Editorial Staff
Editor: j Goodwin Design: R Henning photographer: P Catzavelo$
1 2
Staff photo report
Culture overview 010ir
Oash of the concertos -
staff list
Staff matters
Sodeties Cultural
51 52 54
'" Maths
r English and Science rArt
49 SO
Academic societies prize list Matric results
15 16 17 18 19 25
First Aid
63 65 66 67
Sound + Lighting,
Service overview Prefects Ra. and Old Faithfuls
ladies' Assodation CWESI
SPECIAL Matric dance Night of the stars Music at the manor Founders' Day Fashion show Grey Weekend Memorial
and Museum
Jaques Kallis Oval
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Matric photo Valedictory Grade
Camps Houses
SPORT Athletics Basketball
Cricket Cross Country
74 83
98 111 112 115 116 118 124
37 38 39 40 41
Squash Swimming Tennis Waterpolo Sports awards
Back row:
Middle row:
Front row:
M Wentworth, MBadiaii, P Furstenburg, C French, R Rudd, R van Niekerk, G Posthumus, J Hoencbamp, J Jacka, A Sparrow, J van Winkel, A Lewis, S Mgxwati, B Creed, C Murcott, P Catzavelos, M Colman, M Leresche. S Gordon, G Gardner, C Manley, L Lourens, B Botha, DRamage, Y Abrahams, J de Mink, G de Mink, B Thompson, P Smith, R Henning, R Spammer, L Heskwa, H Bickle, H Venter, C Smith. G Francis, B Sopam, PRogers, J Robinson, R Moolman, G Taylor, T Gordon, K Richardson, L Moser, P van Schalkwyk, S Lindsay, RInglis, J Whiston, M Engelbrecht, NEddy.
2009 - the 168th year since John McNaughton re-opened the class of what would later become Wynberg Boys' High Scbool - has been a year on which the takeholders of tbe school can look back with some satisfaction. It has been gratifying to ee how tbe Prefect System bas grown and developed over the last few years. All the prefect have portfolios and are responsible for chairing subcommittees. Together with the teachers, and under the committed leadership of Daniel Shaw, they planned, prepared and developed their portfolios throughout the year. As Academic Prefect, the ultimate test for Mihali Grispos will be the 2009 Matric results, but he leaves his academic portfolio in a very healthy tate. Together with the Director of Academies, Mr Neil Eddy, he has built up the concept of the Academic Institute. This initiative has ensured that boys of all academic abilities have benefited from extra tuition in the afternoons. Bridging the gap during afternoon essions in the library, senior academically strong boys helped individual pupils. This continue to benefit many boys. While matric re ults are indicators of academic success, the number of entrants into the Olympiads, Expos and univer ity academic competitions also sent a clear message tbat academic study is a lifelong activity. Through the support of the Epoch Optima Trust, the highlight of the academic year has been the appointment ofMr Andrew Lewis as Maths Co-ordinator. His brief was to promote a love of and confidence in Matbematics in all pupils. He has produced a wealth of material for use in tbe classroom and, in addition. has organized maths seminars, competitions and discussion evenings. He has put Wynberg firmly on tbe Maths map of the Western Cape and we are sure to reap the benefits in tbe years to come. Wynberg music bas delighted Cape Town audiences for years. Our three bands and our 50 strong cboir have been taken to new heights this year under tbe exceptional leadership of Keenan Oliphant. Our Steel Band went to the Grabamstown Festival and a DVD. professionally produced by Mr Gregory Shaw, father of our Head Prefect, provided a record for posterity and a benchmark for bands to come. Kyle Martin, together with Ms Lindsay, was responsible for steering our Service Portfolio. He has lived the maxim that the world is not there for you, but you are there for the world. It is our job as a school to bring this realization to our pupils and I have been hugely impressed by the number of opportunities which our boys have been offered by thc Service Committee this year. Once our boys realize that their role on this planet is to give, then we have instilled a degree of maturity which will stand them in good stead for the rest of tbeir live .
For many, 2009 will be remembered as a year of outstanding sport results. Jacques van Velze can be proud of how Wynberg port has performed this year. Followers ofWynberg Rugby are still going back into the history books lo find another year where we won five of our six games against local boys' schools, while the cberry on the top was an away win against Paarl Gym. For the second year in a row, all games were won at the St Slilhians Festival. Cricket, Hockey and Tennis all bad outstanding ea ons and we were thri lied to ha ve the number one ranked SA U 18 tennis player in our ranks Jody Claassen. Wynberg continued to organize a number of sports festivals. Our Cricket and Hockey SuperskilIs afternoons are now a fixture on the sports calendars. Our rugby festival this year attracted nearly 800 players while the Ian Melliar Waterpolo Tournament is one of the most prestigious UI 5 Waterpolo festivals in the country. Our annual Stayers' Squash Festival in September attracts top scbools from all over South Africa.
It is, however, under the umbrella of our Pastoral System, with the lorch bearers being the eight H u cs, that the real heart beat of our scbool is found. For the 4th year in a row, the Friedlander Shield wa deservedly won by Littlewood House wbose organization and support at inter-House events was an example to the other Hou es. lt is also through the Houses and their Tutor Groups that we keep promoting our ideal of the Wynberg Brand. The five points of our Brand are the val ues whicb drive this school:
§ §
§ §
Friendliness Manners Pride Aiming High Supera Moras
As was proved by the spate of newspaper headlines in September trumpeting the news that there was 'Bullying at Elite School', we can never relax our guard for a moment. We have 800 boys in this school growing up and learning about life and relationships. Bringing up teenagers is a 'Work in Progress' but we would all like to think tbat the Wynberg Brand LS indelibly imprinted in the heads of all the Men ofWynberg. 2009 has also seen us watch the John Baxter Amphitheatre taking shape. Thanks to the good offices of three of our parents - Oliver Dods (architect), Nick McKinley (WBHO) and Enrico Bossi (Kaulani Civils South), this amphitheatre, dedkated to a much loved teacher ofWynberg, will be a fitting addition to our school. Additions to the buildings continued apace this year. Tbe Oude Wijnberg Museum (incorporating the Eric Tasker Museum) was opened during the year and the WynbeTg House Oval was. renamed the Jacques Kallis Oval in bonour ofWynberg's most famous cricketing son. We have also opened the 'Wynberg Support Centre' for our Counselling and Career Guidance Departments. Every year, the grounds mature and the display of shrubs and flowers grows more spectacular. What a pleasure it is to walk around the campus in the evenings revelling in the pride of being part of a wonderfully beautiful school. We are truly living out Plato's comment that education must take place amongst beauty. As always, this magazine is a labour of love and accurately reflects the activities of a busy and involved school. [ commend the efforts of Joy Goodwin, Rob Henning and Peter Catzavelos (photographer) in ensuring that 2009 has been worthily recorded. KC RICHARDSON
Headmaster: Mr K Richardson. B.A., M.Ed.
DeputyHeadmaster: MrLMoser B.Se., B.Ed., Mathematics.
Business Manager:
Mr T. Gordon, M.A.) UED. Acc (NDP).
Director of Academics. Mr NEddy, B.Sc (Hons). H.D.E., M. Phi!.. Mathematics,
Director of Student Affairs. Mrs PRogers, B.Soc.Sc .• Librarian
Director of Extra-Murals-? Mr P van Schalkwyk, B.A. (Hons). H.D.E., Head of History, Head of Littlewood.
Director of Culture and Service. Ms S Lindsay, BA., H.D.E., Head of Mathematics,
House Heads: De Villiers: Mr M Engelbrecht. H.D.E. (Commerce) Head of Economics. Accounting. E.M.S .•
Lorie: Mr R Inglis, BA, Afrikaans, History.
Rhodes: Mr R Moolman, Afrikaans.
De Waal. Mr J Robinson.
BA (Ed), H.M.S. Geography, Phys. Ed., Head of Geography.
Wellington: Mr B Sopam. B.A., H.D.E. Mathematics, Maths Lit., Head of Maths Lit.
McNaughton: Mr G Taylor, BA (Hons), M.Ed., Life Sciences, Physical Science, Head of Life Sciences.
Van Riebeeck: Mr J Whiston, BA(M.B.K); Geography, History, Maths .
PhD., B. Sc., Hon., H.D.E., M.B.a .. Physical Science. B.Mus. (Ed.), Mrs M Colman. B.A. F.A. Hons. English. Mr B Emms. BA, HOE, Arts & Culture (Part time) Ms K Filinova, Degree in Drama Productions (St Petersburg), Mr R Henning, Afrikaans Miss L Heskwa,
BEd(Hons), MCP BA HOE. B.Ed.,
BA HOE., History, Life Orientation. Mr C Murcott, BA NTSD. Life Orientation, English (part time), Engineering Graphics and Design. Mr R Rudd, B.Ed. F.E.T phase English, Technology, Physical Science. Mr B Thompson, B.Sc., H.D.E., Physical Sciences,
Mr P Catzavelos,
MrW Creed, Mr C De Bruyne, MrG de Mink, Mrs J De Mink, MrM Galant, Mrs J Goodwin,
Mrs S Gordon, Mr S Hurry,
Mr J Jacka, MrH Kriek, (Jan - Mar) Mr M. Leresche,
MrALewis, (Apr-Dec.) Mr G Posthumus,
Ms M Sampson, (Oct- Dec) Mr P Smith, Mrs R Spammer,
Mr A Sparrow, Mr R v Niekerk, Mr J v Winkel, (July - Dec.) Ms R Vorster, (Jan - Sept) Ms M Wentworth, (April - Dec.)
B.Mus. (Ed), ROE, B.Mus (Hons) Perf, L.R.S.M.(T), A.C.E. (Comp Studies). Music. B.Sc., H.D.E., Nat.Sc., Phys. Science, Life Sciences. B. Soc. Sc. H.D.E., Geography, History. B.Soc.Sc., RD.E, History, English B.A., H.D.E. English. BA M. Ed., HOE., E.M.S. and L.O. B.A., H.P.TC. (Phys Ed), English. B.A., H.D.E English, Geogrphy, Grade 9 Head. B.Sc. (Hons), A.C.E (Educational Leadership); Natural Sciences, Life Sciences, Grade 10 Head. B.A. (Hons), English. B.Sc.Hons, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences. B.Sc. H.D.E., Mathematics, A.D.P. Maths. Grade Il Head. B.Sc (Hons), H.DE; Curriculum Developer for Mathematics. B.Com., H.D.E.; Maths, Economics, Maths Lit., Grade 12 Head. B.Ed., Accounting, EMS. B.A.(Hoos), S.T.D. Afrikaans .. H.E.D. F.D.E., REM., F.D.E., (Psych) Afrikaans. B.Ed, (EET); Technology, EGO, Mathematics. B.A. HDE., Afrikaans B.Tech Retail and Business Management; Geography, Maths Literacy. B. Comm., H.D.E.; Accounting, Economics. B.A., B.Ed., H.D.E .., Dip. (prog. M.); Life Sciences, Natural Sciences.
Mr R Hamburger, (Jan - Jun) Mrs L Lee, (Jan - Mar) Mr J Tayl,or, (Jul-Dec)
B.Sc., B.A., HDE., Phys. Science. B.Bus Sc. (Hons) HDE Mathematics. B.Sc., Hons, M.Sc., Phys. Science.
Le"rW\ers~ifs 4'W\d te4'c.'-'er AssistAW\tS
Mr T Crombie, Mr P Furstenburg, Mr D Ramage,
3nl year Chemical Engineering, Mathematics. Dip. Bus.Acc., Accounting, Mathematics, l.T. Life Orientation,
Grade 8 Head
Gap Year Students
Jori Hoencamp Holland
Hamish Johnson, George Watson, Scotland.
Calum French George Watson Scotland
Other School Staff l.T. Manager: Nctwork Administrator: Network Technician: Counsellor: Reprographer: Sports Administrator: Pcr onnel Administrator: Headmaster's Secretary: Receptioni t: Admissions Secretary: Fees Administrator: Bursar: Laboratory Assistant:
Mr M Badiali - Computer Studies. Mr E Hassim. MrALouw. M 1-1 Venter, Dip. Analytical Psychotherapy. Ms Dawn Petersen. Mr P KnowJes. Mrs M Hopkins. Mrs G Hepworth, Mrs C Manley, Mrs S van der Rheede. Mrs L Lourens. Mrs C Smith. Mrs SPetersen.
Sports Staff Sports Administrator: Cricket: Tennis: Hockey: Waterpolo/ Swimming: Squash: Rugby:
Mr P. KnowIes.
Wayne Myers Tim Armstrong Craig Siebem David Tiltmann Messrs M Allen, L Whitc Gus Leslie
A . •
Hostel Staff Superintendant: Mr P Van Schalkwyk. Hostel Manager/Hou e Mother: Ms G Gardner. Matrons: Mc dame B Sauls, D Hartnick. Catering and Dome tic Mesdames D Petersen, F Mapoe, M Zass, A Witbooi, G Skibbe, RAmbraai, E May. Senior Housemaster: Mr DRamage. Housema ters: Mr R Rudd, Mr P Fursteoburg.
Support Staff
J Keilerman
G Gardner
Site Supervisor: Mr R Carmichael. laintenance Supervisor: Mr J. Petersen. Securiry and Grounds Supervisor: Mr J Kellennan. Support StalT: Messrs C Brewis, J Adams, C Menne ISmith, Mesdames T de Klerk, S van Wyk.
Governing Body Chairman: Secretary: Headmaster: School Rep: Learners: Teaching Staff Reps: Support Staff Rep: Elected Parent Members: Co-opted Members:
Mr E Titu M G Francis Mr K Richardson MrT Gordon Daniel Shaw; Chad Bryson (2009) Messrs L Moser; M Engelbrecht Mrs S van der Rheede Me rs A Banderker; B Jessop; E N McKinley; D Rigby, M Venter. Messrs A Brey (Past Chair); M Lurnb (Old Boys); C Hart (WBJS Headmaster.)
Ladies' Association Chairlady: Vice-Chairlady: Secretary: Treasurer/School Rep: Headmaster's Wife: Members:
Mrs Debbie Griffiths Mrs Caron Ellis Mrs Teresa Vlok Mr Cheryl Smith Mrs Pippa Richardson Mesdames Wendy Payne (Past Chairlady); Jenny Archer; Sally Bing; Cheryl Borchardt; Jenny Botha; Cathy Brunger; Myoung-Ok Choi; icki Gerhardi; Beth Lowe; Josie Maxwell; Sandy Mclean; Robyn Patlenden; Linda Sage; Belinda Shaw .
Mr Greg De Mink
Greg came from university to his first teaching post as a History and English teacher and cricket and rugby coach.
came to us from Milnerton High to teach Natural Sciences and Life and coach athletics and rugby.
Mr Justin van Winkel
Justin, well known to us a a past head Boy ofWynberg, took over Clive de Bruyne.
Mr Julian Taylor, came to us, having just completed h Masters Degree at UeT. He took over tbe Grade 10 and Il Science cia ses of Richard Hamburger.
Hein Kriek: It was with regret that we said goodbye to Mr Hein Kriek who had been with us for one term only as a Natural Sciences and Life Sciences teacher. He has opted to try his hand as a full time rugby coach and we wlsh him well in tbis endeavour and look forward to watching him on televlsion in tbe Green and Gold one day.
Riette Vorster: After nearly two years in our Accounting Department, Riette accepted an n1 offer to go mto business and left us at the end of the 3 term. She joined us in January 2008 straight from university and threw herself into Wynberg life. She coached the 1" tennis team, an U 14 hockey side, ran the matric dance and re-enthused the Capstone Society. She will be sorely missed.
Jon Robinson: Jon came to us from Grey High School in 2006. A popular member of the staff room, he soon threw himself wholeheartedly into tbe life of the scbool and made an immediate impact. He took over De Waal House, the Geography Department and the 1st bockey team. All three thrived under his stewardship. During his years in charge, De Waal House has been the closest challenger to Littlewood. He inspired his cbarges to adhere to the Wynberg Brand - Always Aim High. This same spirit was very evident in his coaching of tbe hockey team and be ensured that Wynberg Hockey remained a force in South Africa hockey circles. He took his responsibilities seriously and every area of the school in which he was involved was run efficiently and with total commitment. He leaves us for Kearsney College in Natal. Wynberg is a better school as a result ofbis passionate involvement over tbe last three and a half years.
Clive de Bruyne: Clive decided to take advantage of the 20 JO World Cup and is now throwing his full weight into his tourism company. In his 18 months at Wynberg he proved to be a more than competent teacher - the boys appreciating his quiet sense of humour, his firm discipline and his obvious enjoyment of teaching both in his Geography and Maths classes and on the sports field. He will be missed and hopefully it will not be too long before be is back in teaching again.
STAFF NEWS Wc congralulale Jon Robinson on his marriage lO Maria, Glenda Francis on ber marriage to Terry Hepwortb, Andrew Lewis on his marriage lo Jenny and Ben Thompson on his engagement to Lara. Proud first-time parents were Roland and Karen Rudd witb the birth of Olivia and Rob and Kristin Henning witb the birth of Emily. Mariano and Alision Badiali welcomed a baby sister Leah for Benjamin.
OBITUARIES Richard Hamburger 1948 - 2009 The school wa vi ibly shocked when they were told the news in assembly on Friday 19 June that Richard Hamburger had passed away the previous evening. Richard wa himself an Old Boy, having attended both Junior and High Schools (matriculating in 1965). Tn hi five short years as a teacher al Wynberg, he threw himselfwhole-heartedly into the life of the school- as senior Science teacher, master in charge of tennis and hockey coach of the U 16D's and E's. There were very few event which he did not support, be they sporting, cultural or social - usually with his sons in tow. He was popular both in the staff room and in the classroom and he will be sorely mis ed for his cheerful wit, his loyalty and his positivity towards Wynberg. His weekly Diatribe sent to colleagues and friends around the world, which offered an irreverent view of the sporting and political scene, has seen it last edition. To his wife Cathy, his four young children and his brother Lennie, who coaches our U 15B cricket side, we offer our sincere condolences. We are grateful that we could share Richard for a brief portion of his life. Mendel Kaplan Little did we know when we asked Mendel Kaplan to open our new museum in October, that this would be tbe last time we would ee him at Wynberg. A member of Littlewood House, Mendel matriculated from Wynberg in 1953. After acquiring a number of university degrees around the world, he came back to South Africa to head up Cape Gate and made it one of the premier companies in South Africa. Over the years he never forgot his old school and was, wilhout doubt, Wynberg's most generous benefactor. With characteristic mode ty, he requested that buildings he helped to finance over the years be named after his favourite teachers. Thus the Bill Bowden Pavilion, the Alf Morris Centre and the Eric Tasker Museum came into being and their names are now immortalised in Wynberg's history. It was with considerable reluctance that be was persuaded to accept tbat the Headmaster's Residence, the renovation of which he financed, would be called Kaplan House. Lnaddition, he followed the fortunes ofWynberg with great interest and often after tbe arrival of the monthly new letter, he would phone to offer congratulations on some event. He loved sport and followed Wynberg's progress with much interest and was hugely proud of the achievements of our current national and provincial sportsmen. He had a prodigious memory and would regale his school friends with stories and reminiscences of events that bappened at scbool over fifty years ago. He died on 19 November. He had already accepted our invitation to attend the Jacques Kallis Day. This school, as indeed are hundreds of institutions around the world, is hugely indebted to the generosity of this humble and genuine man wbo was so proud of his old school.
The GAP Year programme has been running extremely ucce fully for some 19 years now. This year wa no exception with Hami h John on (George Watson Scotland) who left in April, his replacement, CaJum French and Jori Hoencamp from Holland. CaJum and Jori both joined us in September. The e young men do a Fantastic job coaching port teams. class sitting and doing all sorts of administrative tasks. They are particularly helpful al the Sport Fe tivals and Awards Ceremonies. Their work doing programmes, certificate etc. is fantastic. They are extremely affable fellows who alway go out of their way to help and the school would certainly be the poorer without them. Some personal hlghlights of the e student include a highly memorable trip dovm the Orange River, an Overland Trip to Victoria Falls via amibia and the Caprivi road trip to Pon Elizabeth, Kny na and East London and countless vi it to various local hostelries
2010 Gr 12 Gap Year and Gr 10 Exchange students Back: Front:
S Sissing. C Moore, R Lok, B WHey T Creswell, C Moore, C Bing, P Jessop
J Le ar, M Borchardt. E Arcber, J Schreiber, J Benson, S Smit, M Renaud, C Fi her, N Botba L Metelo-Liquito, J Adams, W Mkubukeli, Mr Eddy, M Grispos. R Engelke, C Lawrence
fj]JaK/ .2009:
Luke Metelo-Liquito
Mathematics WBIJ
Department Icads tbe \ a)' \\itb Epoch and Optima Funding
In the la t fortnight "e ba\e hosted tbc final Interschool Mathematical event cheduled for thi year. On 12 October ",e hosted a Food-For- Thought £, cning, aimed at "1athematic teacher. and thi n'a follo\\ ed by our lathematics Rela)' halJcnge, held a weck later. Tit aim of tbe Food-For-Thought K~ening nas to provide Mathematic teachers from chool in tbc area ,,,itb an opportunit) to oeiali e and receÏ\'e ome stimulating academic input to mull o"er a the teaching lcar dra,,, to an end. Thc e,'cnt \\8 attended by approx.imately 40 teacher from ten different chool and three pre cntatioD were delivered, interspersed witb naeks and refre hment . Our gut' t peaker were Mr Marcus Bizony (an accompli hed "lathematic teacher, \"ho i currently the Director of eademic at Bi bop ), our own Director of Academic, Ir 'eil Eddy. and Mr Andre\\ Lewis, the co-ordinator of our Epoch and Optima ::\hthematic Development Lnit OD looday 190ctober, for the eeond time thi year, budding mathematician took the chool by torm, as tbe Clegg Hall was overrun by more than 230 enthu iastic problem solver from ten local cbool . The combined effort of everal of our o"'n mathematic teacher, and tho e teacher who accompanied tbeir O\.. n learner from our neighbouring chool resulted in what was (e pecially for a rrr t attempt) a \Cry uccessful "Mathematical Relay Challenge". Over tbe cour e of two hour. teams of four tackled a series of stimulating mathematical problem de igned to draw on their collective efforts in a race against tbe other team and, ultimately, tbc clock. The wonderful respon e we received to our tm'itation to tbis eyent was very encouraging and it was heart-warming to see so man) learners tackling mathematical problems with sucb entbu ia m. 'Ve would like to convey our sincere thanks to tbc \VBHS Ladies' As odation, and all of the school' support staff, who ba\'e helped to ensure that the Mathematical events we have bosted thi )'ear bave beeD successful. We hope to organi e a series of similar events next year, iD an effort to promote appreciation of Mathematics amongst learners, aDd provide growtb and development opportunities for local Mathematics teachers. Andrew Lewis
VCT MATHS COMPETITIO Once again Wynberg Boys' High pupils fared very well at the UCT Math competition which took place on 22 May, Top raled Wynberg boys in the Individual competition are as follows:
E1"GLI H Head
\!tr B EI11mS.
, Y 'BERG LA "'lGV Gr 8 Gr9 Or 10 Gr II
Andrev. Howe-Ely Michael Bradley Joshua Light Marc Borchardt
(top marks)
91% 90% 7% 84°'0
Be t Writer enior Junior
Matthew de Klerk Paul Rou;'(
Best Speaker Senior Junior
Daniel Shaw Trislan de Beer
Best Reader Senior Junior
Peter Jessop Ja on Raad
Inter-schools' Literature Qui
Mr B Thompson.
R Spammer, J Lesar, N Rich, M Wilkinson. T Keeling, T v d Wath. I Samuel , R Singh, B Chiddy, R John on, S Lendis, E Archer, M BorchardL J Gilmour, PJ Jacobs. Sih er: C Bodenstein, J Benson, S Smit, L Mbuyu, B Scholtz, A Wiegman, N Koen, SPeck. U Ramjam, M Turner, W Ban field, J Schreiber, 0 Boniface,. Bronze: S Bean, J Botha, K Venter, M Bradley, L Davies. R Martin, A Rookledge, A Nakanyala, S Nissen, M Edgar, M Fourie, M Kabie, G Turner, S Vlok, N Kooverjee, 1 Maclean. A Roginsky. J Light, MJ MotTet, M Mookrey, L Bodenstein, N Cassim, G Coghlan, M Faraday.
Matthew Fraser
Raeez Ryklief
Nicholas Mitchell
~ ~'e T-i-c:
(I. ~ Mr
Thi year awaspinng cholars and thinkers expo 'ed to lecture pre 'ented by acclaimed academics and influentiaJ members of oclety. One of the mo t exciting event held wa the in pirational VCT toUT.The boy found the e avendi h experience Intellectually timulating. very motÏ\,ationaJ and an eye opener to the importance of critical thinking.
/0 dd
The lOp academic tudent in Grade 11 and 12 met monthly to di eus topics not generally found in the school curriculum. In April Dean Grant's topic was: The Positive and Negatives of becoming a Driver and Mihali Grispos poke on The Economic Crisis. In May, Luke MeteloLiquito addres ed the issue: Highs and Lows in Life and the Peaks and Valleys Approach to the e situations. lason Adam spoke on: Right and Wrong oJToday versus Right and Wrong oJ the Past. This wa followed by fierce discu ion about ethics and values.
]/ EI.
S Smit, J Lesar. M Borehardt, M Daly C Lawrence, L MeteloLiquilo, M Gri po ,M de KJerk, D Grant
Mr Paul Murray, Head of History at Bishops, invited to the July meeting, introduced Fact versus Fiction and in Augu t, Craig Lawrence spoke on Leaving a Legacy while Matthew de Klerk poke on Prejudice ill Society telling of his experiences a a Zimbabwean fleeing to South Africa
(WJMi' cfKa~
e4;~ Almost one hundred of our pupils took part in the 2009 World Knowledge Olympiad. Three did exceptionally weU to gain top three positions in the province or country: Andrew Howe-Ely Siyabonga Beyile Reece
A September,
M Travis, B Chiddy.
2nd in grade 8 in the Western Cape 3rd in grade 9 in the Western Cape 1st in grade ) 2 in the Western Cape )st in grade 12 in South Africa
TE andSlL\'E_R
LHIm Adarru. Ryan Ihca. Tolt>cefB3I1dcrk r. Llam I3anhu.,. J on B:l,,,ctt. Manhc."\\ Boo) n. athanael Buull. \tic-hael Bo\\cl'-. (Iar,1Il BnndlC). \h..:h.Jd OtcnC). Brandon C"OClZet. D}lan ('0 'nliro. Dalyaan I!dward:.. Dein Era:.mu, Gra~""e Eysink. GU} Green. [l1IIad I. .IOC. Hashiem Logda) . " onwlIbilc Lu"aL~. Rayno \11IJlOC.RcL'CC Martn. Qu Illan 'larm. Cod} McGregor. Anthony \1cHendnc. Robert let',mlC). Jo,hu3 \k}er. [dian M) eT'. Se3l1 Park..:r. MIkhail Plctcncn. Lyle Roger, Paul ROIL'. \lika-l:.el SadICfl. (,aleb .:hulLL 'Iau.he'" Slatl.'f. Mlgylc Stc\cn:.. Gretg Th:llll>on. D-.Jrren \all der \'all.;. DOlllIOlc \ an dcr \\'e-,thUlzcn. Jilad van Rooyen 0) Ian WI\.:lumm Dacyaan WiI,on. Rczanr W}ngaard MERJT CER11FICA TE. GOLD nE Amin"\\ I10\\C-Ely "ERITCERTIFICATE
•• U.\ER
Xhosa. ~fenl. lhcr Ta: Geogmph). \lent ".I\er rIC Mathem.lIb. C.eo~aph}. \1enl. L1le OncnullIon. "leril Siher Tu: HI~tory. \i!er;l Sih.er Te [~1S.\Jcrit. Gold Tu~ Technology .. \ier •• Gold TIC \frikaans. :\lent. Gold Tie :\1
lrd in Grade 8 2nd in Grade II 1 t io Grade 8
TE thenkosI Dyoh Andre'" Ï;olb J on Rohid Dylan\an Zyl Tre\or \\'illialll> tefan Botha 'lila tth..:'" Bo wers icki Z..:cman I
ver TH:
Engh~b. r>.atural clCncc~. Teeiutology, "tent. Gold Tie ,\/lent. Gold TIc
Art an:! Culture. Technolob'}' Meril Gold Tie
Irrvn White- Phillips Mark Timllll Jo hua Arcndse
Th and
Alyoob Abass. David Bedingham Manus Botha. Damian de SmldL Joshua Gilo",ey. Stephen Howard- Tripp. JeanPierrejacob • Chadle} Kemp. Brandon K1\lct'. Kcanan Landore. "hall \1arirus. :-';ichol& \urtm, MatlhC\\ McWilliams. Luke \-lills. Taanq 'Vfoharned. L~haylin aidoo. Lee '\ilcholson. Taanq Parker. Abubakr ReJaldicn. Luke Romyn. Badet .JmSodlcn. Keith tarey. Cuan Stephen on BJECT CERTIflC
TE Sbaun Garher.. GerVoll1_,irab
lIJstory HIstory .\1ERJT C ERTIFlCA TE. GOLD TIE ~hchael Bradley, Samir Daniels. Justin Els. Imraan Paleker .\IERJTCERTIFlC
Hi tory, McriL Sih.~r Tie Xho a, Merit. Silver Ti: Geograp by, Mcnt, Si!vcr T je Mathematics. Merit, Silver Tie
Jod)' Arend~e Siyabonga Bcyile Scan Meyer oorPalekcr
.\1 DH) EL KA PLA N GRA DE A WA RD lrd in Grade 9 2nd in Grade 9 1 t in Grade 9
Merit, Gold Tie A fiikaans, Arts and Culture, Life Orientation, Merit. Gold Tie English. EMS, \latural Science:;, Teciutology, Merit. Gold Tie
Jordan Larnora I Jordan Oanicls Nichola:. llaralarnbous
CRt\or. JO "l B.JECf OISTI,\(TIO,\ :\tJ1thC\\ Andc .....en (lT); Alexander Bain (\'i-ual Arts): Jiyll3d Bedelt (Vi wI AJ'l~).Juan-D.lncel Bre) ICn!>iy;:h (Ht.lory): ~b'e Caplen ( I ua! Art!'.): Silho Dana (XhtNJ): Jo..hua de Klcrk (Economr\): Andre", Founc (EGD): K) Ic 1.JUrCf(l1t.lory); iphamandla ~ilo (Xhosa): D:l\id Reed (VISual Art\): [)anri Richté:f (fGO): RlhhdJC Salie ( ccoW1tmg); Kyle \'an da- V)"\cr ( I ua! An~): .\1arccl Woodman en ) LBJECT PRlZES and I or
Robert de \'nes (prize for 1US1c).ZtmaSl \1alW1!,'3 (Di tilcti:>n - Xh sa; POle for Xho~) MathclTDtcal Literacy) ;\IERITCERllFI
Shaun Pcnny(Pri:ze for
hchael Faraday; Crnig linie; D:nid Maaq;h: Riraad Man,": Shane \an Sladlll: ~iehael \\'ilktn'oOl1 SCBJECf OlSfI'\CTJO:-;
Heath Batt (DIstinctions -l:.conolluc:, and Hi:iory: Merit), Cameron Bing (DJ:,tinulOns- Economes ard History: Merit); il1100nBro\\1l (Di unctions AccoW1ting \1ent): BenJalllin Chiddy (Dlsbncbons Phy cal ScICna: and Hlstor)'; Merit); A-tlle Conmin (DI·tlllctions Phy...ical ciences. EGO and IT; ~1crit): Laurence Da\lCS (Di~inctions - Physiml Jen.ees. EGO and IT: Merit): Tatriq Dolley (DIstinction IT; \i1erit): Lulamile D)'\\ih (DislirroonsEnglish am Afrikaans: Merit): Hasm Gabier (DislIlcuon Ph~ical Sci:nces: 'Vlerit); Peter JC$OP (DistlOctIOnsMat.hermlic . EcollOmiao 3I1d Hi tory: \1eril): Robin Johnson (Dtsunctmn IT: Ment): Mac! aren Marsh (DlStIlClÏOI1s Afukaans. Economcs and History, Merit): Luk \tt}t!1'5 (Di tinctions- Hi~ory and VIsual AAS: 'Ierit) UBJECT D1STL\'crIO~
YasOOl HarrduJay (Distinctions Madlem.atic:" Physi:al Sciences and IT; Pnre for IT; MerJl): Joshua Light (Distinction History: Prize for LIfe Scienres; Ment); Ke\;n Venter (DISIlllction - EGO and Hl tory; Pnzes for EGO and History, Merit) UBJFCT OISTI)lCTIO~
and lor PRIZE
DistircliIns fOTMal.hcrmtiao, Physical Sciences ard History; ~rit; Colours Distirctions fOTXhosa, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Economcs; Prize for Xho~ Merit; Colours DistircliIns for English, Afrikaans. Mathcmatiao, Physi:a1 Sciences and ViSJaI Arts; Prizes for Afnkaans and Visual AAS; Merit; Colours Distin:tions for Ma1hermtlcs, Economc and History; Pnzes for Life Orientation and Econonucs: Merit: Colours
Carl Boderulein Dzikarn31 Kungune Reinhardt Spamnrr Dean Swanich
3rd in Grade 10 2nd in Grade 10
ht in Grade 10
Distinctions in Afrikaans. Mathemttics, Physical Sciences and EGD; Prize for Life Sciences; Meri~ ColOlUS Distinctions in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, EGD ard Accotnting: Prizes for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Accowting: Merit; Colotrs Distinctions in English. Afrikaans, Matbelll:lbcs. Physical Scierces, EGD and Geography: DavidO\vitz Prize for English, Prizes for Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Geography, AP Mathematics; Merit; Blues
Adrian Wiegman
Michael Broclley
lmraan Samuels
• icho'a .. Botha (English). can Connor (EG D); Gront Edrncades (Ecooomu:s): lichacl Fourie (EGD); Chl'ls.ian Helrrbold (Economic~). Jo hua Katzcn (H.story): \Vasecm Omar (Hi 'ory), Brandon Payne IEcorDmic ): Ma:.ixole iyahna CX I-o'\a); Vuyo Slyalana (Xhosa): Gavin Turner (Visual Arts) 'BJECT PRIZES Nicola \JOOT
Vlok (Prize for latrematical
'" ARD
Sandile Filtane UBJECI'DI
Dl tin::tnn (or EGO: t nll! for EGD: Merit; Colours Distioction for Geography; Pnze for Geography; Merit, Colours Distioction for Economics; Colours Distioction for IT; Merit Colours D.stioctim for Enghs~ Prize for :vtusic; Meri1; CoLours Dlstirrtions for Accounting and Erooomics; Prize for Accounting: l\lem; Colours Distioclion for EGO; Merit; CODur' Dmirctions for English, EGO and Visual Art ; Merit; Colours Disli.rclion for Economics: Merit; CbloUI5 Di tioction fOI Ph)' ical Sciences; Merit: Colour DI oremns 10 Xho a and I:.conomics; Pnze fOI Xhosa; Ment; Colours DI tioction for EGD; Merit; Colour" Dlsttrrtions for English and Economics; Ment; Colour Disrirction for VisualAr1S; Prize for ViSUal Arts; Mer.t; Colours DLStin::tion for Afrikaans and 1nthemalics: Merit: Co !ours Di tirctions for Mathematics. EGD and Geography; Ment; Colours Distirrhons for Engltsh and ACCOUIting.Merit: CODurs Prize for Music; CoLours Di tioction fur EG D: Colours Di tioction for Economic ; Ment Cblour CODU-S UBJECT DlSTI 'CTIO
and lor PRIZE
3rd in Grade 11 2nd in Grade II
1st in Grade II
Distioctions in English. Mathematics. IT, Physical Sciences and Economics: Ment; Honour Distirctions in English, Afrikaans.. Physical Sciences, IT and Economic; Merit: Honours Distioctions for English, Accounting. Economics and Hi IOry; Merit; Blues Dlsturtims in Physical Sciences and Accounting; Prizes for Life Orientation and Life Sciences; Merit; Blues Di tirrtions for Physical Sciences. EGO and Geography; Merit; Blues Distioctions for English, Mathematics and History; Prize for History; Merit; Blues EDWARD WI EGRADE
Jacques Botha 1atlhew Carr Jason COgll1 Paul C!.pido Stephen Dunn icolas During Kewanfay Jonatron Gilmour Evanjoseph ichola:. KocrJ \\tandisile Mkubukeli Andreas Nakan)'a1a Sulaiman Peck Uzair Ra rnj am Cheslm Rogers Andrey Rogirsky Dean Roxburgh Michael Saharin Ross Segers Zacharie Verlaque- apper Stuart Vlok
Eric Arcrer Jay Benson Simeon Gready Nicholas Rich Jason Schreiber Ryan Singh
Distinctions in English, Mathematics. Physical Sciences, Economics and History; Merit; Honours Distinctions in English. Mathematics. Physical Sciences, IT, Economics and AP Mathemalics; Prizes for Physical Sciences, IT and Advanced Prol;1amme Mathematics; Merit; Honours Distinction in English, Afiikaans. Mathemalics, PhysicaL Scieoces.. Economics and Hi<;tory; Prizes for EngLisb. Afrikaans, Malhemarics and Economics; Merit; Honours
Marc Barchardt
Jared Lesar
I. 2
J. 4.
S 'P£RAMORAS AWARD lor a11-rourd IChll=~·cmml. ROT RV GOOD FU LOW HIP AWARD To Ibc pupil who has dlSpla)'Cd oUlSlandlOgabllnyduring l;toodw1lland futr play umong hli> feDo~ FRlEDLANDER MEMORIAL AWARD For diligence and 'tnilCe LOlhe ~I EPWORTH 1\,1 ICSOOETY PRILE FOTamlobutlon 10 ITUSIC
BenjamIn Wilc~ Ibc year ID promollng beakby
L"ando Dlova Keenan Ohphanl Kecnan Ohphanl
(80% or more for a subject)
Mocgama1 Brown (Economics). Mu' Allium Cacbe (Ealnomicsl, Jae Jail: (r:conomic~). Jolynl: 1arinus (Coonomics). Kyle Marnn (Afnkaans). Donovan Mdlendflc (MathermDc~). Zuba" Parker (Economics). Chold Peacock (I GO), Wade chol17 (ECOOOlIles),l}ariWl Th.anos (lconomcs).1\(Im II (RIck) Yoon (Malhemalies)
Michael Brungcr. Shcridan Grobler. Ka Kw IJacky) Ma. MichJel Max",ell. Michael PortnoL \o1a1the\>Rood. Tak Will: (Tomny) Yu MERlTCERll1'J
TE and
Lwando Dloya (Ecooolll1cs). Rudi Engelkc (A6ikailOs). Cron Evens (A6ikaans. EconomiCS). John IIuman reGo). EGO. Life Sciences. Physical Sciences). Clayton 1iIChcll (EGO). Mauhe", Polter (Economics). DanIel Thom n (Engh<h, EconomICs, PhySical SclCnccs), Benjamin Wiley (Mathcm:nics. Accounting. PllySlcal Sciences)
Craig Lawrence (Malhemmics.
SUBJECT CER'nnCAT Ol 11 'Cll0~
ubjeci in Grade 12) and/or l\IERJT CERTlFICA TES and/or
LII'c DrieIlIalIon Poze; DlSlInCtlOnsfor Mathematics. EconomIC and PhY'leal ScIences; Merit Michael Daly R.\1 Fnedlander I:.nghsh Pnze; Distinction for EngH h; Meril Mallhewde Klerk MathemalICal Literacy Pnze DalT1lanDreyer lnfonnalion Technology Prin:; Distinctions for MathelJlltics. EGO and Ph)Sical Sciences: MenI. CallenFisher Visual Ans Prize. Matthew F~r WE Bowden MrubemallCs Pnze: Engineering GraphICSand .DesIgn Pnle; Distincta.)ns for \o1a1hemalic , EGO. Life Sciences and Phy leal Sciences: Ment. DeaOGrWlI Accounllng Prize; DIstinctions for Accomting and EconomICS; Meril. Keenan Jambs Alf Moms Geography Prize: Oisnnctions for Mathemancs and EG D: Merit Bryan Kivido Xhosa Pri.zc 51mbongile Mr8l1gqolo Hi tory Prize; Templeton MUSICPrize; Disllllcllon for English Keenao Oliphanl GRADE PRIZES, WEeT CERnfJCAT and MERIT CERTLFIC TE
3,d in Gnde
12; D.F Marais A6ikaans Prize; Dislinctions for Enghsh, A6ikaans. MathelJllLics. Ecoromics and Physical Sciences; Merit in Grade 12; Economics Prize: Distinctions for English. ~alhematics, Accounting. Economies and Physical Sciences; Merit I"in Grade 12; LIfe SClenccs Prize; FG Thorp Physical Sciences Prize; Advanced Programme Mnthemalx:s Prize; Distinctions for English. Afnkanns. Mathematics, EGO, Lire Sciences and Physieal Sciences: Meril; Martin Cleveland Dux Trophy
2. 3. 4. 5.
Jasoo AdalIlS Mihali Gri:.pos
Luke MClekr Liquito
Mallhew de Klerk Daniel Shaw Jason Adams Muhammed SabllBatabile Sibaca Luke Metclo-Liquito
7. 8 9
SI'LCL\L PRl:L.Fs \. "J)
Ja on Adallb L wando Dlm.a Jacque \ an 'v c!ze Miliali Grispos Keenan Jocobs
Da~1 Shuw LIFE ME~1BERSHlP OF OLD BOYS' LNIO. I 1\" arded by the hoolto tre Hrod Prefect; \\ ADE BERTRA'v1 AWARD Aww'dOOtoa boy 111 m3lric who by mroll!:iorhis example. hf> caring and hiS leadershIp. has promoted an acu ...i!)' m the chool which has enhanced BlIler Dube the narre and ~irit of the school. Voted forby the IJIllric body. DAVID HElD\tAN. AWARD Awarded to a boy who lw:> pen.evered and 'Ucceeded in the file.: of CI10mlll difficLities or fierce opposition. thereby sho" ing great Nichola Thomdike ddeflnnation and trcngth ofcharac1er Zubair Parker BOB DSHADF 'vtE\10Rl '\L TROPHY - Forthe Ixst Art Portfolri Oflhc )ear. Cbris10pher Moore RY'iO GREEN \\ A LL PRIZE - A" -arded lor !ht' be I Hi tory Proj eet.
HO"'lOURS \\ ARD- Awarded to the pupil orp~t1 for outstanding perfonnances which have brought honour to Ihe chool. FRIEDLANDER SHIELD - To the ,\~nni~ House fur2000
1. l.
Kyle Manin
Awarded for comnunil) semcc.
9. WIEGMAN CUP - To the lID t oli landing Silver Badge Prefect 10. A DREW FEl srEINOJP-Tothebcst alI-rounder in Grad.: 12(Acadcmic.Sport. C\Ut\ffil~ Service). 11. ABE LSOH r CUP - To [Il! Grade 12pupi I who has done the ImSt for the Serooi in 2009.
I'XV Lttt Iewood ManhlOlIli
BCI1JaminWile)' Daniel Shaw
COLOURS AWARD Matthew Anderson, Michael Brunger. ChndBryson. Mu'At!ham Carlie, Rudi Engelke. Charl E'erts, Matthew Fraser. John HUIJIln, Keeoan Jacobs. Jae Jang. Jayme Marinus, 'Michael Maxwell, Kecnan Olipbam .. Michael Portno~ Matthew
Recd, Zaahi:r Sedick. D.lOiel Shaw. D.lJ.'ian Thanos, Daniel Thomson. Jacques van Velze, Wrigh~ Tak Wing (Tonuny) Yu
icholas Velicka. Luke
Jasoo Adams, Michael Daly, tatthew de Klerk., Callen Fisher, Dean Grant, SherKlan Grobler, Bryan Kivido.Oa)'ton Mitchell, Zubair Parker, Matthew Potter, Benjamin Wiley. am-il (Rick) Yoon,
Mihali Grispos, Craig Lawrence, Luke Metelo-Liquito
8 Joshua
.Mark Timlin
Simon '\-hitc-Pb~li~
Steran Botha
Ho" e-Elv
l'iicki Zeemao
JalOn Raad
Steven Smit
Ma re Borchardt
Ja) Bemon
Eric Archer
Simeon Greadv
Nicholas Rkh
8 ' RlaD GRADE
Samir Daniels
Noor Paleker
Jason Schreiber
....L. 3
BryaD Kivido 9
Cra ~ Lawrence
Calleo Fisher
10 10
Michael Dalv
.....=_.:::D.=e3nGrant JasOD Adams
M.ihaH Gris
Luke Meteto Li
L ar
Lmman Samuels
Bradley Wiegman Spammer_
Dca n Swa Dich
Carl Bodenstcin
Lau rence Davies
Kevin Venter
- -
I Matthew
de Klerk __
Benj amin V:..;.i\'.:.:ile=---
9 4)
5 li
0 10
2 13 9 0
14 I
5 2 1
0iIJI£ffi FN:l.a{
~ ~
12 0
8 2 0
52 16
0 3 2 5 3 0 0
4 45
5 0 9 10
lO 5 0 0
3 3 0 0
63 25 2
~ ~
2S 3
0 77 13
:M 14
31 8
31 2 101
5 0 13I
0 0 2 4
2009 N:N AlE
0 15 28 9 4
64.1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0
52.5 615
685 81.0
0 0 0 0
60.6 fn7 60.2 S3.6 85.0 71.7 62.4 67A
1 6
J Adams
jl8 52.6 77j 71.8
i!.O 55.6 6L7
J56 130
3 0
54.3 7lS
0 0 28
9 5
0 23 2
147'10 13"l.
0 1
0 94
3.8'10 10J'1o 21%
M Grispos, L Metelo-Liquito.
':Q8 $.1 J)j &1 6t5 81.0
tf}.O 615 i!.O tf}.7 61.5
:mJ SI:P
M Sabi, B Sibaca
ABED. Hakcem ABRAHAMS, TaanQ ADAMS, Jason Michael AOOINAll. Rlyaad Affi"lSO. Dimel Ashley AMEHtOfDlEN. Mogwmt Zahur ANDERSON, Matthew Joseph
Afrikuans, Mnthenntics
Marlyn BARENDSE. NICholas Paul BARW1CK Glase BElL Malt hew Vauahan Sutherland BEZENCON. Mathlcu Paul 8HA WAN, Zubin BISCHOFF, Christinn Andreas EOTHA, aimon Coruad 00TI-lA, Marthinus BROWN. Mocgarmt Salieg BRIJl'.K'CR, Michael Pierre BR)"S()N. Chad Lee CA..MAGJ. Sikbokele CARllE Mu' Attham QAASSEN, Jody Alan CONNOR. Justin CORAM. Gant John-Lee CDXON. Marc Paul CRONJE 01.m: QJNNlN(}{AM, D::vin Antony DAL Y, Michael Haig DANIB..S, Kyle 8Jgene DEAGillA Marco Jose Santos DEFRBTAS, Seot DEKJ..ERK. MatthewRaubenbeirrer DE \VAAL, Sionn lake DLDVA, Lwando OOVE, Ouistopher ~vid DREYffi. Um:ian Noel
DUBE. Skbunbll21) ENCE..KF. Rudi
EV8ITS.01ar1lan FAlVELOWITl, Jarryd llim FERRBRA, Shaun Colin FISHER, CaIlen FORBffi, IXvin Lee FRASFR, Matthew Jam:s (E)l)ES, ntniel CllRMANlS, Bnmuel Nicolas CUIS, Kiernn I<l)ADA. Kbanya Marvin mANT, llim Michael ffiISPOS, Mihali Jwres ~ Sheridan TholIBS
Life Orientation. EronolIlCS
B Life OrientatIOn, ID), Visual Ans VisualAru ufe OientallOn, ID) COOgmpJty Mathennlics
Life Ch.'fItalion
MathenllticaJ Utemcy
Life Oientation
MatbenlllicaJ Litemcv Afrikaans. Mathenntics,
Life Orientation, Eronorrics. Matbenlltics
Matbcrmtical Uteracv Enl!lish. FlCIlCh, Mathenlltics,
Mathem!l.ics P3
&onon'Ïcs Mathellllticall..iteracy
Afrikaans, Mathermtics Afrikaans
life Ckientation. IT, Rn
Mathenntics, life Orientation, RD, Matherrntics P3 English, Afrikaans, Mathenntics, life Orientalion. Econorrics, Matherrntics life Seiences
IIAWDA Y. Jonathan 11ARD\\<1CX Nicholas Robl'1t HARRIS. Ravaan l-1ASSAt>., Moham:d ~IAN. John Laune JACOBS. Kecnan Sbane JANJ. Jae I "-lik JESS{p, Luke Robm JONE.." Svcn H ..'11k KMOO. &van rkn2Il KNlPE Jason Ambony KOLWfN. Sesethu KRICE Kyle JOM .... 'UW A. Michael !'Iili, hipanda LA\\'R.6'lCE. WI1. John lEE,Oif
B B B B 0 B B B B B B
B B 0 B B
UNaiAY. Gureth UZWE', ZoneClilc LOK.Rwn
LmNS. Omiel MA. Ka KllI MAA}.'E, Zangi MAOAlXlJIl)l, Kevin Aod~w MAllOO-L John - Ross MAlL Y. Kecnan MA1\'N, Michael Aothony MARINUi. Javm: Richard MAKl1XKyle MA1THEWS,1'bsrudeen NlfuX\VRL Michaeljoseph MC H8'IDRIE, Ulnovan Marinus laD MCKA Y, Vernon Heoroo MJ:NfCR Ram.'eSh ~UQUITO.l.uke Ilmiel MITOiBL Clayton john M1TGIEll.., Nicholas Jam:s MCMBERG, Kyle M<X>RF. ChristophcrGun:ichacl MC6.EI..EY, Tyron MRA NO'Y)j O. Sirrbongile MUI.HOI.lA."ID. ~tair Ian MUNRO. Oaig Menick NANl Sa.nia:le NDAMANDAMA. MasixJle Paul ~ M'YA. Kv.akhona Sanele Sisipl ~llZA,\Uyo Na;SEK, AleJ.ander Jaryd OUPHANI Keeoan Tyler 0I.l\I1:R logan o:::sTERBéRG; Kyle T ristan o:Jffitl.1IZEN, Oylan Pruld <nm-IU'rZFN, Rt:ece Matthew arrERI..OH, Illvid GlVin
A6il.oIan:.. ~lathClTlltics, B:D Mathenn1ÏL-s. Ure <Aicntation.li:onotrÏcs Mathenntics, ttonoll'ÏQ.
an C'oography
MathelIBtic:;, BD MtthClTllllCS, ure Qientalion, MathemuiCl;
I..ifu Sciences, s::D, l\1atbennlÏCl> P3
D B B B 0
li:onomcs Afi:ikaans
Mathemllics MathemltJcs
0 B B
B 0
Eng~h. Afrikaans. MatheIIBtics, life Oientalion, EGO, AP Mathematics, Mathematics P3 English. Ill) Matherrnticallitemcy
B B 0 D B B B
MatheIIBrical literacy
D 0
B 0 B B
Mathermticalliteracy Musie lire <A:ientation Mathermticalliteracy Fnglisb, Histo!)' life <Aicntation
Phys1C3l Sciences, Lifu ScIellCCS,
ffi\a:xxQm PEll.:RS. I~
'\ bIk
fHIllPS. Wescy Md1rel IUUN:l, Michacl Dnli!1 fQITER, M1rthew~a
R8D.~StC'\-~ RfN.\t..Q Mllthew IiIouarcI
lOllHZE. Q.offiey R}KUEF,~
SAIl. Mmanmld lrshaad SJ-O.1Z Wade \1ncalt SElla<. Zaahicr ~AndrewThonBs $HAW. DmieI John SIBt\CA, Bllabik! SWlAlR KamcIh Alan SISSlN:i~ SI11U.E H\ibmn Chinyai SIATER, FDbcrt Jarres g)\U1CA, ~ikhaya ~ STE'i1'1, ~ .fus~eIl ~Md1aeIAndels 1H>\N:& D.u:ian TI IA.\SIN Stephen.Jarres
11-Ov1AS. Aden iron ~ DmiclImiarrin 1HRI'OKE :r-é:holas 1JIRARE lIinouhona
mAVIS. Michael TJJ1l){by \Wliam 1S.AKi Jacky GRm Kit ~rvbmabi'li ,TSl-U\UIE lnekeIa Katshinatsha VANNH<ERK, Oyde Aie>ander VAN\fI.ZE Jacques ThnieI \flAn Govanni.Joseph \H1CKA. Ncbolas John 'vI..CK, Kyle \CffiNE\H.D, Jarred Keegarl ~ Tmnthy ClJarles WEEI3, !ay_don Taylor WE'NNJ.HARE, Jonathan Pieter WJlEY, Rlnjarrin John Ian WII..lWvS, Ashbey Steven WRIGIT,I.llke Joho li::slie \CXN, Nunll Rick 'rU Tak Wing TOI1ll¥ ZAI-I:S, Angelo
0 D B B B B D B B B B B B B B B B B
fill MI1hc.mlti:aJ
\~ual AIls
ly. \isual Are,
life Qientatm
life O:ientatioo Lifu Cttntatnl
MlthemltX:al Literacy l.ifu O:ientation !'vb1heoBtX:s Lite Oiental1on
French Lite Oierrtat:ioo
ure Oientation Lite Oierltation
MI1herruticaI Lit~ Afiikaans 1'viItherrrlric, Mn:henntics 1'3 lifu 0ienta1D:t, HD Mtthemlt:ics. Ei:ooorrics, ,., , M!themltics 1'3 Chinese, tvbthamtics, ure Qimarion
Keenan Oliphant Wynberg Old Boys' Union (WOBU) hosted their annual "Music al Manor" fundraiser on Sunday 15 February. A number of parents, old boys and teachers supported tills charity event. For the second time the music was played on the lawn of Kaplan House in beautiful sunshine. The afternoon consisted of musical entertainment and refreshments served by boys from Littlewood. Mr Michael Lumb, the chairman of the WOBU. \ elcomed f>Vf~rvnnl" and the Steel Band began proceedings by setting our feet tapping. Then the Concert Band played a wide variety of pieces. De Waal House boys ang their Inter-House song, Just the Ilt'O o/Us by Bill Withers. Marco Titus sang two heart-warming solos, Dance with My Father by Luther Vandross and You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban, and the . Jazz Band brought a most entertaining afternoon to a elo e.
Grey weekend Grey High School made the trip dO\\11 lo \\ ynbcrg thl. yl!ur over the long I ia)' \\ ckend. Del-pitl! inclcJ1\cl1t v. c-athel, another \\ onderfully competilÏ\'c weck-end of ~port en lied. Wynberg played with determination and confidence and result \\ere an IRlpro\t'ment on tho c of pa~1 encoullters \\i itit our greal friend and rivals. A lcalure of the \\eckend \\ as the number of close gamcs in mo I of the ~port
The I" learn lo~t 3 - J 0, but wins v. ere recorded by the 3rds (24 12), Li 16A tl7 0), U 16B (21 ~
14) and UIS il (!4 ). 1 he UI6C' drew 5 5. Our I"'cam \\on (4 2 and 0 did U16B (2 UI4A(I-O).
Squash. :
Debating and chess:
The I- team dre\\ 3 -3 bul was up 14 - 12 in gaml.!s. The U16A's \\on 4- 2. Grey debaters and chess players pro\ cd
strong for us
I) and
E Memorial P aque
Thi~ mcmonal plaque "as umetlcd by the family of Azriel Fine. 1940 flead Prefect.. gcncrou~ benefactor and loyal friend lO Wynberg. The fanuly ha gcncrou I) donated a bench, garden and fountain near Lhc scoreboard of thc Haw thomden field. The Fine family
Opening of Oude Wijnberg Museum In front of about 60 gue
Is, including Mendel Kaplan who e donation enabled this mu eum to to fruition. thIS unique school hi tOI) mu eum was opened on 19 October 2009. As one enters the musewn. one first has to walk through the ~f.~}'nbergHeritage Museum. This mu ewn used to be in the Battswood School but has now been gh en a permanent home at Wynberg Boys' Higb chool. Under the teward hip of Dr Helen Robinson, il reflects lhe history ofWynberg VIllage with its varied peoples and traditions. The old building are personalised a owner and lenan are to life.
One will then pa through to the new and revitalised Eric Tasker }v/IISeum. Past teacher ofthc choo!. Johan Louw has done a uperb job in covering nearly two centuries of life in a outh African School. It not only reflect tbe Lifeofsucces ful and famous pupils and Old Boys. bul it faithfully chrorucle the everyday live ofa nOIDIa! Wynberg boy. E\'ery year is meticulously recorded in a box file and future visitors can look. up and relive their own school experiences or tho e offamily members. While military exploits. porting feats, academic prowes and cultural high must be recorded and celebrated. this museum is about ordinary people who spent their formative years at a South African school which ha always tried to be in the forefront of~~,~~ .. v, in thi country. There are three remaining rooms which form part of the Mu eum. The 1J'}'nbergOld Boys' Office' situated here as well as a Reading Room. Tru room is destined to concentrate on the Cultural History of the School especially !:he Mu ic and the Drama productions. Off this room, is the Archives Room. A Museum mu t be a dynamic place. It mu t change. grow. develop, improve. Our aim i to put it on the tourist map of the Peninsula. That is the challenge for the future guardians the tradition and history of thi great South African School.
~,rfltlCsl!r"A •
I ••
LLIS OVAL A number ofTY slalions, pre and radio were on hand 10 witness \ ynberg Boys High ehool rename Its O\allhe Jacqu aHi Oval. The origmalldca for thl came from a promment \\ynberg Old Boy. Mendel Kaplan, earlier thl year. who wa in'l tent that Jacque . houLd be honoured by hi old 'ebool for hi feat on the world cncket tage. 10 000 runs and 250 wicket in both forms of the game ha, e een him Ti e to tbc lOp len run scorers of all lime. Cricket lo"er will argue for years \\ hether he. or Sir Garfield Sobers, is the best all-rounder in cricketing tu tOI). The RCl took o\er the idea and it ",as fitting that on 26 ovembcr, the pupils ofWynberg fonned the letters J K OVAL next to a picture of Jaeque KaUis \\ hich had been painted on the field. With the cameras clicking away as the boy did their well-known 'Blue ....White' manoeuvre. Jacque . with hi customary mode ty and humility, formally opened the field which bears hi name. He de cribed the deei ion to name our main ground after him a a great honour. It is a vel)' special momentJor me and I regard thi as olie the greale t hO/lour I have received ill this wOllde,fl.ll game. i fir I played aJew game Jor the #J'lIberg 1st Xl \...hcn I was 14 but in tho e day we played 0/1 alle oJ the lOpfields. ithink i was il/ tandard 9 (grade Il) when we moved lO the current ground. Thi i where my career started. I /lever dreamed atlhe lime that 1 would olie day make 10 000 I1msJor my COlllltly and i owe Jf.jmberg and the ~'a,.iOLIcoache and teacher<;I had there over the years a greal deal. for not only making me a good cricketer bill hopeJully making me a good South African citi=en a wel/. Cricket ha made me many wonde/ful friends over the years and this applies par/icularly to my time at Wj'flberg.
6th row:
5" ro'\\:
4" row:
3" row: 2" row:
1·row: Front row:
C Munro, M Maxwell, 0 Afollso. A Thomas. V Nongau71l. F Pcter~, I Tl>hivute, P Dallos, J Wenning-I Jare. K Kneger, M Colton. J Vroneveld, Z Maane. L JC$SOP, B Ibaen, C Mitchell, Z Bhawan, 0 MeHendne, G Chedbum, J Jang, R \'oon, J FU1\iclowltz, K Wallgrcn, R OosIhui7en, Velicka. C Peacock, G Velati. M Bezeneon, Z LilWC. T Abrahnm\, M de Agrcla, Cronje. 0 Lyons. R Fngelkc. ] ('Inasen. J Knlpc, o Dreyer, M Hassall, W Scholtz. SPatlenden. M Anderson, K Mally. M SlIbl. 0 aeddes, L Wnghl, M "r,her, KOoslerberg, K Vlok, o OosthUIzen, C Barwick, M Kuwa, M de Klerk. A September. B Balantync, C Bischoff. J Tsang. C \an iekerk, V Sonjlca. I::. KolwCIll, M Renuud, 1 Yu, C I awrcnce. C Botha. A Williams, J Marinus. A Zllhos. K Momberg, A Nos~ek. M Mann. T Vorster, J Adams, M Tshangana., S Nalll .. V Melay, K Gcadn, R Addmall, J Webb, N Barendsc, M Potter. L du Toit, K Smclulr. ij Wiley, K gwanya, de Frcitn~. de Waal. C Fi_her, J Connor. 0 [homson. M Stockcnstroom. S arobier. L Oliver. T Moseley. T Tjlrarc. M Brungcr, a LlOdsay. Z Parker. M Portnoi, Sis ing, G Coram. Thysen. ) lardwick, J I r\lman. 0 Thanos. M Reed, J Ma, B Ki\ ido, M Carlie. 7 Scdlck. Z Amccrodi<ln. o Forbes, 0 Gmnt. W Philips, R Mentor. II Abed. R Ilams. P Sithole, C Mbuna. S Mranqolo. a Roclouc. C Lee, to. Mulholland. C Bryson, M Travis, T Botha. J van Velle, R teyn. R Lok, K Jacob~, M Gnspo~. K Ohphant, [) haw, Mr K Rkhardl>on, L Dlova Mr G Poslhumus. C Moore. M 031y, K MartIn, J Ilalliday. S Cnmagu, B damandama, R Slater, OOtcrioh. S Bam, B Back, N Thorndike, SJones, R Ryklief. Matthc:w~, S ferreim, C Dove, B Dub<:, E aCITl1UIllS.N MItchell, D Cunmngham, K (,o!ts. M Bell, K Maelaughhn, L Metclo-Liquito. Everts.
Valedictory pcaker Yaledidorian : Cue t
Mr Richard Vincent (Head Boy 2005) Jaymic Marinu ,Alex ossek.
The breakfast in the Fi b Bowl for matnc and their House Heads pro\ idcd an opporturuty for the boys to remini ce aboUl theu high school years and recall memorable Limes. and for Hou e Heacb to WI 'h them well and urge them lO return and upport their chool 10 future years. Mr Arno Erasmus of the Wynberg Old Boy" union then addres ed the matncs in the hall and presented them with their Old Boy tie. Valedjctoria[}j). Alex ossek and Jaymie Marinus, tOld of their per onal experience ofWynberg. with many arnu ing anecdote , to the great delight of the matric body. I
After tea with staff and parents, the matrics processed into the hall for the Prize Giving Ceremony. The guest peaker had been their Head Boy when they were in Grade 8. In his peeeh. Richard reminded the matrics thaL while being at a great chool like Wynberg opened many doors, they would need to work hard in the years Locome 10 kecp tho e doors open. He aloSlre sed the importance of service and of giving back once out of school. At the conclusion of the ceremony the matrics processed out, lead by their Head Boy, Daniel Shaw, and each symbolically rang tbe school bell.
__________________ Ii~I~:~I.-------------------
Grade Head: Mr DRamage
The Grade 8's pent the first two weeks of tenn completing their induction programme. The first week culminated in the "Grade Challenge'" the aim of which wa to break the ice and gel the boy lOmeet new fTiend and to get to know the prefects, matric and tafT. The boy camped oul On the campu' and participated in a number of exciting activitie which ranged ITomteam building and initiative exercises to the "Dc Villiers to De Villiers" mountain hike, during which the boy conquered Nursery Ravine. It was great to ee uch po itivity and I was impre ed by their spirit and passion. They never gave up and made sure they completed what they had started. The final part of their induction programme was the ew Boys' Blazer Ceremony at which the boys were officially inducted ioto the Wynberg family. lt was a pleasure to see their smiles as they walked the corridors wearing their blazers, clearly proud of the Wynberg badge.
Mr S Hurry. The annual camps fonn an integral part of the philo ophy of the school. ft is important for the boy to get out of the classroom and to be challenged in other area and the camps are a great opportunity for this to happen. These were held in the last week of the third term. The weather proved to be much better than in previous years which meant that more could be achieved on each camp. The Grade 9's were packed off to Back 2 Basics just outside Gmbouw to camp in army tents, to be put through their pace and generally get dirty and have lots of fun. While the accommodation was a bit ru tic for ome and the exercise more than many had prevlou ly encountered, it wa a wonderful opportunity for the boys to get to know each other and themselves better. Activities included the obligatory obstacle course with mud hole, plenty of problem solving activities, team bujJding exercises, food and ome leep. The camp was led by the excellent facilitators at Back 2 Basics with some of the Wynberg taJT assisting in some activities. The Grade lO's went off with l"Venture SA to Kleinmond. Their camp started with a fantastic 12km hike across the mountains into Kleinmond, which proved to be a highlight for many. Various activities lead by Tozi and his team of facilitators included canoeing on the lagoon, various games and problem solving activitie . The group based activities served to strengthen the bond between the boys. The Grade lI's headed off to Mizpab for their annual leadership development camp with /11 Venture SA. Ably lead by MC and his team. the boys were put through their paces which included challenges such as building a cardboard canoe to getting through the spiderweb. Some interesting input was also given on leadership by Mr Hurry and one or two outside facilitators which served to focus the group on its future role in the school.
LOm Froat:
E Archer. J Senson
M Bell N Tbomdike. Mr M Enaelbll:chtl R Slater N During. LElIlS
House Head: Mr J Robin
Back: MiddJe: Front:
P Jessop, Martin, M Andersen, C Ivy, J Botha, ID Breytenbach, J Schreiber, G Turner, M KabIe M Titus, S Sissing, M Botha, Mr J Robinson. H Batt, C Little, D Cunningham, E Germanis, P Sithole, R Johnson, N Koen
R Rudd, P Furstenburg, P Van Schalk\vyk, DRamage
House Head: Mr P Van Schalk
Back: Middle: Front:
C Munro, B Sibaca, J van Velze S Camagu, Mr P van Schalkwyk
L Dlova, C B son
House Head: Mr Rlnglis
Committee Back: Middle:
K Jacobs, Mr R fnglis, C Herbert M Fraser, J Marinus, S Vlok L Wright, S Gready J Tsang, R de Vries, N Vlok, J Human
Middle: Front:
J Webb. C Fisher, KOosterberg N Hardwlck. Mr R Moolman. J Swanich S Nani, R Knipe. G Velati
P Smith. 0 POSIbumus. J Whiston, J Jack&. J Ooodwm
Back: Middle: Front:
D Thomson. S Smit, C Everts N Velicka. C Lawrence. Mr J WhIston, S de Waal K Fay. M Windsor. B C'hiddy. \1 Portnoi
House Head: Mr B Sopam
Committee Back: Middle:
A Roginsky. S Howard-Tripp, L Bodensiein Frylinck. C Bodenstein. Z Meintjie .0 Lyons. Mr B Sopam. B Ndamandama, 0 Afonso M Rhode, T Malaudzi, M Renaud, R Engelke
Culture Director: uituraJ Pr feet:
M~ Lindsay. Kccnan Oliphant.
I am delighted to report that 2009 \\ 3_ another highly SUCCI! .. ful ) ear for lhe Cultural Pillar, which embrace MUSIC,Drama and ocictles. e Concert. Jazz and tcel band~, a:. \\ ell a' Choir. arc 10 be congratulated on their profe' lonalism and for unfailingly giving performances of a very high tandard. In particular, lhcy excelled at the Waterfront "Clash oflhe Concertos", the Cit) HaB "Campu,' of choob Concert" and the ann al" ussbaum Concert" held during Founder's \\ eck. a well as at the nc\\ "Choir Fe tÏ\ aI''' which proved to be a highlight of lhe year. The pupil were called upon to perform on numerous school occasions uch as the" ight oflhe tars", Prize GInng, the "\IIu IC at lhc Manor", the "I ounder's Da) .. Ceremony, and \\ocre alway appreciated and applauded by the audience. Once again the musicians ru tinguished them. elve by achieving mo tly "Diploma" award at the annual Eisteddfod. The highly accomplished teel Band. con Istmg mainly of matric pupil', went on tour to the atlOnal Art Festi,al in Graham town during the July holiday and brought much credit to them elve and the school. When thcy returned they gave a pecial, free concert in the chool haH for sponsors, parents and the chool community. Thl wa well attended and culminated with the audience dancing in the at le . My 'incere thanks to Mr Botha, Mr Catza\elo and Mr King, and the part-tIme Music taffwho have very high tandards and \\'ho alway en ured quality performance from the boys. Congratulations lo Keenan Oliphant the Cultural prefect. \\-ho was re pon ible for training both Steel Bands and arranging -everat of the musical pieces ,..hich they playcd and taking them to a ne\\ level. What an outstanding contribution from a schoolboy! My heartfelt thanks to Mr and Mr Oliphant too, who were responsible for the orgaU! atlOn of the Jazz Band Tour and accompanying the boy, together with Mr Catzavelo . At the end oflhe first tenn we held our annual MAD ( lu ic, Art and Drama) evening in the Nus 'baum Auditorium. which had a slightly difTerent format to previou years. Two one-act plays 'The Bear" and "The Propo ar'. written by the famous Ru ian playwright Anton Chekhov, were directed b)' our Rus iao- born teacher. Mrs Filinova-Bruton. Two matric girls from WGHS (Sian Goodson-Couh and Hannah Molyneux) jOlned our talented acting team and everyone delivered outstanding performance . During the interval the audience enjoyed refreshments whilc admiring an exhibition from our Art Department and the newly formed Photographic Society \\hile li tening to a mUSlcaJ performance by Keenan Oliphant and Amy Campbell who were accompanied by Mr Brian Botha. Congratulations to all our talented actors (Luke Romyn, Marco Titus, Peter Jc op and Stephen Howard-Tripp) and a big thank you to everyone who played a part during the production proce . Apart from the MAD Evening several of our boys excelled in "Hope ", the Wynberg Girls' High School major dramatic production. which was staged in the second term and produced by Ms Penny Glover, their Drama teacher. In order to promote Drama and to improve acting kil! > Mrs FilinovaBruton tarted a Drama Society which met on Friday afternoons in the econd half of the year. Its flrst Open Class wa taged in October and wa well received by a responsive audience. The society al 0 pre ented a mini version of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night as a 'rehearsal in progre 'in the International Shakespeare Schools' Festival, happening all over the world on the ame day. 1 thank. Mrs Filinova-Bruton for this initiative and for tackling a challenging task so well. Other ocietie are till flourishing and operate mostly on Friday afternoons and at week-ends. These include Capstone, which continues lo have a strong link with the Girls' School, the ever-popular Gaming society and the maller Muslim. African, Photographic, Capoeira. Cavendi h. 10club and Outdoor Societies.
Inging at the cl Back:
K Marttn. C Graham S Vlo~ 0
M Saharin. lbaca. M Mmm. A eptember haw. B
Cheney. M Renaud Haralambou
2'" row:
M Bowers. A John on. Botha. C Boden tein. P Je op, L Bodenstem. de Waal, B \\ Ilcy, M Gnspo , S Dunn. K Block, M Mann. A
ek, J Adams
C Moore, M Rhode. 1pan7.a L Stcyn, A Dooling, R Spammer. S lkYlle. M TItu", White-Philip. A Icholl, C I les, B olomon. M 1ïmhn. R dc Vri .
Mr B Botha
This )ear, under our nc\\ choinna~lcr, the choir increased from 15 lo SR bo) s. Our first perll)rmancc \\as at thc Waterfront "Cla.'>1I o/the Concerlo'ó", perfonning lhe songs "Pretty Little Angel Lycs", .. [he ~lagic louch", and "You Rai, c le lJp", accompanicd by the Concert Band. We nc~t pcrfom1ed at the Campus of Schoo/\ COlleert, In'mg "Per~Onalll)" and "Fn c loot T\\o, Eye of Bluc" I he ne-.\ ly fanned \oeall n emblc aho madc I debut pcrfonnancc at 1111coneen dehghtlng the audience with 'Ulorylalld" and "Heart And 'oul"
Tbc highlight for the ChOlf tillS year wa thc Choir Fc ..th al. I he Clegg Ilall \....u lilled by \OIee from the choir" ofWynbcm 80)~' High. W)11bcrg Girls' High. pnnglïcld. Bcrgvlicll'nmary and the acclRlm~d Cape rO\\1I \\chh Male VOice ChOir. The e\ent was dedicated 10 the memory of ir Bill \\ allace, a long-slllnding member of lhc Wynberg family. I he e\ ening was lilled with gloriou choral nm 'ic and it \\'a~ lfI'ipiring to SCI! the upllfiing effect choral mU:.lc had 011 all age group, : the ama/Jng hannonies and beautiful \oiee~ \\ ill be long remembered by the audience. some of \\hom \\ crc brought to tear" by the cxpericn~c. Classical highlights of the e\ CllIl1g lIleludcd the rnaje:-.tic 10zart piece, G/onolis IS Thy ~'(I1m!(sung b) the WBIIS and WGHS chum ..). SUl1ell1\ from the St Ce!ill \tan (sung by WBHS and Berg\ hct Primal)) and AI e J'enlln Corl'lI,\ (SUI1g by the Springficld Chambcr Choir) W) nberg Boy,,' High's interpretation of old lin ourite }ou'JI Ne\'cr Haik Alone was \\ell recci\cd by the audience. as \\as The Facehook Song rre~cnted by the WBHS \'ocal Ensemble which had the audience ill lits of laughter as most people could rdate to thc sentiments expres ed. Tbe finale took !h" fonn or a combllled perfonnance of the rousing number Whell Ihi! Suinh Go Marching fn. Tim, pn:sentation by 250 choristcr!> demon!>trated great vanance. control and choral excellence and left the audience shouting for more. The final concert of the year was the Nussbaum Concert, \\ here the choir performed "You'" NeH:r Walk Alone", "Blue \'ehet" and "Five foot 1'\\:0. Eyes of Blue". TIle Vocal ensemble ang the emotional "£11 Walk With Gud", and then added some hwnour to the evening with their renclition of"Swmging On A Star" and "The Facebook Song".
ist impo sible lo estimate ho\\ many hundred· ofpcopk saw our Campus Bands, School Choir and Gumboot Dancers electrify the crowd' at the Waterfront on two aturdays 10 March. Earning themsdves RIS 000 in the proces!>, their singing, dancing and playing entertained appreciative audience:- en uring that the reputation of\\') nberg Music continues to ·pread far and
Director: Band Leader:
Mr P Catzavelos. Simon de Waal.
This year, the band progressed in leaps and bounds, producing some memorable perfonnance . Some oftbe occasions al which the band played were: Prize Gi ing, Open Day, Night of the Stars, The V &A Waterfront Competitjon, Waterfront Competition Finals, Campus of School Concert at the City HaU. Cape Town Eisteddfod (High Honours), Funeral of Richard Hamburger, The Old Boys' Dinner. the Nu sbaum Concert, Founders' Day, Sun et Concert and the Campu Carols Service. As usual, we lose valuable matrics each year. At the moment, there are about 50 in the band after losing even matric . Most of the e matric bave been in the band since 2005/6. They have developed into rme bandsmen wbo could play in any military or civilian concert band with the greatest of ease. Well done matrics!
Jazz Band
Band la ter:Mr M King. Tbe Jazz Band ha had a \ ery successful and busy year. Our highligbts include the annual Big Band Jazz Festival at the Baxter theatre, and the Cia h of Concerto at the V &A Waterfront where the band imp res ed audience with their high standard of mu ie, as well a their energy on tage. Unfortunately we said goodbye to a few Matne boys this year, ~Ilich will be a great lo s, e peeially to our trumpet section, but we look forward to a successful 20 IO.
Steel Band Teacher in Charge: Mr P Catzavelos. Band Leader: Kcenan Olipbant. Teacher: Keenan 01iphant. The band, which consisted mostly of matrics, did extremely well thi year and reached a level not seen before at WBHS. They have raised the bar for future generations. They learned many piece aDd have a large repertoire to be proud of. The band was very busy giving over 27 performance throughout the year and did extremely weU at the Waterfront, participating in the "Clash of Concerto" competition. They achieved a very fine Diploma at the Cape Town Eisteddfodd, making them section winners of their category. They also played at the prizewinners concert. Another of the many highlights was the tour to Grahamstown. The band played fantastically and certainly made a name for themselve. At the ussbaum concert this year, Charles McGregor, who lives in England, and funded the band in 2004 and 2066 came out specially to hear us. Thanks Charles for all your intere t and support. The steel band continues to do many varied function at numerous venues, attracting much attention. Keenan OLiphant trained the Junior band which really impressed with some of their perfonnances. Keenan Olipbant has now given his last performance at school after being in the band from 2005 - 2009. We thank him for all the hard work and enthusia m that he put into the band since he became the leader three years ago. We thank, specially, the Oliphant family and their friends who helped with the organising of the Graharnstown trip and were amongst our biggest supporters throughout the year. I thank the parents, WBHS, Ronnie Cannichael and Jeremy Kellennan (tran port) for their continued support.
Back: eated:
Mesdames J de Mink,
S Brown. M Wilkinson. H GabIer, M Faraday, C de Kock. T Dolley. JD Breytenbach, R Gready. R Krieger, S Hendricks R Woodman, Ms S Gordon. P Je~sop, M J de Minck, II Batt Y HamduJay, 1 amue1s, J LIght.. R '-1anlll. J Hoedemaker
Gordon (WBHS);
N Fortuin (WHS). M Badiali
InMarch 2009, Mrs Gordon and Miss Fortuin (Wynberg High School) undertook a visit, funded by the British Council, to our twin school, King Edward N Fiveways in Birmingham, England to spend a week observing good educational practice. We were exposed to different teaching methods and learned how to create a stimulating teaching environment so that learners could excel. During the last two terms the learners and teachers of both local schools met more regularly and all learners were given login pins and passwords in order to access the private website. Although, electronic communication with our counterparts has now been established, it would not have been possible without Mr. Badiali, to whom all the Afritwinners are very grateful. We trust during King Edw&rd Fiveways' visit they learnt as much from us as we did from them and look forward to strengthening our existing links.
Mr S Mgxwati.
Chairman: Committee:
Pempo Dzonzi. W Mkhubukeli, S Vuyo, G Menisi, S Njilo.
his Society was fonned in 2008 by about twenty dedicated boys who made sure that it became a success. They had lots of ideas, but decided to focus on the gumboot dance and choral music. Within a very short time, they became well known and were invited to cultural evenings by schools such as Bishops, Rondebosch Boys' and Rustenburg Girls' High. The highlight of this year was their performance at the Waterfront in the Clash of the Concertos at the beginning of the year. The boys also performed at the ational African Languages Conference which was held at St Cyprians and at Wynberg's Night of the Stars evening. Back:
S Slneke, B Nkalasbe. L Manase, M Sojola,
Z Malunga, A Dyoli, Mr S Mgxwati, T Nojilana. S Beyile
S Mpanza, S DywiLi, W Mkhubukeli
e had a fantastic year. Classes were held on Tue day afternoon in the Clegg Hall and in a new ,",cnue on Friday - the Junior Boy t g) Ill. We now have a space that i unaffected by the activities of othen; has amazing acoustic ,and i perfect for bare feet with its polished wooden floor.
Mpanza. Dr H Bickie, W Mbanda
Or Bickie was invited to teach the VCT Capoeira c1as wbile their nonnal instructor wa indi po ed. Happily some of the students were brave enough to attend the VCi apoeira das and gained valuable experience. Well done to Mark Wilson and ibu Mpanza. The society welcomed new members thi year. JP Lambrecht, S Bean and S Base have all thrown them elvc (literally) into the port. We have also seen new attendee from Wynberg Girls Scbool. The Friday cia ha been opened up to different age groups and is now attended by Junior School students as well as a recent graduate ofWynberg Girl '. Diversity adds to Capoeira as it does in all ections of society. Our be t \Vi he to Michael Moffet who uffered a rugby injury this year. We hope to ee him back in lhe
Hiking Club
great bunch of loyal and dedicated walkers took to tbe mountains each teml for a hike. The walk this year included a trip up India Venster under tbe cable car and down the other side into Kirstenbosch; a walk above Kalk Bay that ended with a swim in the ocean and a hike from Rhodes Memorial into Kirstenbosch. An overnight hike is still to come this year as well as the end of year walk up Lion' Head. Bigger and better hikes are being planned for 2010 0 that the boys can experience the incredible natural beauty of the Western Cape and enjoy the healthy ways one can spend a weekend.
3'd row: 2"d row:
Front row:
Bodenstein, SNotsbe, C Bodenstein, M Wilson, B Isaac McPetrie, U Gerwin, Mr H Whiston, C Kunz, B Panga Knight S Sineke, Z Malunga, S Beyile, S Dana Dwyili, Ms M Colman, D Graham
CAPSTQr\E Teachers in charge: Chairman:
Ms R Vorster. Mr J Jacka. icholas Dunng
Back: Front:
WKa umba, J Philander R Slater, Ms RVoster, During, Mr J Jacka, S Gready
ap tone ha had a very po iti\e year of growth - both in term of membership and personally for those imolved. The year started off with a pool part} aimed at welcoming Grade 8's and any new pupil. Term one also brought witb it Cap tone camp Great effort was put into orgarusmg tht at Rocklands. There were guest peakers. a worship band and many workshop" and activitie , all of which "ere enjoyed by the 180 Wynberg learners who attended. It was a life-changing experience for many and proved to be an e:<.cellent fnend hip and life skills building get-away. Throughout tbe year Cap tone met regularly and received much input from committee members as well as guest peakers and staff members. They met with Wynberg Girl' every alternate week and strengthened thelf relation hip with the Girls' School committee and members as a re u It.
MlBA T-i-c:
Mrs S Gordon.
Muhammad Sabi.
2009 has seen the MSA grow in leaps and hounds. As we ay goodbye and shukran to outgoing Chairman, M. Irshaad abL we welcome Sulaiman Peck and hi Deputy, Uzair Ramjam; together thcy make a formidable team and are sella do aterling job. In addition to successfully running Jwnu'ah every Friday. the boys undertook the task of feeding the orphans of Vision Orphanage at oUI Annuallltaar. Supported by the Interact Club and the school's management team. this was a humbling experience for all who attended.
Back: Front:
RSaiet, F Badroodien, Cas jem, S Salot lSolomons, SPeck, Ms SGordon, M Sabi, U Ramjam
Projects like these cannot be successfully undertaken without the a si tance of all the Muslim moms, to whom we are eternally grateful.
Mr L Maser.
1 t TEAM [anager: Captain:
Mr L Mo er. Dono\ an McHendrie.
(no. of game played m brackets): Gu)' Green (18), Peter-Jobn Jacobs (18), Dono\an McHendrie (17). Jac Jang (15). Paul Cupido (12), ClifLee (5), \1auhew Banni ter (2). Cuan Stephcnson (I), Alex Kim (I).
With a 70% win rale it mu t be said that lhe firsl team had a wonderful year. They lo t lO only three learn Grey High, Herzlia and , Rondeba ch, while wmning the Sans ouci Facets Che Tournament in July. At the end of the year they were placed third in the Cape Penin uia chools A League. Blue awards were made to Donovan McHendrie. Peter-John Jacob and Jac Jang, while Guy Green wa awarded Junior Blues.
Back: D McHendrie. Mr L Mo er. K Jacob Middle: J Jang, PJ Jacob Front: P Cupido. G Green 20dTEAM Played
In the third term the Stephen Bell Che s Tournament wa played to detemllne the lnter1I0u e champions. From an mitial 64 players tbe final was eventually played betweeo Donovan McHendrie and Peter-John Jacob • with Donovan winning. This year also aw the mtroduction of the first-team match jer ey, something the players bave been reque ting for some time. Another milestone reached was Donovan's 75th match for the first team - a feat that has not been achieved by any other Wynberg boy before.
M1Inager: Mr L Moser. Captain: Paul Cupido. Team: (no. of games pla)ed in brackets): Matthew Banrister ( 12), Aamn Herbert (8), Oif Lee (8), Cuan Stephenson (8). Paul Cupido (7), Keenan Jacobs (6), Hasan Gabier (5), Alex Kim (4). Guy Green (3), lagon Raad (3), Ryan Singh (2), Michael du Plooy( I), lason Janse van Rensburg (I), Dono\'ao MeHendrie (I), Vikash ParblDo (1), Stuarl Vlok (I). The second team had an outstanding year proving the deplh ofehess at Wynberg. They fmisbed lOp oftbe B League, thusearningpromorion to !l'e A League next year. Wml is encouraging lS the nuni>er of new players in the cbess arena, particularly among the Gmde 8's. My thanks to Mr Creed, Mrs Rogers and Jorie HoenkalTll for their assistance in managing this learn at various siages through the year.
Grade 8 Champs
Guy Green & Jasoo Raad _j
OCIETY Teacber-in-charge: Member: M Dominga.
Mrs K Filinova-Bruton. S Botha, M Cheney, C Kunz, C Graham, P Jessop, T Adams, S Howard- Tripp. S Beyile, A Powrie, J EI , K Oliphant, M Titus, S Mpanza, Q Martin, R Martin. T de Beer. L van Aswegen.
It has been ome years ince Wynberg ha bad a Drama Club. A few \ ery talented and enthusiastic boy look the initiative to get a group together and begin Drama cIas e in the third lenn. Mr . Filinova-Bruton took the group under ber wing and laugbt them and a few girls from Wynberg Girl' e"ery Friday afternoon. Giving up Friday for the e pupils shows a great deal of dedication and love for Theatre. Mrs. Filinova-Bruton is also a very passionate drama educator. She entered the WDC (Wynberg Drama Club) in the International Shake peare School's Festival. In October the Drama Club hosted an Open Class at which the group howcased the best of the Drama exercises done during Friday's le sons and presented a play reading of Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night" a pan of the Wynberg BHS Shakespeare International School's Fesriva! involvement.
PHOTOGRAPHlC T-i-c: Parent -i-c: Chairman: Vie-chairman:
Matthew Wither
Mr P CalZavclo . MrG Withers Callcn fisher. Rynn Knipc.
The comnuttee wa formed early in the year. Messr C'atza\ elo and Wither have in pired u and given up many hours to teach u about photography and ba\e lent us their equipment on which to practice. We had a photographer at all major school events throughout the year - first team rugby game, Founders' Day, the Fa hion Show and many cultural events to name a few. We hope our nWllbers will increase next year and Ibat a photographic competition will be up and running.
Back: 3n1: 2a.: Front:
S Smit, A Roginsky, B Ndanladama B Chiddy, K Bodenstein, S Mpanza, Mr R Henning, A Powrie Justin Els, M Harebonle, W Mkubukeli, S Beyile
RESULTS M-i-c: Senior Captain: Junior Captain:
Mr R Henning Wandisile Mkubukeli Siyabona Beyile
Juniors: Lost 5 Won 0 Seniors: Lost 2 Won 3
Cultural AWOJ"f"b ('olou,""
loc J.. g
""lOr·John Ja;ob. IIOIR
n'lIlbilt: S,boc.
ebn. Moore DIIlu.1 Sh.a" J."," Adam, \tallhew Re..... c.I
Oln.topl ..:r Gillham \1Ltw1i Gn<1"'"
Marc Bon:hardt J3"luc< Botha
lason Adarn.< Robeltek:" nes Simon ek: W .. I Stephen Dunn Miha ti Gri po> Keel18ll Ol"h.nt
\IId>.ad Foon: JOII8t1l1n G"now Chn <toph.,. Grabam Dam, .. Jacob. Keenan Ja<XlbRo"Johnso" Ev.tuJ"",ph J.red Le lIT
Kccnóll\ Olaphanl MarIXI TIlIl.' Si.rba! Duno
Rcllbardl $pal!'lTler D)lan Walker
Kylt: Manm Dr"d Qqcrluh Dale Palll:_ A!hur Petc".;n M,i<J&)im Rhude M,ch.et Sa Iwll R",-,Sqt"rs And",,, ·qll.errbcr Aden Thon." MareoTnu.
!DRA'! ~
Pcta Jes,op
Stmeon Grcad v IlIA>! , !Ml ""T
Cht"O.oham Nichei"" \ 10l Sk)e Sa'lIg Stuart "lok B rtt1 Lorrba nl Ga.mTum ..
~~\.\I \ Tt:OI)iJCU
Tak WmgYu
Dale Pattc_
\[,haIi Gr'!I'e' Dylan \'alk." Simon ek: 'Vaal
Da'DlJnJacob, \un: B"n:hlrll r K<:man Jaoobs JonatlnnO,in,Iu, \tlka)iin
S"'pba! Dunn Adc:nThoma'\
J I "'sSln Mohamed
rrEEl> BA"D
AcknThomns Tim VOr>'" emg UruTCD<:< lephcn Dunn Dale Pan"",.
Kecnan Jacobs Keenan Oliphnnt Kyle 00 Ied>ag David Ostcdob
Jl "IQRBL.U Chess' Guy Grcc:n Ololr: Siyabonga Beyllc Con<ert Band: SIyahooga B.:YII•• I>.cnt Bloeit. N,cholas Hat1llarnbou!;. SIbu.~15<)Mpanza. Kun Tb.bus. Matth.,. DraIN' Stq>hcn H"" ard-Tnpp. Luk. Rom)'Tl DmmaoTech \fanus Botha. JImmy Com.. ""Iu.. Oan-yn Thorn .. JazzBand. J_o Raad. Sleel Band Sly.bong. TROPlll[ Chess Champion Oono, an \ 1.llenJn~ Cap5Uln. Abbot CupIB"'1 run Soclcl)')C Baxter Cup IBffi Supportm8 Act.,.-). P<1cr Jessop Luman Cup IContnbulIon to Onuna l' Keenan Ohp"anl BlOwn Cup IBest Actor) I """Romyn Ri<bm1 MoorTrophy (Mv,t Imp'o."" 1n,'rumcnlJlll>l): AshUTPet"""" Shnun \fo" Trurhy (o.,dicatlon to the Bands): Robert de Vno> Nicol. Jordan Trurhy( Out-. .. ndmll lO Culture)· Keen:onOhphant Jubbo:r Cup t Oulslaudm1( COnlnbullon to Culture): KecnanOliplumt
Service Director of Service: Service prefect:
Interact Chairman:
Ms S Lindsay. Kyle Martin. Matthew Rcnaud.
2009 wa' another vcry productive and successful year for the Service Pillar. Kyle Martin proved to be an excellent leader. He was well organized and innovative, motivating his committee and leading by examplc. Mectings wcre regular and well attended. giving all interested boys the opportunity to ..ign up for Service activities.
R Petersen. P Jessop. M Mann, J Gilmour, S Vlok, L Bodenstein,D Afonso. B Chidd}, S Beyilc. JD Breytenbach, N Botha, M TirnJin, R Spammcr M Borchardt. B Sibaca. V Parbhoo, Ms S Lindsay, W Mkubukeli, K GoertL B Wlley. S Sissing. KManin. 1 Adams.
e Bodenstein.
M Rcnaud. C La\\-rcnce
Community Projects
For the sixth cono.;cC'llti\'cyear, a housc \\ as bui It by Grade 8 pupi I . in C'ollabontlion with !labitat for Humanity. This was made possible by ~e\ cral fl.lnd-rai"ing initiative. The 1\\0 out tanding e\cnts which brought in moslofthe money were a car :;how at the "Night of the Stars" (organized by Kyle MartIn and Mr 1urcot) and the annual "Grade 8 market day" which was co-ordinated b) Mrs de 1ink and the Grade 1:1 parent·. We arc ,------------, most gr.lteful to Seed Educational I nI~t who donated the ,hortiall of R8000 for the project. All Gmde S boys benefited from the experience of house-building in the Mfuleni di "triet. learning ncw skills and working together a:; li team. B) the enu of their house-building week. onc more fiuuily had a home. Grndc Sparents vcry generow.ly supplied all the transport to and from the building site.
1.;;::::;;:;;;;;;1 During the Seplembl.!r holiday.
It group of boys assisted with the mixing of Christmas Puddings which are sold to the public. Proceeds go towards Vera School for Autistic Children. Liclieblm:m House, Bel Porto School, Woodsidc Special School and Friends Day Care Centre.
At the interact leadership seminar. boys created sleeping bags for homeless people using plastic bags und ne\\ spapers. During the long week-end in August a group of boys worked vcry hard to refurbish a Foundation Phase classroom at Simon's Town School. much to the delight of the young pupils at that schooL They painted the c1a:-sroom a cheerful yello',·. replaced the threadbare carpet. sanded and painted the furniture and supr1ied posters. toys and colourful cushion:>. Generous donations were given by the parent body for this project.
Pupib worked at "Tears" in Kommetjie. which cares for abused animals. They also participated in a Saturday morning street collection in aid of "Tcars".Boys wcre mar!'hals at the J'wo Oceans 1arathon. A group of boys worked for a day at the annual "Onc-to-One Fair" for the handicapped. held annually at the Good Hope Centre in Woodstock. Boys assisted the Wynberg Roteract Club with the supervision of young children at the annual "Uncle Paul's Christmas parties" held at Groot Constantia. A couple of boys worked a....ushers althe "Night of the Proms" charity concert at the City J lall. organizcd by the Wynberg Roteract club. Interact organized a "Valentine Party" for the residents of Roscn House \\"ho suffer from Cerebral Palsy.
Boys from Service and Culture joined girls at Wynberg Girls' High School in the organization ofa concert and tea-patty to 1....---1 entertain elderly folk in the district. A donation was given to Hospice for their annual "Christmas Lights" appeal. During the September holiday. a group of boy:--assisted \\ jlh the mixi ng of Christmas Puddings which arc sold to thc public. Proceeds go towards Vera School for Autistic Children. Lieliebloel11 House, Bel Porto School. Woodsidc Special School and Friends Day Care Centre. During the year we supported the Chaeli Foundation whIch assists young handicapped people. Juan Celliers. a past pupil, who is confined lOa \I.hcclchair. gave an inspiring speech at an assembly. Mrs Colman organized several Fund-raising events such as participation m a golf day. sponsoring riders at the Cape Argus and the making of fudge.
Service Drives There were several Service Drh"es during the course of the ~ear:
* * *
* * * * *
Easter Eggs were donated in the first tenn and di tributed to children in the poorc~t areas of Cape Town. Books ",cre collected for Liclicbloem Children's home in Athlone. Donations of food. clothing toys aDd small Christmas gifts V·lcrecollected for Sunnyside Lodge for the Elderly. Masakhanga Educare for children and St. Raphael Catholic Church in the fourth tenno
Numerous Service Activities took place at school: Infotech. Boys worked as library monitors. First aid assistance at Sports matches. Assisting at numerous sports fixtures. Working backstage for the MAD evening, which featured two one-act plays. Waiters at the "Music at the Manor" function.
Thank you to all the generous. compassionate and dedicated pupils. staff and parents who gave of their time so willingly.
Back: Middle: Front:
M Travis, S Camagu, R Slater, J van Velze, M Grispos, C Bry on, J Halliday B Ndamandama, K Oliphant, L Oliver, R Steyn, J Connor, R Lok, K Jacobs, M Botha C Moore, K Martin, D haw, Mr B Thompson, L Ndlova. M Daly, C Lawrence
4tlo row;
3'" row: 204 row:
1" row:
3'" ro\ :
1" row:
E Germanis, C Fisher, S de freitas, K Oliphant, K Sinclalr. J Wennjng-Harc. K Momberg, S Ferreira. S Pattenden, A Mulholland, C Everts, R Engelke, C Barwie B Dube, A September. M Potter, J Webb, K Mally, Z Bhawan, C Peacock, M Hassan, T Abrahams, A Nos e C Moore, P Sithole, Z Ameerodien, M Renaud, Mr K Richardson, R Hams, V Sonjic , C Lawrence, K Gqada
J Gitmour, JD Breytenbach, J Lesar, L Bodenstein, P Je sop, C Fisher, K Cross land, C Bodenstein, R Gready. I Samuels, S Danieis, S Beyile, B Cbiddy, D de Villiers, P Bowden, T Keeling, L de Wet. M Travis, S Sissing, D Sbaw,Mr K Richardson, C Bryson, Ms H Bickle, B Wiley, J Marinus, HAbed.
Il TERA T hairman: Leadership
chuur High
1 Rcnaud eminar chool
JD Bre}tcnbl..:h.
in October
'\"101.:, \' Parboo, R PCI.:T;Cn, J (,tImour
The Roteract meeting on aturday wa in ptrotional. There were many speechc:. and entcrtaiumg gamt:s and activitie . \' e learnt about lntero l. Rotcract and other orgaru 'ahon which arc part of Rotary. as well as bemg lO pircd for the upcoming year. The day tarted off with an ice breaker. a game in which we got to kno\\I the nanles of people from other choals. We aha learnt communication sIalIs. in a game 10 which we had ftr tly to order oursehes by our birth montb and then our date of birth witbout talking, ani) humming or singing - tricky but po ible! Mo't intere ting of all was creating a sleeping bag out of plastic bag homeie people.
First Aid
NDAI 0 LI H 1'\
'J~i-c: Leader Cre\ :
Mr B Creed. ::
\-\e Icy Philip:-
a..in Turner. hane Bl!an. Mariu!l Bollw. 8randon Cocvee. Jimmy Comninclli \1tc.hacl KabIe. Garrick ulton. Dail) nl homas.
. Ju~lin _, ,
If 11 wcre not for the ..cn iee prm ided by lhe 'e dedica.lcd 'backroom boys' mast e\ent·, ports activitic ,drama productions and fundrai ...crs which take place at lhe chool" ould be non-event They have to make them eh e available al all hours. over weekend and e\'en during holida) to make ure thaL thing:. run moothly. l1lis IS not a job for the fainthearted as there IS a certain clement of danger 10 their Lasks wrueh imolve climbing high ladder.. and !>caffolding to et light· and peak er . There is a fair amount oftraimng requIred for the handling oflhe cxperu.ive electronic equipment and thi 15 all done on top of a bu yacademic 'chedule and in many ca es an active porting life. Wesley Phillips who received Blue for heading the leam from 2008 through into 2009 left hi, tamp on the nerve centre at the back of the haIl by initiating a long-overdue refurbl hment. We ley handed over the chaJrrDan hip to Gavin Turner" base ubstamial knowledge and leadership ability al 0 earned hJm a Blues a\urd. The crew I repre ented by members from all grade.
MIs Melanie Griffith .
Being Chairlady of the A ociation has been a wonderful and exciting journey for me. There are so many wonderful moments that I recall - having a laugh, panicking about the number for attendance, wbether there will be enough food, will it be well received? What a year it has been! r still recall my acceptance speech at the Pudding and Port evening in January, when r said Billie Bowdel1., instead of Bill Bowden and Keith Richardson said, "Wbo i that?" I have had tbe privilege of working with 21 ladies wbo have given mc support and encouragement to ful:fiU my duties, Working a full day and running tbe Ladies' Association has been an experience that 1 will remember, as it bas cbanged my life. I have made new friends, met interesting people and enjoyed the cultural and social events held at Wynberg Boys' High School such as Music at the Manor, New Parents' Evening. Maths Evenings, Matric Art Exhibition and many more wben we assisted by serving tea and refreshments.
HE 0 OF 'VE ï
John Young has bCl:ll the Principal ofCWE I. thl: Adult learner Centre opemtll1g from our premisl:~. for the past 1\\ elvc years and has fmaUy decided to call it a day. CWE I (Constantia/Wy nbcrg Education haring Initiative) began in the garage of Mr.; Joan Williamson. a ConsLantia residenL 0\ er twent)' tive )'cars ago. It wa.:, aimed at pro\ iding basic LIterac)' and NWlleracy skills to adults who had been denk-d formal education. When the .. chool" outgrew the ,::!arageMrs William on was able to per 'uade the Constantia Catholic Church to open its doon; to the students she ",a helping. Then a nWl1bcr of )Cani later. Wynberg "''as approached to assist ccause the school had grO\\ n to such proportions that tbc Church could not manage. ~lr Prob) Il. tbc bcadma. tcr at tbc time. L===.::::::...:.=-==-=--=-:::.______:__: took on the challenge and shortl) thereafter John Young \\ a!i appointed as CWESl's Priltcipal. Under John's leadership the chool grc" to offenng not Just basic adult literacy but al 0 fomla! ABET Cour es and was approved as an oFticial WeED Adult Leaming Centre", hich also otTers matric subjects. Durmg the last decade tbc 'chool has consi tently reached a matric pass rate of over 70~ 0 for all matric ubjects. and this year the pass rate was 76°'0 for the 85 subjects written. This is remarkable when one considers that exam are being \\rinen by adult· with no formal education. who have a day Job. and ",ho attend school for two hours a night on a number ofe\'enings. During his time at the helm ofCWESI John has championed the cause ofbis adult learners. He has seen the school expand to well over 100 learners. the oldest bemg 79 years old he hopes to write her last matric ubject next year and qualify for her matTic certificate in the year she turns ~O! The school al 0 offers a course in Computer LiteTacy. which ha been very popular. There have been a number 0 fhi ghlights during his tenure the annual Founder ., Day which celebrate. the ongoing ucce ses of the school; a fixed office for eWE I giving them a home base; the ucce s of the learners when lhey leave chool. All were thrilled when recently one of the graduates went to university and reccntly qualified as a teacher. The undoubted highlight of every year wa the Prize Giving which always culminated in the learners thanking theirtcachers personally - a very movmg moment. 10hn's skill has been lo attracl teachers Vv ho ha ....e been dedicated lo lhe eau e of serving others - some insisting on little or no payment with all give at least some oftheir teach ing lime a a gi ft to the students. John Young has been a theless worker with great vision for the chool. He relires knowing that he has made a considerable ditTerence to education in South Africa. Larr,.l\1oser
IGNlNGOFF [ have found the job inspinng: the fme teachers wbo ha ....e given so unstintingly of their expertise and hme; the wonderful enthusiasm and dedication of so man) adult student . I think of the students who rallied the choir to great heights. tbe wonderful moments of joy when students come forward at prize-giving to thank their teachers. 1 know 1 speak for the teachers when I ay - it is we wbo should be grateful, fOTour adult students have taugbt us so much. Jobn YOWlg
Ellen och prepares to write another matric exam paper. The prightly 79-year-old is on course to complete her matriculation qualification soon. having started in Cwesi's Level Two literacy class some 12 years ago.
Mr G TayJor.
!'vlrG Taylor. Ohcnc- 'am.
Captain:Kenneth ack ro~: 1iddle ru": Front ron:
II Abed, L Schluter. J Le\\ I .;"1 Woodman. M Ku\\ n. J 1: hh uIe, Grobler, J Bcn'ion,
R Engelbrecht. E Archer. ir K Richard!'on, K Ohcnc-Sam, Mr G TayJor. A 'nkallynla.
or basketbal I has been its best ever. Our ll\ eraH record for our "A" ,ide wa ...29 win~. 5 lossc:-. nnd 2 draw .... The first ~ide finished with the top Win perc~ntage of91% from lO wins and 1 loss in league matches. It is the !irst time that W) nbcrg ha" ficlded R ,ides in both the U14 und U 16 dh·isions. and Ihis is indicatl\ e orlhe growing interest 111 thi, sport. Next year, two teams \\ ill be entered in each age group. bringing lo six the Wynberg'.;; 20" sea.o;on
L!:~~~=~~~~=~~~~~~~~=~~!:::~' number or team. representing \\'ynbcrg. The addition ofa full) qualified FIBA coach. Mr l.e\\ is :\labika. to our coaching stalT will take our bil,kethall to ne\ ...· h~\els. First team \\ ins against tradillonal ri\ ab SACS. Rondebosch. \\'e~terrord. and Bishops have been the highlights of the sca.~on. This team. comprising mostly grade 10\ and lI's, has been a highly competitive uile. built around a strong team ethic and hard \\ ork. With the entire tCilm returning next year. and u number of oUL'\landing under 16's moving up. 20 I0 prOlnlSCSto be yet another successful season.
04-Fcb-O'l 11-Feb-09 19-Feb-09 25-Feb-09 04-\lar.{)9 2J-\lar.{)9 2'-1\1a r-09 :!5-\lar.Q9
10 II 12 13 14
140<.109 21 Oct 09 2.1 OeI 09 2 IXI09
3 4 5 6 7
4 ::-:ov09
I 2
WBHS f."hllocl; \\'BtIS Bl,ru,p,
Reddam FIsh lI{)~k Rondeho~h BIshops W .....t~'flonl Int. Sell,ol PsncLmds j/I1Urnaml'nl) RedJam (1OIlmOmCTIl) + Wcslcrford BCM!\h:t Reddrun Kin~s"oodCollcgc (tOur) ~ BI,hops s \CS
\\ SliS H,-tl"'h BI'-hop, " e.taford WBBS
wnHS \\ BllS +
"8H5 44 65
IJ\,m W W
4' 2~
35 41 33 3~ 40
12 4(,
37 :!S 56 12 3-1
40 ~ 34
34 10 56
Played: 14
\\ \\
:11 3S
W \\
Kenneth Ohenc-Sarn' learn Captalll. Shoottng Guard und po t Kenneth ha become a \\cll rounded team pla)cf\~ho ha lcd the t~m m tOlal pOlllts and In pomts pcr gaIne 3\ crage He I exceptional!) ~kllfuJ in all nrc~hof the gam hoottng, pas:.mg. dnbbling, and rebounding. He ha led the team b) example and become an m plratlOn to the other members of the team. Uil) d Schlutrr f'orward. hooltng a\erage 4 pOint. game hould be gelling lO poin a game. A three-point special!:,1 but has dc\ doped hi~ all round game to bt.'Come a key part of our fa t break offence. Excellcnl' bioll and po:-ition,11 ...en:.e. l'\ced~ to lIc\ clop shooting fake. \ndrea\ 1\akanyala Shooting Guard. • coring a\;cragc 4 poinh game. A good dnbbier and out taIlding defen ...Ï\c player. :--':ccdsto correct shooting techniquc. Should be conng 10 point... gam ... '. Ah\a)s gi\e 100°0 effort.
Eric Archer Pust. Eric has developed into an ~lu~tul1ding rcbounder both olfensivcl) and de1i:nSl\cly and has become a key player in Ihe tarting fi\e. Ife nl.:...-d 10 work on h ... rebound shots and his moves to the basket. Once he master.; the:.c areas, he ~hould be adding 20 poinb a game to his e,'cellcnt reboundll1g contnbullon. Ruchin Engelbrecht Forward. A player who al\\ ays gi\ cs 1000 o. 1\ot yet cios\.! to his potelltial. • ceds to work on hiS outside ...hot and tart to U"(' hiS "17e and strength 10 hi., advantage. An excellenl defensIve player. Returns in 20 IO.
.Jocl Lcw i\ Forward. TechnIcally sound but nccds to devclop (In etfeeti\ c fake before shooting. Dangerous on the fast break. WIth two more yean. in the fir t team, onc can expect great thing.; from Joel.
Marcel Woodman Fumard. A player \\ ith a tremendous \ertical jump \\ho is de\eloping into an excellent rebounder. Needs confidence and experience. fv.:o marc years in the first team should see him dl!\cloping into a \aluable utility player.
hadley Salol Shooting Guard Forward. Scoring a\erage 8 poinls I game (last year 5 point I game) Has made huge progress mee last year - physically stronger and taller. I las de\c1oped direct drh e to basket. • eeds to choose shots more carefully. Outstanding dcfcnsive player. achin Lendili Forward. Sachin moved up from under 16 and is already cciug plenty of first team game time. lie IS developing strong defensive c;kill~ and needs also to dcvelop consIstency \" ith his outside shot Should be aiming to score IOta 15 points a gamc. Two more years in the first team.
Back ro"': Middle row:
Front row:
T Salot. KOmary. • Gogela. C William. ....B Nagel. R Muyambo, S Lendis, J-P Jacobs, J Hoskins. M Kobie, Mr K Richardson, M Windsor, Mr M Lcrcschc, BIsaac.
Coache: ..
Mcs~1'5 L Mabiks. G van Niekerk.
,t.._ • 1t
1\ '~
Mr M Lcresche. R. Africa JArencise. J Chien. K Pitcher. I Isaaes, Z Magagula. B Pangwa. R Goenemcyer. N Gwanyanya. N Graham, A Groenewald, M Pietersen.
Team: PIayetI
Messrs Q Kot7e. M Leresche. M Slater. D Kiebier. R Reddy, F Badroodien, A Dada. DArendse, 0 Visser. Y Banderker. 0 Cosentino. L Adams. R Reddy, M Rogers. M Boysen. R Mapoe.
2009 aw Wynberg Cricket contjnuing to grow from strength to strength and we certainly maintained our position as one of the top chools in South Africa. Our hop window, the I Xl. possibly, plays the mo t po itive cricket of all schools in South Africa and their vdnning ratio in declaration games remains above the 80% mark. We arc one of the few chools which are prepared to gamble to win far too many chools ensure that they cannot lose the game, as a priority, then may try for a win a sad state of affairs. This positivity exists throughout aH of our teams aDd the U1SA and 14A sides both had good years. Gerry Posthumus, the U ISA coach bas now dODe 149 games with the U IS's and in all those games there have only been 7 draws - in fact the full record reads Played 149, Won 122, Lost 20 and Drew 7 - 82% winning ratio -an incredible statistic! We welcomed a new Cricket Professional into the Wynberg ranks this year - Wayne Myer and we look forward to his contribution over tbe years. Certainly looking at attendances at Friday nets, that contribution has already been positive. Another very pleasing aspect ofWynberg Cricket, is tbe number of Old Boys who continue playing after they leave school. There is a huge number of Wynberg Boys playing in the local leagues, which means we are obviously fostering a love for the game here at school. Cricket is a game rich in tradition and bere at Wynberg we seek to grow and prosper within the e traditions. Always remember the 3 R's:
Respect the game, Respect your opponents, Respect yourselves
This great game will continue lO give pleasure to those who play, watch, coach or administer it - as long as you respect its lores and traditions. A HUGE THANK YOU to all parents for their support, encouragement, transport, lunches and teas - a marvellous effort without cricket would not be possible; coaches for their countless hours spent coaching, umpiring, transporting and supporting; players for their commitment and dedication and for carrying tbe Wynberg name so proudly; umpires and scorers; Arrie Matthews and Turftek.
Back ro": Middle row:
Front row:
G Chri tian, R Lok, J van Velzc. D Gardcr, C Botha, Dage. C Fortune. D Frylinck. K Go . Mr E Lef: on, G Edmeade • Mr K Richardson, K Fi her.
oach aptain:
Mr E Lefson. Grant Edmeade
Thc cricket ea on \a,:a again a memorable onc. Some challenges had to be 0\ ercome. In Grant Edmeade we had a Grade 11 captalll, the flfst lime mce 2003 - this is never ea y and alway take a while to grow into. We also had a top order. which with the exception of Edmeade . wa very flim y and at time fea t or famine. although, in faime ,as lhe year went on their con i tency level got better. On the po hive idc we had real depth in cam bowling. Thi was proved when we lo t Lok and Fran man to injury and Muller and Camagu were able to fit in cffortle ly. We alohad ome really good fielders and generally caught well.
The highlight were numerou . At the Cape School Week we won all 3 completed games. Locally there was a wonderful game with Paul Roo and the demolition of BI hop . When reflecting on 2009 1 \\ ill remember the very po itive way they played. At time they were a little reckie s, whjch led to a couple of disastrous performance. but for the mo t part, thing worked out. The la t month we played ome of the be t cricket I have een from any ide and I really believe the players enjoyed their cricket. What was really great i that the only thing that ever concerned them was to try and win, not to avoid defeat. I thank the parent for their po itive upport - e pecially Kathy Edmeades for the hours of time she give up for cricket. Wayne Myers for hi input, Mr Knowies for hi help and guidance and Keenan Fi her. our loyal corer.
Results Played 37 Won 27
Lost 4
Grant dOleade to - Honour Grant captained the team thl. year a a Grade II - never an easy tru'k - yet as the ea 'on went on he got better and better and Jam confident that next year he will be one of the be t choolboy captain 10 the country. A a batsman Grant had an excellent )'ear, conng over 1000 run .. a\eraging in the high 40s. He wa . rewarded With election to the WP U 19 Team An area he needs to improve is hi running between wickets, but I beheve he i capable of coring some big centurie next year.
Kieran Go <v-c) - Blue Kieran never really looks lIke a cricketer. but was indi pen able to the team. He is a gifted ball player who relic heavily on his brilliant hand-cye co-ordinahon. With Kieran there i no 10 beh\ een and what wa great about his performance thi. year wa that he generally came through when he was needed most. He i al. 0 an outstanding fielder and a real character whom I will mi . next year. Clinton Botha - Blue Clinton i' such a key player for u a. ifhe gets off to a good tart, it et up the whole game. Unfortunatel)' he had a disastrous first term before returning to form with a very olid final term. Clinton has been \ ery good 10 the field and throughout his three years has given nothing le than 100%. I really appreciate his effon .
Chad Fortune - Blues Chad occa ion he just bIe", the oppo ways at Will and has good pace. realise hi talent fully, he need he has a long way to go.
i uch a talented cricketer. On a number of ition top order away. He can move the ball both The challenge for Chad i to reali e that in order to to be di ciplined in all aspects of his life - and here
Givon Christian - Colours I am a little di appointed with Giyon' progre s. He has had many opportunihes to establish him elf but never taken them. He also bas to learn that the object of batting i to core run , not just to try to look good. On the positive side he ha shown some potential as an off-spinner.
Dayaan Garder - Colour Dayaan has had a olid year. As an attacking bowler Dayaan needs to back him elf. To be a ucce ful wri. t pinner selfconfidence i a mu t.
Dylan age - Colours Dylan was till not able to establish himself. He does not appear to have the confidence to play hi natural game. As a very good ball player he has a lot to offer and ifhe can improve his mental game, be could have a good matric year.
Ryan Lok - Blue Ryan ha been one of the unJuckie t cricketers we have had. After two year of injury he finally looked to be on track. with an excellent fir t term he looked every bit a provincial cricketer. However, an awful rugby injury cut short a great'year.
Front row:
Mr E Lef! on. Grant Edmeades.
The cricket cason wa again a memorable one. Some challenge had to be overcome. In Grant Edmeades we had a Grade Il captain, the first time since 2003 - Ihis is never easy and alway takes a while to grow into. We also had a top order, which with the exception of Edmeade • was very flimsy and al times fea ( or famine, although, in faime s, a the year went on their con istency levels got better. On thc positive side ...... we had real depth in earn
... ------
Back row: Middle row:
G Christian. R Lok. J van Velze. D Garder, C Botba, D Sage. C Fortune, D Frylinck. K Go s, Mr E Lefson, G Edmeades. Mr K Ricbardson. K Fisher.
bowling. This was proved when we lo t Lok and Fransman to injury and Muller and Camagu were able to fit in effortles ly. We also had ome really good fielders and generally caught well.
The highlights were numerous. At the Cape Scbools Week we won all 3 completed games. Locally there was a wonderful game with Paul Roos and the demolition of Bisbops. When reflecting on 2009 I will remember the very positive way they played. At times they were a little reckless, which led to a couple of di a trous performances. but for the most part, things worked out. The last month we played some of the best cricket I have seen from any side and I really believe the players enjoyed their cricket. What was really great is that the only thing that ever concerned tbem was to try and win, not to avoid defeat. J thank the parents for their positive support - especially Kathy Edmeades for tbe hours of time she gives up for cricket, Wayne Myers for bis input, Mr KnowIes for his help and guidance and Keenan Fisher, our loyal scorer.
Results Played 37
Won 27
Lost 4
PUllER PROFilES Grant Edmeade © - Honour Grant captained the team thi year as a Grade 11 - never an ea y task - yet as tbe season went on he got betteTand better and I am confident that next year he will be one oftbe be t choolboy captains in the country. A a batsman Grant had an excellent year. coring over J 000 runs, averaging in the high 40 . He was rewarded with election to tbe WP U19 Team. An area he need· to improve is his running between wickets, but I believe he is capable of scoring ome big centuries next year. Kieran Goss (v-c) - Blue Kieran never really looks like a cricketer, but was indi pen able to the team. He is a gifted ball player who relic heavily on his brilliant hand-eye co-ordination. With Kierart there is no in between and what was great about his performance this year was that he generally came through when he was needed most. He is a]so an outstanding fielder and a rea] character whom I will mis next year. Clinton Botha - Blues Clinton i uch a key player for us as ifhe gets offto a good start, it sets up the whole game. Unfortunately he had a disa trous first tenn before returning to fonn with a very solid final term. Clinton has been very good in the field and throughout hi three years has given nothing less than 100%. I really appreciate his effort . Chad Fortune - Blues Chad is such a talented cricketer. On a number of occasions he just blew the oppo ition top order away. He can move the ball both ways at will and has good pace. The challenge for Chad i to reali e that in order to realise his talent fully. he needs to be di ciplined in all a peet ofbis life - and here he has a long way to go. Gi on Christian - Colours I am a little disappointed with Givon's progress. He has had many opportunities to establish himself but never taken them. He also has to learn that tbe object of batting is to score runs, not just to try to look good. On the positive side he has shovvnsome potential as an off-spinner.
Dayaan Gard .. - Colours Oayaan hM had a solid year. k; an ~ttacking bowler Dayaan needs to back himself. To be a successful wrist spinner selfconfidence is a must.
---Dylan Sage - Colours Dylan was still not able to establish bimself. He does not appear to have the confidence to play his natural game. As a very good ball player he has a lot to offer and ifhe can improve his mental game. be could have a good matric year.
Ryan Lok - Blues Ryan has been one of the unluckiest cricketers we have bad. After twO' years of injury he finally looked to be on track. with an excellent first tenn he looked every bit a provincial cricketer. However, an awful rugby injury cut short a great year.
Oylon Frylinck - Colours Dylan is a good team player. who i underrated with the bat. He needs lO work a lot harder and hID> to realise that to be a good keeper requires reaJ pa '.on and hard work -a lot of which i done by himself.
Dalton Kannemc) er - Colours Dalton came to the first team with a big reputation but showed notbing in a very poor fir t term. The fourth tenn saw him move up to open the batting and he was a changed cricketer. Jfhe can build on thi he could have a very prolific last couple of years. Still some work to do on toughening up, although he i gefting berter-slowly. Josh Fransman - Colour Josh is a true trike bowler, a little erratic but always with the potential to get w,tckets. He is al 0 a fme athlete and I look forward to seeing how he develops over the next two years.
abir Mallie Sabir came into the terun. because of some injuries, but made use of his chance and never lost his place. He has a great attitude to the game and is a very versatile player. He needs to work on hi batting as he will be required to bat a lot higher over the next couple of years. Tra is 1\1 uUer Travis came in to replace Ryan Lok in the fourth tenn and showed a lot of promise. He needs to make the batsmen play more but he moves the ball at a good pace and has a lot of cricket in him.
Jacques van Velze Jacques played a lot of the horter fOffil of the game. He is a good hitter of the ball but perhaps lacks the necessary kill to handle the better bowlers. Can be very effective on his day.
Sikho Camagu Sikho came into the team for the fmal month of the year and showed how unlucky he had been not to play more. He has a lot to offer with both bat and ball and has a lot of energy for the game.
217i1 XJl
Play,", 14
Coach: Captain:
__ 9
Mr M Engelbrecht. Jacque van Velle. R Bedingham, D Sage, G Coghlan, A Haupt, K Davis, C Everts. W Mukkudem. G Thain. A Wiegman. C Rogers, M Brunger, T Muller, S Mallie, M Faraday, J Le ar, M Cookc.
3i1i1 XJ Won
Coach: Captains: Team:
Mr RInglis. Michael Portnoi, Matthew Bell. J Le ar. M Carr, Rich, W Mukeddem, C Rogers, T Creswell, L pencer-HjckeD, A Wiegman, K Sonday, N Velika, S Bean. M Cooke, G CochJan, M Faraday, P Jacob, 0 Boniface, W Bantield.
Coach: Captain: Team:
Mr PHanseD. David Maaseb. B Adonis, E Mohamed. K Snydcrs,
D Swanjch, BLombard, L Spenccr-Hicken, DRuger, C de Kock, B Chiddy, D Boniface, W Banfield, G Coglan, T Cresswell, D Bell.
5ïHXI Played 10
Coach: Captain: Team:
Mr R Moolman. Christopher Moore. f Alexander, L Bredeveldt, S Holly, C Murphy, B Julie, T Bergemann, A Mkhonto, S van Stade", L Myers, K Maurer.
Back rol': \liddle ro~,:
Front ro,,:
Ir GPo. thumus. Da\ id Bedingham.
Z Maiden, W Garder. J Reich. YlsmaIl. Q Francis. M Joubert. ] Smith, 0 Bmnder. W Hendrick e. T Samam, Mr G Po thumu . 0 Bedlngham. Mr K Richard on. ( Groene\\ aldl.
The U 15A' had a fantastic year playing positive clever cricket. They learned a lot through the year and most of them improved \ astly, all of them ending much beller allround cricketers then when they started. They po 'se sed a very strong batting line up that often put opponents under pres ure and weTe very welt lead by David Bedingham. They knew they had to work very hard at the other a peets of their game and were always prepared to put in the effort. The fielding was one part of their game that improved drastically and tbey aJway managed lo put opponent under pre sure through greal fielding, evcn though wc put dov.'l1 a couple marc chances than we would have liked to in tbe 411> teml. I
The year bad two di tinctive parts to it. In the first term David Bedingham and Imtiyaaz Groenewaldt were un tappable witb bat and ball respectively and played as well as Ihave ever seen UI5A players play. In the 4 tenll, aller truggling as a team initially, Jason Smith, Taahier Samam and Wayde Handrick e came through - the latter two really showing tbat they could both become quality 1" team spinners one day. However this was not a tearn of individuals but a team in the true en e and was at its best wben everybody contributed. One such bighlight was in the victory on tour against Grey Bloem. With their backs to Ihe wall after losing the first two games on tour, they played clever higb intensity cricket throughout, with everyone contributing something to the 8 wicket victory. The festival at the beginning of the year and the September tour to Grey were invaluable learning experiences and one cannot underestimate the value of the experience gained from playing against tbe best teams in the country day in and day out. Some of the players also managed to achieve individual uccess. Congratulations to David Bedingham, Jason Smith, Dale Brander and Yusuf Ismail, who were all selected for the WP U 15 team. FORMAT: Saturday Fixtures 20120 Fixtures Tour Matches Total
PLAYED: 13 5 8
WON: J1 5 4
3 4
BArn..a ~'
II~L..!!s __r""'-I.,. W~ __
w_OetOot f-
J!UNS AV! .. f-!OO"t,~ II 511 :ze0 J ..
21 21
5H 277
,~L 27
72 0
bl_.. ..... IaftE~
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1 32
Coach: Captain: Team:
2. '8Jl
"8 I
209 , 0
52' 40 40J 22 67 j_ 5
lua '_aus
0 112 I 7
_. "e
, I
2 3
13 25
~'6 .-
F1El.01NG C,lT
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UIS6 [
- ----
19 1
8 6 3 6 1 2 12 _j_
':~-~5 :lj"
----~----~----~----------~--------~ Mr L Hamburger. W
Cuan Stephenson. M Ranier, D Roben. ) Lamoral, L Ellis. L Engelbrecht, G CockrelI, N Paleker, D Baker, M Joubert:, Y Adams. S Meyer, Q Francis. Performer with bat: Rainier, Stephen on. Roberts. Performers \\ith ball: Engelbrecht, Paleker. Baker, CockrelI. Joubert. All rounders: ElIi , CockreU, Rainier.
Coach: Captain: Team:
Mr M Galant. M Hurn. M Bi hop, M Craythome, J Daniel, M McWilliams, C Kunz, G Beattie, J Rutgers. J De Stadier, K Thebus, H Haye , S Meyer, K Block, Adams. Won
Coach: Captain: Team:
Played 9
Coach: Captain: Team:
MrG de Mink. Lee Nicholson. Gogela, M Bannister, S Henderson, E White, KThavarin, T Higgins, S Knight, D Adams, T Camagu, I Paleker, S Garbers, L Naidoo, I Comninellis, B K.iviets.
Mr R van Niekerk. Damian de Smidt, Darnian Adams. Warner, C Danieis, Z Netherlands, J Smith, J Gilowey, F Mayet, N Lamb, D de Wet, D de Villiers, S Henry, S Heuvel.
Back ro,\": llddJe ro,,: Front rOl".
Coach: Captain:
Mr P Knowie . icki Zeeman.
J Bas elt. L Rogers. M Harebottle, J Philip. SAlam. J age. D van der Me cht, Boulle, S Bradley. j DowdaU. Mr P Knowlc. Zeeman, Mr K Richard! on, BEdwards. This record does not really do the tearn justice - they were outplayed on only two occasion. by Affies and Paarl Gym. \\ bere physicality definitely played a role. Otherwise they were a competent. rather than a briIJiant. tearn. They narrowly lost their last game against RBHS whlcb would bave resulted in a 6/6 again tour local rivals.
They were an absolute pleasure to coach and ecing them progress throughout lhe year was great. In Nicki Zeeman. they had an outstanding captain and batsman. He cored 856 runs with an average of 61, with two hundreds and four fiftie . The next highest run-scorers were athaniel Boulle (365) and Dylan Van Der Me cbt (306). Four bowlers, Brian Edwards. Lyle Rogers. lash Phillips and Jason Bassett took twenty plus wickets during the ea on. I have no doubt that two aT three of these lads will be three year I" XI players and that all of them will continue to contribule lO WBHS Cricket. One of tbe highligbt of the year was, undoubtedly, the Hilton Tour. Played
Lo 6
U14H Played
Coacb: Captain: Team:
Mr J Robin on Garrick Ullon. G MllIDich. S Bradley. B Coetzee, J Barth. 0 Thomson. C Kloppers. A Sonda}. M Timlin. L Tokwe. W Lawrence. R Ovenneyer. Luke Edwards.
U14C Played
Coach: Captain: Team:
MrC French. Rezaar Wyngaard. J Van Rooyen, J Rossouw, T Straszacker. G Thom on, M.Tarr, 8 Cooper. C Thorpe, R McKinley, C Scholtz. W Lawrence, C Galbraith.
U14i1 Coach: Captain: Team:
MrC Ward. Dominic van der Westhuizen. S Luwaca, CAmor, T Buys, L aidoo, J Arendse, L Bartbus. M Theron, D Commons. L Van Asweegen, LEdwards, T Mwanda, C Robertson .
CRO.s.sCOUI7ïR9 Bach.: eated:
M Borehardt, L Bodenstein. P Jes p, B Wiley, During B Chiddy, J Gilmour. ani, Z Mentjie . Thomdike
1r A parrow
Cro' country ha' had a good year. our bo) doing exceptionally well in all of the league race. Luke Boden tein won all hi U 16 league race . Our annual cia h with Grey PE wa run on a brand nc\ course in muddy condition , yet all of the boy enjoyed it. Our first team beat Grey by 8 econd. From tbe comment made after tbc mee, it eem that thi had been the first time in a long time thaL we had beaten Grey at Cros!> Country. Well done to those 4 boy! Cape Schools Week thi year was also a betler one for Wynberg. We were placed 4'\ 6"th and 301 for the three race . Thi is in stark contrast to previous years when we were competing for t',8 and 9'" place. Each race had 9 chools participating and was run by a team of6 from each choo!. The team consisted of Samkele Nam, Ben \ lIey, Luke Boden tein, Jonathan Gilmour, Zima a Meintjies and ick Thomdike. Well done to all of these boys for their great effort.
Award The Grant Lewis Trophy for Cross Country Runner of the Year The Brian Botha Trophy for Per c\'erance and Application
Luke Boden tein BenWiley
Mr P KnO\\ Ic .. Golf at Wynberg continue~ to grow in popularity and wc, once again, fielded three team in the local WP League Wc play in the outhern WP League and \\e are extremely fortunate 10 have \ir Peter Little at the helm as he run a \'cry \\ ell organi cd hip-a big Thank You to him for the hours of admm he doe on the Schools' behalf
Josh De Klerk,Chrisuan Helmbold.Charl E vens,M ichael C Heimboid, C Everts, M Kausch, J De Klerk Maxwell,Michael Daly and Jason Bassell-represcnted the I Team with great distjoction throughout the eason-we had lost only I game until the very last fixture again tReddam In the league decider ,which we unfortunately lost-thus eoding tod in the WP South League. We then played Stellenberg in the Cro s League Final and beat them 5,5 -,Soending 3"' in the WP League
The 2'od Team went one better than the 1- Team by having an unbeaten season and winning the WP Southern League -then beating OF Malan 4-2 to claim the WP Champions title for the second successive year. Craig Little,Nic Kausch,Steven Burdett.Heath Batt,Dean Swanich and Danny Baker were the stalwart of the team and special mentioo must be made of Dean Swanich, who went through the season unbeaten-a rare feat
3"'Team The 3r<! team is very much our lads had oat played on a Golf encouraging-there is no doubt for places in the higher teams Highlights 1. 2. 3. 4.
nursery and we finished about mid-table in the League-some of these Course before and the improvement over the year was very tbat these youngsters will be pushing the more established players in years to come
of the Year
Josh De Klerk and Christian Helmbold represented the WP U23 Team at the [PT io Cape Town. Both of them were selected for WP U 18 !PT, to be played in Bloemfontein in December Sun City - Josb De Klerk, Christian Helmbold Charl Everts and ic Kausch represented the school and came joint {it. - a great achievement! Josh De Klerk was selected for SA V16 for a second successive year aod won the EP V18 Open. Christian Helmbold won the David Frost lnvitational atAtlantic Beach after a Play-Off.
Cape Schools' Go'lf Week The I Golf Team attended the Cape chool I Golf Week in Knysna Plettenberg Bay from 27 to 30 June. Participating chool· were Grey H . e1bome College and ico \!talan from the Eastern Cape and RBH . AC and \\ BHS from the We tem Cape. Each E Cape chool playcd 36 hole again t the W Cape chool - 1 hole of Foursomes (pairs. alternate hots) and I holes of ·ingle .
Re uit:
V ico Malan-Lost 7-2 Smgle -J de Klerk. L 3 1 C Helmbold L 21} C Everts L 2 down M Maxwell L 3/2 Kausch W 3/2 J Ba sett L 311 V Grey H -Lo t 54 Single -J de Klerk W I up C Hclmbold W 6/4 C Everts 12 down M Maxwell L 3/2 J Bas ett L 6/5 H Batt L 4/3 Vs elborne College-WoD 6-3 Singles-J de Klerk W 6/5 CHelmbold W 6/5 C Everts L 6/5 M Maxwell Halved Kauscb W 2/1 J Bassett W 2 up
Maxwell 'Ba cU W 4 2 De KlerkIBatt L 5 4 HelrnboldlE\crts L 4/3
Foursome - MaxwelL'Ba et! W 3/2 De K lerk/Kau ch L 4/3 HeimboldlEverts W 3/1
Foursomes-MaxwellfBassett L 6/5 De KlerklBatt Halved HelmboldlEverts W 4/2
un City Golf The Golf Team was once again invited to the prestigious St Johns CollegelFNB Golf Tournament at Sun City. Played over fOUTdays on both the Lost City and the Gary Player Country Club courses, it is attended by 32 of the top Golf Schools in SA. This was our second time there, having come a very creditable 161illast year. losh De Klerk, Christian Helmbold,Charl Everts (a1l2od Tuners) and Nic Kausch (debut) did the school proud by being placed joint 6"" - an incredible achievement! We were the top ranked Cape school and were beaten by the following schools (all of whom have 2 to 3 times tbe number of golfers we have):
Outeoiqua HS (Erwe Els Academy) Grey HS
KES St Stithians Waterkloof We tied with Affies Josh shot a 2 under par at opec on the last day (the course is set up as for the last day of the Million Dollar)-a great round especially as he bogeyed the ISm - this was the best score of the day. This is a huge achievement by these boys - WELL DONE!
la ter in Charge: jonal:
Hockey Profe
Mr 0 Ramage. Mr C. ieben.
~~~ This season all our teams we entered 13 teams into the WP chools league. Re ults wise again Wynberg bas had a superb cason. Througbout the age groups our boys have perfonned at the highest level and produced results which maintain our position as one of the top Hockey chools in the country. Both tbe' XI and the U 16A side attended tournaments during the March holiday . Tbe I'" team was privileged to be invited to tbc inaugural omads Fe tival which was held at Pretoria Boy , High. The top hockey playing choals from around the country were Illvited and it was exciting to compete against them. The I Xl again attended the KES Fe. tival in Johanne burg where we performed way above expectation. This was a great experience and the boys were expo cd la an extremely high level of hockey at a very early stage in tbe cason. Thi et tbe expectation for the rest of the ea on. Our U 16A's atlended the U 16 Nomads Festival at Selborne College in Easl London. Our boys did us proud. kicking off their season by returning unbeaten. Tbe re uJts from the pre-season lours certainly spelled a good hockey season ahead. We again entered all our A-sides into the Astro Knockout Cup. Iam proud that all our A learns progres ed lO the final : ,- Team Winners:
U 16A - Runners up: UI4A:
2-0 again t Bishops 1-2 against Bishop 2-3 against Rondebosch
Well done to all the teams wbo participated, particularly to tbe ," XI who proved themselves to be the top team in the province by bringing tbe cup back home. The above results prove that Wynberg hockey is al the lOp in the province. We are also proud of lhe fact that many of our players played in representative sides, namely: South Africa V16 Team:
Louis Mbuyu, Michael Mulder.
Western Western Western We tern
Matthew Anderson, Sean Partenden. Clinton Botha, Simon De Waal. Luke Bodenstein, Louis Mbuyu, Michael Mulder, Ruchin October. Travis Muller. Jason Smith, Guy Thain.
Province VISA: Province UISB: Province U16A: Province U16,B:
Zonal UIS Proteas: Zonal U16 Proteas: Zonal U14 Proteas: Wc alohad
Michael Daly, Luke jordaan, Ryan Knipe, Wade Scholtz, Ben Wiley. Travis Cresswell, Jared Reich, Kcvin Venter, Adie Wiegman. Robert McKinley, Dylan Van Der Mescbt, Jason Bassett.
a number of staff members who were involved in tbc provincial set up:
Mr C.Sieben Mr P.Catzavelos: Mr D.Ramage:
WP High Perfomlance Coach; WPU14 Proteas' Manager; WP Executive Committee. • WP Executive Committee. WPU 14 Proteas' Coach; WP Executive Comrnjttee.
The follo\\ ing award "onours: Blue: Colour:
were pre ented at the end of the eason:
L Metelo-Liquito. M Anderson, Pattenden. 0 Grant, L Oliver. L Bodenstein, C Botha, M DaJy, S De Waal, R Knipe, M Mulder, 0 Roxburgb, W choltz, J Van Velze, B Wiley.
The Con tantia HC Trophy for tbe Mo t Improved]" I Team playerThe Con tantia HC Trophy for AchievementThe Nicholas Pattenden Tropby for the Mo t Enthusia tic PlayerThe Bromberger/Clark bield for Contribution to Hockey The Murp y Cup for Effort and portsman hipThe Vic De l\Unk Cup for mo t successful team Richard Hamburger ward for tbc mo t Pas ioDate Player-
Simon De Waal Matthew Anderson Sean Pattenden Logan Oliver Luke Metelo-Liquito UI6A Team Matthew McWillIams
This season would not have gone ahead had it not beeD for the tireless efforts of the staff and coache of our teams. I thank them and the student coaches who gave their time and experti e to ensure tbat we were able to field competent hockey team . It takes a large amount of commitment and loyalty to ensure that aJ! our ides perform to the be t of their ability and r am mo t appreciative of my coaching staff who support Wynberg Hockey and what it stands for. I thank, too, Mr C.Sieben, our re ident pro, for putting in so much time and pa ion; the facilitie tat! for ensuring we always had top class facilities to play on: Mr Van Schalkwyk and all rus First Aid boy for their time given voluntarily: Mrs J.Stokell, our A tro admini trator for her time and effort; all our parents for their continued support and help in the tuck hop - particularly Mr Colin Thebus and Mrs Michelle Straszacker; Mr Peter Knowies, our chool port administrator, who does so much of the behind the scenes admin work, often without prai c or thank . He certainly made my job a lot easier. And finally a special word of thanks and a farewell to Jon Robinson. He has been at the helm of the I" Xl for the past three years and has given nothing but passion, commitment aod energy to Wynberg Hockey. The re uit he has achieved bear testimony to tbe caljbre of coach he is. He is a wealth of knowledge and our hockey has taken leaps forward thanks to his input and unwavering support. It has been an ab olute pleasure working with him and we are sad to see him go. I wish him weU on the next stage orhis career and am sure we will see him (and hear him) on the side oftbe turf in the not too distant future. At the end of the sea on J was proud to look back at the results of all our hockey sides. FTOm the reports submitted you will see that much time, dedication, enthusiasm and effort has been put in by all the role players who keep Wynberg Hockey on top. This commitment is greatly appreciated. It has been a privilege for me to have been a part of it this year and I do see Wynberg Hockey going from strength to trength. We have a vast amount of potential in our young men and I know tbat with the continued support and innovation from all those who are involved we can remain one of the premier hockey schools in the country.
Mr J Robin on. ssi tant coacb: Mr C Siebcn. Manager: Mr DRamage. Captain: Matthew Andersen. Vice-Captain: Luke Metclo-Liquito. C Botha, Coach:
M Daly, D Grant, M Mulder, SPaltenden, L Mbuyu. R Knipe D Roxburgh, J van Velze, S de Waal, L Oliver, B Wiley, L Bodenstein Mr 0 Ramage, M Anderson. Mr J Robinson. L Metelo-LiquilO. Mr V Sieben
Middle: eated:
Tbe hockey season was an unforgettable one with many highlights and few disappointments. A fairly inexperienced team took to the field at the beginning of tbe season., however, they exceeded many people's expectations, especially mine In the April holiday the 1 Xl took 00 a mammoth task: eleven games in ten days, participating in both the Nomads Festival and the KES Festival. It was at this early stage that the 1Xl showed what they were made of. Their enthusiasm was carried into the games the boy playing not only for themselves but for team and scbool. The tour was bighly successful. We lost only one game - one of the low points of the season. Tbe squad was enthusiastic and motivated to excel and a pleasure to coach. They certainly showed grit and determination and tried to play a brand of attacking hockey that was a pleasure to watch. Their style of play and commitment ensured that good results almost became a formality. Unfortunately, with successful seasons, disappointments are inevitable. A well organised Bishops side certainly had the better of us in the domestic season, winning both the home and away matches 2-0 and 1-0 respectively. The Jil Xl certainly did not take kindly to this and was finally able to get one up on the Bishops side with a 2-0 victory in the Knockout Cup - a fitting end to the season. This side will always be remembered as one of the most successful teams in the history of the school. My thanks to all players for their commitment and dedication, as well as to their parents for their unfailing support at home and away. In my three seasons at Wynberg, boods have been made and none more so than with the 1" Xl Coaching and Management team. It has been an absolute p]easuTe to work with Messrs Daniel Ramage and Craig Sieben. 1 wish them the best and know that Wynberg Hockey is in good hands.
ilEUlllEiI iï14TCH ilE.5Ulï:S Result Won7-0
Fixture Fourway
Venue Wynberg
St Johm College Durban High
Pretoria Pretoria
Jeppe KES
Pretoria Pretoria
Won 2-0 Drew4 -4
Pre' ;ria Boys'
Won 2-0
St Johns College
Won 3-2
Pretoria Boys' Jeppe
Won 2-0 Won 4-0
KES Parktown Boys' Senier High
KES KES Belville
DrewO-O Lost 2- I Won 2-1
Grey PE
Won 4-2
Stellenberg HS
Won 9-1
Paarl Boys
Bishops Stellenberg (KO)
Wynberg Bellville
Lost 2-0 Won4-1
Pinelands Rondebosch Fairmont
Wynberg WPCC Fairmont
Won 1-0 Won 1-0 Drew 2 - 2
Won 6-1
We terford (KO)
Won 3-2
Bishops Edgemead Paul Roos Rondebosch
Bishops Wynberg Wynberg Wynberg
Lost 1-0 Drew I-I DNP Won 2-1
SACS Rondebosch (KO) Bishops (KO)
SACS WPCC Hartleyvale
Won 2-0 Won2-0 Won2-0
Drew I - I Won 2-1
Goal scorers Matthew Anderson (3). Michael Mulder (2). Ben Wylie (I). MeteloLiqujto (I) Knipe (1) Knipe ( I ). MeteloLiquito (I) Botha (I). De Waal (I) Botha ( I), Grant (1). Anderson ( 1), MeteloLiQuito (1) Botha (1), Anderson (I)
Boden tein ( I). Wylie (I). Melelo-LiQuito (1) Metelo-LiQuito (2) Ander on (l). Knipe (1), Botha ( 1). MeteloLiquito (I) VVelze(l) Anderson (I). Wylie (I)
Anderson (I), Botha (2), Scholtz (1) Scholtz (I), Wylie (2), Knipe (1), Botha (2). De Waal (I), MeteloLiquito (2) Metelo-Liquito (2), Anderson (1), WyIie (I) Wylie (2), BoLha(I). Metelo-LiQuito (1) Metelo-LiQuito (l) Botha (I) Botha (I ) • MeteloLiquito (I) Botha (2), Anderson (1), Metelo-Liquito (1), Mbuyu (1), Wylie (I). Metelo-Liquito (2), Grant (1) Matthew Anderson (I) Metelo-Liquito (I), Wylie (1) Metelo-LiQuito (2) Metelo-LiQuito (2) Scholtz (1), Wylie (1 )
\ L Metelo-liquito:
Matric (Link, Striker) - (54 Caps). Wade has had alongjoumey back from injury, perhaps not at hi best, but there is no doubt of his ability and whal he adds to the team.
Matric (Link, Striker) - (87 Caps). Great elimination skills and tons of vi ion. Perhaps trying a bit too bard this season.
Matric ( Lmk, Striker) - (47 Caps). Lots of skill and speed on the ball. Works hard for the team.
in front of goal, couJd
C Botha:
Matric (Striker) - (28 Caps). Aggressive still work on his finish. WP U18B.
Matric (Link, Defender) - (28 Caps). Simon always gives of his best and has shown good improvement since moving into the defence. Makes excellent use of his reach.
WP U188. M Daly:
Matric (Defender) - (24 Caps). Short in stature but big in heart. Sometimes a bit keen in the tackle, but is learning all the time. Protea U18.
J -l
R Knipe:
Gr II (Link, Striker) - (26 Caps). A young player who is slowly coming to grips with the pace of the senior game. Gets into good positions, but needs to work on his first touch.
B Wiley:
Matric (Striker) - (24 Caps). Ben is able to change defence into attack with his blistering pace. Very much a confidence player. Very dedicated to improving his game. Protea U18. Gril (Link, Defender) - (28 Caps). Excellent player has a~ tendency to switcb off in tbe game. Definitely a player for the future. SA U16.
J van Velze:
Matric (Defender) - (19 Caps). Strong presence at the back Close skills need to be worked on. Definitely a team player.
GrI 0 (Link. Defender) - (I Cap). Athletic player. lOl!;of ,i ·Ion. eed to \\ ork on hi fir..l touch. WP U 16A
Gril (Defender) - (17 Caps). !rong in the tackle. Ha certainly learnt from hi outings 10 the First team. A definite player for next year.
Gr 10 (Link. Defender) - (5 Cap ). LoUJ has hown that he I a clas player \\ ith a bright future. Doe have a tendency 10 hide m the game but he certainly has taken advice and ha worked on hi weakne e. Repre ented A L 16
Coal !:: CapblLO.
Mr j Jacka. Jacques Van Velze. D Roxburgh (v'e), M Rhode, D Walker. M Manu, K MalJie, C \l(itchell. M Carr. M Maxwell, M eoogles, M Ori pos, K Krige. M Brunger. L Jordaan.
Lo I
Coach: Captain:
MrQ Kotze B Payne. BLombard. T Mohammed, W Banfield.
S Filtane. K Krige, J Schreiber, C Bryson, P Sithole, J Lesar, R Segers. Played
Coach: Captain:
MrKotze C Fisher. M Hassan, M Borchardt. SMagan, Magan, J Webb, J Ma, M Renaud. M Reed, T Yu, N Kooverjee.
Mr C Sleben. Low Mbuyu, Travi'
G Tham. K Venter. T !viulIer, D Bell, j Smith, A Wlcgman,~ L Bodenslein. C Little R October, T Cre well. Mr C leben. J Reich. D Ruger
rcsswclJ. ~
~, ~, f ,. , , ,·,,' ~~1 . •.- . .--.,
The leam \\cnt on tour lo Queen to\\n pre- cason \\ here they enjoyed early ~ ucce and laid the ~~ foundation for a good .l .. +cason. Coached by Mr .:,. ,t" ,0; 'J ~ Jacks on tour. they went : through the fe tivsl unbeaten. taking down the ~ like of Grey College. elborne and K.ES In the ..z. '-.process. Back ID Cape ,"'. ~~ ;:: -? " '. ' -'l ~ Town, It was straight to busIOes and to proving that they were a team to ~~ ~ beat. However. thelI youthful over-confidence was challenged in the defining match of the eason by Grey High School when they uffered their first lo l. Thi loss taught them a le on and made them vow to turn their home turf into a fortre which they did by beating all future vi 'iting team .
.,, .J
Tbe boys were never hy of hard work or commitment and lhi was be t di played at 6 a.m. training se sions every Thursday morning come rain or hine. With a belief that if they were going lhe extra mile tbey were doing more than their oPPO ilion. they et new tandards and brought match intensity to training. There were a number of boy who tuck up their hands Lbroughout the ca on and as a result more than hal f of them made a representative leam. However, it was Lhe lack of weakne es ratber than individual trenglhs which turned out po iti ere ulls. The first round of boy' chools'matche went well but were all tight battle, a 3-al1 draw with SACS being the pick ofllle game. At the same time the team advanced through the KO tOurnamenl, an ea y draw giving them a path straight to the final. During this time Lhey played Lhe most memorable match of the season by out-playing a talented Wit Gift team and beating the extremely impre sive Ea tboume team, both from the UK. The econd round of boy 'schools' matches lived up to the first round and brought ouL an e en better display of hockey. The Bi bops game wa the highlight. Bisbops took a comfortable 2-0 lead into the halfbul an inspired second balf onslaught from Wynberg pUl US 3-2 ahead, only to bave Bishops come back with fire of their own - the final score being 3-3. This set the stage for a fantastic KO final encounter between the two top teams in the Cape. The matcb was to prove more of a lesson for their future than the success they wished for - every time you walk out for Berg you need to produce and not just go through the motions. They realised this by the start of the second half but were 1-0 down and did not make it easy for them selves a tbe Bishops team bowed their dominance by going up 2-0. With fifteen minutes left, this proved to be too much even after scoring once and camping in the Bishops' half. This was the last game of the season but the team made another vow that day and if they are willing to put in the hard work and go a mile funher than their opposition goes, they will go from strength to strength as thcy represent Wynberg.
UIBiI Coacb: Captain: Team:
UIBC C".lcb: Captain: Team:
UIBiI Coach: Captain: Team:
UI6E Co ache : Captain: Team:
Played I::!
Won 5
Lost 5
Mr C Ward. Chandler de Kock. M Cooke (vice ca pt. ). T Bergemann, T Adams, 0 Bomface. 0 zollozi. K Emstzen, J Smith, W Omar. K lurphy, K Thebus, M Joubert. M Faraday.
Lo. t
o --~
Mr R Rudd. loulon Joubert. S Meyer (vice capt.). M Faraday. C Bing, S Heuwel, D Chetty. J mith, M Craythome.l Symmond " C tephen on, M du Plooy, J Mitchell, Y Kariem, S Sandton, T Salot, Hendricks.
Grant Little. Jamie Mountney (term 2) Ben Chiddy (tem13). T Dolley. M McWilliams, G Beattie. J Eis, M Windsor. TSalol, G Uirab. S Mpanza. C van der Merwe. Heuwel, L Meyers.
Mes rs R Rudd, GLittie. V Parbhoo. E White. Dde Smidt, D Thanos. P Franke. B A Green. U Hamman, S Borehardt.
Drew 2
kala he. I Paleker, M Mayel,
UI~D Back:
Coach: Captains: N Reilly. T Williams. J Chicn, R McKinley, M Harebotlle" T lras7acker Gunon. D v d Me ght, Mr DRamage,
Mr DRamage. Dylan v d Meschl., Jason Bassett. orval,
J Bassett, This year' U 14A ide has certainly been one of the most challenging ides to coach. A number of players tarled the eason ha ing either never picked up a Hockey tIck before. or ncvcr having played full field hockey on astro. Although mi pre ented. ome difficuhie • all the boy were eager 10 learn and the will to improve was evident. Iwas very privileged to have a group of extremely enthusiastic and pas ionate young men in my side. Right from the start the boys displayed a positive attitude in aliI asked of them.
We started the ea on with wins against Settlers and Stellenberg. This automatically gave the team confidence for our first big match against Grey P.E. Although it was a lack-lustre game, we managed to score and then step back to ab orb a vast amount of pres ure and hold on to "in. Our next game. and first lo s, was against a well-drilled and competent Bishops side. We ncver really got out of the staning blocks. Tbe next three matches took u to the half cason mark and aw u beat Faumont and Pin.elands. Sacs was our econd biggest game of the term and once again the boys played above themselves to claim the victory. After a much needed break, we returned to face our three rival boy' cbools again. Unfortunately we were unable to return any wins. All the lo e were narrow. and we played some fanta tic patches of hockey. In the Knockout cup we played Bergvliet and Central Hockey Club in the preliminary rounds which saw us joining our 1- XI and U 16A's in the final. Superb goal-keeping by Robert McKinley in this match against Rondebo ch kept the score to 0-0 at half-time. Soon after the interval, Rondebosh scored but before they bad fmisbed celebrating, Dylan vaD der Mescht equalized with a good goal. Rondebosch managed to put another goal in but the Wynberg team didn't give up and came back to level the scores when Michael Harebottle scored. As the time ran out Bo ch managed to score a 3n1 goal. winning tbe match. Our little guys had played with passion and enthusiasm and done Wynberg proud. As the sea on progre sed it was easy to see lhe improvement in the players as they trained hard during the week. This bard work and commitment resulted in Robert Mckinley. Dylan Van Der Me cht and Jason Bas ett being selected for WP U14 Proteas. The team was capably lead by Dylan Van Ocr Mescht, but owing to injury, Jason Bas ett took the helm during the latter stages of the season and performed this role well. I thank both of them for their unwavering support. Watching the boys develop from young inexperienced players to confident young hockey players has been a privilege. I see a bright future ahead for many of them and encourage them to continue putting in the required effort and time in order to become more skilful, fitter and stronger.
Coach: Captain: Team:
Won 8
Mr S Kelly. Dylan van Zyl. M Withers. T Rozema, C I le ,Q Martin, J Arend e, J-P Van der Merwe, B Solomon, C Klopper, J Schenck. T Cud worth. L Siboya.
Drew 10
Mr J Meredith. Ethan Paulsen. D Abrahams, D Vis er. D Consentino, M Abrahams. C Schultz, J Meyer, L Adams, M Stevens. H Sonday, R Martin. L van A wegen, D Wichman, J Raad,
C McGregor. A Nicolls.
MrALee. Michael Holden. J Larief, A Southern, K Marrow, D van der Valk, M van Beek, M van der Valk, G Green, N Notten, L Notoane, T Bandeker, S Lucawa, D Wilson, S de Wel, K Kim, A Howe-Ely, C Tworeck, N Baartjies.
"'~"6I -
'8 ~Whi1e
M'SHurry·t \
other chase the glory, Wynberg remains committed to it root - rOOl that are embedded in the philosophy that while wmning is important and should always be the goal, the love of the game hould never be forgotten. Wynberg Boys High is first and foremost a school and rugby is but a part of the educa(jon of young men. It is however, a game that provides significantie sons both in victory and in defeat and we believe that young men need to taste both. Hard work. commitment. perseverance and dedication are all values that tbe game teaches and are values that we wish to inculcate into our young men. We are not a rugby schoolwe are a school that uses rugby to teach boys about life - the good and the bad. In thi light, we are committed to providing the best possible opportunities for this learning to take place, dedicated to providing top quality coaching to all boys - not just the privileged few whom fale has blessed with raw talent.
This year we have managed to achieve that rare balance and the 2009 season will be remembered as the most successful in the school's long history. ot only did the 1- XV end the eason just hort of inclusion in the National Top 10 rankings, but five players were selected to represent Province, three of them going on to receive National recognition. Furthermore, all our A sides recorded excellent win averages (arowld 70%). Further highlights were the achievements of the Grand Slam by both the I" Team and the U 16A's. In fact of the four A sides, 12 games were played against our traditional opposition and only 3 games were lost. The brand of rugby was also exciting to see with many of our teams playing a more expansive game with a high skill level on display and with plenty of pas ion and commitment. Very few spectators can claim that the rugby we have played has been boring and predictable. The results throughout the age groups are testimony to the exceptional and tireless work that a number of coaches have put in, not least Gus Leslie and Gerry Posthumus. When Gus started coaching this year's I" XV four years ago the school was ranked 165th in the country. The work and effort over the last few years has paid off and the school will reap the benefits in the years to come. The results in the lower teams of each age group remain a concern however. It is not because they lost but a question of how much they lost by and this will require some attention in 2010. We wiU definitely be looking at revising our structures in such away that the lower team coaches and players get access to the same resources as the A team coaches and players. What was pleasing to see was a far more positive approach towards our rugby with the birth of a genuine belief that we should be winning more than we lose and a far more determined approach to getting fitter and stronger. With very few yellow and reds cards issued throughout the season this is a pleasing sign as the boys begin to recognise the value of hard work and discipline. Jake White's Winning Way An important investment was made in our A team coaches thanks to a generous donation by a parent that enabled us to attend Jake White's Winning Way rugby academy in Stellenbosch. Five Wynberg staff (SinlOn Hurry, James Whiston, Barry Emms, Peter van Schalkwyk and Gerry Posthumus) were fortunate enough to attend. They were privileged to be lectured by most of lake White's 2007 winning squad including lake White, Eddie Jones, Balie Swart, Mark Keohane, Dr Derek Coetzee, Dr Sherylle Caulder and Cliot Readhead. It was an incredible opportunity to get into the minds of two of the most successful rugby coaches in h~story and to understand what is needed to create a winning culture. I am convinced that our coaches are richer for the experience and many of our season's results can be attributed in some way to what was gained on this course.
II Cape
cbool' Week
The first XV attended the biennial Cape chools Week held at SACS during the first week of the July holidays. Expectation wa high that the team would perform weU. especially 10 the light of the early season re ults. However. "ithoul two key players - Kiemn Goss (SA Academy week) and Zingi a Ndiki (WP Craven week) - there wa cause for concern, e pecially in the light of the fact that many oftbe Eastern Cape chools had decided to play their Craven Week players. The first game against Queen showed a team. confident in their approach. taking on a capable Queens side to win 2 -5. The next game again t the old nemesis Grcy High tarted well, both sides fighting for ascendancy. However, a freak accident suffered by kcy player, Ryan Lok (No 8), unsettled the learn in the second haJfand Grey was able to sneak in a 13-10 victory. More injurie and sea onal'tlu lead to only five players left in the tarting ide that had beaten SACS the week before, in the final game against Dale. Inexperience and difficulty in playing to tr! game plan resulted in a humbling 26-40 defeat, despite some valiant efforts. It was a difficult week and fairly costly for Ihe ide but it did provide many of the second learn players with some valuable experience.
Wynberg Festival The Wynberg Festival is possibly the large t gathering of chool boy rugby in lhe country with over seventeen tearn and three age groups represented. Wet and grey weather could nol dampen some 5000 spectator' spirits and the enthu iasm of more than 700 rugby players at the I68th Wynberg Boys' High School Fe tival on Saturday 25'" April. Despite difficult condition. all side tried to play positive and attacking rugby and some great trie were scored. The match of the day was Bishops vs. Grey - ome cintillaling running rugby ended in a fine win for Bishop by 24-19. WBHS cored 3 great trie to beat St. Stithians 21-3. Monday aw better weather conditions and this was reflected in the play and Ihe crowd of about 6000 wa entertained with more trie , higher scores and more expansive rugby than on lhe previous day. Bishops was involved in a high- coring alTair against St. Benediets, putting 59 points past the visitors. WBHS scored four tries in beating Graeme 24 - 8. Wynberg Boys' High was the only school that remained unbeaten throughout all age group for the whole weekend. ~
Western Cape and NationaJ representatives Zingisa Ndiki (Grade 11) was elected to represent WP at the National Craven Week in the Eastern Cape while Kiemn Go s (Grade 12) was elected for the WP Academy side. Kieran's perfonnance at the Academy Week wa such that he was selected for tbe SA Academy side to play in the Craven Week. Zingi a was one of four promi ing Western Cape choolboy rugby stars later invited by Springbok Sevens' coach Paul to his team' filoe and conditioning le Is at the Sports Science InstituIe in Newland . Sikumbuzo otshe (Grade 9), Zimasa Malunga (Grade lO) and Ezra Williams (Grade II) were selected to play for WP at the National U J 6 Grant Khomo week. The boys performed with distinction and Notshe and Williams were rewarded with inclusion in the U16 SA High Performance quad.
Final Thanks I thank Derek Fay for his support in the lower open age groups and for organising and paying for the coaches and Dr Tubby Ger, who stcpped into the breach as school doctor for our home games. This much needed medical presence on Saturdays added great value to the fixtures. Lastly, I thank all the outside coaches who gave of their time during the season; Mrs Kunz. Messrs Peter Morris, Peter Murison. lbrahim Isaacs, Shane Punt. Gavin Fox. Craig Wilson and Dylan Keeting. 1 thank school boy Kwaks Ngwanya and aJ] the coaches who helped Derek Fay. Their work and effort was greatly appreciated. I thank Taiha for their sponsorship of our match balls for the season and all the supporters for their continued support through the up's and the down's. Their faith has paid off and I believe we will have a 101 to cheer about in the future.
Coache: Captain:
Me r G Leslie, G Posthumus. Nick Mitchell.
D Fryhnck, J Katzen. R Steyn. R Lok, D Cunningham. E Williams, T Tjirare, B Dube, MrG Leslie. Front: Mr G Posthumus, K Goss, A Williams. R Mentor, MitcheIJ, J HalJjday, Z Ndiki, A Mulholland.
The I" XV of2009 will forever go down in Wynberg hi tory, notju t because of their amazing record bul also for the brand of rugby played and the character they displayed, especially on defence. ever were they happy to concede a try, not even when they were comfortably up and dominating. There were so many highlights in a season like thi that need mentioning. Probably tbe biggest was tbe victory over Paarl Gym. For too long have Wynberg sides just lain do\'.rtl against our traditional Paarlopposition. This side sbowed that Wynberg can, not only compete, bul win a welL What was more impre sive was !bat they did so in Paarl, wbere no other side had won for a long time and Wynberg not in decades. A second, equally impressive highlight was winning the "Triple Crown" over our three traditional rivals. It culminated in a fantastic Classic Clash at SACS where Wynberg howed their dominance over their local rivals. Jn the St Stithians Festival, the I" XV managed to go unbeaten for the second year - no mean feat at such a prestigious event. The eason was not all plain sailing. Success came from a commitment and attitude to hard work nol seen before by a I" XV in my time. They set tbe bar very high before the ea on, like so many teams before tbem, but tbey were not going to disappoint themselves and the choo!. The character of this team was special and one that typified our scbool motto "Supera Moras". It would not be right if J did not mention the captain, ick Mitchell, who led this team outstandingly well. His example on the field and ability to lead the team in tough times was an example to all. He never accepted econd best. Tbe tearn al 0 played in tbe Cape Schools' Week at SACS. but after a number of injuries they struggled and lost two of the matches they might not have, had they been at full strength. Even more di heartening was the devastating injury suffered by key player and gdl man Ryan Lok. an injury tbat affected the team in ways J don't even think they realise. However, once again. they showed what they n1 were about and dug deep to produce a quality 3 term of rugby after a difficult start against Bishops away. Tbe victory against Tygerberg will always stand our in my mind, not just because Tygerberg went on to beat both Bishops and Paarl Gym, but because tbe boys played with such determination and skit! that they left no-one, who watched that garne from tbe sidelines, in doubt as to just how good a tearn they were. It would not be right to single out individuals, but there were some personal achievements throughout the season. Jonathan Halliday achieved 50 caps for the first team, an achievement not often attained in rugby. We also had provincial reps in Zingisa Ndiki (WP Craven Week), Kieran Goss (WP Academy) and Ezra Williams ('WP U 16). Kieran Go s was also selected as part of the SA Academy team that went to Craven Week while Ezra WilJjams was selected into tbe SA U 16 High Performance Squad _ aJ! outstanding performances. Finally it would be amiss of me not to mention Gus Leslie and Riaan Barnard who have put tireless work into Wynberg rugby over the last couple of years and in particular this age group. Without their efforts, a season like this would not have been possible.
II BETiI/LEB milTeN Played
RESULTS Point 514
Points Against 248
Fal e Bay U21 Bellville HS St Albans Parktown Boy , High St Davids Boland Landbou St Stithian Graeme College Grey PE Bellville HS Bishops Paarl Gym Rondebosch Strand SACS Queens College Grey PE Dale College Bishops Tygerberg Rondebosch SACS Villagers 7' s Villagers 7's
False Bay Newlands St Stithian St Stithians St Stithians Boland Wynberg Fest. Wynberg Fest. Wynberg Wynberg Wynberg Paarl Wynberg Strand SACS (CC) SACS (CSW) SACS (CSW) SACS (CSW) Bishops Tygerberg Rondebosch Wynberg Excelsior Drakenstein
48 20 21 17 40 20 21 24 3 48 21 15 13 39 20 28 11
26 8 23 16
32 19 19
0 5 3 13 3 26 3 8 10 3 17 10 0 5
0 3 14 40 34 7 12 20 14
PU!lER ick MitchelJ:
(43 Caps)
CAPTAIN Blues 15 points 3 Tries Outstanding Captatn. He has also matured into a really good hooker. Ile is a strong scrummager and has worked reaUy hard on his lineout throwing. His work rate i what sets him apart - it is like having an extra loose forward.
Butler Dube: (36 Caps) Blues 10 points 2 Tries Butler is hard work personified. He is not the biggest prop ever, but he is exceptionally strong. Great scrummager. He works tirelessly around the field and is effective at the breakdown. Has become a lot more physical which will stand him in good tead. Predict a bright future in rugby for this oUDg man. _ Tjino Tjirare: (24 Cap ) Colour' Much improved player. His crummaging bas improved to the extent that he dominated most he came up against. His general play also improved a he added a physical edge to his already wide range of skills. RusseIl Steyn: (45 Caps) V-Capt Honours 25 points 5 Tries The rock of our line-out, became a real talented lineouI forward and really understands bow Ihey work. Good strong runner with ball in hand and very good tackler. Always did the hard yards first but was also responsible for giving the learn lots of front foot balL Made a big impact on the team's performances. Should have a very bright future in the game if be continues to play.
Devin Cunningbam: (36 Caps) Blues 10 points 2 Tric The strong man of the team and often undervalued. A great scrummaging .lock and tbose are hard to come by. Held his own at !ineout time too although was often not required. His real value came at breakdown and around the fringes wbere he cleaned rucks and tackled tirelessly. Also good with ball in band.
J Josb Katzen: (22 Caps) Blues 25 points 5 Tries A much improved player wbo cemented his place in the )" XV as tbe year went on. A very good rugby player with a wide range of skills. Very quick and improved on the ground as the season went on. Can fill any of tbe loose forward roles. I expect a lot of him next year, certainly one to watch.
Alistair MulhoUand: (22 Caps) Colours The work horse of the team - the one who was always at the bottom ofrucks, making sure that we won ball. The team would not have functioned as well if we bad not had him. lmpmved his ball skills and tack.1ing greatly thougb the year, but it was on the ground where he was really skilled.
Ryan Lok:
(34 Caps)
Blues Tries Great player. very talented with an out tanding understanding of the game. Could put him elf in positions just by predicting what would happen next. Great speed and ball kill and he improved his phy icality. Ibelieve be would have had a real future in the game bad his career not been curtailed by that horrific injury.
40 points
Ayanda Hess:
(10 Caps) 5 points
I Try
Replaced Ryan in tbe 3rQ term and did a solid job. Has all the attributes to be a good w;U oeed to speod some time bulking up in the off ea on. Good skills but often did not have the confidence to use them.
rugby playe,_ A U.le small.od
Umer Salie: (l8 Caps) 5 points A very talented young man, whose so versatile. Played prop, lock and the skills and is deceptively quick. physical edge. Expect a lot of him
Co lOUTS 1 Try biggest downfall is probably the fact that he is loose forward for the I" XV this year. He has all He is very good at the breakdown and bas a real next year.
Jonathan HaUiday:(55 Caps) Colours Hard worker and real team man, extremely physical and added a lot to the team on defence. At times was like an extra loose forward and enjoyed getting involved with the forwards. Has a good box kick that he probably needs to use more.
J Kiersn Goss: (37 Caps) WP & SA Academy Honours 107 points 4 Tries Really stepped up to the plate tbis year and proved that he is really an outstanding rugby player. He has an outstanding kicking game and improved his running and pa sing game. He has a very good understanding oftbe game and bas a natural feel that one can not coach. Great ball skills. He was a star this year and we expect a lot from him at the Sharks next year. Rameesh Mentor: (37 Caps) Colours 35 points 7 Tries , Continued to be a consistent performer and he kept on working hard at his game. Surprisingly physical for sucb a small man. Good finisher and really developed a dangerous in out. Improved under tbe high ball and developed his skills well. Great team man. Ezra Williams: (19 Caps) WP Ul6 Colours 15 points 3 Tries Came into tbe team as a youngster but soon showed that he is every bit the class \ player we expected him to be. He has great distribution skills and a good understanding of the game. As the season went on he developed his pbysical side and became the complete inside centre. I expect big things from him next year.
Ashbey Williams: (24 Cap) Colours 20 point 4 Tries Ashbey improved as the sea on went on and really grew into his position. He is a strong runner and very good distributor of the ball. Good speed ofT the mark, can really develop into a very good rugby player. He is willing lO learn and could still develop into the finished article.
Zingi a
diki: (39 Caps) WP Craven WeekHonours 65 points 13 Tries Extremely talented player with ball in band. Deadly hand offwith good running skills and sheer power. Scored ome outstanding tries throughout the year. He bas improved his work rate and fielding higb balls and now i much closer to the fmished article then he has aver been before. Good work ethic and very committed to the team. Has the ability to motivate the entire team with one good run. Next years team will oeed an on form Zingi a to set the example for them. Craig Munro: (20 Caps) Colours 25 points 5 Tries Much improved player with all the attributes to be an outstanding rugby player. He is strong, fast and bas good ball skills. eeds to work on his kicking game ifhe wishes to stay at full back. Great work ethic and understanding of the game, sometimes let down by his own confidence. Still think he can go far in rugby ifbe wishes.
Dylan Frylinek: (21 Caps) Colours 67 points 4 Tries Very talented ball player with good w1derstanding of the game. Great distribution skills and reads tbc game very well. Played everywhere for this team but probably played lIis best rugby at 15. Positional play was always good and counter attacked well. Will need to work on his kicking lengtlI ifhe is serious about rugby. We will expect lots from Dylan next year.
L Also represented the ," team: L Ndabaninzi (22 Caps), S Carnagu (13 Caps), C Graham (10 Caps), K Clark (8 Caps), G Edmeades (8 Caps), J Marinus (2 Caps), D Lyons (6 Caps), D Shaw (7 Caps), D Sanlpson (6 Caps), D Sage (2 Caps), W Sompontsha (2 Caps).
Coach: Captain:
Mr P van Schalkwyk. Sikho Camagu. C Graham, K Clark, U Salie, G Witte, C James, K Momberg, J Botha, E Archer, D Shaw, G Edmeades, K Ngwanya. J Marinus, B Sibaca, E Germanis, A Hess, 0 Frylinck, C Herbert, L Ndabaninzi, D Sage, V Nongauza, D Lyons, J Dowdall, D Samp on, V McKay, C Munro.
P_I:~;-d-----+------w~:-n----~r------L~~SI------r------lli~;-W----~I~~ ~~
Coach: Captain:
Mr P Morris. Nicholas Barendse. A Jansen, A Zabos, B Sabata, C Cronje, C Herbert, C James, D Lyons, D Thomson, E Germanis, F Peters, G Coram, I Saban, J Botha, J Marinus, J Swanich, J Cogill, .I Yoyo, J Dowdall, K Tshivute, K Ngwanya, K Momberg, L Jessop, L Wright, N Vlok, S Sissing, S Vlok, T Botha, V Ervens, V McKay, V Nongauza, V Siyalana, W Hamilton.
Mr M Engelbrecht Scot de Freitas J Swanich, F Peters, S Gready. S Nissen, D Me Hendrie, S Nani. R Engelbrecht S Peck. V Ervens, N Botha, G Coram, N Vlok. S Vlok. M de Klerl<. D Thomson, N Velicka, P Dzonzi, N Koen. S Sissing. J CogiU, C Goldman, K Fay, L Craig.
Played 12
Coaches: Manager: Team:
Lo51 10
Mes. rs B Punt, C Kirk. Mr RInglis. ROosthuizen, S Nani, M Travis, R Knipe. C BaJWick, M Travis, C Bischoff, M Carlie, M PortnoLC Moore, D Oosthuizen, J Tsang, KOosterburg, C Peacock, K Jacobs, S GrobeJaar, C van Niekerk. J Tsang, K McLaughJin, A Thomas, D Geddcs, G Roeloffze. RAddinall, N Matthews, D McHenry, C Cronje, N VeUcka, S Mrangqolo, S Coram, C Botha, C Dove.
P~I~7~-d-----r-----\~~~on~----r-----L~;~;t-----,r-----D~~~W----~1 ~~ XV
Coaches: Team:
Messrs D Fay, L Westgate, J Whitaker. M Kent, E Joseph, T van der Wath, A NakanyaIa, K OheneSam, SPeck, D Morris, S Conner, K Fay, M SiyaJana, M Saharin, N Koen, S Smit, T Mulaudzi, E Chiwaula, T Ndabeni, B Hoko, M Lang, L Waqu, N Botha, S Dana, M KabIe, G Turner, I Hendrieks, E Suleiman, S Sidzumo, C Goldman, L Craig, A Landu.
• • •
Back: ~liddll':
~l\: ......rs J \\ hisIon,
Coach: Captain:
K \ cl Vyler l omponL ...ha. ") ~)U\\. KIthok. G Coghl. R lkdingham. 1 (_unntngham. 0 . la, ch. Ralic. otshe. D Kannemeyer B 'cholt;{, A Padua kllsher. B Hanuuan. R Afnca. "'Ir J Whiston. ~Ialic. Z lalunga. R \ oodman The "de matured from a group of Illdi\'iduab 1010 ught team. ;\1 an early camp in Kleinmond. beach and dune \\or!" helped \~ith b e lime:. ...fOr the t .~. ~. "l' ca on and gm e nopponunity to get to knov. one another better and a ...teak bmai and mountam hlke ~ encouraged team spirit. Goals for the ason \\cre lO '" win all our derbie . (home.: and awa». remain ,..... ~ ~ unbeaten at Wynberg and try to turn around pa t los'e against the Boland chool .
Without a pre- cason game we knev. the opener again I Landbou v.ould be lough and wc courageous I) led for mo tofthe matchJu t lo ing III the last minutes. Every game was aleaming cunc and we took valuable les~on into lhe \\'}nberg Festival. v. here we picked up win and fitne' levels before the eagerl) awalted clash \\ ith Gre). The focus and pas ion with which wc played Gn!} in the first half. will long be remembered. Our 17-0 lead becamc the final core. For the reM of the term we lost only onc game away to Paarl Gym. Both side cored 2 trie and we felt disappointed at going down as we were easily at their level. A draw \\ ith trand and wins against Bishops. Belh ille and a cracker against RBHS sa\: us playing SAC for a triple crO\'ln. There were nerve aplenty but we came through. happy v. ilh the win and still unbeaten al home. otshe and Malunga were picked for the WP U 16 side. and Sompont 'ha for the I XV to attend Cape chool \\eek \Ve entered the econd half With confidence. First up was Bi hops away. In a heated match, leam plrit prevailed and we followed that win with another against tamford. a touring UK ideo The thlrd match of that week, and finallo of the eason., wa away against Tygerberg, who laught u a le on m pressure and de ire. The last two challenge were now upon u . '\ e out-played RBH in the main curtam ratser. Emotion were high with one game to play for a grand lam and unbeaten eason al home. Our final opponents, AC ,were runned by our performance. One of our five tries was 0 good that a I" team coach declared it one of the better cboolboy trie the Hawthomden had ever een. ot he and Malunga were outstanding. Sithole scored trie , the centre Scholtz and Louw formed a great pair and Africa. Padua and Salie were huge and improved with every game. The prop Hamman and Woodman rarely went back and Bob Bedingham howed glimp C of hi ub lance. Malie and Sompon tha created and scored ome cracker , Coghlan proved a fighter and Fi her and Maa ch, were great team men. Cunningham and Kannemeyer are great talent but were under played. They" ill do Wynberg proud in the future. The ide grew together as the eason progre sed finished brilliantly and de erve all the accolade they received.
1thank Craig Wilson for giving tbe boys a great brand of running rugby and a self-belief and pa sion for the game. His input was invaluable. I thank alo, Old Boy, Barry Herbert, who joined us for the final few weeks to share his knowledge and pa s on the imponance ofbeing a Wynberg man; and the parents who lifted, supporte<L sponsored and shouted for us throughout the season and helped to make it a memorable year.
UI611 1c....rs 0 Kcaling, F \ an der 1\:1"\\ c. l\iuyilc D) wlh D \tarsh. K van dr)' Ier. C ~I her J tewart. KRamse)'. j Philander, 0 Patience, J mllh.;\ ,an W)k.. I) DY'\ili, 0 K..mncmcyer. Jilo. M Bradley, C Boden tein. RA. hlon. T Cunrungham
UIBC Me rs C de Bruyne, G de Mink. Avuyile Mkhonto. D Flandorp. M Small, J Hoedemaker, J Lewis, D Kuogune, J Brown. L Bredeveldt. J Dobbelstein. W Liston. 0 Page, D finlay on, R Krieger, R Mohammed, B Julie, A RookJedge, B Nqabeni, M Moffel, S Holley, D Reed, R Martin. I Samuel , M Mar h.
Coache : Captain; Team:
D15.4 Back:
Mr Hurry. Luthando Manure.
J de tadler, A Herbert, L icholson, Kannemeyer Gogela, 1 Sullivan, R de Vo. 1 Elvin-Jen 'eo, TrulI. T Reichardt, D Bedmgham, J cou Q Franci , A Odendaal, L Mana 'e, Mr Hurry, R 0' eil. Y Ismael. M Kent
t .
ome excellent win , lOO many cia e game
I were against SACS with tbe first game ending in a tame draw through our fingers (5-7) in our final fixture of the season. Of lost by 4 points or le . The e narrow loses were agaiost Grey Rondebosch (12-13) and SACS (5-7). No games were played owing to bad weather and the flu.
and ome di appointing lo es. Perhap the mo t ati fying wins were against Boland Landbou at Landbou and again t Bishop home and away. Excellent wins were al 0 achieved against St John ,Graeme College and Belville HS. Tbe most frustrating game (5-5), and letting the econd lip the 5 games that were lost, 4 were High (10-13), Framesby (27-31). again t Paarl Boys and Paul Roos
This is a talented side with a large amount of individual talent, heart and commitment. Players who showed enormou growth thi ea on were Riaan 0 Neil! at inside centre, Qaasiem Francis. who started lbe season in the U 15C ideo Malcolm Kent (Hooker), Yusuflsmael (Wing) and Oevin Troll (Lock). Competition for place was tough and a core squad of20 played most of the games. For the whole team discipline both on and off tbe field remains their biggest challenge. 1am confident that this side is yet to sbow it true colours. Itrust that with tbe right approach, di cipline and work ethic that they will go on to become one of the truly great sides that Wynberg has produced. I thank Peter Murison, Gus Le lie and Allan Gerber for their invaluable help during the season.
Points for: 340/ Points against: 156
U158 \!te· 'f'S M Galant, E lsaacs. Callen Souma. DAdams. CHorstman . J RJgby, M Kent. D Robens. J Gi1owey, A lierbert, R Reaper. J DanieIs , G CockreIl. L Pityana. D Rix. \ amer, L Elli , K taeey. L Engelbrecht. KOmary, T Camagu.
Captain Team'
U15C Coach: Captain: Team:
MrPSmith. Shaun Garbers. R Muyambo, H Hayes. M Bishop, D Carey-Ramsey, CDallas. R Reaper, J Napier. G Andrew" 0 Loxton, L Ellis. KLamont. JOosthuizen. D Sissing.
Lost 8
J Bowers. J Ryan.
U158 Mr R van
Coacb: Captain: Team:
Jordan Lamoral. B Kiewiets, E Schubert, D Baker, G Andrews, C Kunz, R Conner. M Racier, M Kabie T, Higgins, F Cary-Ramsay, L de Wet, M Hum, K Landorc, W Cummins. T Bischoff. A Behren, M Banni ler, J van der Watt, J. ComninelLis.
Lost 8
U14~ Back:
Coach; Captain: M Timlin, G de la Cruz. R Mapoe C Robin on. Y Howell. A McHendrie, Flam B Coetzee, J Dowdal, J Botha. R Groenmeyer.
Middle: eated:
MrB Emm. Jarryd Sage.
N BouIJe, M Cheney. age. Mr B Emm .
B Edwards
Tbe 14A' are a talented group of young players. They were conunitted and worked hard at training. They played some superb rugby at times while al other time were quite ordinary. [nconsi tency plagued the side as the boys really struggled with focus and inten ity during certain game . When they were switched-on they could beat anyone in their league. This is something that they wiU have to work on as they mature through the age groups. They alohad a tendency to kick too much ball away and kick at the wrong time. However, a the final game against SACS proved, when they kept the ball in hand and ran at the opposition, they scored ome excellent trie . All in all, they are a talented side and hold much promise for the future. As they mature and become better all-round rugby players they will certainly make Wynberg proud.
I ,
0148 Coacb: Captain: Team:
MrN Eddy. Anthony McHendrie. B Clark, B Fraser, N Graham, I I aacs. D Kellennan. H Mohamed, H Nockler, S Parker, S Peter en, J Phillip , K Pitcher, M Tarr. L Tokwe, V van der Merwe.
UI4C Coaches: Captains: Team:
Kwakhone Ngwanya. Mr M Leresche. Gavin Maascb. Jason Kruger. J P Golding, D van der Westhuizen, G Eyesink, C Brindley, N Gwanyanya, T Mwanda, T Buys, KSangster. J van Rooyen, L Rogers, B Cooper, CAmor, L Barthus.
Lost 5
\la fer-In-Char c: oaehes:
P-J Jacob. W Lawrence J-R Malloch. 0 Thomson. Mr P fur tenburg .•\1 Edgar. MCooke
\,~ /
_'-~. lf ," ~
\~)\ '
W}'llberg will once again be producing the quality province and the country.
Mr P } urslCnburg. 0" & 1SA). M <; I md-.ay ( 15). Mr I ~ hite (UtS & l i9).
ISTTEDm Back: cutcd:
Mr P Fur teoburg. Mr M Allen (Pro
qua'ih had a very average ca 'on. but thl' being said, there ....as a huge improvcmcnt in the preparation and elTort .,hown by all the playcrs. I am confidenllhat next year. W) nberg ..~ qua h will again begin to be a force to be reckoned with. We had four te.am" m the U 19 leagues and fi\ e in the U 15 Icaguc... All the players played hard and tried to ;.y .achieve the be t possible re.,ults for Wynberg this season. It hal>been good la ec the huge mtere't amongst the junior boy~. TheLr enthusiasm. commitment and development has beeo most pleasing and Iarn conGdent that ~oon quash that we are renowned for all over the "
For the first bme in a long time our coaching staff has not changed. Mark Alien once again watched over the top players and i finally getting the e boy to produce quaHty quash. Mr Furstenburg as isted Mr Allen with his preparation of the I·team bur aloput a lot offocu on the UISA' .. There i a lot of potential in the junior ranks and thi' i where the future of Wynberg Squash lie. The e will be the players who wiU build on the foundation that the enior players have laid. M Lindsay continued to coach the juniors and her skill i lowly rubbing off on them a they tart to become quality player . Experienced coach Lionel White has been with the Wynberg quash family for many years and has again been phenomenal in taking on the beginners and developing both the seniors and juniors. Ithank all the coaches who helped to mould our players. the parent who pent many hour watching and upporting their ons and tho e parent, particularly Mr Wentworth, who helped with Friday matche and tbe general running of qua h. Wynberg once again tried lO defend their Action Squash title, but. unfortunately, after many succes ful years as champions, we had to accept the runner-up position. The title went to ftrst time winners Bi hop. Both the UI5 and U191eagues did weU. The 1" side played in the Super League and finished third as did the 2'" tearn and U 15A' . Wynberg was again invited to take part in the annual St Andrews Squash Festival in Bloemfontein. Our boys did not fare as well as we had hoped, bULthe potential of the 1- team, especially under pressure. is a good sign of things to come. Fortunately only two Matrics move on.
PUllER PHIIFIIES tichael Edgar:
Daniel Thom on:
~licbael Cooke:
""arren La" rence:
Peter-Jobn Jacob
M Icha..:1 ha~ really benefited Imm hIs opportunity to pia lIr..lleague -quash for his home club. Jï,h Jl< ·k. Thi cxposure to high JC\ d lulult oppo luon ha ...matured his gamc. When playing \\cll. he pIa), intclligence • nd control. Iii!'. bi,ggc:!'.tproblem ha~ been transferring hi .. mature game gain I the men. to hi...juniOl quash malehcs. Daniel ha done well. finally putting to bcd a ~eriow. injury that kepi him out of the game for l\ 0 ) ear"". He has e cellent tt:1:hnique and can fini h the ball "ell. There are till ome limitalion"" to hi movement bccau e of lhc injury w.tained. but thi. "ill coniinue to improve as hi confiden e build!'.. Plenty of talent in John-Ro ...and hi. ,..ork mic lhis . ca on ha... been 0 much higher than last. Ili game has impTO\ cd a a re ult lie need, lO get mentally tougher in order to begin challenging the \ cry best Juniors in his age group. Michael has all the ncce al)" ingredienh to be a great :squash pla) er and his \\ork rate ha' been so much better thi cason Wtth ome focused work on ht. racket preparation and basic technique 1ichael' qua 'h will jump lO an even greater level. \\arren has been a great addition to the learn thi year and ha had no probl m keeping up with hi, oldcr learn male . He i .extrcmely quick and has great techmque. I le has huge potential and could emerge as Wynberg's nc'Xt Clinton Leeu\\. To do '0 he need. to work at cutting down hls error rate and be more con i tent in hi match play. PeteT-John \"as al 0 a great additIOn to the first tcam thl year. He ba!> fantastIC athletic abiliry. \\ ith peed and a great tretch There are not too many ball. that he cannot reach. " ith continued improvement to hls racket. kIll and. trategic understanding of the game, Peter-John v. ill become a very difficult player to beaL
Dr;WP chool'
OlDER 15.i1
qua h
f ~
There was yet again a large rep re emallon of wynberg talenl in various WP teams. WP Youth quash. in particular in the boy' cetlon, achieved the rare feat of collecting 7 gold medal out of a po ible eight. WP' eighth medal was the ilver medal in the U 19 ection. Gold was mi sed by one point - il went to onhern Gauteng. The following boy were selected to repre ent WP during the June holidays:
E Myers, S Botha,] Delport
W Lawrence, Mr P Fdurstenburg. A Rejaldien
U19A: Michael Edgar U19B: Daniel nom on UI9C: Peter-John Jacob UI6B: Michael Cooke U14A: Warren Lawrence
(3) (I)
(2) (I)
John-Ros Malloch Graeme Hooper
qua b
Warren Lawrence was elected to the SA Schools U 14 side at #6. He worked very hard, improving his ranking ....ith every tournament and in all the qualifiers around the country he played iIL Mr Furstenburg was once again appointed to coach tbe SA chool U 19 Boy team which toured Hong Kong and Malay ia during the year.
(6) (6)
.- (cam:
PIJYed 21
8 1 Edgar. D Thom In. J-R \talloch.. \.1 Cookc, p.J J cob", \\. UI\\Tence.
2" Tcam: Played
Lo t
1 COOKC.P-J .hoob~. :-; Rich. G lloopcr. C Peacocl.: •. 3'- Tcam: PIa}ed
II M Portooi. 0 Richter. 0 Wilkin"on,
C Lawrence.
4'h Team.
Played C Roger;.
12 1 Faraday. R Ilendrick . R IIlgh. M Wilkinson.
lSA. Lost
\ on
\\' Lawrence,
A Rcjaldien. J Phillip , E
Botha. J Delport
Played 12 f Myers. UI5
Botha. j Delport. DEis.
Played 10 Parker. S lIoward-Tripp,
C Klopper.
J Raad. C Schuhz. jp Jacob ..
150: Played
Won Lo.t 5 10 3 jp Jacoo • L teyn, L Romyn. J Russou, :-M Esau. J Meyer, D Abrahams. UISE:
r I
- -T
zI Meyer, D Abrahams. D Kicb1cr, C Brindlcy, G Uirab. T de Beer, G Green.
quash Awards: Blue :
Michael Edgar, Daniel Thomson. John-Ross Ma11och, Michael Cooke,Peter-John Warren Lawrence. Michael Edgar. Warren Lawrence.
Colour: Junior Blues: enior Champion: Junior Champjon: Gregg Hammond Memorial Trophy for tbe most improved player: .
Warren La ....'Tence.
1 Jacobs.
SWlmmlRIi Bael.. ro~:
D Baker, S Parker. D Sissing. A McHcndne, S Botha
Middle ro~:
C Boden tem, LBoden Icin, Martin. Ho" ard- Tripp, Vlok, N Vlok. o McHendrie, M J de Mink, R Slater, Mr K Richardson, JD Breytenbach.
Front ron:
T-i-c: Captain:
Mrs J de link. Robert later.
Our Swiuul1ing Team had a wonderful season, taking on the top chool and proving that perseverance does payoff in tbe end. The team emerged victoriou after almost every Gala, with recordbreaking perfonnance by ALL tbe age-groups. Well done to the Captain. Robert Slater, and the ViceCaptain, Donovan McHendrie. for their outstanding leadership and organisation, often under trying cÏTcUOlstances. Iam particularly proud to have on board. JD Breytenbach. wbo participated in the most prestigious \ imming events around tbe country, and went on to smash 3 records, at the Annual Inter-House Gala. Equally noteworthy were tbe Bower twins, Matthew and Michael. who joined the team this year, and proved themselves at the very first Gala by literally leaving the other schools' swimmers in their wake. Matthew broke three lnler-hou e Gala record and Michaelone. Amongst a ha lof other swimming events and achievements, these two were selected lO represent South Africa at the 8'" African Junior Swimming Championships in Mauritius during October. True to form. the Bowers returned with a host of awards and medals. We look forward to an exciting and uccessful swimming sea on in 2010. Teams: U19: R Slater, D McHendrie, During, N Vlok, S Vlok. U16: Bodenstein, L Bodenstein, JD Breytenbach, S Howard-Tripp, Martin, Dotten, D Sissing. U14: S Botha. Amor, D Baker, M Bowers, M Bowers, A McHendrie, S Parker.
Ma ter-in-charge:
~Jr R Rudd.
At the start of the year I endeavoured to tart a water polo acad my for all the junior schools in lhe "cmiLy to supplemenllhe numbeI"l ofpla)crs we were getting from our Junior chool each year and to ensure that the nev. player had experience of the game when they arrived at Wynberg. Thb proved to be very effective as we not only had an U 14 leam for the first ttme, bULwe entered the Academy in the U 140 league and as a re'ult our U14 team' In general were compeling in every game against our traditional rivals AC • RBH and Bi hops. Our U I4A learn was a \ cry Lalented and commjtled group and arranged thelf owo tramJOg se sion in the hean ofw-inter. training in cold water. During the I part of the ea on the boy competed in the Reddam U J 4 tournament lo lOg to Reddam in the quarter finab. They competed in the U 14 toumamc:nt held by Rondebo 'ch \\ here they dId \ cry well and alowent on tour to East London playing in the 2 division in the terrenburg lucid. The boy did u proud. endIng 15· out of 18 team . beating various U) 5A teams from the \ icinity. After trus tournament the boys look part in WP trials and Mlchael Cheney. Jarryd Sage and Anthony Machendrie ,',ere selected for the WP U 14A team. Stefan Botha was elected for the WP U 14B team and Mark Timhn for the U 14 Boland learn. I hm e lhe utmo t re peet for these boy and I can foresee a bright future for the e young leTS. Well done boys. Our U 15 age group is extremely talenled and demonstrated thi by tbc competiuve nature of most game . The U 15A team al 0 managed to do what Wynberg teams of the pa t have done - doing well in Ihe local U 15 tournament for Cape Town chools, but unfortunately lo ing in the quancr finals to RBHS. They, however, managed to avenge them elve later the sea on by beating RBHS in a quadrangular between Paul Roo • WBIIS, RBHS and Grey P.E. The U ISA learn competed in the Wynberg Tan Melliar Cup and did us proud. They came IS- out of20 teams, bealing teams like RBHS and Pretoria Boys. Thereafter they went on tour to East London where they competed ill the Sterrenburg Shield. During this tournament the U 15A team sacrificed time at camp to repre ent their chool and 1 am extremely grateful to all the boys for the time and effort taken to prepare for and compete io the e tournaments. The U 15A team played extremely well ending 4- out of 18 leam lo ing to Grey PE in the 3'11/4-playoff. The UI5 age group did extremely weU thi sea on Wlth both the U ISA and B teams beating RBHS and SACS. The U IS B team came through with flying colours and was definitely one of the best the school has ever een at this level. The U 19 age group has increased in numbers. We now have four teams. Each team in this age group enjoyed regular fLxtures against lOugh opposition over tbe weekends. The 4· leam competed well but were fairly inexperienced and have a way to go before they will start enjoying regular victories. They trained well and 1 am ure that some players will compete for positions in higher teams in the coming season. The U 19 3'" team excelled and managed to score victories throughout the ea on. There is a solid core of players here wbo are dedicated and will be filling the positions of leaving matrics. The 2nd team wa undoubtedly our most successful team over the J. part of the cason. They managed to upsel tough opposition on numerous occasions. The 1- team will certainly be looking to these players in the coming eason to nd bolster the gaps left by the matrics. I applaud the 2 team for their dedication and commitment and their "never ay die" attitude.
W.ilTERPBIB The I- team, mpcted in the Pretoria Bo) s' IlIgh choollOumamenl I the "tan of the) car. They \\ ent up \\ nb a fairl) ine pcricnced team bUIIook 3 lot of exrenene from lt. ror the rl:~1 ofthc 'cm'on the team competed \\cll, \\ nh a couple of indi\ iduals \\orking extremely bard to maintain lhe team. Thi \\ as one of the i:- ue...the tcam needed lo work althroughoul the year. Laler on they compded 10 th\! )earl} A tournament \\ Ilh a rc\amped team. undl:r the \\ atchful eye of Julian Vincent. a v. ynberg Old Boy who took over from David Tiltman. The team that competed agam t AC W3 a relam cl) young Ide as 'ome of the matncs had opted not to pia). The leam truggled. bUl progre s was made toward the end of the tournament \\ ilh the boy beginning to play for each other. A number of boys attended WP trial . Logan Oliver wa elected for the WP U 19A team, E.an Joseph for tbc WP U 198 team, Donovan Macbendne, lian Maclean and Jo eph Yoyo for the U19 Boland team. Carl Boden tein for the \ P U 16B team, Luke Bodenstein. ick Martin and Michael Bradley for the Boland U16 team. Wynberg al
hosted another
flrst of its kind - Action Polo Sene with U14 learns playing on the 9" , U 15 team playing on the 10 and U 19 teams playing on tbc Il ovember. The following school competed: Wynberg, Rondebo eh, Hcrzlia, Westerford and Bishops. The U 14 ection was won by Bi hop, the U 15 by Wynberg and the U 19 by Bishop.
Back ro": ~tiddle ro\\: Front rOl';
lo ..
oach: J Hallida_. K lark. J YO)o. VEnou.... aptain: lok. L Boden ...tein. RIater. K B dcm,tcin. o McHendrie. Ir D TIltman, l Oli\cr. Mr K Richardson. R teyn.
Mr J Vincent. Logan Olher.
Ha\ing taken O\er the I" team in the econd half of the year Ican only
-cason' results. The fairly young team truggled year and on occa ion their inexperienc e was shown ID a few elo e game which ended ~ ith a 10 . Often they lacked tbe belief in them elves to puJl otfwins in ituations where a win was definitely possible. This was hown a number of times at the SACS tournament and once in the league fixtures. The SAC tournament was a great experience for the team, e pecially the younger players as they had the chance lO play against the best team in the country. The guy took two or three games to get into tbe high level of water polo being played as they were dealt some tough games early on in lbe tournament. There was ome far better polo played on the econd and third days of the tournament with the boys eeiog some better re ults and good polo against DHS, Glenwood, PauJ Roos and SACS. Results from that tournament: Lo t 8, Drew 1 against OHS.
The 4111 term league fixtures started with a game against SACS, when again tbe lack of belief in themselves let them down in a games that was far closer than the core line reflected (6-1 down). This wa followed by some tough game against Rondebosch, Bishops, Paul Roo and Reddam. The Boys came away with an 8 all draw against a competitive Herzlia side in a game that they should have won.
015.41 Back rO\~:
\1auhc\\. R Reaper, 0 1· mg. ORt,. Hov.ard-Tripp. ~Jr J Whiston.
Front ro\\':
• ptain
Mr J Whis{on. i':icholll'i 1artin .
....annemcyer. J Bower. Martin.
Mr K Richard~on.
J R)all. The players can be "cl)' proud of their progress. They \'tcrc slill learning thc game and had come out of 200) \\ ith fev. "ictone '. This changed as thc) became more competitive. imprO\ ed each wcck and c\ eo pulled off ome great results and \'ictone:.. The I" lerm aw our cont1dence grov. \\ ilb wins agrun t SAC and RBH in hortened matches of:1 chukkas, ~ v.e . ecured a cmi final place in the premier W Cape competition - the Waller Cup. Th. helpcd \\ ilh confidence in lhe 4 term when much polo wa played. First up w~ the Ian Melliar cup \\ hich sa, ... Wy nberg drawn in a VCI) competitive pool. A victory over RBHS ill the opening maLch gave us a great tart, but narrow los cs to t Andrewand St Alban meant finishing 4· out of 5 In our pool. Wc Jo t In the final second to Westville In a play-ofT game and then beat Pretona Boy' for a disappointing 15 place in our OV.l1 tournament It did. however, inerea e fitne levels a we ·et off the next day on a long drive to the terrcnberg tournament in East London.
is where thl team really started to impress and sho~\ sign. of maturing into a tight unit that played more tructured and composed \\ater polo. Nic!...Martin played his heart out and howed great leader hip skill. He was well upported by Howard-Tripp and Sis ing, who always worked hard. Reaper grew 3 3 goalie and Rix became a game breaker and great fetcher. howing signs of things he is capable of. otten mlproved immen clyas the season wore on and Mathew gave ru aH. The bench came on too. dl playing many impro\ed skills and much commitment to the cause. Tbe team started the tournament well and, after 3 tough matches, needed wins against Jeppe, Michaelbou e and Stirling for a place in the quarter final . This was achieved and we played against Keamey winning with a la t minute goal. We came un tuck in the emis, by a single goal to eventual wmner • Reddam. This meant a 4d!place finish out of I scbools from around the country. A fine achievement! This elo ene s allowed us to return home and defeat SACS in a full game and fight back to draw with RBHS to di play how far they had come in front of parents and friends. WeU done to all on a memorable eason of growth. Remember that hard work pays off in this sport. Good luck in your future endeavours with water polo at Wynberg. Played
U14~ Back ro\\; "iddIe ro\\; front ro\\;
o Baker
Mr "care. ir B Emm ....
C Bnndle). "-1 Tlmlin. 0 HaupL Parkcr. D [ra ...mus. J ~3gC. D ary-Ram ...a\.)\ Botha. II '()("I.J cr. A McHcndric. Mr 0 T!ltman. 1 Cheney, Mr K Richardson. B larke.
Tbe levelofwaterpolo being played in this age group has merea ed dramatically over the past few years with boy being introduced to the port at a far younger age, now that there i more interest in the game. The U l4A team was full of talented and enthusiastic young players. A a re ult. ome were selected to repre ent Western Province. The competitiveness of our matches wa alway intense and tbc pres ure to perform wa high, but we tried to create an enjoyable playing environment. My focus thls cason was to build each player' confidence in the pool by teaching them the neee sary skill and allowing them the opportunity to get as much game time a wa feasible, while working on the synergy VI ithin the team. The team was captained by the capable Michael Cheney in goal . He was always more than vocal, and we were fortunate to have abundant talent in the centre-forward, centre back department, with Ant Mark, Dean, Rylton and Cieran competently covering these positions. The wing and fetch positions were mainly occupied by Duncan, Scan. Nick. Stephan, Jaryd. Chris. Matthew and Michael. As a team we struggled to meet our true potential, bowever if the boys put in the hard work and training that is necessary, we will start beating the top cbool and by the time they reach first team level they will be playing excellent and enjoyable waterpolo and getting the results that they deserve. I wish all of the e boys the best for the future and thank them for allowing me to coach them.
PhyOO 19
RESUlTS 200 TE [~~-
1 Played
Coach: Captajn Team:
Mr J van \\ mel
tcven rnlt.
31'11 TEAM
V Ervem. R lC)1l, N Botha Vlok. A Barnes. C Herbert. T Cunningham. JD Engelbrecht. 0 Walker. B Carey-Ram ey. A Roginsky.
K Fay,
Mr M Slater. Zach VerlaqLl!- apper. NKoen, R Martin. N van Wyk, B Hamman. M elron-Tan ley.1 Hoedemaker. A Rooklcdge, G Hoopcr. J Ta~ 8 choltz. W Hunnlton, J S\Hnich.
Coach: Captain:
S Si
UNDER tSA Played 31
Won 13
Lo l 17
1 -_
Mr J Whiston. icholas Martin.
Captain Team:
R Reaper. 0 Sissing, S Matthew.1 Rigby, S Howar- Topp, D Rix. R O' eill, DOlten. J Eis, J Bower.
illER 158 Played
Mr J Jacks.
Captains: Team:
Dcvlin Wilke-Pa~. Simom Kanncnryer. D TrulI, J Napier, J Ryan, j Bowers, R O' eill, G Andrews, 0 Carey-Ramsey. J Symroonds, KLandore. J v d Wath. C Souma, M Elvin-Jen en,O Loxton.
0 Baker,
Till' BI'«i
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MEMORIAL TROI'H), . TENNIS rX1L'BLES (11;\\11'101\5
- 1E"\IS
(1IA~IPJ(l:>: IUI4)
Yusuf Ismail. Jason Basselt, WaiTen Lawrence, Matthew Bowers. Michael Bowers,
Nicolas Vlok Stuan Vlok
Blues: Tabling Blues: Tabling
TO Rl'(i1lY
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\1 Tb\ M pL.\HR
Cl l'll TROPHY FOR .-\OI1[\T\I[:>:T
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JUNIOR BLUES Athletics: Golf: Squash: Swimming:
1\ nwss-nW'TR
pl.AYER 11\ 1ST X\'