Now is an even more important time than ever to write ‘Just in Case’ plans. Just in Case plans: o should be considered relevant for your HIGH-RISK patients (consider frail elderly, chronic disease and palliative conditions). o take an anticipatory approach to the care of patients who are likely to want to be cared for, where possible, in the comfort of their own homes. o record the patient wishes and support the management of a deterioration in their health with a guide ranging from their ceiling of care up to the symptomatic support of end-of-life. With an increasing spread of COVID-19, this is a confronting time for everyone involved in healthcare, and a vulnerable time for many in our population. While we are several weeks ahead of the issues facing our healthcare colleagues in the UK, now may be the window of opportunity to discuss the wishes of those who may deteriorate and even lose mental capacity. The plans support general practice to provide palliative care in the community (for which we foresee an increasing demand) and act as a communication document to other providers such as St John, oncall GPs and Waipuna Hospice. Funding is available for each Just in Case plan developed with your patients and whanau. The templates and supporting resources can be found on the PHO Portal: (password with your PM). Click on latest practice updates → useful templates → Palliative Care. For further support please email or call 021935600.