Attitudes to the Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) Rārangi Uiui mō te ngākau o te tangata ki te tirohanga a mati ki te tero. You are invited to take part in a study on attitudes to the digital rectal examination (DRE). The DRE is the ‘finger up the bottom’ test to feel the prostate gland to check for abnormalities such as prostate cancer. Whether or not you take part in this study is your choice. If you don’t want to take part, you don’t have to give a reason, and it won’t affect the health care you receive. If you do want to take part now, but change your mind later, you can pull out of the study at any time prior to submitting the survey. This Participant Information Sheet below will help you decide if you’d like to take part. If you decide to take part in this study, you will be asked to agree to the Consent Form.
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Participant Information Sheet WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE STUDY? ! The purpose of this study is to determine if the digital rectal examination (DRE) is an unnecessary barrier to prostate cancer detection and diagnosis for men in Aotearoa, New Zealand ! The goal of this study is to determine if there are differences in attitudes towards the digital rectal examination when comparing Māori and Pākehā men ! The findings of this study have the potential to change the diagnosis pathway of prostate cancer, helping to catch and treat prostate cancer earlier
WHAT WILL MY PARTICIPATION IN THE STUDY INVOLVE? ! Your participation in the study will simply involve completing the questionnaire. No personal information other than your ethnicity, age, education level, and general area of residence will be collected ! The results are anonymous ! There will only be one simple questionnaire to complete ! You WILL NOT have a digital rectal examination (finger up the bottom test for prostate cancer) as part of this study ! The study is about your feelings towards the digital rectal examination (DRE), so it may be sensitive or cause embarrassment ! You do not need to have had a DRE previously to complete the questionnaire ! Participating in this study will in not way affect your medical care or influence whether or not you will have a DRE during future medical appointments
WHAT ARE MY RIGHTS? ! Participation in the study is voluntary, and you are free to pull out at any time prior to handing in the survey ! You have the right to the results of the study once it is completed
WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE STUDY? ! On completion of the study, findings will be published in a medical journal, and will also be distributed to organisations that had men take part in the survey ! If you would like a copy of the study emailed directly to you, please send an email request to once you have completed the questionnaire
WHO DO I CONTACT FOR MORE INFORMATION OR IF I HAVE CONCERNS? If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about the study at any stage, you can contact: Victoria Utley, Urology Registrar, BOPDHB
Samara Maxwell, Researcher, BOPDHB
Consent Form Please tick to indicate you consent to the following I have read and understand the Participant Information Sheet. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and am satisfied with the answers I have been given regarding the study. I understand that taking part in this study is voluntary (my choice) and that I may withdraw from the study without this affecting my medical care. I consent to the research staff collecting and processing information that I provide in the questionnaire. I understand that my participation in this study is confidential and that no material, which could identify me personally, will be used in any reports on this study. I know who to contact if I have any questions about the study in general. I understand what is required of me for this study.
Attitudes to the Digital Rectal Examination (DRE) Rārangi Uiui mō te ngākau o te tangata ki te tirohanga a mati ki te tero. * Required
1. How old are you? (He aha tāu pakeke?) *
2. What ethnicity do you identify with? (He aha [t]ōu iwi?) * Mark only one oval. Māori European (Pākehā) 3. What is the highest level of education you have completed? (Ko tēhea te tohu mātauranga i whiwhi rā koe?) * Mark only one oval. Year 11 (5th form) or less (te Tau 11 (Taumata Tuarima) me raro iho) Graduated high school (7th form/Year 13) (i eke ki te whakapōtaetanga o te kura (Tau 13/Taumata Tuawhitu)) Level 4 Certificate (Tiwhikete Taumata Tuawhā) Level 5 or 6 Diploma (Pōkairua Taumata Tuarima, Tuaono rānei) Bachelors degree (level 7) (Tohu Paetahi) Postgraduate or honours degree (Tāhū Paetahi) Masters degree (Tohu Paerua) Doctorate degree (Tohu Kairangi) 4. Which suburb of the Bay of Plenty do you live in? (e.g. 'Otumoetai North', or 'Opotiki') (Kei hea koe e noho ana?) *
5. Please indicate where you think the prostate is on the diagram below (Tohungia te repe tātea ki te hoahoa nā): *
Mark only one oval. A B C D E F 6. The digital rectal examination (DRE) involves a finger up the bottom to feel the prostate and check for prostate cancer. Do you think having this exam is......(Please select one box per question). (Ko te tirohanga a mati ki te tero he tukanga kia whakaurungia te mati ki roto i te tero hei pā te repe tātea, kātahi ka tirohia te mate repe tātea. Ki a koe, ko te tirohanga nei he mahi i… (mō ia te pātai, tohungia tētehi pouaka noa iho): * Mark only one oval. 1
Embarassing (Hūhē)
Not embarassing (Kāore i hūhē)
7. The digital rectal examination (DRE) is ..... (Ko te tirohanga a mati ki te tero, he mahi i…) * Mark only one oval. 1 Unacceptable (Kino rawa atu)
3 Acceptable (Ko tōnā pai)
8. The digital rectal examination (DRE) is ..... (Ko te tirohanga a mati ki te tero, he mahi i…) * Mark only one oval. 1
Invasive/tapu (Whakaeke)
Not invasive (Kāore i whakaeke)
9. The digital rectal examination (DRE) is ..... (Ko te tirohanga a mati ki te tero, he mahi i…) * Mark only one oval. 1
Unnecessary (Whakakōpekapeka)
Necessary (Tika tonu)
10. The digital rectal examination (DRE) is ..... (Ko te tirohanga a mati ki te tero, he mahi i…) * Mark only one oval. 1
Unpleasant (Mōrihariha)
Pleasant (Hāneanea)
11. The digital rectal examination (DRE) is ..... (Ko te tirohanga a mati ki te tero, he mahi i…) * Mark only one oval. 1
Frightening (Whakamataku)
Reassuring (Whakamanawa)
12. The digital rectal examination (DRE) ..... (Ko te tirohanga a mati ki te tero, he mahi i…) * Mark only one oval. 1 Reduces mana/ feels powerless (Whakanoa)
3 Adds to mana/ empowering (Whakamana)
13. Please state any other thoughts or feelings you have towards the DRE. (He whakaaro anō, he kare āroto anō rānei āu?) 14. Would having a DRE delay or stop you from going to the doctor? (Mā te tirohanga a mati ki te tero, ka whakaroroa tō taenga atu ki te rata, kāore koe e toro atu ki te rata rānei?) * Mark only one oval. Delay (Whakaroroa) Stop (Aukati) Neither (Ehara)
15. Would you rather have a blood test than a DRE to check your prostate? (He pai ake kia tirohia te toto i te tirohanga a mati ki te tero mō te Hauora o te repe tātea?) * Mark only one oval. Yes (Āe) No (Kāo) 16. Have you ever had a..... (tick all that apply) (I ngā wa o mua, i whiwhi koe i tētehi…) * Check all that apply. DRE (tirohanga a mati ki te tero) Prostate Biopsy (tapahanga a te repe tātea) Diagnosis of prostate cancer (whakatau māuiui o te mate repe tātea) None of the above (Kārekau)
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