Eastern Bay CHIRP referral service

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Eastern Bay - Child Health Integrated Response Pathway (CHIRP) – Communication Plan The Direct Referral Pathway for the Eastern Bay of Plenty CHIRP Service will be open from the 1st of February 2024 Who we are: CHIRP offers a triage service for children aged 14yrs and younger with developmental, attentional and/or behavioural concerns, that are of clinical significance, impact on the child’s functioning across home and educational settings and may be due to an underlying neurodevelopmental condition including autism, ADHD and/or intellectual disability. What we do: CHIRP brings together Child Development, Paediatrics, Child Mental Health services and with the support of Education, to gather information and coordinate assessment for children and young people with neurodevelopmental, attention and/or behavioural needs. The CHIRP triage team is made up of registered health professionals who will review referrals with a multidisciplinary and multi-service lens. CHIRP may gather further information from whānau, school/preschool, Kōhanga Reo and any other services involved with the child. With representation from Child Mental Health, Child Development Service, Paediatrics and Education, a pathway will be identified for support that best meets the needs of the child and their whānau. This could be diagnostic testing, referral to community support or where appropriate, an integrated response from more than one service. The whānau and the referrer will be contacted with the outcome of the referral. Eligibility criteria: − Young person is 14yrs or younger. − Guardians have consented to the referral. Exclusion criteria: − CHIRP do not assess for learning difficulties, i.e dyslexia, auditory processing disorder. − CHIRP cannot assess for ADHD in children under the age of 6 years. How to refer: General practitioners can refer via Best Practice (BPAC). Health professional, Education staff or Community Support Workers can complete referrals via the online referral form. CHIRP Referral Form What to include in the referral: Please include as much information as possible. Comprehensive information will expedite the service response. Where available please include: −

Completed Parent and Teacher Learning and Behaviour Questionnaires. (These forms will be available on the Te Whatu Ora Health New Zealand website shortly. In the interim, please email our administrators if you need a copy.)

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Parent and Teacher Vanderbilt Screening in case of attention, impulsive or hyperactive behaviours. Supporting information from whānau and other involved services.

The team: Annette White Administration

Mel Hammond Coordinator

Nadia Du Plessis Team Lead

Annette has vast experience working within health administration and record management. Annette supports our referral management, contacting whānau and supporting information gathering.

Mel comes from the Child Development service and brings with her a wealth of professional and lived experience supporting whānau, assisting with and linking up with community supports.

Nadia is a registered Psychologist that has experience in Child Development, Mental Health and diagnostic assessment. Nadia leads and supports the East and Western Bay CHIRP team.

Contact details: Voyagers and Child Development, Te Kaumoana o Ruamano Building (106 Commerce Street, Whakatane) PHONE: (07) 306 3124 MOBILE: 027 261 9506 EMAIL: CHIRPwhk@bopdhb.govt.nz WEBSITES: Child Health Integrated Response Pathway (CHIRP) | Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand | Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty (bopdhb.health.nz) Child Health Integrated Response Pathway (CHIRP) | Bay of Plenty | Hauora a Toi | Te Whatu Ora • Healthpoint

If you would like us to come and meet your team, please contact us and we can arrange a time

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