Wynberg Boys' School Magazine 2006

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WYNBERG BOYS' HIGH SCHOOL LOVERS' WALK 7800 Tel: 021 7974247; Fax: 021 7610959 Website:www.wbbs.org.za

Editor: J Goodwin. Layout & Design: PRogers. Photography: M Leresche, S Hudson-Benett, P Catzavelos, PRogers, J Goodwin. Editorial Assistant: Kyle Martin.

Contents 66

TAFF StatT I lleadmaster's Report -t Staff Farewells 5 tatT News 7 Gap Year and Exchange Srudents 7 Obituane~ 8


Interact 67) OIood Clime 68 I·irst Aid 68 Infotech 68 Backstage Crew 69 Sound & Lighting 69 Counselhng 70 Peer Support 71 LadiesAssociation 72 Cv. LSJ "73


Bridging-the-Gap 10 Pmc Gi\ ing II Roll of lIonour 1S Achic\'cmcnt Awards 18 Semor Ccrtificatc Result~ 19 lndivldual Mamc Results 20 Matric "A" Aggregates 22 Matnc Class Photo 23 Valedictory 2-t Head Boy\ Farewell Address 25 Prefects 26 Old Faithfuls 27 RCL 28 School in Korea 28 Afritwin 29




Inter-House Results 30 De Villiers 31 De Waal 32 Littlcwood 33 Lorie 34 McNaughton 35 Rhodes 36 Van RIebeeck 37 Wellington 38 Grade 8 Blazer Ceremony 39 Grade 8 C~mp 40 Grade 9 Camp 41 Grade ID Camp 42 Grade II Camp 43



food Fair 4-t Building Projects 45 Pakistan Tour 46 Founders Day 48 165 Rugby Festival 50 MatTic Danec 51 Gn:y Weekend 54




Arts & Culture 56 Commerce 57 Computers 58 Design & Technology 58 Geography 59 History 60 Languages 60 Life Orientation 62 Mathematics 63 Music 63 Metalwork & Woodwork 64 The Sciences 65


Ch~ 74 Choir 75 Cone en Band ?6 Jan Band 77 Steel Band 77 Cultural Tour 78 Art 80 DebatlOg 82 Drama 82 Capstone H3 Gammg SocIetIes 83 clenee & Maths Club 83 HuntlOg & Fishmg Club 84 Culture & Ser\lcc Awards RS



Athletics 89 Badminton 93 Bru,ketball 93 Cricket 95 Cross Country 106 Fencing 106 Golf 107 Hockey 108 Rugby Il? Shooting 129 Surfing 129 Soccer 130 Squash IJ:! Table Tennis 136 Tennis 137 S\\imming 139 Water Polo 141 SportsA\\ard:; 146

Back ro,,: 4" 1"0\\ 3'" row'

2" ro\\: Front row:

R Crous. J Loltw. M Lere~che. L Lcr,on. I Parsons. D Allen. R llo!nnlllg. 1\1Hopkins. Rlnglis. P Smith. D Ram'lge. S Mgxwllu, (. Sandenbergh. P KnowIes, J [OU\\, K Rac. B Creed. v.. Janb. T Santi. 0 Carolis,,:n, B Emm ... G Pu~thumu~. 1 Gnlnnt. R Rudd, A CroS), C BroSler. P flske, S Seattle, D Sim~, Dl homp,on, C Manky. H lIunl:r. B Allright, P CatL.a\do" S Sands-Wilson, J Good\\,". M Roberhon, B Botha. M Baul.dl. S William,oll. \1 Col man. l\I Abraham ... ( Smith. Petcn.en. S vnn der Rheedc. P Ragers. M BrasIer. S Lindsay. B Sopam, G Francis. D Schenck. L Moser, K Richardson (lIeadmaster). T Gordon. 0 Rus~lI. P v Schall.\\yk, (j raylor. S Hudson-Bcl1llctt, R Moolmrul, 0 Faltlds.

Headmaster: \Ir K. Richardson. Deput~ : MrL Moser.

BA. l.Ed, Laun. B.St .. B.Ed.,

Mathematics. Din'clors: Mr D. RusselI.

B.Com .• IIDE.• Head ofAccollOling. Dlreclor ol Acaac:mlO::s:,.t Mr 1". van Schalkwyk. BA (Hons). HOE.. llcad of Hislory. Director of ExtraMurals. Mr D. Schenck. BA.IIDL Gcography, S.S.. Afrikaans, Director of Discipline.

Mr M. Bra.~ler.

'ir D. Faulds.

'Ir S. HudsonBennelt,

Heads B.Mus. <Ed), Head ot MusIc BACHons). B.Ed • Head ofEnghsh. Dlp.F.A (Current B.A ). Head of An RA M E(!.. HDE:.., Hcad of E.M.S. and L.O. BA IIDE Histor., Head ~f).nosa. B.A.,IIDF., HeadofAfrikaans,\d I. B A. Hon~.• HOE Head of GCOj,'taphy (Jan -Apnl). BA. (Ed), HMS.

Hcad of Geography (Jul} - Dec)

\15 S. Lmdsay.

\Ir R. Moolman,

H.Sc .. IIDE, BA lions .. HC;Jdof Ph) ,ical CleI1CC. lIead ofdc Vilher,. I3.Com .. IIDE .. lIead QI Fconomlcs. Ilcod uf Lmlewood. B.A , fiDE., Maths LIteracv, Compuler Studies. Malh~. CRlography. liead of Loric. B.A.. TSO, Ilead of Van Riebeeck. He-Id (lr MathematiCs. BA(Hons). HOE .. Afrikaans Head of Rhodes.

MI'\ P. Rogers.

;\Ir B. Sopam,

Mr G. Taylur.

B.Sot.Se. LIbranan, Head of de \\331. B A .. HOE. t\lalhcmallc~. Compuler Studies. Xhosa. If':.1d of Welling Ion. 8.,\ (lion'). \rI.Ed .. Biology. PhySical Science LT, Head ofMcNaughlOn.

Mr 1'. Catzll\c1I)~.

B A (lIon~), B [d (I- tenn), I ngh,h. Hi,tllry. BA. lion. , HD~, G~ngraph). S.S B.Mll~. (Ed), HOE .. B.Mus (1lon,) Perf. LRSM.(T). A C.E. (Comp Sludle~). MusIc.

Ph},ical Education B. !\Iu, (Dance), Dip (Dance). Ad C .."Tt. (!Janee). An. and (ullUrc',

Mr P. I·ïske. Mr R. Hamburger.

B.Se.. STD..

Mrs Il. I (uncr,

S., Science. Biolug) H.D.E. (PE). Biology. N .$.

Mr J. Louw.


Miss C


\1 A. Brd., fngli,h. BSc .. B.A .• IIDJ: . S":lcncc. B.A. Hl)!' (Ia~t 3 tt:nn,), Alilka;m, Addilional L,mguagc

B.A • BEtI • IIprD . liPTe. Metaly,ork.

harpe. Mr D. Sim,.

L.O. Physical I dw.:atlon (I


IL\ .• PGCE .. Enghsh. B'\.II p (Ph~s Ed).IlPTC..


MIss L. Hcskwa, Mr S Hcy,etl.

\fr R. Inglis,

B.A. Enl!lio;h,I T. B (\. HDc. H.Ed. (last 3 terms) Afrikaans Ad. L. 8.A., PGCE. lhslory. (:nglbh. B.A .. STD .. Afrikaan,. IIbtor)'. BA.IIED. Mathematics. BSc HOE. Mathcl11utlc~. Add "'lath·.

BI\.. HOL. English. Hl tory. B Com .• PGCE \laths. Comp. St.. Accounting. Economics. MrG. Po,thumus. 8.Co01., PGCE., :\laths. Economics. Comp. St B.EJ. FET phase English. Technology. Engineering and GraphIC Design. Mr (' Sandenbergb. HDE ..

Woodwork. Technology.

Mrs S. \\llliamson.

B A.{IIons). STD \frika.ms Ad Language. B.A. S.T.D. (:VIa) June) Geogl"aph} B "c .. \<I..\.. BEd .• f.nglish. L.O

Part-time Teacbe1"i: Mr M.i\bralmlns. B.A. Hons. REd .. STD .. Afrikaans I" Language. B.Sc. (Hons), 8.Ed. nUD., Ph)'si~"lI1SCicnc<!, ·alUml. Sciences. L.O.

Learner~hip. : Mr P Furslenburg.

Dip. Bus.Ac..: • AccounItng. r-.,lalh~ln,tlKS. I.T Com. Studies, L O.

COMPUTER~ (omputcr .:1\\01


k ."dmIOl~trator.

GAP YEAR ~~~':':


Ir M Hadlah Comput r Studie,. ' • Mr I·. Ha"im. • MrA.1


SPORTS J~,e Ballc), Da\ id 0\, .:ns.

CYo lellland. \u>traha Sl.otland (!iN

Kenneth Rac.

• • • • • • • ••

A~ 2 term

). • ~

.............:. GOVERNING


11 P Knowies \)ei<"'"

Ati-'!"';-. L-f: 1-1,


(J.. _..., 1-1..,1 F_1.. Ii, '¥. Ii.. ,.,~ Chatrman: Mr K.. Ilop"m~. ~ J leadm<btcr: ~Ir K. Richard,on. Leamcrs: R. Vincent, G Bloor. Tcachmg stall'- \-fr P. \.m Schalkwyk. Mr L. Mo,er. '"embers: \Ic,sr, T. Gordon. C. Hart. M. Hutton-Squlre. D. MncAlJstcr. R. Murpby, J K. Sabal!a. \1 \'ard. \lc>-dame' 0 Jubber. J (1-1..,~)

\.1r D. :vIacAhqcr. Mr K. Richar&on. I earners. 0 car 'auhaus. Chns \ an Tondcr. Teaching slalf: Mr L. Moscr. Mr M. Galant. uppon stall": Mr J Petcrsen. Members: :>'Ies.srs M. Cameron-Dow, . \1artingdale. T. Stoek. P \\'right; Ic.sdamcs S Carstens. M Matsiliza. Chalnnan. Headmaster:


. .

Ladies' Association

~ Chairlady:

Janine Griiter.

\',."" Cha.rlady

Thdmn Rowle.

Secretary: Treasurer: Headmaster's Wife: Clothing Exchange: Recycling: Waterspon Tuckshop: Astro Tuckshop: Oval Tuckshop. Catering:

Chunnaine Hanis. Cheryl Smith. Plppa Richardson. Linda Schenck. AnneCarr. Thelma Rowles. Traey Oliver lnga aubaus. Joanne Dyer. Belmda Cross. Anna-Marie Jobnstone.


Gardens: ub-Committee Jenny Pearson, Dianne Hawkins, Jenny Archer, Theresa Randal1.Myoung Choi, Liz Terry. Therenia Bloor, Paula Morkel. Lmda Sabatta, Elizabeth Sithole. Gadija Samsodien, Jay Lewi .

School ~H~. \'Iessrs J. Pcler>cn. C. Brewis, L. Booysen. \1C'idam~ T de Klerk, S\an\\yk.


has I been 16" year" Sm,e John \ldcNaughton nrmed from ',otland to open the doon; of the Wyn~rg School m Cilcoo Coltaf!e \\ luIe prcpanng ~e boys for Founders' Day thiS year, I asked them to imagme that hi' ~pmt \\ ould be amongst us as \\ e sang Ihe old, tradlllonal hymnsnnd ga'c thank~ to those 'II. bo had helped 10bUild the o;chod to what IllS today 1 'll.ondcr\\hat Mr Mac~aughton would ha\c thoughtorhi ',ehoo1165 year~on? Surely hc would beam wuh immen epnde 85 he pages throughthl.' 2006 magaZIne, which faithfully records lhc highs and 10\\ sofIIII that happen, al Wynberg , The undoubted 1\\0 lo\\s ha\c bttn the untunely dcam, ofm'o Wynberg l,llwarts John Ua'\lcrand Daryl un$. TribuIes III tbemare cl C\\hcrc m IhlS magazme. but whal an impact thcy made on the h'el; ofhunwcd, of young mom \\ hen the next b~l()kofWynbcrg's bl ,tory Iq\ ritten, th.:rc is no doubIlhal they \\ 111fealure prominently. The Iugh, of200ó arc "ell r.xordcJ III Ihl' magazine; Ihe ('ricl:et. hockey and 4ua h trophies: Ihe I.'clebmlioll \\ ith Grey ot their 150" anm\ crs:try. tbc wonnerful Founder..' \\.:ek. clIlnllnating in the tekvised Cl IC Clash \, nh SACS; the opening of the Nu. 5baum Centre; tbc hockeynndcncketLOurto PIlkHan: thc many academiC ,uccesses in vurious Olympiad" The~c ure tbe outstandmg aclucvcmcnt oflhe year, but the cpages olso rclkct the dally struggles and ~u.xes,~s of hunJreds of Wynberg bo!" They arc not uh\,,)~ re",al'lkd wllh trophies Dml hc:adllOcs. bUl nny nCllon \\ IHch is done in lhe <fliril of 'Supt.-m M(II'o.,' (~c, er Cim! Up) I:> il victory II Wlt., in th! ~pint thatlllllc Creek Spur offered the school a 'Team ofthc Week'meal Thi was IOvariably 3ward.:d to a t~.1m\\ho fl1ught oa.:k again lth.: odd,. li:lIlns from all spm'ls vied for thi, :i\\ard. PI'l)\ ing that our mOllo IS trongllDO healthy John MacNaughtoo's original ~chool was InJ'.ed to race uud gcnd.:r. 165 year> on wc h:we a viable C'ampu, of5cho,)", all of whom arc worLang \\ clltogctbcr und 11 glance lhrnugh the magu7in ...\\ III ,Inl\\ thc reader that wc arc ft truc Suuth" frican Sl:hool. cnnblingyoung men ofall race, to \\ork nnd play togethe..ln years to come, I ha\'C nu Jl)ubt that Wynberg men \, ill be captain, of indu!>try,bu,ill<.~SCSIInd goven1mcot(nnd hopelilllycducationl and pla}lngll full rolc III nauon buildlllg. 1'ht$ school stakes Il., rcputallon l'n the fact that wc are a Ix)) s' ,chooI. We under..tand the ne<.'dof bo), to belong and thc) ure gIven ample opporrunities In 'pllrt. cultun." serviec an.! til their tutor groups and !louse, to dc\'elop rdntlOnshills and Icaden;hip skills. Our school IS based on the preml,e that our ,cnior boy~ UI'(' role model, und that all our boy, support OUl' another. So\\ here IS thiS more admJrably summed up than by one of our mutric h(J,t.:llx)ys \\ ho "'TOle m!!aletto.:r b<!forehiS last matnc exam. Deur Mr RlchurdSlln 1 realee Iho/lomomJlt., bla::.er.lllOl~ IIlIden/and

tile I.'"

QfN{I\.'embcr. LI Ihl" liJ~1/illll! lil,~11 0111gOlllg to lO ,'or Ill) 1I}'nbl!rguniform A f I/ook hiliige symbo/i::.es <1111/"""Ilhi) school hili meant Jo me Ol ,'r Ihe lustjin' ,'''dn .....

al my


Ilallang lip lo w:lu;J()/ e~'e,,' morning willl mv ha.llel brlllher'. Il means an '7"wlce (Trout' l'Ibt djl'C1'Sit.l' 111II(.'Ufl.l IIIJ' rmiform \I';lh pnde. I/ meu/I.\ gOing pa." lire V,'1II0';UJ Gale.1 1'{!'pt'crfuJ of l/rase "'Ira ha, (' gOIlt' heli". .. me, /il meatlS g<llllg uullll publl< I.nowlII1: / am Il repn'R7IJaliw ol my school lt nlt'an.' ~uppl),.,illg Ime/.c)' "" a ""Id Fn.",)' ",glrl, k/loU /lig thai Ih,n' will do Ihe same for me Ihe ne.~I morning 111IIt'<IlLr IWIIIing "UI un lIawlhomt!CIl Field on á Sahmla\' mornmg d£'termllwd to defend /lre fllnJ'bllle and while hIJop$.11mcan, chamlng Q!IIIIti!' .....onir oJ tlte. ,chool '(lIIg and n'afl)' meallwg IlII hen" e.,af Super" "oras, fllllt'ons adllowledg/llg Ihe achil'v.:mem, olmy Iti'llhetg bm/lrer,,' ill uIscmblies ill tht' Clc.'!K/fafl. I, /IIean" n£'l'er being '(Ilis/ied lI'il/r lIIeJiocl'i~v. II m..u11.\,il/illg Ill/h.' lame dt'.,!,.,Ll }(/("/lIe, hll/liS alld Rub Louw huH! beJOIY! file, Above all, il me/Ills IIl1den/m,Jing IWII'lllckl' I 111/1 Jo 1111lo!Ihe chanel! II) oUl!nd O/U' of SOUlh Ali';"II', grr:al s( hools. Ill1Ie(/'lS


I now kllow what Ihe old sal'l/I{! mew,s "}(IU /""'er know Ill'" much VUil 101'" stlmelhml{ IlIIliI rUil lou II... I om 1101'.' delt!ntlint'd Ilra/tlr.,TY! un' gOlflg'/tI /oe no 11101'(''ir uni)".' In 111)' NIC. Itlla",,/' you for wIrallIre scJuJQi rltfi..,.. m80(} ex/remef) lllckyboj.'\. ,\(baso QlIwlu

How can John ~lacNaughton not be ,miling .....hen he reads this letter? His 11\5year old school gro",s strongerycur by year. I commend all who have played a role, especIally the teachers. Wjthout them, there would bl!no ~t3ndards and no bar to aim at ILlStheir passion and commitment. which enable, this schO(1!ro :um so high, I salute them. 1commend thc parents and thdnk them for entrusting thclr ~ons to us. I hope that wc arc rewardmg their faith. I commend the Old Boy, for their loyalty and "uppon. And ahm callI conllncnd the m....n of\\') nberg. Theirenthusiasm makes it all wonhv. hi le.


erckJomcd the ,tafT from 'l.11lnerton H gh School ID 2001 In Ihm tnne he hil~ s\\ert nil before him m a wn~e ofenthu lasnt and pas ion. Liulcl'oood \\111 n:mcmbcr hun lor the zeal and fervour \\nh \\hll;h he approached all hou~c a.:ll\ Ihes. 'Wynberg hockey'" III remember him for Ihc oUlstandmg sIde be turned <>1I1ll\ er the years. He 10\ cd Ihc game anc.! \\3$ un~'Omproml>mg 10 hi demancls for high ~umdards rhl' wa nlso obvIOUS 10 1115Icachlng of Accountmg and t.:coDomlc~, his sport coachmg Dnd bl~ uppe;l1 In.e a Irankenfurtcr (and fi hnclughh) ID n staf! proou(!lon, The lauid, famll} i, relocatmg In Jnhanne burg Derek \\ll1nOI be lost 10 teachmg, ns ~ bas been snappc.-d up by RedhilI S.:hool


nhis short lime with us since comine from MI High in 2001. John has thrown himselfwbole-heartedly Into the life of Ihe chool. English and IlislOry leacher tutor of Mac. aughtOIl House, sport· coacb of cncket rugby, hts influence has been felt far and wide. He bas dCl;ldC:ol 10 accept a post closer to home at CBe Parkland~.



PAR 0""

amhas been on the slalT for two years. lIe was straight from university as a Maths, Accounling and EconomiCs teacher. A provincial hoe key player him:.clr. he soon made an impact on the Ul6 age group as well as on cnckel. J le ha.,; decided 10 accepi a post al hIS old ~chool. Pinelands High chool. ~ here he was Head Bo).

D0'" \LLE:'\


on can1e onto Ihe stalT as arcttred heildtna~ter and more-Lhun-competent teacher of Sclcm:e 10 199R. Ile Willingly accepted any job which came hi, way and will be remembered for hts loyalty and commitment to 0 many arca~ - Interact. the 2" Hand Book Room, AthlctÏt:s and Hockey. Wc are mO~t appreciati~L' that ..." en when ill. he '" ent far beyond the call of dUly 10en'urc Ihat his pupils ~ere well cared for


baun came 10 us, as a young bULenthusiasuc unÏ\ersit) student in April 1998 lo help out \\ Ith boarding hotbe duties and coacbmg spon al tbc schooL He \\as sO successful at this. that \\c readily appoinled him to Ihe ~chool ~lafT "hell he graduated. He ha~ achie\ed much in his time with us -I lead ofGcograph}. Maths teacher. Technology leacher. sport-, coach and an oubtanding Head of Lorie House. He Wa~ always onc of thc main driving forces behind tbc Grade 8'5 m Iheir lloll.\(!sJor Hahitat project o\'er Ihe lasl fe\\ years. He leaves us 10 take up a position at



enrieue came onto the ltlaff in 2005 la help us when we had a cri~is ",ith Afrikaans lcaching. Meticulous and hardworklOg. her industl) IInd cheerfulne~s, W3~ much apprecIated. We wish hcr well as she re!tres 10 spend more time with her husband,

JOIli\:-.i l.Ol \\ ." ,... ~




hcm:mm0s10rus Impi}. II'Plug·.h reurro after devoting 1110'1\)fhl~ lca hing ('lireet' to four dct.-ude of \\ YllOCrg school chIldren \t II function held 10 the rl h Bo\\ I. 1r RI hard,on pard Inbuu:lOthl very pl.'l:lalman I lir;t remember 'pc:ak IlIg to Plug \\ hen \\ e both plnycd m the ,ufTcnckel ream. lie re,ellcd m the: image: ()flh,' \llIage blacksnuth -lIc to hold up hi' panlS,lilth) pads, black hoe,. no gIO\c:>. III.'had t\\1.I ,ho~ th fOl"\\llCd lunge 10 d fend hI "1d.;CI' and the :J!udi:lng roman! lungc lo sqUlrt II toward mld\\ Icket Thl hot \\ later rccogm d b} th • pun as \\ hen II ,In'Il" ( mnje IJ cd II they calkd tt the log w.-cp S 8 fielder, thl' \"lllaj!e: blachmlth lIevcr droppcrl a calch ,",ut\"Ih one pro, \ 0: he had to be under III \\c ne\er epede..! - nor dId he c\ er - actually mon' to take Il catch He held out IllS \i,,1 bucket-lite h~llds expectantly and on • .:the hall dropf'<.'tl mtl' them. II di,appcan:d lirdbam Bark,\\. Engh,h cn keter and our hool pro lit the lime, saId Ihat Plug catchmg the bull \\11 hkc BIlly BunIer catchlDg a doughnutllt \\ ,be II botirsh.nlkd hIm 'Bucket. " Plug \\il' very proudofthl' nkkname nnd when hcdlddropa catch abI_)ut ,IX' t:ar, later. he rCCCI\ cd ,0 much ~lIck from Ihl"n'st ofu' that he n('VefplayeJ again!

Plug wa...made de \'illic:r ...• Hou,e 1l.:<1d\1 hen IIC ,lartcd the nCI' I")use~) ,tem In :!OO:!. II \hl' 'iIIIng tll<llhe ,tarted a hoU!,e lhat ....as narned aller onc ofW:l.nberg's greal!!,t bencla~hu~ and the counlry', IiN outh ,\fnean bom gOlernor geRend in 1915. Plug tlX'l.; to Hou,.: head~blp ....nh gusto. lIe 'pent hou..-" guidlOll. [ld\ i'lOg and coun...:lling t..l}'. Thc truc Plug came lO the foro:through thi, House S)iMcm. He 'pcdallsed 10 l]le naughty und dlreclIoolcss boy" and a general Ion of de \ïlller' bo). \\11l remember hJln for hl~ wise coun...:l. his genuine inrerest and hiS smeere guidance.

Plug \Ias 3ctU3l1yWrY l"OmpclIU\c 10~port. > a third Ie-dm rocket cooch he Wa51l gTC!It bcltewr m clt,unng bi, \\ynbcrg learn batted fir" and he tbcn 3flf'hed the" I Iheof).lIn\locvcr manY'lfhis bat-men \\crc gl\enoul b) the oppo mg umpire. he ....ould giI': (lul Ihe ,amI.' nunll:lCrofthelr bat men"'l The \\ }nbcrg ,"team never 10'tlnllIly matche, under I'lug\ ,te\\'3.1dship.

Aticr a ,tatT seminar man) years ago al UIe Brewe Rh,er \\I! I\"rc all a,ked \\hat antmru we identified ourselves

With Plug cho,e a mm. He thd not mcan a stud ram, bul \\ ho I~ strong, fmn In hi, co", Ït:lil.lns and il 'upporti\c fnend. That i~ho\\ we ,hall remember hIm. \\e have admired him and laughed \\lth hil1l- even when he ....ore a t\.ltu in onc of our staf1 pcrfomlancc>. pirouetting arowld ID li rendition of S\\ an Lake.\\e shall n:memocr hi, contnbullon lo meuII\\ork.. lo sport. to ,hooung, to de Vilhers !louse. 10 the museum. lo UIl! !>latTrool1l.amI 3.' an icon of\\') nbcrg.

Plug Wlh lirst employed at Wynberg a, a Metalwork teacher. He had a fcar:.ome dlS":lpliIlc and high ,tandanI . I-.bny boy, orlho'e carl)' years tell stone. of a nil ,demeanour re,ulllng ID IhelrtJes bemg put m onc of the vu:~ - IInd unable (.I e>CalX"- their b.:mg lamba,lcd b~rthen~are,tpleceofwood.


Plug'" Icga0 IS t\\o-loId. The "landarJ of the nwdcls 10\ mgly and proudl) craflcd by his JlUptbo\.:rthe yea!" IS one half of bl' legacy. The other half i, the affedil1n and aprrel"Ïauon III the heans of the Ihl.lusands of \\ynberg boy, ....ho ba\e pa.sscd Ihrough 111'hand and ....ho peak ....ith greal fond TIe" of tho:u fomIer metal ....ork teacher ... SUE CRO:-.iE -


P~~~1./.t~~ ...





orthe I;c,( SC\ Cllleen year:-, Sue lwne ha, managed the cW)-to-day running of the ,,:hool tuck,hop. In theol). h;J~been a pan-llmcJob. butaqui~~ glance.ll her job de cnptilln belt ..", this fuel


SmCl' 1Q90. slle ha, been resplln"hlc

filr ordering ~lIpplll:'. prepanng statTlunches and teas, "en'mg bo) sand orgull1zlDg c\cmng funl."llon,. She has attended mnurtler"ble I11ct:ling_~.dispensed ad\ice. kepI records ,md effiCiently steered the tuckshop ship through ,easonal ~(ormy \\ ater~. Throughout thi, 'Iml" ,he ll<l~kepi her sense ofhwnour - essential In handhng OO)' - made innumerublc fncnd" nlllllng~t genera lion' oII1l0Ihers_anJal\\3y' bl'.:n prepared In go the c\(ra lIule.

a mother of t\\O \\) nberg boy hc:rsclr. shc ha, been :dcarure of\\ ynt-erg It Ic fOTman) ycal'i, \\ e thank hel for her 'clfie" sen ke anJ \\ "II her well in her rctlfcmenl


STAFF Nt-W1\\} nberg \\ t"komed Ihc follo\\ III ne\\ leacher\

thl, year.

I\Ir "il..e I t"ll~,(he fiom 11mbaln\ mto the fath· D.:panrnenl. Mr UI' id I hllmp,oD tmm \\ Imord mlo the Gcogrdph) Do:partlllent. :\Ir Roland Rudd from Free Stalt!"Unl\el>lt) InlO English Ilod Iccbnvll1l1) IJepanmt"nh. -Mr Si,,,r 1\I1:;\l'lati from (rc 1\\ ) mto the Xhosa Department. Mr Riaan Crou\ from alal Unn er lij 1010 the \1111th D.:panment, Mr [)anl'd ( lIruli\ ..cn !rom :-;<mnan Ilcn,htl\\ood lOtO Ihc Geograph) Depanment, 'Ir Shlun lIe\\ctl (Old Bo~) fr m a lcarhlng puSI m England 1010 lhc Englr h und Hi 10ry [kp rtnl<."nts. \Ir Jlln Robin on Irom Grey 111ghSchool 1010the Geograph)' Deaprtm<!nl. Born: I'nl::agcd: \Iarried:


\ daughler 10 Richard ....beila .\.lIeo 10 Juh. a Jon Robin on lo Mana 8arr) t:mm\ 10 Shirk)

....... iIIC:'

and Kath~ Hamburger in June. a fir.! grandchild (grand on) 10 Don and on lO i\like and Lulu Brasler 10 eplember.

Schwulv HuntCl

\1r P Kno\\ les



he GAP Yearprograml11e has been TUllningextremcl) ,ucee,sfull) to.rabaUI 16 years nO\\. TIll' year \\11' no el(cepllon \\Ilh Da~id O\\cn (Hutcbin Australia) .1no JII"C Bailel (Ratbkeale Ne\\' Lealnnd) jOining u~ In Janual} anJ \1i~lairUllmilton (George ,,\ alsOI1'~ Scotland) arrt\log LO cplcmbcr Th.:~ young men do a lanlaslle Job coaching 'ports team~. clas~ IttlOg and doing all sort, ofaumll1j<,lrallve 13,ks. Their (l',ISlancc !lIthe \ anou Spurts Feslt\aJ and annual \chic\ C1>' DlOnen; dOlOg programme ... certificale~, menu!> CIC. IS panlcularly \ aJuable. Da\ IUde'cn es. pC":lal mcmion for hIS e!Iom on the "Cla~sic Clash" programme TIle} arc e Iremel~ affable fellows \\ho ahvay~ go oul ofthclr \\ay 10 help and the school would ccrtamly be the poercn\ ilhoUllh~"lll

Some personal hIghlight> for the OO} were a highl) mcmorable trip down tbc Orange RI' er. an 0\ criand Tnp 10 ViCloria Fall~ via aruibia and lhe Caprivi. road trip 10 Port Eh7abcth. Kil) ,na and East London and countless ,i,lb lO\anous local hostelrie~


10 Excbange

Malthc\\ Dallc~ Craig Ovztnsk) Grade

Students RathkeaJe. ~e\\ Zealand. Barker ColI"lle. Alt~lralia

12 Gap \ear Elcbange

Karl \ on Buddcnhrock CraigGR"en Tild:rn Bungani

Chad Scull K~ le Wllliam~on


George Wal~on ( cotland) Cheltenham C()lIege (England) Ilulchms College (Austraha) I1UlchlOs College (Australia) Ralhkeale College ( 'e\\ Zealand).

. T Ff


t Jobn Baxter


ld Boys from tbc last 30 years .....Ill be distres ed to bear of the p3..."ing of Jobn Baxter (56) on Thur;day evemng. 23 !\larch :!OO6. Although he had been seriolll>ly ill for some urne, he wa ullte3chmg up 10 a momh before his dCalh and It was only witb considerable urglDg on the pan of the school management that he allowed himself to be persuaded to goon id. Leave. John started teaching at Wynberg in 1975 when he wa appointed as a Hi,tOI)' and Lann teacber. It wa immedtately apparent that be \\3S a teacher of e:\traordinary abil!!) and p(l~ion. and generation ofWynberg bo} still talk about his hlS10ry cia es and hi love and enthusiasm for the 'ubject. He planned and organised history tours to Europe which \\ere a highlighl in the school calendar for a number of years. In addmon. he enjoyed organi ing tafTholiday trips to Okavango. Otter Trail and many others. HowC'\er. hts reputation was made on the tage. lie revolutionISed drama at Wynberg v.itb both open air Ber:keu( 1979) and stage produclion . He had the .. isIon to tage ambilious production : Richard IfI (/977) and Ham/el (/978) were hl hakespcarean masterpiec~. The 19 0'5 'U\\ GfI?ose and Royal Hunt of tire Sun On hiS return to Wynberg in recent years. we saw another producllon of Grease. One Fie.,. Qler lire CU'!uJO\ ~'e.,t and an outstanding show of Gun and Doffs in 1004. The school i~currenlly in the throes of rehearsing for Slimmer Holida.l For many years. under his inspiration. the staff have pUI on numerous farces and mlll>lcal . NOL many schools can boast of an annual taff production of Ihe quality that be managed lO coax from hiS charges. John came back to the Wynberg staff in a fullume capacity in 2002. He lea\ es the Cultural Ponfolio al tbc ~cbool lO tbc !rongesl posiuon lt has ever been. Three bands. a choir. trong drama and an annual CuI Iura I Tour bear testimony 10 an outstanding leacher and educator. There are few of hiS Ilk in teaching loday and be will leave a hole that is. quile trnply. unfillable.lle was also responSible for the running of lhe Eric Tasker Museum, which he u ed as an office. When VISitOrs were being ShO\\11 around. he uscd to remark lacomcally that they must not mind him as he was one orlhe e"hibits! He was one orlhe driving force!. behind tbc setting up orthe Ryno Grecnwall ReadmgRoom. Abo"e all. we shall remember bim for his unique and acerbic \vit. He bore no malice 10 anyone. He was a 'choolmaster 10 the true scll!le of the word. What a loss!

Da'11 im


was l v. jlh shock that we heard tbe news of the untimely pa$~Ulg of Daryl ims, on londay 20 March. lie dIed alongside the rugby field al Boland Landbou where he had been watchmg the bt learn rugby pIa} a pre-season fnendly. AI 34 years of age, it \\'11.' unexpected and out of the blue. Daryl was himselfa W}11berg Old Boy (1987 - 1991). lie was II keen rughy player and cricketer while al scbool and he matriculated 10 the chool\ L50lh year. Over the years. he proved to be a loyal Wynberg Old Boy. eldom mi ing lhe opportunity of attending ",nter and ..ummer ,ports days agalOsllhe ,chool. In 2002. he was appointed to lhe rugby c03chmg staffofthe school. His passion and love for the game was very e\ idenl from lhe outset and he imprc sed all with his knowledge and inSight He soon becarneindi$pen able to the portlng Ideofv.'ynbergand altbe time of his death he was master in charge ofRugb} and WaterpoLo. In addition he took a number of Junior Sport Science classes. It was a credit to the characterofthc man thaI he volunteered to be a tutor to the boys of de Waal House. He irnmen.ed blmselflhoroughly III the affairs of the hou e and won the support and affeclion ofhundR'<Ïs of boy by bj irrepressible sense of humour and hiS genUIne and SlOcere concern for lheir welfare. His legacy will be his bubbly. mfeCtlOUs and elfdeprecaling sense of humour. Ile saw the funny side of any ituation but yet at the same time, no school could wanl a more loyal or hardworking member of taff. He would be the fITStto pUI up his hand lO help or to voiunIeer for a job no-one else \~anted. He will leave a huge hole in our statT room and will be ,orely missed. Our bean fell condolence go out to Marie and her daughters, Kira and




, ..




II ~u. '.

"CR 8

Wynberg Boys' High 1006

80rn:6 ('plemhcr 1949 Died: 23 'larch 2006




do) en of choob theatre


ohn Bal\ter's death has removed from thc local education -.cene a schoolma.'Jer of quitt! t!'\tr.lordioary talenl t!"'peJ1em:e and pa~,ion for hi~tory, Illi leaching ubJecl for more than 30 years.

• "ho-e: excitement about and 10\ e for their matenal re"ult ID a' cOfn:<;pondingly ab'orlx.'d inte~l 00 the pan ofthclr pupib. : T1ln:e Cape ~chools wert! pmlleged 10 share the "hole of· Ba"ler's teaching career among them, Wynberg Boy. • Camps bay and Plumslead High school.

Only rarely are young people exposed

10 teachers




Died: 21 \Iarch




masCerre pected by all


aryl ims, a happy and familiar lace to all al Wynberg Boys' High, died of Il heart allack on Mllrch21 attheageofJ4

A JXlrt~ masIer at Ihe school, SiIm died \l.hile dOing ~methmg he lo\ed cQachmg rugby. The )lounge\! on of Emie and the laIC JOilll 5mb, he was bom lO Cape Town in 1971. he allende\! Wy nberg Boy~' JUDlor and I IIgh school~ and \\3Sa keen rugby player and cricketerdunng hl school yean>. E"en after matriculatmg Slm, ~Idom mis>cd an opportunity to . upport ummer and wmter . port~ day, at

the school. More sigmlicant even than hi. uccess in thc cla£l.room wa, Baxter' hie-long IDvolvcment with and love for theatre. to After he matriculaled 10 1990 and completed bis nauonal which he Introduced man} hundreds of he. pupll~ as well 3.\ ervlce m the nay'}. Slms had a fe" job~ before be made hi> many hundred from Wynberg Girls' Ti igh School. lie \\ as, pas~ion hl work. That pa sion \lob rugby and be began hi, without doubt. the doyen of schools theatre produce~ in the • rugby coacbmg career by training touch rugh). He we~1 on We tem cape, \\ith more than 100 shows - both tr.ught • to coach lhe SA ladles touch rugby team and took Il to theatre and lUu:;ical to hIs credil. I h:. lmpaCt as a Australia to panlcipate in lbe 1999 World Cup. lIe then producer. impresano. larger-than-lUe ball "j"onl and friend joined the rugby stalT at BiShop" coaching the Under 16 was profound for 0 many young people. Hi energy and A' • and al the University of C~pe Town. coaching the efficiency leamed with a cenam irascIble brio infected Under 21's.later,Slms began coaching at Fa[~ Bay Rugby everyone. Club in Constantia, where he held a number of coaching poSitiOns, mcludmg head coach, and became an integral Baxter w~ a enou!> student of Russl3n history with a select and much-loved member of the club. libmry of rare books on the subject, as well ~ a unique collection of icons from that counrry His library wa.!> In 2002 Slrm was appolnled lo lhe rugby coaching stalT al extensive and he was very kno" ledgeable about clasSical Wynberg Boys'lligb ajob he loved and which gave Ium and other music. An una hamed royalist, he had an • many hOUTSof joy and fulfilment. HIS passion and love for encyclopaedic knowledge of fonner and present European rugby wali e\1dent by hi~ knowledge and insight of the ruling dynaslles, with a particular and idiosyncratic game. At Ihe time of hiS death. Sim was m~ter-in-cbarge dcyotion to the House of Windsor. of rugby and waterpolo al tbe school. J le was also a tutor 10 He led successful educational school tours 10 Europe and in recent years arranged and conducted adult louring parties overseas and to exotic sourhemAfriean destinations as well. Baxter \\ as a member of the Order ofSt Lazarus. an ancient religious foundation dedicated to the support and succour of • lepers. In fitting acknowledgement of his years of devouon : in its service. he was created a Knight of the Order.

lhe boys of de Waal Hou!>e at Wynberg. thoroughly imrncrsmg himself 10 the affairs of the House and Winning the support and affection of hundreds of boys \\-ith hi~ irrepressible sense of humour and his genuine and sincere concern for tbeir welfare. "Sims was a role modeilo all the childreo he coached and was higbly respected b} lhe boys, stalT and parenis at Wynberg," said his brother. Gordoo Sims.

In ,ome senses. Baltter's greatest gift one he shared with There will be many who also remember Daryl for his part in his hfe-Ioog companion and fellow teacher James Bissel! a Telkom ad\fcn broadcast on television a few years ago, was for friendship. Friends were welcome in their bome, and still being screened al some movie houses. He was the where tbe conversanon and ambrosia was as fascinaling as "dog owner" who called home lO talk to bis dog vla an therr unfaJling bo pitality was generous. Baxter's manner, • answering machine. Il was thi advert that earned hjm the brusque, off-hand. cholenc aod sometimes outrageously nickname "Pilot" among lbc school's pupils. Sims IS rude, fooled only the socially faint-heaned - and eyen then survived by his father and stepmother, Emie and Margarel not for long. He was by no means a politically correct • his brother Gordon, stepbrothers. Stuart and Michael, and observer or commentator. The gleam of fun and mischief • his partner and greatest supporter, Marie Gleeson. and her was, however, unmistakeable from under those beetling daughters Kira and Lauren. eyebrows. For John Baxter, the vanities and conceits of his fellow man provided him with an endless source of delight to be savoured. recounted and enjoyed. il seemed forever. The passage from Ecclesiastes. "lel us now praise famous men", read at Bal\ter's packed funeral service at St Michael's in Observatory, w'as entirely appropriate, recalliog as it did aspects of the earthly joumey of a remarkable educationist.. wbose lifc touched hundteds of : others. He is deeply moumed.

Neil veile". Cape Times. Wynberg Boys' High 2006


165 yea~ on!

uter-bt.curxe: Pre&c:t: C..... in~:

M DR II Trevor FAh\ard~ F Cronje M Jennmgs, S Randall, B Jones D Tallz. D Plllay R Mand\


he vear ha, been a busy 011(' for Ihe hard\\orkmgAcadcmlc Cornmlll.:e as it playro 11' p.l" m promotmg acad<!~le .excellen:c at \\}nbcrg. otlce boards, career informalIon. th IIndgmg the Gal) progrnmm ... and the Llbr,lfv \\ ere ~ome uren, of rc,ponslblht) for membel">. ubJe":l repon' \\tU rc"flcet \\ynbcrg boy,' _lIcee"e, In \ariou\ O.lympia<b and competition, .\ numocr of lO,tilllUons ha\e addrcs,ed the ,emo~ boy'> about po,t 'chool ,tudy 0rp,lrnillllle, dunng the ~~ar. 165 U~JCd A ~d -'5 A aggregates ha,.: b...'Cnour goal this year Now It l'llp to th.: _006 Matne class to



BRIDGI:\"G THE GAP 'Ilaster-in-Chargt': Committee:


Mr D Rus!>etl

T Ed\\ards.

M Jennmgs. lo' Cronje. 0 Taitz, B Jones. o PIllay.

ndging the Gap i, a programme lruliated b) tbc AcademiC Commince, in which a pupil may

recei\c personal help and tutorUlg. free of charge. for an} subj~t in w hieh he IS strugghng. The programme allllS to provide an environment in which pupib are


afforded tbc opporturuly to improve their academic abilities and gain a better under>tnnding of their work. Older students tutor their peers and junIors LOvarious subjects. Tutonng sessions usually last aboul an hour, depending on the amountofwork to be covered. Th! year a small. but extremely dedicated group of young Wynbe'll men gave up their time day after day to tulor boys in the school library. Theircommitment LOtbis prob'l1lmme i£e\'idence of the interest mAcademic at Wynberg. Trevor t:dwords.

Wynberg Boy . fligh 2006




,'ubject Cl'rtificale- 3\\ankd lo lOppupIl In each ~ubJcct. 'Ierit Certifieat.- - u\\aru(!d for ,lT1aggregate 0170·0 or more (Gmdl!\ Ol mort'

• iher Tie

tGrades 8 & 9) - an aggrt."g3te ol lSO·. or more (Gmde, 10 & 11)- an aggregate ol 75·0 or more. (Grade 12) - an 3ggn.-g.lle of70·. or more (Grade 10) - an aggregate of 90·. or more. (Grade II) - an aggregate of (lo•• Ol' more.

Gold Ti~ Colours

&. 9) -Iln aggregate 01'70'] •


(Grade 12) - an aggregate of75% or more. (Grade II) - an aggregate of900,o or marc

Honour '\\\ard

(Grade 12) - an aggregate (lfSO·. or more.



Warwick Banfield. Jaeques Botha.

icholas Botha, 'viat thew Carr.

During. Stephen Dunn, Craig Goldman. Christian Hembold, Clinl James, Evan Joseph. Rogers. Andrew Rogin,ky,

Damel Jacobs.

icholas Koen, Jamcs Lowe, 'Wandl.llc .Mbanj\\a. Sulalman Peck, lJzair Ramjanl. Cheslin Dean Roxburgh,

Reabetsoe Scseie. Ryan Singh, Vuyo


Eric Archer, Jay Benson, Ilo Jang,

aharin, Shadlee Salol., Darryn




Photos. M,. TGonion lI/1TfNluce.\fi(lI1!SI ~peal.e,; \/rCli"eRoos: GOI'tminR Bo(k Chairman. Don MeA/isler present.s ,ir J LOU'i willr h,s AcMe-reme,,' Award: Mr D .11c.41i.~'er recci\'es hi.~ Achieveme"t.4ward from Ihe Headmaster.

Social Sciences Xhosa Additional

ampson. Jason

iyalana, Stuart Vlok




MaxTumer Language

Tando Ndabeni



GRADE PRIZE 3rd in Grade 8 2nd in Grade 8 I st in Grade 8

Merit English Primary Language. Life Ortentation. Gold Merit, Gold he Merit, AfrikaansAdditional Language. An and Culture. Economic Management Sciences. Natural Sciences. Gold lie

Deul Choi

te\;en Smit Marc Borchardt JaredLesar

MERIT CERTIFICATE 3nd' ILVER TIE Matthew Anderson, Chase Bam iek. Manhmus Botha. 'vloegamat Brown. Michael Brunger. SImon De \Vaal, Callen Fi her, Sheridan Grobler, Nicholas Hardwiek. Kcenan Jacobs, Ka Ma. Michael Manthc. Anton \1amitz. Kyle Martin, Michael Maxwell, Keenan OIipbaoL Logan Oliver. Matthew Polter. Matthew Reed. Brandon Saunders. Daniel Shaw, Frazer Steyn. M ic Ilae I Stoekenstrom. Giovanni Yelati. Jaydon Webb. Benjamin Wilcy

Wynberg Boys' High 2006



.[RIT CERTIFICATE and GOLD TIr. RudI Engelkc. Charl E\t_'t1 • Brandoll Harri" John Human. Crollg Jacques \ian Vdu


rence. l uke \1etclo-l

iquito. Daniel Thom,",J1,

SUBJECT CERTIFICA 1 I'; xhosa AddltJOnallanguage




Afrikaan Additlon.11 Language 1hstory f shared I


Wade Scholu Christopher Moore \TE and GOLD TIE


Matthe\\ Bell Dean Grant ChWl T~ang Clayton MItchell

GRADE PRIZES 3rd In Grade 9 Ment, Natural ScIences. Gold lie 2nd In Grade 9 Merit, Malhematll;s, Art and Culture (...hared). History (iliarcd). I st in Grade 9

Mlhah Gnspos

Technology. Gold Tie \tcnt.Alriban. Primary language. English Primary Language. Art" and culture(shared). EconomiC Management SCIence. Gold Tic





SUBJECT CF.RTJIolCATE. \1f:RIT CERTlHC Afiikaan"Addlllon31 Language Geography An and Culture (,hared) life Orientation


MIchael Duly JnsonAdam~

10 j


Peter And~en (Information Technology). Justm "-rcher (life Orienalionl. Tae Goo (Mathematics). Ross Hyland (English. EconomIcs). Benjamin :-;akanyala (LIfe Oricntation). Ju, tm ROllies (EngIt 'h). Dexter Schenck (Information Technology). Abdullah Solomon~ (EconomIcs, LIfe Orientation). Cole Taljaard (Life Orientation)

SUBJECTCERTlFIC.-\TE Xhosa FiN Addlllonal Maths Litera.:> Pnze

Language Pnzc

Mbulelo Pahlana Zaync Thompson

SUBJECT DISTl~CTIO'li CERTtflCATES aDd COLOLRS WARD Kelvin Browmng (UIe Onemauon). Stephen Bydawell (Information Tectlnology).Ryan Ma" Fitchel (Information


Rameez Omar (EconOIDlCS. Mathematics).

Carstenl) (I listory). Michael Wood (Economics,


UBJECT CERTIFICATE. and ACADE:\IJC AWARD Engmeenng and Grdphic~ Design Prile. Life Orientation). Colour'

Subject Distincllon (Engineering

and GraphiCS Design, Steven Souter

MERIT CERTIFICATE and COLOlRSAWARD Murray Bmg (Englbh. LIfe Onentanon. HIstory). Robert Falek (Mathematics, Information Technology), Zayd Hcndrick~ (Mathematics), Kyle Karsten( Life Orientation). Kyung Kim (Mathematics, Economics), Grant Little (Economics. Geograph). History. Life Orientation). Breit Martindale (English. History). Jae-Hce Shin ( Information Technology. Mathematic~)



Houghton Kinsman (English, HJ~tory. \Iathemattc~). James Stock (lnformauon Technology, Marhematics.

Physical SCience)


MERJT CERTIFICATE and ACADE~lIC AW RD PhySIcal Science Pnzc, Subject DISUncIIon (EngItsh. Mathcmahc,,Life Oncntation. PhySIcal Science, IIistory. Mu,ic). Blues Accounting Pri/e. Subject Distinction (English. Mathematics. Information Technolog). Accounong), Blues Informahon Technology Pnze. Subjcct Distinction (Mathematics. Pbyslcal Science, Infom1ation Technology, Economics), Blues Economic~ Pri"e. Subj .."Ct DlsttnClJon (Malhematics, Economics), Colours Visual Art Prize. Subject Dl tinction (life Orientation, Economics, l!Ï>tory). Colours Afiikaans Fin;l Additional Language. Subjecl Distlnction ( Afrikaans First Addilional. Economics), Colours


Lark Hee Choi Thomas Burgers Daniel Donaldson Taariq Janodien Sean Aldridge Stephanus Spammer

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


TOP 3 PER GRADE S(!(!I'hcf'(! II'llh Mr Roos al\· (e/oc/mlsc wp L-R)" Jured usw: \'fan 8orrlrardt. ,\/<""'11 Smu; Ja'on Idllm.l, Wella, I011/).Milia" Gr/spo>. El/mund Rndse/h. G/ellllurtmuJln. Mal/flew Gill/er. Darl'f'/I .\flllll!/. DItt,>""tI Pdlll) !U"hllrd \1twdr

GRADE PRIZES 3rd in Grade 10 MenI, Da\ Ido\~ltz Pn7e for English . LifeOncntallon Pnzc, Subject Distinctions (English. Mathematics. Life Ortcntation. Physical Science, Life SCIences. HI~tOry), Blues Mauhc\\ Gntler 2nd in Grade ID Merit, Subject Distinctions ( English. Malhemaues. Physical Science. Life Sciences. IIistory, Music), Blues Glen lIartmann 151In Grade ID Meril, Physical Science Poze, Life ScieOl:es PnLc. History Prize. Mu~ic Pnzc, Subject DIstinctions (English. Mathcmatics. PhYSical SClencc. LIfe SCiences. IIi tory. Music). Blues Edmund Rod'etJl

GRADE 11 BJECT DI TlNCTlO:'ll CERTIFICATES Justin Abrahams (History), Lyndon Jacobs (History). Lesle} Joubert (Afrikaans), Onwaba SUBJECT CERTlFIC TE Afrikaan. Second Language Prize, Subjecl Dislinction (Afrikaans) An Prize, Subjcct Distinction (Art) Computet Science (Standard Grade) Prize, Geography Prize Xhosa Prize, Subject Distinction (Xhosa) Woodwork Prize

kayi (Xhosa),

Mc Kc:llar Bradley Venter Jame~ ROlTey Sindile Bonge1a Gregory Sahann


;VIERIT CERTIFICATE Gun-Woo Back (Matllematies), Jason Fourie, Dillan Fuller. Timothy Gales, Ryan Hanbidge. Jibraan Osman (Economics, History), Mareo Talolti (Economics) UBJECfCERTIFICATEA:'IID MERJTCERTJFfCATE Music Prize, Subject Distinction (Music)


MERJT CERTIFICATE and COLOURS A\VARD TalirnanguJuka Kakie (PhYSical Science), Christopher Maggs (Economics. History). Uwals Ra.rack (1\1athemalic~). Jason Steel. Gareth Stevens (English, History)

Wynberg Boys' High 2006



and BLt;ES \\URO

Clayton Cro~s (Ëcononllc,), nton Ikndnás (Mathcmanc" Economlc~), \ndn:", Jame" <"l,llhematlcs, Physical SCIence. Accl1Ufillng). BC\Ufl lODe (Mathematics, Phv,jcal dence. Accounung. Computer Studies), Darren Murphy (MathcmauC!l, Eo.,onomlc,), Mark Rc) nolds (Áccount";!!, Economic '1

(BJEer CERTIFICATE, MERIT CERTIFIC TE and ACADE'IJC \WARO Mathematics Prize. SUbJ~"C1Dhtim:llon (l\.Iathcmallcs.Aceounling), Blues English Prize. Hi tOI] Pnze. Subject Distinction (English. Economll:~, History). Blues Addluonal Mathematics Prile. ubJccl DiStinction (Mathemauc,). Blues Biology Pnle, Colours

Bradley Luyt Matthe\\ Thomson Yu \-fm ParI.. Andrew Slnckland

GRADE PRIl.[. 3rd In Grade 11

\1eril. ubJect DistinctIOns ( English. ~lathemauc,. Physical Clenct. Blues 2nd lO Grade II Ment. Afnkaans First Languag.e Pru.e, Economics Prile. ubjecl DislInctio~ (English. \1athematic\, Accounting. Physical SCience. Economics), Honours Ist m Grade II Ment. Physical SCience Pri/e,,\ccounting Prize. Subjecl Distinctions (Enghsh. Afnkaans Second Language. Mathcmatics. Accountmg. Ph\~ical SCience. Economics). Honours. tandard Bank Pnzc for the Top Grade II Pupil

Richard Mandy Dire han Pillay

Darren Moller

SPECIAL AWARDS & BURSARIES "-If :\Iorris Bunaf) FiDe Family Bursal) Ed'lurd \\ ise Bursarie\ A....'llrdcd to the top two ~tudents

Bradley Venler Tbandm.tk.osi Mhlaba lO

Grade Il

Darren Moller, Dtre han PllIay

Epworth '\Ju\ic Prize A",ardtld for Smilee to music to tile boy ....ho bas done the most work in the field ofmuslc

Stephen Bell

Preston Cup A....ardl.-d for Piano Sight Reading

tephen BeU

Engli h Writen Competition Junior WlOner

Anthonl ~orris A\\

Johnty Human


arded to the Grade II pupil \lo ho has shown the mosl loyalty 10 the school in school actlvitics

by hi. participation

Dnid Lel'jh Memorial Award A",arded to the Grade 10 pupil \vho was an lOSplra[lOn


all his fellow students

Nicholas and Vlok


Murray Bing

Stan Jones A"'ard A....arded to the Grade li pupil wbo has shown the mosllmprovemem over his performances in prenous years al school activities

Mark Reynolds

Nel WeBlackbeard Troph} Awarded to the tutor group sho ....illg the mosl spirit

Mr [nglts'Tulor Group

Wynberg Girls Old Girls' Trophy For sen Ice beyond the confine~ of the school community



Wynberg Boys' High 2006

ACADE!\IICS F'orbes mitb lropby Awarded to the !louse which Wtm the annuallnter-lIouse ~lnglOg competitIOn Dl)'I) Trophy Awarded lO the boy or group of boy~ "ho produce the be,t project at the unnual Wynberg SCIence EJtpo

AustraliJIn cho~ls international Awarded to the pupIl who was placed Grade 9 Engltsb Grade 9 Mathematics Grade 10 Mathematics Grade 10Computllf kill' upera loras IL ER Grade9 Grade 10 GOLD

Thomas BUq!cl'l' and JalT)d Olt\er

se SOlent Test: Gold Medal lOp 1·'0 ID South A fnca forthc 2006 Compellnon

In the

DonoV'.u1Mc HCDdnc Craig La""rence Thoma, Burger Oanicl Donald,on

\\ards MIchael Daly, Simon De \\a:ll. Donovan Me J lendric ScanAldndgc, Murray Bing. Glen Hartmann

Grade 10

Edmund Rodseth

11-\'11bergGirls Old Grrls' Trophy for sen'il::e -Ross Jlmsell



Jarryd Fisher, Gareth Frye. Ramrnaad Gamieldien, VanWyk. SUBJECT


Justin A bton (Computer SUBJECT

Studies), Grant Oliver (Afiikaans),


Ka WangChan (Malhs),Jooatban Mark

Sergio LUIz, Steven Randall, RoblO Tyler. AideD van der Vy\cr, Juslin







Child (Accounting, Maths),

JasOD Woodbine (Computer


Geography, Mruhs),Jan De Waal (English. Geogrdphy), Kinnear







Dann Tail2 (Mruhs), Karl Von Buddenbrock (Geography, Maths).

Wynberg Boys' High 2006




in Grade


Gareth Pearson& ,Patrack tctlall BrendanBun ~'ilham Maron Michael Qhusheka

Maskew Miller Prize for lihtOI): Paintmg Prize: XhosaPrile SUBJECTCERllFlCATES

(1st in Subject in Grade 12). :\IERlTCERTLF1CATE




TlNCTIO:'li Prize for Arrikaan~ 2nd Language; Subject DistinetJ(Jn~ (Afrikaans, Enghsh, MaIM), Ment Compuler SIOOi<.",Prile. Subject DL\tmct1oo.o;(Accounting. Computer StudJes, Maths), Merit: Economics Prize, Subject Distinction' (Accounting, Maths). MenI Metal\!' ork Poze. Mcnt R M Fricdlandcr POle for I!nglish. SubJccl Distinction (English). Merit Templeton POle lor :vtu~ic, Subjecl DI,till\;lIons (Accountmg, Maths), Merit WOodwork POle, Subjcct Distinctions (Phy,ical Science. Woodworkl, Merit

D.r. Marais

GRADE PRIZES. 3rdinGrade 12

SUBJECl DI TlNCTIO:"oiS and MERIT CERTLFICATES Biology Poze, Subject Distinction, (Biology. English. Muths. Phy,ical Science), Ment Stephen Walker Afnkaans FIrst Language rmc, Subject Distinctions (Accounting, Maths, Physical Science), Merit Anthony Selley Accountmg Prize. Addiuonal Ma~ Prize. AlfMorris Prize for Gcography. " F: Bowden Prize for Mathematics. F G Thorp Prize Il)r Physical Science. SubJcct Distinctions (Accounung, Enghsh, GeogT"dphy,Ma~. Physi~ Science), ~terit, Mmm Cleveland Tmphy I'OrDux of the school: Frans Cronje


2nd in Grade 12 IstinGrade

Trevor Edwards Mikhail van der Sandl CI".:IJgBrown Jo~ph Gruier "'ichae! Klein Richard Moir Lark-Hoon Choi


COLOURS AWARDS Ridaa Ismail, Kyle Kloppér. Sheldon Knagg~. Dale Lewis. Rik~h Magan, Ryan Magee. Shaun !IlOICutt. Jacqucs QucstiaulI. MaUhe\\ Slater, Chri lophcr Van Tonder BLUES A'\\'ARDS Lee Coller. Stuart Dyer, Wesley lanl.'lidge, Sergio Luiz. Gareth Pcarson, Mathew SInIer. Aiden Van Der Vyver HO:'liOlfRS AWARDS luke Brt.·cjc\eldt, Craig Brown. Ka \Vang Chan. Jonathan Child, Lark-Hoon Choi, Frans Cronje. Jan De WaaL Tre"or Edward., Jarryd Fi her. Gareth Frye. Hammaad Garnieldien, Joseph Gruter. Reza Ismail, Mark Jennings. Jonathan Kinncar. MIchael Klein. Jamie Miller. Richard Moir. Steven Randall, Anthony Selley. Dana Tailz. Robin Tyler, Mikhail Van Der Sandl. Stephen Walker, Justin Van Wyk.. Karl Von Buddenbrock CI!LTURALA"In SERVICE PRIZE I. ROTARY GOOD FELLOWSH IPAWARD To Ihe pupil" ho has dbplayed outstandmg ability duting the year in promoting healthy goodwill and fair-play among biS fellows: 2 FRIEDLANDER MEMORIAL AWARD For diligence and service to the school: PECIAL ACAD E.\lIC PRlZESA~ 2. 3. 4. S. 16

BEVANPRlZE forEnglishreadmg Senior English Writers Competition Old Boys Mathematics Pn;te CAXTOr-; PRIZE-Awarded tor Outstandi ng Effort OLD BOYS' BURSARY -Awarded to !he Top Pupil in Grade 12

Chad Scott Craig Green. Trevor Edwarc

BURSARIES Michael Klein Michael Klein Luke Bredcveldl Frans Cronje

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


(. MARJ\:SC IfAFI R fROPHYFOR \IULfllr>;G ALI 'I 7. A ~ I:"E BURSARY R. TIJORP!RA"KI~ BURSARY 9. Australian chuols'lntcma'lonal A"'essmcnt le~t: Mathemallcs Gold Medal. awarded 10 the pupil who 'cored III the top I% in Grad.: 12 III outh Africa 10. World KnoVo!.:dgc OlympIad hN place III Grade 12 in South "-frica

JanDe WaaJ Jarryd FI~her Stephen Walker Stephen V.'alker Ridaa Ismail

SPICI \1. PRIZES \'0 \W\ROS I LIfE 'I E..\1Bf:RSHIP OF OLD BOYS' L"'<lON Awarded by the school to Ih.: Head Prefecl Oscar:"auhaus 1 Wt\DE BERTRAM AWARD '\ ....ard.:d to a bo> In malric ",ho b) means of hi,>example, hiS carmg and lus leadeT'>hip, ha~ promoted an aelhll} in the ..chool y,lnch Iuc, enhanced the name and ~plrit of the ehool. Voted for by the malnc body: John 5chol17 J. BOBADSHADEMEMORIAL TROPHY Forthe best Art Pontolio of the year (aHleclded by the matric artists) Patrick Stcdall 4. Rl OGRf:[;:";WALLPRILE Awarded forthc bcSlllislory Project Brendan Bult 5. OAVIDHEIDMA!\!,,,WARD toreourage and detcnninauon 111 the faceof great ruh crsny Tildan Bungani 6. WYNBF.RGOLDGrRLSCUP For community service Ross Jansen 7. flO:-;Ol,;RSAWARD Awarded lo lhe pupil or pupil roroutstanding performances \\ hich have brought bonour 10 th.: school Rudi Willemse and I" Team Squash R


lothewrnningHousefor2006 9. WIEG\1A, CUP To the most outstandmg Slher Badge Prefect· 10. ,\NDREW FEl~STEr)'; CUP To the be l all-rounder III Grade 12 (Academic. Sport. Cultural. Service)' II. ABELSOH!'. CUP To the Grade 12 pupil who has done themo~t for the School in2006

Liulewood Wesley Langridge Stephen Walker Oscar 'auhau

COlOl'RSAWARO Ridaa Ismail. Kyle Klopper. Sheldon Knaggs, Dale Lewis. Rike~h Magan. Ryan Magee. Shaun NOIcult, Jacqucs Que ·tiaux. Matthew Slater. Chnstopher Van Tonder BLl'ES AWARDS Lee Coller. Stuart Dyt.'T,Wesley Langridge. SerglO Luu. Gareth Pearson. Mathew Slaler. Aiden Van Der Vyver HO~OliRS


Luke Brede\·eldt. Craig BroVon. Ka Wang Chan. Jonathan Child, Lark-Hoon Choi. Frans Cronje, Jan De Waal, Trevor Edwards. Jarryd Fisher. Garcth Frye. Hammaad Gamieldien. Jo cph Groter, Reza Ismait, Mark Jenning ,Jonathan Kinnear. Michael Klem. Jamie \1ll1er, Richard MOlT.Steven Randall, Anthooy Selle)'. Dario Taltz. Robin Tyler, Mikhail Van Der Sandl. Stephen Walker. JustlD Van Wyk, Karl Von Buddenbrock.



i ROll OF 4th 4th 6th 7th 7tll 7th 10th 10th 10th 131h 131h 13th 16th 16th 18th 19th 19th 2151 21st 23rd 23rd 23rd 23rd

Frans Cronl~ AnttlOny seUey Stephen Walker Jonalhan Chtld Dann Ta tz Crrug Srown Trevor Edwards MNk Jenn nilJe Kart Von Bu nbroek. Jan DeWaal Jarryd Flsher Richard Moét Lark·Hoon Cho! GaretllF~ Jonathan mnear Hammaad Gamle!dlen M khad Van Der Sandt Jamle t.Hler Luke 8redellE!Idt SteIIE!n RandaU Kawa~Chan Mchael leln Joseph Gruter Reze Ismail Robin ~er Justin an Wyk



151 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 6th 8th 9th 10lh 11t1l

Darren Moller Direshan Plllay Richard Mandy Andrew James Mark Reynolds Bevan Jones Bradle~ Luyt Anton endncks Yu Mln Park M~~ew Thomson Cia on Cross


100% 99% 97% 92% 92% 91% 90% 90% 90% 89% 89% 89% 87% 87% 87% 84% 84% 83% 82% 82% 81% 81% 80% 80%




1st 2nd 3rd 4tll

Edmund Rodseth Glen Hartmann Matthew Gruter Lark Hee Choi Thomas Burgers James Stock Damel Oonaldson Taanq Janodlen Houghton Kinsman Kyung Klm

98% 97% 84% 82% 82% 80% 80% 78% 77% 77%

Jason Adams Michael Daly MlhahGnS~ Luke Mele Uqulto Craig Lawrence Dean Grant Rudi Engelke Chun Tseng Brandon Hams Charl Everts

88% 86%

Jared Leser Marc Borchardt Steven Smit Nicholas Rich Jay Senson HoJang Deul Rim Chol EncArcher Cheshn Rogers Dean Roxburgh

88% 86% 85% 84% 83% 81% 81% 80% 78% 77%

Stil 6th 7t1l 8t1l 9th 10th GRADE9 151 2nd 3rd 41h 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th


is a

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

95% 95% 87% 84% 83% 83% 83% 82% 82% 82% 81%


f DO


!mil thai

b .neered at in

thi~ day and age. Ho\\ d~l<!S

one put a \ alue on 36) ears of Sel"',rlce to one school'! That IS seven generations of pupils. w ho hale gone through the haods of Joban Lou"

ubsequent Metalwork



year. room.

young teacher hi innuence in lllllewood

in 1971 was felt

lo in



Don \\3!> ~oted onlo the Go\eming

and 'cen through

here for some refurbishment


:WOO \\here a~ Chaim1311 of

body ID

helped out in many role:. c pecially Grounds Committee. 1ft \'oas to Iisllhe iruuated


to their completion.

\'\ hieh he has

ones that stand out. though, of Llttlewoocl: tbc \\'31er reticulation


are the of lhe


orSil\eThurst to KapIanHouse; lheeonLinued lruUnlenance of the school. Don MacAli. ter has bCt'n the force and vigour behind alllhese.

House. on the rugby

ns one of lts legendary recipient Oflhi lionours

Recently Governors

of all the plaYlOg lield,;

he the

we \\ould

Urne. TIlc


of the


Vii hers. and a passIOnate shooting coach. lIis Influence over these seven generation ofWynberg "chool boy, has been mcalculable. He will go down in the History uI' the chool 'choolmas1ers and a worthy Award


or membel>


field. on the cricket field "here he even managed a tour which included Alan lamb in ih numbel>. lie has bc::en a Grade Head. inaugural How;e Head of de



lIynherg Bnn •High &:/1001 honou" ral/ _lor Ihl' exn?Plional illlf!reM mui I allied ~en:u:1' 1"011 hal t' dl"~olcd to our St hO<IJ Wlllch has bel'TI<,nri, hcd bl' \'Ollr cOfltribuJiolt. ..

bUL in a school it Il> \ alued and apprecialed.

He aml'cd

840/. 84% 83% 83% 82% 82%


early.3~ years agu. Ihen Headmasler RowlInAlgJc m"lllUled IhlS av. nrd to honour Go\(.·mmg Body who have gone be}ond theeall of duty. The citation realk








GRADE12 1st 2nd


lhe re,toration

he accepted Chairmanship of the Board of for 2007. \Jothing is too much trouble for him and

his heart is firmly in the wil of this school. He follows a fine tradition o[parenh who hale fulfilled In every possible wDy the enteria of thIS 3\\ ani lie has "devoted exceptional interest and valued service" ond there is no doubl thai Wynberg

ha been 'much ennchcd'

b} hi contnbutlon.






• STANDARD GRADE 2006 2005



2 57 1













2 3



3 62 15



11 2

'1 4

15 4




1 2.



7 3











5 32





47 45 61 95 63 68 67 60 48 62.1 49 551 75 85 53.3 682 32..3 51 58 59 54

2 2.





Wynberg Boys' High 2006



61 76 44

46.3 60










I Rlyeadh



I Kyle





JlISUI NIChaIa6 Alex1inder Langden


Sudoes [Standard GrIlde


M 2nd












MatI1emIItaI, GeDg""Pfly.










McheeI ..Ion


Brendan Trevor Winlllm





Ruó Jarryd GalAn GIII"IIth HammB8d


David lel!







Kyle Craig




Soctt Matthew






MoC'gan Jonathan





Economes. Cam~


Physical Soence. Ea:namocs. Art. WcxxMo'1<

~C8. AInkaan&

2nd 1..an!PJaga)




Studies. ~ EIIQIIsh.

Ptrf.llClll Soenoe. Geography






"""'II~ E"IP&h. Afnkaane





l MA I MaU1ematocs. M MA EconomICS, Accounbng MA 8IoIoQy. GeoQraphy M M M Geography M Geography M MA MathemlM:8. Geography

Craog Joseph Crnog













CraIQ W8N'8Il ToIdan Brendan Mal'!: Juan




Miltnc EndIlrserrent






[Standard Grade)


Re28 Aldaa




(2nd language)


NochoIas Clad lW8ll MaMl


BoIIy Ra.ner



Sheldon DennIS Elton

WesI"" Dale




AshI"" Alk.eSh Ryen Tembalethu









Ge~rephy. Mathema!>CS (Standerd Grade) Mathemat0c6. Ecooorrncs AIJ'lkaans (2nd language). MathematICS. PhysICal Soence. BIology Geography

EconomICS (Standard Grade]

WoodY.<lrI<.. EconomICS

Wynberg Boys'lIigh 2006




LIIIm William Roland .lame






lJ.Iqmeen Johan




Oacar Roty ParIIUenI




Gran&. Garerh


Brent .Janahan



I Robil Earl Shane MrchoeI

Jacauea Mba&e





KeaoIlr1 ArlllO









Andrew Matthew Rvan

Chad K't'ie

~ a-s



Yasser Alexander Patnck




















Scoa. DaVId RobIn










Francoos Devon




Ma_ Shadlev Juson Tomothy






Jason Rud,



Wynberg Boys' High 2006

MaUwIrnabca. Acc:ourU1g. Mu6Ic

Alnkalnl 2nd ~l GeO!Tllllhv. Mantme Stucies [!'tIwtdard Grade) A~ [2nd Languega}

HsoIy MtAAemeIlCS BIology

M M M M I MaIhoImIIDC&. f't>ysocaI Soence. Ealnor'nca. AddICIonaI ~. MA M M M M M M M M M DesIgn [9:;nIard Graóe M M I









Malhernabca. [2nd La"QU8QII) Matf'Iem8tlcs.


Mi<hal MIf V_


n'lmdard G-ade)









AfnkaMS Studies



Soence. Geograpr.y. Addot>Ona' MaltlemaDcs



Matt1ematx:s. Ecooom.cs. Aocoungng. Computer


MatI1emaocs. Geo!J'ephy Aa::ounttng EnQIIsh. Matt1ema!lcs. BIology, pt,ysocaI Soence. Geograpl1y, AI:ldotIOI'IaI MachemallCS GeoQraphy




Anthony Selley

Stephen Walker

Mark Jennings

Karl Von Buddenbrock


Robin Tyler


Jan De Waal

MATRIC Back row: 6" row:

s" row: 4" row:

3" row: 2'· row: Front rOl\:


L Klaas, R Smit, TIsmail, J WarLS,W Mnrtin. J Cluld. L Jawe. J Mouton. J Cbarleswonh. R Willemse. K Scott, C COlt. M Qukula. T v d Berg, C Hrurulton. V Terrey, J Pimenta, S v Schalkwyk. K Grnni. G Frye, B Bult. B Piel, RSzabo, S Luiz, A Slater. BPonellas. S oteutt, 0 Clas~en. M Petersen, Punt, Rash. BEddy. R Magan C Chinninn. M Katt-. M v d Sand!, E Kruger. K Williamson, S Thompsett, G Shepherd, H Johnstooe, M Henstock. R Me Lennan, I' Cronje. M JenDIng.', K ~ Buddcnbrock. S Oyer, R MOLr,M Klem. B Reaper. R Fish, T Makele, 0 Tnitz, B Hopkins, A v d Vyvcr. W Browning, G Cohnan. o v Schalkwyk. S Heida. K Klopper. M Kmg, J Queshaux, J nlackwray, M Slater, G Pearson, J Scholtl, R Nerdt, J Fisher, A elle)', G Kemp, T Terblanche, G Wilson, W rcbruary, S Randall. 0 Lewis, S Walker. W Langndgc, J Ashton. J Ilaskins, R Meyer, J Gildenbuys, 0 Cooper, J Miller, L Moor.ldd, M v Schalkwyk. 0 Krige, C Brown, Z b8ac~,C Jansen, Barker, Y 51umdten, R Pretonus, G Woodbine, G Sirilzky, 0 Thorpe, G Fox, , Rudolpb. L Mannus. G Oliver. A Slaub. T Bungani, K Chan, C Simbilu, A Bartie, S Swanich. F \ Reru.burg. T Edwllrd:., M CunlitTe. M Qhu:.heka, Mr K Richardson, 0 auhau,. tr E Lefson, R Kntst.:n, L Bau, J Gruter, Rlsmail, P Nekundi. 0 FcrnandCl. R Tyler, C Griffin. J de Waal N Jacobs. Rlsmail, Y Slamdicn, K Alexander, T Glhwalll, R Magee, L Collcr, II Ganneldlcn. C Green. J v Wyk, P Sledall, B Steyn, E Prinsloo, A Roman. L Brcdcveldt. S Knnggs.




Wynberg Boys' High 2006



h~ \alcdldol) ("remony \\lb pTe("ccded by the custolUiU) 1atnc Breakfast and Old Bo) ~'Cer~'TlIony at \\ hleh thl: bop \h re presented "lIh their WOB lie:> Th.: \;llcdi..:lonan thl~ ye,u "crc John Scholt./' and \';lUghn Terre) ",ho \\ere mQ$t entertaIOmg. Popular Lullcn ood !lead. Mr Derek J aulds, ga\c the fllte\\ ell add~"1 he too ts lea, illglhe hl,olto scnle IR Gauteng). lb"n came the rcall} sad part as th..:bo) ~ left the Ilall and took It In turn to ound the bell as tho:} look their Ica\e of the school

An all boys school. are you mad?" wa~ the re;letion of my fcllo'" Gratie.:7 learners whe.:n f loltl them I was attending Wynberg Boys'lIigh Five year. down thc hnc, (ln my la t da> of"hool, I am proud lO .. a} that I allcnded an aU boy. school. but notjuslany bo)s'school-Iattendcd \\'ynbcrgbo~,' High Ho" do J ,urn up m) laslll\'e years of high school? 1 can't. There are too many memone~ and frielld, made. notJu't al Wynberg, but at schools around the country. TIns i~what Wynberg offers - opportuJlIty. I thank every tcacher who has had an intlucnce on my hie howevcr big or small, Commg 10 school was fun. I can't understand why many boys say they hatc school, because e, cry day o\crthc pa~t five years ha~ pro\ ided li laugh. Mr Fiske, SIC. you have unbelie\able tolcrance Ilo\\ you put up \"th us I will ne,'cr know Mr Cro,~. the fanta,tic spirit and enthusiasm that YOU!!"C to the schooll~ mind-blm, ing.:\1r Moser. sir you arc a genius and the presencc you bring to tbc !Chool is extraordmary. 'Ac must n!lt forget the House Ileads who put in many hours organising our live» and who \Vcre always willing lo ghe a helpmg hand, or our t\\lt) beloved teachers who passed during Ihe year. Both Mr Baxt;,:r and Mr Suns had a po itivc mfluence on whol11-"o-l:\ erthey camc mto contact. TIlcLrspinrs willlivc on inside us and the school. Mr Faulds, what a legendary man you are Your ~chi:lOphrcnic outburst~ always pro\;ded 3 laugh. I don'lthink people realise how much yuu "Ill be mi~sed. \\ ynb.:rg is losing a teacher. ho~tel master, hockey coach, cricket coach and great fnend.1 "i,h you the best onuck in the future. John Scholtl. yOu wer~ il teacher-torturer in Gntde 8. Ho" you la~ted this long, only greater po\\eT Will know. but I'm proud 10 stand here today and say that you have grown into a fine Wynberg gentleman. I take my haloff to you bccaus.: you battled the odds and have come out on lOp. I hope that you will conuuuc to gro\\ and nc\ cr lose stght of what you have achic, ed and ho\' the school h:b helped you mature. Thank you parents. who have given many hours tn helping out al functions. getting your boys 10 extra matlb lessons and ~1~"'fIngth... 'lll1l1 the right din."Cllon I think the) can look back and say that being ,cm 10Wynberg was well wonh lt.

Wynberg Roys' Hig.h 2006


forgel the tncndhne sof Ihls sch(ll.11and Ih.: \1 lmlth (lf tr.m:l1tng II~ r.1 ~~gD :mJ Ibl' unity Ihal team 'Plnl PlInga an tow mal ~hoob mealed lhl~ pml.lh.:cnn£ In Irontoryou gu)spumpcd m) adrenaline. There IS no-one who heer.; better Ihan you do SJlOrt al thiS "hool prm Id Ihc orrnrtul1lty ora I hmc f\c been fonul1.:1lC to travel alOUDd South Hnco and Ihe \\llrh.l. \ "!tmg Pakis n WilS an arnazmg opronuml). l'be ho Pllahl) wc recel\ed "a' unllnagm:lbk and I am orcv.:r mdebted 10 the coach, (lnd managem III \Iho orgamsed Ih.: luur and vfixlu~

has been bumpy roaJ. bUlloday ISthe da) ) <lUgd to honour tho,.: \1 ho haw long ti Tllke Ihl' time lOlook back. remcmber amI appr':I:Jalc the good and bad mes 'l'ou M\eOnC la t bump to 0\ eT~om~ bcfon: you arc thro\\ n Into a deep. deep pond. I hope that you \\111take the kn<l\liled!;c Ihat ,nu ha\!! g,lIllcd and use II \\I,e1~ Boys. thank you for upponmg u'> Plea,r clIntmuc )OU! ,uppon bceau'c ,;\c1) hule th u do helps thiS great -.cllQ4.lllo gnl\\ Take ImlC Ollt to apprcdatc ih 1'..:aUl}.Wc are mun ely pn~1 eged here under Ihc moumalO. \bkc u,e of the ta.:iIHic, aIlu. \\ hen you hall ume walk out onlo Ibe hollo\\ and \Ii ull..h the 1111 'ct bchllKllhe mllunuun. I


veryone'shfeehangc loday Manyn.:\\ al.henlure~wlll.:oml!)llllr\\a) bulkno\\ that ou can h ad into Ihe future \1 ilh contidence t>ernu,c all JOU hal c lo fear i, f':'lr lI,dr •...er forget who )OU arc and the fanlIl) )'(lU bdoD!! lo Good luá 10 U\\3i" nlld Ill" 2007 Jmfec body The school I' 10 gooJ hund, Thank )'011 and goodbye m) brutht:rs. I MIchad \\on<krfuluntl:al thIs ,""tllullonancl I'll ml', y\)uall.:\ld~ the \\ ynbcrgsplnt h\con.SUf1€'m



Backm\\ Mltldlc 00" Fronl Row

PRFFEcrs 1 Bun~lll",. L ("olIer, C Gr~-.:n.A \d \"y\er, B lfClpkiru.. T Ed" ani" R Magee. K , Huddcnhruck. R nm. A Slarer ..... Langndgc. C \ Tondar. G Kemp. \! Qukula, J C"harlcs,,"orth \ Tcm:v. Mr D S~hcn.:k. 0 :Nauhau~. Mr K Richardson. S Walker. Mr




S \ ~Ickerk

Wynberg Boys" High 2006

Back ro\\

t-.\ Peters.:n. A. Slater, R \'iillclll'C. D LC\\l'. M Krng. J Fi,her, R

efd!. M Slater. R 'ash. S LUll. Iv! Klein. R mil \ Terrc}. B Eddy. Punt. L Klaas, "-I \ d Sandl. R \Ioir J Guildcnhuys. G Fo,. T Ed....ards. B Hopl;in,. G frye, l3 Portclla~. J Ashton. L Bart. II Gamieldien. R hmai1. M \ Schalkwyk. J Ila,kin •. B le)'n, W BrowllIng. A Roman. K Alexander, 1 Gih\\ ala. R \1agce. L Mannus. L Moomdd. R Meyer. P Sledall, A Bartle.

o Clas\Cn.

Front row:

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Wynberg Boys' High 2006



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co zo

Teacher·in-C hn rtte: Prefect: Committee:

\Ir:-. S \\t1linmson. ( hn, \ In Tonder, J \an \\~". S K.nagg;,. G lox. S l>Unt.H Gamleldil'11. S Randall, T Klaucn. R Jan..,cn A. H~ndrick,. R Mand},:\1 Bmg. L Thoma,_ B '.lkan}3Ia, S Aldridge. \ SOI(llnon,. :\1 Dal)'. B Dubc. J \'.111velze. D Sha".


eetings \\erc hclde\ery Thur..dilY and commiut:.: members made 'ugge~lion~ and brought idc:'.Jsfrom their luloT group,. A Icw wcr ...; Ihe mtroduClion or,carvl!s; li Flag Ccrenwll}. mon..-benches, more bm ...; obtammg 3 budgel. The noticl.' roan.!. diary ulladunenl .md the w ...bsllc all gol up and running qUite quickly and the ReL \\-as read) IQr the lOugh year ahead.

A." a result ol mccllng, w Ilh \lrRlchardsun.

'CilT\es w(!re madea\ailable for thc boy, to purchase. much to ourddighl. ti became il 11':\\ tradition to mise and lower the Wynberg flag at Ihc bcginnlllg and cnd of c.lch tl?nn: 1hn.'C bcnches were placed nC.lr rhe front gate Ilagpele for use by t>o~~ waiting for lifts. Unlortunatl!ly. the Ikadmastcr decided against a Vall!ntine \ As'embl> for a num!>.:rof rea'>{'n\.

The RCI \\3' responsible for Ihe social Wynberg hostcd al their anllual Food Fair c\cning. Thi" was a greal success. as il provided il placc where youngstcn.could sociali7e \\ lth their friends and have fun The RCL motto WD!; "J!lIrklllg Tt/lumlt SUC(L',H", \~hich \\e thought \I e manageJ to achic\c. Wc 'ucce'blllll} worked lor 1\ hal wc sho\~ s Ihal the ReL pla>, a HUGE part of today's ~choollife.


hns Bang lell \\ynbcrg lhe schno I.

in the middle of Grade II in 2005 to return 10 Korea. Here is an e'l:tmct fTOm il letter


!lOll' drt!)'flll

sir? Tills is C/u'is Ban~. Th" time I .."elll LIl 'f~'lIbl!rg Bon' I Ugh School ha.l IIlJ7Ut'IIU!lllll<' ulId (/ :>t/Vllger per,lolI phy,icaf/J 1111.1 menl(/"~' The ..cI/(H)/IIJUlfO ''On!rt'(Jme dllTicflllies" is 'tiff deepl)'

dlllllged me IIlto

emhedded in my hmrl as IJuce I'Oriou' {nrm' (llcJwlfellgt's. \()' cllln:nl ,dwoll'r!l]l/ires uil lire srl/dell/.I' lO come ('l'el) da,l mc/lldillg Stllldlly}mlll 7/1111 /iI /lJ pil/ (8 "1/1 10 6 pm al weekends). CmpQral pWlishllll?1II is stiff pall/wed ill Korea ,>0 IIU matler hOh tired I <1111. 1\/(1)' uwukt'. lt sounds as Ifhe nc\.'ds to h.mg on lo that Wynberg moUo.

Wynberg Boy.' High 2006

KMg f'd'il'ard 11

If)'lllH'rg Boys' Ii/gll.\cluwl


Au organisation Teachers: Link ~chools:

committed lO he/ping schools;11 outlt Africa & the UK To 'twin 'for mutual benefil.

\1cssrs L Maser, M Badiah, P Furstcnburg, R Hamburger. (I) King Ed\\lltd VI Fh eways School, Bmmngham, UK. (2) Wynberg Senior Secondary knolln as Wynberg High School). RSA.


Mesu/i MQ.wr; Badiali. FurslelTher1_! & Hamburger


he link beméen lhe three !>chools was strengthened thi~ year when 3 group of 14 ~lUdenl, and 2 leachers (Andrew Wcbstcr and Rachel Ayers) from fl\eways ,isite<! Cape Town in August. The group spent twO days with u and a da} at Wynberg High school, \l1~itingcla ..ses. chattiog to reachers, 'Watchmg sports e\ enb, and so on. All of this was competently co-ordinate<! by Mr Hamburger. Then In the September holidays Mr Moser visite<!Fi\ieways for twO days before altend1Jlg the A friTwin Conference in Manchesler further \ ISlts from our UK twin are expected on an annual basis. Both schools are benefiting from sharing best practice ideas \I ith each other. Pupil!>from the two schools arc also communicating via email. The purpose of the link is to expose UK students to the dichotomy of South Afncan hfe by lmkmg them to two dilTerent schools, and to expose South African pupil> to ideas and cultures different to their own. Mr Badiali and Mr Fursteoburg are lObecommended on the enormous amount of work they have done III this regard.



TIle Top Twehe Club is an e)(c1uslvc club eonsislingoflhe topacadel11ic~ of Grades II and 12, \\ho met during the year with Mr RII.:hard!ionand Mr Brostcr 10 discus tOpiCSmtroduced b) memoors ortbe group. For our fir~t meeting. early this year, Mr Richardson ananged for ~1r Gerald Shav..thc lomlcr As,<)clate EdItor of the Cupc Times, to come and talk lo us ahoutthe Middle E(l~tconflict and the hbtory behind it. .\IIuny inlere'tllng pOtl1t~ were made but unfonunately no solution could be found. At the followmg meetmg. Jonathan Kinncar spoke on the merits of tbe death penalty, presenting us V.lth man} intcresting fact,> on irs effecllveness in other countnes. I pre"ented the group" ilh the future ofbusines,esand v.here the Irend is pointing. The next mceting saw Jonathan Child tallJng to u" ahout abonion. which brought ahout tbe debate as to when a human being beeomes a human being and when il h considered murder. Craig Bro\\n told us of the advantage, and disadvantages of ""uclear Power and disclbsed lt. future feaSibility. Trevor Edward, and Jan de \\'aal spoke 10u~ al the neXl meeting, Trevor presenting \'1" is<."Ction and tc\ealing maoy hocking truths behind il. A heated debate (ollo\\e<! tiS lo ho\\ much n~'e<bbe ..acrifieed to save a human's life. Jan followed wilh Child Lahourand v.here Illsor is not culturally acceptable. Our final meeting was le<!by Bradley LU)1 and Sheldon Knagp. Sheldon Introduced Ihe loric of Google and its success. Bradle)' spokcoflhe p) ramids and the mystery surrounding them. The TopT \\chc Club has widened our km'" ledge. presenling u~ II' Ith many interc.~tll1gfaw; which oftcnll!d lo an in dCrlh discus"ion. We came awny from Ihc Twelve Club knowmg much more. having been exposed lOso much factual informalIon a;;\~ell a~ the opinions of other; and are all bener fonhcexpenence. {'nm'

Wynberg Boys' High 2006




mr CO) UJ§JE

........................... ill ffiJEJFCQ) ffiT§ ;\1a ter-iD-Charge: \lr P fur.;tenburg


merhousc - \\ hieh comprised 23 events thi year - turned into a three-horse race for the hield bcl\ ..ecn Lilllewood. De Waal und Van Riebeeck. \.,.ith Little\\ood final!> emergmg as the victors Well done to them!




&R ,d I h, ~I: ('harlt ,,,,,,rlh. QIIAllla. Kemp. ''fIfI SCh"/h ....k. GI't'CfI. \fllIl & Ifl>a.'"

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


yyear as I lead of Dc Waal Hou~e \\ a~ a wooderful experience. I welcomed the opportunity to share 10 the succc,ses and disappointments of the boys and to feel a parI onhL~ wurm. wekonllng family. Like any fillllll}, II is nol perfect. bul il stuck logcthcrwhen Il \~,!!> important to do '0 (as when our friend and co~lellgue Darryl Suns died tJ1 March this yC-dr).and cmbraced cha.llenge~ with greatenthusI3sm.llu\.ing led the race for the Fnedlandcr Shield lor m~t ofthc ycar. wc were very unlucky to have tx-en pipped at the poSI b} Liukwood. and \\c cenainl)- n~alled them 111 termsofhouse ·pirit. Congr.Uulatioo, toour House Captain Jonatban Charlcsworth and hiS Committtc for aJob well done

llighlight . ofthc year included the milugural Matric Dinner and mall) stand-out performance, b) Ihe boy m uJl aspcds of schoolIIfc: but forme It was the gen<,ro,ity ofspint oflbc boys, Tutors and parents orDe Waal wllleh made being n part of this House so ~pccial. Although I have ~Ierpcd down due to time constraints. m)' connection to the I louse remains inlacl! Thank you everyone. for a gn ..'lI1y<,ar, and Icr"s see you go from strenglh lOslrength under the stc.:ragc ofMr Robinson!

lanager: enior


upcnisor: enior Rou emaster Duty 1a ters: Gap Year Students:


MrD Faulds. (Jan - Sept) MTS rnulds (Oct - Dec) Mes R Janse van Rco,burg. Mr!! B Sauls. Ms D Hartmek. Mes rs G Posthumus. DRamage & P Furstenburg. Me srs R Rudd & BeatIle. Messrs J Bailey, D (h\.ens. KRae & A Hamilton. M Qukulu. K von owauc:UI}I


his was a difficult year for Mr & MTS Faulds as Ulcy experienced a number of family berea~emenL> which sadly becamc the catalysl for their decisIOn 10 move to Gauteng - Mrs Faulds ID September and Mr F aulds at the cod of Lbc year. Mes Ros Janse \"an Rensburg became interim Hostel Manager but happily for Lilllewood. has since agreed to stay on. As ever. unity amongst the boys remaincd strong and they wcre able to achieve their goal of bringing the Friedlander Shield back to Littlewood.

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This page is sponsored by the Tjirare Family



LORIE House Head Staff Houu Prefect: "ouw Commill«

Mr S Iludson-Bcnnetl

Ms Sanu; Mc srs B I mm~. Rlnglis, S MgJI\\alt GmntKcmp A

ellC). K Klopper

l Unflin. Rash

one 1I0use ",a~ a harp} Hou, ... this year and gencr3tcd memorie, that WIIII",t a Itlcllnll". M Sanh's tulor group "US gi\cn the Nc, iJle BJackbc<lrd AW;JrJ lor the mo,1 spirited lutor group in the s.:h001 la"t year and Itved up to thai r<.'put3110nby haVing Ihe tx...t dbciplinc tor most orlhc year. Lorie boys ,110\\00 that they have the bigj,:cst hearts in Ihe school. Yet again \\c managed to sell far more rame tIekets than any other Hou'e dId. Mr [nglts' group selhng the most and Ms ~anll's coming in second. Wc arc also proull that each Lllrie group donated significant!) to the AIDS orphans at Flkelcle. SCI"' Ice remains an essential part ofllur emphasis.


The Lone Raftmg Competition In the s\\ Imming pO<.ll again brought the lutor groups together In the 2"' tcnn. ~1(lre sturdy \~'!iscls \\ere created this year nnll Mr [nglis' tutor group won by a narro" margin. The Larie Braai at the end or Ihe 3" teml created a wonderlul opportunity tor parenh to get to kno\\' each other better in a relaxed environment. The c\ cning wa, a gTeat succe~s and Ihe boys enjoyed organi,ing and beinga part ofthc occasion. The success of 2006 would not ha\e b.:en possible served Ihe Hou,e wjth t:ompaS510n and clTIclcnc>. We arc also vcry gruteful for the loyal and competent leadership of GrJ.nt Kemp and Ihc Ilouse Committee. Th.:y pUt til a great deal of tune and errort to make Lori ...a harry} lousc.

\\ ilhoul our tulors. \\ho

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

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Cilmpl3asic Grade Helld: \.tr R lnglis,


he Camp was run by the Stone Dragon EducatIOn Orgum=atton at Mizpah 10 Grabouw to rOWldoff the Grade 8 Orientation \\-eck, Our goal was to create lhe time and space for the boys to mteract and gCI to know one another better, This was defimtely achieved Judgmg from the enthusiastic response to the question, "What did you leam from the camp?" "Team \Vork, E very body is different. Respect your peers as well as yourselves," "J Ieamtthal you can't do e\'erything by your~clfand must ask for and otler help," "'learnt how to work with a \\ hole group of people and to clcao up atler mysel "lleamthow lo\"ork \\ ith other boys aod tomakc nc\\ friends:'


Most bo} 5 hat.:d the log hIke as the log, \\ ere "too hea\)" and the hike "too far", The highhght of the camp for most ' .... it was something differcl.t .. ' the best strateg> gumc ,e\er





Mr A Cros.

30 Grade 9 boys went on a very succes ful leam building and motivational camp In IJIC mountainous area ofGrabo\\ in tbe first week ofLhe fourth term. The camp presented many challenges tlull tested both the psychological and physical abiliry of the boys, The positÏ\'c plrit Il gcnerated has found ib way into many of the academIC classes,

radYJ Ca m I!/

GRADE READ: Mr M Lere che.

£amp r=f)l'"midable


he Grade IU Camp \\a' held o\eru three-day period a! the beginning ofth~ !enn. 8 boys attended and traveJled 1>\ bu,," mlo the mountains near Grabou\\. and had lt -lkm \"llk inlo Ihe camp 10 staIt the pro!!rarnm~. The lads ,kpl m paIr'> m Icnd, in a pin.:-fore~1 and. for then..:xllwo da) "look pan in (I \aoet) oft.,,",. game, and exercIses \\ hieh slreh.:hed Ihem ph~'lcall} a~\\cl1 a~ rncnlall}. The food. an Issue dose toe, el) sixl<:cn-year pld s heMt. plentiful. and ofa lugh quaht) and Ihh kepI them 10 tine ,hapc for the progranmlc nm b) Stone Umgon ftnc \\ cathcr l11-:ant~\ el) one stayed dry - or al any n.l1eullllllhey did their mud-era" I. ;\k"r'> Crou.~. Fur..'tenbcrg and Robmson accompant d me to l.rabou\\ and kepI a" atchflll e~ e on lhe) oung,ters.




Mr G Po~thumus.

GRADE 11 CAMP On Wednesday 4 October, 132 Grade 11 students made the trip to Mizpah Youth Camp in Grabouw for the Grade II Leadership Camp. The eamp ite is ~ltuated ne,,;t 10 the Koggelberg Dam where the boy were accommodated in very comfortable chalets. The camp was run by the Wynberg staff and Ibe aim wa to build UnIty and leam spint among the grade li's and belp them plan and set goals for their mamcyear. The camp ran smoothly and participated whole-heartedly enthusiastic and co-operative. of the camp. We are expecting

the grade 11'~ were outstanding. They in all the activities and were extremely Their spirit was visible for the duration good things from the marries of2oo7.

mm iM moment we walked out Into the concourse 0 Lahore A rpon we knew tbat thIS was gOlDg to be a pe<:lallnp The warmth and fiiendhnesll ofiM party senIlO welcome us proved to be the feature ofiM lour Throughoullhc tnp notbtng was too much trouble and the party was trealed hke \,sllIng royalty The Palustan Cncket Board en ure<!that the part) had finit das acoommOOatlOl1 in the National Cncket Acadcm). This ulU'llmodem bulldmg had o;.uperbfaclhucs Indoorand ouldoor oets "Immmg pool. games room and 11 facIlities "ere all available: to the: boys. The room "ere all en- uite and had BIreondulODlng salellite tele"lslon and fndges Laundry WilS done for the OO)S,and all meals pro\ Ided "ere dcslgned not to up ct cnslll\ c weslcrn stomachs! [Xluled" BIer Wil:>always available. A bu~ and drl\ er \\as lUidon for tbc cnckl!llcanl The hoekey played most of Ihelr matehe nt lh.c aliI-mal Hockey Sudium aeros the road from the Academy Tbc learn \ view of Luhore\ traffic could be the SUnlCCI ofa separate report ceunly was never an issue, but lhc PIIF 1.lid IlO cxtenSI\C 'St'cunt) for lhc hoch") boys "ho wen: a.::.ompamcd \\her v~r lhey \\cnl hy their lay.lI retinucofpolice

On our first off dl), Ihe l.ahore loun~ll1 Curporullon lu".! on Iwo bu'~s and g\ndl"> for .1 It..!) lOur of Lahore We \ ISllCdII

pa<:kaglOg13el0l'), the Lnhore fort, the Lahon; \Io'>que (th.: blgg<-"Stin lh~ world) and the Lahor.: Mu>cum (Ruu)aru Kipling', father \\U, the li", curator) In Ihe evening, \\c attended

the Imprl."SstVC changmg

ol the guard



Indian bord.:r.111e PCB laid on. even matche. (including one Ihree day malch~ while lhc hoeke) had elghl

'r.,,.....,,.. PIIIiaIIIi,..,.,_ •• u " D,11ieIr-.el AJlafIMa .............. ...., 10 .., llllbaa,..,_.., "''''''''10 way'" ofoun. ~ .. ...,widI we ~

........ ' ... I.I..' .. ....................

........ footwork. ___

OD .......

we could bold dae baIllUCCI!IIftJUy

Allo ourpMSIlII





were better: lflbis_





oaIpIayed oftbe PIkiIIani

caD DIIII1erIOlllC

skillsandedditlOlbeiroveralltactic:alskiUs,tlH!yWlnbeatcamlObereckonedwllhnextyear Hefon: we left, !hewhole nmge of ItI:reotypeS w~ evident 10 our tlllnkmg about Palustan. No-one prepared us properly for the feet that the Pakistam people are the most wann. welcommg, generous and open-hear1ed people. They taughl us lesson about hospltahty, whICh will remain WIth us for a long tllne Our hosts did nol want anythmg in return They gave for the sbecrJoyofgiving Chché', are all lOOeasy. 'Tourofa lifetime' c(.lmes trippingly olfthc: langue but thIS is what the tour "as. TIm Noakes put It so well in his outstanding me~<;8gein our brochure "ThIS uip is nol just about cnckct and hockey. It IS aoout disc:o\ enng another culture. And the new e)l,periem:e~you WIllenjoy." We saw another culture and ha,>,ebeen humbled by the outpouring offnendshlJ) and hospitality. Eugene Danleis of the WeED urged us 'to butld bndgcs' Well, we ha\\~ built bridges bct",een Pakistan and South Africa that willla'\t for many years. Arrangement" are alre'<ld}ID mollon for furthcr hridge, to be bUilt 10 '(lOrt and in acadl'IDics bel'" een vanous schoob. Unless they play national 'pon one day, the boys who went on this trip wIIIne\cre~penence played their part \\ ith exemplary behaviour throughout and they were alway, apprcclatJ\e.


lhis agam. They

In both sports. the talent of lhe Pakistan sportsmen shone through They displayed skill:. \\e had never seen before. Hopefully we hav~ acquired some ofthe~e skills, which will ~ lil evidence in the seasons ahead. It is also beholden on lhe lour party to teach the,e skills to others in junior teams. In all, this was a most wonhwhile venture. The boys were lucky.

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,un nSlng into cloudless skies augured well forth" most ~pl'dal day, the clima:o( nra \\ct'l.. I)fpreparatioflS and fc,tj\itj()~ 10··... hOllllur and remember the Founders of our ~chool; to honour and remembér tho,c who bra, cl) fought for their country .md \\ hat they bclic\cd in. and. ;n tht' process. paill with their h\es.the old boys whn fought for democracy and the lens oi thousand, \\ ho have and still arc cnham:inl! the communttics the," Iivc in .. ,. (Kcnh Richardson in summilig lip what rounder,' Day is all about.) Mr Broec Prub)'n. former IIcadma~tcr and llead Boy In I%6. thu~ cclcbrJl1ng hiS 40" Reumon \\ ith old class-mates. was ot~r honoured Guesl Speaker. Hc appropriatel} ended off his \'.:ry cntllrtaining speech wilh a hne from our ,;ehnol song, .... ,brolhef'; III an endles, chain". AI thc Flag Raismg Ceremuny at Ihe Junior School carlkr in tbc mnming. our Head Boy for 2007. Uwais Rll7ack. cl'rtainly "ho\\ cd thaI Wynberg is a school bles,ed with thou»und" of boys \\ ho ha'e len a legacy that loday's generation cherishes. honours and seeks 10emulate and \\ ho, to paraphrase Mr J>robyn\ words. regard Ihis proud Instirution as the besl in e\er)' way.



>nbCrg Old Bo),

look on Ihelr

ACS OUnl~rparts n~ pal1 of our

cct.:l>ral"ms. and W,th gr...al~ hl.c Rob Lou" and Jacque, Kulhs on our ~ide. \\C found",."

enjo)ed a re,ounding





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ART ubject !lead:

\1('l; M ColOlan.


Ihe n Interbou c \rt competition, Pallid, ledall fmm Ic 'augblon Ilouse \\.'on hand., dmm \\.'lIh his cnll). \l,hich ~Ir Ta\lor hang~ proudly In hi~ omce. We entered Ute aDS Souei F eETS Fe thal. which ~e\eral <>ehoob lrom the southern ,uhurbs entered. Our boys did us very proud - '__arlSpnngorum won IiNprize and Patrick Stedall.:ame thm!.

Lt: JMd Le_, ~ ~ 4d.:..TkN~Ai¥CO~



II pupils attended an open day al \ ega Brand Communiclltion~ cbool in Green Poinl. From there we visited several gallcncs m the vicinity. which was trul} an eye opemng c'Iperience for them. We eOlcred fhe works in il national art competition. ~ponsored by the SA OptomelriJilS ASSOClauon. and are aW31lingthe rewh".

The Grade

Atlhe Cultural.Awards EH'ning, work from Grades 10 to 12 \\as displayed Our final ~1atric exhibition was one With a dlnerence William Martin pUItogelher an inslallation, \\ bich caused qUlle II sllr. lie received the highest mark given lo one of my pupils in all m) We bad ft \'el) mOIl\ Bted and tE~ltn~l!>liI'""Art Commiuee this year. 11 has be.:n th;:ir enthusia~m and thoroUl!hnc-ss thai has cnabledust'O engage In the ~orld out there.

Subject Hfad'


n de Jong.


he Grade li's and 9's worked on a number ofpf(lj~'Ct~in the ,\rt. Dance. Music and Drama dlscipltnC!-. Fur e~amplc. the Grade !I's mad.: and decorated percussion instnnncnl, und chnreographl-d lheiro" n dance pleee , "lllle the Grade 9's \\ role their 0" 11 scripls and "tagl!d their 0\\ n plays using l'o~lumes ,Ind props. Their rap 'ollg composIlIons .llso exposed some hidden laleni .

Many boys elllcred Ihe Arts and Culture Olympiad Ihal took place in the second lerm. Wynberg came lourth ID lhe counlry and Jured lessr and Sage Vermaak were each awarded gold certificates


\\ ynt>erg Boys' High 2006


mUI ( I Rl:POR I

ubJc I II ad Slarr

Iun. J

(.r 10

Tt. ~.



Marr Gr 12 achieHr': '(.r II li hl,'\ ers

&..l ~

Sf,..L... T......

s.,......., H w.:.L., C p_~

F-rl!.. Lt';

S Hwl- g......R, ~ H~

L £,

r P"''_',

P f ....lt-*

1r I SadUlI 1\1 r; G Po !humu • B op m. I Badiah 1e rs Hud on-Iknnett. I Panon,

Ur 12 Gr II

1 ,"an der andl. J \\oodbme, J Roffe),1 ~ea~tnd

J ..\ lllon

TECHNOLOGY Suhject Head:

\Ir R Rudd


tlradc ') and ,~~ Gmdc 8 cia- c, have had an excitmg year They \\ i!'rC II-kcd to bUIld nJ\l<.leb 'lich :I' nllllCiCtrap-cars, crane" Ic~ cr.; and bottle mekcb, Some cla"l'~ laum:hl:d roeke" Oul on the ficlds a, high a, po<'lbk and 8th:mpl.:d I" bnng them dm .. n lo canh ..afd). Othercla"e-, ....e-rcoul on the pa\lngond 10 Ihe halltl'ymg OUllhcrr mou ·.:-trap-cars Jnd ccmg ....ho-.c wnuld go Ihe funh ...,1 and fa'lesl, Slime In\enkd hvdrnulic BmlS ....rth claw, to hft and t:raIl.>l.:r ObJ':Cb. TIus 1'C,ulr.:d in -ome t:eihng,., UI cla,ql)om~ :md unifomh b<:mg 'l'm>ed a nl'h mhlure ol colour.. when modd lW

pip s,






.:olounng. bur,l, affun \\ hen bo}, ....ere a",kcd to materials that could b<: u~ed a" packaging matcnnI. Thc)" !O"lic,stignted the nc\\ pla.:.lie la\l' m effe,'1 m shoppmg centres and il" Impal"t on Ihe en~ ironment BI)} c\ en IOformed shop-keepcr5 ol the con'iCqucnces of There

Wlli> lOb

10\ c. lIgale ,arious

not adhering lO the plastic la\\ ,.

\\)nbelll Boy< lIigh 2006


Mr J RobInsolI. \1.....,1" D ~h.::nck. !Iud nRennen, D Caroh~'>t-n

( ongratu lallon to tbc lOp three Grade 12 pupils I· Fr.Jo, Cronje 1 Jonathan ( hlld..~.


Ik ...d IIISl'nillr1Ii-lor. "f.lllnillrlli'lur): SlalT • IIClld

~1r P \ OlnS~halk\\ yk 'Ir J LOl'\\ Me ,n; R Inglb, S Mglt\\nh. J l3axter (fir t.) \~~'C, S 1It'\\el1 (terms:; 4); Mr' G Sharland (Io.:rms 2.:,1),


Hwi ~ J.. ~, fI~ H. JL......



hl' \\ a. n eballcngmg } ear because oflhe death I)fJohn Bax Ier early on mlhe) car. I il,prc,el1c~ 111~hc r1ahroom d unbelievable kno"ledg"ofthc ,ubi ct are ")rcl) ml sed. I Ihanl.. G"cn Sharland t"r slcppll1g III she d.d a gri:atjob. Mr Shaun Hc"ell Joined us III the third term. Unfortun:l!d) our lkpartrncnt remains disjl110Icd Us mu t of (lur teacher, teach m other departments as \\ ell. We 31-0 laced Ihc ncw FET Gmd" JO COUN~. which Iht' OOjS and statTround challengtng In eontenl. I lopcflll1} Ihm!!c~wdl impru\cnexlycar I10\\ c\er. the nc" Gr:trlc II 12~yllabll!ilookslj\ltlce)(Clling Our Grade I I', did .\~.I.c\ct 1l1lsy.:ar and. 3lthl'u~h man) ofth.:m du nlll read enough I hst"!). Ihcy $hould all p"'s (lur alm 10 Grade IIand q t 101l13:"eIhe ,ut-Jeel rclc\ant:1nd CDJo}ahle to aUrael boyqo HIS")!) ID Ihe" nlorgradc", I thank the \\ hole D~p3nmenl fOTlhclr contnbulWIl-' and In partlcul::tr, John Lom\ for runnll1gJunmT UhlllT). Wc arc ~ad to ~cchim Ic.nc at the ctl,1 Mthc year.

AfRIKAANS Head or:-'ubjeet.

;\1s T.SanlL.


"k~dame,IIl1uner. [ lkskwa: Me"n, Rlngli,. R Moolman. P Smith, \1 \bmham,


unng th.: l\fnka.1n~ Wcek allocated to \I, \\c had an oUhlandlng play pUI together hy Mr Abraham, rhe theme of Ihis ~hon production cOincIded "lth the 1t>5 b.rthd.1Y ('four scho..)!. It d"pickd all the important dare, and c\ enh frnm the early da:;.~ of the begmnmg of the :.chool lo the pre,cnt. It wa:. vCI) mlormau\'c and ga\ c the Icnrncno an insight Into Ill': h"IOI)' orlhe ,.:hool.


s Itmc r RI!.POR

ENGLISH Mr { !lm lcr.

.... ad of ~ubjecl ~t8rr;

lN1:lml"S s \\Illidlll on. J Uood\\lO. JI.(IU\\,RRudd. He\\ctt.


le SI'S B Emrru,


r flske.


_J ~

R Hennmg.

e ,hall be 'Sorry 10 lose Ir It>ll\\ Ilt tbc cnd oflhc ye,lr. as a rc,ult of Imme bolden lie ha been a loynl and dcpmd:lble 1c:tcher



ks on Kocb.:rg Ro:td'

of the Year

13 \ ,ymb\ll in M,llrÏl; 2005. l:unbndgc UIII\i.'fS1ly S Lev I Fxanllllau\1O IJ 1111001- lor F CIIIOJC und \\ Martm Il G.mllddn:n "on R I (lOO lor hunselI and for the hoolm the I:thlcal Leader'hlp ay compcllllllll. ~I H loternationóll Ent.:li\h Te't: (,rade 9: D\'nO\ an te Hendnc <l9'1 •• Grade lO; Fdmund Rod..elh 99°'0. J.lm.:, St<>ck 95°0. InternlIl

8e~t Rc'l Be.t Be,t Bc\t Best Spell


Reader (Senior): Rl"Jdl'r (Junior): ~peal.er: \\ ritcr (S,'ni(lr): \\ rill'r (Junior): Grade 10 \ïdcH, Chl'Cl..:


~I Kktn. M (,ruler, R !anoy S Flhane. Z \álilque-:-':lIpp.;r. R Kmpc. \1 KIelII. R Manely \I Kl.:m. t~Rod",t h• .I Jo ish r. J Human. G \'elau. M Rcnaud R Carstens. S Spammer, K ·unda. [,-11 Chol J I e~a[, S Smit. \\ \fbanJa.

Hammaad Gamleldlen

0.....f4,J..T-.. &od R-1rR: H~ H~, H....W~, f......t R_ L-R: H.....~,

H. c.-, H, ~. H~f* H. ~..J.l. H~ E........, H. H~.

$-.t~~~: t-~ H K1.L;.,.,



St B.n:CrS

Sllbjed Knd:


Mr Mgxwah. MrB Sopam




blS year the Xhosa department 'i\ clcomct.l Ir \IS' \\Uil, \\ hll ha, JOIned us \\1m Il 101 of C'pellellCC He ha, laken 0\ cr the Xhosa Departmenl

al a lime when the school, lor the tirs! lime,


ofI'eriRg Xhosa 1 AddmonallA'Inguage (2 langu~ge) to learners 111 Ondes 8 and 9 We also haw d3sse~ in <.ml<k~ 10 and II. IIl GrOlde 12 there were only two boy domg Xhosa and Ihc}' ",crc bemg tutored Wc look Ii>rn-ard to buiJding up I Addiuonall..anguage, hoplIlg that more boy, will be ..bic lO du illb an \fnl.aart'> aIlematJve as soon as thIS IS done al pnmal) chool, a, w cll B

rea Co-Ordinator:


hC ycar Voas exciting

Mt.."Ssrs0 Ramage (G.E 1), ~1Galant (f.E.T). 1<:~dames S \\ Illiumson. B AllwnghL C Sharpc.

but heeuc

- c'\citmg



relauonshtp. learntOg to understand ourselve· and growing socially: hectic because orthe need lO eumplde the curriculum and IIltegrlllC L.O. into the F.E.T. pha:;c. In Grade 8 we dealt with ho\\ self-esteem atTccb deCision· making We looked at body Image and the change that teenage boy· undergo: human sCJluality: substance abuse among,t leens; relation!'hips and peer pressure and theIr Impilct on choIces we make. In Grade 9 wc spenl time on citizenship education; tht: nc\\ teenage phenomenon of M.XlT and its impact on '>chool and ociery and spent looking at the world of\\ork and careers. One Grade 9 clas~ served as a diSCUSSIongroup for an outsIde socIal worker who deyeloped a progr.urune which dealt with issue" such as stress, nurntion and health} eatmg. lime management and planning skills. Grade 10 wns new lerritory for us We were fortunate to hJve social work students from U.C.T. as,i~t ID tcaChmg some of the classes. They proved agreal addJuon to the Dcpartment and thl: boys appreciated the new insight they brought The curriculum covered aspects such as accepting di\ersity. study strategie~ and leammg for life. responsible relationshIps and careers chOIces. DR


W}nberg Boy:, High 2006


Ilbjecl !-lead: taff:


Ms S Undsay. Messrs RCrow.. P FUNcnburg. S Hudson-Bennctt. Ii Lefson. M Lere,ehe. L Moser. I Parsons. G PosthlUlllb. B Sopam.


by pupils:

31 distinction.

in the :!OOSMatne

Frans Cronje

(Grade 12) 8" in the Grndc 12 VCT Malh!> Ol)wplad: amongst the top 100 candidates notionally III the Hannony Math~ Olympiad.

Glen Jlartmllnn


& }\Jlron Kim (Grade 101.3" in the Grade 10 UCT pail> competition.

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


METALWOOD Subjen lIead.

Mr J Lou\\


a sad acca. Ion when 1111! of lhc 1clah.ork Department final!}' closed a; the , t m:lInc tudencs proudly l':\hlmted thclr proJects, pori foho and dm\\lng~ dunng therr last "eck at school 'u cndcd an era ol \\:l\ t






\\llh fifteen \el) dtlfcrC'll1 proJ..xt' bcautlfull) fine,hed and dl plaYl'J Franl'Ub \an Ren burgmadt'adllllOS mom table and chatr<, Inre Cnn an Impres~l\e trailer, Grant Kemp a rnng11lficcnt (lOrtft,)to and three-Slat ben<:h and Mari,) Kaus Sllrpn"ed all \\ Ith li \\cll-pr.: en!..'\! gnrdln bench \\ IIh 'un ,O\l.~r

klll~ !rammg

datmg back to the Iq century when Wynberg Bo) '1 hgh s.:hool was suil In II~mfanc)

May the lrut fifteen young men pmtleged to M\e hared my final yearn! Wynberg fully uhhsethc,kllls they ha.e acquired. It was an Inlerestlng year With the self-starter, leading the way for those who enjoyed the nde and those v. ho had to be 00\ en Our Joume) ended \\ ell

I thank my lasl group for the fncndl~ spnl. \\ hich prevailed III the \\orkshop. !l.kUllwork has been ,I demandUlg subJ~'Ct for pupd, oceau> .. all a'pech of the ,ublect \\ ere '0 highly vl,jble Ilud open to .,.:rullny. prohe and cntlCI~m bv all nlank you for your per c\er";ccm CQ-\.lper3l1ve

m:untammg, to the end. lhc \ ~'I)' high 'UUldard \H' have for so long proudl) .IC(".epted il' th~ norm at Wynberg.



Mr C Sandenbergh.


nother year of vel) good work by the Woodwork boys has come 10 an end. Their models. on display 10 tbc foyer al ValedklOI). stood testimony 10 the boys' efforts andlalent. Top students were Craig Green (oak desk). and Dale Le\~is (Grandfather clock).






Hrad ufSubjt't:l



ur bndge omldmg tcam Imprm d un last )C3r., pertOrJrulnce \\hm the \\ > nberg unl's embana ingl beal u~ 1111017th place fbl~ )C3I \\ d\'CI'C III the top len and p lan to Iml1nl\ e on that. \\ c had a weakened ICdltl altbe Mmquiz bctau, ...vI ~portlllg l'Ol11mltment and did not make th ...fmal four Tbc Oh,upmdre,;ul w.:rc falrl) good. Tbo:be't re,uh m each grade \\ crc'




Edrnund Rod,cth JanlC~ StOl:k Richard !\1aod) FI<lIIS ('ronJe Steven RamLlIl

,md II ('I<,de I:!

72. C,9°o

65°. 64·0 70'l. ti8°.

Ourgn."3tc t ,ucccss \'as 111 the IeehnolOg) Ol)mpl.ld. T\\o grade 10\. ehm Muldcrnnd Duslm 1ctcalte. \\ent through h) the nallonal unal, 111 Pletennaritzburg o\cr Ihc Sl-ptcmb<:r holida) '. ha\ 109 \\ on the regll'nal ",ent and \\ ere placed third nauonally. \\c cm.:red 15 project III th~ rcS,ponalSCience E'Iro at I'CT rhe standani seem little bel"" I:I-'t) car's.l\o gold thb year. but suil a t:1iraclllC\ ement


ImprO\ c c\ cry jiear Our medal tally wa a

"Ponablc \\ md Generalor" oyThotnu, Burger, and Jal)'d 011\ er(Gr 10). ,\110)''' by Ramccz OmarulId Taanq Janodlcn (Gr I U). .. Thermochromie paim" b) Dalllcl Uonaldson and Matthew (,ruter (Gr 10).

Slh er Olcd.\I· Slhcrmedal' The Royal SOCIC1) Ol Chemhuypri7.e.


Our !)Clencc and 'lath e\cnml! \\a' \\ell real\ l:d and \'''M repcUltng. Our guest speakers \\ crc 'Ir 'l-arew, BIlOn} trom B"hnp's and Dr Phlltp Lloyd fmmUCT.



TECa'\'OLOGY OLY~1PIAD ubject llead: taff:

MrG Taylor. Mr Bill Creed


2n005 we had our best matric results in four years. On the Ibgher Grade our a\erage was more than 10% abo\e the national average and J 5% of our candidates receivedA symbols. Our department has acqum:d an lIItcraCIl\'e whiteboard. enabling u, to prcscm work in an up-to-dale. colourful. and ,timulatlllg fonnut. A recent "best practices" sesSion, held With the Gtrls' lligh. proved most \\ oM\\htle. We have been mvolvcd in a long-Ierm project of skeletal recon. tructions with Grade lO'l> that is still ongoing. We have been working. closely with Mr Bnrtnick of the lziko :vtuseum in Cape Town. He has provided us with a great deal of lcchmeal informatIOn and recently preserved a baby crocodile for us. It is now in the D21 Lab.

Wynberg Boys' High :!OOó

hristopher Mulder and DustIn Metcalfe (both grade LO) were selected to represent the Western Cape region at the "Iational Technology Olympiad held at Hilton College on Saturdav 23rd September.To qualify tcams had to dcsign and constru~t a self-powered model train. using only commercIalI) a\ ailnble wire. cold-drink can ...and a ma>.lI11umof twelve elastic bands. Fifteen teams. from all over the country. took part in the [mals.


The competition included a performance test, in \!. hieb the leams rtrSl tried to get their model train to travel 8m in the shortest poSSible nme. and a econd part in which the same models were required to carry tbe maximum possible nwnber of full cold-drink cans 0\ er a distance of 4m. The most important component oftbe competition was a 'l>urprise ,~orksbop' in which the teams \,ere required to design and construct a device to eV11poratethe greatest possible volume of water in a given time. Our team acquitted themse"'e~ \ery well. They were placed 3rd overall Considering that they were up against tearns (including ome from technical high schools) from all over the country. this is an excellent result. Don Alien



5ERVtCE Teacher-in-cha'1;e:

Mrs S Williamson

Se,,'ce P,,'floct Committee;

L Ban. N Oarkcr.

R~anMagcc G Fox.



R Jansen. D Pili;!)

B RC;Jpcr. J Ould.

C Cross, U Rll7.ack. M Thompson, \' NongaullI, M Urbpos, M Gruter. N J Stock. R Carstens. R Sibaca, BOutIC. Z \1aanc, J Steel. L Danie!', JOsman. o Nka) I, J Abraham.'. K Logan, M Walbrurgh, V Hc\\ c, \t Alhe. R Alhe R HambIdge, J Doigc. G Turner helped con"ldcrably. Habitat (or lIumanih! Mr Bud on·Bennett hás produced the mo,t money ever ralscU for Habitat for Ilumamty - R47 ooO.l-Ie w<'rkcd on tlus project aU y~"aI \\'Ith the cO-Qpemlton of the pan'nts and Grnde 8'5, He ~pcnl the who!.: time III the fiN \H~ek of the fourth tcml at Wallacedene, Krn.8lfontetn, and together with ~omC!statTmcrnbcrs and lIabitat ,taIT, lead the btlys In helpmg to bUild a house The olmo pherc each d~y wa ell1huSla5IlC and lhe boy> had a 'hand~on' building expcrtence - and enhanced their l<Xlks by wcanng hard hal The parents were particularly imprcs.,ed by their hard \\ork und what they achieved. Becau~c there were too many (10 ~Ite. Dorolhy, one: ofllle rcsidents. took groups on a walkabout. Mall) had nevcr seen a lownshlp from clo~c up, Other projects: Mr Cro,~ helped at the Glencllirn cr,"ll) for under-prh ilL'ged at tbc bcginrung of lhe year and at the Kil(.... n~inl! al Sand\ kl. Tenterden childrell \\ere entertall1cd at the Girls' School for the da) III cplembcr The Steel Band pla)~"\l wld mall)' boys bromied. play~-d bail and computer gnme:, wuh the ,hlldrell. ("Irdressed up a., clo\\ns Twenty boys helped al l nele Paul', Chri~llI1a~ Partie' III the December holiday'. AI Ihe: Prc\ ic'\ of the Major production, a record number of folk from old ;Igcd homes were brought lO school to enJoy the ~hllW and ha, c lI:a together The Irony of the occasIOn wa. that It was bucketmg WIth ralll during a ,ho\\, mappnJpliald) n3lT1eU'SumlllcrHolu:lay'! Clothc~ \\ ere collcctcd forlhe I-"ricnd\ of \1IIkl'nhcr~ )lnd gratefully reeel\ cd, Anotl~r c\ cm \\ as lhe Onl~to-Onl' Da) al tlle Good Hupe Centrc, where \VB! IS had a facc-painung ..tall. A surpnsmg dlSW\ered thclranl~uc ablllllCS It \\~IS:tnexhauslmgbul \\ onll\llulc da~ ThcclIdorthC\ earS;l\\ each} louse cont[1buungalightforSt tukc', Ch 1Ï~llllas Tree III Kcruh\onhand hlllnpl'''~ forlheGround-litaff. MaIJ~ tharu.sto whD


Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This page is sponsored

by the NIssen Family


Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This page is sponsored

by the NIssen Family





. S~"


: " .. I"~;-Ch.",,,







. J






Give blood Give life


.... qp~~ r:<_~

he \\c~lcm Pro~ ince Blood TranshblOll c~lce comillues to " '.._ corne to WIIllberg once a tmn to collect blood from the boy... and ~talT\~ho are braye enough to donate. Eve!) term the're WPBTS \\ as a very posiltve re~pon~e from our ...emor boy~ \\ ith many younger learne .....\\ t>lllng there were no age litnllsO that they tOO could donate. We have 5een many nel' donors flut thcmsehes forward thiS year. We had an average donation of20 25 ullirs penisI!.



Communlly sC~'ice like donation of blood Il> Illtcgralto scndlllg well round.:d young men into society and I hope tbJI the bo}, who hale left u~ will contlDue to donate as their blooddefinilely saves Ih es' A big tbank you to nil thl.! boys and statTwho \\ IllIngly gave such a valuable donation to society.






Mr M Badiall.

Other members: Trainees (Newbies):

M Stafford. A RoginsJ....y,J Pienaar, VHe\\IU,PManners,CDo\e



U Ramjam, M Coxon, J-H Shin, R Petersen. KHallick_ YU,SEsselaar, MNdamandama,K


Martin. T-WYu.


nfotechis a group of students who learn 10 help with the maintenance and support of the school network's J lardware and sollware They provide invaluable help to their peers when they are on duly in Ihe computer labs, by handling queries and assisting with pnming and supe~ision

This year lhey were instrumental in helping the school win the Hip2Bl CodeBreak.er International Dnhne competition. \\ynberg won RI5000.00 for being the school with the most contestants in South Africa. Contestants at the top of the hst of entrants were all lnrolech members. The money they won will be rC-lDVCS[OOID Seiene.:, IT and Technology roll and hardware.


This page is sponsored

by theEsselaar


WynbeIg Boys' High 2006


The ~

Mut~r-i.-Charge: Crnf:

Crew Mr S Bl'atu<,. J Ka) -I lard~. ,\ Coellee. \1 Elsworth. J Ro\\-Ics, ~ (jrispo~. S Aldridge, M Bing. S Sout<,r


he backstagt' crew didn't ha\c much \'urk this year except for the school play, Slimmer Holiday'. While workmg on the play, the crew fired on all cyhl1lkr, und its 'uccess was due in no small part to the commitment of the boys 10 the back~tage crcw. They spent thclfwceks and weekends before the play started, setting up the stage and getting to know \\ hClcc\crythmg \'as la go. They did a magnificent job and deserve to becommended.


Mr Rlnghs. B Kreldemann. C Green. J Doig. R lIanbidge. W Danielz. A Mulbolland. DRossa, G Turner. T Botha, W Philips .



Wynberg Boys' High 2006










This page is sponsored by the Hanbldge Family





Tt:." J,twc JL: ~ ~ William Shakespeare

ow'" ""-e /,t. ttw

COUDHUor: Aaslstaat:

Ms M Robenson MrD Ramage.

Ham/el.{Acl I, scene iii)


attempting n to adend lo the psychological well-being oflhe boys at WBHS efl'ecm ely. the Counselling Department views its role as twofold. lO respond at an mdivlduallevel through individual counselling, and to respond at a broader, systemic level through group and comnnmity work. The challenge for the Counselhng Depanment thiS year has been to balance these two aspects of our intervention. lo individual counselling with boys, the followmg themes arose: stress and coping (e.g. sel f care. managing time, jugghng different comnutments); depresSIon (otkn played out in school avoidance. bunking. substance abuse and academic difficulties): coping WIth bullying as well as bereavement and tTauma The Dunlber of boys seeking help continues to grow. This does not imply that there are more problems than previously, but rather Ihat boys are more comfonable asking for help and are fmdlng a vOice for their struggles. The ability 10 seek help is a vilal and healthy coping mechani m and is indicative of the increasing resourcefulness of our boys The school setting provides many rich opportunities for "community work". Voluntary groups focusing on two different issues were run: binge drinking habits and the experiences of new boys (adjustment to a new high school). In our prevention programme we focused on substance abuse. This mducied a presentallon for all grades by well-known addict-in· recovery,

Steve Hanulton, as well as a presentation on drinking and driving. by The Wandering Star Project. Specific projects include a current intervention in a Grade 9 cl8loo'S which IS addressing the topiC ofbullying .


Three UCT Social Work students were placed at WBHS for the year for their field placements. We are grateful to Lisa Phlhps. Charlotte McLea and Vlmba Togara for their valuable contribution to the Counsellmg Department. In addition to indivtdual counselling, the students initiated several different projects: a group for Grade 9 boys wbo were acadenucally underachieving: a group for Grade S's focusmg on adjustment to high school: a 4-week stress management programme for a Grade 9 class; an initiative to assist boys in forming an African Society, and finally, a networking evening for the Peer Supponers.

L·R: Usa, Jlimba dt Char/oil"

We are starting to explore the myriad ways ID which a counselling depanment at a school can play a meaningful role in the hfe ofa school. If we approach the education of our adolescent boys in a holistic way, we cannot separate the emotional functioning of boys trom the other aspects of their lives. One of our broad aims is to develop boys' emotional inlelligence (EQ). EQ refers to sucb skills as Kbcing able to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations; to control impulse and delay gratificalJon: to regulate one's moods and keep distress from swamping the ability lo think; to empathize and to hope" (Goleman. 0, 1995, Emotionallntellgem."C).



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D .... •• 70

Amhi1ect 41 <; i"b:sO!n. ROlaa.~ Kem.1wot'th. 7700 Tel797 4600.

D .... ••

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

p~ Support Ms M Rober15on.


hIS year's activities comprised a communication s.tllls course. twO discussions re- with our neighbours. the Spnngfield Peer Supponers. as well as a process of evaluatmg the vision and identity of the Peer Suppon programme within WBHS


The ,mdtl lUId L ....... SUIs COMl'B was run m the flJ'Sl term, one afternoon per week. for seven consecutive weeks 22 boys from Grades ) 0-12 took pan in this course. The high anendance r2tc and poslhve feedback ren~ted the boys' enJOYl11Cl1I of the course.

In May, our Peer Supporters, along WIth other Wynberi boys, attended a dlKusiQp at prtagfleld on the IOpic of relatlonsbips and brqlqng YIIa This was an opporlUruty for both girls and boys 10 hear the tbougbts and opinions of the opposile sex on Ibis penmenl issue. The Peer Supporters were fortunate to have the help of orgaDlSBtJonal consullant Rebecca Freeth. m M.telÏc planning for the group. This expenence provided 8 platform for the boys 10 thlDk through the goals and ldenllty of the Peer Support programme within the school. ThIS process is ongoing and structural changes may be made for 2007 as a result of this thinking through A Pm S,pport Netwtrk lym! .. was held WIth the Springfield Peer Supporters in September. This event was organised by one of our 3" year Social WOlk students as part ofber commWlity work project. Henk Eic:bhom. a cliDlcal psycbologist, facilitated a discusston III'OUI1d the protective and nsk factors associated with bow young people cope with pressures.

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Wynberg Boys' High 2006




yyear as Charrlady on the Ladles Association of Wynberg Boys' HIgh School wa~ (I great honour and I wish to thank our Headmaster, KClth RIchardson. hIs wIfe Plppa and the ladies on my commlllec ~hll ga\c sllllpcnly and generously oftherrtime. It IS an Immense conumtment and the school apprcclates the lime and efton thallhey gIve lOthe school. 2006 was a very busy and intense year as well as a vel) emotIOnal one ~ Ith the death oft~


\cry special teach.:TS.

The first term of2006 was and alws)is IS an extremely busy one. and y,a~ made even bUSier with the Depuly President bemg the guest speaker at our Annual Prize Givmg. A very intercsting one m<k.>edI The prolocol wa~ indeed an cy.: opener! The generosity and overwhelnung response of the Wynberg parenls in Ihe \arioul> areas ofthc school Yoas to me a \cry humbling cltperieD\:e, and thIS could be seen when pan:nts rail icd tor Daryl Sims's funeral, The second lerm involved the School Play and we as the Ladles Association had the enJoymenl ofplannmg the Gala E\ ening, ThIs was a great successi The opening oflhe Nussbaum Auditorium was indeed a presli!pous event as well.

IWIsh to thank my committee for all !hell hard work and for making my job so enjoyable.

r urge every new mother lO get involved. II is a lol of fun and 11 gives you the opponunJly 10 gel to know other parents and teacbers as well. You will hear many times the saying "the next 5 years go by so quickly" bUiihis is indeed reality so don't stand on the oulside lookmg in. but rather be pan of the eltperience. J wish my dear fnend Thelma Rowles. Ch8lrlady for 2007 and her committee smooth sailing and may their year be as happy and as eventful as mine has been.

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~. '''e



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Sleep Cli"ic

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


hegrcat.:, ('Ut 10 the hfe ofC\\T ..'I m 2(H)6 was Ihe u{lcllIng ol a neWSIlIIt!ofomc. e.~.10 lhe eastern ~,ng oflhe v.ynl:>e.rgbuild 109,. Wenal11ed it Ihe lOAN \\1 L-LIA MSON CENTRT1aner thc school":I founder and it wa, a great honourtosce Mrs WlllIam,on ellt the ribbon, which officially maugurnted C\\. [:Sl'~ new adnHnislmu,e home. on j I !\la). fhc ome.: CUlJlpri'l"S a working room for Ihc admiOl'lrators nnd tcachers and a Slore-room for book;; anti our photo'lllt machine The offices are carpeted and \\ell-lit nnd 'HlI provide a Imc "homc~ for CWES! studenb nnd statTfur year:; 10 come. Wc cclehrated FOlllldcr~" Day 10 conjunction wilh the offke-w.lnmng. and CWESI wa, glad lo wdcomc the dlTl.'Ctotof the Southern EMDe. :-VIrEugene Dal1lcb. 10 Lhe function. Ill' d.:dared him,clf deltghteU wtth the partnership belween W13J1S and l\\ I'SI WAilS headmasler Mr Keith RIchardson gave a thought-provoking and mO\lng add re">, tbc C\\'I' ï DVD made its public debut. Ihe choIr ~:lI1gbcaulIfully, Asanda\ rap group turned up the 'lilllumc and two of our Zip-Zap circu' Sltld.:n!> ill1pres~ed y, ILh thclr uni-<:ycle tncks. Onc.: again we were indebted lo the boy, of Interacl 81ld the pan:n" ofWynbcrg for the wondetful teJ on olTer. Ptck 'n Pa; llnd Win,,-of-the-~ll1nth Club generously pro\ ided excdlent foo<land drink f:nrolrm:nt In 200b \\J' 124 \\ithJR r...-gi~lered forABET. 7910rmatrkand 7 ",hawer.: only doing th<'computer course. The two English literacy d3SSCS run by \-Irs Mll'hueh were enthusiastically lJttcnd~"'d.All students worked \ en hard and lhe cra,s developed a real ,pint or fugdhcrness. Mr' Patten's numeracy cI~,,, made sound progress. \-Irs Anettc Fe!la's wonderful work wllh Mr Abraham Swans (our proud 70-yeur-old ,tudenl) Wlb recngnhcd in 811 article 111 Die Burger thai cOincided \\ Hh International Ltlerac~ Week. eWESI stalwans like Maria Booysen. SieJ1l1a !:Ieukes nnd Ev.:lyn Mf ..khcto were always willing to help at e"enls and fundraisers. and to them and many others. many thankl>. TIIC mall·ic group h~ abo been involved 111 Ihe y, elF.lfc of C\VI~SI y, ilh Colin Damon7c organising sponsored paper lor our photo-copier and many olher slud..:nt~ (hsted under EVCl1ts)helping mtse money and awarene~s about OUI schoC\1. CWESI \\35 once again well-served lw oul~tanding contribution5 III the classroom from a dedicated hand ofteach~rs who are all willing to go the e'l:tra mile. Wc were delighted tn congratulate MTSThcrc~e Michae!s on her attaining a degree in ABET studies but were sad to bid farewell la Sir Roger Good\\ 111 as Centre Manag.er. lie brought lO tbc posmon a fiere .. allention to detaIl III all mallers adrnimslT3tivc and financial. y, luie lus empathetic approach made him a firnl tÏ1"ountc among the ~tudent body. Ill' will be sorely missed and we thank him most sincercly for his years ofpositivc scrvlCC. Anumbcr ofCWEsr students. aided by Theresa MIchaeis and John Young. pitched in 10 help sell lots of pancake:. on the night of Ihe Wynberg Food Fair. Roger Good" in's brilJiant Idea of asking members of the public LO "buy" mdividual textbooks and then ha'lie them donate them back LO C"''ES) was an e\ en bigger succes~ thi, year than in it~ firsl year. Therese was respon!Slble for a wonderful fLUId-raising exercise that brought in uv\."rR4000 \.\1th Exclustve Books (Conslantia Village) once again proving most generous hos.::;, allowing us to ;,ct up a table outside their shop on two da)'!' in September. In October 30 sluuents IT3velled to the Robben Island with MI'S Therese MichaeIs. Supennarkct Marketlllg Days are planned for the firstlwo weekends in Decemb<!r at Kenilworth Centre and OUery HypennarkeI. The intention is to makI! shoppers a\\ are ofC\\'ESI and Illorepanicular)y. awareoflhe new [axi route for Z007.A, e\'er, sustamable funding remains a major goal.

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This page is spon,ored by the Nissen Family


.\b~ter-in-Cbar~e: Prefect: Commiul'e:

Mr P van 'chalkw}'k, Wesley Langridge, J deWaal. ;\1 Kmg, S Bell, S HUllon-Squirc, S Bolland. S Bongela. R I\ll1lr. M Klem. R Mandy, A Thorburn, T Gales, , ....Martin. K Oliphant

rlR<,r TEA'f ,\lan02cr. Captain: 1 ca (I) (gatIJC's played

MrL Moser In


Jonathan Child. J ChIld (7). S Bell (II). ] Tmdlll (IDI. D PllIay (SJ, D \lcHendrie (10), J Jang (i). a Bun (l I. J SlOgh (I I.







,I/r \(",,~rL.

"...."OIImt <lItOlII ,hu.J!

Tbc 1st Team had another very successfuI5ea~on, unbeaten 10 the league and losmg only one match agam~t Grey liS 10 Pon EllLllbelh. Jonathan Child and Stephen Bell also won the annUAl Rondebosch Doubles Chl",' Toumament. Our top J board, (Child. Bell. Ttndllll were QU~tandinlJand could always be relied on to produce a "in. Jae Jang was abo v~ !'teady and wa., the only unbcat.:n player or the year. "'inning all 7 orhis league matche;, Allhe !inal Ches, Trials or the year Jamie Tlndill. Olreshan Pil1ay (UI7) and Dono,an Mdlendne represent USSASA WP ("hess.

(UI.!') "ere ch~n


ECO:"ooO TEA.\1 Manager: Captain: Team: (games played



MrL Moser. Darren Moller. o Moller(6), LJacobs (5). P Jacob!:' (4), P Cupido (3), B Buu (3J, J lang (21. J Singh (2). \1 Reynolds (2). K Jacobs (2) A Raduc (2), 0 Kim ( Il. o Topass ( 1J. T


Won 5

O.rrn:_ 2

The game has grown this year. with the 2nd Team playing a number of other schools' econd tearns. We have about40 boy:; in the Chess Ladder and the Inter-House Chess Tournament in the fU'S1 ternl revealed seveml good chess players. We have also had a few afternoons this year \Iohen we played friendly gallles at our Girls' School in an endeavour to promote the game al both "choals.


This page L~sponsored by the Roxburgh Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


Choir mlstns~:




heQu3ill)' of\oicc~ in Ihec:boll"012006 ha., been vcrygood and for the Ii,",-I time we have had 3 ,trong tcoor line. which ha, enabled ill> 10 explore 3 challenging rept!rtoi~. The highlight of Ihe year \\,h the Cultural Tour along the Garden ROUle. The choir wa~ hailed wherever they sang and the shon. Impromptu perlormance io the auditorium oflbe Cango cavc~ \\ ill not be forgotten by tho~c listening.

Our prncuces on Monday e~enings

aTe hard worJ.., but everyone se~"1l1s Making music together and learning how to sing can he fun and "'cry rewarding. It Ilould be wond~Tful 10 increase the choir lo at least SO voices

to enjoy themselves.


Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This page is sponsored by the Moir Family




l>irrclor: Band l..... dl'Y: \1~mhrr':

P~ter ClIlla\clo\. Hkhard \loir. E. Rod'cth. 'voo. (j 1Illrtm:lnn. D O'lcrklh. J Lesar, lo: Ohphant, R \lOlT, I Edward,. J ue Waal. S lUi? S Bolland, S llutlon SljUlr....TUlit;:,. R John,on, J notha; S Dunn. M King, F Sp.lmef. C Graham. ~1 Rhode. lJ \\alkcr. J Delport, \1 Klem. J Klm, SHell. e Green. S de Waal. R De\ Itn. Bongda, Ju,Un IBn Wyk. ,\ JanlI:'. l.11 ChUl. H IIclUa. !'\t Gri~pos. T W Yu, \\ (' Yu, J Stock. \lo' langridgc, !ooI\\ovd. D Taill


IVC lears d,,,, n the line! The prc'cnl Coneen Hand ern "taned at Ihe beginning of ::n02 "tth tev. er than ~O player. upon m) arnval nl \\ BHS. It look 'ome hard IlOrIc to persWluc some "rth..: boy, 10 play m the band. Wilh great effort. pef"Se\erance. p.1"i;m allll enthll~la~m WI:wcrc olTto a good ~lart \\ Itb our fir>1 major e\ ent in the CIl} Hall 011 16 \Iay 2002 at the (irsl \\ 811S GreyC(IOcert Although thc bano \\a, ,mal1.theyc~'Ttainly played c"rcmelywo.:lI on that mght. Tbc band has gro", n trcmcndou,l) and wc nrc now tWIce the ,ill.' lIe were lil Cyear~ago \Vc haw rai,eo the 1o:~1 el of playmg and have a \ Cf} largc repertoire tmt 'pans a 111devancty ofmllsl~

CO'("ERT Bacl.: rOw'

3rd ron: 2" row: Front ro\\:



J Delport. D Ostt.>rloh S Walker. H HCloa. C Graham. S Bongcla. S oe \\aal. \1 Rhode. R Johnson. W Vu. C Grc.:n. J Lesar, S Spammcr. I" GllO. D Tatt7. ] St()ck. M \\000. J Botha. R De\ Im. L-lf Cboi. T Gates. T 'I'll M Gospels. E Rod,eth. S Bell. S Hutton-SqUlre. S Bolland. M King. K Ohphant. GHartman. J Kim. S Dunn. W l.angriogc. S Llllz. M Klein, \lr K Rit:hard~on. R 'l.1oir (Band Lead.:r). fo,lr P Callallclo~ (Band Dm!ClOrl. T Edward,. J de Waal. J \' \\)k. Tills page is ~pollsorcd b) the Choi Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Cl I;] l RE

2006 sa" thecollaborall(ln ollhe 1\\0 \\ ynbcrg J 11gbSchool,' lusIi: Departments. With the \\ GIIS girl5Jolrung the bo} eombmed band. This has been gre Ilun and S greal UCCCl> The band ha continued 10 progres in leap and bound,. \\ IIh lIun)' perf'lnnance:;, CCQmblnll1g w1th (ml,' School even limes) throughout the )ear. Ibey pla)cd al thc: Pl17..t' (,IVII18 (" Ith the depuly Stale PrcsldenllD slIend:mce); ValenIlnc' Day (oneen sllhe nn51I011g re IdeI1('c;W JYI Open Day. "'Clash of Con cri"" \\uterfnJnI Compclllk.n (Placed 3'"); March SUllSCtronccn; \\ BIl "ood FaIr: Funeral SC-TVleefor OaT) I Smlms: I\lemonal Servl e lor John Baxter. C3mpD~ (.fSehtM)1 ('oneert In lh" lil)' lIall; lo~ II Ba)', Gcorg~. Kny"Sna. Oudtshoorn Md iontnple Springs. O~lling nf Ihe Nu baum Audltonum: Wynberg Old Boy' o IlIner• Founders' Day. UI' Conference Dmncr: ;-';1)\ ember SUIl!'C1Coneen and Carol sm Ice al \,,,'(jJ IS. lIS one


Thc Cultuml Tour. oflbe 'oulhcrn Cape ami \\lJ!;. ns alwa~~. f.1nlasllc The boy' wert' lreated to a Inp (Jil the OUlcmqua Choo ..dwo from GC()rge 10 Klll'lIa. a lnp o\crthe Kn~~n.i lagoon lo Ihe Fe:nhcrbcad R,' ene. VI lts lo lhe Cnngo Caves, lUI O,tn~h fdl111, ft cro~::odilc, ~1UlJ..e and cheetah fann and Ihe \1ontague "'pnng and our pcrfonnanccs rccel\<.'d ra'lie rc, le\\ .. lrom IIIJv.hoaucnded. Ilharu.: the p;lrc-nl~.lhc \\ BH" h:'.u;hersand the Wynbcrs Old Boy:.' Umon for their contmul'\.l support IInd811171}bclhcbc,t31"huIC\Crv.c:do.Suf'l'm U"ral'!

Ms)' ,,"ccontinue



MrM de Koele


hil w yel another sucee rul car for lhe: Juz BIDd. They ed the ytar w tb t annual BIa Bud Fn'h'a' at Ibc BIIlIIc:r Tbeatc:r Their cxtn:mcl high standard proved that au t Wynberg Bo is nourishin On the C.ttural THr they perfonnc:d m pik \JCh M se Ba and George and st Ic: the v. Il the r final perfQtlTl8IlCe 111 Oudtshoorn Besieb n nl! the nag for Wyn"'--rg. the bo\' had great fun gom!! to the Cango{ a~cs, crocodile andoslneh fann It I IWllyuad to sa) oodb>e lo II bunch [talented marnc and Morgan Km m par1J(ul r He WI I be funhcring hi mu leal career by studYlll8 Jau. at the UCT MUSIC School. The band ended the CM" uh a Snnwl Concert ID 0\ ember

\ fr P Cava"clos. :\oir 0 Wit:kham.

Wesie) Langridgc. S Bongéla. M Gruter, H Hc-ida, K Ohphant. K Ooslcrberg. DOsterIoh. D Robcrt.~. K Jacobs. A Thomas. T VOQiler.J Yaks and \i King (S3!i:ophone).

W)llbcrg Boys' lIigh 2006

This page is ~ponsored by Ihe Ma Famil~


..... Itjch IIWted JUIt over a )'ar'" bas cIouc mrcmcly well They baYC 1camcd lIIUIy pteCC! and ha e a IIrp rcpertoin f ~ 10 be proud They hIM: done over 20 perftnuwuces 1Jris yeu: At die WaIeI1rom they .,.cicipated the "CIuII 0 Coac:erto competI OD III whic:.b the Concen and SIceI Bmds wou RIO 000 00 (3 place fortbc IIChDol. With this money oae lCtof"'triple pm.s steel drums WIlS purcbaaed. AnoIber highlight was plaYDII al the opeDIDI of die Nusabaum AudRorimn. Amona many dipilllnCl pmeat wu Charles Mc:Oregor. wbo bves ID EuPad He ftIDCW the band ID lOO4 came to 1be0penina especially to bar It. Thanks Chulea for all your InIer(!sCIIIId support. The bmd's pstiJnnaDccs have aIb1IC1ed much ancoaon, IS WBHS IS SlJIIODe of the only schools ID the Western CapeJllld t\athera field with lUdtabad. During the" lenD the JIIlUOI'8aDd, Iraincd by K 0 ipbant aDd SBoopIa. wa ltIIrtedaDd hopefully ID tune. will allO be able to play ID public.

K. 0IIphant takes over &om W 1..angridge IS leacIcr as Wesley DOWretIreS. bavlDg been ID die band trom 2002 2006. We !hank Wesley for all h hard worItancl cnthlll1lSlll IftClC becomins the tc.dcrtbtce years ago 1'hImb to tbc parents. WBHS andRoanieCarmichacl(tnIISpOIt fortbeirCOQlioucdsuppon

S Boogcia. M Gruter. 0 Robens. R Carstcns, K Oosterbcrg. J Vates, 0 Osterlob. H HCIda, K Jacobs, W Langridge I Leader) Mr P Cat7.avelos (Manager). K Oliphant, A Thomas T Vomer




Wynberg Boys· High 2006

is sponsored

by the Nissen Family

Cluckwi<C. bol/mn L-R: Patrick StedalI. Shane PUllt,


Mor£!lIl Kmg. Gmemc Colman.

Oppfl.lltt' plig" /Jul/mn L·R; Joshua Il~kins.

10hl\ Martin. AI.:!x Bartlc. Gureth Pearson. Wesley langl'idge. Earl Prinsloo.



JaDion: SmJon:

Mr R Henning. M Stafford. P Mannm;. J Katzen. M Bing. M Young. R Mandy, M Gruter, J v Wyk.


006 SIIW8 nse ID the number of JUOIOrswho "nnted 10 tJ:) their hand at debatmg. Thl!l allowed us to mi)( and match debalers ID the team ilJ order to find Ihe right balance A few debatcs were lo~1dunng IhlS trial penod and so our Jumors did not make It to the quarterfinal5. HoVoever. a number l'( good result~ beho\cs us 10think only poslhvc thoughts aooulthclr fulure seasons. The senior leam had aD outslandmg 5CIl.';(ln.a:; they did nOllose a debate until they reaehed the quarterfinal Thl was a closely contested and slightly heated debate between \\'BHS and Herschel eoncemmg trade lIDIons in lhe Ncw Sllllth Afncnn economy. Unfortunately we lost narrowly. but are extremely proud ot ourpcrfonnancc

l\1ale Leads Cyril Don AI fie Trevor Edwin Steve igel George Ernesl Jerry


Jan De Waal Ryan Carstens Keenan Oliphant Richard Mandy Edmund Rodsetb Stephen Bell Sandjle Bongela Andrew Thorburn Kyle Williamson Wesley Langridge

This page is sponsored by the Roxburgh Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


\libtcr -in-Ch.ár~(' Chairman:


t>.lrI Pars(\n~. Jonuthan Child S. Oh:UU, S Uelda. S Aldridge.

G }lartmann.


hiS) car wc continuc.:d our combined mcetmg.' at the Girls' ~chool on I'rid;J}' nOcrnoons. Around KO people gathcn:J \\ eckly to gel ml oil ~J Ul helping the communit}, hav<: a good umc and kam about God. We" ere blessed Ih:1III e had talented mu 'IClan, and were able to :lltmct good "pcaker, for sOllle really 'peclal meetings. 1he highlighl of the year wa, our annual camp.lt R"ckland~. I k'1X' 120 peopl..- galh~"Tcdover a ,... ""!'"'_ ..... -.::":'-_ weekend til discoIer and gru\l III Je,u, \\ïlh the help of 'Churt:h On \13in', the camp \la, a !treat 'uccc" n.'\ wc saw peopk challenged and

changcJ. \"ic thank Mr. Parsons for his SUpplIrt, the Girl,' ,chonl for pUlling up with Us and. most ofull. our ~a\ iour Jesu,. "ho has tlles,cd us incrcdlbh. J"la} the n.:" committee take the school to a nc" Il!n~1. God bless! .

Teacher-in-Cbarge; Chairmen' War-g,1I11l1lgstlciel): Role·play Soctety: Collectible Card Gamcs Society:


Mr M Badiah. Fml1" Cronjo:. Simon E",sclaar. \\mMon Yu.

\\(lr-gaming mini-tournament held in Tenll 4 proved very popular. WORG Day wa. mm'ed to coincide \\oith the intl!n1ationa~ Gammg ~ay belllg prol11oh:~ by Dungeon, & Dragons a:ld w.os run after the exam, and Wth an opportuntly lor the \ian,IUS ,uh-group~ 10 mtermmglc and shtm 01T thclr ,kills.



MsS Lmdsa)'. MC1iSrsM BrasIer. 0 Alien.


obodywill dispute South Afnc:a's nccd for more graduates with a sound Maths and Science background. but few people arc addressing the need to generate and sustain mIerest in these subjccts III ourrecnagcrs. Taking the subject al school IS a start. but does not .,cem to be enough to ligbt the spark which will go on 10 become a self-sustaining flame of desire LO pursue these notoriously difficult subJecls and the careers a_sociated \\ ith them. once leaving school. In recognition ofthb problem and to take advantage of the s)'nergy III the Science and Maths departments. a club was started which "ould attempt to breathe life into these ~ubjects. outside the classroom.

In our inaugural year we started small wull an event in c:ach lenn. Tbe first term e\ien( was a Idle building workshop for junior boys. lhe producL~ of which were proudly displayed at the Science expo. This expo was the second term event where ~enior boys dtsplayed their science projects, some ofw hich went on to the UCT expo in the third term. AI~o Case Riysedek gave a fascinating talk on the breaking nc"s in astronomy at tbc prize giving ofLhe expo. In the third term a .\lath and ScienceEc\iening was arranged mlhe newly renovated Nussbaum auditorium. Marcus BlzonypR"Scmed a fascinating talk on ".I Iow our intU!liolllet~ us down". using simple statistics to reveal many misconceptions and Or Pblllp Lloyd spoke on " 110\\ lo havc fun with science in the modem" orld".leading his audience on ajourney spann.ing many countries and dealing with multi-million rand problems and the maf': mundane problems with paraffin- burners. The fourth term event wa~ anoth ..r a~tronomy focu~. armngcd to coincide "1th the sunset concert. Astronomical telescopes were set up and experienced a~tronomers explained what was worth looklllg for and gave the partiCipants the opportunlly 10 view with wonderwhal wc often take for granted. We hop~ that the club will grow from these bumble bcgjnning~ 8$ we plan next year'~ events and that the seeds SOWI1 will grow lo a lasting passion. 1(8

Wynberg Boy~' lIigh 2006




'fr D Sch~'T1cl;.


h,' \\ BIIS Brt \\a establl h",\!this vcar.md l"ls aOOut30 mLere>kt! III mb<.'rs.Theairn 1)1' th.: club i< to g1\C boys Lhe opp<JTtumty to learn more about thhing, hunting Dnu eonsenulJ\ln h,hmg and hunting trip", a~ \\cll 11' olher outing'. are \Ital m order tor thc .... __ ....... -bo)' to learn und panlcipatc in lh~....c aCIl\itJc~. The firsl Qfthc'c tnps \il! a hunlIng tnp 10 Lhe \\'illo\\'llOre district, In th.: E.l.<tcl1l ape. o\'erthc li"" \\ee\..cnd of the Sepll:mb"r hnltda), Lo,ho ,t Spnngbuc\.. rhc \\ l"Ckl:nd\\ Ih fBbulous and 'C\ en Springbuck \'ere ,hot. Congratulation to 'en \an IJcr Santlt and 1\IIhali (,n"pos. \\ho ~hOI\\ ell and 10 Jarryd Smgh, \\ ho kamed a 101alll'ut the \eld \1 0 on the hUn! was l\e\1O Pnce (cla~, uf' '51, \\ho llwns RondenAnn, andAmmumtion and gen<.,ou~ly hdped OUI wllh Ihe sUl"ply of largel, and ammuTlIllon. The I iFC plans 10 hold man) ,hooting range se'Slons before the next bunting season .md lO undertake Ii,hlllg trips lIut~joe Cap..: Point ror Yellow tall and Tuna. I encourage fathcN to contact me I would hke to 'cc more ofth.:m im oh ed mlhe club's aclJ'ltK"'i Tighllin.:s amJ happy hunting!

4/ Rhod • .,. ott ......


'."11. Ce,..

RH0DENE F1\RM e0TT1\GE If-cat.rlng luxury accommodation .Ituated on a working trult 'arm that ov.rlook. Vall.y. EnJoY a relaxing time aurrounded the exquisite "atural beeuty the area




",mJlU"~. f"h,n@,l1,lJn~.tt \\aIIJD~. B'l,ng, Tenm • ..\1 ...\' -a\iUt~N~ III the areil \\mc Roule~. 1-.II~tonc..-' •.d Tultm.gh. '''herr) plcL;.1n~(In "'c1.l,on)•. h.... ""Uh: ....Sn,," m \\;1I'h:f. 1fArm~nd I~rulllndu!'o'r} Tt"Iu". \anou~ "'pontng (!lefhtlc'''", 1'ran''P''-lrt R,lIer;. 'lu ..t'um en Cerc ... • GUlltrofi, ..."One ht-ó,,,,,m WHh double toed lit d<>u~I, pull,oul couch ,n I",~ ,oom. B~lh. "'""cr &. 'cp."~le 100t,·I. ruil} cqwppcd k,lcben. Bc'\ldanj!. hnen II< I,,"ch dcd, T\'.l·nde,floo, h"~lIng &. hr.pI.« In' winter. I·"n, for <umm«. ()ut~""r F'J\: Br"'" ,,-uod pro"dcd • r~a("()(t'l P4,.'rC'/t..' CClUdl%1: \\1lb undcrco\cr SlOl.."p &. bltW.1 area ..l\\u ~n",m;.. «X1C '" uh dnuhk ~tJ aod ther \\ Ith "''''_' 'c:t~ hun" het)"',Il.lthrnom "th hHIe:I. ha ... .,. &; ~th~ ruil} C'lU'Pf"'u !..Ichen, T\ • Reudtn~. hn~n .st t""cl, pro, Ide.l. (),I heater lor "anier ..nd fan, It... ..,ummC'r Br~..u" next pre" uJcd

p,".. hn., ~"'.,


T"~ "ottaa~ ••••• It•• ted 500 ... ort a .. tred road .t Ua. root or UlO .. a.atn ••• t Slt., ..,.l>ua mO.lltala



Ean oS: GlcnJóI \on

Tri: 023-31 J 360i



• P.O. Box !O, Prin.:e

• Fax: O!3- 31J OOi 3 • Cell:





2iO 30~1Ï • e.m.dl: rh"Jrne@I.IOJo.cll.:a

Wynbc:rg Boys'l-Itgh 2006

Concert Band olours Bongela L lhol S de \\aal J. Delport R.Oe\hn r. Gat~'S TGoo ( (jreen M Gnspo Cl. lI.1rtman II. IIClda . Hulton-Squire -\ Jame~ J. Klm W. Langndge K.Ohphant D.O,terloh I Rodseth Spammer o Ta1l7 M. Wood \1/. Yu

T. Yu J. Botba G Chrislopher

Duon R. Johnson J. Le7ar R. Mikal}ll D. Walker



. Bell S Bolland M.Kmg M. Klein J Slock J. de Waal . LUll

T Ulward R \IOlr J van \\')k


hiS year lhc Cultural wurds Ceremony wa~ IOcorporatcd mto the e\er popular M .0.e\cOIng Mr Frank Melior.> from Beau SoIeli was our (JUC'Stof Honour Matn~ art\\ ork \\ as (In d"pla) and IOduded the exten IVC pr<:senl3llon b) \\ Ilh m Martm. The darmct chOIr pro\Hkd the m llSlcn I Cnlt"l'Ulmmcnl \\ hereaiter the Drama Department pre ented a hort extract The c\enlOg "as m<),t elljmable and a line "ay 10 end a 'll':~C' ful year

Ja7l Band Colour:



S. Bolland S. Bongela L. Choi S de Wanl R. Devlln M. Grispo~ H Heida J. Kim F. Spammer C. Graham D. Walker

S. Bell M KJein B. Martindale J. Van Wyk

M. King




M. Grutcr H. Heida K. Jacobs K Ooslerberg D.Osterlob D. Robert:; A. Thomas T. Vorster J. Yales M.King

S. Bongela K.Oliphanl

W. Langridge

leel Band

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


'boir uhluf\

S Bell RQngcla



K Ohphanl

J do.:\\'aal


R Car'ten,

t" Cr S Dunn




~.Guo II. H':lda •. HunllnJ. K.im


M King \\. Langndge

HONO~ (Jt.;., J.....J.< \AI....t

C. tee



W. Maron ,'ngau711 "E. Rvus.:lh

D. Sha\\


B. Sib ca \1. 131lord 'Iu'jc Coloun



" Bell


Drllm>.l Colour


E Rlllhelh . Bongela A. Thorbum K. \\ Ilham,on

J de \\1IlI1 K.Ohphant \\. [ angndgc R. Mand)'

S.Bcll R. Carslen~ Drama

Itch Colours . Mulhollaml T Botha B kricdemann


Bark lJl~e Colours

J Kay-Ilards

llonours \\. DUIlICll R. Hanb.dgc

J Doig


AId ridge

A Coellee \1 Elsworth J. Rowles

\1 Gnspos ~. DlOg Chess Colours



D. Pillay D. McHendrie J.Jang

. Bell J. Tindill


H.._: C!.J.tM J CJ:.1./.


Wynberg Bo)'s' High :1006


Hr<it \id COlDUI">

A. Thoma" IJ ~damud;\ma

F. Bertohm B ~akanyala

P. !\Iann ...!'> J.Adams

ASo~~l!k 13 Dube K. Cape InfoTech Colours

S. Es.daar \\ Yu ~t l':damadama

K. Manin T. Yu Trophies:


Slephen Bell


Lum:.n Cup for Contribution

Bro" n B~lier Jubber

to Drama:

Jan de Waal

up for Ihc Best Actor:

SI"'''Phen Bell

Cup (or the \10,1 fmproyed


Cup for the \10 lOuhtanding

....icola Jordan


for Outstanding

The Abbot Cup for Besl Run

Wynberg Bo}s' High 2006



Ryan Carstens


10 Culture:

en ice to Culture: Chnstian


Wesie) Langridge



Et..4.~~; J~~.c..t-w. 11~; d..M; IM- . W~ -.e R~ 11.,;,..



s. 'laster-In-Charge: p~rects Commltl~.

Mr I' \an Schalk\\v'k

Bruel: Hopklfls. L~~Collcr J Pretonu, 1\1 Talotu. M Cunhlle.

highlight of the year was the annual SACS Derby \ "hieh Wa televised on SATV. Happil).WBH. triumpht'd on the da).





oaehes: \ir M \braham \ir !kaltic \ir D. (aroil, en

'Ir A. Gmnl- mlth \1r l. 1itcbell ~ir K.Prclonus 'Ir O. opam

Long DI'lance High Jump ~llddle Long DI,lancc Javelin 'hol·put DlSCW,IJ lammer pnnl~ HunJles Long Jump


had lour m~lers-m-<:hargc ill S many ycars. and. on nl> <lppoll1tmem tbl )lear. my fiN ta~k "'us lo gel numbt:r~ up and create an atmo~phere In which 00>, wanled to rrain and compete. Fonunalely. T ha\e a coaching learn of men with a good unde~tanding of and passion fOf Lhe ~pon.O~er the years the equl(\menl h~ weaLhered and now needs lo be replaced. Wc ha\ c reploet.-d the High Jump equipment and bought a f,,\\ more ~,cIl1lals such J3\elin., shot (luts and hamme~. By the end of thIS year \\c arc hopms have reiaid the Long Jump, made 50 n",oiP.I'lIr,rfl replace damaged JiI\din, di 'ell~ e ha\e


Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This pagt is sponsored by the Coxon Family




S SI.uumo(U1411J)

R Jansen IU 17 lOOm)

A landu (t 1420001)

S Bean«

B ~fhombl (U17 200m)

M l-ïlchetlU17

14 lOOm)

SDahl(UI7400m) BMbombl(

o Cm"lc





'OOm) 17U)


J BothatUI4


C Mulder I 17 SP) B l\lbombi tUI7 IlOH) J Katzen IU 14 JH) J Th;U;bHU) tUI9 lJ)


Jl' ER

port\ Oll~ I\IIS b'beU on house and not a champions-hip S) slem for lbeft", tllllC lhl5 ~car The competition \\~, I cry tight" Ilh a fCII hOIl~e~ 111for •• chance or Icto" Ho\\ Cl er, Llttle\\ ood took first place for lite third I car ID 3 roll ~ho\\ mg the olher hou ~" th.1I lt pa}', to be prepared. Although Llltle\\ ood \I on \\a.:J1 did not 0 dOI\ n \\ Ilhllm II tight b<.lIh on th... track and III lhe sl:mds. \\ IIh qlllle a fCII Cl ents ml"ing tbl' year SpN!' Day 1\11' a bit wo ,hort and '0 Il ha~ \l.:cn d..'Cld~,()Ihal mon: Cl en" \I III be mldcd nCXI) liar


This page


sponsored by the Coxon Family

Wynberg Boys· High 2006


ATHLETiCS TE M L Mooradd. S Aldridge, S lipinge. 0 Chedbum. B B l\akanyaJa. M WaibrugIl, J Kallen. L Metelo-LlqUllO, R Mentor, S 'ani, J Kaltpi, L J v Wyk. K Bucklow. M Young. SOahl, B Hepburn, M Fitchcn. K "Itmda. J Botba. Messrs M Abrahams. B Sopatn, R Magee (Capt.), Mr K Richardson, J Charlesworth. Messrs S Beattie. D Cnrolissen.

Back row: 3"row:

2 row: Front ro\\:

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. Wynberg Boys'High





lnd TE.\ t

1 tTE '~1 i\lanllger: Captain: Tenm:

"'Ir P KnO\\ les. \\llham Jack~on. F van Ren~burg. B Bartlelt.






T Chan. J de Waal. \1 Klem. T Yu


Lost 4



Lo t




wo learns played in the We,tern Province Super League. It was a good 'ea~on for th~ 1,1 team. but the 2 le-am struggled as they were entered in the srune leaguc. Arth'ë outh .'fncan Inter-Provmclal Champiol:l>hips. \~h~ch were won comfortabl) b~ We,lcm Province. William Jack5011 wru. graded 6. In the SA U 19 rankmg ... WIlham \\31> ranked 18 • Brent 26· and Francois 32"out of130 boys. At the annual Sport~Achje\ers' Dinner. Terry Chan. Brent Bmlell and FrancoIs \an Rensburg recei\cd Colours. Willram Jacksoo receh cd Blue. tbc mgles Trophy and the Double, Trophy with ht.. partner Francois van Ren burg for Ihe s~ond year ruonmg. Fort1.lIlately the Ist team \\ill tay almo~1 mtaet next cason. (francois van Ren burg. who is presently lo Malnc. will unfonunately be leaving). and we have high hope of being unbeaten. flJ

Player ProfIles William Jllckson Ha' hLcoen pla~ing Badmrnton at WynbergslIlce Gr8 (20031 and repre.~entcd the ISlteam for Ihe fiN IUlle in Gr9 (2004) and has been playmg for th.:m e\'cr ~lI1ce He IS currently the Captain of the I" team and goes throug.hout abuo,t e\ery s.:a,on unbeaten. Willram \\ 111 go into neXI) ear as the captam of the first team yet agam and would Irke 11 If Wynberg finishe~ the ~eason on top of the We<,lern Province Schools Super League.

Francois \'an Ren burg tarred playing Badminton III 2004 "here he played for Ihc 2nd team as lhe Captain. Then came :!005 where he wa finally cho en for Ihe I" learn. which he has been playing for the last two years (2005 & 2006). Lnfortunatel> Frnncoh will be leaving the I" teant due 10 him being in :\Ialric t2Q06).

Brent BartJeU Brem slaned Badmmton 10 GrS (2003) and played for the UI1S "A"tcam. He then stopped Badminton for a year in 2004 and decided to concentrate on his rugby. He U1CO relurned la the Badminton sccne in 2005 and made llte I' Icam \\ Itb case. eurrcntly he I~ in the first team and IS lookmg forward for the season next year (2007) .

• tephen Bolland Started playmg last year (2005) for the 3" team and through pructice is finally a popular face in the first team.


This page is sponsored by lhe van Rensburg Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

LNDER 16 Cap111in: Team:

lIamlsh llelda. r T,hl\ute, B Slbaca.1\. Oltphant. Groblcr, TTJlrare, J \1) burgh. 1 Potter. P Stth{l(e. T \1hlaba. 1\1 Kwa.

Pla~cd 7

I ,,;L 3



Con, h TUIlor

U~DER14 Captain:

Shadlc) 53101 A Oube. J Ben~on. \1 Lang. A • ·akanyaJa. R SescIc, 0 ~torris. USahe, K rouric, .I Adams. E Archer.


Played 7

Wynberg Boys' HIgh 2006



Gooch l,n-es,hc

o ThIS page IS sponsored by the TJlrare FamIly



UNDER Back row'

Front row:

Back ro" Front row:


o Shiyugaya,

J Heuyel. J Charlcl>worlh. G Samaria. L Jawe. Z Kak18. T Amutcnya. P Nekundi. C Simbilu. L Bredeveldt, Mr K Richardson. S lIeida (Capt.), \ir G Taylor, R Peler.;. G Obver.

U'ffiER16BASKE1BALL I T~bl\'Ule. B Sibaca, K Ohphanl. S Grobler. T Tjirare. J Myburgh. M Potter. P Sithole. Mr K Richardson, H Heida. Mr M Leresche,

T Mhlaba. M Kuwa


Wynberg Boys' High 2006






ynberg cricket is alive and well, thanks to a dedicated group of teachen. who tirelessly give up time with their families to coach our boyb and de pile the lo s of some quality players at the end of2005. Wilh a young team (only three matrics) and a passionate (crazy) coach, our J" Xl showed everyone that we still rank among the best in the country. Our I' XI once again succcssfullydcfended theIr Knockout title by beating a strong Rondebo ch side in a thrilling encounter under lights at Sahara Park Newlands. BUI Wynberg is not just about the I" Xl. All our A sides boasted a win ratio of over 80%. Our U 15 and U 14 A sides successfully participated in festivals at Grey High School (P.E.) and Hilton College (Pietermaritzburg) respectively. KeeD competition for places in the other teams also made life difficult for coaches in the lower sides and nobody could rest on hi laurels, thinking his place was safe. Wynberg was pleased 10 welcome Riaaz Ricbards as our professional cricket coach for the 2006/2007 season. His job description is very clear - to belp any cricketer from any side to improve his game. lD Ibis way, standards throughout the school should keep ri ing. Althougb he

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

concentrate on A and B teams Juring the week., an invitahon IS extended to any cricketer an the school to attend bis Friday practice!> - the only criterion i keenness. Riaaz has high aspirations for himselfas a coach and for the teams be coaches. An invitahon from the current Pak! tani Nalional Cricket Coach. Bob Woolmer, resulted in a very ucce sful tour of Paki tan by a group of Wynberg cricketers (and hockey players). led by the Headmaster and the first team coach Mr Eric Lefson. An initially sceptical Eric described it as the best tour he had ever undertaken. Wynberg is the firsl school outside the Sub-continent to tour Pakislan and was treated like royalty. Jacques Kallis has given us an extremely prestigious annual scholarship. It covers tuition. hOSIel fees, tours and equipment. The succe sful candidates for 2006 were 13 year old Chad Fortune nnd 16 year old Bhoteki Mbombi. The scholarship for 2007 will agam be shared by Dalton Kannemeyer and Joshua Fransman. Our sincere gralitude to Jacques for putting back so generously into his old chooJ. MTS Allison Daly. assisted by our spons administrator, Mr. Peter KnowJes, organised our second Wynberg Cricket SuperskilIs competition, which was again generously sponsored by SportSman's Warehouse. New Balance. The Batman (D&P), Touareg Tents 3Jld others. The event once more proved to be a huge success and is now a finn fixture on the cricket/social calendar of the school. TIlank you Allison and Pete. Although we are enormously proud oflbe achievements of our I' XI and have no doubt as to the positive ripple effect

This page is sponsored

by Afford-a-Fell


SPORI Ih~lr ,uccc .. ha, un the re t ol the club. cnd;.:1 OlWynberg con$i,h of more thanJu~lOur I" .\1. Our"lher l<:amsar~ bnsthng \\ lth 10lt:nLALL cn.ketel> al W~nb<"ryarc ImponJim and spCClal aod wc try 10 pro\ Id\! C\ crybo..l) \\ llh the best ~oadllng p<l 'Ible finy, must conlinue lo compete for;1 place 10 u 11Igherte:tm and ah ..n), remind the n~\t plJyerthat hls place i onl) temporary. "" \\ )nt-crg man ne, er gl'c, up". Pla} IIlg fonhc ll4B rafter ha' mg b.!en droJlp.:d fwm the U 14 A I agarn~1 Plum,lead UI4A, n:lumed figure, OWfS, 5 maiden,. IQ \\ icl-el\ for 13 run~. Ik abo scored 54 not OUI o1TJu'130 baIta, WBBS ,n1re<! 253 gIn Ihelr alloltcd ~h O\eT'>.befoTc dismi"inl! Plum~teaJ for Sb. Wdl done Jared! Congr.uulallolls 10 the 1'0110\\mg \\ ho \Icrc selected III repre'"nt We"ern Pro, inee: ~<;hadle)' van :Ichalli." ) li. (U 1Q); buhe\\' Kleinveldl and DalinOIÏ\er(U l71allJRyanLokcU 191


\\ BJlS cricket O"C'3 hup' 11I,\l':K YOUlO. AI c~1<lcheswho ~P<'ndurele,; hour.; co eh 109,managmg und umpiring. A lt parents for theirs('II1<!~~,upport and cn,our.lg~mcnl and lór pro\'idmg traJl.~port, lunche!> and Ica~ Peter KilO" les for Ill' dedicated und eml'il'nt r<)!ca, 'ports adminbtrntor Staff" ho ,upponed cnckcl. All umpires and Score1"-. uSSASA \\ PYouth Cricket. .\ LL play ...,,",tor Ihelr hour, of dedi call on.

)" TEAM CRICKET Bac!.. row: !\fiddle row: Front rOl'.

M FeIlton. A Solomon~. "1 Botha. G Dod~. M Buntmg. J Cameron·Do\\. D Oliver. M Wood. G Dre)'~r. M K.ICIO\'cldLA Slater, Mr K Richard::.on, 0 '\lauhaus (Capt.). Mr E Lefson tCoach). \ an Schalk\\yk. R I(arstcn.



This page is sponsored by Ihe Roeloffze Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


( oach: Captain: lelm:

\\on 51




hC~()fl6cncht'i!a,()nw al\\"lI) gomgtobeatr:m Ïl1<ln)l!3r\\ckllbc hke Iclo nd l \i fUr1hermore. \\c had mam lJrode 10' . \\ho lacked lepup.1I0\\e\Cf.


\\\oTC many

more hl!!h than

ofh3\lT1g'>Chool\upo:I"UI"i ""~",_~C:jII



trugglcd lo makc tb


Om blgte't pwblcm. bc5ldc IlIC~pert,·IKC. \\'liS the top ord~r balling. There ItI)o(IOc: \\ con'lsIL"IItly put hi hand up and gill the team olflo n g(l()(btart I artoo olien \\dt"tcarly \\ id;el and wcre lit 20 odd lor4 or" \\e \\ III ha\C IIIgclthl' ngbt in the fUlure il \\ Can: to becomecnn'I'lent. On the P<"III\ e ~Ide. mo I limes. m.:xlOedo\\n th order pul hl r hand up IInd 3\ed the 'Ituallon. \\ho \\111 forget. aub.lu'·' kn 'k agall15t (jre)' Iligh or the OIt\\o'T \an Schalk\\)k rar1ncI"hlp gamst Gre~ College'! \\e wmrletely coli r,ed onl~ a fc\\ umc, Bo\\1rn \\11.>. for t ml'" r1qUlle good. \\ hadgood pinn ...,.,. \\!lh Cllmewn-Do\\ and KlclO\cldl 00\\ Imga lot OrO\eT' and D,ld nd I colon g goOd holdml:uob The \\cak"c ,probabl) lay\\ IIh the nc" bail \\hL'lt "c ne\er 'cu 'd 011 an op."ltlng partner Ion an ...halk" yk r IcJdmg wa poor and Ixl)' ha\ e lo learn from an earl} age ho\\ \1tal tbl Jl ganle I Uoy lleed to find a m the fidd \\ herc tho:) can add \'alue.1t I dlfficull fonhecaplain Ithe ha to hldc 'I lbc highlighl of the year wa, "lthoUl doubt the tour to P.lkt.: Ircmendllu, amount buth on tmd oO'lhe field The Illur t the I lournament, \\a. nl'lI a good Icammgo:xp.!ncnlc Wo:pla}cd some I mmd. \\c abo pla)cd ".:11 111 the cup compeuoru.. beallng Rood( ,ch in the final II e\\1 nds and also "1nmng the mauguml 20 ~otoumall1enl ho,led b) Bc \ It th.:r good perfom1l1lce, mclude a Clm~ rnlmg lO agarn'l Paul RlIo~ and lunllng around the result agam t Paarl (, \\ cfC. ho C\ r w oct::a.,ion~" hen \\c I I 01l1l ~ do\\ n pamcularl)' lo Ihe Queen and Á C gamc"pring 10


.~lrl~btled to\\ ard, Ihe end 1here i~ no doubIlhat often perfnm1' n (Ut::lal . mnmg~ agamsl Grey College and hi bo",ltng against Bishop> "ere per orm3!lee!1 thaI" IlIlhe long in the memory He has the lalent to play really good ene kcl, bUI\\ III ha~ c 10 aCI morc prote. slona IIy to be con,1 tcnlly good.

"aUhe" Kleimeld - Blues: Jo, a highl} talented cm:kelo:r of ",hom. I do not believe. \\c ~a\\ the best. Technically \cry good. he looks lo h3\0: everylhIng. M)' blggesl quesllon I~ ha, he Ihe louglmess lo push Ihrough? Ifhe gets that partnght he could play the game al a \ o:ry high le\cl.

Gareth Ore;:\'er- Blue: I lurnmg mlo a lOp playcr. He has conllnucd to Impro\e IhlS )ear and loob like a player \\ho could do big thing, next year lie played many big innings. my only critici,m is thaI he could con\en all)' 10 a CO:OIUI). He I}il!.\\orkcd hard al hi, game and thi is beanng fruit. IDorder to keep impro\'mg \\ ill halic to become fitter and 'Ironge~

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

SPORT Cameron-no", - 8Iu('\: Had a very good fil'it sea~on geMmg over .1 hundred WIckets. Thc tour lo PakIStan sa\\ hm1 bo", I \cry \\cll and thIs \I ", the platfonn lor an eJlcdlent fourth tenno Ifhc work.:, hard I bellcvc he has the abtltty to get '50 Ftrst 1cam \\ ickeh.

JUOll ...

G~'(){fDod~ -Colours: ('urne on \ltdl thi~ )'<:.11'. H~ had a few good ,,"ock, and bowled some good spells. My mJ)or criticism is that his fielding is not up to standard. I think there is a bright runlr.: for him, be ha~ a good (rid.el bmin and \I III be 3 ke~ player o\'er the ne\1 couple of years. Matth!'", Fenlon - Colours: Had a slightl} disappointing se<bon. Aft.:r a good !irs! year he failed to build on Il. A IIhough he finished well. especially \\ itll the ball. I bchcve he can do a lot better \\ ilh the bat and hopefully his true colours \\ IIIcome through next year. Abdullah Solomons -Colours: Had a mixed firsl season. At time~ h.: wa" very good. bolh with the gloves and bat :vi)' big coneem \\as his lack of eonslstl'nr~. lie certamly nel!ds to worb on bis kecpll1g technique bUI there IS DO doubl he ha: a pas"lOn lor Ihe game that CQuld lead to him becoming u linc player. Botha - Colours: Had a good start to the year bul wás plagu ..'tI by inJunes. \\ hen he come back he \\ as nOl the same player and Ille question IS. can he regain what be had~


David Geff ...n: Got his place by the weight of runs he made Il1lhe sec{)nd team. I (c ha., an aggre,sh'e style bUI was slightly lound out against the better I.:ams. There is ulsu u worry about his ticlding but on h" duy ht: cun take a match a\~a)' from you . .Ia)on 'Icredilh: Based on a good lour of Pakistan be regain"d hi, place. Ill' wa.~hOM'vcr ncvcr able to cement himself und. ulthough he has li great attitude. n lot of work lies ahead for him.

Rainer Karsten -Colours: Played moslof lhe bal bUI was never great agaIDsl the spm.

1st Team Results Game 1 vs Oakham (50 avers) WBHS 288(7 ( Geffen 60, v.Schalkwyk 53'. OlIVer 51, Kleinveldt 50) Oakham 148n ( Cameron-OOw 3/22) Won by t40 runs Game 2 ...s Oak ham WBHS 193 Oakham 68 ( Botha 3/13. Cameron-Cow 3/16) Won by 115 runs Game 3 vs Blue Leopards Blue leopards 179 WBHS 18019 (Nauhaus 65) Won by 1 wlcI<et Game 4 ...s Berg ...liet (2Day) WBHS 206 (Solomons 62) & 181/5 dec (Oliver 71) Bergvllel91 & 45 (Klelnveldt4/14) WBHS won by 251 runs Game 5 vs Grey College Grey 294(7 dec WBHS 263/5 (Olill8r 104' van Schalkwyk 70')

Draw Game 6 vs Queens QlIeens145 (KtelnveldI4/50) WBHS81



He made a couple of good contributions


ith the

Game 7 ...s Affies (50 overs) WBHS 237f7 (Klemveldt 71,Dreyer 56.Geflen 41) Affies 138 (Fenton 5/32.Kleinveldt 3/31) Won by 99 runs

Game 13 ...5 Paart Boys WBHS 231/8 dec (Oltver 52,van Schalkwyk 49,Bolha 41) Paarl140 (Kleinveldt3/23) Won by 91 runs

Game 8 vs Greame College (50 evers) WBHS 246/5 (Oliver 68' ,Dreyer 54 Lategan 50) Greame 146 ( Kleinveldt3/13.Camerondow 3/35) Won by 100 runs Game 9 ...s AlelCander Road (35 overs) Alexander Road 69 WBHS 70/4 Won by 5 wicl<ets

Game 14 vs Outeniqua (50 overs) OUtenaqua181 (Botha 3/30) WBHS 182/7 (Klelnvetdt 67) Won by 3 wlckels Game 15 vs Noord·Kaap (45 overs)

NQOf!I!,~ WBHS 73/2 (Bunbng 3/35,Klelnveldt 3/16 ....an Schalkwyk 319) Won by 8 wickets

Game 10 ...s Paarl Gym (50 evers) Gym 181(7 (Fenton 5/19)

WBHS 141 Lost by 40 runs Game 11 "'5 Scots College (NZ) (50 overs) Scols 74 WBHS 75/2 Woo by 8 Wickets Game 12 vs Scots College (NZ) (20/20) Scots 114 WBHS 11514 Won by 6 WIckets

Wynberg Boys' I-hgh 2006

SPORT 1st Team Results [cont.)

Lost by 4 WIckets

Game 16 vs Pinelands WBHS 244/6 dec (Fenton 4S.Nauhaus 42'.van Schalkwyk 42') Pinelands 101 (Kletnveldt4140) Won by 143 runs

Game 29 vs Marlborough (UK) WBHS 22818 (OIrver 73.Klelnveldl 62) Marlborough 108 (v Schalkwyk 3/5,CameronCow 3/37 Klelnvelát 3/33) Won by 120 runs

Game 17 vs Voortrekker (Knock-out Round 1) Voortrekker 36 (van Schalkwyk 411.CameronOcw3/3) WBHS 37/1 Won by 9 W1ckelS Game 18 vs Paul Roos W6HS 238/9 dec (Nauhaus 70.Dreyer 47,50IOO1ons46) Paul Roos 151 (van Schalkwyk 3/25) Won by 87 runs Game 19 YS Norman Henshilwood (Knock-

om Round 2) WBHS 223/4 (Klelnveldt 68.Solomons 50) Norman Henshilwood 73 (Oods 3/8) Won by 150 runs Game 20 vs Wellington (UK) (45 overs) Wellington 176/8 (Cameron-Cow 3/34) WBHS ml3 (Dreyer68'Wood 60) Won by 7 wlckels Game 21 vs Wellington (UK) Wellingion 133 (KlelOveldt 51S3,CameronCow4/25) WBHS 134/3 (van Schalkwyk 85') Won by 7 wicke~ Game 22 vs Fairmont (Knock-out Round 3) WBHS 18511 (van Schalkwyk 92' ,Nauhaus 43) Fairmont 69 Won by 116 runs Game 23 vs RBHS WBHS 253 (Oliver 72,Nauhaus 57 Dreyer 46) RBHS 254/8 LosI by 2 wickets Game 24 vs Grey WBHS 177 (Nauhaus85') Grey 17817(Cameron-Oow 4148) Lost by 3 wickets Game 25 vs Sop (Knock-out Quarter-Final) WBHS 18816 (Dreyer 83) Sop 68 (Cameron-Cow 3/12) Won by 120 runs Game 26 vs Bishops Bishops 125 (Otiver 7147) WBHS 126/6 (Dreyer 46) Won by 4 wickets Game 27 vs Bellville (KnOCk-out Semi-Final) Bellville96 WBHS97/3 Won by 7 wickets Game 28 vs SACS WBHS 144 SACS 14516(Oliver 3130)

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Game 30 vs BergvIlet (50 Ove(5) WBHS 287/9 (Oh..er 107 v SChalkwyk 105) Bergvhet57 (Cameron-Ocw 3/1',Bunting3l251 Won by 230 runs Game 31 vs Surrey u19 Surrey 139 WBHS 140/6 Won by 4 wickets Game 32 vs RBHS (Knock-out Final) WBHS 26717 (Dreyer 78,v. Schalkwyk 45.Klelnveldt 46 ) RBHS 182 Won by 85 runs Game 33 vs Kings College (UK) (50 overs) WBHS 403/6 (Nauhaus 127,Ohver76,Karsten 63) Kings 93 (Bunting 4/17 .Dreyer 3/28) Won by 310 runs Game 34 vs Central High (Pak) (50 overs) WBHS 199 (Oliver 47.Bloor 43) Central171 Won by 28 runs Game 35 vs Chand Bagh (Pak) (400vers) WBHS 19214 (KlelOveldt 74',Bloor 37') Chand Bagh 189 Won by 3 runs Game 36 vs Muslim High (Pak) (45 overs) WBHS 133 (0Ii ..er45) Muslim Hl9h 134/2 Lost by 8 wickets Game 37 vs Nanakura High (Pak) (3 Day) Nanakura 279& 120 (Cameron·Cow 5(32) WBHS 23218dec&17013 (Dreyer60&56,SoIOO1ons57,vSchalkwyk45,Kle IIweldt 51) Won by 7 Wickets Game 38 vs Lords School System (Pak) (40 overs) WBHS 271/9 (Meridllh 68.v Schalkwyk 41) lords 217 Won by 54 runs

PfIIlryn 121 Won by 74 runs Game 42 vs Paarl Gym (50 evers) Gym 169 (Oods 3/26) WBHS 170/2 (Dreyer 7S'.Dods 43') Won by 8 wickets Game .U vs Fish Hoek (20/20) WBHS 20013 (Ofwer 62.Nauhaus 56") Fish Hoek 9817 Won by 102 runs Game 44 vs Bellville WBHS 173 (Oods 50) Bellville 81 (Cameron-Cow 5116 KlelOveldt 3123) Woo by 92 runs Game 45 vs Stellenberg WBHS 25214dec (KlelOveldt 95 Dreyer 74) Steltenberg 111 (Cameron-Ocw8l54) Won by 141 runs Game 46 vs Gurensey (40 overs) WBHS 15919 Gurensey 74/10 (Kelly 3/8) Won by 85 runs Game 47 vs Reddam (20/20) WBHS 18717 (Geffen 69) Redáam 69 (Klemveldt Sl13) Won by 117 runs Game 48 vs Rondebosch RBHS 22918 (Cameron-Ocw 5147) WBHS 22917 (Nauhaus 54'.Fenlon 47) Draw Game 49 vs Bishops (45 evers) WBHS 127 Bishops 128/3 Lost by 7 Wickets Game 50 vs Westerford (20/20 Rnal) Weslerford 69 (Fenton 318,Cameroo-Dow 3114)

WBHS70/1 Won by 9 wickets Game 51 vs SACS WBHS 177 (Dreyer 93.Nauhaus 40) SACS 17818 (Oods 3(20) Lost by 2 Wickets

Game 39 vs Garrison Academy (Pak) (45 overs) Garrison 129 (Stevens 3123) WBHS 130ll(Oliver 52') Won by 9 wickets Game 40 vs City School of Sialkot (3Sovers) WBHS 31114(v Schalkwyk 143,Dreyer City School 170 (Cameron-Cow 4/27) Won by 141 runs Game 41 vs Penryn College (400vers) WBHS 195 (Kleinveldt 75.Nauhaus 59)



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Wynberg Boys' High 2006


Coach: Captain: Team

Coach: Captains: Team:

Mr D Faulds. Kyle Williamson. M Wood, S Cardis. T Vann. eTerblanche. L Coller. A Slatcr. G Stc"cns.. o Mbombt. D Lategan. S Kelly. B Do!~ickcr. J MClcdilh. R K:trstC:ll, S Swanich, T Bloor. D GeITen









3,4& 5

Mcssrs M Gallant, J Robillson. Anlhony Selley, Andre" Thorhum. A Slaub. R "la~h.S Card is. R Daly. 0 Dc Nicker. M Ridmg. B Hepbum. :'vi Bing. W Alexander. " Pnem, J Hom. K Collins.

Played JO


r l

- p:"-




4th TEAM

Coach: Captain: Team'

Mr Parsons. JeLhro Manuel. 1\1Sabatta. D MeKelIar. J Q,man.A Thorbum, M Bmg, M EIswortb. L Mannus. D Murphy, llnunelman. J Delpon. B Banlett, J Underwood. W Hum. D Timpson. M Allic.

-11-1 Played

Coach: Captain: Team:


Won +


Mr R Crous. Jason Underwood. B Portdias, J Delport, W Hum. M Rlding. BEddy, D Timpson. G Paddy. EAlard, D MeKellar. B Hepbum, S Luiz. B Banlen, S Rebello L Immelman. T Kat.zen, M Elsworth, AStrickland. K J Kay-Hards, R Hyland. A SLaub. R ash, A Selle}, K Klopper, D Kamedien, L Thomas, Z Hendricks, D Hamilton.

E Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Played 12






UNDER 19B CRICKET TEAM Back ru\\: Frunt Ro,,:

A Luiz. 0 Lategan, D Geffen. S Kelly, J Meredirh, B Mbombi. eTerblanche. L Coller (V·Capt.l. Mr K Richardson, K Williamson ~1r D Faulds (Coach). T Vann. R Kursten.


• • • • ••• • • • • • • •• • • • • •• •••• • Coach. Captain: Team:

Mr G Posthumus. Gary Klcinvcldl. R Lok, C E\e~. K Goss. C Botba, S Delport . .r van VeiLe. K Kar~tcn. C ~tunro. M Bell. M Brunger, M Mnnlhe. B SaUDdcr~.



Drew -t-



he season began with the Wynberg U 15 Cricket feSli\ul and was a wonderful success for the learn. The ,idc recorded good wins o\er SI Stithians and Affies and won all theIr matches on the 20.20day. This sCt Ihc teaDl up for a wonderfulty successful first tenn where Ihey played some outstanding cricket. The boys recorded some very good victories in the Saturday malche5. mosL notably beating all 3 boys schools in successive weekends. The team (llso won IhelT \\ ay through [0 the final of the WP U 15 Knock Out where they played againsl Bishops at Newlands. Unfortunate!)' they stumbled al the final hurdle. but still played some very positive and attacking cnckel throughout the lernl. The boys went on a tour during the September holiday~ to Grey PE. where the) played matche, against Grey Bloem, Afiies and St Albans. They bad a very enjoyable trip and topped itoffbyplaying some very good cricket. The fourth ternl W(lS as successful (IS Ibe





first. a they continued their good performances and once again beat aJJ the boys' schools. throughout the ye-M. There were also some outstandmg individua.l Performances, most nOlably. hundreds by Rynn Lok (106· ~s Pinelands) aIJd Chnton Botha (126· vs St Albans), as well as good individual innings by Kiemn Goss and Stuart Delport. In the bowling departnlent. Ryan Lok was in 3 league of his own at the beginmng of the year. bul unfortunately his bowling was hampered by a back inJury. Throughout the year both Ryan Lok and Mallhew Bell recorded four 5-wicket hauls. while both Kieran Goss and Gary Kleinveldt also had excellent individual perfomlances with the hall. The team bad a very successful and enjoyable year and I look forward to monitoring their progress in the future as Ihey take the step up 10 Open cricket

This page is sponsored by lhe Bronger Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

SPORT MC$srs R rnghs, S liewcll Brinslc}' Powell. Nicholas Veltcka. M Manlhe. A SaundcJ>. M Brown. D Thomson. S De Frdtas, L Dlova. S De Waal

Coacb: Captains:



B Coach: Captain: Team:








Mr D Russel!. Michael Daly M Mann. N hnrdwick, R Oevlin, A Mumill:. ( Lawrence. K Malley. C Barwiek. DAIfonso. M Gnspos. SArendsc.

c Coach: Captain: Team:


1\ \1iltthc\\i>. S Souter. J Kmpc.


Played ...



Mr R Moolman. Mihali Grispos. L Wright. SJones. 0 Oosthuizen. R Oosthuyzcn, N Barendse. D Gedde.~. G Coram. eBischolT.


D Dreyer. A Williams,







W"-1 6


B Wiley, C Moore. N Thomdike.






Front ro~\:

M Bell, J v Velze, C MunTo. M Brunger. K Karsten, C Botha. e Evens. S Delpon. K Goss, Mr K Richardson, G Kleim'eldt (Capt.). Mr G Posthumus,

R Lok. M ManUle. Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This page is sponsored by tbeAlfonso




U DERI4A Coach. Captain: Tellm:

Mr P Knowie,. GHmt Edmeades. C Helmbold, G Chrbtian, N Rich, D Sage. C Fortune. () Garder. D rrylinck. S Bean, J U:sar. C Matstlizu. B Anderson. JR Malloch. E William,. M CUIT. Played






hat a pleasurc il has been to coach Ihi" VC£) compelent team. Some outstanding individual performances tiU'Oughoul the season saw the team to some fantastic victories. The two win, 0\ er Rondebosch and the second win 0\ er SACS both epllomiseJ thiS side. as they refused to accept defeat. The tCó.lntimproved in leaps and bounds over the year and Ihc XI tbat came back from Il ve£)'successful Hihon tour was Il far more malure side than lt had been in the fit'st term. There are too many mdivldual highlights to hst IwTC. but a special mention must be made of the incredibly consistent bowling ofGI\'on Christian. the exciting. though al times. mercurial bowling ofDayolln Gilrder und Chad Fortune and tile sohd battmg of Grant Edmeades. One of lhe team highlights was winning the 20/20 competition at Bishops. Every single person, at some time in the season. pUlling.his hand up to get the team out of trouble. or lo admmlster lbc (,Ollp de grace. Iw isb all of them \\ ell. Ianl com'meed that a l1umberofthese boys will have at least three years of! 'XI CrickeI.

UNDER 14A CRICKET Back row: Front row:


D Garder. D Frylinck, M Carr, J Lesar, C Fortune, D Sage, E Williams, N Rich. G Christian, S Bean, Mr K Richardson, G Edmeades. Mr P Knowies, C llelmbold, J-R Malloch. Wynberg Boys' High 2006


UNDERJ4B Coach' CaplainTeam:

Mr J Lou\\. Zach Verlaqu.:-Napper. M Carr. C Williams, C Rogers. BLombard, G Gerhardi. B Payne. BAnderson. R KOIpe. T Keeling, P Jacob~.


Lost 5



UNDER 14 C Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr LHalkett. T Mohamed. M Mulder, L Jordaan. 0 Roxburgh. A Howitt. S 'issen, W Baofield. G Hermans, R John50n. N Caesar, R Engelbrecht.







,\ C ,\

B:,:··· ····\····::::····D·



Coach: Captain: Team:


. ,

Mr M Galant. Jasoo Schreiber. J Janse \on Rensburg. M Senegoles. J Goldman, G Witte. C Leighton. J Ilendrick.s. K Pengelly, J Schreiber. R Singh. V Siyalana. S Sibara. P Dzonzi.









Coach: Teams:

:vir P \ un Schalkwyk. J Cogill. E Archer. S Vennaak, W Adams. M Borchards, K Pengelly. 0 Monis, J Delport. J Martin. M Siyalana. V Siyalana, S Canna. M Rhode, 1\1 Senogie. :vi Kent. G Turner, P Cupido. JP Lambrccht. X Kali. D Jacobs. C Jallle~. G Wine, R ingh, K Ilullick. j Damon, S Sibara. P Dzonzi, S Sidzumo. B Iloko. n Rodne), M Turner, J O'Onscoll. T VUil der Wath. Played 10

Won 5

Lost 5



l-~~----~----~~ Wynberg Boys' High 2006


SPORT Coach I \tanager: Captain: Team:

MrACross. Cmie 8ro\\n. J \'a; W)'k. B Po\\cll. Ldu Toil, K Bucldo\\. JAreher, " Grant, I Solol11011s. S HUllon-Squire. M Fitchet. J Charle~w(lrlh, M Walbrugh.


theinarillU~ n age group", the boys ran int\\cl\'e Southern Zone League races. The highlight orthe cason was the [(lur to Grey High School in Port Eliznbctl1. Ilowe\ cr. lhc athletcs ~trugglcd with an undulating course and torrential ralJl that tested their tenacity. Graig Brown ran th~ second best time over tillS course, but wc could not contain lhe sheer ability of lhc Grey SIdes and our three teams were placed tbird. fifth and sixth.

BroVon Voas our best perfonning athlet.:. despite bemg narrowly beaten by Justin van Wyk 111 the annuallnrer-Ilouse cross-country race, Luc du Toit was the most promising runner orthe season. winning almost every race in which hI! lOOI. part. 111i, tulented under fourteen, was rewarded for his enlhusiastic elTons. by bemg sel~tcd for the WeSIL"TIl Province Side.

CROS COU TRY TE.\i\1 I Solomons. J Archer, K Bucklow, J v Wyk. S Hulton-Squire, 8 Wile)', PAndersen, J Knlipi, L du Toit, Mr K Richardson. C Brown (Cap!.). Mr A Cross, J Charlesworth.

Back row: Front Row:

Coach: Captain: ~I.'niors. Juniors:

Mr [) Wagc:nlicld. Richard Mandv. J de Waal, R M~ndy. M Rcnaud.1I.l RCl!d.



SC:llIl1f leam \\',15 unahle to enter Ihe Schools' league the l'ompetition clashed ,\ ilh the (lrey weekend. but tht' junior team panicipat.:d III th~' comp.:titton and g:nncd va.luable expencnec. Practiccs hiJve heen opened 10 olher Sl,hOllls, including gIrls' school,. Next year. wc plun lo focus 011 hhtuncill und thealric<ll fem:mg as "lo! ha\c IlCW swords and raplcrs, ti'


This page is sponsored by tile Du Toit Family

Wynberg Boys' lIigh 200n





nplain: learn:

MrELef,on. Grant Liule. C lIclrnbold, J de Klcrk. G \Iorkel,

J Oli\cr, J Hom.

~~ n the face 01 il. this \\ li, Out\\ON 'ea~on in lhc last decade, but in realily LIha~been li water-;hed }car. thc start of the scason, our oldest player \\ as 15, \\ hlch means the \\ hole tcam is 3\ailable for another 2 years Wc also hme some promising players cmerglllg. who take golfa .. a first spOrl a kcy factor in competition.



Thc year started \\ ith a Inp to Ihe (jr!;!) 150 (Jolf Fe~ti\ al. played at lhc I' l GolfLlub and Humc\\ood.1t was a great experience. The boys played 3 difleren! fonnats and, allhough we WCTC OUl of our depth. many valuable Ics~ons were learnt. In June wc went to Cape chools' Week in the Southern Cape. We played 36 holes a day against Grey. Sdbome and :-.Iico Malan. The highlight \\as the draw againsl Selborne and progress "as noticeable. The League started on a slow nole. We lost all the [trst round matches bUL were competitive in all but the first SACS games. In lhe s~cond round wc WOL; 3 games. The highlight was beating Bishops. who

\\ cre Ihen top of the kague, and I~ndlng the 'ca~on by b~allng SACS. The year limshed wlIh the KnockOUL We lost to Rondebo"h. but this \\ 3\ onlyaller 3 extra holes b~cause the teams had filllshed le\cl al 2-2. TIlc tcam stayed the same for the whole leaguc~cason. Grant Littledid nol produce hi" best at Ihc ,tart bUI came thTough strongly later. If he could be mental)} ..tronger he would \\ In many games. Grant Morkel caml! ~ long \\ a> this )'ear and wa~ the mosl Improved player A more con,btcnr game would make him Il big ractor. JalT\<d Oh\ er also came on and played -some line holc~ but could ne\'cr ..cern to pm il together for a full round. Jason Ilom won 'ome good gamel. and made some bad errors. lie has lhe makings of n good player but a lot will depend on Imprming his drive Christian I-Ielmbold played consistently. \\ Inning lhe most matehe~ in the league (7~. Christian's blggcst slrength I~ his compctiti\(:nes,. He \\ ill tight lhe whole wa)'. A.s he gets slronger he could become a vel)' good golfer. Joshua de Klerk IS ,ttll

at IheJunior School and a vcrv Manlre golfer for his age.' Despite being 12 he \\on 6 ofl< matche~. He al", came 2'" in the counlry UI the U 12 National Tournament There is no doubt that be has all the lIIaklng~ of a lOp g<llfer. The 2"' and 3" sides comprised a 101 of young,lers who had o;ome good results. I f some of th~e young men cominue playing. the future of go Ifa! the school will be bnght r \\ Ish all the players well and urge them to work hard at their t!ame~. Golf IS a gOllle for life and the lime pUl in na" lA III put you in gnad ,tcad for the future.

League Lostl-5 Lost2-4 Lost 2.5-3. Lost 2-4 Lost 2-

Won Lost Won Lo~t Won

4-2 2-4

4-2 2-4 4-2

FlRST TEAM GOLF Back row: Front Row:

C Helmbold. J Hom, G Morkel. J Oliver, J de Klerk. Mr K Richardson, G Lit11e (CapI). Mr F Lefson (Coach).

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

rbis page is sponsored

by the Du Toit Family



hank> to ~k,dame~ J Gllodwm ,1111.1 S WiIIi'llllSllIl f('lr their invllluabJc tbSlstancc. cllthU'HasOland patien • .:. TheIr support of Ihc hockey learn" In the L 16 and UI'I age groups respcellvclj made tht' m-H Job much C;lSlcrthis year TIlanks also toslllhc Old Boy" who helped ns ,ludent coaches. All outSide coaches. bilr on.:. were Wynberg Old Boys, ....ho had played hl)ckc~ during their hme at the ~chonl. How does onc CVUlu,llC the >\KC ....,,~ of a hncke .. scas .. n'! Doe, onc con~lder the results uf lbc A teams') - all tbe team;" Wus il Q ,ucecs,';f'ul ~('ason because of the number of Wynberg boys picked for provmclal le-.II"''! Did the Wynhcrg team, play with nalT? I suggest lhat :!006 \\ as suc'cessful ifall (or most) hockey players could answer in the atlirmall\'c 10the follov.~ng qucsllon~: I.

tIll'; year'l somcthlllg ncw, hnd did my skills improvc" Am 1100)kingforward to the hockey s.:u.,on '" ~U07'?

Du! I ':IIJO)' my hoch')

, DId 1kam ~. 3

Si~tc.:n teatlIS \Ier .. fielded. tive UI9, wilh 41h, aml5ths fading sadly toward; the cnd of Ihe season: si~ L 16 tealt'" and five U 14 teams. Gmde Il. port continue, to be umctablcd so that moslorthe li14\ gello pnll:lice un A.;twturffor most orthe hockey season. It W',b a pIty thnt rhe dcmanJ for our .\stroturfmadc" Jillkuil f')T all the other age groups 10 enJo)' thc same privIlege. and most U I(l and U IS prol'liccs only ,tarMl afte,' Spill. This is one area tllat wIll need to be addrcs~cd If Wynberg Boys' IlIgh School Hockey is to remain. or at least reclaim. il place In lhe top tcn

SPOUT 'lhoob in Slluth A Inl'.l, TIllS) car sa\\ thC'role oflhe "Pw ("Oil ch" e-;t.lbhshed for the fim tunc mee Ihedcrarture ofMr Re\ ingIon In ~OO2, Mr, lialcy'~ nS~ISlance with all A learns al all pr:u:tke<, nnd his sleppinc In lOllIke o\er Ihe IiNlleam dunng Mr FOllld' pmoJ orab cnce. were Invaluable, \\ hat the players ho\ c 'Canti from lan t IInmea:;urable

1300hIhe I" XI ilnd the LJ 16 A undcntlok tours dllnng the ~11lrch hohdayand the cxpcnence gumed from hemg at the pre. 11grou. fc,u\'uls 10 which Ihe)' p:uticrpillcd st(>od the Icams In glll)d ~tead filf the fC5t (lf the season \\ hlle the 1 AJ enioy ...d ml.\cd fort lines 81the (m:y 1:50 Festlval.lhe) remained unbeaten at the Foundm' Itockey )'C'iu\'lll for tbc !hud 'IICl'<.'SSI\ e )'t:!lr. TIIC I 'I IJ A team clIpenenccd 1lI1xed j,mllne In the ( apc Schools' Weck LJ I (J I estr\ al hosted by MUlr Collo:gc.


elol members of ,llIff\\ ('re III\I)I\'ed in IhepJ'O\ Ineial ~et up this year, bolhal adnunlstllltf\cand

"'ir D 1{,lInagc'

WI' Exeo Treasuler. WPL'14 Proteas Man.lger.

\Ir 1'(';.llzavcl(K \lrIPar'lllls, II.lrO,I';lIlld ..:

WPUI4 DI~ Coach WP Ex,1) Addltionallllembcr.

I-Team Winners: 2"'(clInl Willncr~: l'I6 B \\ inners: LtI4,\ LJI-iR.


WP F\CtI Sel:rclary,




\\'y nb.:rgdld extn:mely\\dl:

J - 0 \;; £krg\hct (Inaugural (Jras~ B-SL'Cl!on) 2 -I) \, Bcllcvlllc. lost insctlll-fmal on penalty nicks \ s BIshops. (Inaugur:ll Gra,s Il·SecUtlO) 5-1 \' famnont. Lost to Central m the • final. Los-tlo Uerg\ helA UIth,· semi-final. (Inaugural (,m~~ B-SCCIlOII).

The lj 1613 side, coached 11l1lJally by' Mr I Parsons IInu Ihen by Mr J Robm~on. \\as the only unbc:llcn team l!1 the school Weil done to them 011:I line ,,:ason. We c'<pl.',:t milll) fulure fiNI team ~Iar, to COUle from thiS tcam, A numl ....·r of bo) s rcprescntecllhe WP teams thl' ycar, I\t LJ 16 and Lj) lSlevd this changed t~lrthc li~tlime to "'\.:stern Cape" twekey teaJll~, much LOthe dismay of m:my parenL~ and loc:!1 adnumstratoJ>. Wc do hOJle that some snmly prC\.uls In lbc pohllcal go\'en11ng b,ldleo;of~p(\rt in ourc<JunIJ)' and thaI n return i:. mad.: In previou, pTt)\ rnci31 slru~ture~. \\iI't:n<A: WPlIlIl3: WPI'I6A'

\\P1l6B. WPL 14l'roteas:

B Vent~r. K RO!llllson, K Gmnt. J Child. [r..looradd. S Kclly,ll Kinsman, R Oaly, M Wood. D!\lurphy LMdclo I.lquito, R 1I)I"nd. !\I Daly. S de Waal. LJordu;lIl.1\1 Scn<lgles. \1 Rhode. \1 ('<lIT

rhe h(ld,c~ COmnullecs. both till: bOlS' and the pClrcnts' ~ornnlilll'c". did olllstilndmg \I nrk dunng Ihe season, \>.,'f! greatly appreciate Iht:n lIreles:> clforts, olkn \\ IUlOui lIluch pmlS': or thanh und most oftCI1 bdulld the scenes SlIlcerc Ihanks 10 Mr n Rnm"ge \\ ho so cnp,ably took oyer the hocke) reins und contnbuted gn:ally lO (hc succes~ ofall HllCkey;rt \\ynberg thiS ) l'ar 1\1) ver> ~incen: thanh al<o lO: The coach.: .., fllr their tirek,;~ .:tTons and ellthu~J3.lIl, ~lr L"JIggd' Halkctt, and th-=re~tolthc groundsta ff(Turllek), TheparcOlS fhnhclr help in the tuc.kshop. The man) parcnts who as"lsJ~d b~ tllkJJlg tllCtr 'ons lo !lnd fWIll practices and mal ches. Ami linally. con.:ralulolions lo the hoys \\ hon:cci\ l:d Ihc foIJo\\ ing awards at the Aclllcvers' Dmner


K Robrn>on.B Vl'lller, C !>.laggs, K Gmn!. J ChIld. The r~t of the hl XI was awarded Colour~.

Wynl'>crgBoy~' High 2006

This pugc is sponsored by the Okkc~




lan !laic)' Derek Fuuh.ls Daniel Ramage Keagan Robinson S Cardis, J Celliers, J Child, G Col man, R Daly. K Grant, J Kay-Hards. S Kelly, H Kmsman. S Knuggs, C Maggs. L Mooradd. D Murphy. C Olckers, IJ Raz.ak. KRobmson, A Thorburn, B Venter. M Wood.

Coach. A ...... istant COllch: 'IIlnliger Captain:



Played 34









hIS ~eason was one of mixed results. While the team started really well against Hilton. Allies, Selborne and Maritzburg College (losing only once in Uleir first four matches) they eame undone while at the Grey 150" Festival, suffering record losses aguinst boUl KES and Grey College Bloemfontcm. Showing true "Supero Mora';" SPlrit, and responding well to expectations from coaches, lhey turned around a 'iad end to the Grey Festival. by winmng all 6 matches at the Founders' FestIval, thus mallltaming un unbeaten run for Wynberg. The beat Parktown Boys' lligh4 0 in Ibe final malch. This should have been n solid platfonn on which to build towards an unbeaten home season. Unfortunately thIS was not to be. Too often m big games, the team eould not sustain long periods ofdonllnancc, nor turn thIS dominance into goals. TIlc final match against SACS was clear evidence of Ulis. This team wns characterised by having been punished all too often for unnecessary errors, or for not capitalising when lhey had opponents onlbe back foot. Technically the individual players III the squad were not at the requIred level to dommate skil ful and experienced opposition. This was most noticeable in the matches agamst KES and Grey College. In the big matehe:; the ability to manipulate small spaces and eliminate opposition requires a high level of skill skill which needs lObe developed BEFORE reaching Ule U 18 level. Thb lack of skill has a lot to do wllb the fact that hockey, likeanyothersporl,!Sa mallerofPROCESS. Before you can think of competing at a hIgh level and start focusing on results certain skills and technical aspects of the game need £0 be developed and mastered. In hindsight. L feellbat the )'Olmg tean} of2006 operated in an enviroml1ent that demanded re~ults before process. BUT, despite all the lough moments, the 2006 season certainly delivered many memorable and enjoyable moments. TIle) beat Rondebosch in a nerve racking semi-final on penalty flieks after twice belllg in the lead. Winning the Knock-Out Trophy for the thIrd tIme III five years was also verysallsf)ting. I thank particularly Daniel Ramage and Ian Haley for picking up the reins when I was on sick leave, and Peler Cauavelos his dedicated management from 2004 to May 2006.


This page is sponsored by the Grunt Family


Wynberg Boys' High 2006


lstTEAM HOCKEY Backro\\': Middle TOW'

S CarolS, L Mooradd, A Thorbum. K Grant, II Kinsman. C Maggs, R Daly. G Colmnn. J Kay-Hards. M Wood. C Olckerb, D Murphy. M CunliJle. S Kelly. S Kn'lggs.

Front row:

Mr D Fauds (Coach). B Venter. Mr K Richardson. K Robinson (Capt.). Mr P Catza\elo~ (Manager). Mr D Ramogc (Manager).

Jonathan Child GK: Was a commanding figure in the goal. As the season progressed he brr.:w in stature, making plenty of crucial saves that kept the team on the winning ~ide in most matches. Technically sound, he had good awarene's of his 'D', but a rush of blood caused a few errors mjudgment James Kay-Hards GK: Was n worthy numb.:r two goalkeeper. Although he played most of the season in the 2" t.:am. when he did play for the 1 team. he did so with conviction. To cement his place as tJle number one next year, he must improve some of his technical weakness~.


SE'sn Kelly CB: "'aking Ihe slep up from last year's U 16A team. he made a place in tbc central defence his own on the tour 10 Grey in April. With ~olid lechnlcal skills and calmness and clear thinking under pres~ure, he was a siglllficanl team member. Ills natural ablllly lOread the game will give him the ability to dominate matches in future as he shll has a couple of years ID the team. Dafren Murphy CB: Had a good seasoll. He and Seanlllade a good central defensive partnership \\'lth Darren taking the more defensive role. A fine athlete. he had no trouble keeping up wIth attackers. However he did tend to fly in for a few too many tackle .lle will be a key player at the back next year Rowan Daly RB: Played at right back. Took a few matche~ to settle down but found his posmon demandtng and creauve. Determmatl0n lO succeed made up for hi shghlne,s. and for many of the matches during the ) ....term had outstandmg performances. As he develops physically and tC<.:hllically, will become a crucial member. Needs to develop a good aerial to oJ1eranolheraspcct to his game. Stuart Cardis LB: Camc into the terun at left back because of mjury lo Chris Olehef!ó and became a regular starter and consistent performer. He has enonnous heart and could alway~ be counted on to do the Job. Technically good, he had the ability to play up in lbc links when necessary. and was occasionally in and around the '0'. where he possessed a very good reverse stick shot. Chris Olckers LBfLL: Had a big physical presence on the pitch. Has the ability to play in defence and ill the links and used thaLto good effect in moslofhis matches. UnfortUllatl!ly, he fractured his thumb. bravely running I waveagainsr Grey and missed a significant pan oflhe season. On his relurn he quickly took up a positioll in the links, where he was a pillar in defence. His llexibility makes him 3n asset to any team. He should able to dominate next year with the experience he has picked up.

Wynberg Boys' High 2006



Cnai\ Ra/Ilk LU/RB: Spent most oftlle season in the:!" team, howcver. when he did play In the I" team. ht: made a very \ aluablc contribution though his defensiw und attacking qualities. A tine team man. he po,sesses u huge amount ofral\ laleni. \\ hieh \\c \\illundoubtedly. cc next sea ·on. \licblll'l Cunline CB: Becau,e ora senou, unkle injury, Miehaclonly Joined the I" teum during the J" term. Although he spent some lime on Ihe bench. hc took 311hi. chances and Ihi~ saw him lead Ihl1team OUIin Ihc linal against Bergvliel Although he stmggk-d I\ith flInL'S, ,md mobility this \1 as compensated by his acnub and tackling. A rcal1t:am man und player [or the big moment, he could be called upon at any lImclodoaJob lor his team Keegan Robinson CL. Captain: Led Ihe leam II ilh a light-hearted approach bUI always had the drive and getlhe ~t from el eryone. He was the central poiO! for ball tran fcr, ho\\ el·er. we didn't usc him enough. lie has \ cry good technical skills. which he used 10 good effect in auack. He can look back on a good }carand ~ee the Cup Final trophy in Ihecabinet at Wynberg. where it belongl;. 10 WIO

Kyle Grant RL/RF: Ilauana\erageseason for his ability. With correetdirecllon of thinking he hasa lot to offer Ha... Ihe skill, 10 beat .myone on the field. but couldn't quite PU! together con~istent perfomlanees. Although he played most orlhe ~eason in the link.::..he wu.s dcadl) up front in the lorward line. where he had the licence to run \\ Ith thc ball. Chris Maggs LL: A mereuriallalent. he showcd his ability to read and deal with anysiluation. Fitness enabled him to getthrOllgh kllometer~ of work in auack find defence. setup scoring opportunincs for Ihe forward~ and help Ihc defendcrs til ollr cm:le. With a blossoming football career ahead ofbim. he had 10 mi~s mo,t of the 3~ tcml. however made li signitïcant return in the Cup ~eml-linal againsl Rondebosch II ht:re ht: ~\.:OredIhe winning ,troke. Luemaon Mooraad Li.: A valuable member of the tearn squad. and although he nOl a regular stmter his perfomlances wcreextremel) important. Squash IÏtness and agility enabled him 10 gel though a lot of work in the linb. II here he prcdomlllantly favoured the len Side. Houj!hton Kin~l1lan RL/CF Moved up frolllthe lJ t 6A team because orhis performances dunng the early part of the ~l:ason. Work.ratt' and vision on the ball made him invaluable in the linb. A vcry \'crsalile pla}er. he wa~ aften pUl up front because of hiS attacking quahties and nelted (I fe\\ importanl goals. Although abnIliant fOotballcr. wc hope he plays nexl year. as he \\ ill bea real match \\ IDner. Sheldon II..n:l~g~ RF: Made an immediate impact, snatching almost every opportunity on the far post, Had limited technical skills but il natuml ability la rowle and get IDtOopen space to receive Ihe ball something rarely seen by a forward this season. I lis mental toughness and hard work made him a hard playerto leave off the pilch during the laler part oflheseason. Brad Venter Cf: Got through II te Ilngseasol1. having tirelessly led Ihe forward line. Uas Iheabilil) to win any match in a momcnl with shooting ability second to none. Ilis technical and tactical skills were enhanced by playing club hockey at Pinelands lie. and they rubbed off on hiS team males. Always one to set standards. had hi, best perfom1ance lowards the end of the season.

)'lic ha el Wood

RFfLF: llad a good first year in Ihe team,lcanung plenty to stand him in good stead next year Ha, a very matlIre altitude for one of the youngest members. lIis high stundards may have caused him to o\'er-analy,e his play aliuIe roo much. Has excellenttllchmeal skills and his tactical play has unproved steadily. As confidence grows he should come out of his shell and express himself fully. Graham Colmao RF/Lt: Spent moslofthe season with lhe 2 team. lIe went to PE for the Grey Fcstilal and worked hard up front for the team. He could be c<lunted on by anyone and i~ a real team player. H is performances in the 2'" team yielded plenty of \.\inning results.


Jean Cilliers LFfRF: S13rted the season slowly but made huge slrides 10 become an important part of the team before an unfortunate neck injury occurred in the game against Grey. Jean was full of running and could alway" be counted on to do a job for the team in ally situation. Andren Thorburn RFfLF: Spent most of his lime between rhe I and 2 teams. Although nOl a regular ID the J. team. his contributions were e~lremcly valuable. His bcsl performances came in tilc pre,ca.,on founders' feslival where he scored an outstanding reverse stick goal against Parktown. Physical ability and good ICchnical ~kills make him an exciting player l\eeds loconccnlratc on taclics.


Wynberg Boys' High 200ó


hannon Bouclier RFfLF: Was taste of hIgher level of hockey. Ila~ match. Ilowever he must learn that affected by frustrotions.llas a bright

Coach: Captain: Team:

capped once during this senson agamst Pinelands. lhi" gave him a umloublcd lalent. \\ ilh pace to beat anyone on the pitch and a ,hot to things will not always go his \\ay. and that he cannot let himself be future ifhe keeps working on his game.

MrC Ellis. Graeme ColOIan. J Kay-hards. J dc Waal. U Razak. 0 Leach. M Cunliffe. L Mooradd. C Cross. N Pricm, T Sam iek, A TIlOrbum, M .Iennings. M Ilenstock.

Played 17

Manager: Coach: Captain: Team:




Mrs S Williamson. Wayne Winter. Craig Griffiths. J·L Brown, F Cronje, W Damelz. 0 Frye. M Jennings. M Henstock, B Jones. KLogan. B Magan: R Mandy. J Ranchad. Y van Rheedc van Oudtshoorn Also played: W Browning, DCooper.

Played 13

Manager: Coach: Captain:

Won 14




Drew 4

Mrs S Williamson. Brad Mann. Kyle Barrett. J- L Brown. R Dwyer, T Gates. R Ilanbidge. A IIiIl, B Magan. R Mandy, A Radue, J Ranchod. G Rhoda; Da\ id SynlOns, JTindil!.

Played 13

Wynberg Boys' High 2006




Drew 4


Coaches: Captain Team


Messrs I Parsons. I Jlaley. Jaryd Ohver. Houghton Kinsman RIMand. J Ml!redith. S Paucnden. M Anderson. D MeKclIar. G Ilnrrmann. L \letclo-UquilO. D Grant. J Steel. S Bouchl'r, S Souter. C Botha; W Scholtz.

he teum ,\ as il young side \\ ith lots of potential. Pro:~J~on wa, an eyc-opener for most of them. Thcy realised Ihat Ihey n~i!'I.led to siel' up a Ic\ el as CXpecl,lIiorh und skill requirement, \\crc high. The k;lIn dc\ eloped throughoullhc) car and \\ ell." on a par Mlh the other b(»)~'schools. Perhaps Ihe only dlSapp0ll1lmCll1 wa~ il 11I.:ki.f consIsten.,;}' lO perfonnance After some gloriow; dis)'llay" of skill.lI1tensity anu concentratron, the team wOldd fall hack Into puor deCISion-making and unft1rccd ernlT'l. !'he nlllst Cj1c:ulllraging factor WilS the III ~ ~


Back ro~~. '1iddJe rml' Front row:

D Gran!. M Anderson. S Souter. C Both.l. J Steel, G Hartman, D \1cKellar, SPattenden. L \teteJo-Liqulto. W Schol!.!, R Hyland l\'ice-capl.). Mr K Richardson, J Oliver(Capt.). Mr I Pan;ons. J Meredilh. S Boucher.

UNDER14A Coach: Coptllin: Team:

Mr D.Ramage. Michael Dal)'. L Jordaan, B Pa}ne. M Carr. R Knipe, S De Waal. M Rhode. W Omar. I Maclean. 0 Rox:burgh. M Senogies, M Mulder. C Tirnm.

Played 20

Won 7


he ide had a poor stan to the sea on and struggled to come together Once the team was finalised and the boys became used to playmg a a team. they produced good technical bockcy. Their only downfall was their inability lO score goals. However they bagged a few wins in the second ha If of the season. Michael Oaly always kept the tearn positive and workmg hard. Spirit was great. and ne\-er seemed to falter even during the losing streak The lessons learnt and the basic skills acquired will stand the boys in guod stead in their hockey careers. The sldc has been a pleasure to coach. Tbank yuu for your positive atlitudes guys and good luck for your future hOCKeytravels.

UNDER 14B Played




Coach: Captain:

Mr S Parker. Oylan Walker.


BRyan. Z Verlaque-Napper, J Scbreiber, G Hooper, P Jacobs. S Filtane, C Timm, K PengeUy, 1 Gilmour, W Banfield, J Senson, L Schluler. BAnderson

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

This page is spon ored by the Immehnan Family


SPORT l)~DI::RIK :\tanal:cr: Coach: Captain: T~am:

Mr RRudd. Mr L HaIkel!. , hadleC! Salot. R Hendnch. T Mohamed.


M No!"al. J Le~ar. /Adams. S hIlanc. T Sa

G Gllhard,.

B Lombanrd, ~I Bllrchurdt. S R Sescle.


, .. D


I\lr R RuM


Terrenee Keeling. C Roge!".. n Bonner. A Rogin,l;y, R Sang'ler. R Singh. J Damnn. M Fourie. ~l rumer. Z Ranchod. J Janse van Rcn~bllrg


Played 8

,\\'on 4





U 'OER 14 E

Coach: Captain:


Mr R Hamburger. Andre Roginsky. Jil Hyun. P Lou\\, P Alcksandrov. U Ramjam. R Kinnenr.1 SKim. R Pctcr,;en. W Mpanj\\ a, P Cupido. X Kali, J Dam!>n. Played





Drew 3

UNDER 14A HOCKEY Back row: Front row:


J Maclean. S de Waal. \1 Curr, R Kmpc, C Timm. D Roxburgh. W Omar, L Jordaan. :VIRhode, B Payne. Mr K Richardson. M Daly. Mr D Ramnge, M Senogies, M Mulder. This page is sponsored by the Grobler Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


wynberg Bo),

High 2006

Illi, page


'ponsored b} the P<"CegoFamily



RUGBY Played

25 Coaches: Captain: Team






Mo:ss", Il van Deventer ,\), Stc\'n. Grant Kemp. . R Smit, M Slater. A Sell.:y, G Pear~on. R Magee. V Terrey, C Scott. T Vann. S Swallich, L Isaacs. S Morris, S \ Schalkwyk. L Gomt::z. SOahl, j Pretonus.


UchwasCXPCCtl!dOflhlS )0 XV. They werc an experienced team. nine player~ having rcrresented Ihe 1° XV last year. and they had b.:gun training early in Januarv. llowever. injuries 10 wme of tbc kc} players and a lack of confidence due to some lough games earlier in the year caused them 10 start struggling. They attended the Grcy 150" festival where they \\ ere well beaten by Pretoria Boys', beaten by Dale , bUl played an outstanding game to be beaten in the lalil few mmutes by Atlics. The toughnc~s of this lour unfortunately took iL~ loll and (he Icarn struggled to recover. On their return 1I1C} had a big win against Fish Hock. but then went into a sen~ of big games agall1~t Paarl Gym. Paarl Bo)s and Grey. while also playing St Stithlans and St john~ al our own 165 Rugby F.:sI1\'aL Thc~ unfol1unatcly lost all these eMI) games and therefore sttuggled lO find an~ rh~ Lhm

111e fol'\\ ards were pla\lltg fatrl) AOOO rugb~ at lhts ~tilge. holdlllg tl!Cu 0\\ n ill Ill<!ught pllaSl..'S. butlhc backs




• •

lacked conlÏdence. mainly because of ~ome injuries lo key players. Stefan Swanich. lhe points machine from 2005. was sorel) mls'cd, at'io:rbemg inj\lred pre·sca~on. Thi~ lack of confidence caused thcm to lose cames. which should never have been Im.1, to tcams su~h as Tygerberg and Bell~t1le Tech. The Tygerberg game was Probably the 10\\ point orthe season. Howe\er the team dId play well when It rcally count~'<i and won both the SACS and Rondebosch Dcrbies away from home at the cnd of Ihe second term. Swanich's. retum had madt: a dtt1crence. This belped ghe sOlne respectabihty to the team's record at thiS stage. They played weU to the flfSl half against Bishops, but could not stem the now;n the second half The second halfofthe5easonstaTtcd \Vlth a warm up agamst False Bay under 2 I '~, \\ hieh was dra\\ll. and then three losses again'it Boland. Durbanville and Paul Roos. The Durbanvtlle game was certamly another lo.... point w itn llw team producing a shocktng pcrfonl1ance at Ne" lands, 11le team did manage to beat two Engli~h touring teatUS along the wa~ Ho\\e\ er, once agalll. lbe~ left Ulelr be!l1 for Inst :1Od came up trumps" h'::l1 Il real!) lIlaHered The} beal

This rage is ~ponsored by the Stock Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


1 •••••••••


linland Landbou Kugb} Du}

Won all

three games • •

II illon Coll~ge Prelonu Boys' IlIgh Dale (olkgc

10 - 12 8 49 7·21


II - 15

h,h I lock Paarl Gym

16 - 0 5 - 45

SI Suthian, West\llle Bo) s' Ihgh

15 -24 15 - 25

Paarl Boys' I1lgh Tygerberg

29 11 - 22

Grey High School Belh ille r.:ch Rondcbo'ch Boy,' Iltgh Bi,hop, S.\CS ralsc Ba" under II Queen [·jl/abclh (irammar tt K)


• :

(1 -

Roland Landbou

Dulwlch ColJ.:gc(UK) Durban~illc •

17 - 21 9-0 3 - 52

Rondcbo~ch cOO\ incingly al hom.: IInd played a grcal game against Bishops. although still losmg quite badly,llowe\crthe highlight oflhe 'ea,on was Ihe elns"Ic Cla....h against SACS in fi'ont of il capadt)' cro\\ d and le1e\ Ised h\c. Solid defence helred them beat SACS eomfonabh 42-3. The school reJol~lOg afterward, and singing together was a further highlight. Although thc team had struggled throughoul the cason, II

musl bc ~ommended lor heating Rondebosch and SACS twice. At tbe annual Villager's Seven, lb.' A leam

was knockcXI 0111in the ~~()nd round b) lygerberg, while lhe B Leam lost in the quartet'); of the Platecompetlllon.

5 - 13

10 - lO 20 -7 J·31 17 - II

Paul R0l1S Rondc.:bosch Boys Ihgh Dlshops

Il- 27 8-48 23 - 6 li- 45




Player ProfiJes: Grant Kemp - Prop (Blue<; and 65 Cap') lead leam well Did 1101 pia) ilS \\ dl a~ "' 200). although finisll('d the) car 011 a lugh IIote Found dl,ruptl\e mo\ mg ffllm l\)~''l:h.:ad to Itghthead. Could be il Supcrsl,lr lf hi5 \\00. mtc \Icrc Iu~hec 1.111<!(\Utthruwing


VCI) t!0od.

R)an Smit Ilookrr I'ror (49 cup,) ,\h\ ays gan: 100" (\ and had a high \\ orl; mt.: for a front ro" fiml ard, \'~ry fit. although lacking som.: \\clghl Very \ersatile bdng ablt·to play h,\('''.:r and prop Skill, let him dil"" .ll lilllr,.

\lattbew SllIter Pwp' Loci.. (11 C(lp~) SC:lSOIlcul ,hon bccau,c ofllllury. Was pla~ing g('od rugby and \cry lil. Could ha\'<! made a dtfrcrencc Ifhe had continued

.\ntboll~ S('1Je~ Lock :<;'" man (24 caps) VeT)' skillrul playcr who wa.o; extremely tit. bULunlbrtunatcly la\:kco weight. Clc\cr play.:r. good deciSion maker and a good lineout fornllrd. One afthe slah'ans.

Garcth Pcar\On

Lock (24 caps)

Solid player wbo was a greal find. Good ~crummager. but lIntilrtunJIcI) do .... ,.11. At olhel' times he was a force in Ihc light 10l)se,

11l',\\ ork ral\; sometimes Icl him

Ryan J\1al!ce Plank lloukcr \37 caps) A ,lrong letch.:r who ti a, a deadly defender amI a lcrrier in tht.! light IlluSl), I lo: unfortunately IlC'ocr turned o"er e'uuugh ball~ and hi" skills Icllllm do\\n. Solid le-dIDman wbo probabl~ should Im,e 1ll0\'C0 lO hookcr earlier.

Wynberg Boys' High



VaURlln Terrey Flank (26 cap) Great athlete pzyr;sessing c!lplo5i\c speed and strength Should hll\c movcd mlo flln.\1Irds cilrlier, Plil)'lIIg regularly o(fthe bench did not ~it him, Ta<.:kltng ~'Us his \\eakne s, but could bc a match winner.

Chad Scott Loose forward (41\ caps Blucs) AI~ays ga\c I~o. A great learn man "ho playcd With passion C\cry Saluro.hl). L nfortuualcly. he \\.l.~ reduced 10 a defenSive rolc and \\c ne\er gOllo sec enough of hi. great ,kill Would ha\c been better playing more lo lhe ball

Tim 'ann Scnllllhalf(4Q caps) A tough player "ho could play like an c>;tra Ilank. Great dett.'nder around the lrlnges and had a lethal box kick. Unfortunate I) hiS service and runDIng \\cre a little slo". Solid teant man Steran S"anlch Flyhalli Centre ( 41 caps Blues) Most talcnted player. A pOlOts machine .md IJ malch \\ inner on his day. \ really gllod kicker of thl.' ball who could control a game. Also IJ gl)Od defender and .In elusi\c runl1l:r. Unfortunately started the 'cas"n laIc bcCIJU5C of '"Jul') III pomls

7..ahier lsaacs Ccnlre/\\lI1g (50 caps) mail. bUl lOugh Ilnd an c1U5I\ e runner With a good turn of speed. Scored a numbcr of In,'s tItrouglt runntng go<>d angles Very good defender, Did nl't pIa} quite as well a~ In 2005.

Shane Morris \\ mg (1 1 caps) Started lhe scason late hecau col' mjul)' !\lade an impact UIll'e he starled playing, ~oltd at the ba,k. good po~lhonal play and u good lurn of p.:ed

Shadle~ \lIn Schlllk,,~k Fullback Centre (35 cap,) Sol.td at the back A greal athkle \\ ilh sound posllIonal play who hrought c:>;pcricnce to the h'lck-hne Unfortunate", he did nul alwa~, getlo u,e 11I~attackmg ~kill, .md 'was us.....1 more m IJ defên,i\c" rol.:. KICkll1g let him Jown at tIllle"

l.isandro Gomez \\'ingJFullb,lck (21 C:lP') \rgcntmial1 cJlch,mgc sludent who bc('am,' a greal acqulsllWn. An clus" C fill111Crand a great defender, L'nfortunatcly. he ,','uld nOl commumeate \\itlt thc reslorthe back·line and lherdore di" not pa"" the ball \\bell he necd~d to.

Suren Dahl \\ïng (20 Clip') fastc~t pla}cr m the learn who sddom got to usc hi, ,peed. Sllll1ri~cd pl.l)crs wilh hb defence despite being ,lightly built. ShoulJ be an asset Ilext )'.:ar.

Ja~oD Pretorius Flyhnlf Centre (12 caps) \ erv skilful plaYl'I, gr':ilt distribution ~"ill~ and a thorough unucrstandll1g of the game, which allo\\ s hun to gel a back-line mnnll1!l. Lacks speed and . trength,

Olher pla)Cl"S lo represent the FintTeam: Tildan Bungani. Tim Terblanche, Mbasa Qukula. Nocr Da\id~, MarcoTalolti, Craig Childs. Kyle Klopper, Aidan van der Vyfcr. Craig Ovzm~ky, Michael van Schalkwyk, Angelo MacKai~er. Rainer Kar~ten, Tashrique Ismail, Craig Green, Stephen Hewner. Karl Springorum, Roland Mc[ennan, Cameron Thompson.


Wynberg Boys' High 2006


lstTEA.\1 Back row: \1iddle


front Row:


M Qukula. J Pretorius. V Terrey. S Swanieh. K Klopper, C Child. A v d \)fer. M Taloui, TBungani. C SeolI. K Springorum. M v Schalkwyk, A Selley. G Pear..on. T Terblanche. L Gomez. S v Niekerl<. R Magee. T Vann. Mr K Richardson. G Kemp. Mr 11y Oc\cnter. R Smll. A Maekalser.


2 TEAM Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr 0 Schenck. Craig Green C Child~. J Mans. T Bungani. T Terblanche, C Thom on. C Spnngorum, C van Tonder. M Qukula. C lIanllllon. S Buemer, S Walker, B Cawcun. Tlsmail M van Schalkwyk. J Pretorius. A Pecego, A MneKaiser, K Klopper, D Blood. M-A Saballa, S Dahl, P Nekundl. R Melennan. B Punt. BEddy.

l17[5 ~won

Wynberg Boys' lligh






l 121

SPORT 3rdTEAM Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr C

iebolson. Lc:e C'oll(:r J Delport, M Reynolds, D van Schalkwyk. M Sabatta. R Kars!en, G fo>.. I Ml1cAlister, T Glenn. D Fuller. C Cawcutt. C van Tonder. L Klaas, C Ilrumlton, BEddy, K de Koning. B PonelIas, T Terblanche. M Qu\heka.







Dre .....


.tthTEAM Conch: Captain: Team:

'Ir M Leresche.

John Scholtz. J Gildenhuys.D Graysmark. L Jeftha. D Lewis. C Simbllu. G Ste,·cns. D Timpson, J Wolfhaardt. K de Koning, J Delport, G Fox. D Fuller, J Haskins. T Kuizen, M MacLaughlin, B Portellas. M Qhusheka.



r-\\.~-~ 5





S"TEAM Coach: Captain: Team:

MrPSmlth Ryan Nash. B Plet, G Shepherd. L Joubert. R Jansen. R Kamedien. R DaVId,. M Karts. M Thomson, R Clulow. S Bell, S Lwz. J Pimento. B de Bcer. S Devenish, B Butt, R Ulrich, j Kinnear, J Wilson. B de Nicker. B Reaper, N Leonard.



Il o ---'------




Il o ~----~---

Wynberg Boys' High 2006



Messrs G Leslie. G Posthumus. M GilmolJl'. Michael Both3. M chreuder. D Getren. J Le.,ar, S Nokonongo. M Smith. B Ilepbum. L Immclman. C Mulder. D 1Iamilton, A Coetlt!C, G Bonner. "'II DavIds. J Ilalliday, C Te.rblanche.T Bloor. A WillIams. J Rowles. Aldridge. J Kalipi. A olomons.

Captain: Team:











his U !6A rugby team has come a long way from lhc 2005 side, whIch struggled lllroughoutlh..: season. Contmuous hard work slowly belped them lo lum the corner. Their improvement coincIded with the rerum from injUry of Michael Botha and the return 10 U 16 rugby of 'oer Da\ ids. which is a tcstimony to the!~etwo players and the eITeet thalthey had on the learn. The learn never looked back and beganlo achie"e! beyond expectations. As ",dl as producmg good re~iUlts they "cre producmg outstanding rugby und rcall) played with commitment. guts, passion and a ~clfbclicf they had previou,ly lacked. All their matches and performances were 0\ crshadowed by theIr final lhrec \ Ictories against Rondebo~c1l. Bishops und SACS. The) had nOLbealen Rondebo5ch since Li 14 and hod ne"er beaten either Bishops or SACS In high ,chool.!t \\'~ Il brilliant way lOend the season and lell Wynberg nlgby with very hIgh cxpcCtallons of them Ulthe next mo years. A number of players stood out throughout the season: Mo Sehreuder's scrumming; Jonalhan Halliday's tackling round the fringes; Andrew Williams' finishing: Tyronnc Bloor and Chisto Terblanche's brilliant ball skills and distribution and of course one can not forget the perfonllaneeofthe loose trio. MIchael Botha. Gardb Bonnerand Noer Davlds,lbroughoutthe season. G.?

Wynbcrg Boys' High

This page



by lhe Mulder Family



UNDER 16A RUGBY 8ack row: Middle row: Front ROl\


S Nokonongo. S Aldndge. C Mulder, C Terblanche, A Solomons. J llalliday. G Bonner. A William~. D GeWen. D llnnulton, L Immelman. J Lesar. M Schrcuder. M Snnth T Bloor, Mr G Leslie. M Botha (CapL). Mr K Richardson. N Davids. Mr G Poslhumus. J Rowles.


Coaches: Captain: Team:

Messrs R erous. I Mitchell. GOods. K Mtlchell. M Small, J Stock. 0 Getren. B Hepbum, A Coetzee, P Galela. M Elsworth. SCullen, R Peters. C Brownmg, W Hum, L Taliwe. C Bren-Broadlcy. T Amutena, R Mentor. K Graham, V Nongauza, B Martindale, J Visser. J Kalipi.












'\111Oager: Coacbe~: Team:

Mr S Hudson-Benneu. Debraan Agherdien. GeoITKolholt D Barker, F Bertolim. C Bowen-DaVles. L Dlllmplcs, S Ferreu·a. J Franken, W Hum, S Isaaes, A Lupwana. K MacLaughlin, B Martindale, T Mhlaba, B Nakanyala. V Nongauza. K Nlinda. T Rahman, J Sedick. L SIcmela. J Sloek. B Swart, L Taliwe. J Visser. M Wcunann, M Young.

c 124






+ 15


This page is sponsored by the Elsworth Family


Wynberg Boys' lligh 2006


Back ro~\; \liddle


Front Row:

S Delport, L 010\3, J Marinu" S De FTeitas. A Williamb, S Mrangqolo, L 'dabanin7l, Z Ndiki. 0 Cunningham. C MunTo. R Lok. R SIC~n. Z Maant. A MulhoUand. D Lyons MrG Leslie. K Goss. \1r K RIchardson. N Milchel (Capi). Mr R Barnard, B Dubc, Mr G PosthUll1us.

U'oIDER 15A Coaches. Captain: Team:

M~"r~ GLeslic. R Barnard, G Poslhumus. Nicholas MllchclL BOube, A Mulholland. K Momberg. D Cunningham. R Ste)'n. L 010v3 R Lok, L NdaballinLi. K Go,~. S Delport. Z Maane. 0 Lyons. Z NdLli, C Munro. A Williams. T Tjirare. J Yoyo.


Won 13

Losl 7




he ~eason slarted otr ,lo",ly as lbc learn members ~lrUggled 10 tind their feel. J lowever, as the ,cason pTOgres~ed. they matured both as player, and 1.15 a team and became a real force (0 be reckoned with. They enjoyed each olher's company and could often be found spending time together. However it was on the rugby field that they really ,hone. They were a Ycry disciplined side and worked hard 10 3chi.:\'c their success. The side did nOl con iSI of outslanding indlviduals bUI ofoneout~tanding team TIlis made ila pleasure 10work with them and Ihe season enjoyable. Some lughlights were beating Boland Landbou and then going on to beat the highly raled Rondebosch leam as well as the final match against SACS. A lribute LOtbe Learn's abilit) i~that throughoulthe season they ne\erconceded more than 21 points in any match Luvo l'I/dabanÏlvi shone as a scrumhalf. Kieran Goss matured well as " nyIJalf. Zangi~a Ndiki rcmained a strong phYSIcal presence, Buller Dubc dC"eloped 1010 an oublanding prop and iek Mitchell was an OUbtandmg leader throughoul the year. It was. howevcr. as a group that this team excelled and nOl throUgJl mdi\ idual performances.

Wynberg Boys'Uigh

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by theTjirare Family


SPORT ;\Iuch b C)(pcct~'d of this ,id~. As lung a, lhc} ,'onhnue 10 put in the: effort and hard work lhe} will reap thc IUlurc.


in lhe


Coach: Team:

Mr? l\loms. S de Freitas. B Sibaca, ~1 de Agruela. L Wngbt. J Knipe. J Yoyo. C Herbert. L Jcssop. , Bur.:nd,e, C Cronje, D Shaw. K Crosslunu, T Tijure. E Oa.ti, A Zahos. W Hamilton. U \Ilonakah, J larinus. K Capes. S \1rangqolo.

Played 1(>

Won 9



\.;:'><OER ISC

Coaehc~: A~sjstant,:


Mes&rs R [nglb. D KealUlg. Trevor Edward.s, Ridaa Ismail. Lyceum Jellha. D Alfon50. T Botha. K Cape~. 0 Coram C Herbert. A Kim. C Moore, K Ngwanya. K OO"iterberg. D Oosthuyzen. A September. S Thaysen. A Thomas. K Tshlvute. S ... Rooyen. T Wisdom. M Pahlan3. S Si~ing. C Barwiek. J Fai\'elowilz. N Matthews, V McKay. J Tsang. M kabie. V Ilewu.

Played 14

lINDER 16 g



Won 3

Lost II



SPORT Coath",,: Captain: Team:

.1\1essr. B Emms. P van Schalk \\ )I k. Ayanda H~'Ss. C Graemc. K Clark, G Witle, U Salie. G Edmcadl:" SOuring, r Archcr. I Saban. V Siyalana. J KalLen, 0 FT}hnk 0 Sa!!c E William .., A Jan'cn, S Bean. ALandu. 0 Sampson. J Swanich. J Oo\\dall.










he lTUecharacter of this team became e\ ideot \t:ry carly in the SClISOI.l They had a nightmarish start to the scawn playing Gre) College (Bloemfontein). Paarl Boy~ 1\\ ice. and Paarl G} m m ,'nc month. Thc~ struggled in the,e games but. ",hen mosl undcr 14 teams would have been shattered for the rest of thc sea'on. they bounced back and won the next len grun!!s IJ1 TOW, including gam.:. against Grc) High. Rundcb<hch. Bi,hop~. SACS and Boland Landbou. In the s(."Cond term the) contlJ1Ut:d their dominance of the derby !ixturc, by ha\ mg anotherclcan sweep ofRondcbo ·ch. Bi~h(tpS Md S/\CS. Coaching thiS ream W3. a pleasure as they arc Immeru.ely talented and ,killed. What \\a. most pleasing was that although they were l>maller than almostllll of their opposition. they still won gO~'óof their matches becau~e Ihey arc: beUel. marc: skilful rugby players. This Lcam contains ,ome \ cry promising prospecL~ for the future and with this group of young players ,,,orking hard and improving every year; Wynberg rugby can Only get stronger. RE.

U"oDER (.jB

Coac.hes: Captain: Team.

Messrs M Galant. S Beauie. JOshua KaLLen

S Sibara. L Craig, J Botha. N Vlok. P OzonlI. N Botha. S \lok. J KaLLen.C lIembold. J Dowdall. S Kcnl. J SwaOlch, V Crvens. C \.1abiliza, S Sidzumo. M Kem, G Wine. A Howi" Sebastian Kent.

'\1051 impl'o\ l'd pla) cr:

B Coacb: Captain: Team:







Mr J Louw. Andrew Howitt. L Waqu. Illendricks. M Kent. E Joseph, C Goldman, S Peck. A Nakanyala. K Fay,S Smit, ')I.; Koen. G Hermans. J Cogitl. M Lang. S ConDor. M Siyalsn:!. C vd Merwe. r

c Wynberg Boys' High








+ 14

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Drew 2



U DER L-lA RUGBY Back rv": :\tiddle row: Fron! ro\\:

li Williams. A Jansen. 0 Sampson. \' iyalana, A l.andu. J Swanich. J Dowdall. C Grncmc. S Bcan. l'< Dunng. E Arch~r. G Edme'ldes. u Will'. J Kallen o C;age. '.ir B Enun.~(Coach). A He~, (Capl.l. "Ir K Richardson. 0 Fl)lilll:k, Mr P van Schalkwyk (Coach) K Clark.

L'\DERI4D Coacb: Capeain:


MI!.srs J Bailey. DOwens. 0 Fa). Bradlev Scbola. S 'lssën. 0 Rodney. \1. Chlcppa. 0 flandorp. K Foune. G Christian. R Engelbrecht. A Dubc. T 'dabem. S Connor. C James. S FortUne. M Saharin. T "vl11laudzl . cAralUo. J lou\\.



Played 12





This page is sponsored by the Saharin Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006



bC shooling club ha, 26 member'. 20 of," hom are from Wynberg. Wc ha\ c done very \\ ell in the si" Western Cape Comp.!llIlon~ .

.A. Postal league nnd Ihc final IWO "VI.c. lIlab. Our Club hosled moslofthe compclltion.... year. I thank our parents and pllpib for their keen interest and support. Our boy~ ~hot regularly and partl<~ipolcdin the 3 Posllton Sporter Shoot (prone, standing and knechng) and in the lOm OlympiC DI~cipline (stal1dmg only). We did very well again~t ~trongopposition and keen. dl.;ciplined, detenninallon l'11sured current IlIgh ~tandard,. In Ihe Scmor 01\ ISlon. Jaryd Fi,her. our champIOn. finished the year at no. 3 III the ~ C. He and Ni,eol..tt", ...... _Grungling (VHS) \\Icrc chosen 10 represenl w.e A· Selltor Sponcnll the S.A.'s in Ermelo dunng Seplember. Tyron ~,UI der Berg was fourth mlhc lasl S.A. Postal Shool m the June vacation. Our Junior Division champion, Kyle Krigc. who only stllrtcd ,hooting thiS year. really worked hard to finj~h no. 2 in the \\.C. He was chosen lOrepre~nt wc A Junior Sportcranhe S.A.'s in Ermelo. Our youngest club member, Matthew BrookJ. (BI,hop~ Prepj, allOyear.> and 2 month, is the young~st to qualify forW C. colours and was included 10 the w.c. Junior B Sportertearn. Ermelo2006 Ancr a 24-hour bu:; trip we arrived at tbc crack of dawn on Sunday 24'" September. hooting began at Rh 00 and ended al 20h:00 on Monday and Tuesday. We left immediately after the final~ and prize gl\ 109 on Wednesday. amvlllg back safely on Thursday evening. The W. C. squad acquitted Ihemselves in the lOm Olympic Shoot. The boys won gold, Ihe girls sih cr and our champion girl won gold. lo the 10m Precision, our boys took sih er and bronlc. Our champIOn girl also won the trophy for champion in the 3·Posiuon Shoot. OurWynbergJumor. Kyle Krige,out ~hothb peers b> 40 poinls. finished 7" Olll of 1 0 1 nnd qualified for hlS bronze badge. Ilis ~corc of530/600 was Ihe be~t orlhe w.e. squad. In the senior division Jaryd Fisher was 24& out of 152 and qualified for his gold Expert Marksman badge. Our teams displayed exemplary di~cjplilleoIl the ranges and a healthy spirit of camaraderie throughout the tour. K~ le Krige: booting Badge. Blues. Competed 10 6 compelllions and 2 W.C. trials III Sponer: competed in6competiltons lOm Olympic. Cnded as 'lo 2 WC Junior. this against youngsters \\ho have some years of cxpcnence. Jarr)d Fisber: Honours. Competed in 6 competitions and 2 W.e. trials in Sporter: competed io 6 competition!' lOm Olympic; ended "'lo 3 W.C. Senior, ("Io's I.and 2 are Protea reps.) Jarryd qualified for honours by aehie" ing 540+ (90·'01 III 5 out of 6 compelition~. His leader~hip Ilnd disciplined applicalion 10 the Club and on tours have made him an Ideal role model fonhe yowlgcr pupils from all the schools \\ e have in the Club. Ill.' has been done Wynbergproud in Ihe shooting communi!)

SURFll\T Master·in-Charge: Team:

MrBEmms. J. Blt1g.J Gibson. M Malan, M Els\\ortb,J loU\\, KOosteberg.


he surling team entered Ihe annual \.Vestem Province Schools' Surling League Ihis year. The league ran every alternate Friday in the \\ inter lerm~. We com~letc..'<I against fkrgv1iet. SACS. Reddam. Fish Hock and :\1uw::nbefll and managed to Yo in the tiN competition and come sc.."Condin the lollowing two. Unfortunately. th... competition fiulcd oUI as the Increase in sharkaelÏ\"ityarowld the Peninsula led 10 many of the olher school< wllhdrdwlOg from LheLeague. It wa,.,fun \\ hile illastcd and hopefully we can have a full round of league compel ilions neAt) ear. Wynberg Boys' High 2006

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!\Ir G Taylvf Mcssrs R Rudd. B Sopam (U19). S "igx\\ati (UIS).

"a\ter-in-Chllrge: Couches:


(" ptain:

A Kumbudu


J Kaiipl. 1\1 r,hangda.

[ St<:mela. B Barn. 0 S3Iu"uphath~la. Jacobs. L Thol1lil . R Da\lds. S Ipmge. G Samaria. K "tinda. P ekundi. T AmutcnY3. G Sarn:lna.L Talh\(!. Cm\\le. D Casslcm. \\ Hum. M Erastus. 0 Shi)aga}a.





Drew 2

2 Captain: Team:

l.uvo "IdabaninZl. o TItipalla. \1 SI)'llana. R Sesela. S '\Irangqolo. L olo"a. S SalOl. J Botha. D Rodney. B Sebola. R Da\ Ids, C Rogers, M Phulana. V Slyalana. "-i \hlchctt.

ur 165th birthday wa.~an appropriale lime [0 have our first official soccer. cason - a four-wcck period falling oc[\\e.:n the end of the winter and Iht: beginmng of the summer sports seasons 1\el\ uniforms, soccer balls. goal net,. and Il designated field signalled the stan of. \1hat I. hoped to be. a penllancnt sporl otTenng at W}llberg.


Shall but intens1\'e would be an apl description of our scason - Il matches lO three weeks. The founh week was Inter-HolI~e soccer. Both of our teams played In the semi-final of the annual Rondebosch tournament (our Under 15'~ \\\!rc 2005 champions and our under 19'$ runners up) but narra",l)' failed to progrcs> to the final Tbe Lnder 15'~ were unluck, to lose on penalties in the semi-final. hal iog dommaled their malch. Botb learn, were exemplary lO theIr ~portsmanshlp and played \\1th skill and commitment. There is a huge amount or talent in both of our learns for next year and we look forward to achieving our goal of winning the Rondebosch tournament again.



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This page is sponsored by rhe Tjlrare Family

Wynberg Boys' High 20Q6


U DER 19 OCCER Back row: l\<Uddle row' Front row·

J Kalipi, MTshangela. L Stemcia. B Bam. I Salakupbathwa, N Jacobs, L Thomas, R Davids P ckuodi, T Anutenya, K 'Hinds, G Samaria, L Tahwc, 0 Crowie, SIplOge. D C:u;siem. K Cassiem. Mr B Soparn, W Hum. Mr G Taylor. A Kambudu (Capt.). Mr K Richardson, M Erastus, Mr R Rudd. 0 Siyagaya. Mr S Mgxwari.

UNDER 15 SOCCER Back row: Middle row: Front row:

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

D TiLipana. M Siyalans, R Sesele. S Mrangqolo. L Dlova, S S3101.J Botha, D Rodney, B Sebola. R Davids, C Rogers. Mr B Sopam. M Pablana. Ml G Taylor, L daballinzi. Mr K Richardson. V Siyalana. Mr R Rudd. N Mitchell. Mr S Mgxwati. 131


Master-in-Charge: Coaches:


Mr D.Russell. Under IS: Messrs D Rus ell, L White; M S Lindsay. Under 19. Me srs P Furstenburg, M Brasier. Rudi Willemse.


quash has contmued to flourish. This is reflected by the large number of boys playlOg the game, panicularly at Under IS level. The enthusiasm at procllces. the fantastic support of all the coaching stafT and the level of comuutment from the boys, have all combined to make this one of the truly great years at Wynberg. Our I"Team results have been outstanding and the performances of aLl our teanlS have brought much credit to the school. This year: We had the most number ofteams entered by a single school In the WP Schools' leagues. Four of our five Under 15 sides ended In the top three in their leagues, and three sides won. The Under 15 A side won a fantastic knock-out unal against Bishops We won the Action Squash tournament at BIshops Our I team won the Super League and the Under 19knock-out final against Rondebosch. Our I learn won the national Top Schools' Tournament (our first win since 1996). Tbe I team had an unbeaten year, thelr prc\ ious loss being in the 2005 Top Schools' Tournament semi-linal against the eventual winners. We had a comprehensive win over Eton CoJlegefrom the UK. 8-0.


This page


R Willemse, M Thomson, DThomson. LMoorodd, M Talotti, C Mulder. J Darnons, K von Buddcnbrock, G




The highlight of our memoroble year was our Win at the Top Schools' Tournament in Pietermaritzburg where we beat St Andrews from Bloemfontein 6 0 in the final! Wynberg won every trophy on offer during the year. Rudi Willemse must be congrotulated on being selected for outh Africa to take part in the World Junior Championships in New Zealand, where he linished tenth. He also represented South Africa in the recent test matcb against the Netherlands Both he and Luqmaan Mooradd were selected for the SOUUl AfTican Schools team at number 3 and number 10 respectively.



sponsored by the Talolti Family



Wynberg Boys' High 2006



he firsl team was entered as three equal strength leams in the Super League. and all three teams managed to fimsh 1·,2'" and 3'"the league. not losing a single game between !hem.

1~Team Profiles: Rudi Willemse: lie is a great ball player. Ilis 1itnl.-Sslevel IS very high for a schoolboy and his mind control on the court is phenomenal. He slicks lo basies .md has a good drop and volley. On the playing side he has had a really good year. (\VP U 19 no. I: SA Schools' U 19 no.3: rcpre~ented the SA Junior Men's tcum In cw Zealand; was re-awarded lIonours and received the Old Boys' award for TIle Best Sporting Achie\lemellloftJle Year.) Luqmaan Mooradd: He is a good plnyeranJ quile fit "hen on the court Could end rallies a lot fru.terif he thought abounbem. Pla} s a good lengtJl and volley (WP U 19 00.3: SA Schools' U 19 no. I0: Honours.)

.Ionathan Damons: Coming in new to Wynberg. he set lbc tone from the slart.lIard worker and very fit Good drop and lob. The future IlXlksgood fonhisyoung man.(WPU 19 no..l;WP Mens'; Honours.)

Karl yon Buddcnbrock: He is keen to learn but can be lazy during pructlces. In matches. he tights to the very end - failure tSnOlan option. Very wlonhodox \\ ith a greaherve. ('IVPU 19 1\0.5. Blues.)

Marco TlIlolti: Ile didn't hove the greatesl season because of injury. He \\orked hard 3lprncticcs. Has a phenomenal drop shot which can be played [rom anywhere on the court. J las a good lob to go Wilh his game. (W Pt; 19no.6; Colours.)

Matthc\\ ThoQl~on: His game Itas matucl>da great deal. He has de\ eloped tlte ability to be pallent and to force his opponent into errors rather than trying to assert himself. A reliable. detcnnined tcam player. he mustju~t learn lOkeep concentrating. (WP U 19 no. 7; Blues.)

Under 19 0 and E:

A Vrahimis. B Kricdemann. K Vicars. R Falck. S Rebello. J Terblanche. J Manuel. A Kim. T Janodien. S Si\'ertsen.

These boys formed n small. dedicated group of enthusiastic squash players wluch gave us excellent depth to call on for the higher teams. as injuries occur and people leave. The game is a little less cUI-throal al this level. 0 several pla)''ers were blooded and gained valuable experience. St Andrews Festival

A Top Schools Tournament

Vs Grey College (Bloem) Vs St Charles VsKES Vs StAndrew School (Bloem) Vs Menlo Park Grey High Vs Vs Vs Vs Vs

chool ISO" Festi,'al

Pretoria Boys' High Selborne StAndrcws (Bloem) Framesby Grey College (Bloem)

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Won6-0 Won5-1 Won4-2 Won4-2 Won 5-1

Won 5-1 Won 6-0 Won 4-2 Won5-1 Won 5-1

Vs Vs Vs Vs

Menlo Park Hugenote Kempion Park Framesby

Won 6-0 Won6-0 Won6-0 Won4-2

eOO-Final VsKES


Final Vs St Andrews (Bloem)


1~T~ TCW2. ~~

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S.A. Top Schools Squash Champions. Back row: Front row:

M Talotti, K \'on Buddenbrock, M Thomson. J Onmons. Mr 0 Russel! (Manager). R Willemse (Capt.), Mr K RIchardson. L Mooradd. Mr P Furstenburg (Coach).

Back row:

C Mulder, M Talotti, GOod!>. K von Buddenbrock, M Thomson. J Damons, OThomson. Mr 0 RusseIl (Manager), R Willemse (Capr.). Mr K Richardson. L Moooradd, Mr P Furstenburg (Coach).

l"TEAM Front row:



This page is sponsored by the Aren<lse Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006




D Thomson. S Arendse, M Edgar. K Goss. S de Freil35, Graeme Hooper, 10hn- Ross Malloch, Charl Everts. R Williamson, J v VeILe, M Manlhe. R Slater. Peacock, B Saunders. G Gerhardi, J Gilmour, C Lawrence. S Nissen. N Velica. M Mann. G Kleinveldt, Burnel~ G Lindsay, A Blood, A Nossek. R Johnson, A akanyala.



nce again il has been a privilege lO work with such a lalented, enthusiaslic group of boys. many ofwbom improved a greal deal during IJle ~eason. They auended practices regularly, were keen lO play malches and were very competitive. vying for posttions In the teams. They played al every opportunity and somelimes lhe only way to stop them was to switch ofT the lights. The highlight of the season was undoubtedly the tinal of the knockoul tournament agamst Bi hops, at Bishops. on September the I". The 'A' learn were the underdogs having losl to Bishops in the firsl term. Mentally prepared, lhe m3lch was tense from Start to finish. With one match to play, the result could have gone either way. The B. C and D teruns also did very well in their leagues, showing that \\ e have depth in our sides. John- Ros Malloch was deservedly given the award for the mo t improved player orthe year, at the annual Spons Award Dinner. WP representatives: R. Willemse (I), L. Mooradd (3), J. Dumons (4) K. Von Buddenbrock (5) Under 19 B M. Talotti (1). M. Thoroson (2) Under 19 C J. Fourie (1). J. Wilkinson (4) Under 16A D. Thomson (I). C. Mulder (2) Under 168 S. Arendse (2). G. Dods (3), M. Edgar (Withdrew due to injUl)') Under 148 G. Hooper (4) Under 19A

UNDER 15 SQUASH Back row: Front row:

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

R Willianlson, G Hooper, C Everts, S de freitas, K Goss. J·R Malloch, M Edgar. Mr 0 Russel~ D Thomson (Capt.). Mr K Richardson, S Arendse, Miss S Liodsay.

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by tbe Blood Family


SPORT Manager: Captain:

Dieter Rabalt


M Riding. D Oliyer. N fakier.

M~ TSanu.



he tcanl had a good season even though they did not linish al the lor oCthe log and so man) oC their matches \\ere cancell~d by their opponen!>.

Played 8








Captain' Team: Strickland.

Anthuny Radue. M Bolha. B Luyl. Y v d Schyf, A M Allie.

Captain: Team.

Ramaaz Omar. W Omar. M Stockenstrom. t\ Hardwiek.


he UIS A's were unbeaten In their league Md wem through to the zonal play-otl'c;. Allthough they were nOl victonous at the end. they provided good competition to the opposing teams from the other 3 zones in the Cape Peninsula district. We congratulate them and \\'1 ·h them wdl fOrLhenext season.





T~ ,.

Drew 0







Captain: Team:

D:miel Geddes. J Ma. K Jacobs. B Jang.

0 Played 6



ThiS page is ~ponsored by the Luyt Family

Won ,




Drc:J +



Wynberg Boys' lIigh 2006


Mr R Hamburger. Mesdame T Sanu. L Hesl.:wa; Mes~n. M Bra Ier, T Armstrong, R Hamburger.

Master-in-Char~e: Coaches.



fter the first term, many players moved to higher teams. Grade 8's ",ere p3J1lcularly enthusiasuc, ncver missed pracllce and were always keen to play matches.



Leaguel Played 10

Captains: Team:

Won 6

Lost 3


Karl von Buddenbrock. Breit Kriedemann. JClaassen. B Venter. C Germanis. PAndersen.

Bren won all his singles and doubles matches and Jody won all his single matche, including a menlonous Win over the no 5 r.ml-.ed player in the country. and lost only one double match. Peter Anderson won both rus matches.

2nd TEAM

l1st Leaguel Played II

Captain: Team:

Won 8

Lost 2


Peter Andersen. B Knedemann. R Ilyland. J Cameron-Oow, 0 Sha",.

Back ron: front row:

Wynberg Boy:; High 2006

E Germanis. B Venter. J Claassen, Mr M Brasier (Coach), K von Buddenbrock.



Captains: TC"am:


Wesley Danielz, Craig Griffin. D Shaw, M Maxwell, M Klein, M Slocken troom

[2nd League[ Played Il

Captains: Team:



Lost 4



Bradley Luyt. J Bing, T Gates. R Gibson, A Radue.

Won 4







T Glen. S Puttenden. A Radue, R Hanbidge

Played 10 Tell m:



J Steel. A Vmhimis, SPaltenden.

Played 7 Team:



Matthew Thomson, Michael Klein S ivertson. T Burgers, M Talotli. B Magan, A Vrahimls.

Played Il Captain: Team:


Won 7


R Falc.k. M Botha. JL Brown, L du Toit.

81hTEAM Played 7 Team:

N Magan, B Jang. BRyan,

Played 7 Team:


Won 5





J Ranchod. J Low.





K Krige. A James, D Flandorp, J Bates, J Kim.

This page IS sponsored by the Vrahlmis Family

Wynberg Boys' High 2006


LO ~tas'er-in-Charge:

Mr R Rudd.


yaim i~ lo make water polo al Wynberg as competitive a il once wa~. This will require hard work and dedlcatton on Ihe part of swimmers and coaches. The U I~ tcam had a good season competing with all the major boys' schoob. The U 15 learn \\ as a force 10 be reckoned with. achic\'ing their 11Ighest posIlion al the lcrrenburg tournament in ,,, 0 yean.. The 1·and 2" tcarns had a great cason excelling in the 4lh term. All waler polo tearns increased their pool time for prac.lice~. lhe A-learns practising si/( houn; a week. IlItank all the coache~ and sWimmers for their elTort. III en uring Ihal Wynberg will continue lo grow and excel in all 3!SpeclS of lhe game. We wish \\ e could thank 'vir 0 Sim for all the urne and cnthu iasm he pul into water polo. We will nOl forget him.

Coach: Capillin:



\IIr J van Winkel. Matlhe\\ Slater A Macku.izer, S Walker, J Gruter, C cott, I Macalister. B Punt. C TIJompson. J Rowk ,J Oll\er, A Vcrlaquc-Napper. D lIulchinson, 0 flutton-Squire.







he team matu.rCd m the third term. learning a 101 from thO:lr~pell with Ryan Bell. They did \\ ell during the SACS tournament ending 9" oul of I:\"enl) tealU~ and having seen lhat they are capable of taking on the toughest opposition. have grown in confidence. Wc thank lhe matrics for their dedication and commitment to the team throughout the fourth term and their fmal eltaJD!S and leading from the front. We congratulate Stepben 'Walkeron his election to UteVIestem Province U 19 Steam. The I team compcted with lbc Old Boys' Team, who won the Winter League. I encourage all boys to join Ihe Old Boy as il olTers them opportunities 10 learn and compete with more experienced water polo players and to keep fit during the \\'Inter season I thank the parents who stood behmd the [Cain during the rough palches. We appreciate your support and realise the important rolc you play in the development of waterpolo.

!' TeamCap/alii Hal/heIl'Slal"I'

Wynb.:rg Boy:; lIigh 2006


This page is sponsored

by the Rowles Family



1 tTEA:vt WATERPOLO J Groter, A Verlaquc-Napper.

Back row:

Walk~r, (" Sealt, S Vcrlaque-Napper. J Rowle .

B Punt.

Front row:

A Mackaiscr, Mr J v Winkel (Coach), M Slater (Cap!.). Mr K Richartlson. 1 \ltacAlister, Mr D StOlS(Manager), JOltver.

Coach' Team

jl,lr II Sm~kal C' Browmng. <; Illlllon·Squm:. D Ifutchinson. D Sad.\i1le-S~otl. 0 I each. C Cro"" J lIalltday. A Williams, T Ban\ lek.

M ~Iaclaughltn. M Baker.




Coaches: Captain:







Messrs R Rudd, A Cross. Keeg-an Robinson. A Coetzee. D DonaldsoTt. T BarwIek, M Maclaughlin, S Punt. G fox, S Thompsen, J Wilkinson. J lIalliday. M Gnlter, JP Franken.







ThiS page is spotlson:d by the Oliver Family

Lost 5



1 Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Coaches: Captain


Ml!s," R Rudd,A Cros" Jean-Plem: ('ranken, N Shcv.'an, K madaughlin. M Baker, K de KI)nmg, " \' d S:lIldl. AIlIII, L Moseley. M v Schalkwyk. J :-"Ians. J Terblanche. G MIller, N Leonard. GLeonard


Played 21 Coache: Captain


\Von 7

Lost 13

Messrs P Furslcnburg. R von Tonder, R Vincent. Russel! Slein.. B Hams. R Slater, D ~cHendric, S Soucher, D CUlUlingham. E Rodseth, J Yoyo, choltz, L Oliver, K lark, V Ervens, S Smit

This se~on has been lhe mosl Stlcel.'Ssful in Ihe lasl couple of years, The team played welllogelher from the start and became line-tuned as the season progres cd. Rcsults Improved io lhe laller parI of the 1b ycar. In East Lond<l. tbey took part in the allllual Sterrenberg IlIcid and finl~hed a creditable 12 Oul of 30 teams from around the country.


Coaches: Team:





Messrs P FUIlilenburg. R von Tunder, R Vincent. K Burnell. S Sissing, C Herben. M May. G Roelorsc. K Jacob ,J Danieis. A Bume~. Vlok. N Vlok. J Wenning-I [are

CQtlch Flfr<lt'Jlbul'g

UNDER 15A WATERPOLO Back row: liddie row:

Front row:

J Yoyo, L Oliver. D McHendrie. R Slater, L lessop, R Lok. R teyn, D Cunningham, N Mitchell. J Danieis. Mr R van Tonder (Coach), S Bouchee, Mr K Richardson. B Hams, Mr P Furstenburg



S Smit.

Wynberg Boys'l1igh



U1\DER 14A WATERPOLO Bacb. row; Middle ro":

Coach l101ynefLt

I Madean, V ElYcns. N Vlok. A Bamc~, [\ Wennmg-Ilare. During. W Hamilton, S Vlok Mr 13Ernms (Coach). S Snul. Mr K Richardson. N Botha. \!Ir N Molyneux (Coacb).

Front row:


A 14 :\1anager: Couch; Captain: Team:



MrB Cmms. Mr. IVlolyneull..

K Clark. Vlok., S Vlok, S Smit, A Barnes. N Botha. E Joseph, I Maclean. N Wenmng·llare. V &vans.

The under 14A's really had a dilIicult start to thcir season in January. Tbey played against tcaml> who were far more experienced and filler than they "crc. It was c\ident that we had a fair alooullt of catdung up to do. However, the bo)'->worked hard and were ably coaclled by Wynberg Old Boy and Western P!O\'ÏnCe player. Nicholas Molyneux. The (rulIS oflus labour were evident in the finaltemt. Tbe team pulup vCJ) good fights against SACS and Bishops. and reversed tirst term defeats agalllst Reddam and Herzlia Their ....'in over Reddam and the courage they showed agt!inst a very strong SACS team will go down as the highlights of the season. The manner in which they showed the true Wynberg spint of never gi\ing up, is a sure sign of their character and thing~ to I.;orre in.

m4 B Coach Emms

Wynberg Boys' lligb

Coach: Tcam:

MrBEmms. Koen. A Rogill'Sky, G Hooper. S Tomlinson; D. BolIDer: D. Samp on; M. NolY'3I; D. Walker: N. Dunog: R. Sangster; J. Swanieh: K. Fay; K. Kriel. 145



his event was held in the school hall on Tuesday 8 August 2006. Rob Linde, tbe Stonners Rugby Player was the guest speaker. The fonnat of tbe evening was a cocktail party instead of a sit down dinner, and the evening was a great success.








Brent Barlettt Terry Chan Francois van Rensburg

William Jackson

Soren Dabl Ross Jansen Lyceum Jeftha Bhoteke Mbombi Badminton


Colours Tuna Amutenya Scott l-leida Maxwell Jawe Zack Kakia Robin Peters Otto Shiyagaya

Honours (Cricket):S

vali Wyk, D Oliver & Onall1rarls

Cricket Colours



Michael Botha MarshaU Bunting James Cameron-Dow GeoffDods Matthew Fenton Rainer Kar ten Abdullah Solomons

Gareth Dreyer Matthew Kleinveldt

Oscar Nauhaus Dalin Oliver Shadley van Schalkwyk



Cross Country Colours LucDu Toit Kyle Bucklow Benjamin Wiley Simon Hutton-Squire

Craig Brown Justin van Wyk


Colours Christian Helmbold JasonHom Grant Little Grant Morkel Jaryd Oliver Joshua de Klerk


Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Hockey Honours



Stuart Cardib kan Celhen. Rowan Daly Scan Kelly Houghton Klinsman Sheldon Knaggs Luqmaon Mooradd Darren Murphy Chri Old,ers Michael Wood

Jonathon Child Chris Maggs Keagan Robinson Bradley Venter Kyle Grant



Soren Dabl Lisandro Gomes Zahier lsaacs Ryan Magee Garclh Pearson Mbasa Qukula Shadley van Schalkwyk Chad Scott Anthony Sclley Mat1l1ew Slater Rynn Smit Shanc Monis Vaughn Tcrrcy Tim Vann

Grant Kemp Stefan Swanich

Rugby Honours

HONOURS (Squash): R Wil/eli/se, L Moorof!d


& J DOli/oil




GeoffDods Jason Fourie Chris Mulder Daniel Thomson

MaTCo Talolli Matthew Thomson Karl von Buddenbrock

Jonathon Damons Luqmaan Mooradd Rudi Willemse




Joseph Groter Bryan Punt

Matthew Slater Stephen Walker




Tennis Honours

Karl von Buddenbrock Jodi Claassens Emanuel Gennanis Bradley Venter

Wynberg Boys' High


Water polo Honours


Colours Kyle Grant Joseph Grutcr lan MacAli ter Jaryd Oliver Bryan Punt Justin Rowles Chad Scott Matthew SIaIer Cameron Thompson Alex Verlaque- apper Sebastian Verlaque-Napper Stephen Walker

Angelo Mckaiser

Sports Trophies Badminton Singles Champion W. Jackson Doubles Champion W. Jackson

& F. Van Rensburg

Cricket The Sing Family Cup for portsmanship O. Nauhaus The Upton Family Cup for the Best All-Rounder in the I" Xl S. van chalkwyk Tbc Manin Stovold Cup for the Best Fielder in tbe I" XI . van SchalJ..-wyk The Powell Family Cup for the Best Batsmen in the I" Xl O. auhaus The Bridgens Family Cup for Most Promising Cricketer in the I" Xl G. Dreyer The Weitsz Family Cup for Be t Bowler in the I" Xl J. Cameron-Dow The Jacques Knllis Trophy for Outstanding Cricketer of the Year D. Oljver The 5/50 Cup for Batting D. Oliver j

Cross Countr The Grant Lewis Trophy for Cross Country Runner of the Year C. Brown TIle Brian Botha Trophy for Perseverance and Application L. du Toit

Golf Player of the Year C. Helmold Hockey

The Constantia HC Trophy for the Most Improved I" XI Team player S. KeUy The Constantia HC Trophy for Achievement B. Venter The Nicholas Panenden Trophy for the Most Enthusiastic The BrombegerlClark Shield for Contribution to Hockey

Player J. Childs M. Cunliffe

Rugby The Badenhorst Family Cup for Exceptional Leadership as a I- XV Player C. Kemp The Frank Duk Cup for Outstanding Sportsmanship S. Morri Thé KJ Pretorius Cup for Most Improved I" Teanl Player A. elley Tbe Vincent Polden Cup for Most Consistent Performer in the I M TCanl C. cott The RP Conellan Trophy for Loyalty and Team Spirit C. Scott The Duryl Siros Trophy for Contribution to Rugby A. SInter Squash Gregg Hammond

Memorial Trophy for Most Lmproved. Player

J.R. Malloch

Water polo Most Improved Player in Water polo J. Rowles Most Outstanding Water polo Player M. later Top Schools Squash Champions


I~ quash Team

Wynberg Boys' High 2006

Tbe Old Boys Award for Best porting Acbievement of the Year

S. van Schalkwyk Tbe Casper Cap for outstanding performance in sport, and refers to consistent rather than a single outstanding perfonnance R. Willemse

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Wynberg Boys' High







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