CONTENTS 2003 Staff and Committee Headma'ter' taIT
Li ts S
Matric Class 2003 9
2003 Prize List Academic
Roll of Honour
Senior Certificate Valedictory Debating Library Fir t
13 16
Re ults
peech Society
id Report
In the Service of Other Ladie ' As ociation
Matric Dance
33 39
Drama Exchange
Cwe i Adult Learning Departmcnt
Reports Contributions
43 64 6
103 104
Swimming Tenni
Ba ketball
hess port Climbing
Hou eReport" Learner'
Shooting Golf cknowledgements
109 110 111 112
taff . G. Dal'ic'\: R .. Hoo//IIall. R. III!!/i\: c. I.e{\oll: P. Kllmllt·\; DAllell: or/h: D. BrOIl/..!!: F. BoycI. B. Creecl. B. Gre!!lIwoot/ P. Fil/... T. Peane: P. FUrl/C'lIhurg, 1/. GalaIII: P. S/IIilh. D. RCl/lwge: orrelI, S. III/(/.IOII-B1'll11c'll. G. POSlhllllll/.l: J. J/II}{g1'll. A. Diet/ricks: I'. Will .\'111111 egell StamlilIg Rmt' /: P. II(///('koll/: B. SOpClIl1: S. lIïllia/ll\oll. J. Goot/will. E. feci. B. BOIha: W. Jurl'/\: C lIah'., .. \1. I/ofl/..ill\: E. Root/t, T. al1li. . Wi/.\Oll: .\1. Bat/ia/i: C 1I(1(/~/../I1.\{)II: J. Ba\'1er: P. CClI::al'C'/u\ Seated: D .. S·chellc k: G. Frallcis: J. Kllighl. D. RI/'lI. C I1Illh: J. LOIlIt. K. PreIOrIlIs: .1/. RUlhhr: K. Riclwrdl/lll. L. .H IIwr: .1/. D{,/hrIC/~C': CJ. Tar/ur: C. 1/ lIlIle.': P. I'l/II elra/kll yk. P. Krie/: S. I'll/I t/er Rh('('(/e. D. fill//é Stamling Roll' 3: L. Kru!!"r .\1. 11'1'11/11 Stalll/ing Roll' 1: S. IIcllchic. A. /'(1.\.\: J. SOl/(er; \. II
"berg Boys' High, chool \lagazine 2003
II EA 0:\1.-\. TER :\Ir KC Richard. on. BA, .\IEd Latin OEPL'TY HE 0.\1;\ 'TER . :\Ir :\'1 Ru~hby. BSc, BEd Head of lVlathematies :\Ir LG :\loser, B (' BEd Mathemalles.Ph). ieal eienee. Head of eademic\lr K J Preloriu); .. I/Phr~ Ed. BEd Hi~tor}. Geograph~ Ileal! of Extra-Murab HOC E HEAD :\lr G Ta)lor. BArHOIHJ . .lIEd Head or Mc aughton Ilouo;;e Biology .\Ir P van ·chalk\\yk. BAr /I()I/~). /lDE Head of Van Riebeeck Hou.,c Hi\tol)' :\lr J G LOll\\. BA. BEtI, HPTD. IIPTC Head of Dc illier~ Hou. e 1etnh\ork .\lr 0 ehcnk, BA. /lDE Hend of Rhodc~ Ilou~e Geography .\lr 0 H Ru ell, BColI/. HDE Head of Dc Waal Houo;;c ceounting \lr J :\1 Knight. \fA Head of Wellmgton Hou~e Mathematic :\-lr PJ Kriel, !fDE Head of Lorie Ilou e oodwork .vlr 0 Faulcb, BColI/. /I/)E Ilead of LittbHlod Hou~e ecounllng.Bu\tne\~ Eeon()mIC~ DEP RT"IE:'-T HEAO "Ir "I Badiali, ompuler tudie~. IT vlr E J Blignaut, I/Se, STD Head of Phy,ieal cienee "Ir B Botha. B 1/11\ I::d, Ilcad of 1u~ie "Ir \\ E Creed. BSc S FD He.ld of Blolog) \Ir G Dalic'\. RA Ar/) /I/)T. Dlpl Adull Ed Head or rt "Irs Oiedcrick .... BA, /lED Ilead of fflLmn, I Ir~t language. Jerman
IIenchie. BA ( /lollS). ,II A ( E('ol/) Head of Economic. Bu. ine.. conomies. ccounling :\Ir L:\I Kruger, BAI/lol/s). /lE/) Head of Engli'h Mr B • opam, BA, /I /)E Head of Xho a. Matham.llic \Irs E teel, BA. TTHD Ilead of Junior Engli"h :\Ir~ L Wilon. BA. HDE Head of Gcograph)
:\ Ir
TEACIIERS :\lr 0 GAllen, B e( /1011.\). BEd. THT!) Physical cienec :\'Ir J W Baxter. BA(/lolL~), BEd Engli h. Hi tor). I\rt & ulture .\Ir P aIZa\elo, B.Hus( Ed), /lDE. B.llus /1(111) Perf . LR Jl( T). ,4CE (COII/p ludie~ ) Mu ic .\Ir A ros, H DE( PE) I atuml cienee .\Ir P Fur tcnburg Malhematic . :\Ir :\'1 Galanl, BA Med. HDE Bu ine' Economics. M . Life Orientalion "Irs J Good\\in, BA, PII( phys Ed). liPTe ho~a. English :\Ir' P \\' Hanekom, B (' (lIolJ..,), liED Biolog) , Ia thema tic .\Ir Hodgkin on. B Pity. Ed Geograph ~'Ir E Hud on-Bennett, BA, HDE Geograph). Math.,. rts & ulture .\Ir J Huggelt, BA Edr /1(111) ngli h \Ir E Lef'\on, BA. /I ED 'Ia thema tiCS \Ir R G ,\Ioolman. 8.1(/{01/.1), HED frikaan\ "lr ,J Peter·cn. B c( /101/.1). HED Biology. r1athematics ylr G I'o·thum~. BColII. PGCE lath.,. eeounting. EM \I~T. anti. BA, /lDE fnkaan, \Ir PW. rnith. BAr /101/\, T!) fnkaan,. Drama .\Ir XI Wcnll\Orlh. PTD, Bil, BEd \1etal\\ork. Wood\\ork .\Irs. Williamson. B c. If,l, BEd ngll' ..h Wynberg
80)s' High
chool :\-lagllLine 2003
P RT-TIME TEACHER Mr J M Blom, BA. STD frikaan Ir C Brostcr, BAr HOI/S). BEd Engli h Irs M Fi cher, B c. BEd - Biology Mr P Fi'ke, MA BEd - English :\lr B E Greenwood, BSc. STD Physical cience :vir ERoodt,BA.HDE frikaan
GOVERNI G BODY Chairman Mr K Hopkin chool J Di kie- lark, M Koning Members Mr M Delbridge, Mr CHart. 'ir M Huttonquire. Mr D Jabber. Mr. J Knagg , Mr G La.hhrooke. Mr D Mae li ter, Mr L Mo·er. 1r R Murphy. Mr J Peter en. Mr K Riehard~on. Ir K abaua. Mr B van Breda. Mr P van S halkw_ k, Mr M Ward Ladic ' odation Committee hairlady Terry Talolli ecretary/Grade 12 Repre. cntathe nne Breuniger Head Prefect' 10ther Penny Day Headma ter' \ ifc Pippa Riehard on Grade II Representatil'e olleen Miller ummer Tuckshop/Grade 10 Representativc Joan MainGrade 9 Representative Joanne D cr Grade 8 Representathe Thcresa Randall econdhand Clothing Exchange Sue Paul on. nne Butler Recycling Lynda Holt Tuckshop ue rone Catering neue Innocen7j Flowers Terry Watkins-Baker Gardens Tri h Hutton- quire GAP Year tudents ra er Boyd ( cOlland) Dan Brooke ( ngland) Tim Pearee ( ew Zealand) lick Warren ( u tralia) Mike Ho\\ell (England) ott Beattie ( cotland)
OTHER CHOOL. TAFF omputcr' Mr M Badlali Mr G Duncan Librarian Mrs van imwcgen. LDUS Busines Manager Mr M Dclbridge Media Assistant Mr W Jani . NDUS port dministrator Mr P Knowie Admini tration A i tant Mrs M Hopkin School, ecrctarie Mr~ G Francis Mr. C Manley Mrs van de Rhccde Fees Controller Mr.
Tuckshop Comenor Mrs rone Laboratory Assistant Mr' Petersen chool Building ~laintenanee Me ~r \an Wyk. 1 Vernendal, Van yk. J Peter en. Brcv.i . M V olornon. , L Booy en. Y1 Rushin. E tate Maintenance Manager Mr C Haley Grounds taff dam. P van Rensburg. Mes~ers IImmen
Bo} , High
chool "Iagalin
HEADMASTER'S REPORT In 2003 wc expericllccd t\\O World Cup di::.appoll1tments; \le lived through the American ima ion of Iraq: anel IIC had mixed feeling~ .tbout South Africa's declining interest rate~. In education. \IC ~aw question mar!..s being placcd again~t ~chool uniform!>: rellgioll' practice ... In !>choob and whether teachers ~hollld be re elling LOP-UP' to their ~al.Ine!>. In ,pite of these complex i'~ue .... education and learning earned on at W~nberg. tthelr annual planning II ed.end 111 eptember. the teach 'r~ \I rel>tled \I ith the important i sue or hO\l to handle dl~CIplinc and learnll1g III J transformll1g cducational world. We are committed LO inl'ohing our II holc cOmmUnll) in the procc se~ of dekrmining a nel\ code of condu t for the school. The challenge in an) tran formation proce!> i to cn~ure that equity and excellence arc both part of the , hooi', \ i,ion the) arc. aftel' all. oppo Ite !>ide~ of the ~ame COIll. ilh the aid of the GO\crning Bod). IIC hale been ~triving to givc acce~s to as man) pupib il pos~ible to our qualit) learning. Ilonderful r.lcilnie ... and en\'iable cducational CI1\ ironm..:nt. In !>horl. wc are committed to offering ex ellence to a \I ide v:triet) of South fric~llls. Wc undcr ...tand that societ} nOlI needs different ..."ilb to be dC\clopcd. Wc understand that ) Dung people 1\ ill no longer b..: mOl Ing into jobs for Itfc. Wc under tand th:lt a v:.triety of nl.!l\ di~ciplllles arc dl.!manded. In response to all thh. \le arl.! determined to turn out IllnO\·ame. latcral and critical thlllker~. tClen COley. the do)cn of Il.!adl:rship theorists. has \lritten man} booh of\\hlch the" eIen Hahit ... of Illghl\ FtTcctil'c Pl.!oplc" i... thc mo~t acclaimcd. I lIould like tn ,UggC,t thai the follo\'lllg be the ". eIen Habih of a Highl} Efrcctl\c Wynherg 1<1n". hr"tl), a \: )'nhcrg. Illan mu~t be committed to positi\e and crcathe change. The la~t Ihlrt) year, \\ ynberg Bo) • High. 'chool :\Iagalinc
ha~ ecn more chunge Jnd more im ention, than the re~t of human 11i',tor) pUL together. This school cannot ...tand ,ltll in ,Ill) arl.!t1 ano mu~t bc prepared to adapl and imprO\ e continuaII) . This is as t rue III a ademlc~. a~ it I in port or culluml actil itie ... or puril Icader~hip. econdl). \\e acknol\-icdge Ihat ever) person must Il~Chi~ talent at W) nberg ano mu~t be encouraged to c...pres~ thaI talent. 0 talent in a particular phere i more imrortant that a talent in another ~phere. ne of lire', tragedle~ i, II hcn talent i, unrcaltled. Thi ... , hool II, committed to creuting opportunitic<; .tod celcbrating lalent. Thirdi). at \l ynberg. \Ie all value dher<;ity in all tt form .. EI cr, pupil at thi, school can ofTer difTerent experiences and diffcrent \ le\\ points. The) all hdp to ma"e Qur ,ehooi strong..:r. Fourthly. we must nc\(:r underc~timate the pOller of relationship. In oUlh Africa \I": hall.! long ince mOled on from an autocratic form of in,truction to one \1 hi ch i inclu~l\e and relation,hip ba cd. Wilhin our school cOmmUnll). I\e .Ire all ...tril ing to build strong relationship.,. urely \le have in our country onc of the tine. t example~ of thi., in world historyebon Mandela? rlfthl). wc rnu~t remember the I\-oros of William Wordsworth when he 'mid "Tho'c little. n.lmele~ . unrememben:d act of kindnc., and 10le which make up Ihe he t portion of a good man'~ lifc". [ hope that \le nelcr take anything for granted at till' school and thal \\e rededicate ()ur~e"'e~ e\ cr) ycar to sen ing other both at ~chool ano 111 our communit). i.\thl). re pect i., e,scnltal lO an cffl.!clill: ... hool. Rc ...pect for oneself. for other. for .,chool propert) . nd finalI). thc e\enth effe ltlC habit I, that \l ) nbcrg Men ta!..e pride In their school. \ e are pm iicg..:d to go about our daily bu~ine a beautiful ...chool. I-or 163 ) car. W) nberg Men
h.n~ been ~trl\ Ing in their que~t for ex ellence. \\c hale been charged b~ tho,e \\ho ha\c gone before lh. b~)lh Tcacher~ and Old Bo~" to build on the good tradition, and III our ~horl <It thl' ,choolto endea\our to ma"e a din'crcnce. If \\) nberg I' il beller ~cho\)1 becal!',e \\c pa, cd through IL then \\e can certainl) ILlOk bal" at our contnbution \\ ith pride If \\e can ma!..e the,~ ,e\cn habll our O\"n. \\C ,hall hecome an e\en greater ,chool. In }car, pa,!. \\) nhcrg \\.1, reno\\ ned rOl il, n"II\)n.dl~ .Ieclallllcc.J cadet hand. The ,uece" of thl' band \\a, Il, <.II'clplll1c. Il, '>lructurc. It c\)mmon note,. Ih ,mart ne',. Ilo\\e\cr toda) \\ ~nherg I' hl:ller ddined h) Ih Ja71 band \\ hlch incorporate, .tll of the abme attribute. hul adth
innO\atl\ene,s. adaptdtion an imprlHi'<ltion. Wynhcrg h.l~ three band, loday Ja7.7. Concert dnd t~el Drum and the ,kill, necded in the,e <lrea~ or mu,)c <Ire remarkabl} ,imilar to tho,e needed 10 be a leadlllg chnol I than" all \1 ho hale contributed to Ihe ,ucce~~ of Wynberg this :rcar. I commend lhe \ t~ion and commitmcnt of the Gmerning Body. Ihe leacher,. the \uppon ,Iafr and Ihe pupil bod). The) hale all helped 10 111<1"ea Highl) EITIXli\e chool. Thl' mag<l/lIlc ,um, Ufl Ihe high,> and 10\\ or W) nberg :!003. It hu, hecn flUI logelhcr b)' \.1r., heila Wllhalll',On and her Editurial Team who hale ,>uccecdcd ill cn,>uring Ihal Ihl' i, .1 \\orth) record of anolher Illclllorablc )car at \\') nberg IJO),'
High chool.
\\ ~nb{'r!! Bo) , High
'chool ~Iagalinc
STAFF NEWS 2003 ever have we had so many mover and hakers on the staff for many ditTerent reasons. OBE i not the Ica t of them with the con tantly administrative expectation where educalor \Vork harder than the learners. The newsaper quoIation tating that the sy tem will produce ...self-confidenl illitcralcs ... is nOL far from the Iruth. WBHS is attcmpling 10 ali fy all need. The longe t- cr ing teachers are amongst tho e leaving. Mr Barry Grecnwood who i off 10 retire in the Iranquillity of Scdgefield afler offering Wynberg slirling er ice in many areas. BadminIon i hi la le I, but he helped in cro - country, athletics. baskeIbalI a \ ell a teaching Malhs and eiencc. He taned entering pupil. a the \Vere then called for the Olmpiad. Ot only wa Ihi a grand opportunity. but man achie ed ucce . Some have continued to do 0 in their lenia r st udies. not her member of the Science Depanment staff is Mr Eddie Blignaut who ha taught here from 1975 1983 and 1999t02003-atotalof13 year. Many and ariou have been hi. involvemetHS. His extramural have in luded athletic and I t team and 15 cricket. He remember Mr Peter van Schalk\ yk being one of hi 13 rugby captain a team he coached for 9 year. Lallerly, tenni ha been well organized by him. part from teaching many at rgu S hool, the cicnee Expo ha been a major contribution. 96 WBH boy took pan in the vel' fir t Expo in 1996. He will be truly mi sed. The English Department lo cs t\ 0 members of taff Mr Leon Kruger and Mr EI ie Steel. Mr Kruger i. moving to Reddam, \ hil t Mr Steel will be helping her husband in hi bu ine s. M I' Kruger has been here ince 1990 . He headed the Engli h Department ince 1997 efficiently, e pecially using hi computer kill to produce innovati e work heets. Hi' extramural included back tage. 4th team hockey. athletic We wi h him well in pa ture ne\. Mr Steel has been here for 7 Y, years. A an Engli h teacher, she ha organized the Bc t Speaker competition. upervi cd the quarterly Blood Clini with an a erage of -0 pint collected per term. he wa al 0 involved in the school magazine and the Wynbergian. Her Wynberg
Boys' High School Magazine
pon area ha e been tenni. qua h and table lenni . Five leacher have been here for a horter period in variou capacilie. The arc M rs Roodt: Mr Hanekom; Mr Peler on: Mr SouIer and Mr Knight. MI'S Roodt taught frikaans for two years. She was ready to li ten at all time and worked hard. Mr Hanekom \ as ti person who wa nOl appreciated by the taff and learner a regards her ex ten ive and innovative computer kill never have we een uch excellent work sheet ! Biology wa her ubjeet .. he leave 10 take up a po t nearer her children in Somer et We l. Mr Peter on lea e for an International chool after teaching Biology here for a year. He \ a quietly efficient. M r outer de erve a medal for allempting to teach a large - and largely ill-di iplined - group of Grade 8 the finer point of technology. We wi h him well and tru t that hi health will improve a the tre le en. Mr Knight lea es for Bishop after leaching Malhematies and being a hou e head. Hi cricket coaching wa killed and he remained cheerful a hi team was enthu ia tic. Of cour e Mr Ru hby i till mi ed. He i Deputy-Head al Sweet Valley. He and Mr Greenwood were gi en an excellent farewell in lhe Fi hbowl in ovember - the two taiwan of the chool. TOP PRES !!! There are three exclamation mark for three e ent '. Mr Richard on i currently in Vincent Palolli Ho pital after a heart complaint whi h i no\ being treated. Our be t wi he go ~ ith him for a peedy and complete recovery. Down the pa age from him lie Mr John Ba ter, our beloved drama and art teacher and lhe producer of play. He ha had major hean urgery. gain we wi h him the be t, ma he soon be hi 'old' (not in ears, but in health) elf and be able to break a leg a the bian would ay. To end on the most po iti e note of the yearwelcome from u all to Merriek - the on of Mr and Mr haun Hud. on-Bennet. Mn he enjoy hi life - and even become a Wynberg boy one day?! 7
~ ::: ~~ (.)
o o
fn fn CC
-a: l-
;: ::0
\\ ynberg Bo)s' Iligh , chool :\Ia!!azine
2003 PRIZE LIST ACADEMIC AWARDS Subject Certificates lOp pupil in that subject :\1erit Certificate an aggregate of 700~, or more . ihcr Tic (Grade~, and 9) an aggregate of 70°'0 or more Gold Tic (Grade~ 8 and 9) an aggregale of8000 or more Colours A\\ard (Grade. 10 and II) an aggregate of 75"'0 or more (Grade 12) an aggregate of 70° 0 or more Blues AlI'ard (Grade 10) an aggregate of 90°0 or more (Grade II) an aggregate 01'80°0 or more (Grade 12) an aggregate of 75°'0 or more Honours A lI'ard (Grade II) an aggregate of 90" 0 or more (Grade 12) an aggregate or 0° 0 or more
GRADE 8 ACADEMIC PRIZES ~1ERIT ERTIFIC TE and IL ER TIE Dean Blignaul. Thomas ampbell. Clayton Cro .. ~hlc} Delport. Timothy Gale. Anton Hendrick. ndre\l' Jame~. Lee Jansen. Bevan Jone . Talimanguluka Kakia. Bradley Lu)'t, IHi~topher lagg~. Jibraan O,man, Marco Talolli. Yu ri van der chyff SUBJE T CERTIFICATE Life Orientation
BJE r CERTIFIC TE, MERIT ERTIFI ATE and IL\'ER TIE frikaan. Additional Language Jason teelc Engli.h Primary Language ndrew • trick land Technology Bradie} Venter GR DE PRIZE 3rd in Grade R Richard Mandy Meri/. A&C. Ma/helllmin, Gold Tie 2nd in Grade 8 Direshan Pillay Meri/. Social Science~. Gold Tie hl in Grade 8 Darren Moller Meri/. EMS. English Prill/ar\' Lal/guage. IIlUml Sciences. Gold Tic
Bo~s' High
GRADE 9 ACADEMIC PRIZES :\1ERIT CERTIFIC TE and. IL\'ER TIE Craig Brown. lare arr. Jonathan ·hild. LarkIloon hoi. Lee Coller. tuart Dyer. Jarryd Fi~her. Gavin Fox, Kyle Grant. Craig Green. Joseph Grutcr, Rel.a I·mail. Mark Jenning . Jonathan Kinnear. MIchael Klein. heldon Knaggs. v c'ley Langridge. ergio Lui/. Ryan Magee. Jamie Miller, Matthe\\ Okkers. te\en Ral~dall. Ya een Samsodien. Oli\er Scholtz. Amhon) die)'. Mauhe\\ Shaban. Darin Taitl. Mikhail van dcr andt. idcn \'an dcr V) vcr, Christopher van Tonder. Justin van \ yk. Karl \ on Buddcnbrock )ERIT ERTIFICATE Jan de Waal UBJE CERTIFIC :\1ERIT CERTIFICATE frikaan~ dditional Language
and GOLD
TE. and
GR DE PRIZES 3rd in Grade 9 Fran ronjc Meri/ .• 'I,llIIhel1l1l1ics. Gold Tie 2nd in Grade 9 tephen V alker Meri/, Gold Ti" ISI in Grade 9 Trcvor Edward A&C. A(rit.ual/s Primar!' Lallgllage. E.\! S. Ellglish Prill/ary Language, Li/i, Oriell/u/ iOIl. .\'(Ill/ral del/ces. ;)( ial Scicllcl'J. Techllology. Gold Tie
GRADE10 ACADEMIC PRIZES IERIT CERTIFI TE Jonathan Badham-Thomhill. eth Brumer, Morgan Goodchild. Michael Howc-EI)'. Richard Lind ay. ndrew Mand,. can Me sham, Luke Otto, Murray Paul-en. ameron Richard .. Daniel Thackwray, handon Wallena
"ERIT CER1IFIC\TE and COI.OLR_ A \\',\RD J.hOn I\ldndgc. Keegan Badhum-Thornhill. StIllon Ball. Paul Butler. 'v1atthe\\ Car,lakc. Jonathan Crot/. Jared D'l\ie~-ColemJn. R)an Donald. Jo,eph I)onallhon. _ tcphen Donll. Chri,topher Edd~. \-Ltllhc\\ Ed\\artk DICier r ngelke. :-'Iallhe\\ Hll\\ard-Tripp. hih-Han K.lo. "110n Kee\). Stephen \Iakln. PCler Rogcr~. WillIJm outer. Brell Thol11p,on. \\'a~ nc \\'lIller Sl BJECT CERTIFICATE Computer ludle, GeolTre~ KOllhorr \Ionge/i \Ipahh\u "hosa Jrd Language Sl BJECT CERTIFICATE. \IERIT CF:RTIFIC<\ rE and COLOLR •. \ \\'.\RD '\Inkaan, hl Language Theo mnje ·\fnkaans 1nd Language Keenan loppley '\rl ,\ hlon \an den Bergh Gregor) Lu) I :-"Iallhe\\ Camphcll Economic, \-kta h\()fk I .llhan-Lce Ramag.e~ Mallhc\\ Croll ~Iu~ic RIchard V1I1cenl Wnnd\\nrk Sl'BJECT CF:RTlFICATE, \IERIT CERTIFICA'I F.: and BIXE. AW RD Laun Hami h Wrllrams
hl in Grade 10 \J ai I A ('('fIlIIII il/l( Phl'.llC'ul
Luc de Decker
TBJECT CEIHIFICATE Afrikaan' ~nd Language Art BU\lIlc~, Economic\ I\lclah\or~ ~'ood\\ork Xhos.1 ~nd Language
I:clward O' ReilI) Pri:e ./ilr
GRADE PRIZ~ 3rd in Grade II
Dc\ on
c\ ille Knge
2nd in Grade Addtlilllll/I
Paolo Innoecn7.i
Elli! li lit .• \f til heli/aI iC.I,
I~t in Grade
Brent Lab) Dorninic M urnl) Vaughn Era~mu' Timothy Milner Rohert de Florcnc.1 Eugcne \'.ln4a
Sl BJECT CERTIFICATE. \IERIT CERTIFIC\TE and ACADE\IIC \\ RD Afrikaall'> Richard Lotier Il,l Language. Blue Bwlng). Ph~,ical 13radle~ \1 ulder clence. Honour~ EC0I10111IC,.Blues Daniel William, lexl (jrammcnopOlrlo, French. Clllour~ Jeffre) Arnold Ueograph). Blue ... Luke parks H i~tllr). Blue~ gO\ UjO Gugu he Mu,ic. Blue.,
M eri I. A ("tiJ/II/I illg,
.\fl'l'il, .Ie/cliliol/al 1!allteIIUlliCl. HOllollr.l', SUII/(!tml Bal//.. P,.i:£' jil,. rhe lop (jrae/e II Pupil
(/I'ogr(/[1h r, ,\[ lllhc/IIUI/(.\,
GRADE 11 ACADEMIC PRIZES \IERIT ERTIFIC:\TE eil Alien, Gr.1nl Campbell. ,<I\en D<I\i~, Quenlin Donaldson. Jarne~ rox, Geot1're) Garher,. Dum""nl Mak:Jpela, • haun Moir. hake.:1 . oopee. Roherto Talotti. irneon Tre\\. Sean Whelan
\IERIT CERTIFICATE and BLeE AWARD hank Hradle). Craig ril". :COll rUller. Rohert 111:1)
GR DE PRIZE 3rd in Grade 10 "'[enl, 8111C1 2nd in Grade 10 .tlc'ril, Dl/rie/Oll/I: lfi.\{or_r, Blllel
\IERIT ERTIFI ATE :Ind COLOl R. A \VARD T"110th) Cronjé, Ellenne I)a\ I". .Jame~ DickieClark. can La~ke)'. Bradley lann. JU'I"1 Paulsen. T) Ier Seolt. Jonalhan 51mban
GRADE12 ACADEMIC PRIZES \IERIT ERTIFICATE onl)' (70% aggregate or better) Logan Brett-Broadle). il.:hola~ BritL. imon Buerger, Palrick Burl" CraIg BUIIer. Mark ('artcr. Marc-Lee oppln. Tnl\i., Effting.. Phrlhp Haupl. ngu, Innc\, Iyambo Ipinge. Pi.:lcr Meyer. eoITrey Mulder. raig Muller, Garth Rc; pert. Chase RIchard.,. Scott. ahage. lark . hrciher. Matthel\ terne. haun te\\'art.
W) nberg Bo)s' Higb School :-"lagazine 2003
Raymond \':In Breda. Alex:lnder Ki.:rmlll Wal,h
vun Rcn~burg.
BJECT CEIHIFIC-\TE ' (1st in ubject in Grade 12) and ;\IERIT CERTIFICATES --It/di/iol/a! .lIa/hellla/icl Pri::e. 11£ 13011del/ Pri::e
jc)r .\/II/helllall£'.I, Tl'lIlplelllll Pri::c jol' .\fwi£' Thorp Pri::e jol' Phl'.\im! Sciellce. ,\/eri/ Jame~ D.F. .I/(/wis
;\Iaths Gold ;\Icdal All art/ed t(l the Grude II pupil 11'110 \coret! the
lIi{!.he.H //la}'/" i/l ."'(luth A/rico for the !003 CUlllpetitioll Bradie)' Mann \1aths
Gold ~Iedal
A \I ort/et/ /(I th" Grcllle Cj pupi! \I/lU Icoreel thl' highe.l/ //lar/.. ill Suuth I/ri(£/ lor ,he ]()()3 CO//lflet/l/OII lcphen Walker Ed" ard \\'i e Bur 'aries
A wal'det/ til the
rllp Gmt/e JJ l'upt!.1
A./rik(1I1111]/1(! Lunguage J u tin KlIlg
D.F. ,I/a/'{/i.l Pri::e Jór A/rikoul/.I ]1111 L{lIIgl/{/~e. ,\/eri/ Neil Pretoriu~ A rt IJn::e.. Ih'rit D':Il\cr Brenl BII.lil/('.I,1Enllllllllic.1 Pri::e. I/en / K) Ic Johnqon
Pri::e (or Geographr.
Garyth Kemp Warren alder\\ood Liang-I-I ui Liu Gregor) Lukasic\\ icz
"'ell/hmrk Pri:e Pail//il/g Pri::1' 1I'00d1l'ork Pri::e. 11e/'ll X/WIll 3rd l.,oI/KuaKt' (.I/o/her
TOl/gue I Pri::!'
Lundi Tsot
.\'holll 3rd LlInguuge Pri:c .. Iferi/ GRADE PRIZE, and ~IERIT CERTIFI Jrd in Grade 12
(.\ oll-.Ho/her Grcgory
To lig Ul' )
If ;\1orris Bursar)' Old Bo~s' Bursar~'
A wart/l'e! to the Top Pupi!
Tnl\i~ Ed\\ard~, Paolo Innocenzi Rhctt I-Ialkw //I
Grlll/e I!
I\lartin Fi~chl'r . Fine Bur!>ar~ Marc-Lee oppin \'crnon Cannichael Bur aries A Bi~hop. J Cmood, G JcfTrey. S Kir!>len. K K ir~tcn. G Mand.::!. F Pear~on Bunt)' Joubert cholarship ngu Innes Bill Lenno). 'cholarships Fran~ Cronje, Matthew Don. Trc\ or Ed\\'ard~. Martin Fischer. Paolo (nnocen7!. D.:\on van Breda, I-Iamish \ illiams ;\lathe\\ Famil~ Bur ar)' c\ illc Krig.::, Karl \'on Buddenbrock Rotary Bursary Ja\in chrcibcr. ark chreibcr
Meri/, ACCOIIII/illg PI'/::e 2nd in Crade
Paul White
JIIeri/, R.M. Friedlunder Pri::e jo/' Ellg!ish I t in Grade
Fi cher
Merit. Bio!ogy Pri:e. R.M. F'ril'dlclllder Pri::" lvI' f;ng!ish, /VI CIskeI\' "'iller Pri::e jór I/istor_\'. Mar/ill Clel'e!alld Truph.1 /01' Dux of /he School
chiifer Prize
A \I'urdet/(or Mu!/ilillgl/alislII (Grades /0-12) Old Boys' Mathematic Caxton
Gregory Da. Prize MartIIl Fischer
INTERNAL SCHOLARSHIPS ten art McFarlane . cholar hip for a Leading All-rounder Malusi iboto Academic cholarship to t\\O Grade 7 Pupils Darren Moller, ndrew lrickland Old Bo~s' cholar hips to two Grade 7 Pupils Clayton ro . Dire han Pillay Friedlander cholar 'hip D:Hron Fcrnandez K. Mason Foundation cholarship Onwaba kayi 1986. cholar hip Onge iwe 1ckulO
A lI'arded lor OI//\Iol1dillg Effor/ Mitcsh Gihwala Australian chool. International s. essment Test: cience Gold ~1cdal
Awarded tv the Grade I] plIpi! 11'/1() gured /he highest mark ill ourh Africa for the 2003 COlllpe/ltio/l Martin rï cher V ynbcrg Boy'
chool Magazine
Grade 9
Jonathan hlld Jarryd Fisher te\en Randall Jonathan Kinnear
Grade Grade
Luc tic Dedcr
Lllcnnc Dal I~ Cnllg Elb
SERVICE PRIZES Anthon~ \Iorris
Nc\\ ling
To Ih(' Gracle ,\ JIllpi! !ol'tdll' III Ihe (/( lililit'l
lIOn! h,l hi.1 fI{I/'I/ciJllllillll
l!te 1II0S1 //I
1arco Talolli
Lelitt :\Iemorial
\lard IIho 1I"l/.I· 1111 ill.\Pll'lllioll (/1/ hi.1 /cl/Oil .lllId('III,1 I-cl\\ard O'ReIlly Rolar~ .ood Fcllo\l~hip Allard I () Ilw D/'lIde JO {lIlpi!
~Ian .Jone~ :\1\:Jrd I II <I/'c/ec/lo Ihl' Grlllh' II/UII
II pl/pt/1I11O h<ll 1//(/1111Ih" 111.1p('r/Orlllillln·.1 1/1
<II \( hool
heldon Labu~chagnc Life \ Icmber.,hip .11\ arc/cc/ hl
of Old Bo~~' l nion
Ihc ,('hool
To Ihl' f11Jf1i/ll'hll III/I di.lplared tflll'mg Ihl' .I'ell/' /ai/' p/a.1 III/Wilg
lo III< HCilc/ Pre/i'cl
1!'r1'ice lO l!te Ichoo!
(j rcgnr) I)a) Troph) Fo/' Ihl' he.11 .11'/ POrl/ollll 11/1111'reu/'
Hob \dshade 1/\
decic/etl hl
\.1arllll I I~chcr \\ ~nl>erg Girls Old Girls' Troph) Pm/I'I I
lionour, A II ard III urc/n! III Ihe pI/pi!
{'II Ihl'
\('/wu/ Friedlandcr
Richard Wic~c
1111110111' 1/1 lIlt'
Fir\! Hod.c)
lI'illllillf{ {fOil\('
De Waal Hou\e \\ iegman Cup (II Ihe 111011Ollll/utll!illg
Budge P/'c(e('/
ngu\ Innc~ ,\ndre\\
Fein~tein Cup
(0 Ihc he.11 al/-rollm!er
Grade 12 .";POrl. (1I!llIral. Sat'/(e /II
Ab I'\ohn Cup To Ihe Grade
12 flllpi!
Ih( 1'1'110111 /ti 20()3
CULTURAL Ep"orth .\1u,ic Pril.c Pre~ton Cup for Piano,
ha.1 cllllle Ihe /11011 /111' G'rl'gllr)
Clement ight-Reading Clemen! BCIan Pril.e for English Reading Gregor) 12
\ lemorial
D':llIcr Brenl I)alid Ileidmann \\lard ',i,/, (III/rage ulld c/elall//IIaIlOIl /II Ihe .lilt( ol.s.:rl'ill ac/lel'll1l' Julwn Vincent R~no Gr('el1ll all Pril.c For
prO/llolillr( !t('(/llhr goudIl il/l/llcl hi.1 jel/oll I Grcgory Day
For cli!ig<'1Il e
arr arr
Hobatere Lodge i a eonc s ion area privately run by Steve and Louise Braine for the past 14 y ar . Hobatere offer a ta te of the wilderne , with free roaming animals, ueh as elephants, lions, cheetah and leopard on an area of 32 000 ha. The lodge has 12 thatched room and bungalows nestled btween large Mopane trees. Home cooked buffet meals are erved under the tar. Game drives (both day and night drive) in op n vehiel as well as guid d nature walks are offered, We also have a wimming pool and a hide both overlooking waterhol RESERVATIONS: The aBoZaZi Collection Tel. 061-253992 Fax,061-221919 E-mail: E-mail (Iodge) DIRECTIONS TO LODGE: Take C3S north from Kamanjab travel 6Skm - turnoff on left side of road - anoth r 16 km farm road lo lodge.
\\ ynbcrg Bo)s' Iligh
'chool \Iagazine
2003 ACADEMIC ROLL OF HONOUR CR DEI2 Mallhew Don I I 2nd Martin Fischer Paul White 2nd 41h ewling James 51h Garyth Kemp 6th Patrick Burl 71h Simon Buerger GeorTrey Mulder Ih 9th Cha e Richa rds 10th Logan Brell-Broadley 11th Iyambo Ipinge 12th SCOIl Salvage 131h Phillip Haupl 141h PCler Meyer 151h Travis ErTting 161h Kieman Wal h 17th ShaUll Slewart Marc-Lee I th oppin 18th Mallhew Slerne 20th Gregory Luka iewicz 21 t Gregory Day 22nd Raymond van Breda 2 rd ichola Britz
93.7% 93.1% 93,1% 91,4% 9,9% 9.0% 8,3% 86,9% 86,6% 6.1% 86.0% 4,2% 4.0% 3.5% 3,4% 83.4% 82,2% 2,1% 2,1% 1.7% 81,7% 1,4% 1.1%
GRADE II Travi Edward I t Paolo Innocenzi 2nd 3rd evilJe Krige 4th Bradley Mulder 5th coli FUller 6th Richard Louer Luke Spark 7th 8th raig ElIi 9th Robert Smyly 10th Hayden Daniel l!th go uyo Gugushe I_th Frank Bradley 131h JerTrey Arnold
9-,6% 95.2% 92.6% 91,3% 9.3% 6, % 5. % 4.7% 83,7% 3.4% 82,7% 2.1% 1.1%
GRADEIO Devon van Breda I I Edward O'Reilly 2nd 3rd Lue de Decker 4th Hami h William Keenan Topley 51h 6th Gregory Luyt
96.4% 9 ,0% 92,% 90.3% 7.3% 85. %
71h th 9th 10lh IIlh 121h 131h 14th 15th 161h 171h
Mallhew ampbell Peler Roger Mallhe~ Car lake Stephen Donn Malthew Crotz Jonathan rolZ Mallhew Howard-Tripp William Souter Ryan Donald A hton van den Bergh Simon Bail
82.1% 2,0% 0.6% 0.3% 0.1%
GRADE9 ISI Trevor Edwards Slcphen Walker 2nd 3rd Fran Cronje 41h Jan de Waal Kinnear 51h Jonathan 51h Darin Taitz Karl on Buddenbrock 7th th Steven Randall Aiden van der Vyver 9th 10th Jonathan Child
89.5% 1.4% 1.1 0 0 O. % 79.7% 79,7% 79,6% 79,5% 77,7% 77.5%
GRADE 8 I t Darren Moller 2nd Dire han Pillay 3rd Richard Mandy 4th laylon Cro 51h hley Delporl 6th ndrew Jame 7th Bradley Luyt Bradley Venter lh 9th Marco Talolli 10lh Yu ri van der ehyrT
82.5% 1,7% 0.1% 79.9% 77.5% 76.0% 75,9% 74. % 74,6% 73.9%
(111'1 fh
Pc/frle/.. Burl.l
Logall Broml/"
Paul II'hif('
\\ )nbcrg
Bo) . High
'chooi :\lagaLinc
Peler .\{I'y£'r
Trol i.1
Mtire -IA'(' COflfllll
G regofy
R(/ )'III{1//(/
Wynberg 80)s' High 'chool -'1agalinc 2003
Netl PreloriIII
22 5
8 3
47.7 1 2
54.4 43.3 94.7 45.2
77 18
10 1
24 17
1 4
10 4
15 4
10 3
6 1
4 2
8 2
4 2
6 2
1 1
9 5
51.5 51.5 70.2 49.9 54.5
2003 MATRIC RESULTS M = passed with MatnculatlOn Endorsement
Type of Pass
A = passed with DlstmctIOn (aggregate over 80%)
Distinction Subjects
Abeis. AnzlO
Afnkaans 2nd Language
Abrahams. Hamza
Ahlfeld, Stephen
AIIchlson. Robert
Allle, Mohammed
Bengtson, Andrew
Bond Timothy
Maths SG
Botha Stuart
Brent Denver
Afrikaans 2nd Language, Art Pamling
Beukes, Deon
Breunmger. Rudi AM
Brett·Broadley, Logan
Geography History Maths SCience
\\,) nberg Bo~<;' lIigh ~chool :\1agaline
Type ol Pass
Distinction Subjects
Britz, Nicholas
Geography, History
Brown, Levi
Buerger, Simon
Accounting, History, Maths, Science
Burls. Patrick
Accounting. Computer Studies. Maths, Science
Butler. Craig
Geography, History
Byrne, Andrew
English. History
Cairncross, Daniel
Calderwood, Warren
Carr, Clement
Carter, Mark
Cockcroft. Robert
Coetzee, Thomas M
Cooke, Chancy
Coppin. Marc-lee
Alrikaans 2nd Language
Coram, Mark Crumpton. Gregg
Day, Gregory
Afrikaans 2nd language. English
De Beer, Dean De Wet, Joshua M
Dewar, Scott
Don. Matthew
Accounting, Afrikaans 2nd language. English, History, Maths, Science
Donaldson, Thomas Down, Ashley Duncan, Craig
Afrikaans 2nd language
Dutton, Richard AM
Effting. Travis
English, Mark
Fakir, Elias M
Faria-Carrao, Dwaine Ferguson, Tyronne
Finch, Richard
Rscher, Martin
Gabier, Mish-al
Gihwala, Mitesh
Gordon. Byron
Accounting, Biology. English. History, Maths. Science Maths SG
Greeff, Rudi M
Green, Andrew
Haupt, Phillip
Hector, Leron
Hendricks, David
Hesom, Gregory
Hess, Dmitri
Accounting, Geography, Maths, Science History
Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
Type ol Pass
Distinction Subjects
Innes, Angus
History, Woodwork
Ipinge, Iyambo
Accounting, History, Maths
Isaacs, Taurean
Afrikaans 2nd Language, Maths SG
Jarrat!, Nicholas
Maths SG
Johnston, Kyle
English, Maths SG
Jones, Tyrone
Kallis, Kielan
Maths SG
KeIlerman, Deon
Kemp, Garyth
English, Geography, History, Science
King, Justin
Afrikaans 2nd Language
King, Ross
Kinkead-Weekes, Richard
Kieu, Jeffrey
Lashbrooke, Hugh
Luiz, Gustavo
Geography, History
La Grange, Michael
Lukasiewicz, Gregory
History, Woodwork
MacLennan, scon
Geography, History
Maneli, Vuyani M
Matolengwe, Monde
Meulemans, Dominic
Meyer, Peter
Art, Geography, Maths
Mulder, Geoffrey
English, History, Science
Muller, Craig
Maths SG
Mullock, Glenn Mxube, Siviwe Nagel, Eugene M
Nash, Kyle
Ndarala, Luthando
Neldt, Ryan
Newling, James
Nimmo, Keith
Ntinda, Mankavu
Add Maths, English, History, Maths, Music, Science Xhosa 3rd Language
Oosterwyk, Dean M
Osman, Zaahid
Percent, Nathan
Piemontesi, Luca
Pretorius, Neil
Afrikaans 2nd Language, Art, Design, Maths SG
Ramba, Mvelo
Randle, Aaron
Raubenheimer, Martin
Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
Type of Pass
Renton, Danyn
Distinction Subjects
Reypert, Garth
Richards, Chase
Biology, English, Maths, Science
Richards, Marc
Rix, Steven Ronne, Christopher
Rouse, Shaun
Ryan, Andrew
Salvage, Scott
Geography Accounting, English, History
Schenck, Darren Scholtz, TImothy Schouw, Wesley
Schreiber, Mark
Shaw-Gray, Judd M
Sims, Sherwaan
Solomon, William
Sterne, Matthew
History, Maths
Stewart, Shaun
Accounting, History
Smit, Justin
Stuart-Williams, Gavin
Trout, Imran
Biology SG
Tsotso, Lundi
Xhosa 3rd Language
Ulster, Jonathan
Van Breda, Raymond
Maths, Science
Van der Westhuizen, Riyahd M
Van Rensburg, Alexander Van Rensburg, Ryan
Venkatiah, Justin
Vice, Warren M
Vincent, Julian
Walsh, Kiernan
Weavind, Marc
English, Geography
Wells, Ashley M
Wessels, Daniel White, Paul
Afrikaans 2nd Language, Biology, English, History, Science
Williams, Albern Wilsnagh, Gavin Wolfaardt, Barry
Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
VALEDICTORY SPEECH 2003 p: It i \\ith great honour and really great hair Ihal I add res you all Ihis morning. I would like 10 ex lend a welcome of Ihe mo·t cordially cxqui ite proportion~ 10 all tafT. gue tand mo I importanll_ Ihe malric body of 1003. K: I"d like to welcome Mr' Hutchin on. Mr on.
all Ihe parents. especially Coppin and Mrs Fergu-
P: Our aim today i~ twofold: one: to provide you \\ith es ential knowledgc lO get further in life. uch a : Don't el your elf on tire. K: And two: 10 humiliale and belittle all those whose immense act of tupidily have made malric that lilllc bil more bearable. Same of the more memorable moment aren'l very well remembered, like Kronendal. and may not even be uitable for your parcnl' ear". They could be \'cr)' embarra' ing. let· move on.
P: It all slarted about a year ago from loday al Ihe Grade II camp. People thre\ waler bombs al each other. other got hopele ly 10Sl in Ihe wood while other imply didn'l bOIher to go on the orienleering thing and amazingly cnough the highlighl of the amp was alhan Perecnl bleedinl! copiou ly from the head. nd apparently wc al"o bonded ti a grade. K: The nexI big event lO mention is probabi Ihe malric dance, when! dozen of handsome young Wynberg men. and Phillip Haupt. did their best 10 \\00 the oppo ile e. Meanwhile. olhers found alternati\ e \\ ay 10 amu e themseh'e . Hey Kinkead-Weeks?
P: The matric dance i an occa ion when Wynberg men ho\\ their pedigree and courtc y. teven Rix \ a a perfect example. He was nice enough to take hi girlfriend home after the dance, dump her and go to the afterpart). nd yes, the afterparty was great 100 bad about tho e really long nights of tair ... Wouldn't like to fall dm n tho e, hey Gregg ...
K: ext on the calendar \ as the Grey P. E. tour. which provided us wilh a view of Ihe metropolis that i Port Elizabeth. 10 come up again tome . criaus oppo.ilion, the chance to make ne\ friend and the chance to find new and exciling place to relieve ourselves. Wc also lo t all our malches.
P: But \) ynberg has taught u many things. it ha n't all ju t been doom and gloom. Just the other da)'. while on a hard earned study break, I managed to work OUI that being an old faithful. I ha\e travelled about 244 0 km ju t to get to chool and if you take into account the fact Ihat you u uall, come home after 'chool (unie you arc a dirty boarder) that figure becomes 4 960 kill, Yes lartin. we realise that Ihere i. a margin for error in thi cal ulation. If you \ ould like to recalculate, wc would lo e to know the precisely incredibly lOlally unequivocall exact amount. K: nother valuable lesson learnt by Wynberg men is Ihe art of tealing your parents' car. not that any of u~ ha e ever partaken in or condone uch heinous action, Here are a few helpful hint: I) Don't crash the car. it could be quite noticeable. 2) Make sure that Ihe cat is in the ame po ilion a it wa \ hen yOLltir t look the car. 3) Don't ~teal il while your parent are still there. 4) nd don't get into fights with big angry men who will repetitively ba h your head again t the ide of car - thi could po ible leave a dent. [po' ible sterne] 5) nd cont rar 10 popular belief you can't rever e your car around lhe biD k for an hour to lurn back th~ odometer, Fergu on.
P: Wynberg leaches you to do ensible thing Iho e wondaful bo \ ho make at our school and pr vide us with uch stunning econd hand moke from their fetid breath and contribute to our chances of contracting lung 'aneer. at least have the common cn e to moke behind the ga. tank~ ... I
Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
K: Some quick le 011: DOIl't drool 011 your date. Kinkead-Week . And alo. leeping on the chool lie Id with three people in onc leeping bag i probably not that cool and kind of dirtyhey Jeff. Steve and Martin. P: But even though wc have come 0 far and been through 0 much together, some lhings will never change - as i e ident from these wonderful Grade One torie ... K: "1 have a girl friend and I tacke her our. I lucke her leg .,. Riyahd van der We thuizen of cour e. And thi onc from Martin Raubenhiemer, " Thank you God for everything on earth. Thank ou for my tortoise and my dog. Armen:' But ome things do change.
P: "The Cake" By Levi Brown. "It wa rallllllg then I wa looking for the reeipie b ok then I found lhe book. then I made it Put chocolate on the cake and gav it to my mum:' Sweel Levi! K: And ome of u are bie ed with wi dom beyond our year ueh as Warren ice. who aid. "Boy ometime play with girl, becau e girls alway get their own way. but if you a k them to play. theyalway ay no.
P: But on the other hand. many Wynberg men ha e aid ome really illy thing. Take for example the ever-entertaining Tyronne Ferguson. He pointed to the middle of Africa and a ked. "I n't Au. tralia around here omewhereT Or a h. the Moen. lhe boswagter who said. "But couldn't they amputate hi linger back onT I love you guy . K: And I don't think any list of silly quote would be complete \ ithout Richard KinkeadWeek . reasoning on ho\ you can \ ake up more drunk than when you went to leep. it' becau e people pour beer do\ n your throat while _ou arc leeping.
P: But believe it or not. wc are a level-headed bunch. Dc pite \ hat the ho pitalised SA S people or tho e Hout Bay father who got Lord of the Flie 'd might ay. K: lt i at time such a this that one reali e the benelit of being friend with people uch a i k Britz and teve He\ ett.
Wynberg Boys' High
chool Magazine 2003
P: Talking of big. cary people - once you get to matric you reali e that teachers are not all sadi tic monster who enjo_ maiming little children. K: But there are of cour e e ceplion to the rule. [M r Schenck] But, through our li e year here we have come to know and love many Wynberg per onalitie. uch as ... Mr "Stop homing at me!" Henshey Mr "SPC -HIV" Diederick
P: nd what \ ould Wynberg be without DJ and runner extraordinaire - Mr "Wieky wicky" Wayne Jarvi . nd for the prefect Mr "PR KS DITI!!!" Kriel. Mr "They tole the as ignments our of my car again boys!" Ingli And Mr "[Slare blankly into the middle di tance with mouth open]" an chalkwyk. K: Anyway, in keeping with Wynberg' policy of equality. we thought that we would be fair and take a hot al e eryone. 0 we have to mention the hardcore "Awe, ja , ho h. WCSl idc. Jy" oto-coloured group compri ing of Michael le Grange. who is 0 cool he drive hi car, without a licence [GASP!] around the back parking lot with hi top bUllon undone and pump Ihe pcaker in hi boo I.
P: And the up-and-coming taxi dri cr and Gal by chef Dean de Beer who can often be heard shouting thing like, "Its button ma'am!" or "Mowbray-Kaap!!!" Wynberg alutc ou. K: We should alomention the really clever people who can tell you the quare root of 3 correCl 10 even teen decimal place, fa ter than Mark EngJi h can (ell you tbe entire hi tory of Dragon Ball Z.
P: ub e tion of thi group i the computer people. They pcnd hour trying to communi ale telepathieall and they alolike to link their cable logether and play game. That' computer game. K: And then there arc the boarders. You know tho e andwiche that no one bring 10 chool on a Monda ? They go to the boarding hou e. But take pity on them the have to \ akc up \ ith an un ha en Mr Fauld e ery morning.
P: The Jock ...... COU) hru .. mlu) bru and Well~) bru .. eIer hale more ntpple\ been cnppled than \1 hen the,c manne arc around. They Me con,t,llltl) It"e r,lI'mg their game brul And li"e ,>orting It out bru!
kno\\ it m) hand I... in m) pocket hehind this kctcrn. I 1.:1en phoned K iernan la t night and wc decided that to make a ~tand \le \\vuld shall' before ~ho\\'ering todu). In~tcad of .trter. K: lid! Anarchy!
1\: ,\nd "no\\ing the~e group'" 0 weli. \\e haw heen ahle to come up with the follcl\\ing most li"el) li...t '\:Io,t It"el) to become eEO of oklu' l\litc ...h Glhl\.II,1
1\: \Io ...t lt" '1) to dl\pro\e EII1'>tell1·... theor) or rel,ltilily: Juhan lan lieerden (That', \\hen: he· ... heen for the p.t ...t fe\\ month ...). Ju,t hertlre \Ie get ,I little hit ,cnou" I \Iould lI"e lO <J\ ... ure ~lr Pretonu ...and ~lr Knel th,lt lt I... not .t per ...onal m,ult th,lt the ,chool t.ll" ... "hen COllllllg II1tO ,1"el11bl) \"'e propo'l: th,1l the) do an expenment don't come to a ...... embl) Mld 'cc If the ,dwol ,till talk .... If the .,chool i...qUiet. then \\e e,ln .I""ume that It I' per,onal. P: lit. m\ name i...P,IUI. I am gomg III get ",I little hit ...cnou ...·· Dl) )'tlll ,til "11\)\\ I\h) lIe ale not allO\\ed III put OUI hand, In our poc"eh nr gml\ 'ldd1urn ...IClnger than the mlddk of the earhok') lt, hccuu,e one could ne\er eIer. c\cr gct a Joh In the rc,tl I\nrld II ()Oe Ilent II1ter\le\\ "nd ,tUL" hh hand, 111 hl' plll "eh. K: 'Ol!' \re Illll ,cnou ...' \Vhat ,thnut IIC, nni) on a \lomb) .lnu heing alkmed onl) thlee lapel hadgc, .tt ,I lime.
t()unng to Ilear
P: S,ll11e thlllg gU)', I'm ,orr) Out In the real world. nne " lllll) alll)\\ed to Ilear up to thrce lapel h,ldge ... at a time and II thc) lIere to wur \llth lhe ol1iec cnd et te,11ll the) would onl) he alllmed tIl \leJr their touring lie, on <l \hlllda)
P: Indee<.l Kiernan.
K: But nO\1 i~ the time to gel realI)' seriou .... Wc art: nOlI<entering prohahl) the mo,t e\citing lime (If our li\e, and \le need to enjoy it to the full. I can onl) wl~h )OU all the he,tln )our upcoming endeJlour~. \lh.Heler the) ma) hc. P: J call onl) urge )OU \\ith all my heart to hreak through the mundane and 'earch for ~oll1ething that 111,I"e\ )OU trul) happ)
uto Electric SABAT
Batteries with
18 month guarantee
Sold at WHOLESALE prices Starters and alternators Largest Range and best Prices in Town
Tel: 511 2306/715 Sydow St, Maitland p: ',Idi) )e... the ...e rule, arc not an eI,lhoratc oUld,lted ,et of rule, that hale no practical applll.:,lllOn to educallon lhe) un.: ll1el'h.ll1l,m, (li help ) ou Ct)pt: with the rl'al world ~o one ...hould th,II1" the .,<.:hool
P: But )(lU "11\)\\. tlm:e )OU get to m"tnc. )()U rl.:eIthc neet.! to rehel \nd ,"though )OU mal not 22
\\ ~'nbcrg Bo~!>' Iligh
chool \lagaline
their efforts. To man) of the prcfech who showed outslandlIlg dedil:ation ano innO\<llion in their work. I thank you. The challeng.c howe\ er, i~ 10 remain inspired afler lhe last )ear offncndship . happ> memorie and inspiration. The challenge is to live a hfe l)le of in~plration. That when \\c meet again in :!053 for our Fifly Year Re-union. thai wc \\ill all be li\lng in pired li\c . haling built on e\'er)thll1g that W) nberg ha oITercd u~. a oppo~d lO lelting il fade away after lhe end of our ,chool day. nd to li\c an inspired life i~ not only lO remain in pired yourself. but to inspirc the people around )OU to grcatne . I wi h Jame Dickic- larke and hi~ Prefecl Body all thc be I for :!004, and ha\c full confidence that you will ene the chool well a indi ..idual~ and a~ a group To lhe Matric~ of _004 I \\ i. h lhe be t. not onl) for their e\.lm~. bUL for leading the hool. nd finalI). to my fello\\ Malric of:!003. ma) each one of ) ou be blc\scd 1\ ith a Life'lyk of In piration.
A Lifestyle of Inspiration ..It/ilJlIl'tI.frtllll lil/ill at/lIn'.I.1 ValcOIClOr) Ceremon))
Hu\ing read lhrough chool Maga7ine. from lhe pa~l fe\\ year~. I reali~e lhat lhe matric group or :!003 1\ a~ much like an) olher group. \\ ilh happ)' memorie~ and camaraderie being lwO major charaeteri~lics. Many thank mUl>1go lO lho e who hale \\orked 0 hard lO fill our year \\ilh memorable e\enh. of which lhe Malric Dan e. held at Keil in Grole. i perhap. the mO~1 memorable. Events such a., Grade Ele ..en amp, Inler-Hou e lhleli 0<1)'. Paarl Quadrangular ilnd lhe II1troduCllon of lhe neIl Hou e ) 'lcm In our Matric year al.,o de~er\(: mcntion a highlight\. Man> thank 10 lhe leachers who gi\c so (.kdicatedl) year afler year, making \ )nberg lhe 'chool of Oppor! Unil) lhal Il I~. Our Malri MOlla." impi) lhe Be l". ~ened to in pire lhe matrics lO greatne~s. Thi \\[I perhap, lhe mo~t simple. yel thc mO.,l uc c ful matric mOllO lhal I am awarc of. a it remained in ever)onc', mind for the entire year. a~ oppo.,eo to fadll1g out afler il fCI\ month (I mcan no dlsrespcct to preI ious matric bodic. b) lhi~). nd indeed. mall) MaIne pupib hale worked \ cr) hard and achie\ ed greatl). and I thank them ror 111corporating our motlo into
\\ ~nberg BQ~ 'High
chool :\1ag:lline
Curtains C6Covers
0824129051 (cell) 797 9872 (hl\\')
Make-up in Latest Fabrics or Your Own Alterations and Re-Lining Roman Blinds VerticallVenetian
Bedlinen & Cushions "'.' Supply Curtain Rails, Wooden Rods, Rods with Inset Track, Wrought Iron " Installations
Estimates at Your Convenience
Old Faithful, S(ollllil//: Roil' 2: I' /Jil/II. P I/<,I'(,/,. If ')IIlo/l/IJII r. JOl/n. J. L II(el'. If .'iWlIlI S(ondi"x Roll' I: .11. R"II/!t'IIhel/l/(r. (J. /)"1' (,. II, \f)III." \ash. R. Kil/g. (J. LIII::: 5;eu((·t!: n '·;(h<,m". R I/(,hi\tll/. R lah tic/' rt (1(11111::('1/. n. ()OI(<'I'II II. C"I'(I·I'. P II'hi((, n. (h Bcc/'
DEBATING SOCIETY . enior team: Martin Fi her. Marc Coppin, eville K rige Junior team: Gareth BIoOf. gqiqo Mahlut hana. Peler Roger Chairman: eville K rige Teaehcr-in-charge: Joy Goodwin lt ha~ been a real pleH~ure to work \\ ith ix uch charming. intelligent and articulate) oung men who have been OUl landing amba ad or for \ ynbcrg tht year. Martin .md Marc v..ere new to debating thi ~ear. but ne\ertheles the ~enior~ \"ere unfortunate not to \\,in more debales than they dtd. The)' debated again. t ix olher schoob and \\ on t\\ ice. and Marlin and eville each picked up a Best peaker award. The> were placed thtrd tn the Rowr)' Inler. chools competition in the tir~t round. The Junior. did us proud, winning ALL ti\e I t round debate in the RotaI') competition and LL Best peaker ,,,,ard . Gareth won 3. gqiqo I and Peter I. er) \\ell done' nfortunalely they lost LO Wcsterford in the nc"t round
Boys' High
mooi Magazine
and al~o to Gre) when we vi. ited Port EIiLabeth, Peter. Gareth. gqiqo and ~e\'ille spent a \ eckend in a Backpackers ho tcl III the third term. participating in a three-day debattng work hop held to choo~e the We~tern Province team. eville wa cho en and weni \\ ith the team to lhe alional championship in ,tlal in lhe eplember holiday. Well done indeed! Onl)' the enior \vere eligible for a\\ ard at the ehlever . Dinner. and Martin and Marc each received "colour ". while e\ tile reeetved "blues". Debating i a marvellou discipline for training bo) l> 10 ~peak well and contidently and to thtnk on thetr feet. It reql1lre research and planning and boy~ need to pend time a a team in order to plan argumcnt~ and trategie. nfortumllel)' we have to ~ay good-bye to Martin and Marc who wtll be heading off to \'ar ity. but thank them both \ery much for thetr commitment to our society and "i'h them '\ell. We \\ill be trying to re ruit boy in grade' .9 and 10 for our junior team next year. e\ ille ha been an enthu ia tic. dedicated chairman and an enormou~ help to me for which I thank hlln incerel). 2S
LIBRARY REPORT 2003 Lihrarian: "1 r~ V 1.111 ~ Imll egcn Librar) monilon.: "lallhcll (jore' ;\loOllOr 10 chargc G.lrclh Bloor Haml"h \"lIliam\ RIM Iladroodlcn
20!H ha~ becn a OU") }car and nur bhrar)' I, I\ell u~eJ <lnd \Ioranl. 360 nel\ hllO"~ ha ..c becn hought In tot.tI. 192 of \\ hlch h.l\ c been nonlicllon .Ind 16X ficllon Th" )car our rocu~ h.l .. ncen cxpandmg our geograph) ..eetton. c~peetall~ the mrormatlOn on countne" \\llh rn an countne, k'.\dlng the
Boo"~ arc ,0 expcn,IIC nOlI and \IC .tre ~lllt gril\ cl) concerned about thc huge .llllount or ooob that go 'mh, 109', Our ..m.11I oand or Itbrar)' mOl1ltor\ hale becn reltaolc .Ind con" Icnl In thclr allcnu..tncc 1\ hl h ha .. heen fortunJIC .h lIe MC UOIIn to onl) four Than" )OU :-'1Jllhcl\. Garcth. IIJml~h and RIa!
for mannmg the de,,, at hre<lb. e\1 )ear I\e II III tr) and recruit more helper" Our "Mom',," Ilho help Ilith cO\..:ring. mendmg, Ild)mg and de,k Ilor" arc also m\.aludble. Grateful than'" to Helen mit. Laura \ illiam~. orm,1 QlIc~llaU\ and Pat Rogcr ... Llur.t abo "eep .. our quad garden looking beautiful. LIt..:nlc) ua) wa, celebrated in eptember II IIh 1ari.lnne erfontclll. Boo" ..elector from Euuli~. cOll1mg to aUI i.,e our Grade .~ on e\cltlng ne\l read, It "cried good 'hOD" b.lit' and man) bo), \Ier..: tempted to tf) ..ome or her recommenuallon ... Thl!> )eJr W]nberg BD},' chaol 1\i.1~cited b) the \llnl"cr of Educallon 10 the \ e,lern Cape ti ti ~chool \I hlch J hicI e," ademlc F" 'e1Icn e rhl., dc ..enplion 1\ b~hcd on our out,!anumg re\ulh achiel cd in cnior ccrtlficate e'(amll1alioll~ for 200()-_002. Our lihrar) rcec.:l\ed .1 grant of R2000. 1\ hieh ha!> been pent 011 hhrar) book. Th.ln" you Mdtnc~ or 2000-2002
lOll/.. {Orll'llftl(lI
allt! (lrodllc
Bo)~' High.
1111( \U(1II1!
chool :\Iagaline
First Aid STal/di,,):: SeaTl'd:
I Baff:
Hr 1\
X. PerC('lIf:
FIRST AID REPORT \Iaster In Charge: hairman: athun
'Ir. Hud~on-Benncll Percent
Il i~ alwa) ~ encouraging to ~ee ho\\ enthu,>ia~tic and dedicated our hr~t Id team il>. There I~ a ,>en e of ,>er\ ice and commilment am ng~t the hr. t iders that i~ ~eldom een cl el\ here. Whether imohed on the ~ide of the "'port,> field or dealing \\ith accident that oe urrcd at choo!. II I;' reu.sunng 10 know lhal \ )nhcrg has a group of qualified and hard Ilorking tndividuab who can deal \\llh almo,,! any ilUallon. Once agtun our rug b) \\ as playcd at laremont nckel Club thl, year. But lIe were fortunate enough to hale <I couple of Old Bo)' \\ho arc qualified paramcdi . Jonathan crhcr and Im brother Emde. help run First Id this )ear. Thc) \\cre a great a., istance arri\lng earl) each aturda) morning \\ ith the equipment and teaching the buys hOI\ to do an efficicnt job. Wc \Icrc Jlso grateful I() hale Jn ambulan e on
J. (irt/fer:
WIÁ. I/ H(/lIk/ll~: S. \JaÁill:
ehool ~1agaLine 2003
. tandhy uni .....
. fllli/soll-Bellll('((
r. Slalllt/iell .. 1/. \loor('
ro" and other emergenc)
li result of their work thl )'ear. the folloldng received all ards for their dedi ation and enthusia m:
Lungden Ball; ruig reen: Jo<;eph Gruter: Mi hael Ha\\ kin; Matthe\\ Moore. Gareth chenck. a cr lamdien: I ichuel \ an )k 'athan Percent
Blood Clinic One of the mo t valuable contribution W) nhcrg bo) make to ociel)' i the donation of )-oung. he:tlthy blood. ICr) lerm the O. P. Blood Tran"fu;,lon service I i!>lt W)'nberg BH and ~et~ up a c1inl in the Bill BOliden Pavilion Brale donor aged 17 and older donate an uIerage of 40- 0 units e\er) \1 II Wc are appn:ciatl\ c of th~e bo~ ~ und of lhe tea her who J01l1 lhem.
2003 Ifth..: young l11..:nofW)nberg Bo~~' High chool cho(he 10 ul..e ath.lnl.lge of alf Ihe opponunllle, al thi~ 'l'hool the) Iloultl nol ~lcep! One of Ihe greatc~1 chalJ.::nge~ of thc Scn ice COml1lillCC I' to lllotl\,lte the bo)~ to find the time for ol1llllunit) ,en Ice afh.:r alf thc aca de III 1(':. ,portIng .Inti cultural commltmcnh arc fulfilfcd \Ve 'taned nlo nCII projech Ihi\ )car. i'v1onda) II a, .Ithall,cd to he "c\tra Sand\\ Ich Dd':-". Wynberg Boy" High chool joincd the group of orgam'"lllon ... \\ ho rcgularl) donatc food 10 he ulstnbuted Ihe I ecdbacl.. Food Di~tribullon COl11pan) Man) of our bo) ... acqUlrcd thc habit ofbringlllg an cxtra 'andl\lch on a Monda). (the greatc,t nccd for ~and\\ichc~ i... a ~10nda) ,1\ man) of the children eat hltlc mer the \\cckend and 1001.. for\\ard to ...chool on!) We hope to mal..c many morc <.:ratc~ of food al,lil.lble l\eel..l) next )C,lr Thc ,"ccond neIl ..:ommUnll) ,en i..:c project th" ~ear \la' to he Ill\ohed .Il thc.: One-to-Onc Fcqilul. On a Sunday morning in Augu~t. wc ,ct up our 'I.lnd for Ihe fir,1 ,e~,lon in Ihc (;oodhore Cenlre 10 do face pdlntll1g. H.lndlcapped children and adulh from home, In Ihe Capc TO\l n lIere brought inlo thc re~tll al for d Icr) , dJ). Voluntee.:r, ollcr 10 he a "fnend" for thc da~ 'lccomp.II1Y their gue.:...1 for Ihe.: entire time. athan Pl:r..:cnl alld lephcn Wall..l:r proled 10 be e\cellenl palllter,. and man) delighted "~plderll1en" left our ~tand eil PrctOnlh palllled m.ln) fi~h. cah. pnnce",c ... ctc. H I' obI IOU, .trti~tic tafent \\ a~ cm lcd by L nathl. I r, 1.ln 11ll\lcge.:n and the re,1 of lI'..! Th..: lirst ,e ...'lon ended at lunchtlmc. lIe LIdled up and pr..:pared for the ~e..:ond ,I.! ...lOn during thc atternoon. Thc paper rec)ellIlg umes Ihl\ )c'lr \Icrc Itllrl) ,uece"ful One da) lt ma) he cool LO he ,een bnnglllg paper lO ~chool! Th..: total tonnage of papcr colic ted tor recycling I' II1crea\lI1g ..:ach ~ear Wc are \er) gralefullo .'v1r... Linda Holl and her \oluntecr, tor the man~ hour ... ,penl at Ihc rec>cllng depot. Paper. gla" <Jnd can ...arc sorted h) parent'> e.lch mormng, Wc need lO ad\erll\e more .. nd encourage the.: comlllunll)" to bnng Ill.!m, for rcc)-cllng to lhl' dcpot ,I~ Il 1\ a con\l.!l1lenl place .. nd II pnl\ldes LI ...mall 111I:ome for Ihe school. The hOlhe hutldll1g 1\llh I l.. hll'll tor Ilum,lI1l1) ":llntlnu..:d th" )I.!.tr 1\llh mo ...t of the Ioluniecr,
inGrade~ li and 12.Af'tcrtheJunel.!xam!>.about <;lO of thc matric~ travcfkd to Khayelit~ha to bc part of all inlernational !>lUdcnt build aiming lO ..:om(1kle I: hou c" in one weck. 1any of our young mell Ilorked hard a~ cement mixer". carncr~ of matl.!rial and o..:ccr player~ 1\ith lhl.! ..:hildren In the treeh. II \Ias a humbling experience for ome. and nation-building tool.. on a more practical meaning Ihat da). Grade II IolunIeer, ha\c al 0 helped build in Ma\iphumclde. We ...till ha\c ti dream for \! ) nberg Boy' I Itgh chool \ oluntcer\ to build .1 house in a II cel... fhe Foundalion for ti Bnghtcr I'uture has a elo,e .h~ociJtlon \\ ith the ~chool. We have supported Clarric arc cntre i.n the past. and continued to collecl and dclilcr item, of clothing and ...porting goods etc Ihl!> ycar. Man) fundral'lllg clent\ in aiu of Ihe street children arc undertaken b) the s hool. Wc alohope 10 \uppon the Lana Picmontesi qU<1ti..:\ enlrc fund ral,ing ••ppeal, ne>.1 )car, la ...... (1ro.lect\ hale Included I\orl..lng a mar ...hal, ,II cycle race. maralhon .... kile fe'tival and I\alkalhon!> for the PC Wc are grateful to all Ihme hoys I\ho gale up timc 10 help Ihese variou, organi,ation" Wc arc e...peciall) grateful to Ihe man) parent!> who ahIJ)' gi\e gcnerou ...l) and arc ahIa}, I\tlllng to help Ihank JOu. II I' Imptw'lhle for u, 10 re!>pond LO all appeal, that arc receiled. It i, not \tahlc 10 ha"c cl\lics day'> cach month! The erllce ponfoho ralher Ine~ 10 a,k for Ihe hoy~' time and cffort. Crl'lce is defined a,: "W be LI ,cnant", \i ilftngness to help olher~ h 'pontaneou for somc and (haling been afforded the oppOnUOlI) I. a learnt respon,e for olher,
The Ladle\ ~,oclallon once again ha ... had an aCll\C year prolIdlOg the man) ~erllce\ I\hleh mal..e \! ) nberg Ihe special \chool thaI Il 1\, " cut abO\e Ihe r.:,t" Th~ fir I term !>ldrted off' II IIh the Jrade Bla/er Ceremon). the Ladics t\,;,OCliltlon GM. Prue Gl\ing and Athletic!> Da)" all 10 the pace of li \Ieek, The monlh of F-ebruar> \\a~ equally bu,,~ 1\lIh thc I f'atric E\elllng. e\\ Parent benll1g., PTA. eighbour', Cocktatl Pan~ ,Ind the Triangular. 11\1.1' W)llbcrg'~ turn to hml and thIS year Dnland Landbou .IolOed u\ maklIlg II a "Qu,ldrangular", It \1;1, held al. oell..:nbcrg and the Ladle!> ,,0CI<lIIOn prOl Ided Ihc cat, and il IIghl ,uprer "")lIberg
Bo) 'lIigb
chool :\lagazinc
L. QI/ill/imll: Stalldin}( Sealed:
Roll' 2: R. A'riedI'II/wlII: Roll'
/: .'I.f. L.I IIch .. \1. \flllll/I'I/gll"t': A. \/ac /)olla/d: Y. PerCIIII(: R. M(//I(~r R. mlkr: R . .\fagl'C'. ,\1. St/jac/i/a
L' \'kJ"'i:
K. Ric/wrc/\()II,
.\. PrernriIII:
. Plimsol/:
A. \'iIlIllW:
A. Gr1ll1llJlellOpoulo.1
K. P('(er.ll'lI:
R. JI'll'sC':
M .. \!oore
for the official,.. memorahle da} \Ia, hau h: all. In \1dn:h ··One Ilell Oler the Cuckoo :"<..:...t\ prouucllon ,all mom pouring tea .!nd coll'..:e each clenlllg dUring the intenal and a coctail P,lrt)- wa, urgani ...ed for the gala elenlllg. The ,econd tem1 Ila .. e\tn.:mel: quiet Ilith onl) th..: Cllel.i El ening and the Ileddm,hter'l Tea. DUring the third tCrIn an An, and Culture EIening Ila, held. It \\";h wonderl"ul to Illtne our taknted art. dr,lIna and mu~ic pupib. The GO\('rning Bod) held a fccdbad. mecting and Founder~ Du) ran ,moothl) . The tempo picked up once agam III lh..: fourth term \Iilh Val.:Jictor)-. The Matric pr. Prelect.. Inducllon. Gr<Jde I.) ubjecl hoicl.: E\t.~nlng. ell Bo)-, EIening. Budget benmg and ~areI\ellto the ·\\)nherg. tahl<ln .... Our ,ummer .,port... tlll.:k.,hop \I,h eoordlllaled b) Joan 'vbm who did a ,tirlingjoh. Th.!nk JOu Joun :-\... our field ... \Iere Inoperatl\e thl' )ear. rugh: matchc, \Icrc ollce again pla)ed .It Iarl.:mont Cncket Cluh. I he rughy tucbhop i, .I 111,11part ol" the ...chool anu .I ,pecl,1I thank .. to tho,..: mom, \1ho '0 II ilhng ,eneu III lhe ··make,hdï· tuck ...hop. The "lhnol ttll.:k...h,)p. tin: onc f":Jturc of ··\\Inh..:rg hfc·· the ho: ... neler f,)rgct clcn ,liter 'lhoo!. I' run h: Sue (ronl! .. ue h, .... run the tud,hop for man) )ear, and ha, ol.'coml.: ··,111 Icon·· at \\ )noerg She prnllttc., for the bo) ....wd te,n:her, on a d,lIl) h,"I' anu i...,,,,i,ted b) .I team tlf haru 1\l)rkll1g monh Our 'l'condhand hop conllnue, to h..: Ilell patwnl'eu h) hoth hu)er ,Il1U ...eller, It I'" run cllielentl) h) ue PJul'l.'n a ...'''ted h) \nne Butler. Our thank, to them for their man) hour' ot h.ud I\lHk T err} \\'atklll"'Baker our flO\lcr coorumJtor. ahl,I), en,ured th,11 beautiful thmcr ... graced the fu)-cr .lnd hl.:adma,ter·, office. he II," ,upponed h) mother, II Ilthupphed arrangement... on ,I It"ter h.h" .Inu uonatlolh recelleu h) parent... at the o.:glllnlng nt the )ear Tik n:t·)chng depot h ··,111\1.' and \Iell"· ,It \\~nh..:rg. Lllld.1 Holt .Int! her team or hdper, hall.: \\urked e\lrcmcl~ h.lrd thl\ year Rec)cllllg I~ an IInpOrt,lnt part of \\ ~nberg hk ,Ind Il I~ grallf~JJ1g LO noti: .,0 man) of our parenh are lon ...CIOU' \)llr oeaullful eJl\lronm.:nt. The l:!.!rden ....It Wy II herg.lre m.lgmtïcent! \ te\\ ), ,lgO Tmh IlullonqUlrl.: offered her e\pert"c and .1"'\I'I.ln<.:e to the I .Ithe~ \~ ...OCIJllOn m ma!.ll1g the garden., mto ,omethlll):! qUlle ,pecl.II 1rI,h ha ... \Iorked 11\)flder., 1111h ··her magIc green linger,'· anti !"tH lhl' th,mk you Jnd )'our te,lI11 ol" ,1\ Id gardener., 1\) the mother, ot W)nb.:rg. t lhank )OU tnr
)our .,upp<?rt during the pa~t )t:ar. I haH! been olenlhelmed b) the 'UppOrl of as.,,,tance. donallons. cake. and no\~er . You were Ilonderful. I lIould al.,o like to thank eler)onl.: on the \ ) nocrg ~taff. .:~peciall) our Bursar and ecret,lrIeS Ilho lIere al\\a~, obhging und chl.:erful. Lhlly 111) commillee. I was mdeed fortunale lO hall.: had 'Iuch li capable and harJ"orking team o.:slde me. Thank) ou for el·er) thing) ou hale uone for lhl.: . chool and to lighten my load a, chairlady. To nnclle Innocenll who i~ taking the t'hair nexl year. good luck and hale fun. Terr!" Talullf
Matric Dance 2003 The Matric Dance prepMution ~tarted mun) month., h..:fure ) Mu) 2003. \\ ith the 'Iatri Dancc Commlll..:e ~pending man~ hour plannmg, nrgJni ing and preparing for the hig night. Thl' year the thl.:me \la, Roman Ren:lr) and wa ... hdd at the eXcllhl\e KcI\in Grow. The look on the hoy~· face\ \\ hl.:n the curtaim openl.:d dnd the) \1<llked II1tO lhe ,lmaLlI1g hallrt)om. beaullfull) Jecolllled in nt'lenl Rome ,t)le. and \\.b \lorth all our man~ hour., of h.rrd \I ork 1 here I\ere pillar.,. d1anoh, ,tatue, dnd fountain., Illth e\OIlC fruit 1.'\ er) \1here. Both thl.: ho) .... Ind their partner... IOl)ked \IUnnll)g. Wc \Iere enten,llned h~ .,ome great mo\l.:~ 011 the d,llll;e floor by ,ome of the teacher, ('vI r Ingh ...). The buffet 1\,1\ enjoy I.:d b> all .Ind compliment~ to th.: ch.:f at Keh III GrOl e! The ~peeehe.,. food and mu"c contributed LO he a great lih..:. I am .,ure it Ila., ,I memorahic eIellIng for the 200) I\I1dtrlC\ Thc committee IloulJ likc to thank Ir, Dlederlck, and Mr, Sleel lor their d.:dleallon ,Illd Input. Without ~l)U ladie\. thi \\ould h:l\c o.:en Impt! ,Ihk big thank, )'OU to mom ...II ho hclpcu decorate the b,tllrot)m and t:~pct:lall) ~lr ... Komng ror her tirele\, error! I Inall) to the comt11lltce: thank for all ~our hard \Iork lil makmg thi ... po,,,ble
hool \lag:lIine
\\ ~nberg Bo~~' Iligh School \Iagulille
Founders' Day 2003
\\ ~nh('rg B()~~. II igh :('hool
\ Iaga/in('
One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest 0/1(' /7el\ 01'(''' IIIe Cuckoo '.1 Sesl i~ a conlro\'er ial and pOlenliall) dislurbing choice for a 'chool produclion. unle~s il i~ played wilh self-conlrol. ~Iighll) !>ubdued. in a wa) Ihal cnhance il inherent. Iherapeulic sense of humour. If correclly pre,enled. Ihe play will generale nOl dc~pair bul ti ~ense of in piralion. of admiralion for liS ~plendid allempl lo "o\ercome" Ihe grinding-down of Ihe world. Arc not '~uccess' and 'failure' e enliall) Ihe same Ihing'! CucÁoo's NeIl is. alarmingi). cl in Ihe confine~ of a mental hospital where "Big lurse Ratched" rule by mean of group therapy and oppression. Inlo Ihl nest of misfil nies the amhlg,uou., figurc of Randle P 1cMurphy. who ha~ apparenll) deduced thaI it i::.easier lo act a a "cuckoo" ralher than a jailbird or soldier. It seem that )OU don'l ha\'e to be Cra7) lo bc in ide Ihi. as) lum. bUI il helps. Wynberg has heen fortunale lO h,l\c Ihe en ices of John Baxter as producer, a man \1 hose per~onal slyle of prescnlalion so suib lhe Iypc of dramalic approach suggcsled above. The I\lIy Ihal Ihe pia) \\a done \Ia appropriale: and thai' \\hal c unb the mlhl. Ihal's \\hal ma)...cs Ihe Impres~ion and n.:mains in Ihe memor). ThiS \Ia, a ri\cling performance.
\\')nberg Boys' High, chool '1agazine 2003
In Ihc firsl of many kc) deci ions to be taken b) Ihe producer. the seating in Ihe Clcgg Hall wa re\ersed 0 Ihal the audience were facing a built-up rO~lrum in fronl of Ihe normal e1eclrician . box. This box. \\ilh it wood-and-glass doorwa) and complex wiring. \"as effecli\el) u~ed as the office and headquarter of the medical .Iaff. An added bonu was Ihe fact Ihal. in order to reach Iheir so.:al;,.Ihe audience had 10 ma)...e Iheir wa) do\\n Ihe tair ase and IIIroLl~II Ihe menial ward. where a bewildering array of 'chronic . \\andering al random greelo.:d Ul>. II ma)' seem <;trange to begin an acting rel ie\\' by mentioning Ihc non- peakll1g part~. but \"helher rouching, in corner. beating at Ihe \\'lI1do\\'~ or calatonic on a ho. pilal hed, these 'patienb' were inSlrumental in creating the initial auno, phere of Ihe play and many of their performance \\ere eerilj authentic. Ga\ in hreiber. he of Ihe gla7ed eye, Jnd incoherent ho\\b. came the c10sesl to ~peech. Well done al oIOJan de Waal for hiS plalllli\'e melody. Petar Ni)...oIO\. e\ ille Krige. Tilldan Bungani, . IliIar) lon~, Tgqiqo Mahlut hana. Oscar auhau·. haun otCUIl. Tara otClIlI. Le Ier Plant. eil Preloriu~. Ta\\n) Rc) nold~. Kathr) n Robert on. Beau IC)n. Tanya Terblanche and Grant "'In Wy).... 33
Rilnuk \11.. \Iurph) 1', il 1l1.ln)-r.l~eteu figure. phi) mg il ll1Ulll-Ulmen~lonill. al llme~ d)~funcIlonal. rol..: The c..:rt.lln \\e are ahoul him. actualI) . the hl.'tter \\ hen \\111 he go tll~l far" ltu:nne D.t\l'. ac ..:ompli~hcu ,Ictor that he I,. al'l:"epted the Lh.lllenge and played the prot.lgoIII t tn m.tny different "e)' \Io,t clkcll\e of all \\", the \\Id..:. ,e..:mlngl, carefree grin. the ,UprOrll\e emp,lIhy tor other,. hut Ihe ,cathtng rehu"e and the pa., ionat..:. 'Illoulderlng. \ lolent repnm.lnu "crc .tI,o In e\ldcnce D.I\I' had tnternah,eu the part 10 the e\tent th.1l \k\lurph)'" maucap u..:ed, h":":'ll11ecredlhle .Ind 1IIt/1lerl cl decpI) to th..: .Iudlence 111I"lOn accomplhhed' Commend.lhle p.:rformance' Thc pla) re\\,he, ar(lunu :'\1L\1urph) BUI hh mo,t Important fml, arc '\Iur,e R.IlLhed. ChIef Bromden. Il.HUll1g .mu Bill) Blhhll It I' IT1 the,e ch.lracll.'r, th.1I "e ,cc all \k!\1 urph) .Idll":''':' \I .. "t deMI) of .tll tn thh pmducllon. de\clopm..:nh "crc rdlcLled In \Ir !I.ln.hng. tJ.lme, DI'-"") rhe .I~tl)[ pnn lued a per'''lllal. C"lIhl,tcnt II1terpretatwn ol Ihe rlllc, 11l,lnn..:red and Iraglle Th" "il'> a ,"tiled perforIlhlllce. gl\lI1g c\Cnh a depth .lIld me.lI1l11g that the) might not othcn\l ...e ha\e achle\~'d (hief Bromden IRIl.h.lru \\ le,c) unden\ ent a \ I"ble tran,fllrmalllln. from a ,tlent. Illtn)\erted ,\ reL" tll a t..m..:nng. uprlghl Inuldn hr.l\e. e411.t1lO .In) challenge \..:rhal .Inu ph)'ICitl chuacten,lIc, "crc "cll comhlneu tn Bill) Blhhll (\ngu Inn..:.,). e,peclall) tn portr.lylng hh ,h~lrt-h\ed nlllment ol Itheralltln 'v1Iche!h: (H::nncb. il'" 'ur,e Rah.:hed. pla)ed her role" llh clmtïdence Inti dant) hut I a",ume .,h..: " Ju,t too pka,ant il per'llllilltt) to ha'e nl-Ide II .Ih'llluteh
~hilhng ((hl,. tnueed. ,eemed Irue or all of her nur e.,. anti abo the 1.ltlie' olïll repute. pl.l)ed hj Ilannah (l,llI\\en ... and Kerr}n Lanca~tel. The) "crc too lo\e!) 10 be reJll) "Icked) Rlcharu Illgglll drifteu tn and out a ... the be" tluered Dr pl\e). he hterall) dldn'l "no" ,\hether he "a' comtng or gOll1g. and righll) ~o. Che'\\Ic". \;anlon and lartll11 (Shaun \an Doorn. Edl\aru O' ReilI) and Richard KII1"ead- \\'ee"e,) filled 111 .l\ contemporar) Three tooge.,. each \\ ilh hi~ 0" n oil-beat m.lnnerhm.,; the) brought Ihe madhllu"e to hie ror u!>.finall~ in the wpporting role, \\e had the ti\e m.lle \\aru ill(lc~. Greg Da) .Intl Kldun K.dli ... prll\ iding the reqlll ...lle 'bad .llliludc· and lhreatentng phy'leal pre,enCl!. ( karl!,. thl'> \\41 ... a ne,t to hc .l\oided But not \\Ithout Ih hop..:
Drama \\'tm I \\'h.1t ,t ) car' I'm ,pcechle" I h.t ~e nothlIlg hut pr.lI,e ror all the talented 1.ld., \\ ho gOlll1\oheu IT1 the la,>t tidd of culture thi., )' The) \\llhllUI il douhl carneu the Ilag ol \\ ) nhcrg hIgh .ll1d tlcfil1lle!) hl.ll.,led lt il hllle hIgher. I he ,tart <lf the )eilf -.a\\ the drama uCP.trlment perlorm "One I le\\ mer the Cue"llo\ 'e,t" I he .tetor,. ranging from gratIc 9'~ lO malrll.',. dId \ cr) I\ell 111 lh":lr ctfort" 10 pUI on \\ hal 'la,> a Ier} challenging pkl) Thc) p.:rfllrmeu ror full hou,e., on .tll Ihree I11gh!'>anti I Ihll1" :'\11'. Rlcharu,(ln could not ha\e hecn more correct h~ calltng It the be~t dramalIC pruuucllon \\) nherg h.l' e\er had
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\\) nherg Bo)~' lIigh • chool \ luga/inl'
lt wa no\ time for Ihe eighl houses 10 slart preparing for Ihe inlerhouse one <Iel play compelition. The plays were performed over IWO nighl. a there were ju I 100 many to fit them <IIIinlo one. Rehear altime were hort and venues scarce. In weeks prior 10 the performance dates. direc(Or could be heard fighting over who would rehearse where. and al what time. Ithough time was limited, the director came 10 the fore and managed to pUI on a pcctacular how for boys. friends and parent. ot a month had pa sed before the concert band; choir and actor began to prepare for Ihcir respecti e eisteddfod. It was no\ the time for the variou group to te t them e1ve again t compelition from other cape chools including Rondebo ch. Bi hops and Sac. I am proud to inform you that all of our amba ador achieved what the had et out to do. The bands received diploma awards for their uperb performance. Our the pian f0n11ed a enior and junior group for Ihe drama eisteddfod. They took part in the creative ad ert ection where they were required to create an advert in thirty minute and then perform il. Both groups walked a\ ay with diploma. (the highest a\ ard). Our choir had already taken pan in competition held at an Souei. It wa. compri ed of the ho t . Herschel and amp Bay High choir. Wynberg achieved an honours award and were placed econd to Her chel. The then wcnt on to competc in the Cape Town Ei teddfod where they once again achieved an honour award. Big thank mu I go to all the conductor. choirma ters and director for all thc cffort and time that they put in to ensure that their group would be succes ful. You did an out tanding job. During the holiday, a group of mu ieians travelled up to the Graham town fe ti al in an allempt 10 be elected for the South friean ational Youth Jazz Band. Iement rr. Byron Carr and Vuyo Gugu he wcre among the lucky fe\ to be electcd. Another brotherl duo made Wynberg proud. haun and Richard Moir were elected for the ational coneen band carlier thi year. We will definitely be watching their career with intcrc t. The third tenn aw Wynberg showca e much of its talent. Our Jazz band performcd at the Milnerton playhou e to a very li ely audience. Mr. Baxter had prcpared a play. Kenlled)"s Chi/drell, for the omer et We t and Montagu Play fe tival . It wa cxpertly performed in both Somer. ct Wc t and Montagu. Jame Diekie-C1ark recei ed a be t actor award and Etienne Davi . Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
merit. for their performances. The play achieved a silver award at the Montagu fe tival with Etienne Davi being nominated for best aCIOr. The play wa again performed for the Old Boy, Bay ide Christian School and for parents at the annual Art and Culture evening. It wa the perfect opportunity for friends and family to come and ob erve the unbelievable artwork created entirely by Wynberg tudents. Much of Wynberg' artwork wa on di play a well a its band. choir and drama group. The evening \ a thoroughly enjoyed by all. If you mi ed il. there i alway next year. Our concen band then put on a very pecial performance for Founder Day. Thi day of remembrance saw the matric cia of 1953 return to their alma mater. It wa incredibly moving to hcar the wanime hymn. Abide Wilh me being ung \ ith 0 much feeling and ympathy for those Old Bo s who laid down thcir live during the Three Grcat War. The ulture ommittee had been assigned 10 the ta k of organi -ing the Winter chic er Dinner. Thi included finding ague t speaker. caterers. Ihe awards. the musician and the decoration. I would reall like to thank all the people who helped to make thi evening uch a uece ,but I musI gi ea pecial thank lo Mr. Pretoriu and Mr. Knowlc for their guidance and a_ i ·tance. Without them. we would ne er have got the job done. The lenn was lowly winding down. but il wa not over. Well not yel anyway. Jame Hutton-Squire wa still preparing for Ihe annual ariety concert. One could ha c made a jumper wilh all Ihe hair that he lo t. -ven though he wa tres ing. the cvcning llIrned out to be a highly uccc ful onc. The productions prefcct for next year has a lot 10 live up to. Wilh not many event left on the ultural calendar. everything became rather lov. Thing did howc cr pick up \ hen the taff play. Do yOIl Remcmher wa pcrformed. Parent could come and get down to their favourite ongs of the evcnties. Go h! \ e didn Ot evcn know thalour lafT could ing and dance. They definitely got their groo c on. A for Ihe parent. they may be old but boy, can they mo e! The band wcre again in aClion al the New Boy Eening. It wa an excellent chance to ell the band to all the ne\ boy planning to attend Wynberg next year. The band eemed to bring the year to a c10 c. Their sun et con ert on unday 23 November \ a definitely an e cnt 10 remember. I cannol 35
thin!" of..t nlc.:r \\..t) to \p.:nu..t unua) c\cntng. than \Hltng Ollhldc In lhc t\."lltght It\tcntng to th.: rchl\lng \oL1nu., of It\C 111U\IC \nd <1\ th.: ,un .,':h on ,Inolh.:r )ear. \\c rccall all thc fun. lh..: l..:ar,. \\\C.1I Jnu \tn!,,> th,1( got \\ ~nherg culture to \\ ha..: It " touay. Thank\ 111t"t go to all the mcmh..:r\ nl the t.:chnlt:al crc\\ \\ho phl)cd an Importanl role 111 hnnglllg play,
anu com:..:rh to Itfc \\Hh their ,ound and light1l1g Anu \\here \\ould \ve ha"e been \\Hhollt lhc hclr of lhe hac!"~tage crew- thank )Oll '0 much. nd wHh that. I hid 2003 a fond adieu and enthll\la\tic,t1I) \\..:lcom..: th.: nc\\ and C\Cltlllg rO\~lhilttic~ lhat 20()~ hnng .... EtIl'III1I'
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Grade 11 Camp
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MY YEAR AT WYNBERG The memories I will take away from W) nberg and South Africa are too numerou to memion them all but they will all stick in my mind forever. From convincing a Grade 7 Junior chool cia .. heyond a shadow of a doubt that I did. in fact. have a pet Kangaroo named Skippy and thal I rode it 10 school every day. Being fortunate enough to manage casil) Ihe be t schoolboy hockey team that I havc ever 'een through an incredible season and their (our to Johannesburg. The ho tcl maSIers .. hostel boys hoekey malch in which Ihe ma ter came out victoriou de pite Mr Boyd and M r Po thul1lu~ wielding Cl hockey Slick in anger for thc very fIrst timeoh, and Mr Richardson's blislering pace as he lorc up Ihe astro in his tight. horts wa~ only matchcd by his performance in the Staff Production where he appeared on slage lo ~ing in a scquincd jackel and a cowboy hal. My time al Wynberg ha. also provided me wilh many opporlunllle 10 Ira el your greal country. Included along with the hockey tour to Johannesburg have been tnps lo PE for the Grey lOUr. li 5-day Orange River trip with a group from Wynberg Boy' and Wynberg Girl '. as \ ell as a tour through the Kruger Park. One of the most out tanding a pecls of outh Africa thai I will alway rcmember is the sincere kindness. ho 'pitality and genero ity I have received wherever I've been. For a nation lhat is upposed to hale ustralian you have been exceptionally friendly to mc! Whether it be people inviting me to their homes for a meal. or showing mc the 'ights of ape Town or e en ju I lhe parcnts \ ho have always been lhere lO
Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
provide me wilh Iransport. wherever I \\<ent people ha\e gone out of Iheir way to make sure I was alright and wa enjoying myself. Mr Richartbon told me at the start of lhe year that being a . lOoge' is aeluall) an eXlrel11cl~ diffIcult job to do. for the facl thaI wc h:.l\e onl)' just left ~chool and wc arc cxpeclcd to he li member of . taff when really v.e',e ju~t come from being studenl . I'm not sure if I've gottcn thc balance right but I do kno\\ that I have madc 'ome excellent friend both on the slaff and amongst the tudcnts. I ha\e lO thank all the boy~ and staff for making my time al W)'nberg ~o ea~y. Final thank you's must go to my t\\O sets of parent over here: Mr and Mrs aulds who ha\e welcomed mc inlO the Lilllewood family and who have been a COI1~Ulnl~ouree of ~lrength and in~piration. and to my ho~t family. the Fearon,. \\ ho took mc in so elOe si, \\hen they werc under no obligation to do ~o. The) are lhe perfecl example of outh African ho~pil:Jlity and I thank them so much for al\\ay~ being thcre and teaching me so much aboul outh frict!. Finally I \\ ould like to thank M r Richard 'on for the great opportullilie' this exchange ha~ pro\ ided me with and for having the faith in m) ~ch()ol to keep the exchangc going. My year as a G P studenl at \ ynberg Boys' High School wa!> a truly exceptional serie:. of brilliant experiences that I will never eycr forget and I \\ ould rccommend a G P year 10 every single one of you. Good luck for e\ Cl') thing in the fuiure and I will be back to vi il very soon. Nick (Allssie
GAP SllIdellt
New Zealand student exchange.
olT-road scramhler Adrenaline ru,h! I watched Ihc tormer, get thumrcd b) thL Ilurricanes Ouch! ( went night hunting for deer hame! I ,melt the ,ulrhur n::lca~cd hj gey~ers 'I uk! I \i,itcd lu,cum" I'urliamenl. the Sk\' Tower and the Lord or the Rinl!~ , Exhlbll (ntcrc"ting!I went on a tour to l\t1elbourne Au,tralia for thc Rathkeal ht Hoc"-c) ,ide Incredihlel I e\en managed to pas'> l11y first term at Rathkeal. ha\ ing ~tuuied Agriculture unu TouriSI11-Dirfcrent! The best W'1'. I made ~o man) great friends. Thank you to 111) rlarc!1l~ for the surron, encouragement. finance and lo\'e. AI,o a hlg thunk )OU to Ir Richar(bon lInd Mr LOLI\\. e\\ L.ealand \\-a~ tOlalI, <lmaLing!!!
Tim Pearce. (Maori grccllng) V,lughn Enl,mu, DOlllll the grade II L\dwnl!l' to e\\ Ze,tland \\a\ the- greatl'~l l'xperiellcl' ~f m) high school career Our schonl t)rrer~ us sn much all wc ha\ e lO uo i\ lo seile lhl' oppOrLUnltle, and l'njo) Ihelll. I mu,l aunlll lh,ll the lhought of dOll1g a 36 hour !lIght 10 Ihe other ,ide onhe \\orlel. and ha~illg ~1 !llghl chdnges, \\a\ O\Cr\\ hclmingly St AR'!!I had to iu,t CUO\II1C":m),elllhat "If th..: IlU\ bl'fore me c~'uld do it and ,un i\e '0 C\lulJ 'I!I jl'tt..:d Into Kual.l Lumpur, did a 30 mlnUle \\.1i~ 10 find 111" wa\ lo the Pan Pa":lfic Hotd, arn\illl! Ihere hl~l dn~1 clammy I cheded n1\\elf In. I then hOI,k..:d my\df OIl10 ,I tour or th'" bu,tltnl! Clt~! I "as r.I'Clnatcu bj the awcsome he~"hl '01' Ihe Petron.h To\\crs Ihe t,llIest butldlll; 111 the \\ mld. I had ta"-en the lir,t ,Ier· I'rom then on I ~ne\\ I \"" going lO grab e\er) "ne\\" e\rericnc..: I rus,ibly could In C\\ Zealand. I cltmhed up to the craler I.I"-e of a 11\ e ,oll:ano \ma/ing! I had my liN ,no\\- ball light and situ du\\ Il a glaCier Cool! I ~a)a~cd ror .3 dd}~ In tOI:tll) uninhabited bay" slecring on beautiful beaches Stunningl }..101ï1
I \\-all:hl'd a sheep ,hearIng comretilion , hurr! I ,cored m)' bt century ria) mg for thc I,t .:ridl't tcam Grcatl I karned the I(aka on thl' ht te,lm Rugh) 'rlrit bUlkJlI1g .:ump niquc! ( quad-bi~cd, jct-,~Icd, drovc a farm truc~ and an
"Touch down on Australian soil" Nick Warren The rro'pect of going to an unfumiliar riace, mecllng reulI) unfamiliar people und not quite kno\\-ing what the 'unfamiliar' futlIn:: holds for you can be quite a lIallntlllg rro,pect, e'reclall~ .Ifter coming frol11 a country that can boa~t about un unbeaten rugb\ scu~on, the world record for the highe t n~n~ber of run~ ~corcd at te!>t lc\(~1 cnc~etif onl)! Hml":\cr. right fr0111 the out,el I mu~t n~all) \a) that I ha\e reallj enjo)cd anu learnt valuable thlllg~ fr0111 m) yeur III Au~traliu. nd for all those \\ho arc concerned ahout \\here m> lo)-ally lies - I'm rroud to ~ay that I ,tood firm, and for the manv who tried their utmo~t (UIlSUC e~sfully, I mlgllt ,!llu!) to com'mee me that I came fr0111 of a country, I hope >ou'rc reading thiS.
\\') nberg Boys' High School \ lag:lline
Life at the H utchins chool has defïnitely been re\\'arding. I could write for hour~ on end about how I have benefïted from the year away. but I gues the mo~t important things that I have learnt arc to adju~t to a different culture. learn valuable life le ~ons, become 1110re independent and also have an immense amount of fun. My role at the school wa. very diverse e\'er) thing and anything would probably adequately decribe my job description. porb coaching. teacher aid work. boarding house master. outdoor edUl:ation in~tructor to name but ti few. There arc memories this year that I thin" 1"11 never forget, and rightly o. becau c I have met ,ome amtl7ing people and been able to work with guy~ who have had nothing hut time for m) South friean outlook on everything (believe me. it is very different to mo~t countrie~).
Defïnite highlight \\as when my ater Polo team made it into the semi-fïnab or Ihe Southern State knock-out competition. m)" journey round the mainland of ustralia in a car that let"~ Jlht ~ay. would m.l kc South t"rican ta xis look good. and my time in one of the boriginal communities of ew oulh Wale~. I ha\c also had many opportunities to tra\el the island (mo~tl) with Ihe \ arioll~ ehool eamp~. so an added bonus of 30 kids!) and ha\e ~cen some realI) beautit"ul ights. have ab~eiled ofT ~ome vcr) scary heighb and have e\ en eaten kangaroo. But over and above the many expeditions I have dom: throughout the year, the thing that has really made m) )ear ha~ been the people I"\e met along the way. I have formed friendships that I hope \~ill continue into the future and I suppose thi~ ha~ been my greatest reward.
--------~-==~-~~~--~-------eWESI, 2003 Cwesi ommunity Lcarning entre experienced another good year. with learner numbers stablizing at 130 and no ~taff turn over. A total of 65 learner registered for matric ubject, in 2003 and wc were glad to be able to report that the tandard of 70% pa rate In term of. ubject~ written was again achieved by the matric cia of 2002. Wc accepted with great adne s the re ignation of Centre Manager Mrs Gemma van Kets. who has given so many year of dedicated and thoroughly professional ervice to the choo!. ochooi or community organization could ask for a more committed person than M r van Ket who alowon the hearts of thl.! learner with her caring approach. Mr an Ket fought with great bravery through a serious illne s and everyone at wesi wi he her a full and complete recovery. Wc were extremely fortunate to have 0 able a replacement as Mr Roger Goodwin who was acting entre Manager for the second half of the year. Mr Goodwin howed admirable attention to detail and came up to peed remarkably quickly on all the quirk!> of administration that go into running a night choo!. The new timetable cycle was partially introduced (with onc or two carry over subjects from Wynberg Boys' High
chool Magazine 2003
2002 to accommodate learnerl> who had made their plan at the beginning of 2002. From 2004 the cycle will be fully operational with subject. such as matric Afrikaans (2003) and Xhosa (2004) on a two-year cycle. It i~ difficult to justify having fïrst and ~I.!eond language English, ba ed on the number. who attend. nfortunately the yllabu es are ow 0 din"crent that one leacher can nOL teach both. A wonderfully happy cent occurred on 21 May with our guel>t ~peaker for our 'new tradition' of Founder' Day being the founder of the I>chool Mrs Joan Williamson. who spoke engagingly and with feeling about the early day. We are glad that ewe'i i till an institution of which our founder can be proud. MI'S Williamon wa among tho e who made a donation to lhe school on the occasion of Founder' Day. and together with donation of wine from Wine of the Month lub (sou reed by Geraldine Sylve ter) and food gencrou ly supplied by Pick 'n Pay (again organized by Sharon Muller), wc were e en able to declare a mall profït on the function! The choir ang beautifully as usual, and wc were treated to fïne performance by the Wynberg Boys Marimba Band. Then the choir and band combined at the after-party and there wcre fïreworks! Mr pence once again wa 0 drinks and did a fïne job wilh the a istance of 41
hnj~ from the WBH InteraCl lub. The parents of Wynherg prO\ ided wondcrful lca as i~tance
., T\IO Abet leachcr~, Ms Lindelwa Hcza and M~ There~i.l Michi.lcls attended a cour~c on LI 2 unit standard' in Fran chock Ol cr a weekend in prIl. ., Our banner was proudij carried at lhe celebrations of lhe International Literac) W..:l!k, held al lhe Cilie Cenlre in Cape Town III 'eptember, I\ith PJ \ ellman Ilinning a learner~' award at the ceremon) . ., Thercsa M ichael, also organi~ed an oUling for her c1as~ to the PlanetarIum . ., In June. two people from the Department of Labour ga\(~ a t"lk lO our Icarner~ on the J1nplicall(ln~ of thc neIl I F legi~l;lllon. ., Tllo CI\e,i Learner" accompanied by Mr Counne) Spence. R)an COll17 and haun Johanne~en participatcd in a debate II"lth othcr adult Icarnl!r~ on 2g Junc. Their topic: 'PO\ert~ leach lO crim..:·. They did C\\e~i proud . ., The ,taffand Gon:rning Body get together al Lelapa Rcslaurant In Langa on unday 2-1 ugu\! Ilenl off Icr) well. preceded b) a walking lour of \ eSlern Langa. We were dclighl~d LO ll1ect up \\'lIh VIr and Mrs utherland. friends of til..: i\ lub in Berlin. Wc look forward 10 ~ho\\'ing them the workIIlg' of lhc ,chool. number of manual and electronic l) pCII riter~ arc no longer used by C\\'e~i. W..: lried lO ~ell lhem or gwe them awa, in 200:1 but failed. An) hright ideas for the dispo\al of the same "ill he gratt.:full)' received. (\ICSi'S funding held stead v during 200J and Mr~ \ anda Patt;n i~ del eloping a data base of conlael delail~ of the I arious companic, lhal operale near our ,chool. The inlention is thal lhey be wrilten to im iting lhem LO becomc, Patrons of Cwesi. ror a rcgulu annual subscriplion of R5000 pcr y..:ar. The econd prong lviII be to wril": la corporal":s asking for a big ~um. The lhlrd i~ lO ,end in a Lotto propo al. In addilion, Jolden rrow will b..: approached la find OUl if lh..:y can hclp wilh tran~port in an I!a~lerly direction, where we may be able to gain new learner;.. In 2003, Pfi7er senl us a cheLJu,,:for R5000 and wc arc hoping lO make personal contacl with lhe lady from Pfi7er al our inlernal priL..:-giving
Iso, the A Club in Berlin continue lO support We Iverc delighled lO meel Wilh Silvia Krieglcr in January (unfortunately das e w..:re not open) and comll1unication by letter and ..:mail was pursued through the year. Photos \I ere al,o senl. 101el)' l-shirt gifl arrivcd from lhe club. InteraCl abo madc a kind donation to thc school from their Big Walk. SilvIH'S idea of li video of Cwesi is an excellenl onc. and lhc Wynberg boys video filming learn went to work obtaining footage. Cil) Varsily hêll.: agrc..:d to help LIS 1I'IIh the ediling whcn th..:ir ..:diling machine is fixed. lI~.
WCED Relalion I\ith the outhern Metropole EM DC Ivcr..: good, wilh M~ Portia Mbude-MutshakIIHne and Ms lombi Mak\\Llsa al\\'a)s being helpful. We experienced anolher year of relative tabililY in this regard. free of the con,tanl change lO forms and lale demands for informati071 lhal characlcri/ed preI ious jear~.
THANKS re due once al!ain to Mr Richard on and the slaff. pupils. p~renb and gOlerning body of Wynb..:rg Boys High School for the use of lheir facilily and lheir suppon n man, way~, in particular the Inleracl lub and Mr Larry Moser, Ilho attends all GB meetings and is helprul and supportive way beyond ll~..:call of dUI). To all (\\esi teach..:rs. Highi)' profe'isional and highly motivaled, it was not unusual for our leachers to et aside extra cia 'le,>in their own lime, or indeed e\'en to do 'hou~e calls'! W..: olIe a gr..:at d..:bt of I!rHlitude lO our leachcr~. To the \\'esi learners for the inspiralion lhey provide. We alohad the help of a volunleer in 2003 in Eva, Ms Patten's niece from G ian k, Poland. he was a friendly and helpful addition LO the literacy classe .. Our thanks also to Kate Hayes whose lime I\ith u' ended in 'O).Thank la chairperson of th..: Learncr Repres..:ntalives PJ Welllllan and member Geraldine ylve ter and Deidre Hewill. particulaly pj and Geraldine who made a particular conlribution to the Founders' Da) celebrations. nd finally, onee again LO Mrs van Kel for )cars and year of dedicated ervice. wesi will miss her bUL we wi 'h her happy midweek eIening family meals: somclhing she won't have known for decades! Wynberg
Boys' High
ehool Magazine
REPORT - 2003
ubjct.:t Head: Mr D. Ru .. dl lafT: Mr D. Fauld~. Mr S. Henshic. Mr G. Po thumus. 1r P. Fur tenburg One can ne\er unden:stimate the advantage of studying Accounting al sehoolle\'el. ecounting is a dl.ciplineit require a conscientious approach. an abllit) to work under pres ure. eainess and accuracy are of paramount importance. The ~ubjeet maller itself is \'er) clearl) defineu: Bookkeeping makes up a large part of the Junior S) lIabu . covenng onl) the ole trader. The ~enior . yllabus expo e the pupil. to various other form of busll1e~ 0\\ ner hip from Partnership through to Company's and clo e Corporation~. The is 'ues arc far more complex. \\ith pupib required to prepare financial statemenI . and e\en going a far as II1terpretation and anal) IS of Financial tatemeiHS. Ithough the OBE requirement at Grade 9 level prescribed an conomie Management t.:ience~ cour e. it wa decided to run on ccounting ourse concurrently. This made the )car extremel) hectic and did not allow for much lime spent on computer~. However. the boys were able to complete a project comparing computer in ccounting \I ith the more formal manual proce s. Bu'ic Accounting skills were laughl II1troducing. lhe boys to the mo t sImplified models in Accollnting. and allo\l ing for an expenence in the field \I ith a \ lew 10 gi\ing bo) the opportunity to lake the ubject in Grade 10. In addition. the EMS ommon task for a essment covered tourism and it economic effect on outh frica. Carefull planning and well organised year plans from Grade 10 onward allo\\ed for more cope in other fields of Accounting. The Grade 10 glass took part in a national Busine-s game \\ here their marketing and elling kill were put to the test. nder the leadershipof Mr Fauld . ihe boys. working in group. were required to market and then sell a product. The variou group did particularly \\ell with Tropical Trader winning lhe game. The group con i ted of Gary an iekerk. Gareth chenck. Jonathan rotz. Murray Paul en and Simon Keev)'. The Lob ter. Wynberg
Boys' High School Magazine
with leader Devon an Breda were placed third in the country and Team FantH tic. with leader Wayne Winter were placed fifth. II in all an excellent achievement. The Grade Il c1a~. took pari in the annual JSE chools hallenge. where the group of Paolo Innocen7i ended a creditable t\\ent) third in their particular competition. There arc so many reason for recommending Accounting at chool level. part from the already mentioned 'ktll~. ii develop a wa) of thinking - Accounting is logiccal proce s made impie b) a willingne.s to en~ure concept~ arc graspcd. a good \\·ork ethic is maintained and a con ientiou approach is followed. long the \\ay there are .0 many avenues 10 explore: computer. the reality of hare and the di\ersilication of exchange rates and the a sociated world currencie . 1n conclu ion. we confident of excellent Matric rcsult~ thi year and I look forward to even better from the Grade Il cia III 2004 RI/sw/l
AFRIKAANS ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE ubjcct Head: M T.V. anti Teachers: M E. Roodt. Me. srs K. Blom. R. Moolman. P. mith. R. Ingli. Ms A. Diedenck predicted b) my prede e or. Johan Laten. 2003 wa an extremely succes 'ful :rear a ademically in respect to our department. It started with the clo in!? of the 2002 academic year. ot onl:r did the frikaan 2nd language candidate III Matric do very well, but the)' achicved the mo t di tinction (21) in frikaan ever at Wynberg! Prai e and congratulation need to be extended to the learners as well as the educalors who put in long hour of hard work. Starting on uch a high note. we could not help but be po itive about 2003. With the change in the educational y tem all learner are now expected to have portfolio. Our learner have to be more focll sed now to ensure thai all the work done i kept in tho e portfolios. We have made much progre in thi regard. 43
A highlight of the year wa once again our frikaan, weck at the beginning of third term. Special thank LO the educator~ who facilitated the ,mooth runIlIng of the programme. Wc invited a wide variety of guest. which included yb C. Diedericks-Hugo (author). Mr Toks an der Linde (cx- pringhok rugb) player). Dr el (mll1i. ter of local Dutch Refomled church) and editor of 1IP( Die Burger). Our boy~ thoroughly enjoyed their contributions. The standard of Afrikaans at Wynberg is Improvll1g all the lime wc need to give credit to our subject ad vi or. M r Richard tan Icy. \\ ho i alway., prepared to go the extra mile to give as istance where needed. We would also like to sa)' goodbye to Mr~ Roodt \\ho is Icaving Wynberg at the end of 2003. Mr~ Roodt ha, done much in improving the tandard of Afrikaans in the chool. Her diligcncc.hard \\ ork and plea ant di position will ,>urely be ml cd. Many thank for your input. M rs Roodt. and be'a \"i hes for all your future endevour . Wc as educator~ 111the Afrikaans Department are confident about 2004 and have planned an interesting and e\l:lting programme for the year.
Biology Report The 2002 matrics delivered a fine set of re ult~ with a record 13 '5. The li t follow: lu tin rend e. Lylc la en. Gregory Dc tadler. Ren I:.brahlm. Daniel Glle,>. Stephen lubber. Daniel Manner. Richard Mee. Kyle ortjc. lason Prudhomme. lame Inckland and Michdel van der Westhuizen. 2003 had its fair share of ~taff changes a wc. along with other chools find our elve cratching around for Ihc la I remaining remnants of teacher, left over from the years \\ hen teacher rank were decimaled by the new order for ome rea on or other. ror example \\e managed to avert a teacher cri i \vilh the grade eleven thl year by bringing Ihe experienced Mr Steven Thoma out of mothballs back into the cia room where he won the heart'> of a rather recalcitrant tandard grade group. Hi tay W<I'> shonlived unfortunalely as his other job began to require more of his attention. Once again a cri i \\-a averled when the talented Mr Andre\" Peter en decided to return to outh A fnca from Thailand JU t in time to help u out. We a)' goodbye to him at the end of Ihl!> year a. his
fame ha gone before him and he has been headhunted by another school which made him an offer he could not refu e. Highlights of the year included the grade 10 excursion to Wortelgat where I wa plea al1lly urpri ed to note a con iderable work ethit: among t the campers. They really got ~tuck into their workbook~ and eemed to enjoy the lectures. Behavioural problems were minimal a~ only onc boy had his cigarette~ confi cated this tIlTIC. A usual wc have to Ihank M rs Margy Fischer for organizing thi' camp. The grade 12 project thi~ )ear wa~ done along the line of a clinical trial and was required to he \\ ritten up a a re carchcr would in LI scientific journal. The investigation was to determine thc normal blood ugar Icvel of a ~ample of grade 12·s. They \\iere all a~ked la arrive at chool without eating break fa t whereupon they te led ti drop of their blood with a glucometer. They then had something weet to cat and drink and tested their blood repeatedly at half hour 111tervals. All the result~ were collected and they had to draw the average curve for Ihe group. I am pleased to ay the graph wa, normal and we did not Ou h out any undiagno cd diabetic in thi procedure. j ot ani) do wc ·a) goodbye to Mr Peter en at the end of thi year but al 0 Mr Hanekom and Mr. Fi,cher. Mrs Hanekom made a name for herself as the internet ba ed teacher of the next century. She harne cd thi formidable re ource to produce worksheet. and Ic ons of the highest t:alibre - if only we could all become a webba ed in our approach. Mr Fi cher will be orei)' mi ed as he ha always been there to help out and to tand in the gap when wc were tuck without teacher. She even acrificed a break he had promised herself in order to help u . Mr Taylor i not howing any sign of ageing or leaving yet 0 (although he is being siphoned off into the Science dept to a certain extent) 0 there i~ ~Iill ome ~tabilily left in the department.
chool Magaline
Art activities through the year
Bo~~' lIigh School \l:iga/inc
\\ ~nberg Bo~s' High
chool ~ laga.dne 2003
1 ._ ;::
;:: ._
\\ ynbcrg Bo~'" High
chool ;\1agaline
In the Computer Room
\\ ) nherg Ro~,,' "igh
School \ lagal.ine
ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS. 2003 wa the econd year that Economic \\a offered as a subject at Wynberg B ys' High chool. It was a ignifieant year in Ihal iXleen Grade II pupil wrote a Cambridge AS Level exam in ovember. The paper wa eXlremely challenging bul a number of the Wynberg candidate wrote good paper J look forward to their re ult~ early in 2004. I Lrongly believe that when ,0 many Matric ~tudents are achieving 'A' aggregate pa e, any additional form of a se!>~ment that can et one tudent apart from another can only be beneficial. 2004 will be the fir t year of Malric Economic and we are aiming for li largc number ofa 3tthe end of the year, The current Grade 10) \\ill be gi\en the opportunity to write le\els next year as well. The rioe of Economic ce the do\"nfall of Busine Economic. 2004 will be the last year that Ihe ~ubjecl will be offered at Matric. 50 boy \Hole Malric thi~ year and Ihis number falls lo 'J.7 nexl year. Se(/// Hel/cl/i" SI/hjefl Head
ENGLISH DEPARTMENT REPORT 2003 - 10 - 27 ubjecl heads: Teacher: Huggett. BosIer
Mr L Kruger ( enior) MI's E Sleel (Junior) Mrs J Goou\\in, Mr J Baxter. Mr J Mr S Williamson. Mr Fi kc, and Mr
lt is wilh great and incere sadne') thai I wrile thi!>. my lasl, report for my English Department as it~ oUlgoing leader. Along wilh Mr!> Elsie leel and Mr William~on (Ihe laner who i!>retiring. bUI hopefully returning in a part time capacily). I have decIded to move to different pasture. I will be leaching al Reddam Hou e College ne t year and M r, teel ha decided 10 change career by following her crealive urge) and embark on a !>tallled gla art cour C. We al 0 !>ay goodbye 10 Mr Fi ke, our part time tcacher, Mr lyde BrosIer. our -Levels course leader ha lepped into the breach a\ motivator and moderator and impirer for 2004.
\ ynbcrg Boy' High
chool Magazine 2003
The year has zoomed pa I a busy a all the preceding year. The Grade leven enjoyed Ihe annual work hop cour e al Art cape (The old ico Malan Ihealre) presenled by the Graham~lown Arts Fe tival organiser. The ne'\ Grade Eight novel. Who killed Jimm\ Valcnline? \\ent down a treal. It i wonderful. as it i a local story et in the Cape Flat. about taxi warfare. and includes the themes of romance. revenge and loyalty to friend. We ha e Cl a ncw 'Iocal-i -lekker' novel, Rod. Face, for Grade ten 2004. and were honoured when the author. the dynamic Mr ue Broderick. did a pre entation lo the chool on Literacy Day (8 cptember). The learner~ of Wynberg \\cre enlhralled as the) watched a ~ideo about rock-climbing after li tening to a tilbit on the background 10 thi novel for teenager. ome of Ihe character in the novel are ba ed on people I r Broderiek actually kno\\' . and he de~cribe~ place many of our le<lrner either know about of have been lOl Talk about a no\cl comlllg alive! I wish all lhe laff a wonderful) car in 2004, and hope thai M r BrosIer will take the department and give it an invigoraling injecllng of funher vitality!
Geography Subject Report 2003. ubject Head: Lydia Wil~on. Teacher: C. Hodgkinson. . Hudson D. chenck.
The year 2003 ha been a challenging year for all involved in education. Both teacher and learner. arc facing man change and ne\\ wa) of doing thing. The eography Department has continued IJ1 its organised and enthusia tic fa hion to meel the e many challenge. Our Matric cia of 2002 produced some excellent re ults and et a high tandaru for porlfolio work and portfolio preenlallon. The Malric cia . of 2003 once again wrote a common exam with the Girls' High chool and ollr re uit compared favourably with the girls. Perhaps the grealest challenge ha been with the Grade 9 cia ,>es. Both teacher and learner have grappled with the ommon Task essmeni ( .T. ) and wc have succe fully worked with the Hi tor) Department to prepare the learner~ in what i no\ called ocial cience. a Department wc have kept our content in uch a 51
Ila) a lay foundation for and prepare tho~e learner ... II ho (;hoo~e to do Geography a a Matnc subject. The Department ha:. 1I'0rked a:. the :.amt: team for a number of years no\\ and continues to work we)) a a team. We have tried to keep our learner:. motilated and enthu~ia tic about the ,ubject b, making il relevant and keeping learner:, al'vare of the wider Ilorld around them. El idcnce of teacher input is clearly evident in the boys' portfolios and Ihe many tasks set. Once again man} thank to Ihe teachers. for making thi another UCl:e ful year. L rdia lI'ilwlI.
The History Department Subject Head: Ir. K. Pretorius Tca<.:her: J.Ba.\ter. R.lnglis. P. Van
It i......aid that IOU can't build Ihe future if IOU don't knOll ot: Ihe past. History i the :.ubJcct that a))o\\s )ou to kllO\\ thc past so Ihal )oU can build a belter future for all. Thi:. cliché i e,peciall)' applicuble for the present outh Africa. as wc nced to ~1101\ hOIl ditTerenl races were treated or gi\en pn\llege, 10 thc detrimcnt of lhe other. reachlllg and learnlllg of history is 110 more ~noll ing a list of facts and date~ bul require ... a dlspla} of under'.tandlng the LOplCasked bj rea ...on· Illg. With J,.nol\lcdge Ihe pupil has to lake a swnd and d"pl<lY that he can argue a point of ..ielI . Th" ,ear ...all man)' changes in the department' n ..quin:ment for hi ...lOrj. In Grade I:! an e\tra ectlon 'olllh rrican IlIqor) 1976 10 1994 \la ... added and each candidate had to produce a portfolio of work and produce a length) re:.ean:h project. The Grade 9 hud to do TA's In Ihe forth term and aloproduce C • projecl~. s a department \Ie kept on track to meet all Ihe aholc requlJ'\:lm:nt and \le kept the ~ubject relel<lnt to make II a popular choice among~1 the bo)'s.
MUSIC, CHOIR AND BANDS: ubject Head: Mr Botha Teacher: Mr P Cat7:1Ic10 Mr M tic Kock The
Departmcnt had a Icr) c\cillng. boys were kept lel') bu )' 1\ Ith
aClIIe }ear. The
\arious musical aCllVllIe Ihroughoul the year. Opportunities at Ihe 'chool indude formal concert!>. performing in a. embly. the major productions. Ihe concert. the teel band. the juu band. the choir and ac<.:ompaniments. Scan Moir (tuba). and Richard Moir (ba.soon). allencled the . outh African ational Youlh Orche'lra cour e in Pretoria. where they were bOlh ~elected for the SA Concert Orchestra. Both boy Ivere compeling again t nil'er'ity sllIdel1lS in the open <.:ategory. ,0 wc arc lery proud of there achievemenls at the cour e. Mr Cal.l:illelo i mastcr in charge of the Bra and the concert band. In a short pace of timc he ha created miracle \lilh thc band. wilh a member~hlp of almo t JO boys. praclising every morning bcforc 'ehool and on Friday aftcr· noon:.. The concert band performed al II public performanccs thi year. of I\hich thc highlight 1\ as the Ei:.leddfod. where a gold diploma was awarded to the band. The jaLZ band conlinue:. lo blo som under the supcrb leader hip of Marc de Kock. The} performed at g public performance thi year. of \I hich the 1\\0 highlight, of the year \Iere Ihe Baxler Theatre Big Band Feslilal. and the Grallclmsto\ln wndard Bank Festilal. Wc arc I'ery proud 10 congratulate Clement arr. By ron Carr. and uyo Gugushe I.ho were selected lO perform in the Soulh friean utional School~ Jail Band. nfOrlunatelj we bid farewell to Mr De Kock for 2 year . \I here he i going to Slud) in Ihe K. We wi h him Ihe be!>t of luck. and look forward \Ielcoming him back in 2006. The choir ha. had a very difficult year thi year after I\C lo~t a fel... good matric loice al the end of la~t year. Impite of Ihi.. olene Dunn continue her excellent leadership and loice lraining \lith the choir. The choir performed at 6 public performance\ Ihl~ year. \i e sang at both Ihe ape Town. and the an ollci Ei teddfods this year. I\here \Ie were :lI\arded an honours at bath performan e~ The steel band under the capable hand. of Kenny and Mr CUlzal'clos ha gone from trcngth 10 Irength, and wc look forward 10 owning Our own in trument next year. The steelband ha pCrf0n11Cd at 9 public performance' thi~ year. of 1\ hich Ihe highlight wa the Old Bo)~' Dinner. II ha, been a good mU~le year at \i ynberg. excellent individual succc~s ha been achieved in the Mu~ic Department. ThiS prove Ihat l11u~ic i' "alile and \l'c))" Lit Wynberg Boy~' High chool! W) nberg Boys' High
chool Magazine
Standi,,~ Roll' 2: C. Greell; S. BollalId; M. ('rOl:: R. Moir: C. CII/.,.: . 8ell: B. ('arr; J. 1II/IIolI-Sql/ire: T. .If i//ar StaT/(li,,{: Rnli' I: T Edward: S. LlIskey: E. O'Reilly: A1. Carslo/..e; J. Ill/han: R. King: A. Rolt/orr M. Killg: J-P Arrow: S. Llli: Seated: D. ~'erll1el//('n: 111. Klein: X. GI/gll.lhl': Mr P ('O/:OI'£'IoS: J. New/illg (Il'l/(/er): Afr. K. Ricllllrd.I'oll: J. dl' Waal: J. 1'£1/1 Wrk: . MOll'
Bo}s' High
chool .\lagazine
Strike up the Band
\\ ~nhcrg Bo~~' High School \Iagaline
MATHEMATICS ubject Head:
Mr M Ru hby (Terms I and 2) Mr L Mo cr (Term 3 and 4)
Mr E Lef on. Mr G Posthumu . Mr J Knight. Mr J Huggell, Mr B Sopam, Mr S Hud on-Bennett, Mr P Hanekom. Mr P Fur tenburg
ubject Head: Mr E.Blignaut Staff: Me sr DAllen, B Creed, B Green\ L Moscr, G Taylor Laboratory Assistant: Mrs S Peter en
2003 will certainly Twenty year ago, only 21 boy wrote Mathematic on the higher grade at matric level at Wynberg. La t year. 24 boy achieved an A for Math on the higher grade and 12 other an on the tandard grade. Credit must go to the Mathstaff at Wynberg who, over the past decade have worked hard to improve the tandard of the subject. Part of the trategy ha becn the introduction 0 er the pa t fe\ years of a tutorial done on a veekly ba i. The e tutorial arc work heet i sued to the boy on a particular day of the weck for them to complete at home and hand in to their Math teacher the follo\ ing day. Boy who have done a tutorial every week have benelited greatly from the regular praetice. Our top pupil again acquitted them. elve at ariou competition with the following being highlight of the ear: , t the CT Maths ompellllon we \ ere placed in the Top 10 for the tenth con ecutive year (0 er 120 school from the Wc tern ape compete). , Jame_ ewling received a bronze medal for being pia ed in the Top 100 of the Old Mutual ational Mathematic Olympiad. , Bradley lann (Grade Il) and tephen Walker (Grade 9) reeei\ cd gold medals for obtaining the highe t mark in outh frica in an International Maths Exam SlAT ( chool International e ment Te t) ct by the niver ityof ew outh \ ales - a competition \\ hich attract over -00 000 entrant annually. Mr Ru hby left \ ynberg in June, after a di tinguishcd career a a Maths tea her, during which he headed the 1ath Department for many )ear . Hi' enthu ia_ m. inno ation. drive, admini tmti e organi ational kill. and pa ion for the subje t will be sorely mi cd. Wc also said g dbye to Mr Knight. wh e experti e over the la -t four year ha extended to the dditional Math Department. Mr Hanekom aloleft ynberg at the cnd of la t car. he will be remembered particularly for the terling work d ne in creating OBE-related material for the rade and 9 clas e .
been a year to remember. It tarted off by ba king in the limelight of the great re uit from the 2002 matrics. who achieved 18 A's from 46 HG boy 3 from Mr Greenwood' "8" cia and the rest from Mr Allen' HA" cia . o doubt Old Boy will be left wondering about their own achievements while at school and how cic er boy arc becoming? A nice topic to di cu around a braai once the . Bok have been despatched. It can al 0 be reported that more 'en ible choices are being made on the SG v HG i ue. with more boy opting for SG. Both HG and SG average- \ ere 10% above the We tern ape a eragc. With all boy doing Science having to do project, WBH wa proud to have it third chool ubject EXPO. a di play of the be t project in Science. Biology. Geography. Technology and Computer cience. The level of entry thi year wa lightly beller than last year, but the number of true investigation increa cd quitc dramatically. a re uit the judge had to appeal for the E PO to go on a day longer, again re orting to a point y tem to deeide on the winner. Inerea ed parental upport wa greatly appreciated. With Technology no on board at WBHS it \ a e'peeially pleasing to ce Mr John Souter' Grade . di play \ ell done guy! Top winner of 50 prize winner. were: Joseph Donaldson (Bio), Peter Rogers and Hami h William (Geo and ci). Neville Krige ( ci) and Justin NOl'ella and Jason Steel (Technology). T\ enty one of the bn s \ ere entered in the Wc tern ape E PO held at T. Ithough they received a number of "highly recommended" accolade, the extent of their re earch wa not enough to win any major prizes. If at lir t you don't uccced.! The number of competition offered c ntinue to grow ea h year. 0 it i not urpri ing that wc do not enter all purely for time and admini trati e rea ons. [n the national MINTEK (National In titute of Mineralogy) MINQ IZ held in pril. t\ 0 of our boy. Martin Fischer and Vu)'o Gugushe. repre cnted the \I e tern ape in
Boys' High
chool Magazine
Johanne burg. They \ ere lhe leader of Ihe English and African language WBHS team which ~ on Iheir divi ion in Ihe We tern Cape compelilion held al the . The W Cape team was onc of five team to reach Ihe final out of len provincial teams after Ihe preliminary round. After 20 que lions our team wa joinl second with Ihree other. A .. udden death" followed in which the first to make a mi take fell OUI. We were fir I OUI 0 landed up fifth in an extremely ten e fini h. Martin and Vuyo were fortunalc 10 go on a guided lour of the MI TEK re earch laboratorie and 10 listen to various expert on mineral proce sing. TheyaLo went down the Doornfontein mine at GOLD REEF CITY and a\ a bar of gold being poured. In Ihe ATIO L YOUTH lE CE OL YMPIAD, congratulation went to the great achie ement of the following for the place they earned fir Ily in the Western Cape, followed by the place they shared 1l00iol1all_r. Martin Fischer 4/8, Bradley Mulder 8 I 1-. Neville Krige II Il . Geoffrey Mulder 11/19. Jame Newling 11th. Richard Higgins 12th. Very few pupil cored over 50% in Ihi tough Olympiad. At Wynberg we had II boys in thi category. Only one olher We lem Cape chool achieved better than thi . In the SA In titute of Mechanical Engineer TECH OLOGY OLYMPIAD, two of our team competed in the alional final on ihe Rand (con i ting of the top 12 team in the country) after their ucce in the local competition. After rigorou testing of Iheir catapults. which had to project a ball into a target while on the move, they were placed 7th and 9th in the competition - a very creditable performance indeed. Hats off to the learns of: William Souter, Thomas Main and Jonathan Badham-Thornhill (7th) and Bradley Mulder, haun Moir and Richard Moir (9th). Thank mu t go to Mr Alien for guiding and upervi ing the learn and giving up 0 much of hi time to en ure that the two groups were able to gel to the national. 17 of our boys wrote the SlAT SCI ENCE (Schools International A se ment Tests) et by the ew South Wale Educational Te ting Centrc. The Centre ha organi cd thi competition annually for more Ihan 20 year and this i the third year that Wynberg ha participated. Student from Au Iralia, ew Zealand, outh frica and the Pacific Region took part. There were over 450 000 entrant thi year and the re uit of our top boys are a follows: Wynberg
Boys' High School Magazine
DE 9:
DE 12:
Dire han Pillay 75th percentile Credil Bevan Jones 79th percentile Credit Yaseem amsodien 70th percentile Credil Robin Tyler 791h percentile Credit Mark Jennings 3rd percentile Credit Stephen Walker 95th percentile Di linction Shandon Wallcnda 741h percentile Credil Peter Roger 91 t percentile Di tinction Matthew Carslake 991h percentile High Di tinction Bradley Mann th percentile Credil Martin Fischer 97th percentile High Di tinction
Martin Fischer and Matthew Carslake each received a HIGH DISTI CTIO AW RD for coming in the top I% internationally, and the GOLD MEDAL for obtaining the highe I mark in South Africa. Our excur ion again took econd place due to OBE pres ure, though the grade 10' and Ir enjoyed the trip to the S department of Engineering Open Day, the lO' avoured the delights of a jouney into SOUND [rom the Graham town Science fe tival and a few selcct Il' enjoyed a PHE OME AL PHYSI Sdiplay at UCT. The boy once again did a large amount of practical work. thank to the fine effort of the LA, amantha Peter en, who ha to cuule between lab and up and down the tair between the cience and Biology department to deliver well-prepared practical . Our Science department "Oldie ,. are feeling the heat! Both Barry Greenwood and myself are retiring lightly early, mainly due to a lack of ability to accept the expeclalion of OBE. Barry has been a true pillar of trength wilh hi quick analysi of ituation and appeal 10 boy to use Iheir brain to olve problem. While the re t of u u e file 10 lore our nOle , Barry i well-known for carrying all in hi hirt pocket. We look forward to the ervice of two expericnced teacher in Gillian Taylor from Port Elizabelh and Old Boy Richard Hamburger from Bergvliet High School. E J BlignaUl 57
G 1(/1 .1/11/1",,,
Bo~s' High
chool' lagazine 2003
HOUSE REPORTS Littlewood House Report Superintendant: Senior Housemasters:
Resident Staff:
Head Boy: Deputy Head: Prefects:
Mr D. C. Fauld Mr J. Huggett (Lilllewood) Mr A. Gerber (Silverhurst) G. Posthumus. P. Fur tenburg. D. Ramage. R. Molman. M. Evans. Daniel We els Byron Gordon M. Mtinda. T. Ferguson. K. Johnson
The Littlewood men of 2003 led the field in many aspect of chool life. During the day of Interhouse Athletics. which we WOII. the boarder led Ihe cheering in the land with great emhu ia 111 and spirit. pan from wimming and water polo Littiewood won. or was placed in the top three. in all interhouse events. Our congratulation mu t go to Daniel We cis and the ca tof Ihe one act play ~ hich walked ofT with mo t of the award. David Matfields' assistance on the technical ide of thing was uperb. The involvemcnt of thc boarder in all inlerhou e acti itie - hockey. 6-down touch rugby. tennis a \ ell a cheering on Saturday morning at spon fixture ha been a delight to watch this ycar. Many aspect of boarding hou e life have undergone change this ear. With the re ignation of Mr Bellis-Jone a caterer the kitchen has once again fallen under direct ho tel management. I would like to thank heli Fauld 1110 t incerel for her efTorts in upgrading the kitchen. and in maintaining the highe t tandards in meal provi ion. The efforts of Mr Faulds and Mr aul al 0 aw the kitchen upgraded thi year. with amongst other things the in tallation on an indu trial dishwa her. The laundry ha been out ourced. and apart from (hi all other capacitie have been maintained with fewer taff. In term of the future we look forward lo going 'on-line' in 2004. With the as i tnnce of the computer committee and Little\ ood Old Bo . David Good. our computer room hould be up and running by January 2004. The De ember Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
2003'January 2004 holiday will al 0 ee a ignificant amoulll of maintenance reno alion done to the boarding hou e. For mc a the ne\ 'Super' I would like to thank a number of people for making my fir t year a most m.emorable one. Mr Huggett - for 0 capably lcading the day 10 day activitics in Littlewood and for being a ourcc of great trength. Tbe duly ma ter in both Littlewood and Silverhur t for making Ihe grent per onal sacrifice of which being in a boarding hou e dcmands. The support of the supervi ing tafT ha been tremendou thi year. It would be remi of me not 10 mention the gap year tudent . Fra er Boyd, Dan Brooke, ick Warren and Tim Pearce all workcd hard, and well. during the cour e of the year. Their loyalty to Lilllewood came hining through during their emotional farewell. We tru t they will take the prit of Littlewood away with them. along with many fond memorie. The upport staff. M r Saul, M rs Hartnick and their team of helpers have worked hard at mainlaining a high level of ervice delivery thi year. Along with Ihem Edward, Ihe ho tel maintenance man. ha een 10 it that all has gone well in the ho tel from a tructural point of vicw. My greale t thank must go lO wife. the hou e 'mother', and able ho tcl manager. Without Mrs Fauld . energy, pa ion and vi ion for ihe future the Lilllcwood light would not be burning quite a brightly as it i . Thank you Mrs Fauld for all you have done during 2003 and will do in the future. Littiewood can boa t of ha ing had a proud year. and ha ing a bright future ahead! Next year the Friedlander Shield will find it ' way back to Littlewood ... Derek Falllds uperinlelldellf 2003
Little\\ood House Standin!: RoU' 5: A. Uu: V. J/l/llelli (houIl' CapluiII): D. Beukel. 11". JOllel' .1/. l'a/1Scll{//kIIYI..: 7.. KaAia: ,\1 .. \,'Iil/(/" (prc/écli: S \'ekundi: E. Bahr: D. Eckerv/d: C. Cron/allcl. DArm/lo. L. P/alll: K . .tI (CaIluIII : I.Ipillf<e: 1\1 . .vjt/di/e Stant/inK RoU' 4: II. Mah"mlwlIlI, L. 0/10: K. I'an Bruddl'lIhrock: K. /Vl'gOIlI{O,A. MllcDollald, .11. Baker. R. Ill/lidi. S. ,'lIlI Doorn: Jl. Sihow: D. \!IoklIlo: ,'. T.lo/e!..i/l'; A. ,11l/nd!': K. ~1-'ood:K. D%: S. Dahl: . D. \'(11/ Sclw/ £. dO,1 SCII/IO.I: ,If Mpauhrll Standing Row 3: S. MlII/llIdl/, W. Jackwm: A. Thor/mm; D. BW'I/ell, . Brwl/er; /If. Lalldrell: C. O//I'er: I. MOl/lolI: S. lfa!..lIoha: S. Krige: L. Jarlllall: T. ClIOII, C. Simhi/a, /. Ma( AItsIer: D, Krige: .If LlIge/hreclll: A. Co/a: D U.\her: T. TI/ril'lIfe Standing Roll' 1: RI/a/keil: C. Choice: G. Mulder' C. Cooke: II. L(ohhroo!..e: L. Boker: G. .IfuIIock: D. Braltle: C, /11:.\0/11,D. Brell/: K. JO/IIJS/olle: /If. Wade: R Fillch; D. Benu/I: D. Cill.lherg, S. Mac/mlloll T. Fergu.\oll: J. Kalipi
We applaud the cffort~ of everyone 10 Mc aughton Ilou\c who ha, contnbuted in .10)' wa)' to maklOg thb a happ} and !>uccc~sful fir,t }car for the Hou c, Special thanks gOC\ to DwalOe I"anaC<lrrao, our hou e prefect. for his leader~hip, We have had outstandlOg perfonnancc from ~ome of our matncs and other~ 10 each of the four school pillars:
,.\ ,
DE:v1IC: Martin I-i\cher has fil1l\hcd top 10 grade 12 for the lhlrd term running \.\lIh Jn average ol 92°'0: abo In the lOp 3°0 v.orldv"ide in lhe Internutlonal clcnce OlympIad;
., Alcx van Rensburg has moved up twenty-one place lO finish 13th in the grade \\-ith an average of 78° u; J Peler Meyer ha~ fini~hed 201h in Ihe grade wilh an average of 77°0: ., Mltesh Gihwala ha ended up III 31SI place III the grade with a 70% average; , icholas Jarralt has moved up 12 pO~lllOn to fini~h in the top 50 in the grade, LT R L James H ullon-Squire (grade 11) i, lhe gold badge prefect III charge of culture. He is already doing a great job III hi new portfoho and ha wonderful plan for 2004. Wc arc proud lO ha\e hi, Ic<tder~hlp in ,>uch an important pillar of lhe ~chool.
, ynberg Boys' High
chool Maga.ánc
SPORT ..., Mark Coram played fir!>t tcam squash , Justin King played first team hO<.:kcy , ~hle)' Well~ pla)ed first team rugh) ilnd wa\ a~larded Blue~ , Dominie Telo (grade II) continues to achieve on the cricket field. He ha alobeen elected as Gold Badge prefect in charge of port.
managed to do \lell 111 the play~ where the expenence of ngu Inne and Enlene Davis proved vital. Hopefully the ne\\ Hou e y tem gro\\s in :2004 and that Van Riebeeck Hou,e grow~ 0 that \Ie can po ,ibly be eriou challenger. for the top pot.
Wellington House ERVICE cedo ila. our house prefect. I a commended b~ memher, of the public for his unselfi,h a i tance of a per on who had collap cd on his way to hospital. Wc are proud of him. What an excellent example he has set for the rest of our house members.
Van Riebeeck House The vertical s),tem l\oas sloll to e,tabli. h il.elf thi, year. but lam ,ure that by this time next )car. things 11"111 be Ier)' different. Thc matrics in Van Rlehccd hou e did not bUj into the ~~ tem completely. hUIlhis \las not a 'urprise as it \las a new concept to them after having alw<I)<; having been in gradc,. It is diflicult hal ing to take on thi!'>nel~ ~)stem 111 your final )I!ar at school. It will ah\:I)s bl! a significant fact that you lIere the first matrics to Icad the <;chool in the lertical "y'-lem. I hope that you return in )ears to come to ce h011 thc !'>ystcm I. operating. evcrtheless. the m,ltnc!> under shley DO\I n did Ilcll to lead an Riebeeck to third place in the riedlander competition. A numher of the malric<; ,,1,0 pla)-ed a really ~pecial role in being a fricnd and hclper 10 their grade budd). I hope the) ha'vc left a lasting impres Ion on those junlor,1O their tutor group. I ~Iould abo like 10 thank them for Ihe help the)- gale their tutor!'> during the year. an Riebeeck didn't hale many stars or extremely high aehieler,. but neither did wc hale man) troublemakers or bo)'s that did not \I ant to get im oh,cd, \ c therefore <;truggled to achlCI'e in the inter-hou'e competition. although l\oe till managed to ome third becau'l! \l'e had a high lelel of invohement. port'~ Day wa ... an example of thi~. \i c had vcr) fCI\ athletes. yet ~till managed to come fourth. In the ~\\immll1g. gala. \le managed Ihird place for !'Imilar reason.,. Onc l)f the highlights lVa~ the touch rugby. \, e ~\ere badly beaLCn in the fir·t pool game hy I illlel\Ood. but clentuall) ,till got to the fina" and lo~t n:lrrO\lly tll Littlcllood. \! e al ...o Wynberg
Bo) .' High
chool ~lag!l7.ine 2003
The young men of Wellington House are boy of dll'er it)'. The boy hal e omc together 1\ ithll1 the house thi~ year becau e of the ne\l hou~e sy tem. and we will leave the chool u!>a bund of brothers in an endle schain. The boy have achieled mun) thing thi year academically II ith the boys \l'ell on tnlck to reaching their goal and the following hale all aehielcd ggregale-. thi year sO far M COppll1. Pretoruis. Beurger. M arter, P White. R an Breda. Well done and good luck with the re!'>tof the year! On the cultural Ide wc produced an awe!>orne onc-act hou~e pia) II hi h was great fun. We have also hdd man) boy, participating in thc allnual major production. The Involvement in Grca ...e laq year by man) of the boys in the hou~c I'"ill be ,een a, onc their school career highlight,> and \\ ill never be forgotten. Wilh the 'porting talent been divided up quite l\oidel) among t the hou,e I\e ha\\.~ performed well and halc aehie'ved by gellll1g a fCII of our matnculant boy. in various ht teams of the ,chool. ell done! I~t Rugb) bt ater Polo
en ice is a m:tjor pillar at ynberg and \le \Icrc luck) enough to hd\e the old Badge Prefect in charge of ,en Ice in our house ell Pretoruis. II the bo)~ pulled their weight and brought in their ne\ls p"per~. ou go boy! bo \lord., of thank ... to D Kellennan and Dewa r for helping me run the hou. e ,0 moothly the \\ hole year! This year ha been full of man) memorable hou~e elents weh a the. port da)'. Gala. \ uter Polo evening and man) other I'anou encounter with other hou e . Our leam, performed I\ell in truc \Vy nbcrg ...tyle not alw;.I) s winning. but ne\er £1\'lng up and haling fun no maller \ hat they \...erc doing. ext )-ear \I ill 'cc ti change in the leadership of Wellington. 1r Knight hand, mer to Ir opam a Hou,ema~ter and \IC I ok for\lard 61
lO hl~ Ill,ptnllllln ThJnk~ Il) all the.: ~t.tfT \\ho lla\c he.:e.:ll,0 lIl\ohe.:d in the.: da) 10 da) running of lhe.: Tutor Group~ .lIld of lhe.: HOlhe In ge.:nl'fal. \Ir Ba\la \\ho \\e hopc mdke.:, a ,pe.:e.:d) re.:co\cr) from hl' opaalloll MI lIud,on-Be.:nncll, \'1r, Die.:drick, and Mr Galanl h.He helpe.:d e.:rc.:Jle.:a rcla\ed )el purplN~ful ,plril In Wellll1gl0n. omelhlllg 10 build on III ::!004 a~ Dominic lurra) take, o\er a~ Head of the Ilou e.:\\llh Vaughn Era,mu, Jnd Rnh 'm)l) .I, hh Prefcc" FlI1all) il \Iord orlhunk~ to all the matrics that hale made thl' )e.:ar ~o me.:morable for me.:, ma) )OU go out into th.: Big B,ld l\orlJ and re.I'h jour dr.:am.,. hl,t rememhcr once LI \velltllgton r1lJn LtI\\a), a Wdlingtoll man. J 1\/('//
DE WAAL HOUSE lIou,em~hte.:r: \Ir I). RII"ell Tutor, \Ir G. D,l\ie.:, \Ir A. Pe.:h.:r,c.:n \Ir B BOlh" \lr, E. Roodl Ilnu,e.: Pn:fe.:cl· S te\\art 200] \\a~ nnt on I) ,I gre.:at )e.:ar for D.: \\',I,tI 111 tCrtlh ol \\lI1nlllg the.: Hou,c hiellh. hut .11\0 an .:\cell 'nt ,t.lrt tl) the ne.:\1 hou,e ,),tem. notahle f,Ietor hchll1d the.: ,uccc" of thc hou,e.: ha, be.:e.:nthe \1lIllIlgne" of e.:\er) hod) lO g\.!t Ill\ lll\ed. Partlclpatwn h the.: keI to ,ucce" It I' often through In\nhelllcnt tl~,lt ll\.!\\ u1.:nt \.!mergc, and e\penencl.! uniold" I ,Im full) a\ldre thaI thl.!rl.! <If\.!'l) mam bOl' In De \\ aal I Iou,\.! \1ho contnbule In ,n m,ln~ dll:f.:rent \1,1\, to thl.! ,UCCl.!'S of thl' ,chool I hc henefih ol'the nCII I h)lhe :) ,tcm c1ear!\ out\lcll!h the n':I!,lll\e.:,. fhe \eltlcal ,)~tem tUlllr grnup~ all~l\\~ for Interaclion .lcm" the.: Gr..tde.:, .Ind thh l'an on I) bcnc.:!it Indl\ Idual, .md Ihe ,ehooi III lhc lonl! lerm The fir,1 ta,le of~ 'PIrtt and \ lelor) for I)e \\a.11 \I." ..ttlhe Grade II (.Imp \I hac our then Grade II'" featured prominenIl) In Ihe gr0up ..tCIl\llll.!' Thi, sen\e of delerminalion ano \pint \hl' e..trned lHer In Ihe ne\\ ) \Ihen De.: Wa,11 man.lgeo il Ier) elo ...e ,econd place In thc mwrholl,e thlc:lle, and ,I lir't place m the annual "'\\llllmtng gala ucee" III ooth the.:\e C\enh \1.1\ 1,lrgcl) (,reated h) Ihe e\.llnple ol thc m.ltric bod), ,,1\,.1\' In\ol\ed and \\tlltng to ,et the lOne lor other, to follO\I. t\ further 'lIcce" on the 'porlIng front \\<I\ our lir,t rla..:e.: In lh.:
'4ua~h h()u,em.ltehe~ On Ihe cultural 'Ide, \Vc were tre,lIe.:d to the line aCling wlc.:nt. of haun te.:wart anJ ;-"cil Kinkcad \Veek our lead rolc~ In Ihc Inlerhou,l.! Onc ct Pla}~ \\ hl.!rc \\e managed 10 ,Ichle\ e LI ,eeond place. Th' Hmhe ha~ abo managed to feature predomlll,lI1tl) in the academic pillar of the.: ~chool \Iith al Ica,t 'e\en of our malric, bein!! placed in the top thin) In ept.:mber ~ I urthe.:r notabIc II1dl\ idual .!chic\ .:mCnl~ b) our bo)~ lllclude.: the foll()\\ing: .. Pltnholl Reprc,ented \\'P al Golf. aehle.:\ing a fourth place II) Ihe WP J Ulllor hamplon,hlp" R. \\ 11Iem,c and M. Tal0111 Both repre~cllte.:d WP feller than I.tA .11 'qua,h. achil.!\ ing national ...lnkll1g\ ol no. 2 ano no . .5 rC'pl'Cll\el) \'1. Richard, repre.:,ented \\'P nder 19 at ~qu.!~h. J. Roblll,on repre,e.:nted WP undl.!r I. In hoeke) and I\:h ,elected for L'nder 17. . \lol~neu\ represented WP under I. Waterpolo, ,elc..:ted for \ te.lm L. Bail repre\ente.:d WP under ló Badmll1lOn 1(. Topic) rerre.:,enled \\ P at rolkr hode) I am conlïdent that th.: house \\ III go from ,trenglh tl) ,trength umkr Ihe ne\\ Ie.lde.:r,hlp of JoOl) Roolll,on and the pre,ent group ol Grade.: 11\. In e1o,ing. I \Iould like to thank haun :le\\Mt and the IlWlnc bod) I'M Ihe.:lr OUIstandll1g Ie.:.tder,hlp and <l ,mcere \\urd of th"nk, LO thc tutor, \\ ho hale eOl1lribulcd 10 Ihe '111001h runIlIng ()f the huu,.: in ,0 man) \\.I)~. D. RlI\.\dl
Herble Muller 24 Hot...r Ó ,'!I C)I Ser-vce Tel:(0211797-7244 Fax;(021J797-7644 Get 083 658 4499
\\ ~nbcrg Bo),' lIigh .'('hool \lagaLinc
De Villiers House II i~ an honour lO al la\1 hale a hou..,e named In l11elllor~ 01'.1 lll.Jn \1ho phl~ed J \ig.lllficanl roll In Ihe long hl~IOr) of W) nbng Bt)~' High chool. Lord de illler, wa.., a leader of hi~ communn, and from Ihe rank of De illicr~ hou~e \1a'!> cho!>cn Ihe Ilead bo) for :!OOJ. Gregor) Da). and Ihe Head bo) for 200-l Jame Did,ielad ... l nder Ihe able leader~hlp of raig BUIIer and hi, commiltee Ihe men of I)e IIl1er!> hou\e manfull) participatcu in all Ihe Inlerhou.,e Clenl'. \\\' had a \ afleu record III Ihe,e e\ ent\ from la~1 in Ihe Ihlelic 10 !>econu in lhe S\\ Imllling Jala. bUL Ihe ,piril nel cr nagged Jnd "een partlclpallon 11<1,the norm Dc ViiIIer, hou~e ha, an cnthu,ia!>tlc group ~lf bo)!> 111 Ih ran",. There .Ire good Ic<lder~. and \enior ho), IIho hale taken their pa..,toral role ,criou\ly lO Ihe henefil orlheJullIor memher!>. II I' upon ,uch found ..IIHln, Ihat a ,Irong hou,e \\111 he hulll III Ihe fUlure.
~~~lem run h) Ihe bo)-, .tnd facilttLlled b) the ~Iaff place~ re,pon~ibilit) right bad. lO the cI.I'~C' .md prOl idc!> an atmo"phere of accountabiltt) and a reeling of re,pon\lblltt) and helongmg lhal nurture. hou e ~pirit and pnde. goal ~etllng eIening \1<1' attcnded b) almo'>l all the boy, in the hou,e II here 2003 \I a~ e\ ,tluated and plannmg. 1\.1, done for 2()()..t. The bo)~ h,I\C decided on the wa) forward and C\Clllng. time,> hi) ahead. The inaugural annual Rhode hou,e dmBer 1\'111 be held in the Llllh.:wood dmlllg room on the I~t December 2003 and for lhc fiN lime internal hou,e ,I\\ard~ \\111 he made. [ am excited b) the de\elorment~ in Ihe hou,>e and the nc\\ ~pinl (If the boy~ for 2004. 'We lo0" fOf\\ard to \\elcommg lhe neil ho) 10 Rhode, hou,e and tftl',t the) \\111 enjo) lhe time the) ~pcnd al \\)nherg. D ,\1 Sd/elll" II 011.\1'111£1.\ I ('f
Rhodes House I hlU\ema\ler Tutor, II0lhe
Ochend p ,11/,I\elo\. \V Creed. G PlhthuIllU'. K Pretoriu!> G Lu"\C\\ IC7
2()(lJ "1\1 Ihc InlroducllOn of the ne\l lenlcal hou!>e ,)"tt:lll II nh J nCII hou,e\ hemg. added. Ilome cla"c, nO\l ha I e bo) ~ frtlm e\ cr)' grade .Im.! each tutor n:mJII1\ \\Ilh Ihe \ame cl.l..,\ all the \la) Ihrough I\ith onl) the 'v1Jtnc\ leill ing .lIld the Grade X\ JOllling.. -I hl\ allO\\\ the tutor, to gt:t to "noli the ho)\ o\er J 5 )cJr penod ..tllowmg for more III ca n I!1gfllI reporting and con\1 rlleti\ e intervention II here nece,..,ar) The hou.,e, \Icrc Inlllall) named afler the hOll!>ema,ler and \0 for 'IX monlh, Ihe red hothe 11 ..1 "nuIIn a, ehenc" hou e \Ihlle negoti,ttion, \Icrc enlered Into regJrdmg lhe namlllg proce". decl~ion lIa\ finalI) m.Jde to ret.un the old 5 n,lme, and .ldd J neil onc, meaning that lhe red hllu~e returned lO heing called Rhode, Ilou~e. \\'llh a neil Idenlll) Il wa\ mm decided to embJr" on il nCII hou,e ,lruelure and a neil program or leader hip through <I hOll~e commlttce clecled h~ lhe ho~ ~ Thh ') ~tem .tllow~ for repre~entallon dOI\n I~) grade IClel ,lnd gl\lng gn:.Il.:r ~cnpe for ho) ~ In cnter Into pO~lllOn~ of re,pnn,iblltl) .
\\ ~nbcrg Bo) " High .. hool ;\lagaLÏn(' 2003
LEARNERS' CONTRIBUTIONS A Day in the Life of a Wynberg Man: The Grade Nine Perspective For me the school day begins at 7:20 with LI rigorou and rehearsal. The orche tral ound are alway able to banish any lingering tiredness one might have. Thi beginning i followed by a short session to complete any undone homework. a period referred to more commonIya' Tutor Groups. which is substituted every Tue day by the con iderably longer and les enjoyed test period. Period one hail the tart of lhe academic day and brings forth a nurry of blue blazers, white shirt~. grey trousers and animated challer. ~ hich break for the peaceful silence of the B. and D corridor. The excit..:ment is short-lived and it' only a hart time before pupiL arc een tiling into das cs under the ha\ k-like eye of lhe teachers. Les ons arc known for boredom in mo·t places. but as always. there arc exceptions 10 the rule. For ome fortunate few classe do not entail work. instead lhere are life, kill diseu.ion in frikaan., computer periods in ccounting. General Knowledge contests in Math and failed experiments in Science. The tlrst part orlhe day i the longest and after their two hour, boy are given leave of the heulding and enjoy li brief lime of freedom. food and renewed lalking (none of which is ever performed during les, ons). a time of afely from lhe taff and perhaps mo t importantly. a time of fellow hip, and important word al Wynberg oflen heard ucceeding it' to companion. Pride and Honour. lthough probably lhe mo t cnjoyed period of the day, break hold true to the -aying' Il good things mu t come to an cnd' and cia ed oon erase the happine of break. Fortunately for the learners. lhe eeond part of Ihe chool day is horter than the tlr.l. if only by onc period. De pite this. il still requirc the same liresome concentration and the ame battle again t succumbing 10 the more enjoyable, small-minded, illegal aspect. of elas (throwing paper for example). lill, nOL -0 good Ihing come to an cnd too and thi~ i~ enough to su lain most Wynberg men. There is alway till one Ihing Ihat slands in 64
lhe way of learner and another bout of freedom: assembly. This practice usually begin with the difficult procedure of lining up (something done more that once al time ). It i followed by an assortment of results (both good and bad). congratulation' for aehie ers and a motivational speech for all. The a emble hall i also vi 'iled by variou pecial guesls and old boys. encouraging top performance and continued enlhusiasm. A scmblies alway tlnish oon enough and all pupils pour out of Ihe hall lO the muchanlicipated .econd break, Line arc formed wilhoUl reque lout ide the luck hop, balls arc produced in playing areas and occasionally. lo lhe joy of the school. junior arc targeled b the s":<I,oned water bombers of Wynberg. Once again the bell brings an end to alllhe fun and the final stretch of lhe day begin .. This is lhe same length a the eeond but wilh the end of ehool fa I approaching, boys are keen for them 10 be tinished. In Ihis circumstance lhe sa ing 'Time nic. whcn you're ha ing fun' is reversed and every minute of lhe e tinal two period 'eem 10 be twice il long. Finally. tlve hour later and lo lhe joy of tudenls and teachers alike. the tinal bell rings. bringing about the end of the academic day. Although work is tini 'hed for the day, this doe nOL mean thai chool is over. For lhe neSI lwo hour, pupils become sport men and participate in extra-mural aCli itie and port. Fields become tilled with eager rugby and hockey player, the sleeping 'qu<l h courts awaken wilh the school. player and the ounds of drums can be heard from Ihe practice of the Sleel Band. AI the cnd of the tiring day, e eryone i finally permilted to depart and travel back 10 the places of dwelling. The day of a Wynberg man i long and draining bUL in my opinion. with all Ihe opportunitic. and encouragement that i gi ell. it is worth it. M ic//{/el Klein Grade 9A - Van Rieheeck
Boys' High School Magaz.ine 2003
My Life as a Wynberg Boys' High School Student rm walking down the C-no, B cOrridor to my a~signed te~t e1as room. The da) being Tue~day. \\e have a lest and from all the ~tudy warning from our Science teacher I think it' a cicnee les!. I feel that my one out of thc two hour!:> of ~!Ud) time we got last night at PREP has prepared ITIl: quite well. My bag eem. to become heavier each duy and that ha eau cd me to have a pain in my right ~houlder hlade \\hcnever I pick up m)' bag. (It mighl also be due 10 Ihe fa t thaI I carry my hag on only onc !:>houlder). My right hand i occupied keeping my bag steady, hut my left hand i~ nm\ urging me to ~Iip it inlo my a po ket 0 I keep il husy by fiddling wilh m) blaier pocket no. no blaLer bUItons in tead. "Good morning. ige!." I turted in a British accentlhat i~n'l m, m\ n ... \\ hat help can)e gi\e loda) T "M) name isnt igel." answered Jame~. .. n)\\a)' )OU came forth in the grade. you ~hould be helping me. Bc quie!. Ihe leacher'~ coming." It \\a n't a leacher il wa. a lOoge. Only fiH: minute~ later the) 're gelling beller. lie ga\e u~ another len minutes of free time before the te~t which i quile supri~ing considermg how lale he \\ias. I decided to read my book in~lead of "ud) mg rememberrng being lold thaI la!:>t-minute \Iud)mg wa~ bad for :rou (It'!> a good Ihing Jame\ dldn't tell me an)lhmg.l It \\as a good booL I should h:l\(: studied more. "He) Oarr n!" "Ve Bda~." "I like the re~peclthing. Vou kno\\ Ihe part on sorl \\ell. ho\\ man) mMks was IhatT "Elghl marb." He 'aid \\ ilh a milt: on hl~ fa e. "Oh !:>h_fffu_ral!!" I \\ill top s\\earrng onc day. The re lof Ihe chool day wa prelly the same \\ork. t break I \\entto the library and enl an e-mail to a fnend at W H off onc of the re earch computers. The!:> ience lab till smell of rOllen eggs (probabi) . ulphur H)'drogen Oxide' or i it 'Hydrogen ulphale'?) The OT lisl ha le t m) name off it again lu kily and I'm nOl pregnant nothmg' h.lnged ( o. I did nOl lake from :r girls' chool :,Iudent and ye . I do know Ihat guys don'l gel pregnanl rm nOl planning to be thc fir~t one eilher I 0, I didn't ha\e cx!)
w~nberg Boys'
hool .\1agaLÏne2003
ftcr ~chool i \\ hen 111) life differs from olher . I go hack to ho. tcl for aboutfiH~ minute, gCI changed and head do\\n to the rt Room. I Ihe moment I am painting a giant piclure of a dragon. Other days rm eilher doing drama, homework, reading, leeping, port. walching TVor leepmg on the gras!> in the un VIhich, b) the \1 ay, i complelely dilTerenl to ju I sleepmg. The re. t of my da) i filled with hO:.tcl tuIT: ho\\er, cat. study, prep. ThaI wa!> one day m my life as a \ ynbcrg Bo ~' High chool student.
The Day at Wynberg Boys' High School The cnd of school bell tung hi ear. as he walked up the .tairs towaro 035. He lurned around a he reached the lOp and yelled 10 Paul Ol er the end of ~chool racket. .. \ here to you thing Tim \\ill heT "He !.aid he'd meet us there," an'wered Paul. They had been planning thi!:>for a few days now and had decided 10 wait for Friday. when everybody would hu\e left. Tim meI them thirty minuIe later. "Where hale you beenT Inquired Brad. "Blignaut kcpl me in," replied Tim "hc's lIch an eXlreme "Whal arc you Ihree still doing here?" came the voice of Mr. Moser from om"n the corridor. "Ju~t going to Ihe loilet," replied Paul mooIhl) . Mr. Moser. after reque ting thaI they get on \Iith it. Irode off bn kl) back toward the corridor. "Let'., go now, uggc'ted Tim. who had in tigated the enlire thing. With thaI the Ihree boy~ dnfled mto Ihe bright. breezy confines of 035. Tim Cl aboul galhering Ihe lables, stacking onc on lOp of the other three. to form a crude ort of py ramid. nghl underneath the square trapdoor. .. Right, \1 ho' first?" fter a brief. contempIall\c momenl Brad declared boidi), ''('11 go." limbing the pyramid wa nOL a difficult ta. k and Brad reached the top in hore order. Pausing briefly, he heaved against Ihe Irapdoor and in erted his head into the gaping hole abme him. Instantly he wa as ailed from all ide by a hot. damp mu k) smell. overpowering he ense~. fter taking about:W econd to adju t Brad e\lcnded a hand 10 help the other through. They peered around into the dark hlankel Ihal en eloped them, eye trying to
penetrate the malicious bla<.:k ·oup. Slowly they llImbled forward, trying to keep to the rafters. A rat cram bled 0 er Paul's foot, causing him to tine a houl. The sound only erved LO highlight the deathlike tillne s that urrounded them: it \ as like an invader to the gaping maw of pitch darkness. Suddenly Tim's foot mi sed the next rafter and he sllImbled into Paul. Pail. balance never being one of his trong point. instinctively put hi right foot forward LO prevent him falling over. Brad fell the weight of Paul lam into him as Paul' foot cannoned through the ceiling. Bad. falling forward, dashed hi- head again.t a crossbeam and lumped LO the ground. Brad lay in a tate of COli-con eiou ness, he wa dizzy and earching for a way LO stand when a wave of nau ea engulfed him. Hi mind swirled. colour danced before his eye, then he was falling, falling into an endle s abys of nothingne . The land wa grey and lifeles around him. The tree were dead tick in the earth. There wa no un. jusI a grey ambient light that seemed to come from nowhere, LOO bright and too dark at the .am time. A figure walked down the dull grey palh, glancing left and right at the red thing lit eyes that eem 10 follow his every move. A colo al bear inter epted the figure path, only il wa n't a bear or not a common a men know il. The bear had no fur. bul a grey scaly ma~s covered it from head to toe, it tceth has become foot-long fang and it claw' fear ome talons. The figure dropped into a fighting tance, clearing his mind as the demon approached him. Only hi mind kept clouding. Hi vi ion blurring. Hc attempted to concentrate on the ource of hi di traction, catching a brief whisper of hi~ name before it melted away inLO the dullne around him. The demon lunged forward with il right taloned arm, the figure wayed in ide it and wa' lifted from hi feel a Ihe left talom plunged through hi che t. burning pain engulfed him and with it came Ihe return of the voice. Stronger thi time the voiced ro e to hout and a hi lifeblood nowed out of him he surrendcred to the voice of salvation. "Bradley, Bradley!" yelled Tim and Paul together. Hi eye lid open. The darkne wamped him, but the mere pre ence of hi friend a 'ured him that he was no longer ballling the hell bca l." re you alright?" asked Tim, "we thought we'd lo t you for a minute Ihere."
.. 0, no, I'm OK:' replied Brad, "Ju t a real bad dream." "Let' get down from up here:' suggested Paul. ''I've seen enough for today." Quickly the Ihree friends deeended back into the familiar surroundings of D35 and rearranged the lables and chairs. It wa then that Brad noticed somelhing amiss. the room \ a dark. Too dark. Even for late afternoon thi was too dark. '·Paul. ho\ long were we up there?" "Maybe five minute ." answered Paul. 'Then why is it 0 dark?" enquired Brad. The premature darknes un ettled them. .. Let' go home." Brad voiced the general concensu of Ihe group. 'Tm with you:' aid Tim whil t looking out the window. "Where is the unT' "Tim, that's actually not funny right now," re ponded Brad. recalling the lack thereof in his dream. Peering out the window he confirmed Tim' observation. A cold chill settled in the pit of his tomach. "Let'· get out of here SA P. thi is freaking me out." They trooped for the door. Brad leading followed by Tim and Paul bringing up the rear. As Brad exited the door a shadow appeared by the door leading outside and before it all light ned in terror. "Time to run, I think," whi pered Brad lo Tim in terror and awe. Only Tim \ a n't there, nor wa Paul. A noi e ounded to the left and Brad's right hand shot out in re pon e. triking the light switch. The wall on hi left was shifting and blood covered! The red ticky liquid dropping onto a blue blazer on the noor. Fearing the wor t Brad natched up the blazer and looked in ideo TIM MIL ER. "Funny isn't iL thi darkne s. the blood, the IruSI." came the familiar voice belonging to a malevolent shadow. Brad pun to see the evil hadow. its tendril prcading oul to con ume the trapped brightne created by the light. Through the mix of terror and abjecI horror. brad managed one word, hP-Paul," he tammered. "Welcome to my world of eternal pain. mortal," cried the cold, deathlike voice of the oul collector K ul'thazad. lts chest opened and where entrail should have been. black nake bur t forth and ripped into brad, deeimaling hi corpse and dragging a shimmering golden repli a of a man from hi carca S. The la ugh of K ul'thazad echoed around hell a he drank Brad's oul.
Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
55 Word Essay I \\as \0 cxcitcd about ani\ ing at my nc\\ chool (Wynberg) until \omconc thrcv\ a packet full of watcr out of the \\lIldow. The packct landed right next to me and pra)ed water all over my pant and ock~. For thc re~t of the day I wa not \0 happ)' becau~e I \HI oaking wct.
I Love My School I lo\(: I lo\'e I love I 10\ e
mj chool I hale it more and more my teachcr~. lhey their bo~ and all
lhc pay! each day arc the best! lhe re,t
I 100e my cla"room and their location~ I hale to ha\e to go on \'acation I lo\e the furniture drab and gre) and The pile of e:o.al11' that \\e get each Tue:da) I think m)' ~chool is r 'all) ~\lell, There'~ nothing cl~e I lo\'e so \Veil. I lo\e LO work among m} peer,. I love their Iccr~ jeer~ and sneer. lime my compuler and it' software: I hug It orten though it doe n't care. I lo\e each programme and every file. I'd lo\e lhem more if the) \\orked once in a while. I'm happy to bc here. I am. I am. I'm the happie ...t ~la\'e of the chool. I am. I 10\ C thi~ work. I 10\ e these chore ... I love the les~ons \\ith deadly bore I 10\ c I love my ,chooi I'll ..ay lt agam I e\ en lo\e lhose friendly men. Tho:"e friendl) mcn \\'ho'\e come toda). In clean white coat~ to takc mc away!!!!
Garth RIIOt!a
Yellow Brick Road M) "'LOrybegln~ 111 the 'olden da) ...· \\ hen magic and ,corcer) roamed the land and the IJnd It\Clf \\a ... ripe In battle. In a ,mall \llIage III the farm land. Li\ed a la\e bo). named Tod. Tod worked for hi~ e\ 1II11.1 .. tcr~ Onc I1Ight a knight came to the \ illage. The knight asked for .1 place lo sta) and a good meal. I k lied hi hor,e in the table. Tod. no\\ \\ ith no\\ here to ,leep. a the knighl had taken hh bed, \lent to the ~table,. Ilc started to cr)', ,a)ing. "Ifonl) I could run a\la), ironi)" I could ,top \\orking." uddenly Tod heard a \ uice. He Jumped to hi, feet. on guard he ,houled mto the blackncs\ of lhe I1Ight. "\\'ho,e there'?" The \oiee an,\vered. \\') nberg Bo) • lIigh :chool
:\ la~aLinc 2003
.. VIe." Tod looked round there. he ~,I\\ the hor\c lalk. oon Tod and the horse. Kurt. ~tarted to talk ofe~cape and the land \~ith the )'ellm\ Brick Road and Ihc happinc~<; lhere. The) e caped and wcnl orth. to lhe Yello\\ Brick Road. Ten da)~ later: Thc) were no\\' almo ..t lhere and had plent) of rood and walcr. The)' \\ere on the ridge or il valley. suddenl)' an arro\\ ne" from one side or the \alle) and hit a ~oldier on Ihe othcr "de. Don there \\'a~ a raging ball le. Tod and K urt slayed 10\\. fter il quick battle onc arm)" \\a" in relreat and lhe other ~ecuring the area. but that L \\ hen il happened. half LI dOlen archer~ ~urrounded lhem. They were no\\' pri om:r . Tod had rI ked everything for rreedom. lie said. to Kurt. ti he ~topped \\ hik they 1\ ere \\'alkll1g, 'Therc's onc at ~ix o'clock kick him hard." Kun did exactl) Ihat. In a blink of an e)e Tod had jumped onto Kurt' back. and thc) rode hard. Kun ba ..hed the front archer do\\n while the olher archer plucked their bo\\'!. but il wa" too late. The) ,vcre gone. fe\\' day. later; rhey arri\ed at the Yello\l Sri kRoad. Thc) followed it. Tod \\a. Ihe fir t to spot the brighl light. thc) \\alked through it and became free and happy.
One road leads to London, Onc road lead" to Wale", M~ road leads me sea\\'ard To the \\hite dippll1g ,ab.
Lead me. lure mc, call. me To the 'lilt green to~sing sea; road withoul earth', road-dust Is the right rO.ld for me. \\'cl road ~hll1ing. VI ild \\ nh eagulb' cric. A mad alt sea 1\ ind blowmg The ,alt 'pray in my eye. A nd
M) road call me. lure~ me \ e"t. Ea,t. • outh and onh: Mo t roads lead men homeward. My road lead~ me rorth. To add miles to the tall)' Of gre} miles left behind, In que t or that one beauty God put me here lO lind. T\hoOflllra
EIIJ..(Ira 8 E
Athletics Teacher in Charge: rylr I). C. Fallld., Co ache,>: :'\le ~e~ D. Allen. L. Kruger, B. Sopam, P. Kriel. P. Fi kc \Iadam., C. Ilodgkin~on, E. Roodt Oncc again thc ,c".,on ,t;lrtcd wilh the Gr,ldc X II1tcrho~I~t! athlctic\ in the fir~t \\ed or ,chooI. Thi" ll1e..:l1ng \\a, not éh ~lIcce."I\t1 "., it ,hOllid havc ocen ,,~ many ho}., did not pMllcipat..: and m,lde the job or choo,ing Cl team for interhou c quitt: hard for thc hous..:ma,t..:r'. PORT. DAY Intcrhousc athletic, day prmed to be much more competiti\(~ than in the la,l fe\\ vear.,. Thi, \\a~ by en-large attnbuted tc) thc nc\~ hOll',C .,~,tem (\crtlcal) and ha\ing hou~e, in.,tcad ,)f 5. WlIh thc hou'e., all aboul eqllalll1 numher of ho), the duor \las opcned I'M a Llllle\\ol)d victor) but not until a rc-run of thc final race and a checking th..: pOll1t, at le:1'>1:I times Pri/c-gi\ ing lOOt..
place \\ell after the ~lIn had ~et and the da) \la, enjoyed b) all. C(\ngratulation~ lO tho~c athlcte~ \\ ho prepared wcll . BrO\\ n. . Terry. D. tanton. . DO\ln. K. a~h. A. Grant-Smith and L. Johlhon. Jocl Kaltpl and Konja 1 egongo were the big ,tar~ in the Littlc\\ootl \ictor). Thi., 'pon., dav can bc considercd a ,ucec~, under the banne~' of the neil '\cnical' hou,e ,,)',tcm. A~ the tir,t full school runction of thl: year the Wynberg ,pint came ,hinlllng lhrough anti \la appn:ciated b) all. M) thanks must go to all the parenh \\ ho a,.,i.,u:d. in particular M r~ Cronje. Mr and Mr, Terrey. Mr and MI'S Bro\\n. Mr and Mr ...Magl:e and all the others \\ho I ha\'e not mcntioncd. In local competitiom W) nberg aga1l1 did \ er) \\ell. Being promoted to the ~ection of the ~outhern lone WBII and WGII \\ere placed third bchind teenberg and outh rcnin~ula. thc former bClllg the lOp r~ll1t..ed A ~chool for athlellc, In th\.: pcmn\ula. Wc hope lO have a gn.:atcr numbl:r or glrl~ to help our cau,e ncxt
Bo~s' High School ~13g3óne
thleties Quadrangular StalIdilI!: Rolt' 4: ,1/. Der//e. R. /Ire/dl: R. Ta/olli: A. DOIrn: .1/. lI'ade. C BIll/er: G. LI/kasielllc: S,allllilll: Roll' J: R. D';I[(lIia,.: M. !Ilo/all: R. Nw/r: T. Fergllloll: D. OostPl'\rr/..: D. IWIIOII: J. /\illll£'ar: J. /\a/ipi: D. Farrio- Carf(lo: /\. Hal/pI: ,\I. Mackaiser Stall dill!: Rall' 1: E. RaYllllilld: .1/. l'llll cl/CI// T. S/ril'lIle: .1/. Mp/Ill/wa: D. ,1/1'/..1/10, I'. I/allelll. D. Grey. 1/. Car.l/ake: C. SU)/I: K. ,\egollgo: P. HalIfIl: R. 111.1'1.1': •. Meyer: D. Aall/llli:C'1I Sttlfl(lillg Roll' I: M. Ta/olli: A. Go/a: II. Ahe/.I: I~.dO.1Sallllls: R. tIIagee'. : T. Slrollg(/l/(/ V. TlOle/..ile, II'. B,.OIrnillg: A. Ditkie-('Iarke: S. A/ak/wha: R. de ih'a: W. \'1111 TOllder: ,\I. L)'lIc/r: D. Malfield, J. Prelorius III Fro"t: C.BrOlrn: .I/r P. Kriel: L.JO/rIl.IIII1: M~. C'.//odgkillsoll: A. Gralll- milll (WP): Mr D. Fau/t!.1 (mic) R. \'(/11 de,. JIIe.lllllli:C'II*: ~1r K. Ric/tart/SOli: I\. l\'{/.\/r (WP): Mr L /\mger: R. L(IIl'wlI: Mr D.A/lclI: _ .Rol/se: I'. TerreI': /).Murray: R./\,.iedcl//allll
Through the process over 20 athlete qualified for Ihe WP- hampion hip and 2 qualilied for the WP tcam. Wcll done to ndrew Grant- mith and Kyle a~h for this achievement. TRI I GLLAR - Q AOR ~GlJLAR Thi~ year ~aw thc welcome addition of Boland gricullural ehool to thc Triangular. It. ho\\e\ er. did not impro"e th\.: fate of WBH . lt \Vn,> once again diflicult to pUI Ihe best pO~'iblc team together and it \\a~ 1I0t always ea~y to allractthe be~t athlcte~ form ~printing 10 athktic practice~ which lIas not their first hoice ~pOrl Ithough Boland only ha~ 380 boy~ ill their Wynberg
Boys' High
chool \.1agazine 2003
ehool they \~ere a \ery \\cll pn:pared team and in the ne\\ format of the meeting v BH cnded up 4th. The brightest part of Ihe day wa' raig Bn)\\ n br\.:aking both records in the 15 OOm and the I 1500111. or the mnn)' meeting attended in Ihe fourth term, the Paul Roo Matie Dream Mile meelIng, Hugenote and the Philip ('rou Top 10 tand out as the mo t memorable. We managed a credible ~econd place in the team competition \"hieh \\'a~ .:alculateJ on AB pom!.. and \\ ithout girl~ once again! Please sce lhe chic\ er Dinner ~cetion for the individual achle\'ement of the athletes.
Badll/inro/l 1st amI ],ul (/11Idillg Roll' 2: ,\. AI/ell
SUlIIding Row I: A. IIII/e.\: R. de F/orel1m: Seated: ,1/1' C. /)ories: 1/1' ":. Ri('/wrc/wlI:./.
.1/. Filc!tN: ''incent
K. ,Villlll/O: G.CillI/pbel/: R.Hall.\.I'ell JIll' B. Creellll'ood: AIrs J. Cno(hl'in
Badminton SA top schools tournament Wynherg Boy~' Illgh School repre~ented Wc~tern Pro~ince at the A top school, Badminton tournament in Gauteng on the weekend of the ISl to :lrd UQUSt. WC tra"elled 10 Benoni in Cl hired Toyota -Condor. driven by t\\ 0 teacher. Barry Greenwood and Gareth Da\ ie~. fter:l warm-up al the court~ on the Frida) evening. \\e lept at the Formula Onc Hotel. The matches began at 0 :OOh on the Saturda)'. in a rather cramped Comet Hall in Benoni. In lhc ,ection of round-robin game. Wynberg: beat Prctoria . orth ( onhcrn Gauteng) 4-1 heat BO(l,wana Commercial ( tellaland) 6-0 beal Renoni Iligh ( 'a~tern Gauteng) 6-0 to win the ~ection.
In the semi-final.. Wynberg beat Bracken High (the top outhern Gauteng chool) 5-1 10 proceed to the final. The final wa \\on on a \\'alkO\er. <I. the other combined learn was not eligible to \\in the trophy. Julian Vincent lcd the team and was onl)' bealen once in ingles al number 1 and once in double. Keith immo \\as unbeaten al number 2 in hi~ single .. Rodney Han. en wa. unbealen at number :I anu was unbltllen in the double. \\ ilh Angu Innes \\ho wa~ only beaten once at number 4. in hi~ ~inglc·. They played 14 maH:he . \\'on 11 and brought the troph) back lo Wynberg for a fourth year out of four attempt~.· -
W)nbcrg Bo)s' High
chool Magazine 2003
Cricket Overview 2003 Cricket i~ a game which ~hould not b..::m..::a~ured h) r..:: ult~ alone. but aho by the \\'a) the game I" pl,l)ed 1he cricJ..ct ctho .. at Wynb..::rg i~ certélll1ly to pla) po~iti\e Cndet at alltll11es and to fmter an en\'ironm..::nt \\ here boys can cnjoy themsehe~ and learn continuaii) . Thl~ was ccrtainly .Ichic\cd in 2003 \\ith both the ht XI and the 15 .~ haVing a fanta,uc year rc~ult \\1 e. with a high ratio of win~ the fc\\' Imse~ \\CfC generally suffered a~ a re uit or going all out for a \\in. rather than optll1g to ~etllc for the dn\\\. If onc loob purely at thc u 14 result,. one mely say they had a di,appoinling ..::a~on. bUL thiS i., 1I0t truc. Thc) ha\c developcd trcmcndousl) O'cr the ycar and the IIUCIeU~ of a strong bt , I in a fc\\ years time i" undoubtedl) then.:. Wc ficldlxl lightl) fe\\cr teams thi:. year wllh (1 ;.. 19. 4 \ lJI5 and 4 x 14 tcams it I~ bccoming increasingly difficult to lind staIT to ,pend th..:: many hour~ r..::quired to effecti\el) coach il cridet team lo tho,e staff m..::mber~ who so so.:lllessl) g,\\e up their ume thi' year. a huge Til K YO ,Wc arc ~tilll11ore forlLlI1ate than mol,[ school, \\Ith the ealthre our cricket coaches, at Wynherg could not function \\ith nut th..:: help of lhe follO\\ ing. so plcase accept our sincerest gratitude and thanb, .., All player~, .., II parent!> for their uppon. help in the lUCJ.. :.hops, lunches and tea,. fetching and carrying and the occa~ional shoulder to cry on .., All oachcs, ., Chris Hak) and hl, ground staIT, .., 'ue Crone and her backfl)om ladie~, .., U A WP Youth Crick..::t for their 'upport and assistance \\ Ith coaching, .., 1T. for their sponsor"hip the) pro\ided a coach on t\\O aftcrnoons a \\eek. some and li pitch cm cr for lhe 0\ al. .., All umpire, espeCially Garth Rc)pert and Craig Green,
Courtnc) eha,c Richard Lc\ I Malll'li . Iboto Mathc\\ Fcnton
\ Pul7
\ Pul ..
\\ard~ 111.ldc ,It thc chle\cr", Dll1ner arc dl.)CUmenled under ummer chicver\, DlI1ner cl c\\ here in the maga7111e \I1y last dut) i~ to ~a) ,I ~,Id farewell to John Knight \\ ho h.I\ taken up a pO~l at Bish()p~, John ha .. been a trcmendously .,uccc~sful coach of the u 15 ,ide: LI \ ay tactful and diplomatic Maqcrin-Charge or cricket and a friend - \\e \\ ill mis., him greatl) and we wish him e\'cr~thlllg of thc be~t III hiS futurc, Ma) this great game continue to flourish and dc\elop 111 the beautiful ~urrounding" of W~nberg Bo)!> High School. )'(wn //I ( r/('kl'l PCII'/" I\/I011/C.\
for Life Rondebosch{Morning Exercise Se.sions
: Man,
aam to 9am at Rondebosch
Boys High School
rok>ng ColI,.. ot y_1t Como ,.. UI the _"'
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rhe follo\\ II1g bo}~ ha\e been selected to vanous WP repre~entati\'c I cam~: Domil1lc Tele WPul9A (\- apt.) \ Pul9B Phtlltp II:tupt Karl-Hcinz Ehrcnreich 10hammed AI!tc WP Count) Distnct\ il\\e 'vlaJ..hoba
W) nberg Bo)~' II igh • chool ~ lagalinc
1st Team Cricket Report 2003 Coach: Mr. E.Lef on Captain: Dominic Telo The 2003 sca 'on wa' clllothcr 'cason that \: ill be remembered fondly. The boys always played the game in the right spirit remembering that the game must bc re.pected at alltimc . Theyalway played it positively and this gave u some thrilling wins li well as some heartbreaking lo c. A t lea I the cricket was nevcr dull-cricket i a game of how many wins not how few lo' es. The lrength of the ide wa. the batting .We \ ere fortunale to have two of the be I school boy bats in the country in Telo and Levi. They have the ability 10 de troy any attack. Thcy were well backed up by Stanton, HaupL Halkett and Chase. These players gave u thc ability to chase any core or post onc in quick lime. Our major problem wa our bowling and fielding. We were never able to apply pres 'ure for long period and on the occa ions wc put lhe ball in the right area we dropped crucial catche .. Our performance in the field was what. lood between thi team being a very good side and being a great ideo The highlight \ ere many but the biggest and probably onc of the be t run cha cs ever een al chool level was lhe second gélme again·t Bi 'hop. Thi wa lhe third great game in a row again t them and for once wc came out on lOp. F~w who were there will evcr forget the 3rd wicket partnership of 240 between Telo and Haupt. nOlher highlight was revenge again I a \'ery good Paarl Gym team. We also managed to break our hoodoo against King wood. The only game in \\ hich we were well beaten wa the fir t game againsl Gym-of the olher lo se 2 CaJTIC off lhe 2nd la t bail ( ac & Bi hop) and the Grey game in the la t couple of over. In elo 'ing I would like to thank the parent for their po~itive upporl-e pecially Mr'. Telo for her many hours of time he give up for cricket. Mr.Knowie for hi help and guidance. Finally the player. who alway. ga e of their be t. Mo~t of them are back next year 0 the challenge i to build on this year. Good luck.
1st Team Results-2003 Game I vs Mill1ield (50 overs) WBHS 321 (Telo 100*.stanton Millfield 131 (Cha e 417) WBHS won by 190 runs
Game 2 l'S Cbarterbouse (2 day) Charterhou e 125&159 (Allie 5 10) WBHS 2 816 dec (Stanton 121 *) WBHS won by 190 an inning and 4 run Game 3 vs Bcrgvliet (2 day) Bergvliet 195&185 (Stanton 4{14) WBHS :?24&157/3 (Manelli 69.Levi 59*.HaupI52) WBH won by 7 wicket Game 4 vs Graeme WBHS 215 dec (Dudu Graemc 137/6 Draw
4 .Stanton
Game 5 v. King wood King wood 125 (Main 4/15 Karaar WBH 1267 (Telo 29.Allie 25*) WBH won by 3 wickels
3 23)
Game 6 vs EP Development(40 ol'ers) WBH 2555 (Le i 75*.Telo 60.Haupt 55) EP Dev 120 (Ehrenreich 4 37.Kafaar 3 16) WBH won by 135 runs Game 7 vs Rathkeale WBHS 2 77 dcc (Telo 100.Huupt 5 .Levi 49*) Ralhkeale 77 (Allie 3 16.Ehrenrcich V20) WBHS won by 180 run Game 8 l'S Paarl Gym WBHS 199-9 dcc (Telo 10.Levi Gym 200-3 WBHS lost by 7 wickel!> Game 9 l'S Paul Roo Paul Roo. 186 (Kafaar WBH 150-6
3 16.Ehrenreich
3 22)
Ont\: Game 10 vs Pinelands Pincland. 9_ WRHS 93-6 WBHS won by 4 wicket
Bo~'s' High School Magazine
Game II \ ca Point \ BH 325-2 (Telo 150*.Levi ca Point 35 (Kafaar 5 11) WBH won 290 runs Game 12 vs Weslerford Wcsterford 129 WBIIS 130-1(Haupt 52*.Oudu WBHS WOIl by 9 wicket Game Green WBH WBHS
13 v Green Howard Howard 94 (Halkett 9--0 (Tel0 51*) won by 10 wicket
Game 22 vs Bergvliet (50 overs) Berg liet 151 (LoIIer 3 20) WBHS 152 3 (Haupt 5*) WBH won b 7 wickets
Game 23 v Pineland Pineland 13 - (HaikelI 4 9) WBHS 13616 WBH won by 4 wicket
5 *)
Game 24 \'5 Paul Roo WUH _17 ( ha.e 77 Mekuto Paul Roos 137 WBH won by 0 run
3 26)
Game 14 v Rhodes (35 o\'cr ) Rhodes 104 WBHS 10- 3 WBHS won by 7 wicket
Game 25 vs nion WBH 2177 dec (Levi 122) nion I 5 5 Draw
Game 15 vs Paarl Boy WBH 143 (Levi 73) Paarl 135 (Halkett 3 33) WBH won by 8 run
Game 26 \'5 Grey Grey 197 ( Hic 3 44 Loter 3 49) WBH .118 ( tanton 55*) Lost by 79 runs
Game 16 v Fi h Hoek (35 over) 1446 ( tanton 4 ) FH 50 (Oosterwyk 3 13) WBII won by 94 run
Game 27 ~ Kirnberly Boy High Kimbcrly 142 (Kafaar 3 34 Main2 4) WBH 143 - (Levi 51*) WBII won by wickets
Gamc 17 \' Rondebo ch Rondebosch 224 7 WBH 21_ 7 (Oudu 57) Omw
Game 28 \'5 WBH 195 Paarl Gym WBHS won
Game 18 \S tellenberg (20 o\ers) \ BH 134 6 (Tel0 4 ) Slellenberg 62 (00 ten yk ~ \ BH won by 72 run
Game 29 I'S Milnerton (50 o\'er ) M ilncrton 103 (LoIIer 6 I ) BHS 1043 WBH won by 7 wi ket
Game 19 v Edgemead dg 'mead 13 I 8 WilliS 123 WBH lo t by 8 run,
Game 30 \' Rondebo ch (5001ers) RBH 191 WBII
\I Bil
(35 o\'ers)
Paarl Gym (50 O\'Cr ) 6 (Telo 97) I 3 by 12 runs
Game 20 v Bi hop Bishop 2 74 WBH 227 (IIaikelI 6 .Tclo 44. (Unton 42) WBH lost by 60 runs
Game 31 vs Bi hop Bishop 2 6 6 dec WBH 2 73(Telo 1:2. Haupt WBH ' ...on by 7 wicket
Game 21 \' Old Boys Old Bo}s 1697 WBH 1709 (H:JlIpt 66) WBH won by I \\ieket
.ame 32 \' A WBII _34 7dec(Halt...ett
Bo)'s' High
ehool Magaline
77.Levi 69)
23- 3 Lost by 7 , icket~
1st XI 2003 STATS' RECORD:
I 0
WON 23
1 254 48.2
0 V E R S
D. TELO(41)
32 30
C. CHA5E(37)
29 21
D. 5TANTON(59)
32 27
37.3 121'
184 35 536 20 26.8 16\4 2.9 55.2
177 14 12.6 14\4 3.8 20.1
297 73 793 39 20.3 37\4 2.7
32 29 11
P. HAUPT(39)
32 29
27.2 101'
12 140
35.0 38\2 2.9 73.5
18 17
17.8 57'
16.4 15\2 3.6 27.4
20 11
160 18 569 24 23.7 34\5 3.6
14 10
14\2 3.7
240 58 621 40 15.5 11\5 2.6
148 26 399 28
14.3 15\4 2.7 31.7
28.3 23\2 2.9
19.0 28\3 5.4
10 10
20 15
100 17 318 21
115 17 367 11 33.4 94\3 3.2 62.7
101 13 325 23 14.1 15\6 3.2 26.3
. Labu:>charmc M. Koninl.!.-S. Makhob<l. T. Ely. K. Topic). 1. Da~nen:~. L. ornsJones. T. Vann. O. /lekuto. M. SiboLO. R. Halkcll. R. LOller. R. Han en. S. oopce. T. "lain. Plimsoll. M. Goodchild. V. 1anelli. M. dimandc. M Bro\\n. D Oostcv.) k
Pla)cd. 16 Won: 12 Dre\\ 2 Lo~t: 2
23 241 21
15.1 22\4 3.2 28.6
I 5 0
1 0 0
1 3
2 2 1
2.7 25.1
11.5 <.0
R. LEVI(38)
I R 0
1 2 1
1 2
1 4 1 1
Oncc again thi~ year. the 2nd XI has continued it\ oUbtanding rcslllt~ and played some cry good. positi c cricket throughout the year. The team. lcd by heldon Labuschagne. recorded 'ome great result~ and cnded lhe year wl\h a clean swecp of thcir boys' ~chool rivals. thi. after onl) managing 2 draws and a lo:.s in the first term. The highlights of the car were \\ithout a doubt our participation in the Milnerton CC Day ighl Tournament \\ hen:: the leam pla)cd 2 l11atche~ on bchall' of lhe Ist team tlnd camc out \'ictoriou. on both 0 casions. Thc match v Bishop~ under light alostands out. as it wa. a thrilling. m<ltch which wc lost narrowl) in the cnd. The side ~ho\\ed fantastic team ~pirit and dClermlllation when things were not going Iheir \\ay. The best example or this would be the I11dl h again~t Edgl.!mcad I I team where our W)nbcrg
Boy' High
chool Magazine
Cricket 1st Stuf/dil/g Roll' 2: D. OOSTC'I"wy/..: R. LeI'!': R. LOffN: C. Chase: R. Ka/oar: R.HII/keff Stal/dif/K Roll' I: M . ..filii': 7 .. \laill: M. Konillg: B. /'nrrl'lIlIY (scorer). K-II. Ehrl'llreich. S. ,1fakhoha Seated: P. l/allpT. Mr K. RIc/llIrdwlI: D. Te/Il (('apI): Mr E. Lejsoll: IJ. , WII/(III
numbl!r ID and II. Morgan Goodchild and Richard Lottl!r. put on 40 runs ror Ihe lu~t ~\icket LO win Ihe malch. There were alonumerou Ollt'\tunding individ ual erfor!. . On Ihc bo\\ ling front Richard Lotter. Tom Main and hakcel Soopec munagl!d 5 \ icket haul- \\ ith Tom Main get ling a hat-trick against Paarl G)m. The be I team ho\\ling elTort of Ihe yearmust be the performLlnce again~t Paarl Bo)' . who were di~mi - cd for '27 run~. On Ihe balling front wc abo had ,ome good performance v.ith Lloyd orn~Jone~ and Marco Bro\\ n. recording two half Wynberg
Bo) • Iligh
chool \Iagazine
centurie:, and Tim ann. MUlIhew Koning. Onge~iwe kkuto and Dean OO!>le\\) k. The team managed to cnd the year \\ith ::I fanta.tic teum balling di:.pla) coring '21' ror 7 declared Ht more than an O\er with e\ery batsmen contributing in !>ome way. M) thanks mu t go to parent!. for Iheir supporl and also their willingnes!> to help with lunche - :lI1d teu!>. I look forward to nc>:t )'car \\ hen ever) single player who pluyed in the la~t muteh will be returning and thu!> wc can expect the 2nd [to go rrom trcngth to ,trength in the future. 75
IV Team Cricket After qarting off the ~ea on \\ ith a good win the re~t of the sea~on proved to be di. ~ap()inting with a tring of los~e~. Batting highlights of the ~eason in luded il 37 not out scored al!ain t Milnerton b) Jont) Robin on calier in the ~,ea 011. amagu howled fairly con'i tently \\ ith a eason be t of 33 (\s 1ilnerton). H..: wa' ahly ·upport..:d by some quick howling from Oonaldson (sea,ons be,t of 2 9 ,.~. ACS). Scan Mcs~hum (\\oho al 0 <:aptain..:d the ,iele for fe\\' matche'i) and Paul cudamore provided some entertaining moment in the midfidel with some great ~pin bowling. The) both got ended \\ith bO\,ling figure, of 3 20 \ .5. Bi hops. I trust lhat ihe players that did su<:ceed in ,ome way thi~ ca on \\ dl he able to huilel on their a<:hie\l!menb and talents and do e\ en b..:tter next year. A. Pe/enel/
CRICKET UNDER 15A -I he ,ummar) of rc~ulb. P2· W 19 02 L-l. rc\ cal, that this group of crI<:ketcr'i worked hard on their game as indi\ iduals and a a team to \\ in game \\hieh a year earlier they \\oukl ha\'e allowed to dnft out of their grasp. Once again. al thi, Ic\el. too man)' opposition sides \\anted to pia)' limited 0\ er, ricket and fe\\ l.Inder,tood the complexitics of the full day game. HO\\e\er. the highlight of lhc: ,cason \\;;s -the thrilling \\ in at ;"\Ie\\land, (Her arch ri\·aJ... Rondebo~ch Hny~High. do~e ,.:cond to that m..:morahle da)' \\'a, the ,ucces,ful tour to Pretoria in eptemhcr dUrIng \\hich thi, t.:am "came of a!.!e". For the majorIt) of the year the t~am \\as kad hy O.,car I auhau, who too~ re,polhibllit) .tdmirably. He newr held hack in hi 0\\11 <:ommltment <Ind thu, he had a tcnm who wcr..: prepared tn li,ten to him and 1'0110\\ hi, c\cellent .:\ample. Os<:ar \\<1, never afraid to inno\'ale. al\\ ay' "een to a~k ad, ice and lo learn from his mi~take,. I ha\e rarel) ,een a~ good a captain al nder I -: bel. The battlllg wa~ huilt around ;llIhau, (764 run~ at 3(i) \~ho balleu at ]'.0.4 rol' 1110,t or the year. Kieran (\I.,~erl) (329 run, at 30) came into the ~ide half wa~ through the ,ea,on and opened the batting ,uperhly. rant Kemp (..'34 run,). Shadle~ an chal~\~) k (-I4(i run,)_ Jonathan Badham-Thnrnhlll (2ó2 run,) and Andr.:\\ later (31 (i run,) pla~ed ,c\'cral important inntng ...each
to enable us to reach a rcspectable score most \\eek,. In the bowling department auhau and Kyle William~on bOlh ended the ~ea 'on on 44 ~ ickel. and it was \\ hen lhe, e two, as \Veil as Gareth Steven., towards the cnd of the sca~on. \\ere bowling that \\e looked al our most dangerou . The quicker bowling of Stephan S\Vanich~ Luke Otto. Andy later and Van chalk\\'vk al 0 promIsed much for the future. . Oli choltz kept wiáel throughout lhc sea~on and wa' another \\'ho \"15 prepared to \Vork on hi, game. lie ha' good hands but need to work on his ability to concentrate for long period~ in the field. He i. also a useful left-handed bat man. These player were ably supported by William outer and Lee Coller (\\ ho scored a fine 50 against Paarl Boy~ High). Matthew Fenton phl)ed for this team on tour \~ith great ,uccess. onc of lhe:.e matche~ \\ould have been an) fun and \cry little would ha\'e been achieved il' it hadn't been ror the trong uppon of longsuffering parents headed by the captain' mother- the tcam would like to expre~s th.:ir gratitude here for all the hard work. catering, tran,porting and. upporting put in o\er the year. 1"0 Mr Hnley and his team of groundstaff mUSl be congralulated on providing the pia) ing 'urfa<:c week-in. \\eek-out for us la perform on (once the ne\\ sprinkler s stcm had been worked out!). As I havc reviewed tn) lust year of running lhe nder 15A crickcl at v,\ n berg I a m conscious that there are fe\\ places' \\her~ su<:h talent and commitment. to what is imporwnt about this great game. come together as \\ell as the) do at WBIIS. This )ear'~ XI wa~ onc of the m()~t rewarding groups of boy I have had to coach. I expect to 'cc them thri\e in senior <:ri<:ket in the future. Good Luck! jO/III
Boys' High
choul :\1agaLine 2003
Cricket L' /5A Stam/illg Roll' 2: S. IIlJllich: G. ":{'IIlP: . rw/ clliI/kwrk: J. Bad/wlII- Tltomltill StalIdillg R/)Il' I: A. Sial/IJ: T. BOllgalli (.ICOrN): 11'. Souler: 'L. Caller: L. OUO: O. Sc/lO/I::: Sel/ted: A. S/aler .. \lr K. Rid/{/rd.wlI: O .. au/wlI.I (cap'): Mr. J Kllight. K. WillimllwlI
15 B CRICKET REPORT oa h: Mr M Ru~hby (fïr~t term) and Mr P van .'chalb\)"1.. (fourth teml) Captalll: Ryan a~h. Kieran C<1',~eley. Michael Culin'e PI<I)Cr~: Brent Piet. Rudi Willem e. Kyle old, Lee ollcr. Jarryd De\'llIl. Lukc otto. Icx wub. Anthony elle). Kyle Scott. Garcth Dreyer, Lom~o Bu akwe. Vu I Tsolikele. De\on Ro ~. Liam larinu It was rcall)' a plea ure taking over thiS team in the fourth term. Besides been a \'ery talented side. there was a great team 'pirit und the boys really enJo)-ed their cricket. To only lose two games in the sea!>on i~ an outstanding achie\ement. and b the end of the year it never evcr looked a~ though wc \\ere going to get beaten. In the Ia~t three games of the year. Ronde-
Boy!>' High
chool .'1agu7.ine 2003
bo~ch. Bi!>hop and A ,did not look as though they 'hould be in the ame league as u~ and wc beat all three quite comfortably. rel er ing prevIOUS lo 'se against Rondebo~c..:h and Bi!>hops. The team had il powerful balling line up. \"ith hardl) an) tail at all. In fat:t the batting order wa, often rotated because there lIas uch a little to choo e bet\\een player. ome e'l(cellcnt fifties \\ere recorded by Itchael unliffe. Klemn Cas erley. Ryan a h. Jarryd De\11Il and Rudi Willem e. We had about nine bowler' who could all bowl fairly competent I) . The unfortunate thing wa that bO\\lcrs did not get to bowl enough in the middle. But with thiS kind of bo\\ling strength. \'er) fell team managed 10 get Significant score again t u~. Becau e the bowling wa,> spread among~l 0 many bowler. , it wa onl} nthOll) elley thaI managed to pick up five \\ it:kets in il match. 77
U 15 C - Cricket Report
U14A Cricket
Team: Lui/ .. (CUpl.&\1 !,.): bhmail. R.: 1e)er. R.: I\lnorradd. L.: Stelen". Ci.: I-.dl\ard.,. T.: Olc!,.cr, I: I rye. G.: Roycpcnne. I: Edd:. B.. I\lorm .. Qu!"ula. 1\1.. Marinu~. L.: Dd[lorL. J.: 1 ,holl!"lIe. V.
Ihc Ulo.! had a Icr) mi.\cd .,c["on in 2003. I'cr) shak) ,turl to the year I\'IS followed b} un c.\l:ellcnl run of tilc \ ictoric~. nfortunal..:l) thi, momentum \la, lo~t and three lo~,es to Rondebo~ch. Bi hops and SAC follol\ed. The,e lo~~c, lIere counter.lcted 10 a certain extent h) \ Ictor) In the W) nbcrg "Six II Side" tournamcnt. EH:r) rnatche~ that I\e lost lhi~ year could have. and in man) ca~es. ~hould h;l\e gone lhc Other \\ay. Thl\ IS a lay talenteu ~idc onc \lho ~hould \tand back for no othcr tealll I am 'lIre liS th..:ir l:onfidence and competili\cne\~ grow, the) I\ill be unbeatable. A Ilumbcr or indl\lduals ,LOod out this year Matthc\I I-enton captained and lead from the front at all timc,. Ho.: ha;; il hnght cnck..:ting future ahead of him Ashle) Delport \\a~ an e\cellent lice-captain and I\ho pl:l)cd I\lth detcrlllll1ation and guts the II hole year. He did nl1t ha\c a gre,ll year \Iilh thc bat. but hc morc than made up for lhl' \lith hi, cxcellent leg '[lill. K Url Haupt ticry. aggres,ile and inten\cl) com[letlll\": - \\,1\ a !"C) Illun in both the bOlllmg alld hatting front. . lUart Carth, grell ill conlïdence and balled partil:ularl) \\ell at thc cnd or the ,>ea,on. \t1an.:-Andrc\1 Sabaua Improved hI, batting ,ignIlicantl) and ccment..:d hi~ place in thc top ord..:r. lie \\d, d..:lïnitel) undcr bOl\ led soml'thing that mu\t he o.:orrected for ne\t )ear. Il other member\ of the team ~hol\cd IlllprO\cml:nl. for l:\ample: (,hn, Mag.g, In hIS kecping: Stcphen l3oll.lJ1d III hi, bOI\ ling: ico Pricm In all d\pcet~ or th..: game: Jo\h Bent in Im battlllg •.1lld ,n Oil. I I\ould li!"c to II Ish the lll-lA all thc he~t in the future I am pOSitIve that the~ arc capable of hc.lling. .In~ 'Ide on all) da} th..:~ ju,t hale 10 belielc In thcnl',cllcs and go out and do Il
RESl!LTS: Played
Drew- 0
Thi~ ~car'~ l_, ISC tt:am I~ onc of the bc~t teum~ c\er.;f not the be~l. that I hale I\or!"ed Illth a, a coach. Their 1c\C:b of commltmcnt and very c1il1leal and focu,ed ap[lmach to the game made them fear,omc .Illd re'pected competitor, and thc result, clcarh te,tif, lo thi,. The gU)' \\'er~ a""IY~ prepared and IlillIng to dl) lheir be,t .!nd theIr c\emplar) etho, made the111.1 ple.hurc to Ilor!,. \I ith. Thc ,uccc~,cs thc) had ll1o~th emanatcd from th..: good qualille, mcnlloncll earlicr hut abo their ,tern and p.ltnollc urgc to a"ure that W) nherg \I ill al\lay~ he recllgni/ed and respected aml1ng theIr ( rIlai, apart from ha\lng been thc foeu,cd cric!"eter~ that the\ ,urcl~ arc. thc) \Icrc al,() th..: llI,Clplll1cd g..:ntle~1an thdt our ,chool i, ""lal' ,trIlin!! to dClclop. ,\; C<hlCh I ~alllte them and thank them for .In e\ccllent 'ea'l)ll I I\ould .II,o lI!"c to 1\ I~h them luc!" Il1th lheir future cncket carcer, and \cnture, and e~tcnd 111) Iwpc, lhat thc) \lould nCICf l:ca,c aimin!! al becomlll!! il proud Il1cmbcr ,lIld amba"ador ~f our prestigiou, I.,t X I
( oaell .If,.
H & H Laundry Services c.c. Tel: (021) 691 4087
P.o. Box 38356 Gatesville 7766 28 Andrews Rd Newfields 7764 78
\\ ~nhcrg Bo),'
'chool \I:lga/inc
Cricket UI4 A Stal/(Hnt: Rolt' 2: A. T/wrll/lm: S.Bollcme/; ./. Ben/: M. Sahul/t/ Standing Rolt' I: . Care/is: B. l'eIIIer: T. K(//::('//: C. Maggs: '. Priem; J. ,\ft/1/l1ll1 Seated: A. Delpor/: Mr K. Richard\oll: M. Fell/oil (("(IpI): '\/r S. !icllc!rie (coach): K. !il/tipI.
U14C CRICKET 2003 Results ummary: Played 10 \ on 4 Lo t 6 Players (number of games played in brackets): hild. (10). T Glen (captain. 10). KLogan (10). lnckland (10). B Ca\\CUll ( ). B Bartlett (7), J Steel (7). A Gregory (6). D Maree (6). l) ackvillc- COll (6). Dickie-Clark (4). J Kayhard (4). D Rabaldmit (4). ivcrt'en (4). B de li ker (3). M Engelbrecht (3). E Wal'er (3). D Blignaut (2). M Malan (2). R D) er (1). Thi \HIS an entertaining ea~on with lhe boys thoroughly enjoying their cricket. Tim Glen. who captained the 'Ide. \"a. hles~ed with an array of bowler~ he could eall upon but the halting onl) realI) ,taned sho\\ ing 'iign of promi e at the end Wynberg
Boys' High
chool Magazine
of the year. with comprehensive \\ ins oyer Bi hops and . The highlight of the .ea on wa the return match again),t Rondcbo ch. Earlier In the season wc had been bowled out for 43. but now batled first and managed lO reach 100. Rondebo ·ch. at one tage 4 for 3, collap~cd to 92 for 9 before finally neaking home by one wicket. Our C team unfortunatc1) played 3 of their 10 matche' against other chool' or B team. ~ hich resulted in mi. matches \"here wc uffered hea los c'. SOll/e uf Ihe hel/('/" performers Irere: D Maree 45 YS ettler. D Rabald- mit 27 v Bi hop~. J teel 29- v eulers, 22 'v Paarl BHS and 20 \~ Bi hop~. trickland 21 and 3 v.ieket v Bishop~, T Glen 3 v. ickets vs Rondebosch. F Walser 3 wickets 'v Rondebosch.
Term 4:
Term 1: Opponents:
Paarl Gym
WBHS: 59 all out Paarl Gym: 6012 Lost by 8 wickets
Milnerton Cricket Club
WBHS 209/4 (Fenton 50; Sabatla 46) Milnerton 81 all out (Haupt 6/22) Won by 128 runs
Paul Roos: 178 all out (Haupt 3/21) WBHS: 142 all out (Haupt 40) Lost by 36 ru ns
Paarl Gym
Paarl Gym: 83 all out (Riding 3/7; Delport 3/26) WBHS: 84/2 (Fenton 43) Won by 8 wickets
Westerford: 109 all out WBHS: 110/2 (Fenton 52) Won by 8 wickets
OF Malan
DF Malan: 73 all out (Haupt 8/6) WBHS: 74/5 Won by 5 wickets
Paarl Boys High
WBHS: 102 all out (Fenton 47) PBHS: 103/7 (Haupt 5/38) Lost by 3 wickets
Belville: 107/6 (Qsman 3/18) WBHS: 108/2 (Fenton 34, Haupt 32) Won by 8 wickets
WBHS: 157 all out Pinelands: 137/8 Won by 20 runs
WBHS: 163/5 (Fenton 76; Cardis 34) RBHS: 164/9 (Qsman 3/5) Lost by 1 wicket
RBHS: 146 all out WBHS: 131 all out Lost by 15 runs
WBHS: 83 all out Bishops: 84/5 Haupt (3/20) Lost by 5 wickets
WBHS: 111 Bishops: 112/5 (Delport 3/20) Lost by 5 wickets
WBHS: 116 all out SACS:117/4
Bergvliet: 46 all out (Haupt 5/22) WBHS: 47/1 (Fenton 26) Won by 9 wickets
Six a Side Tournament
Paul Roos
Under 14 0 Cricket Games Pla)'cd: 9 Gamcs Von: Games Lost: 4
The nder 14-D crickel sea on gal ofT lO a 0) ing Slart in early February with a learn of extremely talented individual achieving a convincing win over Bi hop lhank' la an unbealen 57 by Ja on lcel and 4 wickeL by ndrew Manchip. JUSl a week laler wc were awfully unlucky la lo~e 10 Oude Moulcn b) 5 runs de~pile the efforts of can ivert5en who ~larred Wilh 5~ run and 3 80
Lost by 6
Beat. Pinelands; Fish Hoek; Wynberg E and InvltatlOnal VI
wickets. five wickel haul hy residcnl spinncr Jarne. Wilkin on a ured us of a 4 wickel win over Paarlonly to be absolutely laughlered by Rondebosch lhc nCXl week by even wickets. Our finalméltch of the first term wa one of lhe mOSl enlertaining malche of the l:ason. ceding o\'er 10 run an 0 cr for the la t ix avers again t a qualily Bishops C lcam the mighty '14 Ds' led b) the hard-hitting powerhou e, lan Pullen. clubbed lhe ball all over the park falling jusl 7 runs 'hy after the du t had ellled and the final ball had been bowled. The fourth Tcrm ea,on wa kicked off with a di. appoinllng balling performance again~l a very Wynberg
Boys' High School Magazine
talented Groote S huur side. Onl) a ~olid team howling performance aved u~ from il fate wor,e than the 4 wicket los~ " . got .""a) with. Our 7 \\ it.:ket lo~!> to Rondehosch wa~ adequately avenged wllh a thrilling pellultimate ball \ ictor)'. brilliant - 2- and 29 runs from ndrev.' Manehip a~!>ured that we stumbled O\t:r the line for a ~ wicket" in. Our second meeting \\ ith the Bi~hop~ 0 sided howed the real la lent of the Wynberg team. Spirited bowling from Michael Malan (~ 15) and Jame~ Will-in on (3 15) bowled Bishop~ OUI for just 97. allowing our bat~men to crUl,e lO an ea y 6 wiel-et Will after puni~hing the opposition, poor howling and hitlIng their opening bO\der out of the attack after only hi!> fir ...t 0\ er. Making a difference between a \\inning and lo!>ing !>cason \\ a~ our final match agalll t an
nder 13 compo ite ~ide made up of A leum player from a number of chool~. good bowling performance again t qualit> batlIng led to us being et 120 for \ ictor). the highe t target ,Cl all !>cason. brilliant middle-order partnership between Scan i\'ertsen (52·) and promoted E team player Ju tin. ou\'ella (2Xl !>et the platform for a thrilling la t \\ ickct \ i<.:tor). 'urerb performance!> throughout lhe !>ea on from Scan i\'erhen. Ja~on teel. ndre" 1anchip and Jame Wtlkll1son. oupled wllh the out!>landlllg carlainej of held on Rebello. led to a mo~t entertaining and ue<.:essful cason. 1) congralulations and thank. mu,t go to e\er)' pla)er \\ ho pla) cd for Ihe might)- I~-D's and I "i ...h ) ou all the \cr) best for lhe fUlure. Sic/.. 11'1/,.,.('1/
Rhodene oHers self·caterlng luxury accommodation situated on 8 working fruit farm Ihat overlooks Ihe ferllle Ceres Valley. EnJoy 8 relaxing time surrounded by Ihe exquisite nalural beauly of the area.
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ruutc:,. \n(1\\ In ","Itr.l'urm
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On .. I><.-droom"lth JouNe b.:d & douhic !,ull <'UI ,,<luch In I" Ini! room. lIalh. ,ho"\', <I.: -cpdr~le 10,1~1.Full~ equIpped "'lichen. Bl-dd,n~. hn.n 10\\cl_ pro\ldrd. T\. t'nderfll"" hcalJn~ &_ IIh.·r1olCt." lor \\Inle( I an...lur \ummCI. Uutd\)tl( hr..1!ol1>lh.:3. I"lr~ Braai \\ond PU)\ Ideo • I'("orofl .. rt:r h C('ttló.\~C \\!lh undCrCn\Cf ...(l\CP & hraal ...Irc:u. !'\\U hc.'Jn.)\\lTl'. unt: "11h d,\uhl~ bed un<l "Ihe, \<llh ,"'' -rl' uf I>unk 1><-.1,. B..,h,""m \\llh lo,lel. h.,',n &; ..... Ih. I uil) <llull'P<;d k,'chen. T\. Ik.tJ,nl.loncn & I" cl, p"" Illed. 0,1 hr.lle. lor \\lnler Jnt.l (30 .. lor ..umnu~r.Br....1I 'h",)fj pro\lf.h:d
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Ean IS.: Glenda
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Ttl: O~3-313 360i • Fax: 023-31J OOi3 • Cdl: 083 270.308b • e-mail: rhoJtne€l.lnJo.l·o.:a
\\ ynberg Bo) s' High
chool :\1agazine 2003
HOCKEY OVERVIEW Wynberg Boys' High School" proud tradition in hockey was funher enhanced in 2003. Wc fielded 17 team in the ..ariou leagues and all the team had very positive re~ult . The 1st team. in panicular. had a 'Illllning sea on, lo ing only 1. games during the year. number of tour. and re tival took place during the )'ear anel the e arc all reponed upon in the variou team repons. Wynberg's dominance of the local hockey scene \ as clearly illu trated by the re uit of the 3 knockout finals played 'It Hartleyvale on Friday 5 9 03 \ on 2-1 in extra time 'Golden goal" Won 4-1 Won 4-1
14 v Bishops 16 \' Bergulict UI9 \'s RBH Representation
in WP and
Rhett Halkett De\ in Stamon aughn Eraslllu Lloyd orris-Jone Jont)' Robin'on Shaun Rouse Farrell Benjamin Richard Levi Richard Vincent Keenan Topley Malu i aboto Mallhe\ Edwards 14 level variou
\ P
SA U 16A
zonal teams were. elected and the follo\ ing boys rerre ented the
chiever. ' Dinner the following award
Rhetl Halkett Devin StalliOn Vaughn Era mas Lloyd orris-Jone haun Rouse Jonty Robin on Phillip Haupt
Farrell Benjamin
A I A ( Capt) A ISA A UI8A SA UI7A (Reserve for SA 17A)
outhern Zone.
Darryn Murphy luis Magg
Bradleyenter Kyle Gralll Jason Steeie t the annual
A teams wa also a fine reflection on Wynberg ho 'key.
\ ere made.
Con tantia hockey trophy Mo timpro ed I t team player A. Grammenopolou onstantia H Trophy chievcment - R. HaikelI (SA chool vice captain) ichola Pattenden Memorial trophy Enthu iasm and effOr! P. Haupt Bromberger lark, hield Contribution to hockey - . Rou e
V ynbcrg Bo)' , High School Magazine 2003
\\ ynbcrg Bo~~' High School \Iagazin('
1st XI Hockey Coach: Mr. D.e. Faulds Manager: Mr. ick Warren Caplain: Rhell Halken One of lhe longe~t ca ons I have ever been inlolved with hegan wllh trials for the tour ~quad in mid-March. Oncc thc touring team had been elected. and a few practice malches had been played, it was off 10 Johanne~burg to participate in the Founders Fe~tival. The team did extremely well at the Founder Fe tival to win all live matches. It i~ nOL often that a Wynberg team has left Founders unbealen. Tough win~ over Selborne (4-1) and Parktown (1-0), were followed up by a s!.:rie of goalfem élgain~t Queens (2-0). orthwood (4-0) and Potch Bo) (8-0). Wc travelled from Founder to I. Johns the next da) and on a I"arm afternoon managed to keer il young SI. John~ sid!.: very buc y winning comfortably 5-1. The purpo~e of the tour to ~et lhe tone for the season had been achieled b)" the boy and they did lhe . chool proud. During the re t of the season the Lt X I went on to ph~) another 31 matches. During this tilll!.: lhe)" \Vould only be on the lo<;ing sid!.: twice. A proud record indeed. In local league hocke) the 1st XI won all lhelr matchl:. Wilh the 9-0 win 0\ cr a ~trong Bi hops team probably onc of the mo~t memorable. With 10 national players on lhe lield (WBIIS 5: Bishop 5) lhis match \\'a~ played at an incredible tempo and all credIt must go to the bo)". who produced an out~tanding dl play of lield hockey. The regional cup competition wa~ once again I'ery exciting. After a I'er) nenous ~emi-linal. in which we I\t!re 1-0 dOlI n again~t A for a long period of time. The bo)~ -came through to beat Rondebo'ch 3-1 in the linal. new addition to our sea~on \la:. the Internalional , chool~ Festival organised by Chri Brothers. Thi~ compctition included 16 boy!> team from all around the K and South fnca. After winning 5 OUl of 6 preliminary matchc Wynberg \Vent on LO beat Kent 4-3 in the final. Thi wac a remarkable achievement since the ational boy!> were a\Hly on alional dut) at the time! This achievement . peak volume for the (kpth of hoeke) at Wynberg. The 1st XI thi~ year i undoubted!) one of the mo t talented leam!> I have e\'er worked \\ith. Thi~ talent ~hould never be laken for granted and
the effort which olhers put inlo thi team should be acknowledged. Parent.. staff and "the school" do put a tremendou amount into this team which the player often overlook. 'omething which needs to change. For the record: Played 37 Won 35 Lo t 2 Drew 0 Goals For: 169 Goal conceded: 39
Player Profiles Dean Mason (Goalkeeper. WP u I B: olours) A player wilh greal potential who need to focus on hi ba ics. Dean can often be the difference bel\ een t\\O leams. bUL I believe he still ha. hi besl hoeke) to play for Wynberg. Dean need lO manage his injurie beller in future. Paolo Innoccnzi (Goalkeeper: Colour) Paolo ha made ome line save~ this year. ome ~ubtle errors have made this not lhe most memorable sea on and Paolo knows \1 hich skill he needs lO improve. More assertiveness and a better ahilit)" lO clear lhe ball inlO safe areas would ~ee Paolo extending his hockey beyond WBH. Ryan Watts (Sweeper: Colours) Probably onc of the mOSl decisive tacklers in the team. I fe ha added a new dimension of defence to the team and improved lremendou,ly this year. Ball di,tribution and the abilit_ to hit the ball reali) hard an: areas that need to improve. Alexi Gramll1enopolousm (Out ide half: Colour) A solid and fearles~ outside half. ac well a I t wave defender. Alcxi has sholl n tremendous character and determination this year. While he has undoubtedly taken huge slrides forward. his ~hort game. especiali) in the attacking ·cnse. can imprO\e. Etienne Davis ( tilit Defender. Link: Colour) solid player who can be relied upon to lake up any po ition in any situation. While Etienne', versatility undoubtedly made him one of the mo t valuable players. he often surrendcred posses ion 100 easily and needs to Ilork on this. tewart Plim 011(Central Defender. weeper; 0 award) Wynberg
Boys' Iligh
chool Magazine
A player who offer a dynamic edge to any team in which he plays and who how some c1as ic skills not usually as ociated with defender. To reach hi full potential Stewart will need at time to be more con ervative while in posse ion. Craig ElJis (Outside half; Colours) Craig is outstanding, particularly at left half. Knowing how to play well with one's limitation is often only acquired with more experience. Craig plays with thi maturity and has always been reliable. Improving hi ability to move the ball forward out of tight situation will see him excel next year. Rhett Halkett (Central Defender, Midfield; SA School ; Honours) Rheli has continued to develop at a level beyond hi years. Hi a tute leader hip and maintenance of the team spirit were an integral part of our ucce thi' eason. While there are few weakne e Rhell hould work on, one would be to develop a beller overhead pass. We look forward to Rhell contributing as much next year. Jonty Robinson (mid field; SA u 17 A ( TR); Honour) Jonty remain ery critical of him elf at time perhap too har hly. While thi personal attribute i part of ambition, he need to be kind to him elf on occa ion. Jonty ha . in my mind, one of the highe t levels of kill at choolboy le el and often overlooks thi part of hi game as an integral part of the teams' success. More pa es next year! DCl'in Stanton (Defender, Midfield; SA School: Honour) A cool customer, re pon ible for many of our goals from the corner et piece. Devin ha worked hard to develop hi kills (overhead and drag nick) and now ha these at the highest level. Hi play at central midfield again t Bi hop (9-0) wa. out of the top dra\ er. We expect Devin to be a top goalscorer next year. Shaun Rou e (mid field; WP u 18 B; Honour) Shaun has howed great character this year to develop hi game, especially on the attacking ideo Hi "ne er say die" attitude and mental toughne were a great a et to the team. I felt that Shaun wa unlucky not to receive higher honour out ide of school since hi play for Wynberg wa outstanding. Making too many "bad' tackle i an area of hi game needing improvement. Wynberg
Boys' High School Magazinc
Vaughn Era mu (triker: SA Schools; Honours) Vaughn ha developed skill that are way beyond hi years or experience. Thi i indicative of a player po es ing much natural talent, that combined with hard work, thing .eem to come ea y. Vaughn i a corer of remarkable goal and the goal in the knockout final against RBH wa a perfect example. Hi defen ive role a a striker could till improve. Justin King (Striker; Colour) Having played 3rd' in 2002, Ju tin had to work very hard to earn hi place in the I t XI. He did thi dutifully and wa privileged enough to score on debut against RBHS. Justin' colour achievement i proof that with hard work and determination anything is po ible. Well Done! Philip Haupt (Striker; Blue) One of the mo t enthusiastic player in the team, Philip added a dimen ion of pa ion and energy. Always willing to do the extra bit of running and defending made him a very u eful striker to have. s a goal corer not much more need to be aid than that Philip wa , nationally, in the top ten goal corers! He need to use the "open face" more to beat defender and hould not run to lhe left with the ball! Farell Benjamin (Striker; WP u 18 B: Blue) Farell had a cry con i tent ea on ~ ith a gradual improvement in his ·kill. While he perhaps did not core a many goal a he \ ould ha e liked to he did a i t in many other. For Fa reil to take next tep in hi hockey at Wynberg he will need to focus on the basic attribute of being a triker and get them right 100% of the time! Lloyd Norris-Jones (Striker; SA u 17 A; Honour) Lloyd wa out tanding for WBHS thi year. Over 37 goals in 30 mat he made him an invaluable triker to have. Able to core from almost anywhere (including nowhere!) i Lloyd greate t gift. Hi improved di cipline (not I card thi ca on) ~ a , I believe. re pon ible for ihe improvement in hi game. I don't think that I ~ ill ever forget hi 10 minute hat-trick against School! Not Profiled (But played for the 1st Xl) Robert myly Ziyaad lasaac Bradley Mann
Founders' Tour There i little doubt that the I t XI hockey tour to the Founders Fe tival in Johannesburg \ as onc of the highlight. of the sea. Oil. The tour produced 110tonly fanta tic results bur a sense of tam unity that would set the stage for the most int:n.:dible season ,"ve ever been as ociated with. The pirit of the tour oegan with a two day "training camp' al Litllewood Hostel where the guys plated warm up matches. talked lactics. gOt to know each other better. and were presented with their playing hirts at a team bmi. Then it was lime for everyone to cram into the bus for the "22 hour rrip to Johanne burg. ow nothing can build team spiril quicker lhan such a long journey lhrough the night in a relative liny bu wilh 16 young men. The bus journey wa an ..:xperience to . ay the lea. t and wc arrived al our accommodation extremely tired but happy to ee our beds. The traditional 'initation' of the 12 ne\ member of the. ide took place and more leam building happened as some of the funny 'quirk . of the tour were given to the guy. The 'Maximus' knight armour. helmet and sword was given to it fir I cu todian with the rules that anyone who called lhe wearer b. anything olher than Maximu~ then had 10 take the armour. The armour was then to be worn al all times with the exception of an hour before. and during the match. Being the newest guy to Wynberg hockey I soon reeei e Maximus and spent the rest of the day trying to give it away to Uncle Frank (Mr FalIId . evil plit per.onality on tour). The }'ounge t member of the team. Mulusi iboto. was alo given a babies bib and dummy that he had 10 we;r the entire tourit made for some good entertainment and some very strange looks. Eventually we did get down to some hockey. winning oul first game again I tournament ho tso Parktown. narrowly 1-0 and backing up later that day for a 4-0 win over orthwood. That night was pent re ting up before a lough April Fool. day which énl u come oul victor again.t Queens 4-0 thanks LO a Lloyd orri -Jones hatLriek. and a win against Dale 2-0 in a hard fought encounter. The highlighl of the day. ho\\ever. wa convincing Mr Faulds lhat. Rhett had tripped while runni~g around the pool and have eriollsly hurt hi leg 0 he was unable to play. The pril Foob day jok~ wenl down well with the help of some first aid guys and Unde Frank ended up being aliule embarra cd. if not extremely relieved.
The ollilCl-up to the final day was enormous, with Coach Faulds lelling the pla,er that Selborne were li team he had never beaten a a coach. The boys wefe pumped for ti huge gamc and it 00\ cd with lhere singing of the official tour song. DJ ammy"s He(/I'en as wc drove through the Parktown School gates. Parking next lO the a tro with rhe windows down and the guys singing at the top of their voiccs it was obvious lhat the Sclborne ream were a little worried abOUI these mad men from Wynberg! That little worry lurned into panic and hock a lhe Wynberg men lOlled 4 goals to I in a very con incing game. The last game of the festival was aved for a thrilling encounter with tournament minnow, Potchestroom. Other festival team tuck around to watch Wynberg ab 0llltely dominate the game. being very unlucky to win only -0 in a very pleasing end lo the festival. Lloyd on'is-Jones wa the top goal scorer with goals in 6 matches narrowly beating Phillip Haupt who a eraged a goal a game. However thing. weren't quite fini hed yel. to achieve lhe perfect record for the tour the boys still had to account for Sr John in a friendly match. The friendly ended up being a les on in top hockey as Wynberg trounced Sl Johns 5-1 with an evcn contribution from 5 different goal Scorers. Our final day on tour was pent at the Gold Reef ity Theme Park where the guys ad a lot of fun enjoying all the ride and the local chool holiday crowd. Then it wa back on the bus to watch hrek for another 3 or 4 times on the trip back to Wynberg. II in all the Founders Day tour in the 1st term holiday. wa an extremely sllcee sful one with the team coming home with a perfect record of 7 win from 7 games. having cored an amazing 2l! goals. at an average of 4 a game, and ha ing onl conceded 2. But most importantly the team had a lot of fun and came back as a group of players 0 dcvoted to helping ca h other to achieve their best that it et a platform for po ibly the most succes ful sea 'on ever. I thank all the guys for making the tour 0 entertaining to be a part of and I lhink Mr Fauld for having the faith in mc to invite me on thc tour as man;ger. ic/.: Wc/rrell
Wynberg Boys' High
chool Magazine 2003
Standin/.: ROIl' 2: F. Bel/jalllil/: P. Hl/up/: A. GrWl/l/lellop%Us: Stall(/ing Ro,," I: J. Kil/~: L. .\'orrL,-JolI('.': J'. HW.WlII/.I: E. Dal'is: Sl!ated:
11'01'1'('11 1IIIIIIwg('r)
till' f.:. RiclwrdwlI: J. RohillWlII:
R. Ha/ke/(
C. Elli~: R. lI'a/(1 P. 11I1I()('t'II:i: D. ,\lunill (('ap/): /1/1' D. Fuu/eI., 'CO(/(/Ij.
Ilockc) SUlIIdillg StaTIdillg Seated:
Roll' 2; M CUII/il./e:
Rolt' I: D. Cooper:
\1 .• i/mw.
\11' K. Rit/um/IOII,
Wynberg Boy' Iligh . chool ~1aga.linc 2003
R. Lel'i:
11'. Will/er
B. C(/'I:: 11'. Soutt'r,
R. J'il/cell1:
J, MC/hell/og:
. K. Rohill.1V1I
3rd Team Hockey Coach: Peter at7avelo!. Caplnin: H ugh La hbrooke The 3rd hocke~ produced an excellcnt set of resuil for the 2003 season, only lo~ing onc match and dra\l'inl! another. The leam wa made IIp of many lalen(ed hockey player' and il wa~ oreal fun laking lhis side. It wa~ also salisfying LO ~',Hch ~ome o-f Ihe players improve over -lhe ,ea on. It was wonderful lo havc Ihe ame team "irtually e\ery week bnr the one against Westerford. Garrodll1 Choice was top goal-~corer with 19 goab. The olher members abo 'cored plent) of goab with ju,t ahollt every fïeld player 'coring al lea~t onc goal. I enJo)'~d umpiring. al\\'ay~ kno\ving that my learn \\ould ne\cr let me do\\n. The team always played hard ,howing great camaraderie and determination. The di-cipline before. during and afleI' the matche,> \\'a, ah\ay~ impre~sl\·e. The captain lcd \\ell and ah\ay~ gave me good n:a,on lO be a proud coach. The ,upport from the pan.:nb wa~ very good and appreciated by all. The folloWlIlg. poem. \\ll~ \\ rIlten by M I' L'l:.h bron"e: ...15
A tribute to the Wynberg Boys High School 3rd Hockey 11 of 2003 Thank you guy~ we had a greal lime Watching you lad~ in your hockey prime. rndlvldual~ \\ere good with an amazing work ratc. But mo~t of all, a~ a team you were great. You all played well. you wcnt for the \',in . nd mo t of the time played out of your ~kin". You won all but one, the We. terford clash. I ct', not di5cu5~ it. it \vas over in n na~h. You had many greal heroe., lel'~ ~tart in the goal~ Where our Tim tood fïrm, the \Hlllleft no hole. He wa~ ably c;upported by the defen,l\e line. Who taak it in turn, to he the one who \"ould ~hine. I here wa, Karl \\ ho played ,>,"eeper and boxer I hear
E~pecially \.\hen the brules from SAC. got too near. Peter played centre. he put hi' body on the line. He injured hi eye and now he's ju. t fine. The third of the hack was the youngest named Sean He came from the fourths. and a hero was born. Let's not forgel the la t of the lot. A dedicated young man wc all knowa. Scott. nd no\\ to the link who supplied the good ball. On the lert there was Andrew. very fast. very lall: And Taurean \\'ho roved between back and link, Fetching and carrying as quick as a wink. In the centre was Logan. his overhead \\'as great, diffïcult shot and hard to get trnight. On the right there wa Travi~. a lad with great pace. B) lhe end of the game he wa quite red in the face. The forwards come next, let' tart on the right Where Rostill shot through in a great na~h of light. In the cenlre \\'a Garrodin with goal by the ton, He had eighteen in all \\ hcn the sea~on was done. Anu la'lly the captain. please don't a)' Who? You all should "-no\\ thai of course it was H ugh. The coach worked 111$ butt off thanks Mr Cat BUI what did he ~ay in that after-malch chat? So, than"- yOl! guys wc had a greal time Watching you lad in your hockey prime . Individual \\'ere goou with an amazing work rate. But most of all. a a tcam you were great. Boys that played for the leam on a regular ba i during the year: Hugh La~hbrooke (c). Peler Meyer (v). Garrodin Choice. Karl Ehrenreich. Logan BrettBroadley, Ro till Wes eb, ean Mes ham, Taurean I aacs, TlIn Scholtz (goalkeeper). Travis Effting. Scott Salvage.
Boys' High
ehool Magalinc
- --GoalsFor
Goals Against
Jan Kriel
Diocesan College
Paul Roos
Diocesan College
5 6
TOTAL (12 games)
U16 A Hockey Report First Term Results P
{'cond Term Results P
Onc oflen hear about tcams Ihat eilher peak too soon or pcak loo late or never peak at all! Thi Wynberg side timed Iheir ea on to perfection while being lucky enough to learn some valuable le son along thc wa . I am a trong belie er, especially al Ihi young age that Ihe mo t effective le on i gained through losing or taking light knocks. I wa unable to make the trip to Port Elizabeth for the Grey High chool clash where I believe we lo t a clo el contesled match 2-1. Howcver it wa the fir t Rondebo ch game, , hich brought Ihe lad firml do' n to earth and \ a the start of an ethic in the team which made every player realise \ e had 10 earn our victorie and re uit and goal would imply not fall from Ihe sky! In this particular match wc found Wynberg Boys' High
chool Magazine
Peter CC/(=al'elos
our elve 3-0 down at half lime. Wc learnt very quickly that ability and skill alone i nOl enough and Rondebosch made the most of our poor approach to the gamc. Rondebo ch did u a huge favour. Our econd half perfonnance led by Richard Vincent wa a credit to the boy and even though we ended up lo ing the game 4-3 wc could walk off with ome pride in tact. Thi for me wa the 'turning point' in our -eason. As a coach you can warn and try lo prc ent 0 much but sometime a lo s like thi one i thc only way for rcal Ic on to be lcarnt and for certain thing not to be repeated. Post-Rondebosch wc played 15 game and won them all 'coring 54 goal along the way and more impre ively only conceding 6 goal. Thi included two sub equem vi teries 0 er Rondebo ch ~ hich was important for u to re eLC our lo ,and I mu t aye peciall in the League, thi wa completed in emphatic fa hion winning 4-0. I cannot write a report without mentioning our dominance over Bi hop and the excitement and pleasure it brought to me bealing them in all four of our encounter. Paul Roo proved to be tough opponents. In the pre-season tournament wc managed a 2-2 draw with them. The next fi.xture wa decided by a la I-minute Matthew Edward winner but a more valuable le son ~ a learnt in thi game. We fini hed the game with 10 men and showed great re ilicnee and fight to win but player rcali cd that in our team ethic there was no room for any rcaction 10 poor umpiring decisions. A vital le on to Icarn and the player
understood that I had drawn the line with regard to thi, issue. The Cup Competition soon became a team focus and afleI' slrolling pasl Edgemead in Ihe first round we came up against a well-drilled Bi hop leam. Personally Ihis ~ as our mo t satisfying viclory as it was done wilhout three firsl choice player including our exceptional SA under 16 Goalkeeper Riehard Le i. B team keeper Ja on Eiselaar stepped up lO the mantel and I will never forget the part he played in this game and in the 4-0 win over Rondebo ch. Potential was therc for the boys to crumble and for doubl to creep in. but in tead Bishops were no match for eleven Wynberg kings who played out of Iheir ,ock. ably helped by an in pired Wayne Winter performance und al 0 a remarkably mature performancc by team caplain Richard Vincent. We made our way to the final of thi. competition in a controlled and ruthless manner. priding our elves in the tight and disciplined way wc went about our defensive dutie. The Michael unliffe thunderbolt in the quarterfinal in the rain again t Rondebosch come 10 mind a a piece of individual brilliance olhen\ i e the team unit kepi producing the good .. The final against Bl:rgvliet wa Ihe cherry on the cake and a de'erved way to end a greal ~eason wilh a greal bunch of guys. The final core in Ihe final wa 4-1. I want LO thank the lad for alllheir effor! and enthusiasm throughoul Ihe season. You boys did Ihe bu ines on the ficid. Well done! To Richard VineeI1l. my skipper. thank you for doing a fantaslil' job and in my opinion growing in hi role both a' captain and as Lt player il the ea on wenion. A big thank you 10 Mr Lefson and Mr Ru hby for all their support. Mr Rushby. Wynberg hockey i indebted to you and we will mi s you dearly. Finally thank 10 the pareI1l who howed their uppor! week in week OUI. The boy and I appreciale il' Goal scorers Vincenl 22 goal Ely 13 Winter 10 Lolly' unliffe 7 Edward 5 Robin on 3 Cooper 3 Cox 2 Murray 2 Mullik 2 90
PLA VER PROFI LES Richard Le\'i (WP u16: SA u 16): Big Mac is probabi more well known a an incredibly gifted cricketer but throughout this season he has proved to be an OLlIstanding goalkeeper. Rewarded for his undoubted natural ability and hard ~ ork Big Mac was selected for Ihe SA under 16 hockey team a Iheir fir t choice keeper. His presence alone as the last line of defence gave. the team confidence from which to play. A perfeclioni t and LI lough ta k setter I believe Big Mac ha ~ hal it takes. William Souter: William made Ihe lefl half position hi own. A very accomplished lapper of the ball wilh good basics. a good jab tackle and the abilily to left hand aerial dribble which gOI him OUI of Irouble on many occasions. He mu~1 believe in himself more and I think he may surprise a few people! K. TopIc)' (WP uI6): Toppers i bles cd with nalural alhlelici m econd 10 none. He is very quick and hi ball lempo e pecially when he laps the bail i nOL normal for an under 16 player! A vital part of our team this year. I want too ee him developing his attacking game more as he po ses cs all Ihe ingredienl to be a real force going forward. Michael Cunliffe: A good hort corner Injector. He ha, worked hard at Ihis area of hi game to make himself indispensable to oLlr team. He chipped in with 7 goal which really is a fine effort and Ihey were often al crilical time in critieal game. Defeni ely a liule bil prone on Ihe turn Mike more than made up ror this through hi excellent ability to read the game and his posilional play. making counties amount~ of importani lackle and intercepl . A tough and bra e player. who works very hard al hi game. M ichael would be in my team any day. Richard Vincent (WP uI6): I really enjoyed coaehing Vinny and having him as my captain. He ha worked hard al becoming an effective drag nicker al thi level and also po es es a eon i tently good overhead. He mu I be commended for learning the e kill and encouraged 10 keep working at improving them. Vinny alohad the unenviable lask of juggling two port. (Golf wa hi second 'port) at once and Ihe way in which he did 0 mu t be applauded. He i a ery lalented young man Wynberg
Boys' High School Magazine
and I ju t hope he believe in himself and continue to lead from the front. He played at right half and showed good all round skills and compo ure under pres ure. However I think a move to the centre of defence will best uit hi game. He must work hard to polish his raw talent and eoncentrat.e peeilically on improving hi stepping up and tackling abilities. Matthew Edwards (WP uI6): A reliable and consistent performer at left midlield. very tough opponent to play again t and was the original' and shark' making plenty of tackle and intercept creating an unfriendly environment in defen ive pockels for opponent! Edi cored lhe winner against Paul Roo and al 0 calmly slotted the opener in the Cup Final which scttled everyone' nerves. Including mine! Hi left hand aerial dribbling i top quality. Keegan Robinson: The little man added a bil of bitc lo our midlield. A tenacious player with good ba. ic and an ability to gel the game going quickly, Lack that yard of pace and ounce of trcngth at the moment bUI when he grow (let' hope he does!) it will add another dimen ion to his game and if he is willing to train hard and li ten he can be a very useful player. Lolly Siboto (WP uI6): ndoubtedly the most killful and talented ball player in our team. When Lolly wanted to turn it on Ihere wa no match for him at ul6 level. He mu~t work at hi horl corner injecting and mu t aim LO become a more con i'tent performer. He scored ome greal goals this eason and has a very effective backhand hot. He played right half in the Men' Grand Challenge League and so proved to me he could defend if he was forced to! However I till think he \ ill be at hi most dangerou playing up front \ here he can fully utili e hi' elimination skill Wayne Winter: Wayne naturall po se e all a ccntre forward could pos ibly ask for. He i trong, quick and tough. and ha a raw goal coring ability. I would like to ee him doubling his ten goal tally in future sea on . I believe he can, Hi defen ive role as our centre triker dictating angle and defcnsivc line wa worth its weight in gold and so he adds valuc 10 the team even if he i. not scoring. His performancc Bi hop in the up Wynberg
Boys' Hjgh School Magazine
where we needed omeonc to tand up and be counted was world cia . It is critical \ aync continue a he ha shown in the .econd half of thc 'cason to be a disciplined hockey playcr. Scout Ely: out wa the team poacher. He wa deadly in the ix yard area and alway eem to pop up at the right place at the right time. Mark of a good triker. Oefen ively he wa always willing to \ ork hard and went about hi defen i e dutie with grcat endeavour. Hc gave his all at practices and only knew one way and that was hi bcsl. He scored a few memorable goals and wa a plea ure to coach, Brett Cox: peil in lhc B team wa ju t the tonic Coxy ncedcd to kick tart hi ea on, oxy i deceptively killful and had an influential part in our ucce in Ihe econd part of the ea on, eed to rcally work at hi goal shooting but can play up front or out ide midlield which proved to be a very u eful as et to the team, Mullik Ismael: Ha bundle of raw pace and energy. Mullik never failed to make omething happen on Ihe lield. Thi unpredictable and match winning element of hi. game madc him cry difficult for defender lo contain him, The ever- miling Mullik wa an ab olute pleasure lo coach and if he ~ ant 10 develop a-a hockey player he must aClively seek a bclter understanding of Ihe game and must work on hi role as part of the defensivc unit. Unfortunately mo t of Ihe game of hockey i played wilhout Ihe bail! Dylan Cooper: Played for the B sidc for a couple of game bUI wa clearly head and houlders above the rc, t in lhi company, In the ide we only aw glimp e of his brilliance and I hope next year playing in hi own age group will do him thc world of good, He too must work and concentrate pecilieally on hi dcfen ive role io Ihe team trueture and Ihen we should ee the be tof Dylan. He cored a vital goal again t Bi hops in our e ond fixture again t Ihem. Dominic Murray: Would ha e liked to have rewarded Dom more game for the A ideo HL hard working learn orientated nalure i te lament to Dom he literall give 110% every ingle time he
with and and tep
on lO the field. Thi qualilY is recognised Dom and I have no doubl yuu will gel the break you deserve 111 the future. Jason Eiselaar (apologies if peil incorreelly Ja~on!) He onl:- played two games for LI but ones of greal importance. Filling the bools of Big Mac while he was awa on inlernalional dut i nOLan easy job. He conceded one goal in hi lllO appearance againsl Bishops élnd Rondebosch. leam man lhrough and through, and along wilh Dom ha a heart the size of frica! lt wa~ fllnLa~lIC lO hale him in the leam. Abo pla~ed: elh BrLlmer and Jannie de Waal. Than!... ~ou for your conlribLlllon. You hale nOlI all sel lhc minimum standard. \IIal lhi, ,eason be the plalform from which lO achiele conlinued hot:key grealness at W) nberg! (jood luck' John .Helllror
In clo,ing I would like lO lhank Cr<lig Ellis f"or umpiring, the parents for lhcir ,upport. Mr Ru~hby and Mackic for lheir gUidance. finally I would \I i h the players wcll and to enjoy their hock!.:) . I hope lO ~ee ,ome playing for the firsl team in the near fUlure. ood luck.
U16b Hockey Coach: Captain: Record: Rc,ults:
Mr F.Lcf~on B)-ron Arend,e PlO WI.) LI lcllenberg Bergl hel Pincland~ Paul Roo, Rondebo\ch BI~hops SACS
12-0 4-1
U14a Hockey Report.
4-0 1-4
The u 16b leam lIere a pk:a,ure lO c.:oach. They CertLIlIlI) enJo:-cd their hoc!...e) ,wd lIere al\la)" Willing lu tr)- thing. Mo~t Importanli) the~ impf()\ed a, the ,ca,on progre\\cd and lhi, \la, be\l !Ilu,tfaled in the turning around oflhe re,ull aga1l1,l Romlehmc.:h. In goal .Ja,on Ehselaar gOl better and betler. fter a shaky lart he made ,ome crucial saves and Ila good In lhe onc- on- one ~ilualion'. ·eth Brumer al nght half al",ay, gale of hi~ b.:~t and \la, a crucial member l)f the ,horl- orner leam. In the cenlre of defence Jan de Waal wa li pillar of 'lrengthhe i, a lrue "und ,hark. Morgan Goodchdd cume on .I lOL after u year oul of hoeke). lie \la~ a big faclor on short,> as he hll, the ball a, hard a, an)one Al lefL-half heldon Knagg, \la, vcr) ,olid. He has a good hockc>
brain and ,eads silualions well. Luqmaan Mooradd was our ulilil) player who played in mo, po. ilion and was alway able to adapt wcll t celllre link K)le Grant got betier and beller .His oplion laking improved and if he can gel tougher he has a brighl fUlure in lhc game. On lhe righl ide Joscph Donald on was olid and came lhrough wilh some rucial I!oals. l lcft link Byron rendse ncvcr gal e le than 100% .Hi commilment lO the leam and the gamc is econd to none. p frolll Tm) Daniel~ played as the high striker and ~cored ome greal goab. most nOlably again l Paul Roos.l will certainly mis Troy neXl .lear. a lhere will be nobody left LO ~hout at. In the cenlre Dominic M urra) ha improved LI lot on lasl year. HIs movement ofT lhe ball IHI~ lOp cia and if he c.:ould just finish beller he would be an· 'leam player. finally on the wing was Mallick who·s kill and pace wa far lOO much for mo t Oppo~ilion defcndcr. lO handle. HI~ goals again'l f\CS lIere unforgetlable.
From a omc\\'hal progres<.,ed fa. t. and great ,el of re,ull,.
mediocre beginning \IC .:ndcd the ,ea,on \I ilh a
The sea,on lIas u L1cces III so many \I·a)~ though. from the great camaradcfle of lhc parenl,- II hlch lI'a~ carried on lO the lïdd b\ lheir ~on~- lO haling no t"e\\er lhan fil~ pn1\ incial repn.:\entatiles. to \I II1nlI1g the !...nockOUl lournament. lO thc greal ,pinl on the field. The highlighh oflhe sea~on hale lO hale heen 'll!TIe ,upcrb goalkeepll1g from Jonalhan hild. and the ab.,oILllel) eleetrifYll1g final of the Knockoul lournament. \I hlch lIe \Ion "ilh a ·golden goal" in lhe dying seconds of the malch. This maleh for me e"emplifie~ lhc \I ay lhe learn performed lImc and lime again lhrough lhe ,easonri.,ing lO lhc challenge. playing the pallern Ivilh di. ciphne (and the occasional bit of Ilalr). bUL moslof all pCNSlll1g \I ilh the l,1 k al h.lnd. even when thing, did nOL go our \lay. until the final "hi lie. W) nberg Boys' High
chool Maga.LÏnc 2003
1I0cke~ CI4 Stam/illg Roll' 2: J. 11"011\: C H(/gg~: B. ,'ellrer StalIdilI!: Rml' I: rI. TI/Orhllrl/: S. J 'Cr!IIl/IIC- Sap!,,,r. . 11'11;/£, J. reel Seared: O. Lt'l/(II: \/r h. R,dlllrt!w". /). Murphy .. \/,. J ilL/KgI'll: . Cardi.1
Mr lan Halc~ added great depth to the team when he Joined 111 the coaching. and to him \\c owe a deht of gratitude. \1)' thank~ goes to the ~upportl\e parcnh\\ ho for onee were more \'oclferou\ than I wasto Mr Rummage for hll> tlrde \ umpiring, and most {'f all. to the player, for a l>upcrb seJ~on of hockey. 'lou delivercd e\er) thmg that I a~J,.ed of ~ou. and often more. \\lIh u ~milc. and not once \\cre you found lucJ,.mg. ThaIIk
\.\ ynberg Bo) , High
'chool \laga.£Ïne
U14C HOCKEY 2003 Results
Pla}ed 12 Won 7 Ore\\ I Lost 4 Goal for: 20 Joab again,t: 21
Thi~ wa~ a pinted tcum ably led h) Durrcn ~laree. \\ ho \\ III still ac omplish great things In hocJ,.c). He. Ba\e'lh Magan and K) le ood \\ere outstanding player, and unluck) not to he
promoled 10 Ihe B learn during Ihe ca on. a ico Priem and goalkeeper Jame Kayhard . were. The team were fortunate lo practise regularly on A tro and played about half their game on ASlro. Thanks must go 10 Ryan Alexander who umpired all of their game. The highlight of lhe sea on wa undoubledly the succe ful trip to Grey \ here they emerged a onc of the few uccc ful team. winning 3-0. Players who represented the team were (number of game played in bra ket ): K Wood (12). D Maree (captain, 12). B Magan (12). J Brown (10). C Coppin (10). J Rachod (10), L Jan en (9). B Jone (9). L Moseley (9). M de Decker (8). G Dreyer (8). L Daniels (goalkeeper. 6), J Doig (6), J Kayhards (goalkeeper. 6). D Blignaut (3). C Bower (3). Priem (3). Rebello (2), L Jacobs( I). R Mandy (1). Goalscorers were: K Wood (5). D Maree (4). B Magan (3). Priem (_). J Ranchod (2). D Blignaul (1). J Brown (I). G Dreyer (I). L Jan en (1).
Ihe team this cason, there is a lot of nalural la lent in the team and the boy made coaching Ihem a real plea. ure. Congratulation on a wonderful cason' ick Warrell ( oaeII)
Thanks It remain only for me 10 thank all tho.e who ha e contributed 10 Wynberg Hockey and helped en ure that il remains one of Ihe top hockey school in the country. All coache for Iheir time and enthusia m. Parent for their support. assi" lance with the luck hop. Iran port and Iheir general intere t. , Chris Haley and hi ground staff. La I, and by no mean least. Hockey at Wynberg bid a farewell 10 Mark Ru hby. who e con· tribulion 10 ho key has been ab olulely enormou - thanks' R ushers' for everylhing - mere word cannot expres what you have meant to Hockey at Wynberg. Vaya con Dios. P. KIlOlrles
Under 14-0 Hockey Games Games Games Game
Played: 9 Won: 4 Drawn: Lo t: 4
The. ca. on began with only half the learn ever playing hoeke)' befon.:: and our first 3 fixtures being against 14" ~idc~. fter the di,arpointment of losing our fir t :I games the team foul!ht back \\cll and rcall worked together to sco~e ~trong win against nearly all the ':D' side~ \\e played in the cason \~ith onl a 0-0 draw al!ainst Paul Roos D. The team \.\tl lcd e;tremel) \\ell b} captain~ hristOrher Bower and Richard Mandy. and both offence and defence was led well b) Garth Rhoda (leading goal scorer. including a hal-trick again·t AC'S) and can Dc Beer (goalkeeper. who wa' asked to play with the 19-D learn). pecial Ihanks mu. t go to nthon Radue who showed greal leaderhip on and off the field b) li ting a' the teams manager. The parents of the learn mu t abo recei\e my incere. t gratitude ror all thcir work and. uprOrt; it is Irue that lhc Icam eould not achieved whal Ihey ha e without the encouragemenI and .uppon of their wonderful parents. Thanks mu t go out to all the boys who played in
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OZ 1- '1Z45nO
chool Magazine
Fir t Team Rugb) SWlldlllg RIIII 1. C. Ch(lse. R. Killg, K, .\'(lsh. J. 5/1111, R. Ta/olli, R. Lall',lOII . Illlldillg ROil !. I). Te/v, R. Kril'delllllll, !J. RCllflllI. D. If'e.He/\, D. Oo.l/erIlY/';. R. Ka/aclr. 5. DClllIr. RAil' hiw)/I Si/lillg: II'.I'(/II der Bergh. Mr P. Krie! (('(lach). S. leirart. Mr K. Richardso//. A. 11('11.1 . .\1r D. Sc!/('//ch (( oach) .. '1. DVII'II
First Team Rugby The 2003 fir~t r mu~t urei)' rate a, one of the hc~t bulanced ~ides Wynberg hu~ ever produced making the re~ult, of \ 13 Lil DI appear contr.ldictor). 0 f\:wer than , of the game kht \Icrc bj 4 point~ or le~s or 'Icrc lo~t in the la~t mlllute The greate t challenge came not in eouchlllg the ~kill, but in coaching the mind of the player. Once the mind had been conquered the bo)" produced ,ome of the fine~t rugbyeen ,lIlce the 70 10 defeat of in 200 I (and ended lil a 42 10 lictory mer C in the la!>t game). The focu, of an) ,chool hould be to eljuip the ~tudel1l "ith the .,kJiI~ required to !>uceced In the world today and rugby i~ no exception. 3 )'ear~ ugo 'IJ ynberg embarked on a ncw path of running rugby and the re\\'ard~ arc nO\l :-.tarting to be reaped. Irol11eall) the game that produ cd the highest quulity of rugbyeen for many a year ended in \lclOry for Bi~hop~ at the PJiey Recce 3 31 and" ill be long remembered b, all "ho sa\l II. It vlas a great game beeau e both side pla)ed rugby the I'a) Il was lIltended to be played and the re,ult \la!> in the balance to the vcr) cnd. Our bOls movc on to uni\l~r~ity. club and other in~titution "here they arc .Imba ado I' of our
chool ~1:Jg3.zine 2003
~chool and we mu t give them the tool, to a hlCle in the e arena,. Rugb) i., a proce,. not a re~ult when the proces i~ nHl'\tered the result lakc~ care of it elf. oncentration. dedicatioll. confidence. teamne . hard \I ork and humiht) arc needed for ucce' as a sportsmLln. The ea!>on kicked off I~cll '''lIh the earl) ~ea on prdcllce dragging boy~ out of bed and pare11l~ away from Sunday braais and finall) the pre·'ea on tour to GreY' lligh. Wc could hale \Ion allthrce game. but instead \le lo~t t\ll) by 2 p01l1t~ and 3 point!.! Thi ,~a. to 'ct the trend for a fe\~ matche~ but alltumed around a fe\l 'Ieek\ before the J ui, holiday~ and there ,'-, a good build up to the ape choob Week in Queen· to\\n. Brian De Beer. a motilational guru. came on board and confidence ~larled to gro\l. The nO) ~'vept all before them in Queen!>town and \lent on to fini h the season losing onl, L'\O more game. The 10-10 dra'I against Paul Roo \la partIcularly ,~eet! The proces was finally under~tood and the re ults \Icrc ine\lwbk! The parent upport this ,car wa phen rnen~d no one p;t1d anything to\\'ard~ kit or tour fee becau~e of exceptlon.!1 fundraising. Thank to Dave tew:Jrt and hi able helpcr~! Thank mu t al 0 go to can tell art and the enior player commlllee for thcir leader hIp it I,as a great !>ea on.
3rd and 4th TEAM RUGBY REPORT - 2003 Coach: Mr. R ..
XV Played 15'
Won 7
Lost 7
Drew 1
The Jrd and ~th XV's both had reasonable 5eason~. returning positive ratios of wins over l(l,se~ tht, ~ea,on. The hoy" \\"ork..:d hard. pla)ed good. "kilfu!. enjo)'able rugby and were de peratel)' unlucky to lose a fe", oflhcir games. It was .lbo difficult to eule down IIlIO a rh) thm bccausc of the htgh turnO\ er of players either through II1Jur) or hecau,e of players b;.:ing called
up lO the second team. The JRD learn was ably led by (mosII) ) b)' Jeffer) Klue while Ihe 41h., had a succession of kipper who ali did a fine job. The teams played wilh great discipline throughOUI Ihe season and were always very di appoint;.:d when they lo'a. The most sald'ying aspecI of Ihe sea on \ as Ihe relativel) good results Ihe teams (especially the 3rd XV) achieved over our traditional rival as well a beating Drostdyand going down narro\' ly 10 Boland Landbou. I "'ould like to extend m) incere gralitud;.: to the boy for making my job a relalively easy onc.. special thank to Mano Jacobs. Scotlie and Greg Sidman (unlil pressure of work forced his wilhdrawal) for assisting with coaching and Our supportive (large) group of parent~ ",ho came out to suppon us. de pile poor "'cather at times. Lasl but not least: the players for Iheir loyalt) and for ah,ay being prepared to ",ork hard and go the exlra mile . Roc!nel' 11If.:/i.,
w) nberg B()y~' Iligh Seh. ol .\ lagaLine 2003
Fixtures and results for Rugby between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2003 Sport Rugby
Team Opposition
Sat, 12 April
9:40:00 AM
Thurs, 24 April
4:10:00 PM
Silverhu rst B
Wynberg Score
Opposition Score
Match Report
Boland Landbow
Sat, 3 May
9:30:00 AM
A Field
Grey P.E.
Sat, 10 May
1:00:00 PM
Sat, 17 May
9:15:00 AM
Paarl B.H.S.
Sat, 24 May
8:30:00 AM
B Veld
D. F. Malan
Sat,31 May
9:00:00 AM
Sat, 7 June
8:45:00 AM
Piley Rees
10 0 29 19
9 28 13 32 0 12
Paarl Gym
Fri, 13 June
5:45:00 PM
False Bay B
Sat, 21 June
12:00:00 AM AWAY
Paul Roos
Fri, 25 July
5:00:00 PM
Paul Roos Gym
Sat, 26 July
12:00:00 AM AWAY
Central Reg.
Sat, 2 August
8:30:00 AM
Bellville Tech
Sat, 9 August
8:30:00 AM
Claremont C Field
8:45:00 AM
Meddow C
28 40
13 10
Wynberg Score
Opposition Score
Match report
Silverhurst A
Match report
B Veld Silverhurst A
0 28
Match report
False Bay B Field
Sat, 16 August
Sat, 23 August
8:30:00 AM
Claremont B
Sat, 30 August
8:45:00 AM
Claremont 'B'
Fixtures and results for Rugby between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2003 Sport
Team Opposition
Venue Steelkant
Sat, 12 April
8:30:00 AM
Thurs, 24 April
3:00:00 PM Silverhurst A
Boland Landbow
Sat, 3 May
8:20:00 AM
Grey P.E. 5th
Sat, 10 May
10:30:00 AM
Sat, 17 May
10:15:00 AM
Paarl B.H.S.
Sat, 24 May
9:45:00 AM
D. F. Malan
Sat. 31 May
10:30:00 AM
B Field
Sat, 7 June
9:50:00 AM
Paarl Gym
Fri, 13 June
3:20:00 PM
Claremont D
Sat, 21 June
12:00:00 AM
Match report
Paul Roos
Fri, 25 July
Paul Roos Gym
Sat, 26 July
Bellville Tech
Sat, 9 August
9:40:00 AM
Sat, 16 August
10:00:00 AM
Meddow C
Sat, 23 August
9:45:00 AM
Claremont B
Sat, 30 August
10:00:00 AM
Claremont 'B'
0 41
Wynberg Boys' Hjgh School Magazine 2003
Match Report
6:15:00 PM False Bay B Field 12:00:00 AM
AWAY Claremont C Field
11IIIdi'lJ~ ROil' SllllldillJ.:
I: A. Ra:::"k.
H ill/(/lIIs: 11'.1'1/11
J . .vell/lJl/: C. ""/11/('\: G. Prl'lOrill.\ O. .l/ekll/o. If. LOl:::. T. Blll/gclIli: II' ,'(//1 TO/ll/er.
M. '\fackai\(!r:
G. KOl/ltoff Sl!lIll!d:
/) .. \fcl//
idd: .\.
Ric/um/lIIl/: A. Pl'C'I'f!.(j (('(/1'/ J: .\fr G PCI.\/hlll/IIII: .1/. Oa.III('\·('\
Si/lllp.IOIl .
Rugb) • 11Indill.r: Roll' 2: C Se 1111:J Standing Roll' I: •. Thol/llell. ellled:
,If. SlIa/>all.
kll'/'CI):.1 Kil/l/l'C1r. T. Terh/al/clte: J .. ~fol/l(lII .. 1. S/aler: R. SII/if S. \CIII ScllCI/k\\rk; I. /'err('). O. Xall/wlH; .S· SlIlIIIlC!t; . Morf/I
R. da .'·;i/l'lI: ,1/1' A. Ric/um/llil/;
.\f. OertL'l,
I1r K
R. ,\Ia{!,l'e,
Bo) , High. 'chool :\Iuguline
U-15 A Rugby Pla)cr:
U14C Rugby Report
V. Terr} .. Thomp\etl. .. \'an chall..\\) 1... . \'.d. ) fer. R da ilva. O. ichau~. \\anich. Heen. J Thack\\l"a). M. Oenel. M. haban. J. KIllnear. A. later. J. Mouton. T. Terblanche. J. Kemp. RIagee. R. Smit
The ~a)ing ")our altitude decides )our altitude" 1\ \er) true of thi, talented group or player, nforlunately. although extremel) compellti\e and competent \\ hen pla) ing matche),. the) tlid not ha\ e the ,ume commitment and dedication to pracl1~lIlg. The lack or re'pon~e h) "ome at pracllcc~ made them a \ er) difTtcull group to COJch. tkmoti\ated man) teammate\ and abo the coach The) \tarled the ~eil,on \trongl) \\ith good perrormance, agam\t Grc) ollegc and Drmtd) but a~ the e,I\On progre,sed the) did not maintalll their motl\atlOn and dedicution to dn \\cll. 1 am :,ure us thc) mature the) will do e:\lremcl) \\ell and makc them elves and W)nberg \er) proud or their aChIC\el11enh. Pla)ers who could make a huge Impact in future )ears arc Vaughn Terr)". hadIe)" van chall..\I'}k and tcf~lan wanich. 1 \\<luld hke to thank thc parcnt for prO\idlllg tran,port and for lo)all) supporting their ~on,. \lr
Bo)!>' High
chool \Jaga7ine
("oaehe<>: Mr H udson- Bcnnell Ir T Pearce The ~ca. on of :!()OJ f"or the 14 \ had lts ups and do\\'n~. but it \\ us a real learning e\penence ror man) or the ho), and a \uceeSS in the \\41) that the team learnt to pIa) running rug b) The forward paek thi~ sea~on learnt not Ju,t to channel their aggression but ho\\ to pia) a more afTecti\e game of rugb}. Throughout the season the pal.:k gre\\ strong. and \\ere Iearnmg to \\orl.. as a unit. The) \\ould hil e\er) rud hard leaJ h) Be\iln ummer and Darren Gra)smark.. Loo~e fOr\\ard~ hke 131"):ln Punt and can Iherhen ne\er failed to den) pre ~ure and were often the fir.,t 10 the loo\e ball. The much needed tahllit) 111 the serunh \\as pro\ided Max I andre\\ and Honger uhle, In the hneoub \\e were compctlll\ e \\ ith the great I..ilb of Ste\ en Bolland and Tictn \an Dc\enter. The ,ucee', of" lhe f"on\ards lhl\ \e.l,on h.l\ heen the I..e) to hO\\ \\ell we ha\e done. omellme~ trugghng agLlIll t \ome of lhe bigger pack .... wc would dommate and thc) \\ould la) a great platform for the back' to pIa) a running game of rugb). Our ba I.. line ~Io" I) began to play an Il1lpreS i\c running game We had a \er) ::.lrong in\lde hack hne \\ith quick ball from Ra}aan Kamedien at scrumhalf ,Ind the ,klll of our 11) half Bren K riedemann \\ ho \\111 al\\ ay ... be remembered for hi~ outstanding try again~t Rondebosch. Mark Re) nold and M ilhail Fredericb would often dl pia) \l..llrul pia) and \\ould breal.. the line on man) occa~ion . With the \hghte t bit of room 10 mO\ e, the, peed of L)l.:eum Jcfta (Joe Ro olhoco) \\ould lea\e an~one 10 their tra h. Jarr)n Wibon and nton Hendncb al 0 contributed \\holcheartedl) to the nalr of the backline. Il \\a:- \er) e\cltll1g rugby 10 \Hltch. The proof of ho\\ good \\e \,ere \Hl~ proven \\hen \\e came agam.t a "er) tough Bishop ~Ide dunng the end part of the ca on. an) one \\ ho had :,cen thaI game would agree that all the bo) ...· hard \\ ork throughout the sea on paid off that da) The le\el of rugb) that \\as played that da) \\as ternfic. The boys played \\lth real pride and \\ere one of" the onl) team to Will that da) Thank )ou to all the parenh for their 10):11 ,uppon on the earl) lllorning~. espeCially to '1r harie ... Hm"llll' \\ ho \\ as there each morning \\ Ith hl\ waler boule, and Fir t id kit and keen to help tal..e 0\ cr the I~D ,Ide half \\ a) through lhe ,ca,on. 99
~ame time to _provide coaching at all bels. To this end. one can never lake for granted Ihe a!> I~Ulnce and experti oe offered by the coache . Thi year \\e have heen eXlremely fortunale 111 JeqUlring the ,erviee of Mr. rurstcnburg who ha worked tIreie sly \\ ilh both the fir~1 team and Ihe top nder 15' . Togelher with Mr. Knight at enior level and Mr. While and my elf at junior le\el. I am uble 10 report thut !>qua~h conllnues to nouri,h at Wynberg. Mr White ha contributed enormously 10 quash at thi~ chool. and I appreciate his loyalt) and commitment. Thi~ year we entered - learn in both the Lnder 19 and nder 15 leagues. WI.: once again entered IWO ~Ides in the Super League. \\ hich took on il nc\ look thl~ yea r. Each ~ide comrmed of three players and matche, lOok place at BI,hop, on Monday e\ening~. Our e\Cnly ,trengthened learn, fMed \\ell \\ith the Ir\ idc ending up !>econd In the league. The
SQUASH REPORT \Iaster in charge: Mr. D. Ru~sell COJ(,;he~ Ytr. J. Kntght ( nder 19) 1r. D. Ru\ ell (L.;nder 15) Mr. P. rur~tenhurg Mr. L. White
110\\ doe om: gauge the ucce.,. of a port at ,chooi leve!'? There are the obvious I'actor, lhal one can e~tablt~h b) looklllg al lhc n;~ulb of the \ anou~ ide, 10 lhclr re pecli\ e league~ or one can look al the strenglh 10 numbcr~. port is ultlmalel}' played for the enjoyment and it i through pMtlcirallOn that onc will ine\ Itahly hecomc ennched. Fril,;nd~hlp, \\111 dc\c1op and a talent \\ ill be nurtured. <\t thl' ,chooI. \\c ha\e ah,a}', ,Iri\cd to olTer thl.: "port to ,\'> man} bo}, a, pO"lhle and al thl.:
t,t S<luash Sralldin~ • randinl: eUIl'd: \Ir
P //In/t'l/hllrl!
1/. R/('harel\
1: /
1/0/11. R. Ta/olll
IfI' K
II II/t'//I\(,
\/ (' orlllll
Hr [)
~nberg Hoys' High :chool
annual local Top School !inal was yet again conte led between Rondebo ch and our elve . with Rondebo ch winning b four matche to two. The end- of- year Knockout were also conte led between Rondebo ch and our elves at both Super League and Under I SA le el. Rondebo ch were winners of bOlh !inal. despite the re ults being extremely clo e. Once again. the chool wa well repre ented at the various national age-group tournament and special mention must be made at nder 14 le el where Rudi Willem e, Marco Talotti and Luqmaan Mooradd were all selected to repre ent the national team. Thi certainly augur well for the future. ext year. we \ ill be attending the annual St Andrew quash Fe lival in Bloemfontein during February as preparation for what promise to be an exciting year. Thank are due to tho e who helped tran port all our many team. In thi respect I ~ ould like to mention Mr Hodgkin on. Mr William on. Mr Thorn on. Mr Mooradd, and Mr Talotti. In closing, Mr. Knight leave u at the end of thi year and I would like to expre my incere appreciation for hi uppon both on and off the court throughout hi tay at Wynberg.
eating into their quash time. Particular mention hould be made a couple of the talwart in these team. Bradley Mann howed the tenacity, which aw him home again t everal more talented opponent. Morgan Goodchild, Tim choltz and Richard Finch all howed a lot of promi e and could well play quash at a much higher level in the future. ick Jarratt wa probably one of the most reliable players to repre ent the school in hi Malric year. Tho e who repre ented the 19 are li ted below in an approximate order of merit.
nder 19 A:
Also played: nder 19 a:
Under 19 C:
Under 19 D:
In the Super league our two team both conte ted well and developed as the ea on progre ed. The team. which hould have been the weaker of the two. captained b Mark Coram, came econd overall which wa a !ine performance and owed much to the depth in trength pro ided by Rudi Willem e and Tom Main. II three player bad some memorable matehe and thi team, in parti ular, howed that it re ponded well to pre ure. The other ide fared le \ ell. Marc Richard battled to maintain hi form con i tently at o. I, while Marco Talotti will ha c learnt a lot from hi fir t year (of many!) in thi Super League. Reliability at o. 3 wa difficult to find with injury keeping can Marriner out of the team for ome of the game. Luqmaan Mooradd wa a more than effecti erepla emenl. Certainl thing look good for next ca on! In the other league our player certainly didn't ha e 'a win at all co t ' approach. Enjoyment ~ a the top priority for mo tand many of the matche ~ hich we narro~ ly lo t bore te tament to that - 0 did the few in which \ e failed to gam a point! For ome il wa Iheir econd port with Rugby or Hocke praclice
Wynberg Boys' High School Magazine 2003
oder 19 E:
Also played:
Mark Richard Marco Tallotti Sean Marriner Luqmaan Mooradd Marc Coram Rudi Willem e Tom Main Robeno Talloui Morgan Goodchild, Tim choltz. Bradley Mann. Richard Finch Craig Duncan, ick Jarratt, Graeme Bright. Bretl Thompon Shaun Me er, Marc oppin, Geoffrey Mulder. John cholLZ Cameron Richard, Andrew Green, Dylan Berndt, Matthew Watkin -Baker, Richard Lotter.
Our junior achie ed ucce throughout the league. and it wa particularly encouraging to ee the lower ide performing 0 well again I many A and B team from oLher hool. Practice \ ere well attended. and the bo appeared to really enjoy their in olvement at thi level. The aim of any port man must urely be to con i tently tri elo improve, \ hile al the same time experiellcing a ense of fun. It i alway 0 re~ arding to ee an impro ement particularly with the beginner. and I would like to commend lhe e boy for their commitment and dedi ation
throughout the year. Both the D and the E teanh \~<.:rc\\illner~ of their leaguc~ a line effon! Our top t\\O pla~cr.,. Rudi Willem~e and "Iarco Talotti. \Iere both regular member,> of the ~enior uper League team~ \\ here thc} both acquitted the1ll,>ehc~ e\lrcmcl) \\ell. The) \Iould haH: reared enormnu~ henefit~ from the cxrenence. Luqmaan \1ooradd rerformed con~istenll) \\ell in the number one ,101 at thl~ Ic\cl. abl) ,upported hy KMI \ on Buddcnbrock \\ hose game ha~ matur.:d greatl) throughout Ihc cour~e nfthc ~car. Tho~e \\ ho repre,>cntcd the 'ndcr 15 team, arc ",ted hell)\\' l ndcr 15 .\: L. l\looratld. K Von Buddenhrod.. O. ·cholt/. ;\1 ThOlmoll l nder 15 B: J. \\ ilk.ln,on, J I-nunc. G S..Ihann. J Badham Thornhill. SI\Crhell lnder 15 C: . K nagg ..., . C. cull). B. Kncdcmalln. I. JCllning.,. J "111Ier l nder 15 D: RebelIn. K 'J. ""am~nn. R. I,mall. J GruIer Lnder 15 E:J. h.,hcr.J. Bro\\n. R.llanbldgc. A. Jamc,. J. Wath '\I"n pla)cd: R. 1\1e Lennan. T. 111Ier
15.\ knockout
('mi-final: bcat \: c~terford 3 I Final: Lo,t to Rondebo~ch I 3
\\ P R('presenlali\(' L'nd('r Cnder l nder L'nder
19.\: 1913: 1613: 14.\:
: ;\1. Richard,
M. Coram K. on Buddenhrock R. Willem~c M. Talotti L. Mooradd M. Thom~()n
""ARD. : Colour.,: I. Richard". I. Coram. R. WIllem ...e. M. Talolli. T. Main Gregg Ilammond .\Iemorial Troph~ for the mo ...t Imprt)\ed rla)Cr: O. ChOltl D. RW.Il II
CIS ~qua"h 1/ /J1II1II1fI1I. 0 'l!lI/et{: III' P rllflUllhuff.{,
• (Ulldill/.::
Bllcltllllhwe/... J II ,{/../III(III, J. rOllfl£'. (j S£//lIIflll 1/. I CI/(/I1I, I/f f... Ril /lIm/wlI, L. I/ollradd: ,III' /). RII.\\cll
\\) nberg Bo)~' lIigh
chool \ lagalÏn('
SWIMMING L 19 S\\ 1~1.\1ERS:.Bolton: M. Carter: . Duncan: T. Fergu~on: C.Hutchin on: R.King (cl: J. Kieu: G. Lukasie~\iC7: I -J. Mo~ neux: J. mil: J. inc..:nl. lJI6 WI;\I;\lER :M. Bowen-Davles: C. Bro\\ n: D. Fernandes: . Gurney: S. Kce\')': R. Murphy: . Plcego: M. haban: M. laler: . Walker (cj 14 WI.\D1ERS:J. Benl: J. Bing. C. ro\~ (cl: J. DOlg: K. Haupt: I). llutchinson: B. Jone~: B.Punt: . Thomp~on: . claque. Ilhough s\\ imming i a minor ~port al Wy nberg. a cheerful and co-OperalI\ e band uwall~ \\ alerpolo player panicipale in Thur~da) gala,. In the fjr~tlerl11. \\e ~\\am al an ouci COl11ll1g ..,econd to Rcddam \\ith Kun Huupt. il1lo~ Keen and 'icola. -John Moh neux achlc\ mg lïrsb~ Olher gala\ were at liondebosch (4~ e\"alld~ logelher ~\ilh the Girb' chool: wc hO~led onc gala, took [art in another al Bi~hops and caml.! Iïrsl at the Girb' chool
Thl.! Inlerhouse Gala wa, won by Ru~~c11 House (De \ aal 1 The 14 trophy \\a~ a\\ardl.!d lo Bryan Punl Thl.! 16 lrophy welll 10 hane Gume} The 19 trophy was won by ichola\-John Mol>neux For the lïr t lime Ihe programme stated lhal we were Proudl) oulh African. The .mards \\ere prescnted by Mr King mother of the enior Caplain. Pharo i ad\eni cd as il i~ the span or of Ihe healed pool a \ast ImprO\ement t1\ regard\ our facilIIies. The fourth lerm I•.trled b} ha. ting a friendly gala againsl Bishop: acs: Rcddam and Fi h Hock. Camps Ba> failed to arri\e. Mu ic wa pro\ided by haun Mc)er and Leon Klaas, \\ hich added con iderabl~ 10 Ihl.! almo phcre. 'Vtrs Mol)neu\ and mothers helped \\lIh lhe tuck hop. The prefech for _004 had been induclcd lhe pre\ iou~ da), 0 lhis \\ as their firsl public appearance. Their help \\.1 ... appreciated e\en 10 Ihe holder ...of Ihe rope. alour and Blul.!s a\\ard. arc in Ihe Achle\ers' ,eclion.
\\imming Team \\) nb rg Bo)s' High
ehool \Iagaline
TENNIS REPORT Seen as a whole, tenni is certainly thriving at WBHS. With just on -0 boy challenging for the :28 team place of the first even senior teams. it is under tandable that ladder challenges are becoming the order of the day. One boy wa heard to ay that he found it difficult to challenge other since he had so many challenges for his place! Two grade 8 team will again feature in the fir t term, though this is a tenuou arrangement since the strength of the team varie greatly and matche are often called off due to athletics fixtures and grade camps. It may well be be t to enter them in the enior league at the outset a i done in the fourth term. It is certain that the introduction of profesional coache \ ith their challenging repertoire of novel coaching technique i helping to timulate intere t. Jn thi re peet wc thank our evergreen early-bird Old Boy Chris Polterton for continuing to get the first t\: 0 team out at 6.30 am once a week. and Bradley tcphens for his enthu ia tic coaching of all the league players. FIRST TEAM REPORT: First term re ults: tough term indeed with no win again t the like of the tWO R BH team. etller , DF Malan.and Fish Hock. It \: a oh 0 cIa e against de Kuilen. where we squared the matches at 3-3 but lo t by one et. Mark Wade alway had a battle on hi hand. at number one again t ome of the be t in the province, while nton Dodd. Michael Brit and Oscar auhaus were able to win the odd match or take their opponent to three ets. 0 car ha undortunately bowed to the pres ure of cricket. where he i a rt mg tar a well, while Anton leaves for Abbott . Fourth term result: We again lo t to the alltar Fi h Hoek team and to We terford by two set despite squaring the matches. In thi nailbiter three matehe went to third et tic-breaker with Anton winning 9-7 and Michael clawing hi way back from 6-1 down only to lo e -6. Again t RBHS "B" wc earned a creditable tie with win for Anton. and Mark in their ingle and double matche. The match of the year wa the hi torie first \ in in three year for the team again t none other than powerful Reddam. We looked dead and buried when Mark and Anton were clobbered in their ingle. but they came back well to win their doubles after lo ing the fir t cl. Michael then scraped through on a tic-
breaker third et while new-camel' Karl von Buddenbrock mangled Grant Hawkins (ex WBH ). The econd to eventh team had their hand full with mo. tly evenl, matched fixtures, with the seventh team winning five of their eight matches to have the be t record. Team were largely variable due to challenges. cricket and athletic. so it i difficult to single out stars. though Michael Klein and Jarryd Fi her fared well in the seventh. Further up in the second team the future looks bright with tar. in-the-making in Bradley Venter,and Breit. Kriedemann. TENNIS
LTS 2003 p
2 2 2 2
TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS: Senior (10-12) M.Wade beat A.Dodd 7-5,5-7.7-6 Junior ( -9) K von Buddenbrock beat B Kriedemann 6-3,6-1 INTER HOUSE TENNIS Full mark to new prefect Craig Elli. for reviving thi competition. He writes "the main objective was to promote tenni and to enable non-team tenni player to play against Wynberg' be t. The tournament con i ted of t\ 0 pool of four hou e each with one team per hou e. In the final. Liltlewood from pool B beat De Waal from pool A, v ith van Riebeeck third. I would like to thank all the players for their po itive attitude and look forward to the 2004 ca on" Our (jnal thank go to our long- uffering coache : Mr Joy Goodwin with her merry band of -0 aturday morning re erve (they never a k for better ball i). Mr Kallie Pretoriu for looking after the 3rd . M Thea Santi for her organi ation of the 4th to 7th teams and for coaching and tran.porting lhe e along with Mr EI ie teel. Wynberg
Boys' High
chool Magazine
The good court and il ~I.:lling such a~ that at WBHS certainly go a long way it to male tcnni an appealing port, Well done to Mr hri~ Haley
and hi~ team for ensuring that the facilities arc kept m good order in often tr) mg Clrcum~tanccs £ J BltKnauf
1st Tcnni~ team 0, "au/wlI,I, D. Ckerolcl: .1/. Brif,l, A. Doddl RIl'/llIrt!wl1: .1/. Wade: .Ilr K. Prl'fOr;'/1 (/I.O. porf.l) Ah3em IIr E. lJIi~I1(/l/(
StalIdillg: Seated: ,\1r
Boys' High,
chool vlagazine
U19a Water Polo Report Th~ ~ed,0I1 ,t .. ned \\ell \\ Ith a camp. the fOt'u, of \\hll"h \\,h made up of a,peet., l)f litne,s. ,kill~. rul~,. defence. attad. time m,llhlgemenl. goal.;; and ubjeetl\c. mental toughnc,~. dIet and health~ e;llll1g. leader hIp, re.,pon~lb!l!lie" etc. It \\a, a \ er) ,uccc.,.,ful and cnjo)' able lime. and ,Cl the ton~ for the ,e,hon Wc tra\clled up to lhe ide) tournament 111 F..,t London again (hh )'ear. and the team performed \\ell a, lhc) \\ere put thtough their pace, h) Ct1mpellllon from around the COUnlr). A highlighl mu,t ha\C~ been the gJme again,t ,re) Bloem. W!lh WBH lirml)' In the dm ing seal. 4-1 up. pIa! \\a\ dda)ed due to lighlemng. Afler a 4 - minute d..:I<I) play rc,umed. \\!lh Gre) fightll1g back hard. and healing u~ )-4. \cr) C\Cilll1g game indeed. In lhe .Ylallnter Cup \\c reached the ,emi final. and In ,lil ab.,olutcl) electnc game. narnml) lo,t to RIBI: \\'lI1tcr trallllng commenced in 3rd quarter 111 temperature, of 13 degree,. in prep,lrallon for the AC tourn.lmenl. The bo)., mu~t he congratulated on their great commItment. \Vc \\erc dcfillltcl) ,I force LO he reckoned \\Ith. and h.ld ,ome con\ liKing \\in,. before hemg knocked out bj AC 111 the quarter final- a di,appointll1g lïlmh to a promiSIng campargn. Daniel (\Ilrncro,~ wa, an able and \\ captaIn. \\ ho certaml) got the be t oul of hl~ team The mo,t imprO\ed pla)er thl., ,ea.,on must be Jerf KIe\\, \\ho ho\\ed greelt \\ork cthle and determill.lllOn 10 make the \. estern Pro\ince team Congratul.llion, mu"t al.,o go to iehola, .Ylol)'neux \vho has been ,elected to tour lhtr,llta \\!lh the outh fm;an c!woh .,ide III December 2003- u fanw,tie achie\emel1l. \11 111 uil !l h,l, heen onc of thc bCller ,ea,on, for \VBII . ;Ilthough not all ol our goa", \\ere aehle\cd. Th,lnk, to all referee:.. Grant \kkenlle. R)an Ca~tle . .YlIk.: Templeton. Brelt Redlllgltngh),. Tra\ 1\ redcmen. Rondcrho\ch Old Bo\'> and . ihertrec Club for thclr ""I,t.lnc.: dun'ng the yeM. Prol in ial ReprC.,cnlati\e ulll:!
S 1\101) neu\
ul8b C Ilutchlll,on. \\ P Senior \It-n'" alrncro,~.
Kce\). b side
J Kieu JlIlccnt.
3rd Team Water Polo Coach: Caplain:
Mr P rUNenburg 'tuart Botha Rohcrto Talotti
Botha R ralnttl G Da\ i, L \-1db Peccgo D Wcs~eb J :--e\\ Itng M liner Il Van J)e\enler J HUltlln- quire Jl Burl\ P Innocentl Thi., ,idc went from '-(rength to \lrength throughout the ca~on. \ c had a rough ~tarl at the beglnl1lng of the ye;H but by the 4th Term lhc) managed to remain good competIlor, and pulled off dra\\'> again t Rondebo,ch and Looking fomard to a great ,ca on nc\t )ear.
4th Team Water Polo oach: aptain:
Mr P Furstenburg Paulo Innoeenti
ahage B Van De\enter P Innocentl J HutLUn-, qUire T Fd\\ard ... P Bur" "-1 \lack,li K ie'-\\ citer Botton Beng~t()n
J \'Illeent
Ju,t like thl: 3rd .,i(k the 4th', battled In the ht Term. bUL \\Ith hJrd \\ork through the !car the tl::tm managed to pull off a \\ 111 agJIIl~t Rondeb(N:h Jnd drc\\ Jgalll~t C 111 the 4th rCml \\ ~nberl!
B()~s' High
I t Team Waterpolo STalldi"g St(/lIdi"g Se(/Ted:./.
Roll' 2: C. DIIIIC{/II, G, Lllkll,llell'ic=,
. Ar/eld,
K. , ash, ./. SII/il
I: T. rail Heerdell, C. SU)/I, R. \'e{dl, I .. l/oIYllel/." C. HlIlc"iIlSOIl, S, Keel'\' I ïllCI'III, ,l/r A:. Richllrt!.\OIl, D. Caimcro,ls (('ap'), ,\Ir ./. Hl/gge/l (/lIl/II{/ger), ./. KIel/ Roll'
16A \- atcrpolo St(//I(li"K SWI/(Iillf( SeaTed:
Roll' Mr
Boy' High
I: M.
K. Ridll/rdwlI,
chool MagaLine
Roll' 2: C.
M. Oertef,
.\1. BOIl'dl'lI-Dol'il's 2003
./. Ml/IOII,
. A.'i11l1ell M.
J. Gnïler,
. BrallII
B. l/opJ..ilH R, Smil
Under 15A Waterpolo 2003 Coache,' Mr. Caplaln' TeJm:
Under 158 Waterpolo 2003 Coachc :
\11 r. . Forre~t. Mr. D. Rammage. ro ~ Bryan Punl ameron Thl}mp~on. Thoma!> (ampbell. t\ icola~ Leonard. ven \ander andt.Derck ack\ille- cotl. 'Imon HUllonqUlfe. eba'>llun VerlapJppcr. ngilo 1aeKal~er. Cla}'lon Cros,. Dane Ilulchin'on. K) le Grant. Richard 1and). Ian \1.lcAlIhler
Mr. ro,
aptain: Team:
'. Forre
I, Mr. D. Rammage.
1\': hewnn Richard Mandy, Owen Leach. reg aharin. Ian Mac li Ier. lichacl \'an chalk\\)'k. L)le \1o~le). MIchael Ha\1 kin. Jason Fourie. Garelh Leonard. William Jack on.
rhi, W,h a ,pimed good resuil
AC The Team did nOL hale a good ~ea on. ~ince Ilhln) of lhe chap' ne\er felt lhal lhc) had lhe ahilll) 111 \\In cert.l1n matche,>. The highlighl of lhe ,ea,lln \\a, probably lhe eOl1\lncingl111l oler Reddam ... fier hal mg heen Ocalen b~ il n.!rro\\ 111Mg111 111 lhc pre\lou, malch. Br)'un Punl and Cameron Thllmp~on \\ere ,elecled for lhe \VP under I-lB leam ·I(,C
Under 15C Waterpolo 2003 Coach~: Team:
'vIr. D. Rammage. I r. A. ro~s nurel\ Hill. Bevan U111111er. Willijm Jack,on. Jason Fourie. 1ichacl Fourie. L) Ic 1\IIo,le~. Garelh Leonard. Jar.:u Doige. D,IIIU Vcrml.'ukn. J u,lin \\ ,II h. J'hOIl Wolf.tarut. \111chl.'ll Engclhrl.'cht.
l 15 \ \\alerpolo Slant/inK:
D. lIu/lhlll\o/l ea/I't/: (
Hr A.
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\\'~nbcrg Bo)~' High, chool ;\Iaga/ine 2003
Basketball Report NOER 19 RES
Chess Report
POints for
Points against
Jonalhan Child; Stephen Bell: K) le dl! Hahn: Orhan Effendi; Thafier El) LTS:
Played: OER 16 RE
Points for
Points agamst
Ol a great Sl!élon from Ihe 'tandpoinl of wins and los~e~, But much potential for 2004, For the undcr 19 tl!am, nc\\comer:. Richard \) iese, Gracmc Bright. and ic Kieswctter, all wllcr than 1,9-m, bring a great dcal of promi~e (and heighl) for 2004. The return of SC\'cr:J1 rookic ne'(~ )car mcan thuI the team will certainl) be \ ery compcliti\e. Our under ló' arc in a rebuilding pha e aftcr lo mg most of Ihe member of la~t year' \ er)' 'ucce sful under 16 ideo LOlS of hard work, and SOI11Cphy~ical gro\\ Ih in Ihe orT \ca on 'hould go a long wa)' to making next year's Icam a winning one. A large and enthusia'lic group of under 14 players hould provide a new supply of lalent for our under 16' .
2003 wa again a very good year for Wynberg, We lake pride in Ihe fact that we are still the slronge ï and mosl respecled Icam in our 70ne for Ihe fourth year running. Thi year the only los. wc. ufTered was again I Grev P.E .. a derb malch, meaning thai we are in act~al fact un~alen in our leaguc, \) e also imprO\ cd our overall league performance b) denying moslof our opponenls from coring any points againsl u.. nOIher highlight wa~ the annual CS l'e li\'al where we beal two of our perennial boys' chool ri\ab to go do\\n narro\\ l~ 10 a very .Irong D. F. 1alan in Ihc cmi-final , Our performance here is e\en more oUI~landing If onc consider. Ihat Ihi fe tival allract mosti)' Ihe slrongc t tcam in and around ape Town, Our goal for nexl year are \'cr)' clear: in the league: wc wanl to beat all our opponent \\ ithout lo ing a ingle poinl: wc will host Grey P.E, and be our hospitable . ehcs nOl 10 "combal" lhough and wc definilel) a pire 10 be the 2004 Fe tival hampion . Wilh Ihe remarkabl) gifled and dedicaled (young) player that Wynberg i happy to ha\e it i vcr) difficull for me as the coach to prevenl my elf from being over-confident Coach: Mr. R. C, Moolman
Sport Climbing Club The limbing club has conlinued to nourish, under Ihe capable and enthu ia~lie leader hip of Richard Finch, Ihi year. Ithough Ihe number of boy turning out for our e ion ha~ dimint hed, Ihe overall commilment of Ihe member ha increa ed, and \\e have ome quality climber in our rank .. We look forward lO another year of groy. th, and Ihe possibility of doing ome excursIon to do olll!>ide, "real", rock climbing!
Wynberg Boys' High
chool \1agazine
hough I ,I nnc for hl, . on LO u,c mcr lhe ne\l Ihrec )ear". The cluh boughl four rin~, and \\C \\cre<lW<I). Th~ bo)' and girl pracll ...ed dilil!ellt" durinl! Ihc nC\lmonth.,. \nd the ne\\ ,~,h(;1l ~n~led \\Ith \\.r ha\lIlg a fair rcprc,cnlation <il Ihc 1t..lllon,1I \hoot In Blo~mfonlein. T ~am mcmher ...from \\ BH \\ ho wol. part III Ihe 2003 Air Rtfle W. P. Tnal ...,hOOI allkl" ille liT 22nd and 23rd ,t\ ugu,1 2003.
South Peninsula Air Rifle Shooting League \pn12003 \\,1' Ih~ month Ihal Ihe cnd of an.~rd of nlk hOl)llng al \\ ~nhag ,lI1d ,Ill Soulh \Incan School\ ... h '\e ha\~ kmmn Il. t\1 Ihe fin,1I W r. BI\k) held on Ih~ milll<1n ranl!~ al Kl)t'herg \V P. colour, \\~rc J\\ardcd '10 Ih~ lOp "'1\ A,lrnn R,lndlc. Wynberg Cluh captain. \\<h onc of Ihe ,1\. I he 'llde,t cup in Ihe ,ehooi 1t ...1' our champion .. from Ihe h~glnntng of Ihe 20lh ccntur). no\\ III the 2 hl ~nlun ...chooh h,I\~ heen d~d,ln:d I!un-free lon~, ,Intj Ihe ch~rhh~d 22 nlk wer.: ~nccr~mol1lou,l\ hundlcd II1to the had .. of ,In ,Irm~ truel. Ica\;ng 1I\ lO lace ail unc~rt,lIn ,hoollllg futur~. r~rml"loll \\,1', granted thai \\~ might contlnuc ...11\lotlllg. \\Ith ,lJr nllc,. ,It our o'\n c\.!)Cn,c. under a tllwll) dinerelli ,cl of ruie,. Thc ~()uth P~I1lIl,ula ,chool, combllled lO I,)rm a c1uh u'JIlg Ihe hall at \' Illgh chool. \\ ~ ral,ed Ihe Ilh)nC) to ,~I up the n~\\ 1,ICllllle\ ,Ind hu) Ihe IlC\\ nlk, \\) nhcrg houghl t\\ 0 with t\\(1 10 l.llmC III 200-! And 'Ir \ QUC'IJaU\
In<;tructor: Johan
Aaron Randle
495 5th + 460 = 955 79.6° 0 8th overall. \\ P B Irum. Full colour'.
Tyron van der Berg 1988/04/25 198410/03 Richard Dutton
\"tll," JIll
\/r 1\ R Rit
43820th 427 24th
JacQues OuestJaux 1988/02106 401 33rd
SE-'IOR SH0011' \/lIlIcllII~
CJ Lou\\
,TE,\\I IJ (,lIrc/1I11 I Rt/llt/a/. I/r J (, \\)nberg
LOIIII. \. <),/1/1
Bo~'; tligh School
Golf Report Coach: Mr.Lefson Captain: S. Rix The 2003 ~ca:,on was onc of mixed fortunc~ that looked 10 he going nowhere bul rc!>ulted in Wynberg winning. Iheir fir~t trophye\er. The season started with Ihe 2nd annual Cape chools Golf Week held in the Southern Cape.The boys gOI to play 36 hole a da) agalll~1 top oppo).ition on top da golf courses. We were also fortunatc to la)' at Mr.Knighl·. lovely homc al Sparrebo h.1t i~ rcally a \~ondcrful wa)' lO slart lhe sea on. The league \\a~ our main focu~ but after a good slart e\er) game became an "if onl)" gamc. WlIh all lhe teams doscl) matched a shot here or there lIould decide things and ,0 il proved .Wc thu lini. hed a di appointing ~lh in lhc southem league. The olher lrophy on offer \\;,s the knock-out which combine Ihc top 16 chool in both lhe orth and outh and I~ phl)cd with 10 ph,)ers on a beller-bali '~'tcm. Where, III the Ieaguc e\ery-
thing \Vent "gain t LI • thi~ time thc breaks II CIH for us, e pcciall) in lhe ~emi-final again~t Bi hops.Wc were undcrdogs in the final at MOllbra) bUL\\ith lhe match tied al 2-2 James i e\\ling madc a birdie 10 \\ ,n the fir~t ever cup for Wynberg. \Ve .ay goodbye to three matrics .. le~en Rix \\ ho has played for three lear and on hi day can beat an) bod). Julian VlIlcent \\iho pla)'ed vcry well for most of the eason and gained Ihe mo~t poinL~ for the leam. Finally Jame i e\\ ling whom I will always remember for thai birdIe thai clinched Ihc Cup. In dosing I would like 10 II i h <,II Ihe pla)er well and urge lhem to work hard allheir games. Golf is a game for life and the llme put in nO\\ \\ill put you in good stead for Ihe fUlure. Also lhanks lO Mr.Pelerson for helping out during lhe lhird term. TEA-'1:
.Rix (blue~): J. incent (blues): S.Plim 011 (blues WP school~) Q.Webb (blues): R. ineent (colour~): D.Ro~ (colour.): J • c\\ling: L.Marins (colour) also pla)ed: . Brumer: M. English;
FIR T GOLF TEA~l ,'illllltlillg' L. .I/a/'illlls. D. Ro.\\. . Plill/soll. Q WeM ('(lled: J. I';II('elll. Mr K.R. Ric!uml.\oll .•. Ri.\ (CapIlIiII). \11' E. Le/~'oll (Couchl. W~nbcrg Bo 'High
_ chool :\lag:lLinc 2003
J .. Vewlillg III
M ikc & Lee Luyt
Berdlen Family
Main Family
Braille Famil)'
BUIIer Family
Millar Family
Carr Family
Milncr Family
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Paul en Family tiennc Da\ i~
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Preloriul> Family ape
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Marcel Du Preez Effting FamII)'
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Enkara Family
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Gin burg Family
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Hill Famil)
Family Family
oClaled Welding Landrew Leighl LOller 112
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Walkin -Baker
Daniel We '>el~
Fore I Glade Pharma
amIly Wynberg Boys' High
hool "1agazine 2003
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