Wynberg Boys' Schools Magazine 1965

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PRINCIPAL Mr. N. R. Blackbeard,

...... Commerce.

B.A. ...... ......

VICE-PRI CIPALS Mr. F. G. Thorp. M.A., B.SC., B.I:.D. Mr. W. Lennox. B.SC.(HONS.)

Physical Science Mathematics SPECIAL GRADE As

Mr. H. E. de W. Ta~ker, Mr. S. Gilmore, B.A. Mr. J. L. Mathew. B.SC.



As Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.


H islory, English Geography Geography, Biology, Religious InstrllctiOIl ISTAI'ITS

. C. Basson. B.A. J. M. Blom, B.A. J. . Boltman. M.A. D. Bromberger, B.A.(HO .) A. G. Driessen. B.A. D. Dunn, B.SC. D. Grobler, I'.T.C.II, H.P.C. E. P. Hopkins, A.I.C.B.(SC.), .C.T.C.

Afrikaans. Social Studies Social Studies Latin, Religious Instructioll English ... A frikaalls, Religiolls !WiI rIIction Mathematics Manllal Training Mathematics, Bookkeeping, Commercial metic . J. Jordaan. IJ.A.(HONS.) Afrikaans, Social Studies F. A. J. Kooy, B.A. English, Religious InstrlIction M. MeM inn, N.A.T.D. Art, GenPral Science A. J. A. Morri'. B.A. English W. Morri. B.sC. Science, Mathematics A. Noffki. B.A. Physical Education, General Science V. J. Parkin. B.A. English D. S. Sieberhagen, B.A. .. .. Afrikaans A. Vcrwymercn, M.O.MUSIC, U.P.I .M. ..... Music C. A. Wahl, B.A.(CAPE), M.A.(ED.)(COUJMBIA) Mathematics J. R. Wheeler, B. c. .... ...... .... ...... Mathematics SECRETARY: Mr. J. Cotton, B.A. SUPERI

E DEI'IT OF GROU OS: Dr. H. G. Wood. ARETAKER: Mr. Brocker.

JUNIOR Principal Vice-Principal Sub A Sub B Std. lA td. IB td.2A Std.2B Std.3A Std.38 td.4A td.4B td.5A Std.5B Phy ical Training Class Singing Remedial peech Eurhythmics Piano Violin 'Cello peech Training and

Play Production


B.A.. PH.D.


Mr. A. Lorie Mr. J. F. 00 thuizen. Mi K. Lacey Mi G. BarweIl teyn Mi sH. Mi s J. Lonstein M rs. M. Luman Miss L. Cowley Mr . r. Oberholzer Mr. N. WoLfT Mr. M. Bohling Mr. R. Ju t Mr. A. Lorie Mr. K. Pretoriu Mr. J. F. 00 thuizen. Mr . E. Jennings Mr . BagnaIl Mrs. M. Botha Mr. N. Solomon Mr. A. Lorie Mi s R. Hutchin on Mr . R. Ju t








Over seventy years have gone by since first our school occupied its present site and in all this time the senior school has had only three headmasters. This year has been marked by the arrival of Mr. Neville Blackbeard who came from Selborne College to take the helm at Wynberg and it is our pleasure to bid him a very hearty welcome. The advent of a new headmaster is inevitably preceded by a measure of speculation and a sense of anticipation regarding traditions to be maintained and changes to be effected. Mr. Blackbeard arrived at the beginning of the second term and very soon established a good rapport with both staff and boys. Quietly spoken, friendly in manner yet possessed of a firm sense of discipline, he has quickly evolved the pattern around which he proposes to run the school. A tennis player of some note, he is none the less interested in all forms of sport. He has held the rank of captain in his schooL's cadet detachment and over a period of years has played leading roles in numerous Gilbert and Sullivan productions. He has come to us with a reputation both as a teacher and administrator and we look forward to many good years under his guidance and, in her sphere, that of Mrs. Blackbeard, whose charming

presence will lend grace to the hostel.


sound academic ability. The one without the other is barren. If he has already dissuaded his young brother from carving his initials on his surfboard he need have no fear about discipline, and interest in a subject is usually sufficient to ensure a fair degree of mastery in it.

Soon anotber batch of matriculants will be disgorged upon a world eagerly awaiting fresh recruits to business, commerce, industry and the professions_ The pay is attractive but the prospects, in human terms, may be appalling. Today's professional or business man is the victim of specialisation. He finds himself faced with techniques and a body of knowledge so narrowly applied, and a training so demanding of time, that he is forced to sacrifice other interests and activities and devote himself exclusively to his cho en work. Put baIdly and unkindly, and with some reservations: five-figure phili tines sboulder our world and provide us with a standard of living and with amenities undreamt of a few generations back. But the cost to themselves bas been enormous and we must ask if we. too, are wjLljng to make that sacrifice. They have cut themselves off from the world of mu ic, art and literature and conversation with them is like talking to an Eskimo who has acquired a fluent and accent-free command of our language. Words pass. but there i no communication - where communication means a sympathy derived from commonly-held attitudes. ideas, prejudices, inclinations and ideals. And when human beings cease lo communicate with one another the stage is set for a debacle of some ort.

Secondly, he should have a personality that lies within the wide limits of normality. He should, too, have a sense of humour to restore flagging interest in a class and minimise awkward situations. Some interest aod facility in extra-mural activities will gain tbe goodwill and co-operation of boys. And finally he sbould have the physical and mental strength to stand long hours of teaching and marking and also the irritations and frustrations that inevitably crop up when dealing with a mixed bag of boys. As far as language teaching itself is concerned, the test i short and simple. Does he enjoy the ring of certain words aod phrases? Does he come back at the end of the line to savour 'At the round earth's imagin'd corners'? Does he resent the blatant and intrusive vulgarity of popular advertising? Does he feel that the use of vogue words shows lack of discrimination? Is he an avid reader and at least an occasional playgoer? So there you have your language teacher. And within a few years he will raise hi voice as vociferously as the others in protest against pay, pettifogging departmental regulations, overwork and panel inspections. However, he stays. He does not follow the drift into private enterprise with it attractive offers. Why? Possibly becau e every day of every year is fresh to him in a way it cannot be to any other teacher. Every year be u es fresh books that can accommodate changes of taste and attitude and opinions that may develop in him; moreover he is remarkably free of that blight on the human pirit - endlessly repetitive work. But tbe real reason tbat he stays is that he is loth to give up a reward that no other employment can offer: the belief that be has interested young minds in the accumulated wisdom and beauty of mankind, and bas provided a leaven that will go on fermenting in an age that would narrow us down to automata.

Language. then, is what binds man to man, but it cannot be a language only of words. It mu t be a language of values and attitudes, and we find it chiefly in our literary past aod present. We suggest, therefore, that language teaching, understood in this way, is perhaps the greatest contribution that can be made to contemporary society. Quite frankly. a plea i being made for matriculants to consider entering the teaching profession, especially on the language side. That this plea is wrongly timed in that it reaches them in their final agony is an unfortunate necessity, but a few may be led to consider it and wonder what sort of person will make a succes ful and contented language teacher. To begin with, he will need at least some of the qualitie that allow any teacher of any subject to survive. Fir tand foremo t he will need those inseparably important qualitie of di cipline and


HOOL PREFECT Front Ro,,' (I. to r.): R. r. Kat7. I. Wains\\orth. D. . le ROll\ (Deputy Ilead Prefect). Mr. N. R.. Blad.beard (Headmaster), G. . Hammond (Head Prefect), \ir. W. Lennox ( icePrincIpal), M. Emm , Q. J. Rookledge. . D. Hoy. Second Ro,,' (I. to r.): B. J. de midt. C. G. tephen~. B. A. Wat on. D. B. Banl.. . G. Abel ohn. Third ROil' (1. to. r.): R. C. Hor\\itL. K. Hahndicl... I. . ieuwoudt. L. E. Raymond.

Thi has been a year of considerable change for the choot. We have had a new Headma ter, an additional vice-principal. a record turnover in tafT. a new school committee and the formation of a Parent-Teachers' A ociation.

former vice-headmaster of elborne ollege. Ea t London. arrived at the commencement of the second term. he establi hed him elf in Littlewood House. We welcome Mr. and Mr. Blackbeard to the oldest chool but one in the Cape Province and hope that their tay will be long and happy.

Wc :tarted the year with Mr. Thorp as actingprincipal following the retirement of Mr. Bowden at the end of 1964. When M r. Neville Black beard.

Departmental revision of tafT promotion left vacancie for a second vice-principal and two 7

and Or. Anziska. One of their chief duties will be to thrash out the question whether we shall remain at our present site or move to the Labia Estate where we have already been granted additional playing field. An important innovation was made in August when a well-attended meeting of parents accepted a draft-constitution for a Parent-Teachers' Association and a steering-committee consisting of the following was elected: Messrs. Katz, Barnard, Gilmour, Barnes and Mrs. Hamburger, with Messrs. Gilmore and Morris representing the staff on that committee. Over informal coffee in the quadrangle after the meeting, parents slaked their thirst for news of their sons who, it seems, have untapped descriptivt: powers. In vain did masters assume a diffident unfamiliarity with their surroundings. Each soon had his throng of inquirers. Our sports and clubs and societies - the pulse of a school's health - are flourishing. During the year we formed a Golf Club, which has been given recognition by the Western Province Golf Executive and through their kind offices we bave had the courtesy of several local courses. Badminton has been introduced as a regular sport and Gymnastics is now offered as an extra-curricular activity. Our major sports. rugby and cricket, did not quite reach vintage standard - we had three rugby Springboks in this year's tours-but we held our own very comfortably and, far more important. enhanced a reputation for hard, keen, enterprising play. Our Judo team, under the expert tuition of Mr. A. Butcher, gained for the third succes ive year the premier Western Province award, and we also won the Western Province Schools' yachting trophy. We continue to be inundated with requests for admission to the school and the hostel, but we are bursting at the seams with 545 scbolars and 85 boarder. Numbers in the junior classes are 0 unwieldy that for the first time it was necessary to introduce a fifth std. vn cia s. Finally, it is with great plea ure that we are able to report that Mr. Bowden's health ha improved and that he i active and happy in retirement.

chief -assistants. The former post has been filled by M r. Lennox and the latter by Messrs. Gilmore and Mathew. We offer our congratulations to these deserving gentlemen. Staff changes, sometimes sad and always disruptive, have been more numerous than for many years. Since our last issue we have bad the retirement of Mr. Wheeler following a severe accident, and Mr. Gredley who for years administered the swimming batb and the sale of pies with smiling imperturbability. They leave behind them pleasant memories and we hope they bave long and happy years of retirement. Both Mr. le Roux and Mr. Lingenfelder, who left to enter bu iness, are remembered gratefully for tbeir enthusiasm on the sports fields. Messrs. L. Mathew, Meiring and Griesel. made only a short stay with us. Mr. Dunn pose the problem of welcoming and congratulating him and saying good-bye all at once. He arrived from Zambia at the beginning of the year, married in tbe September holidays. and returns to Zambia at the end of the term. Tben there is Mr. Grobler who has been with us for two years. He is getting married at the end of the year and has accepted a post at Cradock. We wish him and his fiancee every happiness. New to the staff this year are Messr. Jordaan and Blom, both helping with Afrikaans and Social Studies; and Mr. Noffki, an Old Boy, who has taken over and transformed our Physical Education. Temporary additions to the staff have been Mrs. Badenhorst who looked after Mr. A. Morris' cla e while he was on furlough, Mrs. Quinn who kindly con ented to take Mr. Lennox's classes while he was attending a Mathematics Conference in America. Mr. Wahlformerly vice-principal of Sea Point B.H.S. and latterly lecturer in mathematics at U.CT. - who has been amusing himself with some junior mathematics, and finally M r. Ba on who has come to us for a second time when we were in difficulty and is taking several ocial Studies classes. Of those who will be with us again next year we should like to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Kooy on the birth of a daughter, and Messr. McMinn and Jordaan on their marriages. Continuing with this chapter of changes, we mu t first thank the retiring chool-committee for their indefatigable efforts on our behalf and for all that they accomplished, before welcoming the new committee that was elected in July. Under the able chairmanship of Mr. Felbert the following now form the school committee: Messrs. Cawood, Friedlander, 00 thuizen, Jones, Myers



W. Barnes. A. Blotnick, A. Craxton, E. de wardt, J. Dodd, J. Fine, P. Gilmour, E. Jenning , G. Klein, P. McPherson, E. Merrifield, W. Millar, B. Probyn, G. van Besouw, H. Wegner, J. Wiegman, L. Werbeloff.


COMBINED MATRIC LA ES to r.): Q. Rooklcdge. 1. ieuwoudt, B. de midt. B. Walson. L. Raymond. G. Abelson, Mr. W. Lennox (U.P.), D. Le Roux (Deputy Head Prefect). Mr. . R. Blad.beard (Head). G. Hammond (Head Prefect). Mr. J. L. Mathew. . Hoy. Mr .. Gilmour. K. Hahndid, R. Katl. . Stephen. D. Banks. M. Emm , I. Ain~worth R. Horwitz. Second Ro,,路 (I. to r.): G. Hor'WitL.. R. Gargan. J. Greef, . Pogrund. V. Shantal(' . Bo) d. H. Green, J. Des Lingeri . R. Hamburger, D. Knight. . Slabbcr. E. El ,G. imcoek, A. Byron. D. Water~. F. Glaum. M. Finberg. Third Roll' (I. to r.): R. Crawford. L. Mundcll, B. Ea'lman. H. Briel. M. Goodman. P. L'Ias. D. Grodd. H. Jone. . Stowe. lark. R. Tamlin, M. Tamlin. B. Fisher-JelTe . 10llrlh Roll' (1. lo r.): G. oellce. ., crubi~. J. John~on. R. 13arton. . Ruller. M. Era.,mu~ R. Barker. . Horne. FrOllt



HO 0


Rugby: M. Emms, M. Era mu'. Arhleric~: L. Raymond. BL

M. Emm ,M. ra'mu. G. Hammond. . Ho . D. Hughes, R. Katz, D. le Roux. L. Raymond. J. Retief, Q. Rookledge. C. Stephen .. P. van Blomme tein. B. Watson. Crieker: . Fine. R. Groenewald. F. Piek ma. D. Powell. Q. Rookledge, R. mith. H. parks, C. tephen. A. Turvey, B. Wat on. Judo: P. Baerecke, G. Barnard. R. Morse. B. Neil en, R. Timmi. C. Wolfe. A tItIerics : D. Bairstow, A. raxton. M. Emm . Tennis: D. A her. P. Laas. . van Gey en. Swilllming: B. Fi her路JelT . B. ei!. en. D. Powell.

D. le Roux.


Rughy: 13. de midt. M. Emm . M. ra mu . G. Hammond, D. Hughes, D. le Roux. Q. Rook路 ledge, C. Stephens, B. Wat~on. Cricket: C. Stephens. Judo: A. Butcher. M. We tmoreland. A thll'ric\': G. Barnard.




M. Dean.

B. de Smidt,


First Class: Bloch, M., Cohen,

Sawyer, D. J., Schulz. R. G., Scott, S. J., Selby. P. J., Standley, A. P., Steadman, E. H., Swimmer, C. A .. Taylor, G. G., Twine, B. R., Van Blerk, C. R., Van Blommestein, P. C., Van Heerden, C. J., Watson-Smith, V., Webb, T. J., Westrnoreland, M. L., Wilkinson, T. 1.. Wolf. C. W., Wolman. G. A.

M. S., Green, J. C., Ger, S., Johnson. R .. Newman, J. S., Pachter, R. H., Patrick, L., Sparks, H. D., Tilders, E. G.

Second Class: Aikman,

H. W., Basson, N., Bearryman, R. C., Bester, H. A., Bramweil, C., Braude, S. L., Bunting, G. E., Burton, R. D., Cairneros , 1. R., Chandler, H., Cohen, N. L., Cristol, 1. S., Dau. W. J., Deeley, J. D., Dixon. C. S., Engelke, P. P., Fine. G. G., Frank, S. B.. Frye, P., Fuchs, G., Groenewald, R. J., Haytread, C. D., Hockney, A. P., Holmes, R .. Hunt, S. L.. Kenny, C. D., Killick, A. N .. Kirkwood, 1. R., Mawman, B. E., McCullagh, M. P .. Metcalfe, R. G., Moodie, B. W., Miller. A. J., Mitchell, R., Payne. C. J., Pieksma, F .. Pool man, R., Radowsky, M .. Rowe, M. M .. Saevitzon, r. S., eEtei, B. A .. Silbowitz, H. G., Slade, C. L., Stamelato, G. M., Tatham, . G., Till, A. H., Westmoreland, G. J. JUNIOR


Hoër Graad: Paterson,

W., Blotnick. A .. Booth. L.. Braude. C. J .. De Swardt. E. L.. Ellert, Fine, J. B., Ger, D. 1., Gilmour. P. J .• Glas S. P., Green, E. D .. Leviu, D. M., Lowry, V., Merrifield, E. H., Millar. W. A .. Pa vol . D., coU, R. W., Stichling. S. F .. Wer loff, L. M., Wiegman. J. D.

G. A .. er. A. ky. be-




Hoër Graad: Jonathan B. Fine . Gewone Graad: Stephen Blanckenberg,

Geoftrey L. Booth. Stephen L. Braude. Aubrey M. Byron. Brian J. Castle, Neil H. Cohen, Norman L. Cohen. Robert N. Crawford. Anthony Ellerl. Eion Els, Bryne N. Fi her-Jeffes, tanley B. Frank. Selwyn P. Glasser. Graham P. Goetze, Michael I. Goodman. David P. Grodd, Richard J. Groenewald, John W. Hendrikse, Taki G. Kyriaco. Andrew V. Lowry. Neville D. Pasvol ky, David . Phillips. Bruee R. Pringle. Michael Radomsky. Michael Radowsky, Brian A. Seftel. Geoffrey R. Simcock, Christopher G. Stephen, Leonard M. Werbeloft, Guy J. Westmoreland, Pieter C. van Blommestein, Christian W. Wolf.

D. E .. Bairstow, D. W .. Barnes. J. M .. Bate. M. W .. Best, J. G .. Blanckenberg, .. Bloom, D .. Bredenkamp, D., Bridgens, L. A., Brown, A. J., Bunting. G. A .. Cann, M. W .. Castle. B. J .. Cohen, N. H., Coppin. G. T .. Corker, C. E., Craig, G. L., Craxton. A. .. Cronje, P. A .. De Witt, D .. Doeke. G. 1.. Dodd, J. I., Fi cher, B. B.. Fo ter, J. R .. Gibb, Q. R., Granville, S .. Jenning . E. J., Jone, T. R., Just, D. B., Kempton-Jones. V. I., Kleyn. G. H .. Kyriacos, T. G .. Lawson, A. H., Mackie, D. E., MacPherson P.G., Mclntyre, B. D., Magee, A., Main. G. A., Meyer, G. G .. Mitchell, P. G., Morri. H. H .. Nochomowitz, M., Parish, A. V., Patrick, B .. Perrot-Humphrey, R .. , Pote, P. A .. Pringle, B. R .. Probyn. B. E .. Rath, F. E .. Rencontre. P. A .. Reynolds, P .. Robert, L. G.,

page sponsored


Peter C. Crathorne. D. Wynton.


Second Class: Anziska.




Gewone Graad: David R. Asber, George . Barnard, Colin J. Braude, Jonathan BIoom, Alec Blotnick, George A. Bunting, Michael A. Chadwiek, Geoftrey J. Connolly, Ivan M. David, Jobn R. Foster, Ronaid Jo ephson, Bernard M. Kahn, Jeffrey Katz, Kenneth D. Katz, David M. Levi tt, Gavan G. Meyer, Wilfred J. Mildenhall. Barry P. Morris, Noel M. Oettle, Michael C. Ormond, Leon C. 00 thuizen. Morris Rubin. Wilfred L. van Dam. Michael L. Westrnoreland, Kenneth C. Williams. Bruce R. Wynton.


First Class: Barnes,




Hoër Graad: Kasper Hahndiek. Gewone Graad: Selwyn S. Ger, Hamburger,


M. Rowe,


by Maskew Miller Limited. 7-11 Burg St .. Cape Town.


Richard A. G. Tatham.

1964 The pageantry of hou e-tlag and academic dre S, and the splash of colour provided by our lady guests could not dispel an air of tension and -adne s that hung over la t year's prize-giving. for it wa~ the last occa ion on which Mr. Bo\! den would pre 'ide and deliver his annual report.

Prize List -

8th December, 1964

S,d. VIA: Afrikaan. General eience, ocial and Cia Prize: Morri Rubin. Latin, Merit: Ronaid Jo eph on. General cience. Merit: Deni Rubel. Merit: Philip Goodwin. Merit: Jeffrey Katz. Merit: Roger Pawley. Merit: David Rolfe.

Mr. Bruce-Gibbon opened proceedings by paying tribute to the retiring headma ter for the zeal and initiative he had displayed in expanding the school. In 1947, when Mr. Bowden assumed duties. the ~chool had 240 boys and a rectangle of unkempt playing space. Now we have 560 pupils and not only additional fields at the old ite. but a large games area on the Labia estate.


S,d. VIB: Engli h. Merit: Jonathan Benjamin. Mathematics. Merit: Alan Beattie. S,d. VlD: Class Prize: Robert preadbury.

Mr. Bowden then presented his annual report. thanking fir t of all the late Mr. Alfred Friedlander. who had for many year been chairman of the chool ommiuee. for hi invaluable contribution to the school: and econdly Mr. Thorp. who had on two oeca ion taken over the reins when he had been ill. Mr. Bowden then outlined (he two school of opinion that exi ted about the proposed removal of the school to the Labia estate. explaining that until thi- que-tion was ~etlled all plan for a new hall and library on the old site had been shelved. He then delivered his credo: that the numerous club and activities he had fo tered had. a their ultimate purpose, the introduction of boy to the a umption of r pon~ibility. and to the idea of service to their community. He concluded by thanking the United Building ociety for establi hing a bur ary worth R 100 to enable a talented but needy boy to proceed to std. X. Mr. J. de Villiers, M.P .. for Wynberg, then addressed the gathering, agreeing with the insistence the headma ter placed on the need for developing a community spirit, and ugge ted that it ~hould mature into service for the good of the country. Mr. Felbert, on behalf of the Old Boy' Union. thanked Mr. Bowden for the close and fruitful relationship that had grown up between School and Old Boys: and finally Mr. Thorp. the viceprincipal and representing the taff. aid that Mr. Bowden had made a great impact upon the school and that hi influence would be long-lived. Mr. De ViIIier then pre ented the prizes.

S,d. VilA: Class Prize. Social Studies: luies Miller. Mathematic. Latin. Merit: elig Ley er. nglish. Merit: Michael Herbert. General Science, Merit: Arnon HurwItz. Merit: Kenneth Ke nero Merit: harles Maimin. Merit: Leslie 0 rin. Merit: Michael Pnematicatos. Merit: Martin Treadaway. Std. VIIC: ommerce: Richard Fowler. ommerce. lass Prize: Barry Wyn ton . Merit: Theodore OettJe. 路,d. VIID:

Afrikaans: Commerce:

eymour Pater on. Wilfred van Dam.

S,d. VillA: Cia Prize, oClal tudie: Leonard WerbeIoff. Engli h. Davidowitz Engli h Prize. General Science: Neville Pasvolsky. Latin: Patrick Bredenkamp. Merit: Wayne Barnes. Merit: Jonathan Fine. Merit: dmund de ward!. S,d. VIIIC: Cia Prize: William M illar. Mathematics: Anthony Craxlon. Il



Std. /XA:


Class Prize. Afrikaan. Mathematic, Geog路 raphy: Kasper Hahndiek. English. Be路t peaker' Prize: Richard Hor路 witz. Latin. Merit: Quentin Rookledge. Physical cience. Merit: Robin Katz. History: Richard Hamburger. Merit: Nathan Pogrund. Merit: Christopher tephens.

XB: 2nd Bevan Prize for Engli h Reading: Peter en.


Std. XC:

Afrikaans. D. F. Marais Prize for Afrikaans: icolaas Bas on. Class Prize: Richard John on. Olher Awards: Epworth Mu IC oClety Cup (for ervice to Music): tepht:n Hunt. David Grodd and evi lit: Pa volsk y. tcyl up for Mo t Improved Footballer: John Deley. Award for Ou~landing ervice to the chool: M. Engli h. Life Membership of Old Boys' Union, Head Boy: M. English. Friedlander hield: Rhodes Hou e. Edward Wise Burrars. /965: Post Matric. Cour e: R. Pachter. . Ger. Matric Cia s: K. Hahndiek. R. Katz. td. lX Ccla : W. R. Barne . L. M. Werbelotf.

Std. XA:

lass Prize. Phy ical cience. Hi tory. D. F. Marais Prize for Afrikaan : Erich Tilders. Latin, Arguile Prize for Latin. Caxton Prize for Outstanding Effort: Selwyn Ger. Mathematics: James Green. Friedlander Memorial Prize for ngli h: lan Kirkwood. Fir t Bevan Pri7e for English Reading: Jeffrey cwman. Ma 'kew Millar History Prize: Maurice Bloeh. Templeton Prize for Music: tephen Hunl.


moulding It to uit him. but he had forgotten that e ery other indi idual had the ame idea. to mould his own world. and no two idea were the same. The many fingers. eager to shape and create. got in one another' way and not one man could hape it entirely to his own wi hes. ot one man could follow the road of hi dream.

amuel was in the prime of his life. The road before him wa" straight and beautiful. a a road hould he. At times it slumbered gently under giant oaks. guardians. who cast their protectIve shadows 0 er it; who embraced it and formed an arch of dream through which amuel strolled. The road cro sed vast plains, but there was always a solitary tree, read to shield him from the bli . tering un. There was alway a mumbling tream with clear. cool water, which ta~ted like wine in this picturesque and awe-in piring land. And the wine went to Samuel's head. He was in paradise. or if not there. on the road to ir.

amuel walked. pas ing the many ide-road without as much a a glance or a thought. Hi road. he felt ure. was the right road. But the world around left no man Isolated. least of all amuel, the up-and路coming young man of the future. Fate touched him gently. slowly pre. ed him to the side of the road and on to a road. which turned off harplyand led into the hill and thence. touching the horizon. into the blue of tomorrow. And amuel trolled on in a elf-a ured manner. unaware that lhe original road la far hehind him.

He had ambitions and ideal and dream. which no longer. eemed like phantoms to him. amuel had the world firmly in his hand' and he intended


Gradually the urroundings changed, tbe welcome streams and tbe little pool of sbade under a solitary tree grew less frequent. After a long journey, Samuel hesitated (or the first time_ For the first time suspicion, and perhaps fear, were born in rum_ Yet there was no turning back, retreating hurriedly the way he had come; there was no finding of another road, which he had pa ed long since. Time, once used, does not come again. Samuel could not return into the past. The road before him lost its friendly promise. Beneath its tarred smoothness lay impending danger; into its distant ribbon of the future it might turn into a snake. Samuel was an optimistic man. however, and firmly believed, even now, that it was the right road, and he went on. Even when tbe shrub had become salt bush and be entered the desert of middle age, did he bold on to bis beliefs. He could not recollect ever having strayed. It was impossible that he had lost his way_ Now nature intervened. Samuel, once strong and healtby, grew tired. At times be could merely drag his exbausted frame along. Slowly hi strength disintegrated and the blistering un and lack of water corroded his optimism and hopes_ until his body remained an empty shell. Yet, even this road must lead somewhere, he thought. Perhap thi was merely tbe gateway to paradise. Surely the road, immediately after it crawled up the rise ahead, entered the oa i of eternity. With new vigour, he followed the dusty track, but when he reached the top of the rise, he found suddenly that the road went no further. "There is a time to get and a time to lose." But there is also an end. a point after which there i no more. The end of the road. Samuel ank to the ground and waited for he knew not what. He waited, and watched, and slept. and finally died. K. Hahndiek. lOa. TARMAC

dirty surrounds of tin huts with rusty, cast iron roofs. The neat section of the street are much like otber areas wbere respectable working-class people plod tbeir weary way tbrough life, but their poorer neighbours are by far the more interesting and colourful characters. Tho e that immediately spring to mind as typical representatives of tbis carefIee class are the Naidu family. Tbey inhabit a small cast-iron hou e et well back from the road in a spacious piece of ground, and seem to live a highly satisfactory communal life with eight people in two rooms. It is generally recognised in the district, though not openly admitted, that the third room is a bottlestore that sells anything from French Brandy to methylated spirits, and on many occasions I have heard it referred to as a veritable money-spinner on account of negligible overhead costs. Mrs Naidu alway officiates at her "parties" as they are termed wben the police appear, and the mere sight of her gargantuan form is sufficient to quell the heartiest reveller. The whole family, including Mr. Naidu, a mild and innocuous little man ot timid dispo ition, is ruled with a rod of iron and Mrs Naidu maintains a trong centralised government. A prominent participant in tbe evening revelry at the "pub" is Old William, affectionately known in the district as "daardie ou dronklap". This back-yard patrician inhabits a mall shack on a piece of property next to the Naidu mĂŠnage and it must be assumed that the proximity of a ready supply of spirits formulated his prulosophy: that daylight lasts just long enough to imbibe two bottles of brandy and half a bottle of methylated spirits. On Friday nigbt he is accustomed to entertaining the lively company around tbe barcounter with songs of a distinctly colourful nature and has so often spent the night in the local pri on that a cell is kept vacant for him, containing a Bible and a pamphlet produced by the League of the White Ro e. hi favourite reading matter. Old WilJiam is at this moment intoning a song in praise oC Bacchus and as I look up my eye is caught by the familiar blue hue of the police-van outside Mr . Naidu' house. Once more L must cross the line between our complacent. dull existence, and the world of carefree poverty_ Mr. aidu always welcomes my presence when she is confronted with the minion of the law as he thinks I lend a touch of respectability tb at will brush off on to her. R. Horwitz. lOa.


ft i undoubtedly one of the features of modern ociety that the rich and luxurious will rub shoulder with poverty-stricken neighbours, and our treet is certainly no exception. This river of tarmac, distinguished from its tributaries only by the buildings along its bank, is called Regent Street. possibly named by a council in the hope that it would lend some elegance to tbe area. It consists of two distinct sections. On the ea tern side the small, neat houses painted in bright colour eventually give way to the dark patches and



WAAROOR EK NIE GRAAG PRAAT NIE Toe ek nog jonk was, is my beste vriend deur 'n bond verskeur. Van die aantal gebeurtenisse in my lewe waaroor ek liewer nie praat nie, is hierdie geval vir my die bitterste, Dit was my kuld, ek weet dit seker, alhoewel mense my probeer troos dat ek hulpeloos teenoor die ondier was, Hoe oud wa ek toe? Miskien net tien jaar oud, nog afhanklik en steunend op my ouers; nog bang vir die nag, nog onbesmet deur sondes van volwas enheid. Mens praat altyd met veragting van lafaards. Dié ongeval het bewys dat ek 'n lafaard was. Ek en Arnold het Oom Koos gaan besoek. Ongelukkig het ons verdwaal en in 'n dig begroei de streek beland, waar ek 'n verlate plaa werf ontdek het. On het besluit om die inwoners te gaan vra of hulle nie dalk weet waar Oom Koos woon nie. Arnold het voor my uitge tap na die agterdeur en be keie geklop. Die deur het toe gebly, alhoewel hy 'n paar maal geklop het. et die aanhoudende geluid van sy vuis teen rue deur bet die stilte van die Bosveld verstoor. Ons het moedeloos omgedraai en wou net by die hekkie uitstap, toe ek 'n venynige trippel agter my hoor. 'n Reusagtige hond het op ons afgestorm gekom. Ek het geskree: "Pas op, Arnold!" en toe in doodsangs deur die veld weggehol met die gegil van pyn en vrees van my makker in my ore. Ek het gehardJoop, blindeling gestruikel, my bene deur doring verskeur, tot die geskree van Arnold net 'n gesuis in die wind wa . Teen sononder het ek tuis gekom en snikkend die ongeluk aan my vader vertel. Hy het Arnold se pa gewaarsku en my gebied om hom na die plaa toe te neem. Huiwerig het ek ingewjlJig. Die plaas het spokerig onder rue maan gedroom en eindelik, na baie ge oek, het hulle Arnold se lyk ontdek, ten min te wat daarvan oorgebly het. My pa het my later meegedeel dat die plaas al vir vier jaar onbewoon was en dat die bond, mal van honger, seker al net so lank daar rondgedwaal het. My pa het die hond geskiet, maar ek voel nie lus om verder te vertel nie. Dit was my skuld! My skuld! Ëk het daarop aangedring dat ons oom Koo gaan besoek, hoewel ek nie geweet het waar hy woon nie; ék het soos 'n verraaier my vriend in sy benarde toe tand in die steek gelaat, ék is 'n lafaard! .:n Lafaard!" sui rut deur my. Men e kyk my minagtend aan. Vir hoeveel jaar nou het ek

my la verduur? Ek weet elf nie meer nie. "Skielik," het rue nuusblad geskryf, "het hy opgespring en die straat waar hy woon afgebardloop na die plaa dam. Sy pa het hom teruggeroep. maar hy het net die gesuis van die wind, en Arnold se stem, geboor. Miskien wou by boet vir sy tekortkomings. Miskien het by besluit om te leer swem in die plaa dam. wat 0 stil en ongestoord voor hom gelê het. K. HAH DI EK. lOa. LENTE Sondagoggend, Boetie se koue handjie rus op my arm en hy skud-skud my wakker. "Pa," fiui ter hy, "Pa, die voëltjies ing buite. Ek bet netnou gaan kyk en daar was ommer bonderde by ons drinkbakkie." Sy oë glinster van opgewondenheid. Ek i nou wakker. "Boetie, man, dis nog vroeg." 'n Paar goue onnestrale gooi kringetjies op die vloer. Stoffie doen die Lente dans in hul welkome lig; spring op en neer, dwarrel om mekaar. weef oos swaels in my kamer rond. Gister was dit Winter, vandag is rut Lente. Gister het die reën uit die grys wolkedek neergesak, vandag kyn die Lenteson. Boetie en ek het on gou-gou aangetrek en met sy vuisie in my hand gebêre, stap ons dje nuwe wêreld in. Die hemel i n agte blou en geen enkele wolkie ver toor dit nie. Die on e warmte groet en omhel ons by die deur. My eun buppel en pring aam met rue vrolike gekwetter van rue voëls. Ons wandel deur die bo e van Tokai. Die lug i var en so heerlik, dat ek vir 'n oomblik gedink het dat on in paradys is. Viooltjies en botterblomme taan oral in opgeruimde, vrolike groepies. Die bele wêreld is opnuut gebore. Ons pluk blomme, totdat ons arms vol is en die geur ruep in ons deurdring. Vir die eerste keer bemerk ek dat die bome al in bot j en dat party blaartjie al ontvou het en soos jong bruide die on en die Lente welkom heet. Vir maande het hulle in hul beskermende jassies geduldig op hierdie oomblik gewag. Die mens lewe vir rue Lente. Wanneer dit Winter is, lewe hy in vooruit ig daarvan, Gedurende die warm Somer kry by oet, koel herinnerings en in die Herfs, dink by dat die bome hulle voorberei om die Lente 'n pa ende, nuwe kleding te toon. Teen die tyd dat ontbyt gereed i, kom ons by die huis terug. Boetie se bare is vol bloei els en gra sies, oos by in die gras gedartel en gerol


het. Ek het 'n pragtige, rooi roo, waarop die pêrels dou nog skitter, agter my oor, "Ma, dj Lente!" juig Boetie, Sy kom by die deur uit. "Werklik?" y word oorstelp met oene en blomme; blomme eo soene en Lente. Terwyl ons ons koffie geniet, bespreek ons hoe ons hierdie waardevolle geskenk van Lente ten beste kan benut, en deur die oop venster trippel die ligte, helder nooitjies van 'n kiewiet. K, HAll MY


after myself and how to belp other people when they need help, but above all all I learn a sense of self-respect and a sense of honour. Yes, as I review my school career I think I can truly say that my schooldays have been happy ones. I have many memories, some bad but most good; memories of a society which has given me a foundation on which to starr life in a world in which every,man is usually for rum elf. I only pray that the foundation holds. I beueve it will.






In four month' time T hall be putting away my chool-books for the last time and I hall be step' ping out over the barrier into life. I am told that after a few months of this life T hall yearn for tho e happy, and ometimes not-so-happy, years pent at school. Perbaps this is 0; only time will tell.

Hier in die Kaap lê die land in die koue greep van die ysman, Winter. Maar dit i net 'n paar maande, miskien weke. wie weet. dan sal dit weer Lente wees. As ek nou uit dje venster kyk, sien ek dje kaal geraamtes van die eike· en ander bladwis elende bome. Net waar die groenblywende bome staan. val 'n men se oë op groenigheid. Met die Lente sal alles verander, alle sal weer groen wees. Party van die bome kry al klaar groen blaartjies! Die blomme al 00 'n kleurvolle tapyt oor die kaal grond lê. Weer sal dit lyk asof 'n reu agtige skilder y potjie verf oor die groen vloer van die kiereiland ge tryk het. Zandvlei al nie meer 'n bruin kol van droë riete wees nie, maar 'n helder portret van groen en blou. Die waeltjies al weer oorlog in die lug maak om te ien wie die beste iD ekte kan kry. Ja-nee, die lente al altyd die beste en kleurvolste seisoen wees, dit kan jy glo.

As the last few months fly pa tI look back and see what I have accomplished at school and what school has accomplished for me. I see myself entering chool for the first time: a shy and timid Ijttle boy, clinging to his mother' comforting hand and not wanting at all to join the other shy and timid little boys already sealed under the stern eye of the teacher. A few years go by, and my hyne ha diappeared. Jn its place there has grown a core of toughne and resilience. Gone is the little boy who djdn 't want to exchange his mother's side for the unknown terrors of that forbidding in titution, school. In his place i a bigger, tougher character; a character who doesn't want to go to bed at night and who doe n't want to go to chool the next morning; not becau e he j frightened of chool, but becau e he has much better thing to do with himself than it in a tuffy das room, under the di approving eye of a stuffy old teacher, and attempt to fathom the intricacies of fraction and decimals, subordinate cIau es, and the reason why the Greeks fought the Trojans.



THE END OF THE ROAD M r. Tweedy stood till. A strange surge of power swept through his short. portly form. He felt inner trength he had not known for years. At last he wa re olute. othing could alter his deci ion. He stood on the roof of the new multi-storied building and looked over the parapet. lt was a long way down-two hundred and forty-seven feet to be exact. Good. With diffi· culty, caused by hi' portliness. he hoi ted himself into a itting position on the parapet with his feet dangling into the emptincs of space beneath him. For the very first time in his life Mr. Tweedy felt him elf the upreme man. He was elated.

Next J ee myself entering High School for the first time. Gone is the toughness and resilience of my former days. Here, in thi new and much larger society, I am a nonentity, a dispensable cog in the well-oiled machine of education. But after a few months I change again. 1 become quieter, regain my confidence and become more elf- ufficient than r was a year before. I learn what ociety expects of me. T learn how to look

If only Agne could ee him now! She would probably say. "Henry. come off there at once. do


you hear!" But now his life of oppression under the tyrannous rule of his domineering wife was over.

However. certain phjlosopher -the world was full of them-had come to the conclusion that even though they had all they could wish for, there still must be an overmind or a God. UniverComputers bad the e philosophers under its wing to solve the problem. It was decided to connect up all the computers of the solar ystem and resolve the problem this way. On the day named, Mars Enterprises, Lunar Computers Incorporated, Outer Worlds Computers and Universal Computers had their systems all connected to the Earth centre at New York. All the dignitaries were there. An electronics student from Venus was chosen to solder the final connections. He stood on a platform, bathed in spotlights and soldered the final connections with gold flux. Then he asked the ultimate question: "Is there a God?" There was a silent pause. Then came the words in a booming voice, "There is now!"

He looked up to the first stars appearing in the dusk far above the city. He smiled and said a little prayer. lt made him feel terribly happy. It was the end of another day for the bustling crowds far below, but for Mr. Tweedy it was the end of the road. He looked down to the ant-like vehicles moving in the traffic below. Still smiling serenely, he pushed himself off into the abyss. The falling was merely a sensation, followed by a moment of terror and agony, then Mr. Tweedy' soul sank into the blissful black nes of sleep. When the darkness cleared. M r. Tweedy found him elf in a throng of souls moving in procession, singing the song cele tial. Although he had never been a singer, Mr. Tweedy joined in. He was moving slowly up to a huge dais whereon was a throne. It was all very beautiful. He realised he was going to be judged. He wa at peace. And as he stood before the throne. reviewing his unhappy life, he heard the words: 'Come unto Me all ye that labour and are heavily laden, and r wiIl give you rest". H.







PROLOGUE TO A HELLENIC MATCH (With apologies to William Shakespeare)


Oh for a bus to take me To Green Point Stadium To see the gallant Hellenic oppo e The might of Durban City. Then should the warlike Filakouris Like himself, assume the role of centre forward And at his heels, looking like forwards, Should Walter, Santoro and Sivas Try to score; 0 pardon, supporters all Jf we should lo e agajn; can this team Win every match when the others Do play better soccer? o pardon, if three goals should Take the place of nought; and let u Supporter of this team cheer and cheer. Piece out their imperfections to the ref., Into a thou and parts divide a linesman. And put him on a stretcher. Think, when we speak of goals That you ee them scoring one or two For "ti your support on which we Do rely. for the which supply Admit me to the supporters' club Who innocent-like your humble patience pray Often to watch, loudly to cheer their play.


Utopia on Earth, tbat was what man had always dreamed of. Plato had thougbt of it, Bertrand Ru ell had tried to forward it, and now Universal Computers had acbieved it. Computers had been devi ed to see to tbe need of humanity. Automatic factories mass-produced necessities and luxuries in more than sufficient quantities. Crime was almo t non-existent, for want had disappeared. The United World Federation had been achieved and all the colonised planets had their form of Commonwealth government related to Earth. Early in the Twenty-second century all armaments had been banished forever. The resulting wealth was poured into home industries and the standard of living of earth' four billion ro e sharply. Education was promoted and it was unusual for a person to leave college before twen tythree year of age. Household drudgery wa gone. For a meal you dialled the food centre and the required di h arrived through the chute in ten minutes. All the world- population could peak English. A a result of universal security, religion had slowly died out. Tt had become unnecessary.




& R.






ner a bit wide, his tail slewing round slightly. Up into second we cbanged, toucbing fifty as we braked hard for a slower right-haoder. Behind me was Andy Ginther, in a BRM. In froot was Ron, till eeming a little uncertain in his Lotus. We were doing about a hundred and thirty as we braked hard for tbe Chicane, on the left of which is the harbour. Ron was steering far too wide. I gripped, the wheel tightly, and to my horror be went straigbt on, crashed through the straw bales, and into the sea. But I knew he would be afe, and I concentrated on my driving. Luckily for me the car lying fust retired with engine trouble, and 1 passed tbe other to win the Grand Prix de Monaco. I pulled into the pits at the end of tbe race. Mike Walker, the designer of the cars, was waiting for me. "Ron drowned," he told me simply. At the burial everyone was grim-faced. There wa talk of a sawn-through steering link. The next World Championship Grand Prix was held at the Niirburg-ring, the picturesque German circuit set among thickly-wooded forests. We practised for a couple of days on its winding straigbts and gently sloping curves, averaging almo t ninety miles per hour. The day before the race there were few people around the pit-area, but one girl I did notice. She was raven-haired and very lovely. I watched ber, and she must have sensed it, for she turned around, smiled and came over. Her name was Anita. We chatted, and in no time had made plans to go out that evening. It all seemed very natural. I left tbe car with Steve Berrington, the chief mecbanic. I got back to my hotel at one 0' clock, not giving my car a thougbt. Early that morning I made my way to the circuit, and was surprised to see the car standing next to the pit, covered with dew. "I'll tell Berrington what I think of him," I thought angrily, but I stopped short as I peered over the pit counter. He was lying in one, bound and gagged. "What happened to you?" I asked after untying him. "Someone slo hed me from behind guv'nor, I swear it," be aid wildly. "Then he tied me up." How did he know it wa a "he"? Wa he lying? Everything was confusion that afternoon, with photographer currying to and fro, mechanics frantically making last-minute adjustments to tbeir cars, and the incessant roar of the loudspeaker and the crowds.

-b-Is-hn: ... may I with right and conscience make this claim. B-nks: they would drink deep. B-n-k-: then let tbe trumpets sound. BI-eh: Shall this mock mock .... CI-rk: I cannot kiss. D-Sm-d/: gently to hear, kindly to pray. --s/l11-n: nor never hydra-headed wilfulness. -Is: . . . corn and defiance; slight regard, contempt. -mms: with all swift despatch. -r-sm-s: never wa such a sudden cholar made. F-nb-rg: ... tis not the first time you were overshot. G-rg-n and Gr--f: Keep clo e, r tbee command. G-e/z-: I ay Little. G--dw-n: ... will stand a tiptoe .... Gr-dd: Under the veil of wildness: which no doubt grew fastest by night. H -mb-rg-r: ... whose chin is but enriched with one appearing hair. H-mm-nd: ... but he"!l remember with advantages what feats he did that day. H -hnd--k: 0 for a Mu e of fire .... H-rw-/z (R.): ... hear him debate on commonwealth affairs. H-gh-s: He seem indifferent. J-It-s: ... ome sudden mischief may arise. J-n-s: '" aod oever noted in him any study .... K-IZ: ... as good a gentleman as the emperor. KIl-ght: To whom do I appeal. L- R--x: r wear it for a memorable honour. ---w--dl: . . . and a true lover of the holy church. Ph-II-ps: Tennis bali my ljege. R-ym-nd: elf-love my liege is oot so vile a in as self neglecting. Sh-nl-Il: For my manly heart doth yearn. SI-bb-r: r do confess my fault. St-ph-ns: on tant in spirit. not swerving with the blood. W-/-rs: He is a craven and a villain G. B. THE GRAND


OH ,



The national flag of Monaco fell. Twenty driver let in the clutches of their creaming cars aod, wbeels spinning madly. tbey shot forward. Ron Beckworth and I, Jim Sear, both got off to a good start, and by the Station Hairpin we were lying second and tbird. Ron came out of his cor18

At last the track was cleared. Down swept tbe German flag, and the cars roared off on the first lap of their forty-four mile circuit. I wa in pole position, and got off to a fairly good start, lying econd into the first corner behind Andy Ginther. But there was definitely something wrong with my handling. As I approached the infamou Karussil, a banked curve taken at over a hundred miles per hour, a feeling of nausea swept over me, for the front end of the car would not respond to my prompting. In desperation I thru t my foot on lhe accelerator in an effort to get the tail round. It worked, and J went through the corner sideways, rubber moke pouring from my off'ide tyres. After that lhe steering eemed to right itself but I took no chances, and pulled into the pits next time round. 'The front suspension," I yelled at Berrington a J jumped out of my car. That wa when Mike probably saved my life. Berrington lurned his back to me, 0 that I could not see what he was doing. He must have tried to improve on his previou efforts, because Mike suddenly dived over the pit counter and into him, pinning him against the front wheel. Mechanic came scurrying and held the struggling Berrington. While J explained the ituation to them, Mike fixed the teering linkage. "Okay Jim." he aid when he had finished. "go out there and win." The whole stop al the pits had taken ju tover lwo minutes, 0 1 was approximately sixty-five seconds behind Fanerelli in a D.M.W., with three lap to go. The car went plendidly and through the dark beauty of the Adenam fore t T drove the race of my life. cutting about twenty econds a lap off lhe rtalian's lead. On the last corner the cars were level. We were doing about one hundred and thirty-five then, with my rev. counter needle flickering at ten thousand rev per minute. lt became a battle of machinery. The finish-line was ju t ahead, when Fanerelli's car gave a lurch, and oil began pouring from his engine. J cro ed the finishing-line just two second ahead of the D.M.W., its engine blown up. The jubilation at winning the World ham pionship at the end of lhat year wa marred by having to attend the trial of Baron Karl Pushkin and hi daughter Anita. Berrington had broken down under police queslloning and implicated the Baron. a director of the D.M.W. company. and hi daughter. He had been approached by the Baron. who e daughter had then paid Berrington to abotage the Lotus

car. in an effort to cripple the main oppoSItion to the D.M.W. car . She told the court how she had lured me away from the pits that afternoon while Berringlon had tampered with the steering. He had also sabotaged Ron Beckworth's car. For that he got five years. The Baron and his daughter were sentenced to lengthy terms in pri on. Today r still drive for Lotus. Mike and [ having been joined by Keith McGregor, an up-andcoming Scots driver. Next ea on promise to be just as succes ful a thi one, without, a Mike ays, "Any more erring mechanic. G. Kl E 9a. DIE LANGSTE DAG VAN MY LEWE Die leutel knar in die slot en die konstabel verdwyn in die donkerte in. Mismoedig ak ek in die hoekie van die sel neer. Vyf jaar! "Dis onmoontlik!" flits dit aanhoudend deur my benewelde brein. Een vir een beweeg die gebeurtenisse voor my geestesoog verby .... Verlede week i ek op aanklag van moord deur die poli. ie in hegtenis geneem. Dit preek vanself dat ek keurig be waar gemaak het, maar tevergeef . En toe die hof aak. Vanoggend, begelei deur twee gewapende konlabels, het ek my plek in die beskuldigdebank ingeneem. By my aankoms het 'n doodse stilte kielik oor die hof gedaal en almal het nuu kierig in my rigting gestaar. Daar in die hof het ek baie een aam gevoel ... soo' 'n uitgeworpene. Teen die tyd dat die regier . jurie en getuie hul itplekke ingeneem het, het die weet op my voorkop gepĂŞrel en my hele liggaam het lam gevoel. Eers was daar die k rui verhoor van die advokaat vir die taat wat my wart verlede in helder kleure blootgelĂŞ het. Ek het hulpeloos gevoel omdat ek nie my elf teen al hierdie leuen, aantygings in vernedering kon verdedig nie. Toe het my advokaat 'n kragtige pleidooi gelewer wat weer nuwe hoop in my laat opvlam het. Nadat die regter die saak vir die jurie opgesom het, het laasgenoemde verdaag. Die jurie het es uur geneem om tot 'n besli ing te kom. Die tyd het omgekruip. Toe die jurie uiteindelik ver kyn het, was hulle uitspraak ... .,Skuldig aan man lag met versagtende om tandighede !., M Y vonnis? Die regter het my vonnis uitgespreek; vyf jaar dwangarbeid. Afgemat kantel ek op my y om na al die vermoeien i van die dag. Dit wa ..eker die lang te en mees vreesaanjaende dag wat ek ooit in my ongelukkige lewe deurgebring het. H. WEG ER, 9a. 19

Immortal Lines from Shakespeare's IMacBeth" as applied to the 9 A Class

Our CIa room: "But this place i too cold for hell." Someone told to go the office: "Stand not upon the order of your going, But go at once." The Class: "What are these so withered and so wild in their attire?"

W.8-rn-s: "New honours come upon him," J.B-rn-s: "thou shag-hair'd villain!" BI·-m: "J bear a charmed life:' B--th: "What is thi

LW. & M.

That rises like a is ue of a king, And wears upon his baby-brow the round And top of overeignty?" Br--de: "You have displaced the mirth, broke the good meeting," Br·dg-rrs: "Stones have been known to move and tree to speak;"

THE CEDARBERG The burning orb which seems to to fill the sky beats down merci les lyon the nape of your neck. Your little toe becomes just that much more painful with each successive squeak of your boot. The strap cut still deeper into the tender pinkish flesh of your shoulder and trickJes of sweat cour e down your back. This is fun! The Cedarberg is a range of mountain lying about one hundred and twenty miles north of Cape Town. At the southern end the mountain become lower and then ri e steeply once more into the peaks of the Kouebokkeveld. The northern extremity terminates at Pakhuis Pass near Clanwilliam. Thi Little geography lesson covers five hundred square miles of peaks and valleys to talk about and explore. Boxes and boxes of food have been packed into the cans and, amidst a barrage of last farewells and "do be careful now's," tcn very happy schoolboys are on their way to the Cedarberg. Lunch i eaten by the road ide and by early afternoon we are travelling on little more than a track down thc long edarberg valley. On our left, which is now east, we ee the Tafelberg and Spout soaring into the blue infinity of a sky that only the Cedarberg can offer. To the right is the mighty neeuberg, but this, the highest peak in the area, i entirely hidden by her spread mg foothiUs. Having unloaded everything and given the donkey·boy their instructions, we et off up edar· hout Kloof. following the shale-band which is a feature of almost all the edarberg peak. This roek y band, about a quarter-mile wide, lies a thou and feet above the vallcy-floor and allows one to make lengthy traver es from peak to peak without lo ing too much height. As a re uit of the tardines of the donkeys, we have a very late supper al the Sneeuberg but and, yielding to the beauty of a clear, stormy sky, we brave the high-altitude cold and sleep peacefully under its dome.

B-rn-s, M-rr-s: "When shall we three meet again" and T-m-s

Cstl-: ''This ca tIe hath a pleasant seat; the air Nimblyand sweetly recommends itself Unto our gentle en es." D-Sw-rdt: "Ere the bat hath flown" tl-rt: "All is but toy :" F-n-: 'Hold, hold!" (during cricket match) G -r: "Dispute it like a man." G-/m--r: "False face mu t hide what the false heart doth know." I-sI: 'This is a sorry sight." (looking at Latin (homework). KI-yn: "Me thought r heard a voice cry , leep no more! " M-sl-rt: "all the perfume of Arabia will nol sweeten this little hand." -ek--: .. The bell invites me," P-sv-Isky: "r have ob erved The air is delicate." (during Gym). P-w-r: "J must become a borrower of the night (taking tbe car out). R-yn-Idr: "There's dagger in men's smiles" St-eh/·ng: "And munch'd, and munch'd, and munch'd" Von B-s--w: "Thou can t not say I did it." V-ck-rm-n: "Se innocent of the knowledge." Wgn-r: "Thou art the best 0' the cut-throats. (in Biology). W-rb-l-fJ: "The raven him elC is hoar'e" W-Ik-IIS-II: "Tbc devil damn thee black. thou cream-faced loon!" W-n!-r: "And keep the natural ruby of your cheek ,.


Day dawns with a tangy crispness, and we are immediately astir. We have not seen the peak yet, but now we rush around to the back of the hut and there it stands, rising sheer from the "v.lakte." Looking up, we see tbe summit ridge which, from this angle, bear a remarkable resemblance to a battleship. The keener-eyed memhers of the party can even see the trigonometrical urvey beacon on the bridge. Three hour of logging and rock-climbing bave passed and we now stand on the narrow summit, crouching low and holding tightly onto anytbing olid, as the wind. although not blowing down below, is almost gale-force up here. The peaks and valleys lie below for as far as one can see, while over to the west the coast is a thin white line stretching ever soutbwards to where we can see Table Mountain-<>nly a thin blue line and a wisp of go amer cloud. And so the days passed. More and more glorious pictures are stored in our memories-tbe sunset over the Zuurvlakte, tbe awe-inspiring Maltese Cro , the scenes around the camp-fire. . . . What matter the unburnt sboulders the painful little toe and other minor discomforts of roughing it when one can take home memories like this? But language is inadequate to expres our experiences: 0 come along on our next Mountain Club expedition. W. BARNES, 9a.


lt was a meteoric rise, even for a child prodigy. At sixteen he was champion of aU America and the youngest grandmaster ever to have graced tbe world cbess arena. His achievements had been truly phenomenal, first at Riga, Hastings, Portoroz and then at many other major tournaments. One by one the leading player of tbe world bad uccumbed to his attacking and combinative style. Now, at the age of twenty, he had ascended to the final rung of the ladder of uccess. There remained but one obstacle before him.... The champion was worried as he peered once more at the sixty-four coloured squares. Surely this was some kind of joke? But tbere was no hint of humour in his opponent's icy expression. The smug mile had slipped away. Tn its place came an anxious frown. How was it possible? Surely hi position had been unassailable? As I gazed at tbe scene before me. I realized ju t how great a toll tbe champion's age had taken of him. Perhaps twenty years before he would ea ily bave found a refutation to tbe attack. Now, however, as he battled to retrieve tbe situation I could ense the tension in the air but could not believe that the most experienced player in the world would not ucceed. But it was not to be. One brilliant thrust had rendered futile his carefully planned variations. The solution to his quandary had proved beyond his powers. As I stared at the jubilant new champion, 1 realised that a flickering light bad been extinguished. In its place shone a bright new star. L. WERBELOFF, 9a.


The sweat glistened on his brow as he gazed down apprehensively at the black and white statuettes before him. There was only thirty seconds in which to make his decision, a deci ion that could alter the whole course of hi life! The incessant ticking of the clock drummed relentlessly in his brain. He endeavoured to quell his growing fear as he reached out hi hand. But fear turned lo hope, and hope to exultation! lt was evening in Moscow. Thougb tbe Pushkin Theatre was packed to capacity, there was scarcely a sound to be beard. On either side of me two men engaged in the duel of the century, a duel which neither could afford to lo e! At stake was a coveted title, the title of Chess Champion of the World! My role a judge seemed to pall into insignificance before the epic contest. As 1 signalled for the challenger's move to be registered on the large demon tration board. my thougbts turned to how he. still only a youth. had come to be itting there at that moment.



Daar is beslis geen twyfel nie! Die uitstalling in die Britse Nasionale Museum is darem baie interessant. Op daardie merkwaardige dag was ek o in die geskiedkundige wapens verdiep dat ek nie die luitingsklok gehoor lui het nie. Terwyl die beamptes rondgegaan het om seker te maak dat niemand nog in die Museum rondloop nie. was ek vir 'n oomblikkie in die kleedkamer. Toe ek weer uitkom, het ek tot my verbasing gesien dat al die ligte in die Mu eum dood was. Besorgd het ek haastig na die ingang geloop - dit was te laat! Ek wa in die Museum opgesluit. Omdat dit byna seker was dat ek die nag in die Museum ou moe deurbring (want ek wou nie moeilikheid met die poli ie h锚 nie), het ek besluit dat ek in die Egiptie e afdeling ou gaan slaap. Die rede vir my keu e was dat daar 'n gemaklike verebed van eens van die Fara贸s was waarop ek heerlik kon laap.


We have a lot to offer you at the Standard Bank Ir you want a career with a sound ruture, come and see us at the Standard Bank. We have many advantages to offer. Arter comprehensive training at Branches and Training Colleges, you can specialise in one or more or many rascinating aspects or banking. The Standard Bank Offers You Good !'lllary • OpportWlities for promotion· holiday • Excellent working conditions· benefits • Pension •

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Die hele Mu eum wa in dui terni gehul toe ek mei die trap na die derde verdieping opgaan. Orals om my was snaakse figure en geheimsinnige ·kaduwees. Die skelet in die mediese afdeling het my groot laat sk rik en ek het onwillekeurig op my tone begin loop. Eindelik het ek my bestemming bereik en ek was net besig om op die bed te gaan lê toe ek kielik y koud word en van vrees ver teen. Die doodkis van die farao Hempmetkan II wa besig om stadig en met 'n onheil~pellende gekraak. oop te gaan. Toe my hart weer begin klop het, het ek gou agter 'n ou ki. weggekruip. Een klap ver kyn 'n wit hand by die opening van die doodki. Toetot my verba ing-kom 'n man e broek pyp oor die kant van die kis en toe loop 'n man haa tig uit die Egiptic e afdeling uit. Baie verlig dat dit geen pook wa nie, het ek die geheimsinnige persoon agterna ge it. Die dodelike wapen wat ek gou opgeraap het, het die nommer 325(a) gedra. Die indringer het reguit na die po' eël-afdeling ge tap waar hy die duurtes in sy binnebaadjiesak ge top het. Dit wa genoeg vir my- ek i eker dat hy nie geweet het wat hom geslaan het nie! Omdat ek toe eker was dat ek nie in die moeilikheid met die polisie sou kom nie. het ek dadelik na die kurator e kamer gehardloop en die telefoon gebruik. Alles het du goed geëindig-maar ek sal nie gou daardie onaangename tyd wat ek in die spookagtige Mu eum deurgebring het. vergeel nie! M. HERBERT. a. II



"And how oft did you say his beard wa not well cut?" Kelner: "He u es his folly like a stalking-house. and under the pre entation of that he hoot hi ~ il." Coalef: .. ans teeth, .an eyes, sans ta. te. ~ans everything." Si>sselberg: ''I think he be tran formed into a bea t; for I can nowhere find him like a man." Cla ...s Ma ....ler: "Let lt ~uffice thee, that I tru t thee not:' Osrin:

L. 0






The ight of the rising or etting un tinging with pink the fleecy cloud. or of unlight flooding a valley till covered in morning dew. i one of lhe loveliest and mo t evocative things I know. During the Chri tmas holidays I went on a camping trip and had the opportunity to witness several un ets and unri e. In the evenings. when we had reached our destination and laid out our leeping bag, there would be a few moment of rest while the adults ipped their beer and upper operations were uspended. Then we would it and drink in the beauty of our surroundings. I remember itting one evening on a teep rise. watching the cloud and mountain turn pale pink while the ky flu hed through gold to red as the un ank like a flaming orb into a saddle between the hill. Fi red by the beauty of the scene. my imagination raced to the horizons and I pictured omeone far east of us watching and thrilling to the start of a new da . And then I imagined an old man itting on a balcony far west of u. waking in hi deckchair to find the un gone and his pipe out and. twilight upon him. huffiing timy inside. . .. I marvelled at the miracle that happens day after day, unchanging. backward and forward into infinity and eternity.


Treadaway: "Where learned you that oath. fool?" Gargan: "Forbear, and eat no more:' Penimalicalo.l: "You must borrow me Gargan-

tua's mouth (ir-t: 'tis a word lOO great for any mouth of this age's ize." David: "1 found him under a lree. like a dropped acorn:' Bal/weil: "YOUr accent i something finer than you could purchase in '0 removed a dwelling." V. d. Linden: .. ir. it was I." DavilOn: "Do you pity him? 0, he deserves no pity:' Pascal!: "A wretched ragged man. o'ergrown with hair:' Adams: .. rt thou learned'!" .. 0, ir." BridgellJ: "Pray you. no more of thi ; 'ti like the howling of Iri h wolve again.t the moon."

I remember waking early one morning. at about three. and watching the twinkling tar ab orbed by the slow dawn; then the black. black mountains silhouetted against a pink sky. And suddenly the sun was up. and there was colour on the mountain and in the valley. and the bird. chirped. m companion tirred. and it was dayand there \ a nothing but a fa t-fading memory of a ight no arti t could ever capture. A. BE JAMt




grass, the way he used to run after me, trip me up and lhen lick my face - these always make me feel very sad indeed.

Toe ons uit die hawe vertrek bet, was die see heeltemal kalm en geen wind het gewaai nie.

At tbe lime he had grown to a lean, wiry, oneyear-old toughness, and could run faster and farther than [.

Na 'n uur of wat, toe ons in die oop see besig was om vis te vang, het 'n fris westewindjie skielik opgesteek. Gou-gou bet die see onstuimig geword. Toe die bootjie begin te dobber, het ons die anker gelig.

We never beard the screech of brakes tb at day that signalled ~he death of our pup.

Ons het stadig gevorder, want die deinings het al hoĂŤr en boĂŤr geword. Die vissersbootjie het vol water geword en 'n paar vis ers het die water aanhoudend met blikke uitge kep. Ander het met die roeiery swaar geswoeg. Die ee was nou baie stormagtig en ons het gevaar geloop om verswelg te word. Die skipper het sy manskappe moed ingepraat om die stryd voort te sit.

We buried him in a corner of our garden. A. ROWE. 6a.

A WINTER'S EVENING "Ah! That finishes it." The end of a hard day's work and L am ready to tart my journey homeward. I grab my raincoat off the hat-peg and step outside.

Toe gevaar gedreig het dat ons ou vergaan, het ons een klaps die geluid van 'n motorbootjie gehoor. Toe die inwoners van die vi sersdorpie sien dat hul familje in gevaar was, bet hulle die dorp bestuur versoek om die boot dadelik uit te stuur. Die bootjie is betyds gered, ons aan boord geneem en die vissersbootjie op sleeptou. By ons aankom was daar groot blydskap in die dorpie. Ons het 'n noue ontkoming

The gust of wind hit me with uch unexpected force that I only just saved my hat from being whisked away. Leaning against the wind, r et out for the bu - top with the wind plucking at my raincoat and chilling me to the marrow. People were ru hing everywhere, stepping in puddles, setting up umbrellas and waterproofing themselves as best they could.

belewe. M.RUBl ,7a.

Then came the rain! ft fell in torrents, overflowing the gutters and tripping the leaves off the trees. I looked up at the leaden sky and saw a flash of lightning scorch acros the cloud. The wind howled between the city blocks and the thunder rolled in tbe distance_ r reached the stop in the nick of time. swung on to a moving bus and seated myself be ide a very wet old lady. I listened thank fully to lhe clatter of rain on the thin roof of the bu , and the wish of the wheels through the puddles.

MY DOG I bave, or sball I say had, a wonderful little Dachshund by the name of Rommel. A strange name, you might ay, but he seemed to like it. o djd I. He was called this because I thought he should have a German name, but could not recall the fir t name of the German Field-Mar hal. I got him when he was only eight weeks old, with a very large tom ach and appetite to match, an ear- plitting yap and a tiny, ever-wagging tail that simply wouldn't stay still. He was just a tiny little black ball, with a pendulum of a tail at one end, and an extremely wet tongue at the other.

I alighted

from the bus and ran to the shelter of a nearby bus terminus until the rain ub ided. A I trudged along lhe road my hoes squelched beneath me. When l arrived home r bathed and changed into my pyjamas and sat down lo a teaming bowl of oup my mother had set for me be ide the roaring fire.

To remember the prank he played, and the crapes he got himself into, the way be cried for omethjng. and how he played with me on the




pon ored by /. Salkow Estate Agency (Pty.) Lld., Main Road,





HOU. E. 1965

ROil' (I. to r.): K. Kamhool. H. Kamhoot. . \an Tonder. J. ranlo. G. nderson . . \) rlgh\. D. M lIford. J. Suttner. I. labber. . eJb}, J. Theodor. C. umming, D. Durlachcf. L. Pretoriu . P. Mann. E. acher. . Cranlo. M. cher. Secolld Rol\' (I. to r.J: J. Be t. J. Wicgman. R. Cra" ford, G. \an Be OU"". Mr. D. Grobler. Mr~. R. Hunt ( 1atron), I. ic,,"oudt. Mr. . R. Blaclbcard (Principal). Mrs. . R Blad.beard. E. Shcddon. i ter M. de Klerl. Mr. M. Bohling. M. Finberg. P. \an Blommcstcin. . coil. Tlrird Roll' (I. to r.): R. Harding. . Milliner. F. Ses clburg. R. \Vellcr. B. Barnardt. D. Gill. R. Mor e. F. du Toit. . Oettlc. R. Barrctt-Jolley. . Burl,e. R. Ritchie. D. J. Glit. . iherman. P. Bcnjiman. P. Duclill. D. M. Pretorius. J. hcppard. G. Lip hit7. Fourtlr ROl,' (I. to r.J: D. ampbell. I. Macla . J. Dodd. R. Gilbert. 1. Waterhouse. T. Oeltle. E. Green. M. Muil"}k. . Gla ~cr, . Loub cr. B.. cil on. T. Pld.thalt. H. Green. P. Barrelt, E. Edd , B. Pcarce. P.. tby. K. cilson. B. D}a on. Filtlr Ra ... (I. to r.): M. nyman. J. Barrcll .. Jacob. D. 1illar. R. umming. D. alder. P. Barnard, J. Retief. W. Burlc. W. Pater on. L. O~rin. J. Hc}dcnrych. I~路er. r. chuman. P. Bacrecke. A nl('lJt: D. G. Po\\cll (Head Hou e Prefect).


Thl~ year ha ~een man changes at Little ....ood Hou e. At the end of the fi r~t term M r. and Mr. Morri. Allan and Cathy left u. to et up how.e in Plumstead. We 'Would like to thank them for the wonderful way an v hich they upervi ed the affair of the ho~tel. Mrs. rnott also left and i~

now ver happil marned to Mr. !-ranee. Wc hear that they had a very enjoyable hol ida an Rhodesia. At the beginning of the eeond term \\e \\elcorned our new Headmaster. Mr. . R. Blackbeard. hi very charmang wife. and 'on' Roberl.




• 77-9700




BERG. 26

Anthony, and Paul. We wi h them every succes and happine in their tay at Wynberg. Mrs. Hunt replaced Mr. Arnott and i proving to be a very popular matron. We tru t that her stay will be a happy and memorable one. At the end of the year Mr. Grobler leaves us to be married to Mi s E. de Lange. They have cho en to ettle in Cradock. We thank him for what he has done for us and wish him and his fiance every happiness for the future. Once again our boys have taken a keen and active interest in the activities of the school :lnd we had a number of repre entatives in practically every porting ideo Boarders were al 0 to the fore on a number of committees and in the variou societies. The boarder mu t be congratulated on lhe wilJing way in which they have helped out with various duties at the chool, ball room, cricket heds, and carrying and packing chair, to mention but a few of the duties they carry out. Our sincerest thank and appreciation go to the Matron, Si ter and kitchen taII who un elfishly help out at a number of school functions. Their fragrant coffee is becoming quite well k.nown, especially on cold winter's evenings. This year our Prefect body con i ted of D_ Powell (Head Prefect). r. iewoudt. E_ heddon

and G. van Besouw. They are to be congratulated on the very capable way in which they have performed their sometimes invidious task . At the end of the First, Second and Third Quarters we held our quarterly ocial combining with boarder from the girls' chool. We thank Miss Urie and her girl for entertaining us to a very plea ant evening at the girl' chool during the econd term.

At the beginning of the year, . Pogrund wa appointed head librarian, and was a i ted by H. Briel, . Rutter and A. Horne. all of 10.... and M. Ahrends of Std. 8. Mr. Parkin wa ma terin-charge of the library. There has been an innovation this year for recording withdrawals of books. fn the past we have used a y tern similar to that of the ape Town Librar er ice. but thi year. at the ugge tion of M r. Parkin. pecial card were printed. A permanent record i thus kept of pupils' withdrawals of book . A pupil'~ card i therefore at the ame time hi book-list. Attendance at the librar throughout the year

have been good. and the library i a popular lunch-time rendezvou . The library i alo open after chool, and i made regular use of b master during library periods in chool. new junior ection has been e tabli hed thi year to a ist junior in the choice of reading matter. Unfortunately the paper-back ection which wa introduced la t year ha been discontinued. The library ha out-grown its present hou ing, and a new building i nece sary. We hope that we hall get thi building oon, a a good library one of the mo t important cultural a elS of a choo!. .P.


There exists in the boarding hou.e a very plea ant and happy atmo phere. Many boys have little duties to perform in the hostel and the e are done very willingly. A large number of our boys how steady improvement in their results. Thi i always encouraged and we hope that every boy will aim at improving. We are very orry to have been without our head prefect for alrno t two month'. He i in ho pital recovering from an operation. We wish him a speedy recovery and hope that he will oon be rejoining u . We hould like to thank and congratulate very capable Si ter on her comfortable and les ick-bay.

our pot-

Our congratulation go to R. Mor e and P. Baerecke for gaining high honour at the W.P Judo champion hip.

page spon ored by The Cox/on Book Shop, Bookseller\" &

/a/i(}nen. Mai/l Road. K enilworlll.

GALLERY-GOING IN CAPE TOWN CRICKET The art world of Cape Town has always been rather pedestrian and lacking in verve, this state of affairs existing partly through apathy and lack of vital interest on the part of the public and partly through inertia amongst the artists themselves. Recently there have been encouraging sign of some ort of galvanization and tbere are indications of a new vitality creeping in, precipitated mainly by the enlightened go-ahead policy of the National Gallery since Prof. Bokborst's installation as director and the establishment of small private-enterprise galleries. These galleries ha ve afforded us tbe opportunity of seeing more displays of work by artists working in Cape Town and elsewhere. To begin with, the National Gallery is gaining in interest, as a start has been made towards the establishment of a collection of contemporary European painting and graphic works. Some rather interesting modern additions have recently been made. Apart from these, the gallery also has a collection of South African art which is reasonably representative. Amongst tbe most interesting works in the gallery, are tbe small African sculptures which have a powerfully indigenous feeling about them. Of late the gallery has been staging large collective exhibitions such as the "Art S.A. Today"' exhibition. These large shows are al way worth a visit. The Wolpe Gallery is perhaps the most alive of the private galleries and follow a progressive policy of encouraging young talent and new ideas. as well as importing exhibitions from overseas, thus helping to establish ome ort of link with the outside world. The unfortunate limitation of South African art today is that there are no galle路 ries anywhere in the country which have sufficiently representative collections which would facilitate an under tanding of the development of art in thi century. This is a very big handicap indeed and any gallery endeavouring to alleviate this problem is performing a valuable service. Gallery Shear in Long Street is a more conervative institution dealing mostly in established Cape painters. Occasionally there are some very good exhibitions presented at gallery Shear, such a the recent pani h exhibition from Ibiza.

The Martin Melckhuis in Strand Street is of great interest both in respect of its historical importance as an.old Cape Dutch building and also of the mixed collection of paintings assembled by the gallery's very colourful director, Or. Silberberg. The main attraction of the gallery, paintingwise, is that this is the only gallery at which Kenneth BaUer's work may be seen, as the gallery has him under contract. He is a very important South African abstract painter and is one of the few South African painters ever to have won an award at the International Biennale held at San Paulo, Brazil, every two years. The Old Town House on Greenmarket Square is another important Cape building which houses the Michaelis Collection of old Dutch masters. There are some exceptionally fine paintings in this collection, amongst them two excellent Van Beyeren still lues of fish. There is also a Frans Hals which is insured for thousands of rands, and a Rembrandt of dubious authenticity. It could possibly have been executed by one of his students. as there are correction lines drawn on the canvas. supporting this conjecture. The Association of Arts Gallery on the top floor of the Argus Building is perhaps the bestknown gallery in Town, and there is always something of interest on exhibition. The exhibitions here range from the ultra conservative to tbe ultra modern. The annual Cape Salon is held in the Association of Arts Gallery and usually parks off an explosive controversy over the selection and rejection of artists' work. This is one of the more lively occurrences in the art life of Cape Town. There are rumours abroad that the artists working in Cape Town are going to establish a gallery run entirely by themselves. where they will be permanently represented, so that an instantaneous impression may be formed of the nature and direction of Cape Town art. This could become a very vital project, and one hopes that these rumour have some foundation. The indications are that such a move is definitely afoot and we .look forward to the ultimate establi hment of this gallery. 28


Certain areas in Wynberg, uch as "Little helsea:' are among t the mo tintere ting parts of Cape Town. their warm and unique atmo phere deriving mainly from the small complexes of o.ld cottage cattered about. ome of these exceed 100 year" in age. Many of them have been reno路

vated and ha e had their fa~ades and plans altered In the proce " In ome cases completely changed. Others have retained their original plan and appearance and it is these cottages which have provided the ubject matter for the ketches repro路 duced here. One hope that the Council will preserve them in their present tate.


MATRIC. DANCE Emm and Mrs. Jeftes who put in a great deal of effort which contributed to it., uccess. Jan Ain worth, the convenor and Ma ter-ofCeremonies, deserves congratulations for a very gallant effort. Pos ibly the mo t noticeable aspect of the evening was the spirit 'hown by the boys. This was perhap due to thc fact that the boy were able to dance, following the les on taken at the girl' school. The inclu ion of td. 9 helpers a artists, and on the night as waiter, was an excellent plan which could be made a tradition.

The 1965 Matric. Dance was held on the 25th eptember. lt was attended by almost the whole class and twelve master' who, despite the mallness of our Old Hall, managed to enjoy them elves in the true spirit of the 1965 Matric. clas . The theme of this year' dance was 路'Africa'". presented in a very different and plea ant manner, for which our thanks and congratulations go to Eian EIs and his artist helpers who produced magnificent decor. We also thank the Std. 9 artists. Mutti, Van Blerk, Coats and Lowry. Supper was arranged by parents, Sister De Klerk and Mr~. Blackbeard. We are grateful to Mr .




MISS KATHERINE WYNBERG BOYS' HIGH AND JUNIOR SCHOOLS, 1929-1965 An Epoch ., ow I want to be quite sure that Miss Lacey will start my son in school"-has been a perennial statement coming from parents __ . to be followed recently by a shocked, "What. Mi s Lacey reli ring! ., Yes, it wa inevitably destined for the 1965 school magazine to carry the news of the retirement from teaching at the school in December of Miss Katherine Lacey, who had commenced her duties here in January, 1929, and continued here for the very lengthy period of thirty-seven years. Until 1928, the chool, still one unit, had taken pupils from the Standard One level only, and boys had to spend their Kindergarten year either at the Girls' School or elsewhere. But during 1928 the beginning of the present Junior School took hape, when a double- toreyed block of five rooms wa erected to accommodate the younger classes. For the fir t time. in Jan ua ry 1929, there was to be a Sub A and a Sub B cia s, and the teacher nominated by the ommittee to be the founder of these Kindergarten cIa se at Wynberg Boys' High School was M is K. Lacey. Ju t what a fortunate choice that wa , the many intervening years have proved. Throughout tho e years Mis Lacey became an indispensable part of the school. Her teaching itelf went from strength to strength and received the highe t tribute from all circuit in pectors. And, a mentioned earlier. it became the earnest wish of countle s parents that Miss Lacey hou Id be their sons' first teacher. Her firm yet ympathetic way with beginners won her the greate t re peet and afTection of those she taught. She constantly sifted the best from methods old and new, and applied this to gain the most favourable response. If we are to single out one subject among many. it was READI 'G. where her results were phenomenal. rn 1951 Mis Lacey was promoted to the post of pecial Grade As i tant, in which capacity he carried out a number of extra duties. which included the supervision of the chool Feeding cheme. and arrangement .. for general catering at school functions.


Then. who will ever forget tho e annual introductory items at Junior chool October entertainments, when with uch enthusiasm and pontaneity. Miss Lacey's Sub A pupils gave u sparkling song scene in costume. These always set the mood for the entire evening. In all she did, Mi s Lacey gave of her best, paring no effort in the pursuance of her dutie . and as isting school activities. She jmt "had to be at chool daily," and she wa. for she was absent hardly a day in all the thirty-seven years. Among the staff, she was deservedly popular. always kind and thoughtful. and in her later years a read ource of help and advice to younger colleagues. And in the e days, when staff come and go ilt an alarming rate. thereby hampering the development of an institution, it has been to the great benefit of our school to have had omeone of the calibre of Mis Lacey who, except for a short spell at Upington. devoted virtually her whole teaching career to one school. 32

lege to bave bad her services ... and we wish ber many years of retirement in health and happiness. We shall more than welcome her at any school functions she is able to attend. In conclusion, we say tbat Miss Lacey's years at Wynberg have been an epoch in themselves.

She started our Wynberg boys' Kindergarten, has made our Sub A a byword among Cape Peninsula classes, and has thereby gained a distinguished position in the teaching profession. The school is greatly indebted to Miss Lacey. We thank her profoundly. and regard it a privi-

Junior much music as time allowed. Mrs lennings returned in July to rehearse her choir for the "Hall of Mu ic" and the junior operettas. During the last term of the year Mr. K. Pretorius is having furlough and we trust he will enjoy a well earned break from classes. Mr. N. Wolff, an old Boy who has been teaching Std. 3B for four years, leaves us to proceed to Rhodesia. Our best wishes attend him. Mr. A. Larie hopes to fly to Europe to spend nve weeks of tbe Ilong vacation there with a possible meeting with Neville Schafer in Amsterdam.

STAFF Although given special notice on another page we must record here our untold regret that we are to bid farewell to Miss Lacey who concludes her thirty-seven years at Wynberg this year, as well as her memorable teaching career. We are so used to her pre ence among us that we hall quite be expecting to see her next term, and it will take a while to grow accustomed to her absence. To the staff in January this year we welcomed Miss BarweIl to Sub B, Miss Cowley to Std. 2B and Miss Puroe to Std. 2A. Miss pu roes, however, married and left us at tbe end of May after which Mrs. M. Luman took over her class, and will remain with us until December. To Std. IA came Miss J. Warren, who, however, returned to be married in East London in June, and was succeeded by Miss Lon tein in July. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hutchison (Mi s D. Friedman) have been spending 1965 in Europe, teaching and travelling. and writing us the mo t pleasing and mouth-watering letters of their experiences. Mr. Hutchison will doubtless have accumulated a vast collection of lides, which he will allow us to enjoy upon bi return to Wynberg in 1966. Mr. Neville Schafer, continuing his piano studies in Amsterdam, has written to us regularly too, and we are to congratulate him upon winning a bursary. Thus Elsie lennings, after ten years of arduous work with our young singers took a well-earned term of leave and, with her two younger daughters. enjoyed some weeks of caravan travel through great Britain and the continent. and heard as


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GENERAL Our nrst function of the year as usual, was the informal evening for "New Parents" of whom we welcomed about a hundred one evening during February. The usual information about school routine was followed by nlms and lides of school activities. This in turn was followed by general discussion over refreshments. At the beginning of the second term we cordially welcomed a new High School Headmaster, Mr. N. Blackbeard, and Mrs. Blackbeard to a pecial 'tea break" and we trust that their year at Wynberg will be both happy and fruitful. During the fir t term the playground exten ion continued to progre s slowly and at long la t we have a brick wall as the Oxford Street boundary, with two attractive wooden gates to allow pas age of traffic. A record number of 230 boys entered their names for rugby this year. The smaller boys

by A.\segai Paper Bag Works Limiled. Courl Road. WynberR.


arranged into their team of Lions. Tigers, All Blacks, Hamiltons. pringboks and Villagers, had regular Friday afternoon game, thanks to the High School 路'uncles." The Under 12 A, B. C, 0, and E teams had their practices on Mondays, and matche on Saturday mornings. These teams were all quite successful. Our tbanks to regular parent upporter both as onlookers and helpers with tran port. The fourth Annual Cricket and Tennisette matches between parents and junior took place at the school grounds in March. The parents won an exciting Cricket match by 8 runs. In close contested game, the parents won the Tennisette by 6 set to 3. Tenni cUe progressed well in the first term under the guidance of Mr. R. Just. The u ual tournament will take place in November. Rhodes House were winner of both tbe Athletics and tbe Swimming Gala this year. Donation to the ape Penin uIa School Feeding Scheme thi year reali ed approximately R240. The 32nd Annual Entertainment took place in three nights in December when. to our orrow. M is Lacey presented the final song scene with her Sub A cia s. before her retirement. Our Annual Reading Competition in both English and Afrikaans will be held in the fourth term.


The Cro s Country and Cross Playground races were held in September. The half-yearly performances by piano. violin and cello pupil took place in the June and December terms. "Ver e speaking" programmes have become a regular feature on the last day ot term. In conclusion we record the Ii t of cups won by boys or groups since last magazine issue. ATHLETICS Friedlander Cup: Baskitl Cup:

G. le Roux, A. Olivier.

M. Oosthuizen. WIMMING



Under 10 Free

D. Yach. tyle:

D. Yach.

TENNI Pachter Cup Marai.





Craye Cup ( ingles) : L. Shlomowitz. READI


SpearJ Cup (EngIi h): P. chaff. ewmall Cup (Afrikaan):




The fir t job we did wa cutting the grass while the old man had a rest. Suddenly we heard a trange noise coming from the hou e. We went over to investigate. Tt could not be the old man becau e he was in bed. John and I followed the noi e to the dining room. I looked through tbe keyhole and aw a man putting all the ilverware IOto a ack. John ran to tbe telephone and called the police. They came very oon. The old man woke up and gave us fifty cents each and the police gave us four rand to hare.

"A DOUBLE GOOD T R .. 1 am a Wolf Cub. My name i Michael. Yestcrday was the la t day of Bob-a-Job week and T was riding around the village with my friend John when we aw a big old hou e. We stopped and went over to it. We rang the bell but nobody an wered. I rang again and an old man opened the door. We told him why we had come and he let u come in. He eemed to be quite pleased about u coming. He told u that hi ervant had gone away and he was loo old to do the hou ework.









I was pLaying at the seaside when I fell asleep. I dreamt I was sinking down toward the sea-bed. Just then two sharks armed with swords swam toward me and took me to King Neptune. King Neptune gave me all kinds of beautiful shells. After a while I thought it was about time to go home. Just as I was about to leave, [ woke up and found that I had fallen asleep on the seashore.

My mother has a cutlery set, It is as shiny as jet.

She only uses it on Sundays, Because she does not like using it on Mondays. DAVID MERRY GTO .



Cars go hoot hoot, Trains go toot toot. But buses go ting-a-l.ing, To let their passengers in.





I have a bird called Nicky, Nicky thinks his name is Prikky. He is only a baby And he thinks he is in the navy. He chirp and chirps all day And be is very gay. That is all I can tell you. THERE .... Because my pa-pa I sitting in hi chair.


Once upon a time, long, long ago in a forest in Africa before Japanese guavas grew, there lived an old guava tree. In Japan there lived a wizard and he was soon tired of Japan, so he decided to go to Africa on a ship. A storm came up and the ship was wrecked. The wizard caught hold of a piece of wood and floated to the shore. He found himself in the forest where the old guava tree lived. After walking around for a few days he came to the middle of lhe forest. There he saw the old guava tree. He went up to it and looked for guavas but he could not find any, for the leaves were too thick and there were not many on it. SO be walked around it twice and said, "Oogley Googley Glump," and suddenly it grew small and many more guavas appeared on it. And that is how the first Japanese guava tree grew. PETER





The squirrel Jives up in a tree, He runs about as free as free. And with two small eyes He looks at meHe is as lively as a bee. So when he's frightened, He runs away as far as I can see.


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One Sunday morning we all decided to go to the beach for lunch. We packed our Lunch and off we went. As oon as the car stopped I jumped out. My dog jumped out after me. I ran to the water and felt il but it wa very cold, 0 I collected shells. I was so busy that I did not notice the water coming nearer to me. When I aw the water I was urrounded by it. And J could not swim. As I put a shell in my pockel the water went splash behind me. I turned around and saw my dog wimming ashore. He ran up a path to a hou e and scratched at the door. A man came to the door and my dog pulled him outside. He then saw me and got into his boat and rescued me.






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There was a little cat, She Jived on a mat, There was a little mouse, She lived in a house, One day the cat saw, The mouse in her house, She said to the mouse, May I live in your house, Yes said the mouse, You may live in my house.

Once upon a time there lived a man. His name was King Neptune. He lived under the sea with all the fish. One day I was swimming and I saw a big castle. It was made out of sand. I swam up to it and I saw sixteen dolphins at the gate as guards, so I asked them who lived in this big castle, and they said King Neptune did. Then I asked them if I could go in and see him and they said yes. Then I rang the bell and he said, "come in". Then T went in and he showed me around the castle. The walls were made of pearls. Then I said I had better go home. He gave me a bag of gold and said, "come again." Then I said good-bye and swam home. GARETH









Once there lived a man. His name was St. Patrick. He was born in Scotland. When he was ixteen he was captured by the pirates and taken to Ireland. One day he decided to escape, so he went down to the coast and made friends with some sailors who had six Irish Wolf dogs. He went with them to France. There he became a monk. Then he came back to Ireland to leach all the bad people to be good.


Once there was a queen. She had a great kingdom, but she was not happy because she wanted a magic sLipper. One day she was walking about in the ground of her kingdom and she heard a voice say help me and I will help you. Then she turned. There, up in a tree sat a dwarf. She ran to get her ladder. When she came back she put it against the tree. Down came the dwarf bumpity bump. What do you want? A magic slipper was the reply. All of a sudden, wrrwrr there was the magic slipper and the dwarf had gone. She did Jots of magic things. Once she made a mouse into a girl and kept her for her daughter. One day she wanted her slipper and she found it was not there! She looked and looked but, she could not find it. It had gone for ever. GARETI路t




''THE RIVER" There's a river in the wood, That aU the wood folk k.now And at nightfall when the first owls cry, The animals come with their babies for their baths, Mother call to her baby, "Don't go too far out ;" Then slowly the sun begin to set Then slowly the animal go After a lovely night at the river.



''THE The The The The




dog goes for the cat, cat goes for the rat, rat goes for the mouse, mouse goes for the cheese. KEV!




Once there was a king called King Hugh. He wa forty-three and was six foot tall. His crown was tudded with jewels. He had lots of riches. One courtier wa a thief. When the king was



asleep he crept up and snatched his crown and ran along the drawbridge and jumped on his horse, but he was caught and was put in a dungeon and stayed for ten years and the king lived happily to the end of hi day. HUGH


the only person there. I lived on dates, fruit, and water and I made a shelter using branches from a tree. After t~o months, I sawaship so I made a fire and the ship came to rescue me. IVAN

SPEEDBOATS Speedboats on the river, Oh what an awful din! Theyalways spoil your fishing, And you never catch a thing. Speed boats on tbe river They never know when to stop And if they don't stop very soon, I will most likely pop.


DIE MUISfE Die muisie het 'n hui ie Onder die vloer, Die huisie val in en Die muisie skree. Help, help, 'n kat Wil my op-eet, En die arme mui ie Is opgevreet. T. J. THE





KIrrEN I found a little kitten and I named him mitten, His coal was white and ginger and he always bit my finger. He really was a naughty cat be chased the birds and tore the mat, He caught the mice and ate my lunch but still [ loved him very much. MY



There lived a man called Mick, Who could do an out,>tanding trick; By standing on a wall, And bouncing a ball. He performed his trick. To the people of the town: They aid his trick Was better tban the clown. But one day he lost hi ball. And then he fell off the wall ; So at the end, poor M ick Forever lost his trick. D CHArT.



THE PAlNTER' SONG have a feeling, To paint the ceiling; I must be tall, To paint tbe wall; It takes some sense, To paint a fence; I'll stand up straight. And paint a gate; Then paint a line, And 1'11 feel fine.

A SHIPWRECK One day when I was sailing to England on the "Bluebird," that is the name of the ship. r heard one of tbe crew shout out, "Storm ahead." Suddenly lightning flashed, thunder rolled, and the rain fell down in torrents. I heard a faint voice call out, "We have hit some rocks." Some of the crew lowered the lifeboats. I climbed into one of the lifeboats with a few other people and we tarted to row. One of the people who was in our hip aid, "Look there is an i land." Just then a big wave came and over路 turned the hip. r wam to the island and I was



'N DAG BY DIE SEE Een dag s锚 my pa on moet ee-toe gaan. My ma en pa pak die kos in 'n mandjie. My broer en ek pak die peelgoed. Almal klim in die motor kar. On ry, en ry, en ry, en daar .,ien ek die see. Toe ons by die ee kom, het ons eers gaan swem, dan het ons krieket op die sand ge peel. On het'n heerlike dag gehad. HII





looked towards it and there tood a buge leopard ready to jump on me. I grabbed my pistol, aimed roughly, fired one hot and to my surprise 1 hit my mark. I lept peacefuUy tb at night. In the morning I moved on to find a river. I filled my water bottle and had a drink and so I walked on day after day. One day I was walking along. The birds were singing and the creatures were making their morning noi es. Suddenly 1 caught sight of the biggest snake I'd ever seen. I nearly fajnted with fright. I was stunned witb fear. I couldn't move. Then it happened. Its sharp fangs sunk into my skin. After biting me, tbe brute disappeared into the undergrowth. As quickly a I could I made a cut and sucked the poison out and spat it away. Soon I was on my way again. My leg was feeling sore but I still managed to keep going. uddenly my heart skipped a beat of joy as in the distance I at last saw the town where my aunt lived. With fre h hope 1 continued the rest of my journey.

THE THIEF One night while I was getting ready for bed, heard a loud noise at the window. I got a terrible fright, but after that it was quiet. Very Soon I was asleep. In the middle of the night [ heard a bit of glass fall on the floor. 1 jumped up and ran to fetch my club. At that moment a big man came through the window. He bad a big stick in his hand, and a knife at his side. He said, "Little boy, I challenge you to a fight." "Yes," I said, and very soon he aimed a sbot at my head. I fell down with a bump and woke up to find it was all a dream. A DRE HE




When my dad got his oversea leave we went to a number of places including Berlin. We passed through all the check points and got our visas then drove into Berlin. When we came out the Russians did not want to let me through because 1 travelled on my mom's passport. Luckily there were two people who could speak Engli h and they fixed it up and we went on our way.


'N INBREKER Een nag omtrent twaalf-uur het ek 'n geraa gehoor. Ek was 0 bang dat my tande teenmekaar geklap het. Ek het my kamerjas en my pantoffels aangetrek. Ek het by die trappies afgehardloop en daar het ek 'n inbreker gesien. Kort daarna het ek op een gespring maar skjelik het ek 'n ander inbreker gesien. "Help papa," het ek geskree. Papa het vinnig nader gekom met 'n geweer in y hand. Hy het die inbreker in sy been geskiet en skielik het ek edelgesteentes in sy ak gesien. Ons het hulle met toue vas gebind en het die polisie gebel. Binnekort het die poli ie gekom en het hulle in die tronk gesit. Die poli ie het gesĂŞ dat ons gelukkig wa dat die inbreker nik gesteel het nie. Twee dae later het ek 'n klein uniform van die polisie gekry.



r bought some pigeons, white and black, They look 0 pretty when they fly in a pack. They fly round and round Whjle I stand on the ground, Then down they faU To my whistling call. BRUCE



IN THE JUNGLE It was in the last world war when the German


made a bombing attack. Both my mother and father were killed. The whole side of the hou e had been bla ted away. Luckily the kitchen till remained. So there I was, Feeling very sad, I packed as much a I could carry. Soon I had a rifle, pistol, knife, torch, water bottle, clothing, and as much ammunition a 1 could find. Not much later, after a rough time in the town, I managed to get out. Soon 1 came to the jungle. While I wa walking along, I uddenly caught sight of a yellow thing. I




I really wish I could be a deep-sea diver. Just imagine all the beautiful tropical fish wimming around one in the green water. Even though I bould be rather frightened of the deep water becau e of octopus and other horrible ea creatures, I might bave an adventure like the one ] dreamt about last week, I dreamt I went diving in the coral reef off the coast of Au tralia. I


saw something glinting on the shadowy sea bed. It was a rusty treasure chest. "Well," I said to myself. "How am I gOiDg to carry this back to the sbore?" I tried to lift it but it was so heavy that I could hardly move it. Just then a dark hadow moved iD the water above me. I turned and saw a dolphin. He seemed to say, "May I belp you?" He was so tame that he let me put my arms around his neck and together we swam to the surface with the treasure chest. When we reached the shore be left me witb my treasure. Yes, I wish I were a deep-sea diver. GREGORY

The natives were really quite friendly. The time on a sun dial was nine o'clock. The native served me like a king. After breakfast I climbed a nearby mountain. I could not see the mainland so I cJjmbed down and went to the spacecraft. The wireless was not broken, so I got through to tbe mainland. An officer said that he would send a destroyer to pick me up. I went to the native hut which was specially for me. I woke the next morning and smelt smoke. Outside was a raging busb fire. I woke the natives and we had to beat tbe fire the wbole day. At siJ( o'clock the fire died down and at that moment the destroyer arrived. I was taken aboard and we ailed for home. S. WHITE.


MY TROETELDIERE Ek het vyf basies by my buis, twee wit en drie grys. My hok is op vier pale gebou en ck moet op drie kassies staan om daarby te kom. ommige dae laat ek hulle uit in die tuin, dan moet ek waghou en sorg dat hulle nie wegloop nie. Hulle broei dikwels en dan verkoop ek die kleintjies en sit die geld in die bank. Dit kos baie om hulle aan te hou, en ek moet altyd org dat daar groen blare. wortels en ook . trooi is om die hokke droog te bou. Ek hou van my ha ie omdat hulle solewendig is en mooi kan speel. GARTH tE Ro




When my grandfather was still young be went camping with his friend Fred Jones. It wa dusk when tbey arrived at the spot where they were going to camp. Then they pitched the tent and Fred aid, "I'm feeling jolly hungry. I don't know about you." So they fetched dry wood and made a fire. They ate the food and then went to explore caves. As they were coming out of one cave it started to rain. When they got back they shouted, "Somebody's taken our food!" Fred saw some big footprints in the soft mud leading onto a mall path. They followed and saw two people running down the hill. Suddenly a policeman came round lhe corner shouting, "Thieves! thieves! catch them," pointing a finger at the fleeing men. One of the men tried to dash into the bushes but my grandfather tackled him. The other man was caught by the police. Later when an inspector came to hi house he told them they had escaped from prison and got away in a boat. The boat was found wrecked near the camping place. K.HoPKI S.

3A PY"

A ecret weapon in the dump, The M.P. there does guard, There, climbing over the wall 0 high. Tbe M.P. dived and caught tbe spy. Relaxing on the parade ground, Tbe M.P. there does tand, The spy is locked up afe and sound. The M.P. listens to the band. A. BROOKS-NEILL.

MAROONED Suddenly I aw an i land. I wa thirty thousand feet above it. I landed with such a bump that it knocked me out aDd I was unconscious for balf an bour. When I came round I was in a native hut. I got up from tbe bed of gras and went outside. A native who knew a little English 'aid, HAw. tinned man is alive." I got a fright becau e I thought they were cannibal.



One night while the hou e was quiet. my father heard a rumbling noi e at the back door. He thought it was the milkman but it wasn't. It was a burglar with a crowbar. The noi e continued. so my father went into the kitchen with a revolver in his hand. He opened the door and there


was the burglar with the crowbar in his hand. He dropped all he had and ran away. My father chased him and fired at him. By this time the rest of our family had woken up from hearing shots fired by my father. Eventually my father caught the burglar by shooting him in his feet. At last my father handed him over to the police. The police said that they had been searching for him for weeks. The police handed my father a reward for catching the burglar. G.


lt was a lovely Summer's day, when five humans came to gather fire-wood. They soon gathered about three sacks of pine-cones. The parent trees were sad at the thought of their seeds being burnt. Suddenly one of the people sugge ted a pine cone fight. As they were fiighting the seeds were shaken out and trampled into the ground. (I was one of them.) A month later 1 was three inches out of the ground and my roots were five inches long. J was soon about five feet tall. At that time it was a week before Christmas. Then I got the fright of my life. Some people were digging me up, but they seemed kindly so I didn't worry. They took me in a box and trimmed me. After Christmas 1 was planted in the garden where J am very happy. C. STEWART.


''THE RALLY" Along the road, Along the tracks, Past lorries with loads, Past houses and shacks, Roars the motor car! The long road stretches straight and clear, Past bushes, and trees, and herds of deer, Over the mountains it twists and turns, Past sheep that graze and streams and ferns, Roars the motor car! He keeps the pace, he's going fast, He sees the flag - the line at la t! Amid the cheers the driver steers Over the line in record time Roars the motor car! .

MAROONED One day L was coming out of space when I accidentally landed on an island. 1 could not call for help with my radio et because it was jammed. 1 walked around the island and I found a long stretch of grass. I thought it would be a good place to sleep. It wa late in the afternoon and 1 had something to eat. After that I went to sleep. I woke up early in the morning and 1 had breakfast. Suddenly something came crashing through the undergrowth. It was a panther. I had a gun and 1 shot it. Then r beard the droning of an aircraft. It was a 'plane with pontoons. J tried to hail it but I could not. I decided to build a fire so I collected some dry wood and et it alight. The people in the 'plane saw it and they landed. Then they took me back home and r told my story.


MAROONED My spracecraft, "Anne," suddenly started falling. 1 checked the fuel. The tank was empty. The next thing T knew when I came to my sen es was that I was sprawled on an island. After I had explored the i land r was well aware that I had to be careful. The i land was inhabited by savages. r spent that night in what remained of "Anne:' Next day, as a 'plane passed overhead I fired some flares. but it wa no use. The savages. attracted by the flares. came to inve tigate. J got such a fright when [ saw them that r fired into their mid t. All of them fell on their knees and tarted putting copper ring on my legs. The leader of the savage whispered in my ear, "I was marooned on thi i land five years ago. help me to escape and L will make you rich:' Ju t then a helicopter came into ight. I fired my last flare which the pilot saw and John (the king of the avages) and I were rescued. . CRA











A year ago I went to visit my grandfather in England. He Lived about ten-and-a-half miles out of London. In the evenings. after supper he would teil me stories. This one i from World War 11. .. Tt was on the 2nd of June, 1940. that most of the British forces were trapped around Dunkirk. I. a veteran of the 1st World War, 46 years old, was among them. Day after day the Luftwatfe M .. 109's and F.W. 190's traffed the beaches



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with "Cannon" machine gun bullets. Day after day also, troopships docked in tbe tiny barbour and yacbts and private boats came asbore to pick us up. It was quite a sigbt to see all these troops waiting to be evacuated. Altogether there were about 250,000 British troops and a few hundred French. Even river barge were sent to help us get away. On the 9th almost all the troops were in England. At home we heard Churchilrs famous speech: "The battle of France is over; the battle of Britain is about to begin:' And we remembered bow we had felt on the beaches of Dunkirk. The battles that followed is another story. MICHAEL

and after slamming the door, I was confronted by a terrifying scene. A man lay dead on the floor with a gun beside him. I heard a cackling laugh and a creature resembling Frankenstein came into the room. "Keep back," I said, "r have a knife!" He laughed. and I heard a voice say, "cut the film, Joe!" then, "Kid, you just ruined the film. The Revenge of Frankenstein, damn you!" G. FITZPATRICK. "THE HAUNTED

At the beginning of the holidays, I phoned my friend Howard Katz and we decided to go camp' ing. The next day we et off on our trip, well prepared. We arrived at a ten mile stretch of sand. We aw an old house and went in. As we did so the door closed by itself. As we went on a skeleton grabbed my friend. He screamed. I took a stick and knocked the skeleton down. Howard chattered, "T-T-Thanks Len. I'm s-s-scared." We walked on and all of a sudden we sawacarpet fly ttuough the window. Howard fainted. When he came to his senses a spear came whizzing through the air and landed in a door two inches away from our heads. A we reached for them they vani hed. We ran out breaking all Olympic records. We never, never went there again.


"KEN DODDBALL" I've just met a boy called Ken DoddbalI, Who is quite a strong little oddbalI. He does everything quite supersonic, So his mother feeds bim with a toruc. His trike, whicb be says that he needs, He rides at terrifficle speeds, When he lies in his bed. He thinks be is dead, But he makes up by doing good deeds! G. FITZPATRICK. WILLIE



Willie Waddle. playing rugby. Found a bearskin hat, or bu by; "This," he said, "is quite a blinker, But III keep it for the winter;" Now Willie Waddle wears the bat, To cover up his ears and that! G. FrrzPATRICK.



THE LIFE STORY OF A MOTOR CAR My name is Vauxball Victor 1959 model. My number is CA 111-135. I was born in Scotland outside Glasgow, on the 23rd August, 1944. J am yellow and white. r was born in the mind of a chief designer. who wrote out tbe direction. After all the drawings were completed tbey made a model of me. After a meeting it was agreed that they would manufacture me. My heart was made in the foundryand wa left in the open to pickle. While my heart wa being pickled, tbe dyes for my skin were being made. Dyes and tools were being cast by killed artisans. The great day was when ] was a number on the assembly line where all the parts of my body were titted such as the engine and wheels. T was bought by a man named Mr. Boyce, who has taken me nearly all round outh Africa.

''THE HAUNTED HOUSE" One evening I was stripping the bark off a pine tree in a dark forest, when r chanced to look up. Tbere was a large storm cloud looming above the forest. [ clicked my penknife shut and set off at a cracking pace towards our holiday bungalow. It was in George and, after a few minutes, I realised r had taken tbe wrong turning. The rain was coming down now, so I ran into the first place available. I was in a cul-de-sac and I saw a sign aying, "These buildings are about to be demolished." I ran into the neare t one. an old Tudortype hou e with turrets on all four sides. Not what I wanted. but extremely large. r ran inside 43


Yesterday another car came speeding along and banged into me. I'm teLljng you that I'm still aching all over. His name is Flamingo and was born on the lOth January, 1965. It shows you how dangerous these teen-agers are now-a-days. K. BOyeE.

Klein, klein boompies in die nag Waai jul' takke 0, so sag. En laat die wind jul takke swaai As dit uitkom van die baai. o boompies 0, so klein, Wat stilstaan daar op die plein Uit die nag kom die maan Om silver in die hemel te staan. Soggens as die son kom skyn, En die silwer maan verdwyn, Sit daar in jul takke rond Voëltjie klein en voëltjies bont.

STANDARD 4A 4A BEST SELLERS 'The great discovery," by Scott. "Money grows on trees," by Ritchie. 'The Phillips Key Game," by Key. "Razor blades," by WilkinsoD. 'The big hole:' by Diamond. "AlI about pirates," by Morgan. "'Eight times better:' by Atlas. "AII that glitters is not gold:' by Goldstein. "Roman Briton," by Marcus. "Colours," by Brown. "Very fishy," by Pike. "Secret agent:' by Spie . "Ewes," by Ram -den. "Hê-lê-nic," by Kyriako . "Chop:' by Butcher. "Laying tone ," by Mason. "Donkeys," by Bray-dy. "Chasing girls:'by Chase-en "The fo ter gang." by Foster. "Briti h Politics,"' by Ward.





lt was a warm December morning and the sun was shining as we sailed along. Towards the evening. dark, heavy clouds covered the blue sky. Within ten minutes the rain came down over me and I ran into my cabin to fetch my raincoat. When I came back on deck, the wind was raging and [ slid across the wet surface. At the other side one of the crew caught me. I then decided to go up to the bridge where the captain was giving orders to the crew. Just tben a huge breaker hit the vessel and to sed it like a cork. The captain tumbled over. Wben he tood up again I aw warning rays from the ligbthouse and I knew that there were hidden rocks under the surfac·e of the water. After two more days of stormy weather we arrived in Cape Town docks where the ship was repaired. L. An AS.

L. AnAS.




Verlede kwartaal het ons klasonderwyser ons hele klas op 'n uitstappie na die dokke geneem. Ons bet baie interessante dinge gesien. Die postboot ,Pendennis Castle' was vasgemeer. Die onderwyser het on aan boord geneem. Ons het na die eetsalon, sitkamers, kajuite, enjinkamer en swembad gaan kyk. In die groot sitkamer het 'n paar kelners vir elkeen van ons 'n roomys gebring. Daarna het ons na die kinder peelkamer gegaan, waar ons met die peelgoed gespeel het. Nadat ons weer aan wal gegaan het. bet ons na die groot hyskrane gekyk wat motors en ~waar vragte in die skeepsruim van die boot gelaai het. On bet by die dokke gebly totdat die .Pendenni' na Engeland vertrek het. Ons het die uil tappie na die dokke ten volle geniet. L. An



Boom! The midday cannon boomed out it time. I looked at my watch and, satisfied tbat my timing would be exact, tepped into the lift. On the fourth floor of the United Banking As 0ciation I ignalled to the poLicemen who were croucbed behind boxes of bonds. In tinctively 1 glanced round and, eeing the red ignal light flashing, proceeded to my place of cover. Immediately afterwards we heard the ound of the lift a it stopped with a grinding. grating ~ound. Then uddenly four tough-looking men emerged. We watched them hauling a crate marked 'Jnvaluable Bond: toward the lift. 44

water-lilies. Bees buzz to and fro and butterflies fly among our green oak trees. Occasionally our feathered friends break the peace with their beautiful singing. As Autumn approache, we see the quirrels looking for acorn and storing them in the hollow tree trunks for the long Winter. The leaves change into many beautiful hades of orange. red and brown, and drift sadly to the ground. We take great pride in our garden and work very hard in order to keep it neat and in good condition. Last year it came second in the "Cape Ideal Gardens" competition and people who walk or ride past often stop to admjre our beautiful garden. PH" I lP R BIN.

A few minute elapsed and finally T proceeded with our plan. I had instructed a patrol car to follow the thug and report their position. Downstairs J found one manager brutally battered. We fol· lowed the radio report and it brought us to the slum area of London. As we came down a street we saw the patrol car outside a hou e. Together with three policemen I advanced to the door. J broke it down and we burst in. The thugs were taken by surprise and 1 arrested them on a charge of robbery with violence. M. GOLD TEIN.



The ·'S.s. Maria" left London dock on a clear afternoon. The ship was going to India. In tbe night, just after twelve, there was a violent crash against the ide of the hip. The captain who was sleeping in the cabin heard the noi e and went up the stairs only to be swept down by a torrent of water. The poor captain was in di . pair as he did not know what was happening. At the next attempt he managed to get onto the deck. There were fla hes of lightning and the angry sea was beating again 't the side of the ship. The captain was talking to the econd mate who wa driving the ,hip. They both agreed that unless there wa a lull in the torm they would not be able to control the hip. The sailor who had been taken out of their bed were geuing worried. The engine were cut off and were not working. and worst of all the decks were covered up to your knees so that you could not walk very well. ft was about ix o'clock and the pas enger were beginning to awaken when suddenly the rain . topped and the wind died down and the ship. old and battered, continued on its way.

4B BEST SELLERS "A healthy smile." by Gibbs. ''The latest style:' by Taylor. " ever too old," by Young, ''Threshing·corn,'' by Miller. "Never at ea," by Landman. "The birds." by Herron. "Serve the dinner." by Butler. "Robin Hood," by Archer. "At the opera:' by Gilbert. "Where to live," by Holme. "Fixing the roof." by Tyler, "Many blotter," by tevens. "What to wear," by Waring. " olour:' by Brown. "The flood:' by Water, "How to reduce," by Fried. R. A TALE



"1 once knew a ailor, who wa the captain of the ship that I sailed on during my time of being a ea·roving character," my grandfather aid as I at li ten ing with interest to the fascina· ting tale, ''Thi fellow' name wa Jim," my grandfather continued. "He had a hard- et face, a twi ted black mou tache and two curly pigtail at the back of his head, Jim had a rough-looking figure - anyone look ing at him would not dare to di obey hi emphatic commands". "We u ed to ail the ea together" continued my grandfather. "He u ed to be a hard' un to get on with. Early in the morning hi voice would bellow acro s the ship urging the lazy crew to






lt i ummer and our flowers are in full bloom. Hydrangeas. Aster. Marigolds and arnations of every hue form a riot of colour in our garden. Honey uckle and rose growing in profu ion. cover the treIli ·work of our back hedge. ear the edge of our paciou lawn we have a fishpond with goldfi h swimming among the











were a cork and we were all drenched by the lashing rain. It seemed as if the ea wanted to kill us, because huge breakers crashed with al! their force on the deck and both ma ts splintered like match-sticks. All at once the sea swelled and the wind howled around us and before our eyes a huge gigantic wave was forming. It was like a mountain made of water and slowly but urely it came rolling towards us with all its mighty force. As it engulfed us J heard a crash and the deck at the stern of the ship splinter. Jim, who wa a new sailor was washed overboard. I rushed as fast as I could to help him but a flying piece of wood struck me on the forehead and all went black. After what eemed an eternity I awoke and found myself in my bunk. I looked out of the porthole and saw the un shining brightly. After J had dressed I walked out onto the deck and wa greeted by the 2nd Junior Officer who told m.e that Jim had been rescued and the men were repairing Ihe deck. I marched off happily to see if any further damage had occurred and hoped that J would never again experience the horror of a storm at sea. C. William .

work. Although Jim was hard on us, he was a good captain and the ship was always ship-shape. Our clipper was one of the swiftest of all mercbant sbips because Jim taught tbe crew to be skilful with the sails and rigging." I put ome more wood on the fire, Ihen he went on. "One day we were caught in a rough storm and the pitiles sea to ed our ship about in the furious waves, but through Jim's skilful eamanship he steered us clear from the treacherous fate on the ragged, jutting rocks'-. "Jim's skil! and bravery earned him many men to add to hi happy crew and became known throughout the seven eas for his fearle captaincy. The ea, my son, claimed him, but will never again see the like of thi true ail.or.'路 BRIA



DESPAIR There's a breeze_ And the trees Flutter in the air, And under the trees Weep a woman in despair. For her on has died And she criesHow her ad ounds Have filled the air! For he is a widow, Has for none to care And he is ad, And (uil of de pair, Now she stares with sadnes . At the tree before her. But her time will come When she will join Father and on Internity. D. HERRO A




It was a fine afternoon in Summer and Joe and Pete wanted to play in the park, but their mother had said they might not do 0 until he came home. Their parents had gone to visit ome neighbours and were not coming home until sjx o路c1ock. Joe, the elder of the two, then decided to go to play in the park even if his mother had forbidden it. About an hour later they became tired of playing in the park. 0 they decided to play in the forests nearby. The e fore ts were on the edge of a range of mountains and were full of all kinds of game. They were playing happily but getting further and further away from tbeir hou e. They did not notice a great bank of fog come rolling down from the mountains and oon they were enveloped. They did not know what to do, so Joe aid that they should just lie down and go to leep for it wa already ix o'clock. The next morning was bright and unny and the two boy awoke. They et about going home but they did not know the way. Pete aid east but Joe aid outh. They quarreled for a long time and o. to ettle the


A mall, sturdy cargo hip chugged lowly out of the dock and was oon nearly out of ight. r was the captain of this hip and we were leaving London dock on our way to America. The first two days were fine and the ea wa calm and clear but on the third day of our journey the ky grew dark and the ea surged in a very odd way. 1 had warned the crew to look out for a bad torm, when uddenly, the ky lit up with fork lightning and thunder rolled in the di tance. At once the crew began lo put on their ou'wester. The ship began to pitch and to a if il


argument. they went west. They trudged on and on and after a long walk they aw an old delapidated hut in the distance. They ru hed towards it. but found nothing inside. Pete went outside and found a hat with a fishing hook and ome line in it. They trudged on again and soon found a river. Joe said that if they followed the river they hould reach civilisation. They decided that it was time they bad omething to eat 0 they threw the line into the water and waited. Half-anhour later they pulled out the line with a fish on the hook. They ate. after cooking it on a fire. and then lept. When they awoke it was dark so they did not carry on with the journey. The next morning brougbt rain but they till trudged on. The river flowed into a canyon with steep ide. They found a log lying on the shore. so they pu hed it into the water and climbed on. As it wa raining the current wa very trong and it pu hed them along. oon they were ailing along merrily steering with a long stick. Then Joe aw the rapid ahead. He knew how dangerous they were and he tried to get to the shore but he couldn·t. He just yelled. "Hang on!" The next thing they knew was that they were lying in a warm bed. An old man had found them and had taken them to his hou e. They told him their experiences and he phoned their parents. They arrived a few minutes later. thanked the man who had found them. and went home full of joy. T.







I was doing my homework late one Friday afternoon. when my mall brother John came running into my room. At fir t I was very annoyed, becau e J had been multiplying two figure at that moment, but after hearing that John and I had been invited on an aeroplane flip. all was forgiven. Little did I know that we would be landing on the de ert and digging for animal bone which through the year had been fo iIi ed. r quickly dressed my elf in my cout uniform, and rushed off to scout. The night at couts wa uneventful. When r arrived back at home at ten o·c1ock. T downed my u ual gla s of milk and then wandered around in the kitchen and pantry. looking for further nack. Toon discovered a tin of bi CUilS on top of a cupboard. After finishing five I had a piece of cheese. Thi probably made me dream about my fighting a gang of crook. Early the following morning there was a tremen·

dous thump as our dog leapt off my bed on to the floor. Not five minutes later John came marching in, and asked me if it was time to go yet. I decided to dress and make my parents some coffee rt was well received and soon the whole bouse wa awake. On our way to the airfield T bought a small box of chocolate for our host, whose name at thi stage [ did not know. My father wa till running his new car in. so he could not drive over forty miles per hour. We Soon arrived at the small airfield, where Mr. Price was waiting at the car park for u . After my father had introduced u. he howed us a beautiful blue and white aeroplane. lt was fairly large and could seat five people with one thou and pound of luggage. Soon we were in the 'plane and the pilot shouted,"Contact." and the native workmen removed lhe wooden blocks from under the wheels. The Rolls Royce engine roared into life. Soon came the order. "You may unfa ten your afety belts." We were flying over ape Town dock when Mr. Price came up t" me, and told me that we were going to the Karoo and that we would hunt for objects of interest there. After about an hour's flying we had to fa ten our afety belts again. T was fir t to leave the craft and al 0 fir t to find an object-a diamond as big as my thumb nail and I could not see a flaw in it. After looking around for ome time longer. Mr. Price found a small rub. These find caused us to leave the Karoo and fly back to Cape Town. T sold my diamond for R5.000 becau e the gem. in fact. did have a flaw. T paid Mr. Price one hundred rand for the flip. He had his aeroplane re-uphol tered. but that :light four thou and rand was tolen from our hou e and never recovered. T still had nine hundred rand left. And after a day of unexpected adventure. we retired to bed and were Soon fa t a leep. G. Ro AI.DSON. WHAT WO



I. A camp cook wanted to mea ure four ounce of yrup out of a jug. He had only one three and one five-ounce bottle. How did he do it? 2. A girl was riding a fri ky pony when the bridle worked loose. The hor e hook the bridle and, ignoring orders to top. the animal et off down the road. A ear appeared round the corner. he had to top it. but how? an you guess how "he did it?

3. When a sudden thunderstorm overturned his canoe, a boy swam to a small, rocky island. In a deserted hut he found an old oil lamp and a few matches. The wood on the island was too wet to build a fire with 0 his only means of signaUing for help was the lamp. lt held only an inch of oil and the wick was too short to reach the oil. Do you know how he lit the lamp, gOLit burning and ummoned help?

THE FIRST SHOW OF THE SEASON It was a cold, clear, un hiny day in July, 1965. wben I was being driven to the stables. This was the day I had been looking forward to for a long time. It was the fust show of tbe season and was to be held at Milnerton. I had awakened rather late that morning and arrived to find my friends had already assisted me in saddling my hor e. We tben rode to Kenilworth Race Course where we loaded our hacks on floats (large lorries pecially built for carrying horse and taking up to ten of them.)

ANSWERS 1. He filled the three-ounce bottle and poured it into the five. Then he filled it again and poured it into the five until it was full. That left one ounce in the three. He then emptied the five back into the jug, and poured the one ounce tbat was in tbe three into tbe five. Then filled tbe three and poured it into the five, making four ounces in all. 2. Sbe imply clamped her hands lightly over the pony·s eyes. Unable to ee, the pony came to an abrupt stop. 3. He dipped tbe lamp in tbe lake and scooped up enougb water to fiU it. The oil ro e to the top of the water, covering the wick well.



On our arrival at Milnerton I bad to walk tbe course and found that the water jump was eleven foot wide. Tbe course consisted of thirteen jump, mo t of them an average of three feet nine inches high. I had two horses in the fir t event and wa busy warming them up when I heard my name announced over the loudspeakers. wbich told me to stand by for I was the next to jump. I entered the arena and I am glad to say my pony jumped a beautiful clean round in 62t seconds. Later on I rode my other horse but unfortunately received four faults. I eventually came econd after a really hard run-off. T jumped twice again that day but did not ~in any other prizes. Some people ay the be t t.htng about a how is all the fancy clothes the nders are wearing. One per on fell off in the water jump and was covered in mud from tip to tail. We left Milnerton at approximately four o'clock and arrived at the race cour e at about a quarter to five. On the way back to the stables we all bought ice sucker to celebrate the winning of our prize.


I. A farmer has five half-size hay tack, two three-quarter-size hay tack and one five-eightsize haystack. How many haystacks has he together if he puts them all together? 2. A black man, dressed all in black. is walking down a country lane. Suddenly a car without any lights comes round a corner and stops quickly. How did tbe driver see tbe man in the way? 3. How mucb earth i there in a hole measuring one foot by one foot? 4. You have two coin. Together they make ISc. But one of them i not Sc. What are the coin? 5. Would a steel ball fall fa ter through water at 60°F or 20°F?

D. HUNr.


lt was a warm sunny afternoon in May. Mr. and Mrs. Peters had gone to vi it a sick neighbour and had left tbeir two sons, Paul, a boy of ix, and John, seven, playing contentedly with their toys in the playroom. Both of the boy enjoyed circu es very much and were playing with plastic lions in a shoe box. After tbey had each had a chance at being the lion-tamer, they grew bored with their game and decided to take a troll outside.

ANSWER I. One. 2. Nobody said that it wa dark. 3. None 4. 5c and IOc. I aid that one of tbem was not 5c. 5. 60°F. Water freezes at 32" F. G. Ro



As tbey walked down the tree-bordered avenue they noticed two flag flying above the green treetop. One was blue and the other red. Both children were very inqui itive and rushed to in-



Hello Boys of Wynberg


To which house do you belong ? RHODES -







All jolly good houses That is generally accepted. It is also generally



E. W. FORD ~ IIcliolleer

• Eslale

.1tYeII I •



N. B. S.




Deals in jolly Newlands




houses from

to Bergvliet


Tell your parents - but no doubt they a Iready know



vestigate. Running through the trees that screened them from the wide open plain, they saw plenty of pretty coloured lights and heard gay mu ic playing. All of a sudden they sawa big circus tent before them. They rushed forward to see if what they saw was true. It was, and there were caravans and people swarming about them, talking, laughing and shouting all at the same time. Holding hands they kipped towards the elephant who were eating bales of straw. Some of tbe elephants were very big and some were small. They were both 0 enjoying them elve that when it slowly began to darken they did not notice it. ow all the people had left and they just stood there. Then only did they realise what had happened and started to cry. After a while they aw two men coming towards them. Seeing them, the men asked what they were doing out so late by themselves. They replied that they were lost and frightened. The taller of lhe men as ured the boys that they were perfectly safe and took them to the manager's office where he gave them a mug of milk and que tioned them.

Hoek and, in the Cape Point ature Reserve. Buffels Bay. In Cape Town there are very many ru torical monuments. The ca tie, a fort with five bastions, is ituated near the railway station. Jn Longmar路 ket Street is the Koopmans de Wet Huis. rnside one can see how people lived at the Cape in the early eighteen hundred. In Greenmarket Square is the Michaelis Art Gallery. Before Jan van Riebeeck came to the Cape it was inhabited by the Strandloper. a Bushman tribe who roamed the beaches. At Cape Point Reserve one can see many animals. At the Zoo, which is outside Cape Town. you can ee lions, monkeys, buck and many birds. At Newlands you can ee rugby international being played. The cricket field is not very far away. Soccer is played at Hartleyvale. Cape Town is a very beautiful city and has beautiful natural urrounding. T. A

Meanwhile the parents had arrived home and were very worried about their on. The manager had now found out who they were and telephoned their parent. They were overjoyed to hear that their children were safe. When they arrived at the circu they tbanked the manager very much and took Paul and John home. A.







As lhe un slowly ank behind the we tide ol tbe mountain lhe sky turned a pale pink hue. The huge Golden Eagle lowly winged hi way homewards towards his mountainside eyrie. The trout rose a a fla h of ilver to nap at a mayfly ju t above the urface of the water. The night was coming on, and as tbe hadows lengthened the night creatures woke up. The ilence of the evening was suddenly shattered by the loud hoot of an owl. The night came on and the stillne s was replaced by the hrill cries of little creatures being caught by the winged bird of prey, lhe owl. Soon even the night creatures were silent and the only noi e that could be heard was the oft ripple of the water flowing in the ri er.



Right at tbe tip of Africa there is a curved arm of land jutting into the ea. Near the top of the arm is the ity of ape Town. As you come into the harbour by srup you can see Table Mountain which is just over 3,000 feet high. On ome days it i covered by a 'table cloth' It i said that the 'tablecloth' was formed when an old man challenged the devil to a smoking conte t. The devil agreed and they began to moke. They moked until they had made the huge cloud that covers the mountain.

. MA


LOST It wa a dark cloudy nighl and two mall boys crept from their hou e, went down the path and out at a gate. Then they et off down tbe road towards the sbopping centre. On the way they came acro an open manhole in the road. One of them went to get ome tones. and then they tarted throwing them down lhe hole. oon a very angr electrician came up and they campered away laughing loudly.

At the foot of the mountain i ape Town. ape Town i on the west coa t where the ea i very cold. On the ea t COast the water i much warmer and the beaches there are very popular. The most popular ones are Muizenberg. Fi h SJ

talking about various thing. uddenly they heard a police car coming towards them. They jump.::d into a dark doorwayand waited until the car had passed.

After running for 'ome time they came to a ,mall fruit hop that stayed open during the night. Outside were ome tands with frujt on them. They tipped these and started kicking the fruit around. Then the angry manager came out of the tall and caught John. When Tom aw thIS he picked up a large over-ripe tomato and hurled It at the manager, hitting him in the face. John. taking hi chance. wriggled free and ran for cover. Then. hile the manager wa~ looking the olher way. he filled hi~ pocket with fruit and ran. with Tom clo~e on hi~ heels. A fter this excitement they at under a tree and ate their fruit.

The time was about twelve o'clock and their parents had come home to find them mi Ing. They phoned the police and told them. While they were dnving down the treet. the police found the angry manager packing hi fruit back on to the racks. When they came back down the street they saw the two boys and took them home. The parenls were told about them and had lO pay for the damage. Well, that was lhe last time the went out at night for a long time.

When they had fini 'hed. they \ alked down the ~treet looking in the shop window. The came 10 a toy~hop and stayed there a long time





eere/ar)': Commi//ee: Shaw.



Mr. J. 00 B. de


RuCby. One cannot mention Van Riebeeck House without immediately thinking of our efficient and devoted Hou e Master. Mr. J. 00 thuizen. and we congratulate him on being selected a~ coach to the \! estern Province School~' team that participated in the raven Week. Brian de midt was elected a. a reserve for thi. team and has played regularl for our fir. t team. a<; ha C. Bair·tow. who proved to be a prolific pointcorer.

ECK thuizen.



K. Hahndiek, 1. insworth.

R. Barker.



A/hle/ics. Thi., year we were runner,>-up in the annual athletic meeting and, a u uaf. a fine spirit J1revailed among our athlete. Performance~ of merit 'Were tho e of A. Craxton in breaking both the under 15 hurdles and hot-putt record : M. Bosman. who ran third in the keenly contested open mlle: and our junior the Ca per brothers, J. OO'ithuizen and L. 00. thuizen. who all contributed their fair share of points. Although \ e were di 'appointed at not retaining the Hou e Cup lt wa a most ucce ful day and the committee thank ever~one who 0 willingly devoted hIS time to the training of the relay team.

Cricket. In thi. field wc eXJ1Cnenced mi ed fortunes, tying for econd place in the senior dlvi ion and gaining third place in the junior ection. M. Mc lurg caJ1taln the Under I a and . Jennings tands a chance for election lO the fir t team.

General Ac/ivi/ies. Van Riebeeck bo are widely active on the choo! campus. On the cadet field the hou e i repre5ented by LAin worth and K. Hahndiek. while in the armoury Colin wimmer attend to the admini trative ide of thing . Martin oekie play a prominent part in the Debating ociet. and the leader of the chool orchestra i Da id Grodd.

• wimmillg. Once again Rhode Hou e PIPJ1Cd us at the po t. ole!y on account of our lack ol senior competItor... However. our jUnior wept the board and we congratulate Derek Yach (under 12) on his outstanding achIevement in breaking three record.. His younger brother featured pro· minently in the under 10 event.

On the tenni courts we have L. hlomOWllZ and P. Laas to defend the intere Ls of an RIebeeck, and they played the major role in securing -.) )_

second place for the house in the nis. In badminton we have two committee, Brian Pickup--wbo W.P. Badminton Championship Nockie.

Inter-House tenmembers of the went far in tbe - and Martin

ceived a Blue award, and special accolades go to Le Roux who represented We tern Province at Craven Week. In recognition of hi fine performance he was awarded an Honour Badge. G. Abel ohn was appointed rugby secretary for tbe year.


Cross-country. In tbc cross-country this year it was pleasing to ce tbat WeUington bad more eotrants than any other hou e. Owing to this combined effort tbe final result was that we were placed second. We would like to congratulate K. Long, wbo finished first in the junior section, and B. Fi ber-leiies who fini hed third in the enior event.


House Master: Mr. Hopkins. House Captain: G. Hammond. Vice-Captain: D. le Roux. Secretary: G. Abelsohn. Commillee: B. Watson, R. Horwitz, B. FischerJeffe, M. Cann.

Tennis. This year Wellington wa once again to the fore in tennis with Asher winning tbe singles title.

For the fir t time in quite a few year WeLlington has achieved a great deal to be proud of. The spir.it tbat prevailed amongst the boys was excellent, and tbis was due in no small measure to tbe captain of the House, Gordon Hammond, who e drive and entbusiasm was simply infectious.

Thi year Wellington has been honoured by having Gordon Hammond and Denzie Le Roux, Head- and Deputy-Head Prefects respectively, as member of the house. Other members of the prefect body are Gerald Abelsohn and Brian Wat on. lt is pleasing to note that member of our house are taking an active part in the cultural activitie of the school. Gordon Hammond was elected Honorary Chairman of the Musical and Dramatic ociety, while Le Roux played a prominent part in the activities of the Science Club. Gerald Abelohn was cbairman of the Hebrew Cultural Society, and both he and Ricbard Horwitz were member of the Debating Society. Beyond this, Hammond Was appointed DrumMajor of tbe Band, while Le Roux occupied the higbest rank in the cadet detachment. We would like to wi h all Wellington Hou e Member the best of luck in the year that lie abead. G.A.

Athletics. Unfortunately injuries to key runners prevented tbe Hou e from gaining higber than third place at the athletic meeting. We mu t congratulate Marius Oosthuizen on two excellent performance in the junior section, and on tbe breaking of a record that bas stood for many year . We would specially like to tbank Mr. Bromberger for all tbe help and encouragement that he gave u , and for all tbe hard work that he put in on behalf of the House. Swimming. The Hou e did extremely well to gain econd place in the swimming gala, and here we mu t congratulate Gould for ome excellent performances. Cricket. The Inter-Hou e cricket matches were rather light-hearted affairs, but were enjoyed by all. Wellington fini hed joint econd with Van Riebeeck. Our representatives in the first eleven were Watson and Fine.



House Master: Mr. A. Morri. House Captain: M. Emm . Vice-Captain: L. Raymond. Secretary: N. Pa volsky. Committee: J. Hendrik e, N. Hoy. R. Katz. W. M illar, R. Perrott-Humphrey, A. Turvey, P. Van Blommen lein.

Rugby. Thi year, although we did not have a troog team on paper, the Wellington spirit once again prevailed and enabled us to top the log. The junior team is to be congratulated on their tine performance in winning all their match ,and the enior team in winning against De Waal and drawing with Van Riebeeck. This year three members of the House repre ented the chool in the first fifteen, namely G. Hammond (vice-captain), D. le Roux and B. Watson. All three re-

Rhodes has had another winning both the major


mo t ucce ful year, inter-house porting



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events, namely the athletics meeting, and the swimming gala. Our sincere thanks go to Mr. Morris for all the hard work he ha put in for the house during the year.

while failing miserably in others. We took fourth place at tbe annual ath.letics meeting mainly because there was a scarcity of runners. Our congratulations go to Rhodes House for taking first place.

Athletics. A good combined effort by the team ensured us a victory which was most handsome by any standard. In tbe Open events two of our athletes did exceptionally welI-G. Barnard, who was the Victor Ludorum, and R. Raymond, who was the runner-up for this award. G. Bland wa outstanding in the Under 16 age-group.

Swimming. At the annual swimming gala we managed third place, and we thank all tho e who took part for displaying such good spirit. D. Powell is to be especially congratulated on gaining his swimming colour. Cricket. In the inter-house cricket we met with greater success and won handsomely. Our enior team, especially, proved far too strong for the other Houses, but this is not urprising as we had seven 1st XI players: Powell (who captained the side), Stephens, Rookledge, MundelI, GiLmour. Merrifield and De Swardt. We must, however, not forget our junior team who gave us excellent sup路 port. We congratulate C. Stephens on being awarded his Blue for hi election as a member of the W.P. Nuffield team.

Swimming. Rhodes won the gala, beating its closest rival, Van Riebeeck, by 36 points. Here it was B. Nielson and M. Emms who paved the way for victory by being the winner and runner-up, respectively, of the Senior Swimming Cup. In the Under 16 section two of our swimmers did very weU-No Oettle. and R. Perrott-Humphrey. Cricket. Neither of our two team wa very successful in tbe inter路house matches, with the result that Rhodes did not gain a place on the final log.

Tennis. Our tennis team is also to be heartily congratulated. Here, as in cricket, we won the inter-house competition.

Tennis. Our tenni team did not reach the heights tbat we all thought it would. Although there was one first路team tennis player in it, the team was defeated in the fir t round of the contest by Van Riebeeck.

Rugby. We were beaten into second place in tbe inter-house rugby by Wellington. Both the enjor and junior team displayed a fine spirit and played attacking rugby at all times. The senior team contained regular 1st XV players in Hughes (who captained tbe side), Stephens, Erasmus and Rookledge. Our special congratulations go to M. Erasmus for his selection as a member of the W.P. Craven Week team.

Judo. Rhodes entered a strong team in the Lnter-House Judo Competition which we won. Mr. Morris wishes to tbank the committeemembers. especially the hou e-captain, M. Emm . for the strenuous effort made during the year. He also congratulates the committee and tho e who competed on winning the Athletics. the swimming and the Judo. .P.

There was no scarcity of runners in the cro . country this year, but we could only manage third place.

DE WAAL HOUSE House Masters: Messrs. J. Mathew. A. House Captain: D. Powell. Vice-Captain: C. Stephen. Secretary: Q. Rookledge. Committee: D. Hughes, D. Bank .

De Waal has five prefects Stepbens, Powell, Rookledge. woudt.


All in all we and we hould Messrs. Mathew keenne wh.ich year.

De Waal House has had an up-and-down year. distingui hing itself in ome aspects of chool life,


page. pon.ored


this year, namely Bank and Nieu-

have had a very enjoyable year, like to express our gratitude to and Noffki for the assistance and they displayed throughout the Q.R.

aILlmb".\' Ell'ctrical



ppliallces, 8erlll"da Street, Paarden Eiland.

The Committee for 1965 included G. Ham路 mond, D. Grodd, M. Bates, M. Nockie (Secreta路 ry) and the Societyopened its 22nd season.

pletely new guise. He projected on to our creen a large selection of inde cribably beautiful and most interesting slides of his travels on two succeeding Xmas holiday trips. We were taken through Egypt, Israel and Jordan, as well a through parts of Europe! M r. Uys certainly knows the art of picture composition, and each slide was a work of art on its own. Another memorable evening.

First Function, 8th May A large audience attended this function and welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Blackbeard to the Socie路 ty' activities. The fir t part of the programme was given by the chool Orchestra and Choir, and opened with Handel' Occasional Oratorio March. This wa followed by the first movement of a Concerto for 4 Violins and Orchestra by Vivaldi, with Stephen Hunt. eville Pasval ky, David Grodd and Arnon Hurwitz as Soloi tso Pieter de Wet played a hopin Polonaise. the Orchestra three light French pieces, Offenbach's Barcarolle. the Gavottfe from "Mignan" by Thomas. and "the Mill" by Gillet. The Choir and Orchestra then performed the horus "Swell the full Chorus to olomon's prai e" from Handel's "Solomon." We should like to thank Mr. G. Goo en who. 0 kindly trained the Choir in the absence over eas of Mr . Jennings. Part 2 brought a one act play 'The Balwhinnie Bomb" by G. Daviott with ca t including Michael Herbert. Taki Kyriacos. Derek MUtti and Michael Cann. The suspense concerning the my teriou parcel was well maintained by the players, and there were many amusing moments when it was thought the bomb might explode. orman Coates wa the capable producer. Part 3 was provided by a group of guest ani ts for the peech and Drama Department, and we werc pleased to welcome Mi Ro alic van der Gucht. The tudents gave a varied and mo t interesting group of item ranging from horal verse. and Shakespearean extracts to mime. A very pleasant evening concluded with a round of coffee. Second


Third Function,

14th August

The usual order of procedure had to be revised on this occasion and our guest arti ts took the stage fir t. Mr. Alfred Geale, the well known tenor, accompanied at the piano by Mr. E. Jennings. gave us a group of four songs including Parry's "Jerusalem," Schubert's erenade and "rn Native Wath Gem," "the Creation" by Haydn. This beautiful singing made us hope he will vi it us again oon. Mi Cheryl Heath then gave us three delightful speech item -first a short story, then an extract from a book. and la t a hort poem-a most enjoyable performance. The e followed a one act play 'The Valiant" by Holt and Middlemass. produced most ably by Mrs, R. Just with a Cast of five boy plus a guest performer, Miss Beverly Singer from the W.G.H.S. The boys, Norman Coates, Martin ockie. Bryne Jeffes. Joel Gold tein and Michael Chadwick and Miss Singer all contributel to a play who e action Was seriou , ten e and emot~onal, in the right spirit, and won the appreciatIOn and applau e of the audjence. They are to be congratulated on an excellent performance. Part 3 brought the School Orchestra which gave some of the items to be performed at the 30th Birthday "Hall of Music". David Grodd played an Arioso by Fiocco with Orchestral accompaniment. After that came the Vivaldi Concerto for 4 Violins with S. Hunt, D. Grodd, N. Pasvol ky and A. Hurwitz. Michael Herbert then played the MOlart Ponde in D for piano and orche tra - and the group ended with "The M ill" by Gillet.

18th June

On this occasion, Mr. Hann Uys, the wellknown ape Town mu ician. vi ited u in a com-

A varied, pleasant




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No. 6 Partita in E for unaccompanied and played by Neville Pasvolsky

Fourth Function, 20 and 21st August 11 th Annual Hour of Music


Neville showed excellent grasp of the music and gave an assured, thoughtful performance. The Orchestra then played three light French pieces: the Evergreen Barcarolle from Offenbach' 'Tales of Hoffmann," the Gavotte (rom "Mifnon" by Thomas, and the delightful 'The Mill" by Gillet. These were played with good style.

This occasion formed a milestone in the School's h.istory when the SchoolOrchestra celebrated its thirtieth birthday and in conjunction with the Choir gave a programme of both varied and interesting items.

The Choir, with Miss Elsie lenning as conductor and accompanist, sang four songs-an extract from "Rumpelstilkin," by J. Clements. Thank giving Hymn by Human, two Scotti b Folk Songs by l. Butt, and "I will make for brooches" by M. Helyer. These were done in the artistic manner we have become used to from an excellent Choir and it wa good to have Mr . lennings back after her term's furlough overseas. The final item brought Chorus and Orchestra together in "Swell the full Chorus to Solomon's praise" from Handel's Oratorio "Solomon" with Mr . lennings al the piano and Mr. Lorie leading the Orchestra.

We should first like to record that the occasion was graced on the Saturday evening by the distinguished presence of the Superintendent General of Education, Dr. l. Smit, and Mrs. Smit. who so kindly accepted our invitation, thereby making the event the more memorable. An added distinguished feature of the occasion, too, was the presence of three W.B.H.S. Headmasters, spanning nearly half a century. They were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clegg who had given the Orchestra their blessing and its foundation in 1935, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowden who had been regular attendants at all our functions, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Blackbeard, whom we were so glad to have with us for the first time. Our circuit inspector, Mr. M. Wiggett, and our Inspector of Music, Mr. l. Enslin were our guests too, as also Miss V. Lawton, principal of W.G.H.S., Miss [. Lawson, principal of Ellerton and Mr and Mr . P. van der Spuy, of Bergvliet High School.

At the conclusion, Mr. Lorie announced tho e performers whose names would be engraved on the Epworth Music Society Cup as the foremo t School Musicians of 1965, and they were Stephen Hunt, David Grodd, Neville Pasvolsky, Malcolm Bates, Arnon Hurwitz and Michael Herbert. The whole programme was repeated in the Clifford Storey Hall in Rosebank for the Epworth Music Society on Saturday, 28th August.

The programme opened with the Handel Occaional Oratorio March, a fitting introduction. David Grodd, the 1965 Orchestra leader, tben played an Arioso by Fiocco with Orchestral accompaniment, controlling a good legato line throughout. Malcolm Bates, with Mrs. Elsie lennings, at the piano played the Siciliano and Allemande from the Defesch Sonata tor Celloand Piano -this was a weU prepared, lively, rendering. Four Violinists, Stephen Hunt, David Grodd, Nevelle Pasvolsky and Arnon Hurwitz then grouped them elves for the solo parts in tbe Vivaldi Concerto in B minor for 4 Violins and Orchestra -a most pleasing ensemble. Next came Michael Herbert. making his first appearance as soloist with the Orchestra in Mozart' Rondo in D (K382). His playing showed excellent control and deliberate approach. An ambitious item next - the Gavotte and Grigue from Bach'

As we said at first -

A mile tone.

32nd Annual Entertainment by the Junior School Pupils On 16th, 17th and 18th September the Annual productions by the Junior School were taged in the School Hall. Item one was the usual attractive Kindergarten curtain raiser, this time the ong scene "Pirate ,'. mo t enthusiastically and successfully performed by the Sub A pupils under the direction of Miss K. Lacey, with Mr. lennings at the piano. and an excellent set by M. Pretorius. It i sad to think tbat this wa Mi Lacey's final contribution to our programme and we extend to her our grateful thanks for all the delightful item he has provided over the years.


ext came an operetta "The Marquis of Carabu .. by ina Perry. produced by Mrs. R. Just. with ongs and choruses directed and accompanied by Mr . E. Jennings. From the large cast the honours went to Leonard Atla a' Pus in Boots, Stewart Granger a Jack. Michael Walter as the King. David Crathorne as the Queen, Michael Goldstein as Dorothea. and Brian Lanz a the ogre. Thi wa a bright performance. :nere followed a complete contrast in the play "Plppi Long tocking" adapted from the book by A. Lindgrew, and produced by Mis R. Just. The five scenes portrayed five adventures in the very individual career of Pippi, who was ably acted by Richard Schaff. The supporting cast wa good and included Peter Shelton as Tommy. David Jupp as Andy, Derek polander and icholas mith as Mr. Heilson, the horse Kigel Wright and David Richard as the Policemen. David Lan and Hugh Bo man a the two tough, and Geoffrey Ronaldson as the chool teacher. This play too was a great ucce s due largely to the enthu iasm of the young performer. Sets in both play' were provided by Mr. K. Pretoriu. a i ted by Mr. . Wolff. and they were excellent. As usual. the tage management by Mr. Pretoriu and hi group of helpers, notably Michael Kahn and Beaument iel on. was the la t word in efficiency. To Mrs. Bal5illie go special thanks for her very attractive propertie . And we repeat what we had tated at the programme - A big "thank you" to parenL~ for costumes and support.



These were ~arted at the beginning of the second term by Mrs. R. Ju t. tbe junior school speech teacher, to whom we are highly grateful. Although their number is mall, the enthusia m of the boys involved has made the course most enjoyable and profitable. We were first instructed in the art of mime, although an unenlightened observer might well have put a very different construction on our ungainly prancing about to cacophonous timuli or apparent taging of trench attacks. ext followed what has been the most popular of our weekly les on°. public speaking. We were ~t fl.r t well pleased with our prowes but. disIllusione? by the arbitration of a tape recorder, we sublimated our chagrin byembarking on a one-acl play, "The Valiant". In this Joel Gold tein refused lo become a girl. Michael Chadwick recused him~elf. and Martin ockie's tubble wa obtru ive; S? in the end M i s Beverley inger of W.G.H .. kmd~y saved the day by accepting the part of Jo ephme Pari. a girl who believe that James .Dyke (M. ockie) i her long lost brother. Dyke IS a condemned murderer. anxious to conceal hi~ identity from Warden Holt ( . Coate ) and Father Daly (B. Jeffe. ). A forceful. intriguing drama. "The ValianL"" wa.~ performed at a Music and Dra~atic ociety evening on 14th August. Mr. Just IS to be congratulated on accompli hing a fine production in uch a . hort pace of time. M ..

E. '0ÂŁ\ 1964 - 1965

report on la t eason' progre s. Before looking backward, however, we find that the new eason commences next month. and we eagerly look forward to the visit of the M. .e. schoolboys in Jan~ary. We shall again have the privilege of stagmg lhe uffield Week in Cape Town, 0 (for the local followers of cricket) the future hold an exciting programme. Our past season ha been mo t fru trating and undeci ive. The 1 t xr is a good team, but a determination to win matches mu t be cultivated.

Together with the rest of our country we extend our heartiest congratulation to Peter van der Merwe and his pringbok Cricketer who have covered themselves with uch glory in Britain. As member of the W.P.C.U. we are proud to be a ociated with the captain and the manager of the side which ha rejuvenated cricket-thinking both in outh Africa and in Britain. With the echo of raindrop calling a halt to the third te t at the Oval. I sit down to pre~ent my


FIRST CRf KET TEAM B. Watson, Mr. . Blackbeard (Headmaster). . Stephens ( ice-Captain). Mr. J. Mathew (Coach), Q. Rookledge. ecol1d Roll' (I. to r.): J. Fine, E. Merrifield. R. Katz. E. De Sward!. Third Row (I. to r.): M. Dewar. . Gow, P. Gilmour. E. Jennings.


Rolt' (I. to r.):

On two occa ion during the ea on victory was within our grasp and the initiative wa wrested from u . We must be more determined! The la t two matches of the season. however, were played with more vigour, and we look forward to a brighter future. David Powell, Cbri Stephens, Brian Watson and Quenton Rook ledge are tbc backbone of the ideo When the e seasoned campaigner reali e lheir ability we shall be able lo beat any cboolboy side in Cape Town. David Powell took over lbe captaincy from Hilton Spark and led his side in lhe experimental Prolea league with varying degrees of uccess. Tbe match which stand out mo t vividly in my memory was the one played again t S.A.C.H.S. at their

ground. Both team cored at tbe rate of 3.4 run per over, totalling four-hundred and seventy runs in tbe seven hour of play. .A.C.H.S. et tbe tune, but our reply was just as enterprising. We needed only fifteen run to win when the last ball wa bowled. We were et tbe task of making twohundred and forty-five runs in 220 minutes. This was cricket at its best and we look forward to more of it. Chris Stephens, Ronaid Smith and David Powell represented us in the final trial at ewlands at the end of cbools' Week, with Brian Watson as tbe twelfth man for both ides. Chris Stepbens was selected and David Powell was eJttremely unfortunate to be omitted. He has a econd op61

portunity this year and we bope be wiU be more fortunate. Tbe backbone of our side could easily be tb at of the W.P. Nuffield team this year. These honours can be achieved only by dedication, practice, concentration, and shrewd cricket thinking and planning when confronted witb the ituations found during a matcb.

Micky Giles' century in lbe exhibition match at Newlands will long be remembered when coupled with that of DenĂ?$ Compton. Mike Bowditch was on tour with the W.P. xl and Jack Burt UDr.) was a twelftb man. In the Colts team Howard Spiro has done well behind the stumps and Dave MacMeaking captured most of the Boland wickets in the match at the close of tbe season. Bobby Giles bad a good season with the Technical College Club and Bruce Anderson is challenging Spiro for the vacant W. Province wicketkeeping post.

We were extremely fortunate to have messrs. Tom Reddick. and Martin Young a our proCe sional coacbes during tbe season. I was responsible for the Ist xl with Mr. Reddick. Martin Young and Mr. A. J. Morris coached the 2nd XI, Mr. S. Gilmore the 3rd Xl, Mr. A. Driessen tbe 4th xl and Mr. D. Bromberger tbe 5th XL Mr. V. J. Parkins conducted tbe affairs of the under fifteen group with the assistance of Messrs. T. Reddick, E. Hopkins, N. Jordaan, E. Mathew and B. McMinn. Mr. Kooy controlled the under thirteen players and Mr. K. Pretorius the affairs of the Junior School department of Cricket. The under fifteen B side and tbe under twelve team were privileged to have coaching from Mr. Young. Messrs. Bohling and Ju t are laying the foundations of our future cricketing strength in the under twelve sides. In the under ten group Mr. Wolf was assi ted by Pfeil, Watson, Kempton-Jones. Ryan, Pickthall and Deane. The games played every Monday afternoon are eagerly anticipated by the sixty-six cricketers who play k.eenly contested matches on the perimeter of the main cricket ground.

It will be a happy day for me when we once more have some of our "Old Boys" playing for the Varsity teams. Wben this happens I feel sure we will be on the road to baving our cricketers wearing the green and gold again. This has not been repeated since Aubrey FaLkner's days. Congratulations to U.CT. and Martin Young on their success last season in winning tbe first division competition. We would also extend our salaams to Richard Morris and Gavin Pfuhl of R.B.H.S. on their achievements in tbe S.A. Nuffield Xl which soundly defeated tbe Griqualand West team at the beginning of the year. AWARDS Blues:

Chris Stepbens.

Colours: H. Sparks, R. Smith, D. Powell, C. Stephens, A. Turvey, G. Fine, F. Pieksma, R. Groenewald, B. Watson.

Our coaches are to be congratulated on tbeir excellent work during the eason. The boys have expressed their gratitude in their team reports. I should like to echo my appreciation of their co-operation and their willingness to accept more than their fair share of dutie .

Bals: Three bats were awarded for player who made centuries. Chris Stephens contributed two centuries and Quenton Rookledge one. We would take this opportunity to extend a belated welcome to our new Headmaster Mr. N. B1ackbeard from East London. We look forward to working with him in continuing to build the Cricket Club into a powerful force for We tern Province Cricket.

A special word of thanks is directed to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morris and Mr . Arnott, our matron, and their staff for their kind consideration and hospitality during the season. Not only teas but lunches were served to the I t XI and our visitors when matches were played at home.

Results of HOllse Matches tor 1965:

Our supporter association include Messr. Solly Fine, R. Gilmour, L. de Swart, Ron Gibbs. J. Rookledge, G. Stephens and J. Merrifield, who regularly attend matche . This attention and interest is keenly appreciated by the team and the management.

De Waal.


Van Riebeeck .. Wellington

In Senior Cricket the "Old Boys" Derek Louw and Neville Budge played against the M.C.C. for the We tern Province with great distinction.






















168 mins. and at the close were 205 for 5: Powell (77 n.o.) and Stephens (63) batted well. This very exciting game thus ended in a draw.

Vs. Bishops (friendly). As a prelude to the 1964/65 fixtures the School played an entertaining game against Bishops. The School batted first and were all out for 193: Rookledge (60), Stephens (36), and Fine (31) batted well. Bishops cored the required runs for the loss of 6 wickets (Stephens 3/25). Thu the School lost by 4 wickets.

Vs. N. Suburbs. The School batted first and scored 159 all out. of which Stephens got 51 and Sparks 34. N. Suburbs were di missed for 130 with Smith (5/37) again bowling well. The School won by 29 runs. Vs. Rondebosch. The School batted first and batting slowly scored 164 for 8. Rookledge (42), Powell (28). Rondebosch were left 120 mins. to get the required runs, and did so with 5 minutes to spare, Pfuhl scoring 107 n.o. in 128 mins. The School therefore lo t thi clo e, exciting game by 7 wickets.

Vs. Western Province C.C. Unfortunately this game was curtailed by rain at 12.30. W.P. were in a bit of trouble with the score at 101/7. Fine was the chief wicket-taker with 4/27. Vs. Technical College. The School, batting first on a good wicket, were soon in trouble when the fir t 2 wickets fell for 3 runs, but a good innings from Powell (84) and sound consolidation from Pieksma (28) and Sparks (27) saw the School reach 181. Techs were bundled out for 95: Fi ne (4/29) and Stephens (3/27) bowled well. The School thus notched up its first victory. by 86 run .

Vs. S. Suburbs. The School batted first and scored 187/6 with Sparks (53), Powell (45) and Stephens batting well. S. Suburbs then batted and with only 3 minutes to spare were dismissed for 153 (Smith 5/50, Stephens 3/21). The School thus won thi interesting game by 29 runs.


Vs. Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch batted first and totalled 188: Groenewald (4/41) bowled very well. In reply the School could only manage 127 all out. of which Fine and Stephens both scored 25. The School thus lost by 61 runs.

Vs. U.e.T. This game was cancelled without a ball being bowled because of the tate of the pitch. Vs. Bishops. With only five of the previou year' team available the School did well to total 161. (Stephens 40). Bishops then went in to bat and with 28 runs to make in 20 mins. for victory and only 2 wickets to fall looked as if they would be beaten. But a determined 9th wicket stand secured the required runs in the last over. The School therefore lost a closely contested game by 2 wickets.

Vs. Bishops. Bishops batted fir t but could only manage to total 127 all out owing to ome fiery bowling from Fine (4/35 in 21 overs) and Sparks (3/9). The School's batting failed and only Watson (35 runs in 33 mins.) and Rookledge (20) reached double figures, so that the team was out for 91 runs. The match was therefore lost by 36 run . Vs. St. Josephs. The School batted first and cored at a run a minute to total 207/9. The chief contributors were Stephens (87) and Rookledge (38). St. Josephs were bundled out for 81 owing to good bowling by Smith (3/2 in 6 overs) and Turvey (2/7 in 6 overs). The School won by 126 runs.

Vs. S.A.G.S. S.A.C.S. batted first on a plumb wicket and cored 245/4, Van Duyker scoring a mammoth 165 n.o. The School were left 146 minutes to core the 246 runs for victory and at the close thank to brisk batting by Rookledge (69), Powell (43), and Step hens (59) were 225 for 6, only 21 runs short. This exciting game was consequently drawn.

Schools' Week

Vs. Western Province e.c. The School batted first and totalled 182: Powell (51) and Stephens (46) batted well. Western Province started off well but some good bowling by

Vs. Bishops. Bishops batted first on the plumb Rondebosch wicket and totalled 209: Smith (5/40) bowled well. The School were et to make 210 to win in






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Watson (4/45) oon had them in trouble and with 20 runs still to make in 20 mins. and the last pair at the wicket they looked like losing. Expert "farming" by McMorland (110 n.o.). however. saw them through to victory in the last over.

BOWLING parks Smith

Vs. Technical College. Techs batted fir t and scored 173 all out: Gilmour (4/33) bowled well. The School started well (Powell 26). but slumped badly and only a SO partner hip between Fine (26) and De Swardt (21 n.o.) saved the School from defeat.

Groenewald Gilmour Fine Stephens

198, thanks to the team. and score the run last over by 3 well.






8 15








108 178


274 263




3rd XI The 3rd XI enjoyed a very successful eason winning all but One of its matcbes in the econd half. The team was unfortunate in the fir t half of the eason, but it was the wonderful fighting spirit that came to light towards the end which carried us tbrough the econd balf. There were no really oustanding players, although M. Emms cored many vital runs and Abel ohn bowled well.

BATI1NG Stephen Rookledge Powell parks ..

5.4 12.8

On behalf of the team I should like to thank Mr. lorris, Mr. Young, P. Selby our devoted umpire and tho e who gave up their time to core, for aH their much appreciated a j tance throughout the season. Matron must receive special thank for providing tea and cakes for our home matches. R.K.

VS. V.C.T.

Total 862 476 77- 414 53 133


K. Bridgen. who was consistent a an opening batsmen, and N. Gow were the most uccessful batsmen, while M. Erasmus-who perhap terrori ed many of his victims into going out-R. Katz and E. Jenning were the most effective bowlers.

Vs. St. Josephs. The School batted fir t and completely mastered the bowling, coring 242 for 2 with tephens (116 n.o.) and Rookledge (104 n.o.) getting the runs. St. Jo eph then batted and were di mis ed for 182. The School won by 60 run .

H.S. 116104-


Captained by R. Katz and indefatigably coached by Mr. Morris and Mr. Martin Young, the team notched only one win when they defeated the Old Boy XI in an exciting match. the winning runs coming off the Ja t ball of the match. Notable perfonnance were against Ob ervatory Boys' High 1st XI when M. Era mu took 6/9 in 10 over. Observatory being dismi ed for 26; K. Bridgen 's 24 out of a total of 47 in the ame match; and R. Katz's 4/17 in 8 over again t Rondebo ch in an innings of 100/5.

Vs. Western Province e.C. The Western Province XI batted first and were put out for 143 with Gilmour (6/49) bowling very well, but the School collap ed badly and were all out for 90. Only Stephens (53) and Dewar (15) reached double figure. The chool thu lo t by 53 run.

N.O. 2


Although not as uccessful as they could have been, the team had a very enjoyable eason. Batsmen seemed a bit timid about hitting the ball, and if this timidity could have been eliminated the results would have been very much different.

Vs. Stellenbosch University. On a rain wept. windy field with a very wet ball the Univer ity scored 190 for 3 in very quick lime before the game wa eventually abandoned as a draw.

Inn. 17 17 15 8

R. 40

2nd XI

Vs. Old Boys (friendly). The School batted fir t and totalled 189/6: Stephens (103 n.o.) batted well and was ably upported by Rookledge (32) and Dewar (28). The Old Boys scored the required runs with ease for the loss of 5 wicket. Rookledge (2/24) and Watson (2/36) bowled steadily.

The School, batting fir t, scored 50 by Mr. Mathew, who captained 89 by tepben. U.C.T. were left to at a run a minute and won in the wickets. Rookledge (3/40) bowled


O. M. 16 5 101 18 41 5

Ave. 57.6 29.7 29.5 16.6


Vs. SA.C.s.


On behalf of our team 1 hould like to thank Mr. S. Gilmore, our master-in-charge, for his coaching and wholebearted support. Our sincere thanks go also to the umpires and scorers who gave up their time for the sake of our team.

S.A.C.S. 97 (Haytred sult: Lo t by 64, runs.

Vs. Bergvliet :

Wynberg 78 (Blanckenberg 16). Muizenberg (Des Lingeris 8/9). Won by 37 runs.

Wynberg by 7 wkts.

64 (Bridgens

19). Bergvliet


Vs. Muizenberg

Lo t


30 (Castle

7). Sea


34. Lost

33. Re-

(14.11.64): 41

Bergvliet 114 (peggs 3/19). Wynberg 120/9 (Hamburger 29 n.o., Blanckenberg 29, Kotze 19). Won by 1 wicket.


Vs. Camps Bay (5.12.64):

Vs. J. J. du Preez: J. J. du Preez 156 (Bridgen 39 (Kyritsis run.

9. Webb

10). Lost

Wynberg wickets.

3/57). Wynberg by 3 wkts, )) 7



(30.1.65): Rondebosch 126/9 dec. (peggs Wynberg 42. Lost by 84 runs.

We terford 82 (Abelsohn 5/8). Wynberg (Emms 29, Abelsohn 21). Won by 5 wkts.


66 (Crawford

Wynberg 55 (Hutton by 7 wickets.

5/9, Mackie 41. Emms 20). Won

Vs. SA.C.s.: 4/27). Wynberg 89 runs.

24 ( ar-

27, Carter




3/14, Eddy 3/26).


(20.2.65): 64 (Castle IS, Hutton by 7 wickets.

Wynberg 6 wickets.

55 (Kemp



14). Muizenberg

16). Bi hop


Lost by

Vs. St. George's (13.3.65): St. George's 138 (Eddy (Wiegman 36 n.o., Hullon drawn.

V f. Bishops: 127 (Emms 39, Mackie 23). 6/3). Won by 104 run .


Vs. Bishops (27.2.65):

Vs. Bergvliet: Wynberg 69 (Deane 64. Won by 5 runs.


Vs. Muizenberg Wynberg 68/3. Lost

S.A.C.S. 123 (Mackie ter 3). Lost by 4 wkts.


Vs. Berg vliet (13.2.65):

Vs. SI. Joseph's College: St. Joseph' College 65 (Abelsohn 4/18). Wynberg by 9 wkts.

17. Camps

Vs. Rondebosch

Vs. Westerford:

Wynberg 23 (Erasmu


Vs. Bergvliet (28.11.64):

Vs. Sea Point: Wynberg wkt .


4/13). Wynberg 91/5 25, Peggs 16). Match





4th XI

5th XI

The Fourth had a very enjoyable if not a successful sea on. This failure wa due mainly to our batting. We played ten matches. won two and lost even, with one being drawn.

A usual it was easier to get a team together in the fir t quarter of the year than the last, and three matches were played in the 1965 half of the ea on a again t one in 1964. Of these matches two were won, one drawn and one lost.

Outstanding performances: again t St. George's and Des against Muizenberg. Thanks to coach, for the time devoted to to Greeff who gave up many to umpire for us.

Vs. Tygerberg Wynberg 2. Result:

Wiegman: 36 n.o. Lingeris' 8 for 19 Mr. Driessen, our team activitie and aturday morning

The best feature of the team's cricket was its fielding, while bowling was also fairly consi tent with players like Humphries and Pater On to rely on. Batting, however, left something to be desired and in this department of the game Jones and van Dam alone managed to e tabli h them elves to ome extent.


51 (pickup 16 n.o.). Tygerberg Lo t by 8 wkts.

56 for






by previou year'. but under the infectiously en, enthusiastic captaincy of McClurg and the expert coaching of Mr. Reddick there wa a will to im, prove and a fine team spirit. We were down to play three two-day game. The fir t. against Rondeboch, was cancelled on two succes ive aturday and rain once more interfered with the Bishop match, cutting down play to a total of four hours. The final match. again t S.A. .S. was very interesting. We were all out for the pitiful total of 37 in the first innings and very apprehen ively took the field against a strong ,A.C. battjng ideo However, K. Long immediately truck length and direction and produced wonderful aggre ive bowling. Thanks very largely to hi effort we confined our opponents


115: O.M.T.H.S.

103 (WOn).

Vs. Marist:

Marist 132/6:

Wynberg 51 (Lost).

VI". S.A.C.s.:

.A.. S. 96,5:

Wynberg 62,6 (Drawn).

Vs. Plumstead:


66: Wynberg 72/3 (Won). Under 15 A

We had a mo t disappointing and unsati factory half-season. We were not a trong team judged


Row (I. to r.): K. Kolesl..y. Mr. Wooden. \ccond Ro ..路 (I. to r.): T. Emms. J. Katz. R. ilbert, . Maimin_ Third Ro ..路 (I. to r.): P. Goodwin, J. Ca ....ood, K. Long, T. chumann.



. Parkin.

to a lead of 37 run. But our batting failed again in the econd innings. leaving S.A.C.S. to score 45 for victory. This they did, but at the cost of ix wickets gained chiefly by Long. who again bowled splendidly. We hope that we shall have a less frustrating conclusion to the year and that the hurly-burly of rugby has inculcated a general pirit of aggre sion.

be ascribed to an all-round steadiness. Penetrative bowlers, with T. Kolesky outstanding, were assi ted by keen fielders .. Solid batting wa provided by Green, Hamburger and Dollman, while two outtanding performances were 53 by G. Kolesky and 74 by . Gow. Results Vs. Paul Roos (won by 43 runs): W.B.H.S.: 101 (Kolesky 22, Dollman 17) and 108/4 (Kolesky 53, Green 32). Paul Roo : 88 (Green 6/19) and 79 (Snyman 3/4. Hamburger 2/8). Vs. Sea Point B.H.s. "A" (won on 1 t innings): S.P.B.H.S. "A": 53 (Kolesky 4/17) and 166/4 (Kolesky 4/37). W.B.H.S.: 83 (DolIman 18) and 85/6 (Green 22, Hamburger 19). Vs. Rondebosch B.H..5. (won by 14 runs): W.B.H.S.: lil (Gow 74) and 44 (Snyman 15). R.B.H.S.: 54 (Kolesky 5/18, Gow 3/9) and 87 (Kolesky 7/34).

Under 15 B 1964/65 1964 The first half of the season proved most satisfactory, although only one of the four matches ended in a victory for the school. Tt wa noticeable that many players were maturinga sign that augurs well for the future senior teams. A bly led by Charle Maimin, the team at all times played attacking cricket, and tbere prevailed amongst its members, a marked "esprit de corp .'. Outstanding batsmen were Long and Gow, while Long, Gow and chumann proved the be t with the ball.

Under 15 D


We had a very enjoyable season although we did not win many of our games. This young and inexperienced team consisted of ome quite talented player who could develop into quite good cricketer. On the whole our bowlers were fairly successful but our batsmen need more practice and coaching. One of the more uccessful bowlers was Van Niekerk, who took even wickets for 21 run against Technical H.S. Theoder wa also uccessful against S.A.C.S., taking five wickets for thirtyone run .. Our most ucces ful batsmen were Honeyman and Van Niekerk, Van Niekerk scoring 29 run against Tech. H.S. and Honeyman making 21 against Rondebosch B.H.S. We repeat ... We had a very enjoyable season.

Vs. R.B.H..5. "B" Result: Won by 8 wickets. R.B.H .. 57 (MildenhaLI 4/24. Gow 4/6). W.B.H .. 58/2 (Long 29. Gow 23). Vs. Sea Point "A" Re uit: Lo t by 18 run. S.B.H.S. 38 (Long 6/23. Gow 3/13). W.B.H.S. 20 (Gow 8). Vs. Bishops "B" Result: Lo t by 36 runs. Bishops I tInnings 79 (Schumann 5/27). W.B.H.S. 1st Innings 43 (Noli 15. Morri n.o.).


Vs. Sea Point "A" Result: Lost by 2 wickets. W.B.H.s. 32 (Dyer 10). Sea Point 33/8.

Under 13 B Played


Drawn Lo t 7 5 fn mitigation of the above results it may be pointed out that many of the opposing learns were inevitably stronger becau e they were selected from larger group of players than our. Nevertheles , our team has till to grasp that enthusia m and a determination to win, however admirably undaunted by past defeat, is imply not enough if unsupported by technique; in other words, that

1965 The econd half of the ea on found only a few member of tbe 1964 team still available. But from this core and newcomer from the Under Thirteens and other chool a really formidable team developed as their record of P3 W3 DO LO show. As two of the e matche were against A teams. this performance i even more creditable. Ably led by Loui Green, the team' success can





(I. lO r.): R. lark, Mr. . R. Blad.beard (Headma Ier). T. Bakl-um. Mr. (Coach), . Currie. Secolld Roll' (I. lO r.): A. Lamb, J. Klein. D. Ander on, D. Hugo. D. Sims, . Fry. -, hirt! Rol\' (I. lo r.): D. teadman, D. Pretorius. B. Dyer. . Ramsden. P. Carter. Frollt



such matters as good length In bowling. sound stroke play. conventional calling, backing up, and thoughtful field placing are orthodoxies indi pen able to proficiency. otable individual performance were: Ballillg: Hugo 28 vs. .P.. Wadeley 21 n.o. vs. .P.. Bowling: Klein 5 for 25 v . C.P .. : 4 for 17 vs. D .. P.S.


tran 'POrt wa very kindly provided by M r. De wardt, M r. M errifield, Mr G ilmour and Mr. Fine. On our arrival we were met by Mr. Bo man of the Oudtshoorn High chool and the boy with whom we were going to stay. On the Friday. on a rain-affected pitch, we played against the Oudtshoorn High chool. The chool lost the to ,as it did in all the game. and batted first. After a good tart the chool lumped to 201 for 8. Rookledge 87, Dewar 44 and tephen 56 being the only bat men to reach double figures. Oudtshoorn were bundled out for 97. Jenning 3/17. Gow 2/10 and tephen 1/2 doing the damage.

1st XI Tour to Oudtshoorn The touring team. con i ting of twelve player and manager. Mr. E. Hopkins. eloff from the ~chool on Thur day. 30th of eptember. The


first and scored 137. tephens 3{13, De Swardt 3/35. and Bridgens I/O bowled well. The School did not fare too w$!11with the bat and were all out for 106. Stephen 26, Fine 18. We thus lost by 31 run.

The next day. Saturday. it wa aloovercast when our opponents. the Town I st XI, went in to bat. They were disposed of in 82 minutes for 37. Stephens 4/4. De Swart 3/2 getting the wickets. Before we were able to start our innings a deluge descended and washed out the re t of the day's play. On Sunday we vi ited the Cango Caves in the morning and although we did not go through the DeviJ's Chimney we all enjoyed ourselves. The afternoon was taken up by a visit to the Highgate Ostrich Farm where many souvenir were bought. The following Monday we played against the Southern Cape Combined Schools. True to form. we lost the to s and were sent in to bat on a wet pitch. The School collap ed completely. making only 49. Nobody reached double figures. By the afternoon the pitch had dried out considerably and they made the run without lo . Our last game wa played against the army camp. On a bli tering hot day Defence batted

After saying our farewells and thank. we departed the next day for home, and after missing the turn-off. reached home that afternoon. 1 wish to thank all who made thi tour a success for us. especially Mr. Mathew, who wa unable to come with us, Mr. Hopkins who acted a manager for us. and all the parents who came along to help with transport and who helped to create a "home away from home'- atmosphere for us. We were without our captain, David Powell, who wa ill in Groote Schuur Hospital, and to him we extend the wish that he will soon be back to join us. To tho'e involved. thanks again for providing a tour that will alway be alive in our memorie. .S.

This year has been a mo t successful one in many ways although the re ults of the league matches were not very impres ive. Tn the past wc were fortunate in having talented and experienced players, but now that they have left us. we have had to spend much time in building up new teams.

One of tbe "bigWights" of the tennis season was tbe match against the masters: this time, however, we were soon beaten by a stronger staff team than u ua!. For the championships this year Mr. Boltman introduced, in addition to the open singles, a doubles event; as well as a beginner's and an under 15 section; the final of tbe open singles was again won by Zelig Leyser. who beat David Asher 6-2, 6-3. Tbe inter-hou e tennis once more proved mo t enjoyable and was won by De Waal House with Van Riebeeck a runner up. Last year D. A her and L. Wilmot were chosen to go to the Houba's tenni camp in the Christmas holiday. D. Asher and Van Gy en did exceptionally well in lhe W.P. Championships tbis year, when Asher won the double event with Van Gy en as runner up. Tn the league we were not very successful, but we have many promi ing junior who should, in the next year or two, belp to rai e tbe standard of tennis to what it was a few years ago. After

At the end of last year Mr. muts left the School, and we are indebted to him for all he did for school tennis. However. with the arrival of Mr. Boltman on the cene, things once again began to look promising, for he did much to organise regular practices and in particular to encourage the juruor players. Since the beginning of the second term, the new headmaster, Mr. Blackbeard, an experienced tennis player him elf. has shown keen interest in the tenrus. He has already made it possible for the courts to be maintained tbe wbole year round, and full advantage was taken of tbis privilege. It is hoped that tbe two gravel courts will be converted into all-weather courts. 70


Rolt' (I. 10 r.):

Boltman. D. Ashcr .

.\"("011" Ruit'


to r.):

FIR T TE I TEAM Ley cr. Mr. . R. Blackbcard. D. Phillips

( aplain).

Mr. J. C.

D. \an G)-sen. W. BurJ..c. P. Laa~. A. Ellert.

I:areful consideration it has been decided to award the cup for the mo t improved player to Werbeloff. It must be remembered that thi cup is not given on tandard of play. but to the player who has made the most progres during the year. WerbelotI steadily worked his way up from being a reserve for the 3rd team to playing singles in the 2nd team. From the above report one can see that there ha been great activity in the tennis section this year, but there has also been a corresponding keen ne and enthu iasm on lhe part of the players themselves. Even on the occasions of the athletic ports and wimming gala meetings. we did nol have any difficulty in raising team for league matches, de pite the fact that many players were participating in the two meetings.



Open Doubles won by Ley er and Asher. nder 15 ingles won by: Van Gysen. Under 15 Double won by: Shlomowitz and De Vries. Beginner ingles event won by Maimin. Beginners doubles event won by: Maimin and Miller. COIO



I. D. Asber. 2. P. Laa. 3. Van Gy en. D. Phillip :-1


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You will be feted in grand tyle. they will put on Float Procession which would rival even the U.CT. Rag. You will receive gifts and souvenirs and be entertained lavi hly. In fact they will do almost anything for you, but when the day of the game again t their ide dawns. they are only intere ted in one thing. and that is to defeat the Spri ngboks. Well. after 3 month in their heautiful country. we 1965 'Boks can vouch that all these glowing reports were proved not only true, but that in the end the e warm-hearted ew Zealanders were even barracking for u ! Ye , without a doubt this is The Tour of Tours, not only for the 32 lucky pringboks so fortunate to be elected, but it also seems so for the ew Zealander who. one gathers,. cannot wait for the nine years interval in between tours. The aying goe that a New Zealand boy when old enough to form ambition~. will put as his fi rst threl! the following: (a) To be an All Black. (b) To play again t the pringboks. (c) To beat the Springboks! However. before I attempt to relate ome of the intere ting high-lights of our wonderful experience in Kiwiland. let me briefly cover the three weeks spent in Australia. T do not think it is fair to compare this tour with that of New Zealand, as in Au tralia lt i quite obviou . apart from in Sydney (New South Wales) that Rugby Union i a poor third to Au tralian Rule and Rugby League which both have big following, drawing gates of 70.000 to their respective Cup-Finals. In Perth we over-ran West Au tralia 60-0 and 102-0. in Melbourne it wa 51-6 again t Victoria and in Brisbane de pite ome indifferent play we came away victors by 50-5 against Queensland. It was a ditTerent "kettle of fl h" again t New outh Wales. fielding 14 of the current Wallaby team and a you all know we went down to them in both the Te. t . Admittedly we were not quite geared for uch trong oppo ilion after the earlier walk over, but all credit to an experienced and well-balanced Australian Team-although T believe the Pres had a lot to say about the Referees!

A two hour flight from sunny Australia and we landed at Gisborne-North J land-to be welcomed in true ew Zealand tyle by pouring rain and thou and of fan Ijning the route to our Hotel, where the Police had to control another huge crowd. This ort of welcome we experienced all over orth and South Island and in Jnvercargill down outh they even bad us riding on Vintage Car, Traction Engine and old Fire Engines from the Airport to the Hotel-I might add thi wa for many of u a boyhood dream come true. 73

Of the Rugby you mu t all have read too much already and having alo read the results of the new paper Competition, calling for ideas on improving the game in outh Africa, it will not be nece ary to explain in detail the rea on tor our few defeats. However, after the debacle again-t Wellington we took tock of our game and went from trength to trength, beating amongst other uch formidable OpposJtion as Taranaki. holders of the prized Ranfurly Shield tor the past 2 year. Canterbury. North Auckland. Waikoto and Hawk Bay. A hard-earned 6-5 victory against Canterbury with only 13 men on the field for the last 5 minutes, wa only a forerunner of a vital 3rd Test. We were the underdogs when we ran onto the boggy "paddock" and we were still underdog at half-time with tbe core at 16-5. But courage, determination and a magnificent kick from Tiny au de in the dying minutes ot the game saw u clinch the match 19-16. The full-throated cheering of the taunch Kiwi crowd and the jubilation in our dressing room afterward will long remain in our memory. Of the other Tests: we felt that we did not capitalize on the chance available in the Ist Test at Wellington, where we lo t 3-6 in a howling gale on a wet field. Kobu Louw aptly referred to Wellington in hi after-match peech a -"A Baby-Always Wet and Windy." The 2nd Test at Carisbrook, Dunedin. is a game we 1965 pringbok will want to forget. eldom has any team played 0 poorly in a Test Match and T do not want to detract from the intelligent

play of the All Black Team under tho e atrocious conditions. In the 4th and Final Test at Eden Park our three-quarter were not given a good ball. Unfortunately tbe few opportunitie we did get we squandered for passes were either dropped or went astray which let the oppo ition in for tries. One wonders what would have been the outcome if Jannie Barnard' pas to Get Brynard in the tir t few minutes of the econd half had been cleanly taken and capitalized on with the score at that lage only 3-0. But that' the way matche are won or lo t. 0 let it be a les on to us. All the games were virtually Test Matches with most tearns having prepared for anything up to 8 month just for the one encounter-so you can imagine the tension built up. However they were all mo t enjoyable and incident-free. and it was a plea ure playing again t uch enthu ia tic and knowledgable Rugby people. The overwhelming bo pitality of these warmhearted ew Zealanders did much to dispel the 'train and fatigue that al way accompanies Rugby touri tso Proof of thi was the fact that we returned home on a Tuesday fresh and keen to play for our re pective lubs the following aturday. We will alway remember the evening of colourful entertainment at the variou Maori Concerts and last but not least the scene at Eden Park, Auckland after the Final Te t, as thou ands of New Zealanders raised their voices to bid us farewell with the traditional Maori ong, "Now is the Hour."

1965 Opportunities for port have grown manifold at Wynberg and no fewer than 12 different ports are offered. All pupil are therefore expected to participate in sport throughout the year. We should not, however, lose ight of the fact that Academic work still come fir t; but that it houJd be upplemented by sport i important tor the following rea ons: A healthy body is neces ary for a healthy mind. Organized school sport is valuable because it keeps pupils occupied and diverts excc-'>Senergy into desirable channels. Sports educates the pupil to look after his health, hi greatest asset. Thi - IS important while he i at school but much more "'0 when he leave

choo!. It alo ed uca tes him in qualitie of character so important in everyday life: co-operation, self-di cipline, determination and leadership. The following porting activitie are oltered: Win/er: Rugby, ro s- ounlry. Summer: wimming, ricket, Athletics, Rowing. Whole year: Golf, Mountain-climbing, Badminton, Table Tennis, Judo, Gymnastic, Tennis. When participating in aoy of these, we bould remember, above all, the motto of the Modern Olympic Games: "The important thing is not so much winning but in taking part: the essential thing i not conquering but fighting well.'路

As one of the keenest nurseries of South African Rugby. we at Wynberg have always followed the fortunes of our National teams with great interest. This year two old boys of the School. namely Lionel Wilson and Douglas Hopwood were members of the touring Springbok ide in Au tralasia and we extend to them our heartiest congratulations on being selected. We could have had a third Old Boy in the side, for Dave Stewart informed the National Selector before the trial!; that. for busines reasons. he would not be available for the long tour. Doug, unfortunately, was hampered by injuries and only came into hi own near the end of the tour, but did sterling work in leading the Springbok pack. Lionel had a grand tour and his rocklike defence earned him the praise of the All Black Captain, Wilson Whineray, who paid tribute to him as a great defensive player with tremendous courage. lt ha been a sad year in the annals of Springbok rugby. starting with the ill-conceived and disastrous short tour of the British Tsles, and in Australia and New Zealand our players struggled for most of the time. Jn the Briti h Isles we kept a promise. but paid a heavy price where we won friend , but lo t prestige as a rugby force. In New Zealand our rugby was so bad at one stage, that one of the New Zealanders, out of ympathy, offered hi ervices a a coach to the Springboks! We in outh Africa were addened and felt humiliated by these reports. Although the performances of our Springbok have reached a lowebb, they did fight back, especially in the third test. which we won convincingly but threw away our chance in the last test. The question now ari es. Has our rugby reaUy declined to such an alarming extent? On thi point, there are many differing opinions. Some ay that the easy way of life in our country has oftened up our players. Tbis rea oning i more an alarmi t reaction to our rugby di asters than a real effort to find the cause for our iUs. The real truth is that, in an attempt to experiment with the new laws. our forwards got used to playing too loo e. Our game has drifted. We have

lost tbe art or rather the technique of playing forward with at least five tight forwards. Although our forwards were bigger than lhe ew Zealanders, we did not use our bodies and ran about too much. Rucking was something our forwards had to learn from scratch. Also in the line-outs there wasn't tbe inten ive support. consequently we received too many bad balls. This. combined with the " econd phase" attack, namely hallow lining up by one' opponents. stifled our play to a large extent. Our club, provincial and international coaches must get the old ba ic forward pattern of tight play and hard rucking back again-the type of rugby played by Boy and Fanie Louw, Johan Claas en, Ferdie Bergh, George van Reenen, Chris Koch and all our other great forwards. Test matches are hard. grim. reIentie games and we will go on lo ing them if we do not learn and remember the les ons of the past. There is nothing wrong with our players. They have not gone soft, nor need they go and chop down trees in order to beat their opponents. "Craven Week" has come to stay and the W.P. School's ide was this year elected after School were invited to put forward their nominations. Exten ive trial matches were played and tbe "best" team wa selected. We congratulate Mr. J. F. 00 thuizen, who once again very ably coached the W.P. ide and accompanied them to East London. We al 0 congratulate our players wbo were elected for tbe W.P. Scbool's side, namely: M. Era mus (wing), M. Emms ( crum-half) and D. le Roux (flank). The following player were reserves for tbe ide: C. Stepbens (centre) and B. de Smidt (hooker). The School experienced a uccessful season, entering fifteen team, namely tbe Under 19 A, B, C; Under 16 A and B; Under 15 A and B; Under 14 A and B; Under 13 A and B; Under 12 A, B, C and D. We. however, need more players, especially in tbe Under 19 and Under 16 ections. A1thougb many of our boy play occer, and are therefore






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Ist XV, 1965

Row (I. 10 r.): Mr. H. E. Tasker (Coach), G. Hammond (Vice路Captain). Mr. . R. 81ackbeard (Headmaster). D. Hughe ( aptain). D. Le Roux, M. Emms, Mr. 1. F. OosthuiL.en (Coach). Secolld Rall' (1. to r.): B. De Smidl, Q. Rookledge, D. Bairstow, P. an Blommenstein. Stephens, . Hoy. R. Katz. Third Ra ... (1. to r.): L. Raymond. J. Retief. M. Era mus, M. Deane. B. Wat on. FroIIt

lost lo rugby, there is till a large number who do not play any winter sport. We are perturbed about this! The School side, very ably led by David Hughes, was one of the stronge t in the competition and lo t only five matches. They played very attrac路 tive rugby and we congratulate Messrs. 00 thuizen and Ta ker and thank tbem for the time, energy and devotion pent on these teams. The econd team played some extremely good game and those which tbey lo t, were only by a mall margin. They were very ably led by Gerald Abelsohn and had a tine team spirit. They had a fine et of forwards, but the backs,

although running hard, were inclined la fumble their passes at the vital moments. Their best games were the 8-3 win against Hottentots Holland and their narrow 9-3 defeat again t Rondebosch, when the team was depleted due to injuries in the fir t team. The game again t t. Joseph was very exciting, the winning try being cored econds from time. They alo had pleasant friendlies against Pinelands and Bergvliet. Knight and Probyn gave Abel ohn valuable support throughout the season. The Under 19 C and D had a fairly successful ea on this year and even the D team bad a few matche arranged for it tru year. 77

As again t la~t year tbere was a great improvement in tbe performance of tbe C team and a high point was reached in their defeat of the ea Point B team. The Under 16 sides suffered becau e there were few reserves. Tbe A team was potentially a very good side at the beginning of the sea on, bUL their play was affected by the fact that the B team was not a trong side. Both teams, however. never gave up trying and their morale remained high. The Under 15 ide played attractive rugby. The best games of the A team were against Rondebosch, which was won 3-0 and against SACS, lo t 3-0. The A team has much talent, but the backs must improve their tackling. The B team improved steadily during the season, and beat Paul Roos in an exciting game by 11-10. The Under 14 A ide, ably led by A. Katz, was one of our best team and only lo ttbree matches, scoring 169 points and only 30 against. Their coach, Mr. Grobler is to be congratulated on thi achievement. The Bide, led by Peters. al 0 did well and had a good team spirit. The Under 13' did not have much uccess, mainly becau e last year's Under 12 A team did not come up a a unit. Tru left ome gap in the backline. The forwards were strong, but the backs lacked speed and did not handle well. The team were weakened by illness and withdrawals. A large number of boys entered for the Under 12 ection and the re erves had a regular weekly practice. The Under 12 A team had a fairly uccessful season, winning the majority of their games. They played brilliant rugby at times. Marius Oosthuizen and Eric ca per thrilled many pectator with their electrifying break from the three-quarter line. The B side had a reasonable number of successes. The C and D tearns were unfortunate in that they often had to compete against the A and B teams from slightly smaller chools. The Junior first team and an Under 12 team played Grey College of Bloemfontein, winning one game and lo ing the other. The School were hosts to three touring side during the ea on, namely Durban Boy' High, Milton High and St. Aidan' of Graham town. We thank the ho tel taff for putting up our vi itor and extending our ho pitality to them. Both our Durban visitor and our boy will long remember the braaivleis at Wemmer hoek. Tt is the first time in living memory that chops and boerewor have got the better of choolboys!

As Mr. Tasker"s successor as O.C. of Rugby at Wynberg, 1 wi h to pay a pecial tribute to him for the many year of hard work and devotion he has put into rugby at Wynberg, Realising the magnitude of the ta k, it was with trepidation that r stepped into his shoes, and now that the season is over, J can but give a sigh of relief. It i indeed a mammoth job, looking after all the teams and coaches, listening to everybody's troubles and problems, answering and making hundreds of phone call, entertaining and looking after touring sides, rounding up lost property, arranging bus trips to Paarl and Stellen bo ch and countless other les glamorous, but e ential chores connected with our rugby. We thank him for hjs great services to rugby at Wynberg and are grateful that he is still able to as ist witb the coa.ching of the first team. Our Cake, Coffee and Cool Drink Stand has become a regular feature on Saturday mornings, and we wish to thank all the ladies of our PT.A. who have given up so much time for this very essential ervice to the School. Thank you, ladies! The Junior School wi hes to thank all the "uncles". namely Abelsohn, Bairstow, Standley, Emms, Blotnick, Grodd, Shantall, Pfeil, Fine and Jones, who have coached our up-and-coming pringboks on Friday afternoons. For the first time this year we held our InterHouse Competitions on a Saturday morning and everybody present, including the players, thought it to be a big success. We hope to see more parents pre ent next year. The Rugby Equipment department once again did their job efficiently and we thank Sheddon. Dodd, Heydenrych and their assi tants for their excellent work. The chool wi hes to place on record its appreciation of the services rendered by leading W.P. referees in handling our senior games at Wynberg. Without the assi tance of these men we could not have carried on. We thank especially Messrs. Burmeister, Major Kolesky, Salkow, Peter Morris. Burman, Kelynack, Hawtrey, Engelke and MareĂŠ. The chool vs. Old Boy game wa a grand exhibition of rugby. We never knew that our "young" old-boy could run so fast, and tbe referee Joe Salkow afterward testified that he had never in all hi life run 0 much in uch a hort time! Next year we would like to ee a few of the older generation on the field. We were at all times very plea ed to ee Mr. and Mr . Blackbeard watching the fortunes of our teams and we thank them not only for the interest they have hown in our rugby, but alo for the


K. Kole~~y. 1\-1r. D. Grobk:r (Coach). L. Secolld ROil" (1. to r.): A. Ro . T. Wilmot, J. Boland. 7 hir" ROil" (1. to r.): R. Weilcr~, I-rolll

1<011' 1. to r.):

RUGBY I. Emms. Mr. . BlacJ...beard (Principal). J. KalL (Captain). 00 thuizen. D. A her. A. Goo en. R. Ritchie, . mith. R. Gilbert. . Siherstone. J.

Ims. D.


wonderful " pread" provided after the Old Boy v~. choor match. We wi h to thank Dave Stewart for giving up his valuable time to come and coach our fir t team. The boy do appreciate thi fine gesture. The senior coache wi h to thank the following boy who were of great as istance to them on the enior Committee. namely Hughes. Hammond, Abel ohn. Emm . Le Roux. Stephen. Raymond and Powell. Lastly we wish to thank our coache . the men who gave up many hour of their time to help our player and to encourage them. especially when things were not going well. We think especially of Me r. 00 thuizen, Ta ker. offki. Bromberger. Lennox. A. Morri. Jordaan. Globier, Dunn. Blom, Pretoriu , Bohling, Ju tand Woltf.

D. Hugo,


The following Rugby Awards have been made for the 1965 eason: HOllour


M. Emm , D. le Roux,


ra mu . The Honour Award i the highe t award that can be made to a cboolboy and we congratulate these three boy who were selected for the W.P. chool' team which competed in the raven Week Competition. Blues: B. Watson, M. Erasmu , Q. Rookledge. C. tcphen , G. Hammond, M. Emm . D. Hughes. B. de midt, D. le Roux. Steyl Award Q. Rookledge.

for tbe mo




Colours: B. Watson, D. Bairstow, Q. Rookledge, . tephen, M. Era mu ,G. Hammond. M. Emm .











and Sworn




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E 0



L. Raymond. D. le Roux, D. Hughe,

J. Retief, M. Dean, N. Hoy. R. Katz, B. de Smidt, P. van Blommestein. D.S.S. CRITIQUE

his game improved considerably during the sea on. He has a afe pair of hand, but it is e ential that he should learn to kick with both feet and develop a fir t-time tack le and mu t eradicate a strong tendency to lie too far back. Rugby Blue for 1965.

OF 1st XV

Q. ROOKLEDGE.-The most-improved player in the team. A grand !jttle centre who by heer courage and determination developed into a firstclass centre with terrier-like determination and peed. Awarded Rugby Blue 1965.

D. HUGHES. - A captain who gained the re路 speet of his team and in pired them into playing attacking and attractive rugby. A very capable and intelligent forward, equally at home at either flank or loek: he must, however. tigbten up his defence. Awarded Rugby Blue for 1965.

D. BAIRSTOW.-A very promising young wing. He has speed and intelligence; he mu t remember, however, that a wing mu t always go hard for tbe corner flag; he must also remedy a weakness in defence and not play his game in snatches. A very good prospect for next year.

G. HAMMO D. - Tbrough sheer hard work and determination he has developed into a firstclass fly-half. With good hands and feet, and a cool head, he has exceptional promise; is one of the few players who has improved his speed and thrust in his first three yards. Awarded Rugby Blue for 1965.

B. DE SMIDT. - One of the best booker in School rugby. A tireless worker in both the tight and the loose. A very promi ing young player. Awarded Rugby Blue for 1965.

M. EMMS. - The complete crum-half and undoubtedly the best crum-half in Schools' rugby. He mu t develop hi tactical kicking till further and must never be satisfied that he has attained the maximum speed of di tribution. Has a most promising future in enior rugby. Repre ented W.P. chools at Craven Week. Honour Award for 1965.

M. DEANE. - A tireles . attacking young forward. He is fast developing into an excellent )jneout forward and should mature very well next year. J. RETIEF. - A more than u eful line-out forward. He has shown considerable improvement, but he mu t infuse more fire and 'devil' into hi game.

D. LE ROUX. - A top-clas flank forward with a deadly first-time tackle. A fine pair of hands and a wonderful en e of anticipation; a player of great promi e. Represented W.P. Schools at Craven Week. Honour Award for 1965.

N. HOY. - A great-hearted forward who at all times gave of hi be t; is at his be t when the game is hardest. An unfortunate injury prevented him from reaching his peak form.

C. STEPHENS.-A player with all the attributes necessary for developing into a top class centre. He has played a major part in his team' success. He i till defective in his fir t three yard of acceleration, a factor on which his promi ing future depend. Rugby Blue for 1965.

R. KATZ. - A strong, highly intelligent frontranker who reached his top form during tbe second half of the 路eason. He played ome very fine games and his line-out support is excellent. P. VAN BLOMMENSTEIN.-A strong, hardworking forward who has improved considerably: he mu t endeavour to improve his peed and increase the tempo of hi game.

L. RA YMOND.-A player with definite potentiality and a very good loo-e forward at his best. Unfortunately, due to persistent attacks of flu, be was unable to uslain hi excellent fir t half form during the econd half of the sea on.

D. BOERS.-A strong-running wing wbo hows much promi 路e. He mu t watch an unneces ary weaknes in defence.

M. ERASM US. - A powerful wing of ab olute fearlessness and determination. His all-round play improved as the ea on progressed - a wing with a big future. Represented W.P. chools at raven Week. Honour Award for 1965. B. WAT ON. -

A player of undoubted

A. POWELL. - A talented fly-half who, owing largely to ill-health, failed to achieve his undoubted promi e. He mu t bear in mind that his rugby future depends on the speed of his first three yards.



back played extremely well and tephens, Cann. Hammond and Bair tow scored tries. Stephens also goaled a penalty and converted Cann' try.

G. BAR ARD.-A great-hearted young player who e lack of weight i the only factor that holds him back from top-level chool' rugby. J.F.O.

8. W.B.H .. 25. PAARL B.H.S. 9. This was a bright game. full of movement, with the chool uperior in the loose play. Tries were cored by Stephen (2), Bair tow (2). Hoy (I), Emm (I). Probyn kicked a penalty. Both team uffered injuries and played with 14 men.

Results of Matches I. W.B.H ..

,DURBAN BOY' HIGH O. an exciting game. played under wet condition. which made handling difficult. The visitor' dominated the set crums. while the chool had the better of the line-outs. Wynberg held the territorial advantage the first half but were unable to penetrate and missed several penalties. There was no score at half-time. From a penalty inside the Durban 25, a tap kick was taken and Erasmus cored in the corner (3-0). Shortly before the end Bair tow picked up a loo e ball to ,core. rasmus converted with a fine kick (8-0).

9. W.B.H ..

15, J. G. MEIRING 5. Jn a hard game the School dominated the et crums and were uperior in the three-quarter. while J. G. Meiring were superior in tbe line-outs. tephens was the outstanding player in thi match. scoring after a 50-yard run and kicking two penalties. 10. W.B.H .. 16, H.H.H. 3. The game wa clo er than the core indicates. Tries were cored by Erasmu . Bair tow, Stephens and Rookledge.

2. W.B.H.S. 3, BI HOP 9. Our fir t fixture of the eason wa not a happy game for Wynberg, their tackling leaving much to be de ired. Bi hops deservedly cored three tries.

II. W.B.H.S. 26, D. F. MALAN O. D. F. Malan were completely outplayed fa t game. Our forward received a big the ball and the back had a field day.

in thi hare of

3. W.B.H. .9, PAUL ROOS 3. In a hard-fought match the chool deserved to win, coring all their points with kicks, whil t Paul Roo cored a try. tephens wa in fine form and kicked two penalties. whilst Watson put over a uperb drop from far out.

12. W.B.H.S. 5. J. v. R. II. Jan van Riebeeck outplayed u in the et crums and line-outs and were superbly led by their captain, Jooste. Hammond scored and rasmus converted hi try.

4. W.B.H ..

13. W.B.H ..

5, R.B.H .. 9. This game was played at ewland on the A field in a high wind and in the econd half deteriorated as a pectacle. The chool failed to make use of their back, especially in the econd half. Emms cored for Wynberg and tephens converted to make the core 5-0. Rondebo ch replied with three tries to win the match.

21. ST. AIDAN'S 8. The chool was clearly uperior at forward and in the backline. Tries were cored by Raymond. Bair tow. Era mu and Van Blommestein.

.. 14.. A .. S. O. match Wynberg were on top for mo 1 of and deserved all the points they cored. and Rookledge cored trie and tephen a penalty.

14. W.B.H.S. 6, R.B.H.S. II. For this match the School had four regular player out due to injurie and i1lne . Five minute after the tart our hooker, Barnard, cored. but injured him elf and had to leave the field, 0 we had to truggle on with fourteen players. Nevertheless, the School gave a very good account of them elves. and were mo t unlucky to lo e.

6. W.B.H .. 9. ST. JO EPH' O. In this game, the core flattered our opponents. Powell put over two dropped goals and Hoy cored a try. Emms had an outstanding game in thi match.

15. W.B.H .. 6, PAARL GYMNAS1UM 15. Thi game was played in very wet weather. tephens kicked a drop and Hughes cored a try. Both team adapted them elves well to the wet conditions.

7. W.B.H.S. 17. S.P.B.H.S. O. This was a very fast game in which the Wynberg

16. W.B.H .. 5, MLLTO This match wa played

5. W.B.H In thi lhe time Erasmu put over


HIGH 5. on a wet. slippery


-DER I:! A R GBY TEAM Rol\' (I. to r.l: . asper. E. Ca per. Mr. A. Lone. M. OO~lhui7en (Captain). Mr. K. Pretorius. mith, A. Lamb. Second ROl\" (I. to r.): G. Boycc W. Bai1e)'. J. hou~. G. Gillmer, O. Bonger. L Alla. D. imms. Third ROl\" (1. to r.): . .\1annington. '. Fine, K. Li ton. /-ron


The hool had the wind behind them and pinned Milton down in their 25. but could not core in the first half. fn tead of running with the bali. we kicked alm le ly and achie ed nothing. Hughe cored oon after half路time and tephen converted with a beautiful kick.

I . W.B.H .. 9. OLD BOY 26. fn a very fa l路moving and completelyopen game. the Old Boy proved too trong and ex路 perienced for the chool. Bair tow 'cored in the corner. Le Roux al 0 cored and Erasmus put over a penalty.

17. W.B.H .. II, PA L ROD 10. Thi game was played in hot weather and lacked parkie. The re uit wa in the balance until the end. when Watson put over a drop. his econd of the game. Bair tow cored the only try and converted it him elf.

For the Old Boy tries were cored by Luck, Hilliard, Walker, Jennings, crace and Baden路 hor t. The Old Boy' ide contained mo tly fir t. ,econd and nder 19A player. ext year they hould include a few vintage players in order to


make a match of thi counter.

FIRST VS. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs. Vs.

very pleasant annual


Bishops Lost 3-9 Paul Roo _.... . _..... Won 9-3 Rondebosch . _ Lost 5-9 S.A.C.S _ _ Won 14-0 St. Joseph Won 9-0 Sea Point _ _.._.._................ Won 17-0 Paarl Boys High .. __._._ _.. _ Won 25-9 J. G. Meiring _ _ .. Won 15-5 Hottentots Holland Won 16-3 D. F. Malan _ Won 26-0 Jan van Riebeeck ._ _ Lost 5-11 Rondebosch _ Lo t 6-11 Paarl Gymna ium _._.. . Lost 6-15 Paul Roos.. . _ .._ __.. Won 11-10



Complete Slun/nary: P. W. D. 17



Leading Point Stephens 62 Bairstow 32 Erasmus 31















Scorers: (6 tries, 10 conv .. 7 pen.. (9 tries, 1 conv .. I drop). (6 tries, 1 pen .. 5 conv.).



P W D L F A Pts Wellington ... 3 3 0 0 17 9 De Waal ..... .......................... 3 25 8 Rhodes ........._..... ......... 3 1 1 1 14 3 Van Riebeeck .. .. ...... .. 3 0 0 3 3 39 Senior Section: Rhodes 6. Van Riebeeck O. Wellington 0, Van Riebeeck O. Wellington 6. De Waal 3. Rhodes 3, De Waal 6. Van Riebeeck 0, De Waal 8. Wellington 3, Rhodes 6.


Won 8-0 Won 21-8 Drew 5-5 Lo t 9路26 F. A.


6 3 3 0


De Waal . 3 2 0 .._.- ...... 3 2 0 Rhodes .....Wellington ........ _._ ..... 3 1 1 Van Riebeeck ................ 3 0 I Final Log: Wellington De Waal .. Rhodes .... Van Riebeeck


6 -_ ...._ ..... 6


.. 6 "- .... 6 G.

4 3 3 0 ABELSOH

1 1 I 2

17 15 9

9 9 9 0 14

1 2 2 5

26 42 29 3

18 17 12 53

4 4 3 1 9 7 7

& O.S.S.

Owing to the Lack of pace in our hall, we have oDly one court-thus member hip is restricted to Standards Eight. Nine and Ten. Our hearty congratuLations are extended to Stephen Blanckenberg on attaining provincial colours in the June vacation. Our thank also go to Mr. Blackbeard and Gordon Hammond for sowing the seeds of what we all hope will be路 come aD established sport at W.B.H.S. Already rumour has it that a schools league will materialise next year. M.N.


Commiltee: B. Probyn, S. Blanckenberg. Witt, B. Pickup.


Junior SectioIl: Rhodes 14, Van Riebeeck O. Wellington 8, De Waal 6. Wellington 6, Van Riebeeck 3. Rhodes O. De Waal O. De Waal 19, Van Riebeeck O. Wellington 3, Rhodes O.


P. W. D. L. 14 9 0 5 Friendlies: Vs. Durban Boy' High _ V . St. Aidan's (Grahamstown) Vs. Milton (Rhodesia) V . Old Boy P. W. D. L. 4


D. de

Badminton, a most popular port among many Wynberg boys, was started in the third term more as an experiment than anything else. Needles to say it has been a great uccess. and the club intends devoting the rest of this year to practices and informal gatherings, with the likely pro peet of several. Springboks coming to help with occa ional coaching.


1965 will mark something of a turning point in the history of athletics at tbe scbool-not 0 much in the way of results a in the circumstances and traditions of the sport. To start with, we had to ay good-bye to Mr. O. le Roux, who left at the eod of the fir t term. The 1965 annual atbletics meeting wa therefore the last meeting he organized and our thank go to him for his efficient organization and coaching over the past few year. Then, too, it was the last time tbat the meeting was held at the Garrison ground-a ground that every Wynberg boy and athlete pa t and present. know well. The chool expre es its gratitude to the Defence Force for allowing us the u e of their track for 0 many year. We must now provide our own track, and Or. Wood i already hard at work preparing a track at the Hawthornden ground. rn another break with the past, meetings will in all probability be held in the future on Saturdays in tead of Friday. a has been customary. Thi change certainly has its advantage from a spectator's point of view. and Old Boys could even be persuaded into participating in an Old Boy' race. The meeting itself wa held on the 26th February in good weather. Rhodes Hou e won with a total of 148 points. M. Oosthuizen broke B. Weinreich's 1949 record in the Under 12 120 yards with a time of 15 seconds. D. Whitfield's 1959 record for the Under ] 6 hot-putt was al 0 broken by A. raxton. Mo t promi ing of the junior runner were G. le Roux (Under 10) and M. 00 thuizen ( nder 12). G. Barnard was Victor Ludorum with three fir t place. The meeting ended with the presentation of cup by Mr. legg.

440 yards: B. Barnard (R.); 2. L. Raymond 3. H. Jones (V.R.). Time 54.3.

880 yards: J. L. Raymond (R.); 2. A. Standley (W.); 3. B. Fi her-JelIes (W.). Time 2 min. One Mile: I. L. Raymond (R); 2. B. FisherJeffe (W.); 3. A. Standley (W.). Time 4 min. 38.7. 110 yards: I. M. Emms (R.); 2. B. McTntyre (V.R.); 3. A. Long (W.). Time .15.7. Long Jump: I. D. Bairstow tepben (O.w.); 3. M. Emms

(V.R.); 2. (R). 19ft. 2t ins.

High Jump: J. D. Bair tow (V.R.); 2. B. McJntyre (V.R.); 3. Pater 00 R.). Height 5ft .. tin. Shot Putt: I. M. Cann 3. D. Bair tow (V.R.).

(W.); 2. . Hoy (R.): Di tance 34ft. Otin.

Under 16 100 yards: I. J. Bland (R.); 2. I. J. 00 thuizen (W.). Time 11.8.




220 yards: l. J. Bland (R.); 2. T. Scott A. Blotnick (W.). Time 24.7.



440 yards: J. Bland (R.); 2. 1. Scott A. Blotnick (W.). Time 56.0.



880 yards: I. J. Bland (R.); 2. A. Blotnick (W.) ; 3. W. van Dam (V.R.). Time 2mjn. 11.3 ecs. Long Jump: H. Green

1. K. Ke ner (R.); (V.R.). 17ft. tins.

2. V. Ca lie;

110 yard Hurdles: I. A. Craxton (V.R.); 2. N. Gow; 3. R. Perott-Humphrey (R.). Time 15.5. Shot Putt: I. A. raxton (V.R.); 2. W. Millar (R.); 3. D. Humphries (D.W.). Di tance 34ft. 7in .

Under 14


I. B.

chneider (R.); 2. J. Katz 12.0

220 yard: I. G. Barnard (R.); 2. A. Long 3. M. Emm (R.). Time 24.8.


Long Jump: S. Medley

(R.) ;

I. I. Emms (R.) ; 2. D. A ber (W.) ; 3. (R). Di tance 15ft. 6ins.

High Jump: I. F. du Toit R.); (O.w.); 3. K. Kolesky (O.w.).


(R.); 3.

(R.). Time

220 yard : I. 1. Emm (R.); 2. B. chneider 3. T. Wilmot (D.W.). Time 28.7. (R);


High Jump: I. A. Craxton (V.R.); 2. H. Green (V.R.); 3. F. Smuts (V.R.). Height Sft. 4in .

100 yards: I. Emms

100 yard: I. G. Barnard (R); 2. M. Emms 3. A. Long (W.). Time 10.7.

(R.) ;

2. T. Wilmot









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Under 12 75 yards: I. M. 00 lhuizen (W.): 2. E. Casper (V.R.); 3. P. Benjamin (O.W.). Time 9.6. 120 yards: I. M. 00 tbuizen (W.): 2. E. Cru per (V.R.); 3. P. Benjamin (O.W.). Time 15.4. Under 10 50 yard: I. G. le Roux (V.R.): 2. A. Oliver (R.); 3. L. Venter (V.R.). Time 7.2. 75 yard: I. A. Oliver (R.); 2. G. le Roux (V.R.); 3. . Bird (R). Time 10.6. Relays Open (440 yards): I. Wellington: 2. Rhodes; 3. De Waal. Time 48.2. Under 16 (440 yard): I. Wellington: 2. Rhodes: 3. Van Riebeeck. Time 49.7. Under 14 (440 yard): I. Rhode : 2. Wellington; 3. Van Riebeeck. Time 53.7. Under 12 (330 yards): I. Van Riebeeck: 2. De Waal; 3. Wellington. Time 53.2.

nder 10 (220 yards): 1. Rhode ; 2. beeck; 3. Wellington. Time 31.6. Overall Results ]46. 2. Van Riebeeck: 75. 3. Wellington: 71. 4. De Waal: 4. I. Rbodes:

Cup Awards Fried/ander

nder 10 JIII/ior Re/ay


hampion : G. le Roux. Clip:

Under 10 Relay: Baskin


Under 12 Champion: Junior


M. 00 thuizen.


nder ] 2 Relay: Baskin



Van Riebeeck Hou e.


nder 14

ham pion : 1. Emm .

ROil" (I. to r.): Mr. A. ofn..i ( oach), L. 00 thuizen. G. Barnard. L. Rarmond ( apt.), Mr. 1. Blad-beard (Principal), M. Emm ( ice- apin in), D. Balr 10\\. . Long. G. Hammond (Manager). econd ROil" (I. to r.J: E. ca per. M. 00 lhUlzen, M. Ro . I. Ro enbcrg. I. Emm,. J. 00 thuizen, D. her, F. Du TOIt, I. COlt, A. Donnan. I bird ROlt" (I. 10 r.): J. Katt. G. onnolly. . ra:\lon. H. Green. D. alder, . Blolnid. K. Ke ncr. J. Bland. B. Schneider, J. a "ood.



an Rie-


Arthur ewman Cup: Under 14 Relay: Rhodes Hou e. C. E. Felbert Cup: Under 16 Champion: J. Bland. Dry Pycroft Cup: Under 16 440 yards: J. Bland. Dr. Bobbins Cup: 100 yards Open: G. Barnard. Stanley Lewis Cup: Open High Jump: D. Bair tow. Duncan Taylor Cup: Open Long Jump: D. Bairstow. Woollaslon Cup: Open 440 yards: G. Barnard. Headmasters Cup: Open 880 yards: L. Raymond. Tayfield Cup: Open Mile: L. Raymond. Neville Riley Cup: Open Hurdles: M. Emm . Hoogenhout Cup: Victor Ludorum : G. Barnard. MacDonald Cup: Under 16 Relay: Wellington Hou e. Old Boys' Cup: The winning hou e: Rhodes.

100 yards: L. Shapiro (10.4 sec ., 1952) 220 yards: L. Sbapiro (23.2 ces., 1953). 440 yards: L. C. Felbert (53.0 sec ., 1963). 880 yards: C. Felbert (2 mins. 2.2 secs., 1963) 1 Mile: M. Allis (4 min . 36.6 ec., 1954). 110 yards Hurdles: N. Riley (14.5 sec'., 1948). Long Jump: B. Weinreich (20ft. 9 in ., 1954) High Jump: W. Hutton (5ft. 8t ins .. 1956). Shot Putt: D. Whitfield (36ft. 81ins., 1961). RELAYS:


DER 10: 220 yards: U DER 12: 330 yards: UNDER 14: 440 yard: UNDER 16: 440 yards:

440 yards:

DER 16: lOO yards: 220 yards: 440 yards: 880 yards: 110 yards 1941), Long Jump: High Jump: hot Putt:

Van Riebeeck





(53.5 secs., 1956).

Van Riebeeck (48.6 ec., 1951). Wellington (48.6 ec., 1951). De Waal (47.1 secs., 1961). ATHLETICS

A tearn was entered for the 10tb Annual Champion hips of the W.P. chool Athletic Union beid at Zwaanswyk High chool, on 13th March, Our athletes did well, acbieving fir t places in the following events: Under 13 120 yards: B. chneider. Under 14 Relay team. nder 16 Relay team. Under 17 880 yards: L Raymond, Under 17 I Mile: L. Raymond. L. Raymond broke the record for the nder 17 880 yards with a time of 2 min .. 04 ces, After the W. P. Junior Champion hip at Bellville he was elected for the W.P. team Cor the SA. Junior Cbampion hips. L. Raymond is ODe of the most ou tanding atbletes the chool has ever produced. For hi hard work and dedicatioD, without which hi achievements would have been impo ible, he de ervedly receives aD Athletic Honours award ODe can oDly hope that thi promising athlete will continue bi participation in athletic when he leaves chool.

. VersCeld (9.2 ecs .. 1942). M. 00 thuizen (15,0 ecs., 1965).

DER: 14: 100 yards: P. Lowry (11.5 ecs., 1936). 220 yards: J. Moore (26.2 ecs.. 1956), 75 yards Hurdles: . Riley (11.3 ecs., 1944). Long Jump: L. hapiro (18ft. lot in " 19-0). High Jump: J, Leeson (5ft. Ot ins., 1954).




U OER 10: 50 yards: J. 00 thuizen (7.0 ec., 1964), J. Bland (7.0 ecs., 1959), R. keele (7.0 ecs., 1958), B. Weinreicb (7.0 ec., 1947). 75 yards: J. 00 thuizen (9.9 ec., 1964), B. Weinreich (9.9 ec" 1947). DER 12: 75 yards: 120 yard:



Record Holders


Van Riebeeck (30.5

hapiro (10.4 ces., 1952), L. hapiro (23,6 ecs., 1952). R, Gaylard (54.7 ecs., 1958). L. Raymond (2 min. 5 ecs" 1964). Hurdles: C, Ro lind (15.5 ces" L.


L. hapiro (20ft. 6t ins., 1952). A. Elliot (5ft. 5t in " 1961), A. Craxton (34ft. 7iru., 1965).


Colours: D. Bairstow, J. Emm , B. McJntyre. Blues: G, Barnard. Honour: L. Raymond.


1965 Last year it became apparent that the old crosscountry course would oon have to be changed owing to the development of housing e tate and motor freeway. We were sorry to ee it go because it was a tough, challenging cour e which had taxed the endurance of determined runner over many year. The new cour e adopted thi year ha . however, 'everal advantage. lt starts in the chool ground. taking the runners round the field before they go into Tennant Road. by which time they are thinned out so as not to pre ent too serious a traffic hazard The cour e then includes the new fields on Hawthornden Estate and leads back to the school. going down De Villier treet, acro Alexander Road and down Fair eat Avenue to the orth East corner of the C. field. After a circuit of the field the whole Cour e i repeated, giving a total of approximately 3t miles. Thi course eliminate too much road running and by bringing the runners through the chool again for a econd round make the race more interesting from a spectator point of view. A further advantage stem from the fact that the course i shorter and fa ter. Thu our cour e i brought more into line with that of the interehooIs cro -country, and thi makes it easier for our runners when they part.icipate in that event. Since the cour e i shorter and impIer. we can al 0 expect many more pupil to take part and thi expectation wa in fact realized thi year. La t year the average number of total points obtained by the houses was 3,705. This year it wa 8,755. Following are the detailed re ults of the variou cro s-playground and cross-country race. Under 9: I. . Bird (R.), 2. M. Tyer (V.R.), 3 M. Venter (V.R.). Under II: 1. G. le Roux (V.R.), 2. . Early (O.W.), 3. A. Lamb (V.R.) Under 13: E. Eastman (R.), 2. . Curry (V.R.), 3. T. Probyn (R.). nder 15 Cro -Country: 1. K. Long (W.). 2. N. de Jager (V.R.), 3. P. Castle (O.w.). Senior Cro -Country: 1. L. Raymond (R.) 20 min. 22.05 ces .. 2. B. iel on (R.), 3. B. Fisher-Jeffes (W.).

This page




1. Van Riebeeck.

2. Wellington. 3. De Waal. 4. Rhode.

I TER- CHOOL CRO -COU TRY AT RO DEBO CH The events were strongly contested and Rondebosch, at home on their own cour e, won both the Senior and Junior events. L. Raymond wa the first Wynberg senjor and De Jager the fir t junior. Overall, 6th place was obtained by both the Senior A team .

:Jenn id elle The 1965 Tenni ette number have been a high a u ual. and the tandard of play has been extremely sati factory. The team won 5 of their 7 matche, and all players howed the greatest keenne . This will assi t them to tart tenni on a ound basis. Particular prai e i due to Andre Marai and David tretch for a high tandard of achievement. The u ual Tenni eUe tournament will be held during the fourth term, and Mr. Houba i again in charge of pecial coaching. In the fir t term of the year. the parents and boy played their annual match. On thi' occasion, howe er. the parents were the victors. We have mi ed the cheery presence of our energetic organiser. Mr. K. Hutchi on, thjs year, and have enjoyed the accounts of hi over ea experience which we have read in the many letter we have received from him. We hall welcome hjm back at the chool in January, 1966. R.l

pon ored by Poswl'I/'\ M(,fl'~ & Boys' Outfillers. Wynberg Shopping Centre.


for all





at your Local Branch





Gal and Gn;o'j II




The junior 'wimmers made very good progress this year, but the same cannot be said of all the eniors. some of whom forgot that it is essential to train hard and regularly. A Colour award was made to B. Niel on for winning the Senior Swimming Cup. He did not qualify for a Blue, as none of his time was within a colour time. At the Gala no fewer than eight new record were established. This is a healthy sign. As in the past, the Annual Inter路Hou e Gala was keenly contested and the final result was: 1. Rhodes, 131 points. 2. Wellington, 90 points. 3. De Waal. 64 points. 4. Van Riebeeck, 41 points.

3. O. Hughes (O.w.), 64. 5. Under ID, One Length Breaststroke: 1. O. Yach (V.R.), 29.9 (Record). 2. R. Oickinson (O.W.), 37.4. 3. H. Frye (R.). 40.7. Under /2, One Length Breaststroke: J. O. Sirnms (O.W.), 29.7. 2. M. Mannington (W.), 30.5. J. P. Benjamin (DW.), 30.6. Under 14, 100 yds. Breartstroke: 1. R. Wolman (O.W.). 86.6 (Record) 2. G. Goles (R.), 88.0. J. J. Emms (R.), 98.8. Under 16. lOO yds. Breasts/roke: I. T. Oettl茅 (R.), 83.0. 2. G. Bunting (R.). 86.4. 3. P. Baerecke (W.), 89.7.

We congratulate Rhodes House, who have now won the House Cup since 1961. The following were the results: Senior Swimming Cup: I. B. Niel on, 18 points. 2. M. Emms. 10 points. 3. J. Vickerman, 9 points.

Under 19. 100 yds. Breaststroke: 1. O. Powell (O.w.), 83.6. 2. B. Fisher-Jetfes (W.). 84.3. 3. J. Retief (R.), 88.0. Under ID, One Length Backstroke: I. O. Yach (V.R.), 27.3 (Record) 2. B. Gibbons (W.), J6.9. 3. W. Gib on (R.), 39.0.

Under ID, One Length Freestyle: I. O. Yach (V.R.), 21.2 (Record). 2. R. Priestman (R.), 26.7. 3. T. Yach (V.R.), 27.7.

Under 12, One Length Backstroke: I. M. 00 thuizen (W.). 25.8. 2. M. Wright (W.), JI.O. 3. S. Tyler (V.R.), 31.8.

Under 12, One Length Freestyle: 1. H. de Smidt (V.R.), 20.7. 2. N. Wright (W.), 21.2. 3. M. Oosthuizen (W.), 22.2. Under 14, 100 yds. Freestyle: 1. J. Ro enberg (R.), 66.8. 2. J. Simms (O.w.), 68.6. 3. G. Goles (R.), 69.1.

Under 14, 100 yds. Backstroke: I. A. Falconer (O.W.), 79.7. 2. J. Simm (O.W.), 88.6. 3. J. Rosenberg (R.), 90.8. Under 16, 100 yds. Backstroke: 1. B. Gould (W.), 75.4 (Record) 2. R. Bums (O.W.), 86.2. 3. G. Bunting (R.), 91.1.

Under 16, /00 yds. Freestyle: 1. B. Gould (W.), 61.6 (Record). 2. V. Kempton-Jone (R.). 65.6. 3. R. Burn (O.W.), 65.6.

Under 19, /00 yds. Backstroke: 1. P. van Blommestein (R.), 81.3. 2. O. Hughes (O.w.), 84.9. 3. A. Standley (W.), 87.5.

Under 19, 100 yds. Freestyle: I. M. Emms (R.), 63.6. 2. J. Vickerman (W.), 63.7.


Painting Time is Here! Get your




D. M. BRUSS 117





upplie,' lO BOY HICH

EW 1965/1966 CAT LOGUE







• 20 TOWN





/4, One




I. J. Rosenberg (R.), 22.6. 2. G. Goles (R.), 23.1. 3. A. Oorman (V.R.). 23.6. Under

16, Two Lengths

/9, 220 ydr.


I. B. Icl~on (R.). 2--1.1. 2. J. ickerman (W.). 2- -5.0. 3. B. de Smidt (V.R.I. 2-57.0.



I. P. Perrott-Humphrey (R.), 53.5. 2. T. Oettlé (R.). 59.5. 3. V. Kempton-Jones (R.), 63.7.



yd~. BreallJlroke:

I. T. Oettlé (R.). 3-26.0. 2. G. Bunting (R.). 3-32.7. 3. P. Baerecke (W.). 3 9.1.

19, 100 yds. Blltterfly: I. M. Emms (R.l, 91.6. 2. J. Heydenrych (V.R.). 111.7. 3. T. Blakemore (O.W.). 121.8.


/6. 220 yds. Freellyle: I. B. Gould (W.). 2-301.0 (Record). 2. R. Burn' (O.W.). 2-57.1.



/9. 220 yds. BreasTsTroke: 1. B. ielson (R.), 3-2 .4. 2. O. Powell (DW.). 3-30.6. J. B. Fi her-Jetfes (W.). 3-38.1.




I. O. Milford (W.). 19.03 point. 2. K. Kole! ky (D.\> .l. 14.33 points. 3. M. Cohen (R.l. 14.27 pOints.

3. V. Kempton·Jones (R.). 3-02.

WIM 11 G TEAM "-rolll ROil (I. to r.): B. ohen. . Tyler. C. Ram~dcn. D. ach. J. fa) lor. D. im. L Dutier. !J('cond Roll' (I. to r.): T. OeUlê. D. im~. P. an Blommc,tcin. Mr. . R. Blad.beard (Head). B. de Smidt ( aptain), Mr. D. . ieberhagen (M:mer-in-Charge). B. eil on. J. Dodd, D. Ou Id. Third Roll' (I. to r.): R. Langley. . Falconer. R. Wolman. I. Ro enberg. R. Burns. G. Gole , T. Fcitcl~on. . Millcner. A. ihcrman, . Dorman.


Diving, Vnder J6: I. T. OettlĂŠ (R.). 21.66 point. 2. G. Bunting (R.). 18.9. points. J. A. Walker (V.R.). 14.7 points.


I. Wellington. 2-40.8. 2. Rhodes, 2--2.6.

3. De Waal, 2-55.1.

Diving, Vnder 19: I. V. Watson-Smlth (R.), 24.46 points. 2. B. ielson (R.). 24.40 points. 3. M. Westmoreland (R.). 24.03 points. HO

Having been in charge of wimming ince our Memorial Bath was built six years ago. I would like to thank all tbe master, and in particular Mr. W. E. GredJey. who have done so much to encourage swimming at Wynberg.


wimming is a healthy, clean port, a hard ta kma ter in competitions, but a rewarding and worthwhile relaxation, offering the maximum amount of exercise needed for tbe development of the human body. 1 hope that my ucce or will find as much enjoyment as r have, in watching the progress made by our swimmers.

nder 10 (4 x I length): I. Van Riebeeck.

1-52.0. 2. Wellington. 2-3.2. J. Rhode'. 2-13.7. nder 12 (4 x I length): I. WeJljngton.

1-34.0. 2. De Waal. 1-34.3. 3. an Riebeeck. 1---43.4.

ff Wynberg boy ometime feel despondent at their low progr they can remember tbat member of the Au tralian Olympic Team, Ilse and Jan Konrad and eviUe Hogan, who won world titles. trained in our bath a few years ago, and that they alo had to tart at the beginning and work their way to the very top. Good luck and ucce ful swimming in the year to come.

Vilder 14 (4 I length): I. Rhodes. 1-18.6 (Record). 2. De Waal, 1-21.1. 3. Wellington, 1-26 .. nder 16 (4 x 2 lengths): I. Rhodes, 2-44.7. 2. VeILington. 2-56.6. 3. De Waal. 3-00.


19 (4 x 2 length):



aturday. 16th 0 tober. was an overca t da}' with occa ional drizzle and trong outh-easterl} gusts. but de pile the di~mal weather the forty-five dabchick with their red. yellow. green. blue. white and black ')ail made the afternoon appear ga and exciting. kippers and crew member of the eleven chools from the Peninsula. Paarl and Worcester ran around borrowing rudder pins. corks to top up the draining holes. and querying whether one till had to gl e way to a boat on the starboard tack. The cour e wa' read out and tho e ailing borrowed boats anxlou'il:r da hed away to try them



out before the race began. ome placed themselves behind the starting line and waited with their ')at! flapping. whil t other tacked up and dm n. uddenly the hooter blared and the red ignal was hOI ted. The unorgani ed pattern of yachts was tran formed Immecltalely a they all kimmed away with wind in their ail, racing to round the fir I buoy. From the clubhou e the looked like bttle coloured tnangles tacking up to the outhern part of the vlei. The gusts became lronger and It was fa cmating watching the yachts skimming over the mall wave! on a reach to no. buoy.

and rounding il with smart gybe. ome yachts capsized and other. unfortunately broke their ma ts and were towed back looking like chick. behind the re cue launch.

The lhree skippers of the Wynberg A team. Dave Bongers. Terry Knol and Mic Westrnoreland. cro~ ed the fini hing line in place third. sixth and eighth respectively. With the e three good places Wynberg won on points. followed by Monterey

Although they had to round a good number of buoy. lhe wind sped them on and il wa not long before pilhaus of Rondebo ch chool fini hed first. soon followed by the re t of the boat路 which had managed to fini.h the race.

The afternoon ended with a deliciou braaIvlei followed by a film how on the 1964 OlympIc Game . M.W .. 9s.

The Judo lub ha once again bad a very ucces ful year and still remain one of the more prominent clubs in tbe scbool. None of tbe lub' achievements, however, could have been attained without the encouragement, guidance and excellent tuition of our coach. Mr. Alec Butcher. We are all very grateful to him for hi training and help.







The year began well when we beat the Defence Force A team at Youngsfield. (During the fir t term the Judo Club was divided into two hou es. Kano and Daigo with G. Barnard and R. Timmis as respective house captains). In the fir t of many contests witb S.A.C.S. our B team lo t narrowly: but we had our revenge later when both the A and B team won deci ively. The Club put on a very ucces ful di play at Milnerton Boy' High and as a re uIt a club ha been tarled there and continues to flouri h. Early thi year C. Wolf was very deservedly awarded hi Junior Black Belt but unfortunately injured his leg and could not participate io any competition for the next two term. Westrnoreland put up a good figbt again t .A.C.S. and after the competition Mr. Butcher awarded him his Blue Belt (2nd Kyu). The W.P. mateur Judo a High chool League and the top of tru league with 4 won. The points, for us,

A ociation bas tarted our A team tands al 4 match fougbt and are 32 and again t, 4.


(I. lor.):

Back (1.10 r.):

R. More. !J. Westmoreland P. Baenecke. . Butcher.

B. 95



( ap!.).

. Butcher ( oach).

finals he defeated D. de Vos with a good eoinage throw. M. Hurwitz_ who lo t narrowly last year. improved his po iti贸n to win the 801b. and below title. M. Westmoreland was awarded the" ham路 pion of Champions" trophy again and wa al 0 champion of the 1451b. and below weight group. Baerecke and Neil on both had good fight and reached the emi-finals. A. Butcher beat T. ukel lo beeome champion of his weight group. R. Morse. M. Westrnoreland, G. Westrnoreland and A. Butcher were elected for the W. Province first team. ongratulation go to them. The two captain, lee Butcher and D. Erasmu. ( tellenbo ch) fought for the full time allowed, but in pite of determIned effort from both men the bout ended in a draw and a draw for the team contest. At a big competition held at .A. . . recently, Wynberg B beat CB.C. B. The A team scored victories over Meadowridge A and Landbou A. The Judoka from the Junior chool continue to practise on Tuesdayand Thur'day afternoon. under the supervi ion of R. Mor e and M. Westmoreland. and these boys are encouraged lo keep up the enthu ia m with which they ha e been training. Jn the inter-hou e competition. Kano beat Daigo by a narrow margin and congratulations go to the member of thi hou'le. (At the beginning of thi year the club was dIvided into these two hou'le captained by G. Barnard and R. Timmis respectively). It i hoped that Judoka leaving chool at the end of thi~ year WIll continue to participate in Judo In the variou clubs and at niver Ity. Once again, after a very eventful year, we are indebted to !Ir. Butcher for hi invaluable help In teaching us the "Gentle Art" and we all realj e that our lub would never ha e reached the ~tatu that it ha without his expert gUIdance and leadership.

Of thi total M. Westrnoreland' per onal tall stands at pre ent at 28 and he ha a good chance of winning the chool Judoka Trophy. Our B team is second in the league with Paarl Landbou at the top. The Western Province Inter-School ham pion hip were again a triumph for the ~chool. We entered three tearns and the A team which consisted of M. Westmoreland, A. Butcher. B. eil on. G. Barnard. and B. Baerecke. put up an excellent performance to become the champion team. The fir t team ha thus been awarded the Western Province chool' hield for two year~ running. Jn the Indi idual competition A. Butcher became champion of two weight group. with M. \ estmoreiand and G. Barnard al 0 becoming champion in their weight路group - aU in all a remarkable feat for the chool. Our congratulation~ must go to G. Barnard, A. Butcher and M. We~tmoleland on being elected for the W. Province chools team. In a hard-fought match again t Landbou our B team lo t by two points to one. Another competition was held at .A.C .. and both our and R teams won thei r bouts. The W. Province Championship provided the opportunity for another remarkable achIevement by the club. M. Westrnoreland. who was the 1964 .. hampion of hampion ", threw hi elder brother. Guy, with a perfect throw that brought much applause (rom the pectators. Guy, a prominent member o( our Club last year, beat Black. Belt J. paight in another weight group, to take the title. R. Mor e put up a great fight and in the

AW RD ColOllrs: R. Timmi, G. Barnard. H. Morri. M. Westmoreland, . Wolf, R. Mor e, B. eil on. B. Baerecke. Bh/l's: M. Westrnoreland. . Butcher . .. FRANJ<tY,TIlE SUSPENSE IS KlUJNG &tE TOO."



The Mountain lub has now been in existence for three years and through the enthusia m of its members and organisers it can truthfully claim to be one of the more active clubs in the school, and well established in the School's activitie . Finding thoroughly competent and responsible leaders has proved difficult, but through the unremitting efforts of Mr. Peter Cronwright we have once again been well supported by leader, mostly members of the South African Mountain Club, of which Mr. Cronwright himself is a prominent member. We are deeply indebted to Mr. Cronwright for the organisation he has done. Al the time of writing the committee has decided to how its gratitude by conferring on him the po ition of Honorary President. Mr. Morri, our chairman and master in charge. ha been a constant source of encouragement and has given tbe committee all his upport for which we are very grateful. The club has gained materially during lhe year with a grant from the school, used to buy a nylon rope, a tent, and other equipment which is loaned to members. A Mountain lub badge, in the process of manufacture, will be awarded to deserving members and will form official recognition of climbing ability and service lo lhe club. During the summer holiday Mr. ronwrighl led a large party of Wynberg boy to the edarberg, and I am sure that the eight day in uch beautiful urroundings made a lasting impression on the members. The year was opened with a plea ant climb every fortnight ranging from ea y cramble to difficult rock. Worthy of note are the climbs on Postern and ilver tream Buttres led by Mr. Scoble and Mr. Weller, and alo more difficult routes taken by senior member. We are indebted lo Mr. C. Katz for allowing u to attend everal rock-meets under the outh African Mountain Club. These formed a very good training ground for correct climbing technique as well as giving great enjoyment. Apart from the regular climbs we undertake, other activities are arranged. We have had three evening meeting in the Junior chool a embly room, the first being a creening of Mr. ronwright' fine !ides of the edarberg. The guesl spea ker for our third meeting wa Mr. F. Bacon

who poke on the Matterhorn. and illustrated bi' lalk with slides, a memorable evening with a fine speaker. The history of tbe first ascent of this mountain was very interesting. In addition to these large gatherings we have had a number of films screened during lunch-hour at school. and during a break Mr. Mills, a doyen of the South African Mountain Club, spoke on the ignificance of mountain climbing and pointed out many basic rules of good climbing and courtesy. I should like to take this opportunity of thanking the Committee (Ainsworth, Glaun, De Smidt. Fi cher-Jeffer, Barnes, and esselberg) who have con i tently upported me and taken a large amount of wark off my shoulder. Our only dis路 appointment during the year i that more junior member have not joined the Club, and I hope that thi lack of young members will be remedied next year. These will be the life-blood of the club and without a strong junior member hip the club mu t ultimately die. J urge future office bearers to make their main aim-the recruitment of a ery strong junior ection. R. Horwitz (Hon. Secretary).

President: G. Abelsohn. Secretary: J. Fine. Committee: D. Ger, B. ca tie, tephens. Q. Rookledge. The Table Tennis Club's membership swelled this year to reacb the hundred mark. Consideration was given early in tbe year to joining a league in order to give our players the nece ary competition. but as the fixture involved are at night tru step was out of tbe question. A. Werbeloff i to be congratulated on being elected for the Western Province Junior team which competed in the outb African Championhip in Cape Town earlier thi year. The annual chool hampion hip was held during the econd term this year and Ca tie ended up tbe winner, beating Fine, last year' runner-up, convincingly in the final. A fixture again t the boarders and alo hou ematches are yet to be played. J.F.


::Detachment F

Adjulanl: Coy


Lennox. Once again tremendo~ of the O. ab cnce of sibllity of rested on officer. Tribute


Hahndiek for the efficient wa in which he trained A Company. It was a tremendou di appointment when lhe lOter· chool competition which wa to have been held on the 12th October had lo be cancelled owing to bad weather. A a result of the continued effort put in by each and every ingle member of the band and A Company, we were confident of tak ing first place in both these competition. In conclusion the detachment would like to thank Mr. Blackbeard for lhe interest and en· couragement hown at all time'.

E. Hopkins. . A.

Maj. J. Wheeler. Capl. W. offki. AlF . D. Grobler.

the detachment has truggled under difficultie·. Owing to lhe mdispo ition .. Major \i heeler, and the temporar~ Ihe 2 i c Capl. W. Lennox, Ihe respon· runnmg the detachment at one stage three young officer and the student must







ST DE T DET OFFICERS . O. R. Katz., O. R. Hor''' Ill. O. K. Hahndicl., apt. W. Lennox, Fd. I. D. Grobbelaar, Fd. t. olll.i, 10. D. Green. 'iecond Roll' (I. to r.): O. Q. Rool.ledge, S 0 \i. Barnes, 10. W. Hammond, B.Maj. L Erasmu". M. P. \an Blommen lein. 10. J. B. De midt. 7 hird RD·... (I. lO r.): If.. Ho,. 10. . "'Immer. O. 1. In \~orth O. B. Wal on.

I rOlll Ra .... (I. lO r.):


Fd. I. E. Hopl.in~, Le Roux, 10. H. Millar. D.Maj. Des Lingeris. .•



G. O.




D. 196'i

I rOllt R01\" Cl. to r.):

Cpl. P. McPher on. Sgt. D. Knight. Cpl. D. Ban!. ,DM. G. Hammond. Capt. W. Lennox, B/M. M. Era mu, pI. B. Probyn, pI. C. Slabber. gt. . Byron. econd Roll' (I. 10 r.): L.Cp!. A. Pa call, L. Keith. J. Be I. L. pI. D. nzisJ..a. J . .Retief. L. pI. .M. Dcane. Cpl. J. Dodd, L. pI. H. Kaplan. rhird R01\" (I. 10 r.): L.Cp!. G. an Bes ouw. T. K yriaco" M. Hor\\ itl. M. ann. Cpl. P. De Wet. A. Law on, T. Oeltlc. J. Benjamin.

Unfortunately the Cadet Band Voere unable to prove theIr efficiency this year, owing to the cancellation of the annual adet Parade. There i , however, ome small consolation in the fact that all chool taking part uffered the ame blow. The band had -lowly but urely reached its peak.

Thi~ page

with many hours of arduou practtcing, and were all et to attempt to retrieve the Band Trophy again. evertheles the band has retained and mallltamed a very high tandard. characteristic of all the Wynberg Cadet Bands. and without doubt would have acquitted them elves well. had the opportunity ari en.

ponsored b) Thl' Plate Glar\ Bevelling & Silvering Co. Ltd., 9 Buiten/..ant SI .. Cape 7 own. 99

Chairmall: D. Powell. Secretary: J. Miller. Treasurer: J. Slome. Committee: A. Blotnick, J. Goldblatt, Paterson. Master-in-charge: Mr. Kooy.

fare well in the competition, the experience gained was invaluable, and it is hoped that the year 1966 will ce Wynberg's name on the trophy. Other functions include three interesting film-hows which unfortunately were very poorly attended. In August tbc school challenged the confident Old Boys to a match at Westlake Golf Club and. much to the Old Boys' embarra ment. the school won by three games to two_ A knockout competition is now reaching its closing stages and in the final round P. Gilmour is to play W. Pater on. This promises to be an exciting match. In conclusion on behalf of the committee ] hould like to thank Mr. Kooy for giving up his valuable time in order to help u with the arranging of competitions and other function. 1 am ure that next year when it is firmly established the Golf Club will rise from strength to trength. The results of the Old Boys' Match during Augu t are a follow. I. Powell and Gilmour beat Good and Goosen. 2. Goldblatt and Lipsbitz lost to Bunting and Goodwin. The latter game proved to be extremely exciting with two points eparating the winners from the lo ers. 3. Patter on and Miller beat Groenewald and Trott in another tense game_ 4. Mr. Kooy and Mr. Parkins, both playing for the school, beat Mr. Hopkin and Mr. Miller, an old boy of the school, by a very clo e margin. Final result: School won by 3 games to I.


At the beginning of the year a completely new club joined the ranks of tbe other numerous societies. This club was to be known as the Golf Club. Forty boy wishing to become members were i ued with membership cards. As tbe club i still "wet behind the ear " and if we take into account the many diffi~ultie having to be overcome, the Golf Club has been highly uccessful during the pa t year. ix ucce sful competitions have been held at various club which have been mo t kind in granting us the courtesy of their cour e . These competitions were enjoyed by all concerned and the winner are as follow: Hamburger, Goldblatt (who won two), W. Mular. Van Blomme tein and Cowood. In March Mr. Jack Plummer and M r. Brian Henning gave an appreciative audience, consi ling of eventy boy, an interesting talk on various aspect of golf. There was an air of excitement in the hool hall as Mr. Henning gave an account of how he and hi three brother all became famous professional. The Inter- chool competition was also held in March at the Rondebosch Golf lub. Eightyfive boy from many Cape chools look part, Wynberg having one of the bigge t entrie with fifteen competitors. Although our tearns did not


Chairman: R. Katz. Vice-Chairman: C. Goodwin. Secretary: L. Werbeloff. Though member hip has been below usual . trength, the club ha nevertheless continued to enter a team in the Inter-school's league_ This team has done quite well, as the following re.!ults will how: Again t .A. .. lost 0-10. Rondebosch lost 4-6_ Pinelands won 10-0_ Westerford lo t 4-6.

Muizenberg won 10-0. Groote Schuur drew 5-5. Westerford (return) drew 5-5. Groote Schuur (return) won 10-0. At the time of writing there are still five matche to be played_ The club has been unfortunate this year in that altendance have been very poor. It is hoped that this will be rectified in the near future. During the coming year it i pos ible that Ibe club may obtain new quarter where the atmosphere will be more conducive to playing chess.


To increase the membership, which at the moment tands at about 25, the club hopes, during the cour e of the coming year, to undertake an extensive coaching programme aimed particularly at the lower classe . With thi end in view. new sets and boards have been bought to replace the ones previously used. The School


lub intends

to enter

many boys a po ible in the We tern Province Champion 'hip which will take place during the laner months of the year. Membership fees have. in the past year. been u ed for the entertainment of visiting teams. It is hoped that it may be possible to lower the fee nexl year.


L. Werbeloff.

Sociefiej DEBATING


chool took place. We were both Miss Urie, headmi tres and Mr. Blackbeard present. that our present day youth leaders.

Chairman: R. 1. Katz. Vice-Chairman: R. Horwitz. Secrefary: M. ockie. Comllli/lee: G. Abel ohn. . Pogrund.

honoured in having of the Girl' School when it was decided would make capable

During the 3rd term the Wynberg Junior hamber of Commerce held an inter-school debate. R. Katz and R. Horwitz represented the school propo ing the motion: "That our modern world is characteri ed by ugline. rather than beauty." A debate held against Rustenberg followed thi . and although a smaller party undertook thi visit the evening wa enjoyed by everybody.

Once again this year the ociety can look back on a mo t successful and enjoyable term. In spite of the ever increasing threat of professional soccer on Friday evening, support wa alway generously given. Our sincerest thank go to Mr. Morris and Matron in the boarding-house for tea when needed; Mr. Lorie for the u e of the Junior hool Hall; and Mr. Kooy, our ma tcr-in-charge. We are especially indebted to Mr. Backbeard who virtually from the moment of hi arrival, gave us hi unfailing support.

The la t external debate of the year wa held when Sans Souci invited us to a debate in which peaker from. Wynberg, Bi hops, an Souci, Mabeltain Girls' High School from alisbury plit up to contest the motion: "That Machine Maketh a Man Happier.路' This unusual evening was a great uccess and enjoyed by all, the motion eventually being carried by a large majority.

The fir t debate of the year wa held again t Westerford. This ha become traditional, and we were the hosts when a very large audience decided again t the motion that "School i no longer a place of learning."

As we go to press two more highlights of the

year. the Old Boy' Debate and the Best peaker' Debate, are till to be held. Our annual Hat Night i alo still in the offing.

San Souci al 0 invited u during the fir t term on a omewhat cold and wet evening. The motion was carried by a narrow majority, and we left rcas ured that uthanasia hould not be Iegali ed.

J hou Id like to take this opportunity my committee for their con tant upport tance; and also to wish those at the connected with the Society the best of

At the beginning of the 2nd term one of the highlights of the year, the debate with our si ter

to thank and as i hool and luck! R.I.K.




crammed with film how demon trating the leclur which had gone beforehand. The outing included a vi it to the Royal Observatory on the third and final day of the Congress. ontrary to custom. the Club did not vi it the frican Explosive and hemical] ndu tries plant in om er et West thi year.

Chairman: K. Hahndiek. Secretary: r. w. Am worth. Trea.lIIrer: D. Phillip . Commitlee: H. Briel. R. Katz.. R. Horwilz. D. Le Roux.

A a uggestion for future organi ation of the cience Club. we should like to recommend the appointment of boy in Std. 9 as committee member. They can devote far more time to furthering the mtere ts of the Club. being, neverthele '. under more ellior leader who will be mainly advi or and contact with phere of influence beneficial to the lub.

Although the Club did not have a ver full year, Il has been intere.ting all the ame. The ~uccess of the lub has alwa depended on k.een路 nes and ~upport of its member and both of the e qualities were pre ent throughout the year. At lhc beginning of 196- the following td. 10's '" ere ,elected to head the cience lub and handle ill affair,:

With the year drawing to a elo e, we can only wi h future ommittee and Club members all the 'ucce po Ible in the new year in carrying out their ta k .

Mr. Mathew. the enior master-in-charge. has uccessfully promoted the ,tudy of cience and biology among t lub members. Thi year the lub boasted a member hip of over eventy. The u_ual quota of film how wa adhered to, the films coming from variou film libraries in ape Town and Johannesburg.


. Glas. er.


The ociety has seen a year of decline in members. intere tand upport.

The lub now embarked on an extensi e programme which involved a erie of visits 10 various faculties of the niver ity of Cape Town. It was mainly through the efforts and influence of Mr. Mathew that these vi its were made po ible and the lub i greatly indebted to him for thi . The faculties of cience and Biology were visited. The first vi it con i led of a lecture and a practical demon tration of the Electron-Thero cope. We are al 0 indebted to the enior lecturer who gave up much of their valuable time to make these vi its both educational and inter ling.

The new ommittee was elected prior to Mr. Verwymenng' departure. Mr. Meiring then took charge for one term and at pr ent Mr. Dunn i 10 charge. ctivities were limited to in tructional loaned from the Kodak Film Library.


A competition cheduled for the end oC the 3rd term \ a cancelled owing to lack of entrie .

We wi h to thank Mr. MacMinn for hi cooperation 10 allowing u to u e the art room a a dark. room on everal occa ion. lt i a pity to ee 0 u eful a ociety decline. especially as its as ets of an excellent enlarger and all necessary equipment are available to all member.

The highlight of lhe annual activitie of the lub was the lunior cience Congr held at the U . .T. between 14th and 16th July. Twenty-one delegate from the chool took part and filled the . .T. lecture theatre with 350 other delegate to listen to the best lecturer the Univer ity could offer. !mo t every faculty was dealt with and vi ited in thi hort period. ever was there a dull moment, and even the lun h breaks were



Chairman: M. Fin berg. ecretary: J. Retief. ('ol1lmille(': B. Fi her-Jeffes. Pa call.

The fir t outmg undertaken by the lub wa the vi it to lhe diamond-cutting work in Wynberg. The layman would be surprised at the high precision work and ecurity measures pre ent in uch an in Ignificant-looking building.



In future, with upport from its members. this ociety could serve the chool in many field. B. FJ HER-JEll

pon ored by Rollnick & Gordon (PI)'.) Limiled,



treel, Paarden Eiland.



Chairman: B. de Smidt. Vice-Chairman: J. Greeff. Secretary: C. Stephens. Advertising Secretary: A. Lourie. Register: P. Bredenkamp. Commi/lee Members: M. Emm , J.

Students hristian Unions, fir tly at Westerford and then at Sea Point. These meetings have been of great value to us and we should like to express our appreciation to the organizers. During the second term we had a combined meeting with the Girls' School in our hall and were paid back amply by a return meeting in the Girls' School Hall dur· ing the third term.


The committee has been exemplary and I would like to thank them all for their selfless support. Our tbanks go to Mr. Driessen, the master·in· charge, Mr. Mathew and Mr. Kooy, for their upport and interest which was such an asset. All tbe praise, for a blessed year of advancement and learning, goes to God, our Keeper and our Strength at aU times. It is He who has been our inspiration and our Guide to enable u to fulfil what we have.

But thi one thing I do, forgetting those thing which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press towards the mark for the high calling of God in hri t Jesu .,. Romans 14:9. I,

Owing to perseverance by the committee, this past year has been a very enriching and successful one. A hand core of christian fellows has been developed in the school which will be able to take over and run the meeting in the future. Our numbers have been mall but very con tant, a good thing in many ways.


Great blessing has been received from the different meeting during the week, in particular on Mondays at lunch breaks. From these meetings we have learnt more and more of the moral tandards et u by hrist himself. A a group, we have endeavoured through a contact with God by means of prayer meetings during short break on Wednesdays, and a Bible tudy at long break on Thursdays, to live up to these tandard, helping each other constantly.

Chairman: G. Abelohn. Secretary: N. Pogrund. Committee: G. Bloch, D. Phillip . D. Grodd. The year got off to a lively start with meetings being held at regular intervals. A new innovation was the showing of film every week. These were kindly loaned by the local Zionist Federation. Here I hould like to thank Gordon Bloch, who took it upon him elf to acquire the films and re· turn them after each showing; in addition he gave up many lunch-breaks to work the projector. We should also like to thank M r. Mathew for the use of the Laboratory.

The boarding hou e section of our meeting, under the very efficient leadership of 1. Nieuwoudt, ha also received great blessing. Members meet together every week to discus various ubjects. This ha been very fruitful and of benefit to each one.

Po ibly the most interesting and intriguing film was "Altitude 40,000", which showed a day in the Life of the jet fighter of Israel. A elo e second was "City Called Eilat", which gave one a corn· plete urvey of tbi modern and continuaUy ex· panding city.

During the first term we arranged a programme of speaker from the Bible Institute at Kalk Bay. I hould like to expre! s our gratitude for tbe mesages they gave which were very helpful and in· formative. During the econd term we followed lhe theme of: "Chri tians from all walk of life," and our eyes were truly opened. During the third term we followed a eries of questions which were answered fully by different speakers. I should like to thank them for their expo ition and J do hope they gained a much by their preparation as we did through their answers.

We were most fortunate in having hief Rabbi Abraham address lhe society on "What tbe Bible holds for modern youth". His talk wa mo t in· teresting and stimulating, and many young ter would be well·advi ed to take heed of his advice. Finally 1 hould like to thank all the boy who upported us 0 well throughout the year.

On two occasion during the past year we have had the plea ure of combining with other school

G. B. Abel ohn.


OTE This


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the Management



Templeman's for




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Telephone 2-7975


• 2-9292


COMMITTEE Hon. President Pre ident Vice-President Hon. Secretary Hon. Treasurer Committee


OF THE O.B.U ....



Tbe Headmaster (Mr. . Blackbeard. B.A.) ..Ernest Ford. .Dr. Arnold Katz. .Roger Field, 7 Jeffcote Ave., Bergvliet. ..J. F. B. Ryan, C.A. (S.A.), 3rd Floor. Shopping Centre, Wynberg. ... A. Badenhorst, R. Burton, R. T. Felbert. R. H. Gibbs. D. Katz, S. B. Myers. W. Ryan. R. Sladen. R. van Ro enveld. .Mr. A. offki. ...P.O. BOX I II, WY BERG.


many other field. It ha alobeen a year in which the Old Boys' Union has progre ed to its, 0 far, highe t state of financial independence, a po ition which has been brought about not overnight, but as the re uIt of many years of hard work and thought, and the foresight of the early committees of the Union. We are at present in the proce s of bringing to fruition our long promi ed presentation to the School of all-weather tennis courts, and lhe end of this year hould see a further two added to the one already pre ented by the Union. These courts, with the keen intere t of the Headmaster in tennis, the energy of hi coaches, and the obviou ability of the players will, I feel sure, lead to an up urge in Wynberg's tatu as a major tenni playing choot. This year ha een the tart of, and ha very definitely been characterised by, a very close cooperation, perhaps even closer than ever before, between our Union and our School. and this cooperation i omething that enable u to do for the School the many mall things tbat we a a Union constitutionally have pledged our elves, and earnestly wish to do. Owing to the efforts of the Headma ter and members of the taf1'. the Union's annual member hip of chool-Ieaving tudents is ever on the increase and we look forward to the day when thi work. tarted by Mr. Bowden, will be brought to the

1965 has been a year of great interest, progress and development not only in the affairs of lhe School, but in the closely associated affair of your Old Boys' Union. It has been a year tinged with sadnes , but one. at the same time. full of promise for the future. Early this year our much loved and respected Headmaster, Mr. Bowden, after failures in hi health, finally handed over the reins of the School to our new Headmaster. Mr. N. Blackbeard. hortly after Mr. Blackbeard's assumption of office, our Union had a memorable Old Boy' Dinner at which we were privileged to have present three senior school Headmasters and one junior chool Headmaster, which must be a record for any of our Old Boys' Dinners. T, as Pre ident. felt a great deal of pride at not only the continued interest of these men in the affairs of our Union. but al 0 at the continued high calibre of the leader of our chool. ]n this modern world of change. Wynberg. as all readers will know, is not to be left untouched, and the po . ibility of far reaching changes in the venue of of tbe chool is now very reaL We of the Old Boys' Union are following closely and with great interest the direction and progress of the Education Department's moves in thi respect. 1965 has een good rugby at chool, good cricket. athletics. judo. tenni, and progres in


tage where J00% of the School-leaving class will join the Union automatically and will tay with us permanently as members of their Old Boy' Union. To conclude, L wish to extend my congratulations to those members of the School who. in the past year, have achIeved prominence in the schola tic. cultural and sporting fields. and to tbo e members of the Union who, building on the foundation established at School, have gone out into the world and made their mark in tbese fields and earned for themselves and the Scbool the prai e and position they rightly de erve. I would wi h all Old Boys. present Scholars of the School, members of the staff and their families a very happy Chri tmas and look forward for them all to a prosperou 1966. At tbe same time J would extend to my committee my thanks for their energetic and productive work during thj past year. ERNEST


are comparatively few who qualify, for the yoke is far from easy and the burden never light. In fact, seven year of hard. concentrated study are es ential before any tudent can, with equanimity. approach the finals. Well done, Michael. Cambridge University We are indebted to John Webb for providing u with an eye-witnes account of the Honorary Degree ceremony at Cambridge University when Professor Jack LittIewood was accorded the high and rare di tinction of an honorary D.Sc. degree. At about the same time of the ceremony the London Mathematical Society published a special i sue of it Proceedings dedicated to Or. LittIewood, an almo t unprecedented tep. All the paper published in this volume were on ubjects in which Dr. Littlewood specialised. and many were by his former pupil. Regarding the ceremony John Webb writes:


Cambridge Honours Our Most Distinguished Old Boy Profes or J. E. Littiewood, Senior Fellow of Trinity College and Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Matbematics, wa one of eight top cholars and cientists presented with honorary degrees by the Univer ity of Cambridge in an impressive ceremony in tbe Senate Hou e on June 10th this year. The entire ceremony was conducted in Latin, but for the benefit of tbe ignorant a translation wa provided of the peeche of the Orator delivered at the pre entation of each recipient of an honorary degree to the Vice-Chancellor. Thi . in tran lation. i what lhe Orator said of our most distingui~hed Old Boy: "Our distinguished member who yesterday celebrated hi eightieth birthday we rejoice today to adorn with our laurels. He has completed fiftysix years as a Fellow of hi College. for twen tytwo of which he was Profe or of Mathematics in our University. He mu t be accounted among the pure t of mathematicians (if you wish to know what pure' means in thi ense, you mu tread the Apology of hi colleague Godfrey Hardy). though in the Fir t World War he did apply himelf to the principles of ballistics. With this same Hardy he engaged in a collaboration which was perhaps as fertile a any ever known in this field. The noble paper. on par/ilio nllmerorll/11 may erve as an example. Why enlarge? He flourishes loaded with honour at home and abroad. "Everyone has met the kind of mathematicians who, withdrawn and aloof. seem to breathe a


Winners of O.B.U. Scholarship 1952 N. Bromberger. B.A. (Hons.) and B. c. (U.CT.) and B.A. (Oxon.). 1953 M. Kaplan. B.Com.. LLB. ( .CT.) and B.B.A. ( olumbia). 1954 E. van Coeverden De Groot. M.B., h.B. 1955 D. Bromberger, B.A. (Hon .) (U.CT.) J956 R. Kaplan, B.A.,B. om. (U.C.T.) 1957 M. WorralI, B.Sc. (U.CT.) F.F.A. 1958 J. Webb. B.Sc. (Hon .) (U . .T.) 1959 I. Linden. 1960 Mitchell. B. c. (U.c.T.) . Heselson. 1961 H. Baker. 1962 M. Margolis. 1963 R. Iaden. 1964 E. Tilders. Erich Tilders, late t recIpient of the cholarhip, i tudying for a B.Sc. degree in Engineering at Stellen bo ch University. Allan Mitchell obtained his B. c. degree in Electrical Engineering at the end of 1964, and early this year he won a gold medal awarded by the Technical College. Michael WorralI, B.Sc.. F.F.A. receives our warme t congratulations on pas ing hjs final actuarial examinations. The letter F.F.A. tand for Fellow of the Faculty of Actuaries. Although many attempt the actuarial examinatiom there L06

This photograph. which is reproduced by kind perml sion of the Camhrid[!e ell"s in Cambt:idge. _K.. shows part of the Academic Proce sion to the enate Hou e on 10th June. 1965. Dr. LittJewood is second from the left. Fourth from the left is another famou cientist. Barnes Wallis ( miling at the camera).

present to you JOHN EDENSOR LlTILEWOOD. F.R .. enior Fellow of Trinity College." Another Old Boy has arrived at Cambridge and, coincidentally, i at the same College as John Webb, Gonville and ai _ He i Eric Harper, who left Wynberg in td. VIII in the late 40's and matriculated in Natal, going from there to Rhodes. At Cambridge he i a post-graduate student in Engli h, on the poetry of Yeats. John Webb him elf continues to live a busy life. Early in the year he attended the annual meeting of the Briti h Mathematical olloquium held in Dundee. He is also contributing articles to a Briti h cientific journal.

peculiar air of their own. Our friend i not at all like these, for he knows how to commend his art to readers who are not deeply versed in it. as anyone can witness who has had the plea ure of skimming through hi liUle book entitled A Mathematician's Miscellany. He i alo in general a polymath (without oppre sing with his learning), being greatly intere ted in history, literature. music and the natural cience ; so that he often keeps hi colleagues entranced with his varied conversation over the wine, and is till ought after by Americans in the hope that he may be willing simply to be about their college campus as a guest without any duties. Hi body matches his mind in agility. For in youth he loved to do gymnastics and play ball games of variou kinds_ and later he also enjoyed rock-climbing in mountains or traversing the snow on ki.


Dundee University Dr. Eric Theal- tewart has been appointed a enior lecturer in Chemi try at Queen' College.


From the 1962 Matric class. Engineering student are R. Water. D. Heller. V. Moore, R. Siaens and M. Marg01i. Medicals are D. Katz, T. Zabow. B. Anzi ka and A. Selwyn. F. Kleinman. L. Levy. J. Forsyth and A. Powell are taking Commerce. and R. Gill, D. Richardson, R. MacFarlane and P. Todres are B.A. tudents. P. Kilpatrick and S. Kahn are B.Sc. tudent . and parttime tudents are . Wallis. T. Knowie . P. Godwin and G. van Dijk. Finally. the 1963 Matric class has B. Giljam. E. Kiwi, A. Gottschalk, A. Shedden and G. Slade in B.Sc.. A. Steyl in Social Science and L. Posniak in Engineering. A. Meyer is at the ollege of Music and G. KernofT at the chool of Architecture. R. laden and L. Nochie are in Medicine . and part-time students include H. Green, C. Pritchard. C. Walker, H. Kaplan, F. Kaminer. A. Badenhor t. M. Maze and M. Gawron ky.

Eric and his wife have moved into their new home in Auchterhou e. Dundee. and are now di covering that their garden is demanding whatever ~pare time they have.

Leeds University So far as we know our only Old Boy at thi University is Stewart Gott.chalk. He is studying the late t methods of manufacturing and processing textile.

Rhodes University Three Old Boy are now on the talf of Rhodes Univer ity. Profes or John unn. orman Bromberger and Kenneth Matier. Kenneth being the latest arrival. After obtaining his B.A. degree at .C.T. he went on to Glasgow Univer ity where he obtained his M.A. in Cia sic. At Rhodes he i a lecturer in la ics.

London University Harry Pearce returned recently to South Africa after obtaining hi Diploma in Admini tration at London niversity where he successfully crammed a normal two-year cour e into one. He now intends to complete hi B. Com. degree at U.CT. At the ame Univer ity i hristopher Eddy (1959) who. after obtaining a B.A. Honours degree in Engli h Literature at lJ.C.T. in 1963 is tudying for hi M .A. in English Literature at King, College.


Avon M. Bruce-Brand,



In the Queen's Birthday Honours List for Rhodesia the award of .B.E. ( ivil) as conferred on A. M. Bruce-Brand who holds the position of ecretary for Law and Order. The Old Boy' Union sent him a letter of congratulation. and an extract from hi intere ting reply follows: "1 wa indeed touched at receiving congratulation from the old chool and O.B.U. Thank you very much indeed. At a birthday party at Government House there was a gathering of Wynberg Old Boys in Sir harles Meredith, Bernard Porter, M.P .. and alisbury's pre ent Mayor. also Mike Gelfand and my elf. We toa ted the old School in our own private party and remini ced. Bernard Porter played crum-half to Mike Gelfand in the U.13 ide in, J think. my last year at School, 1926. Sir Charles is of an older vintage-Littlewood'sbut we are all proud of our chool and happy to recall our days there. I hope ril be able to call in once again at the old School in term time, if r can manage my leave accordingl , which is unfortunately not easy. Plea e remember me kindly to 'my vintage' and to M r. and Mr. Clegg.

Cape Town University Of the 1958 Matric cla . A. Todres i tudying for a B. c. Engineering. F. Jack on. B. c. and E. Ger and R. Marx Medicine. Part-time student Include L. Mendelsohn and M. Hughes. Last year" graduate li ts Included D. athan and D. Goldberg in Medicine and D. cott and R. Totos in Law. M. oltynski ha left for over ea on a ~cholar hip following hi' B. c.(Hons.) in hemi~try. From the 1959 Matric clas E. Malinanc and student and A. R. Stuppel are Accountancy oboil is at Medical chool. R. Field was a graduate lasl year. A. Mitchell from the 1960 Matric das ha been mentioned under Scholar hip Winners. Other!> are I. Sha kolsky and N. Heseion in Medicine. M. Kantor in Law, W. Marx taking B. c. and H. piro in urveying. The 1961 Matric CIa includes H. Baker, R. Kiwi and L. avadier. Medicine. J. Evan. A. Magnin and M. Aitkin. B. c., and K. Gilmore who i taking B. c.(Eng.). ommerce students include P. Fabriciu . D. athan and J. Goodwin.

Wilfred E. Cooper, S.C., B.A., LL.B. The new reached us in May that Wilfred 00per had been appointed Senior Counsel. His progress in the legal world has been rapid. hortly after qualifying he became clerical a iL08

tant in the Senate, and later was Registrar to Mr. Ju tice Herbstein. For a time he was a prosecu· tor at tbe Wynberg Magi trate's Court. In collaboration with another writer he ha published an authoritative and comprehensive book on outh African Motor Law, which was reviewed recently by the S.A. Motorist, the journal of the Royal Automobile Club.

Injury. was Bmce Clark. He played cricket for Western Province in Nuffield Shield, and was a fir t rate occer player, we believe. We seem to remember hi playing for W.P. Schools in their annual tournament. Now Bruce has added ano· ther distinction to his prowes at sport by selection for the Western Province Badminton team. Our only Provincial election prior to this one was when Gilbert Dyamond played a quarter of a century ago. G. Bunting has also obtained his We tern Pro· vince colours in the newest sporting activity at School-Golf. He played successfully in the Senior W.P. ~ide in their recent excur ion to the Ea tern Province and the George district. Returning to Badminton we hear that two others, George Lumb and Mickey Giles bave done extremely well, Mickey with his brother Bobby, has also excelled in cricket. Both brother played for tbe W.P. Colts in last season's cricket fixtures, and almost, with Harold Spiro, made the Province side, along with Derek Louw, Neville Budge and Mike Bowditch. Dave McMeeking also was elo e to Province election. Dick Gelb, (Hamilton rugby) i till a Boland wicket-keeper. Thinking of rugby, we are plea ed to ee or· man Clayden turning in some near-Provincial displays for Hamiltons. Peter Good, a recent Head Prefect, i playing for the Union side. Thi club won tbe W.P. Champion hip not long ago when Springbok Holton. now in Rhodesia. wa in the team. Villagers, as usual. has many Old Boy in its rank, and in addition to Lionel Wilson, Doug Hopwood and Dave Stewart, who are to be cor.gratulated on their selection for the" hort tour," and the two former, additionally, for the New Zealand tour, from which Dave for bu ine rea ons withdrew, there are the names of Brian Hillyard, Jobn van Niekerk in the first team. along with W.P. representative Aubrey Luck. Manfred Man veld wa in the U.C.T. ide at Tnter-Var ity and is being tipped for W.P. honours. He has already played for South West Africa. At False Bay, where Henny Oosthuizen is coaching, Hugh Hutton is in the enior side. There are many False Bay upporters among the Old Boy fraternity from Wynberg, not least of all being the Ro !ind brothers, Max Price and Max Marcus. The latter i always a mo t knowledgeable companion at chool on aturday mor· nings. He was a member of one of the brilliant ides of '·P. de V" in the late twenties and early thirties, along with Glen Harvie, Mike Gelfand,

K. (Kenny) Kingma Kenny Kingma becomes our most recent Old Boy to represent South Africa at sport. He wa the only Wester Province representative in the Springbok team that competed against the crack Australjan Surf Life·saving team in the test held in Cape Town. the other South Africans all being from Natal. Ken did outstanding work and was praised for his wonderful effort and his modesty. He had a fine career a a swimmer while at School and repre ented W.P. in the Junior section at the .A. Championship a couple of years ago.

Kenny Kingma. Photo taken. and reproduced b kind permi ion of J. English. GENERAL


Thank are expres ed to all who have contributed to thi ection, especially to Townley Johnon who has kindly supplied the bulk of it. everal year ago one of our mo t thru tful rugby centre-threequarter , who was plagued by


Jack Plckup, Dokkie du Toit, Felix Burns. ..Oogie" Louw. Eric Watson and their captain. John Lincey. Mo t of the e chap sub equentl}' played enior rugby. lt i most gratifying to note this increasing interest in the chool by our Old Boy'. and their upport is of inestimable value. Many have ~ons playing, and in this respect it i good to ee "Suzy" im' and Stan Eddy' youngster playing. "Suzy"' who wa a fir t-class rugby player with Max Marcus for Villager. and who played senior cricket for Cape Town, has returned to the Penin~ula from the country. and hi two younger boy are in the junior team. tanley and Rex Ea tman. and Jack Walker. who e . on i in the crack Varsity .19. arc great companions on aturday a.m. oily and I~s Fine have on playing and emulating their parents. 0 wc could go on and on ....

Roger John on has gone over cas again after a sojourn 10 outh West Africa where he worked on the Diamond mines and continued his boxing. "Itchy feet" have taken him on two 'eparate trip all over Europe where he is driving a chara-banc in order to make enough dollar to carry him on his next journey which. we believe. is Canada and the tates. We mention this becau e in a recent lelter he ays."1 wa pleasantly surprised lo find that one of my 'Hock' was. of all people, a fellow Old Wynbergian in the per on of Andy O'Connor:' He continues. "And nearl) eau ed acute drama when we v ere 10 Berlin and clo'e to the Easlern ector. He look a Hash photograph thi night, and nexl moment the earchlight were on. and bullets whizzing all around u.

Of mtere t: Andy played wing for alse Bay, and his runs down the touch line Ihrilled many



BAY ...







... IN.P.








W. P.































1 , li\.\


( AW."















of us last season. After the Berlin episode he probably holds the German sprint titles! Earlier in this Section we have referred to BruceBrand's award of the C.B.E., and a few notes ~egarding his sporting prowt!Ss will be of topical Interest. Bruce captained the School cricket team shortly after we joined Rondebosch, S.A.C.S.. and Bishop in a competition named Schools Championship. This was competed for in the midtwenties and early thirties. fn the hort period of it~ establishment Wynberg ju t missed fini hing winner on three occa ion, one of them Bruce's year. Contemporaries of his were Dr. Stanley Eddy, Gilbert Dyamond, the late Cecil Friedlander, Jack Burt, Cyril Sharp and Cyril Youll among others. All of the latter later distinguished themelves in senior cricket, where Jack Burt and Cyril Youll played for Western Province To his cricketing achievements Bruce added rugby, and he played for Villagers. In this sphere he was a contemporary of Nick van Oudtshoorn, Mick Myburgh and Eric Bouchet, as weil as that fine centre-three-quarter. Victor Victor and scrum-half Denis Watson. ' School touring teams to Rhodesia became acquainted with him, and on Villager tours many Old Boy likewise met him when he was ha t to them as Chairman of the Salisbury Sports Club. To him we tender our most sincere congratulations on yet another notable achievement. The la t occasion that we were repre ented in Provincial hockey was, as far as we can recall. in the early thirties when Lionel Williams played for Western Province and. we think, Tramvaal. Now, after all the e years, we find two Old Boys selected. not for Province, but for W.P. Country Districts in the Hockey Tournament. They are R. Bosomworth. who also played for the School First xr at cricket, and Peter Pullen, who al 0 played a prominent part in chool cricket, and later for Green Point enior side. Stanley Bevan wa also a prominent repre entative for Province in the twenties, and gained di tinction as a test hockey umpire. At the time of writing, we are pleased to see another two of our younger Old Boys making their footprints in the sporting sands. One is Alistair Thorn, of Bowaters, who has been playing rugby for Tran vaal. He is about to leave for a spell in England with his firm, and while be is there he hopes to link up with Richmond Rugby Club. The other i Mike Bowditch who has been

promoted to Villager' enior side after a successful season la t year in the Under 19 ~ide. Mike has also played cricket for Western Province. Bahamas Bound Jimmy Cole, after serving briefly at the Port Elizabeth Branch of Barclay's Bank, was offered a transfer to the Bahamas-and grabbed it before the Bank could change its mind. Jn a recent letter he writes: "1 had a very pleasant trip to the Bahamas, and I spent one day in Nassau before being transferred to Freeport on Grand Bahama Island about 120 mile off as au and 120 mile east of Florida. Life on this Island i full of interest. Although it is pretty barren it received a big boost a few years ago (concessions from the Government) and is now developing extremely fast. Roads. houses, hotel, hop. etc. are being built all the time, and there's a great influx of American tourists attracted by the casino. We work hard at lhe bank because of this. and our staff has trebled during the last year. r am working in the Foreign Exchange department, and we are preparing for a switch to decimal currency, linked to sterling but based on the U.S. dollar. Off duty thi r land i a paradise. warm weather, beaches. tropical palms, skindiving. water ki-ing and tennis. Having fun!" Jimmy's brother, David, has obtained hi B.Sc degree and is spending 1965 as a tudent teacher before being appointed to a permanent po t. Donald MacDonald Keith Andrews, writing from the Noodsberg Sugar Co .. Durban, sent us a note which stated laconically, "something of interest from Banana Land." This was a cutting from the Sunday Tribune of 30th May. containing Leyden's Sportfolio on Donald MacDonald, and a cartoon of him. Donald's fine record appeared in a recent magazine, but to recap briefly, be beid tbe W.P. hurdling title for the 120, 220 and 440, and the national titles for the 120 and 220. He equalled the S.A. record for the 120 hurdles in 14.1 seconds. Jack Ross Jack Ros, wbo erved with distinction in tbe N.R. Police until 1961 wben be retired, wrote to Ginger Townley Johnson regarding a change of address, and Ginger has pointed out the series of coincidence that have affected tbe two families.


Branch are Jack Walker and "Jock"

For a start. Jack and Ginger were in the ame cia at chool. Later. Jack' on Michael and Ginger" two sons were boarder together. ow. Jack's daughter has come to Groote chuur to take her final Nur ing exams and. being intere ted in archaeology. she has joined in Ginger' searche for Bushman paintings, and ha assisted in the discovery of some intere ting and rare Rock Art in the outh-We t Cape. A final note. Jack received ome of his schooling at Selborne College, and he joins warmly in our welcome to Mr. Blackbeard. former Vice-Principal of elborne. Ginger him elf i believed to be the only S.A. representative of the Explorer' Club. Hi member hip wa awarded for hi di coveries of a vast amount of Bushman Art and resultant contribution to archaeology. This august body includes uch names a Or. Jean Piccard. ir John Hunt. ir Edmund Hillary, harles Lindbergh. Thor Heyerdahl. LowelI Thomas. and many more.


Pat Lowry was recently appointed A si tant tores Manager in tHe City Engineer"s Department. Howard Bates, a senior surveying a istant, is in charge of the ewlands Survey Office. Tn the Electricity Department A. E. F. Spence is an Electrical Engineer in the In tallation Branch, and Frank Tindale is the Administrative Officer. in which po ition he head the Administrative Branch of the Department. In the Town Clerk's Department W. (Bill) Holmes i a Committee Clerk. and in the Staff Office W. R. (Bill) Buchanan is Chief lerk. In the City Trea urer' Department Allen i a Senior Accountant.

R. (Bob)

Finally, we have one Old Boy erving among lhe City Councillors in R. M. (Dick) Friedlander. Cape School Board ln the recent chool Board election two Old Boys. Dick Friedlander and Jimmy Morom were succe ful candidates. One of the retiring member wa Hilary Langley who had been a member of the Board for many year. but reluctantly had to di continue through being unable to find the time to devote 10 the Board's meeting and inspections.

Men who Man the Municipal Machine Many Old Boys are employed by the ity ouncil and a number hold enior po tso The list below i as complete a we can make it. but we apologise if any have been overlooked. Dr. Vincent Granger. Aistant ity Engineer, ha come to ape Town to take up this po taf ter a distingui hed career in Rhodesia. He now assi ts in running the largest department of the ouncil and will be found grappling with the problem that come with vast engineering expan ion. Donald MacKellar heads the Branch upplying that mo t vital commodity, water. H is worry is to a uage the present and future thir t of a growing population. increa ing indu tries and an ever widening area of upply. orman Dolby, Manager of lean ing ervices. battles with insufficient numbers of employees to carry out the clean ing of a municipal area exceeding 100 square miles in extent. Hilary Langley is Ihe Property Manager. and as uch he is responsible for negotiating the purcha c or ale of land involved in numerous development chemes.

In the Drink Returning to port we feel that tbe year 196will go down in the Union's records as one of the bumper years. fn addition to what ha appeared earlier in these pages we find that yet another of our younger et-only a few month out of chool in fact. ba represented Western Province. thi time at Life aving. He is Colin Haytread, who participated in the competitions in Durban. olin at present i undergoing his military training. and on hi return will tudy for hi alional Diploma in Surveying a - a member of the ity ouncil's Land Survey Branch. urf-riding grow rapidly in popularity. and in a pr article John Grendon wa rated a one of the top ten surf-rider in ape Town.

idney Prentice i A i tant Roads and Drainage Engineer. and he is occupied in such activitie the ity' raad programme. ewerage schemes. tormwater drainage and flood control through canalisation. Desmond Riley i in the ame line. being one of the Di trict Engineer in the Roads and Drainage Branch. Two olher ivil ngineer in the. ame

Hilary pears. after teaching for some year al Grey in Port Elizabeth, has taken a po t at the newlye tabli hed t. Alban's ollege in Pretoria. He came to Cape Town during the mid-year holiday and we noticed him among the chori ter of St. George' Cathedral. invited there. no doubt. by M r. Barry mith. the organi t, who is. we believe. an Old Grey him elf. 112

Another of our younger members who ha taken up surveying is Robert Jenning . He tried a year in insurance before making the change. After working for a year in the Trigonometrical 'urvey Office in Pretoria he pas ed hi fir t part of the National Diploma. He i now engaged in various projects in and around the Penin uia. We have received a letter from Alfred James of Oliphant hoek in the Northern Cape. In it he offers to the School several posse ion dating back to his schooldays round about the 1906 era. The e have been thankfully accepted. and one of the e day will be found exhibited at the School.

tuary Wood), Windy Corner. Hell-fire Corner. Arras, Passchendaele. Mons, The omme and Delville Wood are ome among other which will be vaguely known. if they are known at all. To the mall number of Old Boys who were there and who are till with u , the battles which dragged on in the Ypres aLient in the Province of Flander , and which moved into France. awaken memories of horror as they recall a conflict which at times took the staggering toll of 50,000 lives a day on the Western Front alone. Jack Perrow was at Delville Wood. He was one of the few to survive the holocaust, only to be wounded on 20th eptember. 1917 in the Battle of Ypre , and later invalidated out. Another was Jack arsten who. after coming through Delville Wood, joined the Indjan Army. We are not aware whether there are others. but there may be two or three more. Half a century later the Union proudly salutes those Old Boys who participated in the protracted and violent campaign.

FIFTY YEARS ON The chool Memorial Gates are a tribute to Old Boys who fell in the First World War. It was 50 year ago that the South African contingent 'ailed for Europe-50 years ago next year that the Battle of Delville Wood was fought. To the younger generation uch names as Yerdun. St. Quentin. t. Julien, Hili 60, Hili 62 (Sa nc-



ews of the pa sing of the undermentioned Old Boys has been received with deep regret by the nion, who e condolences are extended to all who mourn their loss;


After the v ar he became upervi e the building of at Wynberg. His brothers, grand on in-law have been pupil death ends an intimate a year~ with the chool.

Ewart Eddy

Charles Ewart Eddy, who attended Wynberg from 1902 to 1908 died on 6th May, 1965 at the age of 72 year. after a long period of ill health. During the First World War he erved with the Ist outh African ]nfantry Brigade in gypt and France, and wa later commi ioned in the Royal Flying Corp. After the war he acted a secretary to the committee which raised funds for the War Memorial ate at the entrance to the School. and which attempted to start an Old Boy' cricket team which played in the W.P. Cricket League, and he al 0 played occer for the Wynberg A.F. . before and after the war. Between the wars he was a partner in the firm of Eddy Bro .. building contractors. who built a number of classroom at the School when it expanded in the 1920's During the econd World War he erved with the .A. Engineer, reaching the rank of Major.

a Clerk of Work 10 the new enior chool ,nephewand a onat Wynberg, and his ociation of over sixt

(DR.) T.

Frank Whitmore



Died 21 t Augu t, 1965. Every now and again we noticed the burly figure of Frank Melli h ju t in ide the Memorial Gates at School on a Saturday morning. He would watch the play from thi vantage point below the large pines and then troll acro to see what was happening on the further field. Here we would chat about chool rugby, and he would enquire about the prospects of the Under 13's. Very oon it impr ed me that hi interest in thi particular ide temmed from the fact that he played his earliest rugby. in a di tingui hed career. in the junior ide at Wynberg, for from here he went on to Rondebo ch and .A. .. His record i legendary, with appearance for England and outh Africa in the ame year at


the age of 21. He played for Hamiltons originally -for a cason-and then captained Villagers and We tern Province succes fully in the 1920's. After a distinguished career as a player he continued in an executive po ition, and was a S.A. selector for 30 years and Chairman for everal. In 1951-52 he managed Basil Kenyon's highly uccessful Springbok side in England which included so many Ex-Servicemen from World War rr in which Frank Mellish had served as a Lieut. Colonel in North Africa and Haly. During World War [ he served at Ypres and at the Battle of the Somme. and wa awarded the Military Cross. One could continue the eulogy. The memory one retains of this famous oldier-sportsman. however. i his enquiry and incere interest in the young schoolboys revelling in their rugby at his Alma Mater.

We of Wynberg a sociate ourselves with hj many companions down False Bay way in the loss of a fine, noble and generous man. TOWNLEY



Robin Jarmain Robin Jarmain was tragically killed early in the year in an air crash when he and an instructor failed to pull their plane out of a loop during a trairnng exerci e. Robin, who was 21, had been a member of the A.C.F. and was to have been awarded rus wings at a ceremony in Bloemfontein two days after the disaster. His employment was tb at of an insurance clerk, but be was more interested in flying and aeronautics generally, and his life was absorbed by matters pertaining to the air. Quiet and sen ilive by nature, he was of the tuff of which good pilots are made. His father Was killed in the Woodstock railway accident a few years ago, and the Urnon extends its deepest sympathy to the Jarmain family in their double tragedy.


R_ "Bull" Pritchard Like Frank Melli h, "Bul!"' Pritchard wa' ca t in the ame mould. Of immense trength, this genial giant of a man was neverthele s a kindly. gentle person who endeared him elf to both the younger generation and the older. He was a rugby player of note. an athlete and fi herman. Hi love of the sea was natural. as he was a powerful swimmer; and perhap thi a pect of his life made him a legendary figure along the False Bay coa t. for Mr. Pritchard had aved many live from drowning. He in hi modest way could not recall the exact figure. but we believe it totalled twenty. As in war time. when the mo t courageous acts are not ob erved, o. with ea-rescues and attendant drama. the reward is seldom recognised by authority unies the acts are prominently publici ed. For this reason 'Bull" Pritchard never received the awards his gallant efforts merited. Perhap he would have preferred it that way! He erved with di tinction in the 1914-18 War. and in hi later years he was a prominent Fish Hoek resident and Founder-member of the enior lub where, no doubt, he delighted his contemporaries with hi anecdotcs. To thousands of vi itor hi lovely garden became a venue to which they flocked when he threw it open to the public. The proceeds derived from thjs delightful gesture were donated to local charitie .


(From information Stanley Upton).



by Rev.

Gordon Rhodes Dowthwaite Gordon Dowthwaite passed away in Grahamstown on 26th August. 1964 at the age of 47, after a long illness. A member of a well-known Wynberg family. he matriculated at School in 1933 and went on to Rhodes University where he obtained ru B.A. degree in Geography and History, and rus U.E.D. He had obtained the first part of his Master"s degree when war broke out, and he interrupted his tudies to join the S.A.M.C. After repeated malarial attack in East Africa he returned to South Africa, and jn 1943 he joined the staff of Highbury Preparatory School. and in 1948 J(jngswood College. Grahamstown. where he remained until his death. So high was his reputation there that he was elected a member of the Old Kingswoodian Club. He was an active member of the M.O.TR's. and hi departure was marked by the time-honoured unset Call. RONALO

(With acknowledgment Magazine).


to Kingswood







work at Stellen bo ch Univer ity. Colin Haytread, after playing rugby for False Bay. joined the Navy and was selected for the rest of W.P. Under 19 team against U.C.T. in the curtain-raiser to the Barbarians vs. Western Province match. Others playing rugby arc Alistair Turvey and Greg Fine for General Botha, Bill Moodie and Brian Mawman for Young's Field, "Tubby" Ger for Simon town and Mike Englisb for Saldahna Bay. Frits Pieksma is playing for Villagers. Guy Westmoreland is keeping up his judo and is making good progress at the sport.

Much of this news has reached us "secondhand." Apologie. therefore, for any inaccuracies. Citizens' Force Training has absorbed a large number of the ex-Matrics. At Young's Field we have Stephen Braude, Chris Kenny, Jimmy Green, Andy Killick, Brian Mawman, Brian Seftel. Jan Cairncross, BilJ Moodie, Norman Cohen, Henry Aikman and Chri Dixon. "Percy" Engelke is stationed at Walvis Bay where hi official job is charging batteries. With him are Rodney Pachter and Cedric Petersen. Michael Rowe. Harry Silbowitz and "Polly" Poolman are believed to be in Potchefstroom with Roy Mitchel and Benny Bravo who, incidentally. is now playing soccer. Those in Pretoria are Michael Radowsky and Robert Bearryman. while Ronaid Smith is at Bloemfontein. The Navy bas alo taken a large quota. and among tho e at Simonstown are Hugh Till. Mark Cohen, Jeff Newman. Neville Wynes, Colin Haytread, Colin Tatham, Gordon Bunting, Peter Frye, Guy Westmoreland, Chris BramweIl, 'Tubby" Ger. and Mike McCullagh. For a time Gary Fuchs wa at Simon town untiJ he twice had the mi fortune to dislocate his shoulder. Mike English is at Saldahna Bay, and Alastair Turvey and Greg Fine are at the General Botha Training College at Gordon's Bay. John Davy ha joined the Merchant Navy. The only known Air(orce recruit is David van der Poll. Cape Town Univer ity has admitted Frits Pieksma, Jan Kirkwood, Carle Slade, Robbie Holrne, Richard Johnson, George Stamelatos. John Dau and Arnold Miller. Richard Groenewald, Anthony Euvrard and "Weasel" Metcalfe have joined banks. Robbie Grendon is in the building trade, and Malcolm Clark is an apprentice printer. Harold Bester has joined the Civil Service. John Deeley i living in Swaziland. Other in "far-away" places are Tony Hockney and Nicky Basson who are in S.W.A. Alan Peiser and Hugo Chandler are clerk with. hipping firms in Cape Town, and Colin Payne i al~o in the clerical line. Henry Truter is apple farming and Barry Evrard is taking a course in commercial art. "Helmie" Tilders. after a jaunt over ea ,ha ettled down to some hard This page


LATE NEWS IN BRIEF David Lytton has produced another book, 'The Grass Won't Grow Till Spring" (Bodley Head). Serving with R.R. Just before going to Pres we received a letter from RonaId Gaylard, of wbich the following i an extract: "You are probably aware that Rolls Royce have a wide range of engineering products, for example, motor cars, nuclear reactors, diesel engines. marine engines and aero engines. T am employed as a Production Engineer in the Aero Division which manufactures engines for jet fighters like the Buccaneer, which the S.A.A.F. have recently bought, a well as engines for large airliner like the VCIO which has Conway by-pass jet engines to power it. These are tbe same engines as power Britain' nuclear bomber. The factory that I work at is situated in Derby in the Midland of England, with very nice countryside within five miles of the city. Life is very imilar to that in S.A. but obviously I miss the sea and sunshine very much. My job is to investigate new methods of machining the very difficult materials which are u ed in making jet engines. More particularly I am responsible for the introduction of spark machining for making djes which are u ed to forge turbine blades. J am al 0 concerned with electro-chemical machining which is aproce imilar to that of plating, only in reverse. 1 am very intere"ted to bear that the 1st XV had a good season. I am playing for Derby and Derbyshire this year with hopes of getting into tbe Nottinghamohire. Derby hire and Lincolnshire combined County side, which T played for last year."

pon ored by FOfChi/l; Ltd .. Somerset Road, Cape Town.


SCHOOL MAGAZINES We acknowledge receipt of magazines from the following Schools and College Churchill School.

ali bury.

Hilton College. HoĂŤr kool Jan van Riebeeck. Muizenberg High School. Ob ervatory Boy'

Hjgh School.

Ob ervatory Girl-' High School. Prince Edward



Rondebo ch Boys' High School. Rustenburg



ea Point Boys' High School. elborne College. South African College Schools. t. Jo eph's College, Rondebosch. Umtali Boy'



We terford High School. Wynberg Girls' High School.


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