15th September 2023
Re: Physiotherapists strike and GP services.
Kia ora, What has happened?
Physiotherapists who are members of the APEX union, based out of Tauranga and Whakatāne Hospitals and including community allied health services, have issued further strike notices for a period of approximately one month.
The strike will occur at Tauranga and Whakatāne Hospitals, and all community-based health services within the Western/ Eastern Bay of Plenty.
What are the dates?
Starts - 0731 hours on Monday 18 September
Ends - 0730 hours on Wednesday 18 October
What is the impact?
It is important to note that acute physiotherapy services are still available at both locations throughout the above time periods, although there will be some restrictions on the extent of services available.
As part of the strike action, our outpatient physiotherapists in Tauranga will generally not be accepting and grading GP referrals
Although workarounds are being put in place, there will be delays in processing the referrals that may be accepted.
We encourage our GP partners to please consider a referral to community services, private practice if appropriate, specialist nurses who can then refer to physiotherapy if required, or directly to our ED (Emergency Department) for urgent cases
What are we doing?
Te Whatu Ora is working hard to put plans in place which minimise the impact, and reduce any clinical risk, for patients during this time.
We will update you if the situation changes.

What should patients do if they are affected?
If patients have any concerns, they are being asked to call either of the numbers below to talk to a physiotherapist. They can discuss their care and/or schedule an appointment.
• Tauranga Community Allied Health Reception: 07 579 8690
• Tauranga Physiotherapy Reception: 07 579 8441
• Whakatāne Physiotherapy Reception 07 306 0824

Our other allied health team members will be able to assist but there may be delays and we thank you for your continued patience during this time.
Judi Riddell Acting Executive Director of Allied Health Scientific & TechnicalTeWhatuOra.govt.nz
Hauora a Toi Bay of Plenty
Private Bag 12024, Tauranga, 3143
Waea pūkoro: +64 07 579 8000