LTC two day conference February 2019 – “Making it real” The conference aims to: • showcase innovative work from around the country • focus on operationalizing improving equity in health outcomes • focus on the primary and community care sector
Key audience: DHB funding and planning teams, PHO clinical staff and managers, Primary care clinicians Draft programme day one: Thursday 21 February 2019, Te Papa, Wellington 9.00 – 9.45 Plenary Session 1 – welcome Maori Health Service improvement and conference opening Minister Clark and Dr Ashley Bloomfield 9.45-10.45 Plenary Session 2 Making equity real Panel 10.45-11.15 Morning tea 11.15 – 12.45 Concurrent Session 3a Self-management and health literacy Health Navigator NZ Health Literacy NZ 11.15 – 12.45 Concurrent Session 3b To be advised 12.45-1.30 1.30-2.30
Lunch Plenary Session 4–
Concurrent Session 5a
Concurrent Session 5b
3.30-4.00 4.00-5.00
Afternoon tea Plenary Session 6
Trade displays Burden of disease - update And LTC module of NZHS Acute Demand workshop Carol Limber Increasing onset of type 2 diabetes in younger people: challenges for primary care Palliative care -focus on equity
Mingle session – cash bar Draft Programme day two: Friday 22 February 2019, Te Papa, Wellington 8.30 – 10.00 Plenary – Session 7 Measuring and Improving patient experience of care Panel 10.00-10.30 10.30-12.00
Morning tea Concurrent session 8a
Concurrent session 8b
An innovative navigator-delivered telehealth approach to support whānau managing type 2 diabetes
12.00-1.00 1.00-2.30
Lunch Concurrent session 9a
Concurrent session 9b
Trade displays Putting the spotlight on equity through system level measures A new direction for mental health and long term conditions
2.30-2.45 2.45-4.15
Afternoon tea Plenary – session 10
Conference close
Childhood obesity, portion control, sleep Food and health – Pacific Perspectives
Wellbeing – The four capitals Suzy Morrissey, Treasury Transience project (Ministry of Health and Lakes DHB) Wrap up and feedback