; Schur, D. T. ; Schwab, L. A. ; Seeliger, R. D.; Siaens, R. P. A.; Smith, P.; Spiro, H. R.; Steyl, A. C.; Tabic, L.; Talmud, L.; Todres, P. H.; Tripp, R. T.; Trott, S. P.; Van Dyk, G. T.; Wallis, N. M.; Witte, B. C. P.; Wolff, H. R. F.; Wolffe, N. B.; Watson, L. M. LAER


Laer Graad: Ger,

D. P.;







H. J.;

R. F.;



1958 P.



J.; D.;

Todres, A. Whitehead, J.



Post Senior Certificate Course: R. Totos, J. Webb. Standard X: C. Kaplinsky,

Babin, E. c.; Barnes, C. 0.; Bind, P. K.; Cole, J. V.; Edmunds, C. J.; Gaylard, R. E.; Henson, K. A.; Jacobson, B.; Kaplinsky, C. H.; Kernoff, L. M.; King, J. A.; Kramer, L. H.; MacRae, 1.; Mildenhall, G. R.; Miller, A.; Moens, R. M.; Phillips, G. P.; Sharpe, N. D.; Smith, B. M.; Speier, A.; StoII, H. N.; Van Blerk, N.; Van Dam, A. J.; White, L. E.; Laubscher, C. 0.; Van Niekerk, A. A.

Laer Graad:

Standard IX: C. Laubscher,



1957: D. Bromberger, Kaplan. 1958: D. Bromberger, 1959:

L. H. Kaplan,

E. Tiffin. A. Mitchell.

SCHOLARSHIPS E. C. C. de Groot, L. H. Kaplan, M. Worral,

L. H.

M. Worral.

J. H. Webb.

to the effect. The stage especially was well done, with a starry background on the black curtains and an imposing flower arrangement in front. At 9.45 p.m. supper was served in the "LittIewood" Dining Room, where more coloured lights and candles on the tables created a delightful atmosphere. A sincere vote of thanks was expressed to Mr. and Mrs. Gredley and the School Matron, Mrs. Arnot, for providing so excellent a spread. A dancing display by Ivan Murison and Miss Bosman followed the supper, after which we danced until midnigbt. R.F.F.

The School Dance was beId this year on Saturday, September 19, and a most memorable evening was spent by all. A record attendance of 63 couples were present and the floor for every dance was well filled. Under the excellent guidance of Bruce Hall and Tony Elliott, a band of very willing helpers started decorating the hall several days preceding the dance itself. Thanks to the co-operation of Mr. Thorp, an ambitious scheme with a lowered ceiling was completed well before time. The theme of "This Modern Age" was well illustrated by a realistic rocket and "out of this world" posters. Queer shaped balloons and mysterious lighting added

by J. H. Darrol,



Jackson, F. A.; Lotter, B. A.; H.; Totos, R. P.; Webb, J. H.;


This page sponsored


Chemist, Kenilworth.


Phone 7-2208.


COMBINED Sillillg First

(1. to r.): B. Nitsun,

J. Slabber,



L. Kramer,

H. Stein, J. Marine.

rol\' (L to r.): Mr. H. E. Tasker (Class Master), R. Jordan, B. Hall, N. Gauld, N. Woudberg, A. Thorn, H. du Plessis (Vice Head Prefect), Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), R. Field (Head Prefect), Mr. H. Arguile (Acting Vice-Principal), K. Barker, J. Grendon, A. Miller, A. Noftki, I. Bloeb, Mr. C. A. MacLeod (Class Master), Dr. H. G. Wood (Class Master).

Second row (I. to r.):

D. Kretzmer, N. Goldfoot, A. Bennett, D. Watts, D. Glasser, F. Kyritsis, J. Burt, C. Kaplinsky, P. Heritage, A. Ell.iott, R. van Rhyn, N. Wolft, M. Poolman, B. Falk, D. Bernstein, R. Briscoe, R. Stuppel, D. Sinclair.


row (I. to r.): G. Phillips, R. Goodwin, N. Schafer, P. Balchin, G. Holland, P. Muller, P. de Wit, J. Moore, C. Barker, D. Harrison, C. Martin, T. McCartby, R. Cox, K. Swart, P. du Pont, J. McIlrath, B. Rutter, 1. Linden, J. Cole. roll' (I. to r.): S. Juter, L. Kernoft' C. Eddy, J. van Dam, M. McMastcr, R. Edwards, P. Oppenheirn, C. Stanley, C. Jackson, S. Kaplan, D. Sollinger, C. Smith, W. Brady. M. Turkstra, N. Sbarpe, P. Watermeyer, R. Charles, N. Hoffbrand.



rOw (I. to r.): E. Eer, E. Malinaric, A. Soboil, I. Savage, A. Stuppel, G. Pearce, D. Ziman, D. Freund, M. Mansfield, E. Tiffin, A. Berry.

A bsel1l:

J. Human. 7

R. Rowberry,



In a large institution like ours one of the key positions is that of Secretary, upon whom much depends if the wheels of administration are to turn smoothly. As can be well imagined, in a School with an enrolment of approaching 600 pupils the amount of clerical work involved is enormous, and happy the School which can boast of a Secretary equipped to deal efficiently with this task. Such a Secretary we have in Mrs. Cotton, who has been with us for three years now, having joined the Staff in January, 1956, and we take this opportunity of paying tribute to the services she has rendered over this period and which we hope she will continue to render for many years to come. Mrs. Cotton came to us admirably qualified for the post, being a graduate of the University of Cape Town, and from the moment of her appointment the "Office" assumed a business-like air. It would be impossible to enumerate here the hundred and one tasks which fall to the lot of the School Secretary. To deal with the accounts and correspondence is in itself a big enough task, but to this can be added a multiplicity of chores, some of which a less human person might consider outside the scope of her

duty. These range from taking a message to little Johnny in 68 reminding him to pick up mother's dry-cleaning on his way home from School, or telling bigger Johnnie in 8A to meet his father at a given rendezvous at close of School, to the preparation of long lists and schedules, often required at very short notice, and sandwiched in between all this there is the -phone to be answered, tbe time-table to be consulted to ascertain the whereabouts of some member of Staff, the post to be sorted, enquiries to be answered, and a host of other things. And yet, always cool and collected, M rs. Cotton never gets flustered, or, if she does, she shows no signs of it. Willingly and cheerfully, quietly and efficiently she carries out all the demands made upon her, prepared to go tbat extra mile which makes all the difference in the relationships of life, and which perhaps we have come to take too much for granted. We believe that Mrs. Cotton enjoys her work as much as we enjoy having her with us, and she will probably be horrified at being given this publicity, but we want her to know that her services to the School do not go unrecognised or unappreciated.

:lAe JJtl'al''J

Thanks are extended to our scholar librarians who performed their duties most conscientiously during the year. C.A.M.

1959 Librarians P. Coates, D. Cole, B. Docke, c_ Laubscher, J. Lewin, J. Loebenstein, R. Lumb, D. McCallum, A. Mitchell, J. Rourke, I. Shaskolsky. The School library has expanded considerably during the year. We are grateful to the late Rollo Lamont, an Old Boy, for the legacy of his complete library of non-fiction books. The Department, too, gave us a ÂŁ200 grant of books intended for reference purposes. Among these is the latest edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Extra shelving has just been installed for housing books for which previously we had no room. The point has now been reached where no further shelving can be fitted into the existing library room. We have now seriously to consider the provision of library premises worthy of a school such as ours.

OBITUARY Mr. Philip de Villiers Wahl When in 1953 Mr. Wahl retired on pension after serving the School for nearly 29 years, we hoped that he would be spared to spend many happy years in retirement. This was not to be, however, for we were all saddened when we reassembled at the beginning of the year to learn that Mr. Wahl had passed away during the holidays after being iU for some time. In paying tribute co his memory we recaU his long and faithful service to the School, and re-extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Wahl and the other members of tbe family.




The Fortress hit the coast at 8,000 feet. A flight of Spitfires was playing in the clouds at 3 o'clock low. Strange how any land could be so many shades of green, with the lazy netting of. the lanes that wandered to nowhere. When he looked down there, war was just a word, without meanjng. It looked so peacefully lovely, yet the people who lived there had fought since the beginning of time, since long before the Romans. And they were still fighting. Though it was not his land, and although he had lived tbere only a short time, he tbought be knew why these quiet Englishmen raised so much fuss with anyone who tried to take over. He was tired, saggy-tired, starting at tbe knees and on up to the eyes. But he felt good, just glad to be there, just so goddarn good to be there that there were no words to tell it. It was almost dark then, and the stars were coming through. NEVILLE HOFFBRAND, lOa.

The Fortresses took off in the late afternoon, flew in formation to the west of England, and then turned south. Out of sight, to the north east, there was fighting on the beaches, and many dead men lay in tbe surf. But tbe Fortresses were high above all that. Since the first day, the sixth of June, tbeir job had been easy. To-day their target was an airfield on the Brest Peninsula, not so far from Lorient. The pilot of one of the Fortresses was a young American, Pete Smith, from Texas. When it was time to bomb the airfield, it was already a smoky mess. The flak started shortly after the bombs were dropped. The first four puffs were just outside the window. Pete could see the dull flash as the shells burst. Suddenly there was an ugly noise against the fuselage. He knew that they were hit. He checked the instrument panel, but saw that everything was in order. The helpless fear of those black puffs tightened inside him. It was always the same. Nothing to do but sit there and pray that the luck might hold. Once you arc out of it, flak never seems real till the next time. The formations churn through the quiet sky, and the earth is a million miles below. They flew on towards the darkening west. He leaned forward, waiting for England, the island. When he was eight years old he had read "Robin Hood" for the first time. After that he must have read it about twenty times. He dreamed of it then, waiting for the day when he would lean against the rail of the ship, waiting for England to come out of the sea, out of the haze. Just like now. But it was not the same. Because now, for a little while, England was home, more home than Texas. More home than the house on Smith Street could ever be.



Switzerland is a land of beauty laced with overwhelming power. The seemingly unconquerable Alps, witb their snow-capped heights, dominate the puny lowlands like a greedy miser shielding a treasured hoard. In Roman times the people of Helvetia (as it was then called) tried to escape this sinister overshadowing by deserting their country in search of new territory and increased power. Thanks to the Romans, this was a failure. A direct opposite of Switzerland are tbe vast, treeless plains of Canada, stretching for miles in an unhindered way, hinting at a sense of utter and complete laziness and inactivity. A string of poles spanning the farmland and dipping languidly below the horizon; a thin belt girthing an enormous paunch. Wben choosing a coastal view suggesting character, one inevitably dwells upon the White Cliffs of. Dover or the rolling downland of Sussex,

It slipped in gently, as always, clean and friendly and far off. That would be Land's End, Cornwall and Devon. The names ring. He could sit with a map and say the names out loud, and never get tired of the sound of them: Torquay. Coventry and Charing Cross. 9

Some not very complimentary names include "Froggies", for the Frencb (because tbey eat frogs), and the American term "dagoes" meaning natives of Spain or Italy. This nickname originated from a General in the Spanish Army, by name Diego, during the Spanish-American War. Dealing with nicknames, a worel about tbe formation of the word "nickname". Popular belief is that .it came from the word "nick", meaning to cut, since most nicknames are a shortened version of tbe full name; but a nickname was originally "an eke-name", and meant an added name. Through hurried pronunciation, this has become the familiar word we use today. D. HARRISON, I Da.

ending in an abrupt clash of land and sea. In both cases tbe cbalk cliffs appear to the invader as the bared teeth of a baited animal. From the expanse of rolling downs and smooth seas to tbe overgrown nature of tropical jungle is an immense contrast in one's mind's eye. It is also a contrast in the calibre of the "personality". The thougbt of the steamy, sweaty, rotting density of life and death in plant growth makes me squirm in my comfortable armchair. One subconsciously compares jungle with inhabitants. Naturally so; the jungle possesses a subtle gift of expression, illustrating the way of Ijfe of the inbabitants. When considering the beauty of this type of forest, one is presented with a splash of colourful, short-living blooms of infinite variety; of meandering rivers, winding serenely through tbe solid wall of timber on either side, perhaps to roar violently through narrow gorges and eventually reach tbe sea. God created ljfe. Life bas character. He also created the earth. Rolling hills, rugged outcrops of rock, smootb plains, every different feature on tbe surface of the earth has a definite, distinct and sometimes unique character. T.



ON THE COMPLETION OF A SCHOOL CAREER Now that our scbool career is drawing to a close, much advice has been given (and will continue to be given) to us, the Standard Tens; advice dealing witb the outside world to which, in what seems a mere few weeks, we shall be exposed - without the steadying and reassuring influence of our Alma Mater. Which brings to mind many examples, the following of wbicb are but a few: In tbe infrequent pauses between tbe Hic, Haec and Hoc of the Latin class, we are exhorted, nay indoctrinated, in tbe realization of tbe immense amount of time lost between our working bours -time so valuable and precious tbat even the great Pliny used as much of it as be could for work; indeed, we learn witb sbamefaced guilt how in his spare time Pliny "made many notes and took many extracts". While reclining on tbe pedestals of intellect of tbe English class, tbe paternal counsel that we should all marry rich girls and become schoolteachers is readily contemplated. In the ruins of dissected rabbits and of halfdigested sandwiches we are told very emphatically that we should enjoy our bop sessions while we can, as life can become "a hell of a problem" later. In the class of our second language, the topic is often turned to holidaying-especially in the game reserves of our land. We are firmly told that the Kruger National Park is ideal for a holiday - for those who enjoy large zoos; but for tbe thrill of encountering really wild animals, it is the Game Reserve at Etosha Pan.



Many times one finds that, if a name is forgotten, a nickname always springs to mind. In the words of WaIter Savage Landor: "Nicknames anel whi ppings: once laid on, no-one bas discovered how to take them off!" "Jobn Bull", the personification of tbe English, is represented as a stout, ruddy-faced feUow attired in leather breeches and top-boots. This nickname was first used in a political satire published by Dr. Arbuthnot at the time of tbe War of the Spanish Succession, in Queen Anne's reign. The nickname "Uncle Sam", applied to the United States, is famous the world over. It originated when someone inquired as to tbe meaning of the letters "U.S." stamped on Government goods. He was jokjngly told that they stood for the Government inspector. The name stuck, and "Uncle Sam" came to personify the American Government and the people. This personification has now come to refer only to tbe Government; the people of America are commonly called Yankees, which idea emerged from the American Civil War. 10

With the tang of XXX mints strongly stimulating our senses, we hear of tbe many incidents of tbe Trek whicb, much to the delight of those present, is spasmodicalJy interrupted by little World Topic Talks along with ... Points in Favour of the Chart System. Advice is freely given - and good advice it is, too! Who would have believed that without being utterly ruthless one could not forge ahead in this world of ours! Often in the cold, calculating clearness of the mathematics class we are reminded that, like the proverbial elephant, the minus sign never forgets to change the other signs, a fact which is worth betting one's botton dollar on, so to speak. ln the lugubrious lassitude inspired by the intricacies of modern commerce, the medicalJysupported advice of not losing the slumber rightly due to every individual is often, nay always, stressed. To assimilate all this advice presupposes the quality of a sponge within the cranium; to execute all the advice would require the perspicacity of a Plato, tbe application of a Ulysses -and the audacity of Cecil B. de Mille! And so, as I'm just me, I shaH be content to follow in the hopeful footsteps of Mr. Micawber. Perhaps something will turn up - even another adviser! B.



would double on a pair of jacks and three odd cards and bis opponent with less stomach than sense would throw in. The atmosphere, too, deligbted rum to no small. extent. The room pervaded with cigar smoke, the bottle of whisky at the end of the table, tbe green cloth, the sound of the chips as they were thrown across the table, the impassive faces of the players and, above all, the feeling that they were all bound by a gentleman's honour, imbued the atmosphere with a feeling of aristocratic nobility. Yes, honour, he had always tried to stick to it, had always succeeded, and now, with a feeling of despair he realised what lay before him. Either to lose all and forfeit his place in that society of wbich he had cbosen to become an habituĂŠ, or to take the chance of being caught and resort to cheating. Tbe men sat around the table, silent, impassive and motionless, but for the occasional stretch of the arm to raise the cards. letb Roans, with his last tbousand pounds and five cards in his pocket, the required instruments to rake in a fortune, sat with a feeling of despair, despair at the idea that he sbould bave to resort to treachery, yes, even thieving. The night wore on, and his luck seemed to have forsaken him completely. A round was dealt and Roans picked up the cards. Without gazing at them he s.ljpped his hand into his pocket and drew out a handkerchief, at the same time, secreting the cards which had just been dealt to him, and drawing out the other five. The royal flush he placed on the table created a minor sensation. In the one round he had made more than he had done in the previous games. Yet tbere was no feeling of joy in him, no more suave look, just the merest flickering of a smile. On his way home he sank into a mood of abject depression; his conscience screamed at him; he could no .longer face the fact that he had resorted to treachery. Finally the mental disturbance reaped results. He was found tbe next morning, gassed, with a letter on rus desk instructing that the money he had gained by devious methods be returned, and in his pockets were discovered the five cards which bad been dealt to him: the ten, jack, queen, king and ace of bearts.



Jeth Roans, international gambler, walked with a heavy step. Luck had run against him over the past few months, and the signs of this were beginning to tell on his features. No longer were his eyes bright and alert, no longer did his face carry the suave look wllich held many an opponent's attention as he sat opposite him at the table, deftly dealing or shuffling the cards. Always an honest gambler and a member of tbe international set, to him cards were a game of honour, a gentleman's game of honour. A card debt was one to be settled before all others, at any cost. From his early youth the gambling instinct in his blood drew him on, but it was not only the gambling with its risks and excitement which bad lured him; it was also tbe joy of scheming against his opponent, "pulling a bluff" when he


This page sponsored by Duncan Tay/or & Son, Main Road, Wynberg. 11



After photographs and fingerprints had been taken by the experts, Stanley continued his study of the grounds, but the only evidence he could find were the footprints leading to the window and a blood-stained stick lying some distance from the house. This proved that the assault had been made by a person of exceptionally great strength. The following day a report was handed to Detective Stanley from tbe finger-print laboratory stating that he smudged finger-prints found on the stick belonged to Mike Hanson, wbo, on further investigation, was found to have been convicted seven years previously for housebreaking and theft. A warrant for M ike's arrest was immediately dispatched, and all patrol cars within a five-hundred-mile radius of the home of tbe deceased were notified to be on the look out.

REVENGE Samuel Howard paced up and down tbe carpet in his smaU apartment in tbe centre of London. The rush-hour had passed four bours ago, and now the city lay in a deep slumber, interrupted only by the occasional sound of a passing car, which would cause Sam-as he was known among his associates-to .Iook nervously out into tbe dark side-street below. A few minutes after the mantlepieee clock had struck eleven, there was a screech of brakes below, and Sam, after peering out of the window, eagerly pulled open the door, allowing a burly, well-built man of about forty to enter. "Well, Mike, how did it come off?" queried Sam, but all he received in reply was a grunt, and M ike, after slumping into a ebair, poured himself a Scotch from the bottle on tbe nearby table. "If you hadn't made me such a good offer, I'd never have done this job. Why you couldn't leave the old man alone, I don't know-but it's all over now, and tbe best thing I can do is to leave as soon as possible". Later than night Mike Hanson left the apartment, ricber by ÂŁ500, and prepared to make his getaway the following day. Early on the morning of the 12th November Detective Stanley was awakened by the continuous ringing of the telephone on the table next to his bed. Drowsily stretching out his hand, he lifted the receiver and was immediately brought to his senses by a voice from Scotland Yard ordering him to go at once to 10, Lincoln Street and investigate the mysterious murder of a certain Mr. Laskin, who had been found dead by the housekeeper whose custom it was to take coffee to her employer at 6 o'clock every morning. After hurriedly dressing, Detective Stanley covered the distance to the address in record time, and on arriving at the house, which gave the appearance of having been neglected for many years, he was admitted by a frightened housekeeper and led into the bedroom, where Mr. Laskin lay, face downwards on a thick red carpet alongside the bed. The single gash on the back of the head indicated that tbe deceased had been taken by surprise and that the murderer had either been exceptionally strong or had used a very heavy instrument. A short investigation showed that tbe attacker had entered through the window and had awaited his opportunjty to attack from behind the door.

M ike, seated at the wheel of his convertible, was feeling nervous and beginning to regret that he had ever done the job. Ten miles outside Leeds he drew up at a roadhouse, and after eating a few sandwiches continued on bis way. He had not been travelling for more than half-an-bour when, glancing up at the rear-view mirror, he caught sight of a police-car rounding a corner about 300 yards behind with siren wailing. Small drops of sweat appeared on M ike's forehead. Slowly he increased the pressure on the accelerator but still the police-car gained. Tben everything appeared to happen at once-the sbarp corner ahead, the approaching lorry, and the blockade of police-cars. Mike Hanson died on the way to bospital, leaving behind no evidence to incriminate Samuel Howard, who, comfortably seated in his London apartment on the following morning, read through the report of the Laskin murder as related by the morning edition of the "London Daily Mail". The faint trace of a smile showed on bis lips when he read of Mike's death. He - Samuel Howard - had at last gained his revenge, as Laskin had caused him to lose thousands of pounds many years before, wben working in the New York underworld. "All that is over now", he thought to himself, "and I have come througb unsuspected". Folding tbe newspaper, he threw it to one side, and, picking up the book which lay on the nearby table, he became absorbed in one of Bloodhound's latest mystery novels. D.






(heard in an under 19 practice): "Be you captain?" T-ff-n: "Surely the earth did shake when I was born?" T-rkstr-: "AIL philosophies do I drat, bow I love to be a Nat!" W-/-rm-y-r: "And wby, ye gods, should two and two make four?" lOa MO/lO: "It's never too late to learn". Th-m:

His metaphors surprised (by fine excess?) But, O! How mixed with earthiness! D- W-r: When be spoke he kept his mouth closed. -e/dy: Amidst bunsen burners and burettes I'm boycotted. F--id: After 15 months of desperate yearning, tbat still-bright candle is strongly burning. Fr--dm-n (To Charles Field berore the Matric Photo): "I'll give my dissipated look". G--ld: "J think and think, but notbing comes". G--dw-n: "I came, I saw, I went". Gr-nd-n: As far as can be ascertained at the time of writing, there is but one of this variety in the species. H-Il (asked by girl friend, after showing ber the family album): "Why haven't they printed the jokes underneath?" H-IT-s-n: "A lad most eloquent in wit and pleasantries". H-ffbr-nd: "In five and twenty years did I first say, 'Write half now, and do the rest another day' ". J-eks-n (before History): To sleep! Perchance to dream". l-rd-n (entering R.I. with a half-eaten sandwich): "Oh, that this too, too solid flesh would melt, thaw, and resolve itself into a dew". J-/-,.: "Silence is one great art of conversation". L-nd-n: To bim tbere is so innocent a dial, There-s more than meets the eye behind tbat smile. McC-rrh.y: He wbo never puts a foot wrong (at school, or course). M-ellr-rh: "I love work, I could watch it all day and not get tired. M--re: "Blushing is tbe colour or virtue". o pp-nh--m (on attaining 5 star status): "But I can read it!" P-rr-w: "A pagan suckled to a creed outworn". P-/IIt-tl (to Field): "All women become like tbeir mothers. That's their tragedy. No man does. Tbat's his". S-v-g-: (after a prang in tbe old man's car): "0, my offence is rank. It smells to heaven. It bath tbe primal eldest curse upon it. No driver's licence. Pay can I not, etc". Sch-f-r: "Ag man! Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil". Sh-rp-: "Although my statue is not tall, my voice you hear when I do call". Sr--n: (coming late and consulting his chronometer): "The time is out of joint". B-,.ry:

FURTHERMORE, IT IS RUMOURED THAT: Tiffin is going to keep ducks and run a hairdressing salon. Rocky tbe Stein is to become the official "spotter" for tbe Educational Department. Moore will buy a Vine rarm at St. James. Turkstra is to become the official advisor to the Pri me Minister on the virtues of the Bantustan principle. Thorm is going to model shoes. Berry is rivalling the Russians on the acquisition of scientific apparatus. Hall is going in for inferior decorating. Gould is to join tbe cast of "Ignorance is Bliss". Jordan is going to run a marriage guidance bureau next year. Grendon is going to hawk crayfish and sit in the snow. Oppenbeim will obtain the post of code expert in the Department of Defence (with Mr. Tasker's assistance). Poolman is going to take applied mathematics at university (and throw it into the sea). Sharpe is to replace the Mouille Point roghorn. Schafer is going to be a second Liberace, with a signature tune '1"11 sue you in my dreams". FINALLY, WE WANT TO KNOW:Who went to the shooting butts during lunch? And why? Who left ash in the writer's desk during the school dance? Who ought to stop wobbling at the zoo? Who needs (more than others) a free trip to Hollywood at his own expense? Will it be cheaper for Field to buy the "Gordonia"? Who contemplated his navel in Buddha - like fashion? Who is scared of phosphorus on water? How one can easily dislocate one's shoulder? Who mistook a fig jam sandwich for a Bible? R. F. FrELD and E. A. TIFFIN, lOa.



Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife; His sober wishes never learned to stray. R-tt-r: Love the Viceroy, hate the man. St-pp·!: Oh Ma-see-hear, I am near. Sm-th: See no evil, hear no evil, think no evil, and you will never write a best-selling novel. S-b-i/: Once a king, always a king; once a knight is enough. S-ll-ng-r (in gym): I wasn't pushed, I didn't slip, I fell. W--db-rg: Empty vessels make most noise. V -/1 D-11I: Work is a necessity, love an ordeal, marriage unnecessary. Wa: Culture's bope. lOb: Lenin's delight. lOc: Business brains.



"0 for a draught of vintage .. ., I'm a man, I've got bair on my chest. Edw-rds: "A youth to Fortune and to Fame unknown". Ell--t: "Madam, I swear I use no art". F-lk: Noisy S.W.A. minority. Fr·-nd (during science): "Does tbe road wind uphill all the way?" K-pl-n (writing exams): "My heart acbes, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense". K-pl-nsky: "Neither a borrower nor a lender be". M-l-It-r'c: A dainty cherub rosy of cbeek. M-nsf-ld (during rugby): "Suddenly my speed I slack, suddenly all force I lack". Ph-li-ps (before exams): "Oh 'tis a race sublime, I neck and neck with time". P--rc-: He wanders on, with head in cloud. R-wb-rry (during maths): "To sleep, perchance to dream". St-pp-I. A: Empty vessels make most noise. Sf-nl-y: So much hair, so much brain, a comb will pave his way to fame. W-tts: "Fail I alone in word' and deed?" Prefects: "Let not ambition mock their useful toil." G. PHILLIPS, lOb. B-mst--n: Bl-ch:






(in swimming):

and B.







(T. Campbell).


What sweet thoughts are thine? (P. B. Shelley). C--t-s: One against whom there was no official complaint (W. H. Auden). C-I-: Riche he was of thoght (G. Chaucer). C-Im-/1: A weed, albeit an amaranthine weed (F. Thompson). C-tt-n: The son that went to sea (R. L. Stevenson). D-K-ck: With lokkes cruUe, as if they were leyd in presse (G. Chaucer). D-W-t: But you may stay yet here awbile (R.. Herrik). D-ck-: Silent, he sits apart (L. Binyon). -v-ns (in Maths): For e'en thougb vanquisbed, he could argue still (0. Goldsmith). F-st-r (after Geog.): 'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show (E. Fitzgerald). G-bb-ns: This is our master (R. Browning). H-ss-Is-n: Of studie took he most cure and most hede (G. Chaucer). K-nt-r (to Lewenson) : Call'd him soft names in many a musd rhyme (J. Keats). K-!yn-ck: 'Twas pity Nature brought ye forth (R. Herrik). K-mp: Á voys be hadde as smal a hatb a goot (G. Chaucer).


B-rk-r., K.: M y sole delight, the headlong race. B-rt: Love, his affections do not that way tend.

Du P!-n'-s: I serve a purpose in this school On which no man can frown, 1 gently enter into class And keep the average down. E-k: Fair science smiled not on his humble birth. H-m-n: To err is human. Kr-fzm-r: Oh, that this too, too solid flesh would melt. Kr-nt-r: A day off is never wasted. K-r-ts-r (in Afrikaans): As a slave before his lord. M-r-ne: Oh the wild joys of living. M-ll-r: His greatness weighed, his will is not rus own. N-ts-n (in gym.): The lawyer's brain, the atblete's foot. 14

A man confusedly in a half dream (W. B. Yeates). L--b-ns/--n: What were ye born to be? (R. Herrik). L-It-r: To blush and gently smile (R. Herrik). L-mb: Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter (J. Keats). Mce-li-m: Noght a word spak he more than was nede (G. Chaucer). M-lI-r: And Frensh (s)he spak ful faire and fetisly (G. Chaucer). M -fch-Il: Eyes, ears took in lhei r dole, brai n treasured up the whole (R. Browning). M-rk-l: In shape and life more like a monster than a man (E. Spenser). N-rfh-m: He strides among the tree-tops and is taller than the trees. P-mh-m: His stature was not very tall (R. Greene). P-fgi-r-r: Then boast no more your mighty deeds (J. Shirley). R-g-rs (in gym): Or if crull blustering winds, or driving rain, prevent my willing feet, be mine the hut (armoury) (W. Collins). R--rk-: That in trim gardens takes his pleasure (J. Milton). Sch--ff-r: Nods, and becks, and wreathd smiles (J. Milton). Sh-sk-Isky: Who now in gestures wild (J. Clare). Sh-r: With body nll'd and vacant mind (W. Shakespeare). Sp-,.-: Alack, thou knowest not (F. Thompson). Sf-li: Did He smile His work to see? Did Re who made the lamb make thee? (W. Blake). T -Im-d: No berd he hadde ne never sholde have (G. Chaucer). T-lIm-It: The one remains, the many change and pass (P. B. Shelley). V-Ij--n: Fair quiet, bave I found thee here, And innocence, thy sister dear? (A. MarveIl). Z-yl: And thou art long, and lank, and brown (S. T. Coleridge).

account of the strong ofl-shore wind which was blowing. Several well-dressed people were on board, but were huddled in the wheelhouse, on account of the heavy rain. The captain would have liked to have been there, but his age did not permit such escapades. He recalled the time when his life had been saved many years previously, in Afghanistan, by one of those on board the 48ft. "Palinurus". It was July 7th, 1880, and Captain Bowker. then a sergeant in Her Majesty's Army in India, lay atop a small hill, amid a scene of utter horror and bloodshed. Foaming gore bubbled out of a very deep dagger wound in his ide, as he lay unconscious in the hot, summer, midday sun. All round men lay dead, whiJ.e birds of prey wheeled in the azure sky above, waiting to gorge on the hopeless wretches below. The English force, under General Barrows, had been dispatched to stop an advancing Afghan army led by a rival of Abdur Rahman, the Amir of. Afghanistan, but had been ambushed and overwhelmed near Maiwand, on the Helmond River. Bowker was the sole survivor, but would also have perished, had it not been for the arrival, several hours after the massacre, of a certain Private Roland Ellis, who was bringing an important dispatch for General Burrows. Seeking survivors, he found only Bowker, cleaned his wound, bound it as best he could, took stock of British losses, and began the long walk to Kandahar, where the sergeant could receive proper attention. They reached thei r destination a week later, the sergeant's wound healing three months later, a nrm friendship having developed between Ellis and himself during this time.




The disaster at Maiwand is remembered today for the extreme bravery, even in their own last hope of safety, of the 66th, or Royal Berkshire regiment, who rallied again and again in the face of overwhelming odds, till the last of the soldiers formed a square and fought back to back to tbe point of annihilation on the bodies of their comrades. The fishing boat had now reached its destination and turned into the wind, which cbopped up the sea. The rain had stopped, but the coffin on the deck was wet on account of flying spray. The priest emerged from the wheelhouse and read portions of the burial service, while the frail, weighted canvas-wrapped corpse was lifted out of the coffin and placed on a plank extending over the side of the boat: "Forasmuch as it



The old captain sat in rus office on the harbour. The fishing-craft "Palinurus" was just nosing out of the harbour towards the open sea, which was calm at the shore, but choppy farther out, on 15

hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother here departed" (tbe plank was now raised at one end, and the corpse slid smoothly into the turbulent wintry sea), "we therefore commit his body to the deep, to be turned into corruption, looking for the resurrection of the body, when the sea shall give up her dead ... " The boat throbbed as it surged forward again. homeward bound. On the harbour, Captain Bowker smoked a thoughtful pipe. His tboughts were interrupted by a sudden leak from the ceiling, which extinguished his pipe. Outside, the hearse stood in the rain, which bad commenced once more, a waiting the return of the empty coffin which bad contained tbe last mortal remains of Major Roland Ellis, a brave man. K. W.



remain behind the barriers, he replied that he had paid to enter and was therefore entitled to do what he liked. This is only ooe of the many cases which are handled at every meeting. lE a spectator is killed, it is usually his own fault. As far as the drivers are concerned, tbere have been relatively few deaths in this field. Here again the R.A.C. and A.A. lay down precautionary measures tbat must be complied witb, or else the car is disqualified. You many point to the recent deaths of Ivor Bueb and Jean Bbera. These men, who had been racing for years, met their deatbs behind tbe wheel. But competition driving requires the utmost skill and concentration. Therefore a moment's lack of concentration may bring death. It was not motor racing that killed them, but their own lack of judgment and tiring. Stirling Moss, who has been racing for ten years, is still alive, and he bas obtained a place in nearly every major racing event of Europe and Argentina. The same applies to Juan Fangio, four times world champion - now retired. How is it possible, therefore, to condemn motor racing, when tbe same man that condemns the sport speeds along the public highways endangerII1g hundreds of lives. Look at the number of people killed on the roads before condemning motor racing, which cultivates good driving habit.



Tbe majority of people today, on seeing an advertisement for motor racing, jump too readily to the conclusion that motor-racing is dangerous. Consequently they stay away from tbe meeting. But, is this the case? In South Africa since 1945 only nine people have died as a direct result of motor racing'. This is over a period of fourteen years: less than one death a year. How many other sports can claim this record? Even rugby, South Africa's national sport, has claimed more lives. Yet some people still insist motor racing is dangerous. • No doubt you will point to the deaths of four people at Eerste Rivier last sea on. [ wonder if it has ever occurred to you that the R.A.C. of South Africa and the A.A. demand the most stringent precautions regarding the distance that the barriers must be from the track. This is thirty yards in South Africa. In front of the barriers there are raised mounds of thick white sand, and the spectators are only allowed in certain safe areas. But the spectators are like young puppies. They will simply not remain in their allotted positions. As a marshal I have seen a man attempt to cross the track at the height of the race, with his wife on tottering high heels on one side and a small child on tbe other. On being requested to






Has been invited to visit the Kremlin. A Martyr (assistant bell-ringer). BI--ch: "Got a sandwich for me?" B-dg-: A cinema critic to behold. D--: He has seemingly a spring in his limbs. D-Wif: A budding Zatopek II. D-tchf--Id: Knew Lord Baden-Powell. D-f--!cl: Actually our farm has ... Ev-ns: The slow, drawling, lock-forward. F-br-c-us (In Maths): To put it, or not to put it, that is the question. G-Im-r-: "I am not so bad, really I'm noC. G r--n: A bsence makes the heart grow fonder. H-ns-n: "Oh what can ail ye knight-at-arms. so sad and palely loitering?" A-Ik-n:






Seen, but rather



WeU, that was where everything began. Naturally [ became very concerned, for what was to be my fate I could not discern. Life progressed, and one morning, quite unexpectedly, I was the centre of attraction of a large crowd of official-Jooking personages. After a very sumptuous meal, I was told to climb into a very little compartment where, as usual, the various instruments were attached to me, and I was covered with a snug, warm blanket. This I really did, supposing it to be a demonstration by my master of my recently acquired 'talent' and I felt flattered indeed. Thereupon, thinking it was time for a sleep. I happily dozed off.


my own



M-cr--: "You don't say'·. L- S---r: "Earth has not anything

to show




"You chaps oE the way".


at my feet,


'Tm no professor, but shouldn't only my opinion".





Is vacuum.





Work ceases. "Who




work -




Man. to fill the



my labour

The shock I had on awakening could never be underestimated. There was a piercing, whistling roar and a terrific vibration. This continued for what seemed to be days, until, with a sudden sharp crack, came silence. Faithfully I waited for the door to be opened, but I gave that hope up after two days had passed. Terror gripped me, and I attempted to bark, but tbe object on my muzzle prevented it. Unable to move in the dark, confined space, I Jay, sick and sore at heart. Suddenly on the second day (I think it was the second day) a bell rang. Hope at once sprang to ljfe; it was a pleasant and welcome change. However it was not what I expected. Right under my nose I smelt food. My lower jaw was set loose, and I greedily swallowed as much as I could. I even managed a half-hearted wag of my tail.


stole the ding-dong?"

R-ch·rds-n: 'Tm a Namaqualand Canadian". Sch-r: "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise". Schw-b:


''I'm going to be an undertaker". The real MacKay???

"It might be days, months or even years". Wh-t-h--s-: "My voice shall sound as you do Vl-k:


(in Afrikaans). P. L.





When a mere pup, I was totally and unaware of the part I was to play in the of the modern world. Often I had heard say that I was intelljgent, unexcitable "perky Jittle fellow." However, I am even they did not suspect that it would way lead to my being chosen for the role I was required to play.

So the time passed; regularly the bell rang, notifying me of my mealtimes. Gradually I lost all hope of ever being free again, and I resigned myself to an inevitable and dreadful end. Although the "kennel" had no holes or windows. the air was always fresh and cool, so there T lay, sleeping and waking.

happily history people and a positive in any special

The trouble meal. There immediately not perturb a shattering around me, considerable

It was about three months ago when a dignified gentleman used to come to the kennels where J lived, and often he would play with me. Finally he bought me and became my master. Although he was kind, I found life at my new home very strange. Gradually I realised that I was being trained, for what I never could understand. For hours I was obliged to remain perfectly still and quiet. Later I discovered that I was an "experiment", because scientific instruments were often tried on me.

began just after I had had my seventh was an alarming explosion, and the vibration began again. It did me in the least, until suddenly, with scream, the compartment closed and for what must have been a time I could remember nothing.

When I awoke-wonder of wonders-I lay on a green, grassy hill, under a shady tree near a rippling stream. It was a beautiful sunny day, and for about an hour I went completely mad, running, jumping, leaping, barking, yelping, until, utterly exhausted, I collapsed. After a heavenly and refreshing sleep, 1 awoke to find before


me a dinner to delight the heart of any dog. Feasted, full, rested and refreshed, I stood up, wondering where I was. Those nightmarish times in the "kennel" hardly seemed to have existed, so divine a world I was in. Strangely enough, tbe world I was in seemed to be only a dog's world. Everything a dog could ever need or hope for was tbere. For a while I sat and wondered, when with a joyous yelp I espied on the next bill scores of dogs of all shapes and sizes and breeds! Here I live to this very day in what can only be - a dog's paradise. J. B. NAIRN, 8b.


bullets hitting the lion and some kicking up the dust. The lion ran exactly thirty yards (measured after death) and collapsed. Everyone was silent for a few minutes after this, just getting back his colour. I can tell you this, to face a charging lion is a terrifying experience. The silence was broken by the yells and shouts of the carriers whom we had left in the busb. From then on everyone was talking and showing the others how he thought it was sbot. We counted the bullet holes in the skin and found there were nine. It was an old lion. The Natives slung it on poles and proceeded to carry it back to the camp. It took them five hours to do what is usually a forty-five minute walk. Two days later all the hunting boys did the lion dance, one acting as the lion, while the others were hunters. T. JAMrESON, 8d.


I have been on quite a few hunting trips to the Okwango swamps in Bechuanaland, and I am going to tell you of an adventure during a hunting trip I made this year. Tbis trip was quite different from all the others in tbis respect: the others were all made by lorry, but this year, because of flood waters, it was impossible to go by lorry, so we went by boat. The area which we were allocated was called N'garaga. It took three days to get there by boat. On our first day we set out very early and very confident after hearing tbe lions roar thal night. We found many tracks, but lost the spoor of the one we were tracking. We then decided to shoot some bait and tie it to a tree. As luck would have it, we came across three bulls. We shot all three, of wbicn one was tied to a tree and tbe other two taken back to the camp. We had an early night, and tbe next morning we were up early and anxious to get on tbe way. Everybody was keen and alert. As we neared the bait we left all the boys except the headtracker in the thick bush. We made our way slowly towards the bait, our hearts tbumping harder than ever. Every time someone stepped on a dead twig one's rifle automatically went to one路s shoulder. As we came round a small bush, the bait became visible. I cannot explain how tense everybody was. The Native said that the lion was in tbe bush covering the bait. My Dad lifted his rifle and sbot into the busb. With a fierce roar the lion leapt out of the bush, and with vicious grunts made straight for us in mighty bounds. As soon as this happened, every gun roared, some

MONEY Money is a simple medium of trading. Although the tokens we use have no value in themselves, tbey are used to represent certain sums. It is not always possible to exchange sometbing of yours for what you wish to obtain, as tbe otber person may not need wbat you offer. Tbus we have a common means of excbange. Many different objects such as shells, beads, tobacco, furs, skins, hatchets, salt, rice, tea, dates and ivory have been used as media of exchange. Sparta used iron. The Romans used blocks of stone to represent cattle. From 'pecus' (cattle) came their word 'pecunia' (money), whence our word 'pecuniary'. Later it was found that metals were more sati factory. The low-valued metals like copper, nickel, bronze and antimony were used to stand for small amounts, while gold and silver were used for larger sums. Often the coin's name was a weight. There was the Hebrew 'shekel' and the Anglo-Saxon 'mark'. Later on came the English 路pound' and the French 'livre'. The early coins were usually weighed, as dishonest traders would often chip or file the money to manufacture coins. Nowadays the edges of coins are 'milled'. In the Middle Ages countries would cheat tbeir debtors by adding more alloy to their lower coins, thereby lowering their value at tbe expense of the creditor. Creditors in the country who did this would also suffer. Still later it was discovered that a note stating


a promise to pay served the purpose of real money, tbat is if tbe debtor was bona fide. Tbis was the beginning of our present-day paper money. Cheques can be regarded .in tbe same way as promissory notes, for they represent a deposit in tbe bank. Most modern countries now use bank notes which are backed by gold in the banks or Government Reserve Bank. These pieces of paper are really Government promissory notes, but the authorities will no longer pay their value in gold to the bearer. The paper on which England's money is printed is worth its value, because in it is a small strip of uranium. Some countries issue paper money witbout Reserve Bank backing, and it soon becomes almost wortbless. But we need never fear inflation, because South Africa is in no way short of gold. DEREK




under water. Since they were also warm-blooded animals, they had to protect tbemselves against the cold; hence the thick layers of blubber. Sperm whales mate on tbe surface. The females give birth to calves, as young whales are called. As with dolphins, calves can swim as soon as they are born, and also take air. Whales keep togetber in schools. Their wanderings follow a regular annual cycle. In the Azores, for instance, August is the wbaling time. When Hans Hass went to the Azores he wanted to film a sperm whale being barpooned. (In the Azoress the whalermen still use the old-type whaling cutters and throw their harpoons.) One day Hans Hass was under water, filming a sperm wbale coming directly towards him. The whale could not see Hass, because the eyes ar,e situated approximately twelve feet from the front of the head. Suddenly the camera Hass was holding made a slight click. The wbale suddenly stopped, turned about and fled, showing the acute hearing they have. A sperm whale, seen from the front, does not look particularly inviting, because you cannot see eyes or mouth, but just a large blank "wall". When a sperm whale is caught, the sperm-oil is taken out of the head, which is then cut from the body. Then all is cut to pieces and boiled, except the jaw, which is put aside to rot, and, when the teeth fall out, they are carved into ornaments. As Jong as whales survive, they will be for all mankind a symbol of the demoniac powers that reign in the dark, mysterious depths of t'he sea. R. GEVER. 7c.



The way of life of the sperm-whale (physeter macrophalus) is one of the most extraordinary in all nature. He dives down into the depths of the ocean and there hunts the ten-tentacled squid. which he grabs with his serrated lower jaw. Directly afterwards he dashes back to the surface, takes about seventy breaths, and plunges down again into the depths. There is proof that whales get down to stupendous depths. Once when a cable was being raised from the sea-bed five-hundred fathoms (3,500ft.) down, a whale's carcass was found entangled with the line. Nobody knows exactly how the sperm whale can surface and swim down deeply in the ocean without contracting "the bends". It is believed that the nitrogen is absorbed in the sperm-oil contained in the head of the whale, or else the whale's body contains an amount of bacteria which somehow does away with the nitrogen. The most probable explanation is that, since the sperm whale does not breathe under water, and as he exhales before he dives, the nitrogen content in his blood is insufficient to cause "the bends." Whales, dolphins, seals and such warm-blooded mammals from the sea must at one time have had a terrific struggle for existence, because approximately 50,000,000 years ago they used to live on dry land. These mammals could not recover their lost gills, so they had to content themselves with staying a limited length of time



During the gold rush in California, San Francisco had some of the roughest and toughest men in the worle!. My name is John Starke, and I am working with Clim Dillings for Con Bitters, a mine owner. We were transporting some gold ore across the vast open plains. Clint was leading a string of mules; at the head was Snowdrop. We entered the city. Before seeking a hotel [ went to one of the many smelting firms. The particular one we went to was Maddison and Sons. They would not quote a price until their assayer came the next day. The ore was left in their cellar, and after receiving a receipt we left. 19

and I would shoot at Cassidy's thigh after counting three. Clint counted, "One, two, three ... and on that word we botb opened fire. Tbe two victims fell, and the rest of the gang surrendered. A few minutes later tbe newlyelected sheriff marched in and arrested them, having no pity on the injured. Tbe next day everybody was thanking us for capturing the gang. In the early afternoon we left for Virginia City. I later heard that Cassidy was hanged for the murder of the late sheriff. M. BARKER, 6a.

The next thing we had to do was purchase a rock-crusber and a small furnace. Because of the gold fever in half of the U .S.A. tbe prices were sky-hlgb. We decided to get our goods from Carter and Dickson, who had the best reputation. While 1 was taking the money out of my money-TJelt, a big chap, whose shoulders were like those of an ox and who had a big blade beard, looked at me and seemed to stare at my face so that he would recognise it again. It was there that I was first warned about Len Cassidy and his gang. At that moment tbe town was without a sheriff for tbe tbird time that year. Tbe next day I went to the smelting firm while Clint bougbt provisions. I received six thousand dollars for the ore. I then bought two Conestoga wagons and two four-horse teams from McFadden to transport our purchases back to Virginia City. On my way back to the barn whicb we had rented I was attacked by the Cassidy gang. I made a charge for it, and landed up in a dead-end alley. I put up a fight, but more than ten to one was tough going. To my deilgbt I saw Clint and Snowdrop running up the alley. Snowdrop rushed up and just started kicking left and right, while Clint, an expert with tbe whip, was enjoying himself. Tbe gang soon dispersed. We decided it was too late to leave, and made up our minds to sleep in tbe barn that night. As a precaution I nailed my money belt to the bottor:n of one of the wagons. We tossed a coin, and Clint had to keep watcb first. Tbe next thing I knew I was being kicked in the ribs by Cassidy, wbo, wben I awoke, commanded me to tell him where my money was. I kept quiet. He tben said tbat he would give me a chance to think it over and tell him or watch Clint hang. One of his gang made a noose witb a piece of rope hanging from a rafter. They then took a keg of whisky outside, locked the door and left a guard outside. As soon as they had gone, Clint called Snowdrop over to him and rolled over on his stomach, showing Snowdrop the ropes. He immediately set about cbewing them in half. After about fifteen minutes Clint's arms were free. He quietly untied his ankle ropes, and, after looking around, darted over to me, quickly undoing my ropes. We then opened a crate witb rifles and ammunition in it. We took three rifles each and loaded them. There was a window on either side of the door, and through it we could plainly see our guard watching the others. We arranged it that Clint would fire a shot into our guard's thigh,



This is the confession of Sid Herbert, a petty thief and confidence man, who committed one of the biggest frauds of all time, including murder, arson and theft. Just before he was due to hang, be asked for me. I went to his cell, and he proceeded to tell me the complete story. Incidentally, my name is Jack Turner, and I am an inspector at Scotland Yard. From the notes I took down, and from all the other facts I could get, I managed to make a story worth reading. It goes as follows: It was November, 1944, and a cold, wet day at Stalag Luft IV, a prisoner-of-war camp in tbe beart of Germany. Lionel Stanforth, a corporal, was talking to me, Jack Turner (I was in tbe same prison camp), as tbe door swung open and a German guard walked in. "Stand up!" be grated harsbly. I stood, but Stanford remained sitting. "Go to blazes!" he jeered at the guard. "Acb, you swine!" roared the guard, tbe veins sticking out in his necK. "You shall pay for this. One month's soLitary confinement for you", he said, drawing his gun. At this, Stanforth was forced to go. I admired his courage. His fatber was a millionaire and owned a buge estate in Kent. He also owned tbe famous Stanforth fortune. As Stanfortb wallced out, I lay down to rest. A few minutes later Stanforth returned. "Hullo, Lionel, I didn't think tbat you would be back so soon", I said, wondering why be should return. "Eh? I'm not Lionel whoever-be-is! My name's Sid Herbert, and I'm a new prisoner. There must be some mistake", he exclaimed. "But - but you're the image of Lionel Stanforth!" I gasped.


"You don't mean the one who owns the Stanforth fortune, do you?" he exclaimed. "Not exactly," I said, still stunned by the shock. "His son". Just for a moment I thought I saw an evil glint in bis eye, but in a trice it was gone. He strode out of the room. (After this the story goes on from what Herbert told me in his confession.) Tbe next day Herbert had taken Stanforth's Red Cross parcel. He bad posed as Stanforth when the parcels were given oul. It was then that the tiny seed of an idea that was to fool the whole nation was planted in his mind.



would be dangerous in England, so he put Milford's card with the "Stay Here as Unfit" lot, which would keep hIm back in France for at least a montb. It took a long time to sort out tbat kind of thing in the Army.




As Herbert got out of the train at Scottborough in Kent, where the estate was, a whole crowd of his "friends" and "relatives" were there to meet him. Among them was his "cousin", Peter, who was tbe beir to the Stanforth fortune, as Lionel's fatber was dead. As he looked up, he caught sight of a white blob against the window of the overhead bridge. It was look.ing straight at him. As before, within a second it was gone. A month passed. Herbert had seen tbe "face at the window" regularly and had grown nervy. In tbe meantime, Peter Stanforth was growing more and more suspicious. One day, while Herbert and Peter were driving back to the estate, they passed a canal. Sudderuy the car skidded and fell into the canal. Herbert started screaming and went under, but Peter hauled him out and apologised profusely for skidding. Herbert replied that it was all right. On reaching the estate, Herbert feigned a headache and went to bed. A minute later, he climbed out dressed and went to the switchboard of the est~te. He' tben waited. His patience was rewarded when, about an hour later, a yellow sbutter went down, signalling that someone was using the phone. Herbert pushed a plug in and said: "Number, please," in a disguised voice. "I don't know the number, but it's the county police. Tell them .it's urgent." said a voice which Herbert identified as Peter路s. "Hang on," he said. He then plugged in another plug and then pulled it out. He again disguised his voice. "County Pollce here," he said. "Can I speak to the Inspector, please?", said Peter. "Hang on," said Herbert, waiting for a momenl, and then said: "Hello, Inspector Wright here. What can 1 do for you?" "Listen, Inspector. This.i Peter Stanforth. I have reason to believe that Lionel Stanforth is not Lionel Stanforth at all. I think that be is a fraud. "Eh? Well, son, I think we'd better have this out in private. Good-bye!" said Herbert, putting the receiver down. "Well, Peter Stanforth, I'll be waiting for you'-. muttered Herbert under his breath.


Six months later the prison camp was in a panic. The Reds were but fifteen miles away. An order was given to set free all prisoners and to let them make their own way back to their lines. By this time Stanforth was a sick man, raking coughs attacking him almost every minute. According to his plan, Herbert joined up wiTh Stanfortb. They covered about three miles on the first day, as Stanforth could hardly walk. Then the second stage of Herbert's plan was performed. An hour after dawn on the second day they approached an old castle which had some windows looking out over a river which had a rickety old bridge across it. As they were in the middle of the bridge, Herbert lunged against Stanforth. This was all that was needed to send him flying into the river. Herbert made his way down to the body. It was clear that Stanforth was dead. His neck was broken. Herbert started exchanging papers so that, if the body was found, it would be thought that it was his. He looked up. Staring at him from a window in the castle was a white face! Within a second it had disappeared. Panic hit him. Then he remembered that the murder could have looked like an accident. With renewed confidence he strode on. A week later, Herbert walked into the Army Office at Paris. There he saw Monty Milford. who had been one of Stanforth's friends in the prison camp. Milford came up to him. "Hullo, Lionel, J thought that Herbert came with you", he said. "Yes, but when I woke up one morning, be was gone. Took most of the supplies too", lied Herbert. "It would be just like him, the dirty rat", muttered Milford. Herbert decided that Milford


That night, as Peter made his way to the Police Station, Herbert lay in wait for him with a double-barrelled shotgun. As he was about to shoot, he was grabbed from behind, and a voice said, "Sid Herbert, [ arrest you for the murder of Lionel Stanforth and the attemptd murder of Peter Stanforth, and I must remind you that anything you !'ay will be written ĂŞown and used in evidence against you!"



Late in 1930 he began to suffer from a hardening of the cells in the lower spinal cord. In 1931 the nerves leading to vital organs were affected. He started revising his will. On Monday, March 14th, he said tbat he would sign his will, an:! n::tl11ejthe witnesse3, all Kodak officials. He joke:1 with them as usual. After th:! signing the witnesses left the room. He put out his cigar, capped his pen, took off his glasses, and lay on his bed to shoot himself. R. EASTMAN, 6a.


Six weeks later Herbert was hanged. When I told him that I had been the "Face at the Window", he nearly fainted. It was true though. When I stopped to ha ve a rest at the castle, by a strange coincidence I saw Herbert push Stanforth over. At first I thought that it was an accident but, when I joined up with Scotland Yard again I decided to foHow Herbert. My suspicions mounted, especially when Peter told me about their fall into the canal. Lionel Stanforth could swim like a fisb, and yet Herbert almost drowned. Towards the end, we were following every move that he made. R. THE



6A HIT Badenhorst Crundwell Derman Green Holt, G Holt, L. Johnson Kaplan Ronaldson Travis Wilson




A (ew minutes before noon, March 14th, 1932, George Eastman lay down on his beJ . .He placed a wet towel over his heart, to prevent powder burns, and pulled the trigger of a Luger automatic aimed at his heart. So endcd the life of Eastman. His contribution to progress was the perfection of photograpby, up to a point wbere almost anyone, without any special knowledge, could take pbotographs. This was accomplished by his invention, the Kodak camera. By 1903 tbe Eastman Kodak Company had outstripped all competitors. Tbeir famous slogan was "You press the button; we do the rest." This was true. When the 100 exposures had b~en taken, tbe whole camera was shipped to Rochester. There experts unloaded it, developed the exposures, and reloaded the camera. He also invented the roll-film which is used today. In 1903 he built a mansion which be occupied until his death. Inside there were 37 rooms, 12 bathrooms, 9 fireplaces, and an inter-connecting telephone system. In the later years of his life he gave away vast fortunes to charities. He was also an excellent shot. In 1926, aged 72, he bagged lions on an African safari.






PARADE Mr. WOllderful K-K-K-Katy Singing the Blues The Great Pretender Oh, Lones.ome Me The High and the Mighty You Looking for Trouble? Sixteen Tons Charlie Brown A Fool Such as I Great Balls of Fire R. SLADEN, 6a.

THE RAIDERS With long boat ploughing through the seas The Raiders' vessel sails with ease, They brave the sea and tossing foam, And hope to bring much booty home, The Raiders come. Men of the open air they be, Cruel, but brave and made to be free. From over the seas the rich to plunder, Cutting, tearing and slashing asunder, The Raiders come. They leap from bark to silv'ry sands. Then into the forests they speed. Loosening their hatchets and skirting round trees, Men who ha ve tra veiled the seven seas, The Raiders come. At last the long voyage is over And into the fray they charge. They have nothing to lose by this murderous spree, But honour to gain as lords of the sea. The Raiders come. They .leave behind them a horrid wreck, The charred remains of a smouldering house And fields of maize and corn and rye, Alight with flames, which illumine the sky. The Raiders leave.

6. The raiders are now on the rolling main Their spirits roused with ale and song; Some faces are missing 'tis sad to say, But that is the price they expect to pay. The Raiders go on. F.



6B BEST-SELLERS I. The Prevention of Pain Aikl'llan 2. Life on Other Worlds Martin 3. Bring 'em Back Alive (An Autobiography) Hunt 4. The Fire Brigade . Brandl 5. Chinese Dynasties Prins-Loo 6. A Position of Authority Meyer 7. The Layman's Guide to Feeding Horses Hey 8. Europeans Only (A Dramatic Novel) De Wit 9. The Mealie Grain Maze ID. This Africa of Ours . Brown. II. Do-It-Yourself-Cleaning Stein 12. The Big Retreat (A War Story) Coward 13. Famous Cricketers .. H obbs 14. A Species of Daisies Barberton 15. Scottish Royalty .. Stewart 16. The Problem of Farming Goosen 17. Writing Equipment GottShaIk 18. Traces of Precious Minerals Goldstein 19. Gardener's Daily Greenblal



How to Train Dogs My Career in Rugby King Solomon's Mines The Western Front Spring Foliage The Art of Boxing Long Distance Running Bombers of World War II The Bumpy Ride Horseshoes Autumn Leaves How to Make Sweets

Barker Coetzee Davidson Eastman Green Holl le/1I1ings Mitchell Sadlel' Schmidt Shedden Wilson





This year the Citizenship Course, which followed the general theme "Living in the Community", was held from the 28th to the 30th of September. Pupils attending the course were represenatives of fifteen different schools in tbe Peninsula, seven of our boys representing Wynberg Boys'. For the duration of the course the Good Hope Seminary, Wynberg Girls' High and Diocesan College acted as bosts on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. During the morning sessions at the above schools, taLks were given by prominent men in thei r own particular spberes. One of the most interesting and informative talks was given by Dr. R. E. van der Ross (Principal, Batswood Training College), his subject being "Some of the Problems affecting Education of Coloured Children in the Cape". Other speakers included Prof. D. V. CO\.van (Sen. Lecturer of Law at U.C.T.), Rev. E. J. Rowland, Dr. O. D. Wolheim (Warden of Cafda), Miss E. Rowland (Housing Supervisor, Cape Town C.C.), Mr. W. T. Ferguson (Sen. Lecturer in Education, U.C.T.) and others. After the speakers had concluded their short


lectures, the meeting broke up .into discussion groups. During these discussions questions were compiled; these questions were asked of the speaker after the groups had reassembled. At about one o'clock the course adjourned for lunch, which was provided by the boarding establishments of the aforenamed schools. The afternoon session, commencing at two o'clock, divided up into groups who visited various places of interest such as Cafda, Athlone, House of Assembly, Rex Tru-eform Clothing Factory. and Barclays Bank Training Centre. At the conclusion of the course, a member representing each group recounted where they had been, what they had seen there, and the conclusions drawn as a consequence of attending the course. Tbe opinion expressed by many was that the course was beneficial and very interesting. J advise any wbo have the opportunity of attending subsequent courses to do so, for I am sure you will enjoy the course as much as I did. A. MILLER,IOc. 23




FroIIt row (I. to r.): M. Morris, A. Morris, E. Eddy, R. BurgelI, A. v. d. Hom, M. Kahn, N. Gaw, M. Finberg, H. McLeon.

D. Powell,

H. Jones,

Second row (I. to r.): C. Eddy, G. Holland, Mrs. M. Gredley, P. Muller, Mrs. F. Arnot! (Matron), P. de Wit, Mr. R. P. Richter, H. du Plessis (Head Prefect), Mr. W. E. Gredley, A. Elliott, Mr. M. K. Pretorius, Sister G. M. Griffiths, D. Ziman, T. Johnson, R. Jordan. Third rOIll (I. to r.): D. Knight, T. Deeley, S. Eddy, A. Turvey, J. Rush, R. Abrahams, R. Smith, R. Davidson, J. Retief, W. Moodie, S. Abrahams, N. Wallace, 1. Levin. M. Bass, A. Reake, S. de Wit. Fourth row (I. to r.): K. Cleland, S. Kahn, C. Sacker, F. Hodge, A. Stredden, C. Pritchard. E. Labuschagne, P. Webster, N. Morkel, R. Buehanan, G. Silke, H. Spiro, B. Falk. M. Anderson, D. Richardson, A. Speier. Fijth row (I. to r.): M. Barry, G. Levey, M. Knight, H. Telmer, Glasser, P. Good, W. Groenewald, P. Baenecke, K. Norje, R. Gamsu, P. de Wet. Sixth


(I. tor.):


E. Morkel, F. Kahn, D. A. Rossi, B. Jockolson,

G. Nurick, J. Bleach, D. Jowell, S. Bass, C. Jones, D. Coleman, W. Foster, P. du Pont, G. Sker. N. Gelb.


M. Turkstra,


As a large number of our desks bad become unsuitable for use, we were able to ha ve seventyone of them removed from the School. This has given us the chance to request replacements of a Ear more up-ta-date kind, sufficient to equip both Standard Fives' and one Standard Four with completely new furniture. These new desks consist of a dual writing table with two chairs at each. This will give us a chance to group tables for project work, and to stack chairs and desks wben floor space is required. We do hope that all the Standards may be similarly equipped as time progresses.

STAFF At the beginning of the year we welcomed to the Staff Mrs. Oberholzer to a section of Standard 3, Miss Gorvett to a section of Standard 2, and Mr. Hutcheson to a section of Standard 4. In Miss Lacey's absence, on furlough, we were glad to enlist the services, in Sub. A, of Mrs. Merrington. And to the full-time piano teaching post came Miss M. van der Linden. In July Miss Lacey returned from her "round the world" trip and told us of the interesting time she had had, particularly the passage through the Panama Canal on the Ship "Southern Cross". In December this year we shall be bidding farewell to Miss Lampard and Miss Garvett, both of whom are to be married. We wish them every happiness. Mr. C. Verwymeren, the School's second piano teacher, proceeded to Europe on a term's furlough, and, in his place, Miss M. Gibbons very ably discharged his duties. Mr. Larie is hoping to be able to proceed to Europe for the Xmas vacation, and, while there, to choose new music for the School Orchestra's 1960 programme. Since Miss Stern's departure for Israel, the work of Speech Defect and Hard of Hearing. classes has been in the capable hands of Miss Robertson. GENERAL

We are still waiting for our additional building, plans for which have been in readiness for an overlong period. Junior Rugby and Cricket have proceeded most successfully this year. In addition to the coaclling work of Mr. Oostbuizen and Mr. Pretoriu , Mr. Hutcheson, our new staff member, bas now entered tbe field, and be and Mr. Pretorius have just been on a special cricket course wbich will be of much benefit to our young players in the new season. And while many parents have been regular and entbusiastic watchers and supporters of weekly matches, special mention must be made of the tremendous assistance as referee of Mr. Bunting. He bas acted almost as an extra staff member for whom the players have acquired a great admiration and affection. To mark our special appreciation of his invaluable help, we invited him to a little ceremony where we presented him with a small token of our esteem. Thank you again very much, Mr. Bunting.

The enrolment of the School remains fairly steady, with the usual heavy demands for admission of beginners. We reported, a year ago, that the "Glade" area had been tarmacked and prepared for use as a tennisette ground. It is also used as the playground for Standards 4 and 5, and has proved an invaluable addition to the Scbool.

Other most valuable assistants were the eleven senior boys who so enthusiastically and regularly refereed the games of rugby for tbe "littlest ones" on Friday afternoons, and others who assisted similarly in the cricket season.

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Wynberg Shopping Centre.

The Junior Choir again entered for the Eisteddfod. and congratulations go to them and Mrs. Jennings for once again winning laurels for tbe School. This year, for the first time, Miss Salmon entered two Speecb Cboirs at the Eisteddfod. and these too did outstandingly well. Congratulations to Miss Salmon and the Choirs. Individual boys also did well in the Speech Sections. A novel, beneficial and successful departure last November was a Reading Competition. From each class were chosen the best readers in English and Afrikaans, who prepared a special passage each and were then given an unprepared passage to read. The Adjudicators were Mrs. Dorothea Spears (English) and Mr. Sieberhagen (Afrikaans), and at the end of tbeir judging duties, they gave a most constructive summary of their findings. We hope to make this Competition a regular annual feature. Tn conclusion we should like to thank those parents who have so readily provided transport for travelling teams, or outings connected with geography, history and environment study.

The winner of. the 1958 Cricket Bat was Peter Hitchcock. The swimming gala in February revealed some very promising entrants, and the bath was popular throughout the season. The Cross-Playground races in September had the usual large and enthusiastic numbers out running. A group of kind parents organised an end-ofseason party--cool drinks and cakes-for the Under 12 rugby teams. This was much appreciated by all concerned. On this occasion, Mr. Bunting showed the players a film be had taken of various Under 12 rugby and cricket matches. A large complement of Stds. I, 2, 3 and Sub. B pupils went to the Annual "Theatre for Youth" production "Holes in the Soles" at the Gordons Institute. All standards entered for the Annual "Road Safety" Essay Competition. Talks and films were given us in September by the Department of Nutrition and the Animal Welfare Society respectively.


up Brave Wolf, or Michael. Tbe br-i-ng had been tbe telephone ringing. He was no Indian, but an ordinary boy in an ordinary bed in an ordinary house. It had all been only a dream.



Once upon a time there lived in a buge forest in Soutb America a burly Indian named Brave Wolf. He lived in a hut with his squaw, or wife as you migbt call her. One day, wben be had gone for a walk in the forest (of which he knew every inch) he saw a walking mountain and earthquake coming along (or at least be thought he did). But he was wrong. It was the giant, Mountain High, whose great feet shook tbe ground. He had come out into the forest to catch beetles or any otber insects.


A DREAM There was once a boy, and his name was Garth. One night Gartb had a very funny dream. He dreamt that he was going to the moon. When he had landed on the moon, he saw a funny-looking thing. It had four heads and nineteen eyes in each head. It bad only one leg and three arms. It suddenly came towards him. Gartb got into tbe rocket and headed back to earth.

Soon he saw Brave Wolf and said, "Ho, what is this, an ant or a beetle?" Just as Brave Wolf was getting tbe fright of his life, tbere was a loud br-i-i-ng in the wood. It was so loud that it woke

As soon as he landed, his mother came and woke him up. "I had a funny dream. I dreamt


tnat .L landed on the moon, and .L saw a thing that had four heads and nineteen eyes in each head. I cbmbed back into my rocket and headed back to earth. Then I woke up." KEIHI


On the cloud there were a hundred fairies, the middle of the cloud there was a table lot to eat on it. We had such lovely food must tell you about it. We had ice-cream, late, plum cake and cookies by the dozen.


and in with a tbat I choco-

Then I said I must go, and tbe two baby fairies fetched a little cloud. We got on and away wc went.


Frisky was a sugared mouse. He lived in a big nursery with the toys. His mistress was called Mary. One day, he thought be would play a trick on Golly. So he climbed up on to tbe window siJl, took the flour tin and tbrew it all over Golly's black hair. In a flasb GoUy's bair was white. 路Golly was so angry tbat he threatened to kill the sugared mouse, but he never had the chance.

Soon we were back in the wood, and I walked bome and told my family about my adventures.

The next day was a rainy day. Some of the toys wanted to go outside. Of course Frisky wanted to go with them. Tbe train tried to persuade him to stay, but Frisky came out feeling very proud of himself. Suddenly Frisky began to grow smaller. Golly shouted, "He's melting!" But they were too late. Frisky had gone. They ran to tell Mary. She too was terribly sad, but Golly was very happy. From that day to this, there has never been a real live sugared mouse.

Once when I was two and a half our hedge caugbt alight. My father rang up the Fire Brigade and asked them if they could come and put it out. They said they wouJd come straight away. But when my father gave them the address tbey said, "Sorry, but we can't come. We're not allowed to. It's against the law. The fire is not in our area."





A FIRE A True Story

While my father was on the phone, my maid woke up and saw the flames. Still haH in ber sleep she screamed, "Are the children all right?"


After my father had finished phoning, he called the boy to come and help him. With dustbin, bucket and hose we managed to put it out.





Once I was walking .in a wood when I saw a cloud coming towards me. It came right on to the ground. I quickly jumped on to it.


Suddenly two baby fairies popped out of a hole in it. I stood up in surprise. They had wee small wands, and said they were going to the fairies' party. I asked them their names. They said Moon and Star, and invited me to come. I said I would gladly go, so they waved their wands and away we went. We journeyed on for miles till we reached an enormous cloud. We got off.

One day the doorbell rang when I was lazing in my bed. I rushed to the door. There stood the postman. He gave me a letter. It was addressed to me. It was an invitation to a rabbit party at hole 78 in Deep Wood. In the letter was a pill which had a string tied to it. Tied to the string was a note. I read the note. It said, "Eat this when you get to the hole."

This page sponsored by Maskew Miller Ltd., cor. Burg and Castle Streets, Cape Town.


I ate the pill, and soon .L was able to wriggle down the hole. When I got to the bottom 1 saw


Tbe place, a water-hole in the Karoo. The year. 1958. The date, June the 15th. AH tbe animals stood at tbe water-bole looking worried. If tbey did not have rain soon they would die of thirst.

the most wonderful party. There were carrots and turnip:;, parsnips, cabbage, peas, tomatoes, beans and candysticks and a lot of sweets. At tbe head of the table sat a big rabbit (which is called a hare). He introduced me and made a place for me beside him. I sat down, but no one spoke. I proceeded with grace, and then the party began. There were shouts, screams, yelps and bangs. We played tag, tug-o'-war and many other games. Wben the party was over, I said tbank you and goodbye and went home. What a wonderful adventure T had with the rabbits! N.



"We will ask the jackal what to do!" said. "He is sure to know."


So tbey went to tbe jackal. "Jackal," said they. "can you make rain?" The jackal said, "If I eat three bananas, a pineapple and a prickly pear, rain will fall. The animals brought him these. He bad bardlyeaten tbem wben the sky grew dark, and it began to rain. The water-hole was filled, and the animals could drink their fill. The frogs could lay their eggs, and the wild duck could swim. That is my story of how a drought was ended with a rainy day.







It i~ Thur.;c!ay. You w.lke up feelinr; something on your beael. You look up and see your little daughter hitting you on the bead with a pillow. You make a dash for the bathro?m, you skid on the wet floor and tumble into the bath. You emerge shouting: "Man the guns, don't let them attack." Finally your wife comes in and tells you it's all rigbt. You only fell into the bath. After you've washed, you see tbe baby running away with your slippers. You go into tbe kitcben exbausted. You bave your breakfast, and then you go to take the car out. You take it out of the garage and find that the speedometer doesn't work. You forget about it and drive off. In tbe evening you arrive borne half asleep. You sbow your wife the ticket you got, because of tbe speedometer. You look around to see tbc children playing witb the fish out of the pond. You put the fish back in tbe pond and go inside. Tbe maid comes along and tells you tbat tbere is someone in tbe study. You go in and see your Aunt Gertrude. You kiss her and sbe asks you if you bad a good day. You smile and say: "Yes Aunt, I had a glorious day."

On a shelf in a second-band shop stood a pai r of old shoes. One nigbt the shopkeeper shut up his shop and went home. As soon as the door was sbut, the things in the shop became alive and started to talk. "Let's tell each other stories," said the wheelbarrow. "You begin, shoes!" The shoes began: "I used to be in this shop until a few months ago, and then I was bought by a man who put me on and tben walked away. We walked along a narrow alley and went into'a small back room in which stood a chair, a bed, a cupboard, a basin and an enamel jug. The man opened the cupboard and took out a few crusts which were his supper, and, having finished, took me off, said his prayers and went to bed. It was ratber nice living with this old man, ancl I soon found out that he was a chimney-sweep and that his name was Tom. Every morning, having washed, dressed and eaten his breakfast, he went to work sweeping chimneys. There were all kinds of chimneys that I went up. Tall ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones, and Tom swept them all. One day be got enough money to buy anotber pair of shoes. He went to a second.band.shop and bougbt



another pair of shoes. He gave me to the shopkeeper and walked out of the shop. I looked about me. I could not believe my eyes! I was in tbe very shop I had been bought from a few months before. So now here I am, none the worse for my experiences."

My friend was reading a book, so I suddenly shouted "Your money or your life!" M y friend looked up, very startled, and I held my pellet gun just over his head, but of course it was not loaded. He screamed aloud, and his mother came running in_ Jt was not so easy to fool her, because she knew it was me straight away. It was a nice little trick, I thought to myself, as T walked slowly home.






I'm down by the seaside, as happy as can be, Running down the beach then splashing in the sea. I've built a castle, and I'm king of that castle. But a wave knocks .it down, blow that rascal! I went exploring caves and my father went with. When we got back we were tired and stiff. Ow! something's got my toe, it's a lobster. Gee, it's the biggest I've seen, what a monster! It's lovely at the sea, but the holiday's over, Oh dear, goodbye seaside, I will see you nex year.

M. F.



After work and after play, In the house I run and say, "Cookie, Cookie, what's for tea? "I'm tired and hungry as can be." "Doggy and I have been having fun, So, if there's nothing else, I'll have a bun. Doggy will ha ve some meat or so, Ob, please bring a bandage, he's cut his toe:'



"For heaven's sake I'm busy now, I must get finished or Madam will row. Don't be lazy, child, get it yourself, There's cakes and cream-puffs on the shelf."

I bave twenty rabbits of my own. I think they are all very clean and tidy, but my mother said they get their hok dirty very quickly. There's one little black one with a white blob on his nose. Every morning I take him for a walk on a piece of thick string. He has blue eyes, and Ius little blue collar matches them nicely. When I take him for walks, be jumps ahead of me and nibbles some grass.

M. NOCKIE. RIDDLES Wbo was the nrst

What is tbe best material

the ocean?

for kites?



When Binkey gets out of his hok he goes under our bath tub, and, whenever he is missing, I know where to find nim. A. ARMSTRONG.




Tbe opening batsman bas reached the wicket. The game is on, the game is cricket! The opening bowler comes running in, Over goes his arm, a beautiful spin. A moment of silence, and then a roar, The batsman has hit an excellent four! The next ball he snicks one, it goes spinning by, The umpire's finger points to the sky, And the wicket-keeper says to the batsman, "Good bye."


One day I thought I would play a of my friends. I ran to get my pellet cowboy's costume. I unloaded my case it should go off suddenly. I friend's house and climbed through

bus to cross 'snqum]0:J

When I catch up to him, he gives a hop, skip and a jump and goes ahead to eat some more grass. And so this goes on until I get home. 1 nearly forgot to tell you his name. It is Binkey.







trick on one gun and my pellet-gun in went to my the window.






The race from earth to the moon is held every ten years. It is a great honour for any space pilot if he is entered by his country and wins the race. These were some of the tboughts that entered Tom Peres' mind as he lay reading tbe morning newspaper. Suddenly the telepbone rang and Tom answered it. The voice of bis commander greeted his ears -and then Tom beard his life-dream come true. The U.S.A. bad chosen him for the race. On the day of the race Tom was at the starting point with his space ship, tbe "Blue Falcon". He heard the starter's voice counti ng 10 , 9 , 8 , 7 , he made a cockpit cbeck; 3 , 2 , 1... , fire! He pressed the button marked "starter". Tben tbe "Falcon" rose into the air. Tom increased speed, and soon the speedometer registered 186,000 miles per second-the speed of ligbt! The Russian and British space ships were in the lead, when Tom saw the French craft speed past with a tremendous spurt and crash into the British ship. All Tom had to do now was pass the Russian craft and reach the winning line, which. was out in space near the moon. Tom gave the "Falcon" one last spurt, and it gave the U.S.A. the lead. In five minutes Tom crossed the line, the new Terra Firma - Luna Race champion. L. WERBELOFF.

I'm a pedestrian like all of you, I know all the rules that you know too; When I cross a road I look right, left, right, And keep the traffic in my sigbt. In the morning when I am at school, I learn eacb and every safety rule; I walk on tbe pavement to avoid being knocked down, Where there are pavements in our town. On my way home from tbe park I never stop to roam and lark. Whenever I go on the road, I always keep tbe safety code. H.




1. Wbat is the difference between a railway engine and a tree? 2. Who was the biggest bandit in history? 3. Jf all the letters of the alphabet went to tea, which would be late? 4. After the rain falls, wben does it rise again? 5. What is bought by the yard, but worn by the foot? 6. Why is the isthmus of Suez like the first U in cucumber? 7. Why doesn't Sweden send to other countries for cattle? 8. When has a man the rigbt to scold his coffee? 9. What can't you name without breaking it? 10. Wbat coin is double its value wben half is deducted?

TOMMY TONSEY Tommy Tonsey's come from France, Where he learnt the latest dance; He has brought a pink-eyed dog, And now the town is all agog.

Answers I. The one leaves its shed, the other sbeds its leaves. 2. Atlas! He held up the world. 3. U, V, W, X, Y and Z; they come after T. 4. In dew time. 5. A carpet. 6. Because it's between two seas. 7. Because she keeps good Stockholm. 8. Wben he has sufficient grounds. 9. Silence. 10. A half-dollar (American money). D.

He is a dancer of great fame, Around the world they know his name; And now wherever he goes, AU rush to see him on his toes. A RIDDLE As soft as silk, as white as milk, As bitter as gall, a strong waH, And a green coat covers me all. 'Inu/vM






a terrific squawking coming from the hen house. 路'That no-good fox is attacking the hens," he thought, "I bad better go and see if I can help." When be reached tbe hen-house, be saw that the fox was in tbe act of carrying away Agatha Hen, a plump, kindly old soul. This made him very cross, for Agatha was the only hen who had been kind to him. Uttering a cry of rage, he flew at the unfortunate fox, nipping bim all over and flapping his wings in his face. The fox, more astonisbed tban hurt by this attack, fled with his tail between his legs, dropping Agatha in the process. With looks of admiration on their faces, the hens crowded round the rooster. . . . And ever since then the rooster has been lord of the farmyard. T. ISRAEL.

SPORT One of my favourite games is tennis, Although rugby was discovered by a Mister Ellis, Soccer in Winter, Cricket in Summer, When the bowler runs up and sends down a hummer. Atb_letcis were discovered in the days that have passed, And when men did their best they could run very fast. They say swimming's the best that ever you can do, But I'll lea ve that decision to be made by you. E. DE SWAROT. THE SEASONS


L love the summer mornings, I love the summer nigbts ;

Een stormagtigc aand toe ek by my vriend op sy plaas op die platteland gekuier hel. het ons in die speelkamer gespeel. My vriend Johan Klootwyk het my vertel van 路n ou verlate buis wat op die heel hoek van die plaas staan. Al die bediendes bet ges锚 dat dit 'n spookhuis is maar ons bet bulle nie geglo nie. Na Johan my vertel bet van die huis, bet hy my uitgedaag om na die huis te gaan. Dit was 'n donker nag en die lug was vol swart wolke. Ek het my re毛njas aangetrek en buite gestap. Toe ek by die huis kom, stoot ek die deur oop en loop by die trappe op tot na die slaapkamers. Dit was baie snaaks, want in die kamers was die ligte aan! Ek het nou 'n bietjie vreemd gevoel en het 'n stuk hout van die vloer opgetel. Toe ek by die deur uitstap sien ek 'n wit gedaante na my kom. Ek het die stuk hout opgelig om dit te slaan en toe verdwyn dit. Ek was nou baie bang en het so al wat ek kan hu.istoe gehardloop. Ek het vir Johan van die huis vertel, en na die ondervinding het ons die bediendes geglo! D. LE Roux.

But when it comes to noon-day. The sun is very bright. I hate winter mornings, I hate winter nights; But I love the evenings, Snug in the warm firelight. Spring, Spring is lovely, When aU the leaves are brigbt ; The birds are singing gaily, And flowers a lovely sight. Autumn is not nice because All the lea ves do fall ; And when I want to go and play, The wind blows my ball away. D. MurfI.





Once tbere was a rooster wbo was terribly henpecked. He was never allowed to do anything of which his wife didn't approve, and it was not only bis wife either. All tbe animals either ordered him about, ruffled bis feathers, tripped him up or did something equally bad to him. Bossie, a large brown cow with a domineering nature, even trod on his toes. Consequently be was a very unbappy rooster. But one day, as he was sitting alone in the henrun contemplating the dust, the hens being asleep, he noticed a vague brown shape creeping towards the hen-house. "A fox," be said to himself, "and up to no good, I'll be bound." Just then he beard

THE SOAP-BOX DERBY My interest was first aroused when I saw the poster advertising the soap-box Derby in which the first prize was five pounds. As my mother's birthday was getting nearer, I decided that I must win the money. That afternoon I set to work on a box-cart. I bought two pairs of wheels from a junk dealer


and set to work on a cart. Two days later it was complet,e, and 1 was proud of my work. Soon it was the great day at tbe race. 1 put my cart in line with the others, and the starter fireJ his gun. 1 jumped in and was off down the hill. There were two carts in front or me, and tbe rest were behind. Suddenly tbe cart in front of me went out of control, but 1 managed to avoid it. The race continued, and it was a battle for first place between the cart in front of me and my own cart. The otber cart managed to finish first, and I finished second. At the end of the race I was given a prize of two pounds ten sbillings and a small silver cup. The next day I bougbt my mother a beautiful vase, and she was very pleased when she received the present on her birthday. P. HOLMES.

went to sleep for the night. Hardly had we set of[ in the morning wben we were attacked by a lion. I levelled my rifle at him and shot him tbrough the beart. We hurried on, because we were afraid of meeting the lion's mate. We had eaten our luncb when I saw a horrible face peering at us from the bushes. I scrambled up, but I found that my arms were pinned behind me by a native. We were dragged towards a village, and a man came out to meet us. I found out tbat he was the cbief. I managed to tell h.im that we were friends. He let us go, and two days after that we started to build our mission station. "We stayed tbere for ten years and then we came back to England." When Grandfather had finisbed, I went to bed and dreamt about the story. G. RUTTER.




It was two years since I had been shipwrecked.

I remember vividly the night on which the destroyer I was in, sank. rt was near the beginning of the Second World War, and the German planes were dropping bombs that seemed to split the sky in two, ~ncl I had jumped overboard. Laler I: found myself on a de erted island. My only friend on the island was a dog which was the ship's mascot, and a talking parrot which I had picked up on the island. The first few months on the island were pure hell. It was bitterly cold, and tbe German planes circled round the island like vultures looking for meat. At first I had to live under a bush, but later I built myself a hut of mud and grass. Food was rather a problem at first, and I had to live on roots. I was wrecked on the 2nd of May, 1940, and I was rescued on the 14th of November, 1945. It was the most wonderful moment of my life when I saw the helicopter rising above tbe horizon like a bird in the moonlit sky. R. HORWITz. GRANDFATHER'S

Dit was 'n baie warm dag en ek het gevoel dal ek iets wou doen, maar ek het nie geweet wat nie. Toe my vriend oorgekom het, het ons gaan rondry. Ons bet vir 'n paar myl gery, en lae hel ons by 'n groot wingerd gekom. Ek het aan 'n goeie plan gedink. In 'n kits was ek oor die draad. Ons het die druiwe geëet en geëet, maar skielik het on 'n hond gehoor. On het dadelik oor die draad geklim, maar ons was nie vinnig ,Genoeg nie, en die boer het ons gevang. Hy het ons na ons ouers geneem, en ons hel 'n pak gekry. Van daardie dag af het ek nooit weer stokkiesgedraai nie. B.


HOW WE SPENT £ 1,000 I had been left £1,000 by my grandfather. Our club was deciding what to do with it. We had made a rule when we formed our club that all money we gained was to be shared. Our club consisted of David Pam, Jack Goldblatt. my brother Leonard, my dog Jimmy, and 1. We eventually decided to buy a yacht which cost £450. Tbat night my mother told me that, if we liked horses, we could spend the remaining £550 going over to England, where she knew someone called Norman Wiley wbo owned a stabJe of borses. Our club decided upon this, so we went to pack, as the R.M.M.V. "Carnarvon Castle" sailed for England tbe next day. Tbe only way we received


As we huddled round the fire one stormy evening, Grandfather started telling us one of his stories. "When I was a young man," he began, "I went into the jungle with two friends, Bruce Moran and David Carter. We were going to start a mission station in the middle of the Belgian Congo. "We travelled about forty miles the first day, and then we climbed into our sleeping bags and 32

bookings so quickly was lhat one four-berth cabin was vacant It was two weeks lateL We had just arrived al Midgely Stables. Norman Wiley, a fair-haired man of about thirty-five, was speaking to us. "You have arrived just in time for the show," he said. "I expect you would like to see the horses?" "Yes," we said. "We certainly should. The names of tbe borses were: Springheeled Jack, Melody, Golden Cbord, Puck, Oberon, Red Morning, Frigate, Toreador and Trix. We eacb cbose a borse to ride at tbc sbow. David cbose Oberon, a brown colt, Jack chose Frigate, and I cbose Golden Chord. Leonard said he would rather not ride. It was the day of tbe show. David and I were 'in the first class, a hurdle race. Tbe gun went off, and we were off. Making a strong run, I managed to win. David finished fourth. To cut short a long story, Golden Chord won twice and came fourtb once. Oberon came second twice and fourtb once. Frigate won once. At lhe end of tbe holiday we all agreed it was a good way of spending £550. R. HAMBURGER.

The first thing I did was to ask my falher to help me bu.ild a cart. This turned out to be a great help to me because, instead of putting ordinary wheels and axles on the cart, be built me a set of wheels, with ball bearings in the hubs. I tbink tbis made my cart tbe fastest from the start. My fatber explained to me wby racing cars are streamlined. So I built mine with a point. A few days before tbe race the car was completed and painted. I then made a few practice runs every day till I knew bow to handle my racer properly. On tbe day of the race I was the first at the course_ Soon we were all lined up and ready to go. Wben the starter fired his gun a friend of mine gave me a tremendous pusb to start me off. I picked up speed all the way down the hill, and soon I was far ahead of tbe others. My car was so well built that 1 won the race with ease_ When they presented me with the first prize of five pounds, they ga ve me a special prize for the best cart in the race. With the money I was able to buy my mother a present which she appreciated. H.



Toe Mike 'n kolf en krieketbal van sy vader gekry het vir sy tiende verjaarsdag, bet sy vader vir hom gesê dat by op die veld moet speel en nie agter die buis nie, want hy sal 'n venster breek. Daardie dag bet Mike vir sy suster gaan roep om met bom krieket te speel. Maar Mike bet vir sy suster gesê bulle sal nie na die veld gaan om te speel nie, want dit was te ver van die huis af. Hulle sou agter die buis gaan speel. Nadat bulle vir tien minute gespeel het, het Mike die bal baie hard geslaan en dit bet deur 'n vensterruit gegaan. Sy vader het baie kwaad geword en hy bet uit die huis gekom om te sien wie die bal geslaan het. Toe hy gehoor bet dat Mike die bal geslaan het, het by vir Mike 'n harde pak gegee en vir hom gesê dat by vir die hele dag in die bed moet bly. Die volgende dag bet Mike se vader gesê dat Mike nie vir die res van die jaar met die kolf kon speel n.ie. D. POWELL.


BOB-A-JOB IN A FACTORY One day, my grandmother asked me whether I would like to earn some money for Bob-a-Job at tbe factory she works in. I gladly accepted this offer, and the following day saw me up early in the morning. We left the bouse at about eight o'clock. Soon we were in tbe train going to Cape Town. Tbe first job I bad when I arrived at the factory was to disinfect all tbe telephones. So, armed with a bottle of Dettol and seven cloths, I started off. On tbe way I made friends with nearly everyone. It was a long and tiring job, for I had to squeeze the cloth into the moutbpiece, twist it, then pull it out, as well as rub round the earphone. Wben I arrived back at my grandmother's office, it was time for elevenses. Soon. after that I was belping my grandmother sort out invoices and statements and a large number of other papers. It wasn't so bad doing this job, for we always stopped and had rests now and then. There were also two large adding machines, one of which I was allowed to use. This became very interesting after a while, for it was fun watching what would happen if I pressed this button or that button. Suddenly the buzzer

SOAP-BOX DERBY My interest was first aroused when I saw the poster advertising "The Soap-Box Derby" in whicb the first prize· was five pounds. As my mother's birthday was getting nearer, I decided tbat I must win the money. 33

so bright any more, until I realised that there were many more ways of making money than I thought. "All right, Dad, I'll bave a try," I finally answered. The next day (Monday) I went to scbool with my head full of ideas. My first idea was to find out if anybody wanted pencils sharpened. I would sharpen three pencils for a penny and ten pencilcrayons for a tickey. I would bring them back the following day, and, if any points were broken, [ would refund all tbc money. I was approached by quite a few boys, many of whom wanted whole boxes of pencil-crayons sharpened. By the end of the day I had made two shillings. This may seem a meagre sum if my aim was five pounds, but, if this was an average for a day, then in a fortnight's time I would be another pound nearer my goal. Naturally I was kept busy at home, but I think it was worth it. By Friday I had made ten shillings, and by the following Friday I had collected one pound and even surpassed it with a record order of six boxes of pencil-crayons, nine penci.ls, and two boxes of crayons. I decided that on Monday I would try something different, because everybody seemed to have sharp pencils at school. The next day, as it was the beginning of the term, I offered to cover boys' books for them at a tickey each, including paper and sticky-tape. This idea worked even better than the first, and by the end of the month I had reached five pounds. This also took plenty of my spare time, but it was worth it for a bicycle. Today my bicycle has many little extras, including flasks on the front for long trips, a headlamp and a three-speed gear. The year is drawing to a close, and many boys have asked me whether I am going to start another pencil-sharpening, or book-covering service. Maybe r will, maybe r won't. We'll see.

buzzed (or the lunch-hour. Quickly we tidied everything away, and then we had our lunch. As soon as we had finished our lunch, my grandmother took me on a sort of conducted tour of the factory. I was shown how both lorry and its freight went either up or down on a buge (jft. Evidently the ground floor was just off the road, so all the lorry or van had to do was to drive into the lift, and tben tbe lift whisked the lorry up to whichever floor it was supposed to reach. The lorry drove out and then was loaded up. It drove in again, went down to the ground floor, and then drove away to its destination. This, of course, all happened in a few minutes. I was also shown many other things, such as the ticketing machine and a little tractor which pulled trolleys around in the warebouse. The buzzer sounded again. This time for work to commence. To my great joy, I was sent down to the warehouse, where I was able to drive tbe tractor around, pulling all the trolleys behind me. Sometimes I drove the tractor to he loading bay, unloaded the boxes, and then drove back, much to the envy of the other children walking past. Eventually I tried my hand at the ticket machine and also at working the huge lorry lift, which I mentioned before. Sometimes, when there were no lorries or vans in the lift, I used to play around with the (jft, but always in the middle of a journey a light went on above a number, and I had to take the Ijft down to that floor. At the end of the day I was called into the office, where I was given my pay. Altogether it amounted to two pounds seven shillings; and the ladies in the secretarial office gave me an extra seven shillings, for entertainment as they termed it. I hope to go there again next year and earn some more money, for it is very nice working there. 1. KIRKWOOD.





Ever since I had seen that shiny, new sports-bike in the window of the local bicycle shop, I bad longed for one just like it. One day I was sitting at my desk doing my homework when my father walked into the room. "Jeff," he said, "I have a proposition to make. I have finally decided to allow you to buy a bicycle." At those words my eyes lit up, but tbere was more to come. "But you will have to earn half of the money yourself," he went on. The situation didn't seem

It was an ordinary Tuesday afternoon, and I was busy doing my homework. I was half-way through it, when I heard a terrible noise outside. As I looked through the window, I saw lsaac Cohen crying hjs eyes out. I left what I was doing and went outside to see what it was all about. Then I heard Mrs. Cohen calling me. "Oh Adrian, thank God you have come. I wonder if you would mind looking after Isaac for a few hours. You see I want to visit a friend of mine who is


learned, as we would study at a university. Tt is said that one lama was supposed to be reborn as a butcher's son and was not allowed to become a lama again, because his Eather killed animals for food. The lamas only eat stampa which is mixed with butter, water or tea. When the child has finisbed studying for all these years, he has to pass many tests, and one test lasts for six days. When he writes these tests, he sits in a bare room and writes from sunrise to sundown. After these tests he is a lama. Tbe lamas have invented a huge kite in whicb people can fly. Many oE them go and live in a pitcb dark room for three years, tbree montbs and tbree days. When people in Tibet die and tbey are rich, they have a special burial service. The lamas carry the body up on to a hill and chop it up and leave it there for the birds to eat. Theyelo it because disease spreads quickly in Tibet. G. STAM EI.i\TOS.

in hospital, and this little tike wants to comc with me." When Isaac heard this, his face lightened up. J knew that the enemy had won, and I surrendered. "OE course, Mrs. Collen, but Isaac must promise to be quiet and look at a book until I have finished my homework," said I, altbough I felt very doubtEul inside. Mrs. Coben thanked me three more times before she leEt. Isaac wavcd goodbye, and then Eollowed me into my bedroom. 1 had not been writing more than two minutes when Isaac started. "Why do you have to do homework?" he said. Isaac is a great one for asking questions. This carried on for halE an hour. At last I asked him wby he did not go and play with "Spike", our dog. He went out, and T 'continued the work I had still to do. All was very quiet for half an hour and I began to think something funny must be going on. As T had completed my homework and had the rest oE the afternoon to myself, I went outside. There was Isaac sitting on tbe grass bolding his sides, and Spike a bit bewildered, tied up with a piece oE rope and with a cabbage stuck in his mouth. Spike is a very playful dog, and I knew he would not dare to bite Isaac. I untied the dog and then told Jsaac we would bave a game oE cricket. "I want to bat first, I want to bat first," he shouted. So Sir Don Bradman went in to bat. He missed tbe first two balls, but tbe third, that terrible third, went straigbt tbrough Mrs. Winterbottom's picture window. "I scored a six," sbouted Sir Don. "You mean you bave emptied your Eather's pocket of a good few pounds," I told him. At last, at half-past four his mother returned home. "I bope my little angel was a good boy. "Of course, Mom, I sat and looked at books tbe whole afternoon," he said. I almost Eainted. A.



SABOTAGE One night in 1944 two divers slithered quietly between the anchor chains which held mines in place in the waters of Hamburg. Tbe divers were Lieutenant Fletcber and Sub-Lieutenant Castines, who were members of a small gang of saboteurs in Germany. They had dived from a small canoe just outside tbe harbour to sabotage a minelayer called tbe "Rottertire". Each diver bad four magnetic mines about the size of a soup plate. They were now within fifty yards oE tbe sbip, and they had to start surfacing. Slowly, incb by inch, they rose to about six feet under the water, where they swam on to reach the ship, and carefully placed their mines. They placed four near the engine room and four near the bold, setting their detonators so that they would explode after twenty minutes. When they had finisbed, they dived and swam to the open sea, where they were hauled out of the water and into their canoe by their Eriends. Tbey had to wait about two minutes before they heard a loud explosion and saw flames shooting high into the sky. The following day they went to look at the damage. The mines in the hold must also have exploded, because all that was left of the ship was a few planks and boards which were floating on a patch of oil-covered water. L. PATRICK.


THE LAMAS OF TIBET The Tibetans be)jeve in people being reborn, and so, wben a lama dies, tbey try their best to find out where he has been reborn. After they have Eound the child, he has to go through many tests beEore tbe otber lamas can tell iE he is the one that has died. One of tbe tests is to place beEore him ten genuine possessions of the previous lama and ten fakes. Then tbe child has to pick the correct ones owned by the previous lama, and is allowed only one error. After that he is taken to wbere the lamas live and: studies for years what the previous lama



spinner which some fisherman had lost. Then we both submerged and swam to the sea bed. On our arrival we spotted a striped dogfish dozing on the sand. We decided to spear him. I swam slowly towards him, and my friend swam around to the other side. The fish did not seem to mind, think· ing that we were just creatures of his world. Sud· denly two spears shot out, and we had him. We took him to the surface and swam towards the rocks. The fish was no good to us, so we cut it open. In doing so we found a small spinner with a length of three·strand wire. It was the first time I had known a dogfish to take a spinner. We had some lunch and waited half an hour. so as not to get cramp, before we waddled back over the rocks into the water and submerged. We speared a few small fish, and then I saw something that looked like a penny. I swam down, picked it up, and surfaced to examine it. My friend surfaced, and I showed him my dis· covery. He thought that it looked like an old Roman coin. The next day we went to the museum to have the coin identified. We were told that it was an old Roman coin which must have been washed in, and they asked us if they could have it, because they hadn't one of that kind. We gave it to them and returned bome after an exciting clay.

Onc evening there was a knock on the door. I opened the door, and to my surprise there stood Mr. and Mrs. Brown, our next· door neighbours. 1 10!e1 them to come inside, and called my mother. They sat talking, and then my mother tolel me that I hael to go next door to stay with Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Brown's four·year·old son. I put on my coat and went next door, thinking it would be easy. When I opened the door, the light in Tommy's room suddenly went out. J went upstairs and opened the door. There was a thud as a pile of pillows landed in front of me. Tommy started to laugh. I chased him down the stairs, through the kitchen and out into the back yard, where I finally caught him. I dragged him upstairs and put him into bed, but my troubles were far from over. He called for some water, which I fetched from the kitchen, and took to him. As I opened the door, the light went on, and then he started throwing clay at me. I tried to stop him, but once more he slipped past me and out of the door. I swung round and gave chase, but, when I arrived at the bottom of the stairs, he was still standing at the top. I turned round and, as I was about to go after him, the door opened and Mr. and Mrs. Brown came in. I told them that Tommy had not been behaving, and they wouldn't believe me. We went up to Tommy's room and there he was sitting in bed laughing. They gave me two·and·six for my trouble, and I returned home. C. HAyrREAD.



THE TRAIN On its journey goes the train, Past the meadows, Past the furrows, Where the waters always drain.


Past a brick wall, The train rushes, Past the churches, Where the bells call.

One Monday morning during the school holi· days my friend Malcolm and I started off for Sunny Cove, our favourite diving spot. We had our inexpensive diving equipment, which consisted of a Champion mask, Cressi fins, a hand s'pc~r and a snorkel. We arrived at Fish Hoek within an hour, and walked along Jagger's walk towards Sunny Cove. It was not long before we were in our bathing costumes. Standing on the rocks, we selected a nice gulf to explore, and then waddled over the rocks to the water's edge. Malcolm was the first in and signalled to me to follow. We swam clear of' the rocks. I submerged, and MaIcolm waited for me to surface. I came up with a six·ounce

Ever onward speecls the train, Past the mountain, Past the fountain, Past the growing sugar cane. Into the station glides the train, Where the porters, Go to their quarters, Wbere the people wait in the rain. G. 36


was then that I noticed something strange. There were two staircases leaeling to the same landing. We picked one staircase and started to descend, when I noticed the gold coin. It was lying at the foot of the opposite staircase. We both stumbled down the other staircase. Suddenly there was a terrific crash, and the staircase that we had nearly used crasbed to the ground. When wc looked back, the gold coin was not there. O. WOLFF.

THE GOLD COIN As we walked down the street towards the house, it seemed to be alive. 1 could feci my heart pounding against my ribs. Jt was a Saturday night, and my friend Paul Wilson and I decided to do a little investigating at the "haunted house". The house had been bombed during the war, twenty years before, but it looked more like a hundred. The stories went that it was haunted by the ghost of a friendly old man who had happened to be in the house when it was bombed. Some people said that he had hundreds of old gold coins hielden away there. That was what we were after. As we mounted the steps, I slid my hand into "my pocket and gripped my knife tightly. If there was any trouble I would be ready. Paul threw me a glance. I knew what he meant. so I stepped through the doorway first. r sensed a strange atmosphere. Again my heart began to thump. We went through all the rool1l~ from top to bottom, but found nothing. The last room we searched was upstairs, after which wc decided to go home, as we were both tired. rt

SPRING Oh! Spring is here again. With no lamenting rain; The sweet lark is singing, And the church bells ringing. Oh! lovely Spring. When birds start building nests. And people go to church in Sunday best. And squirrels' heads pop out of ncst, Then know we it is Spring. L.


;J)ramalic extracts, and the reading of an Edgar Allan Poe story. The third visiting artist was the Australian violinist, Mr. RonaId Woodcock, who, with Mr. Ian Smith at the piano, presented a most interesting group of musical works. This began with the Schubert Sonata in D and included works by Bartok, "Rumanian Dances," and Dinicu, "Hora Staccato". This proved a very pleasant evening.

The Committee for 1959 consisted of R. Field, D. Freund, N. Schafer, G. Rogers. First Meeting, 2nd May. At tbe first meeting tbe entire programme was in the hands of guest artists. The first of these was tbe young lyric tenor Mr. Alfred Geale, who offered a group of songs ranging from oratorio to ballad. These were all most enjoyable. As "extra" artist came Mr. Harold Hart, the well-known baritone, who supplemented the vocal group with two oratorio arias. Both singers were accompanied by our own Mrs. Elsie Jennings. The second artist was Miss Astri Muldal, who gave us an interesting variety of poems, play

Second Function, May, "The Tempest" by Shakespeare. THE TEMPEST In tbe early days of May the School stage found itself transformed into tbe magical desert 37

in this as in tbeir hospitality in making their fine new hall available for one of the evenings. Miranda was well played by Myrtle D'Adamo. Only those who bave bad to struggle on our stage with comparatively inexperienced players know the merit of Miss Salmon's courage and achievement in giving LIS this production. Miss Salmon would also be the first to pay tribute to the work bebind the scenes of Miss Pam Smith and Mr. K. Pretorius together with their eager assistants. A notable enterprise! J.G. Third


/31h June.

On this occasion the School Orchestra made its first appearance of the year and performed part of the programme wh.lch was in preparation for the Annual Concert in August. Among tbe items were the Vivaldi Concerto for violin, cello and

Prospero: ..... But this rough magic I hcre abjure ..... Claude Felbert who plays Prospero.

isle of Shakespeare's fecund imagination, when Miss Dawn Salmon fulfilled her bold ambition to stage "Tbe Tempest" with a cast of her welltrained Juniors, who bad done so well in "Tom Sawyer" under her direction. Led by Claude Felbert's Prospero, a taxing part and well sustained despite his lack of mature years, the cast put themselves into their roles with gusto. David Policansky (Stephano) and Stanley Cohen (Trinculo) especially revelled as if they had bad much practice at revelling, infecting the audience with tbeir own obvious enjoyment. David Katz as Caliban made a grotesque monster, not witbout endearing qualities. The connois eurs, however, would award the palm to Aubrey Meyer for his well-spoken and lightly-capered Ariel, who seemed to have more of the play's poetry in his soul than any of the atbers. The help of the Wynberg Girls' High School lent distinction in tbe imaginatively - staged masques, and we welcomed tbeir kind co-operation

Prospero: "Go make thyself like a nymph of the sea". Claude Felbert as Prospero, Aubrey Meyer as Ariel. 38

Caliban: "The lignor is not earthly". David Katz as Caliban, David Policansky Stephano, Stanley Cohen as Trinculo.

able to maintain the surprise effect of entrances and exits throughout the performance. Wihout their entbusiasm and initiative the play could not have been the success it was. In a one-act play which depends so much upon teamwork for its success, it is not generally done to single out individuals for laurels, but certain special features of the acting deserve mention. Archie Miller, the Schoolmaster, maintained his Gaelic burr so admirably that a hardened Scat from 'Auld Reekie' was heard to remark, "I tbought I was awa' back hame listenin' to ma ain dominie." Jacqueline Stern brought a hush to the audience with the beauty of her Madonna. Jean Barker, as the mother, crooned over her Peter Ulric with such matronly solicitude, we are not one bit surprised to hear that she has announced her engagement. Prime Minister David Freund has not yet been approached by any political party. bUL we feel sure that he would be granted a hearing if ever he found' his way to Hyde Park. Finally. the Parson-Leslie Kernoff. His clerical b~aring an:! intonation were so to the manner born, that the bride confessed that it was difficult at times to restrain an impulse to feel for the band tbat was being joined to hers. On the 23rd and 24th or October, '20th Century Lullaby' will be taken to the opening of the new Hall at Claremont Public School. This gesture is a tribute by the Music and Dramatic Society to the number or excellent pupils who have graduated to Wynberg from Claremont. There is one regrettable feature in the presentation of a one-act play by the Seniors this year. The Society felt that it was not possible to award the Benjamin Bennett prize for Dramatic Art on a playing time of twenty minutes. Therefore, with the permission of M r. Bennett, the prize will be incorporated into the Reading Prize for 1959.


orchestra, witb Graeme Rogers and David Freund as soloists, and one movement of the Geordani Piano Concerto with Neville Schafer as soloist. There followed the One-Act Play "Twentieth Century Lullaby." "20tb CENTURY


A new departure this year was tbe presentation of "20th Century Lullaby", a one-act play by Cedric Mount. Tbe novelty was not in the presentation of a one-act play: tbat has been done befor,e. Instead, it was in the use of a bare stage, except for black curtains, and several spots to pick up eacb player as he or she spoke his or her lines. By dint or bard work in committing tbe entire play to memory, and by clever HeathRobinson contraptions to reduce the spots to pinpoints of light, beamed to tbe precise positions on the boards occupied by each member of the cast, Messrs. Cox, Watts, Heritage and Perrow were

O.R.T. Following the play, the guest artist. Mr. Reginald Clay, principal flautist of the Cape Town Orchestra, gave a most interesting recital of pieces, accompanied at the piano by Miss Blanche Gerstman. Tbe Orchestral contributions and the One-Act play were both given two nights previously for the special benefit of Mr. and Mrs. Bowden, who were leaving on Friday, ]2th June, on their voyage. 39

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by Albeniz-both polished performances. The Junior Choir, with Mrs. Jennings at the piano, then delighted the audience with tluee songs: "Spring" by John Ireland, a Canon "I love Sixpence" by Carse, and "Where lies the land?" by Dyson. Following these Neville Schafer returned to the piano to be soloist in the Giordani Concerto for Piano and Orchestra-a most suitable and charming work of the Mozartean era. Neville Schafer is to be highly praised for his smoothflowing, well-integrated performance. He has developed enormously over the past year, particularly from an interpretative point of view.


This award goes this year, very deservedly, to N. Schafer for nis outstanding contribution to the cultural activities of the School in the field of Music (Piano). At the Eisteddfod in May this year he was awarded five diplomas and the Gradner Prize of five guineas. Only the fact that he was awarded a Bursary last year prevented him from qualifying for one at the Eisteddfod Prize-Winners' Concert .in June. In August he passed his final examination with Distinction. He has given a recital at the "Nine Club", and, as a member of the School Orchestra, has performed at School concerts, at the Claremont Seniors' Club, and at the Epworth Music Society's Quarterly Concert. Altogether a very imposing and creditable record which has brought honour not only to himself but to the School. ....,........,.........,........,......,........,...._.,.._,_.....,...._,_....,........,.........,......,........"........,_.......",...




After the Concerto Derek Goosen played two cello solos, "Romances sans Paroles" by Davidoff, and an Allegro by MarceIlo. He is a most promising and musical young player. Mrs. lennings did the honours as accompanist. To conclude the programme came three light pieces: "Humoreske" by Dvorak, New Pizzicato Polka by Strauss, and a Rigadoon by Thomson. This concert was another step forward by the Orchestra-three whole concertos in one programme, and the members of the Orchestra can ha ve the satisfaction of realising very creditable results after all the hard work they put into the preparation of the programmes.

~ ...."......~.

Fourth Function 20th and 21st August.

The whole concert was repeated four nights later at the Claremont Seniors' Club where it was, as usual, most enthusiastically received.

Annual School Orchestra Concert. On these two nights the School Orchestra, soloists and Junior Choir gave their fifth Annual Hour of Music (actually the 24th Anniversary of the School Orchestra) to two "invited" audiences, which filled all the available accommodation.

PROGRAMME 1. "Scipio" March (Our contribution

The programme opened with Handel's "Scipio" March as our contribution to the Handel Centenary. There followed a Vivaldi Concert in C Major for Orchestra, a delightful little work with two gay outer movements and a short lyrical Adagio. Leon Mandel then played a Carse Gavotte as violin solo, a pleasing and well-controlled musical rendering. Next came a second Vivaldi Concert for violin (Graeme Rogers), cello (David Freund) and orchestra. This found the soloists in good form, with pleasing ensemble, and the whole a sound experience for aU the players.

Handel to the Handel centenary.).

2. Concerto for Orchestra (I) Allegro (2) Largo (3) Allegro 3. Violin Solo "Gavotte" Leon Mandel



4. Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra Vivaldi (1) Allegro (2) Andante (3) Allegro Violin-Graeme Rogers Cello-David Freund

Neville Schafer then played two piano solos, "Polichinello" by Rachmaninov, and "Seguidillas"



5. Piano Solos (a) Polichinelle (b) Seguidillas Neville Schafer 6. Songs (a) Spring (b) I Love Sixpence (Canon) (c) Where Lies the Land? Junior Choir

9. Humoreske ID. New Pizzicato Polka II. Rigadoon


27th Annual Entertainment 29th, 30th, 31st October, 1959. On this occasion the Junior performers, in association with the Musical and Dramatic Society, took part in two very well-contrasted plays.

Rachmaninov Alben/z

lohn Ireland Garse Dyson

7. Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (I) Allegro con brio (2) Andante (3) Rondo Neville Schafer 8. Cello Solos (a) Romance (b) Allegro Derek Goosen


The first of these "The Stolen Prince" was a play in tbe Chinese fashion by Dan Totheroh, performed by pupils of Standards One and Two, and produced by Mrs. A. E. Tasker, with costumes designed by Miss P. Smith, and music arranged by Mrs. E. Jennings. Tbe whole production was a sheer delight - the acting most spontaneous and the diction perfect. Special mention must be made of the Chorus (Charles Majmin), Property Man (Peter Smitb), Long Fo (Philip Goodwin), Wing Lee (Ronaid Josephson), the Royal Nurse (Kenneth Kesner), Hj Tee (Anthony Thomson), Li Mo (Neil Murray), Joy, the stolen prince (Neil Thomson) - as weil as the soldiers, executioner and Jong-bearer-and the Chjnese Orchestra. Hearty congratulations to all, and to Mr. Verwymeren for his excellent photographs of the show.


Davido/! Marcello Dvorak Strauss Thompson 41

The School Orchestra

and Junior Choir repeated their Annual Concert Epworth Music Society at Plumstead.


for the

holds many happy memories, is none the less a great problem with its Ijmitations.

The second play "The Sea King's Daugbter" by Mary Harding, was both original and interesting. The performers ranged from Sub B to Standard Five, and tbe producer was Miss Dawn Salmon. Excellent sets were designed by Mr. K. Pretorius, and costumes by Miss V. Lampard. Tbe cast was very large, and all entered into tbe play with great zest. Special mention here sbould go to Peter Holrnes, David Pam, John Rogers, Micbael Herbert, Dreghorn Ward, Jeffrey Newman, Howard Maclean, Jan Kirkwood and Martin Nock.ie, most of whom bad doubled parts. But all the performers did extremely well.



Here was an honour indeed-when the Epworth Music Society in Plumstead, organised as their final Quarterly Concert of the year a special Youth Programme, at which the School Orchestra and Choir repeated the whole August concert, along with contributions from Hannes Uys' excellent young choir from Pinelands. We should like to record our great appreciation of all that was done there for us by three parents, Mr. Rogers, Mr. Goosen and Mr. Morrison, to make our visit such a success, as also for the Society's generosity in giving complimentary tickets to 75 of our parents. One photograph taken at the performance is included in this School Magazine.

Special words of praise must go to the very competent stage hands and assistants, and three times three cheers to Mr. Pretorius, who like Atlas of old, really did "hold up the world (of tbe plays )on his shoulders" and who worked tirelessly for weeks on a stage which, while .it

This page sponsored by Calderco (Ply.) Lid., Lower Church SIreei, Wynberg.


1959 Amateur rugby throughout the world has been grimly struggling to release itself from the morass of drab, energetic but unimaginative mediocrity into which it has sunk during the recent post-war era. On the international plane the Lions, both in 1956 and 1959, have contributed most to this endeavour to escape, and, in South Africa, Western Province and Natal have battled manfully to achieve a standard of back-play, which will alone make rugby once again a game worth participating in and watching.

(4) That the length of the lineout be shortened: this would prevent loose forwards from placing themselves far out opposite their opposing centres. In order to avoid the possibility of coming into conflict with either the accepted rules or the W.P. Schools' Rugby Constitution, it was suggested that, at least in the beginning, the above reforms be agreed to as tactics (by a gentleman's agreement), and not as an attempt to contract out of the present rules themselves. If these adjustments bad been agreed to, even temporarily, W.P. Schools' rugby could have illustrated how the alterations operated, and would have clearly pointed tbe way to the public and the administrators of the game. However, the opportunity was lost. There was much sincere discussion, many interesting points raised, some arrant nonsense talked, and the meeting finally fizzled out with the adoption of a proposal to arrange a course of lectures on school coaching. This latter proposal was excellent in itself, but obviously had no connection with the original purpose for which the meeting was called.

Rugby will live or die by the standard of its back-play. Tactical kicking and intricate patterns of forward play offer no substitute to either the players or spectators. Two test matches won by an orgy of successful penalty kicks have already left a bitter taste in the mouths of the supporters of the victorious teams. And yet this state of affairs goes on and on, and will continue to do so unless some imaginative and courageous adjustments are made to the present rules of the game. Throughout history, all systems, be they political, economic, social or merely rules of a game, bave frequently to undergo changes to adapt them to the cbanging demands of tbe times. Failure to do so brings about the ultimate downfall and disappearance of the outworn system.

In schools' rugby throughout the Western Province, one of the most uninspiring seasons was experienced in Under 19A rugby, not a single team achieving any distinction in its standard of play. This comment does not apply to junior teams, because in thei r matches the tempo is much slower (even relatively), and the hard, gruelling high-pressure play of the first flight of the senior school rugby competition is absent. Many close and exciting games were fought out in Currie Cup and Board Trophy competitions, but, unless one side completely dominated its opponents, almost all the games were grim forward struggles, and back-line tries came mostly from the errors of the opposing backs.

Midway during tbe first half of tbe present season, a meeting of all the Western Province school coaches was called at Bellville to discuss this problem. Tbe following simple changes were suggested as a basis for discussion, with a view to having them brought into operation during the ensuing season. The proposals were as follows: (1) No direct kicking into touch outside one's own 25: thus giving fuller scope to handling.

Tragically, a generation of players, administrators and spectators has grown up which has never experienced the thrill of back-line play at its best. The desire is lacking, because there is no consciousness of what has been lost. Not since 1937 and a year or two afterwards ha ve Springbok inside backs achieved the standard traditionally expected of players of that calibre. And those who do remember clutch their nostalgic mem-

(2) That no rank in a ser scrum may consist of more than 3 players: this would enforce the 3-3-2 or 3-2-3 scrum formations. The loose forwards would be legitimately curbed within reason, and back play given a fairer chance to develop. (3) That in every scrum 16 players must go down, unless injuries make this impossible. This would curb roving, non-shoving forwards. 43

FIRST RUGBY XV Front Row (I. to r.): Mr. H. E. Tasker (Coach), R. Carp, H. du Plessis, N. Gauld (School Capt.), Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting-Principal), A. Thorn (Playing Capt.), J. Grendon (ViceCapt.), M. Mansfield, Mr. J. F. Oosthuizen (Coach). Secon.d Row (I. to r.): R. Field (Hon. Sec.), K. Barker, N. Bester, A. Noffki, R. van Rhyn. R. Jordan, K. Kyte, T. Johnson, H. Stein, G. Silke (touch judge). Third Row (I. to r.): J. Klesser, E. Tiffin, D. Whitfield, P. Heritage, B. Gibbons, R. Charles. Absent: J. Human.

as follows: Under 19A, B, C, 0 and E, Under 16A, Under 15A, Band C, Under 14A, Band C, Under 13A, Band C, and Under 12A, B, C and D. The Garrison authorities are to be thanked for making their fields available to the School for practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

ories and have neither the initiative nor the energy to make tbe required adjustments. And make no mistake about this - unless adjustments are made, and that soon, backline play of tbe highest, classical quality is not possible under existing playing conditions. The death of back-play will ultimately be the death of the amateur game. Again the School has experienced a successful season, nineteen teams having been entered in the inter-school competitions. and a total of 495 players in all catered for. The teams entered were

The urgency of acquiring further playing fields has often been stressed in this yearly commentary, and it is therefore with intense pleasure that we can look forward to the acquisition of two additional football fields. Situated on part of the beautiful "Hawthorndenc" estate, the e grounds


will be available for use not later than the 1961 season in a setting equal to any in the Cape Peninsula. This year the School has sorely felt the need of a few more rugby coaches. This condition is also prevalent in its other sporting activities, and it i imperative that the Staff be augmented by the addition of several youn.g members as soon as possible. A blend of youth and experience is even more essential to the running of a school than in any other organisation. The best team of the year was the Under 19C, which was unbeaten in its 13 matches, finishing up with the fine record of 199 points for and only

39 against. Not only was it the best third team that the School has had, but it was also the best team in its Under 19C competition, many of its matches being against the A teams of other schools. Ably led by its enthusiastic captain, R. Hall, the team has consistently played good, open, imaginative rugby, and tbe team spirit at aIL times has been most impressive. Congratulations to both the players and their coach, Mr. R. Richter, on a season of great achievement. On paper, at th.e beginning of the season, this year"s School Team did not hold out much prospect of developing into a combination of any merit, and this was amply borne out by a very

UNDER 19 C RUGBY TEAM (UNDEFEATED) Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), P. de Wit. D. Coleman (Vice-Capt.), B. Hall (Capt.), R. Rowberry, A. Morkel, Mr. R. P. Richter (Coach). Second row (I. to r.): H. Spiro, N. Bester, B. Thomas, B. MichelI, A. Tollman, J. Stone, D. Sinclair. Third row (I. to r.): G. Holland, J. Moore, G. Pearce, J. Smuts, J. van Dam, M. Potgieter. A bsen(: M. Dorer. Frollt

row (I. to r.):


weak series of performances during the first half of the season. Many players were completely inconsistent in their form, and team-building was an almost insoluble problem. One of the main difficulties was that so many players, who were both physically and tecbnically gifted, proved absolutely unable to stand up to the rigours o( Under 19A football. Gradually, however, a team was built up that, through sheer keenness and determination, matured into a very capable side during the second half of tbe season. N. Gauld, the School captain, and A. Thorn, captain on the field of play during the second half of the season, played a large part in the ultimate success of the team. Both by tbeir example and their unselfish and untiring efforts they assisted .in building a team which put up some very fine performances against some of the strongest teams in the competition. lts best efforts were a narrow loss to Rondebosch by 5 points to 6 and a draw with Bishops 8 points aU, both being away games; in losing by 6 points to 3 against the unbeaten Paul Roos Gymnasium team, and in beating a good if not powerful Old Boys' Team by 32 points to 14 the School Team showed its mettle in no uncertain way. The Second Team, altbough it suffered from the same difficulties as the Scbool Team, on the whole played well. lts form, however, was inconsistent, and this was due mostly to indecisive tackting on the part of tbe backs. N. Gelb and his team are to be congratulated on some very good results, namely-a 12-10 loss to Rondebosch, an 8-6 win over Bisbops, an 18-16 loss to Paarl B.H.S., a 9-6 win over Paarl Gymnasium, and a meritorious draw 8 points all with the Technical College First Team. Tbe Under 190 team bas bad a good season, and, despite being affected by replacements for teams above it, finished up the season with nine games won out of fourteen and 210 points for and 6 against. Tbis is a record of which tbis team can be justly proud. Botb tbe Under 19E and Under 16A teams played very good rugby: Tbese are difficult teams to build and maintain, because tbey are of necessity a reservoir for tbe teams above tbem, and thus are frequently weakened by baving to supply replacements. Despite these difficulties, the 19E played fine rugby, its best performances being a win over Rondebosch E by 12-6 and over Paarl Commercial B by 9-6. Tbe Under 16A did well to beat Marist A by 33 points to 0, Rondebosch B by 8-6, and Bishops B by 9 points to nil.

The Under 15A did not quite come up to expectations this year, mostly because it did not improve on last year's form. The forwards on the wbole, although lacking in weigbt, played intelligently and forcefully, giving tbe backs a good share of the ball. Tbey were well led by R. Ormond, who is a strong personality. Although the halves were strong, the real weakness in tbe back-line was lack of thrust at decisive moments, and a definite slowness in both attack and defence. Tbe team did well tbroughout, winning nine of its sixteen matches, drawing one, and finishing the season with 209 points for and 143 against. Tbe Under 15B bas also had a good season, and if the pack, which actually outweighted that of the A team, had been more successful, its good record would have even been bettered. In all it won eleven out of its fourteen games and scored 155 points to 74. Tbe Under 15C did not bave a good year, the main difficulty being lack of numbers with the resultant depleted practices. Notwithstanding, the team played to the best of its capability. Mr. G. Hopkins is to be thanked for generously giving of his time each Wednesday afternoon to take tbe practices. His efforts are much appreciated, and the School is most indebted to him. Tbe Under 14A bad an excellent record, maturing into a side which, at the close of tbe season, was probably the strongest in tbe competition. The fact tbat it scored 248 points to only 32 against is ample evidence of tbe team's endeavour at all times to play open rugby. Most of tbe tries scored came from a very penetrative back-line, the most incisive member of which was M. Hobbs, a centre of great promise. Tbe matcb against the unbeaten Hottentots Holland team, whicb gained an 11-9 win in tbe last minute of the game, was one of the many outstanding matches played. Led by A. Badenhorst, whose inspiration was largely responsible for the successful season, the team won ten of its fourteen games and drew one. The 14B team, under the leadership of Sternslowe, provided stiff opposition for their A team at practices, and still stiffer opposition for all teams in tbeir grade. The Under 14C and Under 13C teams bad a difficult season. The keenness sbown by the better players in both teams amply rewarded tbe teams' coacbes, E. Tiffin, P. Watermeyer and A. Saboil, all senior scbolars wbo spent mucb time and effort in providing these young players with regular practices. Conditions were difficult both for

UNDER 12 A RUGBY TEAM Frollt Row (I. to r.): Mr. K. Pretorius (Coach), R. Pachter, D. Hu.ghes (Capt.), Mr. A. Lorie (Principal), G. Hammond, D. Groeneveldt, Mr. J. E. Oosthuizen (Coach). SecOlld Row (I. to r.): G. Barnard, B. Watson, D. Knight, G. lrlam, D. Powell, D. Bairstow, C. Eager, G. Fine. Third row (I. to r.): A. Turvey, K. Skeeles, B. Pickup, P. Engelke, B. Mawman, R. Smith.

coacbes and players alike, and the keenness of many of tbe players is evidence of the spirit that prevailed.

fell away towards the end of the season. Nevertheless it played some very good rugby, and produced three players wbo later became regular members of the A team.

The Under l3A had a rather chequered career, being responsible for some very good and very bad rugby. The middle section of their season was the weakest, but the beginning and tbe end, especially their excellent win by 11 points to 3 against Jan van Riebeeck A, was very pleasing. The team sbould improve next year, if each individual player improves the tempo of his own game. The Under 13B on tbe other band started badly, had an excellent middle portion, and then

This year's Under 12A produced tbe brigbtest and pluckiest rugby yet played by this age group at Wynberg. Under the able captaincy of D. Hughes, a rather light pack more than held its own against opponents who usually outweighted tbem. In the loose they were particularly good, backing up magnificently; their consistent quick beeling gave their speedy backs ample opportunities for scoring. The three-quarters responded by


our nursery of junior players. They have given the little fellows great fun and pleasure each Friday afternoon, and in addition have succeeded in teaching them tbe important rudiments of the game. Tbe Scbool owes an immense debt to these seniors, and the excellence and sophistication of the Under 12's and Under B's is founded on tbe excellent work done by tbem. Full-time coacbes of these junior divisions were: K. Kyte, M. Kantor and C. Eddy of the "Lions and Tigers"; F. Kyritsis, D. Bernstein, B. Rutter and R. Stuppel of tbe "Hamiltons and All Blacks"; A. Stuppel, H. Stein I. Stone and G. Phillips of tbe "Springboks and Villagers".

scoring over 220 points out of a total of 270. Team spirit, team work, intelligent backing up. and determined running and tackling laid the foundation for the team's success. Out of 13 games, they won 9 and drew 1, scoring in all 270 points for and had only 43 registered against them. The Under 12B played well, although at times the forwards were a bit too loose. Out of 13 matches, they only lost one, and that against an A (0-3). In several other matches against A teams they also distinguished themselves. Led by their enthusiastic captain, G. Bunting, by their high standard of play this team helped to keep the A at a peak of keenness and fitness. They are to be congratulated on their record-played 13, won 12, lost I, with 149 points for and 21 against Once again tbe 12C and D bad to play many teams which sbould certainly bave been entered in higher grades. Notwitbstanding, tbey always put up creditable performances, especially against opponents of tbeir own size and age. Numerous players in tbese teams were under eleven and under ten years old. The Under llA also proved a very successful team, winning its four matcbes and scoring 72 points to 3, a record of outstanding merit. The Junior School First XV also did weU, playing three games, winning one, losing one, and drawing one, witb 36 points for and 15 against. In July we were dehgbted to be tbe hosts to our old friends from Durban High Scbool. Botb on and off the field we cemented still furtber that friendly contact whicb first started on our 1952 Natal tour. In an exciting match D.H.S. scored in the closing seconds of the game to secure a dramatic victory by 9 points to 8. To Mr. Nourse, the team manager, and to Simpson, tbe captain, we extend our congratulations, and bope that the contact will soon again be renewed. Tbe School extends its heartiest congratulations to David Stewart, Douglas Hopwood and Douglas Holton, who were selected for the Junior Springbok tour to the Argentine. We are proud of these players, and it is not a hope without foundation tbat they will next year be cbosen to represent this country against tbe All Blacks. Aubrey Luck and Lionel Wilson must also be congratulated for tbe part they played in the success of this year's victorious Western Province Currie Cup Team. The futures of all thest players will be watched by us with intense interest. Once again many senior players have performed an invaluable service to the School in coaching

Tbe Senior Rugby Committee (N. Gauld; A. Thom; J. Grendon; M. Mansveld ; H. du Plessis' and R. Field) are to be thanked for their able administration. R. Field has handled the onerous position of Rugby Secretary with tact, efficiency and commonsense ; he bas this year set a standard whicb will be difficult to equal. R. Field and G. Silke bave proved highly efficient Press AttachĂŠs, while G. Silke has also once again held the position of School Team hnesman with his customary firmness and dignity. N. Gelb, W. Foster, P. Good and D. Richardson have once again maintained the high standard we have come to expect from our Equipment Maintenance Department. Under the strong management of N. Gelb tbis department has achieved a methodical speed and efficiency wbich easily copes with tbe exacting demands made upon it. Once again the School is indebted to Mr. G. Bunting for the tireless work he has put into refereeing and accompanying the Under 12C and D teams. Harrassed as we are by staff shortages, his help is most appreciatel by the coaches and little players alike. Mr. P. Morris, Mr. W. T. Edwards and Mr. F. Craye are to be tbanked for refereeing many of our bome matcbes, and it is to be boped tbat they enjoyed tbe games as mucb as tbe players did. Although our old friends, Mr. Ralph Burmeister and Mr. C. P. Fourie, did not have tbe opportunity to referee any of our home matches this season, we hope that we sball see them on our grounds next year. Dr. John Katz gave a most interesting and instructive lunch-time lecture on the rules of tbe game, and it is to be hoped that this is the first of many such meetings. His handling of a spectacular Old Boys' Match, in which the non-kick-intotouch rules operated, was most impressive. 48



The following results mentary purposes:



3rd XV




vs. Paul Roos C vs. Rondebosch C

(3) vs. Bishops


5 - 17

3- 3


0 - 14

(4) (5)

vs. S.A.C.s. C Won vs. Paarl Boys' High C Won

3 - 30 3 - 15


vs. Cape Town High A Won

3 -18

(7) (8)

v. Bishops C vs. Paul Roos C

Won Won

0- 6 6- 9


vs. HH.H.


5 - 12

Drew Won Won

3- 3 0 - 39 5 - 11


3 - 22


A. 39

(10) (Il) (12)


Drew Won


vs. Rondebosch C vs. Sea Point B vs. Ysterplaat A

(J 3) vs. Bishops








D. 2




N. GAULD.-Although not a naturally great forward, bis play improved with every match due t~ bis courage, tenacity and determination. By hIs personal example as School Captain, he laid the foundation for the team's success in the second half of the season; a player of the greatest integrity.

The Brian Steyl Award, presented last year by Mr. C. C. W. Steyl in memory of his son, was awarded to G. lrlam, of the Under 12A, as tbe player who has shown the greatest improvement throughout the season.

A. THOM.-Took over tbe captaincy on the field of play in the second half of the season and inspired a not very strong team into playing ~ome very fine games; has matured into a very fine eighth man, who is both flexible and imaginative i~ his play; has developed an excellent place kIck; must cultviate a consistent dive-tackle and must always back up and break at tbe maxtmum speed; sbould later make his mark in adult football.

Finally, and above all, the strength of our rugby is due in fuJl measure to our coaches, who give of their time, energy and experience with such unstinted generosity. Messrs. Oosthuizen, Richter, Nortje, Lennox, Hopkins, Morris, Pretorius and Hutcheson are to be thanked and complimented on tbeir able and untiring services; the keenness and support given to these men by the players is an open testimony to the appreciation of their efforts. Tbe following Rugby for the 1958 season:

Blues: A. Thom;



M. Mansveld

J. GRENDON.-A fly-half who worked very hard at eliminating his faults and polisIling his technique; possesses a fine pair of hands and can kick willl control and di cretion; must curb a tendency to run acro s the field; his future in adult rugby depends on whether he can appreciably speed up Ilis first three yards. .

been made



J. Gren-


Colours: N. Gauld, R. Carp, K. Kyte, H. du Plessis, H. Stein, K. Barker, J. Human, R. Jordan, A. Noffki, J. Klesser. H.E.T.

M. MANSFELD.-A powerful lock and lineout forward who was probably the most consist-


ently fiery player in tbe pack; must tigbten up his play in the loose, and give a more consistent and technically correct push in tbe set scrums; provided he disciplines and polishes his play, he should ultimately become a provincial player of high calibre.

still work hard at his positional play, his kicking with both feet, and his speed and acceleration both in attack and defence. K. KYTE.-A sound full-back who unfortunately lost his form towards the end of the first half of tbe season; this condition was aggravated by an injury incurred shortly afterwards; he must try to improve his positional play, his speed and acceleration, develop a never-failing tackJe, and infuse more determination into his play. H. STEIN.-A solid front-ranker who has a good tactical sense in tbe loose; he must concentrate on closing tbe mouth of the scrum once the ball is in, and must also speed up his loose play. J. HUMAN.-A very good hooker whose game improved with every match; unfortunately this improvement, especially in bis loose play which was becoming first-class, was brought to an abrupt stop by a severe illness, which prevented h.im from playing for the rest of the season. J. KLESSER.-A very sound and promising front-ranker wh.o is always up in support in tbe loose; one of the gamest and most reliable players in the team; must see tbat he closes the moutb of the scrum as soon as the ball is put in; a good prospect for next year. E. TIFFIN.-Another sound front-ranker who unfortunately, owing to injury and illness, was never able to reach his best form; a most determined player, useful in his support in the line-out, but who has one besetting fault in that be consistently binds too loosely in the front rank.

T. JOHNSON.-Has most of the essentials of a first-class scrum-half. After a very indifferent first half, he came right into form during the second half of the season, and played some excellent and inspiring games; possessed of a quick service, a natural ball-sense, a most effective kick both in attack and defence, be must curb a tendency to overdo the break, and sometimes to play the man instead of the ball; provided he can sternly discipline bis game, he is a player of unlimited promise.

N. BESTER.-A good scrum-balf who unfortunately ran out of form in the second balf of the season; he must develop a stronger kick and must infuse more determination into his play. H. DU PLESSIS.-A powerful centre who did not quite produce the form of which he was capable. He must develop a beavier tackle, maintain a consistently bigher tempo throughout bis games, and infuse more fire into his play. A. NOFFKI.-A lion-hearted and courageous centre who, when on form, has tbe most punishing tackle in the school; always gives everything he has got; he must, however, learn to give and take a pass smoothly, and run straight both in attack and defence.

P. HERITAGE.-A very useful utility forward, who bas played both. in tbe Jock and flank positions; a very good line-out man; must infuse more fire into bis play. P. WATERMEYER.-A very useful forward, being equally at home in the flank and lock positions; is good in the line-out and bas a lot of fire in his game; good in the loose, but unfortunately at times tends to play in spurts. D. WHITFIELD.-A powerful young lock wbo shoves well in the scrum and jumps well in the line-out; must infuse more speed and fire into his loose play; a future prospect of undoubted promise. R. CARP.-A very promising and intelligent flank wbo is always on the ball in the loose; plays with great fire and determination; he packs poorly on tbe flank and does not shove hard enough; must also develop a consistent and punishing tackle; a player of great promise.

N. BARKER.-A strong, courageous, hardrunning wing, whose play has greatly improved as the season progressed; he must curb a tendency to cut inside too frequently, and must tighten up a very weak defence. R. JORDAN.-Although not a natural wing. he has, through sheer guts and determination, acquitted himself well in tbat position; a tireless player both in attack and defence, wbo is always ready to snap up any cbance that comes his way; must overcome a bad tendency to cut in too frequently. R. VAN RHYN.-A hard-running wing with a deceptive turn of speed and an outstanding coverdefence. He lacks, however, that essential fire both in attack and straight defence. B. GIBBONS.-A very promising full-back with a safe pair of bands (especially for the rolling ball) and an effective, determined tackle. He must 50


F. KYRITSIS.-A courageous, honest, hardworking forward who always gave of his best; very fit and is particularly effective in his backing up in the loose; as a flank, he must severely tighten up his defence round the scrum.

OF 1959




Rhodes vs. Van Riebeeck Van Riebeeck vs. Wellington Wellington vs. De Waal Rhodes vs. De Waal Wellington vs. Rhodes De Waal vs. an Riebeeck Points Position: I. Wellington 2. De Waal 3. Rhodes 4. Van Riebeeck

c_ EDDY.-A talented hooker wbo, with few physical advantages, played a most determined game both in the loose and the tight; a fiery forward and a good tackler.

D. BERNSTEIN.-A nippy little centre whose size and weight were both against him; probably the most plucky player in senior rugby; had a good eye for an opening, tackled well, and could always be relied upon to give of his best.

6- 0 0 - 10 8- 6 0- 3 5- 0 8- 3 .

6 ... 4 2 0


Rbades vs. Van Riebeeck Van Riebeeck vs. WelJington Wellington vs. De Waal Rhodes vs. De Waal Wellington vs. Rhodes De Waal vs. Van Riebeeck Points Position: I. Rhodes 2. Van Riebeeck 3. Wellington 4. DeWaal

A. TOLLMAN.-A player of great potential; possesses a good eye for an opening, knows how to take one, and has a good turn of speed; he must, however, become physically harder so that he can better take knocks both in attack and defence; if he can solve this latter problem, he already possesses nearly all the essentials of a class centre. R. CHARLES.-Possibly the most .improved player in the school; plays an intelligent, forceful game in the loose, and is still improving; must concentrate on tightening up his defence round the scrum.

5.14 3533-

5 8 0 0 5 3 5 4 2 I


1. 2. 3. 4.

I. STONE.-A talented little fly-half with a safe pair of hands, a shrewd tactical . ense, and neat and intelligent kicking, both in attack and defence; is weak in defence and slow in his first three yards; must harden himself physically so as next year to fulfil his undoubted promise.

Wellington Rhodes De Waal Van Riebeeck

1st TEAM

8 7

. .. .


5 4

GAMES VS. Paul Roos. Sat., 18th A pril (at Stellenbosch). Kicking off on a wet and overcast morning, Wynberg soon went into the lead when Du Plessis goaled a difficult penalty from far out to put W.B.H.S. 3-0 up. Paul Roos soon retaliated, and from a loose scrum near the Wynberg line scored in the corner. Conversion missed, 3-3. A little later, after opening up a good movement during which the ball travelled right across the field, the Paul Roos scrum-half, Warrington, went over for a try near the posts. This was converted, and. against tbe run of play, Paul Roos led 3-8. Du Plessis then put over another good penalty, 6-8. Another good movement developed just before half-time, and Warrington again scored an unconverted try. Half-time score: Wynberg 6, Paul Roos II. After the resumption of play, Bester, Wynberg scrum-half, caught Paul Roos on the wrong foot with a quick 25 drop out and Van Rhyn gathered just inside his own half; outstripping three play-

M. KANTOR.-A fast young centre, with a good break and penetration; is very weak on defence, and must harden himself physically so as to cope with tbis problem. A. STUPPEL.-A hustling, fiery forward, who has a tendency to play in patches and get off-side too much; if he can tighten his game and play at a consistent tempo, his improvement would be phenomenal. N. GELB.-A very hard-working eighth man and an able captain of the 2nd XV; backs up intensively and intelligently, but lacks a heavy tackle, which is essential to a player in his po ition; if he can solve this problem, he should be a good prospect for next year. I.F.O. and R.ET.


Wynberg, and Hugo, R.B.H.S. right wing, eventually went over in tbe corner for an unconverted try (3-12). Another penalty attempt by Nel hit the crossbar, but a few m.inutes later, after another Wynberg offside, Nel was again successful (3-15). Two minutes from time Hugo again beat tbe opposition after a good R.B.H.S. line movement, to score at the corner-a difficult conversion was missed (3-18). Final Score: Wynberg 3, R.B.H.S. 18.

ers, he ran 50 yards to score a beautiful opportunist try under the posts. Du Plessis once again made no mistake with the kick, and Wynberg levelled the score 11-1 I. Paul Roos then added a penalty goal 11-14. and Wynberg came back into the picture again when after a lively forward movement from their own 25, Grendon - fiy-half - received the ball from a loose scrum and put over a 'snap' drop once again to even the score. Then Paul Roos, in a spate of quick scoring, pushed the score on to 14-20, Hanekom twice dummying his way through the Wynberg defence to dot down under the posts. Bad kicking resulted in both conversions bei ng missed. Five minutes from time a concerted forward rush by Paul Roos from 10 yards out resulted in another unconverted try 14-23, and just on time Paul Roos clinched matters with a penalty. Final score: Wynberg 14, Paul Roos 26.

Vs. Bishops. Sal., 2nd May (al home). Overcast and cb.iUy. Bisbops kicked off but Wynberg were the first on the attack. However, six minutes later over-keenness resulted in a penalty being awarded against them on tbe Bishops line, and Hood relieved pressure with a good kick to tbe half-way line. After a period of rather scrappy play Bishops were awarded a penalty on the Wynberg 25, and Hood (F.B.) goaled a magnificent kick (0-3). Then followed a period of solid Bishops attack and desperate defence on the part of Wynberg. However, after a good movement downfleld by Bishops, the ball went out on the corner flag. Receiving the ball from the line-out, the Bishops' three-quarters were sent away, and their 2nd centre scored between the posts and touch line. Hood converted with another good kick (0-8). After some exciting back play by both sides Hood slewed another penalty attempt, willist Thorn was short with a kick for Wynberg. Then followed a long period, wherein the ball travelled up and down the field, but with neither side managing to core. Half-time Score: Wynberg 0, Bishops 8. Play was scrappy for a long time, until Bishops again went near to scoriLlg, but Grendon (Wynberg fly-half) relieved with a good kick to touch. However, the relief was short-lived, when, on snapping up the ball from a loose ruck, a brisk backline movement resulted in the Bishops 1 t centre M ichell scoring far out. Another good kick by Hood just failed to find its mark (0-11). A few minutes later Wynberg were on the attack, and from a tight scrum near tbe Bishops line Bester worked the blind side to score a text book scrum-half's try. Thorn's kick was again short (3-11). From then to the end of the game followed a long period of mediocre play, with Bishops more impressive and doing most of the attacking and Wynberg defending well. About 5 minutes from time Hood missed a penalty attempt for Bishops. Final Score: Wynberg 3, Bishops 1I.

(al home). R.B.H.S. kicked off on a hot sunny morning and, playing down field, were soon on attack. They were awarded a penalty in the second minute, but the attempt failed. Wynberg then gained ground with a good kick, but a little later R.B.H.S. swept downfield again with a good backline movement, and Shapiro, their left wing, scored far out. A good kick by Nel hit the crossbar (0-3). Wynberg then pressed, but R.B.H.S. defended well and cleared to the 25. However, Wynberg were then awarded a penalty, and Du Plessis put over a difficult kick from the 25 (3-3). Again R.B.H.S. pressed hard and were rewarded with a penalty (or a Wynberg off-side in front of. their posts. This time Nel's kick found its mark (3-6). There was great excitement a little later when, after a good forward rush, Wynberg nearly scored. Rowever, it was R.B.H.S. who were on the attack again when the halE-time whistle went. Half-time score: Wynberg 3, R.B.H.S. 6. Soon after play was resumed, R.B.H.S., whilst on attack, were awarded another penalty JO front of the opposition's posts. An early kick was missed, however. Wynberg then pressed and were awarded a difficult penalty after a R.B.H.S. scrum infringement. Du Plessis slewed the kick badly and Tullekin then cleared with a magnificent relieving kick to touch on the half-way line. Once again attacking, R.B.H.S. were awarded a penalty, and a fairly difficult kick was goaled by Nel (3-9). Then followed some very intense attacking by R.B.H.S. and desperate defending by Vs. R.B.H.s.

251h April



~rlllW"~ 53

The next scoring chance came after 15 minutes' play, when P.B.H.S. missed a penalty attempt and lost a certain try by a forward pass with an open line in front of tbem. However, they made amends wben a few minutes later the Paarl left wing scored a good try in the corner. Convert missed (0-14). At last Wynberg opened their score when Mansfield gathered tbe ball from a loose maul on P.B.H.S. ljne to dive over and score. Du Plessis goaled an excellent conversion (5-14). However, P.B.H.S. soon retaliated when their right wing intercepted a cross kick and ran 75 yards to score-conversion again missed (5-17). P.B.H.S. were now pressing continuously and were awarded another penalty, but failed to gain the points. Then, however, the P.B.H.S. scrum-half broke on the Wynberg line to score near the posts. An easy kick again missed (5-20), and just on time the P.B.H.S. fly-half got through to Wynberg defence. The P.BH.S. kick was again unlucky, and the final whistle went. Final Score: Wynberg 5, P.B.H.S. 23.

Vs. SA.C.S. Sal., 91h May (at MontebeLlo). S.A.C.S. kicking off, tbe game soon developed into loose scrappy play owing to the everdeteriorating weather conditions-beavy showers every few minutes. After 8 minutes of play, Du Plessis' kick, when attempting a penalty from S.A.C.S. 25 with a very sodden ball, kept low. After 10 minutes S.A.C.S. were given the opportunity of: opening the score with a penalty attempt, but Peplel' missed with a good kick. S.A.C.S. then pressed, but it was Wynberg who gained the first points. After 20 minutes Wynberg came downfield after a combined three-quarter and forward rush, and the ball went into touch on the corner flag. Receiving the ball from the ensuing line-out, Grendon cross-kicked for right wing Barker to gather and score in the corner. Conversion failed (3-0). Just on half-time Wynberg were awarded a penalty on the S.A.C.S. 25, and Du Plessis goaled a splendid kick (6-0). Half Time: Wynberg 6, S.A.C.S. O. By now tbe weatber had really closed in, and it rained incessantly for the duration of the game which made back-play very difficult. However, the only score in the second half did come from a good back line movement by S.A.C.S., resulting in their full-back scoring far out. A good conversion attempt by PepIer just failed to find its mark (6-3). Play then developed into a very slippery, mudcaked forward game, and ended with no further addition to the score. Final Score: Wynberg 6, S.A.C.S. 3.

Vs. St. Joseph's. Sat., 23rd May (at Marists). Weather: Overcast and threatening rain. Marists kicked off and were in the lead five minutes later when a back put over a magnificent drop from the halfway (0-3). Three minutes later, however, Wynberg equalised when Be ter broke on the Marists 25 and wove his way through to score in the corner, Du Plessis being just wide with a good kick (3-3). Gaining ground from a 25 drop out, Wynberg nearly scored again, but a relieving kick saved a try. Marists then attacked strongly, but some good tackling by the Wynberg backs save::! a certain try, Marists then had a penalty attempt, but the omewhat soggy ball kept .Iow. Half-time: Wynberg 3, Marists 3. Wynberg went on to the attack right from the start, Du Plessis slewing a long penalty attempt. However, after 6 minutes' play, Barker scored a try in the corner after a very clever movement in Which fly-half Grendon and Ist centre Kantor took part. A difficult conversion missed (6-3). Barker again scored a few minutes later after a fine break by Grendon. An easy kick by Du Plessis went over, and tbe score read 11-3. Three minutes later Marists mis ed another penalty attempt. From a loose maul near tbe Marists line Thom gathered tbe ball to dive over in the corner. Du Plessis then put over an excellent kick (16-3). A few minutes later Marists goaled an easy penalty in front of the Wynberg posts (16-6),

Vs. PB.fl.S. 161h May (at home). With tbe weather fine and sunny, Wynberg kicked off downfield. After three minutes' play a Paarl back-line movement resulted in a try in the corner. A difficult conversion was successful (0-5). Two minutes later Du Plessis had a cbance of opening Wynberg's account, but his penalty kick was just wide. P.BH.S. nearly scored a few minutes later, but the movement ended with a forward pass. Wynberg pres ed, but Paarl again scored when thei r Ist centre fielded a fly kick and scored a good try far out. Convert missed (0-8). The game developed into a hard and fast tussle, and Paarl again came clo e to scoring. Grendon relieved pressure. On half-time the P.B.H.S. three-quarters snapped up the loose ball from a ruck and with an overlap of two men scored another unconvertecl try 0-11. Half-time Score: Wynberg O. P.B.H.S. Il. 54

and just on time the Marists 1st centre put in a fine run, catching the Wynberg defence on the wrong foot as he changed direction across field, and scored near tbe posts. An easy kick went wide (16-9). Final



16, Marists

low. However, three minutes later Wynberg went off'side round a scrum in front of tbeir posts. This time an easy penalty was goaled (3-6). From then until the end of tbe game tbe Wynberg side bad a definite territorial advantage, with good attacking moves, but, through a lack of finish, lost 3-6.



Vs. 1.v.R. 6th lune (at Oranjezicht). Wynberg kicked off, and for the first 30 minutes of the first half there was no score. Both sides were evenly matched, and the defence of both back lines was sound and hard. Barker had one or two fast runs on the wing, but no score was produced until just on half-time, when the J.v.R. second centre, Marais, broke well and got past his opponent to run 30 yards to score midway between posts and touch. A conversion by himself made the half-time score 0-5.



3, P.Gym


Vs. Durban Boys' High School. Sat., 18th July (at home). From tbe outset the game against the D.B.H.S. touring team promised to be an exciting and lively one, and during tbe first few minutes both teams attacked strongly with long-range passing movements. It was Wynberg, however, wbo had the first chance of gaining three points when awarded a kickable penalty. Du Plessis was short, however, witb a good kick. Just before half-time, Johnson, scrum-half, put Wynberg well on attack with a neatly-placed toucb kick in the corner, but the quick-moving D.B.H.S. backs cleared to the half way.

Half-time Score: Wynberg 0, J. van Riebeeck 5. Ten minutes after the start of the second half J.v.R. missed a penalty attempt, but five minutes later a brisk line movement developed and they added a further three points to the score when the right wing went over in the corner. Convert missed (0-8). Ten minutes later Marais was again successful with a kick (0-11). Immediately from the drop-out a J.v.R. lock forward fielded the ball ten yards from the 25, changed direction, and, whilst tbe Wynberg defence was still spreadeagled, put in a solo dash to score in the left-hand corner. Kick was wine (0-14). Three minutes from time, with the Wynberg defence absolutely gone to pieces, a good J.v.R. line movement developed and another score was added. Kick low this time (0-17). Turnin~ in good performances for the School were GouId, Barker, Thom and Noffki. Final Score: Wynberg 0, J.v.R. 17.




0, D.B.H.S.


After five minutes' play a Wynberg forward rush carried tbe ball to the D.B.H-S. line, where MansfeId, Wynberg lock forward, played an excellent part. From the five-yard scrum D.B.H.S. went offside, and Du Plessis kicked a good penalty (0-3). Both sides then attacked strongly, with Grendon, Wynberg fly half, breaking beautifully on one occasion. However, it was the visitors who scored next, when, after a fast backline tbrust, tbc right wing, McKenzie, ran hard and got over in the corner. Conversion failed (3-3). From tbe kick tbe Wynberg forwards carried the ball near the D.B.H.S. line, where MansfeId, well up, intercepted a pass, dashed 20 yards to the line, and dived over to score. Du Plessis made no mistake with a beautiful kick, and with ten minutes to go Wynberg led 8-3. Then straightaway D.B.H.S. replied strongly, and, after a good piece of running by their backs, McKenzie got over for his second try. Fullback again unlucky with his kick (8-6). Almost on time, scrum half Marsh put bis side on attack with an accurately-placed touch-kick, ami路 with路 a fast heel from a scrum on the Wynberg 25, Sullivan, D.B.H.S. centre, used his pace and scored the final try with two men up in support (8-9).

Vs. Paarl Gym. Sat., 13th lune (at home). The game started off' in a dour, hard way, and 23 minutes of dull rugby ensued during which P.Gym had two attempts at kickable penalties. Then the P.Gym rigbt wing fielded a loose ball on tbe Wynberg 25, and, shaking off four tackles, scored far out. Convert attempt missed (0-3). Five minutes before half-time a good forward rush by Wvnberg carried the ball from the half way to P.Gvm line, where Thom, well up, fell ju~t short, but front-ranker Stein was there to pick up the ball and dive over. Kick failed (3-3). Half-time: Wynberg 3, P.Gym 3. After 12 minutes of unattractive rugby P.Gym had another penalty attempt, but the ball kept





8, D.B.H.S.


Eight minutes from time the P.Gym forwards took the ball upfield in a good rush and Meyer. again snapping up the loose ball, ran strongly through to score in the corner. A difficult convert failed to find its mark (3-11). Final Score: Wynberg 3, P.Gym II.

Vs. Paul Roos. 25th July (at home). Notable for a farewell ceremony under the auspices of Mr. Gibbs of the O.B.U. and Mr. Tasker on behalf of the Junior Springboks (D. Stewart, D. Hopwood, D. Holton) who were sailing for the Argentine the following week. The first score came after ten minutes when. from a lineout five yards from the Wynberg line. several P.Roos forwards barged over to score near the corner flag. A difficult convert went short (0-3). Nine minutes later Wynberg replied with a lovely combined forward/back movement which carried the ball into touch on the P.Roos corner flag. From the lineout Heritage got over to score, with Thorn up in support. Du Plessis' kick was just wide (3-3). Half-time: Wynberg 3, P.Roos 3. The only score in tbe second balf came after three minutes' play when P.Roos scored again, this time from a scrum near the Wynberg line. After a quick heel, the ball travelled swiftly to the second centre, who broke through to score with a double overlap on the outside. Conversion attempt again failed (3-6). Two minutes later Wynberg had a chance of levelling the score with a penalty by Du Plessis, but the kick hit tbe upright. Both sides attacked strongly after this, and the final score was a just reflection of the game. Final Score: Wynberg 3, P.Roos 6.

Vs. Hottentots-Holland High School. 8th Al/gust (at Somerset West). After 12 minutes' play Grendon hael a third attempt at a break from a crum on the H.H.H. 25 and scored next to the posts. Du Plessis converted, anel Wynberg led 5-0. Ten minutes later H.H.H. opened their account with a good penalty, to make the core 5-3. After the drop-out the Wynberg forwards carried the ball away downfield to the home team's goal line and Thom nearly scor.ed. Just on half-time Human received the ball from a line-out on the half-way, and. breaking clear, ran to score in the corner. A difficult kick went wide, and Wynberg lead 8-3 at interval. Half-time: Wynberg 8, H.H.H. 3. After ten minutes' play in the second half the ball sped out to Du Plessis on the 25 who ran strongly to score in the corner. His own kick from the touch was just wide (11-3). A few minutes later Du Plessis again received the ball after Grendon had passed inside, and this time he scored under the posts - converted himself (16-3). In the next minute a certain try for Wynberg by right-wing Barker, who failed to dot down to the liking of the referee, was disallowed. Right on time, however, Johnson broke 'blind' from a scrum on H.H.H. 25 and scored under the posts. This, however, was not a scrumhalf's 'five-point break', as an easy kick went astray. Final Score: Wynberg 19, H.H.H. 3.

Vs. Paarl Gym. Ist Aug. (at Newlan.ds). P.Gym kicked off on a beautiful 'rugby" afternoon before a steadily increasing crowd for the W.P. vs. Boland friendly. P.Gym attacked strongly at first, but it was Wynberg who had the first scoring opportunity. Having gained ground through touch kicks, Wynberg were awarded a penalty on the P.Gym 25 for an offside offence, and Du Plessis put over a good kick from the left of tbe posts (3-0). Twelve minutes later P.Gym replied with a try by Page, the scrum half, who workeel the blind side from a loose ruck on the Wynberg line. His own kick was wide (3-3). Half-time: Wynberg 3, P.Gym 3. Play was scrappy during the second balf until ten minutes after resumption of play, when a good P.Gym movement swept the ball upfield, and Meyer, left wing, took his pass beautifully and, beating several defenders, scored under the posts. Page's kick got home this time (3-8). Wynberg then attacked strongly, and Du Plessis had another attempt at a penalty, but the kick failed.

Vs. R.ondebosch Boys' High. 15th August (at Rondebosch). Kick-off at 11.12 and, as wa the case a year ago, play took place on a wet and muddy field. Wynberg started off at cracking pace and definitely had the better of thei r opponents in the opening stages. It was Rondebosch, however, who had the tir t scoring chance against the run of play when B. du Plessis, full back, attempted an easy penalty from within the Wynberg 25. However, a somewhat waterlogged ball went astray. Wynberg again attacked strongly, and when, after 18 minutes' play, B. du Plessis fumbled on his own 25, Barker was up to kick ahead, and went over to score. Kick was well wide (6-3).


beat the full back to th etoucbdown. H. du Plessis converted, and Wynberg led 5-0. Just before half time Grendon bad a beautiful break from bis own ten-yard line, and a solo run carried tbe ball to tbe R.B.H.S. 25, wbere Tbom took a pass. However, on receiving the baH, Jordan ran into trouble, and the movement ended when Tullekin kicked for toucb. Half-time: Wynberg 5, R.B.H.S. O. After tbe beginning of tbe second half tbe R.B.H.S. pack began to get on top and Wynberg had to defend desperately on one or two occasions, Tbom doing sterling work in some bard tackbng and clever marking. After ten minutes B. du Plessis goaled a penalty for Rondebosch to open tbeir score (5-3). After attacking again and again, Rondebosch got tbeir try wben a loose forward received tbe ball from a five-yard scrum and scored midway between touch and posts. Convert wide. R.B.H.S. attacked until the end, and narrowly won a good game. Charles played well in his first game for the 1st XV. Final Score: Wynberg 5, R.B.H.S. 6.

Sea Point again attacked strongly, and Gibbons saved weU. Gibbons was again instrumental in making the final score of the day when, coming into the line, he made the overlap for Jordon to score a good try. Du Plessis converted with an excellent kick from touch, and Wynberg ran out winners (11-3). Final Score: Wynberg 11, S.P.B.H. 3. Vs. J.v.R. 29th August (at home). The game began in most appalling conditions with a raging wind and incessant rain. J.v.R. kicked off downfield with the wind, but after three minutes Wynberg had the first chance of scoring when J.v.R. went off-side on their own 25. Tbom goaled a good kick against the elements from an acute angle (3-0). After another twelve minutes Thom had anotber attempt at a penalty - kick awarded against J.v.R. for holding the ball after a tackle, but a furious gust of wind spoilt the addition of three further points. The wind again spoilt a penalty attempt, this time by J.v.R. five minutes later. Then J.v.R. seemed to adapt themselves to the climatic conditions, and, with a spate of quick scoring, scored three tries, the first after 18 minutes' play, when from a loose scrum the ball spread out left, and, finding the Wynberg defence sparse, the left wing scored far out (3-3). Two minutes later a J.v.R. penalty attempt went just wide, but in the next minute, from a quick heel, the fly half ran hard and scored in the right-hand corner. Marais' kick was short, and immediately afterwards J.v.R. scored again on the left, and Wynberg trailed 3-9. On half-time Thom was again wide with a penalty kick. Half-time: Wynberg 3, J.v.R. 9. The pointless second half was played in everdeteriorating conditions, and Wynberg did well with 14 men (Thorn being injured in a tackle) to keep out the J.v.R. men. With the strong wind behind them they could, however, have pressed home from several advantageous positions. Final Score: Wynberg 3, J.v.R. 9.

Vs. Sea Point Boys路 High. 22nd August (at Wynberg). Kick-off 11.20 by Sea Point on a fine sunny morning. Wynberg were soon on attack by a long toucb by Du Plessis. Play came back to the half-way and Grendon tbis time kicked well down field. Barker tben had a good run, and, up in support, Jobnson was stopped just short of tbe line. After 15 minutes' play Grendon cross-kicked from inside S.P. 25, and Barker, falling back, collected and had a tougb passage to the corner, but made it to open tbe scoring for Wynberg. Du Plessis' kick was low, and Wynberg led 3-0. Three minutes later Johnson, following up a kick ahead, gatbered the ball cleanly after the S.P. full-back fumbled, and scored in tbc corner. An exceUent kick was unluckily just wide of the posts (6-0). Just before half-time both sides were awarded kickable penalties, but neither side was successfu 1. Half-time: Wynberg 6, S.P.B.H. O. After four minutes' play in this balf Thom was wide with a penalty from tbe ten-yard line. After eight minutes' play, with Sea Point now definitely on top, the first centre broke brilbantly and took play very close to the Wynberg goal line. From the line-out and resultant loose scrum a forward

Vs. Bishops. Sat .. 12th September (at Diocesan College). Wynberg kicked off on time at 11.15 in a chilly wind. The game became hard and tenacious. Tackling by both sides prevented any score in the first half, although Barker, with Wynberg baving slightly better of the play, once came near to scoring when pushed out on the corner flag. Half-time: Wynberg 0, D.C. O. 57

reshuffled their back line, but the School again cored when Johnson played to the left and Jordan scored a good try under the posts. Thorn converted (21-0). At last the O.B. opened their account when Gelb sold a dummy and scored near the posts. Luck's kick hit the crossbar (21-3). Two minutes later Luck broke and scored, converting his own try (21-8). Wucherphennig scored for the O.B. (21-JJ). Barker intercepted a kick ahead by the O.B. and put in an amazing solo run to score a good try under the posts. Thorn converted (26-11). Then with devastating form Thorn goaled another penaly for the School (29-11). In the closing stages the O.B. at last got moving_ and Derman cored a good try in the corner. Luck's kick was wide (29-14). On time School opened up a good movement from their own line and finished a polished display with a fine try by Watermeyer. Johnson. Grendon and Thorn all played prominent parts in the 70-yard run.

Jmmediately after the resumption of play Bishops attacked strongly, and Joyce came near to scoring but was stopped inches from the line. Jn the next minute Bishops' right wing got over, but had put a foot into touch, and Wynberg were saved once more. Bishops pressed again and again, and finally their second centre slipped the defence and scored a good try in the corner. The conversion failed, but in the next three minutes the Bishops No. 8 and captain, MacDonald, forced his way over for a try near the posts. Thjs was converted and Bishops were 0-8 up. Immediately from the kick-off, however, Wynberg fought back. Bishops fly-half fumbled on his 25, and Johnson was well up to kick ahead for Grendon to score. Convert failed against the wind. Wynberg scored again a few minutes later when Mansfeld scored from a short penalty. Thorn converted with an excellent kick from touch (8-8). In the closing stages of the game Bishops again attacked strongly, but the Wynberg defence, witb Johnson prominent, held tightly, and a somewhat 'high spirited' match ended in a draw. Final Score: Wynberg 8, Bishops 8.



1st Half

With the Old Boys' team definitely stronger on paper, tbe School supporters were in for a pleasant surprise when from the start, under N.Z. rules, the School XV, well led by Thorn, completely outplayed them at forward and back play. The presence of the No. I Province scrum half on the O.B. side did not deter the school team in the least. The O.B. kicked off, and the School took the ball down 0n to their 25 where, from a set scrum, the O.B. were penalised in front of their posts. Thorn put the school 3-0 up after three minutes. Barker then put in a good run, and Luck saved just in time. From the drop-out the School forwards carried the ball to the O.B. line, and Carp struggled over to score under the posts. Thorn converted (8-0). Three minutes later Derman fumbled the ball, and Du Plessis picked up and played inside to Barker, who scored far out. Convert failed (11-0). Just before half-time a kick to touch by Hobbs was collected by Mansfeld from a loose ruck, and he dashed 30 yards to score. Thorn converted from the touchline with a beautiful kick (16-0). School

At the beginning

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.


of Season

Paul Roos Rondebosch Bishops S.A.C.S P.BH.S St. Joseph's J. v. Riebeeck Paarl Gym

Lost 14 - 26 Lost 3 - 18 Lost 3 - 1J Won 6 - 3 Lost 5 - 23 Won 16 - 9 Lost 0 - 17 Lost 3- 6













2nd Half of Season 9. 10. Il. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

D.B.H.S Paul Roos Paarl Gym (Newlands) H.H.H Rondebosch Sea Point J. v. Riebeeck Bishops Old Boys








Lost 8- 9 Lost 3- 6 Lost 3 - Il Won 19 - 3 Lost 5- 6 Won 11 - 3 Lost 3- 9 Drew 8 - 8 Won 32 - 14






A. 182

Final Log

16, O.B. O. of the second

32, O.B. 14.

Log of 1st XV Matches -

Vs. Old Boys. Wed., 16th Sept. (at ho/ne).



P. 17

the O.B.


W. 5

L. 11

D. 1


FIRST CRICKET XI FrOllt rOil/ (I. to T.): Mr. J. L. Mathew, J. Burt (Capt.), Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), J. Savage (Vice-Capt.), Mr. D. H. Thomson. Second row (I. to T.): N. Budge, W. Foster, G. Silke (Scorer), B. MicheU, T. Johnson. Third row (I. to r.): J. Dews, J. GTendon, A. Thorn, M. Dorer, B. Gibbons.

Before recording tbe performances of the past season, the prospect of baving two additional fields at "Hawtborndene", only two hundred yards north of the School, with its sylvan setting, fills us with enthusiasm for more cricket at the School. These fields will enable the less fortunate cricketers to enjoy their leisure hours more happily in the .lower leagues. We shall also be able to accommodate more teams for at-home matches on Saturdays.

The J st XI ended last season with a flourish and reaped valuable points in their final two matches. They won these handsomely and were placed seventh in the W.P.C.V. 2B league. Jack Burt (Jnr.) took over the captaincy from R. Giles at the beginning of this year, and, togetber with our Coaches, Messrs. T. Reddick, Jack Newman and D. Tbomson, has welded together a very powerful schoolboy side. Five of our players were selected to play in the final trial


Burt, Bill Jennings, Ginger Johnson, Bruce Gibbons, Ron Gibbs, Mr. Dews and Mr. Grendon. We appreciate the encouragement they lend to SchooL Cricket by their presence. My task would not be complete if I did not thank the coaches for their sacrificiaL efforts in helping our batsmen and bowlers to master the art of cricket. The Headmaster, Messrs. Thomson. Reddick, Mathew, Morris, Gilmore, Driessen, Gardener, Richter, Pretorius, Wheeler, Hopkin and HutcbesoD have all assisted in tbe task of making the club enjoy their games. When thanking the "Back-room Boys", the Grounds Committee receive our heartiest congratulations for the wonders they perform on our two pitches. The scorers, umpires, kit steward and captains are to be thanked for their efficiency and devotion to duty far from the limelight of battle. Jn the same breath we would gratefully extend our thanks to Mrs. Bowden and our two matrons for organising the catering arrangement .0 efficiently and punctually on every occasion.

game for the W.P. Nuffield Team Selection at Newlands. Jack Burt, who was presented with the Cheetham bat by R. Westcott when the W.P. Nuffield caps were presented, and Ivor Savage were selected to play for the W.P. Nuffield Team. Bobby Giles and Trevor Johnson were in the opinion of most very unfortunate to be left out of the side. Trevor bas another chance this year with Jack Burt, Ivor Savage and probably a few others. Malcolm Hughes was even more unfortunate to be overlooked, especially after his brilliant batting in the second innings, when be made 66 not out. Mr. Doug. Thomson managed the W.P. Nuffield side and has been appointed as alternate National selector for 1960, and be is also on the Organising Committee of the S.A. Nuffield Week. Congratulations! The 2nd XI did not show tbe will to win, wh.ich was lacking last season, but a steady improvement has been noticed. The Under IS sides are to be congratulated on tbeir excellent record. The Club enjoyed a very bappy season, and all teams, although not always victorious, enjoyed playing the game of cricket. The following awards were made: Blues: R. Giles, J. Burt, 1. Savage, M. Hughes. Colours: R. Giles, J. Burt, 1. Savage, M. Hughes, R. Totos, J. Dews, B. Gibbons, D. Stephen, T. Jobnson, P. Haasbroek. R. Giles was presented witb the Anderson Bat as tbe player wbo showed most determination and contributed most towards his side's success. The Old Boys' Junior Bat award was presented to B. MichelI, and tbe Senior player to receive this honour was J. Dews. Mr. BilL Jennings presented these bats during tbe tea intervaL at the Old Boys' Matcb. J. Burt was given a bat for his splendid innings during SchooLs Week, when he made III not out against S.A.C.S. The Swanepoel Bat was awarded to Ivor Kyte for his outstanding performances with both bat and ball in the junior side. Once again we should like to acknowledge the efforts of Mr. V. Cutting, an Old Boy, for running a Spring Coaching Course for schoolboys. Jn the W.P. representative side Old Boys Mac Richardson and K. Heldsinger put some punch into the Province batting. In the Country Districts Neville Williams has done very well for MasbonaIand, and Dick Gelb has been playing for Boland. From time to time welcome supporters and parents are seen on the grounds, including Jack

Summary of 1st XI Games from October, 1958 to March, 1959 Vs. Grey College (friendly). Wynberg lost the toss and fielded. After putting out Grey College for 154 (Burt 5/74, Hobbs 2/20). Wynberg went in to bat and, thanks to a good knock by Hughes 57 and Savage 30, the Scbool were all out for 146. The School lost by 8 runs with nine minutes to spare. An exciting finisb. Vs. United Services.

The School started their first league match against United Services with a total of 138 for 8 declared (Savage 43, Burt 23). United Services went in to bat and, thanks to good bowling by Savage, they were all out for 82 (Savage 5/16. Burt 4/42). The School batted again and were all out for 60 on a damp wicket, Scagel getting 20 of them. United Services, batting a second time. were 56 for 6 at the close, when bad ligbt stopped play. The School won on the first innings. Vs. Northems. The School batted first and got 127 all out (Savage 33, Stephen 24). Nortberns replied with 149 all out (Dews 5/31, Burt 3/29). The School batted a second time and got 139 for 6 declared (Burt 66). Northerns then went in, and were 69 for 7 at the close of play (Dews 5/23). Dews had an exceptionally good match, getting a total of 10 60

wickets for 54 runs. innings.

Wynberg lost on the first

first, getting 150 for 8 declared, thanks to two very good knocks by Johnson 51 and Haasbroek 50. Johnson was bowled on the elbow and left the field, but he returned later, and he and Haasbroek put on 73 for the 7th wicket partnership. Rondebosch replied with 99 for 4 (Gibbons 2/40, Burt 1/15). A draw.

V~路. Shell Company (friendly). The School batted first, getting 153 for 9 declared (Totos 39, Giles 38). The Shell Company were all out for 58, thanks again to good bowling by Savage (5/ J6). The School won by 95 runs.

Vs. Bishop~路. Tbe School batted first and got 158 all out (Hughes 26, Stephen 23, Burt 22. Savage 20). Bishops then batted and had 106 for 3, but then collapsed to the good bowling of Burt and were 143 for 9 at the close of play (Burt 7/56). A draw.

Vs. V.C.T. The School batted first and got 138 all out (Giles batting very well got 69 before he was run out, Totos 20). University were 134 all out (Savage 5/30, Burt 4/37). Batting a second time, the School were 98 all out (Savage 43) and University, batting again, got 97 for 6 at the close of play. The School won on the first innings.

Vs. S.A.C.S. Sacs batted first, getting 191 all out (Savage 5/60. Burt 3/57). The School replied with 193 for 3, thanks to a good and fast partnership between Stephen and Burt of J45 in 95 mins., Burt getting III in J08 mins. and Stephen 46 in 115 mins. The School beat Sacs by 7 wickets.

Vs. W.P. Wed XI (friendly). The School won their game against Western Province Wedncsday XI. Declaring at 126 for 5 (Giles 53, Johnson 39), the School had the Wednesday II out for 66 (Burt 4/17, Totos 217). The School won by 60 runs.

1959 Vs. Green POifU. This was the first game after the December holidays and, batting first, the School got 216 for 8 declared (Grendon 57, Thom 56, Budge 30). Green Point then replied with 188 all out (Dews 4/21). The School then batted again and got 130 for 6 (Savage 49, Thom 3 L) but did not declare, as there was not enough time for an outright decision. The School won on the 1st innings.


Batting first, Alma got 204 for 8 declared (Savage 3/67). The School replied with 182 all out and. due to a fine partnership between Stepben and Burt, saved the School from a difficult situation. as, after being 48 for 6, a partnership of JI8 was put on by them. (Burt 102 and Stephen 32.) Nevertheless Alma obtained first innings points. Batting a second time, Alma declared at 84 for 4, and, going for the required runs, the School had 53 for 7 at the close of play.

Vs. Paarl Training College (friendly). The School drew this game, getting L17 all out (Grendon 36, Burt 20), and the Training College had 90 for 7 at the close of play (Savage 3/20, Dews 2/20).

Vs. Old Boys. The annual match against the Old Boys, one wbich is very much looked forward to, was played on December the 3rd. Tbe School got 139 for 9 declared (Hughes 44, Giles 39). The Old Boys bad just the better and got 141 for 8 (Burt 2/39). beating the School by 2 wickets.

Vs_ Western Province. The School received their first outright defeat of tbe season. Batting first, they got 146 aU out (Grendon 46, Thorn 33). Province then batted and got 150 for 3 declared (Savage 2/45). The School, batting a second time, got 119 all out (Burt 47, Foster 24), and Province, batting again, got the required runs.

SCHOOLS WEEK Vs. Town. The first game against Town proved very easy for the School., who made 208 for 5 declared (Hughes 78, Burt 52, Savage 39). Town were all out for 67 (Burt 4/5, Dews 4/24).

Vs. Paarl Training College (friendly). The Training College batted first and got all out (Dover 4/36, Dews 3/22). The School plied with 141 for 8, thanks to a good knock Savage (86) and Dews (24). The School won 2 wickets.

Vs. R.B.H.s. The second game wa against Rondebosch. and the School batted on a wicket which was lively al 61

139 reby by

The team's thanks go to our enthusiastic scorer, Gerald Silke. The assistance given by him during the School cricket year is greatly appreciated by all the teams. Our thanks and appreciation to Messrs. Thornson and Reddick, our coaches, for their very efficient coaching and sound advice. We feel that the School cricket must go from strength to strength under the guidance of these two most capable coaches. JACK BURT.

Vs. Liesbeeck Park. The School obtained their first outright win of the season in this game, and Liesbeeck Park were dismissed for 66, thanks to good bowling by Gibbons (5/16) and Savage (2/12). The School replied with 115 all out (Grendon 36, Burt 20). Liesbeeck Park batted again, getting 115 all out (Burt 5/34, Oews 3/31). The School got the required runs for the loss of 2 wickets, thus winning by 8 wickets. 67 for 2 (Budge 25). Vs. Alma. Alma batted first and got 130 all out (Oorer 2/19, Oews 2/25, Burt 2/29, Savage 2/31). The School repbed with 81 all out (Johnson 28). Alma batted again and made 113 for 9 dec (Oorer 3/7, Oews 4/31). The School then batted and got the required 164 runs for 6 wickets (Savage 67, Burt 24). This was the second outright win, by 4 wickets.

2nd XI The two most successful players who have been promoted from the 2nd XI have been A. Thorn and J. Grendon. The captaincy changed hands this year, R. Jordan taking over from O. Scott who led his team so ably last year. With the keenness and general ability displayed at the end of last season the team should have a season of successes. 4th Term 1958

Vs. Banks (friendly). The School got 141 for 4 declared (Savage 56, Johnson 27*). Banks were all out for 140, thanks to good bowling by Burt 8/40. The School won by 1 run, a good ending to an enjoyable season. BATI1NG


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

AVERAGES Highest Inns. N.O. Score 56* A. Thorn ......... 9 3 III * J. Burt .................. 26 I J. Savage ............25 0 86 1 57 J. Grendon ...... 11 R. Giles ............ 16 0 69 78* M. Hughes ...... 16 3 T. Johnson ......21 5 51* O. Stephen ...... 14 3 46 30* N. Budge ......... 11 1 50 P. Haasbroek... 9 0 J. Scagell 8 20* * Indicates not out.

Wynberg vs. CB.C. Ist. Wynberg Ist Innings: 113 (Johnson 25, Jordan 19, Kyritsis 16). 2nd Innings: C.B.C. Ist Innings: 140 (Scott 2/37, Morkel 4/15). C.B.C. won on Ist innings.

Total 171 616 584 221 316 244 261 169 113 95 69

Ave. 28.5 24.6 23.3 22.1 19.7 18.7 16.3 15.3 11.3 10.5 9.8

Vs. Bishops. Bishops 1st Innings: 240 (Kyritsis 3/38, Morkel 3/58). Wynberg Ist Innings: 138 (Morkel 51 n.o., Hobbs 23, Miller 22). Wynberg follow on: 71 (Morkel 26, Thorn 13). Bishops won by an innings and 31 runs. Vs. Ron.debosch. Wynberg Ist Innings: 115 (Morkel 67, Hobbs l3) . 2nd Innings: 128 (Morkel 56, Grendon 16). R.B.H.S. 1st Innings: 133 (Land 4/31, Thorn 2/24). 2nd Innings: 112 for 3 (MorkeI2/27, Jordan l/l9). R.B.H.S. won by 7 wickets.

BOWLING A VERAGES Overs Maids. Runs Wkts. Ave. 40 9.65 J.Oews ............... 159.1 29 386 11.88 701 59 J. Burt .................. 291.2 70 12.10 16 12l 10 M. Oorer ............ 52 85 743 50 14.86 I. Savage ............292.4 4 21.50 27 86 B. Michell ......... 6 23.70 640 27 71 B. Gibbons ......251.2

Vs. SI. George's Is/ . St. George's 1st Innings: 120 (Scott 3/15, Thorn 4/38). 2nd Innings: 89 (Land 5/25, Scott 2/11). W.B.H.S. 1st Innings: 118 (Scagell 23, Land 19, Thorn 17).


SECOND CRICKET Xl Front row (1. to r.): Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), A. Miller (Vice-Capt.). R. Jordan (Capt.), A. Morkel, Mr. J. L. Mathew (Coach). Second row (1. to r.): H. Spiro, M. Kantor, R. Tripp, 1. Stone, N. Hesselson. Third row (1. to r.): G. Peiser, N. Gauld, D. Whitfield, R. van Rhyn.

2nd Innings: 95 for 6 (Haasbroek Grendon 29 n.o.). W.B.H.S. won by 4 wickets.

35 n.o ..

Masters 1st Innings: 76 (Scott 2/17). Masters won by 9 wickets.

Vs. Old Boys. W.B.H.S. 1st Innings: 154 (Tunbridge 48, Grendon 29, Scagell 23). Old Boys 1st Innings: 99 (Jordan 3/21, Hobbs 2/26). W.B.H.S. won by 55 wickets. Vs. Masters. W.B.H.S. 1st Innings: n.o.).

30 (Scagellll,




1st Term 1959 Vs. Bishops. Bishops 1st Innings: 162 (Stone 3/50, Miller 2/14, Jordan 1/7). 2nd Innings: 101 for 2 (Miller 2/20). W.B.H.S. Ist Innings: 66 (Gauld 32, Kantor 9). 2nd Innings: 140 (Van Rhijn 61 n.o., Tripp 34). Bishops won by 57 runs.



Vs. Observatory 1st. Observatory 1st Innings: 185 (Dorer 5/46, Miller 3/42). W.B.H.S. 1st Innings: 111 for 9 (Van Rhyn 27, Kantor 19). Game drawn (Observatory won on Ist innings).

W.BR.S. Pinelands Barret W.B.H.S. Marx W.B.H.S.

Vs. SA .C.S. S.A.C.S. 1st Innings: 71 (Stone 3/5, Morkel 3/10, Van Rhyn 3/ lJ). 2nd Innings: 59 (Stone 3/11, Van Rhyn 3/14, Gauld 2/18). W.B.H.S. 1st Innings: ]27 (Gauld 56. Peiser 18). Wynberg won by ]0 wickets.

W.B.H.S. 3rd XI vs. Lansdowne Is, Xl Ol! 21/10/58. W.B.H.S. 62 all out (Tunbridge 24). Lansdowne 64 for 4 (ReichJin 2/ Il, Tollman 1/4, Elliott 1/7). Lansdowne Ist Xl won by 6 wickets. W.8.H.S. 3rd XI vs. Muizenberg Ist Xl 0/1 J/ll/58. Muizenberg 6J all out (Land 5/22, Tollman 2/7). W.B.H.S. 52 all out (Gauld 18, Haasbroek J2). W.B.H.S. lost by 9 runs.

Vs. Marist 1st. W.B.H.S. Ist Innings: 54 (Jordan 11 n.o., Gauld 10). 2nd Innings: 89 for 9 (Kantor 24, Peiser ] 2). Marist Ist Innings: 30 (Morkel 7/9, Jordan 1/3). 2nd Innjngs: 75/6 (Gauld 2/12, Stone 2/26). Match drawn (Wynberg won on 1st innings).

W.8.H.s. 3rd Xl vs. Observatory 2nd Xl 8/11/58. Observatory 156/9 declared (Elliott 3/36, Millson 2/34, Stone 2/36). W.B.H.S. 118/5 (Tun bridge 38, Firth 33, Stone 19 n.o.). Match drawn.

Vs. Westerford Ist. Team short of several "regulars" due to W.P. Junior Athlebcs being held at Paarl. Westerford 1st Innings: 68 (Budge 6/17, Stone 1/11). 2nd Innings: 50 for 5 (Budge 3/ 10, Stone 1/11). W.B.H.S. 1st Innings: ] 10 for 5 decl. (Budge 41 n.o., Tripp 33). Wynberg won by 6 wickets.

W.B.H.S. 3rd XI vs. Marist 2nd Xl 15/11/58. Marist 90 (Elliotl 5/7, Van Rhyn 2/25, Stone 2/29). W.B.H.S. 95/2 (Gauld 28 n.o., Tunbridge 25 n.o., Marx 18). W.B.H.S. won by 8 wickets. W.BR.S. vs. W.P. 3(a) 15/11/58 (p.m.). W.P. J67 (Totos 4/30, Michell 3/42, Budge 2/20). W.B.H.S. 136 (T. Johnson 41, Tunbridge 37, Totos 18). W.P. won by 31 runs.


Morkel T. Johnson ScageU Gauld Tunbridge

Inns. 9 2 4 7 4


N.O. 1

Total 220 37 65 ]08 59

BOWLING AVERAGES Wkts. Runs Overs Maids. 24 31 172 Morkel ............ 89 75 9 13 41 Land .................. 17 166 4 43 Scott .................. 6 4 71 ......20 Van Rhyn

3rd XI 3rd vs. Pinelands Ist on ]8/10/58. Ist innjngs: 50 all out (TolIman 3/1, 3/19, Elliott 2/3). 3rd Ist innings: 57/3 (Grendon 17 n.o., 15 n.o.). won by 7 wickets.

W.B.H.s. 3rd Xl vs. Camps Bay 1st 22/11/58. W.B.H.S. 74 (Firth 17, Tollman 15 n.o.). Camps Bay 173/4 (Gauld 1/18). Camps Bay won by JO wickets.

Ave. 27.5 18.5 16.2 15.4 14.7

W.BR.S. W.B.H.S. R.B.H.S. R.B.H.S.

Ave. 7.2 8.4 9.8 J 1.8

3rd Xl vs. R.B.H.S. 4th Xl 29/11/58. 105 (Gauld 35, Stone 18, Boyce 16). 109/8 (Elljott 4/8, Gauld 3/31). won by 2 wickets.


W.B.H.S. Pinelands W.B.H.S. Pinelands


3rd Xl vs. Pinelands 1st 31/1/59 . 154/6 (Krieglar 2/3, Kelynack 2/36). 62 (Langman 15, Whitfield 13). won by 92 runs.

4th XI

W.B.H.S. 3rd Xl vs. Wes/er/ord Is/ 7/2/59. Westerford 129/9 declared (Elliott 2/16, Colman 2/21, Kelynack 1/4). W.B.H.S. 83/6 (Colman 27, Kelynack 17, Elliott 14). Match drawn. W.B.H.S. vs. Muizenberg

Once again the 4th Team has had a most enjoyable and successful season. There was excellent team-spirit throughout tbe season, and all tbe players showed great keenness. During the first half of tbe season the team played three matches and won all of tbem comfortably. Kyte had an excellent record, taking 18 wickets altogetber, including 8/32 which earned him the Swanepoel Bat. He scored 63 in the same match. The team did not play as well during the latter half, but the performance was most creditable. Eight matches were played, Wynberg winning two, losing two and drawing four. Smith and MacRae batted well, Smith obtaining the highest average. Calvert emerged as the most consistent bowler, taking seventeen wickets. It is hoped that the team's performances will be maintained and bettered during next season. The team was under the control of Mr. Gilmore, to whom thanks must be given for tbe interest he has sbown in the team.


W.B.H.S. 94/8 declared (Langman 30, Krieglar 22 n.o.). Muizenberg 34/5 (Steeie 3/13, Gauld 1/6. TolIman 1/10). Match drawn.

W.BR.S. vs. Ob~'ervatory 2nd 21/2/59. Observatory 108 (Kelynack 3/8, Steeie 2/10. Krieglar 2/11). W.B.H.S. 59 (pasvolsky 20, Kelynack 17). Observatory won by 49 runs. W.B.H.S. vs. Sr. Joseph 2nd 28/2/59. Marists 85 (Colman 3/10. Jordan 2/20). W.B.H.S. 26 (Hesselson 11 n.o.). Marists won by 59 runs.



Vs. Rondebosch

4/h (B) 8/11 /58. Rondebosch 56 (Kyte 4/16, Goldstein Wynberg 63/7 (Montgomery 16). Wynberg won by 3 wickets.

3rd vs. Maris/s 2nd 7/3/59.

W.B.H.S. 44 (Krieglar 24). Marists 100/9 (TolIman 2/8. Marists won by 5 wickets.



Vs. Zwaanswyk

W.B.H.S. vs. Wes/er/ord hr 14/3/59. W.B.H.S. 107 (Hesselson 47. Langman Westerford 110/2 (Colman 2/14). Westerford won by 8 wickets. W.BR.S.



Vs. S.A.C.S. 4/h 29/11/58. Wynberg Eden S.A.C.S. Wynberg

Muizenberg 128/7 declared (Cook 3/31, Elliott 2/22, Hesselson 1/17). W.B.H.S. 93/8 (Krieglar 33, Hesselson 15, Macrae 14). Match drawn. 16

W. 2

L. 10

Hesselson Krieglar Langman

BAITING P. A. 9 83 7 91 6 66

Elliott Kelynack Steeie

BOWLING Wickets 24 7 5

Is/ 22/11/58.

Zwaanswyk 74 (Kyte 6/31, Goldstein 3/28). Wynberg 84/7 (Millar 25, Heritage 25 n.o., Kyte 14). Wynberg won by 3 wickets.

vs. Muizenberg Is( 21/3/59.



160/3 declared (Mattbews 38 n.o.). 120 (Kyte 8/32). won by 40 runs.

Vs. Lansdowne

4 Hs. 47 33 30 Runs 179 53 42

Ave. 20.7 15.2 11.0


3rd 31/1/59.

Lansdowne 39 (De Wit 2/19, Calvert 3/2, Thomas 2/2). Wynberg 40/5 (pattersen 15). Wynberg won by 5 wickets.


31, Kyte



Vs. Bishops 4/h 7/2/59. Wynberg 79 (Smith 14, MacRae 21, Thomas Calvert 15). Bishops 83/8 (Human 5/24, Calvert 3/11). Bishops won by 2 wickets.

Ave. 7.1

Vs. Rondebosch

4/h 14/2/59.

Rondebosch 138/9 (Smith 3/33). Wynberg 56/8 (Smith 19). Match drawn.

7.5 8.4 65


Vs. Rondebosch 6th 21/2/59. Wynberg 137 (Calvert 26, Human 27 n.o., Giles 23). Rondeboscb 96/9. Match drawn.

The results of the matches were: I. Lost to Bisbops by 7 wickets.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Vs. Fish Hoek 1st 28/2/59. Fish Hoek 108 (Calvert 3/22, Bass 3/36). Wynberg 73 f7 (MacRae 30). Match drawn. Vs. Technical College 1st 7/3/59. Tech. 83 (Calvert 4/11, Giles 4/15). Wynberg 86/6 (Bass 19, Smith 36). Wynberg won by 4 wickets.

Inns. Bernstein 5 Moore ............... 10 Cote 6 Colman ............ 5 Leibrandt 9

Vs. Lansdowne 2nd 14/3/59. Wynberg 77 (patterson 21, Calvert 23). Lansdowne 53/5 (Clark 3/12). Match drawn.


Vs. Zwaanswyk Ist 21/3/59. Zwaanswyk 128 (Patterson 3/14, Clark 2/19, Calvert 2/18). Wynberg III (Smith 32, Henson 17, Steeie 14, Clark 14 n.o.). Zwaanswyk won by 17 runs. P.




L. 2

BATTING Highest Played Score Kyte 3 63 Smith ......... 6(n.o.l) 36 30 MacRae .........4 •••••••





Played Kyte ..................... 3 Calvert ............... 8 Goldstein ......3

BOWLING Wickets 18 17 7


Runs 79 91 49

BATTING N.O. H.S. I 32 34 1 0 5l 22 0 I 36

BOWLING R. M. 25 Kelynach 26 8 28 180 Goodwin ......... 83 Leibrandt ...... 29 9 98 4 143 Colman 40 Knowies ......... 16 0 51 O.


D. 4

Total 82 108 75

Beat Muizenberg by 15 runs. Drew with Simonstown. Lost to St. George's by 49 runs. Beat Cape Town by 36 runs. Lost to Camps Bay by 5 wickets. Lost to Observatory by 1 wicket. Beat Lansdowne by 7 wickets. Beat Zwaanswyk by 66 runs. Beat Fisb Hoek by 6 wickets. Beat Westerford by 101 runs.






Total 81 121 74 53 83

Average 20.25 13.3 12.3 10.6 10.4

Avc. Wkts. 2.5 10 29 6.2 7.5 13 16 9 10.2 5 I. MOORE.

Under 15

Average 27.3 21.6 18.7

In the 4th term of 1958 the Under 15A proved itself the match of almost all its opponents, and not afraid to measure strength win any side in the Province. A series of even and enjoyable tussles developed against the strong Rondebosch side, the first two of which were badly affected by the weather, the third, played during the last week of term, producing a grand game between two bands of very able junior cricketers. As the statistics will show, Michell, who led the side forcefully, anel Budge were tbe dominating figures, their spin. combination, occasionally interrupted by a spell of exasperated but effective pace from MichelI, recalling the Athol-Rowan-Tufty Mann partnership of a few years ago in the Springbok side. Heartiest congratulations to B. Michell on being awarded the Old Boys' Bat! In 1959, Mickey Giles, the new skipper, fulfilled much of his promise in a series of excellent scores. The new side, however, bas lacked a spearbead in the bowling department, and the

Average 4.3 5.3 7.0

5th XI The 5th XI enjoyed a fairly good season, losing only one match during the second half of the season and tbis was by a very narrow margin. Under the guidance of our coach, Mr. Driessen, many newcomers to the game tried their skill in the nets on Wednesday afternoons, and some of them gained places in the team. Many who turned out regularly to the nets never actually played for the school, but, if tbey persist in tbeir keenness, they will be sure to gain places in tbe team, if not in a higher team, in the future.



.15A CRICKET TEAM (Coach), M. Giles (Capt.), Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), I. Evans, Mr. R. P. Richter (Coach). Second Rall' (I. to r.); A. Peake, L. Schwab, M. Bowditch, J. Whitehouse, G. Johnson. Third Rall' (I. to r.); P. Fabricius, P. Good, B. Napier, B. Nel. FroIII Rall' (I. to r.); Mr. J. B. Gardener

re uit of this has been seen in the number oE drawn games. On paper, and at the nets, we have an embarrassment of bowling riches, with tbree leg-spinners and two left-handers, but tbey need to develop their accuracy and hostility. And we should enjoy having a match-winning fast man. Once again we have a side whose basic technique looks good and promises sound and happy cricket. It is a pleasure to be with a side tbat looks and behaves like a cricket side, altbough at tbe Under 15 stage there is a temptation sometimes to think tbat strong-arm, slap-dash, backyard methods are just as effective. Our side bas firmly eschewed tbis heresy, and for tbis we bave to thank Mr. Reddick, wbo is so patient, thorough

and perceptive, these cricketers

and also those who bave handled in past seasons. J.B.G.

Under 15 "A" 1958 I I October Wynberg 74/7 declared 17 n.o.). Sea Point Draw.


J 7 n.o., Peiser


54 n.o., Giles


18 October Wynberg 87/ J declared 29 n.o.).


7 February Rondebosch A 109 (Evans 5/21). Wynberg 85 (Giles 53). Lost by 24 runs.

Zwaanswyk 34 (Michell 5/21, Budge 4/6), and 40 (Evans 4/0, Michell 3/9). Won by innings and J 3 runs. 25 October S.A.C.S. 73 (Budge 4/11, Michell 3/34). Wynberg 77 /4 (Foster 38 n.o.). Won by 6 wickets.

28 February Sea Point 108/9 declared (Oiles 6/34). Wynberg 72/4 (Fabricius 19). Draw.

November Wynberg 91 (Giles 24, Foster 20 n.o.). Bishops A 65/9 (Budge 5/27, Michell 3/30). Draw.

14 March Sea Point 51 (Bowditch 4/7, Oiles 5/18). Wynberg 92/5 (Fabricius 35, Schwab 22 rel.. Bowditch 18). Won by 7 wickets.

8 November Marists 63 (Michell 6/22). Wynberg 65/4 (Tripp 20 n.o.). Won by 6 wickets.

Under 15 "B"-"A"


The 4th term of 1958 was the beginning of the second season that the "B"s played in the "A" League. They had a good measure of success, as the games were against "A" sides, except against Bishops '路B'路. The team was ably led by Schwab, and was well turned out both at practices and in matches. During the 1st term of 1959, the "B"s were even more successful. They suffered one defeat at the hands of Sea Point "A" on a very tricky pitch early on. Team spirit was outstanding under their astute .leader, Savadier. It was a well-baJanced side, always eager to play good, attacking cricket. There were no "push cricket" methods and it was a pleasure to see batsmen driving off the back foot as well as tbe front foot. The bowlers, too, improved considerably and developed into a formidable combination.

J 5 November

Rondebosch A 183/8 declared (Budge 5/41). Wynberg 10/1. Game abandoned. 22 November

Wynberg 64 (Foster 11). Rondebosch A 65/5 (Budge 3/13). Lost by 6 wickets. 29 November Wynberg 80 (Michell 16, Evans 14). Observatory 57 (Budge 5fl2, M ichell 4/28). Won by 23 runs. 6 December

Sea Point 65 (Giles 3/10, Nel 3/13). Wynberg 69/7 (Evans 19 n.o.). Won by 3 wickets.

Under 15 "C"-"B"

10. December Wynberg 123/7 declared (Michell 27, Foster 24, Evans 19). Rondebosch A 90/4 (Cook 2/9). Draw.


In the 4th term of 1958, this team acq uitted itself well, as only one game was played against a "C" side. No doubt, the experience gained proved invaluable to all the players. This year, the "C"s performance was more gratifying. Some good wins were registered and two matches (against Paul Roos "A" and S.A.C.S. "B") were lost. The team has moulded well and goes into the fourth term with confidence.

1959 24 January Wynberg 136/2 declared (Giles 78, Schwab 33 n.o.). S.A.C.S. 122/9. Draw.

Under 15 "O"_"B" League Although not so successful on paper, this team did yeoman service to Under 15 cricket. They probably had the most difficult task of all the Under 15 teams. The majority, too, have another year of U.l5 cricket ahead. Only two games were against "0" sides (Bishops), which they won.

31 January Wynberg 103/4 declared (Giles 63 n.o., Evans 15 n.o.). Bishops A 73/8. Draw. 68

The cricket was enjoyable, and it was an inspiration to see these lads always trying and playing the game against terrific odds to the best ot their ability. Wc wish bern a greater measure of success in satistics at the end of the year.

Under 15-General

G/12/58-Vs. Bishops "A" Cancelled. 1st Term 1959. 24/ Ij59-Bye. 31/ 1/59-Bishops "B", 182 for 6 declared (Watson 2 for 35, Duffield 2 for 36). Wynberg 100 for 5 (Goodwin 45, Kleinman 27). Draw. 7 & 14/2j59-R.B.H.S. "B" Ist innings 44 (Duffield 4 for 5, Bray 3 for 16, Hobbs 2 for 3). W.B.H.S. ist innings 91 (Schouw 22, Savage 16, Watson 14 n.o.). R.B.H.S. "B" 2nd innings 83 (Trott 3 for 15, Hobbs 2 for 16). W.B.H.S. 2nd innings 37 for 2 (Schwab 20 n.o.). Won by 8 wickets. 21/2/59-W.B.H.S. 33. Sea Point A 73 batted on (Watson 4 for 9, Hobbs 3 for 8, Duffield 2 for 10). Lost by 8 wickets. 28/2/59-W.B.H.S. 160 (Goodwin 33, Watson 33, Duffield 24, Hobbs 23). Marist "B", 105 for 9 (Hobbs 4j28, Bray 3j22, Trott 2/14). Draw. 7/3/59-W.B.H.S. 92 (Gillham 3D, Sternslow 19). S.A.C.S. A 57 for 7 (Trolt 2/12, fJobbs 2/25, Gillbarn 1/4). Draw. 14j3/59-W.B.H.S. 105 (Gillham 34, Goosen 00 路n.o.). Marist "A" 29 (fIobbs 6j9, Trott


This group bad tewer practices and matcbes. \Ve do bope tbat, witb some extra help in coaching, these lads will have an opportunity ot showing their mettle and of ousting some of the "0" players.

Award of Colt's Cap 4th Term, 1958: N. Budge, P. Good. I~t Term, 1959: J. F. Duffield, 1. L. Evans. P. L. Fabricius, M. J. Giles, T. R. C. Gillham. J. A. Goodwin, M. E. Hobbs, L. A. Schwab, S. P. Trott, P. C. Watson. Once again we congratulate tbe captains of the various teams tor their example, efficiency and high standard. May the coming season prove enjoyable and even more successful! R.P.R.

15 "B"-" A" League Fourth Term 1958. II/IO/58-Vs. Zwaanswyk "A". Cancelled. 18/10/58-Bye. 25f10/58-W.B.H.S. 128 (Good 37, Whitfield 14). SeaPoint"A",I03 for 7(Napier3/18). Draw. I/II/58-W.B.H.S. 60 (Napier 21, Whitehouse 15). Bishops "B", 173 for 5 dec. (Napier 2/29, Whitehouse 2/30). Lost by 113 runs. 8/11/58-J. G. Meiring "A", 22 (Whitehouse 7 j9, Napier 2j3). W.B.H.S. 24 for 4 (Kriegler 17). Won by 6 wickets. 15/11j58-W.B.H.S. 97 (Whitefield 23, Scbwab 21). S.A.C.S. "A", 101 for 6 (Pasvolsky 1 j I, Whitehouse 1/7). Lost by 4 wickets. 22/11 j58-W.B.H.S. 54 (pasvolsky 12). J. G. Meiring "A", 27 (Whitefield 5j10, Nel5j16). Won by 27 runs. 29 jIl j 58-Bye.

4 j 10).

Won by 76 runs. 21 j3/59-Bye.

15 "C"-"B" League Il jlO/58-Vs.

S.A.C.S. "B". W.B.H.S. 19 for 4. Rain stopped play. 18f10/58-W.B.H.S. 52 (Rautenbacb 22). Bishops "C" 54 for 2 (Loebenstein 1/l0, Mitchell 1/11). Lost by 8 wickets. 25/10j58-W.B.H.S. 42 (Goodwin 14). R.B.H.S. "B" 46 for 2 (Duffield 1/5, Human 1 / 19). Lost by 8 wickets. 69


13 A CRICKET TEAM (Acting Principal), D. Craye (Capt.), Mr. 1. Mathew (Coach), M. RonaIdson, Mr. A. Lorie (Principal. Second RolV (I. to T.): P. Hitchcock, D. Gibbons, C. HaytTead, S. Eddy, P. Martin. Third RolV (I. to r.): P. Ewles, G. Stewart, M. Barker, A. Rennie. Front

RolV (I. to r.): Mr. F. G. Thorp

29/11 /S8-W.B.H.S. 64 (Bray 23, Jaffe 16). J. J. du Preez "A" 0 for 7 (Human 4/27, Duffield 2/11). Lost by 3 wickets. 6/12/S8-W.B.H.S. 97 (Le Crerar 18, Human 17). Paul Roos "A" 98 for 6 (Human 3/35, Rautenbach 2/40). Lost by 4 wickets.

1/I1/S8-W.B.H.S. 61 (Gillham 13). Paul Roos "B" 16 (Duffield 6/10, Human 3/7). Won by 45 runs. 8/ II /S8-W.B.H.S. 164 (Goodwin 45, Le CreTar 28, Human 23). D. F. Malan "A" 55 for 4 (B. ClaTk 2/6, Human 2/7). Draw. lS/11/S8-Bye. 22/11/S8-W.B.H.S. 36 (Le Crerar 11). R.B.H.S. "B" 39 for 9 (Duffield 4/5, B. Clark 3/11, Human 2/9). Lost by 1 wicket.

1st Term 1959. 24/1 /S8-Vs. S.A.C.S. "B" Cancelled. 31/1/S9-W.BH.S. 93 (Talmud 33, Sterns low 15). 70

Paul Roos "A" 99 for 8 (Goosen 4/26, Trott 4/33), Lost by 2 wickets. 7/2/59-W.B.H.S. 59 (Sternslow 17, Fagin 14). Bisbops "c" 49 (Knigbt 4/9, Kesner 3/8, Baker 2/15). Won by 10 runs. 14I 2 I 59-W .B.H.S. 142 for 3 declared (Sternslow 69, Talmud 28, Dau 23 n.o.). D. F. Malan "A" 0 for 6 (Ormond 4/23). Draw. 21/21 59-W .B.H.S. 50 (Baker 19). S.R.C.S. "B" 68 batted on (Kesner 3/11, Ormond 3/19, Dau Ill). Lost by 6 wickets. 28/2/59-Bisbops "D" 95 for 5 dec. (Ormond 3 114). W.B.H.S. 98 for 8 dec (Fagio 21). Won by 2 wickets. 7/3/59-W.B.H.S. 60 (FriedJaod 12). S.A.C.S. "B" 55 (Ormond 4 I II, Baker 4/32). Woo by 5 runs.

15/11/58-Vs. Marist "B" Cancelled. 22/11/58-W.B.H.S. 64 (Gilham 15, Ditcbfield 14). Bisbops "C" 75 for 9 (Ditcbfield 7 I 31). Lost by 1 wicket. 29 I II158-W.B.H.S. 73 (Savadier 26). D. F. Malan "A" 74 for 6 (Mitchell 4/32). Lost by 4 wickets. 6f12/58-W.B.H.S. 19. S.A.C.E. "B" 20 for 5 (Smith 3118, Green 2/11). Lost by 5 wickets. Jst Term 1959. 24 I I159-Paul Roos "A" Cancelled. 31/1/59-Bishops "D" 13 (Friedberg SIS, including a hat trick, Kesner 4/1). '楼.B.H.S. 47 for 9 (Heller 22). Won by 6 wickets. 7/2/59-W.B.H.S. 56 (Helier 13). R.B.H.S. "C" 62 (Magnin 5/6, Goosen 217).

Lost by 6 runs. 14/2/59-W.B.H.S. 40 (Heller Il). Paul Roos "B" 43 for 9 (Freedberg 6/12). Lost by I wicket. 2112/59-Bishops "C,路 83 (Freedberg 4/19, West 2/8, MacRae 110). W.B.H.S. 56 (West 12). Lost by 27 runs. 28/2/59-S.A.C.S. "B" 154 for 7 declared (West 2/23, Goosen 2/23). W.B.H.S. 58 (Goosen 10). Lost by 96 runs. 713 I 59-Vs. Paul Roos "B" Cancelled.

14/3/59-Bye. 21/3/59-D. F. Malao "A' 30 (Ormond 6/10, Kesoer 4/6). W.B.H.S. 33 for 0 (Talmud 19 n.o., Savadier 12 o.o.). Won by 10 wickets. 15 "D"_"B"


4th Term 1958. 1l110158-Vs. Rondebosch "B" Cancelled. 18flOI58-W.B.H.S. 99 (Human 24 n.o., McRae 24). Bisbops "D" 89 (Knight 4/30, Human 2/8, Gilman 2/8). Won by 10 runs. 25/10/58-Bye. 1/11/58-W.B.H.S. 67 (Clark 27). SAC.S. "B" 69 for 3 (Greeo I IS). Lost by 7 wickets. 8f11/58-R.B.H.S. "C" liD (Smith 4/5, Green 3 120). W.B.H.S. 48 (Ormond 22). Lost by 62 runs.

14/3/59-Bye. 2113 I 59-Vs.

Zwaanswyk "A" Cancelled. Inter-House Cricket

I. 2.

3. 4.

Senior Rhodes Wellington Van Riebeeck De Waal


2. 3. 4.

Junior De Waal Van Riebeeck Rbodes Wellington

This page sponsored by Dick Allen's Shoe Store, Main Road, Wynberg. 71

Final Result 1. Rhodes 2. Wellington 3. VanRiebeeck 4. De Waal

journey on the winding road leading to the caves, we were specially received by a municipal official. A guide was at hand, and we entered the worldfamed tunnel. Gerald Silke's continuous flow of witty remarks kept tbe boys in high spirits throughout the visit. Our side was gi,'en preference to the normal visitor and were allowe贸 access to caverns of the tunnel where the publjc had not molested the natural beauty of the rock formations. To enjoy this privilege candles were necessary. After returning to our respective dwelljng places for lunch, we again resumed travelling by car. This time it was a visit paid to the Highgate Ostrich Farm. Here we were shown the various aspects of tbe Ostrich farming industry. The guide, Mr. McIntyre, is an Old Boy of the School and explained everything most competently. Thereafter we were the honoured guests of Mr. R. W. Groenewald of Eseljacht, a renowned farmer of the George district. His son William, who attends our School, extended to us the invitation, which we instantly accepted. The boys enjoyed an absolutely superb braaivleis sponsored by the family. An early nigbt was taken to help the forthcoming day's cricket. Monday the 28th featured the third game against Garr.ison on the Garrison ground. The School won the toss and decided to bat, scoring 201 for 9 declared. Savage 80 and Thorn 47 were the chief contributors to the School's total. The Garrison side were dismissed for 104, due to gooel bowling by Gibbons (5 for 46) and Burt (4 for 28), resulting in the second victory for the School by a margin of 97 runs. During the game the boys were delighted by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Bowden, looking wonderfully fit and healthy after their well-earned holiday. Messages of thanks and good wishes were conveyed by Mr. Maree, Comm. Barenes and Mr. Jim Mathew after the completion of the game. The evening provided some enjoyable entertainment in tbe form of a Bop given in aid of Scout funds, and the majority of tbe boys attended the.. function.

THE 1959 1 st XI CRICKET TOUR OUDTSHOORN Tbe party consisting of three cars completed the journey between Wynberg and Oudtsboorn in six hours, stopping at Swellendam and Mossel Bay for refresbment and petrol. On our arrival at Oudtshoorn we were cordially welcomed by the president and captain of tbe Oudtshoorn Cricket Club, Mr. J. Maree, who also arranged accommodation for the entire side at the homes of tbe past and present cricketing personaljties of tbe district. Tbis promoted a very friendly and happy atmosphere. On Friday morning tbe tour was opened when the school played against a combined South Western Districts Schools' team. Tbe match was played at tbe local Garrison Ground_ The school batted first and scored 247 all out. The highlight of the innjngs was the vicious 118 not out by Jack Burt, who with the able help of Jobn Grendon (87) pulled the School out of a predjcted rut. The only other member of tbe team to reach double figures was Gibbons, who contributed a helpful 16 not out. Lunch was then served at tbe ground, after which tbe local side was put in to bat. Tbe Scbool's bowling was rather too strong for the home team, resulting in their dismissal for a total of 99. Jack Burt, again producing good form, took 5 for 25, Dorer 2 for 9, and Dews 2 for 33. The game was thus won by ]48 runs. That evening the Scbool team visited the local cinema. On Saturday the second match of the tour was played against Oudtshoorn e.e., again on tbe Garrison Ground. Prior to the match tbe team visited the Defence Force depot at Oudtshoorn, wbere we were shown tbe strength of various fighting vehicles in the country's possession. Returnjng to the field, our hosts were put in to bat and scored 153 all out. Burt, with 7 for 59, was the chief wicket-taker for the School. Left to score the required number of runs in approximately 200 mjnutes, tbe School faltered badly and only managed the score 107 all out. T. Johnson 21, Burt 19, and Budge 17 were the main contributors towards the latter total. Wynberg thus lost by 46 runs. Saurday evening we were fortunate enough to bave the pleasure and privilege of playing snooker on the table possessed by the military officials in the camp. Sunday the 27th was rather an entertaining day for all concerned. In the morning we set out for the Cango Caves by road. After rather a dusty

ABERDEEN After saying farewell to our hosts, especially Mr. Maree, who should be heartily thanked for bis greatly appreciated hospitality, our party set off for Aberdeen. The Karroo heat really proved itself practically unbearable, and several stops had to be made to enable the motor-car engines to cool down. During these stops, which were generally made at various subterranean bore-holes, the boys would drench themselves with water in 72

an attempt to counteract the sultry weather conditions. Including these welcome stops our party completed the journey in seven hours. The impression which the town created on the boys was not a very admirable one, and the boys surmised that, if the town could be fasbioned after its inhabitants, it would be a fairly quaint little eUlement. We were welcomed amidst lorry-loads of sheep by Mr. Maasdorp, the local club captain, wbo directed us to tbe homes we were to stay at and introduced us to our hosts. On Wednesday the 30th the School played their fourth matcb of the tour against a Combined Aberdeen-Steytlerville XI on tbe local sportsfield. In typical Karroo conditions and on a matting wicket the home side put us in to bat. Everyone seemed to crack up after one of the opening batsmen was hit on the head by a rising ball. Wickets went like hot cakes until a fantastic last-wicket partnership of 86 between Glles (23) and Dorer (63 n.o.). This feat was not just tail-ender's luck, but a real exhilarating display of batsmanship. T. Johnson also reached double figures with a score of 23. Eventually tbe partnership that saved the day was broken, and the School were dismissed for a total of 142. Our opening bowlers took advantage of the matting wicket, much to the discomfort of the home team, and they were soon dismissed for a total of 84. Gibbons took 5 for 31 and Savage 3 for 36. The School thus gained their third victory of the tour by 58 runs.

formance. Tbe following morning a number of tue boys visited the Graaff-Reinet Training College. To decide wbetber we should spend the afternoon visiting tbe Valley of Desolation or on a stud farm, a vote was taken. Consequently the stud farm seemed more appropriate, and the boys were not at all disappointed with their selection. Tbe farm belongs to Mr. Tom Murray, anel he deals chiefly with Friesland dairy cattle. sheep, and Arabian borses. MURRAYSBURG The following morning we departed for Murraysburg with an extra passenger. The latter was none other than a lamb, bought by Mr. Mathew for his son back home. The boys christened it "Blodwinn" and thoroughly enjoyed its presence. The short journey was completed in It hours, and on our arrival we were once more faced with a matting wicket. Tbe local team put us in to bat, and we scored 211 all out, of which Savage got 49, Mitchell 39, Budge 38, and Giles 30. The Murraysburg X[ tben replied with 128 all out. The persons responsible for this dismissal were Dorer 3 for 27 and Gibbons 3 for 41. This ended the tour on a most successful not.::, giving the School its fifth and final victory of the tour by a convincing marging of 83 runs. HOME That evening we left (or Cape Town and slopped at Beaufort West for refreshment. We completed the journey in ten hours, arriving home at 4 a.m. absolutely worn out, and bed was indeed a welcome sight. Yet, taking everything into consideration, we alI thought that the tour was a great success, yieldjng some fine cricket played in a good, keen spirit. Most gratifying of all was the grand sensation that, on and off tbe field, we had been given a duty to fulfil towards the Scbool in paving the way for future tours, and that we had done this to the best of our ability. Success was not only brought about by playing the game, but largely by the admirable organization of Mr. J. Mathew, wbo with Mr. Gibbons and Mr. Grendon, should be heartily tbanked for the friendly advice and encouragement tbey offered us. They also deserve our gratitude for providing the means of transportation throughout the tOUf. The entire team sincerely hopes that Mr. Thomson is well pleased with their efforts, and they can also look forward with great confidence to the forthcoming season, which should provide many dazzling performances. T.c.J.

GRAAFF-REINET After a rather hurried meal that evening we said farewell and departed for Graaff-Reinet. This was the first section of road we had covered during nigbt-time, and our party arrived at the home of Mr. H. Moseley within an hour of our departure. Incidentally, Mr. Moseley is an Old Boy of the School, and we owe our grateful thanks to him and his charming wife and family for their smooth organization and the wonderful hospitality that they showed us for the whole of our stay in Graaff-Reinet. On Thursday the 1st October a match was played against a Graaff-Reinet Invitation XI at the Oval. Tbe Scbool batted first and scored 237 for 9 declared. Mitchell 46, Giles 36 and Dorer 34 n.o. were the chief scorers. The bome side managed to reply with 202 all out, Gibbons bowling excellently to take 5 for 79 and Savage 3 for 30. This led to yet another victory in favour of the School by 35 runs. The evening was spent in the local cinema as the guests of Mr. Moseley, and all the members of the side attended the per73

formances. John Grendon decisively won the long jump with a leap of 20 ft. 4 ins. A feature of the sprints was the duel between Kevin Barker and Jeffrey Marine. Barker ultimately triumphed, his time of 23.8 seconds for the open 220 yards being particularly noteworthy. Two records were equalled during the course of the day. Bland equalled that of the Under JO 50 yards with a

The annual athletic sports meeting was held on February 27, a day when conditions deteriorated considerably in the afternoon. The heats in the morning were run in perfect weather and a good afternoon of finals was .looked forward to, but the wind which blew down the straight prevented this from being fulfilled. There were, however, a number of fine per-



FroIlt row (I. to r.): Mr. H. E. Tasker (Coach), J. W. McClatchie, N. Woudberg (Capt.), Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), I. K. Barker (Vice-Capt.), J. D. Grendon, Dr. H. G. Wood (Coach). Secon.d row (I. to r.): C. D. Hay tread, B. Bravo, J. I. Marine, A. Tollman, M. E. Hobbs, R. Dau, R. J. Skeeles, B. E. Mawman. Third row (I. to r.): A. Noffki, N. D. Sharpe, P. A. M. de Wit, H .F. du Plessis, M. Mansfield, D. Whitehead, J. Moore, B. L. Clifton, R. S. van Rhyn, C. L. Walker.


lime of 7.0 secs. .in the heats. The other was by tbe Rhodes open relay team who recorded the time of 47.4 secs. The battle for the Victor Ludorum between Barker and Grendon raged from the start of the day to the last event. Tbe ultimate result was that both had three first places and a second to tbeir credit, thus finishing joint holders of the trophy. The day was brought to a close by the presentation of cups and certificates by Mrs. Nauhaus.

14: 440 yards: Wellington (1956), 53.5 secs. UNDER 16: 440 yards: Wellington and Van Riebeeck (1951),48.6 secs.



440 yards: Wellington (1953), 47.4 secs. Rhodes (1959), 47.4 secs. The following points were obtained by the Houses: (I) RHODES 122 (2) DE WAAL 73 (3) WELLINGTON H.................. 61 (4) VAN RIEBEECK . H...... 32 H

RECORD HOLDERS 10: 50 yards: N. Denison and B. Weinreicb (1947), R. Skeeles (1958), J. Bland (1959), 7.0 secs. 75 yards: B. Weinreich (1947),9.9 secs. UNDER 12: 75 yards: S. Versfeld (1942), 9.2 secs. 120 yards: B. We.inreich (1949), 15.1 secs. UNDER 14: 100 yards: P. Lowry (1936),11.5 secs. 220 yards: J. Moore (1956), 26.2 secs. 75 yards hurdles: N. Riley (1944), 11.3 secs. Long Jump: L. Shapiro (1950), 18 ft. lOt ins. High Jump: J. Leeson (1954),5 ft. tins. UNDER 16: 100 yards: L.Shapiro (1952),10.4 secs. 220 yards: L. Sbapiro (1952), 23.6 secs. 440 yards: R. Gaylard (1958), 54.7 secs. 880 yards: W. Kirsten (1940), 2 min. 10.2 sec. 110 yards hurdles: C. Rosslind (1941), 15.5 secs. Long Jump: L. Shapiro (1952), 20 ft. 6t ins. High Jump: J. Leeson (1956), 5 ft. 3-!-ins. UNDER

Cups were awarded to: Friedlander Cup: Under 10 Champions, J. Cawood, K. Kesner. Junior Re/ay Cup: Under 10 Relay, Rhodes. Baskin Cup: Under 12 Champions, B. Mawman, R. Skeeles. Junior Relay Cup: Under 12 Relay, Rhodes. Baskin Cup: Under 14 Champion, M. Hobbs. Arthur Newman Cup: Under 14 Relay, Wellington. C. E. Fe/bert Cup: Under 16 Champion, M. Kantor. Dr. Pycroft Cup: Under 16440 yards, M. Kantor. Dr. Bobbins Cup: 100 yards Open, K. Barker. Stanley Lewis Cup: High Jump Open, J. Grendon. Duncan Taylor Cup: Long Jump Open, J. Grendon. W oolaston Cup: 440 yards Open, K. Barker. Headmaster's Cup: 880 yards Open, R. van Rhyn. Tayfield Cup: Open Mile, N. Sharpe. Neville Riley Cup: 110 yards Hurdles Open, J. Grendon. Hoogenhout Victor Ludorum Cup: K. Barker, J. Grendon. McDonald Cup: Under 16 House Cbampionship, De Waal. Old Boys' Cup: House Cup, Rhodes.


100 220 440 880


yards: yards: yards: yards:

L. Shapiro (1952), 10.4 secs. L. Shapiro (1953), 23.2 secs. B. Heymann (1952), 53.6 secs. R. Wucherpfennig (1954), 2 min. 3.5 secs. 1 mile: M. Allis (1954), 4 min. 36.3 secs. 110 yards hurdles: N. Riley (1948), 14.5 secs. Long Jump: B. Weinreieb. High Jump: W. Hutton. Shot Putt: M. Kahn (1954) and W. Meiburg (1949), 35 ft. 7t ins. RELAYS:

10: 220 yards: Wellington (1944), 31.1 secs. UNDER 12: 330 yards: Wellington (1949), 43.1 secs. UNDER


Under 10

Open 50 yds.: 3. A. 75 yds.: 3. K.

100 yds.: i. K. Barker (R.), 2. J. Marine (W.), 3. M. McMaster (W.); 11.1 secs. 220 yds.: 1. K. Barker (R.), 2. J. Marine (W.), 3. J. Moore (W.); 23.8 secs. 440 yds.: 1. K. Barker (R.), 2. J. Orendon (R.), 3. A. Noffki (DeW.) ; 54.4 secs. 880 yds.: 1. R. van Rhyn (R.), 2. A. Noffki (DeW.), 3. N. Sharpe (VanR.); 2 min 12.6 secs. One Mile: 1. N. Sharpe (VanR.), 2. N. Woudberg (VanR.), 3. D. Finlayson (DeW.); 5 min. 2.7 secs. 110 yds. Hurdles: I. J. Orendon (R.), 2. J. Moore (W.), 3. P. Morkel (VanR.); 15.6 secs. High Jump: 1. J. Orendon (R.), 2. J. Moore (W.), 3. A. Thorn (VanR.); 5 ft. 4t ins. Long Jump: 1. J. Orendon (R.), 2. K. Barker (R.), 3. J. Moore (W.) ; 20 ft. 4 in. Shot Putt: 1. M. Mansfeld (R.), 2. D. Ziman (R.) and O. Pearce (DeW.); 31 ft. 4 in.



THE WESTERN PROVINCE JUNIOR ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIPS True to tradition the championships were held at Paarlon the 21st March in extremely hot conditions. The heat took its toll, and many who were entered in two events withdrew from one. The School team nevertheless did well, obtaining a first place, a second and two thirds. C. Walker ran away from the field in the Under J 3 75 yards to win in the time of 7.8 secs. Kevin Barker was at his best in the Under 19 440 yards, when he captured second place. His time of 52.1 secs. was 1.5 seconds faster than the School record set by B. Heymann in 1952. The Under 13 relay team was third but, had there not been a faulty changeover at number three, they might well have obtained higher honours. Orendon was third in the Under 19 220 yards hurdles with a time of 27.7 secs., while Sharpe clocked 4 mins. 5l.6 secs. for the Under 19 mile. McClatcbie, although he only secured 4th position in the Under 17 100 yards, recorded the time of 10.6 secs. BLUES, 1959: K. Barker, J. Orendon. COLOURS, 1959: M. Mansfeld, J. Marine, J. Moore, A. Thorn, H. du Plessis, N. Sharpe.

100 yds.: I. J. McClatchie (W.), 2. M. Kantor (DeW.), 3. D. Whitfield (DeW.); 11.4 secs. 220 yds.: I. M. Kantor (DeW.), 2. J. McClatchie (W.), 3. D. Whitfield (DeW.); 25.6 secs. 440 yds.: 1. M. Kantor (DeW.), 2. R. Dau (R.), 3. A. Coombes (VanR.); 58 secs. 880 yds.: 1. B. Davies (VanR.), 2. M. Potgieter (R.), 3. A. Coombes (VanR.); 2 min. 19.1 secs. Long Jump: J. M. Kantor (DeW.), 2. J. McClatchie (W.), 3. D. Whitfield (DeW.); 17 ft. 6 ins. High Jump: 1. P. de Wet (W.), 2. K. Henson (DeW.), 3. W. Foster (R.); 4 ft. 7t ins. 110 yds. Hurdles: J. O. Pasvolsky (R.); 3. J. McClatchie (W.), 3. B. Clifton (DeW.); 16.9 secs.

Under 14 100 yds.: 1. M. Hobbs (W.), 2. A. Burton (VanR.), 3. C. Walker (DeW.); 12.5 secs. 220 yds.: 1. M. Hobbs (W.), 2. C. Walker (DeW.), 3. A. Burton (VanR.) ; 28 secs. Long Jump: J. M. Hobbs (W.), 2. A. Elliot (R.), 3. B. Bravo (DeW.); 16 ft. Il ins. High. Jump: 1. A. Elliot (R.), 2. A. Badenhorst (DeW.), 3. A. Peake; 4 ft. 10 ins. 75 yds. Hurdles: 1. H. Barker (DeW.), 2. A. Elliott (R.), 3. C. Walker (DeW.); 12.6 secs.

N. WOUDBERG (Captain).

THE 1959 CROSS-COUNTRY This year the Annual Cross-Country Race was held on Thursday, 17th September. The weather was hot and 'sticky' and not conducive to good running. As is the case every year, the ease with which the events progressed was due to the brill.iant organisation of Mr. Matthew. Our thanks also go to Mr. Thomson whose sonorous tones kept us in close contact with the race as reported

Under 12 Mawman (R.), 2. R. Skeels (DeW.); 10.5 secs. Skeels (R.), 2. B. Mawman (DeW.); 16.5 secs.


Open (440 yds.): I. Rhodes, 2. Wellington, 3. De Waal; 47.4 secs. Under J 6 (440 yds.): I. Rhodes, 2. De Waal, 3. Van Riebeeck; 50.7 secs. Under 14 (440 yds.): J. Wellington, 2. Rhodes, 3. Van Riebeeck; 54.7 secs. Under 12 (330 yds.): 1. Rhodes, 2. De Waal, 3. Wellington. Under 10 (220 yds.): I. Rhodes, 2. De Waal, 3. Wellington; 31.7 secs. N.w., K.B.

Under 16

75 yds.: 1. B. 3. I. Cristol 120 yds.: I. R. 3. I. Cristol

1. K. Kesner (R.), 2. J. Cawood Blotnick (W.); 7.4 secs. 1. J. Bland (R.), 2. J. Cawood Kesner (R.); 10.3 secs.

(R.), (R.),




Front row (I. to r.): A. Miller, Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), K. Barker (Capt.), Mr. J. L. Mathew (Coach), N. Woudberg (Vice-Captain). Second row (I. to r.): V. Standley, K. Henson, A. Burton, M. Hobbs, V. Moore, B. Kelynack, B. Davies, S. Jennings. Third row (I. to r.): R. MacFarlane, G. Peiser, C. Felbert, P. Wassung, A. Elliotl, J. Grendon, N. Gelb.

by the pickets over the field telephones. This year, as in years gone by, there were boys who were prepared to forego the enjoyment of watching the finish of the race so that the picketing of tbe course migbt be efficiently carried out. To these also we extend our gratitude. The events took place in the following order: Sub A Race (Cross-Playground), Il a.m. Sub B Race (Cross-Playground), Il a.m. Under 9 Race (Cross-Playground, 2.20 p.m. Under 10 Race (Cross-Country), 2.20 p.m. Under 11 Race (Cross-Playground), 2.20 p.m.

Under-l3 Race (Cross-Playground), Open Cross-Country, 2.50 p.m.

2.20 p.m.

In the Senior Cross-Country, at the first report, Neville Bester and John K1esser were contending with each other for first place, but towards the end Bester dropped back and Kevin Barker took over the lead with KJesser taking second place. Kevin Barker eventually won from Klesser and Archie Miller in the good time of 34 mins. 7.6 secs. -7.6 seconds outside 'Blue' time. In the Junior Cross-Country Moore, Hob~s and Felbert battled it out with the runners coming in


in that order in the time of 36 mins. 52.6 seconds, which is not an exceptionally good time. In the Under-13 Cross-Playground, Chris Walker led Burton and Le Roux home in a fine finish and in the Under路11 group the winners were Bairstow, Watson and Blottnick. In the Under-9, Gow led from Geldenhuys and Snaitb. The most popular events of the day, the Subs Races, both had large fields. The Sub B winners were Rosenberg, Emms and Steadman, and in the Sub A section T. Kymaios led from Stevens and Radmore. Several jockeys were thrown and trampled.


The inter-schools cross-country championship was held on Wednesday, September 23rd, in conditions more suited for summer sport. There was not a breath of wind, and the sun beat down unmercifully on the heads of tbe athletes plodding their way around the rough. flat Rondebosch Common. It was the same story this year as on previous occasions. The Wynberg teams could not adapt themselves to a course whose nature is completely different from the School's. This year a number of boys did have one or two runs over the Common beforehand, and probably benefitted from it, but that was not enough. How we envy Rondebosch and Bishops. Sometimes we wish that the School was situated nearer the common, so that we could also prepare for the championship. Unfortunately Klesser, 2nd in the School race, Grendon, 4th, and Elliot, 9th. were unable to compete. Morgan, of S.A.C.S., won the Senior event, over three miles, in the fast time of 17 mins. 21.2 secs. Archie Miller ran well, filling 11th position. The second and third Wynberg men were Woudberg (29th) and Gelb (35th). We entered two teams, the "A" filling 6th position, and the B 13th. The Junior race, over two miles, was won by Melck, of Rondebosch, in 14 mins. 54.3. As in the Senior event, the first Wynbergian, Moore, came in behind ten others. The rest of the team packed well, taking the 20th, 23rd, 24th and 32nel positions. Jennings, in coming 23rd, was a surprise. The "A" side secured 4th place anel the B 10th. Next year the School could improve beyond recognition, if the boys would get down to some hard intensive training. A suggested form of training is the Fartlek method. The following are the positions secured by the members of the team:

The results were: Senior Cross-Country: 1. K. Barker (R.), 2. J. Klesser (R.), 3. A. Miller (VanR.); 34 min. 7.6 secs. JUllior Cr.oss-Country: 1. Moore (DeW.), 2. Hobbs (W.), 3. Felbert (DeW.) ; 36 mins. 52.6 secs. Under 13 Cross-Playground: I. Walker (DeW.), 2. Burton (VanR.), 3. Le Roux (W.). Under 11 Cross-Playground: I. Bairstow (VanR.), 2. Watson (DeW.), 3. Blottnick (W.). Under 9 Cross - Playground: I. Gow (VanR.), 2. Geldenhuys (DeW.), 3. Snaith (W.). Sub B Cross-Playground: I. Rosenberg Emms (R.), 3. Steadman (W.).

(R.), 2.

Sub A Cross-Playground: I. Kymaios (R.), 2. Stevens (VanR.), 3. Radmore (VanR.). POINTS GAINED IN SENIOR CROSSCOUNTRY EVENT WERE: De Waal . Van Riebeeck Rhodes . Wellington

GRAND Sub A Sub B Under Under Under Under Open TOTAL

18,260 6,140 5,960 . 5,200


De Waal Van Riebeeck 126 146 195 211 . 744 736 9 Il 1,752 2,295 484 770 13 2,220 15 3,140 6,140 . 8,260 14,701 12,518 C.

Seniors A. Miller, IJ. N. Woudberg, 29. N. Gelb, 35. K. Barker, 39. G. Peiser, 42. D. Finlayson, 69. R. van Rhyn,72. J. Bleach, 73. K. Henson, 75. B. Kelynack, 82.

1959 Rhodes Wellington 142 114 260 178 655 457 2,052 1,903 750. 524 1,370 2,730 5,960 5,200 11,195 11,106


and R.


Jul1iors V. Moore, Il. R. McFarlane, 20. S. Jennings, 23. M. Hobbs, 24. C. Felbert, 32. P. Wassung, 33. D. Clarke, 40. B. Davies, 54. V. Standley, 64. A. Burton, 67. N. WOUDBERG.



FIRST TENNIS TEAM Frollt row (I. to r.): Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), A. Thorn (Vice-Capt.), (Capt.), J. Smuts, Mr. C. A. MacLeod (Coach). Secolld row (I. to r.): R. MacFarlane, T. Johnson, B. Smith.

Our teams upheld the high standard of Wynberg tenni.s during tbe first quarter of 1959. The First team had welded together to form a very powerful body by the time the first team fixtures had been completed. The Second team djd partjcularly weU, as their record clearly shows. This would be most encouraging, were jt not for the fact that too many of the team will complete their schooling this year and leave us without their services next year.

1958 Blue:

A. Berry


A. Berry.

Colours: A. Thorn, and L. Stern.

J. Sm'uts, B. Smith,

W. Foster

1959 CAPTAIN A. Berry was appointed vice-captain.



and A. Thorn


Results FIRST

4th Term, 1958 Vs. Voortrekker, won 4 matches to 3. Vs. Fish Hoek, won 4 matches to 3. Vs. Bishops, lost I match to 6. 1st Term, 1959 Vs. Bishops, lost 2 matches to 3. Vs. c.B.C., won 4 matches (0 O. Vs. Herzlia, won 7 sets to 6. Vs. Pinelands, won 4 matches to 3. Vs. Sea Point, won 6 matches to 1. Vs. Westerford, won 5 matches to 2.


4th Term, 1958 Vs. Rondebosch, lost I match to 5. Vs. Bishops, won 6 matches to I. Vs. Sea Point, lost 3 matches to 4. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs.

1st Term, 1959 Bishops, lost 3 matcbes to 4. Jan van Riebeeck, won 4 matches to 3. C.B.C., won 6 matches to 1. Sea Point, won 6 matches to I. Rondebosch, result undecided.


Swimming New cups presented were donated by Mr. Lorie, Principal of tbe Junior School, and Mr. Wolman, and we record our thanks to them. The following were the results of the events: Under 10, one length Freestyle: 1. C. Wolff (R.), 2. Kempton-Jones (R. ),3. Coppin (VanR.). Time: 24.7 sec. Under 12, one length Freestyle: 1. D. Hughes (DeW.), 2. G. Hammond (W.), 3. B. Neilson (R.), Time: 22.4 sec. Under 16, 100 yds. Freestyle: 1. D. Richardson (R.) and R. Solomon (DeW.), 3. R. Ormond (VanR.). Time: 69.7 sec. Under 14, JOO yds. Freestyle: l. A. Burton (VanR.), 2. R. Clark (W.), 3. P. Hosford (DeW.). Time: 76.4 sec. Under 19, 100 yds. Freestyle: 1. D. Coleman (DeW.), 2. P. de Wit (VanR.), 3. M. Turkstra (DeW.). Time: 66.8 sec. Under 12, one length Breaststroke: 1. B. N. Jeffs (W.), 2. A. Standley (W.), B. D. Michaels (W.). Time: 33.3 sec. Under 14, 100 yds. Breaststroke: I. r. Levin (VanR.), 2. M. Hobbs (W.), 3. R. Herman (R.). Time: 104.2 sec. Under 16, 100 yds. Breaststroke: I. A. Spektor (VanR.), 2. P. Good (VanR.), 3. P. Webster (VanR.). Time: 87.5 sec. Under 19, 100 yds. Breaststroke: 1. M. Mansfeld (R.), 2. T. van 't Hoogerhuijs (VanR.), 3. L. van Niekerk (R.). Time: 90.1 sec. Under 10, one length Backstroke: 1. C. Wolft' (R.), 2. V. Kempton-Jones (R.), 3. G. Bunting (R.). Time: 33.4 sec.

The School had a very busy first term, with numerous Inter-School Galas, besides our own Inter-House Gala. In the first Gala of the B-section, Wynberg were comfortable winners, with 60 points. A featur.e of this competition was the first appearance of Bellville, and they were warmly welcomed. Chris Wheeler of St. George's set up a new S.A. Junior time of 2 min. 52.9 sec. for the 220 yards breaststroke. In the second Gala of the B-section, held the day after our Athletics Meeting, our swimmers were not at their best, and we finished third, with 38 points. For the first time, the W.P. Schools Swimming Championships were held at our bath on the 14th March. The School secured the following places: (1) K. Spektor : 2nd in 220 yds. Breaststroke Under 16. (2) M. MansfeId: 3rd in 100 yds. Butterfly Under 19. (3) M. Anderson: 2nd in Under 19 Diving. (4) A. Burton: 3rd in 100 yds. Backstroke Under 14. (5) M. Bass: 3rd in Under 14 Diving. The Annual Inter-House Gala was held on Friday the 13th March; and was won by Rhodes House with 104 points. Van Riebeeck was second (82), De Waal third (72), and Wellington fourth (39). In all, fifteen records were established. We wish to record our thanks to Mrs. Wolman, the wife of an Old Boy, who kindly presented the cups and certificates. 80

SWIMMING TEAM Mr. D. S. Sieberhagen (Mastcr-in-Charge), A. Peak, A. Non:ki (Capl.) Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), D. Coleman (Vice-Captain), I. Levin. Mr. W. E. Gredley (Coach). Second row (I. to r.): M. Anderson, A. Kirkpatrick. P. Websler, M. Knight, A. 13urton, K. Spektor, D. Richardson, T. van 't Hoogerhuijs. M. Bass. Third row (I. to r.): H. Telmer, R. Ormond, M. Reynolds, P. de Wit, M. Mans[cld, M. M. Turkstra, M. Potgieter, P. Good, R. Solomon. A. Rossi. Fro/!(

rO\\l (I. to r.):

Under 16, 1 length Butterfly: l. P. Good (VanR.), 2. D. Richardson (R.), 3. B. Searle (DeW.). Time: 24.3 sec. Under 19, two lengths Butterfly: I. M. Mansfeld (R.), 2. R. Carp (W.), 3. A. Noffki (DeW.). Time: 56.5 sec. Under 16, 220 yds. Freestyle: I. R. Solomon (DeW.), 2. D. Richardson (R.), 3. R. Ormond (VanR.). Time: 2 min. 58.3 sec. Under 19, 220 yds. Freestyle: 1. D. Coleman (DeW.), 2. M. Turkstra (DeW.), 3. M. Anderson (DeW.). Time: 3 min. 11.5 sec.

Under 12, one length Backstroke: l. D. Hughes (DeW.), 2. K. Cromhout (W.), 3. B. Nielson (R.). Time: 28.5 sec. Under L4, 100 yds. Backstroke: 1. A. Burton (VanR.), 2. A. Peake (R.), 3. K. Kingma (VanR.). Time: 88.1 sec. Under 16, 100 yds. Backstroke: l. W. Searle (DeW.), 2. J. Cruickshank (VanR.), 3. M. Dorer (W.). Time: 87.2 sec. Under 19, 100 yds. Backstroke: I. P. de Wit (VanR.), 2. M. Anderson (DeW.), 3. A. Noffki (DeW.). Time: 86.3 sec.


Under 14: I. Rhodes. 2. Van Riebeeck. 3. Wellington. Under 16: J. Rhodes. 2. De Waal. 3. Van Riebeeck. Under 19: I. De Waal. 2. Van Riebeeck. 3. Rhodes. A special word of thanks to tbe following: The Staff of Senior and Junior School for their invaluable assistance (and boys who acted as officials). Tbe House-Masters and their Committees, who made tbis Gala possible. Our swimmers are making progress and, if this progress is maintained, we shall soon be able to announce awards_ In this connection we are indebted to Mr. Gredley, on whose shoulders falls the burden of coaching our swimmers, and to Mr. Morris, who has the onerous task of maintaining our bath throughout the year. In conclusion, we wish our swimmers every uccess for the future. They must remember that in this most strenuous of sports only hard, honest training can bring success.

Under 16, 220 yds. Breaststroke: J. K. Spektor (VanR.), 2. P. Good (VanR.), 3. Telmer (VanR.). Time: 3 min. 30.4 sec. Under 19, 220 yds. Breaststroke: ]. M. Mansfeld (R.), 2. L. van Niekerk (R.), 3. M. Turkstra (DeW.). Time: 3 min. 41.4 sec. DIVING Under 14: ]. A. Peake (R.), 28.46 points. 2. R. Mackenzie (W.), 24.33 points. 3. I. Levin (VanR.), 19.00 points. Under 16: I. D. Richardson (R.), 31.29 points. 2. W. Searle (DeW.), 26.26 points. 3. M. Knight (DeW.), 26 points. Under 19: l. M. Anderson (DeW.), 42.56 points. 2. D. Sinclair (VanR.), 31.14 points. 3. T. Johnson (W.), 27.07 points. HOUSE RELAYS Under 10: I. Rhodes. 2. Van Riebeeck. lington. Under 12: I. Rhodes. 2. Wellington. Riebeeck.

3. Wel3. Van

Wynberg v~·. General Bo/ha. In August the General Botha Nautical College sent out a few boys to compete in a friendly match against the School team, and Mr. Nortjé once again acted as Master of Ceremonies. The Wynberg team consisted of twelve boys, and both teams gave an excellent display. J. Coetzee, A. Stuppel, M. Potgieter and R. Ormond won their bouts. The Western Province Schools' Amateur Championships were held this year at Diocesan College, and after a few weeks of hard training a team of four boxers was entered. The team was R. Ormond and E. Fiest in the Junior Secondary Division, and J. Coetzee and R. Johnson in the Senior Division.

Team Cap/ain: J. Coetzee. Vice-Captain: R. Townley Johnson. Commiltee: J. Coetzee, R. Johnson, R. Ormond. Coach: Mr. G. D. Nortjé. The 1959 season was indeed a memorable one, as the School acquired a new boxing ring as well as a scale for the use of the boxing members. The Western Province Schools' Novice Championship tournament was held during June of this year at Wynberg. In the Junior Primary section C. Hay tread (Bantam-weight) beat hjs opponent from Lansdowne Primary School, and in the Junior Secondary Section D. Gibbons, A. Mckay and B. Palm had "walk-overs-'. B. Gibbons (Flyweight) boxed very well to beat his opponent from Diocesan College, and R. Clark and H. Baker won their bouts, but L. Nochomowitz, L. Sterrenberg, G. May and E. Fiest were unfortunate and lost. In the Senior Secondary Section X. Anderson, R. le Crerar, D. Finlayson, R. Johnson and T. McCarthy were all beaten. This concluded a most enjoyable evening during which Mr. Nortjé acted as Master of Ceremonies.

Piest vs. New/on-Thompson. Both boxers came out boxing, and NewtonThomp on landed a few good punches and always appeared to have the edge on his opponent. The referee stopped the fight towards the end of the round and awarded the fight to Newton-Thompson. Onnond vs. Georges. There we saw an extremely hard contest between two powerful boxers. Tbe first round was even, with both boxers moving about and attacking each other evenly. Immediately after the bell had rung for the second round both boys flew 82


BOXING TEAM Mr. F. G. Thorp (Principal), R. Johnson, J. Coetzee (Capt.), R. Ormond, Mr. G. D. NortjĂŠ (Coach). Secolld row (I. to r.): B. Gibbons, M. Anderson, L. Sterrenberg, E. Peist, R. le Crcrar. D. Finlayson, D. Gibbons. Third row (I. to r.): G. Sher, A. Stuppel, M. Potgieter. FrollT roll'

(I. to r.):

bout from beginning to end. When he came in for attack, his guard was always well up and be boxed the way he bad been taught, advancing and never retreating, throwing punches all the time. He was far superior and outclassed his opponent. After boxing extremely well he was declared the winner. On behal f of the boxi ng mem bers I wish to thank Mr. Potgieter for seconding the Championship tournaments. We must, however, extend our thanks for our success this season to Mr. ortjĂŠ. who has spent a great deal of bis time in organizing boxing matches and in training the boys.

into attack and boxed extremely hard. In the last round they ti red very quickly, but they boxed it out until the last bell rang and Ormond was declared the winner. Coetzee vs. Tyler. The two boxers came out determined. Tyler swung a right and struck Coetzee on the side of the face. Tyler took the advantage, Coetzee being dazed, and came in with all he had. The fight was stopped, Tyler being the winner. Johnson. vs. Hutchings. When the nrst bell went Johnson immediately took the centre of the ring and dominated the

J.C. and E.v.W.


TABLE TENNlS TEAM Front roll' (I. to r.): Mr. F. G. Thorp (Principal), J. Bloch, A. Tollman (Capt.), J. Loebenstein, Mr. H. J. Smuts (Master-in-Charge). Secolld rall' (J. to r.): P. Colman, R. Brady, W. Brady, S. Juler.


term, an inter-House competition, matches against Herzlia School.

Mr. H. Smuts.

Committee: Cbairman, A. Tollman; Secretary, 1. Blocb ; Additional Members, J. Loebenstein, R. Brady.

We must take Art-mistress for Our thanks also co-operation in boxing days.

This year the inter-Scbools league was disbanded, due to the lack of interest sbown by the majority of tbe previously participating schools. We, however, sustained our internal activities, managing a very successful season. This included a school tournament at the end of the second

and friendly

tbis opportunity of thanking tbe allowing us to use the art-room. go to the Boxing Club for their allowing us balf of the hall on

There was a very large entry for the tournament, with some 50-odd entrants. The tournament, which took the form of a knock-out com85

petition, was played over a period of two afternoons. The final was won by A. Tollman, who beat R. Brady (21-19; 12-21; 21-19), producing some very exciting table-tennis. Entrants must be congratulated on tbeir punctuality, which made the running mucb easier for tbe organisers. The inter-House tournament, an innovation, was very successfully contested, the final placings being: P. W.L. P. Rhodes House (Col man, Tollman) 3 3 0 6 De Waal House (Lobenstein, Cohen) 3 2 1 4 Wellington House (Brady, Blocb) ..... 3 1 2 2 Van Riebeeck House (Pachter, Savadier) 3 0 3 0

The first team played a friendly match against Herzlia early in tbe 3rd term, beating tbem handsomely by 8 games to 2. After the time of going to Press, we are boping to play Herzlia again. We must tbank Mr. Smuts for helping us greatly in making this year as successful as it has been, and must also take this opportunity of congratulating R. Brady in reaching the finals in the Western Province Under-16 tournament. Finally, we wish future committees the best of luck during their terms of office, hoping that their years may be even more successful than this one has been.


Sociel'} presence, come rain or shine, was very much appreciated. One unfortunate tendency this year was the lack of support amongst the Senior Classes. The body of the supporters came from the Std. 7's and 8's. I feel that many more Matrics should make an effort to attend occasionally, seeing that everyone at some stage of his life will be required to make a speech, and it is not easy unless you ha ve had practice. Altogetber trus year has not been a very successful one. We have had very few meetings with other Schools. Two meetings wruch were regarded practically as annual fixtures, i.e. Wynberg Girls' High and Herschel had to be omitted from our agenda. However, with the promising support shown by the Lower Standards tbere is every hope for more fruitful years in the future.

At the first meeting of the year the following office-bearers were elected: Chairman: R. Elliott. Secretary: C. Eddy. Committee: R. Field, D. Ziman, 1. Bloch, M. Poolman. The next meeting was in the form of the customary Hat Night at which wc had twenty-two "active" members. This was followed by an internal debate on tbe subject "The new monetary system will benefit South Africa". The next was also internal: "Examinations sbould be abolisbed". Our first meeting with anotber school was on 12th June when we were tbe guests of Rustenberg Girls' High. The motion read: ''Tourists are more trouble than they are worth". Speakers from the School were Pritchard, Field and Poolman. Our annual fixture, the Old Boys' Debate, followed on 17th July. The Old Boys were represented by Kaplan, Totos and Webb, and the School by Eddy, Gauld and ElIiott. The motion was: "South Africans do not lack a sense of humour". Present were Mr. Townley-Johnson, Mr. Gibbs and Mr. Hopkins of tbe Old Boys Union, all of whom spoke against the Old Boys. The last meeting was against St. Joseph's at St. Joseph's. The motion under debate was: "The United Nations Organisation is of no use as an instrument of peace", defended by the School in the persons of Gauld and Malinaric.


Best Speakers' Debate The speakers at the final debate, held on September 23rd, were: Blocb: "Monarchy is the best form of government". Field: "Why on earth go to the moon?" Eddy: "Prejudice." Kaplinsky : "Tbe Soutb African Educational System is failing in its purpose". Poolman : "Was Nero as black as we have painted rum?" Elliott: "Modern Art". Tbe judges, Mr. F. G. Tborp, Mr. R. Gibbs and Adv. E. Newman, had great difficulty in separating

We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Gibbs, Mr. Webb and Mr. TownJey-Jobnson, who have always been staunch supporters of the Society. Their


One or two refinements of路 presentation and procedure have been introduced during the year, but we have striven to maintain the easy informality which has delighted, and been remarked upon by many of our visitors. We have heard talles from: Mr. Alec Bell on Jewish Literature; Mr. Paul Sea ford on a "globe-trotter's路' experiences in Bermuda; Mr. T. V. Bulpin on the Great North Road; Mr. K. L. Lawson on scboolboys' tours overseas; Tbe Most Rev. Joost de Blank on the Anglican view of the Old Testament; Mr. Bert Pfuhl on a paratrooper's wartime experiences in leadership; Advocate Donald Molteno on the South African Constitution; Mr. Owen Thomas on Anti-Submarine Warfare; Dr. J. Katz on rugby refereeing ; Mr. L. Clarence on Insurance ; Mr. George Rushby on elephant hunting 10 Central Africa; Mr. R. Butcher on Judo. J.B.G.

the speakers in merit, but eventually decided that the Best Speaker for 1959 should be C. Kaplinsky, with M. Poolman and A. Elliott as joint runners路 up.

THE BEVAN PRIZE FOR READING IN ENGLISH The finals of this annual competition took place on October 13th. Once again we are grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spears for their skilful and gracious judging. Our congratulations go to D. Freund for carrying off' the first prize for the second time. His reading has matured, and there could have been no doubt about the verdict. Second and third places were filled by 1. Linden and C. Eddy.

LUNCH HOUR FORUM The Lunch Hour Forum has this year continued to fill the niche which it has created for itself in the life of the School. Our speakers have come from varied walks of life, and we give thanks to them and to those who have helped to bring them to us.

Hebrew Bible Society Chairman: O. Freund. Secretary: 1. Bloch. Committee Member: C. Kaplinsky. As in previous years, tbe Society has bad a successful. year. Tbe success was due to the fact that the lectures were of great interest and also to the large attendances at the gatberings. The aim, this year, was to give a broader outline of Jewish life, both past and present. Speakers sucb as Mr. Bell, Mr. Alexander, Rev. Richards, Dr. Natas, Rabbi Smith and Rabbi Weinberg very ki.ndly consented to visit us. Subjects chosen included Jewish art, Marriage in the Talmud, Judaism and the Young Jew, the Tragedy of the 2nd World War, and Readings from Shalom Aleichem. (This meeting was held in collaboration with the Lunch Hour Forum.) We were honoured to have Archbishop Or. Jooste de Blank to address us. His Grace spoke to a crowded School hall on the Anglican views of the Old Testament. M r. Thorp is to be thanked for the use of the Science Lecture Theatre and the Committee for the efficient way in which they have carried out their duties.

Chairman: C. Kapliosky. Secretary: B. Nitsun. Treasurer: H. Levenbach. Master-in-Charge: Mr. Driessen. This year the Chess Club has suff'ered from a lack of senior members, as not one standard 9 boy is a member of the club. However, the club bas continued to attract the juniors and bas now a strong membership in Standards 6, 7 and 8. As a result the first team suffered, losing to S.A.C.S., Pinelands, Bishops and Herzlia, and winning only against Westerford. Nitsun, Lurie and Levenbach entered the Western Province Junior Chess Championship, and Nitsun did extremely well in reaching the finals. Last year the School championship was won by R. Jowel!. This year either Kaplinsky or Nitsun should win the championsbip, which is being played at the moment. Although this has not been a good year for the Chess Club, the position should improve in the future due to our many junior enthusiasts. C.H.K. 87

THE CADET OFFICERS Front row (I. to r.): SlO B. Hall, Maj. R. P. Richter, Maj. D. H. Thomson, 2/Lt. E. Hopkins, SlO J. Grendon. Secoltd row (I. to r.): C.S/M. A. Nofl"ki, SlO. N. Gauld, SlO. A. Thorn, D./Maj. H. du Plessis, SlO. P. Heritage, B./Maj. N. Woudberg, C.S/M. A. Miller. Third row (I. to r.): SlO. C. Barker, SlO. C. Laubscher, SlO. R. Charles. SlO. M. Potgieter, SlO. R. Field.

efforts in preparing Cadet Competition.

STAFF In the absence on long leave oE the Commanding Officer, Commandant Bowden, M.C., E.D., Major D. H. Thomson was appointed acting O/C. Not beEore time Capt. R. P. Richter, O/C. 'A' Coy., has received his majority, w.eL 1st April, 1957. We congratulate him on his promotion and commend him for his invaluable and untiring

his company for the Annual

TRAINING PLATOON This platoon is an innovation in the detachment. Under SlO Laubscher a squad of potential Sergeants, Sergant-Majors and Student Officers is being trained. Jn this way it is hoped that 88

efficient officers will be discovered long before they reach thei r final year at School.

as a token of appreciation. Major Richter then dismissed the battalion the (drawn) sword was returned, and the cadet year drew to a close. This rather tricky function went off without a hitch, and here mention must be made of Major Richter's excellent organisation. A vote of thanks as well to Major Thomson for looking after the inspecting officer and bis party.

ANNUAL INSPECTION For the first time in five years the Detachment will be inspected by the Officer Commanding. Cape Command. Col. Naubaus will take the alute on October 23rd at 2 p.m.


INTER-DETACHMENT CADET DRILL COMPETITION, 16th October, 1959. In the Company drill section "A" Coy of W. B. H. S. Cadet Detachment was placed fourth -there being five companies competing this year. The turn-out and the rifle drill were the best ever, and but for a slip which "steam-rolled" in the drill the Company would have been placed higher. Anyway, the Company worked hard and what a pleasure to compare the finished product with that at the beginning of the year! We wish to thank the Quartermaster Staff, particularly SlO. Field, SIM. Cox and Sgt. Gouid, for this help during the year and more especially nearer the competition. Special mention must be made of Coy. Comd., SlO. B. Hall; C.S.M., W/O. A. Noffki; No. I Pl.. SlO. N. Gauld and Sgt. J. Human; No. 2 Pl., SlO. P. Heritage and Sgt. J. Moore; No. 3 PI.. SlO. A. Thorn and Sgt. N. Sharpe. "A" Company is commanded by Maj. R. P. Richter.

SHOOTING After many years of faithful service the rifle range has been condemned by tbe Military Authorities as being no longer fit for use. Work will commence very shortly on a new range. This has necessitated a drastic curtailment in the shooting programme for the year, and explains the absence of tbe School from tbe King George V competition this year. CAMPS The number of volunteers for the September and January camps at Young's Field bas been most encouraging. No less than 13 boys have signified their desire to go in September, and we shall have no difficulty whatsoever in meeting our quota of 8 for the Student Officers' Course in January. INSTRUCTORS On behalf of the Battalion, and particularly 'A' Company, we wish to express our thanks to Major Cromhout and the instructors from the Castle. They have been most co-operative, and their efforts have their own reward in the Improved efficiency and smartness of the entire Battalion. SI M Steenkamp, R.S.M. Cape Command, has been most helpful as usual, and we record our appreciation.

ANNUAL CADET INSPECTION, 23rd October, 1959. After a lapse of several years the School Cadet Detachment was again prepared for an inspection from Command. This took place on the 23rd of October this year, Colonel Nauhaus doing the inspecting. The Colonel and party arrived at School at 1.45 p.m., the flag was broken and the parade was under way. With "A" and HB" Companies at attention in front of the dais and the band .in position behind tbe ranks, the paradeground presented a stirring scene. SlO. Bruce Hall took HA" Company for a spell of Company drill, and then Hennie du Plessis and his "merry men", gave another excellent "competitionwinning" display. The batalion was then inspected by Colonel Nauhaus, after which the latter took the march-past. Then followed a congratulatory speech by the Colonel himself, and Mrs. Nauhau was presented with a bouquet

THE ADJUTANT Under difficult and at times impossible conditions, 2/Lt. E. Hopkins, our Adjutant, has done excellent work. We thank him and trust that now that the hard work is behind him, he will find his task more congenial. APPOINTMENTS FOR 1959 O.C.: Commandant W. E. Bowden, M.C .. E.D. 2 J IC.: Major D. H. Thomson. 'A' Coy. Commander: Major R. P. Richter. Adjutant: 2/Lt. E. Hopkins.




Photographic Society

Company Commander: SlO. B. Hall. A 1 Platoon Commander: SlO. N. Gauld. A2 Platoon Commander: SlO. P. Heritage. A3 Platoon Commander: SlO A. Thom. Company Sergeant-Major: SGM. A. Noffki. "B"

Chairman: J. Kahn. Secretary: G. Holland. Treasurer: D. Ziman. Committee: D. Glasser, C. Kaplinsky, P. de Wil. As an innovation the School Photographic Society has been launched. It has started slowly, but is now firmly established, and should go ahead in leaps and bounds in the future. After much work on the part of our general committee, the blackout screens and cupboard have been completed and the sink finally installed. Up to now, not many members have used the equipment, and, owing to the absence of Mr. Verwymering, we have not been able to have instruction on the use thereof. I am sure that, under the expert leadership and knowledge of our chairman, J. Kahn, and masterin-charge, Mr. Verwymering, the Photographic Society should be in full swing early next year. Thanks go to Mr. Bowden for a grant of 拢200 which has enabled us to make a start and purchase eq ui pment. G.H.


Company Commander: SlO. J. Grendon. BI Platoon Commander: SlO. R. Jarmain. B2 Platoon Commander: SlO. R. van Rhyn. B3 Platoon Commander: SlO. N. Potgieter. Company Sergeant-Major: SGM. A. Miller. B4 Special Platoon SlO. Loubscher.



Company Commander: SlO. 1. Bloch. Cl Platoon Commander: SlO. C. Barker. C2 Platoon Commander: SlO. J. Burt. C3 Platoon Commander: SlO. R. Charles. Company Sergeant-Major: SGM. N. Perrow. Quarter Master: SlO. R. Field. Quarter Master S/M.: SIM. W. Gauld.



The Students' Christian Union has now been in existence for 12 years. During this period we have had many ups and downs. Unfortunately this year has been one of the downs. Last year our average was something like eventy; this year it has dropped somewhat to the region of fifty. We have continued, however, to have our three meetings per week, Thursday and Friday being set aside for Prayer and Bible Study, What we have done in connection with these路 meetings is that we have let the younger members run them. As Barker and I will not be here next year, we feel that this will prove to be valuable experience for them as future leaders. We should like to express our thanks to those speakers who gave up their lunch hours to come to us. The boys were particularly impressed with Athol Jennings, the ex-Springbok miler. As Athol brought in his athletic experiences as illustrations, the Word was made very clear. During August, as a variation, we were fortunate in being able to


show one of Billy Graham's "Hour of Decision" films. About 120 packed into Mr. Mathew's clas room, and we are sure that a great work was done there. During the year a leadership camp was held at Glencairn. The camp was a real blessing to all those who attended it. We were .instructed on how to lead and run meetings. Mr. Stan Edkins was in charge. On September 19th the S.Y.C.u. winter rally was held in the Metropolitan Church Hall Rev. Graham Swift was the speaker, and he told us of his experiences with the Crusaders, an organization in Britain similar to the S.v.C.U. We should like to thank the Christian masters in the Scbool, especially Mr. Arguile, for their support. We thank the Lord for tbe privilege of being able to have these meetings and pray that He will continue to bless them in the years to come. N. WOUDBERG.

This page sponsored by Juta & Co. Ltd., Publishers, Booksellers, Stationers, Cal/rt Road. Wynberg. 90

CADET BAND JOINT WINNERS OF 1959 BAND COMPETITION FroIIt row (I. to r.): Sgt. L. van Niekerk, Sgt. M. Pool man, B/M. N. Woudberg, Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), DIM. H. du Plessis, Mr. W. Lennox (Band-Master), Sg\. B. Nauschutz, Sgt. B. Gibbons, Sgt. G. Holland. Second rOH.I (I. ot r.): S. Collins, D. Richardson, L/Cpt. T. Johnson, B. Dau, P. Fabricius, Cpl. D. Ziman, B. Smith, P. de Wet, M. Fourie, L/Cp!. R. Carp, R. Tripp. Third row (I. to r.): M. Steele, G. Levey, J. Kahn, Cpl. R. Jordan, Cpl. D. Coleman, W. Forster, P. du Pont, L/Cp!. N. Gelb, R. Ormond, J. McClatchie.

year the Trophy is shared with Diocesan College, joint winners with Wynberg. Congratulations also to Cpl. B. Nauschutz, who has also for the second year in succession won the Silver Drum, due to the excellence of his drumming performance. May I convey my thanks and appreciation to DI M. H. du Plessis and BI M. N. Woudberg for the work and effort they and every member of the band have put into making this year so successful.

Congratulations to the band on an excellent performance at the 1959 Schools' Inter-Detachment competition. The previous year's high standard of acbievement bas been maintained, and for the second year running the School band has retained tbe position of Trophy winners. This

W.L. 91

SENIOR SHOOTING TEAM Frolll rOl\! (I. to r.): Mr. F. G. Thorp (Acting Principal), Sgl. N. Sharpe, SlO B. Hall, SlO A. Thorn, Mr. E. D. Keyser (Coach). Second rOI\' (I. to r.): Cpl. D. Watts, Pvl. H. Klopper, Sgt. G. Holland, Pvt. R. Rowberry, Sgt. P. Muller, Pvl. P. du Pont.

Senior Team


J. Human

(c.) B. Hall (v.-c.) R. Rowberry. A. Thorn. N. Sharpe. P. du Pont. P. Muller. G. Holland. P. Klopper. D. Watts.

At the beginning of the season aU members of both junior and senior teams were very keen, and great promise of success was shown. Unfortunately, due to weather conditions and a delay in the arrival of ammunition, it was impossible to hold regular practices. In June the shooting butts were condemned. thus making it impossible to compete against other schools. For this reason no awards will be made his year. J. A. HUMAN.

Note: when


J tm.ior Team J. Nairn (c.) B. Carver (v.-c.) R. Steward. H. Callaghan. K. Henson. B. Davies. J. Parkes. J. Duffield. D. Wilson. A. Broek.

J. A. Human was absent on the senior team was photographed.





honoured and unsung, are performing sterling work either in their daily callings or in part-time activities, or both. Many of us are engaged in the routine work of the daily round which does not bring us into the limelight. We are no less men of consequence for tbat. Many devote their time and energies to such worthwhile bodies as St. John, Red Cross, Toe H, Boy Scouts, Rotary, Round Table, Churcb, sporting and other organisations. All this is great work, and I trust that Old Boys will continue to serve the community by making their talents available to those who have need of them.


The Principal (Mr. W. E. Bow-

den). R. H. Gi bbs. R. J. E. Burt. R. Townley Johnson, "Far Horizon," Llandudno, P.O. Hout Bay. Hon. Treasurer: J. F. B. Ryan, C.A.(S.A.), 3rd Floor, Shopping Centre, Wynberg. Committee: R. Felbert, W. Lea, E. Hopkins, H. Fay, R. van Rosenveld, L. Adams, I. Engelke (Matric. representative). Co-opted: R. Gelb and L. Derman. Staff Representative: Mr. E. Hopkins. President:

Vice-President: Hon. Secretary:


During my year as President I have tried to attend as many School functions as possible. This has enabled me more than ever to appreciate what a wide variety of interests is provided for the Wynberg student of today-and also to realise wbat a wonderful opportunity is being lost by those who make no use of them.


The year now closing has been one of outstanding achievement, and in this section of the Magazine you will read of Old Boys wbo bave brought honour to the School in many different ways. I doubt whetber in the pages of Wynberg's golden book the record appears that in a single year the School produced among its past students three international and six provincial rugby players and three provincial cricketers. In addition we have bad an imposing list of successes in university and other examinations, and four Old Boys have won valuable bursaries, three for overseas and one local.

I attended the orchestral concert which included no fewer than three concertos, and marvelled how Mr. Lorie manages to maintain the high standard year after year. I attended a lively debate between the School and Marist Brothers, and I attended the perforl1)ance of "The Tempest" by the Middle School. One usually expects Shakespeare to be acted by seniors, but the sevens and eights provided an excellent evening's entertainment. I have watched sporting contests Saturday after Saturday on the fields, in he swimming bath, or on the courts. I know of many other activities which take place during luncb hours and afternoons which I was not able to attend. The general impression I have formed is tbat the masters are a devoted team who strive hard to prepare their students to meet the demands of the future.

Truly, our Scbool can be proud of its products, and whether tbe attainments have been academic or ~porting, we congratulate tbe recipients of these honours. Yet while it is pleasing to record tbe successes of such past students, I am not unmindful of the fact that there are thousands more who, un93


The news of the acqUlslllon of land for new sports fields has been acclaimed with joy by all Old Boys, an::! we hope in the near future to hear that plans are afoot for the construction of a new Hall, now so urgently required.

Winners of the Old Boys' Union Scholarship Norman Bromberger, B.A., B.A.(Hons.), B.Sc. (1952), having won the Croll Memorial Scholarship for study at Oxford, is taking the Philosophy, Poljtics and Economics Course, and has completed his first year. He is due to finish in June, 1960, and will probably return to the Union, unless be finds some avenue of interest, .in which case be may remain longer.

From time to time I walk about the grounds. and I never fail to observe the magnificent ancl peaceful setting in which the School is so fortunately placed, surrounded as it is by a great belt of green which spreads over Wynberg HilI. In winter, when the trees are bare, the stone walls of St. lohn's Church are visible until Spring produces the new lea ves to blot out all but the top few feet of the tower. It is a country setting which any city school may well treasure. Many less fortunate schools on busy boroughfares or builtup areas have never known a setting like ours.

Mendel Kaplan. B.Com., LLB. (1958), has won a scholarship at Columbia University in the United States to study for a Master of Business Administration Degree. Eduard de Groot his medical course.

Robert Kaplan (1956) is due to write his combined B.A. and B.Com. degrees at the cnd of this year. Michael Worrall (1957) is preparing for a B.Sc. (Pure Maths.) degree as part of hjs training in Actuar.ial Science. Having passed his first examination, he is now in his second year.

I have purposely not turned this letter into an annual report. Provision is made for that at the annual general meeting, which I hope all members will support. I do, however, wish to convey my grateful thanks to all who participated in tbe Old Boys' Fair, whether as conveners, helpers or vis.itors. The result was ÂŁ1,550, and the Un.ion will continue to increase that sum with further fundraising efforts until we are in a position to convert it into some stately edifice wbich will serve the School for years to come.

John Webb (1958) is also studying for a B.Sc. degree in Pure Maths. with a view to qualifying in Actuarial Science. It is a fine acbievement for the School that in two successive years bursaries awarded by tbe S.A. Mutual Assurance Company have been won by our Union Scholarship Winners. Each bursary is awarded for three years. In addition to M. Kaplan and J. Webb, we are pleased to record news of another two bursary winners.

To those students wbo will soon be lea ving School for the last time I extend the Union's sincere good wishes for every bappiness and success in the future. And, as tbey launch out upon their careers, I leave with them the words of a New Zealand Scbool Song: to tbe Jong white road

The climb that And here's


William Jacobson (1955) bas won a Scholarsbip at Stanford University, U.S.A. He already holds the degree of B.Com. and LL.B., and at Stanford will study for an M.Com. degree. The award is made annually to outstand.ing student leaders. He has been captain of the U.C.T. tennjs team, and has played for Western Province. David Le-Clue (1949) has obtained his B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering. Prior to that he was employed in the Royal Naval Dockyard at Simonstown. He has won a ÂŁ1,000 two-year Scholarship awarded by the Brush Company of England. About five years ago this same Scholarship wa won by G. Bruins.

that beckons,

the risk that nerves.

to the merry


The rough with the smootb

tbat reckons

and never swerves:'


is .in the fifth year of

David Bromberger, B.A. (1955), is at present studying for his B.A.(Hons.) degree which he will write this year. Later he may try to take a course at Oxford.

J wonder how many students, past or present, ha ve stopped to consider the influence of such surroundings upon their characters. Environs like these must be conducive to happiness and contentment during our formative years, and T pray that this beauty may be preserved for all future generations lo enjoy.






trade. P. Croeser, our only Civil Servant, has been taken on by tbe Post Office, and the only Municipal official is J. Carstens, who is in the City Health Department. Two are fOllowing an insurance career, one, R. MilIson, who is with the Southern Life, and the other, D. Tunbridge, who has joined the S.A. Mutual.

1958 We apologise for being unable to ascertain the activities of every member of last year's class despite our efforts, and we appeal to all in thc 1959 class to notify their Matric. representative of their careers as soon as possible after the New Year.

This class has shown the strictest impartiality by providing eacb Service Gymnasium with one cadet (or should we say "victim"?). Anyway, C. Barnes is in tbe Army Gym, S. McCullagh, the Air Force Gym, and P. Fougstedt the Navy Gym.

From the list supplied we find that no fewer than 35 are taking full-time or part-time courses at U.C.T., with one more who will be starting there next year, making 36 in all. We believe hat this represents over 50% of the class, which we think is an excellent proportion. To them all, whether students or not, we extend our best wishes for future success.

Two have left the Cape, but we are unaware of their careers. Chris Edmunds is in Rhodesia, and Ken Farmer is in the Transvaal, where we hear be is making a name (or himself in Under 19 Rugby, being regarded up there as one of the up-and-coming three-quarters.

University students include the following: B.A.: M. Drummond, R. Slomowitz, 1. Carp, R. loweII, L. Stern, J. Katz. S. Reichlin, L. Speyer, D. Scott, M. Mittag. B.Co:n.: L. White, R. Totos. W. Goldblatt. B.Sc.: W. Ringer, M. Soltynski, N. Eden, F. Jackson, L. Pasvol, J. Webb, K. Burt, P. Haasbroek. R. Witthuhn. R. Hobbs, R. Gaylard and J. Engelke, the Matric. Representative, who is taking his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering. Medicine: A. Todres, D. Nathan, D. Goldberg.



Stephen Rowley (l957) was placed first in South Africa in the Preliminary Banking Examinations. N. Cramer has been adding to his laurels by winning the Downes Trophy, an award which is given to the outstanding printing apprentice of tbe year. He bas represented South Africa in basketball against Portuguese East Africa, and bas also played for Western Province.

The following are articled clerks to Chartered Accountants and are part-time students: J. Firth, M. Hughes, M. Goldstein, E. Ger, J. Zabow, D. Stephan, P. Gabriel.

R. Giles, B. Land, H. Hutton, L. Matthews, R. Webster. D. Harford and J. Burger have all joined banks.

Stanley Jones (1936), former President and presently secretary of tbe School Committee, bas had the honour of being made a Trustee of the Congregational Union of Churches of South Africa. There are only three such officers in the country. He has been the driving force which led to the founding of the recently-built Bergvliet Congregational Church. Stan continues to play cricket for the Bergvliet 3rd team, where be does his fair share of bowling and where he would make lots of runs, if only he could avoid those L.B.W. decisions against him.

J. King, B. Hilliard and R. Jarmain have joined Building Societies, the latter being with the Johannesburg Building Society.

Dave Lytton paid a visit to South Africa to collect material on the life of Field Marshal Smuts for broadcasting over the B.B.C.

D. Whitehead is witb Spilhaus & Co., and G. Barratt and N. Van B1erk are learning the printing

Harold Shaper, wbose work "Harvest Champagne" was produced in Cape Town a year or so

R. Marx has been overseas for six months and intends to commence a course in Medicine at U.C.T. next year.

• The following shown:



• in the



ago, is now in London. He intends to make his career in the entertainment world and has already appeared in a television show.

be a radio officer in the Merchant Navy. He hopes to finish about April, after which he .intends to try to spend two months on a Radar course. We hear that Dr. A. H. Mertsch has been appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to Portugal. David Divine's new book "Seven Days to Dunkirk" appeared recently in Cape Town, and we were interested to note that the screen play for the film "Dunkirk", which also has been showing locally during recent months, was written by him. W. J. R. (Billy) Jackson has been made Branch Manager of the Standard Oil Company in Salisbury. Earlier in the year we were informed by one of our university students that over twenty Old Boys had secured degrees at the end of last year, but on trying to ascertain tbeir names we have been able to trace only a few. All students are requested to advise the secretary of their successes for inclusion in the Magazine. We congratulate the following graduates: E. A. K. Middiemost, who has passed his B.Sc. in Geology with honours and proposes to attempt his M.Sc. degree. H. P. Spears, B.Sc., and M. J. Hall, B.Se. in Land Surveying. LL.B.: D. M. Herbstein, W. R. Jacobson and M. r. Kaplan. B.A.: D. Bromberger, B. R. Fcinberg an:! J. Jowell. Diploma in Architecture: Keith Doveton. Paul Schoon, we are told, has passed his final Law exams. at Stellenbosch. Johannes van der Merwe (1953) has transferred to Windhoek, where he is employed as a Hide and Skins Sorter. Donald MacKellar (1926), Cape Town's Water Engineer, is Vice-President of tbe Cape Town Photographic Society, a position held some year ago by another Old Boy, A. van Oudtshoorn, whose obituary is recorded in these pages. William Chapman (1903), of Gobabis, SW.A., has retired from farming. A couple of months ago he visited Cape Town and called at the School to look over the new buildings. George Judelsohn (1927) bas been appointed Deputy City Engineer of East London. N. G. Shar (1956) is looking after the Union's interests in South West Africa. He is being trained for a Manager's post, and is taking a Business Administration degree by correspondence.

We hear that lan Scott is also in London, and that he has been playing full-back for Richmond Club. Ted Parlabean, in a letter to the Union, has kindly told us of the activities of a few Old Boys he has met in his part of the country, Beaufort West. Ted left in 1946, and reports that Cliff Hosking, of the same class is working at Groblershoop in the North-west Cape, where he is Resident Engineer of the special Roads Department there. Also of this class is Bob Krabman, who is accountant of Messrs. Leon Robert Ltd. of Johannesburg. Others in Beaufort West are Colin Gribble. resident Serviceman for Barlows, of which firm Ted is the Local Representative, Tommy TomIinson, representative of the Shell Company, and Ormsby Wilkinson, who is sheep-farming. Another visitor was Bob Mitcbell of Durban (1944 class), wbo landed up in Beaufort West with a burnt-out bearing. Ted invites Old Boys passing through his town to look him up. Dick Upton, who has been Branch Manager of Garlicks in East London for some years, has been transferred to Pretoria where he will ha ve five establishments under his control. lt seems that Dick will be having a busy time in the Northern Capital. Capt. A. A. Davis has been appointed Port Captain of Table Bay Harbour which, we believe, is the most senior Harbour position of all Union ports. Capt. Davis was one of the first six cadets to join the "General Botha" after the First World War. W. (Billy) Joubert (1938) has [)een moving around quite a lot during the last few years. Having been for a number of years in England with an Engineering firm, he went to Israel for about eighteen months on a contract for nis firm. When tbe contract was completed he left for Canada, and is now lecturing at a Technical College in Toronto, Ontario. GranviLle West has left the Copperbelt, where he spent three years, and has moved to Salisbury to open a Branch for nis firm. He has been too busy to look round yet, but nas bumped into Barney Pycroft. R. H. Smith, who left School towards the end of last year, bas wr.itten to say that he is at a college near Southampton, where he is training to 96


Past President Wally Lea started playing bowls. a short while ago and has won two troph.ies at Bergvliet, one for the pairs and one for the novices singles championslJips.


In the realm of sport the Union has attained one of its most successful seasons. Some 25 cricketers have played in the first division or higher, while at least ten have achieved a similar record in rugby. We believe that there are several more who are doing well in the Transvaal and Rhodesia. The most important item of news has been, of course, the winning of Junior Springbok honours by three past students. They were: Dave Stewart, a draughtsman with Dorman Long & Co., Villagers and Western Province fly-half. Shortly before the team sailed for the Argentine, Da ve learned that he had won the Western Province Cricket Club award for fielding. Doug Hopwood, employed by Reunert and Lenz, Villagers and Western Province eighth man. Plays cricket for Fish Hoek Club. Doug Holton, employed by Mangoids of Port Elizabeth. Olympics and Eastern Province front ranker. At a farewell ceremony in July each representative was presented with a cheque and book token. D. Holton was represented by his father, also an old Olympics Club member. He mentioned that Cecil Holton (1949) is a Regimental Sergeant Major with the King' African Rifles in Rhodesia. Two other Old Boys who have given yeoman service to Western Province rugby are Lionel Wilson, full back, and Aubrey Luck, scrum half, who won tbe Landstem award to the outstanding sportsman at V.C.T. for the year. Roy Dryburgh has been playing for Natal and has announced bis engagement. In cricket, the honour of Life Membership has been conferred upon George Sickier by the S.A. Umpires' Association. Malcolm Richardson had a good season with Western Province and won the Cape Town Club's bat for the Best Batsman. Ken Heldsinger also represented Western Province. Neville Williams won the coveted Bisset award at Western Province Club for leading the bowling averages. He also played for a Western Province XI during tbe season. Bruce Anderson was second in the batting averages. R. D. Stepben is another to win Western Province honours. He was a member of the crew of the W.P. Title-Winning Yacht.

LATE NEWS As we go to Press we hear that lan Hunter, the stage and film actor, will visit Cape Town aaer an absence ot 40 years. He will act in 'The Grdss is Greener" at the Hofmeyr Theatre. The Old Boys' Match brougbt its usual throng of visitors, some of whom we had not seen tor years. Hugh Gibbs (1936) was one. He is now working in Cape Town after spending some time in Pietermaritzburg on soil conservation. Hector M. Shaw, one of South Africa's best-known Land Surveyors, was another. We noticed also one of the D贸ll brothers. C. Sims, who is with the Vacuum Oil Co. at Somerset West, brought his family to watch a Saturday match towards tbe end of the winter. Browsing through the records at a music dealer's we noticed that Roger O'Hogan and his choir had made a recording of the Service of: Nine Carols on a long-playing record.




Mr. Thomson is making good progress with the compilation of the History and hopes to derive considerable assistance from the memoirs wbich Old Boys have been asked to submit. Please do not overlook this matter. Old Boys who have not received a Brochure should write for one to R. H. Gibbs, "Camelot," Riviera Road, Claremont. Telephone: 7.2545.



Every time we send out newsletters and other correspondence a number come back to u marked "Address unknown". Please advise our Secretary whenever your address is altered.




Beefe, mutton and porke, shred pies of the best, Pig, veale, goose and capon, and turkey well drest. Cbeese, apples and nuts, joly Carols to heare, As then in the countrie is counted good cheere. So wrote Thomas Tusser (1523-1580) and to Old Boys and readers the President and Committee extend their best wishes "for every good cheere, a joly Christmas and a happie New Yeere. withall".

The Annual General Meeting will be held in the School Hall on Wednesday, 3rd February, 1960, at 8 p.m. All Old Boys and members of the J959 Matric Class wiJl be welcomed. 98


jffitttnnriant tried to organise a Rover crew, but could not obtain sufficient support. He took to bowls and became a Pairs Champion of Griqualand West. Mr. Hodgkiss, who died in August, leaves a wife and nine-year-old daughter.

The Union records with regret the passing of the following Old Boys and expresses its deepest symp3.thy to their relatives: William Henry Boucher Mr. Willie Boucher, as he was known to bis friends, died in Hermanus in August at the age of 47. He left School in 1929 and was a Life Member of the Union. He was a well-known resident of Hermanus where he ran a business as a tailor. During the last War he was badly wounded while on patrol in an armoured car and never fully recovered. He was also a Life Member of the B.E.S.L.

Otto J. Prillevits The following obituary has been kindly supplied by Mr. J. Withycombe: The late Mr. Prillevitz during his School career took a very great interest in all sporting activities at School and elsewhere. These interests were with bim all his life, and in his early days he was very keen on boating, yacbting, football and boxing. At one time he and Ilis brother initiated a sand-yachting pastime on the beaches at Muizenberg, an iron frame on wheels with a mast and sails, including a "jib", racing before the wind on tile sands. This episode is mentioned by Lawrence Green in his "S.A. Beach Comber". Latterly his interests developed in the motoring world. He started off in motor-cycle racing, and then selling motor vehicles in Johannesburg, and landed finally in Hermanus, where he resided till his death. He was Mayor of Hermanus for a number of years, and was made tbe first Freeman of this town. Whilst at Hermanus he served again in the Second World War, and took an active interest in Wild Life and Nature Conservation. In fact his initiative in this respect is still being actively carried on by a number of his friends in Hermanus.

Ralph Coates The following obituary has been kindly supplied by Mr. W. Jennings : The sudden and unexpected death of Ralpb Coates on 22nd August, 1959, at the age of 54, was a shock to all who knew him. The large gathering-representative of all sections of the community-at the funeral service was eloquent proof of the high esteem in which he was held by tbem. Ralph was an outstanding optician whose articles were published in world journals. He held the following degrees: F.B.O.A. (Hons.), F.O.A., S.S.M .C. For many years Ralph was a leading member of Gordon's Institute, and eventually became one of their gymnastics instructors. He was very fond of mountaineering. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Wynberg. Through his public-mindedness and generosity a soup-kitchen and clinic were opened and maintained at Raapkraal, Retreat. He was an active Church and Sunday School worker. One and all will remember Ralpb as a good husband, a loving father, and a Godly man.

Albert van Rheede van Oudtshoorn Mr. van Oudtshoorn died in Pietermaritzburg in May at the age of 65. Soon after leaving School he joined, in 1914, the Cape Town Deeds Office and rose to tile post of Assistant Registrar of Deeds at Vryburg in ]943. He achieved fame through his hobby of photography, and tor 12 consecutive years was President of the Cape Photographic Society. Among the honours bestowed upon him were Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and the Royal Photographic Society. Perhaps his most masterly work was that remarkable photograph of a wave crashing upon. a rock, which he so aptly named "Thundering Through". He leaves a wife and two daughters.

Sidney Hodgkiss Mr. Hodgkiss left School in 1923 and was a Life Member of the Union. He was on the staff of the Standard Bank, and during recent years was stationed in Cape Town, where he was in charge of tbe Bills Department of the A.B.C. Branch. In his younger days be was a member of Ist Claremont Scouts and Rovers, and later was assistant Cubmaster. On transfer to Kimberley he



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