Wynberg Boys' School Magazine 2008

Page 1

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INT~OPtJCTION tall Pholll (I) ) h:adrna,lc!r·'



Report (Ii)


taO farewclb 7 talf 'C\\ ... I} (Jap \ car and behangc <;Iudc!nt... 10




I() Club The Ca\l:ndish 13 Pme Gi\ing 14 Roll of Honour 22 eroll of Honour 23 Matrie R..'Sulh 24 t\endemlc lIonours 24 IndIVIdual \1alne Results 25 Head Boy's Fare\\ ell Addres:. 27 Valedictory 28 \latric Class PhOlO 30 Prdecl!> "3 J R.LL 31 Old Faithfub 32



SERVICE Committee 77 Amy Biehl Youth A..\ ard 77 en ice OH!n ic\\ 78 ound & Lighting, 0 InfoT~ch () Backstage 0 Interact 80 rirstAld 80 Ladie~' \ sociauon Rl Counselling I CWE I lQ

SPEC/AL EVENTS Matric Dance 33 '\ight of the taf) 36 \1u,>ic at the \tanor 37 Founders Day 38 Grey Weekend 40


C()LTIJRE O\en le...' ~5 Art Sf> Ches .. bO Debating 6'2. (holr 63 Cla~h of the Conccrto~ M Con~crt nand rH Jan Band ('ei <)ted Band 67 Broad\\ll) (ekbmlJon (,8 Incan . oclel) ~O -\friT\\ III 71 Capo.: ira 71 Hdong Club 72 Jp,lone 72 (,ammg Society 73 Mu ..lim Students' Association 74 Ultimate fn bee 74 Culture & Senlcl! A\\ard 75



Inlcrhou c Results 41 De Vilhers 42 De Waal 43 Littlewood 4-1 Lorie 45 Ic aughton 46 Rhodes 47 Van Riebeeck 48 \\'elhngton 49 Grade 50 Grade 9 Camp 52 Grade lO Camp 53 Grade II Camp -...


SPOi.T Athletic < 5 B~kclbaJl ~8 Cnckel 91 Cros~ Countn 104 Fencing lOS Golf 105 . Hockc} I08 Rugb~ 121 occer 137 qua:.b 138 Swmlmmg 142 Tennis 143 Waler Polo 145 Sports Awards 153

WYNBEli~.(j BOYS' HJ(jH Tt!: (021) 797+2+7 www.wbhs.07g.ZIJ


3,d rOll: 2nd ro\\': Front row:

R I [cnning. 0 Ramage. Breed.

0 Tiltman. J Jacka. C de Bruync. M Lcn.:."chc, 1 King. P Kno\\ les. A Cro~~. T Crombie R van iekcrk. If CO'.\ an. R Curmichacl, RVoster, B Thompson. R IlamburgcJ', R Rudd .. 11c\\clt, 1 Brasier. P Fur~tcnhurg. (i Posthumll~. R Jotllrn~, (' Kclly, T Thomson, M Galant. P. mlth. S van der Rhccdc, Pelersen, II BickIe. M Badiah, L Loun:ns, J Good\\ in. R "Ipammer. W Jun is... ~1unky. Smilh, J de Mink, Williamson. P Ca17uvc!os. Gordon, Mgx\\'ati. P Rogers . .I \\ histon, hldy, BSoram. M Fngelbrccht, CJTaylor. T (Jordon. K Richardson. L 10 w. P \ un ~chalk\\) k. Rlnglis. R \1ooll1lnn, J Robinson.. L indsay. G Francis.



I write thl magazine report in the aftermath of the 2008 Valedictory Ceremony, I am struck, yet agam. by the cnonnity of lhe occasIon. Wynberg is send 109 140 young men into a 21 Century \\orld amL like all 18 year old, they are brimful of confidence that they can face any challenge which comes their way. 1990 was an interesting year in South African history. It was the year Mandela wa released and it was the year in which the majority of the matrics of 2008 were bom. ow they {jni h up their chool careers in the year of his 90'" birthday and they can do no better than reflect on what the world' greate t moral leader can leach them. Mandela' les on about building relation~hips with his jailers, with his political foes. with his competitors i surely hi grcate t legacy. We can add to Ihi ,hi les ons on forgivene . courage, leader hip, hope and, above all, humility. The greatest compliment which the matric of 2008 can say at their 50'" chool re-lUlion. is that they learnt the e attribute at Wynberg.

"r have di covered:' he once aid. "that after climbing one great hill. I find that there are lllany more 10 climb." We have climbed many hill at Wynbergthis year. The biggest has been the OBE hill. OBE ha been a genuine attempt to enable young outh African to learn the skills needed to tackle the 21 Century world. We look forward to thi matric cia s setting the bar high so that other grades can pu b it even higher in years to come. Another hill we have climbed is the scourge of increa ing alcohol abuse among young teenage boys in Cape Town. Following an initiative by the Bishops' Coun elling Staff, twenty Southern Suburb chool have launched a project to make parent more aware of the very real phy iological changes wbich boy are facing. At the beginning of the fourth term. we had two evenings when we had speakers stressing to parents their re ponsibililie ID selti ng standards. 'Before trying to affecl change in society, you must first cbange yourself." said Mandela. This single statement sum up what we are trying to do at Wynberg as we endeavour to encourage boys lo become young men. Teenage boy are going to make mistakes that is a given but those parent attending the Valedictory Ceremony could not

fail to notice the pride of indh iduals. the dignity of behaviour and the camaraderie of genuine friend-,hips \\ hich was so ob ..iou!i lhroughout We bave given our pupib many hills lo climb in 2008. Our challenging Gmde camps. our vigorous sports and cxtra-mural progmmme and our stimulating academic curriculum all continued apace this )ear. All arc reported more that adequately in this maga/ine \\hich reports the hjlls (and the \aJlcys .... ). the beacons and the landmarks which the teachers and pupils ha\e reached this year. Wynberg is an exciting place and give eyery opporturuty for all who walk its corridors to maximize their many and diverse talents. The chool continues on its route of being a genuine South African school \.\here all. regardle<;s ohace or creed, can feel at home and know that they have a role to play. We can never be satistled that we have succeeded. Complacency in any sphere of school li fe will soon lead to a decline. During the year, the school held a Quo Vadis Conference to see whether we were

The H ea~malter'l T<..eport


is 4,., ex,itixj

It4ct ... ,.

Mr K.C 1!i,har~ID"

on the right track. We \\ ere challenged b} educational ::mal) t. eIn e Roos. and fac!lllator. John Gilmour. lO look at our-.ches cntically. lO Ihro'\ Ollt what had become old and lired and to be clear on the \\ a) forward. Wc followed this up \"ith a sun ey of all parents. pupil nnd teachen. la "CC how the dlm~rent constitUenCies :lW the. chooJ. ThiS proces IS ~IJII ongoing and \\111serve to ensure that our school remams a leader in the educational field. [t ha' been a pm ilege thl year to work with 0 mall} who ha'vc bought into the \ 1$1011 of the school the leachers. the upport tafT. the pupils and the parent. There are '0 many committees on \\ hieh different communitic:-. of the chool have \\ orked for the greater good. [ commend them all. I al 0 commend Pat Rogers and JO) GoodWin for prodUCing the 200 magazme which \\ ill stand along Ide tt· pn~dece Or!) a . a fine record of another memorable year in the life oflhi school.

lti tittingthatlfini hotT\\llh elson Mandela"vie\\ ofeducatJOn: "Education i. the greate. t engine of personal de\ eJopment. [t IS through education that the daughters of a peasant can become a doelor or a son ofa fann-workercnn become pre idenl [I i what we make ofwhm we have, not \\ hal \\ e arc gi\cn. which separate one person from another. [ducalion i. the mo t powerful weapon lo change the world:' Wc are not ncccs 'arily trying to change the world al ~ ynberg. bUl we are certainl) hoping Lbat200 managed LO change and influence many li\'e for the beller.

Worldwide network. Homegrown excellence.

Headma~tl'r: t\1r K Richardson.

B.A.. 1.£:d., Latin.


"ir I \foscr,

Bc, llEd., \1 athematics.

Busines \lanal!er:

Mr T. Gordon. M.

Pirect,,.s B. c (!lons), !lDE .. t\1. Phil .. 'v1alhemalics. DIf(~ctor of Academics. ~ls I indsay. BA.,IIDE .. Ilcad of 1athcmatics, Director of Culture and cn ice. ~Irs PRogers. B. oc .. C • Librarian. Director 01 Student Anairs. Ir P \an Schalk\\yk. RA. (lIons), !JOE .. I-IlstOry, Phys. Ed. Director of EXlra-Murab. Head of Litllcwood. :\lr ~ Eddy.

Mr M Engelbrecht,

Mr Rlnglis.

Mr R Moolman,

Mr J Robin on.

Mr B Sopam,

RD.E. (Commerce) ec. Head of Economic , Accounting, EM " Head of de Villiers. B.A., HOE., Afrikaans. History. Head ofLorie. B.A-(Hoos), HDE., Afrikaans. Head of Rhodes. B.A. (Ed). HMS. Geography, Phys. Ed .. Head of Geography, Head of de WaaL B.A., HDE. Mathematic, Maths Lit,. Xho a. Grade 10 Head. Head of Wellington.

MrG TayJor,

Mr J Whiston

B.A. (Hons). M.Ed .. Life Sciences, Phy tcal eience, Head of Ltfe Sciences. Head of Mc aughton. B.A.(MBK); PGCE. Geography, HistOry, Maths. Head of Van Riebeeck.

PhD .. Il

~. Hon .. H.D.l~ ..

i\lr S Mg\.\\uti.

B.A. lID!.:. ..

1 B.Q

"Ir B Botha.

1\lr....1\1 ·olm. n. L\lrA Cru ....... (Jan ~tarch) L\lr B Emm .... ~h K Filtno\a.

Ph) ....ical :elen 1.:. Head of Nnttlr.ll SI.'icOI.::e. B. tu .... (Ed.). IIeatl 0 f 1\ Ill'" I\..'. B .(1111 Art)(Ilun ..., I kad of Art.


11 O.E. (PE). I lend of Arb anti Culture. B.A .. HOE. I{cad uf English. Degree in Dram:!

\ltr B Thomp:-on.

Mr R l!cnning.

Productions (St Pctcr ...burg). Head of An ....& ulture (Part time) 8..

Mi!--sL Ilcskwa,

B.A IIDE, B.fd .

( pril-Occl

(Ii ...tol). Head ofXhlha ~Ir ~1\lurcolt.

H.A. ~ I D. Head of Lili: Orientation (part tllllC I. ]{.Ed. FET phm.c Engli h. Tcchnnlog). Ilead of Engineering. GraphIcs und Dc.... ign. B. c .. HDL.,


Mr R RuJd.

Ph) "Ical S\..icnces. kad of Physical


(Icad of I.T. Ilead ot ,\fnbans B A .. HOE .. '·nglish. HbtOI), Ilead of History.

Ir S I1e\\I.~II.

Mrs C Kdly.

B.Com .. Gmd. Dip. In Coun ...clhng & CommunIcation. Eeononllcs. Life



Top (L-Rj: ~/r Bo'ha,

Head of Life Orientation.

\fn Co/mail. Mr I!('/I/ling. ~fr rhompwlII Wdd/e: M\ 11t·I!..;W, I/essn EnIlUl, Ih'll"{'(l. RIIlId


Bottom: trI FiliJlol'U. \b \f:t:g\l'lui



MrO Ramage Com Sludies L.O.



M l'S S Gordon. B.A., HDE English, Geography



Mr B Sopam B.A., HDE Mathematics. Xhosa



Mr G Po thumus B. Com., PGCE Mathematics, Economic, Comp Studie



Mr M Lere chc B.Se .. HDE 'vtathematics, A.D.P. Mnth

\lr P Catza\clo~.

B.Mu<;. (Ed). IIDE .. B.Mu'> (Hons) Pert, LR A C.E. (Comp tudic ..).

\f.( 1').


Mr W Creed.

B c .. " DE., !\,

clcncc. Biology.

~1rC De Bru) nc.

B. oc. c. 11.0 L

Mrs J De J\1ink,

B.A. fiDE.


Mr '\1 Galant. Mr J Good\\in, Mr


Ir P mllh, Mrs R pammer,


English. B...\. Med .• HOE .. L.\1. . and L.O. 8.A .. HPTC. (Phys Ed). Lngh!>h. B. c. (lions). ACE (I ducational atuml SCIences, LIte Sciences. 8.A.(llons), TD .. Afrikaans d. Language.


H.E.D. F.D.C., R.LM .. F.D.E.. (P,>ch) Afrikaans.

Mr A Sparrow. Mr R \


M R Vorster. Mr S Williamson.

B.td. EE.T. (current) (From 3,d term), Technology. EGD. \1athematic . B.A. HDE .. Afrikaans B. Com., tl.D.E.. Accoullting. Economics B.Se .. M.A.. 8.Ed .. English.

Part-time Teacher: Mr


Mr A [ra.,mu.,. Mr R Ilamburgcr.

RCom .. H.Dip.Ta.\. '\i.Com. M.Phi!.. Economics. B. Compt (lIon ). CTA. Professional Accountant (SA). B.Sc .. B.A.. HDE .. clencc.

Learnersbips and Teacher A j tant: Mr T Crombie. 3 I) ear Chemical Engineering, Mr C Green Mr P Fur lenburg. Mr J Jacka. Mr D Ramage. Mr A Rodrigue.

Mr J Taylor,

Mathematics. Eleetrtcal Eng 3. Technology. (April - Sept.) Dip. Bus.Acc .• Accountlllg. Mathematics. LT. B.A. (Hons). English. Com. Studies. L.O. Grade 8 Head. B.Eng Electrical: B Com (Hons) current (2"" term Economics B.Sc (Hon ) (Physics) (April - September). Mathematics.

~A P Ye.r $tJl~t7t.tJ: I kath C('.v-an. ('\\ Zealand dan noma .. lhom ...on. ~ l.:ollal1d duly 07) Ilami ...h John:-'llO. ,cotlanll (Jul) OS)

$I,rt Sport-. \dmini'itrator: IJrofl'\'iional cO:lch('~: Cricket:

Tenni,: Ilod\cy: \\ alerpolo ~\\imming' qua.;h

1r Jl


RiaL Ri hard ...

TIm \ Tm ..trong CI<lIg ~I('b\:m

Da\ td r iltm.mn ~k"rs t\[ .\lIen. L \\ hlle Gu' Lc..,!te




\b \l. Robertson (20).1 term)) 1\1. oe. c ('octal Work). Mr H Eu.:hhom. M.A. (Clinical Ps)cholog)) (II! term)

Irs P Rogc~ B Soc c

Busine Manager: Mr T. Gordon. \1 A .. UEO. Acc ( OP). 1cdia A Istam' Ir \\ Jan is. DU (until ept.) Ms Dawn Peter en. PCNonncl AdminL trator' ecretarics:

"Ir .. "I Hopkin .. Mr<; G. Francis.

Fees uministrator: chool Bursar. LabomlOl) Assistant

"Irs C. t\[anley. M~ S. \ an der Rhecdc. Irs L louren '. Mr., C. Smith. Mrs . Pctcrsen.

1.'1. Manager: '\em ork Administrator: '\dwork rechnlclan:

1\1r M. Badmh - Compuler tudie:-.. Mr E. liassun.

Mr \. Louw.

lIo'1d !\lanJgl!r IloIN:: \lolher: h Gardncr. ;\latron ..: 1\1I.:,<.Iamc .. U auls. 0 r lartnick. Other..: Icsuamc .. l) PI.:tcrscn. l' ~t.lpoe. M Za: s. A Witbooi. G kibbI!. RAmbraai. E l\tay.

Ite upen bor: \fr R \mnichacl. \tamlcnancc up<!n isor: Mr J. Petc~cn. 'ceurit} & Ground~ upen i.. or: Mr J Kcllcrll1an. Support Stair. Messrs C Bn:wL. L. Boo) :,C'n,J Adams. I 'mJLh. ellennc: \ie dame' T de Klerk, "an Wyk.

C'haimlan: Mr A Brey. ccrctan.: 1s G Franci!>. .\Ir Afwl Brt')' Headmaster: Mr K Richard on. School rep: Mr T Gordon. Learners: ean A!dndge, Murray Bing. Teaching stafT: Messrs L Moser. M. Galant. Support stafT: fr J Petersen. Elected Parenl members: Ms S ('arstens. Messrs M Cameon-Do\\. T Stock. E Titus M Venter. P Wright. Co-opted members: Mes rs 0 lacAli ter (past chair), M Lumb (Old Boys). C Hart (V, BJ Headma ter). 'J

Ladie 'A ociatiofl Committee: Chairlady: Mrs \Vend} Payne. \'ice-chairlady: Irs .Melanic En ens. Secretary Mr TeresaVlok. Trea lIrer: Mrs Cheryl Smith. Headmaster"> Wife: \Ir Pippa Richard 'on. \1cmbcrs: Me dames Thelma Ro\\le (past chairlady). Beth Lowe. Robyn PaUendcn, Linda Sage. \1yollng-Ok Choi. Paula Morkel. andy \1c1ean, Cathy Hom. Josie Max \\ ell. Dcslrcc AldriJge, Sally Bing. Dcbbie Griffith .. Jenn} Archer.

[0l' fl.-RI· Mc\\r.1 Eelt". f;lIgclhrecht. DI! Sru1'lu', ('ro/llhk. Jucku. [)()il~~('.


IfiddJ. fL-Ri Ih',\/,s £'1'(/\/1111'. HI/rn. ,\Jl/l'LolI & Sparnlll: \I("'dame~ 1;".,/('/ dO Bi</.tt' Fm"l (L-R) \/ndomc\ ,'"'i)"JIlIll(,/; Fi/IIIOI'tI &

NEW$TAFI Mr Neil Eddy joined u from Bi. hop. He i a pa"t Head Prefect ofWynberg and ha widc experience in many chool . He i. a Malh tcacher of renown. Mr Mike Engelbrechtjoined u from Wesrerford, having taught at a number of chool both in Cape Town and overseas. 1\[s Riette \'orster joined us from tellenbo eh univer ny. Dr Harrie BielJe joined us from the UK where he ha taught for a number of years. l\Irs Rcoctte Spammer, a parent of the chooljoincd the Afrikaan Department, having many years of teaching experience. Mr Clive de Bruyne joined the Geography department a a fir t lime teacher. Mr Tim Crombie and l\1r Jonathan Jacka joined u part-lime while completing univer ity degree!>. Old Boys Mr Steven Doidge and!\lr rno Era mu help out by teaching one c1as_ each without payment. We arc hugely indebted to them. Ex-rnatric William Martin taught Art for two week while Mr Mandy Colman wa oversea and \va followed by :\1r Stuart Dum\'ille until the end of term. We are appreciative of hi~ inpul and contribution to the Art Department. lr imon Hurry was coopted by Mr R.ichardson to join lJ after doing a presentation on Leader hip. Simon had recently arri\ ed in Cape Town looking for new educational opportunities after running a small independent ehool in Limpopo. Mr Chris l\lurcott. who is an English and Hi tory teacher, joined u from onnan Hen hilwood to head up our Life Orientation Department. Mr Anthony parro', joined u from Milnerton High lo join the newly formed Engineering and Graphic Design Department. ~ls Kseniya Filino\'a trained in the dramatic arts in St Peter burg, Ru ia, and moved to South Africa eight years ago. he taught at orthwood High. Durban. before joining Wynberg Boys' High lO head our Art & Culture Department. :\1 Da" n Petersen: joined li in the 4th tenn, replacing Mr Wayne Jarvi as media-as i lant.



;\Ir AJa~tair ro . Afier 25 )ear:-. at Wynb~rg. Ala~lalr Cro ~ ha!>retired from teaching. A", an Old Boy and teacher he made an Immense contributIon to the life of the ~chool. In his 0\' n schooldays. Alaslalr wa a prefect and Deputy Head of Little"\ ood. lIe was captain ofthe I X\ and oflhe 2 Waterpolo team. He represented tellenbo ch University 111 wimmmg, Canoctng and Cross Country and earned a bron7e medal lor Life. a\ mg. He started hIS teaching hfe a a Ph) ical Education lOstructor 10 a primary school III Mowbray but it was not long before he came to Wynberg and re-invented himself as an enthusia tiC Biology and clence leacher. He coached Waterpolo, wimming. Cro. scountry and Rugby and \\on the respect and fricmbhip of boys and colleague for his unfailing cheerfulness and po itivity. For Alastair a gla i never half empty, it i alway 0' ernO\\ mg. othing eem to dampen his pints. He is a great entertainer, story teller and raconteur and we loved him for it. J le was alway~ one hW1dred percent committed to the chool and hi' philosoph), that a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go do\'.·n. made the das room and staff room a fun place to be on numerous occasions. Onc \\eck he came to 'chool wearing a different and outrageous hat every single day and on another occa Ion he. Danie) Ramage and Da\e chenck, squeezed into Wynberg Girls' School dresses. teven DOIdge is convinced that Ala tair will spend hi retirement markering an Alaslair doll to ri\ al Ken. ]t \\ ill be dre ed in black with a shocking pink tie and v. hen you pre s a button in its back it will shout 'FANTASTIC'. Thcschool will orely mi shim. Mr Michael Bra Ier. The cience Department v.ill sorely miss Michael Bra Ier who took up a post at IIersehel. A sincere. genuine and highly competent teacher, he joined Wynberg stafT from Pretoria Boys' High in 2005 and immediately made his presence felt in a number of areas, including tennis. squash and later as de Villiers House head. When Mike arrived to head the Science Department it consisted of two experienced but weather beaten gentlemen. Me srs AlIen and Hamburger. His excellent ruition in the classroom, his outstanding leadership and the way he quietly and unassumingly fired up the Science Expo. turning it into one of the leading events on the Wynberg academic calendar, revitalized the subject and for that we thank him mo t sincerely. We wish him weU in his new post. '1rClinton Nicholson. Mr icholson resigned at the end of the first time after having been at Wynberg ince January 2007, teaching E.G.D .. Technology, Maths and Physical Education. We thank him for his contribution to Wynberg, especially as Master in chargeofAthlctics.

'Jr Catbcrine Keil). \1r KeU} came to help OUI in a part-lime CdpaCH} a an Economics and LO teacher in 2007. We thank her for steppmg Into the breach e pecially with LO where he made a igOlficant impact. 'lr tuurt Dum, me. lUart came 10 to help out for OIlC tem) \vhile \IIrs 1andy Colman was on leave. \\e are appreciati\e of hi input and contribution lo the Art Department.

'h Monica Robert on: \IIonica came into our tafTroom as a student in 2003. he made an immediate impact by her \\ illingness to \'vork hard and by her obvious empathy for the pupiL. It was \\ ith a greallSense of anticipation that th\! chooloftcred her a pennanent job at the cnd of her studie and it wa with a great sense of excitement \\ hen she accepled the ofTer. Wynberg prides It elf on being a school ~\hich undersIandlS boy_. All it activitie' and teachmg pracllces are geared around this principle. The J Iou e y'tem and the Tutor Group~ are e\ idence that a choollike ours must be built on relationships. For all thi. to work.. lhe Coun eIling Department must be the rock on which thi syslem i built. Monica ha seen a full tiH! year generation of boy through their schooling. During thl - time. hundred of boy . can vouch for her \\ ise coun el. her generou giving of her time. her re. peet for their confidentiality and her under tanding of the problems which teenage , boys have. In additton ro all thIS. we received a package deal when he married Paul who made a ' ,..onderful contribullon to the chool with his produeLion of the chool play in 2007: Monica decided in Junc this year to giye her fuJl time attention to her infant on, Thoma, and to operate a practice from home. We bid her farewell ecure in the kno~ ledge that her tenure al Wynberg has madea difference to the live' of innumerable boy and that she ha left. behind a Coun elling Department stronger. more professional and more competent as a re 'ult of her input. We thank her for her contribution to this school. Wayne Jaryi : Wayne joined W)'nberg in 1996 to work in the media centre in order to hghten the photocopying load of staff. He ha ince erved the chool diligently for 12 years. At Ihc end of September Wayne decided to re ign from Wynberg and fulfill hi long-held ambition of being a personal fitness trainer. In spite ofbeing a trained Iibrarian. it i in the world of fitnes training. running and spinning. that his pa sion lie. II i always difficult to leave an institution Ihat one has been a part offor a number of years oud requires 0 great deal ofcouragc to start one' own bu ioc . Thi is the ma sive tep that Wayne Jarvi has taken and the Wynberg Family wishes him well in this undertaking. Wayne ahvay enjoyed the interaction with boy. tafT and., socially, with old boy. He will be remembered and missed for the many lighthcarled moments he hared with all of us. TIle boy, no doubt, will miss the "DJ Jarvis" instancc' for \\ hich he ha become famou and appreciated. SJ13un Hewett: haun arrived at Wynberg in June 2006 to take over John Baxter's History post. After leaving Wynberg as a schoolboy. he qualified as a teacher and went overseas fo gain experience. He made an immediate impact on his return. His unqualified love of Hi tory saw him pend many hours preparing and planning hi le son. Members of his clas es were fortunate to have experienced his passion and love for the ubjcct. Their appreciation wos clearly reflected in lhe annual apprai alof to

teachers by the pupils. ThiS pas. ion vva al. 0 e"ldem in hiS sports coaching where hi cricket and hockey team \\ ere the fortunate recipient' of a coach \\ ho lo\ed sport and coaching. The :,ame dedication \\ as shown to his de Waal tutor group. haun has accepted an offer to teach at Uplands College in Mpumalanga. lie goe' v\!tb our thanks and be t \\ ishcs for the future. heila William


heila William 'onjoined the stalT in 1996 a . an Engli h teacher. 0\ er the yearl> he ha made her mark In a number of areas RCL. \1agazine editor, hockey and sw imming In particular. he has been totall) loyal to Ihe l>chool and \\-ill be remembered for her unfailmg support for her tutor group. her classe and the music department. he travelled all ovcr the peninsula to upport school events and 'her' boys and would give them enthusia tic encouragement. lier 'no-holds barred' discu sions in her tutor periods and 10 her English classes were valued b)' many. he has now decided that retirement \VIII give her the opportunity to travel and to her enjoy her Pringle Bay cottage. he w ill be remembered as a lover of the Arts andall things Wynberg. Tim Crombic: Tim accepted all invitation to teach Maths to two classes for a few weeks in the last term of 2007. He enjoyed teaching them so much that he put hi engineering lUdie on hold for 2008. ow he h~ decided to complete that degree. Ile leaves \..ith our thanks and be twishcs and we look forw ard to welcoming him back at some later stage.

STAFF NEWS Births Congratujalion to Mike and Lindie Engelbrecht on the birth of their son Jame ,Sizwe and 0 ango Mgxwati on the birth of their daughter Okuhle (YOll who are beautiful). and Kseniya Filino\ a and her husband Brian Bruton on the bIrth of their on ebastian.

Marriages Congratulations Meghan Sneath December.

to Jonathan Jacka and on their marriage on 16


gAP YEAR5 M-i-c:

Mr P Kmm les.


he GAP Year prograrnml! has been running extremely successfully tor some 18 ) cars nO\l.:. This year \\ as no c:\ccpllon with Heath Cowanr (Rathkeale, Nc\\ Zealand), JOllltng us in January and Ilamlsh Johnson (George \\'al.on\ cotland)arri\ ing III eptembcr. The e ) oung men do a fam;) tic job coaching sport· teams. helptng at camps, cl ..s' sitting and domg all sort of


admtllÏslrati\ c task . The) are also particularly helpful v.ilh the organh.ation of\ anolls sports testi\a[s. The bo}s arc encouraged lOlearn a. much about oulh Africa a. they can whilst they arc here. and this year. Heath \\as fortunate to be able 10 vi it a game farm in Limpopo. and Ilamish to go di\ ing \\ ith ...harks! 1.t'lt Healh COll'UllOn


Right tL·R)

Gdppie~ JohnW/n


COIIW1, II ilh

leurner.\hip ,lllldellt (ex

Crc\' PE),

Gre~ T//Ol/lp,IOIl.

Boys ,liosen to represtnt Wynberg ,asga )Jea Ryan Car tens Hutchins School (Australia) James Cameron-Do" Cheltenham College (UK)

James Stock George \\at on (Scotland) Edmund Rod eth & Alex Luiz Marlborough

House (UK)

\Iessr~ Carstens. Cameron-DOlI', Stock, Roe/selll. LlIi=

~r«~e 10 Excha1t ein 4-,l term 2008' Zacharie Verlaque-Napper Barker College (Australia) Josh Katten Rathkeale College (Ne\\ Zealand)


of Academics:


Back: Front:


Edmund Rodscth. Cisher, M Gri po , L-II Choi, Yl Griiter. G Ilartmann. J tock. M Only, L 1etclo-LiqllltO. J Adams. M Renaud.

Prefect: Committee:

cademic Committee C Fisher, M Grispo , E Rod elh. L-H Choi. M Griiter, G Ilartmann, M Daly. L Metelo-Liquito. J Adam. M Renaud.

J toek.

C01tJ1'4tuI4ti01t1 to: ./

6 Subject Distinctions in Matne .

./' Top in Engli h in South Africa, and shared top in lhe region (Australia. Malaysia and South Africa)in the Australian Schools Asse sment.

Ha.rmony $outh Africll1t Maths Olympill~ Jae- Hee Shin ( in best 100 in province) James Stock (in best 100 in province) Carl Bodenstein - (in best 100 in province).


earner's from Mr Doidge's Grade 12 Economic. cia -~ won the 2008 JSE Ime lInent Challenge in Ihe Income Calegory. They beat more than 175 lcams to the top spot. and in a market lhat was characterised b} immense \olati1it). the learn managed to deliver income returns of 1800 perannUlll and gro\\. th or7°'o per annum 'which resulted in a lotal annual relurn of 25° o. 0\ er the same penod the Top 40 Index deli\ercd negative a negative return of approximately 10°0. The team flew to Johannesburg for the prizegi\'ing which took place at Ihe J E ecurilles Exchange. Thetotal pnzc mone~ won was R26,OOO. The team (pictured from back left lo right above). compri ed Mr [eve Doidge, Jame Camcron-Dow. K) le Car ten. Murray Bing. Muneeb Srey. Scan Aldridge, Alex Luiz and Ja on Ilom.

Science Expo


his year aw Wynberg Boy, ' High School ho t an out tanding cicncc Expo in which every Grade Ten and Eleven learner had to produce a research or im ention project in the field of Phy ical denees. The general qualil) of the projects was of a very high tandard and reflected the VCf) current concern of South Africans toda). 1any project looked at alternative ways to produce clean energy and \\ay lO sa\ e on energy that we currently u e - from an energy audit of the entire school to an wering the que tion 'Doe rurning off your Geyser at night actualI) save you money and energy'. The panel of independent judge found their job pJeasingly difticult given the quality ofwhatwa produced. The tudent requiring special mention in the gold category were: Luke l\Ietelo-Liquito, Michael Daly, Charl E' ert, Mihali Grispo , Michael Travis, Jacque Van "elze, hane Bean, Ja) Benson and teven mit.


he Wynberg Tcn Club compnses len of Wynberg' lOp 31.:adcmic and ils aim is to broaden their horiLOns through di~cu.,sion of current topics. While lhe topics vary from ml.'Ctmg lo meetlIlg. lhey are all fascinating and leach lhc membersjusl a liuk bit more aboulthc world lhat wc Iive in. Member:

Edmund Rodsdh, Mauhc\\ GrOler. Jlen Hartmann, Daniel Donalckon. Taariq Jano(hcn. James loek, Mihali Gn. po . Michacl Duly, Luke \1ctclo-Liquito. Jason dams.

In February. following an infonnall\ e afternoon "ideo-con ferCl1ceal the American Consulatc, wc were Iud.)' to havc Martha Bridgeman and Paul Patin of the American Consulate a' guest speakers. They pent a humorou hour or t\\O telling us about the Amencan election yl'tem, the candidate, their polieie alld the reasoning thai gocs into elecling a presidential candidate. In March Glen I lartmann and Daniel Donaldson presented interesting and controversial lOpics thut required inten e debate and provoked an occasional flare of temper. Glen. speaking on the ethics of Genetic Engineering, barely managed to get halfway through what he had prepared as each point he raised became ubject to di cussion. Daniel. extolling the \ irrue ofJacob Zuma. didn't get past hiS tirst paragraph. By the end ofthec\ eningwe were 7 - 2 again tZuma. In April the Global Food Crisi and Freedom of peech vs Hate Speech were presented by Edmund Rodsetb and James Stock re pectively. Again, the topics provoked lively and informative discussions. although Lhi time both speaker were able to get through what they had prepared.


The 10 CLIJB In June we were fortunate to ha\ e ue van der \1erwc Deput) Mml ter of Foreign Affair. speak to li : DISCU-.Slon ranged from the Xenophobia cri"is 10 Zimbab\\e and 2010. We discovered ,...hat government was doing in each case and the all the po iblc impacts of each action. It' amazing hov. much i left out of the newspapers. In Augu t Matlhew Gruter and Edmund Rod eth had lhe tloor. Matthew spoke about the threat of Global Wanning (he asked us (0 assume that global warming was a problem for the sake of the discus ion) and pre ented five proposals for combating the problem, the pro and cons ofwhieh we explored exhaustively. Edmund gave us an update OD the American Elections. He sparked a long, rambling discussion OD MeCain and Obama' re peclive policies, which arc surpri ingly imilar. Jume.\ Stock

unby Mr Eddy. The Cavendi h is a wonderful club where boy discus idca nd are encouraged 10 explore a \ariety of different topics ranging from movies to astronomy. Field isit are made, and it is an excellent way to expand the mind and see the world Ina new and exciting way. Wandisile Mbanjwa


The Guest of Honour this year was Professor Brian O'Connell, Rector of the University of the Western Cape.



TE and


lAba5~, J Arend~e. D Bedinghnm. S Borehardt. \rt Botha, S Daniel ... D de midt, C' Etheridgc.

Q Franci • P Franke. J Gllowc). N Mannu.



I Ioward-Tripp.J-P

Jacobs. C' Kemp. B Kiviet::.. KLandore.

Meyer. LMllls. TMohamed.


L Naidoo.


A Rejaldien. L Romyn, ,B Sarnsodien. J Scou, C tcphenson, M \ in<bor






Imman Paleker


Merit. Silver Tie

Taariq Parker

Xhosa, Merit. Si)vcrTle

iyabonga Bcyile Justin Els

Geography, Merit. Gold Tie Natural Sciences. Merit. Gold Tic

Michael Bradley

GRADE PRIZE 3rd in Grade 8 2nd in Grade 8 I t in Grade 8

Life Orientation. Ment, Gold Tie Jordan Lamoml atural ciences, Merit, Gold Tie Nicholas Haralambou~ Arts and Culture, EM ,History, Technology. Merit. Gold Tie Jordan Daniels


,H Batt.C Bing. C Bodenstcin, LBodenstein.

J-D Breytenbach. LDavies. TDolley. LDyvvili.

M Faraday. H Gabier, YHamdulay, PJe~ op. RJohn on. J Light. CLittle. D Maasch.A Majiet.

Z Malunga, M Marsh. K Maurer, EMohamed. K Sithole, D Swanich. S \ an Staden. K Venter. MWilkinson

MERfTCERTIFICATE,SILVER/GOLDTJEand History, Life Orientation, Merit, Gold Tie Geography, Merit, Silver Tie Xhosa. Merit, SilverTie EMS, Merit, Gold Tie Afrikaans. Arts and Culture. Merit. Gold Tie

UBJECTCERTJFICATE Gary Chedbum Benjamin Chiddy Dzikumai Kungune Riyaad Martin Reinhardt Spammer

GRADE PRIZE 3rd in Grade 9

lathematic . Geograph). atural SCience. Gold Tie Merit, Gold Tic English, Technology. '\Ilerit. Gold Tie

2nd in Grade 9 I t in Grade 9

ient. Michael Bradley Adrian Wiegman Imraan SanlUels

~ra~e 10 UBJECT Dl TlNCTlO' J Darnoll (Hi tory);

Filtane (Iii tory)~ J Gilmour (Visual Arts): C Helmbold (Economics);

R Hendrick. (Accounting);

L Jordaan (Hi tory); ~ i\lagan (Accounting);

1 Mulder (Vi ual Arts): B Payne (Economic); V

Peck (Economic

C Martin (History);

); !VI Siyalana (Xhosa);

iyalana (Xhosa): S Vlok (Geography)

UBJECT PRIZE M Carr (Dbtinction Dunn (Di tinction



- Geography;


Geography Pnze): S Connor (Di tinction

Music; Music Prize):

Prize): K Fay (DistInction - EGO: EGO Prize); W Mkubukeli (Distinctions Hi tory; Xho a Prize): G Turner (Di tinction Orientation):

M Turner (Di tinction

EGO: EGO Prize);

During (Distinction - Accounting: Accounung - Xhosa. Economics.

Visual Art ; Prizes for Visual Art , Life

- Accounting and EGO: EGO Prize)




J Botha (\tterit): 0 Flandorp (Merit): E Joseph (Distinction - Economics: Merit): N Koen (Distinctions


- Mathematics,

lathematics. Accounring:

(Di tinctionl> - Mathematics. Mathematics. Accounting,

Merit); A Nakanyala (Merit); A Roginsky (Di. tinction

Merit); !VI Saharin (Distinction


Phy ical




Merit): J Schreiber

Merit): R Singh (Di tinctions

History; Merit)



N Rich (Di tinclions - \1alhematic

. Accounting:



Prize: Merit): C Rogers

(Distinction - Afrikaans. Mathematics, Accounting; Afrikaans Prize; Merit); M Small (Di tinction - Mathematical

Literacy; Mathematical

Literacy Prize; Merit)

COLOURS or BLUE AWARDS Di tinctions for English. Afrikaans, Mathematics, Distinctions

for Engli h, Mathematics,

IT, Economics;

Merit; Colours

Economics, Geography. History;

Meri.t: Colours Distinctions for Mathematic.

Jay Benson Simeon Gready

Phy ical Sciences, IT. Economi.cs; Merit; Colours

Eric Archer


for Mathematic~, Pby ical

Prize for Accountlllg;

cience~. JT, Accounting:

\!fern: Colours

Dean Roxburgh

GRADE PRIZE 3rd in Grade 10

2nd in Grade 10

I t in Grade 10

Distinction In english, Mathematics. Phy ical cience~. IT and Economic. : Prize for Physical cience. IT and Mathcmatics: Merit: Colours Stcvcn Smit Distinctions in English, Mathemallc . Physical Science. Geonomlc and History; Davidowitz Prize for English. Prize for Hi~tory; lerit: Blues Marc Borchardt Disttnctions in English. Afrikaans, Mathematic. Physical Sciences. Economics and History: Prizes for Afrikaan. Economics and MathematICs: Edward Wise Prize for the Top Grade 10 Pupil; Merit; Blue Jared Le ar

SUBJECT Dl Tl:'llCTlON T Abraham

L Dlova (Xhosa. Economic:,); M Fraser (Geography);


(English); J f-l lang (EconomIcs); J Marinu (Economics);

Darian Thanos (Economics):



); A September (History); P Sithole

J T: ang (Economics);

Yoon (MathematIcs)

SUBJECT PRIZES A~D SUBJECT DI TINCTIONS Z Amccroedien (Di tinction in Vi ual Arts: Prize for Visual An ): S Barn (Di tinction in Mathematical Lireracy. Prize for Mathematical K Martin (Distinction in Afrikaan; Prize for Afrikaans)


COLOURS AWARDS S Grobler: J van Vclze


in Mathematics;


Hyun- Woo Baek

Merit; Colours

Chase 8arwick

Distinction in Economics; Merit; Colours

Moegamat Brown

Merit; Colours

Michael Brungcr

Distinctions in Economics and History; Prize for History; Colours Distinctions in Mathematics

and Economics;

Mu'al£ham Carlie

Merit; Colours

Distinction in History; Colours Merit; Colours Distinction in Economics;

Michael Daly Simon de Waal Rudi Engelke


Distinctions in Mathematics. Distinctions in EGD; Colours

TTand EGO: Prizes for IT and EGD; Merit; Colours

Charl Everts Callen Fisher John Human

Di tinction· in

ccounting and EconomIc:

Merit; Colours

Kecnan Jacob:. Bryan Kivido

Di tinction in \Ilathemalics; Colours DI tinetions in English and History: Prize for Mu,ic: Merit; Colours Distinction in Economics: Ment; Colours

Kccoan Oliphant Zubalr Parker

Distmctions in EconomIc· and Geography: Prize for Geography: Colours

Michael Portnoi

Di tinction

in Mathematic . EconomIc

Matthew Poncr

Di tinction

in Mathematic

and Geography: Merit: Colours

and Accounting; Merit; Colour ...

Benjamin WHey

AW RO UBJECT Dl TINCTION and PRIZE, MERIT, BLUES or HO~OUR Distinctions in Engli h. Afrikaan . Mathematic , IT and Economics: Ja on Adams Merit: Blue Distinctions in English and Life cience; Prize for English: Merit: Blues Matthew de Klerk Craig Lawrence Distinctions in Engli h. Mathematics and Life dences; Merit; Blues Di tinctions in English. Mathemattcs. LIfe Science and Economic: Pnze for English: Merit; Blues Daniel Thorn on GRADE PRIZE 3rd in Grade Il 2nd in Grade Il

Ist in Grade Il

DI tinction in Mathematic .. Physical ciences, Life ciences. EGO: Prize for EGO; Merit; Blue Dean Grant Di tinctions in Engli h, Mathematics, Phy ical Sciences, Life ciences, EGO: Prize for lathematic. Life Orientation. Physical Science, Life Science and Advanced Programme lathematics; Merit; Honours Luke Metelo-Liquito Distinctions in English, Mathematic , Physical Sciences, Accounling and Economic: Prizes for Engli h. Accounting and Economics; Merit. I[onours: Edward Wise Prize and Standard Bank Prize for the Top Grade 11 Pupil Mihali Grispos

COLOURS AWARD S Aldridgc: G Dads; M Fitchet; B Ford; Z Hendricks: S Kelly; D Metcalfe; C Mulder: J Rowles: J-H Shin; A Salomons: S Souter: J Terblanche BLUE AWARD M Bing; K Browning: T Burgers: S Bydawell: LH Choi; D Donaldson; R Falck; T Janodien: KT (Aaron) Kim; H Kinsman: GLittle: P Manners: K Ntinda: M Wood; W Cham (Winston) Vu HONOUR AWARD M Griiler; G Hanmann; E Rod eth; J Stock

GRADE 12 J. 2. 3. 4.


Simon Esse!aar (fnfolech), Michael Stafford (Infoteeh), Winston Yu (lnfotech) ROTARY GOOD FELLOWSHIP AWARD: Ayden Coetzee FRIEDLANDER MEMORlALAWARD: Kyle Capes PRESTON CUP (For piano ight-reading): Edmund Rodseth



BJECT Dl TINCTIO (80% or morc for a !'ubject) 1\1Botha (Economics), M Brey (Economic) A Coetzee (English). K Karsten (Economic P Manners (English), M Pahlana (Xhosa), M Tshangcla (Xhosa), W Yu (EGO). MERIT CERTIFICATE only (70% aggregate K Browning, T Burgers, R Falck, B Ford. MERIT





or better)


S Bydawell (Phy ical S~ence), GOods (Economics), M Griller (English. Mathematics, Physical cience and Histo'), Z Hcndricks (English). J Horn (Economics). T Janodien (EconomIcs), KT Klln (Mathematics. Phy ical Science and Economic ). H Kin man (English and History), K tinda (Life SCiences), M Wood (Economics).

UBJECT CERTIFICATE (1st in ubject io Grade Jl) and/or MERJT CERT1FtCATE and/or SUBJECT DlSTINCTlO~ Sean Aldridge Life Orientation Prize: Distinction for Economics: Merit: Murray Sing Economics Prize: Di tinction for English and Economics: Merit: Economic:" Prize: Di tinctions for Mathematics, Physical Science. Lark lIce Chol Economics and Mu ic: Merit: Rowan Daly Engineering and GraphIc Design Prize: Distinction for EGD: Information Technology Prize; Distinctions for Mathematics. Physical Science Daniel Oonaldson and Information Technology: Merit: AlfMorris Geography Prize: Distinctions for Economic and Grant Little Geography: Merit: Christopher Mulder Visual Arts Prize; Distinctions for EGD and Vi ual Art: Merit: Kallego Nkgudi Xhosa Prize; Distinction for Xhosa: lae-Bee Shin Ad\anced Programme Mathematics Prize; Distinction for Mathematics: Merit: Thomas Smith Mathematical Literacy Prize: Abdullah Solomons D.F. Marais Afrikaans Prize; Distinction for Economic'; Merit: Michael StaITord Life Orientation Prize: GRADE PRIZES, SUBJECT and MERIT CERTIFICATES




3rd io Grade l2; FG Thorp Physical Science Prize, Accounting Prize; Distinctions for Engli h, Mathematic, Phy ical Science. Information Technology; 1erit: 2nd in Grade 12; WE Bowden Mathematics Prize; Distinctions for English, Mathematic, Physical Science, Life Sciences. History and Music; Merit: 1st in Grade 12; RM Friedlander English Prize, DF Marais Afrikaans Prize. Life Sciences Prize, Maskew Miller History Prize, Templeton Music Prize; Distinctions for English, Mathematics, Physical Science, Life Sciences, Hi tory and Music; Merit; Martin Cleveland Dux Trophy: SPECIALACADEMIC

I. 2. 3. 4.

James Stock Glen Hartmann

Edmund Rodseth



Edmund Rodseth Edmund Rodseth Edmund Rodseth James Stock


6. 7. 9. 10 PE I.

Ja on 1crcdilh Edmund Rodselh l dmund Rodseth Fdmund Rodscth James lock Murray Bing

C.\XTO' PRIZE warde1.1for Out<;tanding Effort: OLD BO\' .. BeR \R\ Awarded to Ihe Top Pupil In Grade 12: l\1.\RK· Il" FER TROPII) FOR 1\1 LTlLl'\iC1JALISM: . Fl 'E BURS \RY: TIlORP/R.\:\KI" BLR \R\: TEPRE' DOIDGE B 'I"E \"ARD: lAL PRIZE UfE

A:'\D \\\ARDS



U 'IO~-

A" arded b) the chool to the Head Prefect: '}



can Aldridge


AViarded to a bo}' in matric who b) means of hi example. his eanng and his leaderhip.

has promoted an activit) in

the school which has enhanced the name and spirit of the choo!. Kanyisa

Voted for by the matric body, 3.


AWARD -Awarded


lo a boy who has

persevered and ucceeded in the face of enormous difficulties or fierce oppo ilion. thereby

hov. ing great determination


trength of character. 4.

Graham Miller




For the bc't Art Portfolio of lhe year. 5.




Scan Aldridge

PRIZE -Awarded



for the best IIi tory Project.

Robbie Falck

Awarded for community sen.ice. Benjamin


HONOUR Perfonnances

AWARD - Awarded to the pupil or pupil


for out tanding

wblch have brought honour to tbe school. Music Department.







HIELD - To lhe winning Hou e for 2008

CUP - To tbe most outstanding FEIN

ilver Badge Prefect.

I XI Cricket Littlewood

Ayden Coetzee


To the best all-rounder in Grade 12 (Academic. Sport. Cultural, Service). Edmund Rodseth. Michael Wood 11.



To the Grade 12 pupil who has done the mo r for the School in 200 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

Scan Aldridge

Peter-John Jacobs Greg Hammond quash trophy Cameron Bing English Writer' Competition - Junior Keenan Jacobs Epworth Music Society Prize: For contribution to mu!>ic Sean Pattenden AlfMorris Bursary Sandile Filtane Fine Family Bursary Anthony Morris Prize: Awarded to the Grade 8 pupil who has shown icholas Martin the most loyalty to the school by his participation in scbool activities David Levitt ~lemoriaIAward: Awarded to the Grade 10 pupil who was an inspiration to all his fellow students icholas During & Stuart Vlok tan Jone Award: Awarded to the Grade II pupil who bas shown the most improvement over his perfonnances in previous years at school activiries Christopher Moore


....e\ ille Blackbeard Troph):

\warded to the tulor group showing the most ~piril -

Mr Crol11blC' tutor group


TOP J: GRADE 8 J LUll/oral. \ /Iara/amboll.\ .

.J Damei"



B Nakanyala, G Miller. M Wood. £ Rodseth, R Falck. From (L-R): M Bing, S Aldridge. A Coet=ee, K 'ioli, J Slock. Back (L-R)

PRiZEWINNERS S Pattenden, Mr K Richardson. Prof 0 'Dol7llel/, C Moore, N Martin. Front (L-Rl M Small. N During. S V/ok. C Billg. Right:




I Oanid~


Haralambou~ 'Icholas

I 2


Lamor.!1 Jordan



Eb Justin


Bradley \1 ichael


Pakker v1uhammad


Daniel Samir


Howard-Tnpp Stephen


Pakker :\oor


Parker Taariq

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Gri~ l\fihali : Metelo-liquito Luke Grant lXaJ1 Adams Jason

Thom;on Thmiel La\.vrence Craig De Klerk Matthew Dily Michael Fi her CaJlan Potter Matthew

GRADE9 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sam.cls £rrraan Wiegmm hirian lhD.ey Mcl:Del


tvbasdl cn\~d


&dn;tein Carl


KlDJgI~Dzi.karmi light Jaibw


Chxhrn Gny


S[E [J[El ReinIDrdt

(based on average of 7 subject. Includmg AP Mathematics)





Le ar Jared









Edmund James Mattbe\\ Glen






Lark Hee






Falek Robert

Houghton Daniel


Borchardl Marc


B ing !vi urra y


Smit Steven



Ben on Jay

Il 12 13

Shin Jae-Hee





Grcady Simeon




Archer Eric




Roxburgh Dean





Rich Nicholas





Schreiber Jason




Yu Winston


Rogio ky Andrey








8CIIWLL OlF EON01JB Mr bainnau. the \\cl1afe and grO\\ th ofa !o.chooldepends 00 the ongoing contribution and C'xpertisC of alllhe component.::. of It.::.fi.unily.• 0 school can thri, e \\ ilhout the sacrilicc. comment. pa:-.\Ion and cnergyofib Teachers. its ParcnlSand ilsOld Boys. In 1986. Mr Ru\\ an AIgie a~ the then Headmasrer instituled an 3\\Hclrdtor' exceptional Ulterc t and valued .,en ice' to the chool. I note a number of prevIOus recipients are here tonight - Ray COfUlcllan. llugh Klllops, \1lchael Lumb,Alfll.lurri and Plug. Louw. 0\ cr the year....a \ anel)' ofmembeI"i of the Wynberg family have been honoured - from long.sen ing teachers. 10 members ol;.the Governmg bod). 10 a hostel marron. lo the Chatnnan of the Grounds Commlllee who drive the concept of our aslro hockey field. mee 1986. 27 people ha\'e been honoured. The cilation reads: Wynberg Boys' High chool honou~ you for your cxccpllonal inlere t and valued en'ice \\hich )OU have devoted to our school which has been much ennched by your contnbution. I have great pleasure in awarding another Honoun. Award tOnight. Citation for Tbelma

croU of Honour Ro\\ les

How doe one mea ure commitment? It is all too easy to lea, e it to someone else. Wc live in a bu y world where demands of work and family are all-consummg. Mrs Thelma Rowlcs i the first Tccipientofthi award who ha been a mothcrofa pupIl at thi school. From the moment her on arrived in Grade in 2004, she involved her elfin the lifeofWynberg. During this time she supported the event and acti, itie oflhe school regardJe of whether her son wa involved or not. She ~ef\ cd enthusiastIcally on the Ladie A ociation in many capacities finally heading up the committee in her on's Grade Il year. In addition, she ran the rugby and waterpolo tuck 'hop badgering us until she had suitable home for both. She wa committed to numerou fundrai ing events, including the Wynberg's first over eas Waterpolo tour to Australia. No parenl or leacher who attended last year' s wonderful60's evening - a concept \\ hich she drove will forget the occa Ion. Her impact on the school ha been incalculable. We are a richer in titution. in all senses of the word, because oCher involvement. Thelma Rowle is a worthy recipient ofthi Scroll of Honour

MATK./C 2008 - alt the ~etails! Rl"ll

'I \ rRIC

1 ~ 2608 (Campari,on,

are mlldr Ig.in" higher er.de re,ull' in Hlr, prior fO 2008.) 2007 lOOI' 2008 ~oo~ 2007 :\0\,

"on~ T

"l PIL S




-\( COl "ni'oC; \FRI!.. \ '''IS F \1 \P \1 ~T11~ H'O'O\IIC S HiD t'i(,IISII lo~O(,RAPHY

15 11,

2 I

1 11








1 It.






fIIS TOR' I',OR\IIHH LIII eltll'I ..IIO'l llrt ~{IP,( I'S \1 \TIII \I\nes

\( 'TIIS UlfR \I \nlSp1 \Il Sll


PI" " <;llH~ll" \IWAl \Ins '"OS" r \1 TOT'lS NO NO NO NO '\0

"0 l'.0 NO 1\0 )0,;0 '\0

Of or OF OF OF OF O~ OF Ot Of OF


'5 15


140 57






.14 9

7U JO 1.10 4b 91 47 -I 5 87

16 II 9'14


4 16 I>


.. 12

211 18



I 2 II I

~ b

3 0 130




1 15 4 H

15 14 4

33 15 11\ 4 0 I 8 I .j



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lO 0 0

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1 14 4 3 5 0 5 I 0 0 II



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0 2 I)

0 0 0 I)







0 2 0



0 ()


0 0







0 0 6


"' 93 1~"



\, r 60.l 53.11 74.3 62.3 72.7 60.2 67.3 65.4 65.6 70.4 66.1 73.7 80.5 82.8 75.8 53.3 57.3 1>4.5

140 123

SfP 0\\ f


57 5'1 .Iq

63.1 56.2 MA

611 64 5~





~1I ~ ~~1 40.K %~

1>41 b~.7

71 ~ ~~.4



'0' \\E


70.3 59.~ 6.1.9 62.2

56 (> 54 ~

1>1 7 bl 47 S


6J.3 63.2 68.1 54.2

61.3 63 ~

56.9 59.-1

(JU 5'


63 72.4 S7.1 76.6

60.2 61.1

478 4b.S

5~ ~x ~

54.3 63.2

13.6 S2.9 54.11 173.8

1>'1 4,1\

70 (> ~7.S b3.~ 657

71.1 55.7 55.3 62


62 55


".1' 54 IJ

(>li Sb


(>2 12 73 51 .j')



0 14 2 0 I

10.0·, 1.4%


63.4', 5,0°. l3 . 07··.

7 III 6

'\0\ \\ f



148 114 19

13 l 87 lJ 115 16

52 74


147 117

n 426

5:! (II




3 58.S·, 15 (I.,


'I 1....



I J,4' .• I <jo,

110 13

Il 9' 14 ...

GRADE 12 RESULTS -......, \llR\HA\K 1)\\ \I\I):}',.\l1) >J:l,\.\KUi(,\R >\I.UUIX£ 'iL\.' R!]I;.\JJ) \Lr'( I'Dlt \IITllIFW \"DU AllJI, ~\RA V .''''L'm..,!'.. n"'\~:rH,~L'l.) ,\l'n'RSf~ MlTR \UX\.'JXR \RillR JL"m"<QjVr: .\Rr'U'iT. "ItN') <;FA' (,;\Ril1JI'-\T'RlC!\ U,\lAH"'UU


R"lA"""~ 13..\.\1.IJ. tiL \1\1 llE.R1U1N, fM"'-ll" ..Wlfr.lN)

BI'i, ,. RRA'\ FRlTl Rl~ 'f'I'R(]\," HeN. HOR 00 I'Hi\ MlO ~\I1.IXAN l.O.O n 1t SI ~'''(N JU r1Xl\\'E\.OWIES, CfIRlSltl'lIlR BRLlT· BRtW:lUY. ('ALUJM STelt'" BRil, M. '\lIB ,\I L\tl) BROII"'lIKt. KEI.. W-.J I'.tO IAn. BL'I«.~ Jl<01t-\')f1W,(US BVD,'\\ 11.1. SlU'I-IL" JO-I:' CA\~:JA."'U ('API'S. KYU BE\'i\~ CJ\RST1J'& RYAN O-t,\RU'S c.\'iSlE.\1. !lA'iNt OIS>lF.M. KFEN!"" LARK I liJ: CllLOW. RYAN LIT (UTI'FE AY(»! (1.iUfl<. SHAUN D'\l..Y. RQ'.\A."11lM'l-1Rf'I D,i'MflS. JFSSI: ERIC ll<\\ llJS.l\'lXiA.\'1A1 "KB DE KL.ERJ<. n.\.'<1D_ DI' 1((N~i. "'''11 cxn;. Ga-FRl:.Y,\lA'II




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ive years of qualily education, counties' memone • legendary leachers and a brotherhood \\ hich none can compare to ... this IS lhe day when \\c celebrate and acknow ledge the journey wc ha\ e compleled The road has been long but \\ e ha\'e finally made it! firstly I thank the tafT for their commitment to our chool and to our Grade and for the huge impact they havc made on our lives. I thank th\!m for all the time. etTort, patien~ and guidance they have given u . We were fortunate to have been taught by them. econdly I thank our familie and friend for their unending upport. lo\e and care. This year has been a tough one on our parent . The stre of having a child in matric is enough to turn onc's hair grey. When wc look back on our school career, we cc what an important role parent have played in developing our characters and shaping our lives and I thank them for choosing to send us lOWynberg Boys' High. The prefect body unfortunately lo t a brother at t.he start of lhe year Jamie Tindill. He has nOl been forgotten. lie remains in our heart and minds and the memorial chessboard in the Fish Bowl is a con tanl reminder of him. Despite the rocky start lo the year, the prefects have all given countle s hours of service to the school. pulling our motto Supera Moras - Overcome difficulties - into practice. The year ha beenjam packed with events and would not have been succe sful without their leadership. J re peet and thank them for their passion and devotion in all a pects of school life. r also thank them forcontlibuting 10 my life. I pray that the reslofthe school continues 10 build Wynberg's reputation and to continue its traditions. The school has a firm founda60n of 167 years of quality education and outstanding facilities. Pride and passion make our school unique and a cut above the rest. Wynberg brothers form an endless chain that links and binds us to a Brotherhood that pans continents. Good luck Daniel haw and the .2009 prefects.

Take the chool to new hcighh A tough year lies ahead of you. l:mbracc it Meet it head on. You are the fururc. nything j_ pOSSible '\1) brother matries. the year has gone by sO quickly. Time has Indeed nO\\ n, but the memories will last fore 0,: cr. Words cannot de 'cribe ho\\ much ) ou and Wy nberg ha\ e become a part of me. Thank you for your 7ealou'i pirit ,your laughter. miles and jokes. You made every day pccial. The pride. pae;Slonand feeling of belonging is embedded in e\·ery Wynberg man lt i' whulJoms us together. makes us cheer on aturday mornings. makes ue; make thai one la I rugb} tackle and stand up for one another. Where much has been gi\'en. much i" expected and I can say \\ ith confidence that we utili7ed our opportunitiec.; to erve this hYfeal chool. I thank God for Ilis man)' blessingsloving, caring famihes, a schooltho.t goes beyond the call of duly lO ensure our success in life. brothers \\,ho stand side b)' side. top clas~ facilities and unending opportunities. God has taken u through struggles whIch have ultimately made us tronger. The Bible says, flé call do all rhings through



We nave been stretched, broken and renewed.



Wherever the road of life may take you, remember where your roots are and the opportunities you have been given. Remember that you walk but oncc upon the earth so do any good deed you can. Remember thai you are a part of something greater than yourself. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made and need to play your part. The les ons you have learnt at Wynberg have made each one of you a bener person, omeone who will add to ociety. wbo will give in lead of take; someone who cares. who will never give up, despite the odds. I hope that you all take these tife les ons 10 heart. My last request is that you study hard and lelour final results stand te tament to OUI gratitude towards our teachers and school.

Sea", A t~ri~ge

Closing time ...

Matric class C Taljaard, M Stafford, 0 Cassiem, LOuimpies, E Boni, T Amutenya, B Taylor, 8 PO\\cU. M Bing. D Rabald-Smit. G Hartmnnn. o Donaldson. PAndersen, .M Botha, 0 Gcffcn, ROmar, Goo. B Barn, J Terblanche, R Falck. M Schroetler, J.P Francken, R Peters. R Hyland. D Topns, F AJIie, M Alexander. 0 Abrahams. J Meredith. 6'h row: J Oliver. J Visser, K Capes, M Iliggms. M LlCbenbcrg. MTshangela, D Metcalfe. M Pahlana. J Gready. S Spammer, K Njoli, A Mkhontwann. T 8100r, M Smith, J Archer, Z.Hcndricks, F Green, SEsselaar, H Kinsman, C Mulder, M Brey. GLittle, L-II Choi, M Gmter, T Burgers, S Souter. R Dnly, R Clulow, W Yu, K Ngudi. L Taliwe, B de Nicker, D Schenck. M Fitchett. A Vrahimis. A Coetzee. S Bydewell, B Hepburn, R Carstens, D de Klerk, G amaria, 4th row: M Elsworth, G Dods. K Graham. [ Rodseth. P Manners. D Hamilton, G Morkel. T Smith. SArendse, S Nokonongo, T Mhlaba. T Kalzen . .1 Kalipi, L Thomas, B Mbolllbi, J Sedick, B akanyala. T Rahman, S [saacl>. K Je Koning. 3rd ro\\: REly. 0 Adams. L Stcmela, F Bala. M Bala. S Thompson, A Salomons. A Lupuwana. K Vicars. V Hewu. W Hurn, F Bertolinl. A Kim. M Young, K Ntinda, T Iiphingi, J Cameron-Oow, C Bowen-Davies, J Rowlc<;. Mr K Richardson, S Aldritlgc. 2nd row: Mr M Lereschc, S Kelly, MWoou. J Stock. A Williams, J Lesar, C Brett-BroadJey. SCullen, K Browning, S Boucher. front row: K Mitchell, J Underwood, J-H Shin, N Fortune. M Syl\'ester, eTerblanche, T Janodien, R Lev)'. J Hom, A Luiz. B Holt. G Ashton. K Carstens. K Cassicm, Back row:

Back: 3'd row: nd

2 row: Front:

G Dods, A Coetzee, B Powell, E Rod eth, Davids. M Bing, K Browning, J Rowles. S Kelly, (Dep Head Boy). S Spammer, V Hewu, T Bloer, M Wood, J Horn. B Nakanyala, L Thomas, P Galela, S Aldridge (Head Boy), K Nkgudi. R Hyland, H Kinsman.

~.'.L Outgoing RCL Chairman Murray Bing. congratulates the incoming Chairman, Chad

OLP FAITHFIJLS Back row 3rd row: 2nd row:

Front row:

J Lcsar. G Hrutmann. PAndersen, P Manner . J Cameron-Oow. E Rodseth, LR Duimpies, M Bing. K Browning. M Higgin . M Brey, M Alexander, D Abrahams, M Young, K Capes. SCullen, J Terblanche, K M ilcbel, F AlIie. H Kin, man, C Mulder. T Bloor, Z Hendricks, M Pahlana. S R selaar, B Holt, G Ashton, M T hangela. K Vicars. S Thompson, C Terblanche, S Aldridge, M Gri.iter. A Mkontwana, [aac, REly. 0 Adams, L Thomas.


I/(Ic, I:;



nce again a thrillingracewa run by all eightHou e in the Friedlander Shield. This is one of me close t races to be run in many a year with tbe difference between 1st and 2nd place being only 10.5 points. There was fierce competition in all events - ranging from sport & culture to academics - throughout the year. Congratulation lO Littlewood House for winning the Friedlander Shield for the third consecutive year. FK.IEPLANPEK. $HIELP M.i.c: Mr P Furstenburg EYDiTS lW....






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!Iou e !lead: Tutors:

House Prefect: Committee:

Mr J Robinson. Me dames M Colrnan, Gordon: Messrs liewett, B Botha. \1ichael Botha. K Capes, Bouchcr, J Hom, G LInie. K Kar len, S Aldrigc, M Gruter, P Galela.

House Head: Tutors: House Prefect: Committee:

Mr Rlnglis. Messrs S Mgxwali, B Emm , R Van iekerk, A Sparrow. Justin Rowles.

J Cameron-Dow, K NkgudL C Mulder, S Souter, J T: ang, K Jacobs, J Marinus, V Ervaus. A Zahos, S Beyeli.


MmrJM •• J",." 6< Bmlllll"l

Habitat for Humanity's first fund.raising initiative kicked otfwith the M.rkrtII., m August After various meetings and lots ofbard work on the ~ of the parents, the day fmally dawned With many oftbe traders ariving at the crack of dawn to setup stalls and get things going. We bad a nx:ord number of dads inattendaDce this year. and thanks to them. thedeltcious aroma ofbraaiing burgers filled the alf. A festive atmosphere prevailed as boys and teachers flocked to the FJsbbowl and by the end of the day, an astounding amount of money had been raised. Of COlIl"Se, this would not have been possible without the wonderful support oftbe Grade 8 parents. Our smcere thanks to them, and to those who so generously donated items the

The Grade 8's once again butlt a house with the guidance of "Habitat for Humanity" - this time in Mfuleni, near Somerset West. Some comments from SA say it all: It WQ& fim tuUl til good opportunity ... J am beginning 10 undental'ld /tow lucIr.y we fI1'f! 10 have nice Iwuses to live in ...I was surprised at haw many small chiltlnm anJ kida my age weN not at school ... I am proud to think thalI have helped to build a house for a needy f(lllfily ••. I thinle that every school should do Ihis with enthusiasM This page is sponsored by Lauren van der Wat"

Focus W ek ... for Grade 9 proved to be very fruItful indeed. Five teachers from tone Dragon offered lessons in life skIlls which aimed at coupling academics to the realities our boys facc daily. Activities included SIgn language, cm ironmcntal consen ation (including bird adaptations and bird sampling). communication techniques (aimed at Improving e say writjng),mathematical sequencing, Cl guitar lesson, mark recapture (looking back to look forward). and the Imponnnce of Internet (with our Service Pillar beyond ~chool hours). The boys enjoyed the activities tremendously. Michael MofTet and Marc Andrc\\ were particularly helprul and efficient.


he camp took place in the hills surrounding Grabouw at a beautiful and well equipped camp site run by Back 2 Basics. And back to basIcs tbey went, sleeping in army tents, doing plenty of exercise, teambuilding, running in tbe rain and generally getting to know each otber better. Tbe theme of tbc camp was "Boys 2 ~Ien" with the focus on identifying and developing important cbaracteristics including perseverance, courage and discipline. All the tasks over the two days were designed to help each young man come to terms ~ith these characteristics individually and corporately. Good food, a bit of rain and mud, "fresh" conditions, the odd cold sbower and plenty of challenges all lead to the denlopment of some excellent gees amongst the boys. Many returned with a new, more confident understanding of themselves and each other.

Mr S Hurry. Messrs P Smith, B Thompson, R van iekerk, P Catzavelos, G Taylor together with six Back 2 Basics facilitators.

Grade Head:

Mr B Sopam.


Mr ede Bruyne.

Grade Head: Mr G Posthurnus



he Grade 11's left on Wednesday 17 Septcmber for their camp 'Riding the Brand!'. The campsite was near tbc Koggelberg Dam and accommodatiOn was in very comfortable chalets. The camp was run by Wynberg staff membcrs whose aim was to build unity, team spirit and leadership skills among the grade 11 's for their matric year. To this cnd, the boys competed in a number of activities de pite inclement weather. We hope to see the 2009 Matries displaying their' Brand' proudly next year.

Director: Prefect: Committee:

Ms S Lindsay. Stephanus Spammer. Lark-Hee Choi, Edmund Rodseth, Glen Hartmann, Keenan Olipbant, Winston Yu, James Stock, Keenan Jacobs, Mihali Grispos, Stephen Bydawell.



008 proved to be yet another fruitful year for the Cultural Pillar ofthe school. Undoubtedly the highlight was the musical revue, entitled "Broadway Celebrations" which was staged at the beginning of the third term. Brian Botha, the Musical Director, was largely responsible for this out tanding show, backed by Daphne Jubber, the Director of Choreography and numerous other lati members. Audiences at the seven performances thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful music, accompanied by a live orchestra and the slick dancing routines. showcasing the wealth of talent which wc have at Wynberg Boys' and Girls' High schools. We once again had a successful Music. Art and Drama (MAD) evening in the second term. The Art was of a very high standard and our Musicians had a chance to shine. Teachers added a comical twist to a light bcartcd evening of fun. Our Concert, Jazz and Steel bands. as well as the Choir continued to perform at a vcry high Ic\d. with the Concert and Jazz bands once again receiving Diplomas at the annual Eisteddfod. Mr Catzavelos, Conductor of the

Concert Band. Mr King. master in charge of the Jazz Band. Keenan Oliphant, the learner in charge of the Steel Band and Choir Mistress. Mrs Dunn, all have exceptionally high standards which ensured that every performance wa' one of which they could feel proud. Their music"a' enjoyed by a wide variety of audiences - al the annual "Cia h of the Concertos" concert. wherc wc were finalists. at the "Campus of Schools Concert" in the City Hall, at the "Nussbaum Concert" held during Founder's week, at the annual "Valentine" Charity evening, at the "Night of the Stars". a huge fundraisingevent, at the tirst "Steel Band Festival" and at nwnerous functions held at school. My thanks to Mrs Spammer and Mr King who organi.sed ~ three day. Jazz Band camp which compnsed intensive workshops as well as fun time. It was a titting tribute when the Music Department was once again given an Honours Award at the Valcdictory function, for having contributed so much to the promotion of the school. Thank you to all ther---~ dedicated, committed sta f f members and learners who excelled in the mlL'iical field. Culture embraces all the Societies at the school as well, mall)' of \vhich are flo li ris h ing. Details of the various societies appear later In the chapter.

Head of Department: t\lrs tv! Colmun

Clocli.ll'i.\e L-R: eMu/dei: Al

C ,\lu/del: \f Stajford, L 0/1 lbi/,

Vuyiso Sonjic'(I

CII1ï\ JIll/der

Kyle Oosrerberg J1arMell Be::encoll

Al1gelo Zahos




Chad Bryson

Vuyiso Sonjica


Mr L Moser.

I'"Team Mr L Moser. Donovan McHendrie (15). (no. of game:. in bracket) P Cupido (1-). P-J Jacob (II), F Bala (II). J Jang (6). E Rod eth (2). M Banni ter (I), K Jacob' (I), C Lee (I), N Rich (I).


he year started on a tragic note with the new that Jamie TindiU had dro\' ..ned while on holiday with friends in the December break. Jamie was the main tay of our Che Club and. apart from being OUr be t player. wa a wonderful example for everyone al chool. lie wa a mature young man who elfle ly gave of him elf to otbers and his pre 'ence was :.orely mis cd throughout the year. In hi honour,lbe matrics of200 rai ed money to purcha e ome benche . plant:. and a plaque to adorn the outdoor che board. A ne\\ 'ct of piecc was obtained and outdoor che continue to be a \i ibrant activity before and a Iter chool and during breaks. At a hon ceremony in June, Jamie's mother um·eiled the plaque and we a\\ the final of the fir I Jamie Tindill Outdoor Blitz Che s Tournament. Thi i an annual tournament which will bc open only lOMatncs and lhe inaugural match saw Dane Topa beat Simon Es elaar. Weakened a wc \Vcrc by Jamic's ab ·cnce. we could only manage third place in the league Ihis year. [n thc founh term the Stephen Bell Che Tournament wa played. From a starting line-up of64 boys, the final wa evenrually conte tcd by Donovan McHendrie and Jae Jang. \\ ilh Donovan ultimately triumphing.

Back: Front:

ld Che sTeam P Cupido, F BaJa. 0 McHendric, Mr L Moser. P-J Jacobs.

Back: Front:

2nd Cbe sTeam E Rodseth, K Jacob . V Parbhoo, Mr L Mo. er, J Jang.



Captain: Team:


r Team:

Mr L Moser. Edmund Rodseth (4) U Ramjam (5), K Jacobs (4), V Parbhoo (4). C James (2), F Bala (1), M Bannister ( 1), M du Plooy (I), SEsselaar ( 1), J Jang (I).

Senior Debating Team Edmund Rodseth. Matthew Grilter, Murray Bing.

Mr R Henning. Matthew Grilter, Edmwld Rodseth. Murray Bing (Re erve - Brian damandama) Steven Smit, Andrew Rogin ky, Wandisile Mkubukeli (Re erve - Alex Powri)

lthough the Junior Team lo t every debate but one, it was good practice for a team which had bad no prior debating experience. The enior team fared well, . .ng 3 of their 5 debates. They finished second in their group, narrowly mi sing a chance to progress to the second round.

This page is spOIIsored by



& Associates

Back row: 4th row: 3rd row:

z" row: Front row:

A September, E Joseph. K Oliphant. E Rodseth, K Jacobs. S de Waal. K Martin. M Wmdsor, M Saharm, Goo. M Gri pos. J Botha, A Thomas, J Lesar, S DuM, D Osterloh. S Borchardt. D Jacobs, M TItus, T Vu. 0 Walker. 0 Patience, J Gilmour. S Beyile, R Spammer, M Borcbardt. K Block. R de Vries, S Mpanza, J Adams. M Rhode. R Johnson. M Foune, A Petersen, K Tbebus, Haralarnbous. W Vu, S Sparnmer, L-H Choi, Mr K Richardson, G Hartmann (Band Leader). Mr P Catzavelos M J Stock.

Copy type Cape

(PTY) Ltd




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, Ilrgh Spt.'\.'d Single, Dool + Full Color Digital Prinl~rs BOll50tl80 Pages pcr Minute PnnlSpc~ Prun. (il ::lepcr (lage

STEELBAND Back row: Front row:

C La\\ rence, D Patience. M IJassan. L Bodenstein. T Vorster, D o."Icrloh. S Dunn. K Oostcrberg, Mr K Richardson. K Oliphant (Band Leader),

Mr P CatzClyelos (Manager). K Jacobs. A Thomas.

Djrector/~1usical Arranger: Head of Chorcograph~':

Mr Brian Botha Mrs Oaphne .Jubber

African $ociety T-i-c:

Chairman: Comm'ltee:

\tIr S.Mgxwati. Khanya joli. Kallego, S Nokonongo, M Pahlana, C Sikho, G Menisi, S Mrangqolo.



:\liddlc ro": Front:

African Society Committee M Puhlana, G Menisi. B Barn. A Mk.hontwana, M Bala.

K kgudi. L StemcIa. K Njoli, M Tshangana. S okonongo.

his Society was formed at the beginl1lng of this year by about twenty dedicated boys who made sure that it became a Slicet S. They focused mainly on the gumboot dance and choral Illusie. They were im iled to cultural evenmgs by schools such as Bishops, Rustenburg Girls and Rondebosch bccuu:-.c they had been seen perfonlling at the Waterfront in the Clash of Concertos al the beginning of lhe year. They also performed at the Mad Evening and at l11any other school functions.

r thank the school for its interest in and support lor the formation of the ociety. Not long after the f0I111ationof the Society wc got our uniform of gumboots and \ ests and the school prO\ ides transport \.vhenever neccs~ary. My lhanks to lhe Icu\.ing matrics who made sure the) I eft 0 met hi ng important for the school and their juniors. My lhank lo Mr Doidge \\ho ga\'e U. RJOOO to buy a Marimba at the bcginningof2009.

A~e1w=~ ng Ed .. c!



Messrs R Henning. MBadiaii.


he gaming soicety was founded to gi\e learners the opportunity to participate in competithe computer and video gammg. It has proved to be very popular. ""ith a strong turnout for the innaugural tournament. Members compete agamst onc another on a variety of platfonns including the PC, PSj and Wii. The society is growing all the time and runs on a Friday after school. Members:

Back: Front:


T Smith, 0 Schcnck. J Ferguson. J Gilowy, E Schubcl1. C van der Merne, S Penny, 0 PheitTcr. A Powrie, SEsselaar. JMitchell. G Beattie, S Henderson, E MePetrie. M Higgins. T Higgins. S Borchardt, L Taliwe. K Danicls, K Malley, A Bossi. H Gabier, S Mpanza, R Carstens. P Cupido. Z Bhawan. A Kim. M Kabie, (' Ethcridge. M Nclson- Tanslcy. J Faivclowitz. MBanister.

Gaming Society Committee 0 Schcnck. S Esselaar, Mr R Henning. Z Bha\\un. J Gilo\\cy. T Yu, T Abrahams, E McPetrie, E Schubel1 . .I \1itchell, J Ferguson.

Muslim $tu~e",tsAssoci,tio",


n Saturday. 8th m,ember, the Wynberg Campus of Schools' M A bosted a day of fun for BeitU11- ur and an orphanage from Phillippi which looks after refugee children from the Congo. Altogether. there were 34 children, their ages ranging from 2 to 16 years old. Although slightly windy. the wcathcr was perfecl for a funftllcd occasion Wilh face painters. jumping ca!->tles, trampolines, mu~ic and food. While 'ome boy played guitar. the girl ang along and the children gathered to watch .. It \vas heart-warming al the cnd of the day lO kno~ lhal in ome mail way we made one day in these little children', lives enjoyable. It made us feel 0 proud of ourselves to see them leave with smjles on thelT faces. \fSA (IVHGS alld I~BHS)

IIlti ... t, Frisb" l\I-i-c:



Mr B Thompson. C Fisher. 0 Gedde . M Potter, B Chiddy, Il Abed, I Solomons, R Gready, Hardwiek. M Travi • P Jes, op.

his year the school started an Ultimate Frisbee club with leamers from every Grade playing the world' fa test growing port. The basic rules are - pa like netball. 'core like American football. Our external coachc~surpri 'cd us by explaining that there i. no referee during games - it is totally self-governing. Thi work exceptionally well as the main tenet i that it is played 'in the pirit of the gamc'. The team is dcveloping well and has a full range of pas ing technique and dcfensive tactics - so formidable that our first opponent cancelled! Wc are all looking foru ard to a strong season ahead.




Junior blues

Fundile Bala, Paul Cupido, Peter-John Jacobs, Donovan Mc11endrie,


Dale Patience


Mohammad Has an. Keenan Jacobs, Kyle Ooslerberg, David 0 terloh, Aden Thoma, Tim Vorl>ter, Stephen Dunn

Keenan Oliphant, Edmund Rodseth



Keenan Oliphant


Junior Blues Robert de Vrie, ichola Haralambou Dale Patience. Reinhardt Spammcr. Kurt Thebus



Junior Blues Dale Patience

Colours Marc Borchardt, Stephen Bydawell, tephen Dunn, Jonathan Gilmour. Chri top her Graham, Keenan Jacob , Aden Thomas

Marc Borehardt, Jacque Botha, Stephen Bydawell, Michael Fourie, Jonathan Gilmour, Tae Hyung Goo, Christopher Graham, Damian Jacob , Keenan Jacob, Ross Jol111son.Evan Jo eph, Jared Lesar, David Osterloh, Kyle Martin, Mikaylin Rhode, Michael Saharin, Andrew September, Aden Thomas, Marco Titu ,Dylan Walker, Tommy Yu



Junior Blues

Ja 0.11 Adams, Simon de Waal, Stephen DUL1n,Mihali Grispo , Glen Harunann. Keenan Oliphanl, Edmund Rodseth, Stephanus Spammer. Jame Stock, Michael Wood, Winston Yu

Marius Botha, Jimmy Comminelis, Sibusiso Mpanza, Darrin Thomas

Honours Lark-Hee Choi

PEBATINq Colours Matthew Groter

PRAMA Colours Mareo de Agrela, Nichola During, Mihali Grispos, Glen Hartmann, Craig Lawrence, Michael Mann, Kyle Oosterberg, Skye Sissing, l)m Vorster

Blues Stephen Dunn, Bdmund Rodseth, Marco Titus

Honours Keenan Oliphant

Blues Lark- Hee Choi, Mihali Grispos, Stephanus Spammer. Dylan Walker

Blues Mathieu Bezencon, Marthinus Botha

TK.OPHIES Greg Brown Tropby - most outstanding performer: Baxter Tropby - be t upporting actor: Nicola Jordan Trophy - out tanding service to Culture: Luman Trophy - greatest contribution to drama: J ubber Trophy - out tanding contribution to Culture: Most improved Player in tbe Concert band: Mo t ~dicated member of tbe Concert band: Abbott Cup for the be t run oeiety:

Keenan Oliphant Mareo Titus Stephanus Spammer Kcenan Oliphant Edmlmd Rodseth Matthew Wind or Keenan Oliphant Capstone

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Director of ervice: Prefect: Committee member:

Back row: 3'" row: 2"" row: Front row:

Ms Lind ay. Benjamin akanyala. Kalimba tinda; Kyle Martin; Matthew Renaud; Batabile Sibaca: Brian damandama; Ben Wiley: Bhoteke Mbombi; Skye Sis ing; Jason Adam .

Servke Committee B Wiley. G Samaria. V Nangauza. B Sibaca .. B Ndamadama. R Petersen. E Sulaiman. Ms S Lindsay. D Kellennan. S Sissing. M Tshangela. M Recd. M Renaud. SMagan. L Ntinda. V Parbhoo. K Nxgudi. B Nakanyala. J Adams. K Martin. J Ma.



e are very proud of Benjamin Nyakanyala. our Scn icc Prefect. who was selected as one of the six finalists in the Amy Biehl Youth SpiritAward.

tj;~ ~~

The Amy Biehl Youth Spirit Award was founded in America in 1993 to reco~'11iscyoung people in New Mexico \\ ho have gone out of their way to bring positi\ e change lo their ~ communities and or the world at large. This has now been extended to Soulh Africa with the first annual Award cvent taking place on 23"' August 200R at the (TJeC'. Although Benjamin did not win this prestigious award. being selccted as a finalist was a great achievement and are grateful for the wonderful contribution he has made to Service at Wynberg Boys' High School this year.




hIS year, WIth Service prefect. Benjamin Nakanyala and his cOlllmittee at the helm. the ervice Pillar of the school has been extremely busy and producti\c.




'" '" '" '"





Boys joined with Wynberg Girls' chool once again, "orking at the One-to-one fair for the mentally handicapped, held annually atthc Good Hope Centre. Three room were painted at the Moim Henderson Shelter in Woodstock. Every Wednesday during the third term, soup "as madc to tecd the hungry, "hieh "as dlstnbuted by StJames Church. This was a fulfilment ofJamic Tindill's dream. Thousands of books were collected for St. Michael's Home for abused girls and handed over at a live Radio Good Hope how, hosted by Nigel Pearce. Boy were mar haDs at the annual "Big Jive Walk" and also at the Two Oceans Marathon. Pupils worked at "Tears" ID Kommetjie, which cares for abused animals. A group ofmatnc cience pupIls tutored fellow matries at Zonncblocm High School. A group ofboys" Isited patients at Groote Schuur Hospital. Lorie boys unofficially "adopted" thc SOS Children' Village as a proJect.They collectcd and donated unused sport equipment. and also assIsted them at their fctc with the sale of hamburgers. Many boy worked regularly at "Footprints" assisting unemployed men to make thcir living by sorting goods for recycling.

There were several Service drives during the course of the year. '" Easter Eggs \\-cre collected and distribuled to childrcn in poor areas. '" Food. clothing and blankets were collected for victims of Xenophobia. '" Donations \\-ere given to Hospice during Cancer" eek and also for their Christmas Lights appeal. '" Food donations trom parents enabled us to make up Christmas hampers and grounds stalT.

for our cleaning

Once again several boys \olunteered to a. sist the local Rotaract Club with their supel'\ ision of young children at the annual"Uncle Paul's Christmas parties" held at the Groot Constantia Wine Etate.

There were also numerous School Sen lee opportunities. Infotech * Being part of the Interact club and assisting \\ ith several * projects. Ushering at the school musical production. * Working in the schoollibra..,. Assisting at numerous sport events * Fint aid assistance at ports matches. * • Working backstage at the musical production. Sound and lighting for a scmblies and school occasions. Walten at the "Music at the Manor" and at the Old Boy • * dinner. • Hosting a musical concert for the elderly.

For the fifth consecutive ycar. the Grade 8's were invol\cd in a house building project. assisted by Habitat for Humanity. This year their build was at Mfuleni. near Somerset West. My thanks to Mrs de Mink and a team of Grade 8 parenls who ran a very successful Grade 8 Market Day, which wa.! the main fundraiser. We are also indebted to the Seed Educational Trust. who made a significant financial donation to the project. The boys thoroughly cnjoyed working on site. learning all sorts of new skills. from digging foundations to roof tiling. At the end they feh very pleased and satisfied that they had helped to build a house for a needy family. Thank you to all the parents who generously supplied transport to and from the building site. What I have appreciated most this year is the enthusiasm and willingness of the boy who became invohed in Service activities. The committee. in particular. worked tirelessly to create as many Service opportunities as possible for boys at the school. Instead of \lo orking as an exclusive group they invited all who were interested to join in. to give their ideas and most important of all. to participate. Service meetings became fun. with lol .. of \ oluntecrs. all willing to help in some way - Thank you boys! this certainly made .


• Back row: 2'" row: Front row:

Back row: Jtd row: 2'" row: Front row:

Back row: Front row:

Back row: Front row:

Back: Jrd row 2'111 row:


Sound & Lighting ~1 Bezencon. W Philips. M Botha. J Comminelis .. M Botha. D Thomas. S Mpanza. L Mills. Infotech B Ndamandama. S Fillanc. A Roginsky. T Vu. T Smith. U Ranjam. W Yu. Mr MBadiaii. M Stafford. S Mpanza. A Bossi. S Henderson. Backstage M Dc Agrela. A Williams. C Lawrence. S Sissing.

Interact B Nakanyala. 8 Wilcy. M Renaud. S Sissing. M Reed. K Martin. J Adams. J Ma.

First Aid G Chedbum. A Thomas. 8 Ndamandama. M Bishop. R Woodman. N Martin. JD Breytenbach. L Bodenstcin. C Bodensteill. T Ndabeni. B Race. M Joubert. PBowden. M McWilliams. V Parbhoo. J Dobbelstein. S DanieIs. L Naidoo.


Mrs Wendy Payne.


y year as Chairlady of the Ladies' A sociation has been a great experience and honour. I have not only got to know many teachers, but have met a great number of parents and made new friends along the way. The first term was an exceptionally busy one. Prizegiving, Blazer Ceremony. Matrie Evening, Neighbours' Cocktail evening and Careers evening to name but a few. The Ladies' Association served tea and catered for all of these functions. In the second tenn we assisted the WOBU in a fundraisercallcd "Music at lhe Manor". This was a high tea in the beautiful garden setting of Kaplan House. The Concert and Steel bands performed from the balcony overlooking the garden. I hope it will become an annua! affair. We planned and catered for the Gala Evening of the school production. "Broadway Celebration". which was a huge success aod also catered for the Nussbaum Concert. I thank all those who offered their services by assisting with teas. functions. flower . gardens. recycling, sport tucks hops or the econd hand clothing shop. The response was amazing which certainly made our job on the committee a great deal easier. The committee was amazing. Thank you everyone for all your hard work and willingness to help. I thoroughly enjoyed working with you and getting to know you better. Beth Lowe, Sandy MeIain and her terun were responsible for the most beautiful flower arrangements for the foyer and for all functions, Karen Sangster. Jeremy Kellemmn and theirteam cared for the gru·dens. Thanks to all. A big thank you also to Ronnie. Tessa, Jeremyand helpers for everything you have done to make each function a success. I urge all new parents at WBHS to get involved and assist where you can. It i lots of fun and a great way to get to know your son's teachers and other parents as well. I wish the Chairlady for 2009. Debbie Griffitlls, all the best for the year ahead. You have our support and I hope you have as much fun as r had this year. Welld)' Payne


(L-R): MI'D Ramage, Ms Af Robertsoll. MI's PRogel's.


he depalture of our very capable Couosellor Ms Monica Robertson into private practice was a great loss to tbe school and to the Counselling Department in particular. We have yet to find a replacement to supplement tbe service provided by Mrs Patricia Rogers (a qualified Social Worker), and Mr Daniel Ramage. wbo has counselled our I lostel boys and assisted Ms Robertson in tbe Department for a number of years. Tbis bas resulted in a shift in focus from intensive individual therapy to crisis management and general supportive casework, with serious or long tcml cases being referred to outside professionals.

Discipline also faUs within Mrs Rogcrs's portfolio, \vhich is proving to be an effective means of detecting problems before they become intractable.


CWFJiI COMMUNITY I~EARNINGCJt~NTllE 1I",t././.ssi,,, f" ',.",i"l· If Director:


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Mr John Young.

he year pre ented Cwe i \.,ith a number of challenges. including one that was quite fundamental. We had a di rupted year in that the matric exam cycle was changed to start and fini h in May/June for the fir t time. Thi sy tern will continue till May/June 2011 when the la tofthe 'old matric' exam will be written. Thereafter every tudent mu t write the 'new OBE exam' which our current Grade 10s are preparing for. We were extremely sorry to lo e Mr Errol Collins a Centre Manager. Mr Collin wa with Cwe i for ju t over a year but made a huge mark: as a popular and upportive colleague with tudent and staff and al 0 as a meticulous and excellent administrator. We thank Mr Collin and wish him everything of the best. We were extremely fortunate to be able to find Mr Graham Falken to fill his position. Very widely experienced in the field of adult education and active in the training sector, he quickly picked up on all apects of the ta ks required and we look forward to gaining from hi con iderableexperience. OLD MATRIC EW MATRlC E\ eryone in education knew for a long time that the year 2008 would ee the cnd of the 'old matric " but almo t no planning for adult education eems to have been done. Suddenly, in late 2007, it was reported that adult tudent would be writing matric in May/June 2008 and that the November 2007 exam would be the la t one to be held in ovember for the old matric. When the timing of thi announcement was questioned, the WCED official replied that there were "victims in every process". The result wa that our ·tudent had an absurdly hort period of time to prepare for the May/] une exam . We are very proud of the matrics who completed their sixth and final subjects, and, in pas ing them, have their matric certificates: Duncan Beeson. Le lene Kar tens, Vu umuzi Mhcube (who achieved a C and two D ), Emmanuela Rowe. Michelle Sia , Samantha Third and Loretta Woolf. Loretta wrote three ubject thi year on top of a bu y work and family schedule. Her result were: Engli h I" Language, D. Business Economics B. and Ethnology (a subject he taught herself) .... a great bigA- ymbol. A wonderful achievement. Cwesi again achieved the 70% pa s rate we nonnally achieve; a great tribute to the dedicated and clever teachers - and to the hard work and commitment of our superb adult students. Eighty eight ubject were written. 61 pa e were achieved. However, there eems to be no pro pect of there ever being an Abet Level 5 or Abet Level 6 (or 'adult tudents'matric'). Why this i ha never been satisfactorily explained. To compound the very unfair conditions under which adult students suffer, the national education department ununarily, and with ab olutely no warning, deleted several ubjects from the li t for May/June 2009 .... the


students, it seems, lUustjust make do with whatever subjects the national department feels like offering. But then. we have been told that there are 'victims in every process'. CURRICULUM Grade 12: we offered five subjects on four nights in preparation for the May/June 2008 exam; Commercial Maths and Business Economics sharing the extra night. The other subjects were Biology, Xhosa and English first languages. For June 2009 we offered English second, Criminology, Ethnology and Business Economics. 34 students have signed up for the 'old matric'. Grade 10; This new separate grade was started in response to the national education department's insistence that the new syllabus cannot be started in grade 12; in the words of one administrator, they want to "protect the integrity" of the new system. Noble words. but one would have tboughtthat adults might also be important enough for time and money to be spent by the bureaucrats on developing an adult matric equivalent. That would show real integrity. Abet: thankfully we are supported by two fantastic volunteers here in Geoff Burr and Charmaine Du Plessis who teach Math Literacy and Afrikaans. Their involvement quite literally makes it possible for us to keep up the Abet classes, and remain true to the founding principles of the school. Therese MichaeIs continues to do quite wonderful work on the two evenings a week she teaches English literacy at four levels (think about that!) in addition to being a wann and caring and supportive teacher at all times. (Some WCED documents now refer to AET so perhaps there has been yet another change in nomenclature - or perhaps a letter just got left out, as adults so often are). WYNBERG BOYS' H1GH SCHOOL Cwesi is indeed fortunate to be hosted by Wynberg Boys' High School. The headmaster Mr Keith Richardson and caretaker Mr Cecil Brewis do everything they can to make our lives easy. In particular, Cwesi is blessed to have ou its goveming body deputy headmaster Mr Larry Maser. His tireless championiug of the Cwesi cause aud and his calm and knowledgeable approach al meetings makes him a really wonderful asset. Cwesi salutes Wynberg Boys' and Mr Maser. INTERN AT LONAL LITERACY DAY EVENT Mrs Therese Michaels once again ran a fund-raising and awareness campaign on the premises of Exclusive Books at Constantia Village. Both organisations are thanked for their generosity in allowing Cwesi to promote the cause ofliteracy within the bookshop and the centre. Not as much money was made this year as last year because of the worst winter storms in memory, but a number afnames were taken of people who are interested in helping. Mrs Michaels has been active in following this up and one such person has already volunteered to come in an be an assistant teacher to assist students on a one-ta-one basis. FUNDING The need la start offering four brand new classes for the new Grade 10 classes created another set of pressures for our budget. We were most fortunate that Mr Alex Moss (who helped Cwesi with a taxi


pf1J()fCWESI #nYoung

.' j


last year and foullded the excellent NGO Help2Read) upported us with the equivalent of one teacher's salary. WCED: funding was as usual received from the WCED on the basis of the numbers of students we have. Because our teachers accept a far lower rate of pay AND teach one les on per term as voLunteers, we are able to continue to offer a fairly wide programme. SA ClubBerlin: our greatest friends and supporters once again were generosity themselves; the members of the SA-Club really just are fantastic. We received our generous support again from the South African Club in Berlin. They not only paid us well, they paid out early which meant that we KNEW tbat we were liquid. The SA Club is literally tbc lifeblood of the school, as theirsupport enablesus to run the subsidised taxi system, Brave Berlin, Bravo! We are glad their members keep wanting to come to Cape Town (first Sharon Mu elder now Johanna Wagenknecht) but we must make sure that some members stay in Berlin so they can send us those vital Euro ! Thank you again SA-Club. John Young

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Masters-in-charge: Coaches:


Me rs C iehol on. C De Bruyne. Mr S. Mg \Vati: Long Di tance/Long Jump Mr C. icholson: Javelin Lyceum Jeftha: Sprints/H urdle Jonathan Charles\Vorth: Long Distance David ( tudent Coach): hot-put/Di cus Johanne Kalipi.


lthough athletic was off to a rough tart, I am proud to report on an overall succe sful and full athletic sea on. Our Athletic team was thrown into the deep end at the beginning of the sea on when we competed at the Paarl Boys Invitational again t very trong oppo ition. Our boy had had little time to train and the titne s levels were clearly evidence of a long and lazy Christmas Holiday. Let' ju t ay that \he didn't feature much on the track or the field. Wc bounced back though after a diligent programme of kill and fitness training, and faired well at the Fal e Bay Zonal competition in Khayalet ha. The day was a . eorcher and even though wc didn't have one square inch of shade. our boys remained in high spirits and achieved some fantastic results:

Yu un mailPeter Jes op Lwandile SampontshaJaques Botha Zimasa MalungaSimon Kannemeyer Jo h Fransman Evan J sephJohannes Kalipi Rameesh Mentor Samkele Nani -

UI4 lOOm, 200m and High Jump U 15 High Jump UI5 lOOm UI? Shot Put UI5 Shot Put U 14 Shot Put U IS lOOm Hurdles UI? 800m UI9800m UI91500m U 19 Long Jump U 19 Triple Jump UI9800m UI9400m

I place. I' place. 2"" place. 1" place. 1" place. 2n.l place I" place. 3n1 place. 1" place. nd 2 place. 2nd place. I" place. 2nd place. 3n1 place.

U 15 Relay: Ismail Yusuf, Wandile Sampontsha. Siyabonga Beyile, Raef Ashton Gold medal. U19 Relay: Kalimba tinda, Samkele Nani, Rameesh Mentor. Bhoteke Mbombi Gold medal. The second round of Zonal Trials in Bellville served as the filtering event for the next meeting which was Western Province trials. ALL oflhe above boys made it througb the second round and were invited to the trials for the Western Province Schools Athletics Team. I congratulate Ismail Yusuf (lOOm), Josh Fransman (Hurdles) and Peter Jessop (High Jump) who were elected to represent w.P. Athletics Scbool Team. C.DS.


ATHLETICS Standing: 3,,1 row: 2nd row: Seated:

B Wiley, G Chedburn, M Fitchet, J Botha,. JOosthuizen, F Peters. J Philander, B Sibaca, K Goss. D Chedburn, Z Meintjies. SKannemeyer, S Nani, B Mbombi, C Botha, J Fransman, DOsterioh, Z Malunga, ROmar. V Mckay, Mr C De Bruyne, J Kalipi, Mr K Richardson, L Ntinda, Mr S Mgxwati, T Mulaudzi.




Captain: Team:

Mr G Taylor. Tuna Amutenya R Carstens, T Mhlaba. R Peters, S Salol G Samaria. A akanyala, L Schluter, M de Klerk, K Ohene-



onvincing wins over traditional rivals SACS, Rondebo ch, We terford, and Pine land in the first term were particularly satisfying. This team wa a highly competitive one, built around a strong team ethic and hard work. The 10 s of our senior matric players means thaL 2009 will be a rebuilding year but in our current under 16's (who bad an out tanding ea on), we bave tbe core of an excellent team for the next two years. We thank our matrics for the leadership and example they have shown our Junior teams during their time at Wynberg and hope that many of them will continue to be involved in basketball, either playing for dub, or assisting with coaching.

U19BASKETBALL Standing: Seated:


R Peters, G Sanlalia, R Carstens. K Capes, S Salot. T Mhlaba, Mr K Richardson T Amutenya, Mr G Taylor. A Nakanyala.

Tuna Amutenya (Cpt): Shooting Guard. Scoring average: 12 points/game. Tuna led the team in points scored and in average points cored per game. He played superbly on olTence and defencc. I hope he will continue to develop his talents playing University or Club basketball and return to impart his knowledge to young Wynberg basketball players. Honours.

Ryan Carsten Forward: Scoring average: 10 points/game (Jast year 2 points / game).Ryan's skills have improved in leaps and bounds and he finisbes his Wynberg career with the second highest point totaJ on the team this year. He has been a real asset to the basketball programme at Wynberg.

Gavin Samaria Forward Shooting average 9 points/game (last year 7 points / gamc). Gavin fini bes hi career at Wynberg having improved his points game average. He still has loads of potential for improvement and J hope that he will continue to play basketball after high school.

Robin Peters Forward Shooting average 7 points/game (last year 3 points / game): Robin will be remembered for his speed, quick reflexes, fast hands, our main threat on the fast break. and a player who always gave 100% effort. He has been a great asset to the programme.

Thandi Mhlaba Shooting guard. Scoring average 5 points / game (last year 2 points/ game) Another veteran who will be leaving at the end of2008. Thandi will be remembered for his total commitment on the court, his great dribbling skills, and for the weirdest (but very effective) outside jumper. We hope that he will continue to play basketball after high school.

Lloyd Schluter Forward. Shooting average 7 points / game: One of our "young guns", Lloyd has become somewhat of a three-point specialist, the result of hours of practice after school. Once be develops a good fake and acquires a healtby dose of confidence, Lloyd could be scoring 12 to 15 points a game-mostly from outside shots.

Andreas Nakanyala Shooting Guard Scoring average 6 point/game (tast year 1 point/ game): A"younggun" wbo has matured into a reliable first team player. Needs to develop a good fakealld perfect his three point shooringtechnique (more arc on the shot!). Andreas is a skilful dribbler wbo gives us an extra option on offence. A player who always gives 100%.


badley alot hooling Guard game): Shadley has all the skill phy ically and become tougher. techniques, be needs lOde\ielop potential to become a dominating

coring average 5 point / game (last year I point / to become a great player. but he needs to develop To accompany his excellent dribbling and shooting elf-confidence and a better shot selection. He has the force in a game once he perfects his outside hot. _~~~~~~

Kenneth Obene- nm POLot Guard / hooting guard: A kilfuJ ball handler and excellent pa ser of the ball. Kenneth can become a far more influential player once he develops an cffective outside shot. He ha great vi ion and anticipation and the potential to be one ofWynberg's finest.

Matthe," de Klerk Forward / Post: A newcomer 10 the game. Matthew needs to 1F-1a:D1"1 develop his rebounding and passing skill , as weU as hi inside shot. H is height is his maUl as et, bul to getto the nexllevcl, he need..o;; to develop his game considerably.

Coach: Team:

Mr G van Nickcrk. E Archer. J Ben on, Kithole, S Lendi . M Woodman, L Schluter. J Lewis, J Hosking. M C Fi her, D Connelly.



Mr P Knowies.


ricket at Wynberg has had another outstandmg year tbe results speak for tht..'tTlseJves.All the top teams recorded \\ inning ralios of 80% and higher. The I Xl were unbeaten in 23 declaratIon games a staggering achievement especially when one realises that 20 of these were won and only 3 drawn. Both the UISA'sand UI4A' had very good seasons, the UISA' [0 ing only 3 of27 games and the UI4A's losing 4 ofthcir 20. But. as we say every year (and strongly believe). cricket at WBHS is more than about results and A teams - il,is about every cricketer in the school. In tbc absence ofa Pro thi term.' ran the Friday nets and had ome delightful aftcmoons, seeing some real talent in our lower ranks .• have no doubt that there arc going to be s me surpri<;es in the I XI in the next year or so. Ther WCI' 4 highly suc ssful lours during the year lhe I" Xl. in particular. were Wlbeatcn in Grahamsto n in January, winning 3 game of 3, and then won 4 of 4 at the Cape Schools Week in Queen town - a fir t ever for BHS and a feat rarely accomplished by anyone. The UI SA's had 2 in and a lo s at the Ore ti tival in P.E and the U 14A's had 3 \\ ins, a lie and a loss at tbc Hilton festi al. The table below gives an indication of our all-round strength against our main rivals over the year:


7 10








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Once again, at risk ofleavingsomeoneout. a HUGE THANK YOU to all the following: All parents for their support, encooragement, transport, lunches, and teas - a marvellous effort without which cricket would not be possible. All coaches for their countless hours spent coaching, umpiring, transporting and SUPPOlting. A Il players for their commitment and dedication and for carrying the Wynberg name so proudly. A II umpire and scorers. Arrie Matthews and Turftek. The Great thing about cricket is that it allows you your moment 10 the sun, bul it will soon bring you back lo earth if you get too arrogant E JOY AND EMBRACE THIS GREATEST OF GAMES. This page is spoIlsored by the Frylillck Family


Mr E.Lef on. GeoffDods. J Cameron-Dow. M Botha, D Geffen, J Meredith, C Botha. K Go s. G Edmcadcs. C Fortune. G Christian. D Garder. D Sage, R Lok. D Frylinck.


he 2008 Cricket season was one of the most memorable years in Wynberg cricket history. It did not start out like that though - there were worries about the thin top order and quite a few injury prone players. HO\vever, they had a few good things going [or them. Firstly, a top class spinner in lhe form of James Cameron-Dow, a quality captain in Geoff Dad and five matrics who had already played cia e to four hundred first team games between them and had had the benefit of two over eas tour. In tbe end it was the latter that came through. The team was only really bowled out once - against Paul Roos. The bowling rose la any challenge and if Cameron-Dow could not get it done the three prong seam attack of Dads, Michael Botba and Geffen. later joined by Fortune. etid. The batting, although brittle on paper, always seemed to come through and perhaps not having a inglc top player la rely on proved a strength. Another surpri ing plus was the fielding. Although there were two superb athletes in the form afKieran Gass and Clinton Botha, the catching behind the wickets, especially by Geffen and Edmeades was top notch. It makes such a difference if you only need lO get len wickel and nol the normal school scenario of twelve or thirteen. The highlights were nwnerous. Fir tly, there was the Cape Schools Week in Queenstown. It was a fir t for Wynberg, winning all four games with the cherry on the top - beating Grey by ten wickels. There was the defence of a low score against a very good Paul Roos team and, of course, the way the team perfoIDled in declaration cricket, it is an


amazing performance to win such a high percentage of those games and in fact ,the three that were drawn, should have been wins. The mOSl striking feature of the season was how positively they played. Some have commented on being undefeated in declaration cricket. To me lhis is not really an achievement. To me the achievement was how many games they won. In a time where avoidance of defeat i the primary goal for most teams, the team proved they would rather lo e than settle for the draw. I thank the parents for their po itive upport, e pecially Mrs Dad for the many hours he gave to cricket and Mr Knowie for his help and guidance. Also, Craig Lawrence, our loyal scorer, who is a special young man. Finally.] thank those who had the foresight four years ago to allow thi group great opportunities. I believe they have proved to be a great inve tment. I al 0 thank Geoffand the First Team which has had hada year to remember, set very high standards bOlh on and off the field and done botb WBHS and themselve proud. Well done.


Back ron: Middle row: Front row:

C Lawrence. K Goss, D Geffen. C Botha. G FI)'linck, M Wood, G Edmeades. M Botha, G Christian. D Garder. J Cameron-Dow, Mr K Richard on, G Dod (Capt.), Mr E Lefson, J \lIeredith.

Player Profiles Geoff Dod ©-Honours: Geoff had an excellent final year, that re ulted in his election a captain for the WP U 19 side. He continued hi con i tent bowling and hi batting came on immen ely. He i now a true all rounder, having continued the tradition offine Wynberg captains. I am confident GeofT will continue to play the game after chool and will no doubt be an asset to any club hejoins.

James Cameron-Dow (v-e)-Honours: Jame had a very memorable first team career. In taking over 300 wickets and eleven 5 wicket hauls, he has set record that are unlikely to be matched. The challenge now is to take hi game to a lcvel al which he can be successful in the men' game. Not many chool boy spinners achieve this. With his leaving, an era has ended.

M ichael Botha-Blues: M ichael had a veI)' good final year. lie produced the goods with both bat and ball, even achieving the rare feat ofa century and a seven wicket haul. There is no doubt that ifhe had had the time to focus on hi cricket he would have played for the provincial team. I can only hope he continues to play after school.


,... , t, .


David Geffen-Blues: David had a very good final year. His bowling developed well and there were very few game in ~ hich he did not make an early breakthrough with the new ball. His batting was consi tent but I think he will Look back with a little di appointment at hi failure to reach three figures. David is a very talented young man and Ihope he decides lo challenge himselfafterschool becau. e he ha a lot of good cricket in him.

Jason Mereditb-Colours: Statistically, Jason did not have a great year, but Ihave really enjoyed having him as part of the team. Although he did not score big run , he still played a vital role in many solid open:ing partnerships. Few cricketers try harder or have a better attitude. lIe was al 0 a very unlucky cricketer. Any bad deci'ion alway eemed to go against him. Iam confident Jason will continue with the game he clearly love and may well bIos om at club level.

Clinton Botha-Coloun: Clinton continued to improve through the year. lIe has tbe talent and hand-eye co-ordination, bul maintaining his focus and concentration has always been a challenge.

Kieran Goss-Colours: After a poor first tenn and a layoff because of injury, Kieran got back to his old ways and found some good form. Although a very basic cricketer, he can take attacks apart. His key is to hit the ball straight and ifhe maintains his focus he can have a very good final year.

Grant Edmeades-Colours: Grant is a cricketer of vast potential. He also has the necessary hunger and passion for the game. Although he had a slightly disappointing fourth term, r believe we wilJ see some great things from him over the nextcoupleofyears.

Chad Fortune: Chad is one of the mo t talented cricketers I bave seen in my time at Wynberg. Who can forget his performance against Grey? There is no doubt he has everythjng to make it to the highest level of the sport. fn order to get there though, he will bave to remember that wbat happens off the field can have a big bearing on what happens on the field.

Givon Christian: There is no doubt that Givon has all the teclmical skills to be a good top order bat. however there have been a lot of question marks about hi temperament. Next year J hope be can step up and show what be is made of.


Dayaan Carder: Dayaan showed glimpses of his talent but never really cemented his place. ext year he will be expected lo takc a more major role. 11is key is to remember he is a strike bowler and that he mu t focu on strike rate. not run rate.

Ryao Lok: Ryan had a long layoff because ofi.njury. On his return be could not get his place back. bul as tbe sea on progressed his old rhythm appeared to becoming back.

Dylan Frylinck: Dylan kept wicket for most of the year. Although The Oval was not an easy pitch to keep on, Dylan was exposed a few times too often. He i a good team man, but will bave to work a lot on his keeping ifhe want to maintain his place.

Dylan Sage: Dylan had opportunitie but was never able to grab them. He definitely has potential and hopefully next year he can step up to the plate.

This year's tournament was hosted by Queens College in their 150'h Year. It was a fantastically successful week for Wynberg's 1"XI who won all40ftheir matchesa rarely done feat by any team and certainly a 1>1 for WynbergBoys' High School.


Plnelaads PIncland.. 62 G.nI~ I n

Cam.'9" R.dl.y (LK)(4S o,.rs) Radloy 111 (Cameron-Do" 4111 onel hot-trick)

WRHSI>~1 Won by 7 ",ek ...

WBHS 1J:!!2 tC Botha 53) Won by 8 wICkets Gom. 20 ' .. St Edwurcb (UKl

ClImt 2 \"J Blut Leoparlb WBliS 164'8 de. (Edmead", 15. C Botha46) BlueLeop.mb IItO(Cameron-[)o"Y371 Won by ~ m.n.'"

Ct.mt3" KiDIV'''ood W1IIIS lW9 dcc tGdT.... ~) KJOg<wood 137 (C""",",n-Dow Won by 87 runs

Won bl 8 wIcket>

Gamt 2 t vs Queens Queens 134 (Comoren-Do", 3/44) WBAS 13514 rc Botha 34·) Won by 6 wickeu

Hi4. KeUy ''IJ)

C ..... 22 .., Crey High Grey 9S (Fortune ~'l6) WBHS 990 (MeredIthSl·.

(;amr 4


51 Aodrt'w'I CoUtj{t

Came 23




WBAS 23617 dcc (ldmeadcs 122·. Union AA( Cameron-Do" 4J25. Dods \\on by 1~81l1J1S

C.mt 5 ".. Dolt (5tJ 0",.,) \\1IAS21~ (M BollaS!) Dole 144 'R .ncr47 o>er< Won by 61 ru", (0 L)



Camo 24 ,'S O.I. (45 •• tr.) D.I. 9'l (Oods 3/20.) WBIlS 100'4 Botha 40) Won by 6 wieke ...


Cam. 6 '. P.. rl C)m (500, .. <) WBIlS


Won by IQ "'CkCL'

St Andrew. 169 W BIIS 170.5 (M ..... bth 461 Won by S ",ekol,


Paarl Gym 173,S LosI by 2 wlc1r:cb Cam. 7HAGS (Au.,) WBm 24-1 5 dtt (Cltn'"OR AGS 74 (GeITen 5 '20) Won by 170 run,

COllIe %5 \'J flllkrtst (40 ..... ) WlIlIS 245'6 (C Botha 100) Htlk:n:st67 ($ab'" J,S, C.mcron·[)ow Won by 178 runs

Came 26


Itaarl G)m (SO O\·tr1)

WBAS 215'8 (M Both. 68)

Paarl G)'1ll185 (FOI1Un<4'IS) Won by 30 run.

Csmr 8" P.'ar' BOyJ WBllS 179 Paarl Bo)'!; 121 (0ód..4'24, Woo by 5Srum G •• ,. 9 's"1.torl. WBAS 1031S VlClona 87(Dods4 Wo. by 16rum


60. Edmeades 55. Meredlth 411

Cameron-Dow J 36)

CC u20 (20/20) 14)

C001017 '" Be'l."'U.t WBllS 228:1 dcc (C Botha 67. Gofren 50') Berg,het 60 (Oods JI2. Cameron-Do" 3112) Won by 168 run.

CaUlt 28 ". Gon.m.o. WBAS20H GOOi.einnoo

Came 10 H Plul Roo~ 11 (M Botha 43) Puul Rw> 83 (Dods 3,5. ClltIlmln-Dow 3,39) Won by S5 runs

(UK)(40 ovtn)


Won by 126 runs


Game 11 vs Ne\\-Orlnns (.50 0, en) WBliS

WlIAS 87'4 (C Iloth.53·1 Wo. by 6 wick.'"

Came IJ '. WBAS~2.S


(20120)SACS 97

Los! by 5 nons

Ibe JO '" tellen berg WBliS 246.6 dcc (M Botha lOO', Golfen 61· J Stellenborg 120 (Camcron-Dow 4143. Forrune 3 33) Won by 126 runs

Game 15 "s Bbhop. 19J 9dtt(GeOcn


Bishops 86 (Canteron-now Won by 10.8 rum



BI~hopS 184 (Geffen 6/38) WBIIS 120.6

Omw Came 33 V$ Rondt,bosch (20120) WBAS97n RBNS 9812 Lost by 8 " •• ke" Came J4 \'J Rondtoosth WBllS 230!6 (Do<l. S6·) RD~IS ln6 (\ol Botha >tï91

Gum. 16". Old Bov' Old BoY' 147'~ (Dod.4

C.01tJl \'J Utr)!\Utt 120120) WBAS 126'3 (Goss 46·) Bcrgvb.t 54 (Kan.meyer 3 7) Won by 73 runs

Came 32 " Ubbops

Cam.l~ "Plnelllnds WBBS 251'5 dcc lC Both. SQ. Meredith 46. GelTen 43) Pineland.-. 69 ('4 Botha 7,29) \\00 b) 182 rum



WBHS 1487 (Edrneadc> 3So) \\."n by 3 "' •• ~.'"

Came 35

C.me 17 v. aondrbo .. h RBAS 163!7 (Calllemn-Do" 6.631 WBIlS 16613 (C Botha 58 \lcn:dJth 54) Won by 7 wI.kets C.m.18,'sS,\C WBIIS 204 (M Botha 54 ) SACS 93/91 Dod. 4'21.


by 10 "",,'lckcC$


Came Jl " BeIl_lIIe (SO 0, en) 8<11,,11.86 (C.runcron-Dow 440. Dod., 3'7)




,."' Orlcaru. 119 Won by 36 run_


Came 29 .. \\oOft.nord (2UI20) Wes.mord 19,g WBlI~ SO 0 (GelT.., J3·)





Westcrford 79 (00ds3: '.Camcron-Dow3/IJ) WlIlIS 80,7(CBotha28') Won by 3 wi.ker.;

ndXI Coach: Captain:

Results Played 13




2 Drew 0

Mr M Engelbrecht. Tyron Bloor. T Bloor, M Wood, D Sage, JR Malloch, R Lok, W Mukkudem, S Kelly, S Camagu, C Fortune, B Mbombi, C Everts, D Garder, C Terblanche, J Lesar, Rich, J Van Velze, M Bing.


Results Played 15




2 Drew 2


Coach: Captain: Team:

MrR Inglis. Mallhew Elsworth. M Portnoi, M Carr, C Everts, S Souter. C Rogers, M M Brunger, S Bean, K Sonday, J Lesar. N Rich, N Vl


4 XI Results Played 14 Coach: Captain: Team:

Results Played 12 Coaches: Captain: Team:







5 Drew 0

Mr J Robinson. Craig Lawrence. K Milne, BLombard. D Forbes, D Dreyer, D Afonso, W Banfield, G Gerhardi, PJ Jacobs, R Knipe, C Martin,T Keeling, J Connor, C Lawrence,M Portnoi, N Velica, M Carr. S Bean.

7 Drew 0

Messrs P Smith, P Hansen. Grant Coram. C Moore. M Grispos. R Singh, R Ad(lina], D Roxborough. A Thomas, M Wilkin on, J Pascoe, P Cupido, M Mann, W Banfield.


Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr G Posthumus. Dalton Kannemeyer. T Muller S Mallie, J Fransman. A Haupt. R Bedingham. G Coghlan,


fthere is one thing you want from a season as a cricket coach, it is to see improvement. The U ISA team certainly showed this, but not only in terms of results. Their work ethic, technique, mental strength, fielding and especially their hunger to score runs improved exponentially and they really became a much improved unit from the one that started the season. The team set themselves some goals at the beginning of the season. They were to practise harder then any other team, improve their fitness and be the best fielding team in the province. To say that they achieved these aims would not do themjustice as they worked tirelessly to make sure thaI tbey were the bestand it had a great knock-on affect on their cricket. tbjng you wan! from a season as a cricket coach, it is to see improvement. The U 15A team certainly showed this, but not only ill temlS of result . Their work ethic, technique, mental strength. fielding and especially their hunger to score runs improved exponentially and they really became a much improved unit from the one that started the season. The team set themselves some goals at the begilming of the season. They were to practise harder then any olher Learn. improve their fitnes and be the best fielding team in the province. To say that they achieved these aims would not do them justice as they worked tirelessly to make sure that tbey were the be t and it had a great knock-on affect 00 their cricket. TnJanuary in the Wynberg U 15 Festival, we played some good cricket and ended winning all three matche we played, most notable, the victOly over Affies when Dalton Kannemeyerscored his first LOO. This festi val set tbc tone for the entire year as the U 15 side continua lly scored in excess of200 and at times even exceeded 300 runs. Tbey were a pleasure to watch when batting, as every batsman contributed and they continually piled on thc pressure on the opposition bowlers. The highlights oflhe first term were the three convincing victories over the Boys' schools, Josh Fransman's L 12 against SACS an.doutstanding bowling performances by Sabir Mallie. Also worth a mention was tbe massive totalof383 cored in 50 overs against Paarl Gym in a match where Dalton Kannemeyer (176*) and GereCoghlan (86*) shared ao unbeaten256 run partnership. In the September holidays the teamundcrtook a tourto Grey PE, where they played the LOpteams in the country. The tour started well with a 5 wicket victory over Grey Bloemfontein on tbe first day. However tbe team came short the following day agaillst Grey PE, but then recovered beautifully to amass 334 in 50 over against Wood ridge with Sabir MaLlie scoring 120. Theteam returned from tour to continue their good batting form and continue to post large scores throughout the term, most impressive the 383 vs Paarl Gym, also scored in 50 overs. The team managed lo quaUfy for the knock out finals after completely dominating their hal f of the draw. Agonisingly they fell a couple ofruns short chasing 132 for victory and ended runners-up. There were a nun1ber of other impressive individual performances: the lOO's scored by Andrew Haupt(159 vs Paarl Gym) and Dalton Kannemeyer(106 vs Stellenberg). Dalton ended the season with 1045 runs,a first for an U 15


cricketer, including 3 hundreds and 6 fifties at an average of 58, a truly remarkable achIevement. In terms ofbowling the most impres!>ive performance was achie\'ed by Josh Fran man, who managed to take 5 wicket in 5 consecul1\ e deliveries! Travis Mullerwas Ihe most consistent bowler taking 47 wickets which included 3 five-wicket hauls. Kannemeyer, Mallie, Fransman and Muller, were selected for the WP UI 5 side. Tt tmly was a pleasure coaching and working with this group of players and I look forward to seeing them mature into really good fir t team players in Ihe future.






\, \T





A\ E




-+----+ SMallie A H.upl




o Kan""",.)er


G Coghlan



767 +










-t .IH +-5~1







































-.., Cool..






o Herbcn




T "'uIIer



+ I




232 10 2110 +-t-



r t R~t;t-t \\

83 '--


R Bedtngham


I -+- -






.. o r










SI ~


































o SLollo'l



+ OBeli






287 56










- I- - 't-













--t-~ 1#1_



_. 12






i 4 i

+ - f"J Fr.ut,ma.n

S 9









., t: _~ ,











! I#It#ItI

I 3


-I- 24.92






I- -



+ _,_











__ r









Results Played 13 Won 11 Lost 2 Drew 0

Coach: Captain:


Mr L Hamburger. David Maasch. A Wiegman, K Da\ is, T Cresswell, M Mulder, E Mahommed, DRuger, C De Kock, B Adonis. D Herbert. L Spencer-Ilicken, R Johnson, R Ashton.




Results Played 13 Won II Coach: Captain: Team:

Lost 2 Drew 0

Mr M Galant. Adriaan Louw. K Snyders, C Bing, M Faraday, D Swanich, K Maurer, M Mookrey, L Meyers, S van Staden, B Chiddy, R Gready, R Johnson, D Boniface.

- -

Results Played 11 Won 7 Lost 4 Drew 0 Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr R Moolman. Rory Woodman. A Mkhonto, L Breedeveldt, T Bergeman, K Murphy, F Alexander, R de Vries, S Holley, J Dobbelstein, N Cassim.

Results Played

Coach: Captain: Team:



5 Lost 2 Drew 0

Mr R van Niekerk. Luke Myers, Hasan Gabier. B Keet, K Maurer, L Bredeveldt, K Tom, A Padua, C Goss, K Clyde, L Kirschner, S Sineke, 0 Wilkinson, J Steward, T DoIley, R Mohammed, C Williams. M Sojola.

Our U15 Provincial players



14A CRICKET TEAM Back "ow:

MiddJe row: Front row:

W Garder, Ylsmail, Z Maidien, [ Groenewald. L Engelbrecht, T Reichardt, D Brander, J Smith, 0 Bedingham. M Joubert. T Higgins, Mr K Richardson, T Samaai (capt.), Mr S Hewett, M Rainier.

Coacb: Captain:


Mr S Hewett. Tahir Samaai. o Bedingham, D Brander, L Engelbrecht, W Garder, I Groenewald, Y Ismail, M Joubert, Z Maidien, M Rainier, J Smith. Also played: J Lamoral, J Reich, T Reichardt.



hat a difference a year makes. It's an age-old cliché, I know, but it really does sum-up tbe strides that the ul4A cricket team of2008 made during tbe course of the year.

My pre-season brief was to take charge of a talented. but potentially disjomted. group of wide-eyed and slightly apprehensive just-out-ofjunior-school boys. The expectation was to harness their talent and mould them into a united aDd successful cricket team. It seemed simple enough. although onc or two eyebrows were raised when we came within a wicket oflosing our operunggame of the year in pursuit ofPaarl Boys' modest total of 49 rwlS. The drama of so nearly losmg the Paarl Boys' game was, in essence, a forerunner of what was to come. The year's highlights that I have listed at the end of the report serve as an accurate reminder that our oppo itioD had US in trouble on a number of occasions during the season; that we ultimately lost just four of the 21 games that we played is testament to the fact that this was a group of players who rarely knew when they were beaten. Performances. post-Paarl Boys', improved steadily and we concluded Term 1 with a commanding nine-wicket defeat of SA CS. Following tbc 'Winter sports' season and a very wet Cape September. an excited 13-ma n squad embarked on the much-anticipated Hilton Cricket Tour. It was here that the boys came of age for it was a noticeably more mature and dominant group who returned to Cape Town and. bar the Bishops game, bullied every school that we played in Term 4. The mruU1er in which Rondebosch, Westerford and Bergv liet were rutWes ly dispa tched to conclude the year left me in no doubt that the boy had uccessfully completed our mandate. Tbey were no longer a group of .....ide-eyed and disjolnted cricket players - they were a successful cricket team. What a privilege to have been associated with the u 14A cricket team of2008.

Highlight ! Watching the team successfully chase St Stithians' College total 01'250 runs; a feat made more remarkable by the fact that we did it in just 38 overs and with the Hilton dusk closing ill. Never have Ibeen a prouder coach than in the moments after that game. ! The last-ball victory over St John's when, after our bowling and fielding display, we had looked out for the cOllnt. ! Half-an-hour of collective brilliance with the ball and in the field that brought us back from tbe brink against Paarl Gym. ! Victory over Rondebosch in the penultimate all-day game ofthe season. Thi was arguably ounnost clinical perfonnance ofthe year. ! Bedingham's 212 not out against Westerford - a special innings by a very talented cricketer.

Coach: Captain:

Mr G Thomson. Devin TruII. 1 Lamoral, C Stephenson, Q Francis, W Heodrickse, R October, 1 Reich, R De Vos, 1 Scott, Paleker, D Baker, T Reicbardt.


Coach: Captain:


Mr H 10hnsoo. Grant Cockrel!. G Cockrell, H Hayes, S Meyer, M Craythorne, Y Adams. 1 J.JCULl"""-4Il.\ •• L Ellis, M Hum, K Thebus, M Bishop, K Block. C Kunz. - .........__




















• •









• •



JO~ES 021-782 6111



his !>eason we \ on a few league races and came econd in others. U 15 Luke Bodenstcin won every individual league race that ha taken place this year. Two boys made thc Western Cape Cross Country team .Luc du Toit (UI7) and Luke Bodenstcin (U 15). The team is growing and the enthusiasm of the boys has been contagiou . r am looking fOlward to a year when we will dominate the zonal Cro Country event a we have in the past. This year ha been the tepping stone for what 1 believe can be an exceptional Cros Country team.

CROSS COUNTRY Standing: Seated:

Thomdike, L du Toit, B Wiley, L BodenSlein. J Gilmour, Mr K Richardson, J Kalipi, Mr A Sparrow, Z Meintjies.

Fencing Back:


M Reed, A September, D ehenek. M Reanud, 1Ma.

Mr P Knowies.




.Iason 110lil. .I de Klerk, C Helmbold. C Everts, .IArcher, M Maxwell.

his was an extremely good year for Wynberg Golf. The 1 Team ended second to Reddam in the Premier League South, having played excellent golf throughout the season. The only game they lost was to Reddam and they drev\ t\\ ice \\ ith Bishops. One game was \\ ashed ouL. The I" Team also played Stellenberg al King David in the cross pool orth v. South League and beat them 5 I/~ - Yl thus ending 3nl in the Western Province. I

105 I


Captain: Team:

Rowan Daly. GLittle. C Little. M Daly. K Dong. J Bassett (WBlS). K Mijne.

The 2"J Team won the South B League for the second uccessive year. They then played the \\ inner of the Northern League at J<jng David and beat D.F Malan in the linalto be crowncd WP Champions - a first ever for WBHS. We had a number of excellent achievements

throughout the year:

Josh de Klerk represented WP at U 14. U 16, U 18 and U23 level - an incredible achievement for a 14 year old. He was also selected to represent SA U 16 in Italy in August and won the Junior Masters Tournament at Mowbray (won 4 times by Trc\ or Immclman). Christian llelmbold was selected for the WP U 16 Team. 2nJTeam crowned WP Champions. The I 'Team .ventto the FNB/St. John Golf Tournament at Sun City and ended a very creditable 16'houtof36-see separate repon. Christian Helmbo/d (Left) with Jo h de Klerk


With only four malrie leaving the I" through, the furure for golf at Wynberg I would like to thank Messrs Dc Klerk really foul weather, and all parents for

I Pinelands Milnerton Fish Hoek

and 2"' Teams, and lots of promising youngsters coming is looking good. It was a thoroughly enjoyable season and and Helmbold for their unfailing support through some fetching and carrying.

-1 1


~tSllltS W 5-1

W4-2 ~ W 4.5-1.5 W 5-1



W 5-1 W6-0 -


D 3-3

D 3-3



W 6-0


L 2.5 - 3.5


RBHS L....._





L 1.5-4.5 D 3-3

T"lh, Wi""tN Player of the Year: Best Record: (most points scored in the league matches) Individual Achievement: Matchplay Champion:

J. De Klerk M Maxwell J. De Klerk J.De Klerk



Mr S Hewett.


he stereotypical eod-of-season sport's report, more often than not, affords the master-incharge the opportunity ofa few hundred words to wax lyrical as to the "healthy state of the game at the school" and to expect positive trcnds lo continue into the following season. 1 thought, therefore. that in order to counter the somewhat blinkered view ofWynberg hockey that 1 was bound to have. I would ask the opinions of rival coaches who have competed against Wynberg during the year. They, sW'ely, would offer a more meaningful and honest assessment oftbe state of Wynberg hockey. I'm proud. therefore, to place Oil record that, according to our rivals, the state of Wynberg hockey during the course of the 2008 season remains the envy of many schools. Three facets of Wynberg hockey emerged as palticular strengths. Firstly, our rivals are impressed by the depth of our hockey. Many schools struggle to field 'C' and 'D' teams, particularly at junior levcl, while wc are in the very fortunate position of having 'E' sides. Secondly they ellvy the calibre of coaching talent on our staff. An increasing number of schools out-source in order to provide quality coaching for their players. Of the thjrteen tearns that we fielded, only four required out-sourced coaches. Most pleasing, perhaps, is to bear our rivals suggesting thatWynberg's biggest strength is that our


This page is sponsored by the Ellis Family

hockey players just don't know when they're beaten. They all complimented us on lhe hard. uncompromising nature of our play and stressed that, win or lose. they always knew that they had "been in a game" after playing Wynberg. So, when our rivals are as impressed by the state ofWynberg hockey as [ am, I can understand why. 2008 has been jam-packed with highlights. We truly are bles ed to have one of the mo t dynamic and dedicated coaching staffs in the country. Quality coaching persists across the board, from our u 14Ds to our First Team. Mr Craig Sieben, our professional coach, spent many an hour honing lhe boys' skills and wc were particularly fortunate to have Mr Paul Blake as partof our coaching staff be fore he left la represent South Africa at the Beijing Olympics. Alone stage during the season we had Messrs Robinson, Sieben and Blake leading First Team practices; an embarrassment of riches! It would be amiss of me not to record the fact that the 2008 U 14, U16 and U 18 Wcstem Province Protea teams were all coached and managed by either current Wynberg coaches or Wynbergold boys. once again reaftimling our commitment to nurturing talented young hockey players. We are particularly proud of the follo\\ ing boys, all of whom made Regional. Provincial or National sides:

Western Province V J 4 Proteas: Jason Smith. Darryn Rlx, Jared Reich, James Symmond<;. Kurt Thebu!). Ruchin October. Shaun Meyer.

Western Province



Simon de Waal. Ryan Knipe, Dean Roxburgh. Louis Mbuyu.

Western Pro\'ince VI8 Proteas: Wade Scholtz, Jaryd Oliver. Dean Grant, Ross Hyland. Scan Pattenden. Matthew Anderson.

Western PrO"ince V 16: Michael Mulder, Mikaylin Rhode. Michael Daly. Luke Jordaan.

Western Province V18: Michael Wood, Scan Kelly, Shannon BOllcher, Rowan Daly. Luke Metelo-Liquito.

South Africa U16: Luke Jordaan. South Africa V17: Shannon Boucher. Wynberg was well represented at a number offestivals and tournaments. Our first Team travelled to Johannesburg during April to participate in the KES Easter Sports Festi al and hit the road again for the Queen's College 150th SpOI1S' Festival a few weeks later. Our UI6A's enjoyed a slj.GCessfu!preseason tour to Queenstown in March. The biggest ·tour' of the eason was, of course, thejoumey up to Port Elizabeth by all our teams. for our annual derby against Grey. Few. who \Vere there On the Friday night. will forget tbe excItement and pride that we felt while watching our 14A's, i.6A' and First Team recording victories over Grey. Unfortunately, despite five of our six teams making the semi-finals of . respective Rnock-'Out tournaments. we have just one trophy in the cupboard for the coming ye ell done to MT Jllcka-'s U16B team for winning the 2008 U 16 grass knock-out competition. MrRudd's U16C team deserves

This page is sponsored by tire Ellis Family


aspecial mention too. They remained unbeaten throughout lhe season. 1 sincerely thank Mr Colin Thebus and his family for the mooth and efficient manner in which they ran the hockey tuck-shop during the eason. Hockey at Wynberg unfortunately aid farewell to one of its stalwart coaches and managers at the end of the year. Mrs Sheila Williamson i taking well-earned retirement. lIer dedication to Wynberg hockey will be sorely mis eet Wynberg hockey i ,a thi report sugge'ts, alive and well. The 2009 season bodes well.

Coach: Assistant Coach: Manager: Captain: Vice-Captain: Team:

Mr J Robinson. Mr C Sicben ( Professional). MrD Ramage. can Kelly. Michael Wood. J Meredilh. S Kclly, R Oaly. SPattenden, I I Kinsman. M L \1etelo-Liquito. W ScholtL, 0 Grant, M Wood. R Byland. J Oliver, S Boucher. G Hartman, C Botha.



he 2008 l' Hockey team member~ have been the proverbial "Brothers 111 anns·'. Tbey ha\ e cared for each other. have been best mate~ and, most of all. have not been scared afhard work and ha\'e reaped the benefit of the "Sieben Sessions". A team with no stars, lhey have had to rely on and put their faith in one another from the . tart, It has been a team that has never given up, that has come from .... _ behind to ",in on no fewer than six times. Their team spirit has been a credit to the leadership.


Thc 10\\ point of the eason. losing to a very gritty Bishops side iu the Knockout semi-finals. reflected their long and hard sea on. With ever increasing pressure to take part in pre-season festivals and an ever increa ing domestic season, more empha i will have to be placed on bigger quads and better preseason preparation. The individual player will have to become more responsible for his personal fitness. A player who is not in peak condition will not make the grade. In their play this season, rock solid defence was backed by a pack of strikers and link' hungry to score goals. Set pieces ran more slickly, something the side put endless hours of training into. The


general mental approach to the match has improwd and new :-.tandards have been set. ""lext year's learn will have to work that extra bit harder (0 build on this foundation. Once agall1 Wynberg's I hockey side has had a fanta~tic leader and a great bunch of seniors. Scan certainly pul his sJde first on all occa ion. He instilled ti quiet confidence In the team, which is tJle backbone of every successful side. lie carned himself\\ ell offand on the park and has certainly promoted the name of the school in lhc right fashion. lie was \\ell backed up by his vice, 'vtichael. Both found common ground and went aboullheirbu iness in a mature fa 'hioD. Well done guys! I thank Messrs

Daniel Ramage and Craig Sieben (the Brains Trust), \\ho ga\e ad\ice and encouragement throughout the sea on, our sponsors, Matrix. and our parents for theIr ongoing support. Thanks to the players whose-dedicatIon and efforts resulted in a fantastic season.

I" HOCKEYTEAM Back roe: Middle row:

J Meredilh, D Grant, R Daly. J Oliver. R Hyland. M Ander on, W Scholtz, L Metelo-Liquito,

Front row:

SPattendeIl. Mr DRamage, S Boucher, Mr K Richardson, S Kclly (cap!.). Mr J Robinson, M Woods. Mr C Sieben,

/)etllile~ Te.esults Fixture



Goal scorers

Grey Bloem


lost 2-0



Won 2-1

Scholtz, Kinsman

Pretoria Boys


Won 2-1

Oliver, Hartmann


lost 2-0



Won 2-1




Won 4-3

Boucher, Daly, Hyland, Scholtz

Hudson Park


Won 5-1

Kinsman, M-l, Boucher, Grant, Wood



Drew 1-1


St Andrews


Won 10-0

Kelly(2), M-l(3),



Won 2-0

Boucher, Wood



Won 6-1

Hyland(2), Boucher(2),

Grey PE

Grey PE

Won 2-1

Boucher (2)



Won 6-0

Scholtz (2), Kelly (2), Boucher (1), Daly (1)



Won 3-1

Boucher (2), M-L (1)



Won 3-1

Boucher (2), Scholtz (1)


Maritzburg College



Boucher, Daly, Hyland

M-L, Grant

Province CC




lost 1-0



Won 7-0

Boucher (2), M-L (2), Wood (1), Kelly (1), Scholtz (1)

Bergvliet (KO)


Won 7-0

Kinsman (3), Kelly (1), Oliver (1), Scholtz (1), Boucher (1)



Won 6-0

Boucher (3), Daly (1), Scholtz (1), Hyland (1)



Won 3-0

Oliver {1}, Kelly (1), Wood (1)

OF Malan


Won 7-0

Boucher(4), Liquito (1)



Won 5-2

Boucher (3), Metelo-liquito



Won 1-0

Boucher (1)



Won 4-1

Scholtz (2), Wood (1), Metelo-liquito

Bishops (KO)


lost 2-0

Paul Roos

Paul Roos

Won 3-0

Grant (1), Kinsman(l),



(1), Kinsman (1)


(1), Oliver (1), Boucher (1)

Jason Meredith (Goalkeeper): What Jason lacks in ability, he certainly make up for in heart. As tbe last line of defence, he worked extremely bard to mainlain a clean sheet. Very strong in the reflex department. lacking slightly in footwork but a tremendous sea on.

Sean Kelly (Sweeper/Centre Back/Captain): Sean certainly was the backbone oftbe team. He remains calm on the ball, has good physical presence in defence and has good vision. He certainly worked hard on putting forward momentum into the Wynberg side. Will probably move into the centre link berth at a later stage. ViceCaptain WP U18.

Rowan Daly (Left Link): Rowan continued his excellent form of the 2007 season, despite tlle fact that he swopped to tbe left hand side of the park. He put his own twist on the left link position. His ability to get forward and attack down the left side made Wynberg a very difficult side to defend against. He is an excellent tackler with silky skills to get oul ofmos! situations. Even though I wrote tl1is last year, I really believe that Rowan still has greater things to come. WP U 18.

Scan Pattenden (Right Half): Sean was probably the mo t improved player. He did well to fill Rowan's boots. He enjoy attacking down the right side. Can struggle under the high ball, but is improving witb every game. He will bave to play a key role next season. WP Protea U 18.

Matthew Anderson (Sweeper/Centre Back): Matthew had an extremely successful debut season for the I" side. He is an excellent tackler, has good vision from the back and can ce11ainly hit a solid pas . He will have to work on his speed and footwork if he wants to take it to the next level. WP Protea U l8.

Houghton Kinsman (Centre Link/Right Link): Houghton remains an elusive runner with and without the ball. He has the uncanny ability to be able to turn a defence inside out and has certainly improved his goal scoring abilities. His skills and hard work on and off the field will be greatly missed next sea on.


Wade choltz (Link triker): Wade has certainly been bie ed with natural talent ( peed and kill) that now needs to be refined. Struggled ome\'"hat with fttne thi cason, but a good preparation in the off eason hould rectifY this. ecd to move the ball away from his bodyoften gets tuck with the ball under his feet. WP Protea U 18.

Luke Metelo-Liquito (Link! triker): Luke worked hard on rectifYing area ofweaknes . He will till have to work on hi off-theball dutie , an area that can be impro\ ed on. lie has been gifted wilh great vision and thi weapon came to the fore in the last few games long may lhis continue. Will have to expre s himself in a grealer role next year. WP U 18.

Michael Wood ( triker/ Vice - captain): Michael i an excellent carrier of the ball. lie does tend lO run to the len a lot. trikers are a lot bettcr off for having a link who opens up the game, creating space for them. An exceptional engine in the midfteld, he linked up well with the creative ability of Iloughton and was able to carry out a game plan to the tee. Pity that a serious hand injury did not allow him to reach hi full potential, but a courageous effort none the le . WPU 1 .

Dean Grant (Striker, Link): Grant certainly has the close kill to become a force in next year' team. He ha a good turn of pace, bul will have to work on the physical side of hi game. lIe has the knack of being al the right place at the right time. Nceds to work on shooting from lop-D. I don't think it is a lack of ability, but a lack of confidence which should be a lot tronger next season. WP Protea U 18.

Jaryd Oliver (Defender): A player who give of hi all, at all time and can be partner hip with Rowan. He sti II makes the odd error, but at his age it is expected. Hopefully he will continue lo play next sea on. WP Protea U 18.

Ro s Hyland (Striker): Ross certainly brought life to the front line, adding both peed and enthusiasm. His defensive \Vork wa of a high calibre, omething that led to variou turnovers. He read hi fellow striker well and scored his fair share of goals. lfhe works on carrying the ball more on hi. stick, he may have a bright future in the game. Vicecaptain WP Protea U18.


Doucher (Striker): What a difference a year makes in the life of a youngster. Shannon has matured into one of tbe top strikers in the country. His ability to score goals at will has gone hand in hand with his new attitude on the field. WP U18; National U17. Top goalscorer for 2008 - 28 goals. Shannon

Clcn Hartmann (Link/Striker): Glenn made tbe most of his appearances in the I" team, struggled slightly with lbe pace at times, bul certainly putin an honest work rate and always fought for the ball.

Clint made the most of his brief time in tbe I ~ team. He has pace, but will have to learn to beat players with skill rather than brute force and will havc to play a major role in next year's side.

Clinton Botha (Striker):

Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr G Thomson. Jason Horn. o Topass. L Oliver, K Karsten. J van Velze. B Powell. T Burgers, G Hartll1ann. GLittle, C Botha, REly, Z Hendricks. B Wiley, S Souter.

3"'TEAM Manager: Coach: Captain: Team:

Mrs S William. on f\,1r R Vincent. Michael Bnlllger. M Bell. C Bryson. R Carstens, J Connor. D Dreyer. M Grispos. M Ha sen, T Janodien, K Krige. K Mally. M Mann. K Martin. M Maxwell, C Mitchell, M.Sabi.

4th TEAM Manager: Coach: Team:

Mrs S William!ion. Me !irs P Meyer. S Cardis. M Coxon. S Es elaar, J Fischer, J Janodicll, K Krige. M Reed. M Sabi, J.Shin; P.Sithole; J Voomeveld; J Webb: J Wenning-Harc. T Yu; W Vu: PJ Jacobs.

UNDERl6 Coach: Manager: Captain:



Mr CEllis. Mrs J Goodwin. Michael Daly. L Jordaan, M Rhode. D Roxburgh, Z V-Napper, M Carr, L BodensLein, L Mbuyu. M Mulder, S de Waal, R October, G Thain, R Knipe.



he U l6A hoeke) season began in early March wilh preparations for the prcseason lour to QucenSIO\\ n. The lour \\ as a success in temlS of hock e) a ell;ls being a good team building exercise. The bOys. Ilo '·eyer. knew ......------------------' that the rcallcs! of tl19r Cil abiJil cs \ould be back in the Cape against their traditional rivals. Not long after returning fm l IlO; the team \vas back on the bus to face Grey PE in the annual Derby Da). This was possiblytbl! mo ..t memorable OftllC entire season, with the side beating Grey against all expectations. Unfortunat 1) the bo) 5 did not build on tilis early success. Although we comfortably bem Settlers. DF MaJaD. Famnont etc. the learn could nolovercome Bishops, Rondebosch and SACS. TIus was parti(;olai:I~ disappointing as tlle) had clear goals from the outset. Although we malelled lhesesc', Is 11 • of the games. we ultimately lacked the ability to finish them off The season cl1d~d ~\Ith a disappointing string of losses. including losing a Knock-out semi final to Bishop Ultinntcly the bo, s had a disappointing season primarily a<; a result of their lack of application and poor athlllues to\\ ards Imlll1n~. It \\35 Ihis attitude that was extremely difficult to eradicate with a number of la~ lo;<- uaaolt. to n.al.c:e Ihalthc \\a) )OU train in the week will affect your match day perfonnance. Hopefull~ they \\ illleam [rom their expcrie nces and become better players for it.


16A HOCKEY TEAM Back row: Middle row: Front row:

R October, L Mbuyu, M Mulder, R Knipe, M Rhode. M Can, L Bodenstein, D Rozburgb. Z Verlaque- apper, G Thain. M Senogies. S deWaal, Mr K Richardson, M DaJy (capt.), Mr C Sieben (pro-coach), LJordaan.

Coach: Captain: Team:


~[r J Jaclul. Bernárd Cresswell D Bell, L Bodenstein, ..\1Cooke, riltane, T l\Iuller, \X' Omar, B Payne, DRuger, Menogles, D zollosi, K Vemer, D Walker, A Wiegman.



ronically,owing to bad weather we were unable to play on grass and played on the Bellville Astroturf instead of at Settlers High. So the Gra s Knockout was won on astra. I The boys bravely ventured forth in one of the foulest lorms to hit the Cape in everal years. A lengthy season had laken its toll, with several key team members out of action because of sickness and injury. Travis Cresswell, captain. was also ick, and the game lacked much of the usual spirit and tom-foolery that is always present when he is on the field. Reduced to 10 men as the storm closed in., the odds were against us. It certainly looked as though tbere would be no silverware relurning lO the Wynberg trophy cabinets. Our bleak prospects were accentuated by the hanging cloud and biling wind. However, the boys threw themselves into the fray. At half-time, when offered a jacket to protect him from the cold, acting Captain Luke Boden tein replied," ay! My zeal for Wynberg keeps me warm!" Time and time again the BrakenfeIl attack attempted to swamp our defences, yet the formidable force of Sandile "Octavius" Filtane in the goals kept lhe Wynberg sheet clean, whileTravis Muller's two goals and Dylan Walker's third, hammered the fmal nail into Brakenfell's coffin. Final Score 3-0 to the blue and white.

Back row:

Front row:


U16BHOCKEY A Wiegman, D Bell, B Payne, Mr J Jacka, K Venter, L Bodenstein, S Filtane, D Walker, W Omar, T Muller.

D Szollosi.

6C ..

Winners of the Vi, ~e Mink (team Df the )'ear) Troph)'.

Coach: Captain:

Mr R Rudd. AD Wiegman.


T Bergeman, D Boniface, BLombard, C De Kock, J Schreiber, C Little, J Lesar, ORuger, N Magan, M Cooke, T Mohammed, W Banfield, V Magan.

mOD Coach: Captain:

Mr R Hamburger. Cameron Bing.


R Singh, S Hendricks. R de Vries, S Penny, C van der Merwe, M Ander 011, L Myers, M Karzai, A Commin, J le Roux, R Segers, M Borchardt, M Faraday, J M van Schaardenburg, D Reed, Y Karriem, K Murphy.



Ul4A Coach:

Mr DRamage.


Ruchin October (Tenn 2). Jason Smith (Term 3). o Rix. M Joubert, J Symmonds, C Stephen on, S Santon, S Meyer, K Thebus. J


Results Played 18 Won 12 Lost 3 Drew 3



his was an extremely enthusiastic and talented side. Right from the stal1 the boys "vere ~xtremely keen in evcrything they did on, and off the field. Tlle season began with a win against Ccntralllockl!Y Club. We tilen took thc annual trip to Port Elizabeth to play Grey P.E. This was a fantastic match in \\hich we managed to pull a win out of the bag. The remaining first half oflhe season \\cnt \.ell, our biggest stumbling block. ti poor perfonnance against Bishops and our biggest loss thus far. The second half of the season saw more positive results and improvement in all Lhepla\ ers. not only technically but in decision making as well. I was at times in a\\e of the technical hockey that this side produced. Much ofou!" mid-field play was often far superior to our opponents. I do feel that we wcre capable of sCOling more goal and, 0 finishingaftcr good build-up i something that the fon ..ards \\ ill need to work on. Wewerc\ er) proud to ha\e, namely: Jarryd Reich. can Meyer, James Symmonds. Kurt Thebus. Darryn Rix. Ruchin October and lason Smith selected lo represent the Western Province U 14 Proteas . This 'ide went on to \iV III me U 14 toumament - a great aehie" ement and one that bodes well for the future of Wynberg hockey. A big thank you to captains Ruchin October and Jason Smith. Their postivity and willingness to help was greatly appreciated. The team's spirit was wonderful and never seemed to falter - even when \ve were all disappointed at a loss. This resulted in the boys learning an important lesson about sport - that in order to be a great winner. you first need to kam to bc a good loser. rt has been a pica 'ure and privilege lo coach this team and the relation 'hips built with these young men will last forever. Thank you for a great season guys. You played hard. you had fun and your positi\ ity and great sense of humour made it all worthwhile for all of us. I look forward to seeing you gro\'. in the eomingyears.

Results Played 17 Coach: Captain: Team:




5 Drew 1

Mr. S Hewel!. Tariq Salot. T Adams. M Botha, Cherty. S Domingo, M Du Plooy. J Els, W Hendrickse. S HeU\ el. N Marinus. J Smith. C Williams. M Windsor.


Results Played 13

Mr. C Ward. Won 4 Lost 3 Drew G Beattie. M du Plooy. DEis. P Franke. T Higgin ,J Mitchell. J Mountney. S Mpanza, V Parbhoo, 0 Pheiffer, A Rcjaldien. E Schubert. 0 Smith. E White.

Coach: Team:

Results Played Coach: Captain: Team:







7 Drew 0



Ms R Vorster. lmraan PaJeker. B Samsodicn. N Brigg, D Thomas, T Parker. N Paleker. U Hammun. 0 de Villiers, M IsmaiL L Naidoo. S Borehardt. S Danieis. M Bradley, C Emeridge.

SURNAME Butler Dube


Nick Mitchell


Morne Smith


RusseIl Steyn


Blues for First Aid

team waterpolo 1st team waterpolo

18 6

Blues for Cricket, 1 cricket

Michael Botha (c)


Chris Mulder


cri Athletics Blues (Javelin)

9 10 Justin Rowles


Tyrone Bloor


Rugby Colours

Andrew Williams


Rugby Colours

Zingisa Ndiki


WP U16 2007; WP


U18ACADEMY TEAM 2008; Junior Blues for Christo



team cricket


1" team cricket; colours for cricket

113 Matthew


XV 2007

Elsworth Alitair Mullholland


1.73m & Solomons Craig Munro


Coaches: Gus Leslie & Gerry Posthumus

Manager / Conditioning:

none Shorts:


-1 Coach: Captain: Team:

Messrs J Whlston, C Scott. Dylan FryJinck. C Graham. K Clark. U Salie. E Archer. G Witte. J Botha. G Edmcades. J Katzen. I Saban. S Vlok. V Siyalana. D Sage. E Williams. A Jansen. S Camagu. J Swannieh. A Landu. D Sampson. A Hess.

R~-L Played








6 Drew ,

16ARUGBYTEAM Back row: Middle row: Front row:


A Jan en, C Graham, S Camagu. G Witte, G Edmeades, E Archcr. U alie. D Sage. D Sam on. J Swanich, A He ,Mr K Richard on. D Frylinck. Mr J Whiston, E William. K Clarke.

he UI6 A ide was a fun. talented and clo e buneh of boys who love their rugby. t wa fortunate to coach them for a 2nd year which allowed for continuity, further development and under tanding. We began the year with a warm up game again tiloer kool Bckker, which we won easily, and followcd this with a holiday training camp in Kleinmond. T hIs included dun e training, obstacle courses, beach work,

tramtng se ion, group play, a mountain hIke and the odd chee e sandwich. It was on top of the mountain that a discussIOn wa held and the goals for the season were set. After this we returned to Cape Town for a meaty home fixture again t a big, organi cd Landbou side. We knew It would be tough and we went do\\ n in our ea on opener. Thi fired the boys into action as they put together a run of 7 unbeaten game which included scoring l3 amazing trie against 2 touring sides from Gauteng in our own April Festival, a fanta tic second half \\-allop of Grey (29-15) in PE and a tremendou comeback against Rondebosch (27-26) after being 2 tries down. There was a 20 minute patch in that game whcn we cored 3 trie from deep inside our half that will long be remembered b} tho e pre ent. Then, a lo SlO Bishop. and a narrow win again t AC aw u enter the break (Played -II Won-9 Lost-2) - a fabulou run!

The econd part of the ea on was very difficult. 7 game in 6 weeks again t tough oppo ition. We played Gym, Booishaai, Cardiff school ,our 3 traditional southern suburbs' rivals and Paul Roos. We were victorious again t Rondebosch, SACS and the louring side from Wale but lo t the other 4, with the 2nd match against Rondebosch (22-3) being our mo t clinical performance of the year. How the "Bosch boys" mu t have hated playing us thi sea on! For a smaller, commiued, free running ide wc truggled against the Boland schools with their big forwards and pacey backs. However, this side always showed cow'age and never gave up. On reflection, of the 6 games wc lost, on another day, we could have won 30fthem. Boland Landbou and Bishops (twice) were winnable game but it was not to be. This season will be remembered for all the fun and wonderful rugby played, there was never a dull moment. Thank you to Chad Scott (2006) who was my co-coach and forwards specialist. He gave a lot of him elfond his time. Chad's inpul wa invaluable, the boy re pected him immen ely and he played a large part in the succes of this team. Ifthi leam i to compete in 2 year time when they are in their matric year they must be ready to work harder and really want to ueceed.

Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr D Keating. Stuart Vlok. C Jame, Vlok. J Cogill. P Dzonzi, During, ] Kat7en, K Faye, VEIven, J Dowdall, A l.andu, R Engelbrecht, S Nissen, J Swanich, S O'Grady, SPeck, V Siyalana, A Jansen.

Coaches: Team:

Messr J Smit, L Westgate, V Terry. A Nakanyala, K Fay, M Siyalana, N Koen, M Kenl, G Turner, G Gerhardi, S Smit. M Kabie. E Chiwaula, E Jo"eph. T VD Wath, K Fourie, S Peck, Botha. A Bames, L Craig, C Martin, C Goldman. S Conner, I lIendricks, M Saharin. L Waqu.




he team started well recording six victories in the ftrst seven games. We played good rugby early in the season, running the ball from everywhere and scoring some great trie . Some of the memorable early victories were against Boland, Landbou, St Johns and St Albans, the latter two games played at the Wynbcrg Rugby Festival. However. the WP trials took their toll and a number of crucial injuries occurred to someof the leading players.

Messrs P van Schalkwyk. A Gerber. Zimasa Malunga. R Woodman. K van der VyfeT. B Hamman. R Bedingham. SNotshe, REnstrom, R Africa. S Dywili, o Hcrbert, 0 Patience. T Cunningham. G Coghlan, S Mallie, 0 Kannemeyer, B Scholtz, SLouw. K Sithole. K Fisher, RA hton. L Sompontsha. The team then went into a slump and Josl some Games which they should not have .. Both captain and vice-captain missed a number of games which meant that the tearn became slightly directionjess. We losl to Rondebosch and Bishops in the first round although 1 felt we were bctter than they were. We did recover slightly to beat SACS in the last game of the second teml. The tough thjrd term

15A RUGBY TEAM Back ro\\: 3'" ron: 2nd row: Front row:

L SomponLSha, SLouw, D Herbert, R Woodman. T Cunningham. B Hammon, R Ashton, REnstrom, S otshe, R Africa. S Dywili, K van der Vyfer, D Patience, K Sithole, G Coghlan, K Fi her. S Mallie. D Kannemeyer, Mr K Richardson, Z Malunga, Mr P van Schalkwyk, B Scholtz. R Bedingham.

good di play ofmgby, followed by our two worst matches of the season against Paarl Boys' and Bishops. Finally, with our injured players back on side we ended on a high note by beating Rondebo ch and then, playing great running

rugb~. SACS. 35-10.


Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr S Hurry. Nathan Van Wyk. J mith, D Maa eh. A Padua, R John on. B Hammond. S Lendi . REnslTom. J Philander. R Wortrich, D Patience, r Samuels, G Coghlan. C Bodenstein. M Bradley, A Hocft. R Ashton. K Silhole. K Fisher, J Fransman. R Wortrieh. J Hoedemaker.

Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr C dc Bruyne. Avuyile Mkhonto. R Mohamed. J Hoedemaker. C Fi her. S Sineke, M Moffett. L Engelbrecht. W Li ton. D Finlayson, J Stewart. D Richter, S jilo, M Small, M Mar·h. o Flandorp, D Page, J Lewis. S Beyile.

I Coach: Captain: Team:

Messrs P Smith. R van iekerk. Adrian Louw .. R Grcady, K Maurer, ] Lcwi , K Blok, R K.rieger, M Clifton. D Swanich. J Dobbel tein, L van iekerk, L Bredcvcldt, B Chiddy, S fJolley, L Spencer-Hiekey, J de la Chaumeue. K Mile, S van laden, M el on-Tan ley.


14A RUGBY TEAM Back row: Middle ro'\\: Front row:

Coacb: Captain:



D Adams, N Gogela, L Engelbrecht. L Nicholson, K Omary, A Herbert, C Horstmann. R de Vos, BRace, T Reichardt, B Compton, A Odendaal, ] Scott. R 0 Neil, D Bedingham, Mr B Emms. L Manase. Mr K Richard on, J de tadler, S Kannemeyer.

MrB Emms. LUlhando Mana e. A Herbert. N Gogela. S Kannemeyer, B Compton, BRace, T Reichardl. A Odendal" D Bedingham, J Scott, R 0' ei!, L Nicholson, J De StadIer, KOmary, R De Vos, D Adam , L. Engelbrecht.

he U l4A's had a tremendous team spirit. Despite being from a number of different schools it did not take long for them to mould themselves into a formidable wlit. Coachjng them was a pica ure as tJ1Cy \\ere willing to listen, were punctual, consistent and well-disciplined. They knew when to joke around and when to work hard. Generally they bad a very good work ethic. The team played a brave, expansive game where the emphasis wa on a high skills level while concentrating on doing the ba ics well. They scored some very good team trie , taking the ball through a number of phases and moving the ball into pace. Re ults wise, the team had a successfi.lI season, considering the league in which they played, winning 63 percent of their game . Of the 7 games iliat


were lo t, al least 4 should have been won but they had gone on to the field in (he wrong frame of mind. Highlights for me were tl1eir superb performances against Bishops and their win against Rondebosch and SACS. The boys also showed tTUCguts aod character in puning up monumental fights against big stTong Paarl Boys and Paarl Gym learns. The U14A side was a balanced, all round team with good basic skills and plenty of flair. They are a group to watch for the future a they will certainly get better in years to come. I thank Mr Pa thumus for the time he put into helping tl1eforward ..


I 136

Coach: Captains:


Coaches: Team:

Mr Eddy. Theo Camagu, Luphumlo Pityana. D Adams, J Danieis, M Elvin-Jensen, L Engelbrecht, C Horstmann, HowardTripp. Ylsmail, 0 Loxton, Martin. Mathew, J Rigby, J Ryan, C ouma, D Sissing, M Sullivan. D Trull.

Me sr M Lere ehe, K gwanya. M McWilliams. J-P Jacobs, Garbers. M Kent. Z Netherlands, CDallas. J Gilowey, J Bower. Warner. J Lamoral. G CockreII, Q Francis.

Z Fredericks. J Napier, L Elli , Z Maiden, R Reaper.


Captain: Team:

Messr T Thorn on, H Cowan; Mr T Kunz. M Bi hop. C Kunz, H Hayes, R Muyambo, JP Jacobs, K Henrico, D Baker, M Bannister, M Hum. I Groeneveld, R Sharneck, G Cockrell, D de Bruyn, JOosthuizen. T Samaai.

Congratulations lo Henrico and Bannister for their amazing defensive game and to Oosthuizen for his much deserved hat-trick.

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MrH Cowan. Joshua RUIgers. H StrOJ1c. S Mankayi, B Kiviets, M "Stretch" Kabie. R Enous, Lamb, M Jansen, Dorten, W Cummins. A Bossi, KLandore, R Connor. L de Wel, J van der Wath, 0 Wilkey-Page, Z Solomon. T "Wee Man" Bisheoff. J Cominellis.


Mr R Rudd.


C Botha. F Bertolini. A Nakanyala. K Ntinda.S Gready. P dzonzl. N Rich. PJ Jacobs, G Samaria. J Kalipi. R Engelbrecht. Z \lteintjies. 0 Back.


he first tcam had an impressive season. Alter a slow start against Pinelands. the boys pickcd themselves up and did really well. At 1he Wynberg Soccer Festi\ al. \\ e \\ on the U/19 eetion by beating the fm ourite " Pinelands. 2-0, making up for the prc\'iou game. The rest of the season went really \Veil and the boys did both themselves and theIr school proud. Therc were no real super tars in the team, but the boys played for each other and 5eemed to overcome other ides by simply playing as a disciplined team. Icommend the Matrics for their loyal service lo the side and for leading from the front. The younger players hu\'e a lot oflalcnt and Iam sure next ,cason will be as sllccwssful as this one.

This page ;s spoflsored by Mr A Ballf1ister


Coaches: Mc~sr~ B oram, S \.1gxwati. Captain: Keenan Davis. J Hoedemaker. R Martin, A Msuru, R Gready, Team: E Mohamed, KIthole, M Mookrey. A Haurt, K Fisher, B angu. D lierbert, T Muller,


he boys played beautiful !joccer. The team has a lot of skilled player:.. [n a full League. this would have been a force to be reckoned with. as they easily beat some of the school sides who had fuL soccer programmes runnmg. 1 was really impres ed '" ith their team etTort. style and foclIs. In all they did they had fun and enjoyed thw gamc.

Master-In-Charge: Coaches:


Mr P Furstenburg . Mr M Allen (I' Tcam). Mr P Furstenburg (I Team & Ms S Lindsay (u 15s). Mr L White (ul5s & uI9s). GcoffDods.



n 200M. with the loss of a number of Matrics ovcr thc ycars, Wynberg has not lived up to its reputation as a dominant force in the We tern Province. Even so. with that we had, "'lIII!Jl!ooIIlIIII9M""".itPI .. ~ in the local leagues and the junior level. in extremely well. Wc are lookmg at the future and to build up our sides to be, on more. the top sides in the province and . Unfortunately a small coaching slaITIlas been spread across the teams, but learnt a lot from their experience. as he took over as Master-I n-Charge of Squash with ~ year, and look over the role of I" team manager and tourine a pro. coach for the sea. on. Mark A lien, a U A ation 1Ift".i!'l!,;'I:IIIIIC in for regular practices and our boys have learnt a U19 s was fomled for the junior boys to learn to Rzmmburg put them through their paces weekly. and this

Oar uccess this year would not have been possible WIthout rne.... Plln team. Oruhe admmlStrationsfde, Ms Lmdsay has been invjtlWll!d couple of years.-and. I ha\le appreciated her org&nmmon of the vrmous tC8lJlll. Helrcoacb.in


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\\fhite coached the lower teams in both the U 19 and U 15 di\ ISlons and I am indebted to hi.... enthusiasm the boys certainly enjoyed his coaching and ha\e gained illlmcn~ely. fhanks also to the staff and parents who ""llwillingly assisted with the transport of teams on Fridays. Wynberg once again defended their Action Squash titk. \\ inning it for a conseeutl\ c 5 year. In The U 19 lcagucs our teams fatred well. The I ..,ide played In the Super League and finished tbird. fhe U 15A side ended as the tup side in Western rrm ince and a fe\\ of them will be 1110\ ing into tbc I" side next year. It has been a busy season, starting \\ ith a tour (0 the annual t Andre\\ s Fesli\ al in Bloemfontein. With a fairly )Ollng . idc the team did extremely well winning 30ftheir 5 games. During the April holidays the 1< team wa....im iled to play in the Queens College 150 festi\ al. Unfortunately. because of several injuries. the side was again quite young and mexperienced. but they did :-.urprisingly ,,,·cll. \\ inning 3 ofLheir 5 matchc:-.. Wynber~ LJ 19/\: lJ 198: C 168: U 14/\:

was once again \\ ell represented

at WP lewl:

rVlichacl Edgar. GeotrDods. Sidney /\rcndsc. Andrew Fourie. Jolm-Ross Malloch. Byron Compton.

Mr Furstenburg \\ as selected to coach the SA Schools U 19 Boys team \\ hieh toured SlIlgapol'c und Malaysia during the year. With resource::. on offer at the school and the kno\\ ledge of all the coaches, only the commitment and dedication of the boys is nceded ror Wynberg squu!-h to be. once more. the sueccss it has been 0\ er the years.

1" SQUASH TEAM Back ro,,,: Front row:

M Cooke. D Thol11son. J-R Malloch. A Fourie.

S Arendse. Mr K Richardson. G Dods (capt.), Mr P Furstenburg, M Edgar.


Team: \1 Edgar. G Dods. D Thomson. S Arendsc. A Foune. J-R Malloch .

Team: PJ Jacobs. G Hooper. K Vicars, 1\ Rich, R Falck.

Team: R Falck. M MantIle. C Peacock, G Coram.

Team: Resenes:

R Singh. C Lawrence. C Rogers. R Johnson. M Wilkinson. L Elvin-Johnson.

UNDEBIlSA Results Played 11




2 Drew 0

Results Played 10




2 Drew 0

R Bedingham, D Wilkenson, C Fisher, M Faraday. G Hassall.


15A SQUASH TEAM Back row: Front row:

M Cooke, B Compton, A Rejaldien. Mr K Richardson. A Fourie (capt.), Mr P Fur tenburg.




Manager: Captain: Teams: Under ]4: Under 16: Under 19:

Mrs . Williamson. Matthew Alexander. S Iloward-Tripp. N Marinus, N Martin, 0 Notten, A OdendalI, 0 issing, K Ernstzen. Koen. K Clarke, A Roginsky, Boden ·tein, L Bodenstein, JD Breytenbach, REn ·trom, N During, S Vlok. K Browning, E Joseph, 0 McHendtie, L Oliver, E Rod eth. R. Slater, R Lok. D Thomson, D Lyon .

The teams took part in 6 galas over the two term (usually coming 4'h). We hosted one at school and hosted the Newlands Gala, which was efficiently organi ed by Mr A. Cro s.


K Ernstzen, JP Breytenbach, S Howard-Tripp, A Odendaal. D Sissing.

Middle row: Seated:

Marinus. L Oliver, R Lok. E Rod eth, EEnstroom. L Bodenstein. N Vlok. R Slater. N During. Mr K Richard on, M Alexander. Mrs S Williamson. OMcHendrie. C Bodenstein.

This page is sponsored by Jail Mcltelldrie

& Associates


TE M-i-c:

Mr R Hamburger.


he I" team reached the pinnacle of success in tcnn I by \\ inning the Wcstern Province Schools' tennis League. They were undefeated in their II matches. In the singles matches. the numbers I.2 and 3(1 Claassen. E GcrnlUnisand S Louw) were unbeaten. P Andersen lost one match and 0 Shaw won all those he played. JClaassen, S Louwand E Germanis all represented WP at some stage. When you have three WP players. dedicated coaches and good depth you should win the league.


,- rcW'-' --

Coaches: Team:

Coaches: Team:

Coaches: Team:

Messrs R Hamburger. B Thomp on. o Shaw, M Stockenstroom, M Maxwell. R Hyland. S Pattenden. M Andersen. K Venter.

Messrs R Hamburger. B Thompson. M Andersen, K Venter, J Terblanche,



Coaches: Team:




R Falck, T Burgers.

. 11 Drew 0'

Messrs R Hamburger, B Thompson. J Terblanche, C Bodenstein. L Bodensiein, J Lowe, B Payne.

l"TENNIS Standing:


E Genné:lOis, D Shaw, SLouw. Mr T Annstrong, P Andersen. Mr K Richardson, J Claassen, Mr M Bra Ier.

:sth Coacbe: Team:

Messrs R Hamburger, B Thompson. D Pear on, D Richter, C Bodenstein. L Bodenstein, J Lowe. C Lirtlc. Magan, T Botha, B Jang.


Ms L Heskwa. Mr P Smith.


Magan, T Botha, R Cowan. V Magan, J Botha, CLittle.


Ms L Heskwa. Mr P Smith.


J van der Walh. J Gilmour. J Botha, D Flandorp.

sth Coache : Team:

M . L Hcskwa, Mr P l1\itl1.

D Flandorp, KMiles. W lbanjwa, Z Bhawan, M Fourie. R Jacobs. J Kim, D Kim,









Ms L Hesk\\a, Mr P Smith. D Flandorp, K Mile, W Mbanjwa. Z Bhaw3n, M Fourie, R Jacobs. J Kim. D Kim, SMagan.

Coaches: Team:

WPREPS (L-R)· S Lou\\. E Gennanis, J Cla<Jsscn

SA PLAYER R(lI1kec! No J: Joel,· ClaaHell

Maloter-in-charge: Professional coach:

Mr R Rudd. Mr D Tiltman.


he water polo season this term has produced an improved set of re ults. TIle boy ~orked hard \\ ith training se ions in the aftemoons as well a early morJ1Jng se. ions and both boys and coaches showed a real de ire and hunger to improve their game. The U 14 section .howed improvement right from their l' game. T am extremely pleased with the victories over Paul Roos and Reddam and with the progress made by many U 14 A players, who went on to have regular fixtures in the U 15 A team as well. The U 14 B team had man} cxcitll1g games - the boys competing well. What I am most happy \\ ith is the desire to \\ in and the renewed belief in lhcmselve ~U1dtheir abilities shown b) the young ter'.

The L lSs showed a lot of character. The number of the boys incrca 'cd and thc)' \\ orkcd and competed ,\-ell. The L 15 A team took part in thc lan Melliar Cup held at \\) nberg and improved thclr ranking. The) also \\ ent to [ast London for the terrenburg Toumament. The boys came together well and have had some realI} excitmg matches. They too starred lO belic,'c in themsch'cs and what they arc capable of. The U 19 section ha increased in numbers. Wc no\\ ficld fi, eU 9 teams. 3«1and 4 teams lramed hard and had occa -ionalmutchcs against the Girls' chool and each other on Thursday. The I" and 2 . teams have also done well. The U 19 A, team competed in the SACS toumaJ11ent \., here they did us proud.

rt Back nm: l\liddJc ron:



V En ens. Botha. o Cunn.ingham. 0 MacHcndric. R Stc) n, L Oli"er, S Vlok. J Hallida}. MI J Whiston. J Oli,·cr. MrK Richard on. J Rowle ,Mr 0 Tiltman, K Bro" ning.

This page is sponsored by the Vlok F(llIIily

Results Played 24 Won 5 Lost 18 Drew 1 Coach: Captain: Team: Also played:

Mcssrs 0 Tiltmann. J \Vhiston. Jaryd Oliver.

L OIJver, R Steyn. J Ilalliday. S Vlok. K Clark. K Bro,\-ning. Botha. Macllendnc, RIater. J Rowlc . I \1aclenn. J Daniel ....0 Cunningham, A Verlaque- npper. J Yoyo.



he beginning oflhe year is always a tough time for any waterpolo side, as matrics lea"c and new spaces arc filled. Wynberg in Ihe past has alway::. been blessed when it came (0 having a couple of big lads in the pool. This allows fo..ra much more phy"ical type of game. Howe,·er. this year wc had LO look at changing our game I~ 'thinlctpg man'5 game'. \\hich meant getting rid of all the bad habits and bringing in new skills. It i always a hard knock 10 the ego when a coach comes along at such a late stage in your school career and tell· you k> change w hal) ou are doing. However. I was impressed with the boy's ability to take tIK! e changcs~ being constructi\.c. It has been a great pri\ ilcge forme to see an improvement in their killsllftd knowledge of the game. The boys improved indi\·tduálly and a..a team, 'ho ing they can compete \\ ilh the top sIdes in the Western Cape bua..need to taketheir game to the next le\ cl. We are lucky to ha\ e ~uch strong schoob to play against as itmeans wc constantly learning about our own abilities and how much ""ork we need lO do in order 10 imp-rove.At the atmual SACS festival held in September. where 20 ofLhc top schools compete for the ngllt to call themselves no. I in SA, our boys did not disgrace themselves. Many coaches told me how much they thought the Wynberg I team had impro'Ved. Certainly the lads gave every team they played a run for its money, ::.howed good control of the ball and their time and signs of good team waterpolo. Congratulations to Jaryd Oliver on his quiet but solid leadership through the) car and Justm Ro\\ les for his good support as vice captain and his flamboyant personality. which I feel played a bIg role in mak.ing the juniors feel very much a part of the team. Kelvin Browning got stronger as the year continued and showed greatl11enlal strength in tough games. All three were sdccted into the Province "B" side. Logan Oliverand Kyle Clark made the Boland "quad.

Player Profile, Jaryd Oliver ©: He has shown great maturity through this past season and given his all to this team. He is a solid player who in his own quiet and very unassuming way gets the job done. It is really seldom onc can find a player who takes to the role of a control man as he did, while still offering an attacking option from the right.

Justin Rowles (VC): Also one of the sel1ior members of this team, he has come a long way in his marking ability and fitness. I feel he has had a good calming effect on our defensive strucntre by the po itive and confident manner with which he works at the back. He could have used his strong shot a little more usefully through the season.

Kelvin Browning: Thi i one talented goal keeper, with hi light frame and good agility, I I't:d if he decides to continue playing after ehool we could ce great thing from him. Once he had figured out how to block out negative thinking, there was 110t much that could get pa t him in the latter part of the season.

Logan Oliver: lie is an extremely hard working young man whom I feel ha a lot to offcr thi ~ide in hi final year. He i a good thinker in the water but often tend to get a littll.!too clever for his own good. He mustju t play waterpolo, and the re twill come.

Ru ell Steyn: J le is onc tough cu ·tomer in the water but needs to become just as trong in the positive thinking area. IJcju t needs to believe in his own ability and work little harder at hi. commitment to training in the pre- ea on. Ifhc pul the work in, we will sce ome great thing from this "lTongcentre forward and hole marker. Cl

Jonny lIalliday: He has very good sporting mind, and it shows from time to time. I do howevcr think that con isteney needs worked. He has been working hard on his ball handling, but now need to put tbc leg work in. If he can strengthen both of the e a:.pects of hi game. I could ec him being a good control man in his final year.

Robert Slater: A very good wimmer and strong young man, bul needs to work on body position in the water. Earlier in the sea on, he tended to neglect his defensive roles and left hi team in a spot of bother from time to time. He has shown great improvement in this area of his game and I hope he continues to work at it. He need to be more positive in hi ability on attack, as he isa driving back.

Donavan MacHendrie: Be is a strong wimmer and powerful player, but doe n't alway give 100%) in returning from an attack. He has hO\'II1a great interest in taking o.er Justin' role at the back, and I believe he can do it. All he needs to do is work on his legs and learn to be a linie less heavy on the hole man. He has a ve(y good hot, and we would very much like to ee him harness his direction and score a couple of goals next season.

Kyle Clark: This young player ha a good temperament and always gives a lot in the water. lie ha very good hand but poor leg. which r think i definitely going to work against him in certain positions.lfhe ~ ork hard at his swimming, 1can see him being a good addition on the left wing, giving an option foreross passes and quick shots.


Stewart Vlok: I le a young player who r believe can be a very good utility player. He work hard and always give his all. He needs to work on hi kills and hooling, but J think this will come along when he fills out a little more. Keep up the good attitude.

Nic Botha: J le is still a young player and needs La pick up on the rules a little more. I think when he plays matches, pressure gcts to him a bil aod restricts hi thinking. He plays some great move at practices and needs to carry tilis over into games. He ju t needs to be as calm in the water as he is on the side of the pool and mu t also believe in himself.


Manager: Team:

Mr J van Winkel. Ayden Thoma . V En'ens. A Coetzee, K MCLaughJin, E Joscphs, A Bames. S Vlok. S Smit, A Rasputin. 0 Walker, isslllg. S de Freitas. REnstrom. K Jacobs.

Results Played


Captain: Team:








Mes rs S Wearc, R Rudd. Jame Slock. S De Freitas . L Wright, J Yoyo, M Gluter, M De Klerk. C Herbert, J wanich. J DanieIs. B Hepbum. 0 Robert. A Williams. AVerlaque apper. Z Verlaque Napper, JP Franken.

Results Played 18 Won 0 Lost 8 Drew 0


Captain: Team:

Mr J Jacka. K waimna gwanya. Koen, L CraIg. M Frai er, K Kriel, M Turner, R Oaklcy. G Hooper. G Pncmaticato . S Base. R Sang. ter. R Johnson. J Fai\'elowitz, J Terblanche.

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Coach: Captain: Team:

Mr J Vincent. K Faye. D Sissing. N Martin. S Iloward-Tripp. K Bodenstein, LBoden tein. T Cunningham, D Herbert, M ElIi -Brown, M Braddley. R Ernl>lrom,


he U (5A season had a really disappointing start in the first teml, as the boy approached their first fev. matche with arrogant naivety. They were unfit and had done no holiday training, so had to play catch-up waler polo for majority of the ea on. The only po itive string of perfonnances was displayed at the Mazinter qualifying tQLLmament,where we had thrillingly elo e matches against SACS, Rondebo ch. and Paul Roos. The fourth term began with an extremely well-run lan MeLliar Cup tournament. Wc had a rather nervous start to the tournament losing to Clifton. but in the very next game against Hilton, the boys hov.'ed that the 2 months of winter training had been worth it. We beat Hilton twice in the tournament and came J Oth out of the 16 participating schools. The highlight for the boys wa the thrilling pcrfomlance against Grey PE, losing 6-8 to the 2008 tournament winner , who ",\oonthe final 11-2 again t Clifton. Despite the boy. knowing that they should have been light up there in the semi-final stage, the boy played brilliant water polo for most of the tournament. Then at the Sterrcnbcrg tournament they displayed ome quality performances and bonded further as a team. The Derby Day wllleqJOlo games were excellent. We lo t 5-4 to Reddam, 8-4 to Bishops, and drew 88withSACS.

UI5 Coach: Team:


Matthew Slater. M Caplen, M Titus, K Van DerVyver, W Kasumba, R Martin. J Hoedemaker, B Scholtz, M J Moffett, J Taft, J Light. S Brown, M Nelson-Tansley, 0 Patience, J Atkinson, A Majiet, r Samuels, B Harnman, N van Wyk, L Davies.

This page is sponsored by the Oliver Family

U1SA WATERPOLO Standing: Seated:

Coach: Captain: Team:

T Cunningham, A van der Vyfer, J Bronkhurst, R Enstrom. M Bradley, N Elli Brown, N van Wyk, M Titus. Mr P Furstenburg, L Bodenstein, Mr K Richardson, K Fay, Mr R Vincent, Mr D Tiltmrul.

Mr] Whiston. icholas Martin. D Sissing, S Howard-Tripp, S Kannemeyer, D Rix, Dotten, S Matthew, A OdendaaJ, R Reaper, J Bower, D Wilkie-Paige, R 0' .eiL J Ryrul, B Compton.



he U 14 bunch this year improved markedly in the fourth tenn and played 1110reconfident and structured waterpolo. The talent is there, but with so many only starting water polo this year, we were always going lo find the games challenging. Our goal has been to improve our own game and clo e the gap on the big Boy 'Schools whilst looking next year to compete with everyone we oppo e. My own view i that tbis bUllch can develop into a very good side and just needs to remain focussed and be prepared to \Vork hard in a sport1hat demand great commitment. tfthey want it they can do it. Captain Nick Martin showed a good aptitude for the game and always remained positive with his team. He is a sol id defender and with the help ofD Sissing, S Howard- Tripp, D Rix and our 2 goal ies R Reaper and AOdendaaJ, made il very difficultfortbe opposition to score. S Mathew. D Notten.

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J Bower and D Wilkie-Paige made great tride and improved immensely. S Kanuemeyer is showing that he ha' fine qualitie to become a great "hole" man and just needs to keep learning and working hard. With more upport up front this team will score goals and give ide areal run for their money. R 0' eil, J Ryan and B Compton al 0 played gaIl1es for the A side. I look forward lo coaching this group again next year and watching them develop into a better side.

Results Played 12


4 Lost 8 Drew 0

14A WATERPOLO Back row:


Coaches: Manager: Team:


D Natten. J Bower. J Ryan. S Howard-Tripp, B Comptoll, D Finlayson. B Race, A OdendaaL S Kannemeyer. S Matthew, Mr D Tiltman, D Sissing, Mr K Richardson, N Martin, Mr B Emms, D Rix.

Messrs. Griller, S Walker. Mr BEmms. R O'Neill, R Reaper, D Wilkie-Page, J Els. P Franke, 0 Loxton, J Napier. J Ryan,J Rigby, J Symmonds, B Compton, M Sullivan. KLandore, C Souma, DEis, J vd Wath. U Hamman, .r Gilowey, C Dunlop. This page is spoIIsored by tile Ho ward- Tripp Family


hi year's awards were presented by Mr Mickey Young. President of the Wynberg Old Boys' Union.

1Colours Athletics

Kieran Goss Jacques Botha Rameesh Mentor


Ryan Carstens



Tuna Amutenya

Thandi Mhlaba Robin Peters Shadley Salot Gavin Samaria

I Cricket

Jason Meredith

Michael Botha

Clinton Botha

David Geffen

Geoff Dods

Kieran Goss Grant Edmeades Dylan Frylinck Michael Wood Givon Christian Dayaan Garder Sean Kelly First Aid

Pierre Bowden

Brian Ndamadama

Tando Ndabeni

Alex Nossek

Aden Thomas

Philip Manners Golf

Christian Helmbold

Joshua de Klerk

Matthew Anderson

Rowan Daly

Shannon Boucher

Dean Grant

Houghton Kinsman

Sean Kelly

Ross Hyland

Luke Metelo-Liquito

Jason Meredith

Michael Wood

Jason Horn Michael Maxwell Charl Everts Justin Archer


Jaryd Oliver Sean Pattenden Wade Scholtz


Colours Rugby


Mome Smith

Michael Botha

Chis Mulder

Jared Lesar

Noer Davids

RusseIl Steyn

Ryan Lok

Zingisa Ndiki


Jonathan Halliday Kieran Goss Rameesh Mentor Christo Terblanche Andrew Williams Tyrone Bloor Devin Cunningham Butler Dube Nick Mitchell Luvo Ndabaninzi Mogamat Schreuder Squash


Malloch --rs;-dney

Daniel Thomson


Geoff Dods Michael Edgar


Peter AMersen

Jody Claassen Emanuel Germanis

Water Polo

Kelvin Browning Kyle Clark Devin Cunningham Jesse Daniels Jonathan Halliday Donovan MacHendrie Jaryd Oliver Logan Oliver Justin Rowles RusseIl Steyn Stuart Vlok


Luc du Toit Johannes Kalipi Samkele Nani Benjamin Wiley


Trophies Cricket The The The The The

Bing Family Cup for portsmanship: Upton Family Cup for the Best All-Rounder in the I Xl: Martin Stovold Cup for the Best Fielder in the I ' Xl: Powell Family Cup for the Best Batsmen in the I Xl: Bridgens Family Cup for Mo t Promising Cricketer in the I ' XI: TIle Weilsz Family Cup for Best Bowler in the I' Xl : I

The Jacque

Kallis Trophy for Outstanding Cricketer of the Year:

Frank Duk Cup for Outstanding Contribution to Cricket:

Jason Meredith GeotTDod Kieran GOSl> Clinton Botha Grant bdmeades James CameronDow James CameronDow raig Lawrence

Clockwise Top Left: Mr LlIlIlb preselltillg trophies to GeojJ Dods, Kierall Goss, Clinton Botha, Grol1l Et/meades, Craig Lawrellce & James Cameron-Dmv.

Hockey The Constantia HC Trophy for the Most Improved I" XI Team player: The Constantia HC Trophy for Achievement: The icholas Partenden Trophy for thc Most Enthusiastic Player: The Brombeger/Clark Shield for Contribution la Hockey: The Murphy Cup for Effort and S'port l11anship(As Voted by the Players): The Vic de Minck Trophy for the Mo t successful Jlockey Team:

Jarryd Oliver Shannon Boucher Luke MeteloLiquito Sean Kelly Jason Meredith 16C


Clo&kwi1t To! Left: Mr Lumb prmdilf.g trophitS to }lIrry~ OtiJltr, >hllIf.If.DII.8oucher, Luke MeteLo-Liguito, >ell1& K..elly Ik the CII!tlli1& of the 1)16C Ho&keyTwH., A Wiegmulf..

K. ug by The Badenhorst Family Cup for Exceptional Leadership a a I" XV Player: The Frank Duk Cup for Outstanding Sportsman hip: The KJ Pretorius Cup for Most Improved I" Team Player: The Vincent Polden Cup for Most Consi tent Perfonl1er in the I" Team: The RP Conellan Trophy for Loyalty and Team Spirit(as voted for by J ~ XV): TheTbe Daryl Sim Trophy for Contribution to Rugby: Sidnam Family Cup For Most Improved U 19 Player: -Mo t Improved U 16 Player: De Villiers Wahl Cup -Most Improved U J 5 Player: Azriel Fine Cup-Most Improved U 14 Player: Denis Fagin Cup-Best Senior Team: WBI-IS Cup-Best Junior Team:


Michael Botha Chris Mulder Ryan Lok Russel! Steyn Jonathan Halliday Kyle Capes Daniel Shaw Jacqucs Botha Reil!y Em trom Yusuf Ismail 16A 14D

RUGBYACHlEVERS Top clockwise: Micke)' Lil/nb presenting tmphies to Daniel Shaw, Jacques Botha. ReitZ" Ern tlvm. Yl/suf Ismail, Dylall FI)'finck, Matthew Bishop.

~el£eral Trophies Andrew Van Zyl Trophy Fastest Time in the Argus Cycle Tour: Jonathan Gilmour (3h2lm) The Old Boys' Award for Best Sporting Achievement of the Year: lame Cameron-Dow The Casper Cup (for outstanding perfomlance in port, and refer 10 consistent rather than a single outstanding performance): GeoffDods

Jona/han Gi/mol/r

Btu'" ROH'(L-R): Slu/Ill1ol1 BO/lchc!!; Seall Kellr (Hockey); Gee?!! Dot/s. James Call1erullDOlI'


(L-R): TII/I(/ A1I1111ell.l'1l (Baskelball):JasC)11 AdC/ills. Adell /Je Klerk (Golf): Emanuel Germanis. J(){~l' Claassell (TeJInis) FrQII'

TIIO/1I(/.\ (Fir,\(



W, ..I,p.r 'iour eh Irt slruqqles 'Nr~rNln, 0' w;sIlas lo exce. Ma~;er Math.'\ lISSisls fealflH3 ol al <lOtS ,Grades 4· 12110 Ce".-elop lI1e" natnenat cal S~ltlS10 1i1e.,y,:n '~e SCIloof c~Tlcliurr

Editor: Mrs J Goodwin Design & Typesetting: Mrs PRogers Photography Cover Photo by Mr S Hurry Mr M Leresche, Mr G Withers, Mr Metelo Liquito, Mr P Catzavelos, Mrs J Goodwin, Mrs PRogers.



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