PARTICIPANTS NEEDED FOR PROSTATE CANCER RESEARCH Tēnā koe. Kō Victoria tōku ingoa. Nō Akaroa ahau. Kei Tauranga ahau e noho ana. He tākuta tāku mahi. My name is Victoria. I am a doctor originally from Akaroa and now living in Tauranga
Tēnā koe. Kō Samara tōku ingoa. Nō Tauranga ahau. He kairangahau tāku mahi. My name is Samara. I am a researcher from Tauranga.
Kei te rangahau māua i te mate pukupuku repe tātea. Ngā mihi maioha. We are studying prostate cancer. We appreciate your input. We are looking for Men; Māori and Pākehā to volunteer to take part in a study on attitudes to digital rectal examinations (DRE). As a participant in this study, you would be asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire about your feelings towards the DRE. No personal information other than your ethnicity, age, education level, and suburb of residence will be collected. A DRE test is performed to feel the prostate gland to check for abnormalities such as prostate cancer, the prostate gland is found in your rectum (bottom). You WILL NOT have a digital rectal examination as part of this study. You do not need to have had a DRE previously to complete the questionnaire. Your participation is entirely voluntary and would take up approximately 5 - 10 minutes of your time on a one off occasion. By participating in this study you will help us to determine if the DRE is an unnecessary barrier to prostate cancer detection and diagnosis for men in New Zealand, as well as determine if there are differences in attitudes towards the digital rectal examination when comparing Māori and Pākehā men. The online questionnaire can be accessed at the following link:
To learn more about this study, please contact: Samara Maxwell: or Victoria Utley: This study is supervised by Prof. Peter Gilling
This study has been approved by the Bay of Plenty District Health Board