Wynberg Boys' Schools Magazine 2005

Page 1

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5 Editorial 5 taff 6 Headma ter'. Report 10 tafT ew 12 Gap Year and Exchange Student. 15

(1 Academic Pillar 17 Prize Li t I Roll of Honour 27 enior Certificate Re ult 2 Individual Matric Re uIt 29 Matric hA" Aggregate. 31 Matne '05 33 Winter Achie er 34 ummer Achie\ers 36 Prefects 39 Valedictory 40 Head Boy's Farewell Addres 43 Old Faithfuls 45 RCl 46

Renovated Computer Centre 4 Astro lights Opening 48 Alf Morri Centre 49 Grade 8 Blazer Ceremony49 Cape School ' Week 50 Food & Music Fair 52 Founder' Day 53 Wynberg/Grey Weekend 56 Wynberg/Grey Concert 58 Matric Dance 59 Jacque Kalli Benefit 62 Wynberg Cricket upcrskill 62 Silverhur t 64

• tI()~

é£ (}~

Hou e Score De Waal 67 McNaughton 74 Wellington

'KrV(; 65

heet 65 De Villier 66 Littlewood 68 Lorie 71 72 Rhodes 73 Van Riebeeck 75 Grade Camps 76

• ~ljed' R~~


Accounting 81 Afrikaan Additional Language 82 Afrikaans Primêre Taal 82 Afritwin 85 Art & Culture 86 Art & De ign 86 Biology 87 Computer Studies 88 Economic 88 Engli h 89 Geography 95 Hj tory 96 Information &Communication Technology 97 Life Orientation 98 Mathematics 98 Metalwork 99 Music 100 Phy ical and Natural Science 101 Woodwork 103 Xhosa 104

107 Bridging the Gap 109 Coun elIingIlO CWESll}l First Aid & Blood Clinic 113 Info Tech 114 Interact Club 114 Ladie 'A ociation 115 Peer Support 116 Theatre Technology Society 117 Library 118

lIt:( Cultural Pillar 119 Art 120 Metal & Woodwork 123 Chess 124 Choir 125 Christian Union 126 Concert Band 127 Cultural Tour 128 Debating 130 Gaming Societies 131 Jazz Band 131 Diversity Leadership 133 M.A.D. Evening 134 Steel Band 135 See How they Run 136 Post Horn Gallop /37 Sunset Concert 138

Sports Pillar 139 Athletics 140 Badminton 143 Basketball 145 Cricket 147 Cross Country165 Fencing 166 Golf 167 Hockey 169 Rugby 184 Shooting 202 Squash 204 Swimming 208 Table Tennis 210 Tennis211 WaterPol0215

Lover 'Walk, Wynberg 7800 Tel: (021) 787 4247

Fax: (021) 761 0959

Website: Http://www.wbhs.org.za

Cover Photo:

Paul Geary COITDigital Concepts Gearyp@gmail.com

Our thanks to the many people who supplied photographic material. especially: Shaun Hudson-Bennett, Peter Catzavelo Peter Rogers, Hamish Williams and Steven Smit.

, Mike Leresche,



elcome to the 2005 edition of Wynberg Boys' High School's magazine. ThIs IS the first year that wc have tackled the compilation, dc~ign and layout ourselves. and we have used the opportunity to gi~e the magazine a more contemporary look - whilst retaining it appeal to the traditionalists. We hope you enjoy it! Joy Goodwin & Patricla Rogers.

Headmaster Mr K. Richardson. - Latin.

B.A .. M.Ed.,

Mr J. Louw. B.A .. B.Ed .•HPTD., HPTC.,


Deputy Mr L "1oser, B.Se, BEd .• - Mathematics.

Director Mr D. Ru Mr P. van -

seU, B.Com., !iDE.,

Accounting, Director of Academics. chalk" yk, B.A. (HoJ1s),HDE., Head of History, Director of Extramurals. Mr D. Schenck, B.A .• HDE., - Geography. S.S., Afrikaans, - Director of Discipline.

House Heads Mr G. Taylor,

B.A. (Hons), MEd ..

Biology. Physical SCience. I.T.,

Metalwork, Head of De Villiers.

Mr B. opam, B.A., HDE., - Mathematics, - Head of Xho a, - Head ofWellinglon. Mr

. Hudson-Bennett, B.A., HDE., - Math, Geography. - Head of Lorie, Mr D, Faulds, B.eom., HDE., Accounting, Economics, - Head of Littlewood. Ms S. Lindsay, B.A., NTSD., - Head of Mathematics. - Head orVan Riebeeck, Mrs C. Hodgkin on, B. Phys Ed., Geography, S.S .. - Head of Geography (Last

Term). -

Head of De Waal.

- Head of McNaughton. Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


STAFF2005 Standing row 5: Standing row 4: Standing row 3: Standing row 2: Seated row 1:


S. Davies, J. Louw, R.lnglis, I. Parsons, E. Lefson, D.Allen, P. Knowfes, B. Creed, A. Louw. P. Fiske, R. Hamburger. C. Broster. D. Ramage, R. Henning,A. Cross, P. Smith, P. Kriel, M. Brasier. S. Henchie, P. Furstenburg. P. Rogers, D. Simms, B. Botha, J. Baxter, A. Diedericks, S. Beattie, G. Posthumus, M. Ga/ant, J. Huggett, B. Emms, M. Hopkins, T. Santi. G. Francis, P Catzavelos, M. Badia/i, C. Smith, J. Goodwin, C. Hart/ey, W Jarvis, M. Robertson, C. Man/ey, M. Colman, S. Williamson, S. Faulds, S. Petersen. C. Hodgkinson, S. Price, D. Faulds, G. Taylor, P. Van Schalkwyk, D. RusselI, L. Moser, K. Richardson, T. Gordon, D. Schenck, S. Hudson-Bennett, B. Sopam, S. Lindsay, J. Louw.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Mr S. Price. B.Se. HDE. B.F.d., (First 3 Icnns only). - Head of Rhodes. - Head of Geography. Mrs P. Rogers. B.Soc.S'c .. - Librarian. - Head of Rhodes (Ia<;tIcon). neads: Mr M. BrasIer. B. Sc., Jl. Dij). Ed. (PG). Department

BA. lions.

- Head of Physical Science. Mr B. Botha, B.Mu\. (Ed). - Head of Music. Mr C. BrosIer. B.A.(lIons). B.Ed .. - AS Level English. - Head of English. Mrs M. Col man. B.A (F.A.) Current. - Head of Art. Mrs A. Diedericks, B.A.. IIDE .. - AfriRaans Ad.L., - Head of Afrikaans 1st L. Mr M. Galant, B.A. Med .. HDE., - Head ofE.M.S. And L.O. Mr S. Henchie. B.A.(Hons).M.A.(EcolI)., - Maths, - Head of Economics. Ms T. Santi. B.A .. fiDE .. - Head of A frikaans Ad. L. Mrs S. Williamson, B.Se.. MA. BEd .. - Head ofJunior E

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Teacher: Mr J. Baxter. B.A (}lons). B.Ed .. - English, History. Mr P. Calza\clos, B.Mlls. (Ed) HDE.. B. \fus (lfofls) Pelf.

LRSA/(T). A.C.C. (Comp Studies). \1usic. Mr W. Creed. B.Se., STD .. - N.S .• SCIence. Biology. Mr A. Cross. H.D.£. (PE). - Biology. N.S. Dr S. Oa.lcs. B.Hul11. (/lo1lv) PGCE., M.A .. D Phi/. - Geography. (1 • 2 terms). Mr B. Emms, B.A.. PGCE.,

- EnglIsh. Mrs J. Goodwin. BA. fl.P (Phys Ed).HPTC • - Xhosa, English. Mr R. Henning, B.A.(Ed.). A.J..MCP. MCSE.. MCP+/ ..

- English. Mr J. Huggett. B.A. Ed.(HolI\'). English, Maths, Technology. Mr R. Inglis. B.A .• STD, - Afrikaans. S.S .• History. Mr P Kriel. HED., (First Teon Only) Woodwork. Mr E. Lefson. B.A .. HED., - MathematICs.


Mr J. Louw. B.A., HDE., - English. History. Mr R. Moolman. B.A'(Hons), HDE .• - Afrikaans. Mr I. Parsons. B. Com., - Maths. Comp. t. Accounting. Mr G. Posthumus, B.Com, PGCE .. - Maths, Economics. Comp.St Mr C. Sandenbergh, H. T.P, - Woodwork (last 3 terms). Mr P. Smith. B.A.(HolIs), STD .. - Afrikaans Ad. Language. Part-time Teachers: Mr M. Abrahams. B.A. Hons, B.Ed ..

s.T.O.. Athkaans 1" Language (last 3 terms), Mr D. Allen. B.Se. (Hons), B Ed.THTD .. - Physical Science. Natural. Sciences. Ms D. de Jong. B. Mus (Dance). Dip. (Dance), Ad.Cert. (Dance). - Arts and Culture. Mr P. Fiske. MA .. B.Ed.. - English. Mr R. Hamburger. B.Sc .. B.A .. HDE., - Science. Mrs C. Hartlcy. BA(Hons), Cert. ofEd., - Maths, French. Mr T. Hepworth. B.Se .. B.A .. M.Ed., - Geography. History. Maths (last term). Mrs H. Hurter. B.A. HOE. (last 3 tem1s). - Afrikaans Additional Lang. Mr S. Mgxwati. Xhosa. Mr D. Sims. Physical Education. Sport Science. Ms D. Smith. Geography (term 3). Mr Scott Beattie. Sport Science. Learnerships: Mr P. Furstenburg. Dip. Bus.Acc., - Accounting. Com. St. Mr D. Ramage, Com. Studies. L.O. Mr A. Gola. English. L.O.

GAP Year tudents: Jarnie Stevenson,


term ). Sam Kerby-Fayc. lame' Douglas. Kenneth Rac.

Au tralia. ew Zealand. Scotland (last 2 terms).

Otber cbool fafr: Computer Administrator: Mr M. Badiali - Computer Studies. 1'ietworkAdmini trator: Mr E. Hassim. Computer Administrator: Mr A. Louw. Counsellor. Ms M. Robertson,

B.Soc:.Sc. (Social WOI"k)Hons.,MSocSc. Counsellor, Ms C. Toi. (last term), M.Sc. (Clinical Psychology) HED. Busine s Manager:

Mr T. Gordon, MA.,

UED. Ace (NDP). Media As istant: Mr W. Jarvis. NDLIS. Sports Administrator: Mr P. KnowIes. AdmillistrationAs istant:Mrs M.Hopkins. ScbooI Secretaries: Mrs G_ Francis, Mrs C. Manley, Mrs S.van der Rheede. Fees Controller: Mrs S. Sands-Wilson. School Bursar: Mrs C. Smith. Hostel Manager: Mrs S. Faulds. Tuckshop Convenor: Mrs S. Crone. Laboratory Assistant: Mrs S. Petersen. School Building Maintenance: Messrs J. Peter en, C. Brewis. L.Booysen. Governing Body: Chairman: Mr K. Hopkins. School: R. Vincent, G. Bloor. Members: Me srs T. Gordon, C. Hart, M. HuttonSquire, D. MacAlastair, L. Moser, R.Murphy, J. Petersen, K. Richardson, K. Sabana, P. van Schalkwyk, M. Ward. Mesdames D. Jubber, 1. Knaggs. Ladies' Association


Scotland (1 2


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Chairlady: Lmdy Kothoff. Secretary: Linda Sabatta. Headboy's Motber: Liz Vincent. Headmaster'. Wife: Pippa Richardson. Grade 12 Rep: Helen Goodchild. Grade 11 Rep: Theresa Randall. Grade 10 Rep: Diane Ha\\kins. Grade 9 Rep: Joanne Dyer. Grade 8 Rep: Charmainc Hams. Donna tc\'ens.

Clothing Excbange: RecycUng: Tucksbop: Catering: Flowen: Gardens:

Linda Schenck. Linda Holt. Sue Crone. Lindy KothotT. Annette Innocenzi. Thcresa Randall. Jeaninc Gruter. Ann-Marie Johnston.

Oops!! Sor!)1 Dave!

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


HEADMASTER'S REPORT berg' A Special Place is the title of a book written a few years ago by hIstorian Or eien Robmson, wherein she chronicles the history of the uburb ofWynberg. WBHS eatures prominently in this book and it is intere ting to read how the hi tory of the suburb and its residents is so lDterwoven with the history of the school. Wynberg Boys' High, too. is a Special Place. It is fortunate because of its beautiful locality. Watched over by the imposing presence of Table Mountain. the campus with its fYnbos gardens and well-kept fields, certainly provides an ideal setting for a school. Turftek continues to ensure the standard of the fields as doe Mrs Anna Marie Johnstone in the gardens. The Grounds and Buildmgs Committee have worked hard during the year to maintain and improve the 'adUties. A huge amount of money has been spent improving the condition of the school buildings. Sizeable donations from Old Boys have seen the refurbishment ofSil\'erhurst as a Headmaster's residence and work IS currently in progre. s transformlOg the Alf Morris Centre into a Theatre. DiscussIOns are also wen on the way to enter into a partnership benefit an the boy ofWynberg.

with a local Gym which will

The support of parents and old boys is essential in a special school. I tand in admiration of the many parents who put in so much ttme on committees. in fund raising, in tuckshop duties or merely showing a positive presence at school e"ents. We, \\ho are temporary custodians of the school. are enormously appreciative of this support. A school career is a mere five years but it is enriched by the time and extra effort put in by parents. I wrote m the September newsletter about a Potjie Pot that has three legs. One leg stands for the school, one for the pupil and the third for parents. Unless every leg plays its role, the potjie pot will fall. If action is to happen and cooking is to take place. then a firm supportive base is needed. However. it is the relationships between teachers and pupils which will determine whether a school is genuinely a Special Place. Teaching is not a mechanical or commercial activity. A teacher will soon be found out ifhe or she merely goes through the motions with a class of thirty boys. At the core of any successful class, or team, or dramatic I musical production are personal relationships which have been forged between teacher and pupil.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Whatever is thrown at education, this concept must hold sway. Battered by social demand on teenagers, economic demands on the chool. increasing workload demands by curriculum planners, bureaucratic demand by politicians. Wynberg must hold true 10 thiS central belief that little true learning takes place without the inspiration and tru t bUilt up by ateacber. 2006 sees us entering a new phase in education. All our Grades are now familiar with OBE which has heralded a new curriculum which does not merely test for knowledge learnt. The 2006 Grade JO's are embarking on a National enior Certificate which sees less empha IS on exams and more on skills development. This cannot be gleamed solely from a book or from a computer screen but now a ucces ful school career must be co-production bel\\. een pupils and teachers. Teachers and pupils "ave lo work together. The foundation of this relationship system is the House and Tutor Groups. In this Special School we want every boy to know that he has not only a group of his peers for upport, but also older boys and his own personal tutor whom he will meet on a dally basis. Here he will find friendship. support. advice. mentoring. A Special School is also aboul opportunities for years to come. the subject class. the sports Relationship and emphasizing WBHSaSpecial Place.

networking. These networks will provide friendship and The build up of these future networks is in the tutor groups. teams. the tours. the music and drama performance . that every boy in this school is important is what makes


This magazine is a chronicle of all these events this year. The 164 year ofWynberg Boys' High School is well documented in these pages. I commend Joy Goodwin and Pat Rogers for this Magnum Opus it Is a Great Work and Ihey can be proud of this production. It is a worthy tribute to the efforts put in by so many committed members of the Wynberg Famtly during 2005 pupils. teachers, parents and Old Boy . .,.------.,

ovember 1005

.AMr. KeI( ÂŤId!ralilllltis "irtlNJag. Il1III/JdiJw /efl. OIiD!Iilllllte .kltiMl'

's :Dillllet willt /tis luwl, wife.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


We welcomed the following colleagues to our staff room this year. Afrikaans Department: Mrs HenrietteHurter (I" Ad. Language) and Mr Mike Abrahams nd (I q Language), both joined the Department in the 2 term. Mathematics Department: Ms Sue Lindsay joined us fTom Howick High School as Head of van Riebeeck and Head of Mathematics. She has played squash at provincialleveJ for about 27 years and Wynberg is fortunate to have her expertise. Mr lan Parsons, Mr Aaron Tbabede and Mr Mark Rushby (MatricAd Maths - after hours), also swelled the ranks of this vibrant Deaprtment. Mr Mike Brasier Df'partment.

joined us from Pretoria Boys' High to head up Lhe Physical


Arts and Culture: Ms Debbie deJong took on sole responsibility for A& C in Grades 8 and 9 and has already tran formed the ubject into one nowmuch enjoyed bytbe boys. Woodwork: Mr Philip Krielleft Wynberg at the end of the first term and his post was taken by Mr Clive Sandenbergh, a teacher of the Old Scbool, who has already endeared himselfto both boys and staff. LT. The gap left by Mr GiJes Duncan as Network Administrator was filled by Mr Enver Hassim and Mr Andries Louw joined the staffin the new position of Computer Administrator. Geography Department: Mr Steve Price joined us from Plumstead High to take over as Head of Geograpby and Head of Rhodes House.

FAREWELLS Alta Diedericks left Wynberg at the end of2005 to take up a post at Bloemhof School in Stellenbosch. Mrs Diedericks taught German and Afrikaans at Wynberg for 8 years and was also head of Afrikaans First Language. A skilled organiser, she was responsible for the Matric Dance for a number of years and also oversaw the Recycling Depot. Her passion for animals and the environment was legendary as was her .--.........---~---, compassion and genuine interest in the boys. She made a valuable contribution to Wynberg, and wH be remembered with great affection and respect. 12

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Dr Simeon Davic left Wynberg to lecture at the Cape Technikon after two terms. Master in charge of Athletics and Geography. Philip Kricl: In his 20th year of teaching at Wynberg, Mr Philip Kriel decided to try his hand at the world of busines . Thi deci ion was a tragedy for education - and for Wynberg. His woodwork classes, his rugby team, his javelin throwers, boarders in Littlewood and pupils of Lorie House will all bear testimony to the fact that he is an educator in lhe very truest sense of the world. All Philip's geese were swans. He embraced all his charges with enthusiasm, energy and passion. He threw himself wholeheartedly into tbe life of the school and there is no doubt that four generations of Wynberg Men will remember him with affection and re peet. Wbo will ever forget the quality of his woodwork models, which were displayed annually in the school foyer? The speedboat, grandfather clocks, snooker tables and welsh dressers made by rus pupils evoked the admiration of all visitors to the school. He came lO us fresh from college in 1986. Admired by all for his dedication and commitment, he was destined to be an icon in the history of Wynberg. Thi was not to be, however, as he found his ubject under threat because of the rationalisation of new F.E.T. proposals. Philip Kriel is an enormous loss to the leaching profession and we fear for lhe future of this profession when men of his stature do not see a future. However, we respect his decision and wish him well in his new woodworking business. Nothing sums up the man more than the fact that barely three weeks after leaving, he volunteered his services to referee one of tbe rugby games against Grey, and it did not pass unnoticed tbat rus tutor group soLdthe most tickets in the school raffle. Stephen Price: At the end of the third term, Stephen Price left Wynberg to go on promotion as Deputy Principal at Bergvliet High School. In his short nine months with us, he made ahuge impression as Head of Rhode House and Head of the Geography Department. His breadth of vi ion, his work ethic and his tOlal commitment to hjs charges, mean that he will leave many memories. Wynberg has been improved in his time with us. Catbryn Hodgkinson came to Wynberg in 1999 from Plumstead High School. She has thrown herself wholeheartedly into the life of the school and her influence has been felt in athletics, cross-country, De Waal House and the Geography Department. More than anything else, she will be missed for steering, guiding and motivating the Service Pillar of the scbool. Her loss from Wynberg is a real blow. Mrs Hodgkinson is an outstanding teacher and a generation ofWynberg pupi Is will attest to trus. Jobn Huggett: In 2002, John Huggett arrived back in SA from a teaching spell in the UK and his presence was immediately felt in the school and in the hostel. Pupils soon found they could confide in him and trust in his advice and judgment He was prepared to spend bours counselling boys and he took a genuine interest in their welfare. Many areas of the school felt the benefit of his input - English, Maths, Technology, Waterpolo, Hockey and Littlewood

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


House. Mr Huggett has added immen e value to Wynberg and we wish him and his fiancĂŠe Sue all the best in their new challenge at St Peter' Preparatory School in Gauteng.

ean HeDebie: After four years of teaching at Wynberg, Mr Henchie has opted to try his hand al Bishops in the private chool sector. He succes fully introduced Economics into Wynberg where it has taken a firm hold. In addition he has given up many hours in aiding cricket and hockey teams as well as guiding the futures of Grade II and 12 pupils. His ense of humour and involvement inthe lifc of the school. will be mis ed in the staITroom. Two part time teachers will also be leaving: Carol Hartley has been teaching French for three years. As French is no longer being offered. she ha taken up a post atthe International School. Her. I~yalty and support al 0 many school functions has been appreciated. Aaron Thabede stepped into the breach at hort notice to help out the Maths Department. He put an inordinate amount of extra effort into his classes and he was prepared to help our boys after school. We wish him well as he takes up his new post at Pinelands High School.

The Hal/se Heads at reporllime!

Messrs Braslel; Creed & Sopam enjoying the tea after Prize

Our school secretOl)', Charmaine Manley & admin assistant, Mary Hop/rins.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Mr P Knowtes.


he GAP Ycar programme has been running extremely successfully for about 15 years now. This ycar Sam Kerby-Faye (Hutchcns Australia) and Jame Douglas (Rathkeale ew Zealand) joined us in January and Kenneth Rae (George Watson' Scotland) took over from Jamie Stevenson in July. There was no student from Cheltenham (U.K.) this year. These young men do a fantastic job coaching sports teams, class sitting and doing all sorts of administrative tasks. They were all particularly helpful over the Cape Schools Rugby and Cross Country Week, Jamie doing the programme almost single-handedly - a magnificent etTort! They are extremely affable fellows who always go out of their way to help and the school would certainly be the poorer without them. Some personal highlights of the boys include a highly memorable trip down the Orange River, an Overland Trip to Vie Falls via Namibia and the Caprivi and road trips to Port Elizabeth. Knysna and East London. p.K.

Two Grade LOboys spent the last term of2005 as exchange students: Dryan Punt Rathkeale College (New Zealand). Ian MacAlister

Barker College (Australia).

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


GRADE 11 GAP YEAR STUDENTS Tbe matrics selected to do Gap Years overseas are: MaItlltIW

Lo1z Ralhkea1e College (New Zealand).

Mark Be.... Davl ....

Hutchins School (Australia) .

TrIepanl George Watson's (Scotland).

KeeMa TopIey Cheltenham College (United Kingdom).

E-mail: info@theparentcentre.org.za theParent


3rd Floor 155 On-Main Wynberg 7800 Tel: 7620116 Fax: 762 5160

An educational and counselling service for parents OUR FACILITIES INCLUDE: 1. Individual counselling for parents at a nominal fee. 2. Workshops, talks and courses on parenting issues aimed at improving and enriching parent-child relationships. 3. Informal coffee mornings for mothers and toddlers on Wednesdays and mothers and babies on Thursdays. 4. Parent support groups in Hanover Park, Grassy Park, Guguletu, Khayelitsha and Mitchell's Plain. 5. A library on child rearing and related issues.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

AI". 1I1(14/74tllll Is IUtl1l ,,;,I ..1l11t4Ulsy"itlo,y.31 yo .. SIlt11lo..t e4alelllt(ltlS lit lilll altd Ilasily O"IlI'O"'1l t41l"., It wile (l1"tl yo .. ". ..,4 sal'sltld/olt. Si, 6d",,.,.d Hi"wy


cademies at Wynberg, although a difficult field to monitor, continues to lhrive and remains the fundamental pillar of our school.The continual hard work, effort and initiative of the Committee has once again paid off. With a fresh and revised Bridging the Gap programme, lhere are more opportunities available to every student who is willing lo puLin that small amount of effort to achieve greatness. D.VB.

Teacher- in-charge: Mr D Rus ell. Prefect in Charge: ACADEMIC COMMJTTEE Standing Row3: Cvan Tondel; S RaIldalI. Standing Row 2: Mr D Russe/l. F Cronje. W SOli/er H ~J711iafll\. PRoger.\.

Row 1: _______

Af Gor'!!. M Jennillgs. ..:....T ÂŁdwardf. D vali Breda.

Thi page is rpollsoredbj' the Williamsfamily




ubject Certificate- a\\ardcd to top pupJl~ in each subject. ~lerit Certificate - awarded for an aggregate of 70% or more. iherTie (Grades 8 & 9) - an aggregate of70% or more. (Grades 8 & 9) - an aggregate of 0% or more. Colours A\lard (Gmdc' 10 &11) - an aggregate of 75% or more. (Grade 12) - an aggregate of70% or more. Blue Award (Grade 10) - an aggregate of90% or more. (Grade II) - an aggregate of800/0 or more. (Grade 12) - an aggregate of75'~o or more. Honours Award (Grade 11) - an aggregate of90% or more. (Grade 12) - an aggregate of 80% or more.


and SILVER TIE rraariq Abrahams. Matthew Anderson. Cha e Barwick, Matthew Bell. Marthinus Botha. Moegamat Brown, Michael Brunger, ~imon De Waal, Charl Everts. Callen Fi her. Kicran Go , Sheridan Grobler, Jonathan Haliday. ichola Hardwiek, Brandon Ham • Mohamed Hassan, John Human, Keenan Jacob, Jac Jang. Kyle Krige. Christopher Moore, Michael Manthe, Anton Marnitz. Michael Maxwell, Clayton Mitchell, ogan Oliver. Kccnan Oliphant. Matthew Potter, Matthew eed, Muhammed Sabi, Brandon Saunders, Zaahier Sedick. ~ aniel Shaw, Skye Sis jog, Michael Stockenstrom, Chun Tsang, ~tephen Thaysen. Jacque Van Velze, Giovanni Velati, Jaydon Webb, Angelo Zahos.

Our Guest. The HonQurable DepIlly President. Ms PIIII/lr=ile lvI/amboflgcllka


CERTIFICATE and GOLD TIE ~asol'1Adam • Rudi Engelkc. Craig Lawrence.

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE Y\frikaans Additional Language 18

Kyle Martin. Wynberg Boy' High School Magazine 2005



Art and Culture. Technology

Michael Daly


Dcan Grant.

GRADE PRIZE 3rd in Grade 8

Daniel Thomson

Merit. English PrimaiJ' Language, Gold Tie. 2nd in Grade 8 I 't


Grade 8

Luke Mctelo-Liquito. Merit, Life Orientalioll Gold Tie. Mihali Gri pos. Merit, Economic Management

Sciences. arural Science. Social SCleJlces. Gold Tie.


o car Adams,

Michael Botha, Muneeb Srey. Kelvin Browning, Ryan Carstens, Rowan Daly, Robert Falck. Zayd Hcndricks, Kyle Karsten. Kyung Kim, Grant Littje, MuJlammad Manan, Brctt Martindale. Dustin Metcalfe, Christopher Mulder. Lyanmanguluka tinda. Justin Rowle ,Jae hin, Matthew Small, Abdullah Solomons, Steven outer, James Stock. Justin Terblanche, Leighton Thomas.

MERlT CERTIFICATE and GOLD TIE Murray Bing, Thomas Burgers, Daniel Donald on, James Stock.

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE Xhosa Additional Language:

Matthews Tshangela.

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE, MERIT CERTIFrCATE and SILVER TIE Art and Culture Mathematics Technology Life Orientation

Sean Aldridge Lark Hce Choi. Houghton Kinsman. Michael Wood

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE, MERIT CERTIFICATE and GOLD TIE Afrikaans Additional Language. Technology, Afrikaans Primary Language.

Taariq Janodicn. Houghton Kinsman. Stephanus Spammer.

GRADE PRIZES 3rd in Grade 9: 2nd in Grade 9:

1st in Grade 9:

Edmund Rod eth. Merit, Natural Sciences. Gold Tie. Matthew Gruter. Merit, Economic Managemel1t Sciences, Hislory Prize. Geography Prize. Gold Tie. Glen Hartman Merit, Ellglish Primat]' Lallguag_e.Gold Tie.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


BJECT DI TINCTIO'i CERTIFIC TE Anthon> Radue (Computer eience), Derek Sac~ville- colt (Geography), (Gcogmph»). Ichola hewan (Geography), Dane Hutchin on (Geography), (History), On'Naba Nka} i (Xho a20d Language).


James RofTcy Enrico Wal er


Stewart Cardls (HI. tory). Dillan Fuller (Geography), Ryan Ilanbldge (Geography). Brelt Kriedemann (Geography), Amaud Mc Kellar. Jibraan O'man, Chnstopher Pecego, David ymon' (Hl tory).




Gun-Woo Bad. (Additional Math • Maths), Clayton Cro (EngIi h. Geography, History), Jason Foune (Economic), nton Hendrick:; (Accounting. Economic ). Andrew James AccountlOg, Physical eiencc). Bcvan Jone (Accounting. Additional Maths, Mathematic, Physical cience), Talimanguluka Kakia (Phy ical cience). Kee- ung Kim, Christopher Maggs ( ccountlOg, Economic), Jethro Manuel (Hi tory), Darren Murphy (Economic. Geography, Maths), Mark Reynolds (Accounting. Economic) ChrIstopher cully, Yusri Van Der SchyfT(Accounling), Jason Steel (Economic ). Andrew SlrieklaJ1d, . 1arco Taloni (Accounting, Economic, Mathematic ), Bradley Venter (Art, Geography}.

MERlTCERTIFICATEandBLUE Subject Di tmction (Accounting,





Engli h. Mathematic, UwaisRazack

Phy ical

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE Gregory Paddey. Sindile Bongela. Le Icy Joubert.

Computer Science, Subject Di tinction (Computer Studies). tod Xhosa 2nd language ubject Distinction (Xho a 2 language). Afrikaan 2"" language (Shared), (Afrikaans).

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE, and MERIT Steven Bolland. Stephen Bell.

Geography, Woodwork, Subject Di tinction (Geography), Music, Subject Distinction (Music).

UBJECTCERTIFlCATE,l\IlERlTCERTIFICATEandACADEMICAWARD History, Subject Distinclion (History, Accounting, Economics, English), Colour . Art (shared), Subject Distinction (Art, English). Colours. Economics, Subject Distinction (History), Colours. Biology. Mathematics, Subject Distinction (Accounting, Additional Math ,Biology. Mathematics, Physical Science), Blues.


Gareth Stevens. Timothy Gate . MatthewThom on.

Bradley Luyt.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



3rd in Grade 10 Darren Moller. Merit. Accounting. Ph)l.~ical Science. Afrikaans Language (shared), Subject Dlstillctions (Accounting, Additional Maths, Afrikaans Language, Economics, Engli 'h, Mathemafic.\, physical Sciellce), Blues. 2nd 10 Grade 10 Richard Mandy. Jferit, Additiollal Mathematics, English, Sll~iecl Distinctiolls (Additional Maths, Art. English.Mathematics, Physical Science).Bllles. I t in Grade 10 Dire haj) Pillay. Merit. Afrikaans First language. Subject Distinctions (Accoullling. Additiollal Maths, Economics, English. Mathematics. Physical Sciellce).Blues.



CERTIFICATE Justin A hton (Computer Studies), Nicholas Barker (Geography), Grant Oliver (Afrikaans Second Language), Jason Woodbine (Computer Studie ).

MERIT CERTIFICATE Stuart Dyer, Reza Ismail, Wesley Lanridge, Sergio Luiz (Accounting), Christopher Van Tonder Accounting), Justin Van Wyk, Jason Watts (Accounting).

MERrT CERTIFICATE and COLOURS AWARD Ka- Wang Chan (Mathematic ), Joseph Gruter, Michael Klein (EngIi h), Steven RandaJI, Robin Tyler, Aden Van Der Vyver ( Accounting, History).



Craig Brown (Additional Maths. Economics, Accounting, Mathematics), Jonathan Child (Geography, Accounting, Mathematics), Jarryd Fisher ( Geography. Mark Jennings (Accounting, Mathematics), Jonathan Kinnear ( English, Geography. Accounting, Mathematics). Sbeldon Knaggs (Additional maths, Economics, Mathematics), Jamie Miller ( Additional Maths, Mathematics).

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE Geography, Subject Distinction (Geography). History, Subject Distinction (History). Xho a 2"" Language.

Marc Carr. Brendan Butt. Leon Klaas.

SUBJECT CERTIFICATE AND MERIT CERTIFICATE: Metalwork, Subject Distinction (Metalwork).

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Jacques Questiaux.






Woodwork. ubJcct Dlstmcllon' (Art, honomles. Wood\\ork). Blues. Lark-Hoon Choi. English. ubJcct Distinctions (English. Geography. I\lusic). Jan De \\iJat. Blues. Afrikaans econd Language. ubjcct Distinctions (Additional 1aths. Afrikaans eeond Language. [nglish. Tre\or Edwards. MathematIcs). Blues. Economic'. ubjcet DI~tinctions t EconomIcs. Geograph). Gareth Fryc. Blues. Darm Taitz. Art. ubject Dlstmc(Jons (Art. 1alhcmallcs). Blues. Computer Studies. ubJect Distinctions ( Computer Studies. Mikhatl Van Ocr andl Econonuc!>. Accounting. 1athemalic). Blue .. Mrikaans Fir t language. ubject Di tmction (Geography. Karl Von Buddenbrock.. Accountmg. Mathematics) Blues. \-Iuslc. Subject Distinctions (Additional Math . Engli h, Richard MOIr. \ccounting. Mathematics. iu 路ic). Honours.

GRADE PRIZE tephen Walker.

3rd in Grade Il Aferit. .1dditional Jla/hs. Bi%gy. Suhject Distinctioll.\ (.Idditional \Iolhs. English. Geograp")~ Malhs. Physical Sciellce). Honours. 2nd in Grcldc 11 Merit, Accounting, Afarhematics. Physical Science, Geograph); SuhJect DISt/l1cliOl1S( Additional Malhematics. Geography Accol/llfrng. Mathematics. Physical Science), Honours. Lt in Grade 11 Merit, Subject Distinctions ( Additional Mathematics. Economics. Accollflling. I\.-Iallrematics. Physical Science). Honou!':>, Standard batik Pri=efor the Top Grade 11 Pupil.

Frans Cronje.

Anthony Selley.


Matthew Crotz, Matthew Dasneves. Jared Davies-Coleman,


Donald, Simon Keevy, Thomas Main, Sean Messham. Luke 0110, Nathan-Lee Ramagcs. Cameron Rtchards, William Souter, A hton Van Den Bergh.

SUBJECT DISTINCTIO S Morgan Goodchild (Math Standard Grade), Richard-Lee Lindsay (Geography),



Mpahlwa tXho a 3 language).


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


and 1ERIT


Da\ i raujo (Ponuguc e), Paul Bullcr (Geogrnph} and History), \1atthe\\ Campb\!1I (Accounting). Jonathan CrOlZ (Accounting), tephen Donn ( ccounting). Christopher Eddy (Geography), ~1atthew Ed" ards (Gcograph) and Hi. tory). Justin Gibson (\1alhs). Murray Paul 'cn (Biology), 8relt Thomp on (Geography). Waync Winter (Geography).





ubject in Grade 12)

Woodwork Pri.le


Richard Vincent.


Tcmpleton Prize for Mw ic. ubject Distinctions (Lnglish, Biology, Geography, Clence), Merit. D.F. 1arai<;Pri7c for Afrikaan 2nd Language, Subject Di tinction (Geography), Merit. .<\rt Pri7e, ubject Di 'tlnctions (Art, Hl lory), Merit. Ma kew Miller Pri.le for History, ubject Distinction::. (English, Geography. HI tory). Merit. Economics Pnze, ubject Di 路tmction (Ecooolmcs). Merit. Metalwork Prize, Merit. AdditionalMaths PrIZe, Merit. Computer Studie Prize, Graphic Design Prize, ubject Distinction (Art, History, Graphic Design), Merit.




Matthew Carslake. Kccnan Topley . Ja on Aldndge. Peter Rogers. Jo cph Donaldson. TI1CO Cronje. Gregory Luyt. Keegan Badham-Thomhill.



3rd in Grade 12

Hami h William.

WE Bowe/en Pri;;eJOl' Maths, AlfMorris

Pri=l!Jar Geograph.l:

li. Arguile Pri':e JOl' Latill, Subject Distinction.

(Science, Moths,

Geography, Biolog)~ Englis',). Merit.

2nd in Grade 12

Devon van Breda.

Accounting Pri::e, Biology Prize, Subject Distinctions Bi%g)',


Geograph_l: Accounting, Maths. Science), Merit.

Ist in Grade 12

Edward O'Reilly.

RM Fried/ander Pri::eJOl' English, FG Thorp Pri:e JOl' Sciellce, Subject Distillcrion

(Science. Histo!}; Moths, English, Xhosa 3'"

language). Merit, Martin Cleveland Trophy Jar Dl/X oJthe School.

CULTURAL AND SERVICE PRIZES Rotary Good Fellowship Award Awarded la the pupil who has displayed outstandil/g ability durillg the year in promoting healthy goodwill alld Jail' play among his Jellows: Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Garth Hey. 23



Wiegman Cup


For diligence and service to the school: Exceptional ServIce Certificate.

To the mosl outstanding Prefect:

Sill'er Badge Edward O'ReIlly.

Garrelh Bloor.

ndrew Feinstein Cup


To tlte besl all-rounder jn Grade J 2 (Academic, Sport, Cullllral. Service): Keenan Topley,

Abelsobn Cup Awarded for OutsuUlding E_ffort: Liam Quinlivan.

To lhe Grade 12 pupil who has done the mos, for rile School in 2005: Richard Vincent.

Old Boys' Bur ary

Alf Morri

Caxton Prize

Awarded to the Top Pupil in Grade J 2: Edward 0' ReiUy.


Hamish William.

Edward 'Vise Bursarie Awarded lo the lap two students ill Grade 11: Anthony Selley, Frans Cronje.

lark Schafer Trophy for MultiLinguaUsm Edward O'Reilly. A. Fine Bursary: Garreth Bloor. Tborp/Rankin Bursary Matthe\\


Pre ton Cup

Cars lake.



Piano Sight Reading: Stephen Bell.

English Writer


SCllior Winner: Michael Klein.

Life Membership of Old Boys'


Awarded by the school to the Head Prefect: Richard Vincent.

Wade Bertram Award Awarded lo a boy ill matric Hho by meallS of his example, hi caring and his leadership, has promo/ed an activity i/1 the school \\!hich ha enhanced the name and spirit of the school. Voted for by the matric body: Troy Danieis,

Bob Adshade Memorial Trophy For the best Art Por~rolio of the year (as decided by the matric artists): Jason Aldridge.

Ryno Greellwall Prize Awarded for the best History Project: Keegan Badbam-Thomhill.

David Heidmann Award For courage and determination in the face of great adversity: Robyn Triegaardt.

Honours Award Awarded to the pupil or pllpils for outstanding performaJlces which have brought honour to the school: Richard Levi & I st Team Cricket.


Wynberg Girls Old Girls' Trophy For service beyond the confines oflhe schooL community: Ro Jansen.

Anthony Morris Prize Awarded to the Grade 8 pupil who has shown the most loyalty to the school by his participation in Sc/looi activities: Kyle Martin.

David Levitt Memorial Award Awarded to Ihe Grade 10 pupil who was an inspiration to all his fellow student : Stephen Bell.

Stan Jones Award Awarded to the Grade 11 pupil who has shown the most improvement ol'er his pelformanees in previous years at school activities: Wesley Langridge.

Forbes Smitb Trophy Awarded to ehe House which wins the annual Inter-House singing competition: Littlewood.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Grude J 2:

m)ly Trophy AII'orded /0 the boy or group 0(bOY5 I\'ho produce the be t project ut the annllal 111'11bergSciellce Expo: .

Stcvcn Randall.

tralilln chools International ssessment Te t: "'athematics Gold Medal

Matthew Edward . Gregory LU)1.







Awarded lo the pllpilltho scored fhe highesl Grade 9 mark in South Africa for lhe 2004 Compe/itlOl/ Richard Mandy.

GRADE 10 COLOURS Gun-Woo Back, Clayton Cro s. Jason Fourie,

Friedlander Shield

Timothy Gate, Anton Ilendricks. Andrew

To the winning Hou

James. Bevan Jane . Talimanguluka


Kee-Sung Kim, Christopher Maggs.



Van RIebeeck.


Manuel, Darren Murpby. Mark Reynold Christopher


Scully. Gareth Stevens. Matthew

Bunty Joubert Scholarship

Thomson. Yu Ti Van Der Schyff, Ja on Steel,

For All-Round Ability and a Major Contrlbzllion ill/he Field oJSen'ice:

Andrew Strickland, Marco Talotti, Bradley

Jan de Waal.

Rotary Scholarship:



For Al/-Rol/lid Abilit)': Karl von Buddenbrock.

Bradley Luyt, Richard Mandy, Darren Moller. Direshan Pillay. Uwais Razack,

GRADE 11 K Matthew Scholarship For All-Round Ability: Edmund Rodseth, Richard Mandy.

Friedlander Scholarship For Contribution to ijjnberg Boys' High School: Richard Moir.

Lennox Scholarship For Academic Excellence: Edward O'Reilly. Frans Cronje.

Headmaster's Scholarship Academic Scholarship Grade 8: Johnty Human, Anton Marnitz. Grade 9: Daniel Dooaldson, Matthew Gruter, Glen Hartman. Grade 10:

COLOURS Ka-Wang Chan, Joseph Groter. Michael Klein, Stevcn Randall, Robin Tyler, Aden Van Ocr Vyver.

BLUES Craig Brown, Jonathan Child, Lark-Hoon Choi, Jan De Waal, Trevor Edwards, Jarryd Fisher. Garelh Frye. Mark Jenning, Jonathan Kinnear, Sheldon Knaggs, Jarnie Miller, Darin Taitz, Mikhlfil Van Der Sandt. Karl Von Buddenbrock.

HONOURS Frans Cronje. Richard Mair, Anthony Selley, Stephen Walker.


Clayton Cross. Bradley Luyt. Dircshan Pillay.

Grade IJ: Trevor Edwards, Anthony Selley. Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005




Bolland, 25

Luke David<.,Ryan Donald, Ja on Es 'elaar, Ju tin Gibson, ~lorgan Goodchild. Matthev; Ho\\ard-Tnpp. Craig Krige. Richard Lindsay, Andrc\.. land}. can 1cssham. Freddie O'DonnelL Cameron RIchards, Alexander RohloO: handon Wallenda, Brandon William~, Ro's \Vylie.

BL E Keegan Badham-Thomhill. Garreth Bloor. Theo Cronje, Matthc\\ Crotz. Matthew Dasnc\ e, tephen Makin. Luke Otto, athan-Lee Ramage • A 'hlon van den Bergh. Richard Vincent.



Jason Jdridge. Da'"1 Araujo. Jonathan Badham-Thomhill. Paul Butler. Matthew Campbell. Matthew arslake, Jonathan Crolz. Jared Davie, -Colman. Jo eph Donald on, tcphcn Donn. Christopher Eddy. Matthc\'. Edwards, Simon Keevy, Gregory Luyt. Thomas Mai.n, Edward O'Reilly, Murray Paulsen. Petcr Roger. William Souter, Brett Thompson. Kcenan Topley. Devon \ an Breda. Hamish Williams. Wayne Winter.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

ROLL OF HONOUR 17 Lark-Hoon Choi 18d1 Gan:th Frye

97.5°0 89.6°0 88.8°0 87.600 87200 874)0 86.C)4l0 86.8°0 86.7°0 85.9°0 85.700 84 C)4l0 84.8% 84.2°0 84.100 83°0 82°0 81% 80.5% 80.2% 8()01o


97.4% 96.8% 94%

93.7% 89.4% 890,... 88.5% 87.90,... 87.7% 87.3% 86.3% 84.7% 83.8% 83.3% 82.8% 80.9010

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

80.6% 80.4%

GRADE 10 98.5% 9R% 97.3% 96.2% 91.7% 87.7% 86.3% 85.7% 84.1% 84% 84% 83.7% 82.8°,'1, 81.5% 1.2% 81.1% Kakta 80.3% 80.3%

I" Dircshan Pillay 2101 Richard Mandy 3"' Darren Moller d1 Bradley Luyt 4 Sdi U\vai Razak 6'b Andrew James 71tl Chrb Baek 8'" Bevan Jones 9th Clayton Cros~ IO'h Anton Hendrieks II'" Mallhev. Tho01 on 12'" Garcth Stc\-cns 1311t Marco Taloni 14010 Christopher Maggs ISlitTimothy Gates 16th Andre\" Strick land

17' Talimanguluka Jason Steel

GRADE9 I' Glen Hartmann 2nd Matthew Grutcr 3"' Edmund Rod 'eth 4'h Thomas Burgers S'" Murray Bing 6' Daniel Donaldson 7'h Stephanus Spamrncr lit Houghton Kinsman 9'" James Stock 10'hTaariq Janodien

88.5% 88.4% 6.30J() 86.1% 85% 81.9% 81.5% 81% 80.7% 80.6%

GRADE8 1 ' Mihali Grispos 2" Luke Mete1o-Liquito 3' Daniel Thomson 4' Craig Lawrence S' Rudi Engelke 6,1. \1ichael Daly 7'" Jason Adams 8'· Dean Grant 9" ~ichael Maxwell 10'"Anton Marnitz

86.3% 84.5% 83% 82.6% 82.3% 81,4% 80.4% 80.3% 79.5% 78.S%


MI..T1~K. 2005" - 1..11the deh.ils ,,:\ fRIC RlSlLT~

lOO~ - HIGtlER


'Oln purilS











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I 6






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2 7 58

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16 5








I 122





12 I




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7 I




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2 I



..lA TIllM -\TICS







136 114 9 Il I

0 70



MA • MaiOëE~t



M • MalllC










t- t





(2nd Language)



IMA History, Mathematics (Standard Grade) JM Mathematics (Standard Grade)




MA Mathematics,













--~ -English, Biblical Studies





















+-,MA Geography M

-- c-

Economics, Accounting







14 ''_





51 Ib.~.

122 10








Xhosa (3rd Language)

t .j..




Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005





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"lel .... ~y


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M.th __ Uu (Ste...l.' .... G..... ,



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f.U~H~DS~A~Y-----~~==e=ba~r=d~-----~M LOTZ M_w M ~L:;U'::YT=------...;G=-_=;;:ory=----1iiA



(2nd "';;;;';-_1,


Pbyaleal kl_,



LYNCH Matt... w. I ~M~A~C=KAJ~~S=E=R~---~M~.:.;r;.:eo='-'~------~M ~ -



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~o .. (3,.,Langu.g.1

---jJMA Moth_atles, M t


Pbyelea! =Scl=:.;:.:"=_::___;



...;r--"'..:.:." ..=,,:..W:.:.:O.:.ocIW=rOrtc:..::...--ll ... __'_



MATFIELD D."'d f.M~e~C~U7.LL~O~C~H~---~AI~ ==~alr~-----~M~~-----



MEKUYO O lw. I ~M~E~SS~H~AM7:::~-------: ..~a~n=~-----'M__LM.t~.m.II.,.CS




T.... "loo




~M~r~""~L~W~"--------~M~o-n-9-.u-;:-----70M MUIII'HY Ityon


~dard~;:G= ..... ~;:.7l--~--+---_-tr----r---+---t---~r----;

I Alti ........ ( 2nd ~u




_!_ ---j:"'-"_+.-

XhO.. (3,.,Languag.I~~~t~~~~~~~~~~!~~~-t_--~r_--_t----_+----~--__,




Kond). IM ~H.EWT==O=N~------Ir.'S;::t.::v:"' .. "'n;_--------':M:-_jIf-:M-.thomatJca (Standard Grade'

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005




-r--- --_lo-----t---1 I





MA EnIlIlIlll, Afrikaan. (1.'Untl ..llge),Ma_.tIc$,

l':o:::..::::::r:::'L:-:L:-:y:------';IEdw;-:::::_:-::;-----;_ OAKLET O"DONMELL

Xho ... (3n1 ~




,,,.... F_le



Ma_Uea "frik .....

-+ (2nd Lantl..q.)





~~~"~U~LS~~E~N~==========M~~ ..'""~~~========:MA ~IIETORlUS + QUKULA Kanya I ftAMAGES

N.'h .... Lae



louqm .. n




~hysleaJ 5elanc., 8io1ogy~n~ntI ~P:::LAH~=T==~;_----La~.~'~ ..~------M Ga.ln M +~Q:::U~I~N~L7,IV~A~N=----::U&~m=--------~~M


- - I--


MIIthturaattc:a. Economics

RA ,""ONO ErIe M r.R~I~CH~AR~D~S;-----::C~am~ .. ::::on------M ROGERS

... ,'"


MA EngI'.... Geography,H~to~-L












".OTO Mal_I Xhosa (ani Langu.age) E$O~lo~O=M~O=H~5------~T~.~ri~q~-------M SOlOMONS


-- -


~R~O~H~L~O~FF~~========~~~~..an4~~;; ..~=======MM EngU'" SAMPSON ~hWp r.S:.:C::H:::E=N:=:C=::K-----,G= •.;;... :::;th:-----~IM




~~~~~~;ER~~==========~~~~u~~~~~~=======~~MMA Acco~ntmg TALIE" R.,-



t.T~~~C~~~~y'-----::D~.~n~le~I------M THOMPSON 8,.tt MA Malhem.lks, History, Economic. ~T=O=-~::LE:.::::y~c:.:._----K:::..:_=.::n-----MA Atn ......n. (2nd Language).Xho... (301 Langu_), r.T~R~~=G=AA~=IIO=T=-----~R~ob~ln:--------M -


VAMBREDA D.. on MA Engll.h'.Afrika .... (2nd Language" Ma_.tle .. Phy.leal Sci."" ••• Iology, Geography, I:V7:"::N::--:DE:::-:H:":::8=E=R::G~H;--..;As:-=: ... ':t-:-on-----M 1lntI0.h.Afrik.an. ( 2nd Langu.ge), M.th ..... tlc. (StandanIG_e) I:V7A::N::--:oo~O~RH~----,S~h~a~u~n~------M VAM Kyle


VAMNIEKERK Ga., ~V~AH~T=O~N~D~E~R~----~W~ .. ~I.-Y---------M



VIKA Khwezi M I:V7.I~H~C~E~NT~---------:-:R~I::eh~.rd~---------M WA.LLENDA Shandon M r.W~A~TK~IN~~~8AK~~E=R:-----';M~ •.;;tth~.~w~--------M




t- t

HI.tory. Woodwork Mathematics

t J -~




(Sland_ G,.d.)


r.~~UJ~AMS~~--------~B~'=.-n~d~on=---------M WI~IAMS Hamlsft MA E:ngU.h, M.them.ti~ Physfcal I::W=I::-lo":SO::::N:--------::T;:ra=vls;:------"·'M AlrIkaan" (2nd Language) I:'W=I::N=T::E::R:------::w::ay=n:.:.------';MA WOODBINE



-: _:-

Mathemilltfc:a,. Geog:raphrt





+ _:_ t-






.iolOfilYI Latin, Geography --


- r


-r~ -+-_.____-+--



t== r-


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Edward O'Reilly

Christopher Eddy

Devon Van Breda

Hamish Williams

Jonathon Crotz

Greg Luyt

Simon Keevy

Mathew Campbell

Peter Rogers

Stephen Donn

Joseph Donaldson

Keenan Topley

Mathew Edwards

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Wayne Winter

Jason Aldridge

Brett Thompson

Davi Araujo

Jonathan BadhamThornhill

Paul Butler

Jared Davies-Coleman

Thomas Main


Wynberg Boy 'High School Magazine 2005


Standing Row


Standing Row Standing Row Standing Row Seated Row I:

MAlRle 2{\05

6: Ivf Goodchild. T Main. R Irwill. B Dagnin. A Roh/oJJ. A Arclujo. J DOl·ies-ColeIllLln. R Triegaardr. J\ Plar=. J F~selam: S /)01/". M Cat'slake, R Wl'lie. DAgherdien. T IIIIsolI. R Mwphy. B Bont/mys. M Moore. T SOIOmOlL\,T A1oleshma. GKotholl ..,\f 1\110111011. 5: S vali Doom, ,1,1Mpah/wa. J Gibsoll. Hl Hahluls/ul/tC/. ~ Leightoll. K Garbba. K Badhllm-Thornhill, G flt'l, D Partoll,R Bol/alld, ,\tl GOh', W SOLIlef;KNoid. Iv! Bowen-Davie . K Negol/go. B Cox. L PlaIlt, IV Maiiet. 0 DOl'ids, S AflIkIII, A Dil PIl!.~.'ii'i, \f Edmm1s, B Thompson, A Mandy. 4: B Makhanya, M Gomba,.t. T Mi/lm; LOtto. D ElIgelke. 0 Af(.>kuto.D ClIpido,M Dasne\'es. \1 Wa/Áim-Bakel; M S;l>lIIo, Jr lVimei; J Badlwnl-TllOrnhil/, G Woodbine, P Oakle.1~J Crot=, JU Crot=, L DUl'ids. R Ta/iep, G .lfaggs, Keel:!\ P Butlel; S \1e\\ham 3; S Ball. L Jollnsol1, P Sampsol1, N Ramage\. D Whillakel: R AlacLal/ghhm. R EksfeelI, M POli/sen, L Bakel; G \'all \ïe~crk, F () 'DO/mel, D Thackwrc/); S Newton. R Lindsay, J DonaldsOlI, Ivf Mucka;sef; G Lurt. AJ Howe-EZ\'. S Wal/enda, PRagen. IIIJïlliams. 2: C Kriegel; A Iv!cCulloch, M Holl. S lUl1gll. C Ale.randel; R DOI/Clld.TEll'. L Rtnl'lll. K \'011 Eck. G ,"<,nek, l' ~f(l£'O=ofll(/.JJ' CMang. J Aldridge, A Klein, K Vika, E Raymond, rt'Solomolls, G /lector. M Lynch. D Km, D Matfie/d.D Ahraham~. R Levi. C Eddy, B Can: IV \'(/11 Tnl1del; T Cronje, B Williallls. Ivf LOI=.Mr L Mosel; R l'incent MT'A Ric!rarclmll. D wm Breda, Mr E Lef.lOlI. E 0 'Reil(v. S Bn1l11C1:K Qukula. K Topler, G Bloor, M CamphelI. Q Wehh. '- Qllillli\'OlI. 33



t the Winter Achle\crs'

Dinner in eptember. which wa superbly organi cdb) the Incoming ports Committee. Old Boy and WP rugby coach. Mr Gal) Gold. pre ented winter. port . award as well a ome cultural awards.

Fir t Aid Silver


Gold Jason Adams franklin Bertolini Butler Dube Benjamin _!iakan_.yala Alexander 1i~ek

ound and Lighting Silver Thin~ Botha Robert McCulloch Al~tair Mulholland Derek R~a

Backstage ~ilver Matthew Henstock Alistair Mulholland David Osterloh Garelh Schenk K_yle~coU G'!!:Y_ Van Niekerk

Well Done Certificate Bradley Venter - Selected to South African U 16 Hockey Team


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Badminton Brent Bartlett William Chiang Francois van Ren berg Ch


Jame'> 1indlll Thalier Ely Donovan McHendrie Dire~han Pillay

TirnVann Shadley "an cbalkwyk \\e,lcy , an Tonder Brandon ~ IlIiam hooting tuart Thomp on

Ryan Hanbidge tagc\\ork Jan de Waal Richard .\1andy 'haun van Doom qua, h

iagcl\ork hauo otcutt Llam Quinlivan

Luqmaan 100radd MaTco Talotti Karl \ on Buddenbrock


gqlqo Mahlutshana Golf


Tom Main Matthew Thomson

elh Brumer

can Kclly Grant Little Matthew Watkins-Bakcr Hoeke Juan Celtiesr BrcH Cox Michael CunliITe Matthew Edwards Th.alier Ely Kyle Grant Chn Magg Luqmaan Mooradd Darren Murphy Keagan Robinson Bradley Venter Richard Vincent Rugb)

Zcenande Dimbaza Craig Green Zahier Isaaes Lyall Johnson GeofT KothofT Marco MacKai er Ryan Magee Gavin Pretotius Eric Raymond Chad Scott Ryan Smit Stefan Swanich Mbasa Qukula


tephcn Bell

BLUE Badminton


W,tJiam Jackson

Quintin Webb

Che Jonathan Child

ound and Lighting

Craig Green

Stephen Bell tagework Debating

Garreth Bloor Peter Rogers Fir'tAid

Andrew Mandy Edward O'Reilly quash Rudi Willem c

Michael Hawkins Hockey Richard Levi Malusi Siboto Keenan Topley Rugb

Rudi F17llemse-Squash

Grant Kemp booting

Jarryd Fisher Tyron van der Berg Jacque Que Liaux Bevan Jones Sound and Ligbting

We Icy Danielz Jared Doig

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazme 2005


TROPHl B.adminton IIlglc~ ( hampion:



( ro'i'i


\\'llIiam Jack ...on. William Jack. on & Francoi ... \dn Rcn,b ....rg.

Old Bo\ und '. \. Hock ....\ rden:.....MI Paul RI.'\.Ingtoo, \\ a.. tht: Gue ,i pca)..;cIat the . umma \,ard., Dinner held Jl the end of o\cmbcr.

OLO Grant Lewl TrophyCro ...路 Country Runnl.!r of the Year: Craig Bm\\ n. Bri.m Botha Trophy - Pcr.-I.!\cmnce und pplicution: Luc Du Toil. GoU Pta)'cr of the Year:

Quintin \\\:bb.



Ja,on Adam.,. lephen Bell. Richard Bolland. indik Bongda. ~Iallhl.'\\ Car.,lakc. Ryun Carsten ... CIa) ton ro,>.,.

Gate.,. Imon Hullon qUire. lorgan KlJ1g. tc\en'v1nkm. t..ndrc\\ \Iandy. RIchard Mandy. rvlongcll \1pahh\ a. Keenan Ollphant. Edward O'ReIlly Lull.' Otto. Etlmund Rod elh. hton \ an den Berg.



t-;ichola .. Pattenden Trophy - lost Darren ~lurphy. EnthU';iastic Playl.!r: Bromberger Clark Trophy - Contrtbution to Richard Vincent. Hockey: Constantia He Trophy 1o:>llmproved 1st TC:lm Plu)er: Juan Ccllier~. COIl!:>tantiaHC Trophy - chievement in Hockey: Kccnan Toplcy. Rugb) Frank Duk Cup - Oublanding

pomman.,hip: rildan Bungani. RP Concllan Troph) - Lo)alty & Team pirit. A voted by the Ist Team: GeolT KotholT. KT Pretorius Cup - lost Improved I ..t Team Player: Tim Vann. Vincent Polden Cup - tl.lost (ollSIstent Performer in the Isi Team: Zal1l\!r I路aacs. Sidman Cup - to<.;(Improved U 19 Player: Matthew later. booting WBII Challenge Cup - COIl'1 tent Iligh conng & Dedication in the hooting quad' Jarryd Fischer. quash

Grcg Hammond Trophy - Mo t Improved Squa<;h Player: Kevin Vicars.



J Doig & IV Dantel: m",d lt Llgllllng


lephen Bell. Ste\cn Bolland. \1allhc\\ Carslale. Lark Hee Chol. Jan dc \Vaal. linon de Waal. RoblIl 01.'\ hno Tim Gatc', Tae I(yung Goo Craig Green. Glen Ilartmann. imon Hutton- quire. Andre" James. We Icy Langridgc. Michael Leighton. Sergio LuiL. Stephen Makin. Timothy Millar. Edward O'Reilly.

Wynberg Boys' High

chool Magazine 2005

Kccnan Oliphanl.

['dmund Rod....cth. Ic.:phanu~ pammer. Jame ...Stock

"ater Polo !\lark Bo\\c.:n-Da\ ies. Kyle Grant. Joseph Grutcr.

HO'\OUR. l\lu~ic RIchard


Cameron 1 homson.

Jail Band I\:phc.:nBdl. leven Bollanc.l. 1\1aUhc\\ CrolZ. Bn!tl Manindalc. TimOlh} \1111ar Icphanus pammer.

Daniel fhach\ ra). Lester Plant. Brya., Punt.

Choir Jan de Waal.

Ryan nut. Chad Call. \Iatlhc\\ laler.

leven \I alkcr. Richard Vincent.

oncert Band B'Iron Carr. Richard Moir. Luke Olto. Ale,xander Rohloff.


Jaa Baud

Icel Band

MongeL! \1pahlwa. Alexander Rohloff. Jason Idndge. InfoTech tcphcn Donn. Jason Es 路claar. handon \ 路allenda. Ba ketbalI

Luke Bredeveldt. Wilham Cluang.

Matthew Gore. L\...azi lawe. Benzile Makhanya. Konja egongo Grant Oli\ cr.

MIchael Ohu 路hcka. Kanya Qukula. Eric Raymond. Gary van iekerk. Cricket Garelh Dreyer Matthew Fenton Dalin Oliver. And)' Slater.

Shadley van Wyk. Kyle William on .. Tennis

Jody Claa en. Brett Kriedemann. Bradley Venter.

Byron Carr. oneert Band MaltllC\ CrolZ. Trevor Edwards.

Morgan King. tv1lchael Klein. lexander Rohloff. Ju tin van Wyk.

tcel Band Wc Icy Langridge. ricket Richard Le\ i. Tom Mam Malusi ibolO.

Jazz Band

\1althe\\ Carslake. Morgan King. MIchael King. Luke OllO. teel Band

Corbin Alexander. Michael Leighton. tephen Makin.

Liam Quinlivan. teven Randa II. Cricket Matthew Da!>nevc'. Matthc ......Kleinveldt.

Ongeziwc Mekuto. Oscar


Keenan Topley. Water Polo Simon Keevy.

Karl von Buddenbrock.

Wynberg Boy' High School Magazine 2005


TROPH\' \Vl C)c(jn~

The Andre\\ \ n Zyl frophy for lhe Fa"le


Time.: in the Annual Cycle rour Jonathan Kmncar.

ricket The Bing Famil~ up for 'port"mam,hip Thl; Upton Fanllly Cup for the BI!:-.tAll-Rounder

in thl! I XI

The Martin StoHlld Clip for the B~t Fielder in the I XI The Powell Famtly Cup for the Be:;1 Batsman 10 the 1 XI The Bridgen" Family Cup for the Mo:.1 Promi,mg Cricketer

in the I" XI The Jacquc-. Kallis Trophy for the Oul!>landing Cricketer of the Year The Frank Duk up for Oubtanding port'man hip The 5 SO up for the Mo ...' Individual 50'路 I

he - 50 Cup for the most 5 V. icket Haul'

O:.car 'auhau. Tom ~ain. Mallhc\\ Da"neH: . Richard I c\i. ~1althc\\ Klctn\cldl. Richard L茅\ t.

Kccnan TopIc)'. Richard levi, Tom :\latn.

Water Polo The

10st Impro\ cd Waler Polo Player TIle Or 'okil Barnard Trophy for ommitment & Dedication

lan "v1ac Iisier. imon Kce\y


port man hip Old Bo) "Award for Outstanding Achievement The Casper Cup for Out tanding Perfonnance

of the Year lfl


Richard Lc\ t. Richard Le\ i.

en ice and Culture The Jubber Cup for Outstandmg Contribution


lo Culture

lcola Jordan Trophy for OUl.!:>landing cr. tce to Culture The Abbot Cup for the Best Run ociel} The Richard \loir Trophy for the lo I Improved In trumentalist The haun Moir Trophy for Dedication to Band-

Wc'ley Langridge. Craig Green.

Christian Union. Lark-Hoon Choi. Trevor Edward .

Drama The Brown Cup for the Be t ctor The Baxter Cup for the Bcst upporting Aclor The 10 llmpro\'cd clor


Ed\\ard O'Reilly. Andrew Mandy. ltchacl Klein.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magaz.ine 2005

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Oscar NOllholIS


VALEDICTORY aledictory was held on Tuesday 4th October. The morning began with the Matric Breakfast. Mr Hugh Killops was our special guest as many of these matrics had been his Grade 7's in his final year as Head of the Junior School. The Old Boys' Ceremony followed, at which the boys received their ties and joined the WOB. The matrics then said goodbye to the school. Wayne Winter and Matthew Lotz made speeches bidding farewell to the school and to tHeir peers and then followed the long awaited and hugely enjoyed video, produced by Tray DanieIs. After tea with the staff and their parents the matrics re-entered the hall for the Prize Giving Ceremony at which our Guest Speaker was recently retired Wynberg teacher, Mr Phillip Kriel. The atmosphere was sombre and dignified as the matrics then lead out for the final time. A fitting end to their school career.




Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

"itIl Ills II/TOr GrolIJ)



is a cause for celebmtion as \\c officially become Old Boys and are no longer school boys. Before wc can celebrate our departure. wc musi louk back and commemorate and appreciate v. hat Wynberg ha ...done for us and thank il for the \ ibrant memorie!' wc will take with us. Every day pupils hl.!rearc kept entertained by the quirky beha ..iouroflhe stalTand the hilarious activities of their classmates. I honestly belic\ e thalone orthe reasons that Wynbcrg is a \vorldclass school is that pupils ha\c fun here. J'll nc\cr forgel Ms Lindsay's Maths lessons. Mr Taylor'sjokes or Mr \ an Schalkwyk's enthusiasm for Hl. tory. lthoroughly enjoyed Mr Price's lessons. Although he stayed for less than a year. e\ef) onc \\ ill agree that he was a truc legend. ~early all the stories about Wynberg invohc the stall \\ born I thank for making my schoollifc truly mcmorable.

To the Matrics of2005. I only wish I could have got to kno .....all oryou bettcr because c\ eryone of you has had a po itive influence on my life and my matric year. For that I thank you all. Wc may not have been be t mends or e\ en spent time together at weekends. but \\ e hm c spent a

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


quarter of the mOst challenging time in our Ih cs together and. in m} opinion. that makes u brothers. I am nol sure \\ hat I \\ ill do \\ ithout you and the protected. fnend em ironmenllhal \\ e. u:. malrics. hu\ c created. Iam nol expecting to win any awards \\ ith this poem. but I\\rote it bec:lUsc Ithought il a ti ttmg tribute lo a grcat yc.lr. The Road to Matric

In all

a/III} liJe ij on"" ÁllelI: /l\'()//ld onl! day meet people a~ \pec iul


/ knoll' its heen long / knoll' il.~ heen hard bul \l'e cun all WOII ill our heds r('~t, li"

I\'e 1\fI(m

li e gal

e jt

01/1' \,(.'11'


Hé have secll rhe sight.\, bl'(ll'('d Ihe frighls alld (.'\'(.'11 \1In'i\'£'d rhe n:ckless flights.

Bill th(/t\

lt/lO li e


alld I/WI5 whal we lovI! and who Irould ('l'er my

that we would graduale roday?

He hal'e \1:alked along

road and Ire 're el/tilled to mooll. hill we kepI on pll~hing ()lIt~id(' of our comrort ::;ones. A lid 110 matter hm\ tired ollr legs might bl!. I\'e kllOlI in our heaJ'l\' that \l'e'\'(>le.li our legac)~ Thank you for the timcs wc ha\-e shared. I'll never forget what \VC have been through and I will hold on to Ihese memories forever! Iwbh you c\ cry success \\;th I.!xams and your futures. Farewell for no\\ my brothers. Ilovc you all!

Supera Moras.' RIc//cIrd nllce//(


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

路 Wynberg

is a busy school with inumerable events taking place every week, which makes it difficult to select only a few to be highlighted. Our beautiful campus alone imparts a specialness, and when mixed with the enthusia m and collective talents of the Wynberg family, the outcome is bound to be extraordinary. This year we have focused on the two building projects which are currently underway, as well as on some 'fIrsts' for Wynberg Boys' High. Enjoy this brieflook at bow we are growing our school in so many spheres of life.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Wynberg was pretty intense. On the first day wc had to an Afrikaans and a Maths tc:.t. By half\\ay into the week I the school grounds pretty well and a few teachers' names. Mr lnghs. Mr Ramage, Mrs Goodwin and, of course. the Ric:baJrds4llT1. We had not been put into our classes yet and I

blazers in the first week but were told that wc would get :WC1dn1::S<tilV. It has been like that for many year a tradition. arrived. Wc got given a buddy for the year. Mine was b1Lll11a1nc_ Our buddies had to hand our blazers to us on stage, ~'inid~ was my fir t week al chool. I hope yours was as fun as

8 'ffi~~

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



o It's/it'al-first field ill 1980Il'BJtS I/lis !Imf-


This page il sponsored by the Wrightfami(l'

Wynberg Boys'High

School Magazine 2005



ive month of planmng from a committed group of parent , under the chairmanship of Keith Sabatta. culminated in an extremely ucce sful Food &Mu icFair. Beeau e of a cia h with the Maynardville Carnival, the date wa changed from early March to IS Apri~ and it wa with trepidation that we watched the weather build up in the week before the Fair. Happily, lhe cloudbursts, floods and mudslides gave way to a beautiful day, and the Wynberg family came out in force to support our annual fundraiser. The brightly coloured Moroccan tents illuminated with fairylights created a magical etting remini cent of the Arabian ights. Ten stallholders did brisk business all evening as folks lingered to enjoy the enlertainment provided by Wynberg Girl . High, our chool


bands. a Korean drummer and dancer from the Daphne Jubber Dance School. For mo t of the evening, Simon Swanich and hi band 'Live Wire' presented their popular brand of 60s and 70' music \\ hieh was loud enough lO drown out the music from the tenni courts! The proceed of the evening -approximately RIOD 000 (gro ) - will be pUL into upgrading the Computer Room, which will benefit Wynberg boys for many year to come. K.R.

Thi page is sponsored by the Chedburnfamily

Thispage is sponsored by Ihe Oliverfami~v



hi year o\crcast and rainy weather Rai 109 Ceremony indoors thisofCOl .. t.liiil representing the High School down ~ make the be t of il. ::.taging an organized and W'l.... 1110s1 important day on thc schools' calendars.

Truly an endlcsscirclc


R. ~1.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


HOCKEY _WBHSGREY 1 3 2 1 2 2 3 2 2

0 0 1


U16D U16E U14A U14B Ul4C

2 2 3 5 3

2 5 1 0 0



lit Jl • BO



2nd 3rd 4th

5th UI6A UI6B UI6C

WBHS GREY WBHS 9 26 UISA 7 Jl 17 UlSB 7 o 40 UISC 0 S 2S UI5D 0 26 36 U14A 5 12 24 UI4B 0 3 22 UI4C 7 7 18 Ul4D 0


22 29


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Wynberg Boys' High Scbool Magazine 2005


lthough It i bard to believe the 2005 6 Cncket eason I the tenth year that Jacque has represented Western Province and consequently the Cricket A ociation ha awarded him a benefit. It i typical ofbim that he decided to donate the profits of his benefit year to the development ofCncket "Cricket ha given me so many great opportumties and it ha alway been my intention to put something back into the game," he said. He is giving Wynberg an annual Cricket Scholarship - worth R50 000 - and we are immen ely grateful for his generosity and loyalty to his old school. Vanous media reports released the details of his benefit year to the public and in August the latest SA EX advert hit our TV screens. Thi was filmed at ------.., Wynberg using our boys and was of interest to all the Wynberg family. Funds for the Jacques Kalli Foundation were raised .... ---, through: ales of Sanex in all major retail outlets; a Jacques Kallis Foundation Ball held on 15 September ID a marquee on our Hawthornden Field; a Jacques Kalli International XI (including Lan " Tenduikar) v the Proteas at Newlands on 16 September; a Golf Day in Mauritius. Full details of all events are on the school website. We urge all at Wynberg to gIve full backing to one of its _--' most loyal sons. K. R

A..~~~e-~ "Ik J~






ynberg Boys' High School hosted the first ever Wynberg Cricket Superskills competition on 16 October. It was generously sponsored by Sportsman's Warehouse and a host of other sponsors and proved to be a huge success. Jacques Kallis endorsed the tournament and 54 teams from 25 schools and clubs arrived to conquer the SuperskilIs.


This page is sponsored by the H,.ighlfami~v

After the first round ofbattmg. bowlmg, fielding and long hit uper kill. four team from each age group went through to the "cmi-final . ge Group U12

Ul3 U14 UtS U 12 Be 't Cricketer U 13 Best Cricketer U 14 Be 1 Cricketer U IS Be t Cricketer

Thanks to our generous Warehou e, Pharo , Taureg ola Food U SASA WP

Balance, Kfm, Penin ular Distributor , SA Sports

Wynberg Boys' High School MagaziQe 2005

Winner WPCC Kcnridge Primary

WBH Bi hop

o ing FinaJi t WBJS

omer cl College Edgemead WBHS

P Lombard Manrich BBame

Ever dal Primary Kenridge Primary Fairmont High



ponsor : Sport man' Tent . Right ource Trading, Youth Cricket, ew Beverage ,Palm Beach Illu trated.


'NTE.I<HOVSE. Ma ter-in- Charge: Petcr Furstenburg


his year's lnterhouse contest was bigger and beller thanks to chief organiser.Mt Furstenburg's effofts.Littlewood looked set to win the Friedlander Shield again, but Van Riebeeck made a last minute push from bchind to emerge surprise winners. Well done lo them! The full result are tabled below.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



al managed to remain in ~ ree positions in the -Hou e competition for es ive year. Thi success 'buted to a number of

~he Int the third su may be at factors. The Hous committee worked hard through ut e year. Chris Eddy was an out tan ng House Prefect, who spent tirel un elfish hours spent ensuring su ces' in all the events, He motivated, encouraged and helped many of th oy to achieve more than they expect d to. Keenan Topley and Theo Cro je assisted him. Their dedication d competence could not be faulted. .. The boys in e waa~a e most fortunate to have a onderful eam of tutors, who work ard to h lp them achieve their als i all sph res of school life

They in'i 1 on high standards, and their expectation of the boys are consistent and challenging. Tnyears to come, many of the boys will thmk back to their years spent at school and will appreciate the efforts, compassion and care of this imm'ensely talented group of tutors. Some of the year's high) ights include: Kriedemann and Germanis playing tennis Peter Rogcrs winning Best Speaker at the Inter-House debate; our magnificent touch rugby team (thanks to Mr Sims), Rudi Willemse playing squash. and Topley, Roger , Matthew Gruter and Clayton Cross c.aistently featuring in the top I0 academ~anking . { II

LITTLEWOOD uperintendent: Boarding House Manager: enior Housemaster

DutyMa ter: Matron: Gap Year tudeot: Head Boy: Deputy Head Boy: Prefects:

MrDFauld. Mrs S Faulds (Also chool Procurement (Jan -June) Mr J Huggett. (ept-Dcc) MrG Po thumu . MrDRamage. Me rs PFurstenburg (Inter-House), Beattie. Me dame B Saul ,0 Hartnick. Messrs J Dougla . J Slevenson, S Kirby-Faye. KRae. SethBmmer. Kanya Qukula. Khwezi Vika,Andrew Mandy.



005 has been a particularly intere ling year in the life of Littlewood Hou c.While there have been many tructural and phy ical change to the hou e itself, there have also been many changes to the day-to-day goings on a welJ. With the clo ure of Silverhur t in Septcmber2004 the new Grade 8' of2005 had to begin their boarding careers in LittIewood as il was before the inception of ilverhurst as a boarding hou e. Thi brought with it a twosided coin: On the one ide Grade 8'5 no longer have a "sheltered first year" in the ecurity of their own ha tel, and on the other, being in one hostel means that we are effectively one family from start to finish - with no changes along the way. The staff have made ure that the management of these "old - new" circumstances has been excellent, and that on the whole lhe transition has been a smooth one. My heartfelt thank to Mr. Ramage for his tireless work in this regard. Notwithstanding the internal changes to the population of Little wood this year, many structural change were completed. All bathrooms have been renovated. The hostel is now fully equipped 95 boys, and between 5 and 10 staff as well as gap year


This page is sponsored by the Amulenya family

Student . The upgrade to the enjoy pre suri ed hot water completed. and we now have you to M. Smit Construction contribution jn this regard included:

hot ~,ater system has also been completed. and we now throughout lhe buildillg. The boundary wall have been a gabled entrance that we are certainly proud of. Thank and Levenbacb Builder and Roofers for their major At the time of going to print projects till underway

The renovation of the staffbathroom. The upgrading of the senior housemasters flat to accommodate an additional married couple. The paving of the entrance pathway. A gate for lhe entrance pathway. An intercom system for tbe new archway entrance. A complete refurbishmentofthe kitchen (long-term project). We are also still in the proce sofupgrading many sections of the intcrior of Littlewood.

On a spirit level, Littiewood once again led the chool- as the "backbone" can. The boarders made up the regular at ports fixtures and once again we are proud to how commitment as a House in that way. Our overall performance in lhc Friedlander Shield Inter-House competition was again superb. To have been placed 2nd in 2003, I" in 2004 and again econd in 2005 bows an overall domination of House competition. otwithstanding the academic result, Littiewood was 21 points ahead of its nearest rival. As a Housc, however. we need to look lO new ideas to improve our academic perfomlance so lhat we can once again bring back the Friedlander. The prefects for 2006 have launched 路路Operation.._._...._ mayibuye" to make sure that this happens.

-.:.....I_=.::c......:.._ .....

The computer room bas been expanded to 5 networked PC's and bas been well used this year. Littlewood is currently one of very few stale scbool boarding bouses to be fully networked via its' school network. We would like to thank the Governing Body and the Computer Committee for their support in tbis venture.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


2005 has al'o een Lhe introduction of the "HoI Lunch Scheme". Boarders 00\\ enjoy the added benefit ofa tradllional hot lunch at chool. Day-boy have also been able to buy into the cheme - bringing all the boy orthe 'chool c1o路crtogethcr. Thank you lo Mrs. Faulds and her stalT" ho ha\e orkl!d lireles ly. and omelimc thanklesslY.IO make tbi project a succes. lt would be\\onderfullo seethi 'cheme 路lllgC. panded in ycar 路Iocome. Littlcwood . gro\ 'lh on a piritunl level has also continued with junior boy regularly attending Youth on a Friday night. and the Youtli leaders joining u':>for lea tv. ice a "eck. The e sc. ion have certainly provided lhe young men of Littlcwooo \.\;th enough opportunity to grow _piritually. Many b03rders achieved outstanding achle\emcnt . some of which are li tcd bel \\.: Ongeziwc Mekuto: WP U19 Cricket (I Xl Cricket). Karl von Buddenbrock: WP UJ9 Squash (I. ream Squash). Francoi' van Rensburg: WP Badminton (I Team Badminton). Malu i iboto: SA U17 Cricket: WP Ul9 Nufticld ricket (1' XI ricket. I XI Hockey) .William Jack on:'yVP C 17 A Badminton (Ranked 13 in A; I' Team Badminton). Brenl Bartlctt: WP U 17 B Badminton (I Team BadmInton). Richard Mand): Academic Achle\ement. There are obvlou lj many other pecial achievements to add to tho e above, we certainly are proud of all our young men. The Boardjng House i certainly increasing it role as home of the portsmen, with no fewerthan 5 of the U 14 A cilcket team and 7 of the U 14 A Rugby team re ident at Littlewood! Farewell: It i with great sa(lloe:sSIIIt路 Huggett. Mr. Huggelt has <lUU."'~ .. LiUlewood in hi time here and mis cd. We congratulate him hi married life. May the gifts come back to you a you move on. lo Littlewood from 2002 - 2005.

tbat we say goodbye to Mr John tremendous value to the Livesof all al maturity and sen ibility will be orely his promotion and wi h him well in yourself that you have given to others, Thank you for what you have meant

I need to thank all the Lalf for their major inpul thi year. Change i eldom ea yand it ha hit u on many front this year. To the masters you have made the live of boys better by your effort . thank you for giving 0 generou ly of yoursel e . To Mrs.Fauld . the matrons and all the support talf well done on picking up so much extra responsibiLity in the life of the school and handling it all so well you are a great credit to Littlewood! To the Governing Body and all ubcommittees - thank you for your kind support of Littlewood. We look forward to 2007, the 50"' anniversary of the new building, with great enthusiasm. May the future for Littlewood continue to bum brightly. The prefects for 2006 have et high goals. it would be wonderful to see most of the e being achieved. We look forward lo... u2006 - THE YEAR OF OPERATIONMAYIBUYE"


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


atthewand the Committee ~ great deal of time and effort into making Lorie a happy House this year, and Lorie boys' hearts and efforts are certainly in the right place. Mr Kriel's tutor group sold more raffle tickets than any olher by far and Ms Santi's group outshone the rest when they brought in more shoes than any other in the 'Heels of Hope'drive. The Lorie Rafting Competition brought the tutor groups together in the 2nd tenn to compete. It was impressive to see the boys Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

to race despite their rafts coming apart after the first stroke of the paddle. The Lorie braai at the end of the 3 ternl created a wonderful opportunity for parents to getto know each other better in a relaxed environment. The evening was a great success and the boys enjoyed organising and being a part of the occasion. Some seniors did really well on the academic front - the result of extremely hard work. My thanks to our tutors, without whose compassion and efficiency the success of 2005 could not have been possible. -:~,.;;>;~,,-..





Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Dona\ an Holmes. Ilockey. Matthew remain the top magIcian m hi age group In the country and ga\c a ri\'Cling dcmonslr.llion of hi fire acl the Ilou c braai earlier In

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005




Wynberg Boys'High School Magazine 2005

A WElf路 ~TON

(And DUl(

Ol the '>Chool)

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005




llI:...t..:art..: four main rea on for ronDing school camps; lO gi\ c boys the opportuDlty lo re\l!allheu leadership ...kills: to create the OpportllOlt) for teachers lo relate to boys outside of thc classroom: to tcach boys the \alue of teamwork and co-operation and lo enable bo) s to master ta:.ks. ,\ hich in turn promote ...pnde III p..:rfi.)rrnance. lIopcfl.1l1}. the \ aned programme of challenging e\.cn.:ises on camp pUl the bo) firnli) on the road to learning these les ...ons and becoming Wynberg

t\1cn. RI.

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Wynberg Boy'


chool Magazine 2005

Wynberg Boys' High ScllOOI Magazine 2005


GRADE Grade Head: Mr R 1\1oolman. Jl

M4r" DO ... RMI

"'0"9 eAole_,:


... " "414-

ith thL:se two Imes, Mr Pieter le Roux. camp leader and Wvnbcm


Old Bo~, \\ clcomed Gr.Jde '9s sel the tone for Ihc camp in Grabou\\. The effect of these ....ords \\ as '0 strong that not

c\cn the rain) weather could dampen their spmts. They took to the activ ilies and task with great cnthust,lsm and dlligcncc. impressing the camp instructors \!normously. The acti\ ilics \\ erc worthwhile. rele\ ant and taxing. The hoys were literally era\\ ling. running. jumping and di, ing sO competently Ihat the Army would nol hesitate to employ Ihem! Thanks to all the Wynberg slafTfor their support and presence at Ihc camp. The school looks forward to retuming next year. R II


This page is sponsored by the Pnematicatosfamily

Wynberg Boys' High School Ma~azine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

ACCOUNT ubject Head:


:vir D Russeil. Mes r D Faulds. I Par<on , PFurstenburg.


e bave ~ontil1Ued to strive for hIgh academic standards with a \ iew. not only to equipping the boys "ith ound bu iness skills, but also to preparing them for the rigours of teniary education. Much attention is paid to pre entatlon of work. work ethic and general pride in what one i trying to achieve. A much broader learning alotakes place beyond the boundarie of the syllabu . Wc expo e the enior boy to the Pastel computer programme in Accounting when time allowed. It gives the boys an opponunity to \vork in a simulated bu ine environment, proces ing transaction and then watching the ystem develop to meet the need of a panicular form ofbu ines ownership. Some Grade LI's were once again exposed to the JSE by competmg in the Standard Bank School Challenge, in which teams attempt to monitor a portfolio of shares in competition with other schools. Mr Russell's Grade 10 class also participated in the annual Banangoes Busines game in an attempt LO market and sell a product with a view to maximising profit. This generated much fun and the boys experienced a simulated business situation. At me time of writing, one of the groups has won their competition, and are now in the semi-final. Much is at stake!

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

The new FET yllabu" to be implemented in 2006 in Grade I 0, bring the subject even elo er lo the real world and we look forward to the challenges and experience along lhe way. None of this would be possjble without lhe upport of the teachjng taff. Mr Faulds continues to set hIgh standard 10 the clas room and his les ons are well pre ented reflecting his enormous pas ion; Mr Furstenburg ha provided a olid toundation at the Grade 9 level. Mr lain Parson joined us on the staff at the beginning of ihe year and has aJready made a significant contribution. I thank them all. DR

Wu.~~~lit,tk~~~ ~~~{+).~#H-tt~4tk ~~


Subject Head: Ms T Santi. Teachers: Messrs R Moolman, Rlnglis, P Smith, D Schenck, Mesdames A Diedericks, H van Heerden, H Hurter.


r Francois Fouche and Mr Kobus Blom left Wynberg at the end of last year. Their positions were filled by Mr Schenck and Mrs Helga van Heerden, who could, unfortunately, only stay for one term. We were fortunate to be able to welcome Mrs Henri ĂŤtte Hurter, a very experienced teacher, to our Department in her place. Our Department again had very good matric results. Praise must go to all teachers and matriculants for their hard work. It seems as if this year will be the last year that a Provincial Afrikaans exam will be written, as next year the Afrikaans exam will be a National 82

exam. AU these changes are very exiting when one has the 'bigger picture' in mind. For u at the moment, the admin work attached to these changes is shortening our teaching time and taking the fun from teaching. The Afrikaans Week during August was special this year. We used our learners to stage a short play with scenes from their ctwork book Die Verdwyning Van Mina Afrika.' The scenes depicted the burning is ue of rape in South Africa. The very experienced new teacher in the First Language Department, Mr M. Abrahams, mu t get all the praise for his input. Besides the yearly LOl<. symposium that we attend, Mr Pieter Smith and I also attended the weeklong FET- course during the June holidays. It was a very fruitful exercise and we are looking forward to implementing the new curriculum for the grade 10's of 2006. I

The progress and success in OUr Department can be seen in the increasing numbers of our Afrikaans Additional Language students opting to do Afrikaans First Language. We are obviously succeeding in making Afrikaans more approachable. T.s.

Vakhoof: Personeel:

Mev A Diedericks Mnr M Abrahams

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Groen eD Goud


ende die afgelope rugbyseisoen het grike roJ sport in '0 mens se lewe kan en ontwikkel koordioasie, persepsie en geleentheid om mense te ontmoet en

My groot

eaal is egter om die Groen en Goud oor na~~ op NuwelandofTwickenhamjou land eer nie, D;laar jy kan die wereld sien en OOl!WiaarVO()r


er '0 paar struikelblokke op my we~ ns wat geseen is met yslike spiere steroide nie, sal ek verbeter moet _' ....u_

Dit was d贸n)~er.-路N.t;~IUIl_lIhe stilte. Af en toe geluid gemaak. Die afgelope uur of wat gevoel. Miskien was dit Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


ook til was. Dil was asof die natuur a em opgehou het. Selfs die krieke was stil. Die stilte was soos reëndruppels wat aan In tak gehang het.

Pa: (treng)

Skielik het ek iemand of iets hoor nader kom. Hy het nie eers probeer om til te beweeg nie.Vreesbevange het ek gewonder ....was dit 'n mens; miskien 'n grusame ongedierte ....? My verbeelding het oorgeneem. My mond wa kurkdroog en my tande het opmekaar geklap. Toe ek probeer sluk, het dit gevoel asof'n stuk beton in my keel vassit.

Seun: Jy' dronk. Jy stink. Hoekom?

Skiel ik het die voordeurklokkie gelui en ek het letterlik meters die lug ingespring. Bewend het ek die gordyn effens weggetrek en geloer. Dit was die Butlers ou met die pizza wat ek 'n uur gelede bestel het!

Nou waar wa jy?

Seun: Uit. Weg van jou af. Pa:

Wat sê jy daar?

Pa: (huilerig) Moenie so skreeu nie. Ek het net 'n bietjie ... 'n paar ... Seun: Meer as net 'n bietjie! Pa: (reageer nie). Seun: (skreeu onbeheers) HOEKOM? Pa: (kom sukkelend orent) Stil! Ek is nogjou pa en ek wil weet waar jy was en ... (Val terugin die stoel) Pa: (huilend, sy kop in sy hande) Waar isjou Ma? Waar is my... Ek kan nie...

Thomas Burgers (Graad 9A)

WAARWASJY? ,n Figuur sit-lê in 'n gemakstoel in die middel van 'n donker kamer. 'n Streep maanlig val op die slapende man.Sy seun stap by die oop voordeur in skakel die ligte aan en sien sy pa - alweer dronk.

Seun: (sag) Die enigste rede waarom ek nog hier is, is omdat ek wag vir die dag dat jy besef wat jy gedoen het. Ek wil jou oë sien. Pa: (slaap weer). Seun: (fluister)

Nag .. Pa.

Die seun skakel ==.... kamer is weer donker. Die streep maanlig val op die man in die stoel... Sy oë is oop.


Seun: (sarkasties) Hoe was jou aand?


Pa: (half deur die slaap) Dis nog vroeg!


Seun: Nie twee-uur in die oggend rue. 84

Richa,.d Malldy (Grade 10)

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

W)'I/berg BoJ's' High Sc/zool

King Edward VI Binl1ingham

An organisation committed to helping schools in South Africa & the UK to 'twin 'for mutual benefit. Liaison: Mrs Jayne Martin. WBHS: Messrs L Mo er, MBadiali, P Furstenburg.


his year saw the Phase One implementation of the AfriTwin Project, which enabled the students to communicate with our "twinnjng school" in Birmingham, King Edward VI Five Ways School. This took a while to start as the technical glitches were ironed out. To begin the project the students communicated with each other and shared school life snippets. Many of these evolved into ..e-mail pals". In the second part of the year we started running interactive projects in which the students had to gather information from their friends overseas. These programmes will continue into Grade 9 (and will be repeated with the new Grade 8's). Next year we will move into Phase Two, during which time we will benefit from the coming on board of a third school, Alexander Sinton High School in Crawford, as this will enable the students to share Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

information from different perspectives for their projects a well as their social and school lives. Phase Two will also see more integration between Learning Areas. Combined projects will require the students to collect data and viewpoints from the other two schools. We also hosted the first Cape Town AfriTwin Meeting, which gave guidance to interested schools, as well as the pitfalls to avoid. Three students in Grade 8 (C Mitchell C Bryson and K Bumell) talked about their experiences in communicating with overseas scholars and answered some questions posed by staff from the other schools. We hope to continue "sbaring education together". MB.

In 2006, Cape Town's AlexandeT Stnton School will bejoining us... 85

ARTS AND CUl:ruRE ubject Head: Ms D de Jong.

ubject Head: Mr MColman. '_;-.',;





h ere i sac 0 rn rn 0 n mi perception that unless we go to the theatre or play a mu ical instrument. we do not have any culture. However. our values, language, attitude and traditions make up our culture and it i important for us to develop an understanding and awarenes of our multicultural society. In the process of exploring culture, learners are exposed to the basic skills of the disciplines of art, music, dance and drama. This leaming area is taught at Grade 8 and 9leveL and some of the activities we have done this year include: story telling; the making of percussion instruments; the exploration of the differences between African and Western music; observational drawing; dance pieces relating to sport and short plays dealing with issues facing our youth. Arts and Culture also gives learners the opportunity to explore their artistic talents, which some learners insist they don't have. Given the opportunity however, they invariably blossom. D,DeJ.




t the start of the year, the

Curriculum Advi er called on the Art Department to a i t in hanging the Annual Matric Exhibition of art works, selected from the 2004 exhibition, in the National Museum. Gail from Vega Design School gave the boys a talk on what Vega offers. Some of our boys subsequently visited their campus and were most impressed. The Grade Il De ign students went on a workshop to Concept Interactive in Mowbray. It was a challenging experience, the boys realising just how much there is to learn in Computer Graphics. We visited Westerford High and Springfield to view their exhibitions, and were impressed by their standards. We have some hard work ahead! Work from Grades IOta 12 was displayed at the MAD evening in September and our final Malric Exhibition in the ALf Man-is was a great success. Parents and friends were invited for drinks and snacks, and two guitarists contributed to a festive atmosphere. With our newly formed Art Committee, the Department will go from strength to strength.

This page is spoIIsored by the Badlram-Thomhillfamily

ubject Head: Teacher :

Mr G Taylor. Me rs B Creed, A Cross.


ighlights for the year include the Matri~ trip to the UCT Anatomy Museum, the Grade 10 visit to the Heart Transplant Unit at Groote Schuur Hospital, and the Grade 10Skeletal Reconstruction project for our propo ed museum for one of our laboratories. We look forward to the 2005 matriculation results as we have a particularly strong group of Matric boys this year and expect at least seven distinctions on the Higher Grade. Our aim for 2006 is to become more involved in Biology Olympiads, to participate more fully in the Wynberg Science Expo, and to ensure that our Biologists receive top quality teaching.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 200S


Subject Head: Teachers:

Mr MBadiali.


Messrs G Po thumu • W Cree<L I Parsons. S Hud on-Bennelt.

Messrs D Faulds, G Posthumus.


004 wa the first time Matric Economics was written and the results were exceptional. The class achieved 19 A's, with Paolo Innocenzi and Travis Edwards tied second in the Province with 98% each. While the Matric class of2005 is not quite as strong, I do look fon.vard to some good results at the end of the year. The top Grade Il class continued with the Cambridge AS Level programme. Five learners will write the external exam in November. I am sure they will achieve excellent marks.


ur first class is matriculating this year and the results wiU provide the benchmark for the current students. Already, however, there have been exceUent results from the Grade li's and some Grade lO' . So far the Grade 12 achieving honours, is Keegan BadhamThornhill, who indulge his artistic talent in a computer medium. Next year will see two new ICT related subjects starting with Grade 10 FET Engineering Graphics and Design and, Information Technology in our own Department, which involves more programming. Sadly, the next two years will also see the last students of Computer Studies at our school. In Grade during the IT lessons, we have had larger integration with other Learning Areas, particularly in Life Orientation.


Messn POStJWfllIIS, lIenchie & FUlllds

saw fÓr thé first time Uuee Grade 10 classes. There are a number of exceptionally strong learn~ who should form a good class for the Level course next year. However. the voltnne of work required for \.iatric is nM for the faint hearted or ill-disciplined!





Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

~ltemagic of IaNguIlge... Subject Heads: Teacbers:

MrC Broster; Mr" S Williamson. Mcssrs J Baxter. B Emms, P Fiskc, R Henning.

J Louw, 'VIrsJ Goodwin.

Sell" .Helsham

Pe/cr Roners


he English Department "downsized" a little this year, which made us slightly more manageable and. as ever, we tried very hard to work together and to assist one another where possible. We welcomed Mr John Louw from Milnerton High and wc thank him for his faultless cfficiency in this new sphere.

At the start of the year. our results in the AS Level Int ern a ti 0 n a 1 [n g I i h examinatlOn~ of Cambridge University were encouraging.


J., ~~ ••• :,

, ·i:t.,.~~ "_'ti'"


J/rchllel KM"

The Department did some exciting things. We undertook visits to Maynardville for Much Ado ahout Nothing and to the Little Theatre for Hamlet: we hosted touring companies who performed Hamlet and extracts from our poetry syllabus. Very worthwhile competitions were organized. Michael Klein won tbe Reading and Writing competitions and Richard Mandy the Public Speaking section; the Vidco competi1ion has not yet been decided.

(out of several thousand) in that competition, together with a Gold Certificate. In addition, our Engli h Week wa the occasion of two special

Rrchartl ,\fan.!v

Petcr Rogers cracked an 'A' symbol, and Scan Messham, Edward O'Reillyand William Souter each produced a 'B'. We also entered the SACEE Language Challenge in which Michael Klein (Senior) and Edmund Rodselh (Junior) each scored an excellent 94%. Many of our students did well in the annual Engli:;h Olympiad: Peter Rogers, in particular, gained a Silver Certificate and. to round off an excellent personal year, th Michael Klein took 54 pLace

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


, 't,

recordings ofJohn Orr's popular language programme Word of Mouth on location in our Library and broadcast over SAtin Radio. The above items were the highlights of our year. And now, for your amusement using the letters of the mnemonics OUT, FET and CASS, find a lO-letter word to describe what English teachers do while teaching the new cur ric u I u ID . An sw er: SSUFOCATTE.



he cnd of the dry cason is coming oon on lhe arid plain of the Sa\ annah. It has been an extremely long time inee any living thing has so much a' sniffed a drop of water falling fTom the sky. Thi' ha been a particularly long dry 'ca on and bOlh the fauna and flora are yearning for it to cnd. The lraw-d!) gras seems to tretch for miles aCTOSSthe plains, interrupted only by Il few tree 'catteTed every here and th TC. Because lhe min' arc latc th.i6 yea ••9OC.U... , .... huid alrcady.be al' us ~en.gr~j groun I • I 4W almost llrit1 landSê3 Scant warthog curry pee now-empty jig aw-p where ample bird and anim onc frolicked. In the distance, a mall lion pride lie hungrily under a whimpering camelthOm tree which offer little protection from the corching mid-day sun. Irritating flies come 10 re·t on open wound acquired through a long, difficult season's hunting. The lions arc tooduUed by the unbearable heal to reacl. An old buffalo caccas is sprawled in the dust nearby a victim of a desperate hunt. and a bald eagle Circles in the sky above. The lions tare ra\"enou ly at a herd of zebra. a long way 0 tI. The zebra are thin and crowny. ribs protruding out of their sides. Their black and white stripes are di torted by the lack of flesh on the zebra' abdomen. Their ears perk up as tbeyen e omething trange approaching. Minute later. heavy, ma culine thunder-clouds appear on the horizon. The animals' moods change dramatically. Tbc zebras chewi ng dried 90

grass to admire thc ltght blue sky a it turns lowl} darker. The loud roarofa lion echoe in the distance and is followed by the harp crack of thunder. The rains have arri\ ed on the plain at last. T\\ 0 week later. the dO\\11pOUrhas till not cea cd although palch~ of kyarc tarting to appear and the clouds arc thinning. Zebra and wildebeest follo'Wing the ummer rain ha\c arrhe<:! n the avannah and they now fill the plain in a manncrrcmini ccntofru hh r trollie In he streets of. cv. Y; rk. The on] a packed i the ground di g ptJae aFliou wh re the cmeaili tfle old ca.melthom tree. It t ed bearing fresh green bud on the en of its pidery branches. The pride are in ulging in their late t catch. a young zebra If. The remains of previous carcasses, together with two solid weeks of rain. have rovided ample nutrient for the grass, which h grown to ankle height. With the rain have come new off: pring and many tiny hooves now camper in and out of luscious green meadows. The \\ atcrhole i filled lO the brim and accompanying lhe many co1ourful birds darting through the reeds is a herd of elephants. splashing and trumpeting. Baboon and vervet monkeys lie lazily in the trees. wblle their young gorge themselves in the over-abundance of truit and seeds. The plain ha an almost festive feel to it now. The desperate fight for urvival has been somewhat filtered down by the rains. The light dims as the day grows to a close. The curtain of clouds draws back to reveal a great Wynberg Boys' High Scbool Magazine 2005

shimmering orb and the peace of nigh I falls upon lhc '\ltpJII.路n

avannah plam.

nil/k"r. Grade /1

[The editor commenLs: Jl classic "descripth'C''' C'ssaJ~li itll ;1.\ own anginal featurc\ and \'ocahu/an' tiS \l'eII, Panicularly {Jwhentic ~ccll('-vetling

rather lhall follo\l cd, J


\'{Jgue(l'-imaginedlocation, A model ,ha, could well he

The anger cour. ed through him, etttng off chemical reactions A~ ancient as the human body Itself. It \\ irled around his tomach, brought bile to his mouth and made him double up 10 pam. He crouched on hi haunches. lhe deep hurt penetrating 0 deep He wondered if he would ever recover. JL felt like being dunked [nto water 0 cold il burned, but slo\' ly ~ucked out all thought And left you numb, praying for sensation. The cold burmng would Be beller than this III between nothingne 路S. It was in these silent pace between the retchmg spasms that a Choice was offered lo him. You always got the choice when you I-ht the bottom, You could il in this agony and numb yourself, Deprive yourself of en e ,of free thought. of tnle emotion or You could get up and tart the climb back up to con ciousness. Back to love, to ligbt. It is alway

easier to stay 10 the drama. tay in the pam. ea 'Ier to Carry 011 falling than to SlOp,

He sat doubled up in pain, the raw dirt centimeters from his Nostrils. The pain was almost pleasant. it was the mo t he had Felt all week. He felt the cold of the night soak through his Shirt, complimenting the fevered fire inside. The ame words kept On creaming through hi head, fragmented sentences from the Past reassembled to foretelllhe future, to describe the pre ent. He knew if he believed in those hate filled words they would be True. Maybe true in his reality and nowhere else but that where it Counted. in his heart. in hi mind. He was given the choice. It came like bubble ri ing from rotting Swamp weed, Stay here or climb up? The que tioner bad no preConceived expectations either way. both would lead down their Own path but it wa his choice. not their " Ifhe stayed bere he Would regain compo ure, stand up and everything would be a it Was. From the outside this might be a desirable outcome but that's Assuming everything was great to start with. Ifhe started the climb back to self, be would feel.the pain, feel The anger, but be would also feel the joy, the love. Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


He blinked the tears from hi:. eyes and tarted traightening up. Ju't tepping out of the hellhole that was adole 'cence he had Way more anger in him than wru. healthy. And adne . lots of adne .. He traightened lhe la t of hi ' vertebrae, reached his full height, (Which u 'ually made people feel very uncomfortable and 'lightly Threatened) and trode home. He had been u 'ed for the last time. Thi - wa not a healthy tate to be in and as a healer he could not Afford to be in that po ition. He hated hypocrite and ifhe didn't Practice ~hat he pn:ached, he would certainly join their rank . Hi - first action would be to acknowledge and experience the Sine\\ nppmg torture chamber his emotional mind had become but Try not 10 be controlled b) it. The next tage would be to Communicate in ome productive and expre he way. The final tage would be to release it, thank It for providing the continual Forks in the road he needed 10 order to grO\\. and then to relea e It to the Universe. This would create a new pact: in hi life for Something beautiful and healing to enter. When he got home he pulled out a sheet of paper and with a pen Wrote "It's over, I'm tired ofmouming for you, the game is over so Stop toying with me". After a while he wrote, "P. . rf Iever again Hear 'Let' be friends' uttered from your insincere and u eIe s Lips, I\ViJl cut them off'. He signed il with a smiley face and Wrapped iLup in an envelope inscribed with an offen ive and Biologically impossible phra e he had recently become a frequent U er of. He then tied it to a brick and threw iLthrough the window of the One person he had e\ er loved. It made a sati factory mashing ound, a pane of glas got )0 tbe way. There wa no repetitive tap A there had been earlier to get the occupant' attention. just The hattering of gla . Revenge i sweet. He miled as the obviously tartled and emi-naked body was Forced to u pend itS current intere Is and tarted creaming At him through the window. He waved and walked away, tarting the healing proce of Dumping the old and making pace for the new.

1t was time to tart a new phase in his life, a nurturing, Restructuring period. He would need to meet new people, likeMinded people. He almo t turned round after a half empty vodka Bottle flew pas ed hi ear and smashed against a lree. staining The now like an incontinent drunk. The pain was leaving him and Good riddance to it. He slept peacefully that night and awoke Refre hed" ith a tingling in his stomach. The tingling was joy. milium Marlin Grade II


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



onathan opened his eyes. His sight was blurred. but only for a moment. His eyes quickly adjusted and he found hImself urrounded bj abnormally white walls. From above came a powerful brightness which. when he -qUInted. 'icemed to be radlatedmg from two incandescent tubes allaehed to the ceiling. A foreIgn smell wafted to hi nostrils, it was not one", hich he knew or could IdentIfy, and yet, Il wa . omehow vaguely familiar He dragged his right hand over his cm enng, noticing Its strange texture. Tt was thin and smooth, quite unlike his own coarse, heavy blanket. A 'oft, high-pitched noise attracted his attention to a large metallic box next to his bed. seemingly the ource of the noise. Strange green Imes darted acro s its screen and out of Its side tloweda transparent pipe. Jonathan followed the pipe \\ ith his eyes and found it coming lO an abrupt halt directly in his left forearm. Despite this intrusion. Jonathan pulled hIm elf into a sitting position and surveyed this trange room with its alien objects. How had he gotten him elf here'! He lried recalling hi mo t recent memory, but everything 'cemed 0 Incoherent. Jonathan clo ed hIS cyes. He could rememberrunningneartheThamc~. He remembered tuming to sec ... To ec \\hat? Hi pur uer. Yc . he had carried on running. He remembered lights approaching him. quickl}, and him -elffalling, He remembered a pla h. Aclick tartled rum. He turned to ee a young lady enter the room. She \\ ore an unusual while garment and a piece of paper attached to a block of wood. Without lookmg at hun she made her way to where the curtains hung. She gra 'ped the fabric. imilar lO that of his cover. and pulled them apart. Light streamed into the room and Jonathan could see the word inn ewn into her clothing. "Excu e me ..:' Ventured Jonathan. The lady turned to face him, her eyes wide, the colour drained from her face. "Mr Halloway, you're awake!" She gasped, before dropping her clipboard and running from the room. Jonathan looked round bewildered. His gaze fell on the now vi ible window and through it was an alarming sight.A woman clad in lace gazed at him from an enonnou 'painting'. So life-like it was that Jonathan had to check ifil was in fact a painting. He tore his eye away from the sight and removed his intrusive pipe. With a great effon he dragged him elf from the bed and stood uncertainly on his feet. After a glance (oward the door, till open after the hurried exit of the nurse he looked back at the giant woman, but she had disappeared. In tead, a stranger sight had taken her place. In huge red letters Jonathan read: 22 JUNE 2003. How could this be? Yesterday had been 3 November 1903. His head began to pin and he collapsed to the floor next to hi bed. He Jay there for at Jeast a full minute before his heart slowed. Sitting upright Jonathan found the nurse's clipboard. He picked it up.At the top of the page ina big fonnalletterhead he read: London Royal Hospital and beneath that: 'Jonathan Halloway - Coma Patient'. So, he had just wakened from a coma after a hundred years. He knew this couldn't be true. it was impossible. For the second time that morning his head spun and he vomited. He lay gasping on the ground, allowing tbc floor to cool his tempered face. He had to leave this place, this hospital. He had to go somewhere and think. Despite his body's resistance be hauled himself to his feet. On a chair near his bed, Jonathan spotted a chair and, draped over it, some peculiar clothing. There were heavy, dark blue pants and a silk shirt, both unlike any

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


he'd een before a well as two tan-coloured boots. uil. it wa beuerthan thi ho pital dress he wa路 wearing. He changed qUld,I}.looked furtively OUl of the door. The coast wa clear He hurried down the pa age WIth It walls and floor as unnaturally clean and white as in hI room. At the end of the pa . age Jonathan \\a' confronted by a difficult choice. A sign di played a list of multiple de tinalion. After cannmg the It I carefully he turned right and made hi way along the route that had been marked' EXIT" . He continued down the labyrinth ofpa age and tairs until he came lO a huge room. filled \\ ith all 'ort of people,dre of his trange visitor, ina, and others wearing clothing of a 茂milar tyle to his. In the corner he noticed a group of men and women lounging on sofas. There eemed to be clump oCthe e group all over the room. Jonathan wondered Ifhe had come the right way. He looked anx.iou 'I) around, searching for ome Ign or notIce that would lead him from the bu tling. di orderly crowd. Then he saw it, staring at him In the face. The Exit. It \\as situated at the furthe tide of the room, two glas doors. He made for them. A hi boots queaked acro s the floor he glanced at the people. ome were reading new papers and others glossy-paged books; mo t were talking or staring nonchalantly inlo pace. He ob erved a doctor speakmg to a wet-eyed woman but continued on.

Llftmg hi head he reached the doors \: hich,

his amazement, opened al his approach. Without looking back Jonathan made his way onto tbe energetic pavement. On the far side of the road was the Thame . but between him and it was a road full of speeding automobiles. yet not ones like the Ford be owned. Fast and flasby. these car brought on a sickening realisation; he was not in a place even simiLar lO the one that be remembered. He was in a strange place in a strange time. He was completely alone in a bizarre place. His mind dulled. Jonathallclo edhiseye . lO

M,chael Klein. Grade /1

Michael Kleill



Oh lhat&itI lha1fMaJll!DPla taM ta write tha.t trash Mattet .. ..., to not gwa it a bash.





J:~'-'twrit&poctry. Clarlyw. .. ""fer ..


Jona/han Child

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

ubject Head:


\t1r S Price Me dame C Hodg!..lllson, D Smith, Mes r D Schenck, Hud on-Bennett, J Louw. T Hepworth.


ne of the most exciting developments in our Department this year was lhe allocation of an interactive whiteboard for use by the Geography educators. TIlis acquisition sparked the enior Geography staff inlO researching the use of PowerPoint presentations as an alternative teaching method. To date, over 40 PowerPoint pre entalions covering many aspects of the curriculum have been produced by the Geography leachers. Thi skill was al 0 developed in lhe learners who were asked to produce PowerPoint projects for their continuous assessment portfolios.

The Grade 11's went on their annual field trip, visiting various beaches around the Peninsula in order to provide them with practical application of their Marine Geography and Oceanography course. It is always amazing to see how the subject come alive in the minds of the boys as they experience Geography as it happens.

Wynberg Boys' High School Mag_azine 2005



alking about Geography as it happt:n', thi year ha been momentou as we tudied the cau e and effect of Tsunami in the aftermath of the catastrophic cvent' in Thailand on the 26th Deccmber 2004. The Grade 12's did their major re earch project on the development, con 'equences and control of Tropical Cyclone - as ] write tim. report New Orlean i stili reeling a' il comes to terms with the force of Hurricane Katrina. At Grade 9 le\ cl we looked at the eit) and the problems of water shortages. In Grade we looked at the 1tddle Ea t cont1ict and the United NatIOns both tOpiC that were major ne\\ Items in the course of the year. Who ever said Geography was irrelevant in today' world simply had their head firmly in the and. Geography is alive and well at Wynberg Boys'. We have been preparing hard for the introduction of the NCS in the FET phase. The Grade 10 curriculum has several new topic, the mo t important being the introduction of GIS (Geographic Information System ). All the teachers have attended GIS training course in order to bring tbem up to speed in this ne\ and exciting technology. About 60 boys also Attended the GIS held at the Boshoff centre in Bellvtlle. They were enthralled as they u ed cutting edge technology to zoom from satellite images taken hundred of kilometres abo\ e the earth to 40 metres above the ground to look at their houses being able to ee their father's car parked in the driveway. We could even see the Turktek staff mowing the gras on the Hawtbornden rugby field in preparation for the weekend rugby matches. What a year interactive whiteboard ,a new Geography Head, tsunami, hurricane, water restrictions, FET, GIS, NeS, field trips, Google Earth.com. rsraeli withdrawal from Gaza, United Nations Geograpby has seldom seen such excitement and innovation. Tbanks to my colleagues for


doing Geograph) on the run. Through their effons Wynberg boys ~ ere kept informed and educated about the momcntou events that rocked our World thi year. 5 P

ubject Head:


Mr P van Schalk\vyk. Mes rs R lnglis, J Louw, J Baxter, D Schenck.


i tory at Wynberg i gro\ ing. More and more boys are selecting the subject a they realize that the days of memorising essays, names and dates are a thing of the past. Tbe "new History" demands a greater understanding ofthc work, but less regurgitation of the facts. It demands that you are able to read and interpret sources, compare sources, while at the same time write essays in which you have to structure an argument

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


and give your viev. on an a peet of History. Although it might be harder and may need greater understanding, it no longer cha e boys away \\ ith its emphasis on rote learnmg. About 12 boy 10 Grade I I were fortunate enough to do thc Cambridgc AS-Level course under the guidance of Mrs Trula Human. We hope that extending thcm in Grade I 1 will improve their matnc marks. The matrics of2004 produced another Cl of excellent resultsan avemgc of72.1 ~oand 24 A ymbols. Our outstanding matric results over the last few years ha\ c al'o been a factor in promoting J listory.llhank all the History teachers for their efforts thi year and in particular with putting up with demand uch as CTA's, Grade 9 and J2 moderation and c1u tcr meeting . P.I'S.



ICT Manager (WBH ): Network Admini trator (Wynberg Campus): ct\vork Technician (Wynberg Campus):



his year has been a "consolidation" throughout the managed by a closer with the Girl' High School School. On our side we aw the Computer Labs. We needed to allow more pace around each access for the educator, as office from which to monitor This was all done in year's Computer Studies all) and the new FET will demand a higher into all subjects. New were well overdue, as we still years old. Nothing is going to most of these computers are somewhat slow) workhorses. some of them into classrooms administration, into the hostel will go into the Music have also installed an interactive whiteboards (for a Sciences Lab and the other in a Language classroom

Mr M 8adiali. Mr E HassIm. Mr A Louw.

year which still awa large number of improvements __ ....,..._-.Campus. all working relationship and the Boys' Junior re-building of the alter the design to computer and easier well as a central and offer support. preparation for next matric class (60 in curriculum, which integration of ICT computers in one lab had computers over 6 waste however. as still solid (if We have re-deployed to help with and next year some Department. We additional two total of 3) one in a Social Science /



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



ll Grade 8 and 9 Learners are required to take thi subject and some of their \~ork reveals amazing insight. The Grade 8' this year learnt "Tbe Reality Skills" of problem solving, decision making, self acceptance, refusal and opportunity development as we addre sed issues such as self-image. peer pressure, sub tance abuse and sexuality. The boys need these skills to assist them in making correct decisions when dealing WIth tbe problems that face many teenagers today. The cla sroom provided an environment in which in-depth conversation could take place and boys felt afe in asking questions and finding real an wers. The Grade 9's spent a large portion of the year concentrating on career options and mve tigating a route of study for when they finish their Senior Certi ficate. All boys completed a career exploration exercise. which assisted greatly in their FET ubject choices. Other topics covered were: the working and function of the South African Government, Relationship skills. Nutrition and healthy eating and HIV/AIDS. Next year sees the introduction of Life Orientation into the FET curriculum. This will prove an invaluable opportunity to address ome oftbe key lifestyle i sues facing society today. D.R.

Subject Head: Teachers:

Ms S Lindsay. Messrs L Moser, B Sopam, S Hud onBennett, E Lefson. S Henchie. J Huggett. A Thabede, G Posthumus, I Parsons, P Furstenburg, M Rushby (matric Additional Mathematics).


laffing in the Mathematics department during 2005 has been far more stable this year. Miss Sue Lind ay was appointed as Head ofthe Maths Department:, having previously taught in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Mr Fearon and Mrs Hartley filled in for the first term only, after which Mr Thabede, from Zimbabwe, took over their classes fortbe rest of the year. Many of the boys competed in Mathematics Olympiads, gaining invaluable experience in problem solving. Jae-Bee Shin and Michael Botha excelled by winning tbe UCT Grade 9 Pairs Competition. Jae-Hee Shin also got through to tbe final round ofthe junior Harmony Gold Mathematics Olympiad, which placed him in the top 100 pupils in the country an


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

outstanding ach ievement! Additional Mathematics continued to be olTered a an extra subject. with Grade lI's having their lesson during the school day and matric attending lessons once a week after school. Thc kno\\'ledge and skills acquired in thl subject arc greatly appreciated by any pupil who continues with Mathematics at tertiary level. For tho e who battle \\i(h Mathematics, wc have offered tree, extra lessons after school, throughout the year, for all grade. Ol enough pupils took advantage of this opportunity. Numbers Increased dramatically Just before examinations and then fell off again. Pupils need to rcalise thaI it IS important to work consistently, both in cia s and at home and to sort out any problems munedlately. My sincere thanks to Mr T Hepworth, Mrs C Hartley and Mr A Thabcdc for giving up their time to give extra lessons thlS year. The matrics of2004 excelled JO Mathematics. achIeving 2 di'linctions for Additional Mathematics, 19 dl tmcllon路 for Mathematics Higher Grade and 9 Juc-Hec Shm for \1athematics tandard Grade. Next year the Grade 10's WIll be the first pupIls to follow the new FET syllabus, which includes cveral new topics, including tatistics. It will be compulsory for all pupils throughout South Africa to take either Mathematics or MathematIcal Literacy through to malric level. Several of the Wynberg teachers attended courses during the holidays in preparation for this change, which will be qw.te challenging. I thank the Maths staff for all their hard work. 1 have appreciated their efforts and hope that2006 will be an even better year than this one has been.




his year the matric class displayed work of a high stalldard and evident of a vast range of interests. Top pupil, Thco Cronje, Nathan-Lee Ramagcs, Michael Leighton and Rick Irwin produced excellent Drawing and Practical work. The design and production of artefacts of practical use saw the production of beds, benches, c~irs :qf tables. Waseem Majiet de igned and built all ive dining room itll six chairs.. that re his skill and the pn takes in hi worK. tanoing artefa ! port lios illustrated th



Mr JLouw.

rc carch, design, production and evalu;:ttion of the bed set by Cronje and the compact bar by Ryan Murphy. The Grade 11s also had an interesting and productive year, me prodilced. work of very high quMity. A number of Grade II projects graced the school foyer during the moderation period and compared very favourably with the matric presentations.



Same positive outcom as their predecessors. Kyle Nold writes, ' "Thank you to the school for allowing this wonderful subject. It bas taught many of us lifelong le. ons and skills."

I h6pe that the boys who l1ave been the .J'Qajor erformers during the c 贸sing year ofl11i learning rea have enjoye<l their txperiences and share the

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg, wc strive to create a happy atmosphere in the Music Department, whi le the boys gain experience in various skills, as well a in performance. Besides 1usic as an academic subject, we offer extra mural tuition from beginners level to grade V1l ill all instruments, as well as a varied programme of extra mural music activities such as Steel Band, Jazz Banel Concert Band and Choir. It t


is amazing how involved our musicians are - not only do they tend to be above average academic students and commtned sportsmen, but many of them also find the time to play in a band or sing in the choir. This is allround education at its very best! In 2004 the Wynberg Campus of schools mtroduced a concert at the Baxter Theatre in which each school performed for

30 minute'. This was such a succes . that it has become an annual event on our cultural calendar. Besides the Carol Service on the last Sunday of lhe year. our annual November Sunset Concert, which sho",-cases all the bands at Wynberg. is the culmination and highlight of our music calendar. B.8.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Subject Head: Teacher:

Laboratory Assistant:

Mr M BrasIer. Messr DAlIen, A ros W Creed, R Hamburger.

Mr SPetersen.


he 2004 matric Science papers were of a higher standard than those of the past few years, but our boys did well. On the Higher Grade. 64 boys entered, 13 achieving A's. The average was 62.9% and there was one failure. 17 boys wrote on the Standard Grade. Their average was 46.3 % and there were no failures. This is sigOlficantly above the Provincial average. As usual. the Science Department participated in a variety of external competitions. In the National Science Olympiad there were a number of pleasing perfom1anees, the best being Stephen Donn who earned a Bronze certificate for ending 18" in the country. In the Schools' International Assessment Tests. the following boys excelled, earning distinction awards: Grade 8 - Craig Lawrence (89'h percentile), Grade 9 -

Tariq Janodien (95'k pl.!rcentile). Grade II ,h Stephen Walker (90 percentile). Grade 12 Mathew CarsJake (89'~ percentile). Unfortunately. our recent run of success in the Technology Olympiad came to an end when all the teams. who had made it through to the Regional Competition, eliminated. Unfortunately, the Min Quiz yielded no prizes. and the Bridge Building competition caused us the most embarrassment as we were beaten by our sister school. among tother. We are looking forward to making

scientific teaching aid designed and built by Stephen Randall. who took it on to the National Expo and earned a bronze medal as well as several otTers from universities lO buy his Tesla COIL My thanks to the statT and all the boys who went the extra mile and contributed to a succc sful year of Science at Wynberg.

amends next year. The Wynberg Boys' High School Expo yielded some excellent projects and Mr Kobus Olckers deli\ered a fascinating talk on solar predictions. Our bel>t projects were entered in the regional expo at UeT where we were pleased to earn 4 bronze medals and a gold. The Gold medal was for a

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

ubjcct lIead:

Messrs P Kriel' Candenbergh.


he numcrou complimentary remarks made by parents and \ i itor:. to the school on Valedictory Day concerning the high standard of lhc woodwork models on display, is testnnony to the perseverence and hard work of the woodwork candidates tbJ )car. Andre\\- Mandy's grandfather clock and Richard Vincent' pool table drcv.' partIcular attenllon and admiration. Wc trust that the high standard of work produced this year \\ ill -erve as an inspiration and motivation for boy in the future.




Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

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Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


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Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

"When we lo the hesl we can, we neuer k.now what miracfe is wf'oUjhf in our in the fife of another. " 1fefen 'Keffer fBBo- f9GB Teacher-in-charge: Prefect:

fife, or

C Hodgk.mson. Ashton van den Bergh.


anyyoung men of Wynberg Boy , High School have made a difference in some way in the lives of many people, both directly and indirectly this year. The boys ..... have given their money, pos essions and most importantly, their time to help others less fortunate in our community.


The Service portfolio at school involves both community and school service opportunities. We were involved in numerous community service projects this year. We supported the Heels for Hope appeal, by collecting nearly 500 pairs of shoes in May this year. nle shoe were to be cleaned and repaired and sold to raise funds for the Red Cros Children' Hospital. The ongoing appeal for an extra andwich on Mondays contll1ued this year. Wc appreciate the loyal families who remember to place lhe food in the era le ea c h we ek. We continued to support the SPCA this year in various ways. Mrs Diedericks made a pa sionate plea to the Grade 8 boys and we were swamped with blankets and towels ete for the animals in winter. We had boys working as marshals at the Mutt of the Year fete and at the Wiggle Waggle Walka.thon. A group of boys worked as marshals at the Two Oceans Marathon, and tbc money they earned was donated to the Grade 8 House Building Project. Wynberg Boys' High School was again represented at the One-to-One festival for handicapped people inAugust in theGoodhope Centre. The girls



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from the Interact club at Wynberg Girls' High chool helped to make our experience for many. Their crcatl\ e skills amazed everyone when the _ ...... guc Is' faces wcrc painted and little upermen and faines left our tables! fan) of the boys choos\! to be involved In chool en'ice, The First AId volunteers plny a crucial role at all fixture and practices. Some of the talented portsmcn offer their time as coache to teams and umpire or referee matches and practice games. Countle hours are spent by boy who score, officiate and help administrate at games. Their service to their peers and to the school' much appreciated. The computer centre and library function well as result of the extra time put in by competent workers. The Grade 8 (lou e Building Proje<:t was a highlight of thi year. The cia of 2005 \\as challenged to follo\\ in the footsteps of the previou grade group and rai e RJ5 000,00 in order to build one house in one ''''eek under the management of the Habitat for Humanity organi ation. It was amu ing to ee the boy mixing cement and getting their hands dirty. and deciding that the building industry i nOl for them. The Spanish novelist Cervantes (1547-1616)wrote: "There's no taking trout with dry breeches". The value of community work is not measurable. nor is Lbe way In which tbe attitudes of our young men have been changed after certain experiences. Many of our young leaders have demon trated a genuine commitment to nation building and an honest compassion for tho e les privileged. CH.



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



PCler Roger . F Cronje, D Taitz, J Child, A Selley, M Jennmgs, M Campbell, G Bloor. M Klcin, J de Waal, R r mail, D 101Jer, D Pillay, SJones, S Luyt.

his year a small, but extremely dedicated group of young Wynberg men regularly gave up their time to give individual assistance to boy ~ ha had requested help becau e Ihey were struggling with a pccts of their academic work. Se sions took place daily in the library and lasted aboul an hour. The school IS grateful for lhe commitment of the e tutor lO the programme, and for Iheir determination to create oppoI1unitie for academic excellence. TE.




Wynberg Boys' High School Magll4ine 2005


Head: Monica Robertson Assisted byDaniel Ramage

Claire Toi (our locum for four months)

COUNSELlIING wt:hcrc lo support boys 011 tIteir jOllrNC!lS throl/glt

ndO!cSCCfICC ...



hile teenage boys attend to lhe demands ofschoolwork and the rigours of choollife. so much else is going on al other levels. They are navigating through family ten ions, relation hip high and lows. fragile self esteems, competition with peers for physical prowess as well as their own emerging and often, confusing, sense of identity. While all this IS going on, they are also establishing their indepcndence from their parents. which can leave them feeling at time invincible, at times, extrcmely vulnerable in tbe world. No wonder they need so much food and sleep! The WBHS Coun elling Department is there to support boys on their journeys through adole cence, ometimes providing ongoing and longer-term individual support and other times, brief intervention to support them through a cri i. We also refer boy to outside practitioners where nece ary. More than e\er before, we have been aware of the vcry important role of the family in a teenager' life, especially the parents. Parents are the ones who have lo let go to allow their son to grow into his own self while also providing ecurity. nurturance and acceptance of their son's new independent self. Hence. we have had many family meetings lhi year and it is always wonderful when parents and boys alike are open to talking together. As expected in a High school population, a wide range of problems were dealt with this year, from learning difficulties, to alcohol abuse. depression. matric stress. parentteen problems and anger management problems. A achool coun eJling department, we are also committed to being aware of and prepared for the many sexuality and HIV/AIDS-related i sues that are prevalent in our society, rherefore we held a Parent' Forum Discussion on these issues in May, and subsequently invited a speaker living po itively with HIV to address both staff and boys. The WBHS Counselling Department looks forward to another year of service to tbe boys and families of Wynberg and hopes to change and grow according lo their needs.

"We can bloom where we are planted. We can make our lives work right where we are" Jay McGraw, author of Daily Life Strategiesfor


,'>iR. 110

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

CWESI COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTRE M~K11\9ctv~hty edvc~ttol\ ~niW,le to everyol\el


he two major events In the life of CWE I thl year were the reshaping of the Governing Body and the production ofa video for u e In future fund-raising efforts. On to the Governing Body came Mr Reggle Brown as the new chairman. An American bUSIne sman ..\ orklng on project management in Cape Tov.n. Mr Brown initiated a strategic planning e:\ercl e for Ihc ...chool, whIch will lay the foundation for future years. Expenenced bu mes man Mr 11chael Weir al-o jomed the committee a arepre enlati\e of the Catholic Church. thus rc-c tabli hing tie -with one ofCWL l's founders. Ryan Murphy and his tcam ofWynberg technos ga ..e up a lot of time lO film foolage of CWESl's activitie and did a fine job. Ian Wood of iaglc Bean Productions produced the video and al 0 very generou ly pro\ Ided CD and DVD cople . Another inno ..ation was to -et up a tall in the Con tanlla Village hoppmg Centre dunngAdult Literac)' Wee"-. With the terntic upport ofCxclusive Book, eWE I managed to ral e a good sum of money for books and raise awareness of the chool. eWESI continued to recei ..e financial upport from the SA-Club in Berlin. Thi . assi tance make the school's subsidl ed taxi y tem possible. Excellent relations were maintained with ho t chool Wynberg Boys' through the good offices of Mr Larry Mo er. eWE J's dedicated teaching taff again 'howed they were willing to go the extra mile 10 making quality educatIOn available to tho e denied It to the past. On Founder' Day, Gue t of honour Mr Grant Edkms. RegIOnal Director of Habitat for Humanity, gave a lively talk at Founders' Dayand pral ed eWESf's tudents for their efforts and teacher' for their dedication to sen ice. He said that eWESI and hi housing project were proof po -itive that communities could help them elve . Mr Edkin wa pleased to pre ent M Vumeka \1feketo With her Abet Literacy certificate. M Mfeketo wa Joined on tage by Ms Johanna Mogathwe in giving a talk about their experience a pupils of ewe i. Both student were then invited to peak at the Wynberg Boy' High chool Founders' Day where their sincerity and the depth of their achievemenl made a big impact on the large audience. During Adult Literacy Week, eWES I tudents happily boarded a ferry to Robben I land. Among them was Mrs Katnna van Rhede, who I srudytng English at ABET level and i a very proud tudent and mother. So too were Ms Belmira Da Camara, who was denied acce to education in the country of her birth becau e of her disabled status. Her attendance record at Cwe i i second lO none! Three other CWESI student with excellent attendance records joined the Robben Island trip. Mrs ZurinaAbdullahieed and Mrs Camtla Hendricks were very nervous at the beginning of the year, not being ure they would cope with studies again. They have coped marvellously, as has M r Abraham Swarts, now in his even ties and proudly able to read and write for the first time. Die Burger newspaper ran an article about Mr Swart' uplifung story. writlen to coincide w1th Adult Literacy Week by the teacher who inspired him, Mrs Anette Fella.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Dirk Buksman. Katrina van Rede and Lydia Fran e happily boarding a ferry to Robben Island dunng Adult Literacy Week,

At CWESI's 2004 prize giving, we aid farewell to two tine and long-serving teachers. Mr Courtney Spence and Mrs Jenny Zeederberg. pictured cutting cake for the party with Mrs Therese Michaels, CWESl's energetic Abet teacher, looking on, Mr Spence and Mrs Zeederberg both gave wonderful service to CWESI over a number of years, and their tl.ldents were very sorry to say goodbye.










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71} 5018

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


e were fortunate enough lO be associated with the Medical Standby team, headed by Mr Jerome Isaacs, who spent a lot of time with the boys. We learnt a greal deal from him & his team, and look forward 10 working with them in the future. P.F.


irst Aid thi year had a bigger intake of junior boy than la t year, which will hopefully lead to Wynberg once again recruiting the numbers it had many years ago.


B. Nakanyala,

J.Adam B.Bam F. Bertolini B.Dube M.Hawkin P.Manner K. Martin.

B. Ndamandamalil\""~~~\' A. Nos ek, S. Osman, G. Rhoda D. Schenk, A. Thomas

BLOOD ClIlNllC Master-in-charge:

Give blood Give life

Mr D. Ramage


he Wc tern Province Blood transfusion Service again came to Wynberg seeking blood donations from our Grade Il & 12 learners. A clinic was held once a term and these were well attended, not only by boys, but by keen staff as well. Once our matrics left, we were fortunate to have a large number of new donors to fill the void DR ..

Wynberg Boys' .High School Magazine 2005


"rt: Jt is -woncCe.,p.dto Jee that our boy



'W'i//i1'l:Jto JUj'j'ort a Jervice

that JÂŤVeJ


many /iveJ.


J 113

Ma ter-in-charge: Crew:

Mr MBadiali. S Donn, J E elaar S Wallenda, D Engelke. M Cars lake, M Halt, A Klein.



his keen ervice group grew in numbers with the influx of new Grade 8 and 9 learners who pent many hour helping during and after chool. The year started with a bang as they helped to prepare the Computer Labs for their Grand Opening. As the year progressed and the older members (all in MatTic) had to focu more on their tudie, the grade 9 and 8 student <---=----=-= . Cole Taljaard. Shalldoll came mto their own. They were given new Wallenda. Stephe" Don" _FRH responsibilities and have re ponded & Die/er Enge/kl! al/he well to the challenges of their duties re-opelling of the rellO\'Qfed CompUler and of unruly teenage boys in close Centre. proximity to computers. The cherry-on-the-top thi year was the arrival of the slick, new, black computer. The InfoTech crew had to set up the whole of Lab 2 within 8 hours. The new Lab was in full use two days after the computers arrived. We are sorry to ee the current grade L2 members ------~_., go. They have gained many skills over the pa t five year , ranging from Web Design ( ee the Matric Dance Photo Gallery) to PC maintenance and trouble hooting. Their hard work also laid the groundwork for the InfoTech badges and three of them achieved Colours. They will be orely missed but their legacy will continue with the new Htechie " . .\f B

INTERACT CLU Teacher-in-Charge: Mr DAllen. President: Matthew Lynch.


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he general objective of our Interact Club is to establish, maintain and run various service projects in and around our community. Wc do this in conjunction with the choot's Service Committee and Wynberg Rotary Club. Our motto, which is also the Rotary motto, is "Service above Self." Onc of our fist activities of the year, during the NovemberlDecember school holidays, wa to organi e and coordinate volunteer to as i t the Wynberg Rotaract Club with "Uncle Paul's Christmas Parties" at Groot Constantia. About twenty boys were involved some of them helping several times (and enjoying it immen ely) in the weeks before Christmas. During the first term we organi ed the collection of Easter Eggs for children who were unfortunate enough to be in ha pitalor homes over the Easter holidays. Several thou and Easter Eggs were distributed. We al 0 assisted the Rotaract Club with the running of a stall at the Wynberg Community Carnival. Mo t of our members gave up a day of their Easter Weekend to marshal for a section of the Two Oceans Marathon. The money raised was donated to Habitat for Humanity. We also helped with the catering for the CWESI Founder's Day, and with collecting 'Spare Change' for Friends Day Care Centre. We would Iike to expres our thank to Mr RochĂŠ Van Wyk, who acted a our liai on with the Wynberg Rotary Club. Congratulations to Ra s Jansen on being elected Pre ident for the 2005/6 year of office. We wish him, and the new committee, al Lthe very best. D.A.

President Rou j,mSf'n

microwa\'e ore"


handmg o~er a staff oj the Sara" Fox Hosp,tal.




would like to thank our Headmaster's wife, Pippa Richardson and all the Wynberg mothers who joined me on so many occasions to make tea or feed our guests. There are far too many to name. I thank Sue Crone most profusely, however, for her dedicated loyalty Lindy Ko/hoff to the tuck-shop and committee, for the many hours spent planning and buying for us and for her shoulder that is always Available to lean on. The flowers this year were lovely thank you. The catering this year was fantastic thank you. Tess your help did not go unnoticed thank you.

This page is sponsored by Metal lmage



would like to thank our Headmaster' \\ ife, Pippa RIchard on and all the Wynberg mothers who jomed me on 0 many occa 'ions to make tea or feed our guests. There are far too many to name. 1 thank ue Crone mo t profu ely, however, for her dedicated loyalty to the tuck- hop and committee. for the many hours spent planning and buying for us and for her houlder that i alway available to lean on. The nowers thi year were lovely thank you. The catering thl year wa fanta tic thank you. Te your help did notgo unnoticed thank you. f certainly think Wynberg tands above the re t when it come to making our parent and guests feel welcome so 1 urge the new Grade mums, and even Grade 9 mums to join u ,if you do not already help in ome way or another. We are a delightful bunch. We do not fund-raise at all and we only meet once a term during the first week, four time a year. That's not asking much! After ti, e years you will truly be able to ay that you supported your on and were part of ~ynberg Boy , High. L.K.

PEER SUPPORT Counsellor: . P*'gn... H. JolUlSlOl\ F.

Robertson. Head of e: 0() Peer upp ': van .,,,,,...,v.._. S. Randall, G. Other. b. Femandes. . RobinSon. M. Edwards, 1. Solomon, W.Wintcr, P. Sampson, G. Hey,W.Souter, D. Abrahams. L. Jeftha. J.Pretoriu . J. Abraham. Garrel" S/oor

group of new Supporters was selected from those who attended a six -week Counselling and Communication Skills Course at the start of the year. In addition, we had re frcs her courses in Advanced Li 5tening Ski Us a nd Peer C onfl iet and Mediation.Later in the year, we hosted a Dating and Relationships Workshop with Springtield Convent, which proved very successful. Some of the issues that were covered included failed relationships. communication and perceived gender roles within our ociety.We also focu ed on divorce this year, and joined lhe girls !Tom our sister school in


This page is sponsored by Mela/Image

discussing this problematic is ue. Peer Support initiated a Forum Di cu 'sion wIth Wynberg Girls' High on 'Explicit \'iaterials in the Media vs the Con titulional Right to Freedom of Speech.' In addition. \\c organized a school's civvic day in aid ofa local charity; v. e visited the WoodsideCenlre; hada stall for the Sister's Incorporatcd Home for Abuscd Women and Children al our Annual Food Fair and visited the Centre earlier in the year, becoming the firs! boys' school 10 \ isi! and a ist organi ation in its 40 years of existence. Our week I)' meetings gave Peer Supporters an opportunity to reflect on current issues, to propose initiatives and to plan ahead.




Mr J Baxter.

John Baxter


CraigGreen. M Cunliffe, LKlaas, J Doig, R Hanbidge, W Danieis, B deBeer, RMcCullough, TBotha,AMulholland, D Rossa, M Crispos.

BACKSTAGE Chairman: Crew:

Alistair Mulholland. DRossa, R McCuJlough, M Botha. B de Beer, C Green, M Cunliffc, R Hanbidgc, J Doig, W Danielz, LKlaas.

Events: Prize Giving, Sports day, Food Fair. Galas, School Production, Stalt Production, Achievers'Dinners, Wynberg Idols. Presentation Evening, Artscape Production.


he Theatre Technology Crew has had an extremely busy year. Particularly enjoyable for the crew were the school's production of 'See How they Run' and the staff play 'Post Horn Gallop'. They were great fun and the crew learnt a lot. We also enjoyed helping with the Artscape production of'Pirates ofPenzance', which was a great success. An enormous amount of time i given to working on production and 1 thank and commend the crew for tJleir time and efforts. Sincere thank to Chris Smith (exWynberg) for his unbelievable knowledge of theatrc and for always giving us hi lime day or night, Wayne Daniels for lending u his equipment at very bort notice, and Mr Baxter for his constant support. Wynberg i a chool of opportunities all boys have to do, i grab them with both hands. The Theatre Technical Crew of 2005 has certainly done so.


This page is sponsored by Me/al/mage


Llb ........

: Mrs P Rogers

MODiton: M Gore, C Taljaard, 0 Barker, W Vu. T Vu, R Peters. ASolomons.


he Libra!) remain路 a popular space for the boys. as it provides an attractn.e and comFortable \cnue in which 10 stud). read the new paper or relax with one of lbc popular magazincs on offer. The Library also ho ts lhe Bridging the Gap programme, and pro\ ides a haven for the late l passion to hitthe scbool- che, s! On the literary front. fantasy and SciFi remain the mo t popular genres. nlthough the TV series C I ha par led an intere 't in criminal forensic. Much time and etTort has gone into ourclOg educational DVD but thus faf\vithout much success. This will remain a pnorily in 2006.


This page is sponsored by the Questiaux family


Cultural Committee look back on 2005 with great pride and satisfaction. The Cultural portfolio has had a busy and exciting year for which we are indebted to the encouragement and support of the staff and Mr Baxter in particular, and my hardworking committee.



n,is page is spoIIsored by the Moir family



'... has taught ntalty of us


skills. '

Made by R Davids Made by Andrew Mandy Wynberg Boy • High School Magazine 2005


Thatlcr El} Manager:


oth team had extremely ucce' 'ful cason with the 1 t Team" inning the outhcrn Zone region of the Western Cape \\ ithout losing a match. Jn fact they were onl) really te led rwice ID the cason. early on against Grey H (PE) nnd latcr again"t 'outh Peninsula In the annual Dr Malan Bhtz Tournament our I st Team won their pool but lo t their quarterfinal match to the eventual \\.'inner ',In the annual


24 42



Rondebo ch Doubk Tournament our patring of Thafier Ely and DonO\ an 1c1lendrie cam\: third out of 14 pairs. Having won their zone. Ollr 1st Team \\ ere invIted to panicipntc in the U, A Top chool, Che " Tournament. held (ht~ year in Cap\: To\'m. liere they were (ruly tested against the bc. t '>chool In oulh Africa and tinally fini hed 7th out of16 chool:.

4' 1 42 D 33 L 2~1 124

Wynberg Boy' High School Magazine 2005

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

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Cap Factor)' c.c.


ConcmBand Stllnding Row 4: S Lub, E Rodseth, S Bell, S Bolland, \1 Kmg. A .fames S HUllolI-Sqllirc. K Olipha1ll, J ~an 1J)'k Standing ROK' J: UI Choi. N Goo. S Makin. G lI"r,mamr. T Elblllnb, R \(mr. M Klein, J Stock, C Green. JJ C }li. Standing Row 2: ij'Langridge. TW }il, T Gatc\, S Spcm""cl; J de mwl, \,/ Leightoll, S de Freita.\, M Gri 1'0.\, R D(.'v/i", de H(ull. Seated ROK' I: T \liI/UI;.f Crot=. AI Can/uke. Mr B Botha (Iltad ol \(I/\'h), B Carl' (Band Leader). \11'P Cat=m'c!O\ (Bmul Director) A Rolrfoif. L 0110, E 0 Rci/~l.



lu" year's tour took place trom 16 - 19 June. Group" im oh cd \\ ere the Choir, Jazz Band. 'teel Band and thl.; Concert Bnnd. Our first port of call \\ as Stanford. Wc played mthe Btrkenhl.:ad Concert \ enue \\ here all groups played e.xtrclllcly well In a aCOUsIlCs. ThiS set the tone for the tour. next concert In (Jre~ ton \\ Il' to r<llsefunds for Animal \\ elfarc.

Cu(tura( Tour of the 130fanl There mu t ha\c been about 400 people commg und gOlJ1g during the performance. Saturday started \\ ith the Concert and teel bands playmg at the marke!. The Jazz Band. ChOir and tcel Band performed at The Oak and Vign\! Re \\-cnt through to Franschhoek to delI' cr an e\ ening concert. On the last day. the Choir and teel Band performed at Truffles Rc!-otaurant for the breakfast crowd. All groups then performed at The Ri\ erside for their lunch :es ion. This \\ a . an amazing \ \!nue and all the b>fOUP. once again did Wynberg proud ru. they delivered uperlativc performances. The tuur party thanks the teachers and mu. ic stafT \\ ho lell the tour but it \\ ould not have taken place \\ ithout theorganĂ?!sational skills ofNeiland Ingrid Moir. They \\ ere brilliant! P:C


Wynberg Boy~' High School Magazine 2005

n/il page is sponsored by Na/ional Cap Factor)' C.c.


~Ir B Lmms. Garreth Bloor.

G Blaar, PRogers.


N \lahlutshan;. J \an Wyk, R \.1andy. Debated






Debated 6

Won 3



o M Gruter, M Wood. \1 BlOg. M Young. R 1andy. Lost





part from participating m a busy Rotary League schedule. we organi ed debates against Wynberg Girl' High and an Souci. cO\ering lopies uch as Workers' righ~.Globali ation and corporal puni hmcnt at school-. Ju till van W) k and Richard Mandy teamed up Vv ith debater from our partner choa!. Kensington High. and repre 'cented Uganda al the United alion. Model imulation Debate for Grade 10 and 11 learner. Thi was hdd at the We tem Cape Pro\ incial LgisJature on 3 eptember. Garreth Blaar coached the team as the debate required weeks oflong. hard preparation. The debate itselflasted live hours, delegate pre enting the current efforts 'their' govmment werc making to combat the HIV AIDS pandemic. Our thanks to Mr Emms for his support, aud to Mes Daly who a i ted in training up new debatcr. GB


UlmlnG laster-in-charge:

{0(1,(T1~{ Mr 1 Badiali.

Two of Ihc Gaming ocieties had a good year under the guidance of their re pecti\'e Chairmcn. The Card Game ociety's Chairman tepped down during Term I. but the oeicty proceeded to enjoy the support of a keen core group. The bigge t challenge to the oeieties wa the lo of the ociety Period in the . chool timetable and lhe competition for the only available slot on il Friday afternoon. The keen gamer, however, didn't let thi 路tand in the, ay of their enjoyment. ILha been good to ee lhe garners interact acro' grade. Card Game Society: Chairman: Yasser Soopee (Grade 11, Term I) The gan1ers continued their nonnal play (Magic: the?Gathering. Yu-Gi-Oh!. ete) and were challenged by a ne, game called UUllchkin. This wa also very popular with

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

members oflhc

Olher 1\'1'0,;ocletles.

Ro/ep/oy odety: hairman: Da, i raujo ( rade 12) The rolcplayers benefited from Davl' . enthu Jasm. He mn campaigns on Monda). Tue day and rriday aftcrnoons dunng the first Tenn. Mr Badiali also arranged for an external Gamema "lcr (GM) to run a very popular campaign on Wed ne. day and Tbur day afternoons. MrChnsto De Beercrealed an enjoyable cHing which brought much mirth and angst to all.

H'argamillgSodety: Chairman: Fran Cronje (Grade 11) The~e garners had a very ueces ful year. taning with a guest peaker. Mr Don Burgess ( A Repre entati ..c for Games Workshop) gave an enjoyable introduction to tht: newbics and di 'played 'ome beautifully painted aOnles. We al 0 becamc a School Club with Games Work hop. which allowed us to get starter annie for a pecial di 'count. Pupil' can no\\ alomake purcha cs via the ociety at very good price and the society benent . by obtaining freebies. (n September three Society member (and 2 Old Boys) qualified for the Warharnmer Fantasy A ationa! Tournament. ''''hich look place at The Ca tic. All players received a commendation for their port manship and were placed in the top 15 - the be t two places gomg lO an Old Boy (5 ) and the 7 place to Bevan Jones in Grade 10. -'.. ~(B



JAZZBAND Landing Ro" 3: A RoJr/ojJ. S Bolland. Af King. W Langridge. S Bell tanding Ron 2: S Spammer, B Martindale. \{ Klein. Af Carslake, AI Crol:. J 1'011 rl-J'k. S de Frei/as.

eated Row I:

T MIller, Mr M de Kock. B Carl', Mr K Richardson. L 0110. Mr B Botha. S MClkin

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


JAZZB Director:

D Mr \Iarc Je Kock.

Thi. year the focu!>of the Jazz Band has not been on performing, bUI on building up repcnoirc and band member. Il hoc;been exciting to cc how bo)'", w ho joined the Band in rade ,ha\c gro\' n 1010fanla$tJc musician~. B>ron rarr (guitar). latthcw Car.;lakc (drums) and \!forgan Kmg ("'il\) are some primc cx mpk,. Every year, onc of the most Important and presllglou<; gigs for the Band is pla} ing al the Big Band rest!\ al at the Baxter Tbeatre. Thl . year tbc Band played extremeI)' \..ell, prO\ ing that they are one oftbl! top band in the We tem Cape. One of the highlights or the year ,..as the Cultural Tour. It is ad lO sce so many talented Matrlc bo} lea\ e thi year. bul exciting to sce new member lake their place.


Wynberg Boys' High chool Magazine 2005


bout a week before the cnd of the sccond tcml, tephen Walker and lattendcd a Oi\'cr it) Lcadership . eminar at UCT, intended to teach school lea vcr' about di\ ersity and different ways to deal with it 0 that we can use the. e skills to deal \\ ith diversity later in society. As "c all know, outh Africa has Illany ditTerent language', races, cultures and religion', and little or no fonnal education takes place" ith regard to this diversity. This seminar wa extremely interesting and has cenainly given Stephen and me the tools wc need to face the diver 'itv of South Africa when we finish school. The ncxt step is to pass o~r knowledgc onto our fcllo" learners so that they too can under ·tand and deal with diversity. IImnmaad Gamieldien (Grade JJ)



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.. - r:~'..-.(....

I"'..t· One hcd,oom .. Ilh o,J,"'I>I_ b<d.le d"'uNc l'ull ...'uI c{)uc:b 10 fllllljl ,nom, Bdlh .h\"'êJ & '-Cparnl" 1(>lléL.rull~ <'«ulpp<'d "'Lchin. H,'<Idllll. flncn & 10,,<1. plO\ Ided, T\. l nJ~rlf"or h<,uung &: IlrcpfDA:c ror "mlcr.1 an. fN umm .. , Oul(loor b,~.., .area. I Ife Urlllh "oo.l pro\ldcd .. rt!d("tJ(L', l'~rch·C(lttDp(, \\ th und-.:.fCC'o\C'f & ptaat ar ,1 wo "...droom. on~ ,,"h douN hêd God olhrr .. ,Ih ' .. n ~C'I~' I "unk ' ~~. 1><:..1,. H4~r(k>m ",lh lUIIel, h.t in & "ath. r'ull) <'lurrrx-d ~11,·""n. n •R.,ddtnC. hn~n & 1,."eI J'f"lld.,.J. Oil h..~I<r (", "1nl .., ~nd lun' 'nr .umnlcr. H, .... ' "",I(( p'u' Ide.! 4.~-,~:, ., • " ' • .. I :.'.. ...... Tile rottaJu are sit •• '.d 500m off. larred f:' ' ro.d at tht rOllt of til" maCnm ... ", mOD.I.i. r•• ~ .. "f

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Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



G • an ~ 'mng ot

Music, Art & Drama

legg Hilft. dl pIn. ~na uificcnt nn \\orh III luding :\tatne painting that '>I:r am d I1crgy delu:atd) cral ('cramk. Gw:,b, \\cre treated to qualit) ()I!rf~)rmal1l,;l,; by thc 'teel, and Jan Ban ' \\ell a 1\\0 olferings fTum the Drama Department- the first a mon(ll from ROlal lIu", 0) I 'SIlII. the 'I,; I,; und a piece Irom ImaJ(,II~, Sn3l:k und ",me \\ crc prO\




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Wynberg Boy , High School Magazine 1005


We ley Langridgc.



hi' year the teel Band ga\c 32 performance al a number of\enue In and around Cape Town. Whether they were at a pri\a1e funcLテ出n or a chooJ e\cnt. the teel Band v.a ... ~urc to lea\c a lasting impre . Ion. The highlight of the year wa Without doubt their perfonnancc at abara Park radium in cwlands ",here they had the amazing opportunity of appearing on Ielevision. The Band also recei\\!d 3 very impres 1\ e diploma at lhe Cape Tov. n Ei teddfod thi year. The ultural Tour to the Boland \\ hlCh took place In June. wa~ another ucce 'ful event that brought the Music Department together. On the tour we performed at various ....enues such as the Blrkenhead Brewery in tan ford, the Oak and Vine ID Greylon and Riverside In Fran chock. 12 enthu iastic jUnIors formed the JUOlor teel Band at the beginning of2005. and, under the leadership of We Icy Langridge. will con litute teel Band of2006. One of our main goal for 2006 is to raIse ufficient fund in order to purchase more sleel pans o Ulal \\e can accommodate the mass of boy. who stiU wIsh to join the Band. It really has been an outstandmg year. full of quality music and accomplishment. A huge thank you lO the pupils. parent. and teachers for their tireles~ support and to everyone in the Band. I am proud of you.

L Quinlivafl, E Kruger, A Roll/off, M MpaIIIwa, HlLallgridge, J Aldridge, S RaIldaIl, C Alexallder, S Maki", M LeightoII, Mr P Caf7.avelos. 135

~ I I~ ~


~, \



John Huggett (Chester Dreadnought) Terry llep\'Vorrh (Lord Elrood) Margy Fischer (Lady Elrood) Keith Richardson (Mr Partridge) Alison Badiali (Patricia Dreadnought) Clyde Broster (Bert) } Vi itors to Patricia Rogers (Maggie) the Castle Dave Schenck (Mr Capone, a recently released convict) Daniel Ramage (Mr Wedgwood, his accomplice) Larry Moser (George Willls, a scout master).


h!Jhยง enter{ainiYlj farce 63 1Jerek. 13enfie(รก, which a five& cast of current ani ex-staff mem6ers performei with Jreat ap{รณm6 ani a Jool lea{oferjOJment! ;ti

SUNSET GONGEI~TS - showcasing Wynberg's outstanding musical talent (and spectacular campus)


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazme 2005


Teacher-iD-charge: Portfolio Prefect:

Mr P van Schalkwyk. Keenan Topley.


be 2005 port sea on bas been a very good one. Tbe fir t Cricket Xl maintained it po ition a no.l chool in outh Africa. Our l st qua hide j. no. I locally and came 3rd in the Top School competition and our Badmjnton I st team bad an unbeaten season. Hockey - no. I for the past two years - wa alway going to struggle with a young, inexperienced side but, although it had a poor 'tart to the season, fought back to be ranked 18th in the country. Thanks to the support and guidance of our coache , Wynberg i obviou ly maintaining its reputation a' a porting stronghold in South Africa. I w ish the incoming prefect and committee the best ofluck for 2006. I








Administered hy ,Private Health Administrators Wynberg Boys' High chool Magazine 2005


(PHA) 139

It was with great sadness that we said goodbye to Mr Philip Kriel. left the school at the cnd of the first tenn.Philip \\as onc of the best javelin coaches and with his un flagging enthusiasm and drive, he manag.ed lo coax the best out of scores of boy=-du . the 20 'casons he sen ed al the school He will be sorely missed. PR

ATHLETIC tanding

Row 3:

KLagan, KWaad. B Kriedeman. SOahl, L Johllson, 0 Cro\'. ie, R Jan en. tanding Row 2: de Freitas, M Walburgh, ankeie. B ibaka, T olomns, J Kalipi. R Mentor, L Jef'tha.



lthough athletics in the Western Capc's Southern Zone does not attract anything like the following it has in the orthern Zone. it not only remained firmly on the WBHS sporting calendar this year, but also recci, cd a boost in the fonn of a new chief coach. Simeon Davies. who has a Doctorate in Human Movement Science.

The Grade 8 Athletics Competition in January scn ed as a run up to the fiercely contested Inter-House Athletics competitIon on 15 February, which was opened with a colourful parade of paint-bedecked supporters and athletessome on motorbikes-and the festive sound of ..u..uzelas and chanting. Littlewood stole the show however, \\ ith their demonstration of precision marching and group singing. This year both the finishing point and spectators \\ere re-sited to the Lover's Walk end ofthe field to avoid facing into the sun. which proved a challenge for the athletes, especially the printers. as the finish was into the wind. Prize giving closed on a particularly happy note, with our Guest Honour, Mrs Van Tonder, presenting the Victor Ludorum to ber son Wesley. the Captain of Athletics Team. This page is sponsored by Ihe Sibacafamily





17 Randall


L Johnson


C Vlulder

R Magee


Z Maane

N David'

B Perry

L Johnson

Di cu


C Mulder


M MacKai er

High Jump

C Botha

A William

hot Put

Ban iek

Long Jump


K Negongo

R Mentor

J Van \Vyk

K ~egongo

B Zunguze


W Van Tonder

M Fitchct

V Terry

W Van Tonder


S Delport





A William

T Bramley

G KOLtoff


L dabaninLi

o Crowie


o Mekuto

J Kalipi


2. Raymond

3. Kalipi




Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

-Manager: ouch:

I\JtrsJ Goodwin. Juhan Vincent.


e look back on a uccessful and enjoyable season. The first team players did Wynberg proud being unbeaten, despite tiff opposition from t Georges. Fortunately. their team will rcmain largely intact next year. Members of the second and third teams were fiercely competiti\ e and loyal and showed a marked improvement as the ca on progressed. As anumberofjuniors ha\c expre sedan intere -t in taking up Ihe port, we hope to have an even more successful season in 2006. The highlight wa the Inter-Hous~ Badminton afternoon - great pirit, rivalry and fun. AWARDS: Williamjackson: Brent Bartlett: Francois van Rensburg: William Chiang:

Blues.WPU17A. Colours, WPU 17B. Colours. (He lo 10ut a there were no WP U 19 trial ). Colours re-award.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


FIR I TE\M \\ Jud: (In (c ptain).

r \-an

Ren..,burg. W

Played 10

hiang, L Batt. B Bartlelt.





. O'\D T ',\:\1

B Bartlctt. T Chan. R Bolland .. Bolland. Won






TJIl RI) TE '\\1 M Klein. J. De ~aal. J Adam. R. ~1c uIIoch. J. Terblanche.

Scala Ch·emist







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And Dtliver

Wynberg Boys' HIgh

chool Magazine 2005

Teach Capta Captain L/16 team:


en It aldlanya. Tuna Amutenya. I

askelball continues to attract only a small nonetheless able to field an U 14. 16 and UI


U DER 19


Benzile Makhanya. Played


9 Team:




W Chiang. M Gore, M Jawe. A Klein. S Knaggs. J Miller. K Negongo. G Oliver. M Qhushcka. E Raymond. C Simbilu. C van Niekerk. L Bredeveldt.



Tuna Amulenya.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


MrR Inglis.


ynberg cricket has once again experienced a fantastic season. due mallll~ to the phenomenal achievements of the I" XI under the passionate guidance of Mr. Eric Lefson. It IS nol surprising then. that the www.superschoQls,co,za placed us at the top of the Super Schools' table for two years. Having played 51 matches. (dra\\ ing 4 and only losing 3) our I XI played more matches than any other team among the lop 10 chools and boasts a superb win ratio. Individually. our men rank consistently among the bc t 10 the country in all facets of the game. Matthew Dasnc\es (2) and Richard Levi (14) rank among the top 20 fielders; Tom Main (I). Keenan Toplcy (8), Ongeziwe Mekuto ( 14). Malusi Siboto (15) and young Matthew Kleinveldt (19) al I feature among the top twenty bowlers. Richard Levi with an average of over 60 and having ended his High School cricket career with a glorious century against SACS is number 5 in the balling rankings. according to the most reccnt published talistics which are not yet final. Richard has had a wonderful school career and has the potential to follo\\ JO the footsteps of Jaqucs Kallis, His top ranking was solidly cemented when the United Cricket Board of South Africa did Richard (and Wynberg Boys' High chool) proud by naming him U 19 Player of the Year at a prestigious function in Johannesburg. Our headma ter. who attended this cvent, must ha\c been bursting with pride \\ hen our other Wynberg tar player. Jacques Kalhs. was also honoured at the same event which was attended by South African cricketer and olhel national and international dignitaries. Speaking of JK. - what a contribution he has made to the bullish performance ofWynberg Boys' High School Cricket! Apart from making hi alma mater a beneficiary orhis Foundation. the PR we got from his TelevisIOn adverts. tilmed at the school. cannot be measured in monetary tenns. Thank you Jacques. Mesdames Daly and Oliver, assisted by our sports administrator

Mr, Peter Knowies. pioneered

_ speadleaded the 1st Wynberg Cricket SuperskilIs competition, which was generously _'__'_~ldby Sanex. Pharos and Sportsman's Warehouse. Jacques Kallis came to the party yet 1_"'!a'I'!"K' sed the tournament which saw 54 learns from 2S schools and clubs compc:IUIS to a concept devised by the legendary Bob Woolmer and adapted for die two rounds ofbatting. bowling, fielding and long bit supersIciPs; -_I&;J ...... !l"';_.""'""'1'"" weal 1hrou8h to the finals. The event proved lO be a


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


At the ri~k oflcaving someone out., the hst below represents those people to whom WBIIS cricket owes a huge 'THANK YOU': A Il parents for their sci fless support and encouragement and for prov iding transport. lunchc and teas. Peter Kno\\ les for his dedicated and efficient role a sports administrator. All coaches who pend tireless hours Coaching. managing and umpiring. taff who supported cricket. All umpire and corers. USSASA WPYoutb Cricket. Shaun Little (Turffek) and his tireless Ground crew for preparing our pitches. ALL players for their hours of dedication. R


Coacb: E Lefson. Captain: R Lev i.


he 2005 cricket season \\3S one tilled wtth positive memories. It \\as certainly the longest and the team will be remembered as one of the best sides the school has ever ptOdueed. They would certainly stand as one ofthe top chools teams in the country .• know there liave been sides that have lost fewer games. but Idoubt there have been SIdes that have won more. filet 1bat so few games ended in a draw show what kind of cricket was played. The tbIee _ •• 8II1OUIIdhavebeen avoided, bul then when you play so many games you are



Wynberg Boy •High School Magazine 2005


.COGleto an cnd and in many ways this yeareuds lUIera InW] __ ,rdI.~ four such great years. with two 'once ID a generation' cricketen ..... .Ric_rd Levi playing at the same time. I think It IS fair to say that we will DOt see although we may not achieve the same heights in future. our cricket 11 ID ... ...... Ibc next generation i looking lO match up lO these high standards. Iwould like to .dIIak1he parents for their positive support-especially Mrs. MalO for the many hours she gave up and Jannie de Waalour loyal scorer. He is a special young man - many thanks. Finally I would like to thank the players for a wonderful year. both on and off the field. I hoped they enjoyed it 88 much as I did. I look forward to seeing how thcy go in the future. __










Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Punt (5U U\l'rs)

\\ 'H ,,, '\\ II_L\



'~X·, 1>a'Ih ..'\ ~'., 711




Gallle 10 vs Alc\:mdt'r

hy 2(10 run ...

SllrI.'w'ihllry 7X WilliS \\ Oil hy



Canll' J ,....OIllHl!c ()undk 159 WBIIS IflO 2 ( Lt:\' 1 59"') "dH IS \HIIl by X wid.t:h 4 , .. Blul' I.l'ol1ard ... WBIIS 251)'6 ( I.l."vi 100·, :'-lauhalls 52"') Blue Lcop.mls 206 WBI IS won by 5~ runs


Game 5 \ .. IIcrl!"liel WBIIS _165/·1 (Lcvi 216"', Niluhall~ 56) Ikrgvlicl 70(i\lain 7,.~(I ) WBI IS WOIl by 21)5 rUlls Bcr~\liet (50 UHf") \VHIJS 229.'6 (SibolO 54, lorky 50 \-Iain

:\ Icxandcr Ruat! 126 \VUIISI275 \\' B II S won ny 5 ,~ickl..'ts Game II " WBIIS 246 NlIrlhwood WBIIS won

:\ortll\\ood (50 0\1.'1''» X ( L\?\i 67, Fl.'nlOn42 I 13X ( Main 4 32 ) hy I lO rlln~

Game 12 "., Paarl G~ 111 WHIIS 2119 l) (kc ( Kkinn:ldt Paarl (iym 169.9 Draw

5ó )

Game IJ ,-" Pincland, HO on.'rOi) \\'BIIS 241 n ( Dasm:\'cs Mi . ;'\Iauhaus 60 ) Pindands IOK9 ( \1ain lX ) WBlIS \\'on by 133 nms


Game 1-' Tahle\ ic" ( Knock-out I ) Tablcvic:\\ ,19 ( i\lckuto .li J ) WilliS ..Wi5 WHitS \\on hy 5 wickc:ts


(, \S

42) Ikrg\liet XO( Slall'r 4/10 ) WBIIS won hy 1·:Jl)run .. Came 7 " Gnll'llIe Cnlkgl' (45 on'rs ) WHIIS 24}'5 ( Levi 137"', Sibolo 4.1 ) (jrael1lc 124 ( Willimmlln 3/24 ) W BHS WOIl by 119 rUlls

(;anll' 15 \ 'I :\orth Capl' liS ( -'5 !)Hr, ) \VB! IS 21 ()i6 ( Levi 114, Fc:nlon '57· Northern ('ape 1(10 ( Fenion 4'17 ) W BitS won by 50 runs Gamt' 16 \., lJeJh'iIIl' Bcllvillc I:lt) ( \1ain 3141 ) WBHS 140'2 ( Kkinvddl66"', WBIIS !'\ wi~·kl..'ls

oHrs) A Ihany Jl) ( MeklIto 7/12 ) WHIIS 40,'2 W B liS \-\'on by X \\ iáels

Game M \, Alban~(51J

(;ame C) ,'s St Andn'"" (45 O\el''') WBlIS 237 (Levi 52. Klcinvt:fdI41) SlAmln:ws 5H (Topic)' 4/15, !\'Iain 3/X)

Nauhalls 43 )

G:mJl' 17"

I)aul Roos Topic)' 4/22 . Siboto 4/29 ) \VUIIS IlJl ( Oasnc:\es 63, Lcvi (lO) Lost by lo: rUlls Gamt' 18 H i\Iilnertoll ( Knucl.-uut ruund 2 ) \VBI IS 15X [\lilnerton 53 ( Main 5/7 , Toplcy 3,'6 ) WBlIS \\'on by 105 runs Paul




(;ame 2 ,\ Shn'\\shur~ WHitS IlX

I (;aml'

WBIIS won by 179 nll1~

ROllS 199 (

Wynberg Boy'

High School Magazine 2005

19" Pmlrl Bo~ .. (50 oH'r .. ) 2.+(, X ( \Ialll x:, , I l'\ i -li , h:Il(t'1l .+ I'" I ['adrI Blly' III ( h:l1tlll1 .~-I WHIIS \\1111 b\ 13:' IllII'


(;an1l' 2M , ... Ph.IIHskad



2:'iX I 1nl

(,I) .

Slhptp -12 )

['lulllsk'ad "'J ( Ippky ï I X WBIIS \\1111 hy I')') rllll,


(;anll' 29 , ...Bishup ...( ""II(:I..-IIUI Filial) \VHIIS 2J;1 ( I-:klll\ddl (,1'1 BI,ll\Ip,22-1 WHIfS ""Jl h\ 1(l11I1l'

Gallw:W , .. Fi ..h lIod, ( "nud,-uul round J ) WHIIS I'll (,(. I-:kiJl\..:Id! -17 I li,h II(1~h -17 ( \!chll!1l , 13 ) WHits \\1111 hy 1.+-1rlln,

(;ounc .'11 " Radk~ ({allky 71 I \lalll :' 7 )

(;aml' 21 'Ii Oull'n ilJua ( -10 IlH'rS Oll!~lliqlla t33 X WBltS 13.+ 2 ( Da'lll'\ ~s (,2 ) WBIIS \\011 h~ X \\ick~h



72 :; (


h~ 5 \\




31 's l~adll'Y ( 201211 )


\VIii IS Il).:.I (, ( :'vlain 107 )

G:tml' 22 \ S nBUS WHIIS

260 (, I L~\ i ('X. h:n!lIll

:':' ,

I-:kim ddt -15 ) RBIIS 132 ( I-:kiml'ldl:' 20 ) \VBI IS \\Wl by 12X rUIlS Gallic B 's Old Boy" Old Boys I ï7 3 D~c WBIIS 17X -I ([)asIlC\·l'S 53 , Lc\ WHIIS \\ 011 by () \\ ich,ts


70. 7

\ViiI IS


G:III1l'.U \S

by 12-1 rUil,

!'aarl Bu~, (JIJ


Paarl I Jl) \VIJIIS 120 .\ ( Il'\ I (,x* , WHIIS \\011 b\ 7 \\ Il'hCh I


Gamt' 2-1 YS Bhllllps 13(, ( l'cl11ol1 -17 ) Bishor,. 119 ( Kkil1\eldt (l 2X ) WBIIS won by 17 nllh

(;ume .13 n "aul l~fJ()' \VBIIS 2(1x( (>li\':1" 61. Kklll\ cid! .:.1(, , Palll ({oo ... J(,~ ')1 \lalll 'i:'i7, [)r;l\\


Gaml' _l4 '" PindaIllI ... \VBIIS

Gamt' 25 , ...Stl'llenbl'r:.: ( "nock-out Quartt'r Final) WBIIS213 7( Kkimddl(,7) SIel kllb~rg II (l :' WBHS \\1I11 hy 1)7 rUIlS Game 26 ,s SACS WBHS 23lJ 'hkc ( \laill -;I . S:\CS 171 ( \lain (, ,X I WBIIS


by 6X

2(,{) \) ( Il'nlol1 l)~. \');lIn "("

Pin~land., 1(,(, ( \'I;llIl (,77. Kklfl\dJI \\' IJ II S \\ on h\ 9-1 nllh (;:III1l'



i -12 )


Game 27 's Pinelands ( Knol'k-out Semi Final) WBlIS 20.+ (J ( Da,n.:\~, :'il) , \lain -I")) rill~land ... 109 WHIIS \\ Oil b) 95 run ...

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


( 211/20 )

RBIIS (,7 ( \an Sd];tlk\\yk WBIfS (jl{ Il I fn t42 ~) \\'BIIS\\ol1h:-




3 II ,


Gaml' Jó \s S,\CS ( 21J/211Final) SACS 37 ( Kkill\cldt.:.l (i, WBIIS 3k:2 \VBI IS \1 Oil h~ X 1\ iChch Guml' 37 IS Punt (45 mer,) Pun! "r' \\BIIS lJX\\BJIS


h\ .' \\I":hch



Wynberg Boys'High School Magazine 2005


Wyoberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005





40 42 1 4 1 12 1 18 14




5 0 2 0 0 0


12 5 1

12 7 5 4 9 7 2





K 135 60 114 0 2 20

1380 721 792 15 144 310 58 19 8 16 47 1




792 228 88 179 563 100




0 V E

, S


8 10 44 6



307 80 32 54 213 25

60 124 9 32

3 20 2 7


550 277 305 5 45





238 24.9 0.0 35 130 192 4.0 204 25.4

216* 2225 795 1106 307 147 294 14 7 50 510 182 54 608 25.3 62 11.8 165 20' la' 150 15 884 22 1 70 98 14' 88 74 93 11 10 ##### 10' 808 93 920 66' 0 0 7 6' 13 13 230 37 4 4 102 61 347 305




51 WON 44



41 21 13


NAMES 49 51 42 45 37 27 20 48 44 27

8 48 48 4

4 4 14 4 20 18

40 43 25 32 33 21


A V E ..##### 11 8 11 3 158 150 160 163

r##### 13.7 12.0 11 0









24 203 272

I 0


4 5 4.6








5 0 0 0


I 1 W K T




Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

UNDER 15 A M Botha. S Kelly, J Meredith, M Wood, J Cameron-Dow. C Terblanche, D Geffen. A Solomons. T Bloor. M EI worth. R Daly. J Underwood. Played







he team started the season on a high note playing the matches during the December holidays and building an amazing team piriL After playing two English sides we hosted our first U 15 Cricket Fc ,tival, playing against Grey PE. Grc) Bloem and St Stithians with great success. The team went from 'trcngth to strength losing their first match only late m the first term \\ hen they \\ ent down to Bi hop . However, they really came together during their tour in the September holiday', becoming an e\'en more formidable unit. A testimony lO their improvement was that they "\ ent through the 4路 term unbeaten. never coring less than 200 when batting. an almost unheard offeat at U 1- level. I will remember this learn, not for their re ults but for their team spirit and camaraderie. There was ncver a dull moment at practice or on the field and they let no one get in between them. As a result tearn and individual performances nourished. One match that really ~tands out for me is the victory against Rondebosch in the fourtb terIlL Not because we chased more than 200 to win. but because e\cry lime wc cemed down and out someonc would come fighting back. more determll1ed than ever to make sure that wc won. Michael Botha taking 5 45 kept Rondebosch to 206 all out. after being 140 for4. Then, struggling a130/4 can Keil}' and David GetTen pul on 99 for the 5'"Wicket and when Sean was dismissed. GeiTen was joined by Christo Terblanche. who helped him put on 0 for the 6'"wicket to guide us to victory. The season also saw many fanta tic indh idual performances Jason Mercdiih scored 1000 runs including the 230 he scored \\ hilc playing for the First Team, Jarnes Camcron-Dow took 70 wickets exposing many ba1smen with some great bowling. Michael Botha and GcotT Dods were great all-rounders. taking 46 and 33 wickets respecti\ ely and both a\craging more than 32 with the bat. There wcre also notcworth) performances with bat and ball by Scan KeUy, Michael Wood. Abdullah Solomons and Da" id GetTen.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


o.ch: .plain:


Mr P. mith. RueczLe" .


F Rala, 1 Rala, PGalela,G lorkd, R Barn. TTindall.JTindal1.S ~..,claar. TMhlaba.J. hm,L hoi,J~1>bllrgh KCap\.:.."J cdlck.K1\lullin,.BHolt. dam.." ~t. yl\cstcr,J Kim.








boys won all their matche m the.., ri again I SAC m the fir t tcnn. but unfortunately, 1IO:lII:D000ficldedan E Ide in lh fourth tcnn and \\ \\cnt do\\'n in our only game to BergvIiet Ho~'Ier_ Joseph Kim 8 raw beginner. urpris\.:d u al1"\\ Ilh a magnificent IMlngs m _:_~llDpscore of22 run Well done ehap~!




DEREKWATLING TEL/FAX 423-2965 CELL: 0824945502 ALAN WA TLING TEL: 6712740 CELL:0829786525


This page;~

pO/l.~OI짜!d by

the Choifamily

oacb: Captain:

lr P \ an ,chalJ.~\\) k. Brandon aundcT". tmon De Waal and 'icholas \dld.a.


\1atthc\ ..,. 1 Bro\\n. C lunro. L DIO\a. Odport. Williams. R De\ 1in. A Marnttz. 0 Thump on. K \ lally. C Ham iek. ~1 Bdl. Kosterberg. L \ right.

Pete van S.


he lcam slarted ofl'really welllo. mg only onc gam In the tir!!>tterm- a c1o~eencounter \\ ith Rondebo. ch. ~to t of the other game~ were \\on fairl) comfortably. meluding the games again:;t Bishop and AC . The bat men ,,,crc alwa)!> able to dominate aud \\c often posted big totab for the oppo. 1lI0n to chu:.e. Our bowlc~ gave nOlhing 3\\ ay illld in thh; ""a) pUI pres ure on the oppo!!>ition.Ho\\ c'\ cr. the fourth tenn was nOla . positivc. We beat Bcl1,>\liet by I ~9 run .. bul th.:n had 3 game cancclled and then 10'1 la all t1l!ec of tile Boys' 路chools. Lack ofmatch practice. injuries and lack ot'concentration allowed the team lO go olT the boil.


W)'nberg Bo) . HIgh

chool Magazine 2005

1 menI..!torernember\\crethe entun the tv. 0 excellent 0 b~ Brond Il Runde ltd the leam ha potential II k fOI"\\ rd 10 v. I hm

PI )ed






( oach: anlain: 'ream:

og mal Brov. n nd Ihe lap at the cnd.



T) rrollc L10) d. Robin Dc, lin. R Da\ id....C Lawrence. -\ Mulholland. 0 Drc) er. L Wright •• 'Hard\\Jch:, Z Jaane. Cwnjc. 0 BUller, <) dc Frcitas. K gv. anp. R Oo-.terv. yk. N Ban:nd ...c. Williams. J Mannu.









he ...cU!'on "taned ...Iov. ly. taking a \\ hile to get going. but once the correct quad had becn cho en.lhe ...ide gelled nicely and pia) cd ..ome good cricket. pcclal mention mu'! be made of Robin Oao.id...for superb spin bo\ ..Jing. Robin Oevlin for hi .. great captainc) amI con ...istcncy \\ ith both bat and ball. Craig La\\ rence for his all-round performance and Damian Ore} er fora brilliant unbeaten 53 against Bishops, The ,cason', highlighl ,\ as beating Bi...hop ...on their home turf. Every team member sho\\ed impro\ ernent a, lhe \\eck ...pas ...ed. thank ...to dedication and great team spirit. I look fom ard to coaching Ihe "ame bunch in fUlurc. TL.



U_DE_R_1_4_D __ )


Jamie Ste\ en on. Alcott Gola.


C Bry~on. M Grhpo~. 0 Geddes. \1 toekenstrom. eBisho!;. C Moore. N liar" id..l\1 abi. \1 H~san. S ~1rangqolo. L ;";dab~nin.li. ~1 carlie. BOube. S Thcys en. BAiley. C Cronje, A Zaho ....

Wynberg Boys' High

chool Maga7ine 2005


Play d 10 ream.






Bry, n. I Gnsp(l!\, D I,.-Odes. I Slockcllstrom, BI,hom. .. li 1"\\ lek. 1. abi. I Has an, Ircmgqolll, L dabanmzi. " • rhe. B Du~ ••~ They ~en. BAiley. C Cronje. A Zahos. • 10 re.

\Ilhough they lo t most ofth ir matches. the defeat. ,pirit high. Thc) ob ...iou'dy enjoyed their cricket.

\ crc gencruII) narro\\ and the IClIm

U DER 14E Coach: Captain:

Mr A. Cross Clayton Mitchell. Mihali Grbp !\.

.Hr Cm (I


/,0\ IIIg !mJ/Q\t,e Ja)"

A Zaho , G E:ethu. J -\dams. A cptcmbcr. V ongauza. .1 Rcnauu. G Velati. A \lo ..se"-. A Thorna .., J \\ebb. \1 Carlie.


Played 9





\\t as fantili,lIc to cc that Wy nberg has 0 many fine) oung cnckcl pla}cl In thi age grouping. Ithough wc struggled to find OppOSItion among other under 14E teams. \\ C nc\erlhdcs~ had an enjoyable sea50n. GlO\'anm Velati \\a:. the most improved pla~cr in the team. <




8 Teams fought it out for tbc trophy at the 8 UI46-a- ide tournament. WBHS 'A' team beat tbe WBHS 'B' team in the semi-final ands then went on to beat SACS in tbe final. mi FInals:

WBHS 'B' 47 3 WBHS 'A' 48/2


SACS 43 5




Bi hops 53 I


Wynberg Boy' High chool Magazine 2005

rf x country x country x country x countr ~ ~ ~ Coaches: ='o Team: Captain: >< CJ a 0 Mrs C Hodgktnson,

Matthew Lynch. Gareth Bloor, Craig Brown, Theo Cronje, Luc du TOlt, Nani Samkele, Stephen Walker. Yaseen SamsodJen, Kyle Bucklow.



c: :::l

o C) ~


C :J

fairly di arrointlO' sea-.on ince \\c failed to 3chic\c any notably g\lod result ... agamst the tourlOg Grey ollegeorduringthe aP'! chools·Week.

~ ~

I ~


Mr A Cross.



r-+ ~

We staned the sea on \\ Ilh a ma run on \lui/enberg beach. in \\hieh about 25 of our boys participated. Two \\eck later \\e had three teams with four runner:'> in each. nm again ...1 Grey College on an undulating and \ery \\el course through W)nberg Park. Wc obtained eeond. third and sixth place ....


c: Cape. :::J



r-. ~


Cl ::l


o :>< ~ ~ ~


chool' Week \\as hosted by u .... and fantastIc \\ eather conditions made the running ofthe mee. at Groot Constantia. Wynberg Park and '\oordhock beach a succe s and a pleasure to organise. Participalmg in the event were A . Dale ollege. elbome College. Queens College and ofeour ...e \\ Bil About 35 of our bo)'s \\ ho do cro s country a~ ..._-=-----either a first or econd . port option. participated In 10 league mces \\ ithin the \ariou' age groups. Our besl runners were Matthc\\ Lynch ( mJer 19). Craig Bro\ ..n (under 17), \1atthew \\albrugh (Under 16), amk.ele ani ( nda 15). and Luc du Toit (l,.,nder 14). The e boys, along with Gareth Bloor. participated In the \\estem Pro\ mee trials. but were unfortunately not selected. AC.



o o

CJ 0




ro ounlr)' Team T Cronje. S. Walker. G B1oor. Broll.,l. Afr K. Rlcharchon. \1 Ly"ch. Afr A. Cro s. }~ Samsodiell.






;:a. ~

I~ tie AA.qd e~!



AJluno~ X IUl[Jno~ XXXX ÁJlono~ X ÁJluno

Wynberg Boy'


chool Maga710c 2005


FE Cl G tanding:

Mr J. Baxter

ndr w



R. Mand)". J. De IJaal A. Jail dell Bergh. /r._K. Ri lJardson. A. 1turJ.t;, Mr J. Baxtel; D. Arol/io.


lthough fencing wa introduced al Wynberg only thi year.' e nonethele entered the Schools' League Competition, with orne of our team I mbers opting la take part ral individual camp First 0 In hooJ ' League was Constantia Waldorf. a team of equal skill. ft wa a tIght VUgg1ein \vhl h we et off on a ha foot, 9 point down. but SlIpe I l\1oras prevailed and led by 0 aptai.t1, Andrew Mandy, we fought back to win 36-32. ext we faced Westerford and had to fight (with word ) every tcp of the way. Whatever point w gained on them, we lo t because f the quick SA fencer on their siOe who. managed to snatch a 35-36 victory in the final bout. And finally, we faced a ,cry experienced Bishops ide which had started fencing in

U nfonu


of the 1 ndre Mandy and his fe .c. Da vi Araujo, at the end of2005, hieh is a great loss. as it has been a fast-learning and spirited side. Richard Mand and Jan de Waal r main, but we clearly need to boys if this art



This page is spoIlsored by the Bac/ham- Thornhill fami(l'

GOLF Cod: Team:

Mr E.Lefson.


QUlntin Webb (lIonours WP).

Seth Brumer, Garth Little. can Kellv. Matthew Watkins-Baker. Christiaan Helmbold. Joshua de Klcri.


he 2005 season was onc of mixed results, but when onc looks al ho,", our sIde was ranked in temlS of their handicap. the team can be satisfied with their season. The reality is that we do DOt have golfers who can compete because they do too many other thing and golf IS a game that requIres an enonnous amount of time and dedication. The ODe exciting thing Wa.! that 1'.\0 __ youngsters from the Junior school played for us and held theIr own.

l-Ielmbold and Jo 'hua de Klerk from Lbe Junior school did really well


again t much older boys and gel some really




become \ ery good players





The 2nd and 3rd side were made up of a .... lot of young 'Iers who had omegood

The League highlight was the two '"'ins against Fish Hoek and the nail-biting games against both SAC and Bishop::.. There were a couple of close calls that could have gone either way. but to finish 4th was nota bad effort. Quinton Webb was our only top golfer and proved a good number 1. He has done very well this year, winning the WP Junior Championships and being selected for the WP Foundation side. Seth Brumer tried his best but was unfortunately far too inconsistent. Grant Little did not have a great year, but Ibelieve he could become a good golfer as he does seem to ha\ e the desire to do well. Sean KeUy has a lot of~III1~("_ talent and could bea good golfer if \ hereaJly wanted to be. Matthew WatkinsBaker did really well, winning a number of games at number 2. Finally, Christiaan

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


results. If 'ome of the e young men carry on the game, the future of golf at the school could be bright. In closing. I would like to wish all the player' well and urge them to work hard at theIr games. Golf ISa game for life, and Ihe time put in now will put you in good stead for the future. EL

RESULTS .League: SACS Reddam





Fish Hoek W5-1 W4-2 RBHS

LO-6 L 1-5





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Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

fiRST TEAM ... Runners up in the knock-out final! Mr R Clark. Mr P Catzavelos.

Coach: Manager: Captain:


Richard Vincent.

coacVt RDtj I



Up tltle s.eGts.oV\.

, TrialS









1\10 ..1 Goals

Scored: R,(hard Vincenl Juan elliers ~ 1aLu ..t S,boLo


and prc- ca on training were cvercly curtailed bccau el" as appointed coach only two week~ before our departure to KES I cl 'ter Fe tival and thereafter. lo (Jrey Bloem. lO compete in their 150 year Celebration Tournament. The opposition at both toumamenu. \\ a vcry tough, compn ing most of the top leams In lhe country. The tour rl.! ulls v.cre 3bo\e expectation considering our brand new learn, untried combination and the Un3\ ailability of ~ 0 enior pla)ers R Levi and M iboto. Victones 0\ er Jeppe, Durban High. Worksop (UK) and

This page is sponsored hj the Robinsonfamily

B Cox. C Okker. . D Murph\'. R Le\ i. W Winter. CMaggs, B Vellter. K GruIlt, JCelliers. T EIv. LMoonJiItJ. M EtJo,..路arris.Mr R Clark. R Vincent, Mr K RichanlMm. K Topley, Mr P Cat=avelos. M S;OOIO.



of1he Knock-out Cup with a much more ditII... Our nm-m saw comfortable viceOtil Tbc fiDaI agaiast RoDdeboIch ... _1=tD'1N1111Itv ......

W)nbcrg Boys' High chool Magaline 2005


Richard Vincent:

Central defender. WP U I B. Blues. Brombcrgcr. Clark hield: ontnbulion

to Hockey.

With \cry littlc I learn expericllc毛. Richard captalOcd the Side with maturity. His job \\as nol made cu:-olercarl) on because of the \\ Idc age difference in tllC players Richard had lO adJust. for th ::oakcoflhe learn. to play \\ccper central defendcr. po Illons he was not initially accustomed to. He blossomed and. IOI!Clher \\ Ith Keenan. marshalled the defence. R khard is a I~arcd drag t1icker~at shortIes aJld \\US the team'~ top goal scorer. The only criticism is that he I1lU~thit tbc target more often. Luqmaan


Out 'ide halt: Colours.

A good attacking right half. CooJ..ie used 11I~pace and skills to good \!tfcet throughoutlhe season. His defence \\a...sound. At times tentathe instead of bCll1g aggressive. especially in the tackJe. lu t work at developing and mru;tering the O\crhead. good prospect tor next year.

Kccnan Topic) :

Central midfield. WP Ul8A. Blue. Constantia Hoeke} lub Troph) Acbie\cment.

Toppers gre\\ in stature through the ~eason and was certami} a dommant pla}cr in almost e\cry game. Tllli., together ,,\'ith hi pace. anticipation and ability to read Ihe game. made him a "ef) valuable player. He mu t not let the umpire get lo him.

Darren ;\Iurph):

Out-ide half. colours. icholas Pattendon Trophy Mosl Enthusiastic Player.

The) oungesl player in the team. Darren howed maturity beyond his years and made the left half pO!>ltlonhi!>for the :.eason. One of two players who played in e Cl') game. Must become more a\\ are not to "fly in" in tense ~itualion!o and to remain cool under pressure. Has the ability to become a ccntral defender with more experience. Ho\.\ Darrcn ml 'cd provincial selection this }car i a my tery.

Chris Maggs:

Right hnlv 路trikcr, WP U 16A. Colours.

Onc oflhe team's c\cral skilful player with plent) of flair. Anothl.:r playcr \\ ho pIa) cd in eyeral pO~luon . but after some \ ef)' solid pcrfonnancc~. settled do\\ Il at right hnk. which pOsition he made his own from mid season. Chns does all the hard work through pace and skill and then lets it. lip with that tinal touch which should result in torcing a short corner or scoring. I hope Chris continues playing next year. despite hi pressures and 10\ c of soccer.


Wynberg Boys' High chool Magazine 2005

Kyle Grant:


~lrikcr. WP U 16A, Colour.

Kyle sh()\\~d patches ofbrilliancc during the season and ha the ability to turn the game on ils head and" in il for hi team. He must.. ho\\ ever, \I.ork on the final touch, w hieh 0 often let him do\\ n aftcr doing all the hard work. He has 3 bright future ahead of him and \\ ill be a kingpin for the I- team nexl year. He must learn lOplay tor70minules. Matthew Ed\\ ard :

Left link. WP UI8B, Colour.

Having played a fc\\ games stalwarts this year. It i vital attacks do\\ n the opposition's He did ag.oOOjob throughout LolI~' iboto:

in the I" team last year. Matthe\l. \\ a one of the to have a left link who can tackle well and re tricl right link channel. and thi Matthew did very well. the season as our short corner stick-stopper.

Central midfield

triker, Blue.

Lolly was a player who wa' certainly badly missed on ourpre-season tour owing to cricket commitments. An impact playcrof note. he has the gi ft, which fc\.. players ha\ e. of being able to adapt and play ill djfferent positions al short notice Played centre back. centre link and strjker. depending on sjtuations required. Has untapped skill. MusI lelgo of baJJ in certain situations.


Jean Celliers:

Left striker. Colours, Con tantia Hockey Club Trophy Mo. t Improved Player.

Jean's chief as et is his ablhty to run off the ball and. in particular, lo gel himself into good spaces behind the oppo ition's defence. Although he did a great deal of running without receiving the ball, he stretched defences and created the opening for the other forward and links. Always gave 100째'0 and contributed noticeably to the team spirit. The other player to play in e\ ery' game.

Bradley Venter:

Striker, WP Ul6A Captain, SA UI6B, Colours.

Another successful year for Bradley. being selected as a captain of the Western Province UI6A team and thereafter for the SA UI6B team that participated in tJle International Fe ti\'al in Potchefstroom. Because of the team structure. Bradley played in alt the attacking positions, predominantly on the right. Bradley, you have a very bright future. Keep on working on the first and last touch and I assure you the goals will flow. Vital asset for the I" team next year.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Left ,lnJ.:cr,



TIlalĂ?l.:r pla) cd predominantl) uI lelt \\ ing. alth ugh th 're were lime \\ hen He or crat li on lhe right flank A lrong and robu,' runner bUI mu,t learn lO :-10\\ do\ ..n \\ hen executing the final ..)..:illlo en,ure rc ..ulh. II \\ a" tQr thi, reason that golden 0PP rtuOllies "crc mi" ...ed in front ol goal. Olhen\ I....geh into good po,ition going fon\ard 0\ gO{)dlearn man. Kca ....sn Rohin ..on:

Centre link. \\ P U I B. Colour ....

Kcagan e~ccllcd 10 most p sitlODS be was called upon to play. He certainl~ ha, the abtht) lO conleol thc game from centre link. He di tributes quickl) and accumtcly, thus controlling the 110\\ and pace of the game. ~lu t "(lrk on continuously turning in good performance and continue practbing to perfect hi..."hon corner ,>lopping. hould be a rcal as. CLIO th.: I learn next )I.:ar. U

Brett 0': tnJ...er. Colouni. Brctl came into the team atlcr the prc-sea. on tour to supplement our fOn\ard line up and add to our conng abililY, \\ hieh at Lhat stage ....as lacking. lle han oppommi t of note and most of his goals prO\ cd \ itaJ and s\\ ung the result of the game in our 1':1\ our. Breit \\ as a valuable team man and his \\ illingnes . to erve \\herc\cr and \\hcnc\cr called upon, \\ as apprecIated by all.





Certainl) one of the best 'choolbo)' goalkeepers around thi year. Unfortunarcly. \\ as not J\ ailablc for pro\ indal election because of cricket commitments. flcr not being a\ alIabie tOlour prc-season tour. his presence in the goals made a huge difference to the team' defence and confidence. And man)' a line 'a\ e kept us alive on c\ eral occ<C,lOns.Good luck \\ ith lhe cricket, Richard. "ot profiled:


1\1CunlifTe, \" \\ inter, J Child. C Olckers.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

losses suffered \\cn! at the hands ofa strong Grey PL side and the Central



Most Impressh e was lhc -1 thrashing of the DF Malan I" XI and rcmaUU118 against Rondebosch. Bishops and S CS. The biggest ob ladc for this .1IIbI:edlly talented side was their inability to remajn compo cd on the field while still ••• the desire to \\ in. Although this aspect did improvc as lhe sca. nn progressed, Ibc need to realize that compo ure anddi ciplinc. as well as passion on and off the wd) ultimately make them better hockey players.

done to Wayne and

eth for their leadership throughout the ca on. and their fellow who ensured that a positive and spirited atmosphere wa. matntained. Those must strÏ\e to represent the I XI 10 2006.The potential i. undoubtedly there it guys to go out and prove your elves. C £











Wynberg Boys' Higb Scbool Maga.lÏne 2005




Cuach: Captain:

Mr J lluggelt. Jan de Waal.


G Frye. \crlaquc- 'apr~r. R Meyer. \1 liens Lock. G Wilson M JennlOgs. \'v Browning. 0 Cooper. C lexander, 0 \an Breda. C Griffin. G Paddey.



Won 9


For 25





nderlhe more (han capable leadership of Jan Dc Waal. a character filled team played some attractive and committed hockey thL cason. Every team member had hI. part lO pia), and it wa_ III our divers it) that we have found our trength v hile the re 'ults peak for themselve, .1 can't help feeling that an unbeaten ea on \\ as wlthin our grasp and wc let It shp. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with these per onalilies - I never knew what to expecl next! It has been a . eason which ha_ given me many tond memones. and in many ways IS a fitting culmination of my coaching time at WBll . Thanks fOT your continuous commitment. your (poor) joke. putting up with my (poor) joke and formaking the Astroturfa fun and exciting place lObe.


lanager: Coacb: Captain:

Mr R Hamburger. Jerome \;lampala. Crmg Griffin.


G Frye. S OonD. M Cars lake. B Butt, R Tyler, C Griffin, F Cronje. J Fi her. S Wallenda. M Gombart, E O'Reilly. H John on.




Lo 3




Again t




be side bad a most sati fying ea on. Team spirit was high, the boys played hard and enjoyed tbeir hockey and all their games were close and keenly fought. Well done!



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

'oacbl:\lan . plain:

gcr: ~fr R lIumburgcr . Vuri()u~. Varied.


The rc...ulr...\\cre '" folio",:. lust lo Wc...! rford 0路2 10"lto Zwaan,\\yk 0路3 beat Z"aansw)k 2-0

oacb aptain:

Mr I Parsons. lcwan Cardis

DER 16 A Thorbum. J Child. S Keil). R Daly.


G Hartmann. C Olcken.. H Kinsman. R II) land. L \'felClo.Liquito. \f Wood. J J 011\ er. D \1cKellar.

teel. 0 Leach.














he team tarted with a fc'" pre- eason losse bul came back figbting. losing onl) one game and rcversing re uit agam t BI hops, Rondebosch and pjnelands ThL')' also managed to outplay Bishops in the Knockout semI-final. bul unfortunately could nol produce the arne quality JO the tinaJ and "cnt do\\ n 0-2 lO Rondebo eh. The impro\cment during the cason of what was a vCl) young side was noled by mo t of the faithful parent upport. Although. hopefully. ome players will move on lO the first XI. more than half the learn could remain. Congratulation e 'pecially to Rowan Daly who was selected for the WP U 16A leam.Thanksloalltheboy foragreat ca on! /.P.

Tills page is spofl!;o~d by Ihe Hylal/dfollli(l'



tanding Ro" 3: R H\'/and, D McKellQ/; G Har/mallll. Caleken. S KcI~I'. tanding Ro" 2: R Da(\~ 0 Leach, H KillSman. J Steel, Id 1J贸od. J Olil'er, L Metelo-Liqui/o. cated Ro\\ 1: A Thorbum. Mr K Richardson. S CarJis, Mr J Parsons, J Child.

Coach; Captain:

Mr Parker. Jaryd alner.







Lo t +




J Oliver. 0 Leach, J Kay-Hards, T Burgers, D McKellar. ROmar. D Topass, C Cross. T BatV. iek, B Magan. W Danie)s, REly. Z Hendriks. W Danielz. J-L Bramley.


e started the season slightly on the back foot, me being new to Wynberg.!t was a very bumpy tart as we reported lo es in our fir t few game . The learn and I were learning what would make for uece sful hockey. It wa n't individual trying to do everything them elve , but everyone working together as a team lO accomplish our goals. By the cnd of the sea on we had turned around lo es and shown that we had made good progre s. I thank all the boys for the commitment and character they showed. S.P.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Mr Hc\\elt. York van Rheede \"an

Coach: Captain:



udt hoorn.






J TindaIl. B Jone ,A Vcrlaque- apper. WYu. S Gnftin, R 'vfandy. J Heuvel, J Cameron-Oow, R Car:.tens. M Tshangela. Priem, KLogan.


he learn' cason had a s lid beginning, a mid- cason 'blip' and a tTOng fintl>h. However, the players can be jw;lifiably proud of their efforts. I wa particularly impre sed by the boy' 'never-say-die' approach to their matchc . AI 0-2 down, we found ourseh'e down-aod-out against Rondebo 'ch, but the 'core book records that Wynberg won 4-3. imilarly. B. hop were \\ilhin minute' of recording a 1-0 victory over us when they too, were Ihe unfortunate recipients of another 16 'fight back' - final core, 2-1 Wynberg. There i plenty oftalem JO this learn. much of which will undoubtedly be hame sed by the 2006 Wynberg 'B' team coachc. ico Priem i to be congratulated for top scoring with nine goal . TIlanks for a memorable season. boys! S.H.

UNDER 16D Coach: Captain:


Mr S Price. Chris Bowen-Oavies. J Meredith.J Tindill. OTitipana, M Grutcr. TGales, K Mullins. R Hili. J-L Brown, K Barrat, R Hanbridge, A Mkhontwana. 0 Crowie. J Goldstein, J Ranchod.

o Adams.


anthis was a lough 6 months for coach and boy alike as we suffered agoni ing defeats to Bi hop in the Last23 seconds and to SACS in the Last econd. to lo e 1-0 and 3-2 re pectively. Tbe only po itive blip on the radar screen was the 5 - 0 victory o er Westerford. The draw again t Central was exciting and we were unlucky not to clinch victory in the dying seconds but the moment was a little big for our left wing who missed bi , and the team's, moment of glory. Despite the di appointing cason, one cannot fault the boys for trying, even though T did give them a hard time at half-time in many matches. Practices were well attended and the boy had a great spirit. A ense of humour was a prerequisite when practising on tbc Cabbage Patch in the pouring rain. ankle deep mud and DO goals post . Well done Lad. I can confidently say that next year can only be better. S.P.

Wynberg Boy:.' High schooiMagazine 2005






Coach: Captain:





Mr' . William on. Da\id Symon .



D Barker. M Brey, L-H Choi. Esselaar. A Hill. A LUlZ, .. Manon. G \iIilIer, 0 Nkaya. 0 man, A Radue, G Rhoda, E Rod cth, J hin.











his is a learn which has improved in three area' - kills, teamwork and determination. By the end of lhe sea on. they could have bealen ome of the tcams above them. A session taken by lhree firslleam players - Richard Vincent, Richard Levi and Kecnan Topley- encouraged a winner's mode. Some stalwart parents must be mentioncd. The Esselaar and Mr Radue supported many games. [t is ea y to upport a on who is in an A team, but it take a good parent to attend the lower ,games regularly. S.n:

U DER 14 lanager: Coach: Captain: Team:

MrDRamage. MrDFauld. Brinsley Powell*. LOliver·, C Evert, B I [arris·, M Brunger. M Daly.K Krige. S De Waal. M Ander on*. SPattenden ., D Grant. S Boucher·. M Bell, K Karsten . C Botha, R Lok. W Scholtz·. S Souter·.


enjoyed lhc ea on wilh thi group of dedicated players. Their determination lo practi c. even during stormy weather and to work hard on their fitness, certainly howcd in the result. Thi tcam know thaI il only has itsclf to blame for not cnjoying an unbeaten season, and for not winning tbe Knock-out cup. The boys have learned thal it is the crilical decision you make that influence the result of a match. It is not enough to dominate territory and po se ion for long periods. Congratulation


to tho e players who represented

the Protea U 14 team this year.

This page is sponsored by ,he Evselaar Jami~1'

They are

indicated with an • in Lheteam list. 1strongly encourage lhe boy' to work on thclr basic skill Ic\ cis. The} have been shown whal is nece sary lo 'uccced in lhe loog term and must practise in lheolT-sca~on ifthcy hope lo make U 16Anext year. Thank you \cry much to Mr. Ramage for hi assIstance .....ith orgaoi alioll and his fine in .ghl into the game. He brought a dynamic edge to the "quad and ~ as intrinsiC to our 'ucee . DI Played 20





UNDER 14A TEAl\1 tanding Row 3: L O/iI'el; B Harris. K Car: lens. W Scllo/1=. C Botha. Standing Row 2: S SOlIter;S de Wool. M Bell. S Patlel/den, D Gran!. M Da(l: eated Row 1: M Ander on. Mr D FallIds. B Powell, Mr K Richardson, S BOLlcher.

Wynberg Boys' High Schooi Magazine 2005

I 1

c.... : Captain:



hat a ~up~rb sea on! It \\ young pla) CfS as thcir hockcy abi lield grew strongcr. Michael own quiet manner. The ~pirit \Hl' b'Teat, realI) a pI ';tsure to coach them. 1 am confident their hockey careers will go from strength to slren DR.

Coach: Captain:


\ir M [lIt.. Chad Bryson.





BAlley.J van Velz ,RDevhn,AKatzefT, K Ngwango, M Hassan, N Thorndyke. Fi her, JWenning-Harc. R McCulloch, C Bry on, P Ithole, M abi. R Lok. B aunders, M toeken troom.


e pite the fact that the team wa continuou ly changing becau e of injurie and promotion to higher teams. the boys managed to put together ome di plays of hockey that any coach would be proud of. It wa great to ce how each player grew in confidence and ability as the season progressed and I havt::no doubt that, if they continue to pul in as much time and effort as they did, it will eventually payoff. Thank you all for a very enjoyable eason. I wish you lads the be l for the future. M.E.


Wynberg Boys' High chool Magazine 2005


T Abraham. C Bi cho • Hard....ick. H Helda, K Jacob. G K Oliphant. RIater. VeJicka.T





he team had a sea on pi de erved the \ ictories the) had.


boys ne\er gave up and improved greatly and we into hjgher sides.

are proud to see boy:.. who started in Thank you for an enjoyable season.



Coach: Captain:

Mr J Douglas. Keenan Oliphant.



Played 2

T w;nTL:st_3







Won -t-



I --.L..-

H Abed, M Bezencon, Z Bhawan, B Camp, M Deas. R Engelke, H Heida, DH Lee, J Human, SMagan, C May, M May, T Moseley, A No ek, DOsterloh. C Peacock. J Pienaar. M Potter, M Renaud. J Sedick. K Sinclair. evan



he 14E's and F's combined. formed a team of largely inexperienced players. some having picked up a hockey stick for the first lime this year. nle E team enjoyed some success with a win against Bishops UI4D a definite highlight of the season. The boys' skills have improved greatly. I hope they continue to play and enjoy hockey next season. JD

Wynberg Boys' High SChoot'Magazine



with very fe''l.V-YP''1'1n" e that onc of tht! c11al1enging fixture li t with poor result .


:reams that de erve pecia I mention are: tb U lSB' ,who pr uc d Qc! wins agains tough opponent : the Seconds, who cons tly produced good re u)ts and were alway breathing down the fust team's neck ~the Third. who were very committed and had great team spirit and the U14B's, who were by far the mo t improved team in the scho 1during the eason.



Wynberg Boy 'lligb School Magazine 2005

DaVles, D HClbcrg. G Po Ihu

R Smn. L Johnson. G Prctoriu .....M Qukula. tllDIIlIi. M Mackaiser. C ott, T Vann. E Ru) mond,

Isaacs. W nnTondcr,


S \3n Schalk\\yk . .... IDi,TTerblanche. B William .• R Magee, C Green. Monis. IllaMl.J Mouton, V Terry, D Aghcrdicn. M Slater. N Camagu.

1l1"'.put their bodIes

on the line in the early games. but could not lIiiIIiillllivl".-confidence. The tourio Oakdale. a great \\ay 10 tart the IeIm spint. whIch was further developed at lhc K.E Fe tival ...... IV.ement. starting with a heavy loss. then a draw and finally a win, aU against tough opposition. On returning to Cape Town. wc playcd our best game of the .-on apmst Boland Landbou. Had that game had a differenL JIIIUIt, I believe our season \\ould have been ,¡cry different. The 'teIIIl stuck to their game. but struggled to record victories. The IIrwards were superb in these early games. scrumming mosL 'fPOSWOD into the groWld. but wc could not capitalise on Ibis. _1iDI1y because of a lack of experience and poor decision-making The highlights of the season were the Boland game and the Pmes against Tygerberg. Rondebosch, Quecn. and the finaJ game 'apiDSt SACS. The low lights were the game against Durbanville, ,_.. Boys, the first game against SACS and the second game apiDst Rondebosch . .Parent support and fundraising was much appreciated. Their eftbrts at Cape Schools Week have given us enough money to start .gm which should be up and running by January 2006.



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Lost 18

Drew 3







3: K Scott. C Scott, T Terblanche. M icolli, M Qukula. G Prctoriu . S van Schalkwyk. R Smit. tanding Row 2: E Raymond, R Magee. Z 1 aac . S Mom. S Swanich. C Green, T Vann, T Bungani. eated Row 1: W van Tonder, Mr P van Schalkwyk, M Mackaiser, Mr K Richardson, L G Kothoff, Mr 0 Heiberg, G Kemp. ROl\







~ , 186

'27 Caps.

amproved into a bcttcr all-round player as the <~! •. • the team by thro\\' ing into the line-outs. A ftuure .fbe stays fit.



Prop, Blues.




• Colours, 26 Caps. back to nobody. Sl.TUmmed well and was work like clearing the rucks and let others sbine .

~ II

I .

team next year.

Wynberg Boy' High School Magazine 2005

"'lam Prop,

Colours. 26 Cap". who did a lot to help lhe )ounger players. play never developed a expected. A good scrummager






24 Cap".

secured us a lot of ball. Dc pite hi" athletic


m. determination


he always

and ability to run and

_:' -

Colours 23 Cap .



. played with

tremendou commitment. Very lil - a high tackles and hitting a lot of rucks. Unlortunatel)'. he

,'t. ~

'. ~ I'


7Caps. Tall, heavy lock \\ ho added a lOl of bulk To the twward and excellent Iineout jumper . I

. f


Flank! No 8. Blues,

. \





26 Caps. wbo got us over the gain line. Vcry fit and in good ... defender and could "turn OWf Ball" on the ground. His game suffered when the team tarted struggling . ',4




, -.,

r '


.~.( -



NoS Colours, 24 Caps. _much vision and anticipation - always in the right place al skills and very fit. Should be one Of the stars next year .

Scrumbalf, Colours. 16 Caps. m the beginning as a scrumhalr. but ended Lhe season on ~--,.I ~'. ~ presence at scrumhalf. fair service and a great box kick. speed off the mark. •





.. •


Flybalfl Scrumhalr. Colours. 21 Caps. Mdt all the footwork and skills. Very keen on his rugby, 8IIu8IIed lo play to a plan and tried to do too much himself. Great .



elusive runner. Captain.

Colours.24 Cap!>. with his feet.Led the team lip at the cnd. Could have a great

- with the ability to beat opponent







first half. but let things


Centre! FlyhalfJ Fullback Colours. 25 Cap . _~WiIlJH=r. Outstanding kicker of the ball, good defender and a scored 166 points in Lhe season an amazing achievement! too many mistakes when kicking out of hand and is far

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005





Colours, 25 Caps. team who seldom made mistakes and ne\er had a ly and was great on the high ball. When given the



, "








~I ,

..~. 'Ii!




..... \, :;"-.-~





mg, Colours, 27 Caps. wIIo always gave of his best. Was in great physical of8trength and speed. Ran and Tackled with

man. : Fullback.

Colours. I I Caps .

a good last line of defence.


A very dependable player ialIy strong so that he can dommate in contact. He dence in his own ability though.


Hooker, 14 Caps.

dloice hooker. Such a positive influence on tho e around improved. Needs to work on his upper body









Lock. 12 Cap. lock who adds a lot of\\cight

and strength to the pack. .-mg of the game and his \\ork rate is nol high enough and not have the IDlpact that he should.

,~ I







Flank, Colours. 17 Caps. ani who does little wrong. Carried the ball well and was a .:&ItCCUClIl1 team man who alway ga\ e his best. __


\'l .~


II 1






- I

- .~

Centre, . :.'

runner and good at turning over ball. Struggled to read the

and Jacked pace. Fullback.

-- -! 'r"

.... r.


• '. ~l •

~. I




Colour::.. 19 Caps .

.... player who gave everything he had for the team, A great

~ y-:








Scrurnhalf. Colours. 14 Caps. cnsp service. Willing to learn and lake advice. Needs to be his own ability and needs to work at "Sniping" himself and

, ,

Colours. 16 Cap'. the perfect body po ition and made certain of securing our one attack very well. Needs lo lum over more ball and

12 Caps.

who was a great last line of defence whether tackling or

a.n. A good

team man, but needs to work at bis strength and


to represent tbe first team: JobaD Mouton, Vaughan Terry. Dchraan Agherdien, ~, Nlsa Camagu.

1 l

Wynberg Boys' High chool Magazine 2005

Vf:l:'j good team Lack COIl us the game, panlcularly ... 1.. 'ham game for most pla>\:f~. _


Lost 19-21 of the season - with great tbc forwards. backs defending well all the points If only Ihis game .. er way the whole season would have

.,.lCOIq ~4

Drew I3-I3 midweek fixture - we allowed the ICOre in the final moments lo equalize. sco.red the only try. Made far too many

Wynberg Boy'


chool Magazine 2005

I 9


saw Kemp, Dimbaw. tries. Backs and weU to produce the be t bit of rugby

Tonder scoring

Lost 10-12 the opposition and found ourselves ".es to go. Two late tries byDimbaza not enough to eal ..ictory. A \'I!ry IpIDSt weak opposition.

early in the game seal cd thc result. well ID the second half to secure the after the dropgoal by Swanich.


~_alotofcommitment lO rccO'ter from the by Bishops to win lhe second half. tries early on by Bishops had done the

ClassiC Clash

Lost 10-15 by SACS against the We lacked discipline against the

IIaIf perfonnance a.!1'VII.!'lI'tlllrv


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazinc 2005

Lost6-29 2O%ofthe ball, but defended \\ Ilh a 101ofhcart and fru~tralcd the oppu!>ition. 1II1fI1D10n1t8l'l1lswas out tandmg.

Lost 24-27 were 3-24 down. bUl pla)cd gn:at rugb) Swanicband


mil. Unfortunately

the second half to ,core three tric \\e ga\C' apenall) ay in the lasl minute to 10


Lo t 14-15

Ubltwas spoilt by shocking refcreeing. Trie~ b) Pretorius and wanich. Lo t7-11

_: __ u_side in a mud bath. They \\ ere greal in the \\ cl weather. LostO-IO I.>IIilDeofl'lllrllw

but Rondebosch look lhcirchancc~

H_rriclden81rtd never desen cd lO\\ in. Poordi<;ciplinc


Lost 3-31 BilsluJtpS,particularly after being ICH!l af halt time. Great forward di play BiliibOl)5still scored 4 tries in the last 15nunutes.

WonS-3 ~"'IIm!lOCl1Ogame played in front of 3 big home crowd. A vcry tight game, but a _li8Ince by Swanich ended up JO a great tf) that secured the \ iclory.

TROPHYWINJ\ER Frank Duk Cup for outstanding sportsmanship: Tildan Bungani RP Connellan Trophy for lo) alty and team spirit:

Geoff Kotthoff KT Pretorius Cup for mo t improved first team player: Tim Vann Vincent Polden Cup for mosl consistent perfom1cr: Zahicr Isaac

ol 0,.., toyats,..ppo,t'lg. 80".6

Wynberg Boys' High schoofMagnzine 2005



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



Team .:


Mr G Posthwnus. GcolTKouhofT.

\1 lalcr. T A cUe)', R C Green, K Klopper,



Bungani, W lajlct. J MouIon, T Terblanche, Triegaardt. R Magee, T I. mail, V Tern!). M Lol7. \10ms. N (amagu, K colt, A van der Vy\'cr, 0 Mekuto. ,an' chalkwyk.


it alway a pIca 'ure to coach a learn like thl • not becau 'e of their ob\'ious talent but bee a u e 0 f I h e commitment and pa sion with which they played the game. Team .pint and camarnderie were strong and man) a tight result went our way because of their refu 'al to give up and lel the leam do\\n. Re uIL were C\ en more irnprl; SI\ C considering that wc rarely played with the 'ame learn h\o weeks in a row and often had to juggle players and po Itlons. Memorable perfonnance wercthe49o dr u b bin g weg a v e Durbanville and the two hard fought \ iclories against Rondebosch. Thc best result however i still our victory again 1 KE Binningham. because it epitomised the 2""learn this year. 12-0 do\\-n at halftime and 12-3 down with 15 minutes to go, they dug deep lO produce ome oflbeir best rugby. score t\\ ice and run out eventual winners by 17-l2.A superb effort against an opposing firslteam. C.P

Played 17


Lo t



For L 169

Coach: Captain:

Mr D Schenck. Robin Triegaardt.


Against 289


d r Team

K Klopper. CEddy, C Crotz. M Crotz, B Makhanya, R Karsten, K Vika, J Thackwray, K van Eck, F Gasparotto. B Eddy,D Matfield. 0 Agerdien, C van Tonder, L Plant, A SeLley, B Hopkins, Rash W Majiet, B PortelLis. K Qukula, 0 Mekuto, M Qusheka.

This page is sponsored by the Hopkinsfamily



e "taned the ca"on \\ith threc goal~ in mind: become bt:ltcr pla)ers: ha\c load ...of fun; play \\.inning nlgb) ..Wc finally achit:\'cd them after a great d~alllr hard \\ ork. fhe boy..; ImprO\:cd their ,kill ... from the start and kepI "orklOg hard lkspl(~ fnlstroling losses earl~ 10 the ha, ing lun :tIlthe lime. The learn spirit throughout the ..,t:a..,on \\',IS n good as the b t senson 1 have e,",cr had as a C 0 a e h and made me look fOf\\aHl lO practices and matches jU.l lO be part of the group. TIle \\ ill 10 .....i Il \\(1 S al"a)'s there ' and los es were tak pcnonally e '> pee ia 11 )' again..,t our local mab. The big loss to Bishops in the I hal f of the sea ...0 n sened to motl\ate the boy' for the econd game, \\ htch "as a thriller wc lo~t in the end but took BI hop to the \\ irc I the cnd of the ea on the tea m chd.ed. giving AC a drubbing in the la 'l game and makmg all the trainmg worth .....hile. I have fond memories of the Paul Roos, 2 d BIshop. trant!, BellviJlc Tech and SACS games in \\ hich the boys played av. e ome rugb). DS




Played 15


Lo t



Drew I



Mr R lnglts. Tre\or Edward.


L Coller, M. Da neve . M. Boweo-Davie . J. Hrukins, M. Crotz, S Punt, CHamilton. G Stevens. B PonelIas. G Dreyer. D Lewi .• J Crotz, K Qukula. CRichard. S Zungu. C van Tonder, Randall, J Gildenhuys, D van Schalkwyk. P ekundi. K Forte. G chenck, M Moore, T Thackwray. S Walker, B Makhanya. K Vika.


he team had a good year. The boy played with passion and tried their be t at all limes, making the game entertaining for the spectators. However, they lacked consi teney largely because injurie in higher team inevitably resulted in the hi fling of players between leam . Trevor Edward wa a courageous captain who lcd by example.

Played 15


Won 7




Wynberg Boys' High chool Magazine 2005

oaebe: aptain: Team:

ir P mlth. tcphen Gary \an ICkCTk.





R MacLuughlln. J Delport. K Fortc:. J Gildcnhuy~. \\' Wmter. p ckundl. G heppard, f Goodchild. G chcnck. G Fox, L Klaas. R Vincent. R bmail. Punt. K old. 1 MucLaughlin. lJ Bonthuys, REbteen. J choll7. RanduIl. D Greysmark. r>.1 1oore.

The leam had a gooo season. The learn spirit wa OUI tanding and it wa ob\ iou Ihat the boy enJo) cd their rugby. Parent 'iUpport wa. fant&tic and much appreciated.




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Wynberg Boys' High ScboOJMagazine 2005

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C' .......

South 1\1.....



oach: Captain:


MrG Lesley. Jason Pretorius.

T Katzen. 1 Talort •. C Thompson, C hilds, D Holmes, M-A aballa, \1 an Schalkwyk. Pecego, K Springorum, S Humer. Daht, £'lmt. A Mackaizer. T Glen. Y Abdu1tah. B CawcuU, M Fenton. de Koning. 0 Blood. The team had :1 good tart lo the year \\ilh a tour (0 Oakdale. drawing against Oakdale and bealing Framesby. Unfortunalely. start of our League malches \\ e went down to Dro tdy. and Paarl Boys. but lied off victories against trand, Durbanville and BelviJle Tech. Although wc did not v __ .._.,_ chool • there i much prom


UNDER 16A TEAM tanding Row 3: B PUilt, C CM/ds, lv! van Scha/h ..:yk, K SpringOl1l1ll, E Walser. S DaM. tandjng Row 2: ePee-ego, D Fullet; M Ta/otti, M-A Sahatta, D Ho/mes, S Huemer. eatcd Row 1: C Thompson, T Glen, M,. K Richardson, J Pretorius, Mr G Leslie, A Pecego. Y Abdullah. Mr S Hudson-Bennett,

Wynberg Boys' High Scbool Magazine 2005

Alcott Gola, Eugene Vanqa.


UNDER 15 CoadI: Team:

D Sons, J Stepbenson. : M.chael Botba. S okonongo A Bekleer, M Schroeder: M Smith. J lesal B Martindale. A Coetzee, C Taljaard. G Bonner, Davids, Aldridge J Rowles, J Hall.day C Terblanche, T Bloor, A Williams, R Mentoor, C Mulder, K Graham. T Amlllten:YJI A Solomons. M Elsworth, D Getreo, J Kahpi Played






oachmg was a pleasure - the resuJts however were a httle disappotntlng. Far too often we were the losmg team by a couple of pomts. This side has the potential to become a great Wynberg tearn and has all the talent in the world to achieve outstandmg results. I expenmented a little With positIons, and although this is sometimes hard for the boys and even parents to understand, Ibeheve that we must try different options earlier in their careers rather than later. Some players benefited from this and others unfortunately had a tough season, but life is tough and learning these lessons is always easier sooner rather than later. Well done to MIChael Botha and oer Davids on their excellent leadership. DS

UNDER 15A TEAM Standing Row 3: B Martindale, J Row/es, A Coetzee, MEIsworth. K Graham, C Mil/der. C Taljaard. Standing Row 2: R Mentor, S Aldridge, M Smith, J Lesar, A Williatru, Seated Row I:


M Schroeder, T Bloor. J Ka/ip;. A Solomons, Mr D Sims, M Botha, Mr K Richardwn, Mr J Stephenson, K Negongo.

N Davids,

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005








Messrs B Sopam. S Kirby-Fabey. Mhlaba. ~inaria. P GaleIa. F BaIa, lt tmda. T Oblaon, S Fenen, F BertoIini J Visser, B Zuoguze, W Hum. 0 SIeyn. M Young, V Noogawuza, J-Pil1ramlken. K Butler. i1DI:neoS4:fpoteJ:dial oftbis team IS not reftected m tts results. Self-doubt seemed to from its maximum performance We bad a talented back-line, but hardly games. and that COlt us dearly when opportunities arose. The forwards played really weU wheat playing as a UIIl~ but oc:casional individual play let us down. 1'1ae:re IR a lotofboys to watch inthis team. who should undoubtedly feature ID the upperteams ID tbenext few years.


Played 10

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005






o 199


UNDER t4A TEAM Standing Row 3: C MIII1I"O. D Cllnllingham, R Steyn, D SlzaI\~ K Goss. S Ndik.i. Standing Row 2: S Mongqolo. M Goldberg. C Cronje. Z Moelie, iV JJilchell, K Momberg. A Williams. L NdabafLin::.i. Seated Row I: J }oyu. Mr B Emms. L D/ol'G. All" K Richardsun, B Dube. Mr D Heiberg. S De/porI.

14-A Team:

Coach: Captain:

Messrs B Emms.D I-Ieiberg. Lwando Dlova.

Yo- Yo, S Ndiki. M Goldberg. L Ndabaninzi. S Delport. K Goss. A William, Z Maane. S Mrangqolo. R Steyn. D Cunningham. K Momberg, Mitchell, B Dube,D Shaw, C Munro, C Cronje. A Zahos.

The U 14 A's will be remembered for the exciting, attractive rugby that they consistently produced. The season wa far more successfu I than the results suggest. Our losses were narrow and to teams who were far bigger but not better players. The boys showed dedication at practices and their skills improved as the sea on progressed. There are a couple of very exciting, creative-runners in this team. Jfthcy stay together they will become a potent rugby unit as they develop physically. Their outstanding team spirit made them a pleasure to coach and be a part of. Highlights were the pre-season tour. the la t two game against Bishops and SACS, and winning the Zwaanswyk se\-en-a-side tournament. BE.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

,. lI4.\ Played


Lo t




4 Team:

Coacbes: Captain:

Mr P Morris.I\lcoll ( ruze Cronje.



A Zahos. S de Freita. M Sibacca. t de Agulera, J Marinus. Matthew, C HaT\\ ick. L Jc sop. L Wright. Barendse. K Cro sland. D 路haw.. Gazi. A fulholland. C Dove. C Lawrence. M Bro\\ n. K Capes. (' :\.Ioore. V McKay. R 00 thulzcn.


hese young men managed to tum a poor fir:.t half of the "cason around to wan four of their last six gamc!'>.The SlICCC:-S of the ..ide \\a:o. due to thelT determinatIon. dISCIpline, team \\ ork and pas ion for the game. The team grasped the importance offitnes ....skilb and support pia) and ended the season playmg really exciting. running rugby. TIIC game" against Grey. Pau I Roos. Strand. Rondebosch, SACS and Bishops wcre games that w ill be remembered long after the cason ha

ended. P.M


Coacb: Captain:






MrJ Louw. Christopher Moore.


A Thomas, T Tjirare, S Sisslllg. A September. K Capes. J Tsang, D McHcndrie. I Tshi\utc, R Oosthuyzen. S Thaysen. G Klcinvcldt. KOosterberg. V Mackay. A Blood. D Rossa. F Peters. R RykJicf, M Reed. M Manthe. D Chedbum. The season represented a very steep learning cun e for lhl! team. They suffered heavy defeats against schools with a far bigger pool of talent and again t boys bigger and more skilled than themselves. Ho\\c\ cr. Ihe lads fought hard and howed great courage and determination, which resulted in good wins over Beh iUe Tech. Tygerberg and Bishops as well as improved results to\\ards the end orthe cason. Thj fighting spirit was epitomised in my player of the season. Andrew September. I hope that the e young men have learnt as much from me as I have from them. J.L







~-------------------------------------------------------------Wynberg Boys' High Scbool Magazine 2005

../ 20]

~Ir J Louw.



Senior: Junior:

J Fl~hcr, T van u\!r Berg. J Quesliau

,B Jone .

Thomp on.


ur boy:'>~h()t rt!gularl_ again t J)urbam ijle Hocf' ..k I and Tygerberg Air Rifle Club. The) participated in the 3 Po ilion (prone. tanding, kneeling). and in the lOm Iympic discipline ( tanding only). ding well again t trong opposition because of their kcene. .


Al Pro\incirtllevcl. Ihey urpa Ihemsel\'es. At the fir..t Western Cape _t:....:l .... :..:3I trials held in Breda dorp in March. Jaryd Fisher was chosen to rcpre..,enl \ c:-.tem Cap B in BJoemfonh.:1O later in lhe month. Al the second trials. held in Tulbagh in June. Jaryd recei cd the Grand Champion a\\ ard and Tyron van der Berg wa~ chosen lo shOOI l"orVliestem Cape BIOGauteng in the June vacation. At the final triab held at HT Beh ille in eptember. all fiye of our bo)' qualified for w.c. Colour!', and took part in the .A. ational Bi Icy. held at Fon IkapllO Godwood.

hooting i a year-round port and ha a mall but dedicated following at Wynberg. Apart from bemg competitive and physically and mentalI) challenging. il is a sport In which friendships arc forged \\ ilh boys and girls from other club and provinces. I cncoumge more boy lO try il OUL JL

SOUTH PE INSULA SCHOOLS SHOOT! G LEAGUE Standing Row 1: KE Giljam. B Jones. J Moller. J Questiaux, T \'On der Berg, B Tellg. D Gnmdlinglt., eated: C WeidemalI. Mr FC I'an der Bosch. Grundlingh. J Fisher. A1rJG LOII11. S Thompson.

This page is spolISored by the Ques/faux family


Teacher in chllr~e: Additionll) coachl'\:


R Willemse

Mr D RlI,,~1I 'ndcr 19 - Mr P furstl!nburg, ~Ir M Bra..;ler


foIIowina represented


WP Representatives

Wynberg Firsl learn:

Under 19A

K. Von Buddcllbmck

Under 16A

R. Willemse M. Talolli 1.. MoonJdd M. Thuln:,oll

Under 16 B

J. Fouric. C. Mukh:r

Und.:r 14A






14 IJ

A\\'A RUS 2005

Honours - R '\誰llemse Blues -

L I.\looradd

'" Talotti K Von Buddenbrock Colours - T Main 1\1 Thom!!.on

tstT~.m ......

: L Mooradd. K. Von BI#ddenbl'Ock, T. \fain. J Fourie. M. Thomson. Seated: Mr P. Furslenburg. R. Willemse. Mr K. Richardson. M Ta/olli. \tI' D. RI/Hell.


Grcg Hammond ;\lcmorial Trophy: 1\105t Improved Phl)Cr K Vicars

~BM P~O~,L.~S

Willemse is a fine young player with enormous potential. as his success this season .....

haa demonstrated. He IS very controlled on court and has a great head for the game. 8hots are very calculated and he knows what he wants when he


Marco TaIotII Marco 8 squash has grown from strength

to strength over the years. Looking over the and looks like he isn't nearly finished specialised shots, which he pulls off very

last S88$OI"I he has come into his own What he has started. Some good

welt. Kart von Buddenbrock has once determination can put you on top. After through to have one of his best seasons UDorthodox player m the team but shows il

come when it is needed.

"l.f. ~ ~~jc



with a bit of style and the results always

wOM>'~1it.. .JO


again proven that a lot of heart. and a slow start in the season, Karl has come to date as a player. Probably the most


oF SO'lS ... "




oV&-': r{Ir,~

This page is spo,,~o,.('J by the Tu/ot/i/umil)'


Luqmaan Mooradd

was injured at stages during the season, but played some good squash in the process. nically sound as a player, he has the potential to challenge for the number onc position; this will require hard work and commitment.

Tom Main had a disappointing season this year yet has the potential to do very well in this sport. He probably enjoyed more success in his Grade 11 year, where he represented the school as the number 2 player. A natural player, with a good eye for the ball, he struggled somewhat on tbe fitness side!

Matthew Thomson

has grown in stature as far as his game is concerned. He has picked it up to a different level and hopefully he will be keep it there or even raise it further

able 10 next year.


he 3rd, 4th and 5th squash teams had a mixed season, largely pLaying against opposition that were two or three teams above them, i.e. 3rds pLaying first teams, Slhs playing second teams etc.However,they held their own and sometimes pulled offsomc satisfying wins. Team members: B Kriedemann, J Wilkinson, B Thompson, G Saharin, KNoId, C Scully, J Novella, Rlsmail, G Leonard, S Rebello, J Miller, H Gamieldien, 1Ranchod, S Sivertsen, J Watts, A James, M Royeppen, J Gruter, J Roffey, IWeavind J Manuel. UI5's who stepped in when needed were: C Lawrence and S De Freitas.

S.f. ÁNOW$wS' r"s.f.iVSvs Pretoria Boys vsStAndrews(Bloem) vs Westville vsKES VsMenloPark

Lost 0-6 Lost2-4 Lost2-4 Drew3-3 Won6-0

vsKES vs Queens vs Kimberley Boys vs Westville

Lost2-3 WonS-O Won5-0 Won3-2

SemiFinal vs Pretoria Boys

Lost 2-3


3 /4'h PlayoffvsKES

Won 3-2

F'iNat- f>~.f.ioN z· ~ Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


his year there was a grcat interest in Junior squash, leading to our entering five teams in the Junior League.Thc team members are: Under (SA Daniel Tbomson, Chris Mulder, Geon' Dod •. A Vrahimi . Under 158 Dean Grant, Kevin Vicars, Kieran Goss. Robbie Falck, Jason Underwood.

L! I~ I ~


Under ISC Bruce Holt, Charl Everts, Daniel Donaldson, Michael Manthe, Anton Marnitz, Stephen Soutcr.

UNDER IS tanding Row 2: K Vicars, B Ho/t, A Vra"illli.~. K Goss.J Underwood. D Grallt. Seated Row 1: G Dods, Mr K Richardson

Under ISO Gareth A hlon, Logan Oliver, Taariq Janodien, Chad Peacock, Scott de Freitas, Jason Myburgh.

Coaches: Mr D Russel!, Ms S Lindsay, Mr L White.

Under 1SE Aaron Kim, Brandon Saunders, Stephanus Spammer, Ryan Lok, Craig Lawrence, Jonathan Wenning-Hare, Joseph Kim, Robert Slater, Zane v d Schyff, Dong-Hyund-Lee, Rowan HilL


thas been wonderful to work with such a talented, enthusiastic group of boys, many of whom improved a great deal during the season. They atlended practices regularly, were keen to play matches and were very competitive amongst each other, vying for positions in lhe teams. They played at every opportunity and sometimes the only way to stop them wa to switch off the lights! The A team played in the final of the knockout tournament. at Bishops, al the end of lhe season against Rondebosch. In previous matches they had lost to Rondebosch and they were definitely the underdogs. The team was mentally prepared for the game and each boy played extremely well, winning the fixture 4-0 this was a great way to end tbe season and the future looks good.

Under IS League Results A

League nd


B League 2nd









E League 2""


&..:: ~


L! f:. c..: ~

. , I


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Seated Row 1:

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Teacher in charge: Ms T Santi.

OPEN TEAM Captain:

Yasser Soopee.


M Riding, D Oliver, D Rabalt-Smith,

Played 5


M Botha (Reserve).




UNDER 15 Captain:

Dane Cassiem.


K Cassiem, B Hilarides, J Claassen, M Stockenstrom, N Hardwick (Reserve), S Jones (Re erve), D Geddes (Reserve), R Davids (Reserve). r





e had a very enjoyable and successful season. Both teams were very enthusiastic and always played their best. Because so few schools entered, our senior boys bad only 5 matches to play. They did very well and only lost one match to Rondebosch, finishing 2nd in lhe league. Thanks to the commitment displayed by Matthew Riding and Dieter Rabalt-Smith. the no. I position in the team fluctuated all the time. Yasser tained his team enthusiastically, always encouraging them to improve their skilL Our junior team was a force to be reckoned with. They had 8matche to play and won 4, conceding one to Rondebosch. The opponents cancelled the other three matches. We ended 2nd on the log. The Grade 8 players showed great potential and enthu iasm. The Cassiem twins displayed a very high standard of play throughout tbe sea on. We are looking forward to an outstanding sea on next year.

r.s. 2[0

Keen nel1'players. Dalliel Geddes & Nicholas J-/ardwick.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Mr R Hamburger. Mesdames T Santi, S Lind ay,

Mr M BrasIer. Messrs Tim Armstrong, Chris Potterton.

The building and growing process started in Term I continued easily in Term 4 as we lost only . teams. We took the decision to put the 3"'and 4'h learns up .WiIIM~lUon for learn places was extra keen and so in the leagues and a number of !t~~~路c~i'eadlY keen and

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005




Karl von Buddenbrock.


JClaas en, E Germani , B Venter, B Kriedemann.

B Kriedemllflfl, J C/aassefl, E Germllnis. Mr M Bras/ef; K 1'011 Buddellbrock, Mr K Richardson, B VeIlteI; Mr R Hamburgel:

tanding: catcd:








B Kriedemann, B Venter, P Ander on, M Stockenstroom, D Shaw, C Scully, PAnderson, B Hilarides.

Lo 3






Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


D Shaw, C Scully, R Hyland, C Griffrn, M Maxwell, S Griffin. J Cameron-Dow.

Up a league, tbey initially found things tough but came together well. They played three school fLTstteams and one second team, so their results are not that bad.









S Griffin, R Wylie. J Cameron Dow, C Green, W Danielz, M KJein, B Magan, M Thompson, G Colman.


Also up a league, their results were excellent. They played Rondebosch 3rd's,Gennan School Ists, Jan van Riebeeck 2nd's and Jan van Riebeeck 3rd's.



PI:Yed__ ~



Drew 2






B Steyn, W Danielz, M Bavesh, M Thomson, B Luyt, T Gates, B Magan.






Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005




T Gates. R Gibson, R Hanbidge, A Radue, J Sing, T Glen.















S Pattenden, A Vrahimis, D Murphy,


,7th, ~_......


L du Toit. R Falck.




Won 7










Drew +



J-L Brown, T Burgers, M Sotha, R Ooslhuizen, N Sarendse.




M Stockenstrom,



0 Shaw, M Maxwell, L du Toit.




Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005



w~ 1

K Krige, DOsterIoh,

j_ Lost _]-=_ 2


M Anderson.




Our Grade 8 players were very enthusiastic. never missing practices and always keen to play. My grateful thanks to the tennis staff and particularly M Santi, who is an organi er par excellence and worth her weight in gold. R.H.





that far off the top back. In our junior happy with the end and the coaches are

first term12-0, 11-2 b to 1-3 in will remain intact. polo club continue Tonder- U15A, 1" Team, for all for their support and Oliver, who ran the D.S.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine ~005



his young tcam taking on sides no matter what their reputation. It fourth term even had three Grade 9's playing for them and c to their succe s. Bruce Hopkins led well, always instilling aying for WynbeIJ. The boys ~ a great work ethic a1Jd always trained hard, work with a fantastic team~. Thanks also to the parents who never come out early in the morning or to a practice on Saturdays has been a huge part of their success. D.S.



Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

Ist Team Waterpolo Row 3: L Plant, D Thackwray. M Slater, C Scolt. Row 2: C Thompson, R Smit, J Gruter, S Walker, K Grant, B Punt. Seated Row 1: M Bowen-Davies, Mr J van Winkel, R Vincent. Mr K Richardson, S Keevy. Mr D Sims, M MacKr 路-I'!./~ Standing Standing

Coach: Captain:

Mr T van Heerden. Geoff Kothoff. Lost

4 Team:

M Lotz, S Thompset, M MacKaiser, G Leonard, N Leonard, S Punt, V Terry, P Oakley, G Fox, M Van Schalkwyk, JL. Bramley, J Wilkinson, KRobinson.


he side had a fairly successful season. Although they didn't win as many matches as they would have liked to, they were never beaten by a large margin. They has some good victories in the 1" term against tough opposition, but unfortunately complacency in some games cost us the opportunity of writing a report to be really proud of. In tbe fourth term we were lucky to retain tbe services of some of our loyal matrics, although they struggled, as old men, to keep up with the fitness. 0.5.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


4th & 5th



Messrs D Schenck, J Huggett.


W Jackson, M Hawkins, M Baker, L Baker, J Doige, J Wilkinson, R MacLaughlin. G Saharin. T Barwick, A Hill, J Fourie, L Moseley j Wolfaard, W Duchenne, C Bowen Davies G Leonard, N Leonard, S Van Doom, E O'Reilly, R Irwin. C Van Tonder Played 12

Won I 2 ,___


he 4th and Sth teams had a bitter-sweet season, having a lot offun and great morale, but not producing the resul ts we were hoping for. Both tearns had a lot of personality, and on many occasions showed great tenacity under trying circumstances. Hopefully next season we can find the results. D.S.

UNDER 15 Manager: Coach:

Mr P Furstenberg. Mr R van Tonder.


A Verlaque-Napper, J Oliver, J Rowles, A Williams, K Browning, E Rodseth. M Alexander, C Bowen-Davies, JP Franken, C Mulder. J Halliday.





wo~os~rew 5






be UIS's went from strength to strength throughout the season. Almost every result in the first tenn was improved on later on in the year. Once again the U 15A side travelled to East London to play in the Sterrenberg Shield hosted by Selborne College and learned a lot and came home with some good results. With the expertise of Rowan van Tonder, the boys were privileged to be able to learn some new techniques from an outside coach and thoroughly enjoyed their time in and out of the pool.


This page is sponsored by the Rowlesfamily


M Alexander. A Williams, E Rodseth, J Row/es, eMu/dei;


C Bowen-Davies. J HaLliday, Mr R vali Tonder, J Go/dstein, Mr K Richardson, J Oliver, Mr P Furstenburg, JP Franken.


A Ver/aque-Napper. K Browning.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


Manager: Coach:


Mr P Furstenberg. Mr R van Tonder.


A Coetzee, R Carstens GLittie, G Miller, S Boucher, KMacLaughlin.

L Oliver. B Harris, M Gruter, D McHendrie. D Donaldson.


nfortunately, the U 15B side struggled to keep players during the season. A number of U 14's played for the team as a result and gained experience from every game. Although results were not good, they all enjoyed the season none the le s.


PLayed 4








Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

0IVD Co ache"

'I::./? I <J.

Messrs B Emms, DRamage.


0 Cunningham, LJessop, 0 McHendrie, LOliver.]

Danieis, R Slater,


R Steyn. N Thorndike, N Mitchel, B Hams, W Scholtz, S Boucher.






Lost 10





tnenns of results, the season was not a successful one. However, if one considers the development of the players and that through hard work and perseverance, the majority of the boys have come from not knowing anything about water-polo to being competent players, then one can say that the ea on wa invaluable in laying lhe foundation for future, succes ful years at Wynberg. The boys werc a pleasure to coach and showed guts through some trying times. The highlight of the season has been the significant improvement in results from the first term to the fourth, against the major schools. B.E.


Standing Row 2: N MilcheL. B Hal-ris. N Thorndike, R Steyn, Z Moone, Seated Row 1:

L Jessop, DRossa. L Oliver, R Slater, Mr B Emms, D McHendrie, Mr K Richardson, K Momberg, J Danie/s.

Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005


01\1D J Wenning-Hare. D Grant. K Momberg, K Bumell, ABlood, Z:-J? I ] Hwnan, M May, DRossa, S Sissing, DOsterloh. J Pienaar. J Tsang, ~J::?


Messrs DRamage,


B Emms.


SMagan, G Lindsay, B Camp, KJacobs. S Boucher, D Cunningham (Captain).



r Played 11






his team comprised players wbo were new to the sport but there was a core group of keen boys who were willing to work hard and develop as players. Unfortunately there were aLso a few boys who were unwilling to put in the hard work that it takes to become a competent water-polo player and so the team suffered. The results were disappointing but the gutsy attitudes of some of the boys will stand them in good stead in future. D.R.


Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2005

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