Cover Letter for Funding 2018

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22nd June 2018

Greetings to all practice managers, GP’s and nurses, RE: CPO MENTAL HEALTH FUNDING: In July 2013 the WBOP PHO entered into a new Coordinated Primary Options (CPO) Mental Health Service Agreement with the DHB. The new agreement is based on a stepped care model for service provision. Stepped care is a system of delivering and monitoring treatments so the treatment that is most effective, yet least resource intensive is delivered first. Adopting this model ensures the most effective mental health care for the greatest number of people is provided. A particular focus for the funding is for people with high needs (Maori, Pasifika, low socio-economic), and youth (12-19 years). Careful consideration will need to be given to who is being referred as some funding has been ring-fenced for this group. The Ministry of Health has made it clear that funding for these groups is a priority and the referrals should reflect the same. Funding was only increased slightly for the 2017 - 2019 period, while the population of the Western Bay of Plenty continues to grow rapidly. It is therefore essential that people are referred to the least intensive and most cost effective intervention (extended consultations and group programmes) first and not referred for individual counselling therapy as a first option unless the lower intensity alternatives are not appropriate. Extended consultations and group programmes have been under-utilised since the stepped care model was introduced and the funding for individual counselling for most practices does not last the full year. A greater volume of referrals to the group programmes would help alleviate this as would consideration to engaging clients in e-therapy such as ‘Beating the Blues’ on Manage my Health or ‘the journal’ or ‘the lowdown’ (youth) on as a first option for treatment for depression or anxiety (which is a funded extended consultation) and if no improvement, then to refer for individual counselling therapy. The PHO group programmes have been beneficial for people who have completed the programmes and the feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive. I have collated the client feedback data to show the level of satisfaction people have experienced from the group programmes to try and encourage more referrals and dispel the myth that group programmes are not effective and ‘nobody wants to do a group programme’. A Social Worker is also employed by the PHO to work alongside General Practice with clients who have mild-moderate psychosocial issues, which are often major factors affecting stress presenting in a primary setting. I look forward to the coming year and working with you to provide a service that meets the mental health needs of the population of the WBOP with mild-moderate mental health problems. I am available to discuss or clarify any referrals or to visit the practice in relation to any mental health education requirements or clarification of any matters relating to the CPO Mental Health Programme. Kind regards,

Sylvia Donaldson Registered Nurse (BHSc, PD Dip MH nursing) CPO Mental Health Coordinator.

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