School Uniform
Our compulsory school uniform is very much part of our tradition, and important in providing boys with an identity, in countering discrimination on financial grounds, and in cutting costs and avoiding fashion trend competition. • Summer Uniform: Khaki shorts with khaki socks (or charcoal longs with black or charcoal socks); white shirt (long or short sleeved); navy blazer with school badge; black shoes; school tie; black belt. •W inter Uniform: Long charcoal trousers with black or charcoal socks and a black belt; white shirt (long sleeved); navy blue blazer with school badge; black shoes; school tie; black belt; regulation grey or blue pullover school jersey. • School Shoes: Black lace-ups, with rounded toe caps. Grasshopper-style footwear is not permitted.
Please note: Either winter or summer uniform may be worn as appropriate for the weather on the day. On all formal occasions (Prize Giving, Valedictory, School Excursions, etc.) winter uniform is worn irrespective of season and weather.
Other compulsory kit or uniform items:
• navy blue shorts, house shirt, regulation school sport shirt • regulation school tracksuit • regulation school tog bag. • regulation school book bag.
Individual sports have their own uniform requirements communicated to players at sports registration.
Our official School Uniform stockist is School and Leisure situated in Rondebosch Main Shopping Centre – Tel: 021 686 1541/2. They are the only official stockists of school colours, but also stock charcoal longs, khaki shorts, school blazers, short black, charcoal or khaki socks, etc. Though it is obviously more convenient to do one-stop uniform shopping, there is no compulsion to use the stockist for non-branded items – these may be purchased at stockists of choice. Quality used uniform items, as well as supporters’ gear, can be purchased from the School Shop every Wednesday during term-time, between 14:00 and 15:00, or at times advertised in the weekly email newsletters.
Most textbooks are ebooks and must be ordered by families from the suppliers.
A limited number of lockers are available at the school and may be hired on an annual basis at a fee of R200. Boys will be required to provide their own padlocks.
2022 School Hours
School starts at 07:45 and closes at 14:55 on Monday and Tuesdays, 14:40 on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and 12:40 on Fridays, but students may be expected to remain after school for a variety of activities. No student is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours without permission.