16th Dec 2019 Copy of the email sent to all WBOP PHO Practice Managers Subject: Long Term Reversible Contraception programme As recently advised, BOPDHB is rolling out a Long Term Reversible Contraction (LARC) programme across the BOP. Attached for your information and advice is a brief Service Overview and an Application Form for Certification of existing Providers. (These are most likely to be GPs). We are keen you start delivering services under this initiative as soon as is practicable, thus removing a financial barrier for eligible women. NB: It is important that existing Providers complete the Application Form (ensuring each section is completed fully) and return to GPSAdmin@wboppho.org.nz to ensure they are eligible for provision of services under this initiative. BOPDHB has appointed community-based Training Providers to deliver training for new Practice Team members wanting to deliver LARC services. In the longer-term it is intended that this will be a predominantly Nurse-led service. We will work with the DHB to maximise training opportunities for our General Practice Teams. As training opportunities are made available and this service becomes more established, we will develop a broader New Programme guide for inclusion in the PHO’s Funded Programmes Guide. By the end of March 2020, we should be in a position to agree an accepted pricing structure, with the DHB, to support these services being delivered by both GPs and Practice Nurses/Nurse Practitioners. Please circulate this information across your Practice Teams and do get in touch with your General Practice Liaison should you require any further information. With regards Phil Phil Back Manager, General Practice Services, Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation Phone: 07 5773194: Cell Phone: 021 2457802: Email: philb@wboppho.org.nz: Website: www.wboppho.org.nz