Cervical Smear Takers Courses - Update 5th June 2018 The PHO have been awaiting more information about the local Cervical Smear Taker course that we had heard was being offered by Toi Ohomai Tauranga in July. We have now had the following clarification from Toi Ohomai: If your practice has provided practicum placements for Toi Ohomai nursing students over the last two years you may have received a provisional offer of a free place on this Cervical Smear Takers course. Toi Ohoma will then offer any remaining places to other agencies at the full fee of $974. There may still be limited opportunities for places in the Toi Ohomai course but in the meantime the options the DHB & PHO are aware of out of Tauranga are listed below: Well Women & Family Trust - $850 June 12-13 in Auckland August 14-16 in Auckland October 9-11 in Auckland November 27-29 in Auckland https://www.wons.org.nz/training/ Family Planning - $1000 incl GST July 3-5 in Auckland August 13-15 in Wellington September 4-6 in Auckland October 29-31 in Wellington November 5-7 in Christchurch November 13-15 in Auckland November19-21 in Dunedin http://www.familyplanning.org.nz/courses/course?id=11 Wintec - $954 July 12,13 and August 9,10 (1 course, 2 blocks) in Hamilton delia.meier@wintec.ac.nz Eastern Institute of Technology - $795 June 18-20 in Napier RSmith2@eit.ac.nz